The Northampton Mercury
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton
Volume Number: LXXXVI
Issue Number: 11
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The Northampton Mercury
Date of Article: 17/05/1806
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXXXVI
Issue Number: 11
No Pages: 4
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Vol. LXXXVI. No. 11. . J Ready Money is expected ) ) with Advertisements. S r SATURDAY, May 17, 1806. PRICE SIXPENCE, \ S'^> DUTV ( 1 aper and Print Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. LONDON, May 13. SATURDAY'S Gazette contains an account of the capture of two chasse- martes, by his Majesty's hired brig Colpoys, after a successful iattempt to destroy a battery. of two 12- pounders, which protected them. Likewise the capture, by the Felicity private ship of war, of a French pri- vateer, of three guns and 3T men; two Spanish gun- boats, of two guns, two swivels, and 45 men each; and his Majesty's late lugger
Experiment, of four guns, and 80 men. [ The Gazette also contains a Proclamation by his Majesty, ordering a farther coinage of copper- liioney, in the following proportions, viz. 150 tons of penny- pieces, 427£ tons of halfpenny- pieces, suid 22J tons of farthings.] Paris Tapers to the 4th, nnd Dutch Journals to the 8th instant, are arrived.— Gaeta still holds out. The mouths of the Cattaro are still occupied by the Russians.— Several English captives of dis- tinction have arrived at Paris, among whom are Lords Elgin and Yarmouth. They expected per- mission to return to England.— Admiral Villeneuve, • who commanded the
French fleet in the battle of Trafalgar, committed suicide at Iiennes, at the hotel where he lodged, in the night between the 22d and 23d ult. The Admiral, it is said, was called to Paris for the purpose of being tried by a court- martial. This is supposed to be the cause of his laying violent hands upon himself.— Bonaparte remained at St. Cloud on the 9d. Ilis stay there had produced a great number of decrees, civil and military.— The grand file, which Bonaparte promised to give the army in the month of May, is postponed.— The decree of Bonaparte, appointing his brother Joseph King of the Two Sicilies, had been received at
Naples, and the ceremony of coronation was soon expected to take place. It is stated, on the authority of letters from Holland, that the establishment of a Monarchical Government in that country will not long be de- ferred, notwithstanding the remonstrances of a part of the people. The intended Sovereign, Louis Bonaparte, is very much indisposed, which may occasion a delay. But it is believed that the leading people of Holland are perfectly recon- ciled to the measure; and expect, that, becoming more closely connected w ith the interests of that powerful family, they will receive more salutary protection, and be less subject to
extravagant requisitions than they have hitherto been. The Hamburgh Mail due on Sunday arrived this morning. It brings scarcely any intelligence of moment.— The French troops in Germany con- tinue to occupy their former positions, and the fortifying of Brannau still proceeds. The fortress of Gaeta still holds out: the French, it is said, have attempted an assault, but they have been repulsed with loss.— Accounts from Constanti- nople, of the date of April 4, say, the French Charg£ d'Affaires there, SI. Ruftin, has delivered in a note to the Reis Effendi, claiming for France all the places in Turkish Dalmatia, Albania, & c. which
formerly belonged to the late Venetian Republic.— The Russians, according to accounts from Vienna, have occupied the small island of Curzola, opposite the Ragusan territory.— Letters from Berlin mention, that some troops have marched towards the frontiers of Pomerania. Field- Marshal Mollendorf commands the expe- dition. His Excellency General Sir James Craig, K. B. for whose health great fears were entertained, from the accounts last received from Sicily, is ar- rived at Plymouth, with his suite, in the Livcly: of 32 guns, which came in there, on Thursday with dispatches from Admiral Lord Collingwood. All the troops
which are to proceed by the out ward- bound India fleet are now embarked at Portsmouth, as the 21st Light Dragoons were to get on board on Saturday. The following is said to be the respective destinations of the regiments — The 21st, 27th, 31st, and 35th regiments, are destined for Sicily. General Sir J. - Moore is to proceed with these troops as Commander in Chief in the Mediterranean.— The regiments for India the 21st Light Dragoons, the S6th and 47th BEDIORD, 30th April, 180S. HENRY PULLEY, WOOLLEN AND LIKKS- DRAPER, HOSIER, Sic. HICH - STREET, BEDFORD, most respectfully acquaints his Fiiends
and the Public, that he has just received a fashionable Assortment of Fancy Waistcoats, Breeches Pieces, and Coating; printed Cambrics and Muslins, Italian Cam- brics, Sarsenets, India Patent Shawls, India and British plain and worked Muslins, Ginghams, & c. ( P5" Families supplied with whole Pieces of Irish - inen, Sheeting, and Tabic- Linen, at the Wholesale Prices. j* H. P. flatters himself, that, having been long acquainted with the London Markets, he can supply his Friends with Goods upon as reasonable Terms as most Houses in London. It, DRAPERY. C. SMITH embraces the earliest Oppor- tunity of informing his
Friends and the Public, that, having disposed of the whole Stock in Trade of his late Father, he has now to offer ( being just returned from Manchester and other Markets,) an entire new, fashionable, and general Assortment of every Article in the LI N EN and WOOLLEN - DRAPERY and HABERDASHERY BUSINESSES, and trusts that the very low Prices which he is enabled to sell the same at, will secure to him a large Share of public Favours, to merit Which will ever be his Study. ( FDT FUNERALS COMPLETELY FURNISHED. Market- Place, Lutterworth, May 8, 1806. It A M S. JOHN PRATT, of UFTOX, respectfully
informs the Gentlemen Sheep- Breeders, his SHEW of RAMS commences on WEDNESDAY the 4th of JUNE, when he will be happy to see those who will favour him with their Company.— The Shearlings are by a Twin- Brother of Surprise, a Son of Biackfoot, and a Son of the Dishlcy R.; all Sheep of Mr. Buckley's. ( PJ" J. PRATT lias used Sheep from the Dishley Society upwards of twenty Years, and has never spared Expence in procuring the best Blood. *„* UFTON is situated six Miles from Warwick, and three from Southam. Eligible Situation.— i'rrchold Estate. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, ALL that 1' REEIIOLI)
MESSUAGE, most advantageously situated on the South Side of the MARKET- SQUARE, NORTHAMPTON, many Years in the Occupation of the late Mr. FISH, Silversmith and Jeweller; consisting of a Shop, Parlour, and Kitchen, on the Ground Floor; a Yard, excellent Cellars, and Brewhouse, on the Basement Storv; a large Dining- Room, and Sleeping Ditto, on the first Story ; three Chambers, on the second Story; and suitable Attics. pf Immediate Possession may be had. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. WORLEY, Solicitor, Woburn, Beds; or of Mr. KIRSIJAW, Abington- Strcet, Northampton. Ampthill, Bedfordshire. To
be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AFREEHOLD ES TATE, pleasantly situated in the Centre of the MARKET- PLACE ; comprising a large Dwelling- House, excellent Draper's Shop, and extensive Premises, with every Convenience for the Drapery and Woolstaplery, or any other Business; it is likewise we'll adapted for a Boarding- School and Boarding- House; now in the Occupation of Mrs. Taylor, who has for some Years established a good Boarding- School, X. c. from which she is going to retire. ( PF For Particulars, enquire of Mr. BUZZARD, No. 109, High- Holbom, London ; or on the Premises. %* Letters ( Post- paid)
will be duly answered. N. B. The Draper's Shop is large, and very neatly fitted up. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, THE MANOR or REPUTED MANOR of WALDRIDGE, in the l'ari » h of DINTON, in the Hundred of Aylesbury, and in the County of Bucks; and TWO several elisible FARM = , in the Parishes ot DINTON and OWLSWICK, principally within a Ring Fence, containing nearly 470 Acres of excellent Meadow, Pasture, and small Part Arable Land; of which 27 Acres are in Owlswick. The Whole Freehold, except about 12 Acres, which are Copyhold of Inheritance. Also, a valuable
LEASEHOLD ESTATE ; comprising about 57 Acres of exceedingly rich Meadow Land, held for the unexpired Term of 816 Years ; the Whole lett on Leases to Mr. Thomas WiHiams, Mrs. Mary Rogers, and Mr. James Dover, old Tenants, at low Rents, ^ amounting together to nearly .£. 1000 per Annum? exclusive of the Tythes; for which, in the Parish of Dinton, a moderate or certain Composition, or Corn Rent, only is paid. ( pT The Whole will be sold in one Lot; and Ap plication for further Particulars, and to treat for thi Purchase, may be made ( if by Letter, Postage paid, to Messrs. JOHNSON & GASKELL, Solicitors, Gray's.
Inn, London; or Mr. BIRD, Solicitor, Andover, regiments, and the 4th battalion of the OOtli; besides considerable reinforcements for every re- giment in India. They are to rendezvous at Pulo- Peuang. The fleet consists of eleven Indiamcn, exclusive of store- ships; and seven of the former have troops on board. There are not sufficient transports at Portsmouth to accommodate the 21st Dragoons; so that seven troops only will be scut out in the first instance.— The 81st regiment, destined for the Cape, embarked at Cowes on Friday, to accompany the above- mentioned fleet. The Lords in Council have come to a resolution to
recommend to his Majesty to take off the em- bargo now laying upon Hamburgh and Oldcnburgh vessels, in the different ports of Great- Britain and Ireland. The above intelligence was yesterday officially communicated to Lloyd's. . Last night a Message was delivered from his Majesty to each House of Parliament, acquainting them with his having granted an annuity of £. 5000 to Earl Nelson, and his heirs holding the title of Nolson; and also the sum of ,£, 120,000 for the purchase of an estate to perpetuate the splendour of the family. The Lords of the Treasury have officially written to General De Lancy, directing him to pay into
the Bank, within three days, £. 93,000, whic according to the Report ot the Army Commis- sioners, it appears he has retained of the public money. Government has received the unpleasant intelli- gence of a part, of the African convoy having been captured by a French squadron. The dispute between the Russian Prince Dolgo- rucky and Count Nesty has llcen adjusted. Fatal Duel.— A fatal duel was fought on the 5th inst. near the city of Dublin, by two young gentle- men belonging to the Barrack- Office, ami previously intimate friends, originating in a tavern dispute the preceding evening. On the first fire, at the distance of
eleven paces, both parties fell; the one, Mr. Rogers, received a ball through his heart, and never spoke after :• the other, Mr. Long, was shot through both his thighs, and considered pa< t hope of recovery.— A Coroner's Jury brought in a verdict of Wilful Murder against the survivor. Dreadful Fire.— About nine o'clock on Saturday night, a tire broke out in Bear- alley, Fleet- market, at the house of Mr. Steptoe, butcher. The accident was occasioned by the maid- servant leaving the candle with the children after she had put them to bed. The girl went out to order some porter, and on her return found that the Haines had con sumed the bed- curtains, and had reached the bed- room door; she immediately gave the alarm, but too late to save the . children, three of whom were burnt to death. The houses on each side wore much damaged, particularly Mr. Line's, who has lost a considerable quantity of his furniture. Hants.— Mr. THOMAS WILLIAMS, at Waldiidge, one of the Tenants, will shew the Estate. LosG- BLCKBY, 8th May, 180G. JOSEPH MAN TON, DRAPF. K and TAILOR, respectfully acquaints his Friends and the Public in general, that he has lately received in a fashionable Assortment of L1N E N and WOO 1.1. E N- D R AP E R Y
GOODS; likewise HATS and HOSIERY, and all Kinds of MANCHESTER GOODS; which he is determined to sell at the most reasonable Prices, and every Favour will be strictly attended to, and grate- fully acknowledged. ( fir* Mrs. MANTON, with much Respect, informs her Friends at BUCKBY and its Environs, that she continues to carrv on the MANTUA and FANCY DRESS- MAKING BUSINESS, as usual, and solicits a Continuance ot those Favours already ex- perienced, assuring them every Order will be much esteemed, and executed in the present Taste and Fashion with the quickest Dispatch. Cheap and expeditious
Canal Conveyance, BY FLY BOATS. WEEh'S's BARGES and BOATS, for the Con- veyance of Goods between London, Birming- ham, Wolverhampton, Liverpool, Manchester, & c. load at his WHARF, at PADDINCTON, andat'l'Ric- WHARF, UPPER- THAMES. STREET, LONDON, lor the following Places:— Birmingham Lancaster Rochdale Buckingham Leeds Sheffield Brackley Leicester Shrewsbury Bewdley Litchfield Stone Bolton Ludlow Stony- Stratford Bristol Leighton- Buzzard Stourbridge Coventry Middlewich Stourport Chester Manchester Wakefield Dudley Macclesfield Warrington Daventry Nampt\.- ch
Wolverhampton Derby Northwich Worcester Gloucester Newcastle Warwick Hereford Northampton Wellingborough Halifax Newport- Pagnell Walsall Kidderminster Oxford Uxbridge Liverpool Preston York, Sec. and all intermediate Places; and also for all Parts of the North of England, and North and South Wales. From LIVERPOOL, Goods will be forwarded to IRELAND and SCOTLAND. Goods taken in, daily, at TRIG- WHARF, UPPER- THAMES- STREET, LONDON, and at his WAREHOUSE on the GRAND JUNCTION CANAL, PADDINCTON. fpf WEFKS'S BOATS load daily at his WHARF in BIRMINGHAM, and also at his
WHARF in WOLVER- HAMPTON, for London, Liverpool, Manchester, See. and the above- mentioned Places. WEEKS'S BOATS load at LIVERPOOL and MAN- CHESTER, for Wolverhampton, Birmingham, and London, and all intermediate Places on the Line of the Canal. In the Vicinity of Bedford. To be LETT, HPIIE principal PART of a very comfortable J| HOUSE, on an excellent Road, four Miles from the above Place. There is a large wainscoted Parlour, a Room of the same Size over it, which was last used as a Drawing- Room, a good- sized, airy, light Sleeping- Room, two good Garrets, a lofty Kitchen, a Back- Kitchen,
and Wood- Barn.— The other Part of the House is occupied by a quiet elderly Couple, without a Family.— The Houses are distinct, but by Choice. ff3T Enquire of Mr. HAWKINS, Bricklayer, Bedford. N. B. if but for the Summer, no Objection. To be SOLD, ASix- inch WAGGON, with Iron Arms, nearly . new.— Enquire of Mr. HENSMAN, Pitchley", near Kettering, Northamptonshire. DISTRESSES IN GERMANY. LoNboN, April Wh, 1806. PIIE astonishing Transactions which took Place ' on the Continent towards the Close of the last Year, must have been familiar to all who bestow the slightest Regard upon the passing
Occurrences; nor can the unparalleled Velocity with which the French Troops over- ran various Parts of Germany be easily forgotten; but the Requisitions, Extortions, and Excesses of every Kind, which were systematically carried on towards the hapless Inhabitants, and the awful Distresses thereby occasioned, have not been sufficiently known in Great- Britain, to excite that general Commiseration ivhicli such imperious Ne- cessity demands. In Consequence of the accumulated Miseries pro- duced by the War, and of the scanty Supply of Pro- visions, arising from two successive Years of Scarcity, the Inhabitants of many
German Provinces have been overwhelmed with such a Pressure of Distress, that, without foreign Relief, great Numbers must have perished. To augment the Catalogue of their Woes, almost all Trade, Manufactures, and Commerce, have been suspended;• for Want of Fuel whole Villages have been destroyed by the hostile Armies, in order to keep up IVatcb- Jires; so that Numbers of the wretched Inhabitants were exposed, stripped of their Clothes and destitute of Shelter, to all the Inclemency of the Winter; and a malignant pestilential Disorder has swept away MANY THOUSANDS ( in Moravia alone upwards of twelve
Thousand,) which the Sword and Famine had spared. With a View to afford some Alleviation to these Calamities, a Subscription was oper, » I in London, and a Committee formed, as early as last November; who have, by the liberal Donations and Benefactions afforded them, been enabled to make Remittances to those Places which most urgently stood in Need of Help; by which Means the poor Inhabitants have procured Supplies of Provisions from distant Parts of the Continent. The Committee have received a con- siderable Number of very interesting Letters, acknow- ledging the safe Arrival of the Remittances in Term's of
the most affecting Gratitude; and further specifying in what Manner and Proportions they had been applied. The Committee regret, tliat the necessary Limits of this Address unavoidably prevent them from intro- ducing any of the very interesting, but melancholy Details of Misery, contained in their respective Re- ports already published : But as the Fund hitherto ap- propriated to this Purpose is now almost exhausted, the Committee have no Resource left them to recruit if, but by an Appeal to the Sympathy and Generosity of an enlightened and benevolent BRITISH PUBLIC. Of the Extent of the Misery that exists, some Idea may
be formed, when it is observed, that the Stores of Grain, both public and private, were speedily con- sumed or destroyed by the numerous Armies, which were successively poured into Germany, destitute of Clothes, Provisions, and every other Necessary. No Place or Country, though not the immediate Theatre ot War, has suffered more from long- continued Ex- actions, than Hanover; whence official Accounts have been received, containing the most affecting Statements of systematic Extortion and Devastation;— and many have been literally starved to Death ! Never has the Benevolence of a BRITISH PUBLIC been
entreated in vain on Behalf of suffering Hu- manity; and, since this highly- favoured Nation has been preserved from the destroying Sword and the de- vouring Pestilence, the Committee implore their kind Assistance, in Behalf of the hapless Victims of such united Horrors, The Committee would further observe, that not- withstanding the extraordinary Change in the political Aspect of Continental Affairs, they will be still enahled from the Security of their extensive and con- fidential Correspondence, to convey the apportioned Remittances with Safety to their Destination. And STRAW. To be SOLD, AQUANTITY of WHEAT
STRAW, n lying at BI. ISWORTH, in the County of North- ampton, in Trusses. ( PF For Particulars, enquire at the SUN, at BLISWORTH. To A Capitul Freehold Farm, near Bedford. be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. . SKINNER, DYKE, & Co. On Tuesday the 3d of June, at Twelve o'Clock, at Garraway's Coltee- IIouse, ' Changc- Allev, Comhill, London, VALCAULE FREEHOLD ESTATE, advan- tageously situate at KEMPSTON, about two Miles from the COUNTY TOWN of BEDFORD; com- prising a very desirable and highly- improved FARM, containing ONE HUNDRED and TWO ACRES of MEADOW and PASTURE, and
ONE HUNDRED and SEVENTY ACRES of productive deep Staple ARABLE LAND, making together TWO HUNDRID and SEVENTY- TWO ACRES, Statute Measure, inclosed, well fenced, and in a good State of Cultivation; and a convenient DWKI. XINC- HOUSF, with OFFICES, proper BARNS, and FARMING BUILDINGS, in complete Repair and Order; occupied by the Proprietor, who has con- siderably improved the Estate at a great Expence. To be viewed 21 Days preceding the Sale, when printed Particulars may be had, on the Pre- mises; also, at the Swan, Bedford ; George, Woburn* Cock, Eaton ; Swan, Newport-
Pagnell; Sun,' Big- gleswade; of Messrs. Dicey & Sutton, Printers, Northampton; at the Place of Sale; and of Messrs. Skinner, Dyke, & Co. Aldersgate- Street, London; where a Plan may be seen, and who are authorized to rcceive Proposals for purchasing by Private Contract. Half ot the Purchase Money may remain on Mortgage for two, five, or seven Years. To Drapers, Grocers, Tttlhm- C, handlers, and others. CAPITAL FREEHOLD ESTATE, DUNSTABLE, Beds, To he SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. D UR HA M, In the Month of July nnxt ( unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due Notice will be given), in
two Lots. Lot 1. \ Substantial and well- built Brick and /" I. Tiled FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE, and other BUILDINGS, exonerated from Land- Tax, very desirably situate on the East Side of the principal Street of the Town of DUNSTABLE ; comprising a large and convenient Shop, in full Trade, in the Linen and Woollen- Drapery, Hosiery, Grocery, and Tallow- Chandlery Businesses; a Warehouse ad- joining to Ditto; two Parlours, large Kitchen, Scullery, Laundry, llrewhouse, and other Conve niencies, on the Ground Floor; five very good and comfortable Sleeping- Rooms, on the first Floor; and five Servants' Rooms, on the
Attic Story; three large Ware- Rooms, Cheese- Rooms, Bacon- Cellar, Candle- House, Barns, Two- stall Stable, and Loft; a Yard, with a capital Well of Water therein, together with another Tenement adjoining. I. ot 2 comprises a substantial and well- built Brick and Tiled DWELLING- HOUSE, adjoining the North Side of Lot 1; consisting of a Parlour, Shop, Kitchen, Wash- House, Closets, Sec. on the Ground Floor; extensive Cellaring; three good Bed- Rooms, on the first Floor; three Garrets; two Yards, Stable Loft, and other Offices. ( pT May be viewed, and further Particulars known by applying to Mr. JOHN DURHAM, Land-
Survey » r Auctioneer, & c. Dunstable. To WHEELWRIGHTS and others. Under an Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By If. WHITE, On the Premises, on Friday the 23d of May, 1806, precisely at Ten o'Clock ( instead of Monday the 19th), being Shefford Fair, ALL the neat HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, . STOCK in TRADE, and other EFFECTS, of Mr. JOHN TAYLOR, Wheelwright and Cooper, at SHITLINGTON, in the County of Bedford; consisting of Four- post Bedsteads arid Furniture, and Stump Ditto; Feather- Beds, Bolsters, and Pillows; Flock Ditto; Coverlets, Blankets, and Sheets; Chest
of Drawers; Dressing- Tables and Glasses; Bureau; neat Dining and Tea- Tables; very excellent Eight- day Clock, quite new; six neat Windsor Chairs and Chamber Ditto; Deal Dresser; Corner Cupboard; China, Glass, and Earthenware; Copper Boiler; large Brass Kettle; Fender and Fire- Ironsj Dough- Trough, Trays, and other Articles. The STOCK in TRADE consists of upwards of 30 Dozen of well- seasoned Fellies, 100 Dozen of Spokes, a large Quantity of capital Ash Planks ami Elm B5ards, three Pair of Hubs, Axletrees, Cart Raves, with a general Assortment of Plough and Cart Timber, and some Cooper's Stuff,
Wheelwright's and Cooper's Tools, & c.— A new Narrow- wheel Dung Cart; large Pair of Smith's Bellows, new Anvil, and sundry Smith's Tools. Also will be SOLD by AUCTION, at Six o'Clock in the Evening of the same Day, at the White- Horse, at Shitlington aforesaid ( under Conditions to be produced at the Time of Sale), A COPYHOLD ESTATE, situate at SHITLINGTON CHURCH- END; comprising a neat Dwelling- House, with Kitchen, Paflour, and two Bedchambers ; Back- Kitchen, large Wheelwright's Shop, and convenient Out- Offices; a Garden, planted with Fruit Trees; and a Close of Pasture, containing one Acre, be
the same more or less; in the Occupation of the said Mr. John Taylor. ( t- T" This Estate is worthy the Attention of any Person wishing to enter into the above Businesses. * » * May be viewed by applying on the Premises; and further Particulars known of Mr. EAGLES, Soli- citor, Ampthill; or of the AUCTIONEER, Bedford. • £. JOS 5 20 64 16 6 158 0 0 Glasgow Subscriptions, by Mr. John Ro- bertson ". Alexander Knox, F. sq. Dublin ........ Mrs. Hooper, Walworth Bristol Subscriptions, by the Rev. T. T. Biddulph » Collection by the late Rev. Abraham Booth, Prescot- Street Many other Subscriptions, too numerous to be in- serted
here ( including several of One Guinea each, as well as smaller Sums), have lately been received ; which will be printed, and circulated with the Reports of the Committee. The Reports may be had of Ambrose Martin, Esq. No. 24, Charlotte- Street, Bloouisbury- Square; Mr. Joseph Butterworth, No. 43, Fleet- Street; Messrs. Hardcastle & Reyner, Treasurers, Old Swan Stairs ; and of the other Members ot the Committee, in London. Also, of Messrs. Rivingtons, St. Paul's Church- Yard; Messrs. Cadell & Davies, Strand; and of Mr. J. Hatchard, Piccadilly. To be SO. LD by AUCTION, At the Green- Dragon Public- House, at
Brigstock, in the County of Northampton, on Wednesday the 28th of May, 1806, at Three o'Clock in the After- noon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then and there produced, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, IM1E following COPYHOLD ESTATE, in BRIGSTOCK aforesaid, that is to say : — Lot 1. All that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with a BUTCHER'S SHOP, SLAUGHTER- HOUSE, and other CON V EN I E N CIES for carry- ing on the Trade of a Butcher, situate in a Place called HALL- HILL, in BRIGSTOCK aforesaid, and in very complete Repair. Lot 2. All thatTythc- free ALLOTMENT of rich
PASTURE GROUND, containing 2A. 2R. 15P. ( little more or less), lying near to the Town of BRIGSTOCK aforesaid, between the R. oad leading to Geddington and Cock- Rood. ( PT" Mr. WRIGHT, at the Green- Dragon, at Brigstock, will shew the Premises; and further Particulars may be known by applying to Messrs. EDWARDS, Attornies, Stamford. Bedfordshire. To be SOLI) by AUCTION, By Mr. CHRISTIE, At his Great Room, in Pall- Mall, on Thursday, May the 29th, at One o'Clock, IN FOUR LOTS, rpiIREE EUGIIII. E, FREEHOLD, and TITHE- FREE a FARMS, in the Parishes ot HARROLD, ODELL, WILDEN, and
ROXTON, in the County of Bedford, lett to very respectable Tenants, at Rents amounting to upwards of Tour Hundred and fifty Pounds a Year, on Leases, of which five Years are unexpired.— Also, a WOOD, containing 120 Acres, and a SPINNEY, of three Acres, subject to the annual Payment of £. 3 6s. 8d. in Lieu of Tythes. ( pT Further Particulars may be had by applying to the respective Tenants, who will shew their Farms; as also to Mr. Kidman, Bedford; of the Printers of the Northampton Mercury; at the Cross. Keys, St. Neots; Cock, Eaton; Sun, Biggleswade; of Messrs. Lowndes & Lambert, Rcd- Lion- Square; at
Garraway's Coffee- House, Cornhill; and of Mr. Christie, Pall- Mall, London. Excellent Timber and Building Materials, nearly new ; capital Steam- Engine ( by Bolton IVatt) ; Machinery, in Brass, Iron, and Lead; desirable Freehold Land, and several Dwelling- Houses ; RETFORD, Nottinghamshire. To he SOLD bv A U C T J O N, By Messrs. HOGG ART £ f PHILLIPS, ( Successors to Mr. SMITH,) On the Premises, on Monday the 9th of June, and following Days, at Eleven o'Clock, rpiIE valuable BUILDING MATERIALS of .1- the REVOLUTION MILL; comprising an immense Quantity of sound Brick- Work ; Timbers, of large
Dimensions, in sawer and bolted Girders, Joists, Rafters, Floors, and Staircases; numerous glazed Sashes and Stone Sills; Slates and Tiling ; a large Reservoi r and a Quantity of Lead; Brass and Iron Wheels; Shafts and Machinery, of various De- scriptions; a capital 32- Horse Steam. Engine, and a Fire- Engine; Counting- House Desks, Fixtures, and Utensils, selected at a very considerable F. xpcnce, and offering most eligible Lots to Builders and Manu- facturers; lying convenient for Land and Water Car- riage near the Gainsborough Canal and the Guat North Road.— At the same Time will be sold, the valuable FREEHOLD
SITE of the BUILDINGS, NINETEEN DWELLING- HOUSES, YARDS, GARDEN, COACH- HOUSE, STABLING, and rich MEADOW LAND, near the Town of RETFORD. fr To be viewed three Days previous to the Sale; Catalogues and Particulars then had on the Pre- mises; at the White- Hart, Retford; Kingston- Arms, Newark; Angel, Grantham; Black's - Head, Not- tingham; Angel, Doncaster; Hotel, York; Derby- Arms, Preston; Hotel, Manchester; White- Hart, Gainsborough; Rein- Deer, Lincoln; Bell, Derby; Red- Lion, Boston; Angel, Peterborough; George, Stamford; Duke'a- Head, Lynn; Rose- and- Crown, Wisbeach;
Neptune, Hull; of Messrs. Jones & Green, Solicitors, Salisbury - Square, Fleet - Street; and of Messrs. Hoggart & Phillips, 62, Broad- Street, near the Royal- Exchange, London. it should be remembered that the poor sultering Inha bitants have no Part in Public Affairs, but are still the worthy Objects of British Generosity. The Com- mittee would be amply justified in employing on this Occasion the strongest Expressions the Mind can con- ceive, or Language afford, in order to give an adequate View of the diversified Miseries now afflicting the In- habitants of many Parts of Germany ; but they prefer calling the Attention of the
Compassionate to the INTERESTING FACTS contained in the REPORTS of their Proceedings published from Time to Time; and which may be had on Application to any ot the Committee* in London, by whom Donations' will bs gratefully received, viz. George Wolff, Esq. America- Square. Joseph Hardcastle, Esq. Old Swan Stairs. Joseph Reyner, Esq. Old Swan Stairs. Richard Lea, Esq. Alderman, Old- Jewry. Alexander Maitlaud, Esq. Peckham. Robert Steven, Esq. 129, Upper Thames- Street. Thomas Wilson, Esq. Artillery- Place. George Hammond, Esq. 145, Whitechapel. Wilson Birkbeck, Esq. Stamford- Hill. Robert
Howard, Esq. Stamford- Hill. Richard Chester, Esq. Stoke- Newington. George Meyer, Esq. Salvador- House, Bishopsgate- Street. Christopher Sundius, Esq. Fen- Court. Alexander ShirrefT, Esq. 58, Fenchurch- Street. Herman Schroeder, Esq. College- Hill. John D. Hose, Esq. Ludgate. Hill. The Rev. Ch. F. A. Steinkopff, Savoy. Mr. Joseph Butterworth, 43, Fleet- Street. Mr. Robert Middleton, 192, Fleet- Street. Samuel Mills, Esq. 16, Finshurv- Place. Joseph Smith, Esq. 60, Broad- Street. Ainh. Martin, Esq. Charlotte- Street, Bloomsbury. The Rev. C. Schwabe, Goodman's- Fields. William Alers, Esq. 7, Fenchurch- Street. The
Rev. W. Kueper, 49, Stafford- Place, Pimlico. The Rev. George Segelken, 25, Brompton- Crescent. Henry Sitt'ken, Esq. 11, Scots'- Yard, Bush- Lane. M- ssrs. Hardcastle & Reyner, Treasurers, Old Swan Stairs. Subscriptions will also be received at the following Bankers in London:— Messrs. Hankey & Co. Fenchurch- Street. Messrs. Hoares, Fleet- Street. Messrs. Smith & Holt, Old Broad- Street. Messrs, Jones, I. oyd, Hulme, & Co. Lothbury. SUBSCRIPTIONS LATELY RECEIVED. £. I. d. His Grace the Archbishop of Cashel 20 0 0 The Right Hon. the Earl of Hardwicke . . 30 0 The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of London 20 0
The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Elphin 20 0 Lady Carbery 50 0 The Right Hon. David La'louche & Co... 50 0 William Wilberforce, Esq. M. P 20 0 Ely Bates, Esq. Blackheath 10 10 Charles Grant, Esq. M. P 10 10 Edw. Simeon, Esq. & Co. Salvador- House 100 0 Thomson Bonar, Esq 21 0 Thomson Bonar, . Tun. Esq 10 10 John l'hpmson, Esq 21 0 John Maitland, F. sq; M. P.. 20 0 Sir R. B. Johnstone 25 l> Lady Johnstone 25 0 Christo, by Messrs. Hankey & Co 20 0 Dublin Subscriptions, bv Henry Hutton, Esq. Alderman, 200 0 Admiral Gambier 5 0 Rev. Thomas Gisborne, Yoxall- I. odge 25 0 E. Goodhart, Esq. llford 8 0
Hanoverians, at Cumberland- Lodge, Wind- sor Park 12 A nthony Home, Esq. Bank side 20 Manchester Friends, by Mr. Isaac Crewdson 100 Mrs. Hannah Moore's second Donation 5 Mr. Edward Ridsdale, Wakefield 20 Mr. John Ridsdale, Wakefield 20 Henry Thornton, Esq. M. P. second Donation 100 l'ang's Farm, Chatteris, Cambridgeshire, Seven Miles from St. Ives, and one Mile from Sornersham. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. JAQUES, On Tuesday the 10th of June, it Twelve o'Clock, at Garraway's Coftce- House, London, npiIAT well- known excellent FARM, adjoining X the Turnpike- Road from ST. 1 v ES to
WISBECH, containing two hundred and thirty- six Acres ot capital and highly- productive LAND, with FARM- HOUSE and BUILDINGS. Also, FOUR PIECES of remark- ably rich LAND, convenient thereto, in SUTTON, containing twenty- four Acres. The Whole occupied by a Tenant at Will, and in most excellent Condition lor Occupation or Letting. To be viewed by applying to the TENANT; 3nd printed Particulars may be had of him fourteen Days preceding the Sale; also of HENRY SWEETING, Esq. Huntingdon; Mr. AUBELL, Somersham Free- School; at the Crown Inn, St. Ives; at Garraway's; and of Mr. JAQUES, Hatton-
Garden, London. A Friend, by Ditto - 25 Dr. I udlow, Bristol 5 T. W. Smith, Esq. & Co. Great St. Helen's, third Donation 50 0 The Rev. B. N. Turner, Denton, Lincoln- shire 5 5 Thomas Were, Esq. by Messrs. Were, Bruce, & Co - 10 0 W. D. by Messrs. Hoares 20 0 Francis Gosling, Esq. Fleet- Street 21 0 Messrs. William StorrS Fry U Sons, Mildred- Court 50 0 Arthur Young, Esq. by Messrs. Hoares .. 5 5 Joseph Foster Barham, Esq. M. P.. 10 10 Richard Reynolds, Esq. Bristol 20 0 Thomas Bonville, Esq. Bristol 10 10 Chobham Friends, by the Rev. Charles Jerrain 29 9 ' 0 CITY of LINCOLN, March 18th, 180( j. ISAMUEL
BRISTOW, voluntarily thus declare, j 1 was afflicted with seven bad Sores in my Leg, painful and offensive, some of which were as large as a Crown Piece. Two Years I tried, uselessly, recom- mended Applications. Advised by a Neighbour, I bought, successively, of Mr. John Drury, Printer, ot this City, three small Bottles of SPILSBURY's PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, from the Administration of which 1 became entirely well, as also unexpectedly relieved from a painful Affection of my Stomach and Breast.— Witness my Hand this 18th Day of March, SAMUEL BRISTOW. Signed before me, JOHN DRURY, Lincoln. It is
necessary to ask for the " PATENT ANTI- SCORBUTIC DROPS," with the King's Duty printed in black Ink instead of red Ink.— Sold, as usual, at the Dispensary, No. 15, Soho- Square, in Bottles of 5s. 6d. 10s. and >£. 1 2s. Duty included. ( j^ sT Sold also by the Printers ot this Paper; Mr. Okely, Bedford; Mather, Wellingborough; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Robins, and Wil- kinson, Daventry; Corrall, Lutterworth; and by most Venders of Patent Medicines in Town and Country. THE CORDIAL BALM OF GILEAIX " PERSONS who are enervated in Youth seldom recover themselves by any other Means than this
Restorative. Old Age and Infirmities speedily come on, and the Thread of Life is shortened: For the Foundation of a happy old Age, is a good Constitution in Youth : Temperance and Moderation at that Age, are Passports to happy grey Hairs. The CORDIAL BALM ot GILEAD, by its softening, healing, and tonic Qualities, and salutary Effects, affords a sure Prospect of returning Strength, and a certain Hope of muscular Invigoration,- to those who are debilitated by premature or excessive Indigencies: Hence arise Weakness of Sight, Vertigos, Loss of Appetite, and Mental Decay. Youth, of- either Sex, who have practised a secret
and destructive Vrce, and thereby relaxed, weakened, and debilitated tile whole Nervous System, will find the Cordial Balm of Gilead the most powerful, cer- tain, and effectual Remedy. It has been uncommonly successful with young People who have the Appear- ance and Air ot old Age; who are pale, effeminate, benumbed, stupid, ar. d even imbecile; whose Bodies are become bent; whose Legs are no longer scarcely able to carry them; who have an utter Distaste for every Thing, and are totally incapacitated. Where the Stomach is frequently disordered, the Body is weakened; Paleness, Bodily Decay, ar. d Emaciation,
succeed this most destructive Habit, and the Eyes sink into the Head. The Virtue of the Cordial Balm of Gilead is daily demonstrated, in eradicating the worst and most dangerous Symptoms of Nervous Disorders; aad nothing has tended so much to establish the Fame of this Medicine, as its certain Success in those Com- plaints which strike their Roots so deep in the 0 Constitution, and are so fatal to the Happiness of 0 Mankind. 0 Prepared by Dr. Solomon, Gilead- Hoitse, near 0 Liverpool, in 10s. 6d. and 33s. Bottles; the latter 0 contain four of the former, by which the Purchaser 0 saves 9s. Every genuine Bottle has a Stamp,
which 0 beats the Proprietor's Name and Address, " Saml. 0 Solomon, Liverpool," to imitate which is Felony. 0 The Postage of all Letters to the Doctor must be paid, and 10s. 6d. as a Fee, inclosed for Advice. Sold Wholesale and Retail by the Printers of this Paper; also Retail by Marshall, and Edge, North- ampton ; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Dawson, and Harrod, Harborough; Marriott, Ban- bury ; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Edge, and Mather, Wellingboiough; Robins, and Wil- kinson, Daventry; Okely, r. nd Palgrave, Bedford ; Fox, St. Neots; Barringer, and
Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Swinfen, Leicester; by the Printers of the Country Newspapers ; and by all the reputable Medicine Venders, Booksellers, See. in every principal Town in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America, who will deliver Pamphlets gratis, with a Variety of authentic Documents noted therein.
ednesday and Thursday's Posts. LONDON, May 15. ( CAPTAIN Broke, of the Druid, has captured _ S the French brig corvette I- e Pandour, ot 18 sums, 6- pounders ( two thrown overboard during the chace) and 1- 10 men .— Gazette. In the Paris Papers, which arrived yesterday, it which he'sdiVat'the lowest Prices is offici'dlv announced, that the whole kingdom ot j CYDER, 8S. per Dozen, Bottles returned. Nanles except Gaeta, has submitted to the French. ! J. D. would thank his Friends to return the Till loyal and brave army of Naples^ to , have oined its Sovereign in Sicily. 1 he omciai | r report admits, that upwards of 50
transports, with j troops, sailed from Reggio for Messina as so— • i the French made their appearance, REAL LONDON PORTEIl AK » HEREFORD- SHIRE CYDER. JDONNE, WINE& BRANDY- MERCHANT „ and HOP- FACTOR, NEWLAND, NORTH- AMPTON, takes this Opportunity of returning his sincere Thanks to his numerous Friends and Cus- tomers for the many Favours received, and begs J, eave to inform them and the Public in general, that he has laid in his usual Stock of real BROW N STOUT and MILD PORTER ( Meux's Intire), and fine HEREFORD CYDER, in Casks and Bottles, COTTON- MILL,
NORTHAMPTON. ; '" piIOMAS FROST begs Leave to inform his w I Friends and the Public in general, that, in Con- 3 . « m » ' ol « . ailv taken afainst sequence of the Badness of the Cotton Trade, he In addition to the steps a ready taken against q jp A1R of FRENCH STONES, Prussia, the Privy Council yesterday resolved on a , ^ h / in a » few Days t0 be able t0 GRIND formal Declaration of War, the issuing of Letters j CORN in generai. and, by the Assistance of his of Marque and Reprisal, & c.; which were ap- J STEAM- ENCINE, he will be able to accomplish their proved of and sanctioned by his Majesty, Mr. Jackson, the
late British Minister at the Court of Berlin, arrived on Monday at Yarmouth — Baron . Tacobi, the Prussian Minister at this Court, has not yet received letters of recall. Mr. It. Adair is appointed our Minister Plenipo- tentiary to the Court of Vienna, and will set oft on his embassy in the course of the present week. The third reading of the Additional Force Repeal Bill was agreed toon Tuesday in the House ot Commons without a division. A clause, by way rider, is to be introduced by Mr. Perceval, on the question for the passing of the Bill, proposing Work at all Seasons. Those who please to favour him with their Custom, may rely on
having their Work done with Dispatch; and by using every Attention on his Part, he hopes to merit a Continuance of their Favours. ( J^ r A good GRINDER WANTED.— Apply as above. May Yitb, 1806. NORTHAMPTON, 10th May, 1806. VVTHEREAS a Number of Poachers and un- v V qualified Persons'have lately made a Practice of Dragging, casting Nets, and otherwise Taking and Destroying the FISH in the River Nine or Nen, within the Manor of GOBION and the Manor of NORTHAMPTON, in the Liberties of the said Town of Northampton : Notice is hereby given, that all such against Earl St. Vincent, who, he said, had
been, \ vhile First Lord of the Admiralty, guilty of cri- minal negligence in the conduct of the naval affairs of this country. He chiefly complained of Earl St. Vincent's having neglectcd to build ships in Merchants' dock- yards," and concluded a long speech with moving, that all the papers relative to this subject be referred to a Committee ot the whole House. Admiral Markham and Lord Howick entered into an able defence of Earl St. Vincent; and adduced various documents to prove, that he had most materially served the navy; and . that his refusal to have ships built in Merchants' yards was on account of the badness of the work
done there, and the exorbitant prices charged. ] t appears, from the statement of Lord liowick, that the shipwrights in the King's dock- yards are so numerous, compared with those in the Mer- chants' yards, and the work done by them so com- paratively small, that, by strict and judicious regulations, such as Earl St. Vincent was about UM'Stablish before he retired from office, the whole of the ships required for our navy might be easily b. iiilt there. Mr. Jeffery's motion, after a warm and an interesting debate, was negatived without a division; after which, thanks were moved and carried to Earl St. Vincent.— The Chancellor of the
Exchequer gave notice of his intention to abandon the tax on- Iron. The trial of Lord Melville is expected to finish or. the beginning of next week. Mr. Read is appointed Chief Magistrate of the Police, ill the room of the lale Sir Richard Ford. The number of vessels now embargoed in the poits of England is about 400. No less than six French squadrons are now at sea, v, lz. that under Jerome Bonaparte and Ad* miral ( iuillmime, consisting of the Veteran, of 84 ETUIS, poudroyant, Majestic, Eole, Impeteux, Castor, and Patriot, of 74 guns, four frigates, and a corvette, which sailed from Brett on the 14th of December. Another
squadron, comprising six sail of the line, which sailed from the same port on the same day, not since heard of. Third, five sail of the line, three frigates, and three corvettes, which sailed from Brest in January, not since heard of. Fourth, the Regulus, of 80, President aid Sybelle, of - 10, and Surveillante, which sailed from 1.' Orient the 5th of November, and were to the Southward of the line on the 2oth of January.• Fifth, the squadron of frigates which sailed from L'Orient the 27th of March; and lastly, the squadron of frigates which sailed from Cadiz the 7th of March. The letter from the commander of a private ship of war of only
12 guns, in Saturday's Gazette, relating the capture of the French privateer by the Felicity, was remarkable for having the Captain's mark, instead of his hand- writing, affixed to it. This brave fellow, however, convinced his enemies, that he knew how to point a gun, though not a pen; and that his ignorance of writing was more than compensated by his skill in fighting. Sir William Keir, who is going out Adjutant- General to India, lost his arm, in consequence of a pistol shot in a duel, in Ireland, with Sir M. Somerville. Sir William soon after assumed an artificial arm, and, singular to say, this arm was also carried away by a cannon
ball, while the Colonel was gallantly fighting with the enemies of his country ; on which Sir William remarked, " By J— sus but I'll not be at the expence of finding any more arms to be popped off in this manner!" and ever since has worn a loose sleeve. The late stoppage of a considerable house in the city, is said to have arisen from .90,000 being withheld from it by Government, on acco < nt yf a victualling contract; barrels of beef having ieeu it. turned to them to that amount, on a charge that they were made up of Con instead oi Ox beef. Singular Escape.— As two children were being drawn m a small carriage, in the yard of
Messrs. Ingham, curriers, in Wakefield, a few days since, the horses in a cart took fright, and galloped off, so that the, wheels passed between them, and abso Fwshiuuulle Millinery and Dress - Mukirg. Nf. WPORT- PAGNFLL. & P. MEADOWS having selected a choice Assortment of MILLINERY and MODELS for LADIES' DRESSES and SPENCERS, with a Variety of MUSLINS, See. suitable for the same; also, every Description of CHIP, STRAW, LEGHORN, and BEAVER HATS; and every other Article in the ahove Busi- nesses; beg Permission to inform the Ladies and their Friends of NEWPORT- PAGNELL and its Vicinity,
they will be ready for their Inspection on TUESDAY next, when the Favour of their Calls will be much esteemed.— The above can, with much Con- fidence of Approbation, be recommended to their Attention, as they have been personally collected from the first Houses in Town, by P. M. who has used every Exertion to continue that Satisfaction which their repeated Favours denote, and which it will ever be their Study to preserve. fjSj" Their Assortment of LADIES' STAYS, and LADIES' and CHILDREN'S SHOES, will be found large, and at their usual low Prices. *** A DAY- APPRENTICE is WANTED IMMEDIATELY. May 17 tb,
1806. GEORGE INN, MARKET- HARBOROUGH, MAY 13th, 1806. JOHN WALRDF. N having entered on the above INN and PREMISES, respectfully in- forms the Subscribers to the BOWLING- GREEN, that the first Meeting for the present Year will be held on WEDNESDAY the 4th Day of JUNE next. ( pp Dinner on the Table at Two o'Clock. ?— NORTHAMPTON, May 6th, 1806. LOST, at Market- Harborough Fair, the 29th of April, 1806, A BLACK OX, Value about Thirteen Pounds, marked I. I. on the left Horn, a Clip with a Pair of Scissars on the left Thigh, and has some White about his Rump. Whoever will bring the said
Ox to THOMAS JONES, at the next Rowell Fair; or take him to Mr. SAD- DINGTON, Grazier, near Market- Harborough; shall be ' welV rewarded for their Trouble, and liave all Expences paid. THOMAS JONES. KF. ITF. IUNG, May 16th, 1806. MRS. GREENE respectfully informs her Friends and the Public, that she is just re- turned from LONDON with a new and fashionable Assortment ot MILLINERY, DRAPERY, and HABERDASHERY GOODS; which will be open for Sale on MONDAY the 19th Instant. ( PIT A Variety of fine SPLIT- STRAW BONNETS and LADIES' CORSETS, from Mills's, Hollywell- Street, Strand, Corset-
Maker to the R- ojal Family. E B T E S CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, ST. NEOTS, DAVENTRY, May 15th, 1806. CBLENCOWE gratefully acknowledges # the many Favours already received, and begs Leave to inform the Ladies of DAVENTRY and its Vicinity, that she is returned from LONDON with a fashionable Assortment of MI LI. 1NE RY, & c. which she hopes will meet their Apprubation. BRACKLEY, May 17th, 1806. \| ISS BLAXLEY, MILLINER and FANCY J* J- DRESS- MAKER, respectfully acquaints her Friends and the Public, that she is returned from LONDON with a neat and fashionable Assortment of MILLINERY
GOODS, MODELS for LADIES- DRESSES, & c. which will be ready for Inspection on WEDNESDAY the 21st Instant; and at the same Time embraces the Opportunity of returning her most grateful Thanks for the many numerous Favours already conferred upon her. An APPRENTICE WANTED IMMEDIATELY. ISIIAM I, IMF. - KILNS. CORBETT HAYES returns Thanks for Favours already conferred on him in the LIME TRADE, • and informs his Friends and the Public in general, that he intends selling his Lime at 3s. per Quarter, at his Kilns; food Measure and of excellent Quality. ft"| r All Orders will be thankfully received and
dulv executed, by the Public's humble Servant, May IStb, 1806. CORBETT HAYES. Af BUCKS. To be L E T T, For seven, fourteen, or twenty- one Years, furnished or unfurnished, or the Furniture may he purchased, STON- ABBOTTS MANOR- HOUSE, with an extensive Range of Manors, and with or without about 32 Acres of rich Meadow Land. The House is in excellent Repair; with walled Garden, Fish- Ponds, Dovecoat, and convenient Out- Offices; and stands on an Eminence, which commands a beautiful Prospect of the Chiltern Hills, over the Vale of Aylesbury.— Distant from Aylesbury about five Miles, and from
London about 40. fctT Immediate Possession may be had; and Parti- culars of Messrs. STRONG, STILL, and STRONG, | Lincoln's- Inn, London; or at the House. BEDFORD INFIRMARY. " V! OTICE is hereby given, That all Persons desirous of contracting for the following Ar- ticles, are to send their Proposals to the Infirmary To the DEBTORS and CREDITORS of Mr. I (! « ' « •> 1??, directed to the Secretary,) at or before IOHN WATTS Intent' SnrTuv. i in the Count u 1 Lleven o Clock on SATUR DAY the 7th ot JUNE next, Jy,} 1. • ; t^' of oOLTUA. ii, county | specifyin>, at wllat Bale , h , wiu , , he In- ly Warwick, leomatr,'
deceased. ' • ...... n A1 To Woolstaplers. To be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT, ALL that new- erected MESSUAGE, situate in OUNDLE, in the County of Northampton, with the Comb- Shops, Sorting- Shops, Wool- Ware- house, Wash- House, Barns, Stables, and other con- venient Outbuildings, tit and proper for carrying on the Wool Business. Also, a PADDOCK of rich PASTURE LAND adjoining, containing three Acres ( more or less), inclosed with a good Stone Wall, near ten Feet high. The above Estate is an eligible Situation for anv Person desirous of carrying on, to a considerable Extent, the Wool Trade; or would form a
delightful Residence for a genteel Family. * » •* The Land- Tax is redeemed. N, B. For futther Particulars, apply to Mr. ODY, or to Mr. BALDERSTON, Attorney at Law, Oundle. Oujtdfe, <& th April, 1806. To WHARFINGERS and others. Under a Distress for Rent. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS HA IV, On Monday the 19th Day of May, 1806, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, on the Premises, at BLISWORTH WHARF, near NORTHAMPTON, ONE capital CRANE, capable of lifting ten Tons, and ONE SMALLER DITTO. Also, a TRUCK, WRITING- DESK, SLINGS, CRANE- HOOKS, WATER- SPOUTS, and various other
Articles. LL Persons having any Claim or Demand upon the Estate and Effects of the said JOHN WATTS, are hereby desired to send them immediately to Mr. John Watts', at the Sign of the Wheat- Sheaf, in Crick, in the County of Northampton; or Mr. William Winklev, Farmer, of Southam, in the County of Warwick ; who are authorized to settle the same.— And all Persons who stand indebted to the Estate and Effects of the said John Watts, are hereby desired to pay their respective Debts lo the said John Watts, of Crick; or Mr. William Winkley, of Southam ; within two Months from the Da'te hereof. Crick, May Uth, 1806. ~ TJ
be SOLD by AUCTIO N, By Mr. BROOKS, On the Premises, on Wednesday the 21st of May, 1806, rpiIE valuable FARMING and DAIRY - I. UTENSILS, VESSELS, andsuhdrv EFFECTS, of Mrs. MARY WHEELER, at HARLINGTON EAST- END, in the County of Bedford ; consisting of two good Draught Horses ; a capital Narrow - wheel Waggon, and two good Dung- Carts; four Field- Ploughs, and Field- Harrows ; good Harness for four Horses; Corn - Screen, and Barn Tackie; sundry Hurdles ; Ladders and Troughs ; a large Quantity of Manure; Corn- Sacks; a Quantity of Black Thorn Bushes, in thrte Lots; seven good Milk-
Leads, 6- Dozen Churn, Kivers, and Pails; good Iron- bound Pipes, Hogsheads, and Halt- Hogsheads; long Oak Dining- Tableand Forms; large Salting- Jar; a Quantity of old fron ; eight Pieces of Ash Timber; a Quantity of seasoned Wheelwrights' Stuff'; with a Number of other useful Articles. QPT May be viewed on the Morning of Sale, which will begin precisely at Eleven o'Clock. A To be SOLD by AUCTIO N, By Mr. KIRS HAW, At the Crown Inn, in Upper Weedon- Beck, in the County of Northampton, on Thursday the 22d Day of May instant, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, COTTAGE or TENEMENT, with the ORCHARD or
GARDEN, and APPURTE- NANCES thereunto adjoining ar. d belonging, contain- ing about Half an Acre of Ground, well fenced and planted with Fruit Trees, situate near the Royal Depot at UPPER- WEEDON aforesaid, late in the Occupation of Joseph Tompson, and now untenanted. ( PA" For further Particulars, apply to Mr. THEO. JEYES, Solicitor, Northampton; Mr. WM. WRIGHT, at the Crown Inn above- mentioned; or to the AUCTIONEER. . . hey will supply ._ __ firmary, for the ensuing Half Year, viz. BUTCHERS MEAT, BREAD, BUTTER, CHEESE, MIIK, SOAP, CANDLES, RICE, SUCAR, BEER, OATMEAL, and C O
AI S . Bv Order of the Special Superintending Committee, May 10f/ 6, 1806. J. BUTL1N, Secretary. NORTHAMPTON NAVIGATION! " VT OTICE is hereby given, That the NAVI- . L> CATION of the RIVER NINE or NF. N will be STOPPED, for three Weeks, during the Repaits of WESTON- I'AVEI, Land BI LLINC LOCKS, onMoNDAY the 30th Day of JUNE next. May 16 tb, 1806. To M I L L I N E I< S, Sec. To be LETT, WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, A MILLINER'S SHOP, in full Business, very J ft- desirably situated in a MARKET- TOWN.— The STOCK in TRACE, & C. which is modern, and in excellent Condition, to be
taken at a fair Valuation. ( f3~ For Particulars, apply to Mr. JOHN DAY, Auctioneer, in Stony- Stratford. CALVES' CORDIAL, A certain Cure for the Scouring of Calves, Oxen, Com, Sheep, Pigs, SV. causing toem lo thrive and fallen sooner, is again recommended to the Attention of CENTLEMEN, FARMERS, GRAZIERS, & c. BY the following Testimony sent to the Pro- prietor, W. H. BICGS, and sanctioned by the first Agriculturists in the Kingdom :— SIR,— The rapid Sale of your Cordial obliges me to send for an additional Quantity; and I have to assure you, that several of the most respectable Graziers in this Neighbourhood,
have unequivocally declared it to be, without Exception, the best Remedy known for such Disorders in Cattle, and, in particular, Mr. Rowbotham, of Holbeach- Marsh, declares, that, upon giving a single Dose to one of his Calves, it entirely cured it, that he was confident it would prove of great Service to Sheep, and that for his Part he would never be without it, nor he thought hardly any other Person would after having once used it, so beneficial are its Effects. Yours, & c. THOS. ALB1N, Spalding and Hojbeach. Sold, Wholesale, by Howard Se Evans, 42, Long- Lane, West- Smithfield; and, Retail, by Dicey & Sutton, and
Marshall, Northampton; Newcomb, and Drakard, Stamford; Tookey, Oundle; Jacob, Peter- borough ; M. & F. Paul, St. Ives ; Porter, Thrapston ; Palgrave, Bedford; Swinfen, Leicester; Hewes, Dun- stable; Williams, Royston; and by most Venders of Medicines. BEGS Leave to return his sincere Thanks to his Friends and the Public for Favours received, and informs them, after the 18th Instant, it is his Intention to OPEN his SHOP DAILY, and by paying the greatest Attention to the Sale of the best Drugs and Chemical Preparations, he hopes to merit the Continuance of their Favours. fr"?~ Orders received for Raisin, Orange, and
Cal- cavella Wine, & c. Sec. BEDFORDSHIRE ASSOCIATION, Eur prosecuting Felons, & c. THE General Annual Meeting of the Members of this Association will be held at the S w A N INN, BEDEOKD, on FRIDAY the 30th Day of MAY instant, at One o'Clock, to pass the Treasurer's Accounts, and to fix the Subscription lot the Year ensuing. THEED PEARSE, Treasurer. Bedford, lith May, 1806. To BAKERS, See. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. R. & E. B LAB Y, . On Thursday the 29th of May instant, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the Plume- of- Feathers, Lower Weedon- Beck, in the County of Northampton, ALL
that old- accustomed BAKEHOUSE and PREMISES, most desirably situate near the ROYAL DEPOT, in LOWER W E EDON- BECK, in the County of Northampton, replete with every Con- venience for an extensive Trade in that or any other Business requiring Room, now in the Occupation of Mr. Litchfield, who is under Notice to quit at Michaelmas next. The House is eligible, the Bake- house large, and an Oven calculated to bake ten Bushels, with proper Store- Rooms. The detached Offices consist of two very good Stables for six Horses, large Bush- Barn, complete Piggeries, Coal- House, and every other requisite
Appendage. Also, a spacious Garden, large Orchard, well planted with choice Fruit Trees, and two Closes of excellent Grazing Land; the Whole contains six Acres, and adjoins the aforesaid Premises.— The Dough - Troughs and other Baking Implements to be taken at a Valuation. ( pr For further Particulars, and a View of the above, apply to Mr. DAVID ATCHISON, Lower- Weedon; or the AUCTIONEER, at Flower. 4 4 i To be SOLD by AUCTIO N, By Mi. CHENEY, At the Bull Inn, at Cold- Ashby, Northamptonshire, on Wednesday the 4th Day of June, 1806, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, if not sooner disposed of by Private
Contract, of which timely Notice will be given, AVery desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE of fine PASTURE LAND, Tythe- free; containing 8A. 1R. 31P. situate in the Lordship of COLD- ASHBY aforesaid, in the Occupation of Mr. John Wright, of Cold- Ashby Lodge, who'will - shew the Premises.— Immediate Possession may be had. pf For . further Particulars, and to treat for the same by Private Contract, apply to Mr. EMERTON, of Thornby ; or to the AUCTIONEER, at Naseby. *** Conditions will be produced at the Time of Sale. Northamptonshire Freehold Estate. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By Mr. R'OUSE, At the Angel Inn, in
Market- Harborough, in the i County of Leicester, on Tuesday the 20th Day of May, 1S06, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, in i „ u„„„„ r, „- i',' i, a- .. . A u " ' ' JT'">"•"" — such Lots and subject to such Conditions as shall ?} T ' cofm. racte? b>' t0° f"* Livmg, J- — - or from Jaundice, Surfeits, Scurvy, or Humours Dr. Radcliffe's Elixir. J^ OR a ceneral alterative Medicine, this Elixir has stood unrivalled for more than Haifa Cen- tury, and the Public cannot have Recourse to a more efficacious Remedy, as a Purifier of the Blood from C LAV ERIN G's PARISH- OFFICER. The Seventh Edition. npHE very rapid Demand for the sir first Im-
JL prcssions of this Work, has induced the Author to again revise it, and add such material adjudged Cases ir. d recent Decisions as have taken place since the Publication of the sixth Edition, which, notwith- standing the very large Impression printed, has been sold completely off' in the short Space of a few Months ; the most flattering Testimony the Author and Proprietor could receive of the public Opinion re- specting the Merit of the Work. This Day is published, Price Three Shillings and Sixpence sewed, The new complete PARISH- OFFICER; or, a perfect Guide to Churchwardens, Overseers, Con- stables, and Parish-
Officers of every Denomination. Also the Duty, & c. of the Parson', Vicar, Curate, and Parish- Clerk, forming a complete LIBRARY of PARISH LAW, down to the present Time. Enabling the respective Officers to perforin their Duty with Ease, Safety, and Reputation. By HENRY CLAVE RING, Esq. Barrister at Law. ( pi" Among many other Improvements to this Edition are the following important Decisions, ad- judged Cases, and lecent Acts of Parliament:— A Settlement is gained by paying only Part of tht contracted Fee.— Only Security for Indemnity shall be taken of the Father of a Bastard.— Members of a Volunteer Corps,
enrolled under the Regulation of 42d G. III. may resign.— Magistiates' Duty in ap- pointing Surveyors.— Replevin not an Action within the 24th G. II.— Milton v. Green and jenner.— Remarkable Case in which the Plaintiff was ballotted for the Militia.— Stat. 43d G. III. for procuring the Returns of the Expence of the Poor in England.— Father of a Child is entitled to the Custody of it, though at the Breast.— Hiring for a lime unlimited at Weekly Wages, gains no Settlement, after more than a Year's Service.— Servant loses her Settlement in Consequence of an Altercation.— Servant loses his Settlement by being too ill to work the
last Fortnight of the Year.— A single Woman not removeable, though adjudged to be with Child.— Removing the Wife of a Scotchman who has never gaineu a Settle, ment was held good.— Renting a Tenement of £. 5 a Year, and Pasturage for Six Guineas, gams a Settle- ment.^- Foreigner may gain a Settlement by renting af. 10 a Year.— Renting a Turnpike- House gains a Settlement.— Canal is to be rated when Part is exempted. London: Printed for J. STRATFORD, No. 112, Holborn- Hill; and sold by all other Booksellers ill the Kingdom. A curious, interesting, and • valuable MW7.'. This Day are published, Numbers 1 to
46 ( which may be had together or separately, Price only is. each, elegantly piinted in Octavo, and each Number embellished with two Copper- Plates of remarkable and striking Subjects), ot ^ JRANGER's new, original, and complete Freehold Estate, Bozeat, Northamptonshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS HAW, At the Red- Lion Inn, at Bozeat, on Thursday the 29th of May, 1806, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, AFREEHOLD ESTATE, Tythe- free, situate at BOZEAT, in the County of Northampton, about four Miles from Wellingborough ; consisting of a Close of very good Arable Land, containing eight Acres one
Rood thirty- two Perches, lying contiguous to the Turnpike- Road, and bounded on the North by Strixton Lordship, in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas Saunders; also, a Garden, in the Town of BOZEAT aforesaid, in the Occupation of John Johnson. ( pf- Particulars may be had at the Hind, Welling- borough ; Red- Lion, Bozeat; Green- Dragon, Higham- Ferrers ; Swan, Newport- Pagnell; and of the AUC- TIONEER, Northampton. FREEHOLD ESTATE. Commodious and genteel Residence. To be peremptorily SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS HAW, At the George Inn, in Northampton, on Friday the 30th Day of May, 1806, at Four
o'Clock in the Afternoon, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due Notice will be given, ALL that new- erected and conveniently- fitted- up DWEI. LING- HOUSE, situate at the upper End of ABINGTON- STREET, NORTHAMPTON, late ' in the Occupation of Dr. ARMSTRONG, being in a , .- , • , i - i . i _ ! most airy Situation, and commanding pleasant and lately cut in two the vehicle in which they were pictur ' views over the adjacent Villages. The sitting, without doing any injury to either of them, i premises consist, on the Ground Floor, of good MARRIED.] At Malton, after a courtship of 30 ! Dining and
Breakfast- Rooms; on the first Floor, of a • svars, Mr J. Woolley, aged 82, to Miss E. Stavely, ! very handsome Drawing- Room, 20 Feet by 17 Feet, ii,- ed k both of that place. ' | with four Sleeping- Rooms ; on the second Floor, of IMI. T- 1 i n„ Thvr •, « It iUell- shrn- where she 1 three convenient Bed- Rooms, with suitable Closets on v, d « trsonie'eas M„ AnnYearsley wel I each Floor; together with two Kitchens, Larder, and toiwn 1? rti poII* wU as fh? MilkwoLn of Bu£ CT'? ft^ ntK " - « » S large^ paved° YaW^ 0wi" thaPump Zftil^ | Water; and a neat walled Garden, well planted with choice Fruit Trees. The Whole forming a
comfort- able Residence, being neatly fitted up with Marble be agreed upon at the Time of Sale, AValuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate in the open Fields of ASHLEY, in the County of Northampton ; consisting of several Pieces and Parcels of Arable Land, Ley, Meadow, and Pasture Cround, containing, by Estimation, one Yard Land, and one Quarter or the fourth Part of one Yard Land, or thereabouts, with the Commons and Appurtenances thereunto belonging, in the Occupation of Mr. Wm. Craine, the Proprietor. A Bill for inclosing the open Fields of Ashley, is now in Parliament: The above Estate will, therefore, be a
desirable Purchase to any Person who may wish to increase his Property in that Lordship. ' , Further Particulars may be known on Ap- plication to GEORGE WARINABY, in Maiket- Harborough. Northamptonshire Freehold Estate. To be SO L D by A U C T I O N, By Mr. ROUS E, At the House of Mrs. Spencer, the Talbot Inn, in Welford, in the County of Northampton, on Monday the 2d Day of June i^ ext, punctually at Four o'Clock in the Atternoon, " — ~ u-, v Br degree of genius, and much information, considering her wan: of education and humble situation in life. HUNTINGDONSHIRE CORPORATION, Established by Alt of
Parliament for the Relief of poor WiuDiui and Children of Clergymen. - j^ T0T1CE is hereby given, That the General - i- Annual Court wi 11 be hold en, by Adjournment, at the FOUNTAIN INN, HUNTINGDON, on WEDNESDAY the 23th Day of MAY, 1806, at Eleven in the Fore- noon; when the President, Vice- Presidents, Com- mittee, and Governors, are requested to attend to pass the Treasurer's Account, receive Petitions, and transact all other Busineis relative to the Charity. JAS. WATSON, Cleik to the Governors of the said Corporation. HUNTINGDONSHIRE ASSOCIATION. " VT OTICE is hereby given, That the Annual .
Li Meeting of this Society, now consisting of 205 Members, will be held at the FOUNTAIN INN, in HUNTINGDON, on FRIDAY the SOtli Day of MAY instant, ai Twelve o'Cloik, to pass the Treasurer's Acuounts, appoint a new Committee, Solicitor and Treasurer, tor the Year ensuing, and tor transacting all other Business relating to the Society. ' t'. T Dinner will be on the Table at Two o'Clokk. By one of the Rules of this Society, those Members who neglect t- o pay their Subscription at or within ten Davs of this Meeting, will be excluded all Benefit. ' WM. MARGETTS. Solicitor and Treasurer. thx'iigaon, May 13tb, IgOG. Chimney-
Pieces, handsome Papers, & c. and in every Respect calculated fot the immediate Reception of a genteel Family. g5T For further Particulars, enquire of the AUC- TIONEER, Northampton. 2i> Merchants and Watermen. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By Mr. BRAMPTON, WITHOUT RESERVE, On Thursday the 22d of May instant, 1806, on the Premises, at WELLINGBOROUGH WHARF, in the County of Northampton, on such Conditions as will be then and there produced, QIX stout, remarkably well- built LIGHTERS, Ik? one of which was built new last Year, to be sold in Lots; also, SIX TARPAWI. INGS, with Ropes, Anchors,
Lines, Steering and Jaum Poles, and every Requisite for a complete Gang of Lighters; the Whole nearly new.— Also, TWO capital WATER HORSES, worthy the Attention of the Public. Q3r The Lighters may be viewed, at the Wharf, the Day preceding the Sale.— The Company are re- quested to meet at the FOUNTAIN IMN, at Two o'Clock, and to proceed to Sale immediately. *** Four Months' Credit will be given to the Pur- chasers, on paying a Deposit of 3s. in the Pound, by giving a joint Note, on approved Security, for the Remainder of the Purchase- Money. after the Measles, Small- Pox, & c. Sec'. For all Ob structions in
the Bowels, and for the Cure of Worms in Children or Adults, it will be found equally ser- j . viceable. In Complaints incident to the Female Sex, i it has frequently proved of the greatest Service; it j assists Digestion, and . strengthers the Stomach, and I has been found of infinite Service to those who take | long Voyages, as a Preservative against the Scurvy, ( pr Be careful to observe that the Words " Dicey & Co. No. 10, Bptv Church. Yard," are printed in the Stamp affixed to each Bottle, as counterfeit Sorts are offered for Sale in almost every Town. Sold, Wholesale, by Dicey & Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London, Price Is.
lid. a Bottie, Dutv included. ^ lso, sold Wholesale and Retail by the Printers ot' this Paper ( by - whom great Alloiuaice is made to Country ' Shopkeepers I, and Retail by the following Persons, ' viz. Wilkins, Robins, Bates, & Wilkinson, Daventr.-; Parker, Merridew, and Rollason, Coventry; Colliso'n, Brackley; Watson, Aynho; Mrs. Beesiey, Banbury; Odeil, and F. Pyne, Leighton; Griffin and Co. Tring; ; Norwood, Amersham; Aynsworth, & Birdsey, Hemel- i ... , ,,, liempstead; Edwards, Ch'esham; Barnes, In'wood, and I on, together or in Lots as shall be , Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Osborn, Wobum; Good- ' eed upon at the 1' me^
ot Sale, and subject to such j man> Ncrth- Crawley; Queneborough, and Squires,! Dunstable; Lancaster, Clophill; Alsop, Crawley, I and Mead, Luton; Brown, Mortis, and Green & Co. Ampthill; S. andA. Cooper, and Morris, Nuneaton; Bull, Harrod,_ and Dawson, Market- Harborough; Conditions of Sale as shall be then produced, AValuable FIO FUOI. D ESTATE, situate in the Hamlet of NORTOFT, and Parish of GUILS- BOROUGH, in the County of Northampton; consisting _ of a Messuage or Tenement, Yard, Garden, and four j Adams, and Gamble, Loughborough; Gregory, and Closes or Grounds, inclosed, of rich Land,
containing Swinfen, Leicester ; Toone,' Woolvey; Pearson, Mel- together 23A. 3R. 19P. or thereabouts; The Brook Close Home Clcse and Yanl Fen Meadow The Twist Close viz. A. R. P. . 9 1 29 . 2 8 15 . 6 1 39 . 5 0 16 Total 23 3 19 ( pir The above Estate is in the Occupation of Mr. Hollis, under Lease, three Y'ears of which will be unexpired at Saint Thomas next. *„* For further Particulars, apply to GEORGE WAMNABY, in Market- Harborough. Leicestershire Manors and Freehold Estate. To be SOLD by AUCTION, Bv Mr. ROUSE, At the Three- Crowns Inn, in Leicester, some Time in the Month of June next, in such Lots and
sub- ject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be agreed upon, if not disposed of in the mean Time by Pri- vate Contract, in which Case Notice will be given, AValuable and very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, Tvthe- free and Land- Tax redeemed, situate at BLABY' and LITTLE- GLENN, in the County of Leicester; comprising the Manors of Blaby and Little- Glenn aforesaid, with the Rights, Royalties, Privileges, and Appurtenances thereunto belonging; the capital Manor or Mansion- House, at Blaby ; Out- Offices and Buildings, Paddock, Gardens, and Orchard, together with a Messuage or Farm- Honse, Homestead, and several
Closes of rich Land, situate in Blaby, and a small Part in Little- Glenn, containing together, by Estimation, 276 Acres, or thereabouts, in the respective Occupations of Mr. James Flude, Mr. John Freer, and Mr. Daniel Burgess. ( pi** A Purchaser may have Possession of the greater Part of the Estate at Michaelmas, and the Remainder at Lady- Day next. ' Blaby is situate on the Turnpike- Road leading from Leicester to Lutterworth, about four Miles from the former and eight from the latter Place. N. B. The Tenants will shew the Estate; and further Particulars may be known on Application to GEOKCS WAKTN ANY, Attorney, in
Market- Harborough. ton- Mowbray ; Burbage& Co. Nottingham; Wilcox, and Gal lard, Towcester ; Seeley, Buckingham ; Miss Jones, Oxford; Hawkes, Lutterworth; R. Palgrave, J. Okely, B. Bradley, and J. Bradley, Bedford; Hine, Potton; Bunting, Sandy; Gardner, Weston, and Brooks, Biggleswade ; Richardson, Eimes, Poulter, and Sheppard, Stony- Stratford; Higham, Old- Stratford; Moxham, Fenny- Stratford; Stevens, Bicester; Marlin, J. Wheeler, Rickford, F. Wheeler, & F. Loggin, Aylesbury ; Wards, Hinckley; Sanderson & Co. Broughton, Chettle, and Mather, Wellingbo- rough; Eaton, Thrapston; York & Summers, Oundle;
Horden, and Jacob, Peterborough; King, Gilkes, and Matthews, Chipping- Norton; Baly, Wri, ht, and Stevens, High- Wycomb; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Newcomb, and Drakard, Stamford; Bird, Uppingham; Gibson, Oakham; Churchill, Dedding- ton; Roberts, Southam; Sharpe, Warwick; I. uccock, Kimbslton; Bayley, and Paul, St. Ives; Emery, and Fox, St. NeotS; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Darton, and Tapp, Hitchin; Hovel, Staples, Eaden, Hodson, and Gee, Cambridge; Leigh, Atherstone; Arch, Sheff'ord; Holland, Winslow; Ward, Stratford- upon- Avon; Mat- thews, Campden; Wallis, Olney; Taylor, Retford; Dexter,
Wilbarston; and by the Venders of Dicey and Co.' s Medicines in every Town throughout the Kingdom ; Of tuhom may be had, from Dicey & Co.' s Warehouse as above, BETTON's BRITISH OIL, for the Cure of ex- ternal and internal Bruises, Inflammations, green and other Wounds, Burns, Scalds, & c. Sic.— Price Is. 9d. a Bottle— The Refined, 2s. 9d. PIKE'S OINTMENT, for effectually curing the ITCH, without Confinement or the least offensive Smell.— Price Is. 9d. a Box. d. s. d. 1 True Daffy's Elixir 2 6 Smaller Bottles - 18 Squire's Grand Elixir 1 9 Bostock's Elixir - 2 6 Stoughton's Elixir - 1 1J Bathing Spirits - 0 9 Golden &
plain Spirits of Scurvy- Grass - 1 1J C linton's Snuff,& Oil I 6 Dr. Anderson's Scots Pills, 30 in a Box 1 1J. Hooper's Female Pills 1 Godfrey's Cordial Beaume de Vie - Rymer's Tincture Walker's Jesuits Drops - - - Wyman's Pilis 0 9 3 6 2 9 2 9 % S WONDERFUL MUSEUM, and EXTRA. ORDINARY MAGAZINE; being a complete Re- pository of all the Wonders, Curiosities, and Rarities of Nature and Art, from the Beginning of the World to the present Time; Containing well- authenticated Accounts of all the most remarkable Productions isd surprising Events that have ever happened in Nature and Art, as well as Memoirs and
Portraits of the most eccentric Persons in every Walk of Human Life, in various Farts of the World. ( pj" The following are among the curious Copper. Plates which embellish this Work, the Whole being striking Likenesses and correct Representations, drawn or. Purpose for this Work :— Portrait of Mr. Bentiey, better known by the Name of Dirty Dick of Leadenhall- Street; and a View of this most eccentric Character's Dirty Warehouse; also, a Print of his cuiious Dining- Room.—' lhat most wonderful Character Baron D'Aguilar, a Mer- chant, of Broad- Street; and a View of his Starvation Farm- Yard at Islington.— That eccentric
Character Miss de Verdion, who for 40 Years wore Men's Clothes, and well known about London.— The Dulwich Hermit, old Matthews, who lived in a Cave 30 Years, and was murdered in Norwood, in 1802,— That remajk- able Personage Sir John Dinely, of Windsor Castle, a famous amorous Knight, upwards of 80 Years of Age, who now frequently advertises for a Wiie— his curious original Love Epistles are recorded in this Work, with his Life.— The celebrated Physician Dr. Buchan.— Bonaparte, Emperor of the French, and King of Italy.— Mrs. Levy, the richest Jewess in the World.— Monsie ir Garnerin,. and his wonderful
Descent in his Parachute, after separating from the Balloon at an astonishing Height, in 1804.— The eccentric Martin Van Butchell, who daily rides in Hyde Park, and has never been shaved for 15 Years; his Reasons for this, and his many other Singularities, are pointed out by himself in this Work.— The won- derful Spotted Indian, Thomas Bobey.— The sur- prising little Man Thomas Allen, only three Feet three Inches high; and the aclebrated Windsor Fairy Miss Morgan, only three Feet high.— Marcus Despard, at the Place of Execution addressing the Spectators.— Mr. Lambert, the fat Man of Leicester, who weighs upwards
of 50 Stone.— That wonderful Miser John Elwes, Esq. r- The singular Sir John Hill, the King's ancient Sergeant.— Portrait of Sir Francis Burdett.— The Irish Giant O'Brien.— Peter the Wild Boy.— That great Artist George Moreland.— The celebrated Mr. Alderman Boydell, and Alderman Skinner.— An extraordinary Child, born in Fiance.— The celebrated Hairy Girl, from Lavater.— John Love, the fat Book- seller of Weymouth.— Master Betty, the celebrated Young Roscius.— The eccentric John Capper, Esq. of the Horns, Kennington.— The remarkable Lady Dacre, and her Lord's Tomb in Lee Church- Yard.— The Hero Lord
Nelson.— The Citizen of the World, Thomas Clio Rickinan, a remarkable Character, of London, Lewes in Sussex, & c.— This cuiious Work contains besides not only Engravings ot the Seven Wonders of the World, but a vast Number of other Copper- Plates equally desirable, and too numerous to mention in a Newspaper, but a List of which is printed on the Covers of the Work. E very 12 Numbers form a Volume complete of itself, which may be had in Boards, or separately by any Quantity of Numbers at a Time, at the Choice of Purchasers. This new and entertaining Work will form the most complete original Collection of truly
remarkable Cha. ratters. Circumstances, and Events ever published. To be continued Monthly, Price only One Shilling each, till fully completed in only 60 Numbers. jLondon: Printed for ALEX. HOOC & Co. at the King's- Arms, In Paternoster- Row; and may be had ot all Booksellers and Newsmen in the United Kingdom — to whom the Public are requested to give Orders faj Grtutget't A'fii; Wonderful Museum. 1 m
T Friday and Saturday's Posts. LONDON, May 16\ AMERICAN Papers have been received to the 11th ult.— The Bill respecting the im- portation of certain articles of British manufacture into America has passed; but its operations are not to commence until the 15th of November, instead of the 1st' of July, as was originally pro- posed. The differences between Spain and Ame- rica are likely to terminate without an appeal to arms. The House of Representatives have for a long time been engaged in a secret discussion upon the subject, the result of which was, that a con- siderable majority were for the adoption of pacific
measures. A general belief is entertained m America, that the differences with England will be adjusted. Nothing decisive seems yet to have been done with respect to Spain.— The merchants of New- York, stating that the season approaches to com- mence their most important operations, dependent for succcss 011 a continuance of peace, have ap- plied to Government for some precise information upon the subject of the relations of the United States* with Foreign Powers, particularly with Great- Britain. The answer received from the American Secretary of State does not communicate that information which the merchants
requested to receive. A few German and French Papers have been recc SHEEP- STREET, NORTHAMPTON. MLOE embraces the present Opportunity , of returning her most grateful Thanks to IN. » numerous Friends for this. very liberal Encouragement she has met with, and assures them it shall be her Study to merit their future Favours; and begs Leave to inform them, she is just returned from LONDON with a fashionable Assortment of MILLINERY, FANCY MUSLINS, SARSNETS, & c. which will be open for Inspection on WEDNESDAY the 21st Instant. J. L'OE begs Leave to inform his Friends and the Public in general,
that he has laid in an Assortment of MEN'S, BOYS', and CHI I. DREN'S HATS, likewise LADIES' BEAVERS, of the most fashionable Shapes and Colours, which he is determined to sell on the most reasonable Terms; and hopes, by Assiduity, to merit the Favours of those who may please to honour him with their Commands. May X'tth, 1806. KINGSTHORPE LIME- KILNS. GREEN acquaints the Public in general, and his Friends in particular, that he sells his 1.1 M'E at 2s. 6d. per Quarter. BEDFORDSHIRE. To he LETT ( ready furnsihed), or SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, Most desirable RESIDENCE for a genteel Family,
situate at CLOPHILL, in the County of Bedford; consisting of a Mansion- House, Coach- House, Stables, and suitable Offices, Pleasure Grounds, Gardens, a Paddock, and about 22 Acres of Pasture Land, late the Residence of JOHN DII. LY, Esq. Early Possession may be obtained. %* For Particulars, apply to Mr. DAVIS, Jun. So- licitor, Ampthill, Bedfordshire; or to Messrs. BROWNS & GOTOBED, Solicitors, Norfolk- Street, Strand, London. T. A R ( Under a Bill of Sale. To he SOLD by AUCTION, Hy A ND R E IV GARDNER, On Wednesday next, May the 21st, 1R06, - 1ENTEEL and useful HOUSEHOLD- FUR- T NIT U RE,
a Collection of well- selected 1 t0 merit their future Favours. T ; ived, of nearly the same dates as those which arrived a few days since; but they furnish little information deserving of notice. A letter written by the King of Sweden's Private Secretary to the Russian Minister, Alopeus, previous to the aflair that took place between the Swedes and Prussians in the Duchy of I. auenberg, seems to imply that his Russian Majesty had advised the evacuation of that territory. We do not, however, believe there is any difference of opinion betwceir Alexander and ( justavus Adolphus, respecting the conduct of Prussia, or in regard to their
own future plans. The squadron underSir R. Strachan is . , . nairs, ami pressing- vnasscs; mauuganj sea with all possible expedition. He is supposed ; Car( 1> pillar anJ claW; and Pembroke Tables; six tobegoingonalongcruiseafterJeromeBonaparte, j Mahogany Parlour Chairs and two Arm Ditto to who is said to be returning to France, having j match, covered with Hair Cloth, and Brass- nailed; ascertained that the Cape is in our possession. ! a Ditto Sofa, in striped Hair Cloth, Brass- nailed; r .1 Pier- Glass, in a Gilt Frame; festoon Window- Cur- The Pallas has been doing great execution on ; tajns. Kidderminster Bedside and
Floor Carpets; » coast of France; besides her late exploits | small Mahogany Cabinet; Wainscot Desk; China Plates and Dishes; Tea and Coffee- Urn, & c. ; about K. CHECKLEY OST respectfully acquaints, her Friends anu 1 ? JL. the Public, she is just returned from LONDON with a Variety of FASHIONABLE DRESSES, FROCKS, See. which she has selected from the first Houses; and embraces this Opportunity of re- turning her most grateful Acknowledgments to her numerous Friends, and hopes, by strict Attention to Business, to merit those Favours' she has at all Times been honoured with. Gold- Street, Northampton,
May Ylth, 1806. LINEN- DRAPERY, HABERDASHERY, & c. SELI. ING UNDER PRIME COST. OW'l'ON & SONS return their sincere Thanks for the Favours they have so liberally received, and beg Leave to inform their Friends and Customers, and the Public in general, that, having entered into other Engagements, which must receive immediate Attention, they intend to dispose of the Remainder of their STOCK, considerably under Prime Cost.— The Whole has been purchased within eighteen Months, and is well worth immediate Consideration. gdr" All Persons who are indebted to the above Partnership, are desired to settle
their respective Accounts; and all to wdiom they are indebted, are requested to send in their Demands, in order that they may be duly discharged. A Saving of 20 per Cent. nPIJOMAS TlTE begs Leave to inform his 1- Friends and the Public in general, that he is now going to decline the IRONMONGERY BUSINESS, he having entered into the LIQUOR TRADE; therefore, the different Articles in the former Branch, he is now selling at the above reduced Prices. ( F2T THOMAS TITE likewise informs his Friends and the Public in general, that he has now on Sale a large. Quantity of FOREIGN and BRITISH SPIRITS, warranted full
Proof, which he has no Doubt will meet the Approbation of his Friends and the Public in general. He likewise returns his most § rateful Thanks for all past Favours, and hopes, that y a strict Attention to his Business, and keeping such Articles in his Line not to be equalled at his Prices, S. F. & J. TOMPSON r> ETURN Thanks to their Friends for the i- very liberal Encouragement they have met with, and respectfully inform them, that J. T. is just re- turned from LONDON . ivith a fashionable Assortment of MILLINERY, DRESSES, & c. which will be ready for Inspection on WEDNESDAY next. Drapery, Northampton, May Yttb, 1806.
WILLIAM H Alt RALD, Plumber and Glazier; EGS Leave to inform his Friends and the Public in general, that he has taken a SHOP at WEST- HADDON, where he intends carrying on the above Businesses in all their various Branches; and hopes, by a strict and unremitting Attention, he shall merit the Favour of those who please to favour him with their Orders. * BE< p NORTHAMPTONSHIRE YEOMANRY CAVALRY. rpHE Gentlemen of the WELLINGBOROUGH .1. TROOP are requested to meet, for Exercise, on the MARKET- HILI., WELLINCBOROUOH, on THURS- DAY the 22d Instant, precisely at Ten o'Clock in the
Forenoon ; when every Member is requested to attend. J. C. ROSE, Lieutenant. 1 BOOKS, a TAXED CART, and other EFFECTS, which, for the Convenience of Sale, will be removed into the MARKET - HOUSE, in WOBURN, in tile County of Bedford; consisting of neat Four- post, Field, and other Bedsteads, with Mahogany Feet Posts, and printed Cotton, Calico, and Stuff Furni- ture ; Goose and Poultry Feather- Beds ; Mattresses ; Blankets, Quilts, and Counterpanes; Drawers, Tables, Chairs, and Dressing- Glasses; Mahogany Dining, the - — , . in the Garonne, her boats have landed on the French coast, destroyed the
Telegraphic signal post, and brought off all the colours and signal. The Insolvent Bill went through a Committee yesterday, in the House of Lords. Its benefit is to extend to all persons imprisoned for debt, pre- vious to the 1st of February last, whose debts do not excced ,£'. 1,500. A letter received in town yesterday, from Wey- mouth, states, that all the bullion shipped on board the Abergavenny, except eight chests, has been recovered. Twe'ntv- six chests were sent off from Weymouth on Friday for London, and will arrive at the Bank to- morrow morning. A confix dent expectation is entertained, that the remainder will be
recovered, but with much trouble, as a great mass of bread, & c. must be removed before Mr. Braithwaite can reach the chests. ~ X\ TANTED immediately, or at Midsummer Y T next, A middle- aged PERSON, capable of teaching Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, and the English Language. ( tf Any Person desirous of treating for the above, by bringing Specimens of his Abilities, and respectable References for a Character, may hear of an advan- tageous Situation. *** Further Particulars may be known by applying by Letter ( Post- paid) to A. F. to be left at the Printers' of this Paper. f r To Journeymen Plumbers, Glaziers, and
Painters. ~\~\' rANTED, A sober MAN, in the above YV BUSINESSES. Apply to WILLIAM PARBERI?, Plumber, Glazier, and Painter, Towcester. AV'AN'ri'. l), A sober diligent PERSON, who TV is capable of conducting the Business of a HATTER.— Such a Person will meet with libetal Treatment and a permanent Situation, by applying to Mrs. EVANS, Hatter, Market- Square, Northampton. •%* No one need apply who cannot be well recom- mended from his last Employer. TTTANTED immediately, A JOURNEYMAN Vr BOOT- MAKER.— A good Hand may have constant Employ and good Wages, by applying to JOHH DELL,
Boot and Shoe- Maker, Woburn. WANTED, A Journeyman FELLMONGER, by EDMOND HOWSON, of Huntingdon. River Ivel Navigation and the . Branches thereof, in the Counties of Bedford and Hertford. ~\\ rANTED, to borrow, upon the Credit of the * V Tolls of this Navigation, the Sum of SIX THOUSAND POUNDS, for the Purpose of carrying on and completing the same from Biggleswade, in the County of Bedford, to the South and North Bridges in the'Town of Shefford, in the same County.— All Persons willing to lend Money on the Credit and Secu- rity of the said Tolls, for the Purpose aforesaid, are desired to signify
their Intentions, and the Sums they respectively propose to lend, to Mr. HINDLEY, ot Baldock, in the County of Hertford, Treasurer to the Commissioners of the said Navigation. - ftrj' The Money advanced will bear 5 per Cent. Interest. FREEHOLD WANTED. NY Person having LAND to the Valu'e A of from .£. 10,000 to X. 20,0W), without a Man- sion, but with Farm- Houses, & c. upon it, and situated on the East Side of the County of Warwick, or in the adjoining Parts of the Counties ot Leicester, Northampton, or Oxford, and being willing to sell the same on such Terms as will yield £ .4 per Cent, on the Purchase- Money, may
hear of a Purchaser by applying to Mr. CALDECOTT, Attorney at Law, in Rugby. * k To be SOLD by AUCTION, By WILLIAM BEESI. EY, At WEEDON- BECK, in the County of North- ampton, on Tuesday the 27th Day of May, 1806, near to the Public- House known by the Sign of the Plume- of- Feathers, ALarge Quantity of ELM BOARDS and . BUILDING MATERIALS, U DO/. EN of FLEAKS, TWO CROSS- CUT SAWS, ONE PIT DITTO, nearly new, and a great Number of CAR- PENTERS and JOINERS' TOOLS. The Sale will commence at Eleven o'Clock. 110 Volumes of Books, namely, Shakspeare's Works, 9 Vols.
Homer's Iliad, 6 Vols. Homer's Odysseys, 5 Vols. Swift and Pope's Miscellanies, 5 Vols. Roman History, 5 Vols. Vertoi's Revolution in Spain, 5 Vols." Vertoi's Revolutions of the Roman Republic, 2 Vols. History of the States of Europe, 2 Vols. Scott's Christian Life, 5 Vols. History of England, 2 Vols. Circle of the Sciences, 5 Vols. Horace, 2 Vols. Monthly Preceptor, 6 Vols. Pvideause Con- nections, 4 Vols. Town and Country Magazines, bound, from 1779 to 1795, 15 Vols, with many other useful Books ; Kitchen- Furniture in general; Pewter, Brass, & c. ; with various other Articles. ( t^ r- The Books and Effects may be viewed on
the Morning of Sale from Nine o'Clock till the Sale i begins, which will be precisely at Eleven o'Clock. To be S O L D by AUCTION, Bv ANDREW GARDNER, On Monday tiie 26th Day of Mav, 1806, on the Pre- mises of Mr. Moses Eagles, of RIDGMONT, in the County of Bedford, sundry neat and useful HOUSEHOLD- 1 FURNITURE, TWO capital FOWLING- PIECES, WEARING - APPAREL, and other EFFECTS, ot the late Mr. Thomas Buckland ; consisting of a neat Tent Bedstead, with Maho- gany Feet Posts, and printed Cotton Furniture; Mattress, Feather- Bed, Bolster, and one Pillow; three Blankets and a Cotton
Counterpane; one small Carpet, and one Bedside Ditto; Mahogany Card- Table, and Wainscot Dining- Ditto; Mahogany Night- Stool, Wainscot Desk, and two Deal Clothes Chests; two Pair of Sheets, Pillowcases, and Napkins; Shirts, Cravats, Cotton and Worsted Stockings, Boots and Shoes, seven Coats, seven Waistcoats, & c. ; with sundry other useful Articles, Ac. The Sale to begin at Eleven o'Clock in the Morning. Likewise will be SOLD by AUCTION, in the Afternoon of the same Day, between the Hours of Three and Five o'Clock, at the Sign of the White- Hart, in Ridgmont aforesaid, TWO FREEHOLD TENEMENTS, with
a Wood Barn and a Piece of Garden Ground to each, situate nearly opposite to the Rose- and- Crown, in Ridgmont, and lett at Five Pounds per Annum.— The Tenants will shew the Premises. VALUABLE ESTATES, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By THOMAS WOOD, On Wednesday the 2Sth Day ot May, 1806, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the Corbett's- Arms Inn, Leighton Wharf, Bedfordshire, IN SIX LOTS, VIZ. MOIETY or equal HALF- PART of and in all thoseSEVERAL PIECES and PARCELS of ARABLE LAND and GROUND, containing, by Estimation, 33 Acres, more or less, situate in the open Fields of LE1G
HTON- BUZZ ARD, and in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas White. Also, a MOIETY ot a certain MEADOW of PASTURE GROUND, called MIDSUMMER PLAT, with the capital Ash and Elm Timber standing thfreon. Also, a MOIETY of and in TWO COTTAGES or TENEMENTS, situate in FRIDAY- STREET, in LEIGHTON- BUZZARD, tile one in the Occu- pation of Widow Adams, the other of Widow Toms. Also, the MO IETY of a capital WHEAT- BARN, large GRANARY", and good YARD, walled round, adjoining and belonging to Widow Toms's House, in FRIDAY- STREET. Also, a MOIETY of and in a capital CLOSE or
CAUDEN, containing three Acres ( more or less), with the choice Fruit and otner Trees growing thereon, ill FRIDAY- STREET aforesaid, adjoining Widow Dell's Premises on the East, and a Close of Mrs. Firth's on the West Side, and now in the Occupation of Mr. john Lawley, at an old and very easy Rent. ' Also, a MOIETY of and in TWO capital CLOSES of very convertible ARABLE LAND, by Estimation 10 Acres, with an Abundance of Timber standing round the same, lying very compact, and desirably situated close to the Town of LEIGHTON- BUZ,- ZARD, with immediate Possession, if required. g^ T The Land- Tax is
redeemed upon the Whole. * » * For a View of the Estate, apply to the TENANTS; and for further Particulars, to the AUC- TIONEER, in Leighton- Buzzatd. ( jdT The BUSINESS at WEEUON ROYAL will be carried on as usual. Duventry, May 16th, 1806. SPRATTON, May 16th, 1806. WHEREAS some evil - disposed Person or Persons did, late last Night or earlv this Morning, BREAK INTO a FIELD BARN, in TEETON LORDSHIP, belonging to Mr. ROBERT MARTIN, of Spratton, and STEAL THEREOUT about FOUR BUSHELS of RYE, not- winnowed, and a SPADE, the Property of the said Mr. Robert Martin. Whoever will
apprehend the Offender or Offenders, so that he or they may be brought to Justice, shall, upon his or their Conviction, receive a Reward of TEN POUNDS, to be paid by Mr. Robert Martin aforesaid. , r NOTICE TO CREDITORS. TOTICE is hereby given, That a final Dividend S' will be made on THURSDAY the29th Day of this instant MAY, 1S06, at the Ox INN, in KILSBY, in the County of Northampton, at the Hour of Threeo'Clock in the Afternoon, of all the Estate and Effects of THOMAS FAI. KNER, late of KILSBY aforesaid, Farmer, by Messrs. Colledge, Gardner, and Pell, Assignees of the said Thomas Falkner; and the said
Assignees further give Notice, that all those Cre- ditors who have not executed the Deed of Assignment, nor sent in an Account of their respective Debts, are particularly desired so to do to any one of the aforesaid Assignees, on or before Monday the 26th Day of this instant May, or they will be finally excluded the Dividend arising from the said Estate and Effects. grs" The Deed of Assignment lays in the Hands of Thomas Colledge, of Kilsby aforesaid. Kilsby, May Ibth, 1806. BOUGHTON- GREEN FAIR. ^ IIOSE Persons who intend to occupy their usual BOOTHS, STALLS, fee. at the ensuing FAIR, are requested to apply to
JOHN STEEVENSON, Wine and Brandy- Merchant, Northampton; or to THOMAS SEARS, Carpenter, Boughton. No Letter will be attended to unless Post- paid. BRIXWORTII FAIR. NOTICE is hereby given, That, by Desire of several Gentlemen, Farmers, Graziers, and others, 13RIXWORTH FAIR, for CATTLE, will be on THURSDAY the 5th Day of JUNE, and will be continued yearly. C3f A laige Shew of Cattle is expected. GLDDINGTON ASSOCIATION. AT the Request of the Members, and on Account of Leicester Fair, the Meeting of this Association is further unavoidably postponed, from Monday the 12th Day of May
instant, to MONDAY the 16th Day of JUNE next, then to be holden at the DUKF'S- ARMS INN, in GEDDINOTON, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon, { pJ" Dinner on the Table precisely at Two o'Clock. THOMAS MARSHALL, May 5th, 1S06. Treasurer and Solicitor. A To be SOLD by AUCTION, By WILLIAM BEES LEY, At the GREEN- MAN, at BRACKI. EY- HATCH, near SYRESHAM, in the County of Northampton, ' removed there for the Convenience of Sale, on Friday the 30th of May, 18() 6, ( A Very large Quantity of DRAPERY GOODS; J\ consisting of nearly 200 Yards of printed Cotton ; a large Quantity of Check and
Jersey Aprons ; up- wards of 60 Ells of Shirting Cloth; a Quantity of Calamanco; upwards of 60 Pocket and Neck Hand- kerchiefs ; likewise, Men and Women's Stockings; Brown Holland; with several other Articles too numerous to insert. f£ F Sale to begin at Eleven o'Clock To be SOLD by AUCT16 N, By WILLIAM BEES LEY, At the White- Horse, in SILVERSTONE, in the County of Northampton, on Monday, June 2u, 1806, under such Conditions as shall be then ana there produced, TWO . TENEMENTS, belonging to JAMES L WHIl'ELOCK, with about a Rood of Ground, and a Garden, in which are a Quantity of Sets and
choice Fruit Trees.—' The Purchaser will be entitled to a Right of Common in Whittlewood I vrc. t. a " 1 Bedfordsh ire.— Desirable R csiaen ce. To be SOLD by A U C T IO N, By T HO MA S WO OD, On Saturday the 7th Day of June, 1806, at the Eagle- and- Child Inn, in Leighton- Buzzard, precisely at Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, AModern and well- built Brick Case and Sashed DWELLING- HOUSE, most eligibly situate in the Centre of the CORN- MARKET, in LEIGHTON- BUZZARD ; comprising two Breakfast - Parlours, elegant Dining- Room, five genteel and airy Bed- chambers, Dressing- Closets, and two Attics ; aeon
venient Office or Counting- House; a commodious and lofty Kitchen; a dry and cool Beer and Wine- Cellarage; a convenient Brewhouse, Laundry, Stable, Piggery, and Wood Barns, with other suitable Out- Offices ; large and well- planted Garden, walled round; extensive Yards, and Drying- Groundthereto adjoining, containing together about an Acre, with a Commu- nication into Parsons Close, now in the Tenure of the Proprietor. jpT The above House is substantial, in excellent Repair, and fit for the Reception of a genteel Family, offering extensive Premises, in a Situation peculiany eligible for Trade. Also, a FREE HOLD Brick
and Tiled DWELLING- HOUSE, desirably situated in EAOLE- SIRE. T, in LEIGHTON - BUZZARD aforesaid ; consisting of a Kitchen, Parlour, three comfortable Sleeping- Rooms, Cellar, & c ; also, a Brick TENEMENT adjoining, with a Paved Yard, Wood Barn, Stable, & c. ; now in the Occupations of Mrs. Dame. a and others, at an easy Rent. • ( f5* The Estates may be viewed by applying to t. ie AUCTIONEER, in Leighton- BlUzard, of whom further Particular-, may bs known. STONE. To be SOLD, At the WHITE- BARN STONE- QUARRY, adjoining the Race- Ground, NORTHAMPTON, ALarge QUANTITY of STONES, in
Blocks, of a superior Quality, at 5d. the square Foot, suitable for Buildings, Water- Works, Coping for Walls, & c.; also, a large Quantity of sawed ASHLER, of the same Quality, at 4d. per Foot; WALL STONES, SAND, & C. equally cheap. The above Stone is a particular Acquisition to the Inhabitants of Northampton and its Vicinity, on Account of the small Distance it is from the Town, and the Durability of the StCn? itself, which Is greatly hardened by Exposure to the Weather. To be SOLD by AUCTION, • By DENNIS & SON, On Tuesday next, the 20th Instant, on the Premises, in SAINT CATHERINE'S, NORTHAMPTON, " tHE
neat HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE, _ BREWING UTENSILS, and other EFFECTS, of the late Mrs. THOMASIN COOPER. The Sale will commence at Ten o'Clock. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By DENNIS fsf SON, On Wednesday next, the 21st Instant, on the Pre- mises, at EAST- HADDON, in the County of Northampton, TIE IIOUSEIIOLD- rURNITURE, KITCHEN and BREWING UTENSILS, and other EFFECTS, of Mr. JOHN KETT, Shopkeeper. The Sale will begin at Ten o'Clock. T LONDON, May 17. YESTERDAY morning the following official confirmation of the intelligence we gave in our last, respecting the conclusion of a
Peace with Scindia, and other favourable accounts from the East Indies, was published in a LONDON GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. WHITEHALL, May 15. A dispatch has been received at the East India House from Sir George Hilaro Barlow, Bart, dated Iilahabad, the 4th of December, 1805, of which the following is an extract:— " I have now the honour to inform your Honour- able Court, that, on the 22d ult. a Definitive Treaty was concluded between the Right Honourable Lord Lake and the Plenipotentiary Agent of Dowlut Row Scindia, upon terms which appear to me to be Calculated to establish the relations'of amity and
concord between the two States upon the most secure and permanent foundation. " Your Honourable Court will also have the satisfaction to be apprised of the expectation which I confidently entertain of a speedy and favourable termination of hostilities with Juswunt Row llolkar, and of the consequent important reduction in the military charges of the several Presidencies inse- parable from a state of war. " I have the satisfaction to inform your Honour- able Court, that perfect tranquillity prevails in every quarter of the Company's dominions; and I am not aware of the probability of any occur- rence of a nature calculated to disturb
if, or to impair the fundamental sources of the British power and prosperity in India." Dispatches have been also received from Sir G. II. Barlow, dated Iilahabad, the 24th of December, 1805, from which it appears, that, in consequence of the Treaty of Peace with Scindia, and the confident expectation of a peace with llolkar, orders have been issued for the return of the troops belonging to the Presidencies of Madras and Bom- bay within the limits of those Governments re- spectively, where they were to be distributed in cantonments, and placed on a peace establishment. Linen- Drapery, < § ' C. SfC. To be SOLD by AUCTION,
By JOHN DAY, At the White- Lion, in WICKEN, near Stony- Strat- ford, removed there for Convenience of Sale, on Thursday next, the 22d of May, 1806, exactly at Eleven o'Clock, , UPWARDS of fifty Cotton and other Gown Pieces; Swansdown, Kerseymere, and other Waistcoat Pieces; Woollen Cloths, Hose, Hand- kerchiefs, Calicoes, Dimities, Cotton Counterpanes, Blankets, Bed- Rugs, and various other Articles. ( J3T The above Goods will be laid in small Lots, and sold without Reserve. Genteel modern Household- Furniture. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By BROWN & SON, On Tuesday the 3d Day of June, 1806, and
following Day, ALL the genteel and valuable HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, PLATE, CHINA, GLASS, fine old PORT, SHERRY, LIQUORS, valuable BOOKS, and other EFFECTS, the Property of Mrs. COSTIN, ST. PAUL'S- SUUARE, BEDFORD, who is leaving the Town; consisting of Four- post Sacking- bottom Bedsteads, with ' Handsome carved Pillars, painted Cornicfs, fine Chintz and Cotton Furnitures, lined with Calico, and fringed; festoon Window - Curtains, to correspond j prime Goose Feather- Beds, Bolsters, and Pillows; Mattresses; large Counterpanesand Blankets; Mahogany Dressing- Tables and Glasses; Pier-
Glasses, in Gilt Frames; Mahogany Chests of Drawers and a Bureau, with solid Fronts; Walnut- Tree Ditto; Staircase Carpeting and Brass Wires; eight handsome Mahogany Chairs, fine Hair Seats, double Brass- nailed, and two Llbow Ditto; a capital Sofa, stutled with best curled Hair; Cushion and Pillows, in Suit; capital Carpets, of various Sizes and elegant Patterns, in high Preser- vation; handsome Set of Dining- Tables, Sideboard, Chairs, Two- leaved Tables, Sandwich Board, & c. in Mahogany ; a Pair of very handsome Satin- Wood Card- Tables ; neat Japanned Chamber Chairs; exceeding good Eight- Day Clock, and a
Kitohen Dial; elegant Pair ot French Window - Curtains, fine Chtntz Pattern, Lines and Tassels; Mahogany Bookcase, with glazed Doors, Silk Curtains, & c. complete; Chimney Ornaments and Lustre; Foreign and English Sets of Table- China, Tea- China, and Glass; a Quantity of Plate; a fine- toned Piano- Forte ( by Longman Co.); capital Barometer ( by Bro- w/ t, Bedford); an elegant Chimney- Glass, in a handsome Gilt Frame, 54 Inches by 22 Inches; 150 Volumes bound, and other Books; Oil- Cloth and Passage- Lamp ; Kitchen Requisites in general; 25 Dozen of Glass Bottles, and Bottle- Rack; Iron- bound Beer Casks,
Tubs, and various other valuable Effects. ( pF Catalogues may be had. ten Days before the Sale, at the Fountain Inn, Wellingborough; Bull, Olney; Swan, Newport- Pagnell; George, Woburn; Cross- Keys, Amptliill ; White- Hart, Sheftord; Swan, Biggleswade and Potton; Falcon, St. Neots; Barnes's Printing- Office, and of Brown & Son, Auc- tioneers, Bedford. The Furniture may be viewed * he Day previous, and on the Mornings of'Sale, until Ten o'Clock, at which Time the Sale will commence. The following intelligence was yesterday officially communicated to Lloyd's:— " Admiralty- Office, May 16, 1806. " The Voluntaire French
frigate was taken pos- session of at ihe Cape of Good Hope, on the 4th of March. A carte! from thence, with prisoners, fell in with a French squadron, under the command of M. Willeaumez, on* the 20th; the lat. and long, not stated, but supposed to be off St. Helena." The Voluntaire carries 44 guns, and was part of Jerome Bonaparte's squadron, which sailed from Brest on the 14th of December. They had taken two transports, and having put the soldiers on hoard the Voluntaire, sent her on to the Cape of Good Hope, not being apprised of its capture. The Voluntaire, upon her arrival, found the Dutch colours flying there, and
entered the harbour, not suspecting that the place was in our possession. The first notice which she had of her error was, the hauling down of the Dutch colours, and 1. listing the English in their stead. The Volun- taire immediately struck, without firing a shot, and was taken possession of by the Diadem. Last ivefek, lUr. >.. . Peterborough. ' Lately, aged 68, Mr. George Toon, farmer and grazier; and, aged 74, Mrs. Piose iiayeSj widow; Wb of Whissendine, Rutlandshire. — The Lords Chief Justices of the Cotlrts of Kmg's- Bench and Common Pleas have been pleased to appoint Thomas Lane Wood, of I^ ighton- Buzzard,
Bedfordshire, Ufcnt. a Commissioner for taking Special Bail in their said Courts, for the counties of Bedford, Buckingham, Hertford, Northampton, and Huntingdon. Various and numerous as are the claims of dis- tress with which we are daily surrounded, yet, to the credit of tliis nation, none are permitted to solicit in vain: It is the peculiar characteristic of the British bosom to sympathize with the unfortunate ; and we trust the wretched situation of thousands on the Continent will not escape the attention of the benevolent and humane.— ( See advertisement in the first page.) It does not appear to be yet determined how far the plan
of drilling and dibbling wheat answers the purposes of the farmer, but the following ex- periment by Mr. Charles Miller, of Cambridge, shews to what air astonishing extent the increase of wheat may be carried by care:—•• . On the 8th of August, lie took up a plant of wheat, which had been sown in the beginning of June, and he divided it into eighteen parts, each of which were transplanted separately; about the latter end of September they were again removed, and divided into sixty- seven roots; in the end of March following, and beginning of April, they were separated into five hundred plants, which yielded twenty- one
thousand one hundred and nine ears: and this single grain thus yielded five hundred and seventy thousand fold; the produce measuring three pecks and three quarters, and weighing forty- seven pounds." That Woodcocks breed in this country is now ascertained: Wednesday se'nnight a couple ot young ones, about half grown, were caught by a countryman in Shrub wood, in the parish of Cavershatn, Oxon, and exhibited as a curiosity to many inhabitants of Reading; a third was seen, but could not be taken. Caution to Retailers of Spirituous Liquors, $ e.— By the Act of 9th Geo. I'l. " No person shall hawk, sell, or expose to
sale, any spirituous liquors about the streets, fields, or highways, in any wheelbarrow or basket, or on the water, in any boat or in any other manner, or shall sell or expose the same to sale on any bulk, stall, or shed, or any other place, except in the house, or places thereto belonging, wherein they shall retail the same at the time of granting the licence, on pain of forfeiting the sum of ten pounds."— And by the 30th Geo. 111. " No licence shall authorize any person to sell wines in any other than such house, shop, or place, in which they shall retail the Same at the time of granting such licence." We insert the following extract
from the Act of Parliament granting the duties on Taxed Carts, at the request of a correspondent, with a view to its being more generally known how such carriage ought to be constructed, so as to be exempt from I the higher duty :— I " Every carriage with less than four wheels, drawn i by one horse, mare, or gelding, and no more, which I shall be built and constructed wholly of wood and iron, without any covering other than a tilted covering, and j - without any lining or springs, whether the same be made , of iron, luood, leather, or other materials, and with ajfixrd seat, without slings or braces, and without anv ornament
whatever, other than paint of a dark colour, for the ! preservation of the wood or iron only, and which ; shall have the words A TAXED CART, and the owner's christian and surname, and place of abode, marked or painted on a black ground, in white letters, or on a white ground, in black letters, on the outside of the back pannel or back part of such carriage, in words at full length, each of the letters thereof being at least one inch in length, and of a breadth in propor- tion, and the price of which ( repairs excepted) shall not have exceeded, or the value thereof shall not at any time exceed, the sum of £..\ 1 sterling, which shall he
kept by any person or persons, for his, her, or their own use, and not for hire."— The duty pay- able for a carriage of the above description is £. 1 4s. per annum. On Tuesday, Robert Cook was committed to the gaol of this county, by the Rev. H. R. Knapp, Clerk, on suspicion of stealing a quantity of flour from his employer, Mr. John Hill, of Woodford Mill; as was John Drage, baker, charged with receiving the same, knowing it to have been stolen. Last week, Joseph Johnson was committed to Warwick county gaol, charged with stealing a grey gelding, the property of Mr. John Robinson, of Newport- Pagnelj, Buckinghamshire.
On Monday se'nnight an inquisition was taken before Mr. White, at Marston, Lincolnshire, on Ann King, a young woman about 17 years of age, servant of Noah Roper, butcher, of that place. The body was found in the river near her master's house, on Sunday afternoon, with her throat cut, and a violent bruise over one eye. It appeared that she left her master's house, either on the Wednesday night or early on the Thursday morning preceding, in her working dress ( the same she had on when the family went to bed on the Wednesday evening), except her cap, which was not found. She was left in the house washing between
nine and ten o'clock at night; about a quarter past ten a screaming was heard near the river, at a short distance from the house; and about three o'clock in the morning the door of her master's house was heard to open. No other traces have been yet discovered; but it is sincerely hoped, for the sake of public justice, the perpetrator of this unpro- voked diabolical act will be detected, and meet the punishment he deserves. The Jury, without hesitation, pronounced a verdict of— II iful Murder against some person or persons unknown.— The father of the unfortunate young woman lives at Corby,\ but neither he nor any of her
relations were ac- quainted with her being missing by the family in which she lived. PRICE Bank Stock . sh. 3 per Ct. Red. . 59Jt 3 per Ct, Cons. . 601 4 per Ct. Cons. . 77 5 per Ct. Navy 93J 94 i 1 " OF STOCKS. Imp. 3 per Cents. sh. India Stock . sh. India Bonds Is. 2s. p. Exc. Bills . sh. Omnium . . 2i pr. NO R THA MP TO N, SATURDAY EVENING, May 17. BIRTH.] On Tuesday last, at Stanford- IIall, near Lutterworth, the Lady of Henry Otway, Esq. of a daughter. MARRIED.] On Tuesday se'nnight, Mr. John Wright, of Haddon, near Stilton, to< Miss Max- well, daughter of Mr. J. Maxwell, of Thorney Fen. Same day, Mr. Wm.
Truslove, to Miss Susanna Woodcock, both of Balsall, Warwickshire. Lately, Mr. F. J. Mayne, draper, of Peter- borough, to Miss Harriot Parks, of Saftron- Wal- den, Essex. DIED.] On the 24th ult. the Rev. Samuel Simon Lawrv, M. A. rector of Blunham, Bedford- shire, and one of the Chaplains to the Lord Bishop of Ely. On the 29th ult. aged 68, at Islington, the Rev. Thomas Saunders, many years Dissenting- Minister at Bedworth, and above fifteen years at Coventry. On Saturday se'nnight, Mrs. Spooiier, many years mistress of the Bell Inn, Leicester. On Tuesday se'nnight, aged 84, Mrs. Betteridge, of Meriden, Warwickshire. A
few days ago, at Birmingham, Mr. Joshua Wilkinson, auctioneer, late of Leicester. On Wednesday, an iuquest was taken at Mid- dleton- Cheney, in this county, before John Loved, Gent. Coroner, on view of the body of Samuel Wilkins, mason, who, in a fit of despondency, cast himself into a pool of water on the Monday preceding; and although medical assistance w'as immediately procured, and animation in some degree restored, he died in a few hours. Verdict, Lunacy. PRICE of COR N per Quarter Northampton, Saturday, Mayl/. at Beans, 36s. Od. to 40,. Cd. Peas, — s. Od. to— s. I'd. By the Standard Measure. Wheat, 80s.
to 88s. Od. Rye, 52s. Od. to 53s. Barley, 32s. Od. to 35,. Od. Oats, 23s. 0d. to 30s. Od. J. GRAFTON, Inspector. Corn- Exchange, London, Friday, May 16. The arrivals of Wheat to- day are not numerous, but a middling quantity at hand. Fine nearly keeps its price ; other qualities rather lower. At the close of the market on Monday, samples of fine Essex fetched rather more than our pi ices.— Of Barley many arrivals, and cheaper.— Malt also, with few buyers.— White Peas are scarce and dearer.— There are several fresh cargoes of Oats from the North, and few of first quality; other samples are lower. — Flour in plenty, and
rather cheaper. LIST of FAIRS, from May 19, to May 31, within the Circuit of this Paper. Soiitham, Shefford, Alcester, and Hinckleyr Oundle, St. Ives, Amersham, Hinckley, and Berkhamitead. » Yardiey, Lcighton- Buzzard, and Ashby » de- la- Zouch. M. Mav 19. W. — 21. Th. 22. F 23. M. 26. T. 27. W. — 28. Th. 29. F. 30.
msmmmmBKBHttm MAY 9th, 1306. \ I, T. Persons bavins nnv Claims upon the Estate and Ettectsof Mr. JOHN PERRY, late ot" J. AVFNOON MII. L, Bucks, deceased, are requested to semi an Account theieof to his Executors, Mr. . lamer Claik.% or Mr. Wm. Raban, of Olney ; or to Vir. William Plowman, at the said Mill— And all Person- indebted to the said Estate, are ...( j'. i ' Stcd to pay their respective Jiebts to the said Executors without Delay. MAY 9th, 180G. AIE Persons indebted to the Estate of Mr, THOMAS DAVISON, late of Cnnon. REVNRS, Bucks, Yeoman, deceased, are requested to deliver an Account thereof to
his Executors, Win. Andrews, of Olney, Esq. or Mr. Plowman, of La- vendon Mill, that the same mav be discharged.— And all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested MMUMWAW DUXMQRFs BANKRUPTCY. • RPLIF. CREDITORS who have proved their i Debts. under a Commission of Bankrupt awarded land issued forth against EDWARD DUNMORE, 1 now or late of STONTOW- WVVF. LL, in the County | of Leitestjy, Miller, Dealer and Chapman, are desired | to meet the Assignees of the said Bankrupt's Estate , and Effects on TUESDAY the 20th Day ot MAY instant, 1 at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, at the
ANGEL ' INN, in MARKET- HARBOROUOH, in the said County of Leicester, to assent to, or dissent from, the said Assignees commencing, prosecuting, or defending any Suit or Suits at Law, or in Equity, in Respect of the following Securities proved under the said Com- mission, viz. a Sum of . i', 200 owing from the said Bankrupt to Richard Hodgson, of Thorney- Fen, in the Isle of Ely, and County of Cambridge, Farmer apdGrazi-, Executor of John Hodgkin, deceased, secured by the joint Bond of the said Bankrupt, and Jonas Dur. more, his Brother, to the said John Hodgkin, bearing Date the 17th Day of Octobei to pay their
respective Debts to the said Executors j j794 . a sum 0f >;. U) 0 owing to William Marston, of . or 1,,,,." Goadby, in the said County of Leicester, Grazier, secured to him by the joint Promissory Note of Hand without further Notice. Ot MM. I AI. l, Persons having tiny upon the Estate and 12th May, 1806. I hums or Demands Effects of THOMAS HAWTHORN, late of OUNDLE, in tile County of Northampton, deceased, are requested to send an Account thereof to his Executors, Mr. Miles Berkeley and Mr. Thomas Bullivant, of Oundle; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to pay their respective Debts to the said
Executors, without Delay. N1. WT0x- L0NGVIJ. Lr,, May 13th, 1U06. rpHF. CREDITORS of the late Mr. JOIIN 1 CHILTON, of NEWTON- LONCVILLE, Bucks, deceased, are requested to meet his Widow and Ex- ecutrix on WEDNESDAY the FOURTH of JUNE next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, at the RED- LION, in NIWTON- I. ONCVILI. E aforesaid, in order that A State ot the Effects of the said Deceased may be laid before them.— And they arc further requested to send in to the said Mrs. Chilton an Account of their respective Demands before the said Day; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are required
forthwith to pay the same to the said Mrs. Chilton. BANBI'KY, 1st May, 1806. ~\, T OTICE is hereby given, That all Persons i^ i having any Claim or Demand on JOSHUA CREEN, late of BANRURY, in the County of Oxford, Shag- Manufacturer ( removed to London), are hereby desired to transmit their Accounts to Mr. John Durv, Attorney at Law, of Banbury aforesaid, before the first Day of July next ensuing! ' hat they may he liquidated; and all Persons indebted to the said Joshua Green, are particularly requested to pay their Debts to the said John Dury ( who is legally authorized to receive the same), by the said first Day of
July next, in order to prevent disagreeable Mea- sures being resorted to. ~ NO'lICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. rpjIE PARTNERSHIP carried on between I CHRISTOPHER CARTER, deceased, and CHARLES RUTLIDGE, of MARKET - H. UBO. ROUGH, iii the County of Leicester, Plumbers and Glaziers, having been by them dissolved on the 23d Day of April, 1806, all Persons who then stood indebted to the said Copartners, are to pay their re- spective Debts to David Burdett, or James Over, Carpenters and Joiners, of Market- Harborough afore- said, who are duly authorized to reccive the same.— And all Persons to
whom the said Copartners stood indebted, are desired to send their respective Claims to the said David Burden or James Over, to the End that the same may be adjusted and liquidated. Upon the Dissolution of the said Copartnership, it was resolved, that the Business should in future be carried on by CHRISTOPHER CARTER alone, since deceased; MARY CARTER, his Widow, and CHRISTOPHER CARTER, his Son, therefore intend continuing the Trade of PLUMBERS and GLAZIERS, in the Shop heretofore used. With Gratitude tor past Favours conferred on the Deceased by his Customers and Friends, they humbly
solicit a Continuance of the same. Market. Harborough, May 1th, 1806. To the DEBTORS and CREDITORS of JOIIN TAYLOR. \ VHIF. R EASJOHNTAYLOR, ofSniDLivcTox, ' * in the County of Bedford, Wheelwright, has n- signed over ali hit. Estate and Effects to Samuel Taylor, oi Clophill, Farmer, and Samuel Taylor, of Stopfold, in the same County, Schoolmaster, in Trust lor the equal Benefit of themselves and the Rest of of the said Jonas Duutnore, Edward Dtmmore ( the Bankrupt), and James Bingley, since deceased, bearing Date the 3d Day of June, 1795, the proper Debt of the said Jonas Dunmore; and the Sum of =£.
200 owing to John French, late of Slawston, but trow of Shangton, in the said County of Leicester, Grazier, secured to him by the joint' Bond of the said Jonas Dunmore, Edward Dunmore ( the Bankrupt), and James Bingley, bearing Datethelrth Day of February, 1797, also the proper Debt of the said Jonas Dunmore; or to the compounding, submitting to Arbitration, or otherwise agreeing any Matter or Thing relating thereto, and on other special Affairs. By Order of the Assignees, GEORGE WARTNABY, Solicitor. Market- liar burough, May Sib, 1806. DUN MORE's BANKRUPTCY. ^ I^ II K Commissioners in a Commission of
Bankrupt - I- awarded and issued forth against EDWARD DUNMORE, of STONTON- WYvELL, in the County of Leicester, Miller, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet oil MONDAY the 9th Day of JUNE next ( by Ad- journment from the 21st Day of April last), at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon, at the ANGEL INN, in MARKET- HARBOROUGH, in the said County of Leicester, to make a final Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors who have not already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend; and all
Claims not then proved will be disallowed. By Order of the Commissioners, GEORGE WARTNABY, Solicitor. Market- Harborough, May 9th, 1806. 03" The Dividend wilt not be paid at this Meeting, but Notice will be given of the Day of Payment. STATE - LOTTERY. Saturday, May 17, the second Day if Dma ing. STATE OF THE WHEEL. Prize of £. 25,000 .. is . .^. 55,000 1 2 1 1 5 JO 19 61 20,000 10,000 6,000 1,000 600 ' 100 50 40,000 20,000 10,000 6,000 5,000 1,000 2,6.50 is therefore hereby given, that all Person; who are Creditors of the said John Taylor, who do not execute the said Assignment on or before the 29th
Day of May next, will be excluded the Benefit of the same; and it is particularly requested that the Creditors will immediately transmit an Account of their respective Demands to the said Assignees, or Mr. Eagles.— And Notice is hereby further given, that all Persons who ' t3nd indebted to the said John Taylor, are desired to pay their respective Debts to the said Assignees, or Mr, Eagles, 011 or before the said 29th Day of May next; or they'will be sued for Recovery thereof without further Notice. AmpthiU, April Ud, 1B0S. LENTON's BAN K RWTCY. ri^ HEComraissioiiersiiiaCommissiog of Bankrupt .1. awarded and issued forth
against SAMUEL JLENTON, now or late of MARKET- HARBOROUGH, in the County of Leicester, Horse- Dealer, intend to meet on MONDAY the 9th Day of JUNE next,_ at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon, at the ANGEL INN, in MARKET- HARBOROUGH aforesaid, to make a Div^ lend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors who have not already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend; and all Claims not then proved will be disallowed. By Order of the Commissioners, GEORGE WARTNABY, Solicitor.
Market. Harborough, May 9th, 1806. The Dividend will not be paid at this Meeting, but timely Notice will be given of the Day of Payment. And a full Proportion of the £. U Prizes. 03" Tickets and Shares, warranted undrawn, are selling at all the Licensed Offices, %* Persons in the Country who wish to purchase or exchange their Prizes for undrawn Tickets and Shares before the sccond Day, are requested to make early Application. To prevent' Disappointment as much as possible, a fresh Supply of Tickets and Shares will be sent from London to the Agents im- mediately after each Day of Drawing. RAYEN'STON E TURNPIKE TOLLS TO LETT. NOTICE is hereby given, That the TOLLS arising at the Turnpike- Gate in the Parish of RAVENSTONE, in the County of Bucks, will be LETT by AUCTION, for'ONE YEAR, at the BULLINN, inOLNEY, in the said County, 011 FRIDAY the 23d Day of M AY instant, between the Hours of One and Thiee o'Clock in the Afternoon; and will be put up at such Sum as the Trustees shall think fit. JOHN GARRARD, Clerk to the Trustees. TURN PIKE MEETING. " VfOTICE is hereby given, That the next Meeting of the Trustees of the Turnpike- Road leading from Saint Mary's Bridge, in the Parish of Little- Bowden, in the
County of Northampton, to the West Side of the Toll- Bar, at the North End of the Town of Rockingham, in the same County, will be held at the House of Mr. JOHN WAI. KDEN, the G& ORGK INN, in MARKET- HARBOROUGH, in the County of Leicester, 011 THURSDAY the 29th Day of this instant MAY, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, for the Purpose of passing the Treasurer's and Sur- veyor's Accounts, and transacting other Business re- lative to the said Road. By Order of the said Trustees, GEORGE WARTNABY, Clerk. Market. Harborough, - May 9//', 1806. __ _ ( jjiosuy & Co. Beg Trave to inform the Public, they have
this Day published, Price 6s. extra Boards, a new Volume of the 1-' LOWERS OF LITERATURE; consisting of Literary Novelties tor tile Year 1805, and the ODELL ROAD. N" OTICE is hereby given, That the. Annual Meeting of the Trustees of the Odell District of the Turnpike- Road leading from the South End of Brown's- Lane, in the Parish of Great- Staughton, in the County of Huntingdon, to the Bedford Turnpike- Road, in the Parish of Lavendon, in the County of Buckingham, will be held at the WHEAT- SHEAF INN, in HARROI. D, 011 TUESDAY the 20th Day of MAY next, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon; " when the said
Trustees will settle the Treasurer's and other Accounts, and transact other Business relative to the said District of the said Road. And at the said Meeting the TO 1. l. S arising at the several Toll- Gates erected upon the said District of the said Road will be LETT to FARM by AUCTION, to the Best Bidders, for one Year, to commence on the 2d Day of July next, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of His present Majesty Ring George tiie Third, for regulating Turnpike- Roads.— Whoever happens ro be the Best Bidder or Bidders must forthwith give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the
Trustees of the said District of the said Road, for Payment of the Rent agreed tor at such Times and in such Mic^ ier as they shall direct.— Dated this 15th Day of April, 1806. WM. DAY, Clerk to the said Trustees, WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth against JOHN MASTERS, now or late of LITCHBOROUGH, in the County of Northampton, Baker, Dealer and Chapman, and fie being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major Part of them, 011 the 26th and 27th Days of MAY instant, and on the 21st of JUNE next,
at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon on each Day, at the BUCK- AND- BELL INN, in BANBURY, in the County of Oxford, and make a full Discovery and Disclosure of his Estate and Efiects ; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the second Sitting to choose Assignees, and at the last Sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his Examination; and the Creditors are to assent to, or dissent fronj, the Allowance of his Certificate.— All Persons in- debted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but
give Notice to Messrs. Aplin, at their Office, in Banbury, in tl » e County of Oxford. RHEUMATISMS, Palsies, and Gouty Affec- tions, with their usual Concomitants, Spasm, or flying Pains, Flatulency, Indigestion, and general Debility ( originating in whatever Source), are relieved and frequently cured by Whitehead's Essence of Mustard Pills, after every other Means have failed Beauty and Cleanliness. AMBOYNA TOOTH- POWDER. \ Gentleman offers the only Drug yet dis- covered that destroys the " Scurvy, heals the Gums, makes them and the Lips of a healthful red; fastens, whitens, and preserves the Teeth; and makes the
Breath sweet. It is the Produce of a far foreign Country, never imported but by the Proprietor; and the first Gentlemen of the Faculty who use it, de- clare it a fine Stomachic and Bracer, and for Safety, proper for an Infant. It eradicates the Foulness the Mouth is subject to, from Diet or a disordered Stomach; and by its healing, purifying, and balsamic Qualities, frees the Stomach of those Disorders to which it is subject, fills up the Gums which the Scurvy has eaten away, and prevents a Caries or Rottenness in the Teeth. ( J3* Ask lor the Amboyna Tooth- Powder, Price 2a. 6d. per Box. Sold, Wholesale an Retail, by SHAW &
EDWARDS, 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London; and, Retail, by Mr. Edge, and Mr. Marshall, Northampton; and Robins, Daventry.— None is genuine that has not the Names of Shaw & Edwards engraved on the Stamp. VINCENT* GOWLAND's LOTION. ANOTHER most AUTHENTIC PROOF of the very superior Efficacy of the trulV genuine GOWLAND's LOTION ( preparedby Mrs. VINCENT; sole Proprietor of Dr. GOWLANB'S original RecipeJ, is here presented, by Permission, in a Letter from W. DRAYTON, Esq. Sion- Hill, Bath. To Mrs. VINCENT, No. 4, Davies- Street, Grosvei » r- . Square, London. MADAM, A young
Gentleman, aged about seven Years, Son of a Colonel in the Army, was afflicted'with a viru- lent Eruption, and that to so violent a Degree as to make it necessary to confine his Hands in Bags, par- ticularly at Night: The Complaint resisted various Applications from the united Consultation of three Physicians of Eminence, and continued to grow worse under the Regimen prescribed; when a Ladv, who hart received a Cure of a very bad Case of Scurvy in the Face, of several Years standing, by your ( lowland's Lotion, recommended a Trial of tiie same Remedy.— It wa « applied under my own Inspection the Disease gave Way—
and three Quarts of your Lotion performed a Cure of a Disorder which had been of about four Years' Duration, and liao baffled the Skill of several Physicians eminent in their Profession. from my Conviction of th above Cure, I recom- mended your GOWLAND'S LOTION to a Lady whose Face exhibited a very disagreeable Eruption ( even iarge Pustules, and as one died away another appeared), ; o much as to prohibit her going into Company : A Pint of your GOTLAND'S LOTION effected A Cure, and she is now free from Eruption. 1 am, Madam, Your very obedient humble Servant, WILLIAM DRAYTON. Sinn. Hill, Bath, Nov.
11th, 1805. Sold by Messrs. Dicey & Sutton, Mr. Edge, Mr. Abel, and Mr. Edmonds, Northampton; Mr. Harrod, Ilurborotigh ; Mr. lnwood, Newport; Mr. Palgrave, Bedford; Mr. Robins, Dj', entry ; and by every repu- table Vender of genuine Medicines in Europe; in Quarts, 8s. ( id. Pints, is. 6d. and Half- Pints, 2s. 9d. This Lotion cannot be genuine, unless M. L. VINCENT is signed on the Label on each Bottle. The fluid Essence of Mustard ( used with the Pills, in those Complaints where necessary) is perhaps the most active, penetrating, and effectual Remedy in the World, generally curing the- severest SPRAINS AND BRUISES, I
in less than Half the Time usually taken by any other ' Liniment or Embrocation; and if used immediately ' after any Accident, it prevents the Part turning black. Prepared only, and sold by R. Johnston, Apo- thecary, No. 16, Greek- Street, Soho, London; at 2s. 9d. each Box or Bottle. They are also sold by every Medicine Vender in the United Kingdom. 03" The Genuine has a black Ink Stamp, with the Name of R. Johnston inserted on it. the Poet. 03" The four Volumes of this entertaining Work, already published, contain a faithtul Register of every remarkable Occurrence in the Annals'oT Literature, during the nineteenth Century.
Priced. 1 3s. printed iu the neatest Manner, on fine Paper, and a small Letter, in which will be found more Amusement and real Information than i. i any four Quarto Guinea and a Hall Volumes, published during the same Period. Where may also h had, published this Day, 1. EDWARD AND ANNA; or, a PICTURE of HUMAN Lni, 2 Vols. By JOHN BRISTEU, Esq. of the Inner Temple. Price Bs. 2. SECRETS OF THE CASTLE; or, ADVEN- TURES of CHARLFS D'AI. MAINE, in 2. Vols. By D. CAREY, Author of the " Pleasures of Nature and Reign of Fancy." & c. Price 7s. Sold also, by Abel, Northampton; Robins, and Cullingworth,
Daventry ; Webb, and Barnes, Bedford ; lnwood, Newport; and by all other Booksellers in Town and Country. WYMAN's AN 11- BILIOUS PILLS, SO justly esteemed for their easy and certain Operation in removing all Bilious Complaints, Obstructions in the Liver, Indigestion, Sick Head- Ach, Jaundice, & c. They are an excellent Remedy for Persons of Bilious or Costive HaUits; for Per- sons of sedentary Lives, where sufficient Action of the Bowels is not kept up ; also for Persons who have impaired their Constitutions by free Living; and in early Attacks of the Gout are peculiarly useful, by alleviating the Severity of the Fit, and
shortening its Duration. They have been found highly useful preparatory to, or during Sea Bathing. These Pills require 110 particular Regimen or Confinement, and do not contain any Mercurial or Antimonial Preparation. Prepared aad sold by W. Wyman, Surgeon, Ket- tering. Sold, Wholesale, by Dicey & Sutton, No. JO, Bow Church- Yard, London; and, Retail, by the Printers of this Paper, Edge, and Marshall, North- ampton ; Sanderson & Beale, and Mather, Welling- borough ; Robins, Wilkinson, and Bates, Daventry ; Reeve, Higham- Ferrers; York & Summers, Oundle; Beesley, Banbury; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport-
Pagneli ; Queneborough, Dunstable; Alsop, Luton; Harrod, and Bull, Market- Harborough; W'ilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; Seelev, Buckingham; Hawkcs, Lutterworth; Palgrave, Bedford; Gardner, Biggles- wade; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Loggin, Ayles- bury; Wards, Hinckley; Eaton, Thrapston; Jacob, Peterborough; Roberts, Southam; Sharpe, Warwick; l. uccock, Kimbolton; Emery, St. Neots; Jenkinson, Huntingdon ; Tapp, and Darton, Hitchin ; Wallis, Olney; Rowell, Rugby; Ward, Stratford - upon- Avon; Roilason, and Merridew, Coventry; and by every Vender of Medicines in the Kingdom. Price> 2s. Sd. per Box, Duty
included.— Be careful to ask for WY MAN'S Antibilious Pills. Rib ELY ROAD. NOTICE is hereby given, That the Annual Meeting of the Trustees of the Riseiy District of the Turnpike- Road leading from the South End of Brown's- Lane, in the Parish of Great- Staughton, in the County of Huntingdon, to the Bedford Turnpike- Road, in the Parish of Lavendon, in the County of Buckingham, will be held at the FIVE- RINGERS, in RISELY, 011 WEDNESDA Y the2lstDay of MAY next, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon; when the said Trustees will settle the Treasurer's and other Accounts, and transact other Business relative to the said
District of the said Road. And at the said Meeting the TOLLS arising at the Toll- Gate erected upon the said District oi the said Road, in the said Parish of Great- Staugh- ton, will beLETT to FARM by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, for one Year, to commence on the 2d Day of July next, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of His present Majesty King George the Third, lor regulating Turn- pike- Roads; which Tolls produced in the Year, ending the 6th Day of April instant, the Sum of .£. 90 18s. 2Jd. over and above the Expences of col- lecting the same, and will be put up at that Sum.— Whoever
happens to he the Best Bidder must forth- with give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees of the said District of the said Road, for Payment of the Rent agreed for at such Times and in such Manner as they shall direct.— Dated this 15th Day of April, 1806. WM. DAY, Clerk to the said Trustees. SPRING DISEASES. ~ fT is an Object worth attending to, at this trying . Season of the Year, assiduously to have Recourse to Dr. SlBLY's RH- ANIMATING SOLAR TINCTURE, which effectually removes all Complaints arising from Disorders to which the Human Frame is at this Time liable; being at the same
Time a powerful Stimulant and salutary Corrector, and essentially necessary to be kept at Hand, in Case of sudden Accidents. Its Virtues have been too long established to be doubted, and it is therefore with Confidence promoted as a valuable Family Medicine in the most afflicting Cases. Printed Descriptions of particular Cases, in which the Solar Tincture has wonderfully succeeded in the most intricate and perplexing Disorders, to be had gratis at the Warehouse, No. 40, New Bridge- Street, Ludgatc- Hill, London, where tiie above Medicine is- sold, Wholesale and Retail, in Bottles at 6s. 7s. 6d. and 14s. each ; and, Retail, by
Mr. Marshall, Northampton; Elmes, Stony- Stratford; Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Gregory, and Swinfen, Leicester; and Tookey. Ouhdle. Where rrtay be had, Dr. S I B I. Y " s LUNAR TINCTURE, particularly adapted for Complaints incident to tne Female Sex, at 10s. 6d. each Bottle. — A If- Dr. SIBLY's MEDICAL MIRROR, treating of the Origin of Disease, and its Cure ; elucidating also the Principles of Life and and Death; illustrated with fifteen beautiful Copper- Plates.— Price only 7s. 6d. in Boards.— The Plates alone are worth double the Money. 03* A spurious Preparation ofthis Medicine having been imposed 011 the Public
by U. SIbly and J. Chamberlain, of Portsea, and Shaw & Edwards, St. Paul's Church- Yard, I. ondon, the Lord Chancellor has decreed an Injunction on the above Persons, to stop such illegal Proceeding! in future, under a Penalty of One Thousand Pounds.— Every Bottle of the genuine Medicine is signed C. W. Saffell, written on the outside Wrapper; all otheft are Counterfeits. Extract of a Letter from Pemtefract. SIR, ^ January Id, 1806. IShall always consider myself obliged to ac- knowledge the very great Benefit which two of my Children have received by taking your valuable ANTISCORBUTIC DROIS. My Daughter, who is
seven Years of Age, was most grievously afflicted with Glandular Scrofulous Tumours, which threatened to become of the most serious and alarming Consequence; for the Removal of which, various Medicines had been administered without any good Effect: I was, by a Friend, advised to give her your Drops, which, I am happy to say, have answered every wished- for Pur- pose: In a few Weeks the Abscesses burst, discharged a great Quantity of offensive Matter, which Discharge gradually diminished till the Ulcers were completely cured, and the Child restored to perfect Health. My Son, who is five Years of Age, was most
violently afflicted with a Scorbutic Complaint, which pervaded Ills whole Body ; the Itching was insufferable : Such was the putrid State of his Body, that all his Toe- Nails and most of his Finger- Nails came entirely off. He also, by the sole Use of your Drops, thank God, is restored to perfect Health.— The above Facts I, at any Time, am ready to aver upon Oath, and also that four of your small Bottles effected the above Cures : I have no Reason to doubt of their Complaints returning: It is now upwards of twelve Months since they left off taking the Drops. Letters of Enquiry ( if Post- paid) will be answered. Publish this tor the Good
of the Afflicted. ( Signed) GEORGE HESELTINE. Attested by Miss Ann Osborn, Bookseller, Pon- tefract. To Mr. J. Lignum, Surgeon, Bridge- Street, Manchester. * » * To prevent Counterfeits, observe these Words— " Joim Lignum, Bridge- Street, Manchester," en- graved on a black Stamp, by Favour of His Majesty's Commissioners ; to imitate which is Felony. These Drops are sold in moulded square Bot- tles, at lis. and 4s. ( id,— One lis. Bottle is equal in Quantity to three 4s. 6d. ones. They may be had, Wholesale and Retail, at Mr. LIGNUM'S, NO. 57, Bridge- Street, Manchester; and, by Appointment, of Howard & Evans,
42, Long- Lane, West- Smithfield; Dicev & Co. Bow Church- Yard ; Barclay & Son, 95, Fleet- Market; Shaw & Edwards, 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard; Butler, 4, Cheapside; and Newbery & Sons, 45, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London; and Retail of Dicey & Sutton, Northampton; Green 8c Taylor, Ampthill; Gardner, Biggleswade; Palgrave, Bedford; Beesley, Banbury; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Ridge, Newark; lnwood, Newport- Pagnell; Tookey, Oundle; Jacob, Peterborough ; Wilcox, Tow- cester ; Paul, St. Ives; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Collis Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Mather, Welling- j borough; Darton, Hitchin; Simson,
Hertford; and ' of the principal Venders of genuine Medicines in the I United Kingdom. Mr. MARSHALL, Druggist, NORTHAMPTON, has just received a fresh Supply ot LEAKE's PATENT PILLS. To TIIOMAS TAYI. OR, Esq. No. 9, New Bridge- SIR, Street, London. IConsider it but an Act of Justice due to the Merits of your LEAK F.' s PATENT PILLS, to communicate to you the following Cure, which has recently been performed by them :— An Acquaintance of mine, who, by the breaking out of an old Venereal Complaint ( attended by a Complication of Disorders arising therefrom), was reduced almost to a Skeleton, and
although he had the best Medical Advice which could be obtained, and tried a Variety of Patent Me- dicines, Nothing could be procured which sremed to suit his Case, or to do him any Service: He rem. iined in a most reduced and pitiable Situation for two Years, unable to follow his Profession, and scarcely able to walk or even to stand on his Legs; in Fact, no one who knew him ever supposed it possible for liini to recover. He was advised at last to try your LEAKE'S PILLS ; lie did so, adhering strictly to the Directions given with them; he had not taken more than two Boxes before he found an Alteration for the better; this
encouraged him to proceed, and by taking a tew Boxes more he found his Appetite and Strength gra- dually return, and is now as healthy and stout as any Man 1 know. V'ou are welcome, Sir, to reter any Person to me for a Confirmation of the above Account if it should be doubted. I am, Sir, your obedient humble Servant, THOS. l'URDAY. Library, Folkstone, July 10, 1805. Prepared and sold by the sole Proprietor, THOMAS TAYLOR, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, in London, at his House, No. 9, New Bridge- Street; where, after a constant Residence of more than forty Years, in a Practice particularly directed to
the Cure of Venereal Complaints, and those inci- dental to the Parts of Generation in both Sexes, with that inviolable Secrecy which Men of his Profession should always observe, he flatters himself the Advice and Assistance he gratuitously administers to Persons taking this Medicine, will be estetmed, by a discern- ing Public, as an Advantage seldom to be obtained, and void of AmbigHity. They are also sold, by his Appointment, for the Convenience of those living at a Distance, by the Printers of this Paper, and Mr. Marshall, Druggist, Northampton; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; Robins, & Wilkinson, Daventry; Sharpe,
Warwick; Rollason, Coventry; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough ; Seeley, Buckingham; Loggin, Ayles- bury; Knight, Coliis & Dash, and Munn, Ket- tering ; Mather, Wellingborough; Marriott, Banbury ; Tookey, Oundle; Palgrave, Bedford; Atkinson, Manchester; and by one Person in every considerable Town in Great- Britain and Ireland, in Boxes of only 2s. 9d. each, sealed up with full and plain Directions, whereby Persons of either Sex may cure themselves with Ease, Speed, Secrecy, and Safety. 03* Every Box sold in Great- Britain is sealed up with a Stamp, on which, by Favour ot the Commis- sioners, is printed, at the
Stamp- Office— T. Taylor, No. 9, New Bridge. Street— to imitate which is felony, and all others are counterfeit. Dr. NVHEATLEY's Invaluable Kemcdies for the certain and speedy CURE OF THE ITCIL AN OINTMENT which cures in four Honrs, and does not contain the least Particle of Mer- cury, or any pernicious Ingredient whatever, and so perfectly innocent, that Children at the Breast may becured without the least Hazard. It is of anagreeable Smell, requires no Confinement, and there is. no Me- dicine of the Kind which cures in so short a Time. Price Is. 9d. a Box, Dutv included. Likewise hisCHYMlCAI. LIQUID, as perfectly
safe as the Ointment, and as certain in its Ellccts; it has no Smell, nor does it in the least soil the Linen; a Circumstance which renders it highly va- luable, and to some Persons abundantly preferable to any Ointment whatever. Price 2s. " 6d. a Bottle, Duty included. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dicev & Sutton, Bow Cliurch - Yard, and at their Warehouse in Northampton; and Retail by Edge, and Marshall, Northampton; Robins, Bates, and Wilkinson, Da- ventry; Mather, and Broughton, Wellingborough; Fisher, Higham- Ferrers; Rollason, and Merridew, Coventry ; Sharpe, Warwick ; Roberts, Southam; Gregory, Leicester;
Harrod, Harborough; Munn, Marlcet- Harborough and Wtlford Tarnpike- lloads front Northampton. N" OTICE is hereby given, That the next Meeting of the Trustees of the said Turnpike- Roads will be held at the House of Mr. WM. 11AM- SHAW, the SWAN INN, LAMPORT, in the County of Northampton, on THURSDAY the 22d Day of MAY instant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Foiei oon. CHAS. MARKHAM, Clerk to the Trustees. Northampton, May 10rA, 1806. Overseers, Churchicetrdens, 4c. The following Publication will be found a complete Guide to all Persons any Way concerned in thfc Management of Parish Affairs. This Day
is published, in 8vo. 3s. sewed, the 5th Edition, much enlarged, of BI IlD'sL A W S respecting PA IUSU M ATTERS; containing the Offices and Duties of Church- wardens, Overseers of the Poor, Constables, See. and other Parish- Officers. The Laws concerning Rates and Assessments, Settlements and Removals of the Poor; and ot the Poor in general, laid down in a plain and easy Manner; with a great Variety of Forms of all such Instruments as most frequently occur in Parish Atfairs. liv JAMES BARRY BIRD, Esq. Also, in'Svo. Price 3s. sewed, the 8th Edition, ot The Laws respecting Landlords, Tenants, and Lodgers. In 8vo.
Price 3s. sewed, the 4th Edition, of The Laws respecting Wills, Executors, Administrators, and Guardians. In 8YO. Price 3s. sewed, the 4th Edition, of The Laws respecting Masters and Servants, Apprentices, Manufacturers, and Journeymen, with the Laws re- specting Combinations. ( j3" The above four Publications may be had, if taken together, done up in one convenient Volume, under the Title of LAW SELECTIONS, Price lis. Boaids, or 12s. 6d. bound. London; Printed for W. CLARKE & SONS, Portugal- Street, Lincoln's- 11111; of whom may be had, the 2d and last Volume containing the Law of ' Iythes, Turnpikes and
Highways, Commons, Travelling, & c. at the same Price. Hodson, Cambridge; Palgrave, Bedford ; Inwood, and Barrmger, Newport - Pagnell; Quencborough, Dun- stable ; Darton, and Tapp, Hitchin; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Jones, Oxford; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Hawkes, Lut- terworth; Loggin, Aylesbury; and by every Vender ot Patent Medicines in the United Kingdom. MARSHALL'S GENUINE UNIVERSAL CERATE. ANOTHER remarkable Case, just come to Hand, must convince the Public of the superior Qualifications oi Marshall's Genuine Universal Cerate. CASE LXXV. Mr. F. SAU
GUY, Tin- Plate- Worker, Back- Street, BRISTOL, voluntarily maketh Oath, and says, he had been troubled with a very bad sore Leg for a long Time, not being able to walk without Crutches, nor could lie, by any Method, get it cured, but was ad- vised by the Faculty to have his Leg taken oft, which be believes he should have complied with had he not fortunately been recommended to MARSHALL'S GE- NUINE UNIVERSAL CERATE, which completely cured it, by using only four Boxes, and has remained sound ever since October last.— This Deponent further says, he has recommended the Genuine Cerate to several People
with sore Legs, who have likewise been cured by it. Bristol, 1806. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Messrs. SHAW & EDWARDS, 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London, Agents to Mr. John Marshall, in Boxes, Is. ljd. anil 2s. 9d. each; and by Mr. Marshall, Chemist, North- ampton, and at his Shop in Harborough ; and, Retail, by Cooke, Uppingham; Tookey, Oundle; Barrihger, and Barnes, Newport- Pagnell; Harrod, Harborough; Jenkinson, Huntingdon ; Rowell, Rugby ; Fisher, Higham; Seeley, Buckingham; Robins, Daveutry; Coilis & Dash, Kettering ; Loggin, Aylesbury; Leitdi, Atherstone; Halford, Oakham; and by one or mere
Venders in every Town in England, Ireland, & c. — » 3ocr,." Oo BANKRUPTS required to SURRENDER. John Masters, of Litcliborough, Northamptonshire, baker, May 26, 27, and June 21, at the Buck- ami, Bell inn, Banbury, Oxfordshire. Attornies, Messrs. . Aplin, Banbury. Thomas Sherratt, of Birmingham, currier, June 6, 7, and 24, at the Shakespear Tavern, Birmingham. Attorney, Mr. Bird, Birmingham. Thomas Hobson, of Louth, Lincolnshire, furrier, June 3, 4, and 24. at the Bricklayers'- Arms inn, Louth. Attorney, Mr. Nicholson, l. outh. John Arden and John Barker Arden, of Beverly, Yorkshire, wine- merchants. Ralph
Thompson, ot" Southampton, ship- builder and merchant. Edwaril Hunt, ot Southampton, baker. Charles Ellis, of Hucknull- under- Huthwaite, Nottinghamshire, grocer. John Watson, of Sheffield, spirit- merchant.-;—• Francis Bentley, of Scarborough, Yorkshire, ship, owner.— John Flook, of Stapleton, Gloucestershire, miller and cornfactor.—— Abel Richards, of Oxford- street, Middlesex, linen- draper. Wm. Sfcvenson, of Little Charlotte- street, Pimlico, Middlesex, mer- chant and money- scrivener. Charles Baldrey, of Framlingham, Suffolk, currier and leather- cutter.—- William Dennison, of Tooley- street, Southwatk, Surrey,
plumber and glazier. Isaac Sanders, of Newman- street, Oxford- street, Middlesex, bricklayer, - Jeremiah Cother, of Pitchcombe, Gloucestershire, clothier.—— William Blishen, of Fleet- Market, Lon- don, cheesemonger. Thomas Dreweatt Rose, of Marlborough, Wilts, tallow- chandler. J. Morgan, of Noyaddt'ach, Carmarthenshire, timber- merchant. John Miles, of Llanyddel, Monmouthshire, shop- keeper. William Anderson, of Manchester, builder and victualler. Henry Drewett, of Mansfield- street, Soutliwark, victualler. Thomas Littleton Holt, of the Strand, printer and publisher. DIVIDENDS to be. made to Creditors. May 31. J.
Leeman, of Peterborough, Northampton- shire, linen- draper, at Guildhall, London. May 31. Thos. Dadley and Susanna Palmer, of Bir- mingham, dealers, at the George inn, Birmingham. June 9. Samuel Lenton, ot Market - Harborough, Leicestershire, horse- dealer, at the Angel inn, Markct- Ilarborough. June 17. J. Read, late of Bedford, painter, at Guild- hall, London. June 24. S. and S. Richings, of Oxford, breeches- makers and glovers, at Guildhall, London. June 28. M. and C. Robbins, of Birmingham, shop- keepers, at Guildhall, London. ANTI- IMPETIGINES. PERSONS who have unfortunately made Use of that dangerous
Mineral Vlercun, would do well to weigh the Consequences before it i> too late, arid resort to those Medicines of established Celebrity and Character for a permanent and radical Cure, and thereby establish their Health upon the most firm and lasting Foundation. The ANTI- IMPETJOINES, or SOLOMON'S DROPS, prove of the highest Utility in all Cases of depraved Habit, with Affections ot the Skin : Hence its Ef- ficacy in Cases of Scurvy, Scrofula, or Leprosy, as well as in the confirmed Lues; and hence, by its sanative Power, it expels rtie Virus out of the System, and restores it to Convalescence. In Scorbutic Com- plaints,
Lues, & c. Mercury, Antimony, and Aqua- fortis have been recommended and tried, but they reduce Patients who have made Use ot tiicni to the most deplorable State, and have left Complaints which the Skill and Abilities of the first Physicians have been unable to cope with. These Disorders fly before the. Effects ot the Anti- Impetigines, prepared by Dr. Solomon, Gilead - House, near Liverpool, which restores the afflicted Patient in the most gentle Manner, even when Salivation lias failed, and leaves the whole frame firm and healthful. The numerous and respectable Signatures which have appeared in our Paper from Time to
Time, will speak more than any Encomiums we can bestow upon it. Sold in 10s. 6d. and 33s. Bottles ; the latter contain four of the former, by which the Purchaser saves 9s. Every genuine Bottle has a Stamp, which bears the Proprietor's Name and Address, " Sarnl. Solomon, Liverpool," to imitate which is Felony. ( pr The Postage of all Letters to the Doctor must " be paid, and 10s. 6d. as a Fee, inclosed for Advice. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by the Printers of this Paper; also, Retail, by Marshall, and Edge, North- ampton ; Collis 8c Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Dawson, and Harrod, Harborough; Marriott, Banbury ; Wilcox, and
Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Richardson, Stony - Stratford; Edge, and Mather, Wellingborough; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Okely, and Palgrave, Bedford; Fox, St. Neots; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Swinten, Leicester; by the Printers of the Country News t MARKETS.— London, Muy 12. Our supply of Wheat for this day's Market, from Essex and Kent, was but inconsiderable. Notwith- standing which the sales were extremely heavy, and prices down 2s. and 3s. per quarter for tine samples, and more on those of second and inferior quality — We have no great accession of Barley, and which,
with Malt, have rather declined in value.— White aud Grey Peas come sparingly to hand, and are, in consequence, a trifle dearer.— The Oat trade has varied but little since our last, fhere were not many fine samples produced this morning; the sales rather dull at our currency below,— Our Factors stand up for 75s. per sack for fine Flour, but the sales were mostly at 70s. and 73s. Wheat.. 60s. to 65s. 72s. Oats 21s. to 30s. Od. Fine Do. 74s. to 78s. Od. HorseBeans38s. to 46s. Ud. Rve . .. 36s. to Lis. lid. Tick Ditto 26s. to 35s. Od. Barley.. 28s. to 35s. Od. j " A hire Peas 3' V to 38s. Od. Malt- .. 86s to 7Is. Od | Gr- y Ditto „ 0s. to
3S » . Od. PRICE of FLOUP. (• me 70s. to 75s. Od. HOPS, pel Pocket.— Kent, 61. 0s. to 81. 0s.— Sussex, 61. 15s. to 61. lfis. — Farnham, 81. 0s. to 101. 0s. Sr. r ns, per . Hundred Weight.— Carravay, 60s. Od. to 65s. 0d.— Coriander, 13s Od. to 15s. 0d.— Trefoil, 7s. Od. to 25s. 0d.- Red Clover, 26s. Od. to 72s. Od. — Ditto ( old), — s. Oil. to — s. Ud.— White Ditto, : J8s. Od. to 74s. 0d.— Rye- Grass, 10s. Ott. to 32s. Od. — Turnip, — s. to— s. per Bushel.— Canary, 50s. ( id. to 64s. Ud. per Quarter.— Rape Seed, — 1. to — 1. per Last. SMITHFIELD, May 12. To sink the offal. Ox Beef, 4s. 8d. to 5s. " 8d. Wether Mutton,
5s. Od. to 5s. bd. Veal, 5s. 0< 1. to 6s. Od. Pork, 4s. 4d. to 5s. Id. Lamb, 7s. Od. to 8s. Od. Sold this day, Beasts, 2000— Sheep and Lambs, SoUO. NIWOATE and LEADINHALL, Mav 12. By the carcase. Boef, 3s. lOd. to 4s. Bd. Mutton, 4s. Od. to 5s. Od. Veal, 4s. Od. to 5s. 6d. Pork, 4s. 4d. to 5s. 4d. Lamb, 5s. 0d. to 7s. 4d. TA LLOW.— Town, 68s. 0d. White Russia,— s. Od. to 66s. Od. ( Soap), — s. Od. to 65s. 6d. Melting Stutf, — s. to 57s. Od. Ditto rough, — s. to 38s. Good Dregs, 10s. Od. Gra\ es, lis. Od. LEATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to 56lb. SOJd. to'? 2d. Ditto, 60 to 651b. 24d. to 25d. Merchants backs, ild. to 21 Jd.
Dressing Hides, 19d. to 20M. Fine Coach- Hides, 21d. to 23d. i t 2Jd. Crop Hides tor cutting, 2' id. to papers; and'by all the reputable Med; cinVV^ de'rs", j 401b. per'dof^' t^ ^ D^ t to ^ 50 ^ o ^ h^ fiC' 1" ^ principal Town in England doz. 3? d. to 42d". Dhto 70 to 301b 3 d to SM America, who wiil deliver Small Seals, per lb. 4 « d. to 46J. Large Dino. p r authentic Docu- | doz. 100s. to 190s. Goat Skins, - s. to per doz. Tanned Horse- H^ dcs, 25s. to 42s per Hide. Pamphlets gratis, with a Variety of . ments noted therein. NORTHAMPTON: Printed and Published by and f o r T. DICEY and IV,\ SUTTON\