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The Northampton Mercury


Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Volume Number: LXXXVI    Issue Number: 16
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The Northampton Mercury
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The Northampton Mercury

Date of Article: 21/06/1806
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXXXVI    Issue Number: 16
No Pages: 4
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ortf) am$ ton Wi Vol. LXXXVf. No. 16. J Ready Money is expected ) I with Advertisements. S SATURDAY, June 21, 1806. PRICE SIXPENCE, f ftamp- Dnty .• • • • • 3| d. I Paper and Print • 2jd. Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. LONDON, June 17- SATURDAY'S Gazette contains an account of the capture of the Spanish schooncr El Virgin del Carmen, off Cadiz, by the Niger, Captain Ilillyar; the . Spanish schooner Santa Clara, by two boats, manned by a part of the crew of the Pique, Captain ROE* ; also by the same ship, Pique, the PluMon and Voltigeur, two French brigs of war, with 1( 3 guns and 120 men each. The French brigs were obstinately defended, and the Pique, we are sorry to announce, had nine officers and men killed, and 14 wounded, in the action; La Creole, French privateer, of 14 guns and 59 uien, by the Rein- Deer, Captain Fyffe; also a list of 10 s':- ips, of various descriptions, taken from the epemy by the squadron under the command- of Sir Home Popham.— Also an Order in Council for allowing friendly and neutral nations to trade to the Cape of Good Hope; prohibitum, however, the importation of Asiatic goods or military store*, except by . the India Company, and restricting ex- ports generally without licence. THOMAS LEA, APPRAISER and AUCTIONEER, BEGS Leave most respectfully to inform his Friends and the Public in general, that he has taken out a Licence for SELLING all Kinds of HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE, ESTATES, BUILDINGS, FARMING- STOCK, & c. by AUCTION, and most humbly begs Leave to solicit the Favours of an indulgent Public; to deserve which no Pains nor Exertions on his Part shall be wanting, and trusts he shall be enabled to give Satisfaction to all those who may please to honour him with their Commands. Lutterworth, June \ 1th, 1806- rpAICEN UP, in the Parish of Guilsborough, i Northamptonshire, in April last, A Blac| c - muzzled BRINDLED DOG, which had been seen about the Parish for some Time. Whoever lias lost the said Dog, may have him again, on paying the Expences, by applying to WM. GUILDS, Clack smith, of Guilsborough aforesaid. French Papers to the 8th, and Dutch to the ISth instant, have been received, which contain nn account of the change in • the. Dutch Govern- ment, Hotv settled and announced. The Depu- tation from the Batavian Republic was received on the ath, by Napoleon, and on this occasion Prince Louis w as proclaimed, among other things, Hereditary King of Holland. The Emperor of the French guarantees the integrity of Holland; and the King of Holland is to be for ever a Grand Dignitary of the French Empire, by the title of Constable. The new King is to have all the domains of the late Statftholder, with a revenue of 500,000 florins. Admiral Verhuel and Van Styrum, two of the Deputies who surrendered to Bonaparte the li- berties of Holland, arrived at the Hague, front Paris, on the 9th iust. Messrs. Gogel and Six, who accompanied them, were expected the following day.— His Excellency M. Verhuel, after visiting the Acting Pensionary, and the President of their High Mightinesses, had a conference with the Secretaries of State. Verhuel commenced by delivering to the Secretaries of State plans of various new taxes, which Louis Napoleon, the King of Holland, had charged him to recommend to ttieir immediate consideration and adoption !— He repaired to the Council; and afterwards, in a Convention of their High Mightinesses, announced the accession of Louis Napoleon to the Kingdom of Hollund. Us then produced the treaty, to- gether with the other papers, & c. which formed the ridiculous farce! The President then thanked Verhuel for his important communication, and prayed for the happiness of the people and the country— under this New Order of Things! The Proclamation, & c. of Louis Napoleon, bv which he condescends to acccpt " the Royal Dignity of King of Holland, agreeably to the tcishes of the People," was then published through- out every street in the Hague. It is a very curious composition. Kinf^ Louis, after assuring the Dutch people that he had been persuaded by His Illustrious Brother to accept the Royal Dignity, has the modesty to use these words:—" On Our coniing'to the Throne, Our most anxious care shall be to watch for the interests of Our People!" He then proceeds to assure the good people of Holland, that" the independence of the kingdom is gua- ranteed by his Majesty the Emperor of France." This remarkable paper concludes thus—" Given at Paris the 5th of June, 1806, being the First Year of Our Monarchical Government." On the same day the Dutch Deputies had their audience, Monhib Effendi, Ambassador Extra- ordinary from the Ottoman Porte, had his first interview with Bonaparte, to congratulate him on his accession to the Imperial and Royal Throne. To the flattering speech of the Ottoman Ambas- sador upon the occasion, Bonaparte returned an equally flattering reply: from this interview no other inference can be drawn, than that French intrigue has succeeded in obtaining an ascendancy in the Councils of the Grand Sultan. Talleyrand is created Prince and Duke of Bene- vento. Marshal Bernadotte is created Prince and Duke of Ponto Corvo, on the feudal principles of fealty and allegiance; the fiefs to descend in the male line. The amicable adjustment of the disputes between Russiaand Austria, and the evacuation of the mouths of the Cattaro by the Russian troops, are officially announced in the Moniteur of the 8th instant. Tbe English squadron has succeeded in its attack upon the island of Capri. The French Commander is said to !> ave been killed in the affair, and the loss of the assailants is stated at 18 men and two officers.— Capri is a small island in the Hay of Naples, remarkable in history as the favourite retreat of the Emperor Tiberius. General Fox is to have the command of the British troops in Sicily, and to retain the Govern- ment of Gibraltar.— Sir J. Moore consequently goes out second in command. Lord Howick is about to augment the out- pension list of Greenwich Hospital from 2 to o£.- 4 a year to every common seaman; and, at the same time, to admit 20 superannuated Captains, and SO Lieu- tenants, on an out- pension list of the said Hospital — the whole to be provided for out of a certain portion of all prize money made by naval captures. Militia.— Mr. Windham, in answer to a question from Sir W. Elford, as to what regulations were to take place in the militia, saitl, " that his object was not to suspend immediately the ballot for the militia; all ho proposed was, that whenever a regiment should be reduced to the complement intended by the plan for the general reduction of the militia, that regiment should be kept complete, not by ballotting, as usual, but by means of ordinary recruiting." Out of the proceeds from captures made before the issuing letters of marque, the following sums have been paid:— To the Prince of Wales, Dukes of Kent, Cumberland, Clarence, and Sussex, .£. 20,000 each; Duke of Gloucester, .£. 19,500. During this spring, a young man named Bullen, living at Woodditton, near Newmarket, found two blackbirds' nests, with eggs in each, which he took out, and put in their nests a turkey's egg; when the two birds each hatched a young turkey, which are now living. It has been at length ascertained, that the gen- tleman who was unfortunately burnt to death in the late fire at the Key bagnio, Chandos- street, was a Mr. Garner, who kept an academy in Brompton- row, on the high road leading to Fulham. -— Mr. Garner was a widower, and a few months since paid his addresses to a young lady of consi- derable pecuniary expectations; but meeting with a repulse, it is supposed that the disappointment affected his intellects, as h. is subsequent conduct evinced strong symptoms of derangouiflnt. N ORTIIAMPTON SCAVENGING. NOTICE is hereby given, That the Commis- sioners appointed by Act of Parliament for Paving, Cleansing, Lighting, and Watching the Town of NORTHAMPTON, will, at their Meeting to be held on TUESDAY the 1st Day of JULY next, at the GUILDHALL, in the Town of Nomi > MPIO: J, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, contract and agree with any Person or Persons who will, for the lowest Price, undertake to well and properly scavenge, sweep, and cleanse all and every the Streets, Squares, Lanes, public Passages and Places of the said Town, for one Year, or more, as shall be agreed upon at the said - Meeting, commencing the 1st Day of September next. t ( PT The ' perms of the Contract may be seen on Application at the Office of the Clerk to the Com- P O S T I N G, At the Rein- Deer Inn, Braekley, Northamptonshire. Ckoco/ afe, Cocoa, Broma, and Vegetable Ponder. missioners. Pebbles will be received as usual. CHARLES MARK. 11AM, Clerk to the Commissioners. / NEWPORT- PAGNELL. V To be LETT, And entered • upon immediately, AConvenient DWELLING- HOUSE, in the Centre of the HIGH- STREET, in NEWPORT- PAGNELL, facing the London Road, and calculated for any Trade or Business requiring Room; consisting of a Shop in Front; Hall, Parlour, Kitchen, and Back- Kitchen ; four good Bed- Rooms, and Garrets ova- them; a Stable, Wood- Barn, and other convenient Out- Houses ; together with a Yard and Garden, con- nected with the Back- Lane, with Commons for two Head of Cattle in that valuable Pasture, called Bury Field, and a Rood of Grass yearly in Bury Meadow. ( P? For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. COOCH, Newport- Pagnell. jpitAN CIS DRINKWATER INN, THOMAS ILE 1' T ( Master of the above Inn,) begs Leave to return his sincere Thanks to his Friends and the Public in general for past Favours, and in- forms them he has provided neat POST- CHAISES, with stout able HORSES and careful DRIVERS; and having also enlarged and fitted up his House in a genteel and comfortable Manner, humbly solicits a Continuance ot their Support, which it shall at all Times be his Study to merit. Brackley, \ 3th June, 1806. FLY POWDER ANJ> OINTMENT. IFARMERS and GRAZIERS are respectfully informed, a fresh Supply is. received bv Dicey & Sutton, and Joseph Edge, Northampton; Mather, Wellingborough; Thomas Robins, Daventry;". F. I. oggin, Aylesbury; William Foster, Bicester; and William Coales, Chipping- Norton.— Prepared and sold by WILLIAM MARRIOTT, Druggist, Banbury.— May be had genuine of his Agents, as above, 3s. 6d. each Parcel, sufficient to dress sixty. ( PT The Lambs should be dressed at Shear- Day, and the Sheep three Weeks after.— An early Appli- cation will prove its Utility. N. B. Ask for MARRIOTT'S FLY POWDER and OINTMENT. OLNEY, June 11th, 1806. ALL Persons who stand indebted to THOMAS SKE VINGTON, of BOZEAT, in the County of Notthampton, Butcher, are required to pay their respective Debts immediately to Mr. Edward Ske- vington, of Bozeat aforesaid, Yeoman, and Thomas Dexter, of the same Place, Baker ; or to Mr. Garrard, Attorney at Law, Olney, Bucks; or they will be sued for the same. Northamptonshire. ! rpHE Public, within the Circuit of this Paper, having declined X are respectfully informed, that the principal . . 1\ _ I, t/ m& rc: onr^ nio- tti c t- c limn ra/ Mili^ fl C<. nnl< i PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, made in a Cause Jackson v. Maule, the Creditors of ELIZABETH JACKSON, late of GODMANCHESTER, in the County of Huntingdon, Widow, are personally, or by their Solicitors, to come in and prove their Debts before Sir William Weller Pepys, Baronet, one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers, in Southampton- Buildings, Chan- cery- Lane, London, on or before the ,' jlst of July next; or in Default thereof they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Decree. COOPER k LOWE, Solicitors. Grocers and Druggists have received a fresh Supply of CHOCOLATE and COCOA, prepared fiorri a Receipt given to T. DYKES, of LONDON, by the late Dr, BUCHAN, Author of Domestic Medicine, & c. who many Years constantly used them, and recom- mended them as the best Articles of Diet he knew, and far superior to any other Preparations of that Kind. His Opinion is given at Length with each Packet, which is signed T. DYKES. Also, BROMA, or the true CHOCOLATE NUT, prepared from a Receipt obtained solely bv the Pro- prietors from the West Indies, as it is used there. — This excellent Preparation is universally approved, as well for the Healthy, as where the Nervous System is debilitated. Also, a cheap and wholesome BREAKFAST, made from Vegetables, called VEGETABLE POWDER, which will be found very nutritious. ( PT Full Directions are given for their Use. Prepared by DYKES & WOODMAN, NO. 12, Great East- Cheap, London; where all Orders will meet the utmost Attention. STOLEN' OR STRAYED^ ON Tuesday Night the 10th of June, or early on Wednesday Morning the 11th, out of a Close in the Occupation of Mr. JOHN MARSHALL, of CHIP- PING- WARDEN, A SORREL MARE PONY, - the Property of Mr. THOMAS BUDD, of I. OWER. BODDINGTON, in the County of Northampton. The said Pony is about thirteen Hands high, stout made, with a short- cut Tail, has lately been pinched with the Saddle upon the Shoulder on the near Side, and the Hair is not grown again on the Place, and has been branded with a Fire- Brand on the near Shoulder with the Letter C. or G. Whoever will bring the said Pony to THOMAS BUDD, of Lower- Boddington aforesaid, will be hand- somely rewarded for their Trouble, and have all rea- sonable Expences paid, if strayed; and, if stolen, shall receive a Reward of FIVE GUINEAS, on Conviction of the Offender or Offenders. Leicestershire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, / t Compact and highly- improvable FREEHOLD XV ESTATE, situate in the Parish of TILTON- ON- THE- H1LL; comprising a Farm- House, and Outbuildings necessary for the Occupation of the Farm, and 230 Acres of Land, chiefly Meadow and Pasture, and a small Part Arable.— Also, the capital WOODLANDS, known by the Name of TILTON WOODS ( celebrated for the Covers), containing upwards of 80 Acres, and the Timber and Underwood standing and growing thereon.— The Farm is held at Will, at an old Rent, which will admit of being advanced very considerably. The Woods are capable of great Im- provement, and of being rendered very productive both of Timber and Underwood, to the Growth of which the Soil is perfectly congenial. To a Gentleman fond of Field Sports ( particularly those of the Chase), this Estate is peculiarly adapted, being centrally situate in the Midst of several highly- celebrated Hunts, which frequently visit the Covers of Tilton.— The present Farm- House, situate in the Village of Tilton, may, at a small Expence, be con- verted into a Hunting- Box ; and a new Farm- House may, with Convenience and Advantage, be erected on the Farm. ( PF TILTON is distant from Leicester about ten Miles, and one Mile and a Half from the Turnpike- Road leading from Leicester to Uppingham. *** Printed Particulars may be had at the Bell Inn, at Leicester; of Mr. JOHN WILDBORE,- Tilton, who will direct a Person to shew the Estate; and of Messrs. RICHARDSON, SON, & CORFIELD, Land- Surveyors, Lincoln's- Inn- Fields, London, who are duly authorized to contract for the Sale. A desirable Public- House and Freehold Estate, at Shurnbrook, in the County of Bedford, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By P. WARREN, On Monday the 23d Day of June, 1806, at Mr. T. Perkins's, known by the Sign of the Swan, at Sharnbrook aforesaid, between the Hours of Five and Eight o'Clock in the Evening ( subject to such Conditions as will be then and there produced). Lot 1 / COMPRISES TWO good DWELLING- V/ HOUSES, BARNS, & c. tlARDEN, and ORCHARD, situate at SHARNBROOK CAUFI. E- F. ND, in the County of Bedford, now in the several Occupations of Richard Nobles and John Mays, Tenants at Will; also, four Acres, more or less, of good, rich SWEARD LAND, all ok. In- closure, with a Number of young thriving TREES on the same, and two Acres, more or less, of rich ARABLE LAND, with a RIGHT of COMMON in the open Fields of SHARNBROOK, all adjoining the Dwelling- Houses, and may be entered upon at Michaelmas next. Lot 2. One CLOSE of rich old- inclosed LAND, containing one Acre and a Half, more or less, known by the Name of NEW CROFT, and three Acres of ARABI. F' LAND, adjoining the same, known by the Name of BARLEY CLOSE, which may be entered on as Lot 1. Lot 3. All that most desirable and well- accustomed PUBLIC- HOUSE, now in the Occupation of Mr. Perkins, known by the Sign of the SWAN, at SHARNBROOK aforesaid, adjoining the Turnpike- Road, and now in full Trade; consisting of convenient Rooms, on the Ground Floor; an excellent Cellar; convenient Sleeping- Rooms, and Garrets, all in good Repair; a good Brewhouse; Well of Water, with a Lead Pump; Barns; capital warm Stables, for 16 Horses, which have recently been put in good Con- dition JOJ the Reception of Gentlemen's Horses in the Hunting Season; with a RIGHT of COMMON in the open Fields of SHARNBROOK ; and may be entered upon at Michaelmas next, ( p)' The Whole is exonerated from the I. and- Tax. *** The Brewing Utensils and Fixtures may be taken at a fair Appraisement, and the Stock in Hand at the same Time. N. B. For a View of the above, Application may be made at the Swan, Sharnbrook ; and further Inform- ation, by Letters ( Post- paid), to the Auctioneer, Risely, Beds. TOLLS TO LETT. NOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of the Trustees appointed by an Act of Parliament passed in the 32d Year of the Reign of His present Majesty King George the Third, intituled, " An " Act for amending, widening, and kc ping in Repair " the Road leading from the Bull Inn, in Dunstable, " to the Ktng's- Arms Inn, in Hocklifle, in the " County of Bedford," will be held at the House of Mr. THOMAS COATES, known by the Sign of the SUCAR- LOAF, in DUNSTABLE aforesaid, on FRIDAY the 18th Day of JULY next; when the TO LLS arising at the Toil- Gate, known by the Name of CHALK- HILL GATE, will be LETT to FARM by AUCTION, to the P. est Bidder, between the Hours of Twelve and Two of the same Day, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, tor regulating Turnpike - Roads ; which Tolls will be then put up at such Sum as the Trustees then present shall thi nk fit. Whoever shall become the Best Bidder, must im- mediately pay the Sum of .£. 100, as a Deposit, and give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satis- faction of the Trustees, for the Payment of the Rent at such Times as they shall direct. JOHN GRIFFITHS, Clerk to the Trustees. Lufrt, Jute 1 IMS. To be LETT, And entered upon at Michaelmas next, rpiIE GREAT and SMALL TYTHES, REC- I- TORI A L P R E MIS E S, wi th twenty- one Acres of GLEBE, and RIGHT of COMMONS, for the Term of three or four Years, of upwards of 1000 Acres, in the Parish of LUDD1NGTON, near OUNDLE, in the Counties of Huntingdon and Northampton. ( Jd* Particulars may be known by applying in Person for Address at the Bar of Peele's Cofiee- House, Fleet- Street, London; or at the Talbot Inn, Oundle; on Wednesday the 2d, or Thursday the 3d Day of July, between the Hours of Ten and Tv elve. *„* No written Applications will be received or attended to. Fleet- Street, ISth June, 1806. GLOBE. I N S U R A N C E, Pall- Mall, and Cvtrnhill. FIRE, LIFE, AND ANNUITIES. ALL Persons whose Insurances with this Com- pany become due at Midsummer are requested to take Notice, that Receipts for the Renewal thereof are now ready for Delivery at the Company's Offices, and in the Hands of their respective Agents in the Country. Insurances due at Midsummer must be paid on or before the 9th of July next. FARMINC STOCK is insured generally. New Rates and Proposals for Insurance on Lives and Survivorships, making Provision for Sons, and securing Marriage Portions for Daughters, on their respectively coming of Age, and other Endowments, and Tables for granting immediate, deferred, and pro- gressive Annuities, will be delivered gratis. No Entrance- Money or Admission- Fees are re- quired.— Life Policies allowed gratis. By Order of the'Board. THOMAS HEATH WILKINSON, Secretary. London, 20rA June, 1806. A BUCKS. Capital Freehold Inn, on the Great West Chester Road, and genteel Residence adjoining, To be S OLD by A U C T I O N, By THOMAS IVOOD, On Monday the 30th of June, 11506, on the Premises, at the Old- Crown Inn, in Fenny- Stratford, in the County of Buckingham, precisely at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, in two Lots. . Lot 1. A LL that good and old- accustomed J\ HOUSE, the CROWN INN, in FENNY- STRATFORD aforesaid, cow in fullTrade, and adjoining the Turnpike- Road from Liverpool to London; comprising a substantial Mrick and Tiled Dwelling- House, consisting of six genteel Sleeping- Rooms, two Parlours, large Dining- Room, large com- modious Kitchen, capital cool Cellars, convenient Brewhouse, Butcher and Cooper's Shop, of extensive Business, Stabling for sixteen Horses, a Well ot fine Water, large Garden and Yard, with other suitable Out- Offices, now in the Tenure of Mr. Thomas Norman. Lot 2 comprises a Brick and Tiled DWELLlNG- HOUSE adjoining; containing two Sleeping- Rooms, three good Attics, Parlour, roomy Kitchen, Pantry, Brewhouse, an3 Garden, now in the Occupation of Mr. Squirrel. ( pj " The Inn possesses the great Advantage of being eligibly situated in the Centre ot the Town, adjoining, in Front, the great Turnpike- Road from Chester to London, and within a few Yards of the Grand Junction Canal.— The Brick Tenement adjoining is situate fronting the said Road, and is well calculated for Trade, or the Reception of a small genteel Family. The Whole of the Estate is in complete Repair; may be viewed by applying to the Tenants; and further Particulars known of Mr. CHARLES WILLIS, Solicitor, Winslow, Bucks; Messrs. WILLIS & SON, Solicitors, orthe AUCTIONEER, Leighton- Bussard, Beds. Leicestershire Manors and Freehold Estate. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. ROUSE, At the Three- Crowns Inn, in Leicester, on Saturday the5th of July next, at Three o'Clock in the After- noon, in such Lots and subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be agreed upon, Valuable and very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, Tvthe- free and Land- Tax redeemed, situate at BLABY and LITTLE- GLENN, in the County of Leicester; comprising the Manors of Blaby and Little- Glenn aforesaid, with the Rights, Royalties, Privileges, and Appurtenances thereunto belonging; the capital Manor or Mansion- House, at Blaby ; Out- Offices and Buildings, Paddock, Gardens, and Orchard, together with a Messuage or Farm- House, Homestead, and several Closes of rich Land, situate in Blaby, and a small Part in Little- Glenn, containing together, by Estimation, 276 Acres, or thereabouts, in the respective Occupations of Mr. James Flude, Mr. John Freer, and Mr. Daniel Burgess. ( PT A Purchaser may have Possession of the greater Part of the Estate at Michaelmas, and the Remainder at Lady- Day next. *„* Blaby is situate on the Turnpike- Road leading from Leicester to Lutterworth, about four Miles from the former and eight from the latter Place. N. B. The Tenants will shew the Estate; and further Particulars may be known on Application to GEORGE WARTNABY, Attorney, in Market- Harborough. Sale of Estates at Oxford, Banbury, and Horley. r | M1 E Public are hereby informed, that, in the X Course of the Month of July, the following eligible ESTATES will be ottered to SALE by AUCTION, and the Time and some further Parti- culars advertised in this Paper : — A substantial and spacious DWELLING- HOUSE, YARD, and GARDEN, and several TENEMENTS adjoining, very pleasantly situated in the HORSE FAIR, an open Part of the Town of BANBURY, fit for the Residence of a genteel Family, or capable of being converted into a Manufactory or an Inn, and calcu- lated for any Business which requires Room. A CLOSE, of about four Acres, of rich PASTURE LAND, called the VINEYARDS, lying near to the Town of BANBURY, and a PEW in the Parish Church of Banbury. CThe Premises are Freehold, and were late in the Occupation of Mrs. Lane, and since of Miss Freeman, and their Undertenants. A FREEHOLD ESTATE, at HORLF. Y, Oxfordshire; consisting of a Dwelling- House, and about 15 Acres of very rich Pasture Land, in the Occupation of Mr. Arnett. A LEASEHOLD DWELLING - HOUSE, in the HIGH- STRIH, in OXFORD, in the Occupation of Mrs. Jones, or her Undertenants. And, a TENEMENT, near to the Public- House, called the Black- Horse, and a small CLOSE adjoining, which has for Years been occupied with the Public- House. * » * Further Information may be obtained at the Office of Messrs. Bicjmt. k WYKHAM, in Banbury. WHITE 1URN{ P SEED, ]> A IS ED oil cold Woodland Soil, by SAM l EL V/ SHARMAN, of 11 arDWicK, will be retailed by him, at Sd. per lb.; also, by Lea, ot Broughton; Sharp, Wellingborough Toll- Bar; and Smith, Swan Inn, Thrapston. ( PT Great Allowance to Wholesale Ready Money Customers. June list, 1806. Northamptonshire Quarterage- Money. '"" TMIE Chief Constables are to collect and pay JL in, at the ensuing Sessions, Eight single Quar- terly Payments. CHR. SMYTH, Clerk of the Peace. Northampton, June 21f/, 1806. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By WILLIAM BEESLEY, At the White - Horse, SILVERSTONE, in the County of Northampton, on Friday, June 27th, 1806, removed there for the Convenience of Sale, \ BOUT 200 LOTS of DRAPE It V GOODS, ". V and FEATHER and FLOCK- BEDS.— Also, a stout Narfow- wheel WAGGON. RAUNDS, Northamptonshire. To he SOLD by A U C T I O N, On Tuesday the 24th Day " of June instant, at the White- FIart Inn, in Thrapston, in the said County, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, unless sooner disposed of by Private Contract, of which Notice will be given," \ Very desirable FARM; consisting of 42A. lR. XX of Arable Land ( divided into four Closes), and 6A. 1R. of Meadow I. and, with a good Barn, Stable, and other Conveniences thereon, situate in the Parish of RAUNDS, in the County of Northampton, four Miles from Thrapston, the same Distance from Higham- Ferrers, seven Miles from Kimbolton, and 15 Miles from Huntingdon, all excellent Market Towns.— The Estate is Copyhold of the Manor of Raunds, Fine certain, and now in the Occupation of Mr. John Partridge, who will shew the Premises and who is under Notice to quit at Michaelmas next. ( PT For Price, and further Particulars, apply to Mr. MORLEY, at his Office in Peterborough; or to Mr. ROBINSON, at his Office, above Hill, Lincoln To be S O L D by A U C- T ION, By RICHARD SMITH, At the Talbot Inn, Oundle, on Wednesday the 25th of June, 1806, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then and there produced, AValuable FREEHOLD & TYTIIE- FKEE ESTATE, on a navigable River, with a good Fall of Water, situatcat FOTHE RING HAY, in the County of Northampton; consisting of a good Dwelling- House and Paper- Mill, with a Yard, Garden, and 27A. 0R. 5P. of rich Meadow, Pasture, and Osier Ground, situate in Southwick, and 16A. 1R. 37P. of Meadow Land, situate in Perrihaw- Hern; also, the Eddish or Lattermath of the Whole of Perrihaw- Hern, containing 34A. 1R. 10P. exclusiveof the above 16A. 1R. 37P.; also, the Tythes of two Acres and a Half of Meadow Land. The Tenant is under an Agreement to quit at Michaelmas next. ( pr Particulars may be had of Mr. WILLIAM BRADSHA\ V, at Fotheringhay ; andof the AUCTIONEER, at Thrapston. Freehold Estate, Huntingdonshire. To be SOLD by A U C T I O N, By Mr. FOX, On Saturday the 28th Day of June inst. at the Crown Inn, Huntingdon, between the Hours of Six and Eight in the Evening, if not sooner disposed of by Private Contract, AHandsome and convenient Sashed DWELL- ING- HOUSE, fit for the immediate Reception of a genteel Family, situated at the Extremity of the Town of GODMANCHESTE R, and within a Quarter of a Mile of the Town of Huntingdon; with detached Brewhouse, Coach- House, Stable, and Born; a large walled Garden, well planted with choice Fruit Trees; and a Close of rich Pasture Ground adjoining, which extends to the navigable Ouse, which is plentifully stocked with Fish; also, Right of Common on West Common for three Cows and one Horse. ( pr Printed Particulars may be had of Messrs. WORTHAM k STEPHENSON, 29, Castle- Street, Hol- born; at the Crown Inn, Huntingdon; Red- Lion, Petty- Cury, Cambridge; Crown Inn, St. Ives; and of Mr. ROBERT BIGNAL, of Godmanchester, who will shew the Premises. APPRAISEMENT TAX. SrAMF- OFFICE, LONDON, June 14, 1806. HIS Majesty's Commissioners for managing the Stamp Duties do hereby give Notice, That, in Pursuance of an Act of the present Session of Parlia- ment, the following STAMP DUTIES UPON APPRAISEMENTS commence on the 6th of JULY next :— £. j. J. Upon every Piece of Paper, & c. on which the aggregate Amount of any Valuation or Appraisement otany Estate, Property, or Effects, Real or Personal, or of any Interest in Possession or Reversion, Re- mainder or Contingency, in any Estate or Property, Real or Personal, shall be written or set down, where the Amount shall not exceed £. 50 0 2 6 And where the Amount shall exceed =£. 50, and not exceed £. 100 0 5 0 And where the Amount shall exceed £. 100, and not exceed £. 200 0 10 0 And where the Amount shall exceed £. 200, and not exceed £. 500 0 15 0 And where the Amount shall exceed £. 500 1 0 0 And upon every Licence for an Appraiser.. 0 6 0 N._ B. All Persons valuing Property for or in Expectation of HIRE or REWARD, are to be deemed Appraisers, and are to take out Annual Licences, upon Pain of for- feiting for every Offence the Sum of 50 0 0 The Licences issitfd between the 5th of July and the 5th of August, are to bear Date on the 6th of July ; and such as are granted at any other Time, are to be dated the Day on which the same shall be issued, and they are respectively to con- tinue in force until theensuing5thof July. Persons duly licenced as AUCTIONEERS are npt required to take out Licences as Ap- praisers. Every Appraiser is to write or set down, in Words or Figures, the full Amount of every Valuation or Appraisement, and, WITHIN FOURTEEN DAYS, to deliver the same to his Employer, on Paper, kc. DULY STAMPED, on Pain of forfeiting for every Neglect, or for delivering the same not duly stamped, the Sum of 50 0 0 No Person, who shall employ an Appraiser to make any Appraisement, is to receive or pay, or make any Compensation for making of such Appraisement, unless the same shall be written on Paper, & c. duly stamped, on Pain of forfeiting for every Offence the Sum of. 20 0 0 No other Part of an Appraisement is re quired to be stamped, except the Piece of Paper, kc. whereon the ACGREGATC AMOUNT of the Articles contained therein shall be written or set down. The Commissioners give further Notice, That all Persons who are required to take out Licences as Ap- praisers, and to provide themselves with Appraisement Stamps, may, after the 25th Instant, apply for the same at the Head Office, in Somerset- Place, or to the Distributors in the different Counties. By Order of the Commissioners, C. E. BERESFORD, Secretary. To Drapers, Grocers, Tallow- Chandlers, and others. CAPITAL FREEHOLD ESTATE, DUNSTABLE, Beds, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. DURHAM, In the Month of July next ( unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due Notice will be given), in two Lots. Lot 1. \ Substantial and well- built Brick and X3L Tiled FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE, and other BUILDINGS, exonerated from Land- Tax, very desirably situate on the East Side of the principal Street of the Town of DUNSTABLE ; • imprising a large and convenient Shop, in full Trade, in the Linen and Woollen- Drapery, Hosiery, Grocery, and Tallow- Chandlery Businesses; a Warehouse ad- joining to Ditto; two Parlours, large Kitchen, Scullery, Laundry, Brewhouse, and other Conve- niencies, on the Ground Floor; five very good and comfortable Sleeping- Rooms, on the first Floor; and five Servants' Rooms, on the Attic Story; three large Ware- Rooms, Cheese- Rooms, Bacon- Cellar, Candle- House, Barns, Two- stall Stable, and Loft; a Yard, with a capital Well of Water therein, together with another Tenement adjoining. Lot 2 comprises a substantial and well- built Brick and Tiled DWELLING- HOUSE, adjoining the North Side of Lot 1; consisting of a Parlour, Shop, Kitchen, Wash- House, Closets, kc. on the Ground Floor; extensive Cellaring; three good Bed- Rooms, on the first Floor; three Garrets; two Yards, Stable, Loft, and other Offices. ( pf- May be viewed, and further Particulars known, by applying to Mr. JOHN DURHAM, Land- Surveyor, Auctioneer, & c. Dunstable. By the King's Royal Letters Patent. ODBOLD's VEGETABLE BALSAM, for VJ the Cure of CONSUMPTIONS, ASTHMAS, kc. Sec. Extract of a Letter from Trueman k Sons, Exeter, June, 18th, 1805, to Messrs. GODBOLD, Blooms- bury- Square:— Extract of a Letter from Richard Aislabie, near Chesterfield, to N. andS. GODBOLD, Bloomsbury- Square, May 26th, 1805:— '' GENTLEMEN, " My Wife, who had been given over by the Faculty, and pronounced within twelve Hours of her Dissolution, I have the Happiness to inform you, is restored to her perfect Health, by taking eight Pints of your V E G E T A B L E B A LSA M, which she fortunately had Recourse to at that critical Juncture, and is now fuller of Flesh than she has been for many Years past; it likewise has freed her from a Nervous Affection, which she had been very much subject to. Dr. Frith, who attended her, will testify this Fact. Since her Recovery, I have recommended your Balsam to two others, who were in the same State, and given over by the Faculty ; they are perfectly restored also. The above Facts have justly produced much Astonishment in this Neighbourhood. ( Signed) ' « RICHARD AISLABIE." Extract of a Letter from Northampton, May 16th, " GENTLEMEN, " Many Persons of Respectability in this Neigh- bourhood having expressed their Surprise at the Cure performed upon me by your VEG ETABI. E BALSAM, which was purchased at Mr. Burnharri's, Gold- Street, Northampton, I have the Pleasure of informing you, as a Precedent for the Benefit of others, that when I began taking your Medicine, I was reduced to a mere Skeleton, and given over by the Faculty, as being in the last Stage of a deep Decline; but, by taking three Pints of your VEGETABLE BALSAM, I was restored to my perfect Health, to the Astonishment of all who knew me, and, Thanks be to God, enabled to follow my Employment with Regularity ever since. ' " WILLIAM L1NNETT." Messrs. GODBOLD received a Letter from Trueman k Sons, Exeter, mentioning a similar Performance upon JOHN CLAPP, a Printer, and several others in their Neighbourhood, dated June 18th, 1805. Likewise, a Certificate from ALEX. DUVAL DS VARENNE, of Enfield, who has received an extra- ordinary Cure by their Medicines. Signed June 20th, 1805. A stronger Proof of its Reputation cannot be given than the Sanction of some of the first Nobility in the Kingdom, as follow, who have experienced and witnessed its Efficacy, and strongly recommend its being kept in all Families, to have it taken in the first Stage. The Most Noble the Marquis of Lothian. Right Hon. Viscount Dudley and Ward. Right Hon. Lord Macdonald. Right Hon. Lord Grantley. Right Hon. late Lord Fortescue. Right Hon. Lord Mountlord. Right Hon. late Viscountess Dudley and Ward. Right Hon. Lady Dowager Grantley. Right Hon. Lady Dowager Viscount Falmouth. Right Hon. Lady Dowager Fortescue. Lady Appreece. Sirs— Francis Blake, Edward Newenham, John CoghUl, and George Armstrong, Barts. Generals— Doyle and Drouly. Colonels— Baker and Debath. And a great many others of the Nobility, as may be seen in the Treatise, at the Proprietors, N. & S. Godbold, No. 3, Bloomsbury- Square, where Attend- ance is given every Day from Ten till One o'clock ( Sunday excepted). Sold by Dicey & Sutton, Printers, Northampton; and Retail by one or more Venders in every City and capital Town.— N. and S. GODBOLD is written on every Label on the Bottles, in their own Hand- writing, and on the Stamp which covers the Cork. Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. LONDON, June 19- THE Hamburgh Mail, due on Sunday, arrived last night. It brings no intelligence of the actual surrender of Cattaro by the Russians; and an article from Vienna, dated May the 31st, says, that the harbours of Trieste and Flume are still '" shut to the English and Russians, and will continue so till the evacuation df Cattaro by the latter has actually taken place. Letters from Ratisbon, dated the 30th of May, mention, that Baron Albini had notified to tiie Diet, that Cardinal Fesch had been appointed Co- adjutAr to the Arch- Chancellor ; and the same letters add, that another notification, not less im- portant to Germany, was expected soon to follow, relative to the new form of the German Empire and its future Constitution. Four thousand of the Russian Guards have been ordered to hold themselves in readiness to march. The Grand Duke Constantino is to command them; but their destination is unknown. According to accounts from Hanau and Prague, Lady Spencer Smith, who, our readers will recol- lectj was some time ago arrested at Venice, Whence she was carried to Milan, and ordered to be con- vi ved to Valenciennes, has found means to make her escape from the guard in whose custody she was, and has arrived safely at Prague; whence as it was feared she might be reclaimed, though by birth a subject of Austria, her friends have ad- vised her to proceed without delay into Russian Poland. Some more merchants have been arrested at Basle, accused of encouraging the sale of English commodities. Of these Messrs. Yersen and Kleber have been pufcjuto separate confinement. At the Privy Council yesterday, an Order is said to have been signed for releasing all vessels car- rying the flag of Pappenburgh, which were detained previous to the 14th of May, except such as shall appear to have cleared out from one enemy's port to another. The House of Lords determined, on Saturday, that the guardianship of Miss Seymour should not be in Lords Euston and Henrv Seymour, but in the head of the Seymour family, the Marquis of Hertford ; who, after the decision, waited upon Mrs. Fitzherbert, and informed that lady, that the trust having legally devolved on him, he could not better discharge it than by requesting of her, that Miss Seymour might continue to enjoy the advan- tages of that parental superintendance, under winch she had hitherto been so affectionately reared. Last night, in the House of Peers, Lord Gren- ville stated the outline of the proposed alterations ill the Courts of Law in Scotland.— The leading features of his Lordship's resolutions are, that the fifteen supreme Judges of Scotland are in future to compose three Courts of equal Jurisdiction, each consisting of five Judges; and the Trial by Jury, in civil cases, is also to be introduced under certain modifications. The charge against Marquis Wellesley, respect* ing the Nabob of Oude, was taken into consider- ation yesterday by the House . of Commons. Lord Teign'mouth, tbe'first witness called in support of tlic charge, continued under examination from seven o'clock until half- past twelve. Ascot Heath races commenced on the 10th inst. His Majesty's plate of 100 gs. for hunters, was won by Mr. Linden's Piccadilly, beating six others.— The renewed sweepstakes of 10 gs. each, with 35 gs out of the race fund, for 3- year- olds, was won by Mr. Walker's Minionette, late Osier, beating seven others.— A like sweepstakes for 4- year- olds was won by Lord Albemarle's Vivaldi, beating three others.— A sweepstakes of 15 gs. each, with 15 gs. udded from the race fund, was won by Mr. Butler's Eunuch, beating four others. — Thursday, the £. 50 for huntsmen, yeomen prickers, and keepers of Windsor forest, was won by Mr. Gordon's gr. g. Whynot, beating Mr. Ni- cholson's b. h.' Necho; and the £. 50 for 3- year- oldg, was won by Mr. Ladhroke's b. c. Sir Peregrine, beating four Others.— Friday, a handicap plate of £. 50 i'or all ages, was won at three heats by Mr. Lake's Watery, beating five others; the same day a sweepstakes of 20gs. each, with 20gs. added from the race fund, was won bv Mr. F. Neat's Quiz, beating Lord Albermarle's Vivaldi.— The company, on the course the first day was far more numerous than for many years past. The Queen and Princesses honoured the company with their presence on Tuesday and Wednesday. The first day of the races, one of the stands, full of company, fell down with a tremendous crash. The confusion this disaster made can be easily conceived, and some sad accidents occurred : Mr. Erancir Allen, auctioneer, of Farnham, had his leg broke a little below the knee ( making the fourth time he has met with a similar misfortune in the same leg); and as no medical man was to be found, he was placed in a post- chaise, and conveyed to the nearest place where surgical assistance could be had. Several other persons were severely in- jured by the timbers falling on them. Fly in Turnips, ' The following is an ap- proved receipt for preventing the fiy from da- maging the seedling leaves of turnips, cabbages, savoys, cole, and many other vegetables:— Mix one ounce of flour of brimstone with three pounds of turnip seed daily, for three days successively, in an earthen glazed pot, and keep it close covered, stirri'ng it well together at each fresh atMition, that the seed may be more united by the sulphur; then sow it as usual on an acre of ground, and, let the weather prove wet or dry, it will keep the fly off till the third or fourth seedling leaf is formed.— This remedy will not cost more than sixpence an acre, and may be used with equal success, mixed with seeds of cabbages, & c. Remarkable Circumstance.— The power of one violent and sudden emotion, in breaking a long- continued and apparently firmly- fixed chain of diseased associations, was a" short time since ex- hibited in the instance of a female, who, for mental derangement, was immured in one of those private houses that are so profusely scattered about the metropolis. By an accident her clothes caught fire, her person was rescued from material injury; and, what was still more fortunate, her mind, by this violent shock of alarm, was speedily restored to its former tranquillity and tone. A letter from Haddington, dated the 10th inst. relates the following remarkable instance of sleep- walking :—" A young boy of this place, with some of his school- fellows, having frequently discovered an owl on the top of our old church steeple, and not doubting of its having a nest there, attempted, by climbing the wnll in the day time to get at it, but his attempts proved fruitless. The impression, however, of such a precious prize beilig yet at- tainable, continuing to actuate the boy's mind, even in the most profound sleep, he arose in the night, ascended the Go'hic edifice, carried off the favourite object of his most earnest desire, re- turned by the window through which it appears he'had sallied, placed the nest upon a chair, and went to bed> In the morning he recollected a pleasant dream of a wonderful adventure, and was altogether astonished, as well as overjoyed, to find it realised in the discovery of the owl's ue » t!— The bov does not exceed ten years of age." A few days since, when the'Hull waggon bad ; got about live miles from Scarborough, it was perceived to be on lire, owing to an inconsiderate, imprudent sailor smoking his pipe in the waggon. The waggon, and all the goods therein, were destroyed; and, had it not been for great exer- tion, the horses would have been burnt to death. With difficulty a female passenger and child were got out a little scorched. A dreadful accident happened lately at the colliery of Messrs. Moss and Co. Whitson, near Prescot. An explosion of foul air took place, by which nine people instantly perished, and two died soon afterwards. Four others were fortunately saved, by having the presence of mind to throw themselves on their faces. A letter from Methvan, Perthshire, dated the 7th instant, says—" Yesterday an awful pheno- menon took place near Logiealmond Peat- moss. The day was exceedingly squally, accompanied with rain and a few peals of thunder; in conse quence of which, sixteen people were obliged to give over their work in the moss; they carried away with them their spades, white iron pails, & c. Thirteen were walking together, and three about six yards behind. A person who was about forty yards still farther behind, saw the whole sixteen struck to the ground by a flash of lightning; one of whom, the last of the three, John Sidie, was killed on the spot; his clothes were all torn off ( except a small fragment of a stocking, another of his shirt below his arm, and the shoe on his left foot), and found scattered in different directions; a part of his heel was found in the shoe that was torn off; there is a small hole in tiie skull, and another in his body. A woman was thrown about four yards to windward, and bled much at the mouth and nose; she and another man were quite sense- less; the other thirteen were all in a state of stupefaction. They are, however, all recovered and well, except that their legs are a little swelled, but have no idea of what happened to them. On the spot were found several small pieces like what is vulgarly called, blue vitriol, and which the country people call part of the thunderbolt, but they seem rather silicious earth vitrified by the action of the electric fluid." DUNSTABLE, 19th June,' 1806. " VT7TIEREAS a Report has gone abroad, very V V much to the Injury of the Trade of this Town, statin};, that a general INOCULATION tor the SMAI. L- POX had taken Place: We, the Undersigned, Inhabitants of the said Town, feel if necessary to contradict such a Report, and to declare, that, with very few Exceptions, an INOCULATION for the Cow- l'ox only had taken Place; and further to inform the Public, that the Town is now perfectly free from that Disease. Witnesses— CHAS. FARR, Surgeon. JOHN Gl I. BERT,) Pl„„ K ™ I„, THOS. BURR, $ Churchwardens. GEO. SCR1VEN, ? 0verseers I,. RICHARDSON, ^ ^ erseers. DANIEL QUENEBOROUCH. J. SQUIRES. JOHN FRYER. W. WATERFIELD. RICHARD GUTTERIDGE. MARRIED.] At St. George's, Hanover- square, O. Markham, Es'q. son of the Archbishop of York, to the Right Hon. Lady Mary Thynne, sister to the Marquis of Bath. On Tuesday, at St. Martin's church, by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Bath and Wells, Viscount Fitz- Harris, eldest son of the Earl of Malmesbury, to Miss Dashwood, of Well, Lin- colnshire. JUNE 4th, 1800. MR. and Mrs. SHARP respectfully inform their Friends, that they have purchased and entered upon the House and extensive Premises of J. T. Damson, Esq. ST. PAUL'S- SQUAKE, BEDFORD; where they intend, after the Midsummer Recess, to establish a SEMINARY for a LIMITED NUMBER. of YOUNG LADIES, the Education of whom will be principally conducted by two Teachers ( one a Fiench' Lady), of the first Abilities and Character. The domestic Department, and the maternal Care of the' Pupils, will have Mrs. SHARP'S particular Attention. TERMS.— For Board, including English, French, Geography, and plain and fancy Work, 30 Guineas per Annum. — All other Accomplishments on the usual Terms.— No Entrance of any Kind charged the first Half- Year. There will be Piano- Fortes, Harps, and an Organ, in the House, kept in perfect Tune, for the Use of those I. adies who learn Music. Mr. and Mrs. SHARP pledge themselves, that every Duty will be faithfully performed; and the Management of every Department in the Seminary conducted on such a liberal Plan, as, they trust, will insure them the future Patronage of those Parents who may honour them with the important Trust of the Education ef their Daughters. * » * The SEMINARV will open on MONDAY the 21st of Ju LY next. NORTHAMPTON, 10th May, 1806. WHEREAS a Number of Poachers and un- qualified Persons have lately made a Practice of Dragging, casting Nets, and otherwise Taking and Destroying the FISH in the RIV E R NIN E or NEN, within the Manor of GOBI ON and the Manor of NORTHAMPTON, in the Liberties of the said Town of Northampton: Notice is hereby given, that all such Persons > vho in Aiture shall be found trespassing in any Part of the said River, within the Liberties afore- said, will be prosecuted to the utmost Severity of the Law. DUTCHY - OR LANCASTER. VYNEREAS the FISHERIES belonging to > * His MAJESTY, in the Parishes of Raunds, Rushden, Slanwick, Irchester, and Ringstead, in the County of Northampton, have been shamefully POACHED, and the FISH TAKEN OUT and DESTROYED: This is therefore to give Notice, That I have the whole Royalty granted me by JOHN HICGINS, Esquire, of Turvey- House, in the County of Bedford, Lessee of the Crown, and any Person or Persons who shall be found trespassing in the said Waters after tlus Notice, will be prosecuted with the utmost Rigour of the Law, by me, THOS. FLETCHER. Rushden, llth June, 1806. LOST, ON Sunday Evening, June 8th, 1806, Parish of COTTISBROOK, in the CO Northampton, A small Liver- colour- and- white POINTER BITCH, with a tanned Face, and goes lame of one Knee. Whoever will bring the said Bitch to WILLIAM GAUDERN, of Stanford- Hall, near Lutterworth, shall receive H A LF- A- GU IN E A REWARD, and have all reasonable Expences paid ; and whoever detains her after this public Notice, will be prosecuted according to Law. Bedfordshire.— Freeh old Estate. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, A Truly valuable and desirable RESIDENCE, eligibly situated in the HIGH- STREET, LEIGH- TON- BUZZARB; comprising a spacious and well- built Dwelling- House, consisting of three good and roomy Attics, eight genteel and airy Sleeping- Rooms, Dressing Closets adjoining, a Breakfast Parlour, large and commodious " " Room KIMBOLTON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. AT the Annual Meeting of this Society, held on Tuesday the 3d Day of June instant, the following PREMIUMS were disposed of:— For the best Theave, Second best Ditto, For the best One- shear Wether, I To Mr. Bithrey, For the best Grass- fed Two- shear ot Stoke Mills. Wether, Second best Ditto, For the best Bull, to Mr. Smith, of Stoke- Doyle. For the best Heifer, to Mr. Nickolls, of Stukely. Second best Ditto, to Mr. Peppercorn, Jun. of St. Neots. To John Goodes, of Covington, Labourer in£. s. d. Husbandry, for having brought up the largest Family without parochial Assist- ance 3 3 0 To William Franklin, of St. Neots, Labourer in Husbandry, for having brought up the next largest Family without parochial As- sistance 2 2 0 To John Goodes, for having worked as a Labourer in Husbandry 59 Years, on the Farm in Covington occupied by the late Mr. Simpson, and now by Mr. Head ... 3 3 0 To William Collis, for having worked as a Labourer in Husbandry 32 Years, With Mr. Browning, of Bytllorn 2 2 0 To James Coles, for having worked as a Labourer in Husbandry 32 Years, on the Farm in Steeple - Giddington lately oc- cupied by Mr. Nickolls, and now by Mr. J. H. Ladds - 2 the County of 3 0 2 0 ORDERED,— That the following PREMIUMS be offered at the next Annual Meeting, which is fixed to beheld at the WHITE- LION INN, in KIMBOLTON, on the FIRST TUESDAY in JUNE, 1807: — s. d. For the best One- shear Rom 2 2 0 Second best Ditto 1 For the best Two- shear Ditto 3 Second best Ditto 2 For the best Theave 3 Second best Ditto 2 For the best Pen of five Theaves 3 For the best One- shear Wether 2 Second best Ditto 1 For the best Pen of five One- shear Wethers, which shall have been fed on G rass, Turnips, Coleseed, and other green Food and Hay only 3 For the best Two- shear Wether, which has been fed in the same Manner 3 3 0 Second best Ditto 2 2 0 For the best Two- shear Ditto, which shall haye been fed by any other Means 3 3 0 Second best Ditto 2 2 0 For the best Bull, not exceeding 18 Months old 3 3 0 Second best Ditto 2 2 0 For the best Heifer, not exceeding 18 Months old 3 3 0 Second best Ditto 2 2 0 For the best Boar, not exceeding IS- Months old 2 2 0 Second best Ditto 1 1 0 ( 3" No Stock to be shewed for any Premium unless Notice in Writing thereof be given to Mr. DAY, the Secretary, at least one Day previous to the Annual Meeting.— The Cattle to be penned as usual, and ready to be shewed by Eleven o'clock.— The Pre- miums will be given to such Owners of Cattle as were the Breeders thereof only; of which, as well as of the Ages, satisfactory Proof must be given to the Committee.— The Rams and Theaves, and also the Pens of five One- shear Wethers, to be produced for Inspection in their Wool; and the Committee, in de- termining these Premiums, to take the Wool, as well as the Curcase, into Consideration.— All the other The Two- shear Wethers I MPERIA I. FiRE- OFFlC E. THE Public are respectfully reminded, that RECEIPTS for Policies falling due at Midsummer next, are in the Hands of the Company's Agent; ready for Delivery. This Office grants Policies for short Periods, and allows Discount on all Premiums and Duty paid tor more than one Year. The Terms of the Office will be found, in all Casts, as moderate as those of any similar Institution in the Kingdom; and Liberality and Promptitude will be found in the Adjustment and Payment of Losses. ( Farming- Stock is insured at 2s. 6d. per Cent; and Losses caused by Lightning, or the Hand of the In- cendiary, are by this Company made good. ( Jd" Policies and Stamps gratis. Northampton, 21j/ June, 1806. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KNIBB, By Order of the Administrators of the late Mr. CLARKE, of LAUGHTON, Bucks, deceased, on the Premises, on Wednesday the 25th Day of June, 1806, rpiIE LIVE and DEAD FARMING- STOCK, J. HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE, & c. ; com- prising Four- post Bedsteads and Furnitures; leather and Flock- Beds; Quilts, Blankets, Linen, Sec.; Drawers, Chairs, and Tables; Bureau ; Bason- Stands ; Pier and Dressing- Glasses ; K itchen Utensils, Kitchen Range, and Bath Grates; Eight- Day Clock; a Piece ot Irish Cloth, Men's Cloths, " Velveteens, & c.; small Copper and Grate, some sweet Iron- bound Beer Casks, and Dairy Utensils; six Cart Horses, and one Nag Ditto; three Cows; 18 Sheep and Lambs ; Horses' Gears; one Broad - wheel Waggon, two Narrow- wheel Ditto, one Six- inch- wheel Cart, and one Narrow- wheel Ditto : a Chaise- Cart and Harness; one Sack and Clover; Clover in the Straw; some Wheat in Sacks, and Ditto in the Straw; one Corn- Mill, and sundry other Articles. C3T The Sale to begin at Ten o'Ciock, as the Whole is intended to be sold in one Day, if possible. T UPPINGHAM SCHOOL. " MIE YOUNG GENTLEMEN educated tinder __ the Rev. Mr. BUTT will deliver their SPEECHES, as usual, on THURSDAY, JUNE 26th, at Noon, at the SCHOOL- ROOM. t> ( J^ f* There will. be an ORDINARY at the FALCON, at Two o'Ciock ; and a BALL in the Evening, at the SCHOOL- ROOM.— Tickets, for the Dinner, 3s. 6d ; for the Ball, 3s. 6d. * » * The SCHOOL will break up, for the Midsummer Holidays, on the MONDAY following; and will meet again on MONDAY, AUGUST llth. THOMAS HOTCHKIN, Esq. } , The Rev. Mr. OSBORNE, S- rpHF, ANNIVERSARY DINNER of the I GENTLEMEN educated at UPPINGHAM SCHOOL will be at the UNICORN INN, on THURSDAY, JUNE 26th, as soon as the Speeches are finished. The Rev. HENRY PALMER,; . The Rev. A. J. GOSI. I, \ stewards. ~_ EDUCATION. C^ GILLEADE respectfully informs his Friends J. and the Public, that he" intends OPENING a BOARDING- SCHOOL, for YOUNG GEN- TLEMEN, in an airy, open, pleasant, and healthful Situation, in ST. IVES, Hunts, on MONDAY, JULY 21st, 1806; when, he assures the Public, those Youths committed to his Care will be taught with the utmost Attention, treated with Tenderness and Respect, and their Morals inspected with particular Regard. TERMS. — For Board and Education, including Writing, Arithmetic, Merchants' Accounts, the Elements of Geometry and Algebra, with the com- mon Branches of Mathematics, Eighteen Guineas, and One Guinea Entrance. For Latin, the Use of the Globes, Trigonometry, Navigation, & c. Two Guineas extra. FENN Y - STRATFORD ASSOCIATION. TWENTY GUINEAS REWARD. WHEREAS on Saturday Night, or early on Sunday Morning last, some Person or Persons did feloniously STEAL, from a Meadow, in Simpson, Bucks, A FAT LAMB, of the Value of Thirty Shillings, the Property of Mr. EDWARD IVENS, of FENNY- STRATFORD. Whoever will discover the Offender or Offenders, may, on his or their Conviction, receive a Reward of TEN GUINEAS of Mr. JOHN DAY, the Treasurer of this Association; and a further Reward of TEN GUINEAS otLlhe said Mr. IVENS. * By Order, GEORGE COOCH, Solicitor. Newport- Pagnell, 18r/ j June, 1806. Dining- Room, elegant Drawing- > om, and Entrance- Hall, complete Medicine- Room ; Study, light lofty Kitchen, Pantry, dry cool Wine I and Beer - Cellarage, convenient Brewhouse, Coach- j Sheep to be produced shorn. _ House, Stabling, suitable other Outbuildings, large , t0 be kllled it the Committee shall think fit, whether Garden, walled round, . well stocked and planted with 1 anv CnmnMi- tmn n, nnt — No .— prime Fruit Trees, various Shrubs, and Evergreens, extensive Yard, and Grass Plat, containing together about an Acre, with a Pump of fine Spring Water, now in the Occupation of the Proprietor. fp?" This complete Residence is delightfully situ- ated in the West End of the Town of LEIGHTON- BUZZARD, within a short Distance of the Church; is substantial, in excellent Repair, and fit for the Reception of a large Family. These extensive Pre- mises have been upwards of 70 Years possessed by Gentlemen of eminent Practice in Physic; for which Profession the Situation and Conveniencies render it extremely desirable, or for Trade of apy Description. — The Fixtures, which are modern, to be taken at a fair Valuation. * » * For a View of the Estate, and Particulars of Sale, Information may be obtained by applying at Mr. WOOD'S Office, in Leighton- Buzzard, Beds. To be SOLD, AStrong Stone- built HOUSE, with a large GARDEN, situate in WEEDON- BECK, in the County of Northampton. ( CT For Particulars, enquire of Mr. ATCHISON, of Weedon- Beck. For SALE by AUCTION, By MASON & SON, At the House of Mr. Chester, the Wheat- Sheaf, at Welford, in the Countv of Northampton, on Friday the. 4th Day of July, 1806, at Three o'Ciock in the Afternoon, it not in the mean Time disposed of by Private Contract, ALT. that FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with a Blacksmith's Shop and other Appurtenances, pleasantly situated in theHjcu- STREET, in the Town of WELFORD, now in the Occupation of Mr. Cleaver, Tailor, and Mr. Cooper, Blacksmith, both now in full Trade. For further Particulars, or to treat by Private Contract, apply to Mr. CHESTER, of Thornby, in the said County of Northampton. any Competition or not.— No Animal to receive two Premiums from this Society, except the first Class of Two- shear Wethers, which, in Case any Corn- fed Wethers should be entered to be shewn, may be again shewn on the same Day for the Premiums of that Class also. St ct. To the Labourer in Husbandry who shall have brought up, or be then bringing up, the largest Family without parochial Assist- ance 3 s o Ditto next largest Ditto 2 2 0 To the Servant in Husbandry who shall have lived the longest Time with one Master or Mistress, or on the same Farm 3 3 0 Ditto next longest Ditto 2 2 0 To the Labourer in Husbandry who shall have worked the longest Time with one Master or Mistress, or on the same Farm 3 3 0 Ditto next longest Ditto 2 2 0 ( j3T The Candidates for Premiums to Labourers and Servants to deliver their Certificates to Mr. DAY, at the WHITE- LION INN, in KIMBOLTON, by Ten o'Ciock in the Morning of the Annual Meeting, as no Certificate will be received after that Hour. These Premiums to be determined under the same Rules and Regulations as ill the former Years. *** The Society to assemble at the WHITE- LION INN, in. KIMBOLTON, on the Morning of the Annual Meeting, at Ten o'Ciock; the Committee for deter- mining the Premiums to bejppointed at Eleven ; and the Shew to take Place precisely at Twelve o'Ciock By Order of the Society, WM. DAY, Treasurer and Secretary. St. Neots, June 18R. FR, 1806. To be S O L D by A U C T I O N, At the Duke's- Head Inn, Thorney, in the Isleof Ely, and County of Cambridge, on Wednesday the 25th Day of June, 1806, at Four o'Ciock in the After- noon, unless previously disposed of by Private Con- tract, of which Notice will be given, AVery valuable GRAZING FARM, all Free- hold, lying and being in HALL- GATE, in SUTTON. ST. EDMUND'S, in the County of Lincoln, now and for many Years past in the Occupation of Mr. Mewburn, the Owner, in the following Lots:—. West of Hall Gate, beginning North at Ten Dyke. LOT I. A. R. P. A Close, by Estimation 14A. by Admea- surement 14 1 13 A Close, by Estimation 8A. by Admea- surement 12 2 IS LOT II. A Close, by Estimation 6A. by Admea- surement 7 0 X A Farm- House, Barn, Stable, and other Outbuildings, with Yard, Garden, and Home- Close, by Estimation 9A 12 3 32 The Herbage of Hall- Gate, from the Gate, called New Fen Dyke, to the Extremity of the Farm on the West Side of the Way over Land, containing 10 2 1 LOT III. A Close, by Estimation 6A. by Admea- surement 8 1 35 A Close, by Estimation 14A. by Admea- surement 18 1 30 East of Hall Gate, beginning at Fen Dyke. LOT IV. A Close, by Estimation 12A. by Admea- surement 14 1 ] g A Close, by Estimation 9A. by Admea- surement 10 3 3i LOT V. A Close, by Estimation 11A. by Admea- surement 13 3 27 A Close, by Estimation 11A. by Admea- surement 13 3 o LOT VI. A Close, by Estimation 6A. by Admea- surement 6 2 12 A Close, by Estimation 8A. by Admea- surement 11 i 14 A Close, by Estimation 10A. by Admea- surement 12? 7 CORN ACT, 31st GEORGE III. C. 30. St. Neots, Huntingdonshire. TyOTICE is hereby given, That all Millers, 1\ Maltsters, Factors, Merchants, Clerks, Agents, and other Persons, being Dealers ill Corn for Sale, or for the Sale of Meal, Flour, Malt, or Bread, made thereof, are by the said Act required, at each and every Market holden at the Town of ST. NEOTS aforesaid, between the Hours of Eleven and Five of the Market Day, to return, or cause to be returned to me, as Inspector of Corn Returns in the Town of St. Neots aforesaid, whereat they shall respectively buy any Corn or Oatmeal, an Account, in Writing, signed with their own Name, of the Quantities of each respective Sort of Corn, and of Oatmeal, so by them bought and received during any Week, on the first Market- Day, at St. Neots aforesaid, in the Week then next ensuing, with the Prices thereof, and by what Measure or Weight the same was bought. In Default whereof every such Miller, Maltster, Factor, Merchant, Clerk, Agent, or other Person, being a Dealer in Corn as aforesaid, will be liable, for every such Neglect, to forfeit and pay a Sum not exceeding .£. 10, nor less than 40s. to be sued tor and recovered before any two Justices of the Peace for the County, Division, City, or Town, where such Person dealing in Corn, Malt, Meal, or Flour, for Sale, shall reside, • J be levied by Distress and Sa'. e of their Goods and Chattels. By Order of the Magistrates, WILLIAM EMERY, Inspector of Corn Returns for the Town of St, Neots, TYC'E's ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS ARE seriously recommended to all Mothers. Guardians, the Faculty, and Public in general, as a certain Cure for foul Humours of the Blood, pimpled Faces, Surfeit, Scurvy, Scrofula, Scald Head in Children, sore Eyes, sore Legs, Venereal Ulcers ( when Mercury has failed), festering and other Eruptions on the Skin, whether from Inoculation of. the Small- Pox, COW - POX, or any Cause whatever effecting the same, in less Time, with greater Safety, and at a smaller Expence, than any other Medicine yet discovered. Price 2s. 9d. or five Bottles, Value ' 2s. 9d. in one, for lis. The following Case is a strong Proof of the superior Efficacy of these Drops:— An Infant, aged four Years, the Son of Mr. | BUNUTT, Miller, of WHITCHURCH, had a violent I Scorbutic Eruption all over his Body, particularly the \ Face, insomuch that a Swelling on the Side ot the Nosei the Size of a Pigeon's Egg, entirely closed one Eye, and . much affected the other. Having had all Medical Assistance possible for eighteen Months, b. ut without Relief, he was induced, through Recom- mendation, to try these Drops, which, to his great Surprise, had the desired Effect, and, in less than three Weeks, the Child was perfectly cured, not only of the Eruption in the Face, and the whole Body, but the . Sight of the Eye restored, and has continued in perfect Health ever since. This Infant had been ino- culated for the Cow- Pox about three Months prior j to the Appearance of the Eruption.— Many other re- markable and well- attested Cures, which are too long ; for Insertion in an Advertisement, may be seen in the Bill of Directions round each Bottle. Be particular in asking for Tyce's Antiscorbutic Drops. Also may be had, TYCE's PATENT OINTMENT for the ITCH, which, be it ever so inveterate, is cured by ONE HOUR'S Application; one Box, Price is. 9d. will cure one grown- up Person, or two Children. LIKEWI s E, TYCE's INFALLIBLE CHEMICAL LOTION, for the same, by the Use of which Persons may cure themselves with so much Secrecy as not to be dis- covered even by aBedfellow, Price 2s. 9d. This Lotion is WITHOUT SMELL OR STAIN. *** None of the above Medicines can be genuine unless " JOHN TYCE" is signed on the Label of each Bottle or Box. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by the Proprietor, John Tyce, No. 20, Hatton- Garden, London, removed from Fleet- Market; and Retail, by his Appointment, by Edge, Marshall, ar. d Lambert, Northampton ; Gal- lard, Towcester; Wheeler, and Holland, Aylesbury; Wright, Stony- Stratford; Palgrave, Bedford; Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Stratfold, Woburn; Foster, Luton ; Howard, Watford; Compre, St. Allan's? Rollason, and Collins, Coventry; Sharpe, and Perry, Warwick ; andby every respectable Vender of Medicines through- out the United Kingdom. BUCKINGHAM AND BRACKLEY TURNPIKE- TOLLS TO BE LETT. IVTOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of i ~ the Trustees of tlie Turnpike- Road leading from Buckingham through Brackley, to join the Daventry Turnpike- Road near Banbury, will be held at the " WHITE- HART INN, in BUCKINGHAM, on TUESDAY the 22d Day of JULY next ; when the TOLLS arising at the several Turnpike- Gates on the said Road, called or known by the Names of the BCCKINCHAM GATE, RADCLIVI SIDE GATE, and BANDLAND'S BRIDGE GATE, will be LETT by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, between the Hours of Eleven in the Forenoon and Three in the Afternoon ot the same Dav, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, " for re- gulating the Turnpike- Roads;" which Tolls have been lett for the last three Years at the annual Rem or Sum of sfi. 243, clear of the Expences of col- lecting the same, and will be put up at that Sum. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees, for Payment of the Rent agreed for, and at such Times as they shall direct. ROBERT MILLER, Clerk to the Trustees. Buckingham, 20th June, 1806. AUTHENTIC PROOF. An extraordinary Cure by I. IGNUM's DROFS and LOTION. AGENTLEMAN in this City, who does not choose to have his Name made public, con- tracted a severe Scorbutic Complaint in his Ancles, for which he bought, from Mr. A. M'Donald, Jew- eller, here, one Bottle of Mr. LICNUM'S ANTISCOR- BUTIC DROPS, at 4s. 6d. and one Bottle of his LO- TION, at 2s. 9d. which two Bottles, only, perfectly cured him, to his own Astonishment.' The large Blains or Marks where the Sores were on his Ancles are quite visible, although whole. Those who choose to converse with this Gentleman on this extraordinary Cure, may, at all Times, have Access to him, by applying to Mr. A. M'DONALD, as above. Glasgow, 20th Oct. 1804. *** To prevent Counterfeits, observe these Words— " John Lignum, Bridge- Street, Manchester," en graved on a black Stamp, by Favour of His Majesty's Commissioners ; to imitate which is Felony. ( fCg" These Drops are sold in moulded square Bot- tles, at lis. and 4s. 6<}.— One lis. Bottle is equal in Quantity to three 4s. 6d. ones. They may be had, Wholesale and Retail, at Mr. LIGNUM'S,' No. 57, Bridge- Street, Manchester; and, by Appointment, of Howard Se Evans, 42, Long- Lane, West- Smithfield; Dicey & Co. Bow Church- Yard ; Barclay & Sun, 95, Fleet- Market; Shaw Se Edwards, 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard; Butler, 4, Cheapside; and Newbery Se Sons, 45, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London; and Retail of Dicey & Sutton, Northampton ; Green Se Taylor, Ampthill; Gardner, Biggleswade; Palgrave, Bedford; Beesley, Banbury; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Ridge, Newark; Inwood, Newport- Pagnell;' Tookey, Oundie; Jacob, Peterborough; Wilcox, Tow- cester; Paul, St. Ives; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Collis Se Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Mather, Welling- borough; Darton, Hitchin; Simson, Hertford; and of the principal Venders of genuine Medicines in the United Kingdom. 167 2 35 CHARLES STANNION, W] IO lives in the House, will shew the Estate; Possession may be had at any Time; and further Particulars may be known by ap- plying to Mr. MEWBURN, or Mr. MORLEY, of Peierborough. DICEY & Co.' sTrue Daffy's Elixir. THIS most excellent Medicine has been faithfully prepared for upwards of 80 Years, from the purest Drugs and Spirits that can be procured, by Dicey & Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London; and has been attended with the happiest Success in the Cure of the Gravel, Stone, Fluxes, Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Breast, Sec. ; but in the most excru- ciating Fits of the Cholic, and in all Complaints of the Stomach and Bowels, the Genuine Daffy's Elixir is unquestionably superior to every other Medicine in the WorldSpurious Sorts, of a very inferior Quality, are, however, olfered for Sale in almost every Town, and some ot them even with the Names of Dicey Se Co. in the Bills of Directions, and on the Bottles ( which are also made in Imitation of theirs :) The surest Way therefore to prevent Deception, is, to ask particularly for DIE EY'S DAFFY'S ELIXIR, and to observe not only that the Words Dicey &? Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, ate printed in the Stamo affixed to each Bottle, and signed in the Bills o'f Directions; but also, as a further Mark of Distinction, that the Words Dicey £ f Co.' s True Dajfy's Elixir are printed, in large Characters, at the Top of each Bill of Directions. It is sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dicey Se Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, in Bottles, at Is. 8d! and 2s. 6d. each, Duty included. Also, sold Wholesale and Retail by the Printers oi this Paper ( by whom great Allowance is made to Country Shopkeepers), and Retail by the following Persons, viz. Wilkins, Robins, Bates, & Wilkinson, Daventry; Parker, Merridew, and Rollason, Coventry ; Collison, Brackley; Watson, Aynho; Mrs. Kcesley, Banbury; Odell, and E. Pyne, Leighton; Griffin and Co. Tring; Norwood, Amersham; Aynsworth, & Birdsev, Hen. el- hempstead ; Edwards, Chesham; Barnes, Inwood, and Barnnger, Newport- Pagnell; Osborn, Woburn ; Good- man, North- CrUwley; Queneborough, and Squires, Dunstable; Lancaster, Clophill; Alsop, Crawley, and Mead, Luton; Brown, Morris, and Greerr & Co. Ampthill; S. md A. Cooper, and Morris, Nuneaton; Bull, Harrod, and Dawson, Market- Harborough; Adams, and Gamble, Loughborough; Gregory, and Swinfen, Leicester ; Toone, Woolvey ; Pearson, Mel- ton- Mowbray ; Burbage Se Co. Nottingham; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester ; Seeley, Buckingham ; Miss Jones, Oxford; Hawkes, Lutterworth; R. l'atgrave,- J. Okely, B. Bradley, and J. Bradley, Bedford; Hine, Potton; Bunting, Sandy; Gardner, Weston, and Brooks, Biggleswade ; Richardson, Elmes, Poulter, and Sheppard, Stony- Stratfbrd; Higham, Old- Stratford; Moxham, Fenny- Stratford; Stevens, Bicester; Marlin, J. Wheeler, Rickford, F. Wheeler, Se F. Loggin, Aylesbury ; Wards, Hinckley; Sanderson Se Co. Broughton, Chettle, and Mather, Wellingbo- rough; Eaton, Thrapston; York & Summers, Oundie; Hotden, and Jacob, Peterborough; King, Gilkes* and Matthews, Chipping- Norton; Baly, Wright, and Stevens, High- Wycomb; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Newcomb, and Drakard, Stamford; Bird, . Uppingham; Gibson, Oakharn; Churchill, DeddingI ton; Roberts, Southam ; Sharpe, Warwick; Luccock, Kimbslton; Bayley, and Paul, St. Ives; Emery, and Fox, St. Neots; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Darton, and Tapp, Hitchin; Hovel, Staples, Eaden, Hodson, and Gee, Cambridge; Leigh, Atherstone; Arch, Shefford; Holland, Winslow; Ward, Stratford- upon- Avon ; Mat- thews, Campden; Wallis, Olney; Taylor, Retford; Dexter, Wilbarston; Brinkler, Bicester; and by the Venders of Dicey & Co.' s Medicines in every Town throughout the Kingdom ; Of whom may be had, from Dicey & Co.' s Warehouse as above, s- d. s. d. Dr. Bateman's Drops 1 1J Hooper's Female Pills 1 1J Dr. Anderson's Scots Pills, 30 in a Box 1 1J Dr. Raddiffe's Elixir 1 1J Bostock's Elixir - 2 6 Stoughton's Elixir - 1 1J Friar's Balsam - - 1 1J Pike's Ointment - .1 9 Clinton's Snuff,& Oil 1 6 Dr. Lockyer's Pills 2 9 Bathing Spirits -- 09 Squire's Grand Elixir 1 9 Godfrey's Cordial - 0 9 Golden & Plain Spirits of Scurvy- Grass Beaume de Vie - - Betton's British Oil Rymer's Tincture - Walker's Jesuits Drops - - - . Wyman'j Pills iii 3 6 1 9 29 29 2 9 Friday and Saturday's Posts. LONDON, Jiinc 20. j THE Manchester packet, w'itli the Islands Mail, arrived at Falmouth on Monday, in thirty days from Tortola.— A passenger'from St. Thomas's, who arrived at Tortola when the packet was sailing, reports that a French squadron of four sail of the line had arrived at St. Domingo, with stores and provisions; and also, that four frigates from Cadiz, one Spanish and three French, had arrived at St. John's, 1' orto Rico, with stores and provisions; and also, that the four French frigates, supposed to be in the West Indies, had followed the convoy towards Bermuda. It is con- sidered that the frigates arrived at Porto Rico are those which sailed from Brest on the 13th of December, and which were so long unaccounted f. T.— We have at present only two ships of the line on the Jamaica station, namely, L'Hercule and Veteran, of 74 guns each. The House of Lords last night, on the motion of Lord GrenvilLe, postponed the farther consi- deration of Justice Fox's case for three months. The Commons, in a Committee of the whole House, proceeded farther on the examination of ' evidence to support the charges of Mr. P- aull against Marquis Wellesley. The- report was made, and the Committee are to resume their proceedings' this afternoon. Amongst the many projected alterations in the various departments of the public service, we leanij that it ' is the intention of the Noble Lord at the head of the. Admiralty, to place the present Commandants of the several divisions of Royal Marines on the retirement, on full pay, to make room for the younger and more efficient Field- Officers of that'useful and excellent corps. A curious and very important system of machi- nery has been lately erected at the Roval Arsenal, Woolwich. The purpose to which this valuable fe A I. A A M, TTAIR - DRESSER and PERFUMER, N FORMS his Friends and thePublic in general, - he has removed into the DRAPERY, where he has convenient DRESSI N G - ROOMS for Ladies and Leeward j Gentlemen; and also acquaints them, he has lately returned from LONDON with a fresh Supply of FRENCH and ENGLISH PERFUMERY, LIP SALVES, TOOTH POWDER, AROMATIC VINKGAR, TORTOISE. SHELL COMBS, and a fashionable Assortment of ORNAMENTAL HAIR, and LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S PERUKES, with new- invented Springs. v Northampton, June 21 it, 1806. aratus is devoted, is the preparing, chopping, \ Proprietor will forfeit NORTHAMPTON, June 21st,. 1806. AT the Request of many respectable Families of this Town and Neighbourhood, there will be a HALL and SUPPER at the GEORGE INN, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, the 25lh Instant. fp9" Dancing begins at Half- past Eight o'Clock. *** Admittance— Ladies, 5s. Gentlemen, 7s. 6d. EIGHTH WONDER. WITH every Mark of Respect to the I. adies and Gentlemen, and the Public in general, they are informed, that there is just arrived, and to be seen in a commodious Booth at BOUGHTON- GREEN, that wonderful Curiosity, MISS BEE FIN; who is allowed by all judicious Persons who have seen her, to surpass every natural Curiosity ever exhibited since the Creation of the World. This young Lady was horn without Arms or Legs; she is ot' a very comely Appearance, 21 Years of Age, and only 37 Inches high- She displays a great Genius, and is an Admirer of the Fine Arts; but what renders her so worthy of thepublic Notice, is the astonishing Means she has invented and practise* to obtain the Use of Scissars, Needle, Knife., Pencil, Pen, Sec. wherein she is extremely adroit ; she can cut out and make any Part of her own Clothes; sews and _ writes well; has practised in the polite Art of . Drawing not more than 15 Months. Slie has practised the Art of. Miniature Painting three Months only, wherein she is likely to be a wonderful Proficient; all of which she performs principally with her Mouth, The Reader may easily think it impossible she cculd be capable, of doing what is inserted in this Advertise- ment; but if she cannot, and even much more, the s. appara and planing of timber and boards, of every de- scription; which it performs with the greatest accuracy, and in less time than would be required to sharpen tools, if done in the usual mode. Caution.— Mr. Nathaniel Clarke, of Bisbrooke, near Uppingham, lately lost 99 lambs, through injudiciously dressing his ewes with scab ointment. The Trial of LORD MELVILLE being concluded, JAMES ASPERNE. bookseller, at the Bible, Crown, and Constitution, 82, Cornhill, London, has collected such materials as enables him this day to publish, at 3s. 6d. a correct and impartial report of the whole proceedings. It wilt contain every argument and every fact necessary to put the public into complete possession of the whole case, and is at the same time sold at a price within the reach of every reader. — He therefore hopes they will be particular in ordering Aspeme's edition. I^ VERY Day, - J AMPHI- THEA GENTEEL BOARDERS WANTED. A SINGLE LADY, TWO SISTERS, or a 1\ MARRIED COUPLE, may BOARD and LODGE with a religious Family, in a respectable Town in Buckinghamshire. The House is large, handsome, and delightfully situated, with a Garden and Yard, inclosed.— As the Accommodations are genteel, with the Use of a large Library and an ex- cellent Piano- Forte, the Terms are £. 40 per Annum, exclusive of Washing. Direct, Post- paid, with real Name and Refer- ence, for A. H. at Mr. King's, Attorney, Buckingham. To PARENTS AND GUARDIANS- WANTED, as an Apprentice to a SURGEON and APOTHECARY, A YOUNG GEN- TLEMAN, of liberal Education. 83* For Particulars, enquire of Messrs. TOOKEY & COWLEY, WinslOW. Wmslow, June 16th, 180S. To Carpenters and Joiners. WANTED immediately, TWO or THREE steady MEN in the above Businesses. Apply to Messrs. BULLIMORE & SON, Car- penters and Joiners, Warmington, near Oundlc, Northamptonshire. » „* A WHEELWRIGHT is also WANTED. " V* 7" ANTED, TWO JOURNEYMEN, who v V have been used to P L A 1 SCT E R I N G and SLATING.— Constant Employ and good Wages will be given. ' Apply to JOHN STEVENS, Plaisterer, Woburn, Bedfordshire. To BAKERS. " TXTANTED, A JOURNEYMAN.— He must be * an active good Setter, and well recommended. — Liberal Wages are allowed. Likewise, An APPRENTICE, strong and active, and not less than 15 Years of Age.— Preference will be given to a Lad of a Dissenting Family. ( O' Apply, to JAMES SUTTON, Buntingford, Herts. RECRUIT WANTED. WANTED immediatclv, to serve in His Majesty's 14th REGIMENT of FOOT, lying at ASHFORD BARRACK'S, Kent, A YOUNG MAN, five Feet seven Inches high and upwards, and undet\ 25 Years of Age. frlr" Any young Man willing to engage in the. above Service, may meet with the Encouragement of TWENTY- FIVE POUNDS Bounty, and FIVE POUNDS the Bringer, by applying at the PEACOCK, BEDFORD.— No one need apply who is not sound and fit. Turnip Seed. To be S 0 L D, the GEORGE, INN, BRJXWORTH, in the County of Northampton, " THE best GREEN and WHITE NORFOLK TURNIP SKED, warranted to be transplanted from picket) Turnips, and that no better is grown, either for Produce of Crop, or standing the Winter. Brixworth, June 21 st, 1806. ONE . HUNDRED GUINEAS, pf Admission any Time after Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon. -— Ladiesand Gentlemen, Is.— Servants and Children, Half Price. *,.* Embrace this Opportunity, as another may never otter.— Her Portrait to be- exhibited publicly. BOUGIITON - GREF. N FAIR,' 1806. WONDERFUL NOVELTY 1 I ! Under the Patronage of their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of York and Kent. during the Fair, at SAUNDERS'S ATRE, will be presented, a grand Selection of novel Performances, hitherto unparalleled. HORSEMANSHIP ( INCOMPARABLE) by the grandest Troop in the United Kingdom, enriched by the Abilities of YOUNG SAUNDERS, the justly- denominated EQUESTRIAN Roscius. GRAND TRIAL OF SKILL, by the whole Troop. Mr. HENGLER, Pupil of the celebrated Mr. Richer, will go through his new and elevated Feats on the TIGHT - ROPE. With the COMICALITIES of the CLOWN. ' Polandric and Antipodean Exercises. The YOUTHFUL INDI AN'S MA HIED VRES on a single Horse. Miss Saunders's Performances!!! EQUILIBRIUMS, & other ENTERTAINMENTS. TO CONCLUDE WITH HORSEMANSHIP BURLESQUED; Or, The unskilful TAILOR and sagacious HORSE. To begin each Day at Twelve o'Clock. Boxes, 3s.— Pit, 2s.— Gallery, Is.— Standing Places, 6d. only. BOUGIITON - GREEN FAIR. FGOODMAN, from the BRITANNIA, NORTII- , AMPTON, begs Leave to inform the Nobility and Public in general, that he has taken the Booth late in the Occupation of Mr. HOLLIS, known by the Name of the TEA- BOOTH ; and, for the better Accommodation of his numerous Friends, has adapted one Part of the same for WINES, CYDER, & c. and hopes, by strict Attention, and with Teas, Wines, Sec. of the best Quality, to meet the Approbation of his, Friends in general. Northampton, June 2b/, 1806. ' The Nobility and Gentry of Northampton and its Vicinity, and the Public in general, ARE RESPECTFULLY INFORMED, THAT POLlTO's splendid and pleasing Assemblage of most rare and beautiful LIVING BIRDS AND BEASTS, contained in six large, safe, and commodious Caravans, WILL BE AT BOUGHTON- GREEN FAIR, the2- lth Instant. Amongst which are, A Noble LION and LIONESS ( The Lion arrived in England March 24th, 1806, and is the only one travelling in this Kingdom); A striped Royal Bengal Tyger; MALE AND FEMALE LEOPARDS, the finest in the Kingdom; MALE and FEMALE PANTHERS; THE LYNX; The ferocious HYyENA and WOLF; Male ttnd Female Kangaroos; The industrious BEAVER; The WOLVERINE, or GLUTTON; The CIVET and ZIBET, commonly called MUSCOVY CATS; A large SATYR, or ETHIOPIAN SAVAGE ; The ICHNEUMON; The Ol'POSSUM ; The WANDEROW ; And upwards of FIFTY other QUADRUPEDS. A LSO, The following rare and curious Birds ;— The GRAND CASSOWARY; The EMEW, or OSTRICH; The PELICANS of the . WILDERNESS BLACK SWANS ; The KIN G of the VU LTURES ; Several Curassoos and Patiies; GREAT HORNED OWLS; STORKS, SPOONBILLS, and a Variety of other BIRDS, of the most splendid Plumage. (£ 3 ™ Admittance, One Shilling each. BRIG OS's PUNCH - BOOTH v Choice Wines, genuine Liquors, Herefordshire Cyder, and Feliv Calvert's London Porter, bottled and barrelled. 1Y/ I BRIGGS begs Leave to inform her Friends Xv J., and the Public in general, that she purposes attending BOUGHTON'- GREEN FAIR as usual, where every Exertion will be used to make the Ac- commodation as agreeable as possible. ( F3T TEA, COFFEE, See. See. RECORD- ROOM, NORTHAMPTON, JUNE 21st, 1806. WE, the Undersigned, Magistrates acting in and for the Division of NORTHAMPTON, do hereby give public Notice, that we have this Day appointed and sworn in certain SPECIAL CON- STABLES, for the express Purpose of preventing all UNLAWFUL GAMES during the Continuance of BOUGHTON- GREEN FAIR.— And we do hereby caution all Persons who may occupy Booths - at the said Fair, that they do not, directly or indirectly, harbour or protect any Person or Persons owning E. O. ' fables, or other Means of carrying on such unlawful Games, as they will be proceeded against as the Law directs. EDW. BAILEY, I). D. iT. S. W. SAMW£ LL, II. B. HARRISON, THOS. HORNSBY. To be A Oil Sitmfay se'hhigjit; at AylesWy; Mr. iyfcjftj master of the Swafi ifiii, Feimy- Stratford, Bucks, to Mrs. Read, relict of Mr. James Read. On Tuesday se'n'nigjtt, Mr. Billington, of Bud- brook, to Miss Clarke; of Tamworth; both in Warwickshire. DIED.] On Tuesday last, after a long illness, aged 80, Mr. Wm. Huthwaite, one of the Alder- men of the Corporation of Nottingham. Same day, of the gout in his stomach, in his 63d year, Mr. Turvill, of North- Kilworth, Leicestershire. On Saturday se'nnigbt, Mr. M. Edis, butcher, of Huntingdon. On Sunday se'nnight, of a deep decline, aged 32, Mr. Thomas Walton, jun. farmer, of llonily, Warwickshire. On Th ursday sennight; Mr. Henry Jackson,'> of Starton, near Coventry. Lately, Mr. John Overton, of Binley Old Lodgp, near Coventry. A few days ago, Mr. Sparke, formerly a grocer, of Coventry. A few days since, Mr. Madely, farmer, of Coleshill, Warwickshire. The Lord Bishop of Litchfield and Coventry has collated the Rev. , T. Robertson,, Curate of Lon£- Itchington, to the vicarage of Wappenbury, in the county of Warwick. L E T T, And may be entered upon immediately, Very eomtriodious and well- built DWELL" ING- HOUSE, in most coidplete Repair, 1 In days of ancient lore, when the Gymnastic situate in MARKET- STREET, in the Centre of the I Exercises and Pythian Games were exhibited, the age Town of WELLINGBOROUGH; comprising an j was mad to view the wonderful exertions of animals and excellent Kitchen, capital Cellaring, Hall, large '' men; and, from the long distance of time since they Parlour, Drawing- Room, three most convenient j were seen, the revolutions and improvements of each Chambers, and spacious Attics. The outer Premises i a? ra, the NOVELTY that has perpetually been produced, M » large Barn, and • and the height to which equestrian agility and manly consist of a good Brewhouse, Stabk Garden, well surrounded with the choicest Fruit Trees, Sec. activity has arrived, the amusements to'be produced at the ensuing fair at Boughton - Green, by the un- Saunileri ( S^* The Salubrity of the Situation of WELLINC- , paralleled troop under the management of BOROUGH, added to the numerous and desirable Ad- ; ( who has long, with unrivalled success, bore the pahn vantages of the above Premises, renders it peculiarly j of merit from every competitor in the service of the eligible for a genteel Family. * » * Application may be made to A. RODICK, Esq. • or to Mr. PECK, Surgeon, Wellingborough. LONDON, June 21. Sr. NEOTS, June 18th, 180< J - YYNIERF. AS JONATHAN BLOTT, of DEL- PARIS Papers to the 13th, and Dutch to the 16th instant, have been received. Intelli- gence from Naples, of the 23d ult. confirms the _ . capture of the island of Capri. The "" rfa. r-?. ref; S^' « h,,?, n„' i said to have capitulated to four sail of the hue on the 8th ot June instant, LEAVE HIS PARENTS, without any Reason: This is to inform him, his youngest Brother, James Blott, was drowned oh the 15th Instant, and to request he will return to his unhappy Friends, who will receive him with Affection. ( pST The above young Man is 18 Years of Age, about five Feet seven Inches high, rather stout made, fair Complexion, and light Hair; had on when he went away a brown Coat, clouded Waistcoat, and Military Breeches. *** If a Youth of this Description has entered into any Regiment, and the Officers will inform his Father, JOHN BLOTT, of Dellington aforesaid, to that Effect, such Information will be thankfully received. FIVE GUINEAS REWARD. STOLEN or STRAYED, on Friday Night, the 13th of June instant, out of a Close in the Parish of LOWER. HEYFORD, belonging to Air. JOHN MARRIOT~ To Growing Crops of Grass. be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS HA IV, On Monday the 23d of June, 1806, at the Cock Inn, at KINGSTHORPE, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, ABOUT 18 Acres of exceeding fine MEADOW GRASS, now growing, near KINGSTHORPE MILL; which, for the Convenience of Purchasers, will be put up in three Lots. ( jdf For a View of the same, apply to Mr. STANTON, at the Cock Inn, Kingsthorpe. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS HA IV, At the Sign of the Cherry- Tree, in Great- IIoughton, in the County ot Northampton, on Friday the 4th Day of July, 1806, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, COTTAGE or TENEMENT, situate in GREAT - HOUGHTON aforesaid, with a Barn, and large Garden ( well planted), thereto ad- joining and belonging, in the Tenure or Occupation of Joseph Cooke. FPF For Particulars, apply to Mr. C. MARKHAM, Solicitor, Northampton. X A BLACK CART MARE, five Years old, about fifteen Hands and a Half high, has a Star in her Forehead, a cut Tail, a Fire- brand on the near Shoulder, and a small Piece of her Tongue cut off, PS" Whoever will bring the said Mare to the said Mr. JOHN MARRIOTT, of l. ower- Heyford aforesaid, shall, if stolen, receive the above Reward of FIVE GUINEAS, upon Conviction of the Offender or Offenders; and, if strayed, shall receive HnLF- A- GUINEA Reward and all reasonable Expences. * » * If more than one were concerned, and either will impeach his Accomplice or Accomplices, he shall be entitled to the above Reward, and Interest will be made to procure His Majesty's Pardon. At T HARLESTON. T » ED and WHITE NORFOLK, and RUSSIA 1/ TURNIP SEED, of last Year's Growth, from transplanted Turnips, sold by the Proprietor, THOMAS GROSE, at 9d. per lb. ; also by the following Per- sons:— Mr. Pridmore, Brampton Gate; Mr. Palmer, Spratton; Mr. Pell, Guitshorough; Mr. Seale, Rugby; and Mr. Robinson, Long- Buckby. [ p" The former will stand the Weather; the latter is for early Use. « ,* Common WHITE TURNIP SEED, from coodStock, sold by- THOMAS GROSE, only, at 6d. per lb.; or, Wholesale, at One Cuinea per Bushel of 501b. and delivered within ten or twelve Miles of Harleston, free of Expence, on Condition the Sacks are returned, or paid for with the Seed, within the Space of three Months. N. B. Prime MALT, HOPS, and COHSEED, Whole- Sale and Retail, on the lowest Terms. June 21rf, 1806. NOTIC E. THE CREDITORS of the late Mr. CLARKE, of LOUCHTON, Bucks, deceased, Farmer, Dealer and Chapman, are requested to meet at the SWAN INN, in NEWPORT - PAGNEI. L, Bucks, on FRIDAY the 27th of JUNE, 1806, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, by desire of the Administrators, who will attend the Meeting. Ne- wport, June 20th, 1806. A To be LETT, And entered upon immediately, or at Michaelmas next, AGood Stone- built and Slated HOUSE, with an excellent Shop, and convenient Outbuildings; together witlia Close of old- inclosed Land, containing about an Acre and a Half; and an Acre'and a Half of Dole Meadow ; situate in the Parish of GRETTON, in the County of • Northampton, late in the Occu- pation of Mrs. Laxton, deceased. The above Premises are desirably situate for a Grocer, Tallow - Chandler, or Woolstapler, those Businesses having been carried on for some Time by the said Mrs. Laxton.— The Tenant may be accom- modated with the Implements for carrying on the said Businesses. 03* For further Particulars, enquire of THOMAS LAXTON, of Gretton aforesaid. To I To be SOLD, Neat SOCIABLE, with Coach- Box, com- plete and fit for immediate Use. Q5r* Enquire of Mr. JOHN CLARKE, Coachmaker, Northampton. A | and 1500 men. We believe the strength of the naval and military force employed on this occa- sion to have been much exaggerated, and that Capri has yielded to the enterprise and impe- tuosity of a few British sailors and marines. The return of Count Il^ ug'witz to the favour of the King of Prussia, is mentioned in the Moni- \ tetir. If this statement be true, a change of councils and measures may be expected imme- I diately to follow. There appears something of a pacific nature on the part of Prussia to Sweden, for his Swedish Majesty has at last sent a letter to the King of Prussia, demanding a categorical answer, " W'hether or not Prussia would evacuate Lauenburg ?" If it be true that there is a dis- position on the part of Prussia ty consent to such a preliminary arrangement, leaving the final ad- justment of differences to the friendly efforts of France and Russia, a reconciliation must be the consequence. Such an arrangement would operate powerfully on the future conduct of the belli- gerent Powers. American Papers to the 2- 1 th ult. have ar- rived. The ferment produced by the death of the American seaman has not yet subsided. A circumstance somewhat similar in its nature, but fortunately not attended with similar calamity, which has taken place off the coast of Maryland, has produced fresh irritation. The Cleopatra frigate overhauled the American ship Eliza, from Londonderry, a regular trader, as she is called ( or, or in other words, a vessel, the chief part of whose freight were emigrant Irish), and took out of her thirteen men and an apprentice boy. One of the men is said to be an American, and perhaps the boy may be of that country too, but it is not denied that tlie remainder were subjects of his Majesty. The American papers are very violent upon this occasion; but this is not one of the instances upon which the Government of the United States is likely to fall in with the passions and phrenzy of the factions which disgrace that country. The intelligence in these papers respecting Mi- randa's expedition is so contradictory, that it would be in vain to endeavour to extract any satisfactory fact from it. Within these few days, considerable agitation public), are anxiously looked for, as they promise 1 to surpass all that ' have heretofore been brought I forward. Those who are frequenters of the above amusements, will therefore, for ages to come, never meet with so rare a combination of talent calculated to please. The admirers of the wonderful productions of nature will, with pleasure, observe that Mr. Pol'Ho, the most indefatigable collector of living curiosities, is oil the road for BOUGHTON- GREEN FAIR, with six large caravans, containing the most brilliant and in- teresting assemblage of living birds and beasts that ever travelled in the extensive limits of Europe.— That beautiful collection, which was last year so universally admired in the city of Dublin, is now 1 added to his menagerie ; and, in . particular, his late acquisition of a noble Lion, from Senegal, in Ai: ica, eamson is i Wltl1 , his faithful companion, a fine pointer bitch, nf ft, r 10 wlllch ' he lion has been indebted lor nutriment, or tne line anj now rewards with such gratitude and affliction, as to setter her not only to be his compam< h absolutely to rule over him.— See advertisement. T ROAD MEETING. IIE next Meeting of the Trustees of the Turnpike- Road from Northampton to Newport- Pagnell, in the County of Bucks, will be held at HORTON INN, on MONDAY the 30th of JUNE instant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon. R. ABBEY, Clerk to the Trustees. Northampton, June 21- rf, 1806. ( pf Dianer on the table at Three o'Clack-. Tops of Oak Timber Trees, Lop, < § ' c. be SOI. D by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Thursday the 26th of June, 1806, ^ IIE TOPS, LOP, & c. of 123 large TIMBER TREES, lying in the Parish of CHICHELEY, near Newport- Pagnell, Bucks. Amongst the above Tops are some large Pieces of Oak, very useful Stuff for Carpenters, See. They will be sold in Lots, as marked and numbered, and may be viewed four Days before the Sale. ( pf The Company are requested to meet at the Pubiic- House in Chicheley aforesaid, at Eleven o'Clock in the Morning, at which Time the Sale will commence. A valuable and desirable Freehold Farm and Estates, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By BROWN & SON, On Saturday the 26th Day of July, 18P6, at Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the Red- Lion Inn, St. Paul's, Bedford; CONSISTING of all that, valuable and desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, with THREE COT- TAGES, pleasantly situated at WILD EN, m the Countv ot Bedford, near the Turnpike- Road leading from the Town of Bedford to Kimbolton, in the County of Huntingdon ; comprising a compact Free- hold Farm, containing fifty- seven Acres ( more or less) of exceeding good Pasture' and Arable Land, together with, a Farm- House and three Cottages, with large Barns, Stables, and requisite Outbuildings, now in the Occupation of Mr. James Ford. ( CT The Situation of this Estate at Wilden is very desirable; the Land is in a high State of Cultivation, and remarkably fertile, nearly contiguous to several good Market Towns and the Kimbolton Road ; having also the great'Advantage of valuable Rights of Com- mon over the extensive Fields of Wilden, which, should an Inclosure take Place, would become of considerable Value. Also, a very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate. at OAKLEY, near the Town of Bedford; consisting of two Cottages, with suitable Barns, Gardens, and Yards, and three Acres and two Roods of excellent Arable Land, and one Acre and two Roods of rich Pasture Land, all inclosed, lying contiguous to the Cottages, now in the Occupation of Mr. Samuel Asliby, or his Undertenants. % « May be viewed by applying to the Tenants; of whom Particulars may be had fourteen Days previous toths Sale; at the White- Lion, Kimbolton; Falcon, St. Neots; Swan, Biggleswade; White- Hart, Gscat- Barford; Place of Sale; of Mr, ROSER, No. 3?, Ki'ns-^ treet, Holborn; and of BROWN & SON, Auc- tioneer.-., and Agents to the British Fire- Office, Bedford. SINGLE- HORSE CHAISE. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CON TRACT, AGenteel, neat, and substantial SINGLE- HORSE CHAISE, on Curricle Springs, witji Plated Harness, nearly new. 03" Enquire of L. KIRSHAW, Northampton. Ampthill, Bedfordsh ire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AFREEHOLD ESTATE, pleasantly situated in the Centre of the MARKET- PLACE ; comprising a la'ge Dwelling- House, excellent Draper's Shop, and extensive Premises, with every Convenience for tbe Drapery and Wooistaplery, or any other Business; it is likewise well adapted for a Boarding- School and Boarding- House; now in the Occupation of Mrs. Taylor, who has for some Years established a'good Boarding- School, & c. from which she is going to retire. For Particulars, enquire of Mr. BUZZARD, No. 109, High- Holbom, London ; or on the Premises. Letters ( Post- paid) will be duly answered. N. B. The Draper's Shop is large, and very neatly fitted up. has been communicated" to the public mind, and an unsual rise of the Funds produced, in con- sequence of an impression that a negociation for Peace was on foot. ' 1 he arrival of Lord Yarmouth from Paris gave rise to a rumour that his Lordship was the bearer of an overture from Talleyrand, addressed to the Minister for Foreign Affairs in Great- Britain, for a direct negociation for Peace between the two countries. It is known that two Cabinet Councils have been held at Mr. Fox's Office, at which nearly the whole of the Ministers attended— one on FYiday, and one on Saturday; and that a Messenger, at the rising of the last, was sent off with dispatches for Vienna. It is also stated, that Lord Yarmouth has been sent back to Paris, with an answer favourable to the pacific proposition from France. — F'ORTUNATE LOTTERY TICKETS. Ninth day.— Ho. 17,314, a prize ot £. 500. Tenth and last day.— Nos. 7,401, 13,344, and 16,117, prizes of £. 500 each.— Nos. 2,566, 10,334, 17,236, and 24,836, £. 100 each. Foreign Geldings and Mares. To be SO L D by AUCTIO N, By Mr. ALDRIDGE, At his Repository, in ST. MARTIN'S - LANE, LONDON, on Wednesday next, June 25, 1806, at Twelve o'Clock, I70RTY GELDINGS and MARES, from His . Majesty's Third German Legion from Hanover, about 15 Hands high, most of them young, light Forehands, small Heads, shew a great Deal of Blood, with beautiful Action, linht in Hand, some of which are equal to carry 16 or 17 Stone, in fine Condition, calculated for Ladies, Riding- Schools, and various Purposes of Draught Work, & c. The Whole may be viewed the Day before the Sale, and are to be sold without Reserve. Bank Stock 3 per Ct. Red. SperCt. Cons. 4 per Ct. Cons. 5 per Ct. Navy PRICE OF 210i 61 £ 62 sh. 80iJ sh. STOCKS. Woburn Sheep- Shearing.— The annual mi on this occasion took place on Blonday, Tues, and Wednesday last, and - was numerously ; r respectably attended by many Noblemen, Gen- tlemen, and Amateurs. Owing to the Duke of Bedford's absence, the hospitalities and enter- tainments were not at the Abbey, as heretofore, but a spacious booth was erected m the park, near the farm, where upwards of one hundred of the company were each day entertained with cold viands, poultry, and a plentiful supply of Wiire, served on two tables; which were presided over. by the Marquis of Tavistock, Lord Ludlow, Mr. ; VV. Adam, and Mr. H. Hoare; and, in the coafe" of each dav, many excellent and appropriate « > asts were given and drank with great applause' and conviviality.— The premiums announced at the last year's meeting, were adjudged as follow:— To Mr. Bithrey, of Stoke- Mill, for the best twq- sbear fat wether, a cup, value ten guineas.— To Mr. Moore, of Aspley, for the best two- shear fat wether, bred in Bedfordshire, a cup, value five guineas.— To Mr. Butfield,. of Potsgrave, for the best pen of three thcaves, bred in Bedfordshire, a cup, value ten gui^ neas. To Mr. Bithrey, of Stoke- Mill, for the second- best pen of three theaves, bred in Bedfordshire, a cup, value five guineas.— To the Earl of Upper- Ossorv, for the best boar, a cup, value five guineas. — To Wiffen Wansworth, of Stoke- Doyle, North- amptonshire, the best sheep- shearer, five guineas. To John Mason, shepherd to Mr. Walker, of Eaton, the second- best ditto, five guineas. To Job Arnold, of Crawley, the third- best ditto, three guineas. To Thos. Linnell, shepherd to Mr. Wakefield, of Stow- nine- Churches, Northamptonshire, the fourth- best ditto, two guineas. To Wm. Tew, jun. of Clifton, Warwickshire, the fifth- best ditto, one guinea.— To Mr. Wilson, bailiff to his Grace the Duke of Bed- ford, for the best plough, a cup, value ten guineas. To Thomas Ward, the ploughman, two guineas.— To John Holland, shepherd to his Grace the Duke ot Bedford, the best shepherd, five guineas. To John Nottingham, shepherd to Lord Ongley, the second- best ditto, four guineas. And to William Sharman, shepherd to Mr. Runciman, of Woburn, the third- best ditto, three guineas. A melancholy accident happened near Stoke- Goldington, Bucks, on Saturday morning last. As a party of recruits belonging to the 19th Light Dragoons were on their march to the regiment, from this town, one of them very imprudentlv gof upon the shafts of a cart he overtook on the ' roV. ri, which had not. proceeded far with him before he was thrown from his seat, and the wheel imme- diately passed over his body and killed him on the spot. Yesterday se'nmght a singular accident happen?,! at Coles Bridge, in the parish of Southatfi, War wickshire. As a team of four horses were passing along the bridge in their gears only, the second horse took fright and fell over tlie side, pulling the other three after him', a descent of sixteen feet, without cither of them receiving any injury. —— SUMMER ASSIZES. MIDLAND.— Lord Ellenborough and ' Mr. Justice Rooke. NORFOLK.— Lord Chief Justice Mansfield and Mr. Justice Grose. HOME. — Lord Chief Baron and Mr, Justice Heath. WESTERN.— Mr. Baron Thompson and Mr. Justice Chambre. OXFORD.— Mr. Justice Lawrence and Mr. Justicc Le Blanc. NORTHERN.— Mr. Baron Graham and Mr. Baron- Sutton. Imp. 3per Cents. sh. IndiaStocU . sh. India Bonds : Is. 2;-. d. Exc, Bills . par 2 dis. Omnium , 4i 5J pr. NOTICE IS' HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the Annual Meeting of the Trustees of the Turnpike- Road leading from the North End of Brown's- Lane, in the Parish of Great- Staughton, in the County of Huntingdon, to the Way- Post near Wellingborough Bridge, in the County of North- ampton, and from the Pound in Kimbolton, to the Way- Post near Brington Bridge, in the said County of Huntingdon, will be held at the WHITE LION INN, in KIMBOLTON, on MONDAY the 7th Day. of JULY next, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon; when the said Trustees will settle the Treasurer's and other Accounts, choose new Trustees in the Room of such as shall be then dead,, and transact other Business re- lative to the said Road.— Dated this 7th Day of June, 1806. WM. DAY, Clerk to the said Trustees. NO R TLLA MP TO N\ SATURDAY EVENING, June 21. BIRTHS.] Lately, at Culland's- Grove, South- gate, the seat of Sir Wm. Curtis, Bart, the Lady of Henry Cadwallader Adams, Esq. of Ansty- Hall, Warwickshire, of a daughter. On Saturday, at Brafield- House, Buebs, the Lady of Richard Orlebar, Esq. of a son and heir. MARRIED.] On Monday, at Asto. rt, S. F. S. Perkins, Esq. of Sut ton- Cold field, Warwickshire, barrister at law, to Mrs. Walker, widow of Captain Walker, and eldest daughter of C. Sharpe, Esq. of Hoddorn Castle, in the county of Dumfries. Same day, William Fisher Ilulse, Esq. of Cos- sington, Major in the Leicestorshire Militia, to Miss D. A. Crickitt, one of the daughteWof Ehf late Charles Alexander Crickitt, Esq. of Smyth's- Hall, Essex, M. P. On the 4th instant, at Rowington, Warwickshire, Mr. John Palmer, to Miss Newberry, both of that place. PRICE of CORN per Quarter Northampton, Saturday, June 21. Wheat, 68s. to 80s. Od. Rye, 52 » . Od. to 53s. Barley. 32s. Od. to 34s. 6d. Oats, 26s. Od. to 31s. 6d. J. GRAF. TON,. Inspector. Beans, 40-. Od. to 45 . Od. Peas, — s. Od. to— s". Cd By the Standard Measure. Corn- Exchange, London; Friday, June 00. Since our last there are several arrivals of Wheat, with large quantities at hand, which, is extremely dull in sale; fine samples are at a reduction about 3s. per quarter, and iiiore on second and inferior, which is almost without buyers. — Rye is dearer.— Barley is in tolerable supplies, and, with Malt, keeps it's price.— Beans of both sorts, with White and Grey Peas, are much jn lequest, and dearer.— Oats are in but middling quantities, and this trade is like- wise dearer.— Flour is heavy in sales, at the late reduction of 5s. per sack. LIST of FAIRS, from June 23, to July 5, within the Circuit of this PapeK ' M. -,. 23. Newport. Pagnell and Somersham. • T. 24'. Boughto'n- Green ( lasts three days). W, 25. Brackley. j S. 28. Higham- Ferrers. M. 30. Olney, Dunchurch, and Hoot- Norton. T. July 1. Potton, Thorney, Harrold, and Lutter- » • worth. IS. 5. Warwick, Bedford, Bur ford, and Leicester. jUPisfaBaaaww BIGGI. F. SWADE ASSOCIATION, / A* PROSECUTION of FELONS,- fefc, AT the General Annual Meeting of this Asso- ciation, held at the CROWN INN, in BIGGLES- WADE aforesaid, the 6th Day of JUNE, 1806 » it was resolved to continue the following REWARDS to Persons giving Information to the Conviction of Offenders, committing Offences against the Persons or Property of the under- mentioned Members of this Association:— • ' J t- or every Burglary, Highway or footpad Robbery .1 - •: - - * * 5 for stealing any Horse, Mare, or Gelding; or stealing, or killing with Intent to steal, any Ox, Cow, Calf, or other Neat Cattle, Sheep or Lamb---,. l or wilfully or maliciously maiming, or otherwise disfiguring the same ... ... - 3 For wilfully or maliciously setting Fire to any House, Out- HouSe, Barn, Stable, Stack or Rick of Com, Grain, Hay, Strata, Wood, Furze, Gorse, or Faggots.-.-.---.------ 5 For stealing Corn or Gram ( thrashed or unthrashed), or Hay, out or from any Barn, Stack, Hovel, or Rick 1 For stealing the same whilst growing, or in Shocks or Cocks ------ 1 Foi forging or counterfeiting any Deed or Security tor Money, or publishing the same as true, knowing the same to be torged or counterfeit, with Intent to defraud any Member of this Association .... ...: - - - - - 5 For stealing any Coach, Chaise, Chair, Gig, Wa- ron, Cart, Plough, or Implement ot Husbandry, or any Iron- Work or Materials ^ belonging thereto - - - For stealing any Pigs or Poultry, or ma- Viciously tilling the same . ......... Z For robbing any Garden or Fish- Pond... i For robbing any Orchard 0 For stealing or maliciously maiming any Does — - For cutting down, barking, or wantonly damaging or destroying, any Tree or frees, Wood, or Quicksets; or pulling up, da- maging, or destroying, any Fir, Larch, Pop- lar, or other Tree or Shrub, planted in any Park, I. awn, Paddock, or Garden ... For stealing Turnips, Green Peas, or lo- tatoes, from the Fields - -' " ,, . For breaking or stealing any Hedges, bates, Sheep- Pens, Stiles, Posts, Rails, 1 ales, or anv Iron- Work belonging thereto . For maliciously breaking the Windows ot d. 5 0 5 5 0 3 0 5 0 2 0 1 0 5 0 2 0 SPARROWS - HERNE TURNPIKE. " VTOTICE is hereby git en. That a Meeting of JLM the Trustees of the Turnpike- Road leading from Spanows - Heme on Bushley - Heath, through the Mar - et Towns of Watford, Berkhampsted- St.- Peters, and Tring, in the County of Hertford, by Pettipher's Elms, to the Turnpike - Road at Walton, near Aylesbury, in the Comity of Bucks, will be held at the K- iN< ' S- ARMS INN, at BERKHAMPSTED- S AINT- PETERS aforesaid, on WEDNESDAY the SECOND Day of JULY, 1806, and the Chair taken precisely at Twelve o'Clock ; when and where the TOLLS arising and to lie collected at the several Turnpike- Gates on, the said Road, known by the Names of the WATFORD and RIDGE- I. ANF. GATES, with the DOUBLE TOLL that may arise on every Sunday throughout the Year, will be LETT by AUCTION, for one Year, from the 29th Day of July, 1806; and also the Gates known by the Names of NEW- GROUND GATE, and the VEECHF. S GATE, from the same Time; to the Best Bidder or Bidders, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, " for regulating Turnpike- Roads;" which Tolls arising from the Watford ar-: i Ridge- Lane Gates, were lett for one Year, ending the 29th Day of July, 1806, at £. 1000, clear of all Expences; and the said Tolls arising from New- Ground and the Veeches Gates, produced the last Year, ending the 25th Day of May, 1S06, above the Expences of collecting the same, £. 417, and will be put up at those Sums respectively. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder or Bidders, must at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees, for Pavment of the Rents agreed for, and at such Times as they shall direct.— Dated this thirty- first Day of Mav, 1S06. HARRY GROVER, Clerk to the said Trustees. 1 1 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 ....... 1 1 0 any'Dwelling- House, or Out- House adjoin- inr, and stealing any Timber or Coals ... 1 1 0 And for other criminal Offences, not herem- betore specified, such Reward or Rewards as the Committee shall appoint. Banks Jeremiah, Stratton, Farmer. Barber John, Broom, Gentleman. Britcheno John, Biggleswade, Gentleman. - Brown Thomas, Dunton- Lodge, farmer. Brimley Joseph, Willington, Farmer. Brunt John, Biggleswade, Draper. Brunt William, Biggleswade, Draper. Barnett Charles, Stratton, Esquire. Carrington Thomas, Biggleswade, Baker- Chapman William, Biggleswade, Attorney^ Cooper George, Biggleswade, Miller. Conquest George, Biggleswade, Glazier. Croft John, Biggleswade, Gentleman. Croot Thomas, Girtford, Farmer. Downe John, Biggleswade, Gentleman. Dillv Mary, Dtmton, Farmer. Endersby Elizabeth, Campton, Farmer. Fishcf William, Ickwell, harmer. Flint William, Langtord, FarKier. Foster John, Biggleswade, Merchant. Fowler Francis, Henlow, Farmer. Gall Lawrence, Biggleswade, Surgeon. Grigg William, Biggleswade, Innholder. Herbert George, Biggleswade, Merchant. Hughes William, Biggleswade, Butcher. Hewlett Jonathan, Langford, Farmer. Hickson Joseph, Langford, Farrier. Inskip William, Old- Warden Abbey, Farmer. Inskip Henry, Old- Warden, Farmer. Knight William, Biggleswade, Innholder. King William, Girtford, Victualler. Lancaster John, Biggleswade, Draper, l. vles William, Langford, Farmer. Maiden John, Biggleswade, Baker. Norman William, Blunham, Miller. Perkins Thomas, Biggleswade, Innkeeper. Pryor Charles, Biggleswade, Ironmonger. Race William, Biggleswade, Innkeeper. Roberts William, Biggleswade, Grocer. Ryland Benjamin, Biggleswade, Draper. Slin'n John, Bedford, Innkeeper. Squire John Border, Stratton, Farmer. Sutton Samuel, Muggerhanger, Gentleman. Steward John, Biggleswade, Builder, & c. Staines Henry, South- Mills, Miller. Steven^ Robert, Blunham, Grocer, l'ingey Henry, Tempsford, Farmer. Thorpe Thomas, Great- Barford, Gentleman. Tuck Samuel, Beeston- I. eashowes, Farmer. " Wells Samuel, Biggleswade, Gentleman. West Samuel, Hill, Farmer. Wilson Samuel, Holme, Farmer. Young John, Langford, Farmer. WM. CHAPMAN, Solicitor and Treasurer to the Association. w CALVES' CORDIAL, A certain Cure, for the Scouring . of Calves, Oxen, Colus, Sheep, Pigs, & c. causing them to thrive and fatten sooner, is again recommended to the Attention . of GENTLEMEN, FARMERS, GRAZIERS, Ac. Y the following Testimony sent to the Pro- prietor, W. H. BICGS, and sanctioned by the first Agriculturists in the Kingdom :— Si R,— The rapid Sale of your Cordial obliges me to send for an additional'Quantity; and I have to assure you, that several'of the most respectable Graziers in this Neighbourhood, have unequivocally declared it to be, without Exception, the best Remedy known for such Disorders in Cattle, and, in particular, Mr. Rowbotham, of IIolbfcach- Marsb, declares, that, upon giving a single Dose to one of his Calves, it entirely cured it, that he was confident it would prove of great Service to Sheep, and that for his Part he would never be without it, nor he thought hardly any other Person would after having once used it, so beneficial are its Effects. Yours, & c. THOS. AI. B1N, Spalding and Holbeach. Sold, Wholesale, be, Howard & Evans, 42, Long. Lane, West- Smithfield ; and, Retail, by Dicey Se Sutton, and Marshall, Northampton; Newcomb, and Drakard, Stamford; Tookey, Oundle; Jacob, Peter- borough ; M. & F. Paul, St. Ives; Porter, Thrapston; Palgrave, Bedford; Swinfen, Leicester; Hewes, Dun- stable; Williams, Royston; and by most Venders of Medicines. Agricultural Conccrn.— To Breeders and others. EDGE'S SIIEEP - POWDER, For annoying and preventing the FLY from striking either SHEEP or LAMBS in the hot Months. '" T'TIE invariable Success attending the Use of 1 this Powder the last four Years for the above Purpose, and the Approbation of it expressed by nu- merous Gentlemen, Graziers, Breeders, Shepherds, & c. at the Termination of each Summer, establish, beyond all Doubt, its general Service— not only in preventing the Fly from striking, but thereby saving much Time and Trouble to the Shepherd, preserving the Wool, and preventing fat Meat from sinking, through Pain and Agony, when struck. It is observed also by these Gentlemen, that this Powder does not in any Respect injure the Staple of the Wool, or leave any Impression thereon, but what will yield to simple Washing, which Fact has been fully'ascertained and acknowledged by various Ma- nufacturers, Sec. It is advisable always to be early enough in the Season in using it; < 5nce done, no more Trouble ensues during the Summer. It is sold in Parcels of 2s. and 4s. each, the smallest ot which is sufficient to dress forty, and the largest eighty, Sheep or Lambs ( an Expence of but little more than one Halfpenny per Head), by Mr. Jos. Edge, Chemist, Northampton, and at his Shop in Wellingborough 011 Market- Days; and by Appoint- ment by Mr. Thomas White, Bookseller, Wisbech ; Mr.. John Cheney, Naseby; Mr. Richard Tandy, Sherrington; Mr. Robert Rowell, Rugby; Mr. Barringer, and Mr. Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Mr. Bates, Huntingdon; Mrs. Cobb, Kettering; Mr. Eaton, Grocer, Thrapston; and Mr. E. Hutchings, Stony- Stratford; with full Directions for using it. Observe to enquire for EDGE'S SHEEP- POWDER, which does not stain the Wool; and that his Name, in his own Hand, is written on the Direction— none else being genuine. MARSHALL'S GENUINE UNIVERSAL CERATE. I7ACTS are stubborn Things; witness a fresh Testimonial just received by the Proprii Mr. MARSHALL, Druggist, NORTHAMPTON, has just received a fresh Supply ot LEAKE's PATENT PILLS. To Mr. Thomas Tat/ lor, Surgeon, No. 9, New Bridge- Street, London. SIR, EDINBURGH, May 2, 1800. IN the Spring of 1794, I was afflicted with a Venereal Complaint, which I treated with In- difference for five Months, but was then obliged to apply to a regular Physician, who put a temporary Stop to the Violence of the Disease ( by Mercurial Applications) for some Time; but growing, in Spite of all Medicine and Advice of the first Gentlemen of the Faculty here, worse and worse for two Years, I was reduced to a State almost unparalleled and beyond Description, being an entire Leper, and ulcerated from Head to Foot. My " Head, Throat, Mouth, Nose, Proprietor. CASE XC. StR,— Two Years ago 1 was wounded, in a dreadful Manner, in the Calf of my Leg, with a rusty Iron Spike, and notwithstanding the Aid of the Faculty, and numerous Applications recommended me, in Spite of all it became diseased in a very bad large Ulcer, attended with intolerable Pain, and the Inflammation was so violent, that 1 had no Ease Day nor Night, when happily 1 was recommended to your invaluable Cerate, and, to my great Joy, only two small 13jd, Boxes perfected a complete Cure. And I have also the Happiness to inform you, in Addition to my own, that 1 recommended Marshall's Genuine Universal Cerate to Mr. M'Guire and Mr. Holland,. both with dreadful ulcerated sore Legs, and in a short Time cured them in the same easy Manner, to the Astohish- ment of their Friends; nor have we had the least Return. , I beg you will publish the above, for the Good of others labouring with sore ulcerated Legs, Sec.— 1 am, Sir, Your obliged humble Servant, EDWARD HART, Foreman to Mr. Cooke, Ki- ng- Street, Holborn. London, June 9th, 1806. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Messrs. SHAW & EDWARDS, 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London, Agents to Mr. John Marshall, in Boxes, Is. IJd. and 2s. 9d. each; and by Mr. Marshall, Chemist, North- ampton, and at his Shop in Harborough; and, Retail, by Cooke, Uppingham; Tookey, Oundle; Barringer, and Barnes, Newport- Pagnell; Harrod, Harborough; Jenkinson, Huntingdon ; Rowell, Rugby ; Fisher, Higham; Seeley, Buckingham; Robins, Daveritry ; Collis & Dash, Kettering.; Loggin, Aylesbury ; Leigh, Atherstone; Halford, Oakham; and by one or more Venders in every Town in England, Ireland, Sec. Stratford's new Folio Edition of MATTHEW HENRY'S EXPOSITION ON THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT, Taken verbatim from the best London Edition, without any Abridgment whatever, with the late Rev. Mr. ROMAINE'S PREFACE. This Day is published, Price only Eight- Pence, ( Each Number containing three whole Sheets of large Demy Letter- Press, and many of them four Sheets), Number I. embellished with an elegant PORTRAIT of the Rev. MATTHEW HENRY ( to be continued weeklv) of AN EXPOSITION on the OLD and NEW TESTAMENT; wherein each Chapter is sum- med up in its Contents— the sacred Text inserted at large in distinct Paragraphs— each Paragraph reduced to its proper Heads— the Sense given, and largely illus- trated with practical Remarks and Observations: Forming a most complete FAMILY BIBLE. By MATTHEW HENRY, late Minister of the Gospel. Illustrated with upwards of ONE HUNDRED BIAU- TI FUL E NGR AVINGS, descriptive of the most material Transactions recorded in the HOLY SCRIPTURES. To which is added, a copious Account of the Author's Life, with Extracts from his other celebrated Writings. The Proprietor of this Work having experienced the Public Patronage, to an Extent unprecedented, in the above Publication, for upwards of fourteen Years, during which Period he has been honoured with the Names of above ten thousand Subscriber*, thinks it necessary to caution the Public against any Edition which may be attempted to be obtruded on them on false Pretences, either with Respect to Cheapness, Beauty of Engravings, Fineness ot Paper, or Accuracy of Printing. . He only solicits a Comparison to render his Superi- ority the more eminently conspicuous. The various Impositions which have for many Years past been attempted on the Credulity of the Public by different Advs'- turers in the above F^ vangelic Pro- duction, are sufficiently known to many disappointed Religious Families, who, by the alluring Professions of the Publishers, have been induced to begin what was never in their Power to complete, and thereby the Whole of their Money subscribed to no other Purpose than Vexation and Disappointment. Ill Gratitude for past Encouragement, the Proprietor of the FOLIO EDITION of MATTHEW HENRY'S ANNOTATIONS begs Leave to state the following Facts: That he gives three whole Sheets of large Demy Paper, printed to the full Extent of the Margin, for Eight- Pence; and, in the Course of the Work, up- wards- of one hundred Engravings, of superlative Mag' nitude and Beauty, whilst others, pretending Cheap- ness, charge Eight- Pence for only two Sheets and a Half, with old worn- out Plates, published in another Work many Years since, and which would disgrace ny Publication at Half the Price. With this Diminution of Quantity the candid Reader will naturally ask, How is it possible to give the Whole of the Author's Annotations ? We answer, That it certainly is not— and the Subscribers will, at an advanced Period of the Work, find themselves miserably disappointed, by injudicious Curtailments and Abridgments, and, instead of having a perfect Copy of MATTHEW HENRY's EXPOSITION, will possess only a mutilated Edition, not worth the Expe'nce of Binding. Our Subscribers are therefore requested to be very If a Man's Merit be worthy of Notice* read thit Advertisement. I' E. ANDF. RSON, of the Parish of I. uroK, j Bedfordshire, do hereby certify, that I have been afflicted, for 17 YeiTs, with the Scurvy and Leprosy, which deprived me of the Use of my Limbs, so that 1 could not feed myself; but by applying to Mt. CARTER, the Potton Water- Doctor, at the Crown, Luton, on the 5th of May, was completely uted, and am now as well as ever I was in my Life.— Mr. C. - has full Liberty to make any Use of my Name he may think proper. ( fir Mr. CARTER will attend Luton Market again on Monday the 23d Instant; I. eighton- Buzzard, on the 24th, for the first Time; Woburn, on the same Day ; Dunstable, on the 24th ; and Amptliill, for the first Time, on the 26th.— All Persons consulting him, are requested to bring their Morning Urine. OFFICE, CRAlG's - COURT, Legs, Arms, Sec. have been alternately in Danger of ing useless; in short, I have had " eating Ulcers on my Body, Health and Longevity. DR. JAMES's ANALEPTIC AND ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. rpiIE Celebrity of the Analeptic Pills, as 8. general Preservative of Health, is become uni- versal, from their Efficacy in those Complaints which continually disturb the Human Frame ; such as Colds, Rheumatisms, Head- Achs, Indigestions, and other Diseases of the Stomach and Bowels, which arise from the Vicissitudes of our Climate, or from fndul fence in the Luxuries of Lite; and these salutar iffects are produced by gently opening the Pores by Night, and the Body by Day, without requiring any particular Regimen or Confinement. But though the Analeptic Pills are also very serviceable in Bilious and other deep- seated Disorders, yet being designed as a mild Purgative only, and therefore not always suffi- ciently active, the Antibilious Pills have been recom- mended in Aid by an eminent Physician, who has used these Medicines combined, for many Years, with the happiest Success, in all Complaints of the Liver, as well as in other internal Diseases. Travellers, by Land or by Sea, or Persons remote from Medical Assistance, would do well to be always provided with these Pills ; which, with some ot the genuine Dr. James's Fever Powder, would form a most valuable Store in a small Compass, that would often afford Relief on any sudden Indisposition, and prevent the ill Consequences of Neglect or Delay. Sold by F. Newbery & Sons, No. 45, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London; viz. the Analeptic Pills, Price 4s. 6d. a Box, or six in one large Box for J£. 14S. ; and the Antibilious Pills, Price 2s. 9d. a Box, Duty included.— Observe that the Words, " F. Newbery, No. 45, St. Paul's," are engraved in the Stamps. Sold also by Dicey & Sutton, J. Edge, and W. Marshall, Northampton ; and by those other Venders in the Country who have an annual Apppointment under the Signature and Seal of Messrs. Newbery. becoming from 20 to 30 and nearly totally deprived of Sight. It would be voluminous to particularize all my Case— suffice it to say, there never was, nor ever will be, one of a more dangerous, or of a more complicated Nature. I was long looked upon by my Friends, and imagined myself, beyond all Hopes of Recovery; and indeed, in my then Condition, Death was preferable to my more than miserable State. In this dreadful Situation did I drag a most miserable Existence, till Divine Providence threw in my Way a Newspaper, containing the Case of a Mr. B. at Ply- mouth: My Friends read it, I could not.— 1 sent and procured some of your LEAKE's PATENT PILLS ; by using which, from Time to Time, am now, and have long been, after more than four Years indescrib- able Distress, in as good a State of Health as ever I enjoyed: As a Proof of this, I had a fine, thriving, healthy Child born to me a few Months ago. In Gra- titude to God, and in Hopes of rendering my Fellow- Creatures Service, I request you to publish this; and you may at any Time refer Persons who wish to be satisfied of the Truth of this, or further Particulars*, to me or my Friends, by Letter or Person. As few Cases for Badness will ever equal mine, and none exceed it, 1 have, from Experience, every Rea- son to assure Mankind, that in your Leake's Pills they will find a sure, speedy, safe, and radical Cure, for that most dreadful Stage of the Venereal Disease, which is called a confirmed I. ues. I am, with Gra- titude, Sir, your obliged humble Servant, J. T. * Insurmountable Family Reasons prevent making my Name and Address public ; but creditable Persons, really wanting Information, may be referred to me and my Friends, by Mrs. S. Clark, Ramsey- Gardens, Edinburgh. Prepared and solti by the sole Proprietor, THOMAS TAYLOR, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, in London, at his House, No. 9, New Bridge- Street; where, after a constant Residence of more than forty Years, in a Practice particularly directed to the Cure of Venereal Complaints, and those inci- dental to the Parts of Generation in both Sexes, with that inviolable Secrecy which Men of his Profession should always observe, he batters himself the Advice and Assistance he gratuitously administers to Persons taking t* is Mcdicine, will be esteemed, by a discern- ing Public, as an Advantage seldom to be obtained, and void of Ambiguity. They are also sold, by his Appointment, for the Convenience of those living at a Distance, by the Printers of this Paper, and Mr. Marshall, Druggist, Northampton; Wileox, and Gallard, Toweester; Robins, Se Wilkinson, Daventry ; Sharpe, Warwick ; Rollason, Coventry; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough ; Seeley, Buckingham ; Loggin, Ayles- bury ; Knight, Collis & Dath, and Munn, Ket- tering; Mather, Wellingborough ; Marriott, Banbury ; Tookey, Oundle; Palgrave, Bedford; Atkinson, Manchester; and by one Person in every considerable Town in Great- Britain and Ireland, in Boxes of only 2s. 9d. each, sealed up with full and plain Directions, whereby Persons of either Sex may cure themselves with Ease, Speed, Secrecy, and Safety. fi^ f Every Box sold in Great- Britain is sealed up with a Stamp, on which, by Favour ot the Commis- sioners, is printed, at the Stamp- Office— 7". Taylor, No. 9, New Bridge- Street— to imitate which is Felony, and all others are counterfeit. BY THE KlNGs PATENT. RYMER's CARDIAC & NERVOUS TINCTURE. Dr. RYMER, Crawley, 3d Month list, 1806. HAVING for five Years past been afflicted with Indigestion and Disposition to Jaundice, and having tried almost every Thing recommended in such Cases, I despaired of finding Relief by Mcdi- cine; and had not taken a Medicine for almost two Years, and continued in aweak debilitated State, quite unable to attend to my Business at Times, not being able to take any Food but such as the most easy of Di- gestion. About a Month since 1 was at Reigate, when my Friend William Charman, Draper, knowing my Case, recommended thy Mcdicine, the Cardiac Tinc- ture : I" took a Bottle Home with me, and, before I had taken the Whole of it, every Symptom of my Complaint was removed, and I enjoy my Health as well as ever I did in my Life. Thine, very respectfully, MATTHEW CAFFIN, Carpenter, & c. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dicey & Sutton, Bow Church- Yard, London, and at their Ware- house in Northampton; and Retail by Edge, and Marshall, Northampton; Robins, Bates, and Wil- kinson, Daventry; Mather, and Broughton, Welling- borough; Fisher, Higham- Ferrers; Rollason, and Merridew, Coventry ; Sharpe, Warwick ; Roberts, Southam; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough; Munn, and Collis Se Dash, Kettering; Newcomb, Stamford; Eaton, Thrapston; York'& Summers, Oun- dle; Jacob, and Horden, Peterborough; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Hodson, Cambridge; Palgrave, Bedford; Inwood, and Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Quenebo- rough, Dunstable; Darton, and Tapp, Hitchin ; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Bucking- ham; Jones, Oxford; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Hawkes, Lutterworth; Brinkler, Bicester; and by every Vender of Patent Metlicines in the United Kingdom; in Bottles of 2s. 9d. 6s. and lis. each; also in Pint Bottles, at 22s. by which there is a considerable Saving. Of whom may likewise be had, RYMER's PECTORAL MEDICINE WITH VITAL AIR, a Preventive of the Consumption of the Lungs, commonly called a Decline; in Bottles at 2s. 9d. 6s. and lis. each, Duty included. particular in giving their Orders for the Folio Edition G' 5~ The IVhole of this Work being printed off, may be had by Gradation weekly, or in any Quantity of Numbers at a Time, as may suit the Convenience of the Purchaser or elegantly bound, in three Volumes, Calf, letfeied. London: Printed and Published by J. STRATFORD, No. 112, Holborn- Flill; and sold by all other Book- sellers and Newscarriers in the United Kingdom. SPH- SBURY's ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS. TAMES DAWSON, aged 24.- At the Age of « ' eighteen he was admitted a Patient at file Dis- pensary, No. 15, Soho- Square, after being discharged from St. Bartholomew's and St. Thomas's Hospitals. He had two Abscesses, one in the Gland near the Pit of his Neck, and another in the Gland under his Arm, which, together, bowed his Head on his Breast in walking. These it was thought would prove fatal to him, and yet all the other Glands in the Neck were diseased. Two Years of seven ( his Apprenticeship) he was unable to follow his Employment. On first taking SULSBURY'S PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS he mended, and in four Years he became well; and though since exposed to cold and wet on Volunteer Duty, he has escaped a Return of his Disease.— Be careful in purchasing this Medicine, that the Words " By the King's Patent," are expressed at Length on the Bottle, Bill of Directions, and outside Wrapper, and that the Stamp ( the King's Duty) is printed in black instead of red Ink. This Medicine is sold, in Bottles of 5s. 6d. 10s. and £. 1 2s. Duty included, at the Dispensary, No. 15, Soho- Square, London ; also by the Printers of this Paper; Mr. Okely, Bedford; Mather, Wellingbo- rough ; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Corrail, Lutterworth; and by most Venders of Patent Medicines in Town and Country. RO YAL- EXCHAN G E ASSURANCE. for assuring Established NORWICH UNION FIRE- OFFICE. 170UII MILLIONS of Property is insured at about One- fourth of the usual Expence. Nine Years' Experience by this Society has proved that the Premium charged by all the Insurance Companies is Two Shillings in Three more than the Losses amount to, which Surplus in this Office is returned, whereby One Hundred Pounds is here insured for less than One Shilling, which Ivould cost Three in any other Office. A Saving so considerable must command the Attention of the Public, and accounts for the rapid Increase of the Society, which now consists of above six thousand Members; and its Funds are so fast increasing as to leave no Doubt but it will continue henceforward to afford as much Advantage to every Insurer as it has hitherto done. FT Printed Proposals, with a List of the Trustees Directors, may be had, on Application to Mr. A art., Northampton, Agent. * » * This Office makes good Losses occassioned by Lightning.— Policies gratis. Phoenix Fire- Office, Lombard- Street, London. THE firm Support which the PHCENIX- OFFICF. continues to receive from its numerous Friends, demands the Thanks of the Directors. This Office has ever been impressed with an ardent Desire to give Encouragement te the Agricultural Interests of the Kingdom; and the Directors rely, that the Regulations which . they from Time to Time have introduced for that Purpose, will be satisfactory to the Public, and secure the Continuance of its Favour and Patronage. Stock on a Farm maybe insured in one Sum, with- out the average Clause. The Receipts for Policies falling due at Midsummer, are now in the Hands of the several Agents. ( 13* The important Sums annually paid by this Offi ce to Sufferers by Fire, strongly prove the Benefits resulting from Insurance, as well to Noblemen and Gentlemen to secure the Value of their Mansions and Effects, as to Farmers, Manufacturers, and all the Commercial Orders. * » * Persons insuring for Three Hundred Pounds, of upwards, will not be charged for the Policy. By Order of the Directors, H. A. HARDY, Ssc. of Country Department. BIRMINGHAM FIRE- OFFICE, HIGH- STREET, BIRMINGHAM. For insuring Houses, Warehouses, Manufactories, and other Buildingt, Farming- Stock, Goods, Wares, Mer chandixe, and other Property, from Loss and Damage by Fire. ri TIE flattering Encouragement this Office has I. received in the short Period of its Establishment, demands the Thanks of the Directors; who trust, that the Rates and Conditions of Insurance, and their Liberality in conducting the Business, will be found deserving the Public Confidence. The Mode of insuring Farming. Stock by this Office, is the best adapted for the Security of Property of that Description, as only one Sum is required on Hav, Com, Cattle, and Implements of Husbandry, at Premium of 2s. 6d. per Cent. Insurances may be made for shorter Periods than a Year; and Losses from Fire by Lightning made good. No Charge made for Policies where the Premium amounts to 6s. ; and Persons already insured may re- move to this Office without Expence, and make any Alterations they think proper. Printed Receipts, for the Renewal of Insurances becoming due atMiDSUMMER next, are ready for De- livery by the respective Agents; of whom Proposals, containing the Rates and Conditions of Insurance, ratis. rder of the Directors, R. I. WITHERIDGE, Secretary. Peterborough,— GEORGE CLIFTON. Thorpe- Malsor, near Kettering,— JOHN MEADOWS • Daventry,— WILLIAM GODRICH. Woburn,— RICHARD CAMPS. Ampthill,— SAMUEL MAY. Leicester,— FREDERICK ROSS. Hinckley,— EDWARD THORNI. EY. Lutterworth,— SAMUEL BURDETT. Loughborough,— SAMUEL MARTIN. Cambridge,— JAMES BROWN. Buckingham,— JOHN SOUTHAM. - Newport- Pagnell,— EDWARD CLEAVER. June 1th, 1806. may be had gi By O; Houses, Build- ings, Corn, Hay, Goods, Sec. and also for the Assurance of Lives. JUNE 14, 1806. THE CORPORATION of the ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE do hereby give Notice, that they have authorized their respective Agents to receive Proposals for the Assurance of Farming Stock at the Rate of 2s. 6d. per Cent, per Annum. Persons whose Annual Premiums fall due on the 24th Instant, are hereby informed, that RECEIPTS are now ready to be delivered by the COMPANY'S respective AGENTS under- mentioned; and the Parties assured are requested to apply for the Renewal of their Policies, on or before the 9th Day of July next, as the usual fifteen Days allowed for Payment beyond the Date ot each Policy will then expire. SAMUEL PENNING, Jun. Secretary. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Northampton,— FRAS. WM. JEYES. Thrapston,— JAMES ROBINSON. Towcester,— JOHN JENKINSON. Wellingborough,— J. N. GOOOHAI. L. Daventry,— R. SHEPPARD. BEDFORDSHIRE. Bedford,— M. PARTRIDGE. Biggleswade,— JOHN LANCASTER. Leighton,— D. WILLIS. Luton,— D. L. WILLIS. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Aylesbury,— LUKE TURNER. Beaconsfield,— THOS. WITTS WALFORD, Buckingham,— ROBERT MILLER. Chesham,— CREED & BAY LIE. Great- Marlow,— THOMAS EMES. Newport- Pagnell,,— R. COLLISSON, Olney,— RICHARD HARROLB. Stony- Stratford,— J. DAY. Winslow,— R. READING. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Huntingdon,— ROBERT STAFFORD, St. Neots,— WM. DAT. Stilton,— J. BODGIR. LEICESTERSHIRE. Leicester,— JOHN KING. Market- Harborough,— WM. SPRICC. Melton- Mowbray,— EDW. BRICHT, WARWICKSHIRE. Birmingham,— JAMES KINDON. Coventry,— JESIMIEL SMITH. Kineton,— THOMAS ABBOTTS. Rugby,— RICHARD FOX. ^ N. B. Fire Policies will be allowed, free of Ex- pence, where the Annual Premiums amount to 6s. or upwards. ( p?" This Company have invariably made good Losses by Fire, occasioned by Lightning.— Proposals may be had of the different Agents. *** Assurances on Lives being found to be advan- tageous to Persons having Offices, Employments, Estates, or other Incomes determinable on the Life or Lives of themselves or others, Tables of the Rates for such Assurances, and for the granting Annuities on Lives, may behadof the said Agents. And for the greater Convenience of the Public, the Company have determined to extend ( by special Agreement) the As- surances on Lives to the Age of 75 Years. SUN FIRE BANK- BUILDINGS, and CHARING- CROSS, LONDON, For insuring Houses and other Buildings, Goods, Mer- cbandixe, Ships in Harbour, in Dock, or Buildings and Craft, from Loss and Damage by Fire. ~\\ F E, whose Names are underwritten, being > T AGENTS for the SUN FIRE- OFFICE, have Authority from the Managers to inform the Pub- lic, and all Persons insured in the said Office, that the Pieinium on the Stock of Corn and Hay, being the Produce of a Farm, also Cattle and Implements of Husbandry thereon, will be rated at Two Shillings and Sixpertce per Cent. And all Persons insured in this Office, are requested to refer to tbeir Policies, in . order that they may receive the Benefit of this Re- duction of the Premium on Farming- Stock, on their respective Renewals at MIDSUMMER next; and that PRINTED RECEIPTS, under our Hands, are ready for Delivery, for the Premium and Duty on Policies, as they become due ; and that printed Pro- posals of the Terms of Insurance may be had of us, which will be found AS MODF. RATE, IN SVERV RESPECT, AS THOSE OF THE OTHER OFFICES. ( PIT FARMI NC- STOCK may be insured, generally, in all Barns and Out- houses, or on a Farm, without the average Clause, which maybe see: by applying to us, who will give any further Information which may be required, for the explaining this Mode of In- surance. Northampton,— R. SCRIVIW. Peterborough,— J. ATKINSON. Towcester,— W. INNS. Kettering,— J. HENNELL. Daventry,— C. TQMAIIN. Lutterworth,— S. CHAPMAN. Leicester,— J. PRICE. Banbury,— J. PAIN. Buckingham,— T. STUCHSERY, Jun. Newport- Pagnell,— W. LUCAS. Potton,— J. PEDLEY. Stamford,— T. COOKE. Coventry,— J. CARTER. Leighton- Buzzard,— J.* SAN DON. Bedford,— W. SMITH. Policies insuring Three Hundred Pounds, are issued free of Expence; and all Payments for Losses by Fire are made by this Office without Deduction. *** The SUN FIRE- OFFICE have always paid Losses or Damage by Fire from Lightning. June 14 th, 1806. • — KU. . A few days ago, a new, improved, and enlargf d edition of 10,000 copies, making in all 80,500, was published of Solomon's Guide to Health. They are bought up with an avidity truly astonishing, fully repaying the Doctor for the care and attention he has bestowed in revising and correcting it. People, of all ranks, should never be without this valuable mirror( which is sold at only 3s. each copy,) and which reflects so much honour on the author, not only as to the morals of the rising generation, but also for tiie rules and regulations of their health, laid down with such accuracy and precision as to be understood by persons of every denomination. BANKRUPTS required to SURRENDER. James Inglcton, of the Strand, Middlesex, hatter. • Claude Olivier, of Bouverie- street, Fleet- street, London, lace- merchant. Francis Searle, sen. and Francis Searle, jun. of Newman- street, Oxford- street, Middlesex, wholesale grocers.— Thomas Luckhurst, late of Canterbury, diaper and tailor. J. Leedham, of Matlock, Derbyshire, innkeeper. John Rigby, of Wigan, Lancashire, currier and leather- cutter. John Parsons, of Neath, Glamorganshire, ironmonger. -—- Joseph Shaw, of Heights, near Delph, Yorkshire, cotton- spinner. William Frost, of Whittchapel- road, Middlesex, coach- maker. Matthew Jack, of George- street, Blackfriars- road, Surrey, baker.—— Ceorge Lowe and Charles Lowe, of Amber Mill, Shirland, Derbyshire, cotton and silk- spinners. Andrew Batie, of Newcastle- upon- Tyne, grocer. George Aungier, of the Kent- road, Surrey, distiller and rectifier. Frederick Kray, of Stanhope- street, Clare Market, Middlesex, goldsmith and ' jeweller^ John Jarvis, of Battle Bridge, Middlesex, coal- merchant. S. Salt, of Clayton within Droylsder, Manchester, calico- printer. John Drury Hawkins, of the Cavern- house, near Blackheath, Kent, cabinet- maker. Philip Dugdall, of Portsea, pork- butcher. - John Booth, sen. of Holcome Brook, Lancashire, cotton- manufacturer. Charles Mears, of Stockport, Cheshire, cheesemonger. John Tattersall, of Bar- row ford, Lancashire, cotton- manufactuier.—— Robert Toulmin, of Liverpool, cabinet- maker. Thomas Jordan Hookham, ot New Bond- street, bookseller. William Critchley, of Manchester, calico- printer. Charles Green Prichard and Sarah Tipper, of Chip- penham, Wiltshire, victuallers. Richard Gill, of Wakefield, Yorkshire, miller. Simon Field, of Plymouth- Dock, wine, brandy, and beer- mercliaht. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors. July 4. Samuel Ford, of Birmingham, merchant, at the Shakespeare Tavern, Birmingham. July 1. Edward Dunmore, of Stonton- Wyvell, Lei- cestershire, miller, at the Angel inn, Market- Har- borough. July 19. John Collison, of Hitchin, Hertfordshire, merchant, at Guildhall, London. July 29. William Gardner, of Luton, Bedfordshire, sack. manufacturer, at Guildhall, London. August 14. Sarah Whitehouse, of Tamworth, War- wickshire, mercer and draper, at the Swan Hotel, Birmingham. CERTIFICATE to be grunted. July 5. John Whitaker, of Birmingham, coach- maker. MA R K E T S.— London, June 16. Notwithstanding our supply of Wheat was very short this morning, yet the buyers were so few, that neither prime nor any other samples could obtain last week's tarms.— We have had a tolerable quantity of Barley up, chiefly from Kent; this article is quite as dear as last reported.— In Malt we have little doing, and not much variation in price.— Peas, Oats, and Beans, are all of them dearer ; the result of short supplies.— Prices nearly as under:— Wheat.. 54s. to60s. 78s. Fine Do. 80s. to 83s. Od. Rye . .. 36s. to 42s. Od. Barley.. 28s. to 34s. Od. Malt... 63s. to 69s. Od. PRICE of FLOUR.- Oats 22s. to 30s. 0d. HorseBeans39s. to 47s. Od. Tick Ditto 30s. to 38s. Od. White Peas 37s. to 44s. Od. Grey Ditto 36s. to 40s. Od. Fine — s. to 75s. Od. HOPS, per Pocket.— Kent, 61. 10s. to 81. 0s. Sussex, 61. 0s. to 71. 10s.— Farnham, 91. 0s. to — 1. 0s. SMITHFIELD, June 16. To sink the offal. Ox Beef, 4s. Od. to 5s. Od. Wether Mutton, 4s. Od. to 4s. 8d. Veal, 4s. Od. to 5s. 8d. Pojk, 4s. 8d. to 5s. Od. Lamb, 5s. 8d. to 6s. 8d. Sold this day, Beasts, 1800— Sheep and Lambs, 16,000. NEWGATE and LEADENHALL, June 16. By the carcase. Beef, 3s. 6d. to 4s. 4d. Mutton, 3s. 8d. to 4s. 4d. Veal, 3s. 4d. to 5s. 4d. Pork, 4s. 8d to 5s. Od. Lamb, 5s.- Od. to 6s. Od. TALLOW.— Town, 65s. Od. White Russia, — s. Od. to fi^ s. Od. ( Soap), — s. Od. to 64s. Od. Melting Stuff, — s. to 54s. Od. Ditto rough, — s. to 37s. Good Dregs, 10s. Od. Graves, lis. Od. LEATHER, per lb. Biitts, 50 to 561b. 2Id. to 22d. Ditto, 60 to 651b. 24d. to 25d. Merchants' Backs, — d. to Sljd. Dressing Hides, 19d. to 21d. Fine Coach- Hides, 21d. to 22d. Crop Hides for cutting, 2IJd. to 23id. Flat ordinary, 19id. to21d. Calf Skins, 30 to 401b. per doz. 30d. to 42d. Ditto, 50 to 701b. per doz. 36J. to 42d. Ditto, 70 to 801b. 36d. to 39d. Small Seals, per lb. 42d. to 46d. Large Ditto, per doz. 100s. to 190s. Goat Skins, — s. to — s. per doz. Tanned Horse- Hides, 25s. to 38s. per Hide. 1 NORTHAMPTON: " Printed and Published by and for T. DICEY and TV, SUTTON. I I fc mm
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