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The Northampton Mercury


Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Volume Number: LXXXVI    Issue Number: 13
No Pages: 4
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The Northampton Mercury
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The Northampton Mercury

Date of Article: 31/05/1806
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXXXVI    Issue Number: 13
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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/ KJuuftJf'.' pr rt Vol. LXXXVF. No. 13. { Heady Money is expected ( ( with Advertisements. S SATURDAY, May 31, 1806 PRICE SlXPENl^ f^^ W: „ I 1 apter and Print Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. LONDON, Maj < 27. LES Amis French Letter of Marque, of four 6- pounders and 20 men, hound to Cayenne, with a cargo of wine and various merchandize, from Bourdeaux, has been captured by the Active, Captain Moubray.— Gazette. Yesterday arrived the Hamburgh Mail due on Sunday, as also a Gottenburgh Mail.—- It appears there was no truth in the statement of Count Hattgwitz having resigned h, is ministerial situation at Berlin. English ships, however* are allowed to continue their commercial intercourse, not only with Lubeck and limbden, but with Meinel.— Letters from Vienna, of the 10th instant, state, that the Russians, by order of the Emperor Alex- ander, have evacuated the Mouths of the Cattaro. This co; ession, it is said, his Imperial Majesty lias been induced to make, from his wish to prevent a war between Austria and France; this fact is also stated in letters from St. Petersburg^. The French are represented as having obtained leave to march through the Austrian dominions, to make good the pretensions of Napoleon to all the coun tries which the Venetians formerly posspssed in Greece, on the Continent, or in the Archipelago, including the Seven Islands. There is, however, some reason to doubt the accuracy of these state- ments.— The Emperor of Russia is reported to have offered his mediation to adjust the differences between England and Prussia, and Prussia and Sweden. At present, however, appearances be- tween the two latter countries are extremely hostile. The accounts from Naples coine down to the 23d of April, at which time Gacta still held out, and the Calabrians were in a state of insurrection in every place where they had an opportunity, of avowing their sentiments. Those brave and * uyal people, whom the French papers affect to consider as a few contemptible brigands, appear to have made a most formidable resistance. They have completely cut off all communication between the division of General Verdier and the other two divisions of the French army, and several bodies of men were still assembled in arms. France has delated war against the Republic of the Seven Islands, and ordered that every facility shall be afforded in the ports of Italy and Venice to the equipment of privateers to cruize against their commerce. Bavaria has formed a treaty with Switzerland for taking into her service a large body of Swiss troops. The King has prohibited the transmission of specie from his dominions to any part of the Austrian states. It is confidently reported on the Continent, that Louis Bonaparte is not to be King of Holland, but that Bonaparte's brother- in- law, Murat, is to be elevated to that dignity. Mrs. Spencer Smith, who has been arrested at Venice by the command of Bonaparte, had been some time in Italy, for the benefit of her health, and when the war broke out, was at the baths of Valdagno, near Vicenza, front whence, with other English families, she retired to Venice, then an Austrian garrison, but since surrendered to the French, whose conduct in the first instance towards the English fugitives fouud in that place was un- commonly moderate. Mrs Spencer Smith, in par- ticular, who was confined by illness to her bed, received permission to remain till the recovery of her health, with the promise of being then allowed to retire wherever she chose. Thus this lady remained unmolested till the 18th of April, waiting for a passage to Malta and England, when she was ar- rested by order of Bonaparte, and placed in custody of a police guard of four men. She was removed that day to Padua, from thence to Milan, and is now, we understand, to be marched to Verdun or Valenciennes, a distance of at least 500 miles. Some circumstances have occurred respecting the murder of Admiral Villencuve, which strongly establish the offence on Bonaparte. When found dead in his bed, there were five mortal stabs in his body, and the weapon with which the wounds were inflicted was found literally stuck in his heart— his heart was wounded in two other places, in such a manner as must, in either case, have occasioned instant dissolution, and prevented him repeating the blow, should he, as was reported, have struck the first.— Another circumstance, which is considered expressive of Bonaparte's knowledge of this transaction, and of his wish to remove suspicion from himself,, is, that on the evening after the murder, a letter reached Rennes front the Minister of Marine, addressed to Admiral Villeneuve, and announcing to him, that although Napoleon, deceived by false reports, had enter- tained displeasure towards him, yet that he was now ready to do every justice possible to his bra- very antt talents. It is said to be determined that Lord Harrington shall go to Ireland, as Commander in Chief; and it is believed that Lord Cathcart will take the command in Scotland. Friday night, on the motion of the Secretary at War, the thanks of the House of Commons were given to the Managers of the impeachment of Lord Melville.— In a Committee of Supply, Lord Henry Petty moved i>. Resolution, granting to his Majesty a sum of < i'. 300,000 to enable his Majesty to reward the officers, seamen, and marines, under the command of the late Lord N'CISQII, for their valour and glorious conduct in the battle of Tra- falgar. Agreed to. The amount of the national debt redeemed on the 1st inst. is .£. 130,318,452.— The sum to be ex- pended in theensuitigquarter is. f. 2,193,5( 32 8s. lid. There are now 2000 of the German Legion em- barking at Cork for Gibraltar, to relieve the ssjuie number of troops which go from thence to the army In Sicily. The whole of the German Legion, artillery, dragoons, and infantry, are to be sent immediately from this country to Ireland. This willliave a large part of the army in that country disposable for any expedition or service. The Captain of the Marengo, with several of his Officers, and the Captain and several Officers of the Belle Poule, are removed from Bishop's Waltham, to Thame, in Oxfordshire. His Grace the Duke of Bedford has given orders for a select number of his celebrated Woburn flock of South- Downs to bo shipped for Ireland. From so auspicious an introduction of this valuable species, much improvement may Soon be expected in the breed of sheep in that island. Last week, at Louth, in Lincolnshire, two brick- makers, for a wager of two guineas, tried which could make the greatest number of bricks in twelve hours; when at the expiration of seven hours, OIK; pf them, named HeVneJS, gave in, he having in that time made 3500, and his anti^ oaisr, Arliss, StibO, ' G. STEVENS, Tea- Dealer, Grocer, ant) Tallow- Chandler, HIG H- STRE KT, BE D F O R D, RETURNS his sincere Thanks to his Friends and ft he Public, for the very great Encouragement and Support lie has met with during his Continuance in the GROCERY and CHANDLERY LINE, and at the same T'ime informs them he has now DECLINED BUSINESS in Favour of his SON, who, he trusts, will continue to receive their Support. G. STEVENS, Jun. truly grateful to his Friends for the many Favours he has received during the Part- nership with his Father, having now succeeded him as TEA- DEALER, GROCER, and TALI. OW- CHANDI. ER, earnestly solicits a Continuance of their Support. His Friends and the Public may depend on being sup- plied with Articles of the very best Quality, on the lowest Terms; and he trusts, by a strict Attention to Business, and invariably making it? his Study to give Satisfaction to those who may honour him with their Notice, to gain that Support which it ever will be his Ambition to merit. (£ 3* All Persons having any Demand on Mr. G. STEVENS, or STEVENS & SON, are desired to send in their Accounts ; and those who stand indebted to the same, are requested to pay their respective Debts immediately. Chocolate, Cocoa, Broma, and Vegetable Powder. rgllIE Public, within the Circuit of this Paper, J. are respectfully informed, that the principal Grocers and Druggists have received a fresh Supply of CHOCOLATE and COCOA, prepared from a Receipt given to T. DYKES, of LONDON, by the late Dr. BUCHAJJ, Author of Domestic Medicine, & c. who many Years constantly used them, and recom- mended them as the best Articles of Diet he knew, and far superior toany other Preparations of that Kind. His Opinion is given at Length with each Packet, which is signed T. DYKES. Also, BROMA, or the true CHOCOLATE NUT, prepared from a Receipt obtained solely by the Pro- prietors from the West Indies, as it is used there. — This excellent Preparation is universally approved, as well for the Healthy, as where the Nervous System is debilitated. Also, a cheap and • wholesome BREAKFAST, made from Vegetables, called VEGETABLE POWDER, which will be found very nutritious. Full Directions are given for their Use. Prepared by DYKES SC WOODMAN, No. 12, Great East- Cheap, London; where all Orders will meet the utmost Attention. On Saturday, May 31 st, 1806, will be published, Price Sixpence, TO BE CONTINUED WEEKLY, THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY AND CITY HERALD, and MIDLAND COUNTY CHRONICLE, printed and published by Messrs. SLATTER & MUNDAY, High- Street, OXFORD. This Newspaper being divided into numerous Shares, and many of the Proprietors residing in different Parts of the Country, it will have a most extensive Circulation. Agents are established in every Market TOWB in the Midland Counties, who have engaged to send regularly to the Publishers an Account of all interesting Occurrences in their several Districts. It is also patronized by the University of Oxford, and will be read by most of its Members. It must there- fore he highly conducive to the Interest of Advertisers of the Sale of Estates, of Lottery Shares, of Works of Literature, See. See. who wish for the Publicity of their Concerns in the Midland Counties of Eng- land, to favour the Publishers of the OXFORD HIiRALD with their Advertisements; to the Cor- rectness and Display of which, and to the early ^ nrl regular Delivery of this Paper, they will pay the utmost Attention. { pf" A correct File will constantly be kept at Messrs. TAYLER SC NEWTON'S, Agents, Warwick- Square, London, by whom Advertisements, Com- munications, and Orders, will be thankfully received; and by Mr. RUSHER, Bookseller, Banbury. BEDFORD, 24th May, 1806. R. and Mrs. PALMER respectfully inform their Friends and the Public, they have just completed their Assortment of GOODS for the present Season, which will be opened for Sale on FRIDAY next; and hope the very low Terms at which they intend selling every Article, will merit a Con- tinuance of those Favours already so liberallv conferred. ( J3T A great Variety of new Patterns for Waistcoats, and superfine Broad and Narrow Cloths, from the best Manufactories. Drapery, Hats, Hosiery, Grocery, Ironmongery, and prime Bacon and Cheese. JCHERRY, having taken the PREMISES and . purchased the entire STOCK in TRADE of Mr. KETT, begs Leave most respectfully to inform his Friends and the Public in general, that he is now selling every Article in the above Branches, of the best Qualities, and upon the most reasonable Terms. FUNERALS completely FURNISHED. East- Haddon, May 30th, 1806. WOBURN SH EEP- SHEARING, JUNE 16th, 1806. AS the DUKE of BEDFORD'S Absence prevents the Reception of Company at the Abbev, the SHEW, SALES, and LETTINGS will take Place, and the PREMIUMS be adjudged and distributed, at the PARK FARM. The Business will be conducted as follows:— Mornings. Evenings. Shew of Leicester^ f and South- Down | , Sale of Leicester Tups, > '< and South- Down Prize Wethers, 16th" Sheep- Shearers. Shew of Hereford" & Devon Cattle, Prize Wethers, dead, Prize Theaves, Ploughing, Trial of Imple- ments. Second Shew or Leicester and South - Down , e 1 c & . u Tups, > WEDNESDAY, ISA ® ° F R SOU, H- Second Shew off 18th. ' Down Ewes. Hereford and | Devon Cattle. J j Ewes. I Leicester and South- Down Tups lett, TUESDAY, 1 Sale of Hereford and ? 17th. * 1 Devon Cattle, Sale of South- Down Ewes. f Leicester & South- Down Tups lett, Sale of Hereford & Devon Cattle. BEDFORD To be LETT, And entered upon immediately, THAT old- accustomed INN, now in'full Trade, called the CROWN, advantageously situate in the Centre of the HIGH- STREET, in the Town of BEDFORD, with good Stabling, Corn- Chambers, Brewhouse, excellent vaulted Cellars, Sec.; the pre- sent Tenant having engaged in another Line of Business. ( j^" For a View of the Premises, apply to the TENANT; and for Particulars, to Mr. EDWARD CHAPMAN, Bedford. *** The above'is well worth the Attention of any Person desirous of entering into the above Business, who wishes to br? w his own Beer. Elegant and genteel Household - Furniture : Mahogany Dinner- Tables, handsome Mahogany inlaid Sofa- Table, Pembroke and Card- Tables, beautifully inlaid with Tulip Wood, Mahogany Library- Table, handsome Wilton Carpet, Wedgwood Table Service, & c. & c. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By RICHARD SMITH, On Thursday and Friday the 12th and 13th Days of June, 1806, on the Premises of the Rev. S. HODSON ( who is going abroad), at the PARSONAGE, in THRAPSTON, in the County of Northampton, ALL the elegant, modern, and genteel IIOUSE- HOLD- FURNITURE and EFFECTS ; com- prising Mahogany fluted Four- post, Tent, and other Bedsteads, with Chintz, Dimity, and other neat Hangings and Furniture; excellent Down, Geese, and other Beds, Bolsters, and Pillows; Crankey and other Mattresses; Blankets, Quilts, and Counterpanes; two double Mahogany Chests of Drawers; Wainscot Ditto; Mahogany Night- Tables; Wash- Hand- Stands; handsome Pier, Swing, and Dressing- Glasses; elegant Mahogany inlaid Sofa- Table; Mahogany Dinner- Table, with Leaves to fix ; Dumb Waiter; Mahogany Pembroke and Card- Tables, inlaid with Tulip Wood ; Mahogany Library- Table, with Drawers and Cup- boards, complete; Dressing- Tables; fine- toned Piano- Forte ( by Lincoln); Violin; modern Mahogany, Japanned, and Painted Chairs ; excellent Sofa, nearly new, with Pillows and Cover; a ve. 7 handsome Wilton Carpet, 13 Feet square ; Turkey and Brussels Carpets; elegant, real Chintz, Dimity, and other Window- Curtains; a 30- Hour Clock, which strikes the Quarters; handsome polished Fire- irons and Fenders; handsome Plated Ten- Urns, Waiter, and Candlesticks ; Patent Snuffers ; Mahogany Dinner and Tea- Trays ; a handsome Set of Wedgwood Dinner, Dessert, and Tea- Service; China, Glass, and Earthen- ware; Kitchen - Tables and Chairs ; l ire- Screen; Brass and Copper Pots, and other Kitchen Requisites; a Hogshead Brewing- Copper, and a small Washing- Ditto; Mash- Vat, Cooler, Working- Vat, Buck- Tub, Washing- Trays, sweet Iron- bound Hogsheads, Half- Hogsheads, and other Casks, with other Brewing and Washing Requisites; several Dozens of Glass Bottles ; G ig Harness, complete; Saddles and Bridles; Garden Implements; and a Variety of other Articles. ( P3T May be viewed two Days preceding the Sale ; and Catalogues had, six Days previous to the Sale, at the Hind Inn, Wellingborough; Green- Dragon Inn, Higham- Ferrers; White- Hart Inn, Kettering; Talbot Inn, Oundle; and of the Auctioneer, Thrapston. Freehold Estate, Huntingdonshire. To be SOLD by A U C T I O N, By Mr. FOX, On Saturday the 28th Day of June next, at the Crown Inn, Huntingdon, between the Hours of Six and Eight in the Evening, if not sooner disposed of by Private Contract, AHandsome and convenient Sashed DWELL- ING- HOUSE, fit for the immediate Reception of a genteel Family, situated at the Extremity of the Town of GODMANCH ESTER, and within a Quarter of a Mile of the Town of Huntingdon; with detached Brewhouse, Coach- House, Stable, and Barn ; a large walled Garden, well planted with choice Fruit Trees; and .1 Close of rich Pasture Ground adjoining, which extends to the navigable Ouse, which is plentifully stocked with Fish; also, Right ot Common on West Common for three Cows and one Horse. Or? For further Particulars, enquire of Messrs. WORTHAM k STSPHENSOV, 29, Castle- Street, Hol- born; and of Mr. Fox, Huntingdon. * » * Mr. ROBERT BISNAL, fcf Godmanchcstcr, will shew the Premises. CONTRACTS FOP. COALS AND CANDLES. Commissary- General's- OJfice, Great George- Street, London, Viih May, 1806. WANTED, for the Barracks in the under- mentioned Counties in South- Britain, for the' Barracks in North- Britain, and in the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, and Alderney, such Quantities of COALS and CANDLES as may, from Time to Time, be required by the respective Barrack- Masters for the Time being. The Deliveries to commence as soon after the 25th of June next as the respective Barrack- Masters shall require, and to continue till the 21th of June fol- lowing. Proposals for supplying Coals, made separately for each County in South - Britain, the Whole of the Barracks in North- Britain, and likewise for those in the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, and Alderney, sealed up, and marked Tender far Coals, will be re- ceived at this Office until Eleven o'Clock on Tuesday the 10th of June; as will also those for Candles, sealed up, and marked Tender for Candles, until the same Hour 011 Wednesday the 11th of June.— If sent by Post, the Postage must be paid. Particulars of the Contracts may be had on Appli- cation at this Office, between the Hours of Ten and Four; to Mr. Deputy- Commissary- General Ass IOTTI, Edinburgh; and Mr. Assistant- Commissary RAW- LINGS, Guernsey. ftST It is to be observed, that every Contractor may make a general Offer for the Whole of the Supply of Coals; and if such Oiler shall appear more advan- tageous to the Public, than the, .'. e^ regatc of the lowest Proposals for supplying that Article by- Counties, the same will be accepted. COUNTIES. Berks Chester Cornwall, including Scilly Cumberland Devon Dorset Durham Essex Gloucester Hants Hunts Isle of Wight Kent Lancaster Middlesex Norfolk Northampton Northumberland Nottingham Somerset Suffolk Surrey Sussex Warwick Wilts York. North- Britain. Guernsey, Jersey, and Alderney. To be L E T T, Anjl may be entered upon at Michaelmas next, ACompact and convenient FARM, situate at . DARLSCOT, in the Parish of PATTISHALL, in the County of Northampton; consisting of 62 Acres of good Arable and Pasture Land, now in the Occupation of Mr. William Faulkner.— A Lease may be had if desired. ( f3* For Particulars, apply to Mr. PERCIVAL, Banker, at Northampton; or to the Rev. Dr. LUCAS, at Ripple, near Tewkesbury. NEWPORT- PAGNELL. To be LETT, And entered upon immediately, AConvenient DWELLING- HOUSE, in the Centre of the HIGH- STREET, in NEWPORT- PAGNELL, facing the London Road, and calculated for any Trade or Business requiring Room; consisting of a Shop in Front; Hall, Parlour, Kitchen, and Back- Kitchen ; four good Bed- Rooms, and Garrets over them; a Stable, Wood- Barn, and other convenient Out- Houses ; together with a Yard and Garden, con nected with the Back- Lane, with Commons for two Head'of Cattle in that valuable Pasture, called Bury Field, and a Rood of Grass yearly in Bury Meadow. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. COOCH, Ne wport- Pagnell. Excellent Timber and Building Materials, nearly new ; capital Steam- Engine ( by Bot. zn & H alt) j Machinery, in Brass, Iron, and Lead; desirable Freehold Land, and several Dwelling- Houses ; RETFORD, Nottinghamshire. To be S O L D by A U C T I O N, By Messrs. HOGGART & PHILLIPS, ( Successors to Mr. SMITH,) On the Premises, on Monday the 9th of June, and following Days, at Eleven o'Clock, rpiIE valuable BUILDING MATERIALS of - 1. the REVOLUTION MILL; comprising an immense Quantity of sound Brick- Work ; Timbers, of large Dimensions, in sawer and bolted Girders, Joists, Rafters, Floors, and Staircases; numerous glazed Sashes and Stone Sills; Slates and Tiling; a large Reservoir and a Quantity of Lead; Brass and Iron Wheels; Shafts and Machinery, of various De- scriptions; a capital 32- Horse Steam - Engine, and a Fire- Engine; Counting- House Desks, Fixtures, and Utensils, selected at a very considerable Expence, and offering most eligible Lots to Builders and Manu- facturers; lying convenient for Land and Water Car- riage near the Gainsborough Canal and the Great North Road.— At the same Time will be sold, the valuable FREEHOLD SITE of the BUILDINGS, NINETEEN DWELLING- HOUSES, YARDS, GARDEN, COACH- HOUSE, STABLING, and rich MEADOW LAND, near the Town of RETFORD. ( jCf" To be viewed three Days previous to the Sale; and Catalogues and Particulars then had on the Pre- mises; at the White- Hart, Retford; Kingston- Arms, Newark; Angel, Grantham; Black's - Head, Not- tingham; Angel, Doncaster; Hotel, York; Derby- Arms, Preston; Hotel, Manchester; White- Hart, Gainsborough; Rein- Deer, Lincoln; Bell, Derby; Red- Lion, Boston; Angel, Peterborough; George, Stamford; Duke's- Head, Lynn; Rose- and- Crown, Wisbech; Neptune, Hull; of Messrs. Jones & Green, Solicitors, Salisbury - Square, Fleet- Street; and of Messrs. Hoggart & Phillips, 62, Broad- Stveet, near the Royal- Exchange, London. v DISTRESSES IN GERMANY. LONDON, April 16th, 180S. r5' TIE astonishing Transactions which took Place 8- on the Continent towards the Close of the last Year,' must have been familiar to all who bestow the slightest Regard upon the passing Occurrences; nor can the unparalleled Velocity with which the French Troops over- ran various Parts of Germany be easily forgotten; but the Requisitions, Extortions, and Excesses of every Kind, which were systematically carried on towtTs the hapless Inhabitants, and the awful Distresses therefey occasioned, have not been sufficiently known in Great- Britain, to excite that general Commiseration which such imperious Ne- cessity demands. In Consequence of the accumulated Miseries pro- duced by the War, and of the scanty Supply of Pro- visions, arising from two successive Years oi' Scarcity, the Inhabitants of many German Provinces have been overwhelmed with such a Pressure of Distress, that, without foreign Relief, great Numbers - must have perished. To augment the Catalogue of their Woes, almost all Trade, Manufactures, and Commerce, have been suspended; for Want ot Fuel - whole Villages have been destroyed by the hostile Armies, in order to keep Up Watch- fires; so that Numbers of the wretched Inhabitants were exposal, stripped of their Clothes and destitute'of Shelter, to all the Inclemency of the Winter; and a malignant pestilential Disorder has swept away MANY THOUSANDS ( in Moravia alone upwards < jt' twelve Thousand,) which the Sword and Famine had spared. With a View to afford some Alleviation to these Calamities, a Subscription was opened in London, and a Committee formed, as early as last November; who have, by the liberal Donations and Benefactions afforded them, been enabled to make Remittances to those Places which most urgently stood in Need of Help; by which Means the poor Inhabitants have procured Supplies of Provisions from distant Parts of the Continent. The Committee have received a con- siderable Number of very interesting. Letters, acknow- ledging the sate Arrival of the Remittances in Terms of the most affecting Gratitude; and further specifying in what Manner and Proportions they had been applied. The Committee regret, that the necessary Limits of this Address unavoidably prevent them from intro- ducing any of the very interesting, but melancholy Details of Misery, contained in their respective Re- ports already published: But as the Fund hitherto ap- propriated to this Purpose is now almost exhausted, the Committee have no Resource left them to recruit it, but by an Appeal to the Synjjiathy arid Generosity ot an enlightened and benevolent BRITISH PUBLIC. Of the Extent of the Misery that exists, some Idea may be formed, when it is observed, that the Stores of Grain, both public and private, were speedily con- sumed or destroyed by the numerous Armies, which were successively poured into Germany, destitute of Clothes, Provisions, and every other Necessary. No Place or Country, though not the immediate Theatre of War, has suffered more from long- continued Ex- actions, than Hanover; whence official Accounts have been received, containing the most affecting Statements ot systematic Extortion and Devastation;— W many have been literally starved to Death ! Never has the Benevolence of a BRITISH PUBLIC been entreated in vain on Behalf of suffering Hu- manity ; and, since this highly favoured Nation has been preserved from the destroying Sword and the de- vouring Pestilence, the Committee implore their kind Assistance, 111 Behalf of the hapless Victims of such united Horrors. The Committee would further observe, that not- withstanding the extraordinary Change in the political Aspect of Continental Affairs, they will be still enabled from the Security of their extensive and con- fidential Correspondence, to convey the apportioned Remittances with Safety to their Destination. And it should be remembered that the poor suffering Inha- bitants have no Part in Public Affairs, but are still the worthy Objects of British Generosity. The Com- mittee would be amply justified in employing 011 this Occasion the strongest Expressions the Mind can con- ceive, or Language afford, in order to give an . adequate View of the diversified Miseries now afflicting the In- habitants of many Parts of Germany; but they prefer calling the Attention of the Compassionate to the INTERESTING FACTS contained in the REPORTS of their Proceedings published from Time to Time ; and which may be had on Application to any ot the Committee in London, by whom Donations" will be gratefully received, viz. George Wolff; Esq. America- Square. Joseph Hardcastle, Esq. Old Swan Stairs. Joseph Reyner, Esq. Old Swan Stairs. Richard Lea, Esq. Alderman, Old- Jewry. Alexander Maitlaad, Esq. Peckham. Robert Steven, Esq. 121), Upper Thames- Street. Thomas Wilson, Esq. Artillery- Place. George Hammond, Esq. 145, Whitechapel. Wilson Birkbeck, Esq. Stamford- Hill. Robert Howard, Esq. Stamford- Hill. Richard Chester, Esq. Stoke- Newington. George Meyer, Esq. Salvador- House, Bishopsgate- Street. Christopher Sundius, Esq. Fen- Court. Alexander ShirrefF, Esq. 58, Fenchurch- Strect. Herman Schroeder, Esq. College- Hill. John D, Hose, Esq. Ludgate- Hill. The Rev. Ch. F. A. Steiiikopll', Savoy. Mr. Joseph Butterworth, 43, Fleet- Street. Mr. Robert Middleton, 192, Fleet- Street. Samuel Mills, Esq. 16, Finsbury- Place. Joseph Smith, Esq. 60, Broad- Street. Amb. Martin, Esq. ^' harlotte- Street, Bloomsbury. The Rev. C. Schwabe, Goodman's- Fields. William Alers, Esq. 7, Fenchurch- Street. The Rev. W. Kueper, 49, Stafford- Place, Pimlico. The Rev. George Segelken, 25, Brompton- Crescent. Henry Silfken, Esq. 11, Scots'- Yard, Bush- Lane. Messrs. Hardcastle & Reyner, Treasurers, Old Swan Stairs. Subscriptions will also be received at the following Bankers in London:— Messrs. Hankey & Co. Fenchurch- Street. Messrs. Hoares, Fleet- Street. Messrs. Smith & Holt, Old Broad- Street. Messrs. Jones, Loyd, Huhiie, & Co. Lothbury. SUBSCRIPTIONS LATELY RECEIVED. J. d, 0 0 Glasgow Subscriptions, bv Mr. John Ro- £. s. d. bertson 306 7 0 Alexander Knox, Esq. Dublin 5 0 0 Mrs. Hooper, Walworth 20 0 0 Bristol Subscriptions, by the Rev. T. T. Biddulph 61 16 6 Collection by the late Rev. Abraham Booth, Prescot- Street 158 0 0 Many other Subscriptions, too numerous to be in- serted here ( including several of One Guinea each, as well as smaller Sums), have lately been received ; which will be printed, and circulated with the Reports of { he Committee. ^ The Reports may be had of Ambrose Martin, Esq. No. 24, Charlotte- Street, Bloomsbury- Square; Mr. Joseph Butterworth, No. 43, Fleet- Street; Messrs. Hardcastle & Reyner, Treasurers, Old Swan Stairs; and of the other Members of the Committee, in London. Also, of Messrs. Rivingtons, St. Paul's Church- Yard j Messrs. Cadeli & Davics, Strand; and of Mr. J. Hatchard, Piccadilly. To be SO~ LD by AU C T J~ 0 N, By Mr. K N IB B, At the Nag's- Head, in Great- Linford, near Newport- Pagnell, Bucks, between the Hours of Four and Seven o'clock in the Afternoon, in one or three Lots, as may be most agreeable to the Purchasers, 011 the 3d Day of June, 1806, rpHREE compact FREEHOLD MESSUAGES or i TENEMENTS, built within a few Years, and in good Repair; with convenient Out- Offices and Gardens, and a Pump and Well of good Water in the Yard; agreeably situated in the HIGH- STREET, in GREAT- LIN FORD afpresaid, at a short Distance from the Grand Junction Canal, and now in the Oc- cupation of Messrs. Crofts, Wigg, and Abraham, respectable Tenants at Will, and now lett at an old and improvable Rent. For a View of the Premises, apply to the TENANTS ; and for further Particulars, to the AUC- TIONEER, in Newport- Pagnell. To be SOLD by AUCTIO N, By Mr. CHENEY, At the Bull Inn, at Cold- Ashby, Northamptonshire, on Wednesday the 4th Day of Juiie, 1806, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, if not sooner disposed of by Private Contract, of which timely Notice will be given, Very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE of A. - fine PASTURE LAND, Tythe- free; containing 8A. 1R. 31P. situate in the Lordship of COLD- ASHBY aforesaid, in the Occupation of Mr. John Wright, of Cold- Ashby Lodge, who will shew the Premises.— Immediate Possession may be had. { pif For further Particulars, and to treat for the same by Private Contract, apply to Mr. EMERTON, of Thornby ; or to the AUCTIONEER, at Naseby. Conditions will be produced at the'fime of Sale. His Grace the Archbishop of Cashel 20 The Right Hon. the Earl of Hardwicke .. 30 The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of London 20 The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Elphin 20 u Lady Carbery 50 0 The Right Hon. David La Touche & Co... 50 0 William Wilberforce, Esq. M. P 20 0 Elv Bates, Esq. Blackheath 10 10 Charles Grant, Esq. M. P 10 10 Edw. Simeon, Esq. ic Co. Salvador- House 100 0 Thomson Bonar, Esq 21 0 Thomson Bonar, Jun. Esq 10 10 John Thomson, Esq 21 0 John Maitland, Esq. M. P 20 Sir R. B. Johnstone 25 Lady Johnstone 25 Christo, by Messrs. Hankey Sc Co 20 Dublin Subscriptions, by Henry Hutton, Esq. Alderman 200 Admiral Gambier : 5 Rev. Thomas Gisborne, Yoxall- Lodge 25 E. Goodhart, Esq. llford 8 Hanoverians, at Cumberland- Lodge, Wind- sor Park 12 4 Anthony Home, Esq. Bankside 20 0 Manchester Friends, by Mr. Isaac Crewdson 100 0 Mrs. Hannah Moore's second Donation 5 0 Mr. Edward Ridsdale, Wakefield - 20 0 Mr. John Ridsdale, Wakefield 20 0 Henry Thornton, Esq. M. P. second Donation 100 0 A Friend, by Ditto 25 0 Dr. Ludlow, Bristol 5 5 T. W. Smith, Esq. & Co. Great St. Helen's, third Donation 50 0 The Rev. B. N. Turner, Denton, Lincoln- shire 5 5 Thomas Were, Esq. by Messrs.' Were, Bruce, Sc Co 10 0 W. D. by Messrs. Hoares 20 0 Francis Gosling, Esq. Fleet- Street 21 0 Messrs. William Storrs Fry & Sons, Mildred- Court 50 0 Arthur Young, Esq. by Messrs. Hoares .. 5 5 Joseph Foster Barham, Esq. M. P 10 10 Richard Reynolds, Esq. Bristol 20 0 Thomas Bonville, Esq. Bristol 10 10 Chobham Friends, by the Rev. Charles Jerram 29 9 0 Genteel modern Household- Furniture. To be SOLD bj AUCTION, * By BROWN & SON, On Thursday the 5th of June, 1806, and following Day, ALL the genteel and valuable IIOUSEHOLD- , FURNITURE, PLATE, CHINA, GLASS, fine old PORT, SHERRY, LIQUORS, valuable BOOKS, :.- » . d other EFFECTS, the Property of Mrs. COSTIN, ST. PAUL'S- SQUARE, BEDFORD, who_ is leaving the Town; consisting of Four- post Sacking- bottom Bedsteads, with handsome carved Pillars, painted Cornices, fine Chintz and Cotton Furnitures, lined with Calico, and fringed; festoon Window - Curtains, to correspond; prime Goose Feather- Beds, Bolsters, and Pillows; Mattresses; large Counterpanes and Blankets; Mahogany Dressing- Tables and Glasses; Pier- Glasses, in Gilt Frames; Mahogany Chests of Drawers and a Bureau, with solid Fronts; Walnut- Tree Ditto; Staircase Carpeting and Brass Wires ; eight handsome Mahogany Chairs, fine Hair Seats, double Brass- nailed, and two Elbow Ditto; a capital Sofa, stuffed with best curled Hair; Cushion and Pillows, in Suit; capital Carpets, ot various Sizes and elegant Patterns, in high Preser- vation ; handsome Set of Diuing- Tables, Sideboard, Chairs, Two- leaved Tables, Sandwich Board, & c. in Mahogany; a Pair of very handsome Satin- Wood Card- Tables ; neat Japanned Chamber Chairs ; exceeding good Eight- Day Clock, and a Kitchen Dial; elegant Pair of French Window - Curtains, fine Chintz Pattern, Lines and Tassels Mahogany Bookcase, with glazed Doors, Silk Curtains, & c. complete; Chimney Ornaments and Lustie; Foreign and English Sets of 1 able- China, Tea- China, and Glass; a Quantity of Plate; a fine- toned Piano- Forte ( by Longman & Co.); capital Barometer ( by Brown, Bedford); an elegant Chimney- Glass, in a handsome Gilt Frame, 51 Inches by 22 Inches; 150 Volumes bound, and oth-; r Books; Oil- Cloth and Passage- Lamp; Kitchen Requisites in general; 25 Dozen of Glass Bottles, and Bottle- Rack; Iron- bound Beer Casks, Tubs, and various other valuable Effects. 03T Catalogues may be had, ten Days before the Sale, at the Fountain Inn, Wellingborough; Bull, Olney; Swan, Newport- Pagnell; George, Woburn; Cross- Keys, Ampthill ; White- Hart, Sheiiord; Swan, Biggleswade and Potton; Falcon, St. Neots; Barnes's Printing- Office, and of Brown Sc Son, Auc- tioneers, Bedford. » « * The Furnituremay beviewed the Davprevious, and on the Mornings of Sale, until Ten o'Clock, at which Time the Sale will commence. Freehold Estates, Bedford. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By BROWN & SON, On Tuesday the 10th Day of June, 1806, at Mr. Warden's, the Peacock Inn, St. Peter's, Bedford, at Six o'Clock, subject to such Conditions as will be then produced, ANew- built TENEMENT, pleasantly situate near PARKER'S- ROW, St. Peter's, BEDFORD, and a PIECE of GARDEN GROUND adjoining. Also, an excellent PIECE of GROUND, well adapted for building on ( contiguous to the above), 42 Feet in Front and upwards of 60 Feet in Depth, with a Pump of fine Water. Immediate Possession may be had. *** For a View of the Premises," and for further Particulars, apply to BROWN Sc SON, Auctioneers. Bedford. ' Excellent Freehold Pusture, with early Possession, ST. PAUL'S, BEDFORD^ Exonerated from the Land - Tax. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By BROWN & SON, On Thursday the 12th Day of June, .1806, at Mrs. Garner's, the George Inn, Bedford, at Six o'Clock, subject to such Conditions as will be then produced, AVery valuable FREEHOLD and TVTHE- FRE ® ESTATE ; comprising all that inclosed Piece of rich old Pasture, containing six Acres two Roods ( be the same more or less), called CORN CLOSE, most advantageously situated contiguous to the Town of BEDFORD, now in the Occupation of Mr. Richard Lane, who has Notice to quit the same at Michaelmas next.— The Timber to be taken at a fair Valuation, down to 2s. 6d. per Stick. fpj" For a View of the Estate, and further Parti- culars, apply to BROWN & SON, Auctioneers, Bedford. Thang's Farm, Chatteris, Cambridgeshire, Seven Miles from St. Ives, and one Mile from Somersham. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. JAQUES, On Tuesday the 10th of June, at Twelve o'Clock, at Garraway's Coffee- House, London, THAT well- known excellent FARM, adjoining the Turnpike- Road from ST. IVES to WISBECH, containing two hundred and thirty- six Acres ot capital and highly- productive < LAND, with FARM- HOUSE and BUILDINGS. Also, FOUR. PIECES of remark- ably rich LAND, convenient thereto, in SUTTON, containing twenty- four Acres. The Whole occupied by a Tenant at Will, and in most excellent Condition for Occupation or Letting. To be viewed by applying to the TENANT; and printed Particulars may be had of him fourteen Days preceding the Sale; also of HENRY SWEETING, Esq. Huntingdon; Mr. AUBELL, Somersham Free- School; at the Crown Inn, St. Ives; at Garraway's; and of Mr. JAQUES, Hattoe- Garden, London, where a Plan may be seen. i Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. LONDON, May 29- PARIS Papers to the 17th, and Dutch Papers to the 22d inst. hare arrived, but their contents do not demand any particular notice. Bonaparte is soon to pav a visit to Brussels, accompanied by his brother Louis, but for what object is not stated — perhaps merely on account of the convenience which its proximity to Holland will afford him to j controul more effectually the opinions of the Dutch, who are much slower in their expressions of gratitude for Ids paternal interference with the form of their Government, than he expected to find them. The following additional instructions were yes- terday issued to the Commanders of all ships of war and vessels to which letters of marque and reprisals have been granted, restraining them from making prize of, or stopping and detaining any vessels within the Baltic :— GEORGE R. Additional Instructions to the Commanders of all Ships of War and Privateers, that have, or may have, Letters of Marque. Given at our Court at St. James's, the 21st day of May, 1806, in the 46th year of our reign. WHEREAS we have ever been desirous to prevent in-^ terruption being given to the trade and commerce of every state in amity with us, as far as was compatible E. Orange, Huisin, Caicavc'la, and Currant ( Tim;. BATES, CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, SAINT NEOTS, informs his Friends and the Public, he has laid in a Stock of the above WINES, of such Quality as he flatters himself will give Satis- faction to tliose he may have the Pleasure to serve. ( PSR* BURGESS'S ESSENCE of ANCHOVIES, CATERS, OLIVES, PICKLES, & C. WELFORD ASSOCIATION^ For PROSECUTING THIEVES, ( Sc. HE General Annual Meeting of the Members of this Association will be held at the TALBOT INN, in WELFORD, in the County of Northampton, on MONDAY the 9th Day of JUN E next; when and where the Members are requested to attend, to pass the Treasurer's Accounts, and transact the other Busi- ness of the Society. R. BUSWELL, Treasurer and Solicitor. Dinner on the Table at One o'Clock. Northampton, " IJV May, 1806. *** This will not be advertised again. BEDFORD INFIRMARY. ) 1VJOTICE is hereby given, That all Persons J A - L^ l desirous ot contracting for the following At- ! * N ENSIGN now in England, A R M Y. in a favourite old Pediment, desirous to DISPOSE ot T; specifying at what Rate they will supply the In- firmary, for the ensuing Half Year, viz. BUTCHERS' MEAT, BREAD, BUTTER, CHEESE, MILK, SOAP, CANDLES, RICE, SUGAR, BEER, OATMEAL, and COALS. Bv Order of the Special Superintending Committee, May 10 th, 1806 J. BUTLIN, Secretary. w FLOORE ASSOCIATION. 7' IIEREAS some evil- disposed Person or Persons did, either late last Night or early this Morning, SHOOT, or otherwise DESTROY, A POINTER DOG, the Property of Mr. SAMUEL RODDIS, of FLOORF., a Member of this Association : Whoever will apprehend the Person or Persons who committed the said Otience, so that he or they may be , prosecuted, shall, on his or their Conviction thereof, with the necessary'operations of war : and whereas it j immediately be paid ONE GUINEA by Mr. tending the Appointment. Apply to Mr. JOHNSTON, Craven- Street, London. will lend very much to that purpose, that the trade and navigation of the Baltic should for the present GOD FREE, Attorney, in Brockhall, the Treasurer and Solicitor to this Association; and TEN GUINEAS remain uninterrupted: we have therefore been pleased lnore by the said Mr. RODDIS, to resolve, that our ships of war, privateer's, and other ! ssels acting under our commission, shall be restrained And if more than one Person was concerned in the : bove Offence, and either will impeach his Accomplice from making prize of, stopping, or detaining any ships I or Accomplices, he shall, on his or their Conviction, or vessels within the Baltic ; and we do hereby strictly ; be entitled to the same Rewards, and Interest will be charge and enjoin the commanders of our ships of war, made to procure His Majesty's Pardon. .... i . u,, nf all ehtrrs and vessels haviner I May Ivth, 1S06. 1 end the commanders of all ships and vessels having letters of marque and reprisal,, that they do not, by : virtue of their commissions, or under colour thereof, j stop or detain any ship or vessel in the Baltic, for the putpose of making prize of the same, but that they | sutler such ships and vessels as they shall meet in j those seas, to proceed in their voyages without any interruption. By. his Majesty's command, ( Signed) SPENCER. Yesterday the two Houses of Parliament resumed their deliberations after the recess. The Lords proceeded to the consideration of the evidence laid before them on the trial of Lord Melville. The subject was earnestly discussed for several hours, but without the presence of strangers. It j is understood that several deliberations will yet be j required- before they are prepared to deliver a j decision. It will therefore be some time before the final sentence will be known. It appears by an accbunt presented to the House of Commons, that the amount of Bank- notes now in circulation is .£. 17,293,570. The following fact, it is said, can, if necessary, he attested by every officei' and man on board Sir John Warren's squadron:— When the English force under that gallant . officer had put into St. Jago, after the capture of the Marengo and the Belle Poule, Admiral Linois requested Sir John's per- mission to assemble the French officers, for the purpose of reading to them an Imperial Edict, which he had had by him for some time, and which materially affected his and their interests. The English Admiral having accordingly assented to this demand, the French officers were got together to the amount of nearly 7Q, when the instrument in question was read to them by Admiral Linois. Tt began by reciting, that his Imperial Majesty, Bonaparte, having had serious cause of chagrin and displeasure at the repeated checks and disasters his naval force had hitherto experienced in tiie contest with England, was determined that it should undergo a thorough reform. Then, after many regulations for the better ordering and conducting his navy in time of hostility with other Powers, and for the excitement of his sailors to heroic deeds, it concluded by stating, that in future all officers of his navy, who were captured by the enemy, should be from that moment reduced to one- fourth of their actual pay. " And you, Gen- tlemen, therefore," continued Linois, " with my- self, are hereby so reduced, and must shii';, as well as we can," with the little that remains!" ft is not in words to describe the agitation and mur- mur which succeeded this communication. Exe- crations, " deep not loud," were poured out against the unfeeling tyrant who could thus coolly resolve on embittering the hours of captivity, hv reducing at a stroke nearly two- thirds of their whole number to' less than nine- pence a day, and who must henceforward depend upon the charity of an enemy for bare subsistence I Will this abo- minable proceeding, when it shall be known in France, be tolerated? Will any gallant spirit again light under the flag of such a cold - blooded ceconomist? Kpsoin Races.— Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, the Metropolis poured forth an incredible number of its inhabitants to Epsom races, nor was the surrounding country less liberal in forming the aggregate of visitors. The gradation of rank in those from London was, from the Prince of Wales down to the donkey- racer; and from the country, the Peer to the ploughboy. The Derby Stakes, on Thursday, were won by Sir F. Standish's Paris ( bought by Lord Foley), beating Lord Egremont's b. c. Trafalgar, Lord S. Chichester's gr. c. and several others: very severe running by the three named; Paris won by half a neck.— The .£. 50 Plate, on the same day, was won by Mr. Ladbroke's Prospero. Friday, the Oaks' Stakes were won by Mr. B. Craven, who named the Duke of Queensbury's b. f. Bronze, which beat Lord Egrcmont's b. f. Jerboa, Mr. Lake's b. f. Rosabella, and Sir F. Standish's b. f. 1 v Sir Peter Teazle. There were eight others started, tint the judge could only place the lirst four.— The y:. 50 this day was won by Mr. Croft's b m. sister tu Houghton- Lass, 3 vrs. old, beating Ld, Egremont's ch. g. Cerberus, by viohanna The Fifty- Guinea Sweepstakes, on Saturday, were won by Lord Egremont's b. c beating Mr. Durand's ch. g.; and the Ten- Guinea Sweepstakes, by Mr. Moorhouse's V c. beating Mr. Ladbroke's b. c. and Mr. Lake's b. f. At the sale of Mr. Elwyn's pictures on Friday, Mi. Beckfoid gave 6200 guineas for two pictures, by Rufeens, viz. 2200 for the Old Nurse by Candle- light, and 4000 for the Conversion of St. Paul. It having been asserted that Dr. Beddoes, of Bristul, was an enemy to the cow- pox inoculation, he lias written to Dr. Jenner, saying, that nothing can be more false: Dr. B. says, he lias constantly recommended the practice, and used it in his own family. He adds, " that it is among the most sacred duties of parents to insure the lives, senses, und constitutions of children against so dangerous an invader as the small- pox, by the use of the cow- pox." At the Old- Bailey, on Saturday, Robinson, the keeper of a brothel in Charles- street, Covent- Garden, was convicted of an unnatural offence, and received sentence of death.— Fifteen convicts were ordered to be transported for different periods; and a man, 80 years of age, who had been tried sixty times for various offences, was sentenced to two years' imprisonment.—- Mary Drake, one of the convicts, was indicted for stealing 22 guineas, from the desk of a gentleman who lodged in the house where she lived servant. The charitable interpretation of the Judge, with the humanity of the Jury, reduced the 22 guineas to the value of .'> 9s. and thereby took away the capital part of the charge. DIE O.] On Saturday, at Inverary Castle, his Grace the Duke of Argyle. On Sunday, at the Governor's apartments in Greenwich Hospital, Viscountess Hood, in the 78th year of lier age. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. " TIOMAS DAWKES, late of SHERRINGTON, in the County of Bucks, Horse- Dealer, having made an Assignment of his Estate and Effects, in Trust for the Benefit of such of his Creditors who shall execute the same on or before the first Day of August next; Notice is hereby given, That all Persons having any Claim on the Estate of the said Thomas Dawkes, and who intend to take the Benefit of the said Assignment, are desired forthwith to send an Account thereof to Mr. William Lucas, Attorney at Law, of Newport- Pagnell, at whose Office the Deed is left for Signature; and all Persons who stand in- debted to the said Thomas Dawkes, are required im- mediately to pay their respective Debts to the said Mr. Lucas, who is duly authorized by the Assignees to receive the same. Newport- Pagnell, < Z9th May, 1306. Most desirable and advantageous Situation. To be LETT,' And may be entered upon at Midsummer next ( or sooner if requiredJ, ACapital MESSUAGE or HOUSE, situate on the PARADE, in the MARKET- SQUARE, NORTHAMPTON; consisting, on the Ground Floor, of a handsome Shop and Parlour in Front, with a private Passage, spacious Dining - Parlour, two Kitchens, Larder, Brevvhouse, and Wash- House, with suitable Offices; Stable, Yard, and Garden; on the first Floor, a commodious Drawing- Room, Bedchamber, and Dressing- Room ; two good Cham- bers on the second Floor; suitable Attics ; with ex- cellent Cellars and roomy Warehouses. The above Premises are well adapted for Trade or private Occupation. A considerable Rent may lie made by letting Apartments; the local Situation and Conveniencies being such as to render them pre- eminent. *** For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. L. KIRSHAW, Surveyor and Auctioneer, Northampton. May lid, 1806. Salcey Forest. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Saturday the 7th of June, 1806, at the Rose- and- Crown, Hartwell, ONE Hundred and Seventy- one of His Majesty's OAK and ASH TREES, lying in LITTLE- STRAIOKTS COPPICE, BLACK. MOORR. HILL, Sec. in the said Forest; also, the TOPS t) f twenty Maiden and two Browsed OAK. TREES, felled for the Use of the Navy, in the said Coppice, Sec.; also, the TOPS of ten OAK TREES, felled for Repairs, in th^ said Coppice. The Sale will begin at Eleven o'Clock. *** Catalogues may be had, six Days before the Sale, at the Bull's- Head, Eakley- Lane; Black- Lion, Hanslope; Place of Sale; and of the AUCTIONEER, Stony- Stratford. GEDD1NGTON ASSOCIATION. AT the Request of the Members, and on Account of Leicester Fair, the Meeting of this Association is further unavoidably postponed, from Monday the 12th Day of May instant, to MONDAY the 16th Day of JUNE next, then to be holden at the DUKE'S- ARMS INN, in GEDDINGTON, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon. (£ 3* Dinner on the Table precisely at Two o'Clock. THOMAS MARSHALL, May 5th, 1S06. Treasurer and Solicitor. APRIL 29th, 1806. THE Commissioners in a renewed Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued forth against JOHN STAIN, late of the Parish of LUBENHAM, in the County of Leicester, Farmer, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on TUESDAY the TENTH Day of JUNE next, at Ten of the Clock1 in the Forenoon, at the ANGEL INN, in MARKET- HAR- BOROUGH, in the County of Leicester, in order to make a final Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors who have not already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend ; and all Claims not then proved will be disallowed. By Order of the Commissioners, WM. SPR1GG, Solicitor to the Assignees. NOTICE to DEBTORS and CREDITORS. AIL Person or Persons who have any Claim or > Demand against the Estate and Ettects of JOHN J SEATON, late of DAVENTRY, in the County of i Northampton, Ironmonger, deceased, are desired to | send a particular Account thereof to Mr. William j Mumford, of Daventry, or to Mr. Oakden, of the 1 same Place, Attorney at Law; and all Persons who owe or stand indebted unto the Estate and Edicts of the said John Seaton, are desired to pay the same to the said Mr. Mumford, ot Mr. Oakden, in one Month from the Date hereof. Daventry, May 30M, 1806. Capital Freehold Farm, near Bedford. be SOL D by A U CI I O N, By Messrs. SKINNER, DYKE, fef Co. On Tuesday the 3d of June, at Twelve o'Clock, at Garraway's Coliee- House, ' Change- Alley, Cornhill, London, VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, advan- tageously situate at KEMPSTON, about two Miles from the COUNTY TOWN of BEDFORD; com- prising a very desirable and highly. improved FARM, containing ONE HUNDRED and TWO ACRES of MEADOW and PASTURE, and ONE HUNDRED and SEVENTY ACRES of productive deep Staple ARABLE LAND, making together TWO HUNDRED and SEVENTY- TWO ACRES, Statute Measure, inclosed, well fenced, and in a good State of Cultivation; and a convenient DWEI- LING- HOUSE, with OFFICES, proper BARNS, and FARMING BUILDINGS, in complete Repair and Order; occupied by the Proprietor, who has con- siderably improved the Estate at a great Expence. To be viewed 21 Days preceding the Sale, when printed Particulars may be had, on the Pre- mises; also, at the Swan, Bedford; George, Woburn ; Cock, Eaton; Swan, Newport- Pagnell; Sun, Big- gleswade; of Messrs. Dicev & Sutton, Printers, Northampton; at the Place of Sale; and of Messrs. Skinner, Dyke, & Co. Aldersgate- Street, London; where a Plan may be seen, and who are authorized to receive Proposals for purchasing by Private Contract. *** Half of the Purchase Money may remain on Mortgage for two, five, or seven Years. R A M S. JOHN PRATT, of UFTON, respectfully informs the Gentlemen Sheep- Breeders, his SHEW of RAMS commences on WEDNESDAY the 4th of JUNE, when he will be happy to see those who will favour him with their Company.-^ The Shearlings are by a Twin- Brother of Surprise, a Son of Blackfoot, and a Son of the Dishley R. ; all Sheep of Mr. Buckley's. J. PRATT lias used Sheep from the Dishley Society upwards of twenty Years, and has never spared Expence in procuring the best blood. %* UFTON is situated six Miles from Warwick, and three from Southam. ANNUAL SHEW OF RAMS, FOR LETTING. WUMBERS's SHEW of RAMS, for LETTING, » commences on TUESDAY the 3d of JUNE; when he will be glad to see those Gentlemen who will favour him with their Company.— The Shearlings are by a Son of G. G. a Grandson of G. and a Son of the Dishley R. bred by Mr. Stubbins; the two, three, and Four- year- olds, by Rams bred by Mr. Buckley; and the Five- year- olds, by Rams bred by Mr. Knowles. IVappeubuiy, May 16, 1806. 83" WAPFENBURY is six Miles from Warwick, seven from Coventry, nine from Rugby, and six from Southam. T To A Whittlewood Forest. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Monday the 9th, and Wednesday the 11th of June, 180S, at the Fox- and- Hounds, Whittlebury, ONE i lundred and Ninety- three of His Majesty's OAK and ASH TREES, lying in BONE and IRON- YARD COPPICES, in the said Forest; also, the TOPS of 230 Maiden and 26 Browsed OAK TREES, felled for the Use of the Navv, in the said Coppices; also, the TOPS of 15 OAK TREES, felled for Re- pairs, ill I RONYARD COPPICE. The Sale will begin at Eleven o'Clock. •*,* Catalogues may be had, six Days before the Sale, at the Green- Man, Syresham- Hatch; White- Horse, Silverstone; Place of Sale; and of the AUC- TIONEER, Stony- Stratford. Whittlewood Forest. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Thursday the 12th of June, 1806, at the House of Mr. Thomas Benson, at Puxley, > WO Hundred and Thirty- eight of His Ma- jesty's OAK and ASH TREE'S, lying in SCASE COPPICE, STALLEDGF. COPPICE, and PHEASANTRY ; also, the TO PS of 200 Maiden and 33 Browsed OAK TREES, felled for the Use of the Navy, in the said Coppices; also, the TOPS of 14 OAK TREES, felled for Repairs, in the said Coppices. tFT The Sale will begin at Eleven o'Clock. *** Catalogues may be had, six Days before the Sale, at the Barley. Mow, Paulerspury; Rein- Deer, Potterspury ; Coffee- Pot, Yardley; and of the AUC- TIONEER, Stony- Stratford. Northamptonshire Freehold Estate. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. ROUSE, At the House of Mrs. Spencer, the Talbot Inn, in Welford, in the County of Northampton, on Friday the 6th Day of June next, punctually at Four o'Clock ' in the Afternoon, together or'in ' Lots, as shall be agreed upon at the Time of Sale, and subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then produced, A Valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate in the J- JL Hamlet of NORTOFT, and Parish of GUILS- EOROUOH, in the'County of Northampton; consisting of a Messuage or Tenement, Yard, Garden, and four Closes or Grounds, inclosed, of rich Land, containing together 23A. 3R. 19P. or thereabouts, viz. A R P The Brook Close 9 l" 29* Home Close and Yard 2 3 lo Fen Meadow 6 1 89 The Twist Close o 0 16 KETTERING BOWLING- GREEN. IIE first Meeting will be on TUESDAY the 10th Day of JUNE, 1806. Dinner on the Table at Half- past Two o'Clock. George Inn, May 30tb, 1806. C. JENKINSON. RUSHTON ASSOCIATION. THE Members of this Association are respect- fully informed, that a Meeting will be held on THURSDAY the 12th Day of JUNE next, at the LORD CL' LLEN'S- ARMS INN, in RUSHTON, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon ; when the Treasurer's Accounts will be submitted for their Inspection; and on other Business. jjd" Dinner on the Table precisely at Two o'Clock. By Order, THOMAS MARSHALL. May 29lA, 1806. N O T 1 C E. WHEREAS the FISHERY, belonging to me, in the River NINE or NEN, has, for some Time past, been UNLAWFULLY POACHED by various Persons, with N ETS of several Descriptions, and other ENGINES for the DESTRUCTION of FISH, without my Permission, to the great Injury of the said Fishery; and being determined to put a Stop to such illegal Pioceedings, I do hereby give this public Notice, That whoever is found trespassing in future, may d; pend upon being prosecuted. T. S. W. SAMWELL. Upton. Hall, 31 « May, 1806. FISHER Y. WHEREAS a Number of Poachers and un- qualified Persons have lately made a Practice of Dragging, casting Nets, and otherwise Taking and Destroying the FISH in the RIVER NINE orNEN, within the Manors of GREAT- DODDINGTON and WOLLASTON: Notice is hereby given, that all such Persons who in future shall be found trespassing in any Part of the said River, within the Manors aforesaid, will be prosecuted to the utmost Severity of the Law. NORTHAMPTON, 10th May, 1806. WHEREAS a Number of Poachers said un- qualified Persons have lately made a Practice of Dragging, casting Nets, and otherwise Taking and Destroying the FISH in the RIVER NINE or NF. N, within the Manor of GOBION and the Manor of NORTHAMPTON, in the Liberties of the said Town of Northampton: Notice is hereby given, that all such Persons who in future shall be found trespassing in any Part of the said River, within the Liberties afore- said, will be prosecuted to the utmost Severity of the Law. SeiHToRE, May 2uth, 3806* ' jp VANS & . TONES ( Successors to the late Ml*. J—^ Haupman), BOOT and SHOEM A KERS, LEATHER- CUTTERS, See. St. Petet's, BEDFORD, respect- fully inform their Friends and the Public, that the PARTNERSHIP subsisting between them IS DIS- SOLVED BY MUTUAL CONSENT, and that the said Business will in future be carried on, in all its Branches, by CHARHS EVANS ; by whom all Claims and Demands on the late Partnership Concern will be paid, and who is duly authorized to receive all Debts. ( J3T C. EVANS doth, for himself, acknowledge, with Gratitude, the numerous Favours received from his Friends and the Public, and earnestly solicits a Continuance of the same. MIDWIFERY. * LADIES whose particular Situations, for Repute's Sake, require a temporary Retirement from their Friends, will meet with comfortable Ac- commodations to Lie- in, » according to their Circum- stances, on moderate Terms, by addressing, Mrs. SMITH, Midwife, No. 12, Church- Street, Blackfriars- Road, London.— Mrs. Smith has a Gentleman, an eminent Man- Midwife, who will attend, if required. — The Children left to her Care, provided with proper experienced Nurses. FAIR. That, by Desire of Graziers, and others, BR1XWOR. TH FAIR, for CATTLE, will be on THURSDAY the oth Day of JUNE, and will be continued yearly. 63T A large Shew of Cattle is expected. IIAYNES's BANKRUPTCY. " ~ P* HE Commissioners in a Commission of Bank- rupt beating Date the 29th Day of February, 1804, awarded and issued forth against THOMAS HAYNES, now or late of OUNDLE, in the. County of Northampton, Nurseryman, Seedsman, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on WEDNESDAY the 18th Day of JUNE next, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon, at the GEORGE INN, in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, in order to make a Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors who have not already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the Benefit ot the said Dividend ; and all Claims not then proved will be disallowed. Rv Orflpf nf the i'( immi! a( Hipr< i BRIXWOHTH NOTICE is hereby given, That, several Gentlemen, Farmers, T T To be SOLD by A U C T I O N, By JOHN DAY, At the Rein- Deer, in Potterspury, in the County of Northampton, on Saturday the 14th Day of June next, at Six o'Clock in the Evening, subject to such Conditions as shall then be produced, rpilE following FREEHOLD ESTATES, late L the Property of Mr. STEPHEN MORRIS, deceased, in the Lots hereunder- mentioned, or such other as shall be agreed upon at the Time of Sale:— Lot I consists of a MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, situate in POTTERSPURY aforesaid, now in the Occupation of Mark Morris, and adjoining to the Chester Turnpike- Road, used as a Public- House, and tailed or known by the Name or Sign of the BLACK- HORSE; and of one other MESSUAGE orTENE- MENT, adjoining the same, in the Occupation of William Onan, together with convenient Outbuildings, Yards, Gardens, and other Appurtenances thereto belonging. The Premises comprised in this Lot are well worth the Attention of a Publican, or any other Person who requires a pleasant Situation and plenty of Room. Lot2 consists of a BARN and CLOSE, called Two Acres, of most excellent PASTURE LAND, thereto adjoining, situate in POTTERSPURY aforesaid, and near to the Premises comprised in Lot 1, now or late in the Occupation of Henry Onan. Lot 3 consists of a MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, situate in POTTERSPURY aforesaid, with the Out- buildings, Yard, Garden, and other Appurtenances thereto belonging, now in the Occupation of Thomas Fancott. Lot4consists ofaCLOSE of exceeding good LAND, of about five Acres, adjoining to the Chester Turnpike- Road, situate in the Parish of COSGRAVE, in the said County of Northampton, at a convenient Distance between Potterspury and Stony- Stratford, late in the Occupation of the said Stephen Morris. *** To see the Estate, apply to Mr. STEPHEN or Mr. MARK MORS'S, of Potterspury; and for further Par- ticulars, to Mr. KIRBY, Attorney at Law, in Tow- cester; or the AUCTIONEER, in Stony- Stratford. Total 23 3 19 The above Estate is in the Occupation of Mr. Hollis, under Lease, three Yeats of which will be unexpired at Saint Thomas next. \* For further Particulars, apply to GEORGE WARTNABY, in Market- Harborough. Leicestershire Manors and Freehold Estate. To be SOL I) by A U C T 1 O N, By Mr. ROUSE, At the Three- Crowns Inn, in Leicester, some Time in the Month of June next, in such Lots and sub- ject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be agreed upon, if not disposed of in ilie mean Time by " Pri- vate Contract, ; n which Case Notice will be given, AValuable and very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, Tythe- free and Land- lax redeemed, situate at BLABY and LITTLE- GLENN, in the County of Leicester; comprising the Manors of Blaby and Ljttle-. Glenn aforesaid, with the Rights, Royalties, Privileges, and Appurtenances thereunto belonging; the capital Manor or Mansion- House, at Blaby ; Out- Offices and Buildings, Paddock, Gardens, and Orchard, together with a Messuage or Farm- House, Homestead, and several Closes of rich Land, situate in Blaby, and a small Part in Little- Glenn, containing together, by Estimation,•> 276 Acres, or thereabouts, in the respective Occupations of Mr. James Flude, Mr. John Freer, and Mr. Daniel Burgess. ( J3T A Purchaser may have Possession of the greater Part of the Estate at Michaelmas, and the Remainder at Lady- Day next. *** Blaby is situate on the Turnpike- Road leading from Leicester to Lutterworth, about four Miles Item the former and eight from the latter Place. N. B. The Tenants will shew the Estate; and further Particulars may be known on Application to GEORGF. WARTNABY, Attorney, in Market- Flarborough. To Drapers, Grocers, Tallozc- Chandkrs, and others. CAPITAL FREEHOLD ESTATE, DUNSTABLE, Beds, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. DURHAM, In the Month of July next ( unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due Notice will be given), in two Lots. Lot 1. \ Substantial and well- built Brick and XV Tiled FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE, and other BUILDINGS, exonerated from Land- Tax, very desirably situate on the East Side of the principal Street of the Town of DUNSTABLE ; comprising a large and convenient Shop, in full Trade, in the Linenand Woollen- Drapery, Hosiery, Grocery, and Tallow- Chandlery Businesses; a Warehouse ad- joining to Ditto; two Parlours, large Kitchen, Scullery, Laundry, Brewhouse, and other Conve- niencies, on the Ground Floor; five very good and comfortable Sleeping- Rooms, on the first Floor; and five Servants' Rooms, on the Attic Story; three large Ware- Rooms, Cheese- Rooms, Bacon- Cellar, Candle- House, Barns, Two- stall Stable, and Loft; a Yard, with a capital Well of Water therein, together with another Tenement adjoining. Lot 2 comprises a'substantial and well- built Brick and Tiled DWELLING- HOUSE, adjoining the North Side of Lot 1; consisting of a Parlour, Shop, Kitchen, Wash- House, Closets, & c. on the Ground Floor; extensive Cellaring; three good Bed- Rooms, on the first Floor; three Garrets; two Yards, Stable, Loft, and other Offices. ( jd* May be viewed, and further Particulars known, by applying to Mr. JOHN DURHAM, Laud- Surveyor, Auctioneer, & c. Dunstable. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, Either together or in Parcels, AVery desirable ESTATE, situate at RAUNDS, in the County of Northampton ; comprising a convenient Flouse, in good Repair, and near the Centre of the Village of Raunds, with a Farm- Yard, substantial Barn, two Stables, and other Outbuildings, a Garden and Orchard opposite thereto, and a Close of very rich ancient inclosed Pasture Ground, adjoining to the said House, containing together about two Acres ( more or less); also, about 18J Acres ( more or less), of rich newly- inclosed Land or Ground, adjoining to the said Home Close, and extending from thence and over the Mill Road to the Roads leading from Raunds and Chelveston towards Thrapston, conveniently divided by thriving Quickset Fences into three Closes, with a convenient Road to each of them separately ; the Whole now in the Tenure or Occupation of John Arnsby, who will shew the same. ( pr Part of the above is Freehold, and Part Copyhold ; but the Copyhold Fines being certain and very low, the same is equal in Value to Freehold. *,* For further Particulars, and to treat for the Purchase, apply to Mr. DAY, Solicitor, St. Neots, ® r on Fridays, at Kimbolton. A: TURNIP SEED. A capital Growing Crop, in the Lordship of Kettering. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, lly Mr. BRAMPTON, At the George Inn, in Kettering aforesaid, on Friday the 6th Day of June next, about Four o'clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions as will be then and there produced, ABOUT SIX ACRES of TURNIP SEED, standing in the Lordship of KETTERING, in ' a Close on the left Flarid Side of the Turnpike- Road leading from Kettering to Wellingborough. ( ff" For a View, and further Particulars, enquire of the AUCTIONEER, at Kettering. Bedfordshire.-- Desiruble Residence. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By THOMAS WOOD, On Saturday the 7th Day of June, 1806, at the Eagle- and- Child Inn, in Leighton- Buzzard, precisely at Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, Modern and well- built Brick Case and Sashed DWELLING- HOUSE, most eligibly situate m the Centre of the CORN- MARKET, in LEIGHTON- BUZZARD; comprising two Breakfast- Parlours, elegant Dining- Room, five genteel and airy Bed- chambers, Dressing- Closets, and two Attics; a con- venient Office or Counting- House; a commodious and lofty Kitchen; a dry and cool Beer and Wine- Cellarage ; a convenient Brewhouse, Laundry, Stable, Piggery, and Wood Barns, with other suitable Out- Offices ; large and well- planted Garden, walled round; extensive Yards, and Drying- Ground thereto adjoining, containing together about an Acre, with a Commu- nication into Parsons Close, now in the Tenure of the Proprietor. pr The above House is substantial, in excellent Repair, and fit for the Reception of a genteel Family, offering extensive Premises, in a Situation peculiaily eligible for Trade. Also, a FREEHOLD Brick and Tiled DWELLING- HOUSE, desirably situated in EAGLE- STREET, in LEIGHTON - BUZZARD aforesaid ; consisting of a Kitchen, Parlour, three comfortable Sleeping- Rooms, Cellar, & c; also, a Brick TENEMENT adjoining, with a Payed Yard, Wood Barn, Stable, & c. ; now in the Occupations of Mrs. Daniels and others, at an easy Rent. £( 3* The Estates may be viewed by applying to the AUCTIONEER, in Leighton- Buzzard, of whom further Particulars may be known. By Order of Commissioners, R. BUSWELL, Solicitor. Northampton, 30I/ J May, 1806. { J3T The Dividend will not be paid at the above Meeting, but Notice will be given of the Day of Payment. HAYNES's BANKRUFTCY. ' ri^ HE Creditors who have proved their Debts - I- under a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued forth against THOMAS HAYNES, now or late of OUNDLE, in the County of Northampton, Nurseryman, Seedsman, Dealer and Chapman, aie desired to meet the Assignees of the said Bankrupt's Estate and Effects, on WEDNESDAY the 18th Day of JUNE next, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon, at the GEORGE INN, in the Town of Northampton, to assent to, or dissent from, the said Assignees com- mencing, prosecuting, or defending any Suit or Suits at Law, or in Equity, or otherwise, for Recovery of any Part of the said Bankrupt's Estate and Effects; or to the compounding, submitting to Arbitration, or otherwise agreeing any Matter or Thing relating thereto, and on other special Affairs. By Order of the Assignee's, R. BUSWELL, Solicitor. Northampton, 30th May, 1806. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. J. VORES, On Monday and Tuesday the 9th and 10th of June next, 1806, on the Premises, in GOLD- STREET, NORTHAMPTON, rjiIIE genuine and neat HOUSEHOI. D- FUR- JL NITURE of the late THOMAS H1LLYARD, Esq.; comprising handsome Mahogany Four- post and Tent Bedsteads, with printed Furnitures; fine Goose Feather- Beds, See. ; Mahogany Chests ot Drawers { Sets of Mahogany Chairs; Sofa; Dining, Card, and Pembroke Tables ; large Pier and Dressing- Glas- es; Carpets; japanned Chain Clock ; China and Glass; Kitchen- Furniture, in Copper, Brass, & c. ; Hogshead Copper and Brewing Utensils, and numeious other Articles. » » * The Furniture may be viewed the Friday pre- ceding the Sale. O^ T The Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock each Day. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, ~ THAT a Meeting of the Trustees of the Turn- pike- Road leading from Banbury, in the County of Oxford, to the South End of Mill- Field, in the Parish of Lutterworth, in the County of Leicester, will be held at the WHJAT- SHSAF INN, in DAVENTRY, on THURSDAY the 19th Day of JUNE, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon; at which Meeting the TOLLS to arise for one Year at BADI. EY TOLL- GATE, will be LETT by AUCTION, in Manner directed by the Statute made in the 13th Year of His present Majesty's Reign, " tor regulating Turnpike- Roads;" which Tolls produced in the last Year the Sun of =£. 97, over and above the Charges of collecting me same, and win be put up at such Sum as the Trustees think fit. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must at the same Time enter into Bond, with sufficient Sureties, for the Payment of the Rents at such Times and in such Manner as the Trustees shall direct. By Order of the Trustees, EDM. BURTON. INT ODELL ROAD. JOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of the Trustees of the Odell District of the Turn- pike- Road leading from the South End of Brown's- Lane, in the Parish of Great- Staughton, in the County of Huntingdon, to the Bedford Turnpike- Road, in the Parish of Lavendon, in the County of Buckingham, will be held at the House of THOMAS PERKINS, known by the Name or Sign of the SWAN, in SHARNBROOK, in the County of Bedfoid, on TUESDAY the FIRST Day of JULY next, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon ; when the TOLLS to arise at the Toll- Gates erected and to be erected in the Parish of SHARNBROOK aforesaid, for one Year, commencing on the 2d Day of July next, will be LETT to FARM by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of / he Reign of His present Majesty King George the Third, for regulating Turnpike - Roads, and will be put up at such Sum as the said Trustees may then think fit. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must forthwith give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Trustees of the said District of the said Road, for Payment of the Rent agreed for at such Times and in such Manner as they shall direct.— Dated thfs 23th Day of May, 1806. WM. DAY, Clerk to the said Trustees. SPARROWS - IIERN E TURNPIKE. hereby given, That a Meetii s of the Turnpike- Road leading " VTOTICE is - L\ the Trustees MAHOGANY. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. OIVSTON, On Monday the 9th Day of June, 1806, precisely at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the Public Wharf. LEICESTER, ALarge QUANTITY of HONDURAS MAHOGANY, in Logs, Planks, and Boards, a" dA^' l ™ 1 Quality; also, a Quantity of modern MAHOGANYcarvedBED- PILLARS.- The Whole will be sold in Lots, for the Accommodation of the Trade. Further Particulars may be known on Appli- cation to Mr. BRADLEY, Public Wharf, Leicester. mg of from Sparrows - Heme on Bushley - Heath, through the Market Towns of Watford, Berkhampsted- St.- 1' eters, and Tring, in the County of Hertford, by Pettipher's Elms, to the Turnpike - Road at Walton, near Aylesbury, in the County of Bucks, will be held at the KING'S- ARMS INN, at BERKUAMPSTED- SAINT- PETERS aforesaid, on WEDNESDAY the SECOND Day of JULY, 1806, and the Chair taken precisely at Twelve o'Clock ; when and where the TOLLS arising and to be collected at the several Turnpike- Gates on the said Road, known by the Names of the WATFORD and RIDGE- I. ANE GATES, with the DOUBLE TOLL that may arise on every Sunday throughout the Year, will be LETT by AUCTION, for one Year, from the 29th Day of July, 1806 ; and also the Gates known by the Names of NEW- GROUND GATE, and the VEECHES GATE, from the same Time; to the Best Bidder or Bidders, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, " for regulating Turnpike- Roads;" which Tolls arising from the Watford and Ridge- Lane Gates, were lett for one Year, ending the 29th Day of July, 1806, at =£. 1000, clear of all Expences; and the saij Tolls arising from New- G round and the Veeches Gates, produced the last Year, ending the 25th Day of May, 1806,^ above the Expenccs of collecting the same, .•£. 417, and will be put up at those Sums respectively. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder or Bidders, must at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees, for Payment of the Rents agreed for, and at such'Times as they shall direct.— Dated this thirty- first Day of May, 1806, HARRY GROVER, Cleik to the said Trustees, I l- t- bc i- le is IS ill lU s. m ) r at f- l- I. i- n I. h if < 1 11 B s I h le » f IC Id ir pr fc ot Is id or n. te ' s of Pi l> I- ts of ; n, ag ne T. id se id 65 £ V, 111 : ie E. Ed » t f he es at nt cs of n- s- le e- Pf is I1' fe ic If K jr le i. • p l id th 5f In r ' s kr • t t- iy it ig m r, is n 10 St ct It : h s, p S, U e. R . Friday and Saturday's Posts. LONDON, May 30. PHILADELPHIA Papers to the 18th ult. arrived this morning, from which the following im- portant extracts have been made :— The Senate of the United States have consented to, and advised, the ratification of the Tripolitan treaty. The votes were— Ayes 22— Noes 13. On the 15th of April, the Senate passed the Bill from the House of Representatives, prohibiting the importation of certain goods, without amend- ment. Ayes 19— Noes 9.— This Bill now wants only the signature of the President to become a law. Message from the President of the United States, stating a requisition made by the Bey of Tunis, on the Government of the United States:— 41 To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States. " During the blockade of Tripoli, by the squadron of the United States, a small cruiser, under the flag of Tunis, with two prizes ( all of trifling value), at- tempted to enter Tripoli, was turned back, warned, and attempting again to enter, was taken possession of as a prize by the squadron. Her restitution was claimed by the Bey of Tunis, with a threat of war in terms so serious, that on withdrawing from the blockade of Tripoli, the Commanding- Olficer of the squadron thought it his duty to repair to Tunis with his squadron, and required a categorical declaration whether peace or war was intended. The Bey pre- ferred explaining himself by an Ambassador to the United Slates'; who, on his arrival, renewed ti< e request that the vessel and her prizes should be re- stored. It was deemed proper to give this proof of friendship to the Key, and the Ambassador was in- formed, that the vessel would be restored. After- wards he made a requisition of naval stores to be sent to the Bey, in order to secure a peace lor the term of three years, with a threat of war if refused; it has been refused, and the Ambassador is about to depart, without receding from his threat or demand.— Under these circumstances, and considering that the pro- visions of the Act of Ward), 25, 1804, will cease, in consequence of the ratification of the treaty of peace with Tripoli, now advised and consented to by the Senate, 1 have thought it my duty to communicate these facts, in order that the Congress may consider the expediency of continuing the same provisions for a limited time, or making others equivalent. " THOMAS JEFFERSON." " April 14th, 1806." MARKET- SQUARE, NOilTIJAMt'TON. I70RSTER & BARRETT return their grateful .' Acknowledgments to their numerous Friends for the very liberal Support they have been favoured with, and beg I. eave to inform them, that Miss F. is re- turned from LONDON with a fashionable Assortment of MILLINERY, LADIES' DRESSES, SPENCERS, CLOAKS, Sec. & c. and various other Articles in the Fancy Line, too tedious to insert, which are now open for In spection; flattering themselves, that their moderate Charges will give general Satisfaction, which it will ever be their Study to merit. F. & B. beg to recommend to the Ladies their cheap STAYS ( white and coloured), and LADIES and CHILDREN'S SHOES, of every Description.—- They have a large Assortment of CLOVES, which they are determined to Sell on very low Terms, having bought them at the best Markets; likewise some strong Country - made SHOES, which they recommend for Durability. FANCY DRESS AND MANTUA- MAKING. SQUARE, NORTHAMPTON. AALLGOOD returns Thanks to her Friends . for the great Encouragement she has at all Times met with, and solicits a Continuance of the same; and respectfully informs them, she is returned from LONDON with a Variety of fashionable DRESSES, MODELS, TRIMMINGS, SPENCERS, and CORSETS; and also, a large Assortment of white and coloured STAYS, at very low Prices. ( J^ f A DAY- APPRENTICF. is WANTED. NORTHAMPTON, May 31st, 1806. A SPECIAL MEETING of the PROPRIETORS £\ of the GEORGE INN is requested to be held next SATURDAY, at One o'Clock, at the GEORGE, on particular Business. E.. BOUVER1E. NORTIiAMPToNsitlnE YEOMANRY CAVALRY. THE ALTIIORP, NORTHAMPTON, AND WYMERSLEY TROOPS, are requested to meet, for Exercise, on the MARKET- HILL, NORTH- AMPTON, at Ten o'Clock, on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY, the 3d, 4th, and 5th Days of JUNE. — It is proposed for the three Troops to dine together at the Ceorge Inn on the King's Birth- Day. ( jTl" Gentlemen who intend dining at the George, are requested to leave their Names at the Bar before Wednesday Morning. G. GUNNING, Captain. NORTHAMPTON RACES, 1806. ON WEDNESDAY, the 27th of AUGUST, the GENTLEMEN'S SUBSCRIPTION PURSE of FIFTY POUNDS, bv Three- year- olds. Colts 8st. 21b. Fillies 8st. Bridle and ' Saddle included. Winners of one Plate, Match, or Sweepstakes, since the 25th of March, 1806, to carry 31b. extra, of two 51b. and of three 71b. extra.— The Best of three Heats, about a Mile and a Half each. Any Person meaning to enter a Horse for this Purse, and not having already subscribed to the same, is expected to subscribe Two Guineas towards a Town Purse to be run for in the Ye- ir 1807. The Owner of each Horse to pay One Guinea Entrance, or double at the Post; which said Entrance- Money the Owner of the second Horse will be entitled to. A HUNTERS' STAKES of FIVE GUINEAS each ( 26 Subscribers), for Horses which have hunted with the Duke of Grafton's, Earl Eitzwilliam's, Sir NORTHAMPTONSHIRE YEOMANRY CAVALRY. rpiIE Gentlemen of the DAVENTRY TROOP 8 are requested to meet, for Exercise, on MONDAY, JUNE 2d, and the two following Days, on the MARKET- HILL, in DAVENTRY, at Ten o'Clock each Morning. THO. REEVE THORNTON, Captain. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE~ YEOMANEY CAVALRY. " MIE Gentlemen of- the WELLINGBOROUGH TROOP are requested to meet on the MARKET- HILL, WELLINGBOROUGH, on WEDNESDAY next, the 4th of JUNE, at Eleven o'Clock in the Morning, for the Purpose of celebrating His Majesty's Birth- Day. J. C. ROSE, Lieutenant. T NORTHAMPTONSHIRE YEO- UANEY CAVALRY. rpiIE Gentlemen of the i OWCESTER TROOP X are requested to meet OR HEATHENCOTE GREEN, in Field- Day Order, On WEDNESDAY the 4th of JUNE, at Twelve o'Clock ; and'on THURSDAY and FRIDAY the 5th and 6th. at Eleven o'Clock in the Morning. ( J3" It is proposed for the Members of the Troop to dine together on the King's Birth- Day. J. MANS EL, Captain. Towcester, May 30th, 1806. NoftTHAMfTo:?, StaJ 24th, 1H0& | lately, air. Wm. Terin, of Red- Hill, to MLs RS. WILKINSON respectfully informs her Page; of Bilsley* both iu Warwickshire. On Monday last, at Kettering; Mr. Smith,- ironmonger, to Miss Boddington, both of that place. On Wednesday last, at Leicester, Mr. G. B. Hodges, to Miss Mary Farmer, daughter of Mr." Farmer, of that place. ( PT Mrs. WILKINSON lakes this Opportunitv of I . ® lT'D'] Monday last, at Bedford, Mrs. acknowledging the many Favours she has received ! llson, the lady of M. W. Wilson, Esq. from her numerous Friends, and assures them it snail 1 Lately, in child- bed, at Black River, Jamaica, be her Study to merit a Continuance ot them. j in the 2jth year of her age, Mrs. Zincke, wife of i> v- 1... l ° . i M Friends and the Public, she is. returned from London with an elegant and fashionable Assortment Of MILLINERY, and a Variety of WORKED and PRINTED MUSLIN ROBES; PLAIN, SPRIGGED, and COLOURED MUSLINS; Yard and Ell- wide PRINTED CALICOES and CAMBRICS; GINGHAMS; PLAIN and TWILLED SARSNETS; and PLAIN and FIGURED DOUBLE LUSTRES, & C. The above Goods are now open for Sale. j F. B. Zincke, Esq. of that settlement, and daugh- ter of Mr. John Bailey, of Chesham, Bucks. I On the 14th inst. at Lou;: thorough, Leicester- shire, in the 51st year of her age, Mrs. Uashold, one of the people called Quakers;— Also, on the t same day, at Loughborough Parks, i: i the 91st Mrs. Cumberland. BRIGGS's PUNCH- HOUSE. Wines, Brandies, Rum, Hollands, Geneva, British Gin, and rich Cordials, of the finest Flavour, JVholesale and Retail; Calvert's London Porter, and rich Herefordshire j Cyder, in any Quantity, barrelled or bottled. MBRIGG8 takes this Opportunity of year of her age, . informing her numerous Friends and the ! On Tuesday se'nnight, Mr. Thomas Miller, of Public in general, that she is now selling BRITISH the SaracenVHead inn, Daventrv. GIN and other COMPOUNDS at very reduced Prices. I N., V\' NFI,, n,, I , » • U 11 1 T>- I I 63T M. B. thinks it a Duty incumbent on her to i r Wednesday se nnight, suddenly Richard return her most sincere Acknowledgments for the , Gorges Fettiplace, Esq. of Swmbrook, Oxfordshire, many liberal Favours she has already received, and | On 1 hursday se'nnight, after a most severe and hopes, by an unremitting Attention, to be worthy of • painful illness of several years, which she sup- their future Orders, which will be at all Times ported with the most exemplary fortitude, Mi'- minrtuallv caretullv evprntpn .1 u - . •. . ,,. 7, Martha Harrison, one ot the daughters of Ihotnas punctually attended to and carefully executed. Silver- Street, Northampton, May 31. tr, 1806 NEW Yesterday, about twelve o'clock, seven waggons loaded with' casks of specie arrived at the Bank of 1 Thos. Mostyn's, Mr." Lee Antonie's, orMr" Warde's England, escorted by an officer and a partv of , Hounds, 111 the Season of 1805- 6, and which have Light Horse. A great concourse of people" as- ! " ever started, paid or received Forfeit, before the Day sembied, among whom a report was spread, that I ot Naming, to be ioniFide the Property of Sub- . , r j ' T I scribers. Five- year- olds to carry lOst. 71b. Six- year- n was property taken on board the Marengo. It olds 10st. mb/ and Aged Ust.- The Best of three proved, however, to be a quantity ot dollars, which Heats, twice round. had been sent to Hanover, but was carried off before the Prussians took possession of that country. Hie party stopped at Rumford, on Friday last, on their way to town, and a centinel, who had been placed over the waggons, took that opportunity to break open one of the casks, but he was detected in the fact, and lodged in the barracks. All accounts from the cyder counties concur in the most favourable reports of the orchards; the bltWv is general, and remarkably healthy. Fire.— About half- past twelve o'clock yesterday morning, an alarming fire broke out in the ex- tensive sugar bake- house of Mr. Gatty, Great Trinity- lane, Cheapside, which threatened the neighbourhood of Bow- lane with destruction. The flames were first discovered in the lower part of ! the premises, and the wood being dry, the con- flagration spread with astonishing rapidity. The engines of St. Mary, Aldermary, were the first that arrived, and a plentiful supply of water being obtained, the flames were prevented from extending to the premises of Mr. Slinider and Mr. Taylor, skin- merchants, and the Cock tavern, the whole of which were expected to take fire. By three o'clock the flames were extinguished, with the total destruction of the sugar bake- house, and part of the adjoining dwelling- house. The alarm and contusion which prevailed among the inhabitants at so early an hour was distressing. It is not known how the fire began.— The premises were insured, and the damage done is considerable. To the Clergy. A CLERGYMAN, in kill Orders, wishes to - fL take the CareofONE or TWO CHURCHES, in any Part of the County, for a few Months, or a longer Period ; or, he would have no Objection to take a PERMANENT CURACY, provided the Si- tuation is eligible. ft? A Line addressed to the Rev. G. H. Post- Office, Northampton, will be duly tittended to. To Parents and Guardians. \\ TANTED, A YOUNG GENTLEMAN, of > T liberal Education, as an ARTIC LED CL ERK in an Attorney's Office, in the Country. ( PIT Enquire of Mr. DENNY, Solicitor, Long- Buckby, Northamptonshire. " V\ 7" A\ TEI) immediately, A steady, active V V YOUTH, as an APPRENTICE to a SADDLER.— He will be treated as one of the Family, therefore n Premium will be expected. g5r" Apply, if hv Letter ( Post- paid), to Mr. SHELTON, Newland, Northampton; or Mr. ISAAC, Saddler, Banbury. *** A JOURNEYMAN in the above Trade may hear of a constant Situation, by applying to Mr. ISAAC. W Wf'ANTED, TWO Journeymen PLUMBERS » » and GLAZIERS, and TWO HOUSE- PAINTERS.— Good Workmen may meet with good Wages and constant Employment, by applying to RUTLIDGE & BROWN, Weedon, Northamptonshire. "\" 17" ANTED, A. PERSON to undertake the POOR of the Parish of WESTON- FAVELL, in the County of Northampton.— The House is very convenient, with a large Garden, well planted. For further Particulars, apply to the PARISII- OMCERS. RECRUIT WANTED. RANTED immediately, to serve in Ilis Majesty's 14th REClMENTof FOOT, lying at ASHIORD KARRACKS, Kent, A YOUNG MAN, five Feet seven Inches high and upwards, and under 25 Years of Age. Q3T Any young Man willing to engage in the above Service, may meet with the Encouragement of TWENTY- FIVE POUNDS Bounty, and FIVE POUNDS the Bringer, by applying at the PEACOCK, BEDFORD.— No one need apply who is not sound and fit. llivcr Ivel Navigation and the Branches thereif, in the Counties of Beiford and Hertford. WANTED, to borrow, upon the Credit of the Tolls of this Navigation, the Sum of SIX THOUSAND POUNDS, for the Purpose of carrying on and completing the same from Biggleswade, in the County of Bedford, to the South and North Bridges in the Town of Shefford, in the same County.— All Persons willing to lend Money on the Credit and Secu- rity of the said Tolls, for the Purpose aforesaid, are desired to signify their Intentions, and the Sums they respectively propose to lend, to Mr. HINDLEY, of Baldock, in the County of Hertford, Treasurer to the Commissioners of the said Navigation. 55T The Money advanced will bear 5 per Cent. Interest. Fox Inn, Thrapston, Northamptonshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By RICHARD SMITH, On Tuesday the 17th of June, 1806, at Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, on the Premises, ALL that old- established and well- accustomed INN, called the FOX, with the Stables and Mr. Andrew's b. g. Garland, by Volunteer, out of Florella, 6 Years old Mr. Williams's ch. g. Motley, by Little Isaac, Aged Mr. Emden's ch. h. Piccadilly, own Brother to Cas- trell, 6 Years old General Gwynn's b. m. Rantipole Mr. Payne's br. h. by Trumpator, out of a Highflyer Mare, 6 Years old Mr. Payne's b. m. by Fortunis, Aged Mr. Hill's ch. g. Harlequin, by Buzzard, Aged Lord Lowther's ch. g. by Cavendish, out of Strap's Dam, 6 Years old Mr. Wentworth Bayly's b. h. Asfordby, by Oberon, 6 Years old Mr. J. Fletcher's b. g. Alonzo, 6 Years old Mr. D. Faulkner's b. h. by Constitution, out of Stately's Dam, 6 Years old Certificates of the Ages and Qualifications of the Horses for the above Stakes, to be produced ( if re- quired) before running. Subscriptions to be paid to the Clerk of the Course before running. On THURSDAY, the 28th, the TOWN PURSE of FIFTY POUNDS, free for any Horse, Mare, or Gelding, that hath not won a King's Plate this Year. Four- year- olds to carry 7sr. 81b. Five- year- olds 8st. 41b. Six- year- olds 8st. 121b. and Aged 9st. Bridle and Saddle included. Winners of one Plate this Year to carry 31b. extra, of two Purses 51b. extra, and of three or more 71b. extra. Maiden Horses and Geldings allowed 31b. Any Per.-. on meaning to enter a Horse for this Purse,, is expected to subscribe Three Guineas towards a Purse to be run for in the Year' 1807. The Owner of each Horse to pay Five Shillings Entrance, or double at the Post; which said Entrance- Money the Owner of the second Horse will be entitled to.— Four- mile Heats. { j5r To start each Day at Twelve o'Clock. Subscriptions for 1807 received by Mr. KIRSHAW, any Time before Entrance. Double Subscription will be required to qualify a Person to enter a Horse at the Post, for each respective Purse. To enter tor each Purse at the KING'S- ARMS INN, on SATURDAY the23dof AUGUST, between the Hours of Four and Eight o'Clock in the Afternoon ; and to run according to such Articles as shall be produced at the Time of Entrance. Certificates ot their Ages and Qualifications to be produced at the same Time. No less than three reputed running Horses to start for either of the Purses, without Permission of the Stewards. If but one Horse enter for either Purse, the Owner to have Twelve Guineas; if two, Six Guineas each, and their Entrance- Money again. All Disputes to be decided by the Stewards, or whom tiicy shall appoint. The Winner each Day is expected to pay Two Guineas to the Clerk of the Course. The Horses, Sec. for each of the above Prizes, to stand at such Houses, within the Town of North- ampton, as subscribe 10s. fid. before the Day of Entrance. No Smith to plate any Horse; nor Booth, Waggon, nor Cart, to stand on the Course, for the Sale of Liquors, unless the Owners pay 10s. fid. each before the Entrance- Day; for each Booth having a Stand over it, to pay 15s. ; and for the Gentlemen's Stand One Guinea, exclusive of 10s. fid. paid for the Booth under.— No Stand will be permitted within the Circle of the Course. Hon. EDW. BOUVERIE, ) Hon. SPENCER PERCEVAL, S Stewards. CHAS. KNIGHTLEY, Esq. ) H. WRIGHT, Clerk. NORTHAMPTON VOLUNTEER CAVALRY HPHE Gentlemen" of the ?.' roop of NORTII- X AMPTON VOLUNTEER CAVALRY are requested to assemble, in exercising Order, on the MARKET- HII. L, NORTHAMPTON, on TUESDAY the 3d of JUNE next, at Half- past Nine in the Morning. — The Troop will remain embodied till the 5th of June inclusive. WILLIAM KERR, Captain- Commandant. Northampton, 23d May, 1806. ( pj" The Roll will be called precisely at Ten. NORTHAMPTON VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. TIE above Corps is to Parade, for Exercise, L on MONDAY and TUESDAY next, at Six o'Clock in the Morning, previous to an Inspection, by Lieu. tenant- Colonel Delaval, on His Majesty's Birth- Day, wjhich is fixed for Ten o'Clock. ( f3f Such Members of the Corps, or any Friends they may wish to introduce, who purpose dining at the PEACOCK INN, on WEDNESDAY, are requested to signify their Intentions at the Bar on Monday or Tuesday. HENRY LOCOCK, Major- Commandant. May 31 J/, 1806. • 1 HEAl ' RE, NORTH A M T1 ' ON. THE LAST WUKK BUT ONE. On MONDAY, JUNE 2d, By Desire of the Proprietors of the ' Theatre, will be performed tiie new Comedy of THE HONEY- MOON, And the Musical Farce of LOVE LAUGHS AT LOCKSMITHS. On TUESDAY, JUNE 3d, Lewis's Dramatic Romance of THE CASTLE SPECTRE. On WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4th, the new Comedy of THE PRIOR C L A I M. On FRIDAY, JUNE 6th, By Desire of the Worshipful the Mayor and Aldermen, the- new Comedy of THE SCHOOL, FOR FRIENDS, And the new popular Farce ot THE WEATHERCOCK. A PLAY on SATURDAY, JUNE 7th. The LAST NIGHT on MONDAY, JUNE 16th. Harrison, Esq. of Wolverton, Bucks. Yesterday se'unight, Mrs. Garrett, wife of Mr. William Garrett, butcher, of East- IIaddon, in thk county. A few days ago, Mrs. Russell, wife of John Russell, Esq. of liugbrook, in this county. Last week, Mis. Blakesley, widow of James Blukeslny, Gent, of Leicester. Lately, Miss Ann Laiug, daughter of Mr. John Laing, attorney, of Coventry. A few days since, Mrs. Bray, wife of Mr. Bray, of Coventry. A few days ago, at Hackleton, near this town, Mr. Nottage, of the White- Hart public house.— He was a member of the Northamptonshire Yeo- manry Cavalry, and his remains were interred yesterday evening with military honours. On Saturday last, at Brigstock, in this county, suddenly, Richard Knight. He was formerly hunts- man to Earl Spencer, in the Althorp and Pitchley hunts, in which vocation he was well known for " a • number of years. —— The Rev. John Luxmore, D. D. Dean of GIoui cester, and Rector of St. George the Martyr, Queen- square, has been preferred to the valuable rectory of St. Andrew, Holborn.— This living is LONDON, May 31. I "> the presentation of the noble family of Itlou- PARIS Papers to the 19th instant have been ^ Suf> the present representative of win, h is the received.— The Moniteur of the 17th contains DlJchess of Buccleugh, daughter of the late 1 Juke an article, dated Vienna, May 5, statins;, that i ot Montague; and it is a provision, that the rector all the difficulties which had occurred," between ! appointed to St. Andrew's is not to accept of a France and Austria, relative to the occupation of I " ls' 10Pnc. the Bocca di Cattaro, are now removed, the Court j On the evening of Thursday se'rinighf, upwards I of St. Petersburgh having ordered that it should j of 100 live fat sheep arrived in a boat, fitted up be given up to the French army, in conformity 1 lot that purpose, at Air. Homer's, Paddington with the treaty of Presburg. The accounts brought by the last Hamburgh Mail we considered as decisive of this event, but some persons did not give them implicit credit. The Journal de PEmpire announces, that the Ottoman Porte has also acceded to the demands of Bonaparte, and acknowledged his pretensions to all the possessions of the Republic of Venice, situate in Albania and Turkish Dalmatia. The accounts from Naples are date;! the 25th ult. They state that Gaeta still held out. WELLINGBOROUGH VOLUNTEER CAVALRY. rpHE Gentlemen of the WELLINGBOROUGH » .. TROOP of VOLUNTEER CAVALRY are requested to meet on TUESDAY next, the 3d Day of Junf, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, properly armed and equipped, and also at Ten o'Clock the fol- 1 lowing Morning, on the usual Parade. JOHN'NEWTON COODHALL, Captain- Commandant. Wellingborough, May 30th, 180C. For the Benefit of Creditors. To be SOLD' by AUCTION, By Mr. KNIBB, On Thursday the 5th of June, 1806, on the Premises, at GREAT- L1NFORD, near Newport- Pagnell, Buults, npi- lE STOCK in TRADE, genteel IIOUSE- " HOLD FURNITURE, and sundry EFFECTS, belonging to Mrs. HUTCH1NS, at the NAG'S- HEAD PUBLIC - HOUSE; comprising Four- post and other Bedsteads, in Cotton and other Furnitures; Feather and Flock- Beds; Blankets and Quilts;, Bed and Table- Linen ; Drawers, Chairs, and Tables ; Pier aad Swing Glasses; a general Assortment of Kitchen Utensils ; 9 Clock ; a Buffet, Wf'. h ( icuble Do'ir: , a Copparand Grate, Iron- bound Casks, and several other Articles. On Account of the great Number of Lots, the Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock. Sheaf- Street, Daventry. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. CULLINGWORTH, • . At the Dun- Cow, in Daventry, in the County of . destroy all ships or vessels belonging to Piussia, and Northampton, on Thursday the 5th Day of June , to the town of Papenburgh, save and except any ships next, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, in one Lot, lor vessels to which his Majesty's licence has been ALL those SIX several MESSUAGES or TENE granted, or which have been directed to be released MENTS adjoining each other, with the YARD ! from the embargo : We do, in pursuance of his Ma- and GARDENS thereunto belonging, situate and , fc! tv's unsure siemfied to us as aforesaid, hereby Wharf, from Braunstoif, in this county. This being the first attempt of the kind, since the opening of this Canal, it excited considerable curiosity, and many spectators were assembled to see this novel sight; which consisted of a common canal boat, which had in its bottom, by way of ballast, a lading of ten tons of a - sort of lime- stone, from Southam, which is in great repute for water- works; on this there were two slight decks, at a proper distance above each other, and a roof of thin boards above to shoot off the rain; the space between each of the decks was The following Order was yesterday issued from j divided by sliding boards into near fifty separate the Admiralty :• By the Commissioners for executing the Office of ' Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great- Britain and Ireland, & c. The Right Hon. William Windham, one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, having, by his letter of th< i llth instant, acquainted us, that his Majesty had been pleased to order letters of marque and reprisals to be issued against the ships, vessels, and goods of Prussia,*" as well as of the town of Papenburgh ; and at the same time signified to us his Majesty's pleasure that we should give orders to all Admirals and Commanders of his Majesty's ships and vessels wherever they may be stationed, to seize or being in the SHEAF- STREET, in DAVENTRY afore- said, in the several Tenures or Occupations of John Gossage, John Fennell, Widow Clarke, JohnBatchelor, — Pebody, and Groves. There is a good Pump in the Yard, which supplies the Houses with excellent Water. Also, a CLOSE of exceeding rich PASTURE LAND contiguous thereto, containing about an Acre, wherein are growing a great many flourishing Timber Trees; and likewise a large GARDEN ; now in the Occupation of Mrs. Wall. The above Premises are pleasantly situated ad- joining the great Chester Turnpike- Road from London. *** For a View of the Estate, apply to tile AUC- TIONEER, Daventry; and for further Particulars, to Mr. HOWES, Attorney, Northampton. To be SOLD by AUG T I O N, By Mr. KIRSHAW, On Saturday the 7th Day of June, on the MARKET- HILL, NORTHAMPTON, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, ACapital BLOOD MARE, got by OLD GRASSHOPPER, with a FOAL by her Side, two Weeks old, got by Mr, Duinbleton's COINER.— For the Pedigree of Grasshopper and Coiner, see the Racing Calendar. To be " S OLD by A CI C T 1 O N, By Mr. KIR SHAW, On Wednesday the llth Dav of June, 1806, on the Premises, the RECTORY - HOUSE, at COTTES- BROOKE, in the County of Northampton, OUNDRY LOTS of genteel IIOUSEHOLD- U FURNITURE, & c. ; consisting of a Four- post Bedstead, with Chintz Furniture, and Window- Cur- tains and Chair Covers to match ; Mahogany Chest of Drawers and Dressing- Table, Pair of Card- Tables, Sideboard, Tables and Chairs, Sofa, with worked Seat, and Chairs to correspond, with a Variety of other Articles; Kitchen and Scullery Utensils, in Copper, Pewter, and Tin; Brewing Utensils in general, viz. an 80- Gallon Copper, one smaller Ditto, Mash- Vat, Working- Stands, See. also five sweet Half- Hogshead Casks; Dairy Requisites, as Churn, Milk- Pails, Butter- Scales, Kivers, Sieves, Sec. ; a Clothes- Horse, and wind- up Jack and Pullies, complete. ( f5T The Sale to commence at fen o'Clock. Yelvertoft, Northamptonshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRSHAW, At the Sign of the Panniers, in Yelvertoft, in the County of Northampton, on Friday the 13th Day of June next, at Two o'CTock in the Afternoon, ALL that CLOSE of exceeding rich PAS TURE LAND, situate, lying, and being in the Centre of the pleasant Village of YELVERTOFT, in the County of Northampton, containing six Acres, — To be SOLD by AUG T I O N, At the New Inn, in Hackleton, in the County of Northampton, on Monday the 9th Day of June, 1806, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, in or. e or more Lot or Lots, as shall be then agreed on ( unless sold in the mean Time), rjPVVO MESSUAGES or TENEMENTS, with a - I- MALTING, BARN, STABLE, GARDENS, and THREE several CLOSES of rich LAND ad- joining, containing together about seven Acres and a Half, situate in PIDD1NGTON, in the County of Northampton aforesaid, now in the Occupation of Robert Pearson, Wright, Barringer, and others. Also, to be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, TWO several EXHIBITIONS of ^'. 20 each, payable half- yearly, at Lady- Day and Michaelmas, from New College, in Oxford, during the respective Lives of two Gentlemen, one aged 50, and the other 39. ( F5R Enquire of Mr. ABBEY, Solicitor, in North- ampton. ( One Concern.) jesty's pleasure signified to us as aforesaid, hereby require and direct you to seize or destroy all ships or vessels belonging to Prussia, and to the town of Papenburgh, which you may be able to fall in with, save and except any ships or vessels to which his Majesty's licence has been granted, or which have been directed to be released from the embargo, ac- cordingly ; and to give the like directions to all the Officers' employed under your command. — Given under our Hands, the 29th of May, 1806. To the respective Flag- Officers, Captains, Cotnnanders, and Commanding- Officers of his Majesty's ships find Vessels. By Command of their Lordships. Orders, we understand, were issued yesterday morning, from the Admiralty, to fit out eleven ships of the line, out of those in ordinary at the several ports, with all possible expedition. — FORTUNATE LOTTERY TICKETS. Second day.— No. 24,171, a Prize of =£. 10,000.— No. 7688, =£. 500.— Nos. 5652 and 6757, =£. 100 each. Third day.— Nos. 245 ( third- drawn), 2931 ( fifth- drawn), 3330 ( fourth- drawn), 6388 ( first- drawn), and 21,682 ( second- drawn), Prizes of =£. 1000 each.— No. 10,854, =£. 500.— Nos. 11,751 and 23,269, ^. 100each. Fourth dav.— No. 1936 ( first- drawn), a l'rize of £ 10,000.— Nos. 1988 and 10,181, =£. 500 each.— Nos 856 and 8S4S, =£. 100 each. Appurtenances to the same belonging, situate in the ! thereabouts ( be the same more or less), and now in the Cenue ot THRAPSTON aforesaid, and . now in the ; Tenure or Occupation of Mr. William Lydell, Tenant PartlcuKply to Messrs. YORK, 1 ^ For furthlr'Particulars, apply to Mr. How., & SHERARD, Attornies, Thta'pston. Attorney, or the AUCTION***, m Northampton. 1 PRICE Bank Stock 3 per Ct. Red. 3perCt. Cons. 4 per Ct. Cons, 5 per Ct. Navy OF STOCKS, sh. I Imp. 3 per Cents. sh. 59ri j India Stock . sh. sh. | India Bonds . 2 dis. 77J | Exc, Bills . 1 2 dis. sh. | Omnium . . 2Jpr, Bridge- Street, Northampton. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By A. BROWNSGRAVE, At the Bell Inn, in the Town of Northampton, on Thursday the 12th Day of June next, at Four o'Clock iji the Afternoon, MIE several FREEHOLD MESSUAGES or TENEMENTS, situate and being on the West Side of BRIDGF, - STREET, in the said . Town of NORTHAMPTON, in Lots, as hereafter- mentioned : Lot 1, A Messuage, with the Appurtenances, in the Occupation of Anthony Crawford. Lot 2. A Ditto, in the Occupation of James Long. Lot 3. A Ditto, in the Occupation of John Tomalin. Lot 4. A Ditto, in the Occupation of Samuel Campion. Lot 5. A Ditto, in the Occupation of Lawrence Cooke. ( J5T The above Houses are Stone- built and Slated, in good Repair, and' will be found a very desirable Purchase. *„* For further Particulars, apply to Mr. HO'WES, Attorney, or the AUCTIONEER, in Northampton. NORTHAMPTON, SATURDAY EVENING, May 31. pens, so that each sheep had a distinct one to itself, in which it could either stand or lie down ai pleasure. The boat left Braunston on Tuesdav se'nnight, at three o'clock, and in 58 hours it arrived, after a journey of upwards of 95 miles. COUR- or KING'S BI NCH.— The King v. Henri and John Burton.— The Defendants, who w i. maltsters, at Nuneaton, Warwickshire, were in- dicted at the last assizes for an assault upon John Oliver, an excise- officer, in the execution of his duty, and also for a common assault, when the Defendants were found guilty of the common assault only, for which judgment was now de manded. The facts were, the Prosecutor and Defendants being together at an inn, in Nuneaton, the discourse turned upon the Prosecutor's having" laid an information against one of the Defendant for wetting malt, contrary to the late act of pai- liament, upon which some high words ensued, and circumstances passed, that furnished the ground of the present action. Very soon after the Defendant made an offer, to the officer, to pay him o£'. 30 as a compromise, which was refused.— I. ord F. llei:- borough said, as the Defendants had shewn a dis- position to make an immediate atonement, the. Court would not visit them severely.— The Defend- ants were then ordered to pay a tine of £.%•. and find security for their good behaviour for three years. We understan. l that Benjamin Belcher, who, with Joseph Driver, George Cherry, and James Gaudern, were convicted at our last assizes of committing a burglary in the dwelling- house of Thomas Summerly, at Wilby, voluntarily made a full confession of the burglary, by all the pri- soners, before Samuel Isted, Esq. the Rev. Thos. Slater, Clerk, and Mr. John Wright, the gaoler, and his son, yesterday se'nnight, the day previous to his being removed from the gaol to be trans- ported, pursuant to his sentence; and that he has given information of several other persons with whom he was connected, and of tl> e depredations committed by them for several years past. On Thursday, an inquisition was taken before Wm. Birdsall, Gent, one of his Majesty's Coroner • for this town, upon view of the body of Daviii Bissaker, about seven years of age, who was found drowned on Tuesday, in the river Nine, near t:..; South bridge. He had frequently been seen at. play in the evening, some times in a boat, anil at other times upon a raft floating there. Verdict — Accidental Death. Rich Grazing Ijind, at Milton. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By BROWN & SON, On Friday the 20th of June, 1806, at Four in the Afternoon, at the Bell Inn, Bridge- Street, North- ampton, ri HI REE CLOSES of rich Freehold GRAZING J- LAND, Tythe- free, situate at MILTON, other- wise MIDDLETON- MALSOR, near Northampton; containing about fifty- eight Acres, in the Occupation of Mr. Britain, Tenant from Year to Year.— The Fences are extremely good; there are several thriving Ash and Elm Trees; t, he Whole well watered; and is most conveniently situated to occupy from the Town of Northampton.— The Poors' Rates are very low. O^ T Apply to Messrs. HODSON, Solicitors, Wel- lingborough. BIRTIIS.] On Monday se'nnight, the Lady of Sir Stukeley Shuckburgh, Bart, of Shuckburgh, Warwickshire, of a daughter. On Saturday last, at Lillingstohe- Dayrell, Bucks, the Lady of Richard Dayrell, Esq.- of a son. On Thursday last, at Brixworth- Hall, in this county, the Lady of Walter Strickland, Esq. of a daughter. MARRIED.] Lately, at Great- Baddow, Essex, T. Bucklatid, Esq. of Latigley, Bucks, to Miss Lodwick, daughter of the late J. Lodwick, Esq. of North- Shoebury, Essex. A few days since, at St. George's, Blootnsburv, E. Stone, Esq. of North- Kilworth, Leicestershire, to Miss Spenlove, of Hoddesdon, Herts. Last week, at Great- Dalby, Leicestershire, Captain R. Hall, of the 45th regiment, to Miss Maltby, of Shelton, Nottinghamshire. On Monday se'nnight, the Rev. Mr. Gearv, of the Isle of Wight, to Miss Judd, of St. Martin's Stamford- Baron, in this county. On Tuesday se'nnight, Mr. J. P. Tregent, auc- tioneer and appraiser, of Birmingham, to Miss E. Greensall, daughter of Mr. Richard Gleensall, of Erdington, Warwickshire. Same day, Mr. Wm. Lucy, baker, of Irchester, to Miss Sarah Craddock, daughter of Mr. P. Craddock, of Barton Mills, both in this county. On Wednesday se'nnight, at Cubbington, War- wickshire, Mr. Richard Bradley, of Newhold, near Shipston, to MissUmbers, of Cubbington. 03* The order to prevent the insertion of the ad- vertisement of the sale of HOUSEHOLD- F URN ITUKF, Sec. at THRAPSTON, came too late to be attended to. PRICE of CORN per Quarter Northampton, Saturday, May 31. at Wheat, 76s. to 84s. Od. Rye, 52s. Od. to 53s. Rarley, 32s. Od. to 34s. Od Oats, 21s. 6d. to 29s. Od. J. GRAFTON, Inspector Beans, 37 . 6d. to 40s Peas. — s Od. to — s. By the Standard Measun Od. Corn- Exchauge, London, Friday, May SO. There are not many fresh arrivals of Wheat to- day, but tolerable quantities at hand; the few samples of best qaality are much in demand, and continue full as dear; inferior are heavy of sale, and at rather lower price.— Barley, with Malt, have few buyers. — Peas and Beans of each sort are nearly at last quotation.— Oats are here in considerable supplies. — Samples of some of the Prussian cargoes that were detained are now here in better condition, though few of prime quality^ and this trade is rather at lower price, excepting those samples.— Terms of Flour are without alteration. LIST of FAIRS, from June 2, to June 14, within the Circuit of this Paper. M. June 2. Rowell, Sutton, Ttddingten, and Leicester. Th. —— 5. Brixivorth, Biggleswade, Hcmelhem[> steaJ, Banbury, and Halloughton. F. 6. Daventry, Bicester, and Cwentty^ M. 9. Stamford and Belton* S. 14. Aylesbury. OIAFT, May 26, 1806. rplIF. Commissioners in a Commission ot' Bank- I rvni r. warded and issued forth iftainst RICH A R D GREF. W, late of OLNEY, in the County ot Bucks, 1. ace- Merchant, intend to meet on the 25th Day ot JUNE next, at Eleven o'Clock in the forenoon, at the ANCHOR INN, in NEWPORT- PACNELL, m the said County of Bucks, in order to make a fina Divi- dend of the Estate and Effects ot the said Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors who have not already proved their Debts, are required to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend; and all Claims not then proved will be disallowed. . JOHN GARRARD, Solicitor to the Assignees. To the DEBTORS of SAMUEL JONES, deceased. ALL Persons who stand indebted to the Estate and Effects of SAMUEL JONES late of MIDDLETON- CHBNEY, in the County of Northampton, Flax- dresser, & c. deceased, are desired to pay their respective Debts to Messrs. Belcher & Perm, of Middleton aforesaid, Executors of the last ..;. U ox the said Samuel Jones; or to Mr. Baseley, Solicitor, Bracklev, who is duly authorized by the said Executors to receive the same.- And a'l Persons who have any Claims or Demand upon the Estate and Effects of the said . Deceased, are requested to send an Account thereof to the said Executors, or to the said Mr. Baseley, fotthwith, in ordft that the same may be inspected. Brackley, 2I. TR May, 1806. CALVES' CORDIAL, A certain Cure Jor the Scouring of Calves, Oxen Cows, Sheep, Pigs, & c. causing them to thrive and jatten sooner, is again recommended to the Attention of GENTLEMEN, FARMERS, GRAZIERS, & c. 1 J> Y the following Testimony sent to the Pro- > p'rietor, W. H. Bir. r. s, and sanctioned by* he first Agriculturists in the Kingdom :— SIR,— The rapid Sale of your Cordial obliges me to send for an additional Quantity; and I have to assure yo' 1 that several of the moi> t respectable Graziers in this' Neighbourhood, have unequivocally declared it to be, without Exception, the best Remedy known for such Disorders in Cattle, and, m particular, Mr. Rowbotham, of Holbeach- Marsh, declares, that, upon giving a single Dose to one of his Calves, it entirely cur<- d it, that he was confident it would prove of great Service to Sheep, and that for his Part he would never be without it, nor he thought hardly any other Person would after having once used it, so beneficial are its Effects Yours, & c. THOS. ALB1N, Spalding and Holbeach. Sold, Wholesale, by Howard & Evans, 42, Long- Lane, West- Sniithfield; and, Retail, by Dicey & Sutton, and Marshall, Northampton; Newcomb, and Drakard, Stamford; Tookey, Oundle; Jacob, Peter, borough ; M. & F. Paul, St! Ives; Porter, Thrapston ; Palgrave, Bedford ; Swinfen, Leicester ; Hewes, Dun- stable; Williams, Royston; and by most Venders of Medicines. " " MARSHALL'S UNIVERSAL CERATE. ryUVO Cases, in Addition to those daily published j[ in most of the Country Papers, is a clear de- monstrative Proof of the rial Value and superior Efficacy oi Marshall's Genuine Universal Cerate. Fresh Cures arrive daily, which the Proprietor will continue to insert for the Satisfaction of the Public. CASE 1. XXV1I. Mr. JOHN CORREL, Newscarrier to Messrs. TRUKMAN, Exeter, bv a l'all from a Coach bruised . both his Legs, and, being obliged to walk, brought on a violent Inflammation, which terminated in four angry running U leers on one Leg, and one on the other, and rendered him incapable oi going his Journies: In this dreadful Situation he applied to Messrs. Truemans, who recommended liiin Marshall's Genuine ' Universal Cerate; and two small Boxes completed the Cure. CASE LXXVIII. Mr. JAMES MILLS, of NEWINGTON- CAUSEWAY, in a Letter to Mr. NICHOI. LS, Fleet- Market, says, lie was perfectly cured, by one Box of Marshall's Genuine Universal Cnate, of an Ulcer on the Instep, attended with violent Pain and Inflammation, nor would it give Way to Poultices or any other Application ; and, he verily believes, had he not applied the Genuine Cerate, a Mortification would have ensued. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Messrs. SHAW Si EDWARDS, 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London, Agents to Mr. John Marshall, in Boxes, Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. each; and by Mr. Marshall, Chemist, North- ampton, and at his Shop in Harborot. gh: and, Retail, by Ccoke, Uppingham; Tookey, Oundle; Barniiger, and Barnes, Newport- Pagnell; Hairod, Harborough; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Rowell, Rugby; Fisher, Highain; Seeley, Buckingham; Robins, Daventry; Coilis & Dash, Kettering ; Loggin, Aylesbury ; Leigh, Atherstone; Halford, Oakham; and by one or more Venders in every Town in England, Ireland, Sec. SOI- TH- KILWORTH, May 26th, 1806. STRAYED ( supposed to have been stolen), and now in the Hands of WILLIAM MAWBEY, Pinner, of SOUTH- KILWORTH, in the County of Leicester, . A Dark- brown MARE PONY, about thirteen Hands high. ( J5* The Owner may have her again, on Proof of her being his Property, and paying the Expences incurred in detaining and advertising her- HOUGHTON - CONQUEST INCLOSURE. VV E, the Commissioners, appointed by " An V T Act for inclosing Lands in the Parish of HOUGHTON - CONQUEST, in the County of Bedford," have set out and appointed the following public Carriage- Roads and Highways, through and over the Lands and Grounds in the said Parish ( that is to say), The Bedford and Ampthill Turnpike- Road to con- tinue in its present Track, of the Breadth of 60 Feet. One public Carriage- Road and Highway, of the Breadth of 30 Feet ( except between old Inclosuresj, leading from the Bedford and Ampthill Turnpike- Road, less than two Furlongs North of the Hazlewood- Lane Toll- Gate, in an Easterly Direction over Tippet's Furlong, into Berry- Piece- Lane, at the Homestead belonging to the Right Hon. John Earl of Upper- Ossory, in the Occupation of Sarah Gordon, to and along the ancient Track through the Township of Houghton- Conquest to Chappell- End- Green, and across the same Green into Grange- Lane, towards Wilshamstead. One other public Carriage- Road and Highway, of the Breadth of 30 Feet, leading from the North End of Green- End- Lane, in a Northerly Direction along Green- End- Slade, and over the Paddock- Piece into the Bedford and Ampthill Turnpike- Road, about 30 Yards East of a Piece called David's Folly. And one other Carriage- Road and Highway, of the Breadth of 30 Feet, leading from the Bedford and Ampthill Turnpike- Road, in a Northerly Direction over Clay Furlong, in its present Track to Bright's Field Gate, in the Parish of Wootton. And we, the said- Commissioners, declare, that the - said public Carriage- Roads and Highways so by us set out and appointed are ( previous to the Publication of this Notice) ascertained by Marks and Bounds; and that we have prepared a Map, in which such Roads are accurately laid down and described, and have deposited the same, signed by us, with Mr. Davis, Jun. ot Ampthill, our Clerk, for the Inspection of all Persons concerned; and we appoint our next Meeting to be held at the WHITE- HART INN, in AMPTHILL, on TUESDAY the TENTH Day of JUNE next, at Twelve o'Clock in the Forenoon; when and where all Persons who may be injured or aggrieved by the setting out of the said Roads, or any of them, or the Omission of any other Road, may attend and make their Objections to us.— Dated this 17th Day of May, 1806. JOHN FEI. LOWES, iH. S. FOX. FLOORE ASSOCIATION, For the PROSECUTION of FELONS. THE next General Annual Meeting of the Members of this Society will be held at the WHITE- HART, in FLOORE, on MONDAY the 9th Day of JUNE next. JOHN GODFREE, Treasurer. Brockhall, 27th May, 1806. Ampthill, Bedfordshire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AFREEHOLD ESTATE, pleasantly situated in the Centre of the MARKET- PLACE ; comprising a large Dwelling- House, excellent Draper's Shop, and extensive Premises, with every Convenience for the Drapery and Woolstaplery, or any other Business; it is likewise well adapted for a Boarding- School and Boarding- House; now in the Occupation of Mrs. Taylor, who has for some Years established a good Boarding- School, Sec. from which she isgoing to retire. ( pi" For Particulars, enquire of Mr. BUZZARD, No. 109, High- Holborn, London ; or on the Premises. *** Letters ( Post- paid) will be duly answered. N. B. The Draper's Shop is large, and very neatly fitted up. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AVery good, substantial, and convenient DWELLING- HOUSE, situate near the Centre of the Town of OUNDLE, Northamptonshire; com- prising four Rooms on the Ground floor, four Ditto on the second, and five on the third Floor, with Attics over the same; two good Cellars ; with con- venient Out- Houses, a Two- stall Stable, lofted over, a Well, supplied with excellent Water, large Yard, and a Garden and Orchard, containing near Half an Acre, planted with choice Fruit Trees; together with a convenient back Way to the Premises. OUNDLF, is a good Market Town, situate near the Centre of Northamptonshire, near the River Nine or Neil, and is 1- 1 Miles from Stamford, 12 from Peter- borough, and 8 from Thrapston.— A Coach three Days in a Week to and from London. To treat for the same, apply to Mr. CROFTS, of Elton, Huntingdonshire j or Mr. ROBINSON, of Thrapston. May 1\ th, 1806. 26th MAY, 1806. STATE - LOTTERY. ALL the highest Capitals are yet in the Wheel, and only six Days to draw. The first- drawn Ticket on FRIDAY NEXT, must receive <£. 20,000; The first- drawn Ticket oil the next Day of Drawing, June 4, must receive TWENTY- FIVE THOUSAND P. OUNDS; besides any other Prize, from £. 20,000 to =£. 21, that may be drawn against them.— The Wheel also contains the full Proportion of smaller Prizes, amounting to nearly One Hundred Thousand Pounds. jf3" Tickets and Shares, warranted undrawn, are on Sale at all the Licensed Offices in Town and Country. *** This is the last Lottery for the present Year. INVASION OF ENGLAND. For the Information of the People of England, with Respect to the Impossibility of an Invasion of this Country, at any Time, by France, at least as far as many former Attempts recorded in History have proved abortive: This Day' is published, Number I. Price Sd. orna- mented with a striking Likeness of the Emperor Napoleon ( to be continued every Saturday, and com- pleted in four Octavo Volumes), rs- HHE HISTORY of FRANCE, from the earliest JL Records of Time to the Year 1806. By HENRY FRANCOIS LE BLOIS. Sold by Champante & Whitrow, Jewry- Street, Aid- gate; at the British Directory- Office, Ave- Maria- Lane, St. Paul's; and by all Booksellers and Stationers. (£ 3* These four Volumes ought to be annexed to every History of England.— They are embellished with no less than EIGHTY magnificent Engravings, and are printed so as to correspond with Hume's or SNV. iett's Histories of England; and may be had at once com- plete, Price = 6.2 18s. A' Mr. MARSHALL, Druggist, NORTHAMPTON, has just received a fresh Supply ot LEAKE's PATENT PILLS. To Thomas Taylor, Esq. No. 9, New Bridge- Street, London. Edinburgh, March 18, 1801. HONOURED SIR, IBeg Leave to inform you, that ever since . the Year 1799, I had been afflicted with the Lues Venerea ; which, from its obstinately resisting every Course of Medicine prescribed by the most eminent of the Faculty here, and undergoing several severe Courses of Salivation, and twice discharged from the Hospital, with little Relief, would appear to be of the most inveterate Nature. In the Spring of last Year my Disorder had got to such a Head, as nearly to put a Period to my Existence.— I had a large Ulcer < 3H the Crown of my Head, one on each Arm, and my Legs were broke out in a frightful Manner; my Right was dreadfully painful, and had been in a State of Ulceration for the last seven Years, my Left had also two large Nodes on it, was very much discoloured, and gave me such excruciating Pain, particularly when warm in Bed, as nearly to deprive me of Rest. In this iame- « * able State, I was recommended by Mr. J. Thompson ( who received so great a Cure by them here), to take your Leake's Patent Pills, which I began to do on the 26th of May: In the Course of a Fortnight I began to receive Benefit— in little more than a Month, the Ulcers on my Head and Arms were soundly healed— soon after, the Sores on my Legs healed also; leaving, however, considerable Discolouration in the Skin, and Pain in the Bone of the Lett, which, by the Blessing of God, and a little longer Perseven « nce in your invaluable Medicine, subsided; the Nodes dispersing, the Skin regaining its natural Hue, and the nocturnal Pains gradually going off.— I thus became, by your Advice and Me- dicine, perfectly free from all my former Complaints • have recovered my former Spirits and Strength, and am become jolly and fat, in which State having continued many Months, to the Astonishment of all who knew me, I am at a Loss in what Terms to express my Gratitude, but beg you, for the Good of other suffering Mortals, to make this my Case as public as possible, as I shall on every Occasion; in so doing, you will greatly oblige, Sir, your grateful, obedient, very humble Servant, ALEX. MURKER. Swan's- Close, High- Street, Edinburgh. Prepared and sold by the sole Proprietor, THOMAS TAYLOR, Member of the F^ oyal College of Surgeons, ^ in London, at his House, No. 9, New Bridge- Street; where, after a constant Residence of more than forty Years, in a Practice particularly directed to the Cure of Venereal Complaints, and those inci- dental to the Parts of Generation in both Sexes, with that inviolable Secrecy which Men of his Profession should always observe, he flatters himself the Advioe and Assistance he gratuitously administers to Persons taking this Medicine, will be esteemed, by a discern- ing Public, as an Advantage seldom to be obtained, and void of" Ambiguity. They are also sold, by his Appointment, for the Convenience of those living at a Distance, by the Printers of this Paper, and Mr. Marshall, Druggist, Northampton; Wilcox; and Gallard, Tc. vcester Robins, Se Wilkinson, Daventry; Sharpe, Warwick Rollason, Coventry ; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough; Se- dey, Buckingham; Loggin, Ayles- bury; Knight, Coilis & Dash, and Munn, Ket- tering; Mather, Wellingborough; Marriott, Banbury ; Tookey, Oundle; Palgrave, Bedford; Atkinson, Manchester; and by one Person in every considerable Town in Great- Britain and Ireland, in Boxes of only 2s. 9d. each, scaled up with full and plain Directions, whereby Persons of either Sex may cure thertis ives with Ease, Speed, Secrecy, and Safety. Every Box so'd in Great- Britain is sealed up with a Stamp, on which, by Favuur ot the Commis- sioners, is printed, at the Stamp- Office— T. Taylor, No. 9, New Bridge- Street— to imitate which is Felony, and all others are counterfeit. Voyages and Travels round the World, Handsomely printed on fine Demy Paper, and new Letter, illustrated with upwards of ONE HUNDRED and THIRTY elegant ENGRAVINGS. On Saturday, May 3d, 1806, was published, Price only Sixpence, Containing a SUPERB FRONTISPIECE, representing ATLAS supporting the GLOBE, surrounded by em- blematical Representations of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America; in the front Ground, ' l ime and History recording the memorable Events of Antiquitv, en- graved in a highly - finished Manner by Charles Warren, from ail original Drawing by Ewins, NUMBER I. ( the succeeding Numbers to follow Weekly), of a NEW Work, entitled, NPIIE WORLD; or, The present STATE of - B- the UNIVERSE; being a general and complete Collection of modern VOYAGES and TRAVELS. By CAVENDISH PELHAM, Esq. Selected, arranged, and digested, from the Narratives of the latest and most authentic Travellers and Navi- gators. The Whole illustrated and embellished with appropriate Maps, picturesque Scenes, striking Re- presentations of the Persons, Customs, Ceremonies, Sec. of the respective Inhabitants, and whatever may- tend to elucidate and decorate a Performance so inte- resting, essential, and universal; consisting of upwards of One hundred and thirty Engravings, executed by the first Artists, among whom we enu- merate Charles Warren, Ambrose Warren, Hawkins, Taylor, Poole, Sparrow, Cooke, Sec. Sec.— The Maps and Charts by the celebrated Mr. C. Russell. The Work shall be completed in 150 Numbers, making two handsome Volumes, in Quarto, and a Promissory Note given with the first Number, to deliver the Overplus gratis, should it exceed that Quantity.— Indexes, and a List of Subscribers, will be given in the last Number. The Limits of an Advertisement not allowing Room for Insertion of the Authors whose Voyages and Travels will be comprised in this Work, we refer the Reader to the Prospectus now delivering at all the Booksellers, i « which those of the greatest Celebrity are par- ticularized. To expatiate on the Utility or Entertainment of a Work which has immense Regions for its Object, and all animated Nature for its Speculation, would be manifestly unnecessary. A judicious Collection of modern Voyages and Travels presents the Earth to our astonished Eyes, and dis- plays the Wonders of the Deep. All the Inhabitants of the various intermediate Regions, from the Torrid to the Frigid Zone, pass in Review before us, and we distinctly behold them in their genuine Characters of Civilization, savage Ignorance, Superstition, and Fe- rocity. It exhibits to our View the vegetative Pro- duce of the most distant Climes, and enumerates the sanative and commercial Uses of the innumerable Pljnts which decorate the fertile Bosom of the Plain, or venerably crown the aspiring Mountain. In this Work the Essence of numerous Voyages and Travels will be carefully incorporated with such va- luable Materials, as we have assiduously procured from other unquestionable Authorities. The almost infinite Variety of Publications from which we have gathered much of our Information, have all been re- cently ushered into the World; and the Reader need not be informed, that a Collection of Voyages and Travels is rendered the more interesting and valuable, when its Sources are from modern Information. Can- dour must readily admit, that the nearer such Infor- mation approaches the present Periods, so much the nearer Perfection will our Collection arrive than any similar Productions which have preceded it. A LARGER AND VERY ELEGANT EDITION will be printed on fine Vellum Wove Royal Paper, which will be hot- pressed, with the Advantage of Proof Impressions of the Engravings, besides appropriate Vignette Title. Pages to each Volume. The Price of this Edition will be One Shilling each Number. Besides the Quality of the Paper, and the superior Impressions of the Engravings, the Maps, Charts, & c. of this Edition will be highly coloured, and the Whole will form the most elegant, beautiful, and com- plete Collection of VOYAGES and TRAVELS' ever sub- mitted to the Public. London: Published by J. STRATFORD, NO. 112, Ilolborn- Hill; and sold by all Booksellers and News- carriers in the United Kiugdom. , Beauty and Cleanliness. AMBOYNA TOOTH - POWDER. Gentleman offers the only Drug yet dis- covered that destroys the " Scurvy, heals the Giims, makes them and the Lips of a healthful red; fastens, whitens, and preserves the Teeth; and makes the Breath sweet. It is the Produce of a far foreign Country, never imported but by the Propretor; and the first Gentlemen of the Faculty who use it, de- clare it a fine Stomachic and BTacer, and for Safety, proper for an Infant. It eradicates the Foulness the Mouth is suliject to, from Diet or " a disordered Stomach ; and by its healing, purifying, and balsamic Qualities, frees the Stomach of those Disorders to which it is subject, fills up the Gums which the Scurvy has eaten away, and prevents a Caries or Rottenness in the Teeth. ( JJT Ask tor the Amboyna Tooth- Powder, Price 2s. 6d. per Box. * Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by SHAW & EDWARDS, 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London; and, Retail, by Mr. Edge, and Mr. Marshall, Northampton ; and Robins, Daventry.— None is genuine that has not the Names of Shaw & Edwards engraved on the Stamp, THE IMPROVED QUARTO EDITION OF MATTHEW HENRY'S FAMILY BIBLE, A NEW BRITISH THEATRE, With Biographical and Critical Remarks on each Play, by Mrs. INCHBALD, TO BE PUBLISHED WEEKLY, In Royal 18mo. Price One Shilling, embellished with a fine Engraving; or, Price Two Shillings, elegantly- printed oil superfine Paper, with a Portrait of the Author, for each Volume, and Proof Impressions of both the Plates. Just published, Nos. I. to XIV. ( to be continued weekly) of a new Work, entitled RPHE BRITISH THEATRE; or, a COUECTION J. of PLAYS, which are acted at the Theatres Royal, Drury- I. ane, Covent- Garden, and Hay market. Printed under the Authority and by Permission of the Ma- nagers from the Prompt Books. With Biographical and Critical Remarks. By Mrs. INCHBALD. London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Paternoster. Row; and soid bv J. Abel, W. Birdsall, and T. Burnham, Northampton; and by C. Jacob, Peterborough. This Day is published, By Mathews & Leigh, 18, Strand, H. D. Symonds, Paternoster- Row, L6ndon; Dugdale, Dublin; and may be had of any Bookseller, in one Vol. 8vo. with an elegant Portrait of the Author, ANew Edition, Price only 3s. containing nearly 300 Pages, of SOLOMON'S GUIDE TO HEALTH; or. ADVICE TO BOTH SEXES, in a Variety of Complaints: Explaining, in a concise and plain Manner, the Mode, Treatment, and most efficacious Remedies for the following Diseases, which are treated of under their respective Heads, viz. Asthma, Loss of Appetite, Barrenness, Bilious Complaints, Chlo- rosis or Green Sickness, Child- bearing, Consumptions, Fcjnale Diseases, Fits, Flatulence or Wind, Hypo- chondria or Melancholy Complaints, Indispositions attendant on Pregnancy, Indigestion, Juvenile Indis- cretion, I. owness of Spirits, Nervous Diseases, Preg- nancy, Phthisis or Cough, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Scurvy, & c. & c. . To which is added, An ESSAY on the Venereal Disease, & c. The Whole illustrated and interspersed with a Variety of authentic Facts, never before published. By S. SOLOMON, M. D. The Author is proud to confess, that he has been assisted by many eminent literary Medical Men, to whose Labours and Assistance he is much indebted ; they, as well as himself, have tried the Remedies prescribed, and acknowledged their salutary and pow- erful Efficacy. Orders given to any Bookseller in Town or Country, for Solomon's Guide to Health," will be duly executed at only 3s. each Copy, free of Carriage.— For the very excellent Charactgrof this Book, see the different Reviews. With the Text, and all the Annotations, without the smallest Abridgment, By the Rev. JOSEPH HUGHES, A. M. One of the Secretaries to the British and Foreign Bible Society; And the Rev. GEORGE BURDER, Secretary to the Missionary Society, Author oj Village Sermons, & c. & c. rrtHIS Day is published. No. I. Price Eight- Pence, 1. and Part I. Price Eight Shillings, of the Im- proved Quarto Edition of the above unequalled Work. No. I. contains a highly- finished Frontispiece, by Fittler, from- a beautiful Design by Messrs. Drum- mond Se Burney, a well - executed Map by Mr. Alexander, and 20 full - sized Pages, handsomely printed on fine Demy Paper. The Numbers are to be continued Weekly, until finished, each containing 20 Pages of Letter- Press, with a Plate occasionally, until 70 Plates, three usefulMaps, a Portrait of the Author, and many other Embellishments have been introduced; together with Tables of Coins, Weights, and Measures, the Jewish Calendars, and copious Chronological Tables of the various interesting Events recorded in Scripture History, and of the different Royal Families of Israel and Judah. Part I. contains four out of the 70 Plates, one of the Maps, and 240 Pages of Letter- Press. Part II. to be published May 31, will also contain 2- 10 Pages of Letter- Press, Part of a Sermon in Mr. Henry's own Hand- writing, a whole- length Portrait of the Author, and two other Plates. The Parts will be regularly published every three Months, each con- taining 240 Pages, and a just Proportion of Embellish- ments, till the proposed Number have been inserted. To gratify those who desire to be possessed of a very splendid Copy, some few Impressions are taken oft" with superior Care on Royal wove Paper, hot- pressed, put into Bsards, and sold in Parts only, Price 12s. The LiFEof the AUTHOR will be written expressly for this Edition by ( his Successor) the Rev. SAMUEL PALMER, of Hackney, from many valuable Materials now in his Possession. The Additions to, and Advantages of, this Edition, will be best displayed by a Comparison with those which have preceded it. Its Superiority will then be conspicuous, particularly in being printed on better Paper ( which will be continued uniform and equally good to the End), in being more convenient in Point of Size, more beautiful in its Embellishments, and more clear and accurate in the Printing. InAdditionto these ( which immediately strike the Eye of every Observer the attentive Reader will remark other J, eneficial 1m provements, such as, a better Display of the Para- graphs, explanatory Notes, useful Chronological Dates, and, particularly, a Translation of all the Greek and Latin Quotations; and also, a condensed Extract of the Contents and Chronological Dates of Events, Prophecies, & c. will be placed at the Head of" every Pace. The Whole, without the least Abridgment ( including the Life, and the Space which a more luminous Display of the Paragraphs occasions), is intended to be completed in less than 220 Numbers, or 18 Parts but the Publisher engages that it shall not exceed 225 Numbers, or 19 Parts ; which it cheaper, and completed in less Numbers, than the ponderous Folio Edition. ( p= T Every Minister by whom six Copies ate pur chased, will be allowed a seventh gratis ; and further when ten are ordered, will be allowed two copies gratis or when fifteen, three gratis; and so on for any Quantity. TO THE RELIGIOUS PUBLIC Mr. HENRY'S esteemed COMMENT upon the BIBL having never appeared in a handsome and commodiou Form, and the unwieldy polio Edition being at a very high Price, it is hoped that the present Intention of publishing that Work at a reasonable Rate, printed accurately, on good Paper, with a clear and new Type, and in a convenient Quarto Size, will meet with general Approbation and Encouragement; and as the best Means to promote the spreading of this valuable Work, it is publishing in Numbers Weekly, and in Parts Quarterly; thus making the Purchase within the Reach of every one. For these, and many other Reasons, the Publisher is proud to announce, that more than one hundred and sixty Ministers, as well of the established Church, as of all other Denominations of Christians, in Great- Britain and Ireland, whose Names are given with the, Work, have united in the most cordial Approbation of this new and elegant Quarto Edition of Mr. Henry's Bible; and he pledges himself to the Public as well as to a List of Subscribers still more respectable from their Situations than even their unparalleled Numbers, that the last Part ot this excellent and invaluable Work shall evince the same Care and Accuracy bestowed upon it, as has already met the Approbation of the Subscribers and the Public at large. Mr. Bagster presumes, that the truly- respectable Names which stand as Editors at the Head of the Work, will be considered as a sufficient Pledge for its Accuracy; and he further engages, that no Abridgment whatever shall take Place, but that the whole Work, as ori- ginally written by the learned and pious Author, shall be faithfully given to the Public. London: Printed for SAMUSI. BAGSTER, No. 81, Strand; and sold by W ------ erborough. This Work, being intended as a Companion to the Theatres of Great- Britain arid Ireland, will con- tain every Play which keeps Possession ot the Stage, including the best Plays of COLMAN, CUMBERLAND, HOLCROFT, INCHBALD, O'KEEFE, MORTON, REY- NOLDS, and other modern Authors, which have never appeared in any similar Collection, the Copyright of which has been purchased for the express Purpose of introducing them into the present Work. The Whole will be printed, under the Authority of the Managers, from the Prompter's Copy, exactly as they are'per- tbrmed. It is intended to comprise the Work in twentv- five Volumes, each containing five Plays; and at its'Con- clusion will be given general Title- Pages, together with Directions for arranging the Plays. In the Course of Publication will be given, as Frontispieces to the Volumes of the fine Edition, Portraits of Authors, generally with their Play that is first brought forward. The Embellishments will be executed in the very best Manner, by the first Artists. The Plays already published are— 1. Mountaineers. • 2. Speed the Plough — 3. Wheel of Fortune.— 4. Lovers'Vows.-— 5. Inkle and Yarico.— 6. Isabella.— 7. Wild. Oats.— 8. Douglas.— 9. Stranger.— 10. Coun- try Girl.— 11. Dramatist.— 12. Hamlet.— 13. Grecian Daughter.— 14. Busy Body. A curious, interesting, and Vuluable Work. This Day are published, Numbers 1 to 46 ( v. lu'ch may be had together or separately, Price only Is. each, elegantly printed in Octavo, and each Number embellished with two Copper- Plates of remarkable and striking Subjects), of RANGER'S new, original, and complete X WONDERFUL MUSEUM, and EXTRA- ORDINARY MAGAZINE; being a complete Re- pository of all the Wonders, Curiosities, and Rarities of Nature and Art, from the Beginning of the World to the present Time; containing well- authenticated Accounts of all the most remarkable Productions and surprising Events that have ever happened in Nature and Art, as well as Memoirs and Portraits of the most eccentric Persons in every Walk of Human Life, in various Parts of the World. (( 55" The following are among the curious Copper- Plates which embellish this Work, the Whole being striking Likenesses and correct Representations, drawn on Purpose for this Work : — Portrait of Mr. Bentley, better known by the Name of Dirty Dick of I. eadtnhall- Street; and a View of this most eccentric Character's Dirty Warehouse; also, a Print of his curious Dining- Room.— That most wonderful Character Baron D'Aguilar, a Mer- chant, of Broad- Street; and a View of his Starvation Farm- Yard at Islington.— That eccentric Character Miss de Verdion, who for 40 Years wore Men's Clothes, and well known about London.— The Dulwich Hermit, old Matthews, who lived in a Cave 30 Years, and was murdered in Norwood, in 1802.— That remark- able Personage Sir John Dincly, of Windsor Castle, a famous amorous Knight, upwards of 80 Years of Age, who now frequently advertises for a Wife— his curious original Love Epistles are recorded in this Work, with his Life.— The celebrated Physician Dr. Pvchan.— Bonaparte, Emperor of the French, and King of Italy.— Mrs. Levy, the richest Jewess in the World.— Monsieur Garnerin, and his woudeiful Descent in his Parachute, after separating from the Balloon at an astonishing Height, in 180- 1.— The eccentric Martin Van Butchell, who daily rides in Hyde Park, and has never been shaved for 15 Years; his Reasons for this, and his many other Singularities, are pointed out by himself in this Work.— The won- derful Spotted Indian, Thomas Bobey„— The sur- prising little Man Thomas Allen, only three Feet three Inches high; and the celebrated Windsor Fairy Miss Morgan, only three Feet high.— Marcus Despard, at the Place of Execution addressing the Spectators.— Mr. Lambert, the fat Man of Leicester, who weighs upwards of 50 Stone.— That wonderful Miser John Elwes, Esq.— The singular Sir John Hill, the King's ancient Sergeant.— Portrait of Sir Francis Burdett.— The Irish Giant O'Brien.— Peter the Wild Boy.— That great Artist George Moreland.— The celebrated Mr. Alderman Boydell, and Alderman Skinner.— An extraordinary Child, born in Fiance.— The celebrated Hairy Girl, from Lavater.— John Love, the fat Book- seller of Weymouth.— Master Betty, the celebrated Young Roscius.— The eccentric John Capper, Esq, of the Horns, Kennington.— The remarkable Lady Dacre, and her Lord's Tomb in Lee Church- Yard.— The Hero Lord Nelson.— The Citizen of the World, Thomas Clio Rickman, a remarkable Character, of London, Lewes in Sussex, & c.— This curious Work contains besides not only Fingravings of the Seven Wonders of the World, but a vast Number of other Copper- Plates equally desirable, and too numerous to mention in a Newspaper, but a List of which is printed on the Covers of the Work. Every 12 Numbers form a Volume complete of itself, RHEUMATISMS, Palsies, and Gouty Affec- tions, vvith their usual Concomitants, Spasm, jr flying Pains, Flatulency, Indigestion, and general Debility ( originatingin whatever Source), are relieved and frequently cured by Whitehead's Essence of Mustard Pills, after every other Means have failed. The Fluid Essence of Mustard ( used with the Pills, in those Complaints where necessary) is perhaps the most active, penetrating, and effectual Remedy in. the World, generally curing the severest SPRAINS AXD BRUISES, in less than Half the Time Usually taken by anv other Liniment or Embrocation; and if used immediately after any Accident, it prevents the Part turning black. b Prepared only, and sold bv R. Johnston, Apo- thecary, No. 15, Greek- Street, Soho, London; at 2s. 9d. each Box or Bottle. They are also sold by every Medicine Vender in the United Kingdom. ( psf The Genuine has a black Ink Stamp, with the Name of R. Johnston inserted on it. CITY of LINCOLN, March 18th, 1806. ISAMUEL BRISTOW, voluntarily thus declare, > I was afflicted with seven bad Sores in my Leg, painful and offensive, some of which were as large as a Crown Piece. Two Years I tried, uselessly, recom- mended Applications. Advised by a Neighbour, I bought, successively, of Mr. John Drury, Printer, ot this City, three small Bottles of SPILSBURY's PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, from the Administration of which I became entirely well, as also unexpectedly relieved from a painful Affection of my Stomach and Breast.— Witness mv Hand this 18th Day of March, SAMUEL BR'lSTOW. Signed before me, JOHN DRURY, Lincoln. It is necessary to ask for the " PATENT ANTI- SCORBUTIC DROPS," with the King's Duty printed in black Ink instead of red Ink.— Sold, as usual, at the Dispensary, No. 15, Soho- Square, in Bottles of 5s. 6d. 10s. and £. 1 2s. Duty included. ( pr Sold also by the Printers of this Paper; Mr. Okely, Bedford; Mather, Wellingborough; Coilis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Robins, and Wil- kinson, Daventry; Corrall, Lutterworth; and by most Venders of Patent Medicines in Town and Country. I T C H, BE it ever so inveterate, perfectly cured in one Hour's Application, bv an Ointment called TYCE's OINTMENT, which is agreeable in Smell, does not contain a Particle of Mercury, or any per- nicious Ingredient, but is so innocent that it may be used with the greatest Safety on Persons of the most delicate Constitutions, pregnant Ladies, and Children at the Breast. The superior Efficacy and Reputation of this Ointment having induced some Persons to counterfeit it, the Proprietor finds it necessary to caution Purchasers to be particular in asking for TYCE'S OINTMENT.— One Box, Price Is. 9d. will cure one grown- up Person, or two Children. Also, TYCE's infallible CHEMICAL LOTION, for the same; by the Use of which Persons may cure themselves with so much Secrecy, as not to be dis- covered even by a Bedfellow, being without Smell or Stain.— Price 2s. 9d. each Bottle. Likewise, TYCE's ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, which will be found a certain Cure for the Scurvy, pimpled Faces, foul festering Eruptions, Evil, Scro- fula, Leprosy, old Venereal Ulcers ( when Mercury has failed), the Scald Head in Children, and those Eruptions which frequently appear after the Small- Pox, COW- POX, as also after the Measles, in less Time, with greater Safety, and at a smaller Expence, ' than any Medicine yet discovered. Price 2s. 9d.— One Bottle frequently effects a Cure. 03" None ot the above Medicines can be genuine, unless signed by the Proprietor, JOHN TYCE, on the Label; in this Persons cannot be too particular. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by the Proprietor, John Tyce, No. 20, Hatton- Garden, London, removed from Fleet- Market; and Retail, by his Appointment, by Edge, Marshall, and Lambert, Northampton; Gal- lard, Towcester; Wheeler, and Holland, Aylesbury ; Wright, Stony- Stratford; Palgrave, Bedford; Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Stratfold, Woburn; Foster, Luton ; Wheat.. 60s. to 70s. 7£> s. Fine Do. 80s. to 83s. Od. Rve ... 36s. to45s. Od. Barley.. 28s. to 34s. 0d. 1 which may be had in Boards, or separately by any Quantity of Numbers at a Time, at the Choice of Purchasers. This new and entertaining Work will form the most complete original Collection of truly remarkable Cha- racters, Circumstances, and Events ever published. To be continued Monthly, Price only One Shilling each, till fully completed in only 60 Numbers. London: Printed for ALEX. Hooc & Co. at the King's- Arms, in Paternoster- Row; and may be had of all Booksellers and Newsmen in the United Kingdom — to whom the Public are requested to give Orders for Grangeih New Wonderful Museum. BANKRUPTS required to SURRENDER. John Shillingford, of Stanton St. John, Oxford- shire, butcher, June 9, 10, and July 5, at the Marl- borough- Arms, Woodstock. Attorney, Mr. Moore, Bicestcr. James Dickenson, of Golbome, Lancashire, cotton- spinner.-^— Richard Farr, of Wooton, Herefordshire, timber- rnerchant.—— Augustus White, of Alderman- bury, London, factor. Samuel Wade, of Man- chester, and Samuel l! lakeley, of London, dealers.—— Joseph Lewes, of Westminster- road, Southwark, Sur- rey, victualler.— J. Massey , of Dean- row, W iimslow, Cheshire, check- manufacturer.—- George Rayson, of Leeds, Yorkshire, druggist.— Henry Rayson, of Liverpool, druggist. Benjamin Sandfcrd Sykes, of Liverpool, dealer. G. Tanner, of Bristol, cutler and dealer in hardware.— Geo. Vaughan, jun. of New- port, Monmouthshire, miner and coal- merchant. George Vaugban, sen. of Newport, Monmouthshire, miner and coal- merc'- r. nt. George Ric/; ards, of Gough. square, London, furrier. John Euwards, of Wigmore- street, Cavendish- squaie, Middlesex, saddler. Robert Pyke, of Liverpool, bread oaker. Sylvester Mayring, of Manchester, merchant. William Robinson, of Manchester, cotton- spinner. John Jacobs, of Brokei's- Garden, LeadenhalI- street, watch- maker. John Horth, of Norwich', uphol- sterer. J. Nix, of Chatham, tailor and draper. A. Hebberden, of Fareham, Hants, milliner. D. N. Weeden, late of Whitechapel- road, brush- maker. J. White, of Woodchester, Gloucestershire, clothier. F. Bedford and J. Kempster, ot Hales- owen, Shropshire, wire- drawers. A. Woodward, of Liverpool, wine- merchant. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors. June 17. R. Smith, late of Lutterworth, Leicester- shire, mercer and draper, at the Hind inn, Lutter- worth. June 18. Thomas Haynes, of Oundle, Northampton- shire, nurseryman and seedsman, at the George inn, Northampton. June 19. R. Walker, of Leicester, dealer, at the Blue- Bell inn, Leicester. MARKETS.— London, May 26. The supply of Wheat to- day was but a moderate one, and, as customary of late, a few select samples were disposed of at an early hour, on terms rather higher than named in our currency. This, however, gave no permanency to the prices of second and in- terior samples, which were not only very dull, but something cheaper.— Wc have not much Barley up ; prices remain pretty steady, and fine bright samples fetch rather more money.— White Peas continue scarce and are dearer.— Grey Peas and the d! tferetit sorts of Beans remain as last reported.— We have very few good Oats on sale, and those of a contrary description are a trifle lower. Howard, Watford; Compre, St. Alban's; Rollason, Birdsall, T. Burnham, and | and Collins, Coventry ; Sharpe, and Terry, Warwick; . , ,, andby every respectable Vender of Medicuies through- out the United Kingdom. J. Abel, Northampton; and by all other Booksellers, Stationers, and Newsmen in the United Kingdom. Oats 21s. to 30s. 0d. , HorseBeans38s. to 46s. Od. Tick Ditto 28s. to' 35s. Oil. - White Peas 35s. to 42s. Od. Malt... 64s. to 71s. Od. | Grey Ditto 30s. to 37s. Od. PRICE of FLOUR.— Fine 70s. to 73s. 0d. HOPS, per Pocket— Kent, 61. 0s. to 81. 8s.— Sussex, 61. 0s. to 71. 0s. — Faniham, 61. 0s. to 101. 0s. SEEDS, per Hundred Weight.— Carraway, 58s. Od. to 62s. 0d.— Coriander, 13s. Od. to 14s. 0d.— Trefoil 7s. Od. to 25s. 0d.— Red Clover, 26s. Od. to 70s. Od. — Ditto ( old), — s. Cd. to — s. 0d.— White Ditto, 38s. Od. to 74s. 0d.— Rye- Grass, 10s. Od. to 32s. Od. — Turnip, — s. to — s. per Bushel.— Canary, 50s. Od*. to 63s. Od. per Quarter.— Rape Seed, — 1. to — 1. per Last. SMITHFIELD, May 26. To sink the offal. Ox Beef, 5s. Od. to 6s. Od. Wether Mutton, 5s. 4d. to 6s. Od. Veal, 5s. 0d. to 6s. Od. Pork, 5s. Od. to 6s. Od. Lamb, 6s. Od. to 7s. 8d. Sold this day, Beasts, 1700— Sheep and Lambs, 7500. NEWGATE and LEADSNHALL, May 26. By the carcase. Beef, 4s. Od. to 5s. Od. Mutton, 4s. 8d. to 5s. 4d. Veal, 4s. Od. to 5s. 8d. Pork, 5s. Od. to 6s. Od. Lamb, 5s. Od. to 7s. Od. TALLOW.— Town, 67s. Od. White Russia,— s. Od. to 66s. Od. ( Soap), — s. Od. to 64s. Od. Melting Stuff", — s. to 55s. Od. Ditto rough, — s. to 38s. Good Dregs, 10s. Od. Craves, Us. Od. LEATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to 561b. 20d. to 22d. Ditto, 60 to 651b. 24d. to 25d. Merchants Backs, 21d. to 21 Jd. Dressing Hides, 19d. to 20Jd. Fine Coach- Hides, 2ld. to 23d. Crop Hides for cutting, 21£ d. to 23d. Flat ordinary, 19d. to 20d. Calf Skins, 30 to 401b. perdoz. 30d. to 38d. Ditto, 50 to 701b. per doz. S8d. to 42d. Ditto, 70 to 801b. 36d. to 39d. Small Seals, per lb. 42d. to 46d. Large Ditto, per doz. 100s. to 190s. Goat Skins, — s. to — s. per doz. Tanned Horse- Hides, 25s. to 40s. per Hide. NORTHAMPTON: Printed and Published by and for T. DlCJtlY and IV. SUTTON.
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