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The Northampton Mercury


Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Volume Number: LXXXVI    Issue Number: 15
No Pages: 4
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The Northampton Mercury
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The Northampton Mercury

Date of Article: 14/06/1806
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXXXVI    Issue Number: 15
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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artfmiii]> tott ertttrp Vol. LXXXYI. <, lteadv Money is expected ^ No. 15, i with Advertisements. S SATURDAY, June 14, 1806. M- W y _ P1UCF SlXl'FNCE < 1 Stamp- n. tfv -*•'-'•• • 3£ d. UUL*. MM t-. ACl., t Pll[) er aud j, rint .. Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. LONDON, June 10. SATURDAY'S Gazette contains a Proclamation for the distribution of prizes during the present hostilities; an Order of Council for taking off the embargo from the ships and goods of the inha- bitants of Bremen; and the ceremonial of the Knighthood and Investiture of the Right Hon. William Earl of Northesk, Rear- Admiral of the Red Squadron of his Majesty's Fleet, Knight. of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Yesterday. Paris Papers to the 1st, and Dutch to the 5th instant, arrived.— Some business of im- portance is yet ill agitation between the Courts of Vienna and St. Cloud. General Andreossy has been stopped 011 his return to Paris, and sent back to the Austrian capital, whole Talleyrand, the nephew of the Minister, had just arrived with fresh dispatches for the Ambassador.— The fortress of Gaeta still holds out in the most determined manner.— The Moniteur contains a long, pane- gyrical account of an affair of a small body of French, with a similar body of Russians, in one of the islands of the Adriatic. The Frenchmen seem to have had the advantage, which is repre- sented in the usual style of French gasconade. A Levta, of extraordinary splendour, was to be held at Paris on the 1st instant, ut. the Court of Bonaparte, for the purpose of receiving the Batavian Deputies, and introducing them to Prince Louis, who was probably, at the same tiniCj hailed Constitutional King of Holland. Letters from Vienna state, that some Austrian troops have been Commissioned to receive the fort , of tiie Cattaro from the Russians, and that the French are to remain in possession of BrannaU till they are put in possession of the Cattaro.— Corps of armed citizens are every where embodying and disciplining throughout the Austrian States. The force of this description at Vienna amounts to 20,( XX) men; and it is expected that, in a short time, 400,000 more of the same kind will be under arms.— There is a wonderful silence ob- served respecting the Prussian politics and the state of the North, New- York Papers to the 9th, and Boston to the 13: h ult. arrived yesterday.,—' The unhappy oc- currence which lately took place oft' Santly- IIook has been productive of consequences much more serious than were at first apprehended. The Executive Government, upon the statement of the affair transmitted from New- York, has thought, proper to issue a Proclamation, commanding the arrest of Captain Whitby, if he shall be found in the jurisdiction of the United States; the departure of the Leander, Cambrian, and Driver from the harbours and waters thereof, and interdicting, for ever, the entrance of such harbours and waters to the said armed vessels, or any vessels which shall be commanded bv the Captains ( repeating their names) of the British ships of war men- ' tioned. Should they refuse to depart, or return at auy time, all intercourse with them is pro- hibited; pilots are forbid to assist in navigating them; and no supplies of any kind are to be furnished to them.— The death of Pierce, the American aeamun, is not the only grievance of which the President, in his Proclamation, com- plains. " The violation of the jurisdiction, and the unlawful interruptions , and vexations com- mitted 011 the trade of the United States," are also brought forward in justification of this order. —- It was supposed, that tlite President, by the extraordinary power which the Constitution has vested in him to meet unexpected exigencies, • would assemble Congress as soon as he legally could. They had adjourned to December; but it was thought they would be called together about the middle of June. General Miranda, who fitted out several vessels of force at New- York, witU which he has sailed to the Spanish settlements of Barcelona and Cu- mana, in South America, it appears is unsanctioned, by the Americans. A Charlestown paper states it to be his declared object to revolutionise the whole of the Spanish settlements on terra firma. It will be recollected that Miranda, on being forced to fly from France, was second ill command in the French army under Dumourier, and that lie came to England, and resided in London for some years. While here, he promised Mr. Pitt, that with 10,000 men he would eject the independence of South America. The Minister thought well of Miranda's talents, but declined the offer. At the time Lord Henry Petty gave notice of his intention to substitute an addition of ten per cent, to the Assessed Tuxes, in lieu of the proposed tax on Private Breweries, he announced his intention to bring forward that tax again next year. On Monday, his Lordship proposed, that persons having large families and small incomes should have exemptions under the assessed taxes in the following manner: those who pay under 40 to these taxes to have an exemption of a year for every child above two, and this to cease when the income is between ^£. 1000 and ,£. 1000 a year. He then moved a resolution augmenting the duty On the assessed taxes ten per cent. Agreed to. The Second Report of the Commissioners for enquiring into the civil affairs of the Navy, which has just been published, states, that, the actual duties of the officers in the dock- yards are so im- perfectly understood, that an officer who may have served half his life in one yard, would, if removed to another, be as ignorant of' his duty as if he had never been in the service. It observes, that great inconvenience and difficulty have, ill consequence, arisen in the management of the business at the Navy- Office; and that, to remedy this evil, theCom- siissioners have drawn up instructions for all such officers and their assistants. These instructions, which occupy 10.5 pages, arc annexed to the report. A Coroner's inquest was 011 Friday held on the remains of the unfortunate gentleman burnt to death. ill the Key Hotel ( as mentioned in our last). Neither the waiter, the chambermaid, the mistress of the house, nor the female that was with him, c « uld give the least account who he was. He had often slept at the house, but always cautiously avoided giving any clue that could lead to a dis- covery of his family or friends. Verdict, Accidental Death.— Col. T. of the Guards, is not the victim, as was first reported; that gentleman being on duty with his regiment at the time, the fire happened. ON TIIF, DEATHVF A LADY. • THE conflict's over— joy succeeds to grief— And Death's the messenger that brings relief: Mourn not, forsaken relatives, at this. That she's removed to realms of endless bliss; Rather let tears of gratitude appear, That she's a suft ' rer 110 longer here— That all het sorrows, all her trials cease— And Death approach'd her as " the Prince of Peaoe." Her patient spirit, known not to repine, Will cause her crown more glorious to shine; Increase her triumph in that new abide, And fix her nearer— dearer to het God. Stony- Stratford J. H, G. STEVENS, Tea- Dealer, Grocer, and Tallou- Chandler, HIGH- STREET, BEDFORD, Tt ETURNS bis sincere Thanks to his Friends i and the Public, for the very great Encouragement and Support he has met with during his Continuance ill the GROCERY and CHANDLERY LINE, and at the same Time informs tlieni he has now DECLINED BUSINESS ill Favour of his SON, who, he trusts, will continue to receive their Support. G. STEVENS, Juu. truly grateful to his Friends for themanv Favours he'has received during the Part- nership with his Father, having now succeeded him asTsA. DiAi. EK, GROCER, and TALLOW- CHANDLER, earnestly solicits a Continuance of their Support. His Friends and the Public may depend on being sup- plied with Articles of the very best Quality, on the lowest Terms; and he trusts, by a strict Attention to Business, and invariably making it his Study to give Satisfaction to those who may honour him with their Notice, to gain that Support which it ever will be his Ambition to merit. Ipj" All Persons having any Demand on Mr. G. STEVENS, or STEVENS & SON, are desired to send in their Accounts; and those who stand indebted to the same, are requested to pay their respective Debts immediately. JUNE 11th, I0O6. rjlIJE CREDITORS of THOMAS WILSON I of CIIELLINGTON, in the County of Bedford, Sheep- Dealer, are requested to meet the Trustees of his Estate and Effects at the ANGEL, at CHARLTON, in the said County, on THURSDAY the 19th Day of JUNE instant, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, to receive their respective Dividends arising from his said ' Estate and Efiects. OLNEY, . Tunc 11th, 1806. ALL Persons who stand indebted to THOMAS SKEVINGTON, of BOZEAT, in the County of Northampton, Butcher, are required to pay their respective Debts immediately to Mr. Edward Ske- vington, of Bozeat aforesaid. Yeoman, and Thomas Dexter, of the same Place, Baker; or to Mr. Garrard, Attorney at Law, Olney,• Bucks; or they will be sued for the same. To the CREDITORS of JOHN PARKER, late oj GREAT - CLAYBROOK, in the County of Leicester, Lnnholder. V17THEREAS the said JOHN PARKER has * T assigned all his Estate and Effects to William Simons and Thomas Sawbridge, of Ullesthorpe, in the said County, Maltsters; and Edward Neale, of Lutterworth, in the said County, Auctioneer; in Trust to sell and to divide the Money arising from the Sale equally amongst all his Creditors who should execute the Deed of Assignment before the 23d Day of June instant: Notice is therefore hereby given, That the said Deed is left at the Office of Mr. Watson, in Lutterworth aforesaid ; and such of the Creditors who do not execute the same, and deliver an Account of their respective Debts to the said Mr. Watson, 011 or before the said 23d Day of June instant, will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend; which Dividend will be paid at Mr. Edward Neale's, on the 24th Day of July next. KETTERING', 5th June, 180( 3. " VfOTICE is hereby given, That, the PAltT- JAI NERSHIP lately subsisting between Mrs. COBB and Mr. JAMliS BENTON, of this Place, IRONMONGERS and GROCERS, being DISSOLVED, the Business will be continued by'Mrs. COBB;- who returns Thanks for the long and distinguished Support the House has received, and respectfully solicits a Continuance of the Favours of her Friends and the Public. ( JCf A PARFNER WANTED in the above old- esta- blished and beneficial Concern.— Apply ( if by Letter, Post- paid,) to Mr. .1. GO. TCH, Kettering; Mr. HEW- • SON, Oundle; or Mr. TIMOTHY COBB, Banbury. WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth against ANN MARRIOTT, of OI. NF. Y, in the County of Bucks, Milliner and Haberdasher, and she being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender herself to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major Part of them, on the SECOND and THIRD, and TWENTY- SECOND Days of JULY next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon of each Day, at the BULL INN, in STONY- STRATFORD, in the said County of Bucks, and make a full Discovery and Disclosure of her Estate and Effects; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the second Sitting to choose Assignees, and at the last Sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish her Examination; and the Creditors are to assent to, or dissent from, the Allowance of her Certificate.— All Persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of h-. r Effects^ are not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give Notice to Mr. GARRARD, Solicitor, in Olney; or to Air. TAYLOR, NO. 37, Southampton- Buildings, London. BEDFORD, June 10th, 1806. rpiIK SUBSCRIBERS to theCUAIUTY for the .1 RELIEF of CLERGYMEN'S WIDOWS, & c. of the COUNTY of BEDFORD, are requested to meet at the SWAN INN, on TUESDAY the 24th Instant. W. P. NETHERSOl. E, Treasurer. AmpthiU, Bedfordshire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AFREEHOLD ESTATE, pleasantly situated in the Centre of the MARKET- PLACE; comprising a large Dwelling- House, excellent Draper's Shop, and extensive Premises, with every Convenience for tile Drapery and Woolstaplery, or any other Business; it is likewise well adapted for a Boarding- School and Boarding- House; now in the Occupation of Mrs. Taylor, who has for some Years established a good Boarding- School, & c. from which she isgoing to retire. ( P* For Particulars, enquire of Mr. BUZZARD, No. 109, High- Holborn, London ; or 011 the Premises. *** Letters ( Post- paid) will be duly answered. N. B. The Draper's Shop is large, and very neatly fitted up. An old- established, well - accustomed l'ublic - House, on a great Road. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, And may be entered upon at Michaelmas next, rnHE'strong Brick- built and Slated PUBL1C- .1. HOUSE, called the AXE- AND- CLEAVER, with the adjoining Premises, very eligibly situated in the principal Street in MARKET- HARBOROUGH, in the County of Leicester, and in the Occupation of Mr. John Freshwater; comprising a good Kitchen and Parlour; a Market Dining- Room and two Chambers on the second, and three comfortable Sleeping Apartments on the third Story; also, a roomy Back- Kitchen and Pantry, with three useful Chambers over them; a Brewhouse, and three Cellars.— In the extensive Yard ( which is about ( iO Yards in Length), is good Stabling for more than 30 Horses, with Lofts, & c. a new Pump, plentifully supplied with excellent Water, and a compact useful Tenement for a small Family. The Axe- and- Cleaver Public- House has been recently improved by substantial Repairs and con- venient Alterations. %* For Particulars, apply to Mr. J. FRESHWATER, the Proprietor; or to Mr. ROUSE, in Market- Har- borough aforesaid. Hemel- Hempstead, Ilerts. FREEHOLD AND COPYHOLD ESTATES, LAND- TAX REDEEMED, And extensive Common Rights. To be SOL D by A1JCTIO N, By Mr. ROBINS, At Garraway's Coffee - House, in Exchange- Alley, Cornhill, 011 Thursday the 19th of June, at Twelve o'Clock, in nine Lots, ' 17ALUABLE FREEHOLD and COPYHOLD V ESTATES, situated'at TWO- WATERS, by the Turnpike- Road Side, between Watford and Berk- hampstead, and 22 Miles frotn London, a beautiful Part of the County of Herts ; comprising upwards of 77 Acres of rich Meadow, Pasture, and Arable Land, with sundry Farm - Houses, Barns, Stables, Out- buildings, Gardens, Orchards, well planted, and unlimited Right of extensive Common. The Lots are compact, and form desirable Property for Building ; a Trout Stream, and the Grand Junction Canal passes ' in front of the. Estate. ( J2T May be viewed by applying to Mr. WOODEN, at the Bell, Two- Waters; or to Mr. WILLIS, the Bailiff, at Hemcl- Hempstead, of whom Particulars may be had ; also, at the George, Aylesbury ; Star, Oxford; principal Inns, Berkhampstead; Red- l. ion, Wvcombe; White- Horse, Uxbridge; Essex- Arms, Watford; White- Hart, Edgeware and St. Alban's ; at Garraway's ; and of Mr. Robins, Warwick- Street, Golden- Square, London. Leicestershire Manors and Freehold Estate. To be SOLD by ADCT10 N, By Mr. ROUSE, At the Three- Crowns Inn, in Leicester, on Saturday the 5th of July next, at Three o'Clock in the After- noon, in such Lots and subject to such Conditions of Bale as shall be agreed upon, AValuable and very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, Tythe- ifee and Land- Tax redeemed, situate at BLABY and LITTLE- GLENN, in the County of Leicester; comprising the Manors of Blaby and- Little- Glenn aforesaid, with the Rights, Royalties, Privileges, and Appurtenances thereunto belonging; the capital Manor or Mansion- House, at Blaby ; Out- Olficcs and Buildings, Paddock, Gardens, and Orchard, together with a Messuage or Farm- House, Homestead, and several Closes of rich Land, situate in Blaby, and a small Part in Little- Glenn, containing together, by Estimation, 276 Acres, or thereabouts, in the respective Occupations of Mr. James Flttde, Mr. John Freer, and Mr, Daniel Burgess. ( f5r A Purchaser may have Possession of the greater Part of the Estate at Michaelmas, and the Remainder at Lady- Day next. * » * Blaby is situate on the Turnpike- Road leading from Leicester to Lutterworth, about four Miles Irom the former and eight from the latter Place. N. B. The Tenants will shew the Estate; and further Particulars may be known 011 Application to U « iAciWA* xNA » v, Attorney, in Market- Harboreugh. FALSE WASHING ANII WINDING OF WOOL A T a numerous and respectable MEETING J. V of the Woolstaplers, Factors, Mill- Owners, Manufacturers, and others, connected in the Worsted and Woollen Manufactures of Bradford, Wakefield, Keighley, Dewsbury, and Places adjacent, held pur- suant to public Advertisement, in the Piece- Hall, ior the Purpose of putting a Stop to the false Washing and Winding of Wool, Mr. RICHARD FAWCETT, Jun. in the Chair, Resolved, That the fraudulent Practices made Use of for some Time past in the Washing and Winding ol Wool, have increased to such an alarming Height, as to materially injure the Buyers and Consumers, so that they feel themselves under the Necessity of enforcing the existing Laws for prohibiting such Practices. Resolved, That it is the Opinion of this Meeting, that it is incumbent on every Buyer or Consumer, not to screen in future any Farmer whose Wool is unfairly washed or wound, and the Buyers at this Meeting pledge themselves to prosecute' every Farmer who shall sell his Wool deceitfully washed or wound; and that in order further to deter others from such unfair Practices, the Names of such Offender or Offenders, after such Conviction, shall be advertised 111 the public Newspapers. Resolved, That the following Gentlemen, viz. Mr. John Preston, Mr. Samuel Broadley, and Mr. John Rand, of Bradford; Mr. Harper Sou'lby, Mr. Samuel Thompson, and Mr. George Craven, of Wakefield; Mr. John Halliley, of Dewsbury; Mr. Clapham, Mr. Spencer, and Mr. Dawson, of Keighley ; Mr. Benj. Goodman, and Mr. 11. Hall, ot Leeds; be ap- pointed a Committee to assist in the Prosecutions, if necessary, and to whom all Applications on this Subject shall be made. Resolved, That the above Resolutions be printed in the Leeds, Wakefield, York, Hull, Newcastle, White- haven, Doncaster, Stamford, Salisbury, Worcester, Bristol, Southampton, Nottingham, Derby, Leicester, Northampton, Cambridge, Stafford, Birmingham, Edinburgh, the Traveller, the Courier, and Star Papers, to be twice inserted; and t.' iat the Editpr be fcquested to print tlienrr in a large Type, on sonic conspicuous Part of his Paper. Signed, on Behalf of this Meeting, RICHARD FAWCETT, Jan. Chairman. Resolved, That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to Mr. Fawcett, for his able and impartial Conduct in the Chair. Bradford, Yorkshire, May 29, 1806. BEDFORD. To be LETT, And entered upon immediately, rpHAT old- accustomed INN, now in full Trade, J called the CROWN, advantageously situate in the Centre of the HICH- STREET, in the Town of BEDFORD, with good Stabling, Corn- Chambers, Brewhouse, excellent vaulted Cellars, & c.; the pre- sent Tenant having engaged in another Line of Business. (£ 5* for a View of the Premises, apply to the TENANT; and for Particulars, to Mr. EDWARD CHAPMAN, Bedford. *** The above is well worth the Attention of any Person desirous of entering into the above Business, who wishes to brew his own Beer. Sale of Estates at Oxford, Banbury, and Horley. ripHE Public are hereby informed, that, in'the i_ Course of the Month of July, the following eligible ESTATES will be offered to SALE by AUCTION, and the Time and some further Parti- culars advertised in this Paper:— A substantialand spacious DWELLING- HOUSE YARD, and GARDEN, and several ' l'E N EM E NTS adjoining, very pleasantly situated in the HORSE FAIR, an open Part ot the Town of BANBURY, fit for the Residence of a genteel Family, or capable of being converted into a Manufactory or an Inn, and calcu lated for any Business which requires Room. A CLOSE, of about four Acres, of. rich PASTURE LAND, called the VINEYARDS, lying near to the Town of BANBURY, and a PEW in the Parish Church of Banbury. The Premises are Freehold, and were late in the Occupation of Mrs. Lane, and since of Miss Freeman, and their Undertenants. A FREEHOLD ESTATE, at HORLEY, Oxfordshire, consisting of a Dwelling- Hous •, and about 15 Acres of very rich Pasture Land, in the Occupation of Mr. Arnett. A LEASEHOLD DWELLING - HOUSE, in the HIGH- STREET, in OXFORD, in the Occupation of Mrs. Jones, or her Undertenants. A well- accustomed PUBLIC- HOUSE, called the Bl. ACK- HORSE, with a CLOSE belonging to it, situate in the Parish ( of SAINT CLEMENTS, in OXFORD, in the Occupation of Mr. Nix. 1 Further Information may be obtained at the Office of Messrs. BIGNELL & WYKHAM, in Banbury. SPARROWS - IIERNE TURNPIKE. NOTICE is hereby given. That a Meeting of the Trustees of the Turnpike- Road leading from Sparrows - Heme on Bushley - Heath, through the Market Towns of Watford, Berkhampsted. St.- Peters, and Tring, in the County of Hertford, by Pettipher's Elms, to the Turnpike - Road at Walton, near Aylesbury, in the County of Bucks, will be held at the KING'S- ARMS INN, at BERKHAMPSTED- SAINT- PETERS aforesaid, on WEDNESDAY the SECOND Day of JULY, 1806, and the Chair taken precisely at Twelve o'Clock ; when and where the TO I. LS arising and to be collected at the several Turnpike- Gates on the said Road, known by the Names of the WATFORB and RIDGE- LANE GATES, with tile DOUBLE TOLL that may arise on every Sunday throughout the Year, will be LETT by AUCTION, for one Year, from the 29th Day of July, 1806 ; and also the Gates known by the Names of NEW- GROUND GATE, and the VEECHES GATE, from the same Time; to the 6est Bidder or Bidders, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, " for regulating Turnpike- Roads;" which Tolls arising from the Watford and Ridge- Lane Gates, were lett for one Year, ending the 29th Day of July, 1806, at aS. 1000, clear of all Expences; and the said Tolls arising from New- G round and the Veeches Gates, produced the last Year, ending the 25th Day of May, 1R06, above the Expences of collecting the same, >£. 417, and will be put up at those Sums respectively. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder or Bidders, must at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees, for Payment of the Rents agreed for, and at such Times as they shall direct.— Dated this thirty- first Day of May, 1806. HARRY GROVER, Clerk to the said Trustees. BIGGLESWA DE ASSOC IATION, For the PROSECUTION of FELONS, & c. AT the General Annual Meeting of this Asso- ciation, held at the CROWN INN, in BIGGLES- WADE aforesaid, the 6TH Day of JUNE, 1806, it was resolved to continue the following REWARDS to Persons giving Information to the Conviction of Offenders, committing Offences against the Persons or Property of the under- mentioned Members of tfiis Association :— s. d. For every Burglary, Highway or Footpad Robbery 5 5 0 For stealing any Horse, Mare, or Gelding; or stealing, or killing with Intent to steal, any Ox, Cow, Calf, or other Neat Cattle, Sheep or Lamb 5 5 0 For wilfully or maliciously maiming, or otherwise disfiguring the same 3 3 0 For wilfully or maliciously setting Fire to any House, Out- House, Barn, Stable, Stack or Rick of Corn, Grain, Hay, Straw, Wood, Furze, Gorse, or Faggots 5 5 0 For stealing Corn or Grain ( thrashed or unthrashed), or Hay, out or from any Barn, Stack, Hovel, or Rick 2 2 0 For stealing the same whilst growing, or in Shocks or Cocks 1 1 0 For forging or counterfeiting any Deed or Security for Money, or publishing the same as true, knowing the same to be forged or counterfeit, with Intent to defraud any Member of this Association 5 5 0 For stealing any Coach, Chaise, Chair, Gig, Waggon, Cart, Plough, or Implement of Husbandry, or any Iron- Work or Materials belonging thereto -- 2 2 0 for stealing any Pigs or Poultry, Or ma- liciously killing the same.. - - 2 9 0 For robbing any Garden or Fish- Pond 110 For robbing any Orchard ,.. 0 10 6 For stealing or maliciously maiming any Dogs 1 1 0 For cutting down, barking, or wantonly damaging or destroying, any Tree or Trees, Wood, or Quicksets; or pulling up, da- maging, or destroying, any Fir, Larch, Pop- lar, or other Tree or Slirub, planted in any Park, Lawn, Paddock, or Garden 2 2 0 For stealing Turnips, Green Peas, or Po- tatoes, from the Fields. 1 1 0 For breaking or stealing any Hedges, Gates, Sheep- Pens, Stiles, Posts, Rails, Pales, or any Iron- Work belonging thereto 1 1 0 For maliciously breaking the Windows of any Dwelling- House, or Out- House adjoin- ing, and stealing any Timber or Coals 1 1 0 And for other criminal Offences, not herein- before lecified, such Reward or Rewards as the Committee lall appoint. Banks Jeremiah, Stratton, Farmer. Barber John, Broom, Gentleman. Britcheno John, Biggleswade, Gentleman. Brown Thomas, Dunton- Lodge, Farmer. Brimley Joseph, Willington, Farmer. Brunt John, Biggleswade, Draper. Brunt William, Biggleswade, Draper. Barnett Charles, Stratton, Esquire. Carrington Thomas, Biggleswade, Baker. Chapman William, Biggleswade. Attorney. Cooper George, Biggleswade, Miller. Conquest Goorge, Biggleswade, Glazier. Croft John, Biggleswade, Gentleman. Croot Thomas, Girtford, Farmer. DowneJohn, Biggleswade, Gentleman. DiUy Mary, Dunton, Farmer. Endersby Elizabeth, Campton, Farmer. Fisher William, Ickwell, Farmer. Flint William, Langford, Farmer. Foster John, Biggleswade, Merchant. Fowler Francis, llenlow, Farmer. Gall Lawrence, Biggleswade, Surgeon, Grigg William, Biggleswade, Innholder. Herbert George, Biggleswade, Merchant. Hughes William, Biggleswade, Butclftr. Hewlett Jonathan, Langford, Farmer. Hickson Joseph, Langford, Farrier. Inskip William, Old- Warden Abbey, Farmer. Inskip Henry, Old- Warden, Farmer. Knight William, Biggleswade, Innholder. KingAVilliam, Girtford, Victualler. Lancaster John, Biggleswade, Draper. Lvles William, Langford, Farmer. M'alden John, Biggleswade, Baker. Norman William, Blunham, Miller. Perkins Thomas, Biggleswade, Innkeeper, l'ryor Charles, Biggleswade, Ironmonger. Race William, Biggleswade, Innkeeper. Roberts William, Biggleswade, Grocer. Ryland Benjamin, Biggleswade, Draper. Slinn John, Bedfoid, Innkeeper. Squire John Burder, Stratton, Farmer. Sutton Samuel, Muggerhanger, Gentleman. Steward John, Biggleswade, Builder, & c, Staines Henry, South- Mills, Miller. Stevens Robert, Blunham, Grocer, ' l'ingey Henry, Tempsford, Farmer., Thorpe Thomas, G reat- Barford, Gentleman. Tuck Samuel, Beeston- Leashowes, Farmer. Wells Samuel, Biggleswade, Gentleman. West Samuel, Hill, Farmer. Wilson Samuel, Holme, Farmer. Young John, Langford, Farmer. WM. CHATPMAN, Solicitor and Treasurer to the Association, QKEFFINGTON - HALL, i I. eicester, witli all necessary ai S O L 1) by A U C T I O N, To be At the Duke's- Head Inn, Thorney, in the Isleof Ely and County of Cambridge, on Wednesday the 25th Day of June, 1806, at Four o'Clock in th » After- noon, unless previously disposed of by Private Con- tract, of which Notice will be given, A Very valuable GRAZING FARM, all Free- J'\. hold, lying and being in HALL- GATE, > n SUTTON ST, EDMUND'S, in the County of f incoV. v now and for many Years past in the Occupation of Mr. Mewburn, the Owner, in the following Lots:— liest of Hall Gate, beginning North at Fen Dyke. LOT I. A. R. P. A Close, by Estimation 14A. by Admea- surement 14 1 13 A Close, by Estimation 8A. by Admea- surement 12 2 16 LOT II. A Close, by Estimation 6A. by Admea- surement 7 0 1 A Farm- House, Barn, Stable, and other Outbuildings, with Yard, Garden, and Home- Close, by Estimation PA 12 3 32 The Herbage of Hall- Gate, from the Gate, called New Fen Dyke, to the Extremity of the Farm on the West Side of the Way over Land, containing 10 2 1 LOT III. A Close, by Estimation 6A. by Admea- surement , 8 1 35 A Close, by Estimation 14A. by Admea surement 18 1 30 East of Hall Gate, beginning at Fen Dyke. LOT IV. A Close, by Estimation 12A. by Admea- surement 14 1 16 A Close, by Estimation 9A. by Admea- surement i 10 3 31 LOT V. A Close, by Estimation 11A. by Admea- surement 1 13 3 27 A Close, by Estimation 11A. by Admea- surement 13 3 0 LOT VI. A Close, by Estimation 6A. by Admea- surement 62 12 A Close, by Estimation 8A. by Admea- surement 11 1 14' A Close, by Estimation 10A. by Admea- surement 12 2 7 167 2 35 CHARLES SiANNioN, who lives in the House, will shew the Estate; Possession may be had at any Time; and further Particulars may be known by ap- plying to Mr, MEWBU& N, or Mr, MORLEY, of Peterborough, BEDFORD, May 30th, 1806. I? VANS & JONES ( Successors " to the late Mr. Ia Haupman), BOOT and SHOEM A KEKS, LEATHER CUTTERS, Sec. St. Peter's, BEDFORD, respect- fully inform their Friends and the Public, that the PARTNERSHIP subsisting between them IS DIS- SOLVE D BY MUTUAL CONSENT, and that the said Business will in future be carried on, in all its Branches, by CHARLES EVANS; by whom all Claims and Demands on the late Partnership Concern will be paid, and who is duly authorized to receive all Debts. ( f3T C. EVANS doth, for himself, acknowledge, with Gratitude, the numerous Favours received from his Friends and the Public, and earnestly solicits a Continuance of the same. To be LETT, Most completely and elegantly furnished, ip the County of : cessary and desirable Offices, situated in a Paddock of about IS Acres, adjoining the Turnpike- Road from LEICESTER to UPPINGHAM. { J3T The Tenant may have immediate Possession, and msy be accommodated with a Deputation for the Manor, and 18 Acres moreof Land, separated from the Paddock only by the Turnpike- Road, if desirable. Apply at the Law- Offices of Messrs. PARES, MILES, and ALSTON, Leicester. TI 1URLE1GH INCLOSU RE. " TT7" E, whose Names are hereunder written, 1 T being the Commissioners named and appointed in and by an Act passed in the 45th Year of the Reign of His present Majesty Ring George the Third, en- tituled " An Act for inclosing Lauds in the Parish of THURLF. 1GH, in the County of Bedford," do hereby giye Notice, that we have set out and ap- pointed the private Carriage- Roads, and also the several public Foot- Wavs or Roads, hereinafter- men- tioned and described, through and over the l. ands and Grounds by the said Act directed to be divided and inclosed ( that is to say), One private Carriage and Drift- Road, leading out of the Road to Risely, at the South End of Sapwood- G reen, into, through, and over an Allotment to the Duke of Bedford, to an Homestead belonging to Thomas Favell. One other private Carriage and Drift- Road, of the Breadth of 20 Feet, leading out of the Road to Milton- Erness, into, through, and over, and by the West Side of an Allotment to the Rev. Hugh Wade Gery and his Co- Proprietors in Boar's Close, into the Estate of John Edwards. One other private Carriage and Drift- Road, of the Breadth of 20 Feet, leading out of the Scoll- End Road, into, through, and over an Allotment to Thomas Howkins, into an Allotment to the said John Edwards. And one other private Carriage and Drift- Road, of the Breadth of 12 Feet, leading out of the West End of an Allotment to Felix Ashcroft, into, through, and over an Allotment to Robert Jeffetief, into an ancient lnclosure of the said Felix Ashcroft, called Harper's Close. One public Foot - Way or Road, of the Breadth of four Feet, leading from' a Stile in the North Fence of an ancient Inclosure, called Old Layton Close, into, through, and over an Allotment to the Minister and Churchwardens of ' l'hurleigh aforesaid, an Allotment to the Vicar of Thurleigh aforesaid, and an Allotment to the Duke of Bedford, to a Stile in an ancient Inclosure in Thurleigh aforesaid, called New Close, belonging to the said Duke. One other public Foot- Way or Road, of the Breadth of four Feet, leading from a Stile in the North fence of an ancient Inclosure belonging to the said Duke, called the New- Pasture, through and over an Allot- ment to the said Duke, to a Stile in the South Fence of the Home- Close of Samuel Sharman. One other public Foot- Way or Road, of the Breadth of four Feet, leading out of the Road to Milton- Erness, near the Church, into, through, and over Allotments to John Crawley and his Co- Proprietors, and the Duke of Bedford, to a Stile in the East Fence of an ancient Inclosure of the Rev. Hugh Wade Gery and his Co- Proprietors, called Church Close. One other public Foot- Way or Road, of the Breadth of four Feet, leading out of an ancient Inclosure, called Reed- Bed Meadow, into, through, and over an Allotment to John Crawley and his Co- Proprietors, iHto and across Scoll- End Road to a Stile in Sweard Bassingbourn, and, after passing through the same and over Allotments to John Crawley, Esq. and the Rev. Hugh Wade Gery, arid their Co- Proprietors, and, after passing through other ancient lnclosures and over. Romp- Hall- Green, into the Road to Milton- Erness. One other public Foot- Way or Road, of the Breadth of four Feet, leading from a Stile at the South End of Ploughed Bassingbourn, into, through, and over an Allotment to John Crawley, Esq. and his Co- Pro- prietors, and an Allotment to John Edwards, into an ancient Inclosure of the said John Edwards, called Six Acres. One other public Foot- Way or Road, of the Breadth of four Feet, leading out of an ancient Inclosure, called Reed- Bed Meadow, into, through, and over, and by the North and East Sides of, an Allotment to the said John Crawley and his Co- Proprietors, and an Allotment to Thomas Howkins, into the Scoll- End Road, opposite the Homestead of Edward Wildman, and, after passing along Part of the said Scoll- End Road and through and over an ancient Inclosure, called Lambert's Close, the same is continued through and over an Allotment to John Crawley and lus Co- Proprietors, into the Parish of Ravensdon. O'ne other public Foot- Wav or Road, of the Breadth of four Feet, leading from a Stile in the East Fence of an ancient Inclosure of the Rev. Hugh Wade Gery and his Co- Proprietors, near the Farm Homestead in the Occupation of Robert Jelteries, into, through, and over an Allotment to the said Hugh Wade Gery and his Co- Proprietors, and an Allotment to the said John Crawley and his Co - Proprietors, and, after passing asross ancient lnclosures of them and Thomas Howkins, respectively, into and across Scoll- End Road, into, through, and - over other Allotments to the said John Crawley and his Co - Proprietors, into ami across Newall- Brook Road to the South- West Corner of an ancient Inclosure of lelix Ashcroft, into, through, and ovct Allotments to the said John Crawley, and his Co- Proprietors, and Robert Jef- feries, into Green- End Close. One other public Foot- Way or Road, of the Breadth of four Feet, leading from a Stile in the East Fence of an ancient Inclosure, called Bush- Fillands, be- longing to John Crawley and his Co- Proprietors, and an Allotment to them to a Stile in Line's Close, * belonging to William Barns. One other public Foot- Way or Road, of the Breadth of four Feet, leading from a Stile in the East Fence ot an ancient Inclosure, called Cave's Close, belonging to Joel Killingworth, and Allotments to him, and John Crawley and his Co- Proprietors, into and across the Park- End Road, into an ancient Inclosure, called Park- End Close. One other public Foot- Way or Road, of the Breadth of four Feet, leading out of Cross- End- Lane, into, through, and over an Allotment to Edward Peacock, in Northcroft, into an ancient Inclosure belonging to him, called Bushy- Ale Close. And one other public Foot- Way or Road, of the Breadth of four Feet, leading out of Cross- End- Lane, near the Homestead ot John Austin, into, through, . and over an Allotment to Edward Peacock, into an ancient Inclosure belonging to him^ called Elsome's Pightle. And we, the said Commissioners, do hereby give Notice, that the said Roads, by us set out as aforesaid, are accurately laid down, delineated, and described in a Map, signed by us, which we have deposited with Mr. William Day, of Saint Neots, in the County of Huntingdon, Solicitor, our Clerk, for the Inspection of all Persons concerned; and we do hereby give Notice, that we shall hold a Meeting at the W HITE- LION INN, in KIMBOLTON, ill the County of Hunt- ingdon, 011 TUESDAT the 19th Day of AUGUST next, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon ; when and where all Persons who may be injured or aggrieved by the setting out of the said Roads, or any of them, or the Omission of any other such Roads or Ways, are required to attend and state their Objections, in Writing, to such Setting- out or Omission as aforesaid, and to deliver the same to us, or such of us, the said Commissioners, as may then and there attend.— Given under our Hands this 7th Day of June, 1806. ' BENJAMIN WELSTEAD, JOHN FELLOWES, CHARLES BLOODWORTH. 7 of the rioters » were taken into custody, who im- Wednesday and Thursday's Posts, j LONDON, June IS. | " LE Prospero French lugger privateer, of 14 guns ! and 40 men, quite new, and on her first cruise, was, on tiie 5th inst. captured by the Vestal j frigate, Captain Digby.— Gazette. This morning arrived the three Hamburgh Mails which were due. Paris Papers to the 5th, and Dutch to the bth inst. have also reached town.— The intelligence from so many quarters is of course mulnfaiious. In Holland the preliminary steps ar< taking for the establishment of one ot the fa nily of the Bonapartes on a Batavian throne. The Grand Pensionary has resigned : but whether this is in consequence of disgust, or of any ar- rangement preconcerted with the Court ol St. Cloud, does not as yet appear.— The unavoidable delays which have very naturally prevented the final cession of the Cattaro,.- have given rise to some contradictory reports. There is, however, no probability that any serious obstacle will now intervene in the execution of that business.— The Turks are said to be indignant at the insolent demand of Bonaparte, that they should give up RH their ancient conquests from the Venetians;! RUMP; * The above Heifer is supposed to be taken and have, therefore, thrown themselves into the 1 away by a Drover, as an inferior red - finched Stirk arms of the Russians, and concluded a fresh treaty ! Heifer, with two Reddle Strokes down the off Rump, street Office. Fifteen were committed for trial, and eight were sent on board the tender. A great many were carried to the hospital wounded, but none were killed. Execution.— Yesterday morning, soon after eight o'clock, G. R. Walker and C. Dodds, for uttering a forged will; G. Calder, for personating a seaman, and obtaining his prize money; and - Hemmings and Bevans, for robbing the Rev. Craven Ord on the highway; were executed opposite the debtors' door in Newgate. They were all decently dressed, behaved well, and appeared to die extremely penitent. DIED.] At South- Shields, Margaret Tate, aged 101; she could read a newspaper till two days before her death. _____ FROM ROTHWELL FAIR, out of a Close ad- joining the Town, at the East Side of the Turn- pike- Road leading to Kettering, in the Occupation of Mr. ROE, A DARK- BROWN SPAYED HEIFER, inclinable to black, with two Clips on the Hurle- Bone, one just behind on the milking Side, and an M. clipped or raced with a Knife upon the contrary M* h « with the Emperor Alexander.— The PriuCe of j Hesse has made a spirited sortie from Gaeta, and j destroyed a battery of the French.— The territory I of Anspach is finally ceded to Bavaria, and proves the determination of Bonaparte to maintain the ' King of Prussia in Hanover, which is given , to turn as his compensation.— According to the j Mo'iiteur, 109 regiments of infantry and cavalry I occupy the countries on the left bank of the Rhine, which amount, at the lowest computation, to between 80 and 90,000 men. From the Gottenburgh Mail, which arrived yes- was left in the above Close, ( f35' Any Person giving Information of the said Heifer, so that it may be restored to the Owner, shall be handsomely rewarded, and have all reasonable Expences paid, by applying to Mr. ROE, of Rothwell aforesaid; or to Mr. S. SHARMAN, of Hardwick, near Wellingborough, Northamptonshire. MARKET - HARBOROUCH. BRIDGE - HOUSE BOARDING - SCHOOL, MRS. TULLOH respectfully informs her f riends and the Public, that her VACATION will commence on TUESDAY the 17th Instant; and the School will re- commence on MONDAY the 21st Of J U L Y . JUNE 4th, 1806. and Mrs. SHARP respectfully inform their Friends, that they have purchased and entered upon the House and extensive Premises of J. T. Davjson, Esq. Sr. PAUL'S- S « UARE, BEDFORD; where they intend, after the Midsummer Recess, to establish a SEMINARY for a LIMITED NUMBER of YOUNG LADIES, the Education of whom will be principally conducted by two Teachers ( one a French Lady), of the first Abilities and Character. The domestic Department, and the maternal Care of the Pupils, will have Mrs. SHARP'S particular Attention. TERMS.— For Board, including English, French, Geography, and plain and fancy Work, 30 Guineas per Annum. — All other Accomplishments on the usual Terms.— No Entrance of any Kind charged the first Half- Year. There will be Piano- Portes, Harps, and an Organ, in the Flouse, kept in perfect Tune, for the Use of those Ladies who learn Music. ( PF* Mr. and Mrs. SHARP pledge themselves, that every Duty will be faithfully performed; and the Management of every Department in the Seminary conducted on such a liberal Plan, as, they trust, will insure them the future Patronage of those Parents who may honour them with the important Trust of the Education ef their Daughters. *** The SEMINARY will open on MONDAY the 21st of JULY next. To BAKERS. To be 1, E T T, And entered upon immediately, AN old- established BAKEHOUSE and DWELLING- HOUSE, STABLE, BARNS, and other Conveniencies adjoining the same, with or 7 „ ' „„„„ 1 without 20 Acres of SWEARD and COMMON terday, we learn that all the young men, in Swedish ME, D J^ AND, in the Parish of BI. EACHLEY, Pomerania, from the age of 18 to that ot years, Bucks, ;„ , t, e Occupation of Wm. Bonest, who will have been required to" bear arms. A small corps of them, to the number of 50, chiefly belonging to merchants' houses, made some objections, which coming to the King's ears, he caused it to be told them, " that he himself was a soldier, and would be at the head of them." War was yesterday declared against Prussia, in the usual forms, at the gate of the Royal- Exchange. An interesting debate took place, on Tuesday night, in the House of Commons, on the subject of the Slave Trade, in consequence of a motion made by Mr. Secretary Fox for the House to resolve, that it would abolish this trade at such time and in such manner as might hereafter appear advis- able. The motion was chiefly opposed by Lord Castlereagh, Mr. Rose, General Tarleton, and General Gascoyne; and ably supported by the Solicitor- General; Lord Henry Petty, Mr. Wil berforee, & c. The number in favour of the mea- sure amounted to 111. Against it only 15.— This motion is introductory to the total abolition of the African slave trade. Naval Detail.— At this interesting period, when Bonaparte affects to boast that fifteen divisions of French ships arc afloat in various parts of the world, it may be gratifying to read the following statement of six detached squadrons of British ships now cruising, exclusive of the stationary fleets which form tin; blockade of Brest, Cadiz, and the Texel: 1 — Under Rear- Admiral Sir R. Strachan. Caesar 84 Bellcna 74 Terrible 74 Audacious .. 74 Moi tagu .... 74 Triumph 74 Beileisle —. 74 2.— Under Vice- Admiral Sir J. B. lVarren. Foudroyant .. 84 I Fame 74 j Namur 74 Courageux .- 74 | hero 74 | Rainilies 74 8.— Under / ice- Admiral Thombrough. Princeof Wales98 Achille 74 I Illustrious .. 74 Malta 81: Conqueror... 74 I 4 — Under Rear- Admiral Stirling. Barflcur 1 Dragon 74 1 Revenge .... 74 Glory 98 I Mars 74 | 5.— Under Rear. Admiral Harvey. St. George .98 I Tonnant 84 i Plantagenet. .74 Spartiate 84 ] Belierophon - 74 1 6.— Under Rear- Admiral Sir Sidney Smith. Pompee 80 Oiion 74 I Athenieime. .64 Ajax 80 Thunderer.. .74 Intrepid 64 Excellent 74 I The two first squadrons are in pursuit of Jerome Bonaparte— the three next are cruising off Roche- fort, Cape Rnisterre, and to the westward, in order to intercept him— the last is in the Mediter- ranean: and it will be observed, that this list does not include the ' three blockading squadrons, nor the force stationed in the East and West Indies.^- Add to this, a list of twenty- two ships of the line, fitting or re- fitting in our ports, exclusive of six sllips'of the line in dock, to supply the various demands that may be made upon the naval service. The Princess Charlotte of Wales is indisposed with the hooping- cough. Ir, addition to the arrival of Lord Elgin and I. ord Yarmouth, we are happy to announce the return of the Duke and Duchess of Newcastle, General Crawford, Lady Charlotte Pelham Clinton and her children, who were landed on Thursday last, iat Salcomb, near Kingsbridge, in Devonshire. One half of the ,£'. 25,000 prize is the property of Sir George Armitage, Bart.; and Johnson, a waterman, and his companion, who plied at Mill- bank, were the fortunate holders of a sixteenth share of the same prize. Friday night, between nine and ten o'clock, a double- bodied stage- coach stopped at the Castle, in Castle- street, Heading, and while the coachman wns gone in to refresh himself, the horses set off' without him. Lieutenant- Colonel Velley, late of the Oxfordshire militia, and long resident in Bath, alarmed at his situation, jumped out, and fell with the back part, of his head so violently on the ground, as to occasion a concussion of the brain; he languished in a state of insensibility until Sunday evening, when he expired. A dreadful instance of shipwreck occurred on Thursday, at Whitstable: the Eliza, of London, B. X. Cheppenier, master, struck on the Spannard sand and sunk. The vessel was filled with men, women, and children; and though several boats put off to their assistance, a great part of them were drowned. The Captain's wife, who had laiii- . n only five weeks, was on board, and had been four hours up to the waist in water. The Captain lashed her, himself, and a poor woman far advanced in pregnancy, to the rigging. The woman expired soon afterwards, mid Mrs. Cheppenier was not ex- pected to live. , About 50 men were saved from the wreck by the boats, most of them naked. The vessel had only arrived from London in the morning, and was proceeding to Dover, where the was to have taken up more passengers. Alarming Riot.— About six o'clock on Sunday evening, a riot took place in Nightingale- lane, East- Sniithfield. It originated in a dispute between an American sailor and an Irish labourer. The prize for which they contended was a frail fair one. Had the dispute been confined to the two heroes, it would have soon ended, but their respective Coun- trymen joining in the quarrel, produced a battle shew the Premises. ( Jlf For further Particulars, apply to WILLIAM OSBORN, Woburn, Beds. CLIPSTONF,, June 11th, 1806. rpHE Rev. E. WILLIAMS and W. BONSER I. most respectfully inform their Friends of Clip. none and its Vicinity, that their SCHOOL terminates, for the ensuing Recess, on the 19th of JUNE instant, and commences JULY 21st. POSTING, At tie Rein- Deer Inn, Brackley, Northamptonshire. IFRANCIS DRINKWATER having declined .' the POSTING BUSINESS at the REIN- DEER INN, THOMAS I LETT ( Master of the above Inn,) begs Leave to return his sincere Thanks to liis Friends and the Public in general for past Favours, and in- forms them he has provided neat POST- CF1A1SES, with stout able HORSES and careful DRIVERS; and having also enlarged and fitted up his House in a genteel and comfortable Manner, humbly solicits a Continuance ot their Support, which it shall at all Times be his Study to merit. Brackley, 13th June, 1806. WOBURNSTIEF. P- SHEARINC, JUNE 16th, 1806. AS the DUKE of BEDFORD'S Absence prevents the Reception of Company at the Abbev, the SHEW, SALES, and LET'l'lNGS will take Place, and the PREMIUMS be adjudged and distributed, at. the PARK FARM. The Business will be conducted as follows :— Mornings. Evenings. Shew of Leicester"] and South- Down I Sale of Leicester Tups, ^ ? 6, h '< and South- Down TUESDAY, ? 17th. < • WEDNESDAY,. 18th. Ewes. I eicesterandSotith- Down Tups lett, Sale of Hereford and Devon Cattle, Sale of South- Down Ewes. Leicester & South- Down Tups lett, Sale of South- Down Ewes, Sale of Hereford & Devon Cattle. JUKE 13th, iSOS. TANDREWS, of MARKET * HARBOHOUG!,. » begs Leave to inform the Public, ( hat he s now selling off his DRAPERY GOODS, wui. oitk Reserye, Jive y.- Cent, under prime Cost.— Ccuntr, T Shops may be supplied, at a lower Rate than in tli oidinary Course ot Trade, with all Kinds of Thread) Tape, arid Binding; and with a Variety of Yard- wide Linen Cloths, at lid. 12d. 13d. and 14d. pet Yard; good Sheeting Cloths, of all Prices; and Ell*| wide and Flome- made Ditto. ! J. To be SOL D by AUG T I O N, By Mr. BR'AMPTON, On Monday the 16th Day of June instant, 1S06, on the Premises, in BURTON LORDSHIP, near CRAVFORD FIELD, in the County of Northampton, ABOUT SIXTEEN ACRES of exceeding good - COLESEED, growing in the said Close, the Property of Mr. THOMAS BODDINGTON, of Finedon. ( pi" The Company are requested to meet on the Premises, by Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, when the Sale will commence. *** For further Particulars, apply to the said Mr. BODDINCTON. FW SALE by AUCTION, By MASON 6? SON, On Thursday the 19th Day of June instant, at the House of Mr. Bray, the' Red- Lion, at Sibberioft, in the County ot Northampton, \ Neat, Brick FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or 11. TENEMENT, with two Rooms on the Ground Floor, Pantry, & c. and two Bed- Rooms; Court- Yard, and Barn; all in good Repair, and pleasantly sitivated ill the best Part of the Town of S1BBERTOFT, late ill the Occupation of Elizabeth Swan. The Sale to begin at Three o'Clock in the A fternoon. To be SOLD ty AUCTION, By Mr. KNIBB, On Thursday the 19th of June instant, on the Pre- mises of Mr. CHARLES WARD ( who is leaving the Country), at NEWPORT- PAGNELL, Bucks, rpHE genteel HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, a J- ROAD HACKNEY MARE, four Years old, and sundry EFFECTS; comprising lofty Four- post Bedsteads and Furnitures, one Mahogany Wardrobe Ditto, one Bureau Ditto, and Servants' Ditto; Fea- ther and Flock- Beds, Quilts, Blankets, & c.; Drawers and Chairs; Mahogany Dining, Breakfast, and other Tables; Pier and Swing Glasses; Mahogany and other Cupboards; one Buffet; some valuable old China; an Eight- day Clock, in a japanned Case; Bath- Stove, highly- finished Kitchen- Range, Ash Grate, Fender, Poker, Shovel, Tongs, & c. ; one Copper and Grate; several Brass and I ron- cased Door- Locks; and sundry other Articles. * ( pT The Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon. EDUCATION. C^. GILLEADE respectfully informs his Friends Tf , and the Public, that he intends OPENING i a BOARDING- SCHOOL, for YOUNG GEN.! TLEMEN, in an airy, open, pleasant, and healthful j Situation, in ST. IVES, Hunts, on MONDAY, JULY I 21st, 1806; when, he assures the Public, those Youths ' committed to his Care will be taught with theutmost , Attention, treated with Tenderness and Respect, and their Morals inspected with particular Regard. I TERMS. — For Board and Education, including Writing, Arithmetic, Merchants' Accounts, the Elements of Geometry and Algebra, with the com- mon Branches ot Mathematics, Eighteen Guineas, and One Guinea Entrance. For Latin, the Use of the Globes, Trigonometry, Navigation, & c. Two Guineas Prize Wethers, Sheep. Shearers Shew of Hereford" & Devon Cattle, ^ Prize Wethers, dead. Prize Theaves, Ploughing, Trial of Imple- ments. Second Shew of Leicester and South - Down Tups, Second Shew of Hereford and Devon Cattle. FLY POWDER and OINTMENT"! ~ IFARMERS and GRAZIERS are respectfully informed, a fresh Supply i? received by Dicey Sc Sutton, and Joseph Edge, Northampton; Mather, Wellingborough; Thomas Robins, Daventry; F. I. oggm, Aylesbury; William Foster, Bicester; and William Coales, Chipping- Norton.— Prepared and sold by WILLIAM MARRIOTT, Druggist, Banbury — May be had genuine of his Agents, as above, 3s. 6d. each Parcel, sufficient to dress sixty. The Lambs should be dressed at Shear- Day, and the Sheep three Weeks after.— An early Appli- cation will prove its Utility. N. B. Ask for MARRIOTT'S FLY POWDER and OINTMENT. GEDDINGTON ASSOCIATION. AT the Request of the Members, and on Account of Leicester Fair, the Meeting of this Association is further unavoidably postponed, from \ Monday the 12th Day of May instant, to MONDAY | the 16th Day of JUNE next, then to be holden at the I DUKE'S- ARMS INN, in GEDDINGTON, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon. ( J3" Dinner on the Table preciselv at Two o'Clock. THOMAS MARSHALL, May 5th, 1306. Treasurer and Solicitor. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By THOMAS HOLDOM, On Thursday the 19th Day of June, 1806, on the Premises,- at the RECTORY- HOUSE, SHALSTONE, near Buckingham, PART of the HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE and EFFECTS of the late Rev. Mr. Jervoise; consisting of Four- post, Bureau, and other Bedsteads, with Furnitures ; twl Sets of Mahogany Chairs, and five Sets of Walnut and Japanned Ditto ; Mahogany Pembroke and Dressing- Tables; two Oak Bureaus, and three Sets of Drawers; Pier and Swing Glasses ; some valuable China; thfee Sets of Silver- plated- haniile Knives and Forks, with Cases, com- plete; Bath - Stoves and Fire- irons; three Garden Chairs; two Stone Rolls; Malt- Mill; 5- Dozen Churn and Stand; Quantity of old Lead and Iron; Copper Still, and two large Boilers; 100 Dozen of Glass Bottles; 12- Bushel Mash- Vat, and other Tubs; Iron- bound Casks, Sec. ; two Narrow- wheel Waggons, two Broad - wheel Carts, and one light Ditto; capital, stout Coach- Horse; with various other Effects. ( pr The Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock, as the Whole will be sold in one Day, if possible. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By P. WESTON, On Friday the20th Day of June, 1806, and following Day, on the Premises of Mr. THOMAS KING, at HELMDON, Northamptonshire, AValuable Assortment of LINEN- DRAPERY . and HOSIERY; comprising about 250 Ells of Irish and Homespun Cloth, for Shirting; 60 Yards of Fancy Cotton, for Gowns; 30 Yards of Calico Muslin; 40 Yards of Linen Check, for Aprons ; six Fancy Silk Handkerchiefs, 60 Pocket- Handkercliiefs, 60 Fancy Cotton Handkerchiefs, for the Neck, and 70 Shawls, of modern Patterns ; 40 Pair of Women's (.' otton Hose, and 20 Pair of black Ditto; 12 Pair of Gloves and Mittens; a large Quantity of Worsted, Pattens, Brushes, Queen and Brill Ware, of various Descriptions, Sec. & c. Also will be SOLD, on the said Premises, Fourteen hundred Feet of Inch Elm Boards, eight Dozen of narrow, and two Dozen of broad Fellies-, 16 Axletrecs, 18 Pair of Waggon Shafts, three Tong Tails, four Pair of tore and hind Guides, 60 Feet of long Rave Planks, 10 Hind Cross Beds, 100 Feef of Three- inch Ash Planks, 10 Waggon Bolsters, 10 Plough Beams, 20 sawed Oak Gate- Rails, with Head and Heels, a large Quantity of sawed Stuff, Waggon Boxes, Oak Posts, Sec. Scc. ( pf The Whole will be divided into Lots, for the Convenience of the Public; and Catalogues may be had in due Time, at the_ Place of Sale; the Crown, and Rein- Deer, Brackley; and of the Auctioneer, Hinton. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. STATHAM & BAILEY, By Order of the Executors, on the Premises, on Friday the 20th of June instant, 1806, THE capital LIVE and DEAD FARMING- STOCK. IMPLEMENTS of HUSBANDRY, and growing CROPS of GRASS, the Property of the late Mr. THOMAS BEAN, of BALL's- POND, in the Parish of KINO'S- LANOLEY, Herts; comprising five Broad- land Ploughs, six five- beamed Harrows, two Narrow- wheel Dung Carts, Market Cart, three Six- inch- wheel Carts, and two very good Narrow- wheel Waggons, complete; 22 Dozen of Hurdles; 10 Loads of Hay, 11 Ditto of Clover, and 80 Acres of Clover and Meadow Grass; Harness for 10 Horses ; royal. " The crews of several American ships were » £ f^ u^^ f^ 2t^^^ and^ Jal^ Van^^ S at hand, and eager to assist; but the porter of the short- horned Bull; 10 useful Draft Horses, five Colts, dock gates kept them shut and prevented their two Nags, Sec. entrance, and the Irish labourer and his party were fCsT The Whole may be viewed ; and Catalogues thus enabled to claim the victory. Stones and had at the King's- Anns, Holborn Bridge; Essex- all other sorts of weapons at hLd were used p^ of gff/' SFTF £ . ii the riot, which was at length suppressed with Auctioneers, at Great . Berkhampstead, Herts, and , reat difficulty by the policc. About twentj Amershaun, Bucks. GUMLEY ASSOCIATION, For the Pi execution of ROBBERS, THIEVES, ( Sc. rr* IIE next General Annual Meeting of the I Members of this Association will be held at the ROSE- AND. CROWN INN, in KIBWORTH- HAR- COURT, on WEDNESDAY the 18th Day of JUNE inst. WM. WARTNABY, Solicitor and Treasurer. Harborougb, 10th June, 1806. <£ f Dinner on the Table at Two o'Clock. STONY- STRATFORD ASSOCIATION. NOTICE is hereby given, That the General Annual Meeting of the Members of the sTony- Strat/ ord Association, for the PROSECUTION of FELONS, will be liolden at the House of Mr. JOHN MALPAS, the Sign of the COCK, in STONY- STRATFORD, on WEDNXSD^ « the 19th Day of JUNE instant, at Twelve o'clock in the Forenoon; where the several Members are requested to attend. By Order, JOHN FREER CONGREVE. Stony- Stratford, 6ih June, 1806. NOTICE. THAT such Persons as might wish to be present at the PLOUGH COMPETITION, at ASH RIDGE, may not be disappointed, Lord BRIDC. E- WATER informs them, that it will take Place on THURSDAY the 19th Instant, at Ten o'Cluck in the Forenoon precisely, at his COLD HARBOUR FARM, adjoining to Berkhampstead Common. Ashridge, June 6th, 1806. BEDFORD, June 13th, 1806. ALL Persons who may still stand indebted to the Executors of the'late Mr. PULLEY, are informed bv them, that the Period formerly fixed upon for the Payment of their respective Debts, is now further extended to the 14th Day of July next; and it is most confidently expected, that this Notice will preclude the Necessity of adopting other Measures. NEWPORT- PAGNELL. To be LETT, And entered, upon immediately, ^ Convenient DWELLING - HOUSE, SVVEDLSH AND NORFOLK TURNIP SEEDS, 1806. ROPER having been unfortunate in hi; Supply of SWEDISH TURNIP SEED last Year, has been particularly attentive to procure some for this Season, direct of the Grower, from trans- planted Turnips, and which he is enabled to - warrant to be of the true yellow Stock; and may be had at his own House in Potterspury ; and is sold for him by Mr. Kightley, Grocer, Northampton; Mr. Richard Sheppard, Daventry; Mr. Wilsher, Towcester; Mr. Francis Goode, Buckingham; and Mr. Cave, Brackley. At which Places J. Roper's NORFOLK TURNIP SEED, of the true round white, from transplanted Turnips, of last Year's Growth, in that County, may be had; and likewise of Mr. Gibbins, Seedsman, 1 Northampton; and of Mr. William Grimes, Eydon. Some NORFOLK TANKARD TURNIP SEED, for early Use, may be had of Mr. Kightley, Mr. Wilsher, and Mr. Sheppard, as above. WHITE TUUN 11' SEEu, RAISED by SAMUEL SHARMAN, of HARDWICK, in the County of Northampton, of a ; good a Quality, and in as good a State for growing, as at any former Season, will be retailed by him at 6d. per lb.; and sold, Wholesale, at One Guinea per Bushel of 501b. and delivered within 10 or 12 Miles of Hard- wick free of any Expence, on Condition the Sacks are returned, or paid for with the Seed, in or near the Month of October next. 7th June, 1806. m , in the Centre of the HIGH- STREET, in NEWPORT- PAGNELL, facing the London Road, and calculated tor any Trade or Business requiring Room; consisting of a Shop in Front; Hall, Parlour, Kitchen, and Back- Kitchen; tour good Bed- Rooms, and Garrets over them; a Stable, Wood- Barn, and other convenient Out- Houses; together with a Yard and Garden, con- nected with the Back- Lane, with Commons for two Head of Cattle in that valuable Pasture, called Bury and a Rood of Grass yearly in Burv Meadow. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. Coocn, Newport- Pagnell. To Drapery Grocers, Tallorc- Chandlers, and others. CAPITAL FREEHOLD ESTATE, DUNSTABLE, Beds, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. D UR HA M, In the Month of July next ( unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due Notice will be given), in two Lots. Lot 1. A Substantial and well- built Brick and X. V Tiled FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE, and other BUILDINGS, exonerated from Land- Tax, very desirably situate on the East Side of! Surveyors, Lincoln's- Inn- Fields, London the principal Street of the Town of DUNSTABLE ; | duly authorized to contract for the Sale comprising a large and convenient Shop, in full Trade, : in the Linen and Woollen- Drapery, Hosiery, Grocery, ; and Tallow- Chandlery Businesses; a Warehouse ad- I joining to Ditto; two Parlours, large Kitchen, j Scullery, Laundry, Brewhouse, and other Conve- • niencies, on the Ground Floor; five very good and comfortable Sleeping- Rooms, on the first Floor; and ; five Servants' Rooms, on the Attic Story; three j large Ware- Rooms, Cheese. Rooms, Bacon- Cellar, Candle- House, Barns, Two- stall Stable, and Loft; a Yard, with a capital Well of Water therein, together with another Tenement adjoining. Leicestershire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, ACompact and highly- improvable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate in the Parish of T1LTON- ON- THE- HILL; comprising a Farm- House, and OutDuildings necessary for the Occupation of the Farm, and 280 Acres of Land, chiefly Meadow and Pasture, and a small Part Arable.— Also, the capital WOODLANDS, known by the Name OI'TILTON WOODS ( celebrated for the Covers), containing upwards ot 80 Acres, and the Timber and Underwood standing and growing thereon.— The Farm is held at Will, at an old Kent, which will admit of being advanced very considerably. The Woods are capable of great Im- provement, and of being rendered very productive both of Timber and Underwood, to the Growth of which the Soil is perfectly congenial. To a Gentleman fond of Field Sports ( particularly those of the Chase), this Estate is peculiarly adapted, being centrally situate in the Midst of several highly- celebrated Hunts, which frequently visit the Covers of Til ton.— The present Farm- House, situate in the village ot Tilton, may, at a small Expence, be con- verted into a Hunting- Box ; and a new Farm- House may, with Convenience and Advantage, be erected on the Farm. O^ T Ti I. TON is distant from Leicester about ten Miles, and one Mile and a Half from the Turnpike- Road leading from Leicester to Uppingham. *** Printed Particulars may be had at the Bell Inn, at Leicester; of Mr. JOHN WILDRORE, Tilton, who will direct a Person to shew the Estate; and of Messrs. RICHARDSON, SON, & CORFIELD, Land- who are To Household- Furniture and Effects. be SOLD by A C TI O N, By JOHN DAY, Or. Wednesday the ISth of June, 1806, on the Pre- niiaes, at FENNY- STRATFORD, Bucks, T< HE HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, and various other EFFECTS, of Mr. PATE- MAN, at the SARACEN'S- HEAD PUBLIC- HOUSE; comprising Bed- steads, with Furnitures; eight Feather and Fluck- Beds; Quilts and Blankets; Mahogany Dining, Tea and North Kitchen, Wash- House, Closets," & c. on the Ground Floor; extensive Cellaring; three good Bed- Rooms, on the first Floor; three Garrets; two Yards, Stable, Loft, and other Offices. £ P § " May be viewed, and further Particulars known, by applying to Mr. JOHN- DURHAM, Land- Surveyor, Auctioneer, & c. Dunstable. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, rpHAT a Meeting of the Trustees of the Tnrn- - L pike- Road leading from Banbury, in the Countv of Oxford, to the South End of Mill- Field, in the Parish of Lutterworth, in the County of Leicester, will be held at the WHEAT- SHE AT INN, in DAVENTRY, on THURSDAY the 19th Day of JUNE, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon; at which Meeting the TOLLS to arise for one Year at BADLEY TOLL- GATE. will be LETT by AUCTION, in Manner directed by the Statute made in the 13th Year of His present Majesty's Reign, " for regulating Turnpike- Roads ;" which Tolls produced in the last Year the Sum of =£. 97, over and above the Charges of collecting the same, and will be put up at such Sum as the Trustees think fit. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must at the same Time enter into Bond, with sufficient Sureties, for the Payment of the Rents at such Times and in such Manner as the Trustees shall direct. By Order of the Trustees, EDM. BURTON. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, ^ r" MlAT a Special Meeting of theTrustees named J. in or elected in Pursuance of the several Acts of Parliament for repairing and widening the Road leading from the Toil- Gate in the Parish of Kettering, in the County of Northampton, to Newport- Paguell, in the County of Bucks, will be held at the BULL INN, in OLNEY, in the said County of Bucks, on TUESDAY the EIGHTH Day of JULY next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, for the Purpose of con- sidering and determining the Propriety of taking down the Toil- Gate or Turnpike upon the said Road, called BOZEAT- WOLD GATE, and of removing rhe same to such other Situation upon the same Road as the said Trustees shall think proper; and also for the Purpose of taking into Consideration the Propriety of erecting a WEIGHING- MACHINE or ENGINE at SHERRINGTON BRIDGE GATE, upon the said Road.— Given under my Hand this fourth Day of June, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Six. JOHN HODSON, Clerk to the said Trustees. • Acre of Mowing- Grass; and various other Effects, { ps" The Sale lo begin exactly at Eleven o'Clock. A desirable Public- House and Freehold Estate, at Sharnbrook, in the County of Bedford, To be SOLD bv A U C T I O N, By P. WARREN, On Monday the 23d Day of June, 1806, at Mr. T. Perkins's, known by the Sign of the Swan, at Sharnbrook aforesaid, between the Hours of Five and Eight o'Clock in the Evening ( subject to such Conditions as will be then and there produced). Lot 1 COMPRISES TWO good DWELLING- . V7 HOUSES, BARNS, See. GARDEN, and ORCHARD, situate at SHARNBROOK CAUFLE- END, in the County of Bedford, now in the several Occupations of Richard Nobles and John Mays, Tenants at Will; also, four Acres, more or less, of good, rich SWEARD LAND, all old In- closure, with a Number of young thriving TREES on the same, and two Acres, more or less, of rich ARABLE LAND, with a RIGHT of COMMON in the open Fields of SHARNBROOK, all adjoining the Dwelling- Houses, and may be entered upon at Michaelmas next. Lot 2. One CLOSE of rich old- inclosed LAND, containing one Acre and a Half, more or less, known by the Name of NEW CROFT, and three Acres of ARABLE LAND, adjoining the same, known by the Name of BARLEY CLOSE, which may be entered on as Lot 1. Lot 3. All that most desirable and well- accustomed PUBLIC- HOUSE, now in the Occupation of Mr. Perkins, known by the Sign of the SWAN, at SHARNBROOK aforesaid, adjoining the Turnpike- Road, and now in full Trade; consisting of convenient Rooms, on the Ground Floor; an excellent Cellar; convenient Sleeping- Rooms, and Garrets, all in good Repair; a good Brewhouse; Well of Water, with a Lead Pump; Barns; capital warm Stables, for 16 Horses, which have recently been put in good Con- dition jof the Reception of Gentlemen's Horses in the Hunting Season; with a RIGHT of COMMON in the open Fields of SHARNBROOK ; and may be entered upon at Michaelmas next. ( PT The Whole is exonerated from the Land- Tax. %* The Brewing. Utensils and ( Fixtures may be taken at a fair Appraisement, and the Stock in Hand at the same Time. N. B. For a View of the above, Application may be made at the Swan, Sharnbrook; and further Inform- ation, by Letters ( Post- paid), to ' the Auctioneer^ Risely, Beds. FOX INN, THRAPSTON. ( ri^ UE Public are requested to take Notice, that _ L the FOX INN, advertised tor Sale in the two preceding Papers, WILL NOT BE SOLD BY AUCTION. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, ABOUT 32 Acres, more or less, of rich inclosed PASTURE LAND, situate on the South Side of the Road between WELLINGBOROUGH and WILBY, near the Turn pike- Gate, now in the Occupation of Thomas Partridge, the Elder, the Proprietor. For Particulars, enquire of T. ANCRAVE, of lrchester; or BENJAMIN MIDDLETON, of Wel- lingborough. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, Either together or in Parcels, AVery desirable ESTATE, situate at RAUNDS, in the County of Northampton; comprising a convenient House, in good Repair, and near the Centre of the Village of Raunds, with a Farm- Yard, substantial Barn, two Stables, and other Outbuildings, a Garden and Orchard opposite thereto, and a Close of very rich ancient inclosed Pasture Ground, adjoining to the said House, containing together about two Acres ( more or less); also, about JH£ Acres ( more or less), of rich newly inclosed Land or Ground, adjoining to the said Home Close, and extending from thence and over the Mill Road to the Roads leading from Raunds and Chelveston towards Thrapston; conveniently divided by thriving Quickset Fences into three Closes, with a convenient Road to each of them separately; the Whole now in the Tenure or Occupation of John Arnsby, who will shew the same. ( PS" Part of the above is Freehold, and Part Copyhold; but the Copyhold Fines being certain and very low, the same is equal in Value to Freehold. *** For further Particulars, and to treat for the Purchase, apply to Mr. DAY, Solicitor, St. Neots, ® r on Fridays, at Kimbolton. For the Benefit of Creditors. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By ANDREW GARDNER, On Thursday next, the 19th of June, on the Premises of G E O RG E J A C KS O N, the Sign of the QUEEN'S- HEAD, in LITTLE- BRICK HI LL, Bucks, HH HE useful HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, 1 STOCK of TIMBER and PLANKS, a TIM- BER- CARRIAGE, with long Shaft? and Chain and other EFFECTS; consisting of Bedsteads and Furniture, Feather and Flock- Beds, Blankets and Quilts; Tables, Chairs, and Drawers; Dressing Glasses; a Thirty- hour Clock and Case; Pewter and Brass; Kitchen- Furniture in general; two Hollv Trees • a Quantity of Oak Timber; Beech Plank Cun- Stocks ; Fire Wood; Grindstone; Frame Ladders; Wheel, barrow, Sec. ; an Acre of Mowing- Grass, and the Bite ot Ditto till Michaelmas next, 1806; with various other Effects. _ ( fj" The Sale to begin precisely at Eleven o'Clock in the Morning. * » * All Persons to whom the said GEORCI JACKSON stands indebted, are requested to send in their Accounts to Mr. David King, Grocer, of Little- Brickhill aforesaid; and all Monies due to the said George Jackson, are required to be paid immediately into the Hands of Mr. David King, that a Dividend may be made. ~ To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. J. VORES, On Thursday the 19th Day of June, 1806, on the Premises, in ABINGTON- STREET, in the T > wn of NORTHAMPTON, PART of the HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE of the Rev. Mr. CLOUTT; consisting ot Maho- gany Four- post Bedsteads and Tent Ditto, with Di- mity and Printed Furnitures; Half- tester Bedsteads and Furnitures; seasoned Feather- Beds, Mattresses, and Paillasses; Blankets, Counterpanes, Sec.; Set of Mahogany Dining Tables, with circular Ends; Sets of japanned Chairs, and Chamber Ditto; Pier and Dressing Glasses, Carpets, Sets of Drawers, Sec Also, a new PIANO- FORTE, with additional Keys and Pedal, by BroadiuooJ; and a small Col- lection of BOOKS, among which are, Rapin's His- tory of England, 4 Vols. Folio, with numerous . Plates; Henry's Family Bible, Folio, with Plates; Shakespeare, 8 Vols.; Glover's Leonidas, 2 Vols, with Plates, elegantly hound; Bower's Geography; Cumberland's Calvary, and others, in a neat State. ( j^ T The Sale to begin at l'en o'Clock. Rich Grazing Land, at Milton. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By BROWN ® SON, On Friday the 20th of June, 1806, at Four in the Afternoon, at the Bell Inn, Bridge- Street, North- ampton, rpHREE CLOSES of rich Freehold GRAZING X LAND, Tythe- free, situate at MILTON, other- wise MIDDLETON- MA1. SOR, near Northampton; containing about fifty- eight Acres, in the Occupation of Mr. Britain, Tenant from Year to Year.— The Fences are extremely good ; there are several thriving Ash and Elm Trets ; the Whole well watered ; and is most conveniently situated to occupy from the Town of Northampton. The Poors' Rates are very low. Apply to Messrs. HODSON, Solicitors, Wel- lingborough. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By Mr. R. GLEN HAM, On the Premises of Mr. WILLIAM BUSWELL, of S C A I. D W E L L, in the County of North ampton, on Friday and Saturday, the 20th and 21st Days of June instant, VARIOUS Articles of HOUSEHOLD- FURNI- TURE, and other E F F E CTS, of the best Quality and Fashion, well worthy the Attention of the Neighbourhood. ( fT The Sale to begin each Morning at Ten o'Clock. * » * Particulars may be had on the Premises; and of the Auctiopeer, at Uppingham, Rutlandshire. If a Man's Merit be worthy of Notice, read this Advertisement. IE. ANDERSON, of the Parish of LUTON, 5 Bedfordshire, do hereby certify, that I have been afflicted, for 17 Years, with the Scurvy and Leprosy, which deprived me of the Use of my Limbs, so that I could not feed myself; but by applying to Mr. CARTER, the Potton Water- Doctor, at t/ ie Crown, Luton, on the 5th of May, was completely cured, and am now as well as ever 1 was in my Life.— Mr. C. has full Liberty to make any Use ol my Name he may think pioper. JS* Mr. CARTER will attend Luton Market again on Monday the 23d Instan: ; I eig . ton- Buzzard. oi » the 2lth, for the first ' l ime; Woburn, on tn « » mne Day ; Dunstable, on the 24th ; and Ampthill, : or the first Time, on * he 26th.— All Persons consulting him, are requested to bring their Morning Urine. . riday and Saturday's Posts. LONDON, June 13. . X7TSTERDAY being the day appointed by the I Lords for giving judgment in the case of A iscount Melville, in the High Court of Parliament, the Horse and Foot- Guards took their stations at an early hour in the several avenues leading to Westminster- Hall. Before nine o'clock the eom- panv began to assemble, and the continued crowd, that anxiously pressed forward, in a very short time completely filled the different galleries. About a quarter before ten o'clock, their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of York, Clarence, Sussex, Cambridge, and Kent, arrived in their respective carriages. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales did not arrive until nearly half- past eleven.— About ten o'clock, the Speaker of the House of Commons took the Chair, and after counting the House, pro- ceeded at half- past ten to Westminster- Hall. The Lords were closely shut up until twelve o'clock, during which time the several articles of impeach- ment were read, and the final arrangements made for passing judgment in the High Court of Par- liament. Their Lordships then proceeded in the accustomed locessiou to the Hall, and, after the usual cere. nomes, the junior Peer was called upon hy name to decuire his opinion, whether the Noble Defendant was guilty or not guilty, upon the first charge. He immediately rose, and placing his right hand 011 his left breast, pronounced his verdict. The same question was then put to the remainder of the Peeis assembled, according to their re- spective ranks and stations in the Peerage; and after the Question had been repeated by the Lord- Chan- cellor upwards of 1300 times, the Guilties and Not Guilties stood as follow:— On the 1st article, charging Lord Melville with applying £. 10,000 of the public money to his o n use, previous to Janhary, 1786—• Not Guilty, 120-— Guilty, 15. On the 2d article, charging him with permitting Alexander Trotter to apply sums of the public money to his own use, and conniving at such frau- dulent application— Not Guilty,. 79.— Guilty, 57. On the 3d article, charging him with permitting Alexander Trotter to draw public money from the Ba'ik, and place it in the hands of his bankers, Messr: Courts and Co. in his own name, and at his own disoosa)— Not Guilty, 84.— Guilty, 53. On the 4th article, charging him with similar connivance, in respect of public money placed by Alexander Trotter in the hands of Mark Sprott, for the purpose of private emolument — Not Guilty unanimously. On the 5th article, charging him with the same as in the 1st article, only laying the act subsequent to January, 1786-— Not Guilty, 131.— Guilty, 4. On the 6th article, charging him with receiving public money from Alexander Trotter, and ap- plying it to his own use, and in participating with the said Alexander Trotter in the profit made of { lie public money— Not Guilty, 86.— Guilty, 47. On the 7th article, charging him with receiving if. 22,000 of the public money, without interest, from Alexander Trotter— Not Guilty, 82.— Guilty, 51. On the 8th article, charging him with receiving • from Alexander Trotter i. 22,000 of the public money, for which the Defendant was to pay in- terest— Not Guilty, 100.— Guilty, 30. On the 9th article, charging that, while Alexander Trotter transacted the business of the Defendant as his agent, he, the said Alexander Trotter, was from time to time in advance to the said Viscount Melville, in that respect, to the amount Of from jt .10,000 to ,£. 20,000, which sums were partly taken from the public money, and partly from a mixed fund of public and private money— Not Guilty, 119.— Guilty, 16. On the 10th and last article, charging him with taking, at divers times, between 1782 and 1784, and between 1784 and 1786, i/. 27,000 of the public money, and converting the same to his private use— Not Guilty, 123 — Cuilty, 12. The Lord Chancellor then said—" My Lords, you have acquitted Henry Lord Viscount Melville of all the articles of impeachment; and Henry Lord Viscount Melville, you are acquitted of the said articles, and every thing contained therein." The Court, then adjourned. As soon as the Peers retired, Viscount Melville was surrounded by a number of Peeresses, and other friends, who testified the most extreme joy at the result of the trial. Among3t the Peers who occasionally voted in suppoi t of some of the charges, were— the Dukes of York, Clarence, Ken*, Cambridge, Sussex, and Gloucester; F. arls Lauderdale, Stanhope, Derby, and Oxford; Lords Minto, Sheffield, Ponsonby, and Holland; and the Bishop of St. Asaph; '. Tn< Lord Chancellor voted in support of the 2d, Sd, 6th, and 7th articles. The Prince of Wales did not vote. A CURACY. \\ f ANTED; by a Clergyman, in Priest's Orders, H A CURACY.— Ample Testimonials will be produced. ( j3" Apply to A. 1!. at Mr. Lavoine's Circulating Library, No.' 2i, Portman- Street, l'ortman - Square, London. * Tr> PAINTERS. QEVERAL GOOD HANDS may have constant kj Employ and good Wages, by applying to Mr. GODSON, Weedon- Royal, Northamptonshire. WANTED, TWO Journeymen PLUMBERS and GLAZIERS, and TWO HOUSE- PAINTERS.— Good Workmen may meet with good Wages and constant Employment, by applying to RUTLIDGE Se BROWN, Weedon, Northamptonshire. To Journeymen Bricklayers, yyANTED, TEN JOURNEYMEN in the above Business.— Good Workmen may meet with constant Employ and good Wages, by applying to' THOMAS WILLSON, Mason and Bricklayer, of Towcester, Northamptonshire. ' Ijj Journeymen Tailors. WANTED, in the above Line, ON'E or TWO sober, steady, and good WORKMEN. — Wages will be given according to Merit. ( PF" Apply to SAMUEL SMITH, Tailor, Cow- Lane, Daventry ; who at the same Time begs Leave to return his sincere Thanks to his Friends and Customers for all Favours conferred on him, and hopes, by Assiduity, to merit a Continuance of the same. %.* An APPRENTICE WANTED. Daventry, June 13tb, 1806. To BAKERS. WANTED, A JOURNEYMAN.- He must be * • an active good Setter, and well recommended. — Liberal Wages arc allowed. Likewise, An APPRENTICE, strong and active, and not less than 15 Years of Age.— Preference will be given to a Lad of a Dissenting Family. Apply to JAMES SUTTON, Buntingford, Herts, ~ RECRUIT WANTEDT" WANTED immediately, to serve in His Majesty's 14th REGIMENT of FOOT, lying at ASHFORD BARRACKS, Kent, A YOUNG MAN, five Feet seven Inches high and upwards, and under 25 Years of Age. fpj" Any young Man willing to engage in the above Service, may meet with the Encouragement of TWENTY- FIVE POUNDS Bounty, and FIVE POUNDS the Bringer, by applying at the PEACOCK, BEDFORD.— No one need apply who is not sound and fit. The Nobility and Gnu'ry- of Northampton anil Us ' Vicinity, and the Public in general, ART RESPECTFULLY INFORMED, THAT O POLlTO's splendid arid pleasing Assemblage , of most rare and beautiful LIVING BIRDS AND BEASTS, contained in six large, safe, and commodious Caravans, WILL BE AT BOUGHTON- G RE EN - F AIR, the24th Instant. Amongst which are, A Noble LION and LIONESS ( The Lion arrived in England March 24th, 1806, and is the only one travelling in this Kingdom); A striped lioyal Bengal Tyger; MALE AND FEMALE LEOPARDS, the finest in the Kingdom ; MALE and FEMALE PANTHERS ; THE LYNX; The ferocious HY/ ENA and WOLF; Male and Female Kangaroos ; The industrious BEAVER; The WOLVER1NE, or GLUTTON; The CIVET and ZIBET, commonly called MUSCOVY CATS; A large SATYR, or ^ ETHIOPIAN SAVAGE; The ICHNEUMON; The OPPOSSUM; The WANDEROW; And upwards of FIFTY other QUADRUPEDS. ALSO, The following rare and curious Birds :— The GRAND CASSOWARY; The EMEW, or OSTRICH; The PELICANS of the WILDERNESS ; BLACK SWANS ; TheKINGof the VULTURES ; Several CuruSsoos and Pavies; GREAT HORNED OWLS; STORKS, SPOONBILLS, and a Variety of other BIRDS, of the most spl.' ndid Plumage. 23* Admittance, One Shilling each. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE YEOMANRY . • CAVALRY. nPHF. Gentlemen of the TOWCESTER TROOP are requested to meet oil HEATHENCOTE- GREF. N, in exercising Order, on WEDNESDAY, THUR ; DAY, and SATURDAY, the 18th, 19th, and 21st o' JUNE instant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Morning. J. MANSEL, Captain. Towcester, JuneViih, 1S06. STOLEN OR STRAYED, ON TUESJTAY Night, JUNE 10th, or early on WEDNESDAY Morning the 11th, out of a Ground in CROPREDY, Oxfordshire, A BLACK MARE, of the Cart Kind, the Property of Mr. THOMAS ANDREWS. She is marked with a Star on the Fore- head, has lost a Vein from the near Side of the Neck by bleeding, has one white Heel and a Quarter Foot behind, and is about 15 Hands and a Half high. Whoever will bring the said Mare to THOMAS ANDREWS, of Cropredy aforesaid, shall receive a Reward of ONE GUINEA, and have all reasonable Expences paid, if strayed; and, if stolen, shall receive a Reward of FIVE GUINEAS, on Conviction of the Offender or Offenders. A GIG. To be SOLD, ANeat GIG, with Harness and Lamps com- plete.— Enquire of Mr. WILSON, Olney, Bucks. A To be SOLD, New- milched ASS, with a FOAL— Enquire of Mr. J. BEAL, Grocer, Wellingborough. M O N E Y. WANTED, upon Freehold Land Security, =£. 2000, upon an Estate in Northamptonshire, worth, to sell, near AT*. 5000.—£. 1500 is also WANTED, upon a very ample Land Security.—. The Interest will be regularly paid, pa* Letters ( Post- paid) addressed to A. B. at the will be duly attended to. Printers', River Ivel Navigation and the Branches thereof\ in the Comities of Bedford and Hertford." ' WANTED, to borrow, upon the Credit of the Tolls of this Navigation, the Sum of SIX THOUSAND POUNDS, for the Purpose of carrying on and completing the same from Biggleswade, in the County of Bedford, to the South and North Bridges in the Town of Shelford, in the same County.— All Persons willing to lend Money on the Credit and Secu- rity of the said Tolls, for the Purpose aforesaid, are desired to signify their Intentions, and the Sums they respectively propose to lend, to Mr. HINDLEY, of Baldock, in the County of Hertford, Treasurer to the Commissioners of the said Navigation. ( PT The Money advanced will bear 5 per Cent. Interest. Nc APPRENTICE ABSCONDED. WHEREAS EBENEZER WOODIIAM, ' T about 15 Years of Age, an APPRENTICE to JOHN WOODHAM, Shoemaker, of the Town of BED- FORD, LEFT HIS MASTER, without any Cause whatever, on the Evening of Sunday last, the 8th Instant: The said E. WOODHAM is short, stout made, ar. d has a fair and ruddy Complexion ; had on when he went away a brown Coat, pink Waistcoat, and light corded Breeches. The disconsolate Parents and Master of the said Lad earnestly request that immediate Information may be given of lum ; and if he will return to his Situation, or his Parents, he will be kindly received, and the Offence overlooked. ( j3* It is supposed he is gone in Company with another Youth, who is a Tailor, and about the same Age. Bedford, June 13// J, 1806. IIAYNES'S BANKRUPTCY. HE Commissioners in a Commission of Bank- rupt bearing Date the 29th Day of February, 1804, awarded and issued forth against THOMAS HAYNES, now or late of OUNDLE, in the County of Northampton, Nurseryman, Seedsman, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on WEDNESDAY the 18th Day of JUNE next, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon, at the GEORGE INN, in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, in order to make a Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors who have not already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the Benefit ot the said Dividend and all Claims not then proved wilt be disallowed. By Order of. the Commissioners, R. BUSWELL, Solicitor. Northampton, 30th May, 1806. { yZr The Dividend will not be paid at the above Meeting, but Notice will be given of the Day of Payment. T BOATS. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS HA IV, On Monday the 16th of June, 1806, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the I- lalf- Moon, at Blisworth,' near Northampton, Hp WO exceeding good TRADING BOATS . JL ( clothed), with Cabins, complete; also, TWO exceeding good COAL BOATS, with Cabins. (£ 3T The above are lying on the Grand Junction Canal, at Blisworth, and may be seen by Application to Mr. ADNETT, at Blisworth. Turnip Seed, groicing. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS HA IV, At the Trumpet Inn, at Weston- Favell, near North- ampton, on Friday the 20th Day of June, 1806, at Four o'clock in the Afternoon, * ACLOSE of exceeding fine TURNIP SEED, now growing, at WESTON- FAVELL afore- said, containing 3. A. 1R. OP. be the same more or less. For a View of the same, apply to Mr. CLARK, at the Trumpet Inn. NORTHAMPTON SCAVENGING. OTiGE is hereby given, That the Commis- sioners appointed by Act of Parliament for Paving, Cleansing, Lighting, and Watching the Town of NORTHAMPTON, will, at their Meeting to be held on TUESDAY the 1st Day of JULY next, at the GUILDHALL, in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, contract and agree with any Person or Persons who will, tor the lowest Price, undertake to well and properly scavenge, sweep, and cleanse all and every the Streets, Squares, Lanes, public Passages and Places of the said Town, for one Year, or more, as shall be agreed upon at the said Meeting, commencing the 1st Day of September next. fid?" The Terms of the Contract may be seen on Application at the Office ot the Clerk to the Com- missioners. *** Pebbles will be received as usual. CHARLES MARKHAM, Clerk to the Commissioners. ~ To be LETT, or SOLD, ~ And entered upon immediately, Neat, Sashed and Tiled, Freehold HOUSE, with a SHOP, completely fitted up, and decent GARDEN adjoining, pleasantly situated at Syresham, near Brackley, Northamptonshire. (? 3" For Particulars, enquire on the Premises; or of Mr. RUSHER, Bookseller, Banbury. To be LETT, ~~~~ And entered upon at Michaelmas next, THE GREAT and SMALL TYTHES, REC- TORIAL PREMISES, with twenty- one Acres of GLEBE, and RIGHT of COMMONS, for the Term of three or four Years, of upwards of 1000 Acres, in the Parish of LUDD1NGTON, near OUNDLE, in the Counties of Huntingdon and Northampton. fJ3" Particulars may be known by applying in Person for Address at the Bar of Peele's Coffee- House, Fleet- Street, London; or at the Talbot Inn, Oundle; on the 26th, 27th, and 28th of June, between Ten and Twelve in the Forenoon. NV written Applications will be received or attended to. Fleet- Street, 12/ 4 June, 1806. A To be SOLD hy A U C T I O N, By THOMAS WOOD, On Wednesdav the ISth of June, 1806, on the Premises, j ( j ) ART of the'HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, 1 ST and sundry other E F FE CTS, of Mr. ABEL, MEAD, of CUB LI NGTON, Bucks, who is 3e- ! „-. KY .. clining the Farming Business; comprising Bedsteads j . , and Furniture, Feather. Beds, Pewter and Brass, and i,, ti', « , r ' a Thirty- hour Clock and Case; Narrow- wheel Cart, j complete, Plough, Harrows, Corn Sacks, capital Four- bayed Oak- timbered Barn, and other useful Articles in the Fanning Business. ( jig" May be viewed on the Morning of Sale, which will commence precisely at Eleven o'Clock. BUCKS. Capital Freehold Inn, on the Great TVest Chester Road, and genteel Residence adjoining, To be S O J, D by A U C T 1 O N, By I HO MAS WOOD, On Monday the 30th of June, 1806, - on the Premises, at the Old- Crown Inn, in Fenny- Stratford, in the Countyof Buckingham, precisely at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, in two Lots. Lot 1. A LL that goad and old- accustomed XX HOUSE, the CROWN INN, in FENNY- STRATFORD aforesaid, now in full Trade, and adjoining the Turnpike- Road from Liverpool to London; comprising a substantial Brick and Tiled Dwelling- House, consisting of six genteel Sleeping- Rooms, two Parlours, large Dining- Room, large com modious Kitchen, capital cool Cellars, convenient Brewhouse, Butcher and Cooper's Shop, of extensive Business, Stabling for sixteen Horses, a Well of fine Water, laigc Garden and Yard, with other suitable Out- Offices, now in the Tenure of Mr. Thomas Norman. Lot 2 comprises a Brick and Tiled DWELLING- HOUSE adjoining; containing two Sleeping- Rooms, three good Attics, Parlour, roomy Kitchen, Pantry, Brewhouse, and Garden, now in the Occupation of" Mr. Squirrel. 63" The Inn possesses the great Advantage of being eligibly situated in the Centre of the Town, adjoining, in Front, the great Turnpike- Road from Chester to I. ondon, and within a few Yards of the Grand Junction Canal.— The Brick Tenement adjoining is situate fronting the said Road, and is well calculated for Trade, or the Reception of a small genteel Family. *„* The Whole of the Estate is in complete Repair; may be viewed by applying to the Tenants; and further Particulars'known of Mr. CHARLES WILLIS, Solicitor, Winslow, Bucks; Messrs. WILLIS Se So. v, Solicitors, or the AUCTIONEER, t. eighton- Biissard, Bcds>. HAYNES'S BANKRUPTCY. ^ piIE Creditors who- have proved their Debts L under a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued forth against THOMAS HAYNES, now or late of OUNDLE, in the County of Northampton, Nurseryman, Seedsman, Dealer a^ id Chapman, are desired to meet the Assjpnpv of tlvf sai4 BackruDt's Estate and Effects, on WEDNESDAS the 18th Day of JUNE next, at Eleven. of the Clock in the Forenoon, at the GEORGE INN, in the Town tf Northampton, to assent to, or dissent from, the said Assignees com- mencing, prosecuting, or defending any Suit or Suits at Law, or in Equity, or otherwise, for Recovery of any Part of the said Bankrupt's Estate and Effects; or to the compounding, submitting to Arbitration, or otherwise agreeing any Matter or Thing relating thereto, and on other special Affairs. By Order of the Assignees, R. BUSWELL, Solicitor. Northampton, 30th May, 1806. NO R TIIA M P TO N, SATURDAY EVENING, June 14. MARRIED.] Lately, VV. C; BadcOck, Esq. of Frilford, to Miss C. Leeke, youngest daughter of John Leeke, Esq. of Witney. Ob Monday se'ntiight, Mr. William Coiirc, to Miss Mitchell, of Loughborough, Leicestershire. On Tuesday se'nnight, Mr. John Bunning, of Kilthorpe, near Stamford, to Miss Humphries, of Bilsdon, Leicestershire. On Wednesday se'nnight, at Alveston, War- wickshire, Captain Adams, of the 24th regiment of foot, to Miss Peers, of Alveston. Lately, at Shuttington, Warwickshire, Captain John L. Gallie, of the 38th regiment of foot, to Miss Anne P. Roley, of Aueoate- Hall. A few days ago, Mr. B. Simpkiu, of Hoby, to Miss Williamson, of Gadsby, both in Leicester- shire. Lately, Mr. Peake, to Miss Maria Chamberlain, both of Blaby, Leicestershire. Last week, at Chesham, Bucks, Mr. Samuel Porter, to Miss Sarah Ball. _ A few days ago, Mr. llorsley, of Strelley, Not- tinghamshire, to Miss Barns, of Hauipton- Lacy, Warwickshire. " 1 DIED.] Lately, in his 83d year, the Rev. Humphrey Smythics, rector of Little- Staughtou*. Bedfordshire, and of Alpheton,. Suffolk. On Tuesday se'nnight, after a very long and severe illness, which she bore with great patience and pious resignation, Mrs. Smith, wife of Mi'. Smith, banker, of Daveutry. Same day, after a few days' illness, sincerely regretted, in the 28th yeatvof'her age, Mrs. Brad- shaw, wife of Mr. Wm. Bradshaw, baker and maltster, of Maidwell, in this county; On Wednesday se'nnight; the Rev. J. Bewsher, vicar of St. Neots, Huntingdonshire. A few days since, much lamented, in the 57th year of his age, the Rev. Thomas Propeit, per- petual curate of Stony- Stratford, Bucks. He was minister of that parish 28 years. Lately, at Winchester, ' the lady of the Rev. Gilbert Heathcote, and second daughter of Dr. Wall, of Oxford. Last week, at Brompton, Miss Sarah Elger, daughter of the Mayor of Stamford. A few days ago, Mr. Thomas Baker, of H;( Hs- hill, near Atherstone, Warwickshire. Yesterday se'nnight, in the 81st year of his age, Edward Palmer, Esq. of Maxtock- Priory, War- wickshire. On Sunday morning last, suddenly, at his house in Great- Wigston, Leicestershire, aged 58, Edo Gilbert, Gent. On Saturday last, at Coleshill, Warwickshire, the 103d year of his age, Samuel Anstey, for- rly place. He had been I blind for some yejrs, but retained his other Freehold Estate, Harpole. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS HAW, On Saturday the 21st Day of June, 1806, at the Goat Inn, in the Town of Northampton, at Three o'Clock ; inerly a rake- maker at that place, in the Afternoon, j blind for some yeji ALL that eligible CLOSE of ARABLE LAND, 1 faculties unimpaired. - Tythe- free, situate, lying, and being in the i _ Parish of HARPOLE, near Northampton, containing | 7A. OR. 6P. more or less, bounded on the East by j The Rev. E. Hamley, LL. B. Fellow of New the Road from Towcester to Market- Harborough, and ; College, Oxford, has been preferred to the Rectory on the Smith hv thp RnaH frnm llipnrf. tr, Hari, nl* » i .. i' O. T.. L.. J.. I '.. _ r, . .1 on the South by the Road from thence to Harpole. £( 3* The Whole is extremely well fenced, and may be entered upon at Michaelmas next. • For the Benefit of Creditors. To be S O L D ' by A U'C T I O N, By ROBERT A ND R E WS, • On Wednesday next, the 18th of June instant, 1806, riMJE LIVE and DEAD FARMING- STOCK, i HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, BREWING and DAIRY UTENSILS, Sec. of Mr. THOMAS SHERRINGTON, in the Cgunty of IvE and DEAD FARMING- STOCK and DAIRY UTENSILS consist of 11 Sheep, two Dairy Cows, and three Sturks; five Draught Horses, one Hackney, one Mare and Foal, and that capital well- bred Stallion, King John; one Narrow- wheel Waggon, two Ditto Carts, and two Six- inch- wheel Ditto; Harness for six Horses, five Ploughs, four Pair of Harrows, Field- Roll, Cow and Sheep- Cribs, Hovel Frame and Hovel Timber, two Winnowing - Gigs, Sieves, Sacks, and Barn Tackle; a Patent Chad- Box, Bean- Mill, & c. ; long Ladders, Hurdles, Poles, See. ; good Lead Pump; Hovel of Peas, and Part of a Rick of Clover Seed; a 4- Dozcn Barrel- Churn and Frame, two Milk- Leads, Rivers, Pails, fcc.-— The HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE and BREWING UTENSILS Consist of Bedsteads and Furnitures; Feather and Wool- Beds; Quilts and Blankets; Pier and Swing Glasses ; Chests of Drawers ; Tables and Chairs; capital Eight- Day Clock, in a japanned Case; good Fowling. Piece; Pewter, Brass, and Earthenware; Kitchen Range, Chimney- Crane, & c. ; a50- Gallon Brewing- Copper and Giate, I8- Gallon Washing- Ditto, Vats, Tubs, Sec.; four Beer Pipes, one Hogshead, smaller Casks, Sec. Sec. 03" The Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock. To be SOLD by A U C T 1 O N~ By RICHARD SMITH, At the Talbot Inn, Oundle, on Wednesday the 25th of June, 1806, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then and there produced, A Valuable FRF. F. KOI. O & TYTHE- FREE ESTATE, . on a navigable River, with a good Fall of Water, situate at FOT1IE RING HAY, in the County of Northampton; consisting of a good Dwelling- House and Paper- Miil, with a Yard, Garden, and 27A, OR. 5P. of rich Meadow, Pasture, and Osier Ground, situate in Southwick, and 16A. 1R. 37P. of Meadow Land, situate in I'errihaw- Hern; also, the Eddish or Lattermath of the Whole of Perrihaw- Hern, containing 34 A. 1R. l'OP. exclusive of the above 16A. 1R. S/ P.; also, the Tythes of two Acres and a Half of Meadow Land. The Tenant is under an Agreement to quit at Michaelmas next. ( JS" Particulars may be had of Mr. WILLIAM BRADSHAW, at Fotheringhay , afidof the AUCTIONEER, at Thrapston. DUTCHY OF LANCASTER. WHEREAS the FISHERIES belonging to His MAJESTY, in the Parishes of Raunds, Rushden, Stanwick, Irchester, and Ringstend, in the County of Northampton, have been shamefully POACHED, and the FISH TAKEN OUT and DESTROYED: This is therefore to give Notice, That 1 have the whole Royalty granted me by JOHN HIGCINS, Esquire, of Turvey- House, in the County of Bedford, Lessee of the Crown, and any Person or Persons who shall be found trespassing in the said Waters after this Notice, will be prosecuted with the utmost Rigour of the Law, by me, THOS. FLETCHER. Rushden, Yith June, 1806. NORTHAMPTON, 10th May, 1806. WHEREAS a Number of Poachers and un- qualified Persons have lately made a Practice of Dragging, casting Nets, and otherwise Taking and Destroying the FISH in the RIVER NINE or NEN, within the Manor of GOBION and the Manor of NORTHAMPTON, in the Liberties of the said Town of Northampton: Notice is hereby given, that all such Persons who in future shall be found trespassing in any Part of the said River, within the Liberties afore- said, will be prosecuted to the utmost Severity of the Law. Most desirable and advantageous Situation. To be. LETT, And may he entered upon at Midsumnur next ( or sooner if required), ACapital MESSUAGE or IIOTSE, situate on the PARADE, in the MARKET- SQUARE, NORTHAMPTON; consisting, on the Ground Floor, of a handsome Shop and l'arlou; in Front, with a private Passage, spacious Dining - Parlour, two Kitchens, Larder, Brewhouse, and Wash- House, with suitable Offices; Stable, Yard, and Garden; on the . first Floor, a commodious Drawing- Room, Bedchamber, and Dressing- Room ; two good' Cham- bers on the second Floor; suitable Attics; with ex- cellent Cellars and roomy Warehouses. ( 13" The above Premises are well adapted for Trade or private Occupation., A considerable Rent may be made by letting Apartment's; the local Situation and Conveniences being such as to lender them pre- eminent. *** For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. L. KIRSHAW, Surveyor and Auctioneer, Northampton. May nd, 1806. LONDON, June 14. THE Hamburgh Mail, due on Wednesday, ar- rived on Thursday, with Papers to the 7th inst. A letter from Berlin, of the 3d, states, that the Emperor of Russia has appointed the Count Von Stockelberg to conduct the negociation for settling the differences between Sweden and Prussia. It is generally believed at Berlin, that no further hostilities will take place between these two powers. Letters from Mecklenburg, of the same date, state to the same effect. The Dutch funds have risen 3 per cent, in consequence of the new Constitution, which guarantees the national debt. Their High Mightinesses have consented, that the Batavian Republic shall be called The Kingdom of Holland, and that Prince Louis shall be Hereditary Con- stitutior. il King of the same. The military con- scription is to be introduced into the new kingdom, and its boundaries are to be enlarged. ! of Stanton St. John, Oxfordshire. Patrons, the Warden and Fellows of that Society.— The Rev. W. Mavor, LL. D. Vicar of Hurley, Berks, and Chaplain to the Earl of Moira, to the Rectory of Stonesfiejd, Oxfordshire. Patron, the Duke- of Marlborough.— The Rev. T. Cripps, A. M. of Lincoln College, Oxford, to the Vicarage of As tall, Oxfordshire. Patrons, the Provost and Fellows of Eton College. On Tuesday last, the Right Hon. the Lord- Mayor and Court of Aldermen, at Guildhall, elected Mr. Wm. Wright, of Market- Harborough, Master of the Free Grammar- School, in that town, vacant by the death of Mr. W. Ilarrod. The admirers of the wonderful productions of nature will, with pleasure, observe that Mr. Polito, the most indefatigable collector of living curiosities, is on the road for BOUCHTON. GREEN FAIR, with six large caravans, containing the most brilliant and in- teresting assemblage of living birds and beasts that ever travelled in the extensive limits of Europe.— That beautiful collection, which was last year so universally admired in the city of Dublin, is now added to his menagerie; and, in particular, his late acquisition of a noble Lion, from Senegal, in Africa, with his faithful companion, a fine pointer bitch, to which the lion has been indebted for nutriment, and now rewards with such gratitude and affection, as to suffer lier not only to be his companion, but absolutely to rule over him.— See advertisement. Yesterday se'nnight, as a gentleman's servant was riding a blood- horse at Hinckley, Leicestershire, The ac- counts from Vienna come down to the 29th of May, , , - . , , , . , , , -,- . , at which time doubts were entertained, that Russia 1 ' lie. ann" al took f" Sht! , and ! eaP, cd ovef a qu> ckset SINGLE. HORSE CHAISE. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AGenteel, near, and substantial SINGLE- HORSE CHAISE, on Curricle Springs, with Plated Harness, nearly new. fi3" Enquire of L. KIRSHAW, Northampton. RAUNDS, Northamptonshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Tuesday the 24th Day of June instant, at the White- Hart Inn, in Thrapston, in the said County, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, unless sooner disposed of by Private Contract, of which Notice will be given," \ Very desirable FARM; consisting of 42A. lR. l\- of Arable Land ( divided into four Closes), and 6A. 1R. of Meadow Land, with a good Barn, Stable, and other Conveniences thereon, situate in the Parish of RAUNDS, in the County of" Northampton, four Miles from Thrapston, the same Distance from Higham- Ferrers, seven Miles from Kimbolton, and 15 Miles from Huntingdon, all excellent Market Towns.— The Estate is Copyhold of the Manor of Raunds, Fine certain, and now in the Occupation of Mr. John Partridge, who will shew the Premises, and who is under Notice to quit at Michaelmas next. 83" For Price, and further Particulars, apply to Mr. MORLEY, at his Office in Peterborough; or to I Mr. ROBINSON, at his Office, above Hill, Lincoln. would not consent to surrender Cattaro. The little fortress of Civitella del Fronte, we are sorry to state, has surrendered to the French. A private letter, of the 6th, from Hamburgh, states, that the German Constitution is to undergo a com- plete change. New- York Papers to the 11th ult. have been re- ceived. The rage excited by the unfortunate death of Pierce, the American, in consequence of a shot from the Leander, appears to have subsided. The subject is scarcely noticed in the papers of the later dates; notwithstanding which, private accounts state that privateers are fitting out, in expectation of hostilities with this country, A gentleman, of the name of Sullivan, is arrived from Paris, with dispatches from the American Ambassador in that city to Mr. Mtmro, Minister of the United States in London. He left Paris only six days since, and is said to have brought an account of Spain having agreed to cede three of her provinces, including several of her ports, to France; in return for which she is to have the Sovereignty of Portugal. On Thursday, in the House of Commons, Mr. Windham brought up a Bill, enabling his Majesty annually to call out, train, and exercise in the use of arms, a certain proportion of his subjects, for the more effectual defence of the realm, which was read a first time. It is now understood, that Ministers have so far conceded to the Court of Directors, as to forego their determination with respect to the appointment of Lord I. auderdale to the Government- General of India; and that Lord Minto is to be appointed to that high and important office, with the perfect concurrence of all parties. FORTUNATE LOTTERY TICKETS. Sixth day.— No. 12,719 ( first- drawn), a prize of =£. 25,000. Seventh day.— No. 17,086, a prize of =£. 20,000.— No. 18,261, ^. 500.— Nos. 4948, 21,134, and 22,912, =£. 100 each. • Eighth day.— No. 231, a prize of =£. 5000. PRICE OF Bank Stock 3 per Ct. Red. 3 per Ct. Cons. 4 per Ct. Cons. 5 per Ct. Navy 209i 60i sh. 78ii sh. STOCKS. Imp. 3 per Cents. India Stock India Bonds Exc. Bills Omnium hedge, leaving the rider in the middle of the hedge, with a stake through his body. He now lies without hopes of recovery. A few days since, at Bedworth, Warwickshire, the wife of a bricklayer fell into a fit while sitting by the fire, when no other person being present, her clothes were caught by the flames, and she was burnt to ashes. She had not been long married, and her husband has become deranged in consequence of the accident. A young man, named Allen, an inhabitant of Newbold, Leicestershire, lately went to bathe in a poo!, when getting beyond his depth, he was drowned before assistance could be procured. He was to have been married on the following day, to a young woman of a respectable family. An inquisition was taken this morning before Charles Freeman, Gent, one of his Majesty's Coroners for this town, upon view of the body of William Watts, gardener, who was accidentally drowned in the river Nine, about four o'clock this morning, while bathing there. It appeared. that he was learning to swim, and had ventured be- yond his depth. We hope this will warn others of the like imprudence, which at this season of the year is too prevalent. Verdict— Accidental Death. On the 1st inst. an inquisition was taken at Olney, in the county of Bucks, before James Burnham, Gent, one of his Majesty's Coroners for the said county, on view of the body of William Piatt, a boy about eleven years of age, who, the Friday preceding, in company with some other children, being at play near to the bunks of the river Ouze, fell in and was drowned. Verdict— Accidental Death. And, on the 5th inst. another inquisition was taken at Addington, in the said county, before the same Coroner, on view of the body of Edward Pinfold, who had been driving an empty waggon, drawn by two horses, which, in passing through a gate- way, the horses suddenly ran off with, and he, in his endeavours to stop them, fell down, and the wheels of the waggon passing over his body so much bruised him that he expired almost instantly. Verdict— Accidental Death. sh. sh. . 1 2 dis. par 1 dis. . 3 Corn- Exchange, London, Friday, June 13.. . To day there are several further arrivals of. Wheat :* the trade for prime samples is at less price; sccond and interior continues almost unsaleable.— Good Barley- keeps its price, and Malt has few buyers.— Tick Beans are rather dearer.— There are tolerable supplies 6f Oats at hand, and this article does not support last prices.— Much Flour of second quality remains, but- the general price of this andot. lier- articles has but little fluctuation, . " PRICE of CORN per Quarter Northampton, Saturday, June 14. at Wheat, 76s. to 80s. Od. Rye, 52s. Od. to 53s. ' ; Barley, 30s. Od. to 33s. Od. Oats, 24s. Od. tp. 25s. 6d. | J. GRAFTON, Inspector. Beans, 37s. Od. to 42s. Od. Peas, — s. Od. to— s. Od. By the Standard Measure. LIST- of FAIRS, from June 16, to June 28, within the Circuit of this Paper. Th. Jtfne 19. Northampton. M. :—: 23. Nr^ iport- Pagncll. T. >=—• 24. Houghton-- Greer, ( last three days). W. — 25 .. Jirackley. SI' 28. Higham- Ferrers. •> upnimv wunu : N CHESTER TURNPIKE- ROAD. r OTICE is hereby given, That all Persons having any Claims or Demands upon the Trus- tees for repairing the Highways from Old- Stratford, in the County ot' Northampton, to Duncluirch. 111 the Countv of Warwick, arc desired to deliver their respective Hills to Mr. Benjamin Gurden, their Sur- veyor, previous to the next Quarterly Meeting of the said Trustees, which is appointed to be held, by Adjournment, at the CROWN INN, 111 1' OSTER'S- BOOTH in the said County ot Northampton, 011 THURSDAY the 19th Day ot' JUNK, instant, at Eleven O'Clock in the Forenoon.— Dated the 5th Day ot June, 1806. By Order of the said Trustees, ' A. Mil'RES, their Clerk. The REAL JAPAN1 BLACKING, made DAY and MARTIN, LONDON. ^ IIIS invaluable Composition, with Half by the „ umal Labour, produces ill.' most brilliant Jet- black ever beheld, affords peculiar Nourishment to the Leather, will not soil the linest Linen, is per- fe. tly free from any unpleasant Siyeil, and will retain it, Virtues in any Climate.-,- S - id Wholesale, by DAY S, MARTIN, removed to NO. 97, High- Holborn, Lon- don; and Retail bv their. Agents, Birdsall, North- ampton; Norris, Perfumer, Bedford; Inwood, Sta- tioner, Newport- Pagnell; Dodd, Woburn; Richard- son Perfumer, Sr. ny- Stratford; Page, Perfumer, Oundle- Folwell, Grocer, Towcester; Merridew, Civmrrv; Harrod, Market- Hatborough ; Jenkmson, Huntingdon; and Gregory, Leicester; in Stone Bottles, Price Is. tid. each. A VINCENT'S GOWLAND's LOTION. NOTHER most AUTHENTIC PROOF of the very superior Efficacy of the truly genuine GOW'LAND'S \. OHOti( prepared by Mrs. VINCENT sole Proprietor of Dr. GOWLAND'S original Recipe), is here presented, by Permission, in a Letter from W. DRAYTON, Esq. Sion- Hill, Bath. To Mrs. VINCENT, No. 4, Davies- Strect, Grosvenor- Square, London. MADAM, A young Gentleman, aged about seven \ ears, Son of a Colonel in the Army, was afflicted with a viru- lent Eruption, and that to so violent a Degree as to make i' necessary to confine his Hands in Bags, par- ticularly at Night: The Complaint resisted various Applications from the united Consultation of three Physicians of Eminence, and continued to grow worse under the Regimen prescribed ; when a Lady, who had received a Cure of a very bad Case of Scurvy in the Face, of several Years standing, by your Gotland's lotion, rccomniu..." d a Trial of the same Remedy.— It was applied under my own Inspection^- thc Disease gave Way— and three Quarts of your Lotion performed a Cure of a Disorder which had been of abouf four Year,' Duration, and had baffled the Skill ot several l'h\ - sins eminent 111 their Profession. Fro. 11 my Conviction of the above Cure, I recom- mended your GOWLAND'S LOTION to a Lady whose Face xhibited a very disagreeable Eruption ( even lar.' e Pustules, and as one died away another appeared), so much as to prohibit her going into Company: A Pint of your GOWLAND'S LOTION effected a Cure, and she is now free from Eruption. 1 am, Madam, Your very obedient humble Servant, WILLIAM DRAYTON. Sion- Hill, Hath, Nov. 27th, 1805. Sold by Messrs. Dicey & Sutton, Mr. Edge, Mr. Abel, and Mr. Edmonds, Northampton; Mr. Harrod, Harborough; Mr. Inwood, Newport; Mr. Palgrave, Bedford ; Mr. Robins, Daventry ; and by every repu- table Vender of genuine Medicines in Europe; in Quarts, 8s. 6d. Pints, 5s. 6d. and Half- Pints, 2s. 9d. { jT This Lotion cannot be genuine, unless M. E. VINCENT is signed 011 the Label 011 each Bottle. WYMANV~ ANN- BI LIOUS PILLS, SO justly esteemed for their easy and certain Operation in removing all Bilious Complaints, Obstructions in the Liver, Indigestion, Sick Head- Ac)-., Jaundice, See. They are an excellent Remcuy for Persons of Bilious or Costive Habits; for Per- sons of sedentary Lives, where sufficient Action of the K. iwels is not kept up; also for Persons who have impaired their Constitutions by free Living ; and in earl.' - vt'acks of the Gout are peculiarly useful, by alleviating the Severity of the Fit, and shortening its Dilution". Thcv have been found highly useful preparatory to, or during Sea Bathing, i'hese Pills require no particular Regimen or Confinement, and do not contain any Mercurial or Antimonial Preparation. Prepared and sold by W. Wyman, Surgeon, Ket- tering. Sold, Wholesale, by Dicey & Sutton, No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London; and. Retail, by the Printers of this Paper, Edge, and Marshall, North- ampton ; Sanderson & Beale, and Mather, Welling- borough ; Robins, Wilkinson, and Hates, Daventry ; Reeve, Higham- Ferrers; York & Summers, Oundle; Beeslcy, Banbury ; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Quene'borough, Dunstable; Also)), Luton; Harrod, and Bull, Market- Harborough; Wilcox, and Gal laid, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Hawkes, Lutterworth; Palgrave, Bedford; Gardner, Biggles- wade; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; I. oggin, Ayles- bury; Wards, Hinckley; Eaton, Thrapston; Jacob, Peterborough; Roberts, Southam; Sharpe, Warwick; l. uccock, Kimbolton; Emery, St. Neots; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; ' l'app, and Darton, Hitchin; Wallis, Olncv; Rovvell, Rugby; Ward, Stratford- upon- Avon; Roiiason, and Merridew, Coventry; and by every Vender of Medicines in the Kingdom. Price 2s. 9d. Box, Duty included.— Be careful to ask for Antibilious Pills. TRIAL OF LORD MELVILLE. f'T is expected that this Trial, which is far more • interesting to the Public than any which have taken Place since the Impeachment ot Lord Maccles- field, will be closed in the Course of the present Week. JAMES ASPERNE, Bookseller, at the Bible, Crown, and Constitution, 32, Cornhill, has . collected such Ma- terials as will enable him to publish a correct and impartial Report of the whole Proceedings, as soon as the Verdict ot the House of Lords shall be pronounced. It will contain every Argument and every Fact neces- sary lo put the Public into complete Possession of the whole Case, and at the same Time will be sold at a Price within the Reach of every Reader. I& ndon, 101/ j June, 1806. CITY of LINCOLN, March 18th, 1800. JSAMUEL BRISTOW, voluntarily declare, that > I was afflicted with seven bad So'res in my Leg, painful and olfensive, some of which were as large as a Crown Piece. Two Years 1 uselessly tried recom- mended Applications, At Length, advised by a Neigh- bour, 1 bought of Mr. John Drury, Printer, three small Bottles of SPILSBURY's PATENT ANTI- SCORBUTIC DROPS, from the Administration of which I became entirely well, as also unexpectedly relieved from a painful Ailection of my Stomach and Breast.— Witness my Hand, SAMUEL BRISTOW. Signed before me, JOHN DRURY, Lincoln. The genuine Medicine, in Bottles of 5s. 6d. 10s. and £. L 2s. Duty included, sold at the Dispensary, No. 15, Soho- Square, London, has the King's Duty ( the Stamp) printed in black Ink, instead of red Ink. fpf Sold also by the Printers of this Paper; Mr. Okely, Bedford; Mather, Wellingborough; Collis Se Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Robins, and Wil- kinson, Daventry; Corrall, Lutterworth; and by most Venders of Patent Medicines in Town and Country. MARSHALL'S UNIVERSAL CERATE. , n^ WO Cases; in Addition to those daily published j J. in most of the Country Papers, is a clear de- j monstrative Proof of the real Value and superior [ Efficacy of Marshall's Genuine Universal Cerate. Fresh Cnrfs arrive daily, which the Proprietor will continue to insert for the Satisfaction of the Public. CASE LXXV11. Mr. JOHN CORREL, Newscarrier to Messrs. TRUEMAN, Exeter, by a Fall from a Coach bruised both his Legs, and, being obliged to walk, brought on a violent Inflammation, which terminated in four angry running Ulcers on one Leg, and one 011 the other, and rendered him incapable of going his Journies: I11 this dreadful Situation he applied to Messrs. Truemans, who recommended him Marshall's Genuine Universal Cerate; and two small Boxes completed the Ciire. CASE LXXVII1. Mr. JAMES MILLS, of NEWINGTSN- CAUSEWAY, in a Letter to Mr. NICHOLLS, Fleet- Market, says, W was perfectly cured, by one Box of Mai shall's Genuine Universal Cerate, of an Ulcer on the Instep, attended with violent Pain and Inflammation, nor would it * ive Way to Poultices or any other Application ; and, le verily believes, had he not applied tile Genuine Cerate, a Mortification would have ensued. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Messrs. SHAW Se EDWARDS, 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London, Agents to Mr. John Marshall, in Boxes, Is. ljd. and 2s. 9d. each; and by Mr. Marshall, Chemist, North- ampton, and at his Shop in Harborough; and, Retail, by Cooke, Uppingham; Tookey, Oundle; Barringer, and Barnes, Newport- Pagnell; Harrod, Harborough; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Rowell, Rugby; Fisher, Higham; Seeley, Buckingham; Robins, Daventry; Collis & Dash, Kettering ; Loggin, Aylesbury ; Leigh, Atherstone ; Halford, Oakbitm ; and by one or more Venders in every Town in England, Ireland, & c. Dr. WllEATLEY's Invaluable Remedies far the certain and speedy CURE OF THE ITCH. AN OINTMENT which cures in four Hours, . and does not contain the least Particle of Mer- cury, orany pernicious Ingredient whatever, and so perfectly innocent, that Children at the Breast may be cured without the least Hazard. It is of an agreeable Smell, requires no Confinement, and thete is no Me- dicine of the Kind which cures in so short a Time. Price Is. 9d. a Box, Duty included. Likewise his CHYM1CAI. LIQUID, as perfectly safe as the Ointment, and as certain in its Effects; it has no Smell, nor does it in the least soil the I- inen; a Circumstance which renders it highly va- luable, and to some Persons abundantly preferable to any Ointment whatever. Price 2s. 6d. a Bottle, Duty included. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dicey & Sutton, Bow Church - Yard, and at their Warehouse in Northampton; and Retail by Edge, and Marshall, Northampton; Robins, Bates, and Wilkinson, Da- ventry; Mather, and Broughton, Wellingborough; Fisher, Higham- Ferrers; Roiiason, and Merridew, Coventry; Sharpe, Warwick; Roberts, Southafti; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough; Munn, and Collis & Dash, Kettering; Newcomb, Stamford j Eaton, Thrapston ; York & Summers, Oundle; Jacob, and Horden, Peterborough; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Hodson, Cambridge; Palgrave, Bedford ; Inwood, and Barringer, Newport - Pagnell; Queneborough, Dun- stable ; Darton, and ' l'app, Hitchin; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Jones, Oxford; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Hawkes, Lut terworth; Loggin, Aylesbury; and by every Vender of Patent Medicines in the United Kingdom. ANTI- IMPETIGINES. per Box, V>' YMAN' Mr. MARSHALL, Druggist, NORTHAMPTON, lias just received a fresh Supply ot LEAKE'S PATENT PILLS. To THOMAS TAYLOR, Esq. No. 9, New Bridge- SIN, Street, London. 1Consider it but. an Act of Justice due to the . Merits of your LEAKE's PATENT PILLS, to communicate to you the following Cure, which has recently been performed by them:— An Acquaintance of mine, who, by the breaking out of an old Venereal Complaint ( attended by a Complication of Disorders arising therefrom), was reduced almost to a Skeleton, and although he had the best Medical Advice which could be obtained, and tried a Variety of Patent Me- dicines, Nothing could be procured which seemed to suit his Case, or to do hiin any Service: He remained in a most reduced and pitiable Situation for two Years, unable to follow his Profession, and scarcely able to walk or even to stand on his Legs ; in Fact, no one who knew him ever supposed it possible for him to recover. He was advised at last to try your LEAKE'S PILLS ; he did so, adhering strictly to the Directions given with them; he had not taken more than two Boxes before he found an Alteration for the better; this encouraged him to proceed, and by taking a few lioxos more fie found his Appetite and Strength gra- dually return, and is now as healthy and stout as any Man I know. You are welcome, Sir, to reler any Person to me for a Confirmation of the above Account if it should be doubted. 1 am, Sir, your obedient humble Servant, THOS. PURDAY'. Library, Folkstone, July 10, 1805. Prepared and sold by the sole Proprietor, THOMAS TAYLOR, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, in London, at his House, No. 9, New Bridge- Street; where, after a constant Residence of more than forty Years, in a Practice particularly directed to the Cure of Venereal Complaints, and those inci- dental to tlu- Parts of Generation in both Sexes, with that inviolable Secrecy which Men of his Profession should always observe, he flatters himself the Advice and Assistance he gratuitously administers to Persons taking tlus Medicine, will be esteemed, by a discern- ing Public, as anvAdvantage seldom to be obtained, and void ot Ambiguity. They are also sold, by his Appointment, tor the Convenience of those living at a Distance, by the Printers of this Paper, and Mr. Marshall, Druggist, Northampton; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcesterj Robins, & Wilkinson, Daventry; Sharpe, Warwick ; Roiiason, Coventry ; Gregory, Leicester ; Harrod, Harborough; Seeley, Buckingham; Loggin, Ayles- b. ir>'; Knight, Collis Sc Dash, and Munn, Ket- tering ; Mather, Wellingborough; Marriott, Banbury ; Tookey, Oundle; Palerave, Bedford; Atkinson,' Manchester; and by one Person in every considerable Town in Great- Britain and Ireland, in Boxes of only 2s. 9d. each, sealed up with full and plain Directions, wheTeby Persons of either Sex may cure themselves with Ease, Speed, Secrecy, and Safety. fits" Every Box sold in Great- Britain is sealed up with a Stamp, on which, by Favour of the Commis- sioners, is printed, at the Stamp- Office— T. Taylor, No. 9, New Bridge- Street— to imitate which is Felony, and all others are counterfeit. PERSONS who have unfortunately made Use of that dangerous Mineral Mercury, would do well to weigh the Consequences before it is too late, and resort to those Medicines of established Celebrity and Character for a permanent and radical Cure, arid thereby establish their Health upon the most firm and fasting Foundation. The ANTI- IMPETICINES, or SOLOMON'S DROPS, prove of the highest U tility in all Cases of depraved Habit, with Affections of the Skin : Hence its Ef- ficacy in Cases of Scurvy, Scrofula, or Leprosy, as well as in the confirmed Lues; and hence, by its sanative Power, it expels the Virus out of the System, and restores it to Convalescence. In Scorbutic Com- plaints, Lues, & c. Mercury, Antimony, and Aqua- fortis have been recommended and tried, but they reduce Patients who have made Use ot them to the most deplorable State, and have left Complaints which the Skill and Abilities of the first Physicians have been unable to cope with. These Disorders fly before the Effects ot the Anti- Impetigines, prepared " by Dr. " Solomon, Gilead - House, near Liverpool, which restores the afilictcd Patient in the most gentle Manner, even when Salivation has failed, and. leaves the whole Frame firm and healthful. The numerous and respectable Signatures which have appeared in our Paper from Time to Time, will speak more than any . Encomiums we can bestow upon it. Sold in 10s. 6d. and 33s. Bottles ; the latter contain four of the former, by which the Purchaser saves 9s. Every genuine Bottle has a Stamp, which bears the Proprietor's Name and Address, " Saml. Solomsn, Liverpool," to imitate which is Felony. ( jrr' The Postage of all Letters to the Doctor must be paid, and 10s. 6d. as a Fee, inclosed for Advice. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by the Printers of this Paper ; also, Retail, by Marshall, and Edge, North- ampton ; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Dawson, and Harrod, Harborough; Marriott, Banbury ; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Richardson, Stony - Stratford; F. dge, and Mather, Wellingborough; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Okely, and Palgrave, Bedford; Fox, St. Neots; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Swinfen, Leicester; by the Printers of the Country News- papers ; and by all the reputable Medicine Venders, Booksellers, Sec. in every principal Town in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America, who will deliver Pamphlets gratis, with a Variety of authentic Docu- ments noted therein. Mr. MARSHALL, Parade, NORTHAMPTON, RESPECTFULLY acquaints the Public, that - he has now received a fresh Supply of Dr. LAMERT's justlv - celebrated NERVOUS and RHEUMATIC BALSAM, prepared by Dr. LAMERT, in Church- Street, Spitalfields, London. These Drops are so remarkably efficacious in relieving those Dis- orders which arise from obstructed Perspiration, In- digestion, or Impurities of the System, that a small Bottle of the Balsam is sufficient for a Trial of its Virtue in all Cases. The Nervous and Rheumatic Balsam is recommended to all Persons afflicted with a Depression or I. owness of Spirits, vain Fears, alarming Dreams, Agitations of Mind, some Times approaching to Insanity, Dizziness and buzzing Noise in the Head, Blindness, proceeding often from the Optic Nerves, Loss of Memory, depraved Appetite, and bad Digestion, with other Disorders of the Stomach and Intestines, relaxed Habits, from long Residence in hot Climates, Weaknesses occasioned by Miscar- riages or difficult Labours, and by the intemperate Indulgence of the sweetest Pleasures, Palpitation of the Heart, Spasms, Palsies, Epileptic Fits, which often proceed from an Obstruction of the Menses, Bilious Complaints, the irregular or flying Gout, and Rheumatism, slow, putrid, and malignant Fevers; and in short, the whole Train of dreadful Evils which accompany and indicate inward Decays, debilitated Constitutions, and Epileptic or Convulsion Fits. Dr. Lamert will not oflend the chaste Eye, or the unhappy Suflerer, by a Detail of ail the fatal Con- sequences of a loathsome Disease, nor will he en. deavour to allure by any pompous Boast of his own superior Skill; he leaves such Artifice to impudent and ignorant Pretenders. He wishes to perform what they only promise, and hopes never to disappoint those who may trust to the Efficacy of this Balsam, and honour him with their Confidence. He would be sorry to damp the Hopes of such as are in the worst State, but he candidly recommends early Application. This admirable Medicine is to be had, in Bottles, stamped and sealed, with plain Directions, at 4s. 6d. 10s. 6d. and =£. lls. of Mr. Marshall, Northampton, and at his Warehouse in Market. Harborough ; Swinfen, Leicester; Drewry, Derby; Inwood, Newport. Pagnell; Drakard, Stamford; and of Mather, Wel- lingborough. Stratford's new Folio Edition of MATTHEW HENRY'S EXPOSITION ON THE Ol. D AND NEW TESTAMENT, Taken verbatim from the best London Edition, without any Abridgment whatever, with the late Rev. Mr. ROMAINE'S PREFACE. This Day is published, I'rice only Eight- Pence, ( Each Number containing three whole Sheets of large Demy Letter- Press, and many of them four Sheets), Number 1. embellished with an elegant PORTRAIT of the Rev. MATTHEW HENRY ( to be continued weekly) of AN EXPOSITION on the OLD and NEW TESTAMENT; wherein each Chapter is sum- med up in its Contents— the sacred Text inserted at large in distinct Paragraphs— each Paragraph reduced to its proper Heads— the Sense given, and largely illus- trated with practical Remarks and Observations: Forming a most complete FAMILY BIBLE. Bv MATTHEW HENRY, late Minister of the Gospel'. Illustrated with upwards of ONE HUNDRED BEAU- TIFUL ENGRAVINGS, descriptive of the most material Transactions recorded in the HOLY SCRIPTURES. To whichis added, a copious Account of the Author's Life, with Extracts from his other celebrated Writings. The Proprietor of this Work havir. g- expeiienced the Public Patronage, to an Extent unprecedented, in the above Publication, for upwards of fourteen Years, during which Period he has been honoured with the Names of above ten thousand Subscribers, thinks it necessary to caution the Public against any Edition which may be attempted to be obtruded on them on false Pretences, either with Respect to Cheapness, Beauty of Engravings, Fineness of Paper, or Accuracy of Printing. He only solicits a Comparison to render his Superi- ority the more eminently conspicuous. The various Impositions which have for many Years past been attempted on the Credulity of the Public by different Adventurers in the above Evangelic Pro- duction, are sufficiently known to many disappointed Religious Families, who, by the alluring Professions of the Publishers, have been induced to begin what was never in their Power to complete, and thereby the Whole of their Money subscribed to 110 other Purpose than Vexation and Disappointment. In Gratitude for past Encouragement, the Proprietor of the F O LIO E D1TIO N of MATTHEW H E NRY's ANNOTATIONS begs Leave to state the following Facts: That he gives til 1 ee whole Sheets of large Demy Paper, printed to the full Extent of the Margin, for Eight- Pence; and, in the Course of the Work, up- wards of one hundred Engravings, of superlative Mag nitude and Beauty, whilst others, pretending Cheap- ness, charge Eight- Pence for only two Sheets and a Half, with old worn- out Plates, published in another Work many Years since, and which would disgrace anv Publication at Half the Price. With this Diminution of Quantity the candid Reader will naturally ask, How is it possible to give the Whole of the Author's Annotations ? We answer, That it certainly is not— and the Subscribers will, at an advanced Period of the Work, find themselves miserably disappointed, by injudicious Curtailments and Abridgments, and, instead of having a perfect Copy of MATTHEW HENRY'S EXPOSllION, will possess only a mutilated Edition, not worth the Expence of Binding. f3ur Subscribers are therefore requested to be very particular in giving their Orders for the Folio Edition. The Whole of this Work being printed off, may be had by Gradation weekly, or in any Quantity 0J Numbers at a Time, as may suit thf Convenience of the Purchaser; or elegantly bound, in three Volumes, Calf, lettered. London: Printed and Published by J. STRATFORD, No. 112, Holborn- Hill ; and sold by all other Book- sellers and Newscatriers in the United Kingdom. Sot'TIL- Kn. WORTH, June 12th, 1806. | OUPPOSED to be stolen, and now in the Hands i C? of WM. MAWBY, Pinner, of SOUXH- KILWORTH, in the County of Leicester, A DARK- BROWN MARE PONY, About thirteen Hands high : Which said Mare, if not claimed within fourteen Days from the Date hereof, will be sold to defray the Expences. For all Disorders in the Eyes. THE GENUINE Dr. JOHNSON'S GOLDEN OINTMENT, Prepared by WILLIAM SINGLETON, NO. S, UNION- PLACE, LAMBETH, Surrey. T1IS Ointment is an effectual Remedy in In- flammations, Films, Specks, or any other Dis- order incident to the Eyes ; having completely effected some Thousands of Cures when all other Means have failed. ( pj" Purchasers are requested to see that the Bill of Direction given them with this Article, has got the Proprietor's Name as is underwritten: All not so signed are Counterfeits. This Ointment? w Sl , SNo- 2> 1, ni° n- place, prepared by me, S VVm- i » nEleton> ^ Lambeth. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Messrs. Dicey & Sutton, Northampton; and, Retail, by Robins, Daventry; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; Harrod, Harborough; Inwood, and Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Mather, Wellingborough; Collis & Dash, Kettering; and by all other Venders of Medicines in the Kingdom; Price Is. 9d. per Pot, with full Directions. 1 RHEUMATISMS, Palsies, and Gouty Atfec- tions, with their usual Concomitants^ Spasm, or flying Pains, Flatulency, Indigestion, and general Debility ( originating in whatever Source), are relieved and frequently cured by Whitehead's Essence of Mustard Pills, after every other Means have failed. The Fluid Essence of Mustard ( used with the Pills, in those Conjplaints where necessary) is perhaps the most active, penetrating, and effectual Remedy in the World, generally curing the severest SPRAINS AXD BRUISES, in less than Half the Time usually taken by any other Liniment or Embrocation; and if used immediately after any Accident, it prevents the Part turning black. Prepared only, and sold bv R. Johnston, Apo- thecary, No. 15, Greek- Street, Soho, London; at 2s. 9d. each Box or Bottle. They are also sold by every Medicine Vender in the United Kingdom. The Genuine hais a black Ink Stamp, with the Name of R. Johnston inserted on it. ROYAL- EXCIIANGE ASSURANCE. for assuring Established BIRMINGHAM I- IRE - OFFICE, HIGH- STREET, BIRMINGHAM. For insuring Houses, Warehouses, Manufactories, and other Buildings, Farming- Stock, Goods, Wares, Mer- chandize, and other Properly, from Loss and Damage by Fire. '" I" HE flattering Encouragement this Office has . received in the short Period of its Establishment, demands the Thanks of the Directors; who trust, that the Rates and Conditions of Insurance, and their Liberality in conducting the Business, will be found deserving the Public Confidence. The Mode of insuring Farming- Stock by this Office, is the best adapted for the Security of Property of that Description, as only one Sum is required on Hay, Corn, Cattle, and Implements of Husbandry, at'a • Premium of 2s. 6d. per Cent. Insurances may be made for shorter Feriods than a Year; and Losses from Fire by Lightning made good. No Charge made for Policies where the Premium amounts to 6s. ; and Persons already insured may re- move to this Office without Expence, and make any Alterations they think propec. Printed Receipts, for the Renewal of Insurances becoming due atMiDSUMMER next, are ready for De- livery by the respective Agents; of whom Proposals, containing the Rates and Conditions of Insurance, may be had gratis. By Order of the Directors, R. I. WITHE RIDGE, Secretary. Peterborough,— GEORGE CLIFTON. Thorpe- Malsur, near Kettering,— JOHN MEADOWS. Pavestry,— WILLIAM GODRICH. Woburn,— RICHARD CAMPS. Ampthill,— SAMUEL, MAY. Leicester,— FREDERICK ROSS. Hinckley,— EDWARD THORNLEY. Lutterworth,— SAMUEL BURDEIT. Loughborough,— SAMUEL MARTIN. Cambridge,— JAMES BROWN. Buckingham,— JOHN SOUTHAM. Newport- Pagnell,— EDWARD CLEAVE*. June lib, 1806. Houses, Build- ings, Corn, Hay, Goods, Sec. and also for the Assurance of Lives. JUNE 14, 1806. rpHE CORPORATION of the ROY A Ir I.. EXCHANGE ASSURANCE do hereby give Notice, that they have authorized their respective Agents to receive Proposals for the Assurance of Farming Stock at the Rate of 2s. 6d. per Cent, per Annum. Persons whose Annual Premiums fall due on the 24th Instant, are hereby informed, that RECEIPTS are now ready to be delivered by the COMPANY'S respective AGENTS under- mentioned ; and the Parties assured are requested to apply for the Renewal of their Policies, 011 or before the 9th Day of July next, as the usual fifteen Days allowed for Payment beyond tiie Date, ot each Policy will then expire". SAMUEL PENNING, Jun. Secretary. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Northampton,— FRAS. WM. JEYES. Thrapston,— JAMES RORINSON. Towcester,— JOHN JENKINSON. T Wellingborough,— J. N. GOODHALI., ' Daventry,—- R. SHEypAHH, BEDFORDSHIRE. Bedford,— M. PARTRIDGE. Biggleswade,— JOHN LANCASTER. Leighton,—* Dt WILLIS. Luton,— D. L. WILLIS. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Aylesbury,— LU KE TUR N F. R . Beaconsfield,— THOS. WITTS WALFORD, Buckingham,— ROBERT MILLER. Chesham,— CREED Se BAYLIE. G reat- Marlow,— Tuoii AS E Mes. Newport- Pagnell,— R. COLLISION. Olnev,— RICHARD HARROLD, Stony- Stratford,— J. DAY. Winslow,— R. READING. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Huntingdon,— ROBERT STAFFORP. St. Neots,— WM. DAY. Stilton,— J. BODGER. LEICESTERSHIRE. Leicester,— JOHN KING. Markct- Hsrborough,— WM. SPRIOG. Melton- Mowbray,— EDW. BRIGHT. WARWICKSHIRE. Birmingham,— JAMES KINDON. Coventry,— JESIMIEL SMITH. Kineton,— THOMAS ABBOTTS. Rugby,— RICHARD FOX. N. B. Fire Policies will be allowed, free of Ex- pence, where the Annual Premiums amount to 6s. or upwards. ( pT This Company have invariably made good Losses by Fire, occasioned by Lightning.— Proposals may be had of the different Agents. *** Assurances on Lives being found to be advan- tageous to Persons having Offices, Employments, Estates, or other Incomes determinable 011 the Life or Lives of themselves. or others, Tables of the Rates for such Assurances, and for the granting Annuities on Lives, may be had of the said Agents. And for the greater Convenience of the Public, the Company have determined to extend ( by special Agreement) the As- surances on Lives to the Age of 75 Years. CALVES' CORDIAL, A certain Cure Jor the Scouring cf Calves, Oxen, Cows, Sheep, Pigs, & c. causing them to thrive and fatten sooner, is again recommended to the Attention of GENTLEMEN, I ARMERS, GRAZIERS, Sec. BY the following Testimony sent to the Pro- prietor, W. H. BICGS, and sanctioned by the first Agriculturists in the Kingdom :— SIR,— The rapid Sale of your Cordial obliges me to send for an additional Quantity; and 1 have to assure you, that several of the most respectable Graziers in this Neighbourhood, have unequivocally declared it to be, without Exception, the best Remedy known for such Disorders in Cattle, and, in particular, Mr. Rowbotham, of Holheach- Marsh, declares, that, upon giving a single Dose to one of his Calves, it entirely cured it, that he was confident it would prove of great Service to Sheep, and that for his Part he would never be without it, nor he thought hardly any other Person would after having once used it, so beneficial are its Effects. Yours, Sec. THOS. ALBIN, Spalding and Holbeach. Sold, Wholesale, by Howard & Evans, 42, Long- Lane, West- Smithfield; and, Retail, by Dicey & Sutton, and Marshall, Northampton; Newcomb,* and Drakard, Stamford; Tookey, Oundle; Jacob, Peter- borough; M.& F. Paul, St'. Ives; Porter, Thrapston; Palgrave, Bedford; Swinfen, Leicester; Hewes, Dun- stable ; Williams, Royston; and by most Venders of Medicines. HAMPSHIRE MILLER'S INFALLIBLE RAT- POWDER. R. T. RAISS, the Inventor, deems it highly . expedient to remind FARMERS, thattheabove Powder for the Destruction ot Rats can never be laid at a more convenient Opportunity, in all their Runs, than at this Season of the Year on emptying their Barns, as it will infallibly prevent their Depredations on the new- sown Corn. In Store- Houses, Dwelling- Houses, Sugar- Houses, on board Ships, Sec. it will soon clear these Vermin. Yet no Cat will touch it.— Beware of Counterfeits, which arc every Day obtruded. The genuine Packets, Price 2s. tid. each, are done up in a red Stamp, whereon is the Name of T. RAISS. They are sold in London onlv by Champante & Co. Aldgate; and at No. 17, Ave- AIaria- Lane, St. Paul's; they may also be had of the reputable Booksellers in every Town in the Kingdom ; ot Mr. Clements, Daw- son- Street, Dublin ; and of the Printers of this Paper. Havant, Hants, Maylyt, 1806. HGNUM's PILLS, Price only 2s. 9d. the Box ( each Box contains sixteen Doses,) FOR the infallible Cure of all Degrees of a certain Disorder, prepared by Mr. LIGNUM, Surgeon, at his Dispensary, No. 57, Bridge- Street, Manchester.— One small Pill is a Dose, and the Taking of one Box, in a recent Case, will convince the Patient of liis speedy Recovery; Nothing can be better contrived, more safe and convenient than this Remedy, in totally eradicating every Symptom of this destructive Malady, by Sea or Land, as it nueds no Confinement, Restraiut ot Diet, or Hindrance of Business. * A Trial of this noble Medicine will soon sound its due Praise. With each Box is given a copious Di- rection, and a concise Description of the Disease, from which the Purchasers will be enabled to judge properly of their own Cases, and to treat them as may be requisite, without further Medical Assistance, and with the utmost Secrecy and Safety. pf" To prevent Counterfeits, observe these Words— " John Lignum, Bridge- Street, Manchester," en- graved on a black Stamp, by Favour of His Majesty's Commissioners; to imitate which is Feionv. These Pills maybe had, Wholesale and Retail, at Mr. LIGNUM'S, NO. 57, Bridge- Street, Manchester, and by Appointment are sold, at 2s. 9d. the Rox, by Howard Se Evans, 42, Long- Lane, West- Smithlield; Dicey & Co. Bow Church- Yard; Barclay Se lion, 95, Fleet- Market; Shaw Sc Edwards, 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard; Butler, 4, Cheapside; and Newbery & Sons, 45, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London; anil Retail of Dicey Se Sutton, Northampton; Green Se Taylor, Ampthill; Gardner, Biggleswade; Palgrave, Bedford; Beesley, Banbury; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Ridge, Newark; lnwood, Newport- Pagnell; Tookey, Oundie; Jacob, Peterborough; Wilcox, i'ow- cester; Paul, St. Jves ; Jenkinson, Huntingdon ; Collis Se Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Mather, Welling- borough; Darton, Hitchin; Simson, Hertford; and of the principal Venders of genuine Medicines in the United Kingdom. SUN FIRE- OFFICE, BANK- BUILDINGS, and CRAlG's - COURT, CHARING- CROSS, LONDON. For insuring Houses and other Buildings, Goods, Mer. chandi. ee, Ships in Harbour, in Dock, or Building, and Craft, from l. oss and Damage by. Fire. W » . whose Names are underwritten, being > T AGENTS for the SUN FIRE- OFFICE, have Authority from the Managers to inform the Pub- lic, and all Persons insured in the said Office, that the Premium on the Stock of Corn and Hay, being the Produce of a Farm, also Cattle and Implements of Husbandry thereon, will be rated at Two Shillings and Sixpence per Cent. And all Persons insured in this Office, are requested to refer to their Policies, in order that they may receive the Benefit of this Re- duction of the Premium on Farming- Stock, on their respective Renewals at MIDSUMMER next; and that PRINTED RECEIPTS, under our Hands, are ready for Delivery, for the Premium and Duty on Policies, as they become due; and that printed Pro- posals of the Terms of Insurance may be had of us, which will be found AS MODERATE, IN EVERY RESPECT, AS THOSE OF THE OTHER OFFICES. t'Tj' FARMING- STOCK may be insured, generally, in all Barns and Out- houses, or on a Farm, without the average Clause, which maybe seen by applying to us, who will give any further Information which may be required, for the explaining this Mode of In- surance. Northampton,— R. SCRIVEN. Peterborough,— J. ATKINSON. Towcester,— W. INNS. Kettering,— J, HENNELZ.. Daventry,— C. TOMAHN. Lutterworth,— S. CHAPMAN. Leicester,— J. PRICE. Banbury,— J. PAIN. Buckingham,— !'. STUCHHERY, Jun. Newport- Pagnell,— W. LUCAS. Potton,— J. PEPLF. Y . Stamford,— T. COOKE. Coventry,— J. CARTER. Leighton- Buzzard,— J. SANDON. Bedford,— W. SMITH. Policies insuring Three Hundred Pounds, are issued free of Expence; and all Payments for Losses by Fire are made by this Office without Deduction. *** The SUN F'IRE- OFFICE have always paid Losses or Damage by Fire from Lightning. June lith, 1806. It is evident that every person, young and old, should purchase books wherein fhey are materially interested. This being the case with respect to the Guide to Health, which is so justly recommended to young men and boys, an early attention to its maxims will guard them f rom a fatal rock 011 which thousands have split; and be the means of preserving their bodies from disease; and their souls, their minds, and all their faculties from destruction. The Guide to Health is sold by the Printers of this Paper, and by Marshall, and Edge, North- ampton; Collis Se Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Dawson, and Harrod, Harborougfi; Marriott, ban- bury ; Wilcox, and Gallard, iowcester; ose. ey, Buckingham; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Edge, and Mathert Wellingborough; Robins, and Wil- kinson, Daventry; Okely, and Palgrave, becrord ; Fox, St. Neots; Barringer, and Inwood, Nev port- Pagnell; Swinfen, Leicester; by the Printers of the Country Newspapers ; and by all other booksellers and printers in the United Kingdom, and contains near 300 pages, price only 3s. delivered free of carriage. - » oOi< » « > C » C> ® ® e= » - — BANKRUPTS required to SURRENDER. Ann Marriott, of Olney, Bucks, milliner and ha- berdasher, July 2, 3, and 22, at the Bull inn, Stony- Stratford. Attorney, Mr. Garrard, Oiney. Win. Atkinson, of Liverpool, brewer. v— William Davies, of Holborn, Middlesex, linen- draper. D. Chase, of Dean. street, Holborn, Middlesex, cord- wainer. George Nicholls, of Portpool- lane, St. Andrew, Holborn, Middlesex, builder.-— William Remnant, of Chancery- lane, London, plumber. Joseph Leo, of Manchester, merchant.'—— J. Potter, and Wm. Monkman, of Silver- street, Wood- street, London, warehousemen. R., Flint, of Rotherham, Yorkshire, liquor- merchant. Robert Campbell, of Broker- row, Moorfields, Middlesex, broker. John Ave, of Great- Welnetham, Suffolk, miller. John Stride, of Emsworth, Southampton, grocer. John Slorali, of Bath, milliner and straw- hat- manufacturer. Henry Martin, of Cowden, Kent, miller.- Thomas Dickinson, ot Manchester, cheesemonger.—— Joseph Payne, ot Lynn, Norfolk, cabinet- maker and uphol- sterer.— R. Roberts, of Liverpool, merchant. J. Fawcett, of York, spirit- merchant. R. Bent, of Lincoln's- Inn. fields, merchant. John Wood, of Bolton- le- Moors, Lancashire, muslin- manufacturer. DI VIIIENDS to be made to Creditors. July 4. J. Brown, of Wintringham, Lincolnshire, baker, at the George inn, Bartoa- upon- Huinber. July 4. E. Tripp, late of Barton- upon- Humber, Lincolnshire, carpenter and joiner, at the George inn, Barton- upon- Humbcr. , July 5. J. Parker, of Glamford- Briggs, Lincolnshire, maltster, at the White- Lion inn, Glamtbrd- Briggs. July8. Arthur Harvie, of Birmingham, factor, at the Royal Hotel, Birmingham. MAltKE I S.— iMudon, June 9. We bad not an abundant, though a tolerable supply of Wheat to- day; ir. the sales of which, tine- samples were taken off at nearly last Monday's prices, and good Red Wheats fetched from 80s. to 82s. per quarter, but second and ordinary samples were again dull and cheaper.— Rye is like'wise- a trifle lower, and Malt has little sale.— Barley and Beans continue nearly as last.— White Peas are still dear, but Giey Peas rather on the decline.— We had but a few fresh , arrivals of Oats ; and the very small proportion of those of first quality, caused samples of that de- scription to fetch something more than las: week. Wheat.. 60s. to 70s. 78s Fine Do. 80s. to S5s. Od. Rye . .. 34s. to4: 1s. Od. Barley.. 28s. to 33s: Od. Malt Oats 20s. to 30s. 1> 1. HorseBeansSGs. to 4iis. Od. Tick Ditto 28s. to ,35s. Od. White Peas 36s. to 44s. 0d. .. 62s. to 68s. Od. | G rev Ditto :; 0s. to 38s. Cvl. PRICE of FLOUR.— Fine — s. to J5s. Od. HOPS, per Pocket.— Kent, 51. 10s. to 71. 7s.— Sussex, 51. 10s. to 71. 0s.— Farnliam, 81. 0s. to 101. 0s. SMITHFIF. LD, June 9. To sink the offal. OK Beef, 4s. 4d. to 5s. 4d. Weiher Mutton, 4s. 8d. to 5s. 4d. Veal, 4s. 8d. to 5s. tid. Pork, 4s. Od. to 5s. Od. Lamb, 5s. Od. to 6s. tid. Sold this day, Beasts, 1900— Sheep and Lambs, 15,000. NEWGATE and LEADENHALL, June 9. By the carcase. Beef, 3s. 8d. to 4s. 4d. Mutton, 4s. Od. to 4s. 8d. Veal, : 1s. Od. to 5s. Od. Pork, 4s. Od. to os. Od. Lamb, 4s. 8d. to 6s. Od. TALLOW.— Town, 65s. tid. White Russia,— s. Od. to 66s., 0d. ( Soap), — s. Od. to 64s. Od. Melting StulF,. — s. to 54s. Od. Ditto rough, — s. to 36s. Good Dregs, 10s. Od. Graves, lis. Od. LEATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to 561b. 20id. to 22d. Ditto, 60 to 651b. 24d. to 25d. Merchants' Backs, 21d. to21id. Dressing Hides, 19d. to 20d. Fine Coach- Hides, 21d. to 22Jd. Crop Hides for cutting, 21Jd. to 23d. Flat ordinary, 19d. to 20d. Calf Skins, 30 to 401b. per doz. 30d. to 40d. Ditto, 50 to 701b. per doz. 38d. to 43d. Ditto, 70 to 801b. 37d. to 39d. Small Seals, per lb. 42d. to 46d. Large Ditto, pel doz. 100s. to 190s. Goat Skins, — s. to — s. per doz. Tanned Horse- Hides, 25s. to 38s. per Hide. NORTHAMPTON: Printed and Published by and for T. DICE IT and JV. SUTTON.
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