Bells Weekly Messenger
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Bells Weekly Messenger
Date of Article: 05/05/1806
Printer / Publisher: J. Bell
Address: At his Printing Office, back part of No 90, Strand
Volume Number: Issue Number: 526
No Pages: 8
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BELL'sWEEKLY MONDAY'S EDITION, MAT S, 1806 [ PRICE 7 LONDON :— Printed and published bv JOHN BELL, a; his Printing Office, the back part T « No. 90, in th-; STRAND.— His Commercial and Advertisement Office is at the corner of SOUTHAMPTON- STRF. ET, STRAND, t » which place alone . all Orders and Applications on Business are referred. LONDON MARKETS, PRICE OF MEAT AT SMITHFIELD. Exclusive ofthe Offal, which consists of Head, Intrails, aad Hide, and is worth about Id. per lb.— Per Stone of Bib. FRIDAY. MONDAY. AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN, By tiie Quarter of Eight Winchester
Bushels, and of Oat- meal per Boll of HOlbs. Avoirdupois, from the T. eti, ljs received in the Week ended the 26th of April, 18CS. Boef - 4 0 5 0 Beef - & - C 6 Mutton 5 0 5 6 Mutton 5 0 5 Veal - 6 6 7 0 Veal - 6 6 8 Pork - 5 6 6 0 Pork - 5 0 5 1 Lamb - 6 6 7 0 Lamb 6 0 7 Monday, Beasts 1673— Sheep 13,740— Pigs4( H— CaWes94. INLAND COUNTIES. Whe. Rye Barl, Oats Beans Pease Ont Middlesex— Surrey —, Hertford — Bedford — Huntingdon. Northampto Rutland — Leicester — Nottinghams Derby — Stafford — Salop — Hereford —, Worcestersh W arwi'ck — Wilts — Berks — Oxford — Bucks — Brecon —
Montgomer. Radnor — PRICE OK TALLOW IN LONDON The only Market is on Friday. St. James's Market - 4 C TovrnTal. perewt. 68 0 Clare Market - - 4 0' Yellow Kussia * 68 0 Whitechapel Market 4., 0 White ditto - - 67 0 Soap ditto - » 66 0 12 A* Melted Stuff - 57 0 » — •- Greaves - - - 110 Average Price 4 0 Good Dregs - - 10 0 Curd . Soap - - 96 0 Mottled ditto - 92 0 Ytfldw ditto - 82 0 TALLOW CHANDLERS HALL.— PRICE OF CANDLES. liuidtes - - - - i lis. Cd. per Dozen. Moulds 12s. 0d. par'ditto. The above is tbe wholesale price to the Trade.' PRICE OF LEATHER" AT LEAUENHALL. Butts', 50 to 501b. each - - - - -
20d- to Ditto GO to to 651b. - - - - - - 24 to Merchants1 Backs - ----- 22 lo Dressing Hides - -'- - - - 21 to Fine Coach Hides - ----- 22J to Crep Hides, for cutting; 45 to 58 - - - 22 to Fiat Ordinary, 05 to 40 - - - - i - - 20 to Calf Skills; 30 to 401b. per deryi - - - 34 to Ditto, 50 to 70lb. perdo » n -•-.-. - - .38 to Ditto, 70 to 801b. - - - - - - 36" to Small Seals, Greenland, j> cr lh. - - - 42 to Large ditto, per dozen : - - '- - 120s to Tanned Horse Hides, each V - to MARITIME COUNTIES. ^ Essex —- [ Kent - — [ Sussex — S. Suffolk — . ICambridg S Norfolk 4; Liiiculn— York — SDurha. — | North umb . 6| Cumberla. • Wcstiiiore 7Lancaster. , (
Chester — 8 Flint — ' Denbei — Auglese— Carnarv.— Merioiieti 9 Cardigan Pembroke Carniar.— Glamor.— 10 Glouces— Somets.- — Monmo— 11 Devon — Corn w a— 12 Dorset — j Hants — STRAW PRICE OF HAY Sfcrithfield, Straw - 2- 2 to 2 14 W h » techapel. v Ilay - 3 10 to 4 0 Clover - 4 10 to 5 10 Straw - 1 18 to 2 0 Hay" - 2 00 to 4 10 Clover - 4 4 to 5 5 Straw - 1 18 to 2 13 St. James's. Hay - 3 5 to 4 18 PRICE OF FLOUR, Per Saek of - live Bushels, or 28Cft> s. Monday. s. s. Mon- lyy. s. s. Fine Englifh Flour 70 a 75 American Flour 52 a 54 Seuor. tlV. itto - 65 a 70 per barrel of 11 cwt.' PRICE OF COALS v>) K
THE WEEK WECKtSUAT, Percy Main ------- 50 Wall's End 50 rsiOAY. Wall's'End 53 Walker - - - - 41 Delivered at 12s. advance on tbe above prices. WEIGHT AND PRICE OF BREAD, s. d. Peck Loaf weighs 171b. 6 oz. 6 dr. . . . Sold for 4 5 Half Peck Loaf - 81S » . 11 oz. 0 dr 2 2i Quartern Loaf - 41b. 5 oz. 8 dr: 1 1, Manston- House, Tuesday, April 29.— Official Return' of Flour, including froin April 19, to April the 25th.— Total, 7,879 sacks. - Average Price 74s. Od.— 0s OOd. lewer than last week. IMPORTATIONS SINCE OUR LAST. - - - - 469 cwt. Rags ... - 4850 cwt - - - 51342 gAls. Raisins - - - 0 cwt - - - - 0 tons. Rum - - -
41694 gals. 7 — — 961 cwt. Sugar - - - 20121 cwt. - - - 137909 lb. • Wine Port - § 8765 gals. - - - 26876 gals. Wool Sheep - 1524 cwt. - - 1431200 Wheat .- - - 1534 qrs. } Bacon I Brandy Butter • Coffee Cotton Gin - Orange- t Return of Wheat in Mark lane, including only from the 14' h of April to ( he 19th of April agreeable to the new Act. Total 6,210 quarters.— Average 75s. l| d. PRICE OF GRAIN AT UXBR1DGE, Thursday, May 1.— Wheat per load 181. 0s. to 251. 10s. Barley per quarter, 11. 14s. to 11. 17s.— Beans per quarter, 21 8j. to 21. 12s.— Oats per quarter, 11. 13s. to 11. 18s.—- Pease per quarter, 11. 16s. to 21.
2s. AVERAGE PRICE OF SUGAR, Computed from the returns made for the Week ending the 30thof April, 1806, is 21. 4s. ll^ d. par cwt. Exclusive of the Duty of Customs paid or payable thereon en the importation thereof into Great Britain. AGGREGATE AVERAGE PRICES by which EXPOR- TATION and BOUNTY are to be regulated. Wheat, per quarter, 78s. 8d— Rye 44s. 4d— Barley 35*. 8d.— Oats26 « . 9d— Beans 40s. 2d. — Pease£ 9s. lid - Oat- meal 39s. 1 Id.— Beer or Big OCs. Od. Published by Authority of Parliament,' JOHN JAMES CATilF. ftWooi>, Receiterof Com Returns, NEW STATE LOTTERY, begins
drawing May 12, 180! SCHEME. 1 Prize of i35,009 is £ 2 5,000 ^ . . . . 20,000 . . . 40,000 2 ... . lOiOCfl. . . . 20,000 3 . . . . 5,000 . . . 15.000 10 . . , , .' 1,000 . . . 10,000 1ft: . . , . " 5C0 . . . 5,000 £ 0 . . . . W0 . . . 2,000 56 ... . 50 . . . 2,800 6,200 .... 21- . . . 130,200 BELL'S WEEKLY MESSENGER Regularly contains a correct State of the LONDON MAR- KETS. This London Newspaper contains also all tho late Neic- i up to tlie hour of its being published, in addition to all tbe interesting Intelligence from every part of the World of the preceding Week— No Advertisements are admitted, and it is printed on the lurges t Paper that can
be used, and consequently contains a much greater Variety of in- teresting Information than can be given in any other Print. " The Price is Eight Pfece each Paper franked to any part of Great . Britain, exclusive of Postage of Letters. Payment in advance, or reference for Payment in Ijondon, quarterly, will de required, which - will ensure a punctual delivery, by Or- ders being sent to the Proprietor, J. BELL, at the Weekly Messenger Office, Corner of Southwnpton- street, Strand, Lon- ( Urn,; to the Clerks of the Roads, which may be given to the Postmaster in eveiy Post Town; or to the Regular Newsmen. THE SUNDAY PLAN—
Includes the GAZETTES of SATURDAY, the State of the London Markets, and all the Newsof the preceding Week from every part of the World; which may be sent on SUNDAY NIGHT from London by the Mail Coach, so as to be delivered at every Post Town in the Kingdom -. hroug- h which it passes on the Blank Day, when no other Newspapers are received. Orders for this :' aper must be sent to the Proprietor only, at the Weekly Messenger Office, Southampton- street, Strand. THE MONDAY PLAN— Includes the State ofthe MAR- KETS in general of MONO < y up to Three o'Clock, and abo a POSTSC- RIFT PAGE,
containing all the News ofSuNDAY, and of MONDAY until Three o'Clock, in addition to all the interest- ing News of the preceding Week.— Orders for the Monday paper may be g- fen to any ofthe Postmasters in the Country, which is the best method of obtaining the Monday Paper, « r therwise, as above. -- RAW HIDES, Per Stone.— FRIDAY. 25,000 Tickets. ,£ 250,000 Five First- drawn Tickets 1st Day j£ l, 060 each £ 5,000 Five First drawn Tickets tld Day 1,000 each 5, COO First- drawn ... - 4th Day .... 10,000 Ditto ' . 6th Day .... 20,000 Ditto Gth ' .... 25,000 Price of a Ticket . '. . . . £ 20 5 0 Half ... £ 10 - 4 1 j. Eighth . . . £ 2
13 0 Quarter . 5 3 ( Sixteenth .. 170 Tickets and Shares are on Sale at all the Licensed Lottery Offices. 3 6 a 3 8 I Horse Skins 0 2 a 3 4 I Calf ditto 2 6 a 2 8 I Light Calf - Best Hides Middling Ordinary PRICE OF HOPS IN THE BOROUGH, NUN AY. Bags. 1. s. 1. s. Pockets 1. s. 1. s. Kent - G 0 to 7 7 Kent - 6 10 to 8 « Sussex- 6 0 to 7 0 Sussex - G G to 7 9 Essex - G 0 to 6. 14 Farnliam 8 0 tolO 0 PRICES OF THE PUBLIC FUNDS CQURSEOF EXCHANGE, Tuesdav. Wednesd Thursday 212| } O 212| 213 179* 1 '? 9\ i | Saturday ] Monday 213 12} Friday- Bank Stock - - India Stock South Sea Stock - Ditto Ann. Three per- cent
Redu Three per cent. Con- Fo- ir per cent. Cons. Five per cent Arm. Five per cent. 1797 Eftn'k Long. Ann. - Short ditro - - - I tn. 3 pep C. A rj. - Ditto Annuities Omnium - • - Eng. I At Ticket Consols for - - - Irish 5 per cent. Hamkurgh. 30 10 2iU. Altona 33 11 2| U. Amsterdam. 86 2 2 U. Paris 24 2 Leghorn 50 Naples 44 G& ufta 46 Lisbon 60J OvOrto C- li Duhlin 11 i N'ONDAY Arrived Lisbon Waterfowl Himburgh
ILLUSTRATION OF THE POLITICS OF EUROPE. Wiiiiion exclusively for BELL'S WEEKLY MESSENGER. N°. 1 64. THE POINTS OF DISPUTE BETWEEN GREAT BRITAIN AND OTHER POWERS, AS THEY RESPECT THE NEUTRAL TRADE. In our last we took into consideration the conse- quences which were likely to result, as well to Great Britain : s to Prance, " from the circumstance of the Co- lonial Trade cf the latter being thrown into the hands of a Neutral Power; and- we endeavoured to prove that the present Carrying Trade of- America was as little likely to prove injurious to vs. as it could he beneficial to France.
As the subject was incomplete in our last, we consider it r duty to our readers to resume it, and draw it to a point. If we examine this question calmly, we shall discover that the advantages which the enemy derives from the assistance of Neutrals, in carrying on his Colonial re- mittances, and all the other branches of his distant com- merce. are by no means unmixed with serious injuries to his prosperity, and that the neutral fhg can never cover him from the effect of our maritime superiority. In the first place, the superiority of the British Navy must, upon any rupture with an enemy, compel him to employ neutrals in almost every
branch of his commerce, and communicate that shock to his mercantile affairs, which they cannct speedily recover. Nothing is more to be dreaded in a trading country than such sudden and ex- tensive changes, as there is scarcely a merchant in France but must feel the consequences of our instantly transfer ring all the navigation of tbe country into the hands of neutrals, and compelling his trade to a circuitous and more expensive course. In the second place, the total suspension of the ene- my's trade is an injury of the greatest moment to his general power; it is precisely that ssirt of injury most de- sirable to our own interests,
and the natural consequence of cur naval superiority. While neutral ships and seamen are employed in car- rying on the commerce of France, her only nursery ' of sailors is desfoyed ; she loses her only chance of a navy, and - is a maritime Powcl- she is degraded into nothing. We Ii- ive been tcld indeed that the exclusion of her seamen from ibe mercantile trade gives her a greater command of recruits for her vessels of war; but this can be nothing more than a temporary supply. When the English navy has taken and destroyed the crews thus procured, or when in a few years they have died away, whence are their' places to be
supplied? To what new stock will they turn? What other granary have ihey to exhaust? The trade of France must revive, if must be established for some years, bofore her Nr. vv can be placed upon the - footing which it bad when the Neutrals began to lend her their assurance? by engrossing her foreign trade. The ruin of all lfef'linpes of ever acquiring maritime strength, is as effectually secured by our maritime superiority driv- ing her trade ir. to neutral hands, aiot could be by our preventing her from trading at all. And let it be remem- • bered that this is all the injury which it is nur interest to make her ftcl from the war. The
destruction cf an ene- my's trade is not to be desired, in order to annihilate his national wealth. By the individual prosperity of his subjects we ourselves are gainers; by their progress in riches we improve our own , and though his public reve- nue may ba augmented by his incrcsse of public wealth, • we must necessatily augment our own revenue by the in- srease which cur wealth receives from his.. The man . whom I live by trading with, I . cannot wish to reduce to a pauper. I destroy my Own market when I reduce his. Trade can only flourish as there is mutual wealth; the buyer must have money, and the seller must have stock.
The surrender of the French commerce to the neutral nations, is the best expedient that could be devisfid for stunting the growth of bet navy, and degrading her as a maritime power. But, lastly, the operation cf our maritime power upon the naval affairs of our enemy, besides destroying that pirt of his system which alone it is our intcrest'to in- jure, confers important benefits upon those whom it is eur interest to assist. It transfers a large portion of commerce, wealth, and a capacity of acquiring maritime - power, to nations natutnlly allied to us, by blood, by the relations of political interest, and by the intercourse of trade. The
Americans in particular, with whom ou most extensive and lucrative trade is carried on, aud • whose friendship, i » a political point of view, we ought to court, as being the only respectable State beyond the influence of our enemv, are gainers by the commerce in question to an astonishing degree, both as a mercantile and military people. How much her commercial gains are our gains need not be pointed out; neither is it required of us to shew bow greatly it is Yor the advantage of Es. gland, and of the world in general, that what the Freuch power loses should pass into the hands of a state who can never be- coa^ e the spoil of
tbe commrti one my, whose ambition cannot be pernicious to Europe— a state where so many circumstances occur to establish the influence of English principles and connections, and whare the other Powers of the Continent, without having any ground for alarm, may always expect to find assistance as soon as its nieans are commensurate with its inclinations. It may be here said, that we are advocating the cause of America, lo the neglect of the interest of Great Britain, and a contempt cf public opinion. Far from it— we dis- dain the insinuation ; but we arc ready to assert, that no- thing can lie m're impolitic than to encourage,
a* the present period, any vulgar jealousies against America. Astrong objection we know has been urged, and with much popular effect, against our encouragement of the carrying trade of Aincrica. The merchantmen of Ame- rica are, it seems, manned in a great degree by deserters from the British Navy. Whilst the emigration of our sea- men into their service prevents England from putting her ships of war into commission,' the Americans are ready to establish a formidable raariue up: ri the ruin of our's, for the maintenance of their disputed claims. It happens, however, to be the necessary consequence of oi; r situation that
such an emigration should take place. The similarity of manners and language, which dete mines tbe ordinary course of emigration from this country to America, has a similar effect upGn the emi- gration of Eur seamen. The higher wages o'f the Ame- rican service, the exemption from pressgangs, the total freedom which it enjoys, cannot fail to attract a number of sailors from, our merchantmen during war. But how can this possibly be prevented? No regulations of Go- vernment can destroy this similarity of manners, or com- pel our merchants to raise their wages, in order to retain crcws for the rude grasp of a Pressgang. Nor
do we seem willing to abolish that mode of recruiting our navy, which, if coupled with an advance of wages, would probably have the desired effect. It is said, however, that we may insist upon the right of searching all American vessels at sea, and impressing the British seamen found in them. Do we mean then to deny to our sailors aloiu, cf all classes of people, a right to leave the country, and. seek employment in tbe service of friendly Powers? A sailor, working in an American, sh p, is in the predicament of an English farmer culti- vating an American plantation; tbe search of the ship, for ihe purpose of seizing the sailor, would
be an act of as violent aggression as the scarch of the country for the seizure cf the farmer. The only difference between the eases is, that we have the power in the- former case, and not in the latter. But by going to war with America we may prevent the fuitber etnigratior. of our seamen, and acquire a right to reclaim those who are already gone. By turning all our vessels into armed cruizers, and engaging in a universal piracy, we might still further enrich ourselves, and seize upon the'ocean as France has seized upon the land ; we may perhaps find a profit in preferring a war with the whole world, to peace with a single nation,
who happens to have rights and advantages repugnant to our supposed interests. After all, however, laying aside the justice of the case, can it be our interest to quarrel with the only Power which remains unhurt by French influence, and . to lose our intercourse with the Nation best calculated for the advancement of our commerial prosperity? The trivial importance of all that could be gained by. excluding the neutral traders from tbe enemy's commerce, has already been shewn. No words are required to prove, lhat the blanks occasioned by same sailois leaving our service will speedily be filled up ; tlvt the number of British
seamen will, at a given period, be greater,, in consequence of our breeding for the American Nivy, just as the number of our people is upon the whole augmented by the demand for men which oar Colonies create. We may feel some inconvenience in the mean time from the progress of American commerce, and the deser- tion of our seamen to neutral powers. But it is ungene- ! reus to rspinc because circumstances, not cf their own | seeking, have thrown a species - of commerce into the I hands of the Americans, of which no other people but themselves could profit, which, in no case whatever, England could enjoy; and which,
if not taken up by America, wcuid be wholly lost, to the great detriment of Europe in general, and our own particular injury at a future period. If America gets rich by it, so did Hol- land in ihe last century-; so did we in the first French war. A general policy can gever justly be modelled according to such selfish and temporary considerations.— The evils and dieffiuhies in question are ihe conse- quences of the long war in which we have been en- gaged. They are part of the succession to which the present Ministers have fallen heirs. The world is already in arms against cur commerce. All the demons of con- traband and prohibition
are excited against us; let us therefore hesitate before we shut the only market which, in the course of a very short time, is likely to remain open to us. America may be angry with justice, but it ' is her interest, as well as our own, to be on terms of friendship. FOREIGN NEWS, ' CARETULLY DIGESTED, AJII> CONTINUED IN A REGULAR SERIES. INTELLIGENCE FROM PARIS FROM THE 18TH TO THE 23D ULT. PARIS, APRII, 19.— Upon being continued in the office of President of the Tribunate, M. Fibre de I'Aude, after expressing his. grateful Sense of the favours . conferred upon him by the Emperor and the Tribunate,
said, " Justice requires us, Gentlemen, to proclaim this truth, with which wo must be all impressed by our official communications wilh the Esnperor. The necessity of preserving to France her freedom, and independence, of recruiting her navy, of opposing strong armies to the Con- tinental Powers which might still think of • weaving new plots, and new coalitions, by t> iol'iti? ig the fuith nf Treaties, could alone have induced his Majesty lo increase the indirect contributions." The expenditure for the year, is stated to be 894 millions ( between 33 and 39 militonssterling.) APRIL 22.— General MENOU, Commandant of the
Transalpine, has transmitted a report to Paris, dated Turin, April 15, in which he mentions the death of a brigand who st\' ed- hitiiscl'£' wi;) era- ofthe Alps, and Ki. g of Marengo, He was killed by a party of the Gend- armerie, after one of the party sent against him had fallen.—. The General concludes his report, by congratu- lating the inhabitants of tile Departments trim their de- liverance from one of the greatest thies^ s and sctuidrels in tbe Empire. ( FROM THE MONITEUR.) The Manheim Courmif, and other Payers in the North, already teem with false reports, and s? eai to frjoicf in the apprehension of a r. eye opportunity, to
mislead Europe with false and ridiculous mis t. presentations of tbe gigantic power of Russia. They, of course, would make it appear, that Dalmatians . inundated with Russian troop?, and that a very respectable army is collected r: ear ihe Mouths of Cataro. At St. Petersbugb, probably, they would form better plans for a campaign than these. If it were net that France insisted upon the fulfilment of ihe late treaty wi'h Austria, and upon receiving the Months the Cafaro frcin the hands of Austria, the Russians would have been eject- ed ere now, the Montenegrins brought to reason, ar. d tranquillity restored ; but the Dalmatian
provinces must be delivered up to the French by tho Austrians; and the French will not receive them from any other hands'. The Mouths of tbe Citato are separated from Ddmitia by the State of Ragnsa, to ihe extent of about thirty miles, so that the possession of Cataro is quite unconnected with that of Dalmatia. The French are m- sters of the whole of DrJinatiSand Istria, where they have upwards of thirty thousand men ; vhc Russians at this moment have no more than Three battalion'at Cata- o, making, in the whole, about fifteen hundred men, and not one s ldier beyond that number. When General BRADY surrendered the
forts to the Russians by an act of base treason, be found the re- giment of Thurn in the place, sixteen hundred strong, and this Genera] delivered the forts up lo three bundled Russians, who were landed from tw » frigates. The in- dignation of some of the Officers of that regiment was then at the highest pitch, and M. GHISILIERI was so base as to write to these Officers, fcj the purpose of allay- ing their resentment, and reconciling them to ihe surren- der of the forts. These Officers, reckoning upon the esteem of the French scidiers, afterwards published the Marquis's letter, adding the assertion, that the posts above- mentioned
were sold by the Marquis and General BRADY. On the same day that the Marquis wrote the aforesaid letter to the Austrian Officers, he wrete another to Gene- ral MOLLITOR.. M. GHISILIERI, and those who had given him orders, sold their master an.,) their country in the same manner as when the second coalition was form- ed. One would think it wus time lo adopt that hind nf conduct that would ensure peace, amI not continue io seek for mo* tines of eternal discord, in contemptible subterfuges. We by no means douht, but when these letters come to the know- ledge of tbe War Department at Vienna, proper punish- ment will
be inflicted upon those who have been capable of such perfidious conduct. The following observations appear in a Note upon the foregoing article:— NOTE. " An account of the circumstances that attended the sur- render of the Mouths of the Cataro to the Russians, adds, to several particulars already known, that neither the Marquis- GHISILIERI, nor the Austrian Commandant, protested against at the entrance of a Russian squadron into the port, though, the same time, they were waiting in expectation of the French; and though, in consequence of this conduct, they also exposed
MAY the French,- who were on their way kY^ her, to Ihe danger of f.:';: r, g. irno the hands of their enemies,, when they might have - supposed t- h: y were entering a Friendly pc- n- t. The said Gen- tlertieiiaUo had taken no . measures for repelling the attacks of the Montenegrins, It is likewise repeated, that ihe Austrian OfficeVshad protested against the conduct of their Qonrmand- ant; that some of them were put under an arrest on this account, but were liberated, in consequence of the remcm strances of their brother Officers: that the Marquis Ghtsi- TIERI, seeing the Officers were determined to resist any attack pu- the part
of fhe Russians," said, he had orders from his su- pfpiors for surrendering the forts of Cataro to the Russians ; and, that the Russians were even invited by the Austrian C£> miriandant to take possession of Cataro, for which they had no orders from their own- Court, and which could only be ap- proached by the Russian squadron, under the command of HENRY BAYLE, an Englishman: and, lastly, that the Russian Commandant at Corfu being applied to for his assistance in this affair, refused it, being unwilling to act without orders from his Court. " In the letter written by the Marquis to the Austrian Officers, he says, the place is
not considered as being sum- moned by a hostile Power, and much less by the Montene- grins, but by the repeated claims of a Russian Commandant: that he had chosen himself the part of causing his Majesty's troop's to withdraw from Cataro ; and this, in" consequence of its being the desire of a Court in friendship and alliance with the House of Austria, relative to which he had express orders, from high authority, which enjoined him to take no other steps, than those of protests and declarations: that he had entered into no terms of capitulation with the Russian Com- mandant, having bound himself to nothing more than the ;
necessary protests and declarations, for the purpose of justify- ing the Court of Austria against any complaint on the . part of the French ; that the affair could not possibly be attended with any disagreeable consequences to himself, nor by any means tend to impeach the bravery of the Officers, & c. c< The letter of the Marquis GHISII. IERI to General MOL- LITOFT, in which he magnifies the forces of the Russians and Montenegrins, asserts, chat they were approaching the Aus- ; trian Garrisons on all sides, threatening the whole Province with death and destruction if any resistance should be made ; he then adds, that, finding
all his protestations fruitless in con- vincing them of the impropriety of their conduct, he was com- pelled to yield, to imperious circumstances, though with his master's brave troops he hoped to have been able to preserve the proviuce of Cataro in its prosperous condition for the Em- perorofthe FRENCH, Sue. " A note was presented, on the 25th of March, bv Gene- ral LAURISTONJ Commissioner in Dalmaiia, to the Marquis GHISILIERI, who was charged, with, the cession of Venetian Dalmafia. IN this note General LAUIIISTON asserts, that the regiment of Thurn would willingly have defended the place, and had shewn much
reluctance in quitting, it. The General also puts the question to the Marquis! whether heiiad surren- dered Cataro from his own motives, or whether he had acted according to superior orders, as it was of much importance to the General to inform Jsis Government of the fact. He, further asked, why Cataro was surrendered to tfie Russians and re- marks ' upon the absurdity of pretending to preserve Cataro in a flourishing state, as the Montenegrins had scarcely, been two days in the place, before they began to murder and plunder the inhabitants, who had armed themselves and conie to blows with these strangers/' HEEL'S
WEEKLY MESSENGER, per measures have beer. tafc. n therf to oppose a < Jt » cent. j " Yhorln'cere de iireof pfs- ervinj; » g. io l understanding with The whole Slraii is covered with Russian, En;;! is! i; !- id.' NajUrttl Powers, and above ail, tho important object of cutting Neapolitan shins, and the utmost efforts will be n. ; :... to' fv>( T from the Enemv, such provisions and necessaries as may be prevent the island frsm - falling into '. lie power cf i- he j . procurediy meof neutral vessels, are circumstances which require the CoKimander of the Squadron of His IMPI'. RIAK MAJESTY ol all the RUSS'IAS, to declare and make known
as follows :— " 1. That all the harbours and shores, as well on- theright as on tile laft side of the Adriaiic Gulf, which belongs either to France or to any'neutral Power, and are in the possession of the French, shall, from henceforth', be blockade ia the strict- est manner by the above squadron. " 2. That no vessel ofihe said Powers shall attemptto carry provisions or ammunition, under pain of confiscation of both ship and cargo. • " 3,. As this Declaration sufficiently makes known the respect which is felt by. the Court of St. Petersburg!! for Neutral States, so i Hatter myself, that they will prudently avoid every sad con- sequence
which mast infallibly result from a contrary line of conduct from that here pointed out. " ( Jn board the ship of war the Asia, at anchor in the Chan- nel of Bocche di. Cattar( l, 15th'March, 1306. '• ( Signed) " HENRY BA1LLIE, Commanderof the Squadron of his Imperial Majesty of all the Russius." French. It is at this time especially that the English feci all the importance of their possession of Malta. We are assured that the French have likewise de- manded of the Court of . Vienna a passage through Croatia. AUGSBURG, APRIL 15.— Some public Journals con- tain the following article frrm Munich:— " Our Sovereign bas received
very agreeable dispatches from Petersburg!!, from the Emperor Alexander; the regal Dignities of Bavaria and Wurtemburgh have been acknowledged by thij Monarch; and lie is inclined to conclude a solid Peace with France, through the me- diation ef Prussia. The Bavarian army will in conse- quence be placed upon the peace establishment." HAMBURGH, APRIL 10, ( via France.)— The Duke of Brunswick lias given the most positive assurances to his subjects, that no, idea of an exchange of his ' territory has ever been upon the tapis; that he would never con- sent to any such measure; and that, with respect to their fate
address to him, relative to reports of a contrary na- ture, he should Gertainly remain with tlicin, and exert himself to the utmost to merit the affection and fidelity which they had expressed for his House. FROM THE RHINE, APRIL 15.— Intended changes in Saxony are still the daily topic; but it is impossible to communicate any thing authentic upon this head.— The destination of Marshal Ney's corps is- hitherto un- certain, at least with thi public. It is only known, that he will quit Memmingen iti a few days. Several corps are upon the inarch for Zara, the general rendezvous of ihe French troops that are to occupy Dal- matia, and
drive out the Hlissians, who are said to have' made themselves masters of'Ragusa. LUBECK, APRIL 23.— To day, at no- m, a skirmish tonk place between Mclln and Ratzeburgb, between a small corps of Swedish cavalry, and a detachment ofPrus- ! sian infantry. The Swedes were summoned by the Prus- shns to retire, which ihey refusing, the latter attacked them, the Swedes being too weak to make resistance, re- treated to an. eminence, where the Prussians again atiack- i ed ( hem, and forced them to retreat entirely. In ibis \ skirmish several were killed and wounded on botlr sides. IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF
LORDS. MONDAY, APRIL 28. This day an order was made, " That none of the proceed- ings respecting the Trial of Lord tfelviilc should be published, pending the Trial'* Adjourned. 29. FROM TIIE FRENCH PAPERS, HAMBURGH AND BAT A VI AN MAILS. GERMANY. VIENNA, APRII. 9.— We are assured that a Conven- tion was signed yesterday between the Courts of Vienna and France, by virtue of which a free passage is granted to the troops of the latter through Pom. eba and Triest into Istria and Venetian Dahmtia. The number of these troops is differently stated; sortie accounts make it 30,000, otheis 45,000 ; this,
howefcer, is a matter of indifference.; for the passage of troops being once granted, the num- ber is immaterial. Though from the manner in which this demand was made, nobody doubted of its success, the itews of the conclusion of the Convention did not fail in producing a considerable sensation upon lhe pub- lic, and particularly. among the diplomatic corps. Rus- sia, however, so clcarly foresaw what would happen, thai, according to private letters yesterday fiom Triest, not only that port, but all the rest on both sides of the Adriatic, have been declared in a state of blockade by the Russians; even Ragusa is not excusod from
the dis- astrous inspection and yisits- cf tbe Russian ships of war. The raw silks of Italy being prohibited in the. Here- ditary States, our manufactures begin to suffer great in- convenience. The new organization of the Austrian regiments has thrown 1.50 Majors, and an equal number of Captains, out of the servicq. The first division of Austrian prisoners that have quit- ted the French . terriiory arrived here yesterday.— We this moment learn that fre; h French troops have entered Brann'au: perhaps these are some of those that are march- ing to Triest. APRIL 12.— In the course of the last eight days the French Envoy, M. La
Rochefoucault, has had two long audiences with his Imperial Majesty, anel several with the M'rrister of Slate, Count Stadion. VIENNA, APRIL 17.— The French, instead of eva- cuating Brannau on the 1st of April, according to tbe stipulations of the Treaty of Presburg, continue to make it a place of arms; StCO Bavarian peasants are continually at work on the initerichments, ar- d 60 pieces of cannon of- a large calibre rtre already mounted on the batteries. This liostile demonstration,, to which the4 occupation of Cai- taro by she Russians has given occasion, was expected. In the mean time the French Generals have as^ aiii
declared that they,. will leave Brannau as soon as the Russians shall have evacuated Dalma'. ia. The Court of Vienna, in consequence, dispatched yesterday the Courier La Foret to St. Petersburgh ; but it is believed it will find it diffi- cult to extricate itself from the embarrassment in which it is placed by the late events. AC- urier from Palermo lately arrived here. We are not without inquietude, on account of the determination of Bonaparte to sci/ s on the island of Sicily ; but al! pro- TUESDAY, APRIL CORN. Earl STANHOPE said, that he held a motion in his hand to which lie- hail reason to think no objection would be made. It
was connected v'i. h a subject of the greatest and most expen- sive inierest; a subject in which the happiness, nay, the very existence of the people were concerned Lord EI. LENBOROUGH took the liberty of suggesting to the Nobie Earl, whether it would not be advisable to defer his mo- tion until there was a fulleraitendance of their Lordships. Lord STANHOPE replied, that as the present was the fittest j time- to make his inoiion, he was determined to persevere in it. | He was anxious to provide against the heaviest of calamities CFrom the Leydcn Gazette J - j which could befal a nation, that of a scarcity of that article
FRANKFORT, AI- RII, 20.— We have been lately alarmed ; which constituted the principal subsistence of the people of by the disagreeable intelligence of the difficulties which i'm- Ihls country. He alluded to the article of bread coin, of peeled the evacuation ofBrannau, the return of the French j which, from the information he had received from a person of troops, ' he sending home of the Austrian prisoners, and the j very extensive knowledge in that line, he was apprehensive accomplishment of the peace between Austria and France.— ; there would be shortly a scarcity. After some f.< rther obser- More agreeable advices,
however, have just dissipated, so'oner f vations upon the dreadful consequences that might arise from than w « expected, the fears entertained, and promise anew ! such an affliction, his Lordship moved for an account of all to the people a speedy enjoyment of that repose which was j the imports of com and Hourfroni the 1st of January 1804, to to be the effect of the negociationof Presburgh. ! the present time; and also for an account of the exports of A formal Convention, which grants to the French troops ! tlie same articles durihg the same period, the passage of Ponteba and Triesti. to Istria and Dalma- ia, was j The Earl of
Mois A could not perceive that there was any . believed to have been signed at Vienna on the 8th, and two-}. thing objectionable in the motions made by the Nobis Earl, af- days afterwards we were informed of THE DEPARTURE of the i though he could by no means concur in the necessity or the Russians from the cost, of Cattaro,- occupied by them FOR justiceof the observation -- with which they weie prefaced He, NEARLY AMONTH. On the, 15rh instant two couriers arrived j without applying himself particularly to the subject, had ac- froin Vienna at the office of the Bohemian Minister at itatis- bon, Count STADION, M- ith
the news. They brought at the same time the intelligence thai, on tiie day after it was received at Vienna, M. de Talleyrand, nephew to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, set oil for j'aris. It is known also, besides, that ihe journey of tbat diplomatic Officer had a motive ve^ v auspicious to the peare- of the Con- f tinent. On his arrival at Hram.- u, the works began by ; the French were coini'ermanried. Tha communication- which he made afterw. i- ds to Ganeral Berthier induc- ed the Marshal to send Marsh tis Ney and Soalt orders to resume their march to the Rhine. Tile Bavarian troops who were at Landshut are also to march to
Anspach to re- place the French troops in lhat Province, now belonging to his Bavarian Maj sty. ITALY. ROME, MARCH 24.— The garrison of Gaeta amounts to COOn men, and appears to be we'll provisioned. It is besieged bv 14,003 men, and fired upon from 1 < 3 mor- tars and howitzers, and 30 twenty- dbur pounders. Mar- shal Massena is at Reggio, opposite Messina, where a considerable number of transjiotis are collected for the conveyance of the French army into Sicily. March 29.— The several consistories that his Holiness has lately held, and the praye. s he has put up at the high alter of St. Peter and Paul in the
Vatican, prove lhat ex- traordinary events are in contemplation. It is generally believed here, that Pius VII. will resign, an. 4 Cardinal Fesch be raised to the Papal dig pity, who will remove his scat > o Avignon ; in which case the state of the Church will be incorporated wilh theKitigdam of Italy.. NAPLES, APRIL 1.— His Highness Prince Joseph has put the Government of this kingdom upon a new foot- ing. The vigilance observed in this capital tor preserv- ing the public tranquillity promises much, and was highly necessary where'so grcaL a part of the wretched pop- nation have no home, and many others no bread. Now the care
of our new Prince will lead the people to habits of industry, trade will he encouraged, the finances regulated: in fact, the whole kingdom has assumed a new form. The whole kingdom is subdued, except Gaeta, which cannot ho'd out long. Ruffini's battalion began on the 20th ult. to digit em Liner Calabria. GENOA, APRIL 12.— The last letters from Naples are dated the 4: b instant. Gsneral Dumas has been ap- pointed Minister at War; and a military Commander is to be appointed in each of the twelve Provinces of that kingdom. quired some information respecting the supply of corn, the re- sult of which was sufficient to satisfy
his mind, that there was n ® t ihe least foundation for the apprehension* which the Noble l. ord seemed to entertain. He wished it to be under- stood as generally as possible, that there was not tte least pro- bability that any scarcity would arise. Lord AUCKLAND professed himself obliged to tbe'Nobls Lord who'spolfe last, for having taken so great lead off his mind, iii obviating the ill effects which might'be produced by the assertion of the Neble Lord. Fsr that assertion, he would positively declare there was no foundation whatever. There was nothing in the state of the country or of its agriculture, which could lend the least
authority to the obsirfa'ion ofthii Nobie Earl who made the motion. As to his observations re- specting ihelittle prospect of a supply from the Baltic, in c'a ite a scarcity should arise, it aiforded him much pleasure to bfr able to state, that a vast number of ships freighted " with com, were now on their way from chence to this country, and that the ports of the Baltic neither were shut nor Kkelytu he shut against us. " The motions of Earl STANHOPE" were agreed to,' and theit Lordships adjourned lill nine o'clock on Wednesday. WEDNESDAY,. APRIL 30. Their Lordships met. at ten,; and having forwarded the Bill? oh the table,
adjourned to West. fhinster'Hidl, During their short stay in their own Chamber, strangers were excluded.—, Adjourned. THURSDAY, MAY 1. Their Lordships, after partly forwarding the Bills upon rhe table, in the morning, proceeded in the usual form, to attend the High Court of Parliament in Westminster Hall. TURKEY ALBANIA, MARCH 20.— On the subject of the block- ade of the harbours in the Adriuit Sea, the Commander of ihe R ussian Squadron at Ca tara, has issued the fol- lowing Declaration in ihe Italian language :— FRIDAY, MAY 2. Lord HOILANP- presented Petitions from the Prisoners eoh- fined for debt in the
county gaols of Chester, Gloucester, Wor- cester, and Surrey ; and also a petition from a person confined in the Four Courts Marshalsea, Dublin, ptaymg for relief- all of which were ordered to lie on the table.— Adjourned. SATURDAY, MAY 3. . The Petition of Mrs. Eliza Utterton, praying for leave to introduce a Bill to divorce Frederick Teush, her now husband, and to enable her to marry again, were, after a few words from the Rati of CAERNARVON and - neLons CHANCELLOR, ordered to be taken into further con » sideration on Monday next. Lord HOLLAND presented petitions from thedebtoas in Horsham Goal, and in the
Marjhalsea prison of tli « r City of Dublin, praying reliif, and that the Bill befnig their Lordships might pass into a law. The Longings. - " •" Discovery Reward Bill, and Lord St. Vincent's Annuity Discount Bill severally passed the Committee.— NijL* journed. ''• TV
JUSTE 28. BELL'S WEEKLY MESSENGER. 205 HOUSE, OF COMMONS. MONDAY, APRIL 28. There was no business of importance in the House this day. TL'ESD A Y, AP RIL 30. ELECTION TREATING BILL. Mr. TIERKEY moved the order of the da;' for the further eonsideration of the Report on the ElectionTreating Bill. Be- f > re he moved for re-' cammittiirg the Bill, he wished to state, that he should propose certain alterations in it, by which every Candidate would be permitted to provide carriages for convey- ing the voters to any part of the kingdom, provided thatmoney f r - his purpose was not given into the hands of
the voter hi ni- sei;, but paid immediately by the Candidate to the person from - whom the carriages were hired. lie had been iudyced to make this alteranon, from deference for the opinion of others, and that tbe Bill might meet with less opposition. Were this alteration agreed to, the Kill might be considered as merely declaratory of tile- old Act, and removing doubts respecting it, and not as making any additions to its enac ments. After s- snie conversation, in which Mr. ROSE, Mr. G. VANSITTART, and Mr. CORNWALLIS took a part, the House divided on the question of its recommitment, when there ap- peared Fcr the re commitment - - - - - 24 Again*: it - ------ - - 14 Majority ... - 10 Mr Tit. NEY, in the Committee, then- proposed several arttendineiits, and the report was ordered to betaken into con- _ siJer. » tiou on Friday.— Adjourned. WEDNESDAY, APRIL SO. NF- W MILITARY PLAN. Mr. WINDHAM moved the Order of the Day for the se- cond reading of fhe Bill for repealing the Additional Force Acts ; he then moved that this Bill be now read a second time. Sir JAMES PULTENEY slated that he felt anxious to pre- sent himself thus early to the House, not for the purpose of expressing any hostility to his Majesty's Ministers, but with a view of
stating his opinion on the present Bill. With regatd to the Additional Force Act, he said he should concede all the points relating to the Parish Officers, and the mode of recruiting through their means ; but with regard to its re- peal, such a step appeared to him eittremely premature, as he had consulted several General Officers on the subject of en- listing men for limited time and service, who had declared that in most regiments at the present moment, tliey could get all the men almost to enlist for general and unlimited service, provided Government would suffer them to do so. It might be argued, that raising men in this way for
general service was doing so at a double bounty. To be sure it was; but who would hesitate to give the additional bounty when so ma- ny men might be found completely trained, and competent to do any duty in any part of the world. He then proceeded to argue that the Act now sought to be repealed was infini ely - superior and preferable to the plan suggested by he Right Hon. Secretary, the only recommendation to which was its novelty 5 for sure he was it was far from being bottomed on any sure principle. The Hon.. Gentleman proposed a thing which he could not but deem monstrous, and that was giving a permission to
the men to get discharged at the end of seven years. Did the Hon. Secretary mean to say, that they were to be discharged at the end of seven years, while the war might still be going on, and when it might be highly possible that • the country could not spare a single man from its service ? It had also beep urged that a limited period of service was the mode in practice on the Continent. That assertion he did not believe, bat he knew that such was not the system m Hanover, where the service was for life, precisely as in tbe British army. The authorities, he meant the written opinions of General Officers on this subject, were, he
believed, hostile to its adoption. The Hon. Baronet then proceeded to argue against service for a limited period, ® n the ground that soldiers, - with the prospect of returning home lo their families at the « jid of a eertain timre, would be indifferent to their duty, and ef eourse would relax in their discipline, as they would know to an hour the precise moment of their emancipation. The man, whoon the contrary was enlisted for life and general service, entertained no such ideas; he was taught from his en- listment to look up to the service as his only resource and sup- port. Would that man, therefore, who wished to quit the ser- • vice,
at the period of his engagement, brave all the dangers of his profession with the same alacrity and cheerfulness with Jiiin who was tied down to it, and had no . inclination of the kind to interrupt or disturb him in the faitld'ul discharge of his duty? H e then adverted to the arrangement submitted ky the Right Hon. Secretary for supplying the deficiencies created ill the armyby the discharge of men during the war, on their engagements expiring. He observed, iu a country like Great Britain, where it was always a difficult matter to find men at all tp embark in the profession, he confessed he thought the remedy pioposed worse than the
disease. It might be said, the army was a bad profession, arid that men were only asked to serve in it for seven years.— Granted. But if it be a bad profession, why should men be invited to serve in it all ? He next proceeded to suggest the difficulties. sittending recruiting the army at the breaking out of a war. It would now appear, that even the ballot was to be given up, although it was well known that in all the systems ever devised for the Jefence ofthe country, the ballot, or compulsion, had always been resorted to. Should the ballot therefore be done away, then the difficulties he so much apprehended would begin to be
severely felt. The Hon.- Bart, concluded a speech of some length, by declaring, that he did not wish the Additional Force Bill to be repealed, without some plan likely to be equally ef- ficient was brought forward. Mr. CANNING stated, that he had experienced great satis- faction in hearing the sentiments uttered by the Hon. Bart. • Who had begun the discussion. With regard to the Addi- tional Force Act, an Act fraught with wisdom and expediency, - an Act now crowned with compleat effect by the numbers it had raised within tlwse few months, he should at present only refer to the conduct of the Right Hon. Secretary in regard to
it. That Right Hon. Gentleman, long before, and imme- diately on his coming into office, frequently declared that its - existence Was highly dang » rous, and that it ought to be repealed without delay.. If there was so very urgent a ne- cessity for its immediate repeal, Mr. Canning wished to learn Why mouths, weeks, and days, had been suffered by the Right Hon. Gentleman to elapse, without bringing forward a Bill for its repeal. The delay, however, might certainly'hive • iVeen occasioned by an idea that the- Right Hon. Gentleman • Willimight entertain, that any innowion 011 suuha meaEurfi would ill become him until he should
have digested a more effectual plan for adding to the defence of the. country. He • lid not state this however in any way as a matter for attaching blame to Ministers. If the House should repeal the Addi- tional Force Ac:, they would- sanction a principle of a most dangerous nature, tending to'noless than a recantation of all the policy of our ancestors, by declaring, that any modifica- tion of compulsory serviceshoeld not be . Ulowed. The Right Hon. Secretary had stated, that die Gover .. neilts of the Con- tinent raised their armies for limited periods of service, but he seemed to have forgotten that such a principle could not apply to
the British army, for various reasons, which, indeed, he might say, assumed the importance of difficalties. in what kind of situation would this country stand, where a large force was to be raised on any sudden emergency ? He did not mean the emergency of invasion, but that sudden emergency which may be naturally expected to spring from every war; what, he a ked, would be our situation, if an Act of Parlia- ment was in existence giving up compulsory service and every modification of it ? He begged to be understood as not inciting Ministers to compulsory measures: but they would be pleased to recollect, that had- it nqt
been for the effect produced by the operation of the ballot at the commencement of the war, the present state of the army, both fur Hational defence, and for the purpose of foreign attack, would not have, by any meaus, been in so flourishing a state. The ballot, he contended, was milder than the harsher and more high species'of com- pulsory service recommended by the Right Hon. Secretaiy. If this was hi< ground, what became, of the Militia ? It must fall; and so he understood- the Right Hon. Gentleman to have determined, by his declaration, that the ballot should cease. What would the Militia then become ? They might be
called Fencibles, er the armv of the Crown » but they ceased to be Militia the instant the ballot was annulled, and . the Militia began to be filled up by bounties. Mr. Canning then took a wide and extended view of Mr. Windham's new military plan, in the course of which he censured various psrts of it very freely, although his object was entirely to resist the repeal of the Additional Force, so far as to prevail on the Right Hon. Secretary to abstain from pressing this measure until he should have made up his mind in ragaid to a plan. that should be ge- nerally approved, and which might afford a prospect of being foun^ efficacious.
With that view he terminated a speech ef upwards of two hours duration, by moving an amendment, leaving out the words " now," for the purpose of adding tiie words , c this day three weeks." Mr. WiLKF. RFetiCE followed Mr. Canning, and supported tiie Bill. He professed himself anxious for the repeal of the Additional Force Act, as it was the cause of a most grievous aud oppressive tax, badly paid, and as its collection was next to an impracticability. Mr. LONG made use of similar arguments with Mr. Can- ning against the Bill, and contended strongly in favour of the amendment. The Bill was supported by Mr. Thornton, Mr.
Hawthorn, Lord Stanley, and'other Gentlemen, and tha question being at length loudly cjlled for, the House divided, when Mr. Can- ning's amendment was negatived by a majority of llo for the second reading ef thf Bill, the numbers being 285 to 119. On our re- admission to the gallery we found the House in debate, and Mr. Canning complaining most loudly of the ob- " stinate taciturnity observed by Ministers [ none of these Right Hon. Gentlemen having spoken during the evening ] He therefore insisted on learning from th- e Right Hon. Secretary whether he meant to persavere in this strange Bill, and whether he intended to
follow it up with the consecutive measures he had submitted to the notice of the House. Here Lord TEMPLE called the Hon. 6entleman to order, and Mr. CANNING explained. , Mr. WINDHAM replied, that the Hon. Gentleman hatPdls- cussed, dnring the debate, topics wholly unconnected with the Bill, while lie had entirely neglected those that bore closely upon it. He therefore had abstained from any comment 011 such conduct. With respect, to the question put to him by the Hon. Gentleman, he could only say, that, having sub- mitted his new military plan, he should persevere in it; and should also, in dud season, follow it up
with the other arrange- ments alluded to by the Hon. Gentleman. Adjourned at half past two ia the morning till ten of the clock. G.' neral GASC nose spoke against the Bi 1 014 the same grounds which had been urged by the Members by whom he was precede!, as did al- o General Tariton and Mr. Fox. Af- ter a brief remark from Mr Fox, ' he qiiestr n was mr, and the H > use divided. For the third reading of th Bill, Ares 35— Moos 12..— Majority 22. The Bill was then paiXrd, hit ordered to the Lords.— Adjourned. FRIDAY, MAY 2. There was no business of importance Ml the House this day, SATURDAY, MAY 3. Mr. Owen, from
the East India Directors, presented an Ac- count, pursuant to an order of the 16-- h April last, of the sains of money paid to the creditors of the Nabob of Area' specifying the names'of the individuals who had received ttie same; and also the amount of the debts remaining unpaid On the motion of Sir HUGH IN- OLIS, these Eapers were or- dered to be primed. A Message from tho Lords informed the House that they had agreed to several Private Acts; and that they would pro- ceed further on the trial of Lord MELVILLE at ten o'clock on Monday morning — Adjourned. HIGH COURT OF PARLIAMENT, WESTMINSTE R- HA L1,.
TRIAL OF LOUD MELVILLE. THURSDAY, MAY 1. SLAVE TRADE BILL. The AT roRNEY- GENERAt. moved the third reading of the Bill fer prohibiting tbe Importation of Slaves into the Colo- nies of Foreign Powers. Mr. Rose said, he was s- urprised to hear the third rending of the Bill moved without any alteration being made iu its provisions or enactments. He had no hesitation in saying, that, within his recollection, there never was a measure in- troduced into Parliament that would cut so deep into the commerce or the navigation of the country. He could not state publicly the consequences thai, must ensue from the passing of
the Bill; he b. d communicated them to his Ma- jesty's Ministers, but perhaps they v; ere not attended to. He calculated the loss to thecountry on the passing of the Bill to no less than three millions of money, besides the loss that would be sustained by our East India commodities. The House should pause, he observed, before it adopted the mea- sure,! now that the Northern ports wers shutting against us ; and the loss that would ensue to our manufactures, for want ofthe usual transit through Prussia. America was alsoji- ar- rdwingour exports into the country, and slie would carry on the Slave Trade without those restrictions laid
upon it by the British Parliament. A great quantity of our raw material wa< imported from Prussia through the means of this trade, which would be put a stop to, and also the supply of bullion M our West India Islands. There was also a clause in the Bill, enabling our cruizers to seize, in certain cases, on neutral vessels concerned in the trade, that was most ingeniously cal- culated to excite war with other nations. • Mr. BAGWELL approved of the Bill, as he was an enemy to the Slave Trade; and, if Ministers were tofollo. v up their former professions on that subject, they should have his hearty co- operation. • Sir ROBERT PEELE
said, he took shame to himself that he did not attend the progress of the Bill in its previous stages, as he would" have given it Ilis decided opposition. On reading the Bill he found it pregnant with mischief to the manufac- tures ant. 1, commerce of the country. Much. had been said en the score of humanity, but was no co. intnisseratioa to be ex- tended 10 the thousands of our manufacturers who would hi; thrown out of employ., ani who had a- just claim 011 the pro- tection and consideration of the country. - Bonaparte had w. s. g : d war against our Raniif* ctures, and if this Bill was psssad it wsjd aid hie private views and
endeavouis. The trial of HENRY Viscount MELVILLE, upon charges of j High Crimes and Misdemeanours preferred against him in- the I nameof the Commons of the United Kingdom, cornmep. ced I 011 Tuesday last. This splendid instance of national justice I was accompanied with all the pomp ap. d solemnity that cor- respond with the rank of the'person accused, the august tribunal before which the trial took place, uni thec-. xalted characters of those who preferred the accusation. The House of Lords having prohibited the publication of the- proceedings pending the trial, we can only advert to the forms used upon this
occasion. At an early hour, all the avenue's leading to Westminster Hall were oecupied by strong detachments from the three re- giments of Guards. About half past eight, the company began to arrive, and before ten the bench< s 011 three sides of the Court were completely filled. " The whole of the right side of the Court was appropriated to the Commons, except one box at the end next to the Throne, which was fitted up. for the Foreign Ministers. The Managers for the Commons entered the Hall at half past ten, Mr. WHITBSEAB leading the way. He was fallowed by Mr. Fox, Lords HOWICK, H. PETTY, MARSHAM, A.
HAMILTON, and R. SPENCER, and the other Members of the Committee of Impeachment. A few minutes after, the Commons in a body occupied the side of the Hall appropriated for their reception; and the SPEAKER, who entered last, took his seat in a chair placed about the centre. Within a few minutes after, the procession from the House of Lords entered the Ilall, the different Peers, both Spiritual and Temporal, w. dking in the order of their several ranks, the Barons, as it is customary, being first, and the Dukes last. The Royal Dukes jvere the last in the order of procession, which was closed by his Royal Highness the
Prince of WALES, as possessing the highest rank in the realm. Lord MELVILLE had previously entered, and tiken his seat inside the bar, immediately behind the Barons' benches, and close to the box in which his Counsel, Messrs. PLOMER and ADAM, were seated Tiie Peers, as they entered the Hall, severally bowed in passing to the SPEAKER of the House of Commons; and each Peer, before he took his place, proceed- ed to the table standing in the centre, of the Court, and, un- covering, made obeisance to the throne. The number ef Peers who attended was so great, that the seats were not suffi- cient for their
accommodation; some additional benches were liionght in. The Peers were all hiibitad in the full robes of their respective ranks As soon as they had all taksn their places, The SERJEANT at ARMS, arrayed in his robes sf office, made proclamation in the following words: — " Oyezl Oye- z! Oyez ! u Our Sovereign Lord the KING doth strictly charge and eommand all manner of persons to keep silence 011 pain of imprisonment. " Whereas, divers charges for high crimes and misdemea- nors, have been exhibited by certain Citizens, Burgesses, and others, in the name of themselves, and of all. the Commons of our unite,- l
kingdom M Great Britain and Ireland, against HENRY Lord Viscount MELVILLE; all persons concerned are hereby required to take notice, that he now stands upon his trial, and they may come forth to make good the said . charges." The first nine charges were then read by Mr. ROSE, junior, clerk, and theanswer of Lord Viscount, MELVILLE thereto, iu which he pleaded not guilty, in the customary form on such occasions. The 30th charge, recently exhibited, was also read, and same pie.'. The reading of the several charges, andthe answers of Lord MELVILLE, took up three quarters of an hour. The Loan CHANCELLOR then
quilting the Woolsack, near the steps of the throne, advanced to the table in the centre oi the Hall, and v. hell he was seated, Mr. WILL I BREAD rose. He commenced a speech of tlirse hours and a half, with a manly and el. gent exordium, in which he stated generally the design of this solemn proceed- ing, and the course the Managers proposed to adopt in sub- stantiating- ihe charges. As we are prohibited'from giving any report of the proceed- ings 011 the trial until the whole shall be concluded, we do not feel ourselves at. liberty to state even the general nature of the opening .- peecb. Mr. WTIIIBHEAD having cased,. the
LOUD CHANCELLOR rose, and the Peers v.- ithd.-' ev,- in the precise order in which they had entered the Hall, repealing the same ceremonies be- fore the Throne and to the SPEAKER of the House of Com. UIO- K; as they retired Th : Malingers continued standing until his Royal Highness the Prince of WALES closed the proces- sion; and retired about four o'clock. • SECOND DAY. The Court was opened on We h e- day, with the same cere- monies as on tbe preceding day., The attendance was not so full. The Prince, and'he Dukes if York and Cumberland, were in their places. The Peeresses box was littl,: mure than naif
full, and in no pari of the day was'there more than ISO Commoners attended. The Man.- yors, who appeared at the j opening nf tbe Ciiurl, were Mr. Whitbre. jdj Lord Hc„ iek,
Lord H. Pettv, Serjeant Best, the Solicitor- General, Mr R; iine, and Mr. Giles. The la* t Gentleman- hud" to conduct the business of the dtty. It was half pa> t eleven before th'-: procession was over and tbe Chancellor seated. Lord Mel- ville then entered, and after bo- wing to the Court took his seat within. the Bar behind tbe Baron's Bench. After the proclamation being made, Mr. Giles moved- hat the Report ofthe Commissioners of Naval Enquiry lie read by' tho Clerk of Parliament ( Mr. Rose), which was done accord- ingly. He then submitted the Act of the 25th of his present Majesty, on the supposed breach of which the
present charge is founded; Mr. Midford, from the Navy Office, was then called upon to authenticate cert: in warrants, in the course of the proceeding Messrs. Adam and Plomer stated some formed objections, which we are at present forbiddeta to detail. It is now supposed that the examination of evi- dence will accupy at least five days. Lord Melville's demeanour was the same as on the preced- ing day— firm and arid composed; his face turned the whple • time with fixed attention towards the Managers' box. THIRD DAY, Thursday the Peers proceeded to Westminster Hall, soon after ten o'clock, and the trial of Lord Melville
was resumed. The attendance of the Peeresses, and of the company gene- rally, were greater than on the pr. eced-. ng day. The Prince of Wiles arid most of the Royal Dukes were present. The business commenced with the examination of some - written evident e, upon which an objection was taken, the discussion of which lasted lot- upwards of two hocus. Mr,- Serjeant Best, Mr, Giles, Mr. Adam, and Mr. Piomer,- ar- gued the point, arid in the end the objection was over- ruled by the Chancellor. The evidence was deemed admissible. The examination of several clerks from the house of Drum- - mond and Co. followed, and
kept the Court occupied till netttr five o'clock, when their Lordships adjourned to tire House of Lords. The Managers have not yet got through the transactions of 1/ 82, and from all appearance tile trial will be continued many weeks. The Duchess of York, notwithstanding th j cold she caught on the first < Jty of the trial, resumed her place, in the King's Box. TheDtAthess of Gordon headed tile Noble Dames in the Peers' Gallery. The same formalities were observed by the Peer? and the Members of the'House of Com toons going to and from the Hall, and the Horse and Foot Guards attended as on the for- mer days. FOURTH
DAY., The attendance of spectators on Friday was as numerous av on tiie nr.* day, particularly of Ladies of rank and fashion, The only part of the Hall not filled was the House of Com- mons Gallery—- there were not more than 40 Members present. A4> out eleven o'clock the Managers entered, and afterwards the Commons and the Speaker.— A little afterwards the Lords entered in the usual manner; and the trial was immediately proceeded upon. This morning, was chiefly consumed in the examination of • witnesses, who were all Gentlemen belonging to Balking Houses. Mr. TROTTER has not yet been examined. The
PRINCE of WALES was in the Hall all the morning, . ia conversation with the Judges. FIFTH DAY. Yesterday the High Court of Parliament met at the usual hour, and proceeded on tbe trial, of LORD MEL VIL^ E. Several of tbs Clerks of Messrs. Dntmmond and Co. were examined, and also a Gentleman of the name of Scbolc& eld, in whose examination a good deal of time was consumed. The examination of these witnesses lasted the whole ofthe day until lour o'clock, when the ; • Court broke up. The whole of the Royal Bakes attended, and the shew uf Peeresses were as great as on the former day. ' I'he Prince of Wales was
however absent, for the first time since the commencement of she trial. On the bteakmt; up of the Court the two Houses of Parliament - retired to their respective Chambers. TUESDAY'S LONDON GAZETTE. Admiralty- Ofee,. April 29. [ Transmitted by Lord Collingweod] His Majesty's . Ship Thunderer, off Cadiz, MY Loan; March 10, 1806. I have trie satisfaction to inform yo. ur Lordship, that at day- light in the morning of the 12th inst, in lat. 41 deg.. 5 3 mill. N. long- 15 deg: 27 rain. W. I discovered three strange sail on my lee bow, one of which appeared suspicious 5 1 made all sail possible, and after five hours chace, captured
her. She proved to be a Spanish schooner privateer, mounting 14 long guns, viz. ten sixes, and four 4 pounders, named Santo Chris- to'del Paldo, Jean Gonzales, Commander, 67 men, from Ba yonne, out IS days, sails fast, hull, rigging, and sails quite n- yv: victualled for four months; had captured a Swedish bfig, the Pomone, Maenons Saadaton*, Master, belonging to Gottenburgh, last from Gibraltar, bound to Liverpool, with a cargo of currants; also a galliot, named Lecisa et Emi: ia, Jeane Peter Johnsan, Master, belonging to Hamburgh, last from Lisbon, bound to Cherbourg, ladeij with cotton and hides; and a Danish
brigGrunstad, which vessel I recaptured at se? eii the same evening, and sent a petty officer in her to Erie- land; her cargo was liutseed, fruit, & c. Th - privateer is seventy- five L'ons, Spanish measurement. ( Signal.) JOHN STOC& HAM. Right Hon. Lord Collingtoood, $ c'. — nfiw— BANKRUPTCIES ENLARGED. A- tthony Daffy Swinton, Salisbury- court, Fleet- streef, medi- cine- vender, from May 3, to June 21, at ten, at Guildhall. James M'Nish, Wigan, Lancashire, merchant, from May 3, . to June 21, at the Globe Tavern, Liverpool. BANKRUPTS. J. hn Morgan, Conduis- street, Hanover- square, bookseller, • M- if 2, - at
eleven, May 10, June 10, at ten, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. James, Gray's Inn- place. - Philip Hy tins, Manchester, May 22, 23, June 8, at three, . at ilie Bridgewa-. er Arms, Maucl; ester. Attorney, Mr. Law, . Qnceu- s'. rpet, Manchester. Michael Bill iiigten5Kirkthcn- pe, W- tmifield- cum- Heath, York- shire, innkeeper, May 13, 14, June U', at eleven, at the White Hart Inn, Wakefield. Attorney, Mr. Rob. Lunib, W. k - field. John Govey, W* k- o4, Somersetshire, mason, May 16, 17., June 10, at eleven, at the Christopher Iiin, Bath. Attor- ney, Mr. Bowsher, Bath. John Wilson, Kendal, Westmoreland, tallow- chandler, May 8, at five, Mt'-
V % at ten, Juno 10, at five, at the White Hart Inn, Keiidal. Attomies, Messrs. Richardson and Co. Kend. tl. James Chadwick, Manchester, m iritif Cturer, May 23, 24, J vine 10, at four, at the Coach and Horses Inn, Manchester. Attorney, Mr. Na » b, Manchester. John Forbes, Davenport, Cheshire, grazier, May 19, 20, Jane 10, at twelve, at the George and Dragon 1 nil, Nether Knutsford. Attorney, Mr. Wright, Knutsford. William Hume, Berwick upon- Tweed, corn- merchant, May 19, 20, June 10, at eleven, at the King's Arms Inn, Ber- wick- Upoa- Tweed. Attorney-, Mr. Dickson, Berwick upon- Tweed. DIVIDENDS. Jurte 10.
Edward Davis, Lambeth, brewer, at ten, at Guild- hall.— July 5. Andreyy Paul Pourtaies, and Andrew George Pourtales, Broad- street- baildings, merchants, at on< j, at Gaildhall.—. tune 7. John Williams, LUnlidao, Denbigh- shire, dealer ill cattle, at ten, at Guildhall.— May 21. T. Boyvman, Poplar, seed- crusher, at ten, at Guildhall.— May 10. Josiah Peacock, London, nioffchan', at twelve, at Guild- hall.— May 20. John Moot- house, John- street, Adelphi, wine- merchant, at ten, at Guildhall.— May 24. John Cox, Leigh ton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, corn and flour- merchant, at ten, at Guildhall.— Tuilt 5. Paul Edward Eord, How land Mews West, hackney- man, at tea, at Guildhall.— June 5. George Wills, High street, Wiiitechapel, tailor, at ele- ven, at Gaildhall.— May 13. David Evans, Southampton- IOW, linen- draper, at ten, at Guildhall— June 5. Williaifi Bryon, Sti Mary- at- Hill, brandy- merchant, at ten, at Guild- hall.—. May 22. Thomas Norris, Manchester, cotton- mer- chant, a' three, at the Bridgswater. Arms Inn, Manchester. — May 23. John Crabb, James Crabb, William Crabb, and Nicholas Larkham, Wilton, Wiltshire; clothiers, at one, at the Red Lion Inn, New Sarurn.— May 23. James Fitz, Codford St. Peter, Wiltshire, grocer, at three, at the
Red Lion Inn, New Sarum — May 21. feaae, Hadell Redley, West Bromwich,. Staffordshire, iron- founder, at five, at the Shakespear Tavern, Birmingham.— May 20. John Walters, Dubwath, Cumberland, common carrier, at eleven, at the Scotch Arms, Rickergate, Carlisle.— May 22. Christopher Totige, Liverpool, merchant, at eleven, at the Spread Eagle Inn, Manchester May £ 8. Farrow Chilton, Bishop- wearmontU, coal- fitter, at twelve, at the Bridge Inn, Bishop- wearmoutb.— May 22. James Thweat, Manchester, John Gaily, Bread- street, London, and Thomas Munday, Man- chester, merchants, at eleven, at the Sr. tr I nr.,
Manchester. CERTIFICATES; MAY 23. Geirge Phillips, Brook- street, Ratcliffe, timber- merchant.— Samuel Trueman, Duryveston- street, St. Mary- le- bonne, - wine- merchant.—- James Richhrdby, jun. Durham, joiner. — William Warne, Hackney- roacl, watch- maker. — John Bury, C lifton- tt; ton- Teame, Worcestershire, butcher.—. Joseph Harris, Keynsharn, Somersetshire, tanner — Richard Watson", Liverpool, master- mariner.—. James Mjller, Ham- mersmith, wheehvright.—- Henry Richard Collard, Scot- laud- yard, coal- merchant. • PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED., Wright,. Cocker, Broyvn, Battie, and Ardron, Sheffield,
factors. Da- vies anil JarVetts, Bond- street, battgrs. Hawkes and Kennedy, Lo-. ve- itoffe, Sulfolk. T. and R. V. Sale, Hasllngdon, woollen- manufacturers. Taylor, Hindlc, Rushbotham, and Fogg, Bolton, & c. cotton- manufacturers. Dixon and Gariick, Leeds, Cottoit- manufacturers. Davey and Moxham, Rotherhithe, ship- joiners. SATURDAY'S LONDON GAZETTE. Ltrd Chamberlain's Office, May 1, 1806. Orders for the Court's going into Mourning on Sunday uext, the 4th instant, f'jr the late Prince of Orange, first cousin to His Majesty. The Ladies to wear black silk, fringed or plain linen, white gloves, necklaces, and ear- rings,
black or - white shoes, fans, and tippets. ' Undress— White or grey lnte. tj- ii. ig t, tabbies, or damasks. The Gentlemen to wear black, full trimmed, fringed or plain linen, black swords and buckles. Undres—*- Grey frocks. The Court to ch - nge the Mourning on Sunday the 11th inst. The Ladies to wear black silk or velvet coloured ribbons,. fans, and tippets ; or plain white, or white and gold, or white and silver stuffs, with black ribbms. The Gentleman to wear black coats, and black or plain white, or yvhite and silver stuff waistcoats, full- trimmed, co- loured swords and buckles. And ® n Sunday, the 18th instant, the Court to go out
of mourning. BANKRUPTS. Thomas Bawden, late of Redruth, Cornwall, draper, to sur- render May 10, 17, at ten, and June 14, a: eleven, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Eaton, Birchin- lane. Stephen Newton Chisweil, of Wareham, Norfolk, shopkeeper, May 10, 20, and June 14, at ten, at Guildhall, London. Attorneys, Messrs Gatty and Haddan, Angel- court, Throg- morton- street, London, William Marshall, Old BetUlem, London, brush maker, May 12, at twelve, 21, at ten, an< j June 14, at twelve, at Guild- hall. Attorney, Mr. Towsc, Fishmongers- Hall, Upper Thames- street. * James Hill, Deptford, victualler, May 12, at
twelve, 21, at ten, and June 14, at twelve, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Turner, Edward- street, Carendish- square. Anthony Thomas, Duke- street, Westminster, feather manu- facturer, May 17, £:), a, id June 14, at one, at Guildhall. Attornies, Messrs. Dawson and Wratislaw, Warwick- street, Golden- square. Edward Aitkine Davidson, of Newcastle, grocer, May 28, 29, and J line 14-, at eleven, at ihe Turk's Head Inn, New- castle- upon- Tyiie. Attorney, Mr. Kirkley, Newcastle- upon- Tyne. Richard Sharp?, of Armfey, Yorkshire, drysalter, May 21, 23, and June 14, a. eleven, a-, the Three Legs- Inn, Leeds. Attorney, Mr. C tupland, of
Leeds. William Wimi,; o£ Lancas er, linen- draper, May 12, at five, 13, and June- 14, at eleven, at the King's Arms Inn, Lan- caster, Attorney, Mr, Parker, Lancaster: WiiiiaftSimnions, Tiiatne, Oxfordshire, innhoider, May 16, j . 17, June 14, at eleven, at the Mitre Inn, Oxford. Attor- ney, Mr. JolinHollier, Thame Joseph'Walters, Siurminster Neyvton, Dorset, grazier, May 8, 9, at the Swan Inn, Sturminster Neyvton, June 14, at the Red Lion, Shaftesbury, at eleven. Attorney, Mr. Hannen, Shaftesbury. John Christian H. ube, Broadway, Deptford, potter, May 10, 13, June 14, at one, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Abra- ham Isaacs, Great
George- street, Minories. Abraham De Mendes, Upper Thames- street, London, mer- chant, May 6, 10, and June J4, at ten, at Guildhall. At- torney, Mr. Thomas Wild, Warwick- square, Newgate- street. Thomas Morgan, Holbom, linen- draper, May 24, 28, and June 14, at eleven, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mi*. Patten, Cross- street, Hatton- garden. James Wake, Whitby, Yorkshire, ship- builder, May 6, 20, and June 14, at teii,- at Guildhall, London. Attornies, Messrs. Palmer, Tomlinsons, and Thomson, Coptliall- court, Throgmorton- street. DIVIDENDS; June 3. Thomas Bishop, Birmingham, bookseller, at twelve, at theSwan Tavern,
Birmingham. May 21. Josej^ h Whiting Holmes, Pbrtsea, ironmonger, at one, at the Mitre Tavern, Portsea. JuneSO. Christopher Hodgson and Allatson Hodgson, Sunder- land, linen- drapers, at eleven, at the Queen's Head, Durham. June28. Page Burton, Ratclifte, Middlesex, bailder, at ten, atGuildhall. May 26. Richard Walker, Leicester, dealer, at twelve, at the Blue Bell Inn, Leicester. June 28'. Gerrard William Groote, Dean- street, Soho, chymist, at ten, at Guildhall. July 22. Alexander Ross and John Ogilvie, Argyle- street, army agents, at ten, at Guildhall. May 24: James Clegg, Griffin- street, Shadffell, mariner, at twelve, at
Guildhall. June 3. Andreyy Barry, of Vere- street, Oxford- street, Up- holsterer at twelve, at Guildhall, fcoiwon, July 5. William Kendall, pf Maniftester- street, Manchester- square, builder, at one, at Guildhall, London. June 17. John Starforth, and Gilbert Starforth, Durham, woollen- manufacturers, at eleven, at the Queen's Head, Durham. May 31T William Pugh, of Berwick- street, Soho- square, tailor, at twelve, at Guildhall, London. J line 5 . W. Watmore, New Windsor, innkeeper, at eleven, at Guildhall, London. July 5. J. Johnston, Saint James, Westminster, brewer, at one, at Guildhall. June 14. F. Stracy, Windsor, grocer, at
one, Guildhall, London. May 29*. H. Palmer, Mangotsfield, Gloucestershire, victualler, at eleven, at the Rummer Tavern, Bristol. CERTIFICATES.— MAY 24. John Cummings, Blackfriars Road, merchant. Francis Stracy, Windsor, Berks, grocer. George Brooks, Oxford- street, linen- draper. John Banks, Mill" Pond Bridge, Bermondsey, victualler. Luke Guerrier, Stepney, Middlesex, coyy- keeper. Peter Lindsay, Barking, Essex, farmer. William Creed the younger, of Finch- lane, London, taylor. John Emett, of Stonyhurst, Lancashire, cotton- spinner Thomas Rider, o- f Popham- lane, in the county of - Southamp- ; tonj imiholder.
Saturday night's Gazette announces tbe capture of a French'privateer, a Spanish letter of tnsrque," and a mer- chant brig, by Captain Youngshusband, ofthe Heureux ; and also the copy of a letter from Captain Collier, of his Majesty's sloop Wolverene, stating the capture of a French national armed schooner; and an extract of a letter from Acting Lieutenant Briarley, of his Majesty's armed brig Steady, giving an account of his taking possession of a row boat privateer, and recapturing her three small prizes. Private letters from Petersburgb, by the Gottenburgh Mails of Tuesday state, that the Grand Duke ( the Em- peror's brother)
is to- take the command of the Russian army on the frontiers of Poland, which now consists of about 200,000 men. ALEXANDER wished 10 command in person, but was dissuaded by bis Council. Private letters from Berlin of the 15th, - state, that the troops stationed under Count KALKREUTH, in Prussian P'- merania, are ordered to hold themselves in readiness to march at a moment's notice. The Prussian troops are spreading themselves " over every part of the Electorate of Hanover, on the other " side of the Elbe. Some few days ago a party of them took possession of the celebrated University of Gottin- gen, where, they
immediately put seals on the presses belonging to the different Professorships. The fortress of Gaeta is situate upon a peninsula, and is very strong by art and nature. The ground in its vi- cinity being hard rock immediately below the surface, no trenches can be opened upon it; and, without the dominion of tbe sea, it is impossible to reduce it by fa- mine. It is reported on the Continent, that an attempt was lately made at Naples to assassinate JosEPtf BONA- PARTE. ' Fbis may account for his temporary retirement from that kingdom; perhaps on a visit ' to his Holiness to solicit his blessing, that he may be made' invulnera- ble !
The letters by the Lisbon Mail say nothing of the re- port of a Spanish army being about to march against Portugal. The probability that such a measure will be adopted by BONAPARTE, gives currency to these ru- mours. It is impossible, howe « # f, that the etiterprize can be attempted without its being long foreseen. Hi- therto nothing indicates that tbe project is likely to be immediately adopted. It appears by the Jamaica Papers, that it had been currently reported there, and beltcved, that a French squadron was on the coast cf Spanish America. It was likewise reported, that five ships of the line had been seen off Cape Maize ;
but it is evident that Admiral DUCKAORTH, upon inquiry, had found tbe informa- tion enoneous, as he is understood to have returned to ' the fleet off Cadiz, from which he was detached.
tMHWl L- tier' fic. n i'ansinouth'contain further particulars of I be loss of the Bru « s, The crew had been conttamlf at the pump lor three days and three Highis, before she ri « ttl; down. The Braave had suffered greatly in the action or S. Domingo Bay, in which she was taken by Admiral DUCKWORTH. ! lie Donegal had not heard of a second French squa- droi, being in the West Indies until shcarrived at Ports mouth. The Barbadoes Paper, of the 15th March, received on Friday, says, " To the lite captures made of ilic enemy's privateers we have the pleasure of adding another, m iking five of their best cruizeis, taken within the last
four weeks, and proving the diligence and ac- tivity of. our navy on the s ation. Mis Majesty's brig Wolverine, Captain Collier, brought in, on Thursday last, Le Trimues French schooner, of three gnr. s and 5.3 men, captured on ihe 12th inst. after a chase of 15 hours: she was 13 days from Guadaloupe, but had not nrade any capture. Also the Belcour, of- 14 guns; Ra- coon of three guns; Hero, of eighteen lfs- jMUhdets; and La Dame Ernouf, of 15 guns; and wc- iio not hear of mare than two cr three privateers being to windward. We received on Friday morning Jamaica Papers to tbe 12ih March. Information had been received
there of eight sail, supposed to be of the line, having been seen on Monday the' 3d of March off Cape Maize, the East- end of the island of Cuba, standing due North. But from the return of our squadron from Jamaica, we must conclude the information to have been incorrect, and that no other French squadron has reached the West Indies. But still there is a squadron unaccounted for. Eighteen sail of the line sailed from Brest on the 14th of Decem- ber— ifive under L& SSEGUES have been properly accounted for.— Seven fail of tlte line are e; one to the East Indies wfih JERPME BONAPARTE— Ave sail therefore remain to be
accounted lot. On Wednesday we received American Papers to the March. The intelligence contained in them is of considerable importance. After a . discussion- which lasted several days, the House cf Representatives have agreed, by a mr. j-,- rity of 87 to 35, to the resolution for prohibit- ing the importation into the United States of ccrtain ar- ts iles from G: eat Britain. The following article from Washington contains the resolution : — " WASHINGTON, MARCH 19. " The House of Representatives, tlie immediate organ of the people, have, after mature deliberation, taken ground in vindication of our violated rights, on which we
congratulate the nation. On Monday the question was put on the follow ing proposition, submitted by Mr Nicholson, and carried by a YL.-> t majority :— Resolved, That from andafter the day of next, the following articles, being of the growth, produce, or manu- facture of Great. Britain or Ireland, Or any of the colonies or dependencies of Great Britain, ought to be prohibited by law from being, imported into tile united States, or the territories thereof yz. All articles of which leather is tbe material of chief value. All articles » f which tin or brass is the material of chief va- lue, tin in sheets excepted. Ail articles of which hemp or flax is
the material of chief value. ; All articles of which silk is the material of chief value. Woollen- cloths, whose invoice prices shall exeeed . Woollen hosiery of all kinds. Window glass, and all other manufactures of glass. Silver and plated wares. Paper of every description. Nails and spikes. Hats. Cloathing ready made. Millinery of all kinds. Playing cards. Beer, ale, and Porter; and pictures and prints." O- the 2- lst, Mr. MUMFORD, from the Committee to whom the'above Resolutions were tefetr d, brought in 3 Bill founded thereon, which was referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House on Monday. This Bill was expected to. produce
much and warm discussion. MIRANDA'S expedition occupies, almost exclusively, the p. bite attention. His objcct is generally believed to be to revolutionize South America; a project for which be is eminently qualified. The American Government were not, it is asseried, acquainted with Miranda's in- entions. In the American House of Representatives, Mr. RAN . OLPH, one of the leading Members of that Body, de- clared, that he was infermed by one ofcihe Secretaries of Stat?, that BONAPARTE would not interfere in the dispute between America and Spain, unless he had previously a lutge swn of rnovey presented to- him ! In
the American Houseof Representatives, on the sub- ject of the Non- importation Resolutions, Mr. RAN- DOLPH made a long speech against the motion, in which he said— " We have no wish to see another ACTIUM or PHARSA LIA, OT' the Lieutenants of a modern ALEXANDER playing at picquet, or all fours, for the Empire of the world : it is poor comfort to us to be told that France has tou decided a taste for luxurious things to meddle with us ; that Egypt is her object, or the coast of Barbary ; and at the worst that we shall be last devoured. We are enamoured with neither na- tioh ; we W6uld play their own game upon them ;
use them tor our interest and convenience. But with all my abhor- rence for the British Government, I should not hesitate, be- tween Westminster Hall and a Middlesex Jury on the one ' baiid, and the wood of Vincennes and a file of grenadiers on tbe othir. That Jury Trial which walked with HORNE TOOKE and HARD* through tbe flame of ministerial perse coition, is, I confess,' more to my taste, than the trial of tbe Juke D'Bnghein." With rtspect to tbe existing differences between the United States and Spain, there appears every prospect hat ' bey wi'l terminate in open hostilities. The follow- up Message wac, on thefi'Jth uh. sent
to thd Senate and « '• use of Representatives by the PRESIDENT :— " Itwts reasonably expected, that while the limits between *.- e- United State; and Spain were unsettled, neither party uld havp innovated on the existing state of their respective positions. Some time since; however, we learnt that the Spa- niel Authorities were advancing into the disputed country, to . occupy new posts, and to make new settlements. Unwilling o , ak : any measure which might preclude a peaceable ac- comtftodation of differences, this Gir. eers of tbe United Stares %£ vre ordered to confine th? mstd* e § within the cor• rrv on tbe • side of the
Sabine River; wliich, by delivery of its principal pbst, Natchitoches, was UIK' trsUied to have be. it itself deli- vered up by Spain ;. and, at the same time, to pernir no ad. verse post to be taken, nor armed men to reroain within it. In consequence of those' orders, the Commanding Officer tit Natchitoches, learning that a party of Spanish troops had passed the Satire River, ar. d were- posting themselves on this side the A dais, sent a detachment of his force to require them to withdraw to the other side of the Sabine, which they ac- cordingly did, - " 1 have thought it prboer to communicate to Congress . the latest letters detailing this
incident, that they niav finally un- derstand the state of things in that quarter, to be enabled to make such provision f'f. r its security, as, in their wisdom, they shall deem sufficient. « THOMAS JEFFERSON." GERMAN PROI'HCCY. — An Hungarian Soothsayer has obtained some celebrity on the Continent by certain prophetic effusions, in which he has followed up BONA- PARTE a; closely as ever Partridge the Almanack- maker did the Whore of Babylon, till at length he has actually dated the final termination of bis earthly carcer, and that of" bis dynastv, which he has fixed for Christmas, 1808. His death to take placb in the
Church cf the Holy Se- pulchre at Jerusalem I— This Prophet boasts of having foretold the French Revolution,, as well . is many subse- quent ev nis attending it, aad among others that of the assumption oPtlK* Imperial dignity by Napoleon, whom he calis Apoliyon. Those who excuse the conduct of Prussia, upon the ground of compulsion, should rccollect ( for all history proves it), that there arc some things which certain " minds cannot be compelled to do. When France, in 17ol, threatened the King of PORTUGAL, unless he broke his engagements with the English, he answered, that he would sooner see the last stone of his
palace thrown down; and Portugal was at that time saved, against all probability. In the House of Commons on Thursday night, cn the subject of the Slave Importation Bill, Mr. Fox declared " that there was no. transaction which he himself, an.-! the rest of his Majesty's present Ministers, would consi- der as contributing mare to their glory than" the total abolition of the Slave Trade, could it be effected during their administration." , LLOYD'S COFFEE- HOUSF,, APRIL 29. The ship Irlam, Capt. KEYSKR, is arrived at Liverpool from Barbadoes, which place she left on tbe 2- 3d March. By her we learn, that accounts had been
received there that a French squadron, consisting of six ships of the line, two fri- gates, and two brigs, were at anchor at Cape Maize, Island of Cuba, on the 24th February, supposed to be that which Ad- miral DUCKWORTH went in pursuit of." APMIRALTY OFFICE, APRIL 39, HALF PAST OKE, P. M. " The Donnegal man of war arrived at Spitheacl this morn- ing, and the following message lias been received by the Tele- graph :— Capt. MAI- COI. M passed Cape Maize with Admiral DUCKWORTH on the 20th of March. The report of a French squadron being there cannot be true ; the Donnegal left Ad- miral Louis, with the
Spencer,- Jupiter, and Alexander, on the 8th Of April, in. lat. 37. long. 67. in a very hard gale. Oil the 12th the ioraave sunk ; crew all saved." CITY. On Tuesday the Lord Mayor ordered the price of Bread i to be continued the same as last week, viz. the quartern | loaf wheaten 13jd. and household 11 Jd, On Thursday the Lord Mayor and the Royal Artillery ! Company attended at St. Paul's, m. the Anniversary Be- nefit Sermon of the Sons of I*,. K Clergy. The anthems, sung by the Choir, had, as usual, a so- lemn and grand effect; and a trio'st numerous congrega- tion witnessed the solemnity. IJIis Royal Highness the Duke of
CUMBERLAND, and many distinguished per- I soilages, weie present. EAST INDIA. On Friday a Court of Directors was held at the East- India House, when the ships Earl Spencer and Sit Stephen Lush-' ing'on were stationed for Bombay direct. Captain GEOI-. CE 1 GREY was sworn into the command of- the thip Sir Stephen Lushington.— The Court adjourned at six O'clock . till Tues- day next. ROYAL ACADEMY. The Anniversary Dinner of this Institution took place on Saturday, accoiding to annual custom. It was attended by several of the Nobility, and principal amateurs of the art; but the meeting was not altogether so
splendid as was expected. The British Institution has in a great de- gree divided the attention ef the public. It threatens the Exhibition of Somerset House with a kind of ri- valry aarl successful competition ; and professing to ex- hibit only the higher works cf the art, it leaves to the Royal Academy I'S copious and customary display of Portraits. We are afra. d, much afraid, that the spirit of dissenting has crept into this Society, and, in destroy: ig its harmony and union, has impeded its advances in the Art. The following is a list of the principal exhibitors of this year, with the nun-, her of their pictures: ' Bigg, 4.— Bone, 8.'— Bourgeois,
2.— Cosway, t.— Dowmnan, 7.— Fuseli, 2.— Gaudy, 2 — Garrard, 2.— Hone, 1.— Hoppner, 7— Laurence, G.— Loutherbourg, 3.— Norihcote, 3 — Oiiic, $.— Reinagle, 2.— Rigaud, 1.— Richards, S — San by, 4 — Shfe, t. h— Stoihard, 1.— Thomson, 4.— Turner, 2.— Wesif. ll, 8. Neither West, Copley, Beechey or Smitke, exhibit this year. In our next we shall enter into a criticism upon the sc- veral pictures. Mr, WEST's GRAND HISTORICAL PICTURE OF THE MJTii or l. OJU) NELSON. ——' m , This celebrated Avtist, who- has so long maintained the first rank in his profession,- and whose historical paurt- ings have not
only contributed to firm the modern English School, but to establish an sera in the art through the principal academies of Europe, has at length com- pleted the picture, for which, in justice to his well earned reputation and the eminence which he holds in the art, he stood pledged to the public, and his. profession.— Tiia pencil which immortalized Wolfe, and British valour, on the Heights of Abralutm, could not be expected to fio otherwise than commemorate the death of a NELSON, and the most splendid victory which has ever been ro- coided in ibe annals of the British Navy. It is a just pride to the nation that we have men
anibnest lis, to whom may safely be confided all the im- mortality which the arts can bestow upon the splendid | actions of onr h « roes and defenders.— A certain French ; General is said to have lamented, that he lived in an age i so barren of literature, that he could not expect even a 1 decent. epitaph on his tomb- stone as a compensation for i a;! l the laurels'he had earned. In the present times there I needs no such subject of regret. Poetry perhaps may '• fail, but the pencil can still perform its task. Tlii- present picture reprcset. ts the Death cf Lord : NELSON in the memorable victory obtained over' the • Fleets of France and
Spain, cff OipeTrafalgar. As this j picture will not appear in any Exhibition,' a description cf it may not be unacceptable to the lovers of the art, [ and the public in general. The subject of the Picture being heroic, the Artist litis cotisidertd it under the head cf the Epic. He has ilius kept the attention constantly fixed upon the Hero, . and made every thing subsidiary to him. The dying NELSON is exhibited iying upon the quarte.' deck cf the ship, surrounded by his Officers. By this groupe he first acts upon and excites the feelings of the spectators. Here is his Hero, and, in the language of Poetry, his story. The ; wounded and the dead
form the Episodes of ihe Piece, and the whole raises a noble climax up to the dying Ad- miral. The point of time is the Death of the Hero, and the Victory united Lord NELSON lies, with his head falling back, on the breast, and in the arms of his Chaplain. His face and > eyes are elevated to heaven. His countenance expresses : a most resigned and noble pietv, a dignity, and a con- sciousness of having done his duty to his Ring and Country. In tbe countenance of NELSON the Fainter has shewti his powers of exhibiting the most difficult and composite passions with the most natural and tem- pered correctness. In NELSON there
is nothing of af- fectation ; every thing is as simple as was the character of the man ; there is a kind of serene and saint- like he- roism, the comfort and composure of a dying martyr.—• This head can, never be too much admired ; it would be inestimable if considered only as a portrait of the man; for we do not hesitate to pronounce ii the best we ever saw. The position of Lord NELSON on the quarterdeck, occu- pies the middle of the picture; he extends his left hand to Captain HARDY, who affectionately presses it lo Ins bosom, whilst he announces, from a paper, thevictory over the enemy, and the number of ships taken. The
Sur- geon ar. d his Mtrtes are rendering their assistance, whilst an intrepid Sailor spreads the Spanish flag at the feet of the dying Admiral, and an Officer enters at the same time with the French flag under his arm, but starts back, with marked emotion, upon beholding the situation of his Commander. The Picture, generally, may he said to consist cf two distinct groups. Tbe figures on the left form a group of Officers attendant on his Lordship; their countenances ex- press a grave and decent sorrow, and are admirably con- tested with the groupe on the right, which consists of Sailors flushed with the sounds of victory, but chccked
by one of the Surgeons, who beholds the approach of death in the countenance of NELSON. Between these figures, ali of which are powerfully pour- trayed and contrasted, are groups of Sailors carrying the. wounded to the cockpit, and others rendering their best tokens of regard to the dead. . One cf these smaller groups we can never too much commend; wb mean that, of the affectionate demeanour of a faithful Servant over the dead body of his Master, Captain ADAIP.. At the poop of the ship are stationed the Marines and their wounded Officers; the Signal Lieutenant, with his Midshipman, and the Master of the ship, with
his Navi- gating Seamen. Under ths- poo-> are men stationed at a gun, clcseto which a Lieutenant is killed. In the retiring parts of the picture, and the perspec- tive, arc seen all the rage and fury of a sea fight,— ships on fire, others sinking, or blowing ti, » ; of some the masts are falling; oth.' rs are nearly buried in their own ruins. Here every thing is terrible and aweful; here is subli- mity in the fulness of its horrors.— The groups in this ' picture are composed of nearly 80 figures, and more than 50 of them are portraits of men and officers actually en- gaged in the battle. Such is this picture ;— of which, independent of its
excellence as a work of. art, we may truly srfy, that the- circnmstanccs which produced its perfection can never occur again. It is impossible again to collect, in the painting room of the Artist, those various groups of men w( jose portraits arc upon the canvass, and whose indivi- dual likenesses were nccessary for the fidelity of a compo- sition which aspires to be considered as a work of his- torical rec-- rd— a work cf truth, and not cf fancy. We shall not enter into a minute criticism; it will be sufficient to say that Mr. WEST, in this Pictuie, has excelled every thing he has hitherto done.
LAIF. COURT OF KING'S BENCH, MONDAY, APRIL 28. EXTRAORDINARY ARREST. POWELL v. BOUSD. Mr. GAR Row said lie had a motion to make on behalf of the Defendant, to have some relief from a great deal of oppression. It was'the wish of his Client he should m . ve •' That the Defendant be discharged on filing common- bail;" and if the Court could entertain such a mo ion it) any case upon the circumstances of it, they w„ uld entertain it in this; because there never. could be a better claim fur it; but he sheuid not press that part of the motion, because he was awate it was inconsistent with the rules of the Court 10
grunt it; he hoped, how- ever, the Court would be able to afford some relief i • the present Dclendant. The Circumstances of the case were these:— The Plaintiff in this action came to the Defend- ant's hotel 111 Aibetnarle- street, where he represented himself to be extremely intimate with Mr Hope, of Am- sterdam, a- id other persons of great eminence and wealth ; upon the strength of which he contracted, while in the Defendant's house, a debt or about 600*. for which he was arrested by Ins creditor, and Mr. Dorand became bail for hitn, from . which bail ha fled, ar. o on this account he was taken into custody and surrendered
in discharge of lits bail; this led to a scene oi'oppression, for the i'lain- tift" in this action declared he would ruin Mr. Deiand.— While at tbe hotel, a person whom ! k> passed as h< s wile to all the world, but who turned out not to be ' so, v, as concerricrl with him in a'n action ' n the Common Fleas. CHIEF JUSTICE.—" What 13. the arrest you now com- plain of?" Mr. GARROW,—" On this, Sir. Dorand was arrested for 1000/. in. the action cf Trover, btou^ lu in tiie Court of Common Pleas, on which he declared, the Defendant pleaded, $ nd issue was joined. When he'folmu the de- fendant ready for trial, he declined that- action, and
ar- rested the defendant in another action of trover for the Sam? articles in the Court of King's Bench, by which he Was held to hail for the sum of 20,000*.— The Court would clearly see. what sort of a case this was,— It wa's a sum for which few men ccuid procure bail 10 justify, al- though the defendant in ( his action had given bail to the Sheriff. And therefore the Court would do all that bad been done in former cases, which was that of allowing a greater number, than ordinary of bail to make up the sum required oftbeia to justify.". CHIEF JUSTICE.—" That we can do, but I am afraid we cannot do more." Mr. justice
LAWRENCE—" What are the articles Which are said to be convened? Can you bring them into Court?" Mr. GARROW.—" We have not one of them, my Lord, they are stated to be divers deeds and writings; they never were in the possessing of the Defe. idmt, upon which m- y client thought the Court would discharge him on common bail, but I have explained to hint that that could not beii'oiVe, he- cause this Court will not try a cause on affidavits.— The affidavit to hold to bail for this Ms sn of 20,000/. is fur the defendant having converted to his own use, divers- jleeds, papers, letter conveyances, powets of attorney in blank,
substitutes, tic. anil see L: rd k; io\ vs what besides, none . of winch do we possess. My L- Jid « , 1 do noi know a KI re trying grievance than this is, by which any Gentleman ma y be he'd to bad fur any sWir- u it1, and must . go to prison if IK- does not give . tbsi bai', ai though the person holding him to it, may not have a r. al demand agsii- st ljnn of a single penny." Mr. Justice LE BLANC.—" How many you propose to ri v - Jo it to?" Mr. GARROW.—" As many as the indulgence c Court would, extend to us." Mr. - Jast'ce LIS BLANC.—" flow many would yo able to procure?" Mr. GARROW.—" 1 should think six would not be too
many." Mr. Justice GROSE.—" We must iccollcct the sum is 20,000/." CHIEF JUSTICE.—" Take a Rule< to shew cause " Mr. GARROW.—" And to stay proceeding's ' in' tbe men time, otherwise they wilUake an assignment of the bail- bond, for which we have given bail ; o the Sheriff." CHIEF JUSTICE.—" Really it seems worth consider- ing, whether seme statutable provisions might not be made for holding parties to bail for property, upen a ca- pricious estimate of value, as occurs 111 some cf these cases." Mr. GARROW.—" Such a measure is much wanted, my Lo:< 1 ; " fot 1 remember, some years art-, a person ar- rested
Mr. ADDIKGTOX.- a Magistrate ef Bow st'Cirf, for takir g possession or a uuxhitte of the value of 500/. and it turned out £ hat it was nothing but an E. O, table, which the Magistrate had ordered to be seized at a gaming- house;" Mr. Justice GKOSE added,—'' A person arrested one of the Messrs. Theliuson fat a vast amount iu 11 over, I Lai!" would he be The practice formerly Was never 10 remember. Mr. EAST.- takc bail in trover without ihe order of a Judge." CHIEF JUSTICE.—<{ There may be some propriety, perhaps, in restoring'that practice." Mr. GAR Row.—" May 1 ask tbe Court to extend the Rule to eight bail, on
account of tile difficulty cf pro- curing them tor so large a sum?"— Gran led. LOS BON FASHIONS FOR MAY. I. 0N6 DRESS.— A dress of fine muslin ; the train long, and very richly embroidered.; the sleeves very short, worked 10 correspond with the bottom of the dress'; the frolit and back quite plain : the latter very narrow and- very low. A belt the sarhe as the dress, fastened to the back, and tied in front. A scarf shawl, of Trafalgar net over coloured silk. A turban hat of straw. York tail gloves. , SHORT DRESS.—- V dress of white muslin, made with a dra- pery, which comes from the left side bf the waist, and teimi nates at the
bottom of the dress on the right side; the drapery4 and the bottom of the dress ornamented with lace, or rich work ; the front made to fit the bosom quite tight, and trimmed to correspond with the dress. A spencer of coloured silk made quite plain. A cottage bonnet trimmed with Ma, y blossom. RIDING HABIT.— The front made quite straight over the bosom, with false fronts, which terminate in a point, and hang down loose, the points ornamented with tassel; a eh ess are made to button up quite close, but they have also the false fronts ; the backs are very narrow, and the sleeves so large as to be set in quite full. The most
fashionable colours are the fawn, dark green, olive, and brown.— The turban and flat hats are much worn; as are also those ofthe complete man's shape, GENERAL OBSE& VATIONS.— The prevailing colours are the apple blossom, lilac, yellow, and blue. The cottage bonnets with short dresses, are the most fashionable for walking. Lace, or work, is introduced into every tiling. Lace is of course preferred. Mantle shawls over coloured silk are already much worn. Mob caps lined with coloured silk, and ornamented with flowers, are still much used for undress. Flowers are als © beginning to be prevalent in hats. The modern
changes of fashion, in the furniture cf the mansions of the great, introduce whimsical associa- tions of the Greek and Egyptian, and Gothic aritl Chi- nese designs. Ladies now fix oil. couches entered with imitatisn* of the skins of panthers and leopards, sup- ported by eagles, lions, and tygcrs, and fringed with the fur cf. bears. ' Girandoles are composed of mummies, and crocodiles, and dragons; the'. tandle- stands areomatnenied with enraged'toid open- mouthed serpents. The Couch of the fair has almost forgotten tbe Hymens and the Cupids, the knots, the flames, the bows and arrows, and assumes the spear and. lance, the
fasces, and the helmets attd'fea- thers. of the warrior. Wild beasts and venomous reptiles have become a chief component part of the ornaments of our saloons and apartments of fashion. AGRICULTURAL REPORT FOR APRIL. The weather in the preceding month has been, upon the whole, favourable to vegetation ; the Wheat, Winter Tars,, and- eaHy- sowil Spring Corn, look Rmutishintj and well; and the snow did not impede the operations of husbandry. The farmer? in most of the forward districts have nearly finished son ing their bar! ey and grass seeds. Turnips have remained to tile end of the season sound and good ;
the Swedish kind remarkably so, affording an immense quantity of succulent and nutritious food';- and too nut.' b at- tention cannot be paid to this excellent and valuable root, as a iatecrdf> for ewes and lambs and feeding sheet,, on which they will thrive till tares, clover, and grass seeds are ready to re- ceive them. In the Isle « of Ely the fens were laid underwater by the Snow which fell in March, atrd prevented ' the farmers from sowing their Oats so eafy aS is cestbiuary with them. The Coleseed for sheep is nearly done ;; Eftat- whiih stands for seed looks pretty -. veil. On the high land; - ihe Wheat looks promising, and Beans
and Barley have been sown ; and ill the low parts ihe season lias been uufavourble for lambing : a go : d . many ewes, as well as lambs have bean lost. Wheat averages throughout England aud Wales 74s. 4d. per quarter; Barley 33s. lOd. ; Rye 40s. Id. Tha Grasses, both natural and artificial, have lately im- proved imteh ; and the Meadows and Pa#. tires in tbe inland counties, which are in tolerable condition, and particularly those'for many miles around the metropolis, appear beautiful and thriving, green and luxuriant. The late dry weather has afforded opportunity of top- dressing with soot and ashes the Ciovfer and Wheats,
and rolling all the young growing crops. There has been at the { ate Fairs no scarcity of lean stock, whteh still maintain great . pi ices ; as also do store sheep, vwes, and iambs. Cows and Calves are much in demand, and at hitth prices. Pigs of alt sorts are both scarce and dear. In Sinithfield Mar- ket Sieef fetches from 3s. 101. to 5s. 3d.. per stone of 81b.; Mn: toil from 3s, to bs. 8d.; Pork os. Sd. Young fresh Horses, for the collar or the saddle, still con- tinue to sell well. ACCW^ NTSi OFFENCES, Friday morning a yonng woman, very genteelly dressed, threw herself into the Paddington Cau. at; She was perceived to'take off
part of her cloathes by a ebttager, who was g. niog to work at one of the locks5 soon ufctr whicii she pkpig. d into the water. The iabour- r nasietu- d to beV astastanee,. and extricated lier- from her pardon si <;, ft. Ska was t • ken to a neighbouring house, and put to b >'. -'- V: ]-,... reCoveied, she said she was unt'ori uuaiely sitrta- ejs in hr'e, ar-. d had re- turned from Bath on Wednesday, to whieh place she went to meet a friend, from whom she expeeted assistance, but, her hopes had been disappointed. A circumstance took plt. ee on Ff iv evening, at the house of a geiltienra. il of fortune in ihe i. ai'a. ibonrhood of Chelsea,
which for a while caused considerable utie.. ones? iu the family. An elderly woman of shabby appear ttlee Irjio. ked at the door of the house in question, aud requested to have atv interview with the Lady of the haus.: on an affair of considerable im- portance. She was refused admittance by the servant, when she insisted 011 her right of access to the house, being nearly related fo the family by tb image The Otsntlemau was not at home, and the intruder was shewn into a back room, where she had an interview with one of the daughters. — She represented herself as being the wife of her father, to whom she. had been united in
wedlock, as long since as 1772. This assertion caused great imea- itiTte ia the fajglljt, as the intruder mentioned the place where the gentleman of the house resided, e nd with h. , - a tears ihe insisted on protection under the rdwf. She was suffered to remain in the house until the return of the alledged husband, whom she seized with apparent anguish and fondness. He, however, knew nothing of her, and hor subsequent conduct was such as requited her detention Her ntuiie, it appears, is King. LLOYD'S LIST. ' Yfce Brothers, of and from Guernsey, bound to North Faro, Is detained by the Diligence Revenue cutter, anlsent into
Milford. The Danish ship Wilhelmina, from Rotterdam to St. Tho mas's, detained by the Musqueto sloop bf war ; the Colum- bus, Johnson, fiom Bremen to Charleston, detained by the Exertion gun brig; and theTruxton, May, from Baltimore to Hamburgh, detained by the Nile lugger, are sent into Dover. The American ship Radius, Farley, from New- York to Amsterdam, is detained by the Furious gun- brig ; the Portu- guese schooner Bom Fortune, D'aclere, from Oporto to Amsterdam, is detained by the Blazer gun- brig; and a dog- ger, laden with sugar, coffee, tobacco, ram, & c. boand to Hamburgh, is detained by the Monkey
gun- brig, and are sent into the Downs. The Spence, Wood, from Hamburgh, which was onshore? on the Herd Sand, near Newcastle, is got off. Fourteen foreign ships, laden wilh merchandize, were sent into Yarmouth the 21st inst. by Admiral Russell's fleet. The George, Lightb urn, from Barbadoes to London, is ios£ off Barbuda. The Pelham, of Hull, from London, is lost at St. Michael's. The Nelson cutter has been found at sea without any per- son on board ( supposed to have been captured,) by the Me-' teor bomb, and is arrived at Portsmouth. The Maty, Frith, from Savannah to Barbadoes, is lost ia the river of Savannah—
cargo expected t © be saved. The brig Hope, — , iioui Weymouth to London, was taken on Tuesday last off Dungenness, by a lugger privateer, and abandoned; since towed into Dover by the Ann, of Shields. The Brandy Wine, MiHe'r, from New York to Jamaica,- is on shorG on Ileneaga. The Boreas, Mann, sailed from Quebee for Great Britain ; Vae latter, end of. October, or beginning of November, and has not since been heard of. Tke Edward, Babcock, from Dublin to New York, is totally lost on Long Island ; the principal part of the cargo expected to be saved, but with very considerable damage. DIED. Lately, in. Norfolk street, Birmingham, Mrs. Maria Teresa Twist, in the 104th year of her age. She retained her facul- ties to the last; and what is remarkable, at the age of 50 she took to wearing spectacles, and wore them near thirty- years, when she left them off, and at the age of 102 she could re d a news- paper, or print as small, without glasses. On the 16th of October last, at Arcot, in the East Indies, Cornet Charles Warden, of. his Majesty's 19th Dragoons, son of the late Francis Warden.,. Esq. of the Honourable . Esist- India Company's Civil Service at Bombay. He had been out with- some of his brother Officers on a shooting party, and
bathing being proposed on their return, he, in the flow of spirits with which he was in general very happily, but in this instance most fatally, gifted, leaped into a tank with the others. He immediately disappeared, and, being upwards of an hour under water before the body- was digged up, ail en- deavours to restore this unfortunate and promising youth to his country, arid his friends, proved ineifectual. The present is' a splendid and most interesting Number, Published this Day, price 2s. Od. TO BE CONTINUED MONTHLY, Being the'THIRD NUMBER of LA BELLE ASSEMBLEE; OR, BELL'S COURT AND FASHIONABLE
MAGAZINE. The EMBELLISHMENTS in this THIRD NUMBER are more Wautir'ul even than those in the two first, being FIRS'!'— a most beautiful portrait print of Her Royal ^ High- ness the PRINCESS SOPHIA OF GLOUCESTER, Engraved by h: cRIVEN, iu his besi mariner, with permission of the DUKE OF GLOUCESTER, from the original picture. by Sift: W. BEECHEV,* in the possession"' of. His Royal Highness.'—- SECOND-— SEVEN WHOLE LENGTH PORTRAITS charmingly Engraved, represeiUing THE SPRING FASHIONS, Wi'. h APPRO?!? iATE HEAD DRESSES, as taken from real and original Or£ s? es,
eloigned and made by the most distinguished fasnionab! e dress- makers. in London. THIRD— NEW AND FASHIONABLE PATTERNS FOR NEEDLE- WORK. FOURTH— AN ORIGIN AL SONG'SET TO MUSIC expressly aftd exclusively for ibis work by Mr. HOOK, whose compositions have-- sg,^ signally contributed to preserve the original simplicity and sweetness of ti\ 3 English Song. TME LITERARY DEPARTMENT Contains such a variety of. originals, and judicious miscel- lanies", as will en tills this pubJ- ication to rank with the most esteemed woVks in th i libraries of ladies x>£ classical taste'and selection-, It is'the purj)
Ose> af Mr BELL, that the first cla<- s of Portraits to be given in this work, s'f. al! consist of ALL THE FEMALE BRANCHES OF THE ROYAL FAMILY OF THIS COUNTRY; the order of giving them must depend on the opportunities of obtaining the best portraits of the o'HgtnaH', otherwise the arrangements would be more properly in'the Order of their respective ranks. CORRESPONDENCE. Such original literary communications as shall be offered - for insertion, suitable to the dignity of this work, will be most respectfully received and admitted, into it with every due attention. The mode of giving the fashionable prints uncoldured
is most generally approve.-!; t he colours being described, afford ladies an opportunity of c. louring the dre-. ses according to rhdr own fancier, and., encourage a taste for the fine arts; bur to gratify every class of purchasers, some impressions of the work are colouredto the effect of the original drawings, and may be had at 4s. each Numb' r. Fkeiimo first Numbers of this Work are now before ihe public, and their reception ' fius been flattering beyond example; nc- w Editions of each Number have been re quired, ana l- hey are now reach/ to deliver with the impressions of the beautiful Embellish* mcnts restored to their'original
perfection. London, printed for J'. BF. LL, at the WEEKLY MESSENGER Cfhce, Sot; tr, ampton- street,' Strand.
144 isii L oS wkj& KL. r Ivit^ sELNGEK: wir M At POSTSCRIPT. LONDON: MONDAY, MAY 5. We » re luppy to announce the capture of the Marengo, cf 80 guns and 740 men, Admiral LINOIS, and the Belle Poule, of 40 guns ahd 620 men, which have so long annoyed our trade in the Eastern Seas. They were taken on ( he 13th of March list, by his MAJESTY'S ships London, of 93, Captain Sir H. B. NSALE, and Amazon, of 33 gun?. Captain PARKER, part of the squadron under Sir J. B. WARREN, K. B. after a running fight of some hours. The dispatches from Sir J. B. WARREN, containing this important intelligence, were
brought to Plymouth by the John Bull- cutter, and arrived by express at the Ad- miralty yesterday. We ate happy to find that our loss, compared with thit of the enemy, is inconsiderable. The following is a state of tho killed and wounded : — LONDON,— KILLED— Officer;, none; 1 Petty Officer, 6 ea- rr. cn, and 3 marines. WOUNDED— Lieut. Taddy, 1 Petty Officer, 11 seamen, and 7 marines. AWATAY.— KILLER— Lieuts. Seymour and Prior, Petty Of- ficers none, 1 seaman, 1 marine. WOUNDED—- Officers none, Petty Officers none, 6 seamen, marines none. MAPCKGO and BELLE Po'JSo— 55 killed, and 80 wounded.
Admiral LINOIS is amongst the wounded. A letter to the LORD MAYOR, containing t! « e above intelligence, was sent from the Admiralty; but as it con-* j tained ncihing additional, it is unnecessary to copy it. From the success which LINOIS has had in the Eastern Scss, it is thought the Marengo and Belle Poule must be valuable prizes. Perhaps, however, LINOIS may have taken the precaution of sending home his booty in Ame- rican bottoms, which he has done in several instances. It appears that the Marengo and Belle Poule must have been en their way home, and this affords additional proof that JEROME BONAPARTE'S
squadron is gone to the East Indies, if not that likewise which has not yei been accountcd for. It appears from the present state 6f the Continent, that the wat is likely ta be renewed between Austria and France. The object in agitation is the Surrender of cer- tain post?, which have been made to Russia by the Austrian Government, and which France is desirous of possessing. The Eccea di Calaro is the main object of dispute. Fiance desires Austria to resume it fiom Russia, and makes it a point of honour to receive it fiom no other hand than that of the Court'of Vienna.— Au- sttia is thus reduced to an unpleasant dilemma; she
must cither force the Russians from this post, which can only be done by arms, or she must break with France. This subject may be somewhat obscure to our Readers, and js not much elucidated by the mass of Fiench intelli- gence which we lay before them this week ; we there- fore, beg teve to refer to an article upon this point, which appeared in the Messenger some time back. It will fully. explain the difficult question now at issue, and every thing which is there said, is fully confirmed by sub- sequent occurrences. Speaking of the demand made by BONAPARTE, we proaerded as follows: — Now that NAPOLEON has
possessed himself of Venice and the terra firma, he is brought in immediate contact with Turkey.— BONAPARTE has demanded the possession of certain posts in Dalmatia, which have been considered by Austria as her ancient securities .-. gainst the Porte, and which, though af a distant period, they uuq uestionably belonged to the Governs ment of Venice, have been long since surrendered up, either By treaty, purchase, or connivance, to Austria, and respected as her property. The reasons upon whifh these posts are demanded, which are important in many poiuts, but particularly as checks upon the Porte, and as
furnishing depots of troops, either for the protection or the attack ofthe Grecian Islands, will be found, upon examination and candid construction, to h:. ve consider- able plausibility. 1st. BONAPARTE claims them upon the conditions of the Tince nfPresburgh, by which Austria surrendered up Venice, r. nd the whole territory of that country, without any reserva- tion whatever. £ d. lie contends that thdse Posts, though they hid been psssessed by Austria, under the sufferance of the Venetian Government, were never formally surrendered by that Govern- ment, or vested, in ally legal manner, in the House of Aus- tria ; that if they
operated as checks upon the Porte, it was Still by sufferance only lhat Austria was permitted to possess tbera, and the reason of the possession was now entirely done ,. w. iy<, since it could not be pretended that the Austrian Go- • ernment, in the present condition of things, entertained any apprehensions of the Porte.— Very Temote indeed were the objects of Austria in her designs of maintaining these posts. It was not to keep a check upon the Porte; it was for the purposes of Russia ; it was to assist the designs of that rapaci- ous Power upon the Ottoman Empire ; it was with a view of transferring a station, to which she had
no right, to a Power whose intentions were exactly contrary to the spirit of the ori- ginal reasons upon which Austria was suffered to have them ; in a word, these posts were no longer to operate as checks upon the Porte, but as garrisons and fortresses from which that Power might be attacked by her implacable enemy. That such was the design of Russia was evident enough by the occupation she had just made of the Bocca di Cataro. in a country in which she had no pretext for arming or muintain- ing a station.— Of what advantage could that post be to Russia ?— Surely she could not want it for defence.— Did she hold it for
the protection of Austria against the Porte?— Absurd reason *— If the Forte were at all an object of alarm to her neighbours, Austria was fully equal to protect herself.— It was self evident that Russia could alone desire this post from motives of hostility to- the Porte, the ancient Ally of France, » ndt whotn she was recently bound by Treaty to protect. Such are the arguments employed by the Negotiators of BONAPARTE to induce Austria to surrender up her posts in Dalmatia, and to compol Russia to restore the Bocca di Ca- taro, in the seizure of which she only anticipated the French. If these posts are surrendered up, it is p'ain
enough that the cession will be made to France ; and it would be difficult to sey in whose hands they would be more dangerous to Turkey, whether in those of her ancient Enemy, or in those of her new Friend. Russia has ever considered the Porte as the main fund and source of her aggrandisement. From the plunder of this Power she has been dieted from her infancy to her present maturity of strength. In the imminent decomposition of this Power she looks forward to the appropriation of every falling stick and timber, and nothing would be considered so serious an inj ury as fur any other to step in between her and her prey.
BONAPARTE is resolved, to do this. Hence his desire of resuming the ancient checks of Austria against the Porte, and driving Russia from every contiguous station. The friendship for Turkey is, of course, dissembled. The object of the French Conqueror is to revenge himself on Russia, and not to let slip so fair a source of appropvation and aggran- dizement as the falling empire of Turkey. Saturday we received Hamburgh Mails and Leyden Gazettes to the 2& th. — War has actually commenced ie- t> eeeii Prussia and Smenen.-— The principal contents will be found under the foreign head. Saturday morning, at four o'clock,
died, at his houS3 in Sloane- sirect, Knighfsbridge, Sir RICHARD FORD, Chief Magistrate of Bow- street, a Gentleman of con sideiablc talents, and unsullied iittegiitv; lie executed ihe duties of his difficult and important cfiice with vigour, impartiality, and ability, and his loss will be severely fell. Communications from different Partt of the Country, received by This Day's Post. SP& RT1NO VARIETIES. Goodwood Races began on Wednesday, at which great sport, and a very elegant assemblage of company, were ex- pected. Sir Frank Stand ish's brother to Stamford who won a Stakes of llOOgs. in the Newmarket Craven Meeting,
and a Stakes of 550gs. in the First Spring Meeting, has been since sold to Lord Foley, with his engagements for 200Ggs— He is named for the Derby Stakes at Epsom, and is the second favourite; he is also named for a Stakes of lOOgs. each, h. ft. ( nine sub- scribers) in the Newmarket First October Meeting ; and for the Produce Stakes of lOOgs. each, h. ft ( 16 Subscribers) in the York August Meeting, 1807. At Harboroiigh fair on Tuesday, there was a large shew of beasts, which went off at high prices. The few horses that were there sold remarkably high. At Morpeth, on Wednesday, there were a good many cattle, which
met with a teady sale : a full market of sheep, which stood long, hut prices were much the, same. Beef from Cs. fid. to 7s. 6d. Mutton 8s. 9d. per stone, sinking offals. Friday week the shew of cattle at Tynemouth and North Shields fair was rather small; fat fetched good prices. The shew of swine was large, as usual ; but there not being many buyers, the sale was dull in ihe morning, but brisker after- wards. Two or three good hackneys were soon taken off the stand, but other good horses were not in demand. The hiring of servants was brisk, not many having attended. Nearly three weeks ago a wooii- cock's nest was found by
some children gathering fuel in Calvin's wood near Buckla- bury, in Berkshire; the eggs are considerably larger thin the partridge's, nearer the she of the Guinea hen's, and speckled with a darker brown : The he. it, placed on the ground, con- sists of dry leaves, and feathers which tlie hen apparently has plucked from her own body; the in uba'ion of the parent was too often interrupted since the discovery to expect the production of her young, supposing the chief cause of gene- ration not warning ( fortwo of the kind had been seen in the same part of the wood not- long before) and the eggs to re- main but some, person has
conveyed them away. Lately, when ploughing a fieldoccupiod t> v Robert Black, Strade, Island, of Bute, the plough struck upon a stone, which at first was supposed to be part of a lock ; but on clearing tbe groBnd, it was found to be a large flag stone, under which was discovered a ^ tave, containing several parts of a human skeleton, and an earthen cup. The grate is about two feet three inches in length, 18 inches in breadth, and 15 inches in depth. It is flagged with a large stone be- low, enclosed with one at eacii end, and on each side; there were some of the larger bones nearly entire, the back part of the jaw bone, with three
teeth quite firm, and part of the skull. Thecup may contain about three English pints, is to- lerably well formed, and seems never to have been hardened by the fire. The earring appears to have been done by » hind instrument on the edges, and on two twigs raised on ( he outside, and such as indicate a rude state of society. From the dimensions of the grave, it is conjectured that the corpse has been burned, and the ashes and bones collected together and placed there; but to what use the cup was destined, whether to contain tile heart, or to what other purpose, or t » what age the whole is to be referred, may be a fit subject for
the conjecture of the antiquarian. A REMARKABLE HEN.— For the three last summers ahe?, the property of Charles Ranken, at Auchuiairn, parish of Cadder, has frequently laid eggs of an extraordin » ry size and weight. Within these few weeks she has laid three eggs, each of which measures, in diameter, six and a hilf by seven aiid i half inches, and weighs fully three and a half ounces,, and generally on the day before she lays the large egg she has an egg of an ordinary size. A Gentleman of the name of Dysart, who resides at B- cck- ney, Berks, undertook, lor a wager of 30 guineas, to kill thirteen pigeons from a bex,
successively, without missing. The performance took place on Wednesday, iu Bumhmu Fields, near Maidenhead, and beii were three to two against Dysart, who killed the first 12, and wounded the thirteenth. The bird was just enabled to quit the bounds allotted for the winged ones to drop, when it fell and was caught; Mr. I), of course lost the wager. The bet will be taken again in a few days. The following melancholy circumstance occurred at Ccwcc,. on Wednesday last;— Four Germans had on the night iiefore entered for seamen at the rendezvous hero, when a suspicion arising that they were deserters from ihetjCth R '
giment, one of them drew a razor from his pocket, and cut his throat so dreadfully, that he expired almost instantly Tne Coroner's Jury have since sat, aad brought in their verdict— Lunacy, and the body has been interred ill the burial ground belonging to Parkhurst Barracks. COUNTRY MARKETS, Sec. THE LA- ST MARKET DA V PRICES, RECEIVED BY THIS'MORN- ING'S TOST ANDOVER.— Wheat 76s. to 88s. Barley 29s. to 32s. Oats 27s. to 32s. Beans— s. to— s. BSISTOL.— Wheat, 82s. Od. to 90s. 2d. per qr. Fine Flour,, 70s. to 75s. per sack. Oals, 20s. 8d. to 21s. 4d. per quarter. Beans, 00s. to — s. Od. ditto.
Pease, — i. Od. ditto. Barky, 37s. to 40s. Od. ditto. CARLISLE — Wheat, 31s. Rye, 20s. 3d. Barley, 16 . Sd. PotatoeOats, 10s. 6d. ; com. ditto 10s. Od. per Carlisle bushel, — Fine Flour, 3s. 6d. Oatmeal, 2s. 4d. Barley Meal, Is. l( Jd. Rye Meal, 2s. 4d. p? r stone.— Beef, 6Jd. Mutton, 7d. Veal, 6d. per lb.— Fresh Butter, lOd. to — d. per lb. ; Fu- kin ditto, 12d. or 44s. per firkin. Potatoes, 4( L per hoop Cows RIDGE.— Wheat 10s. to lis. best samples. Bailey 5s- 0d. to 5s. Sd. Oats 2s. 6J. to- 3s. Pease5s. Od. DEVIZES— Wheat 68s. to 86s. Barley 32i. to39s.— Oatf, i9s. to — s.— Bears 42 . to 56* per quarter. EVESHAM.—
Wheat, 12s. Od. to 13s. 6d. Barley, 5s. Od. LA 5s. 3d. Malt, 10s. to lis. Oats, 4s. Od. to 4s. 3d. Beans, 6s. Od. to 7s. Od. White Peas?, 5s. Od. to 6s. 8d. GAINSBRO'.— Wheat, 82s. lo 90s. Barley, 30s. to 38s. Oats 21s. Od. to 26s. Od. Beans 38s. Cd. to 42s. Od." Rye 44s. 0( 1. to 46s. Od. GLOUCESTER.— New Wheat 13s. Od. to 14s Od.— Fine Old — S. Od. to — s.— Barley, 5s. Od. to 5s. 9d — Beans, 5s. 6d. to 6s. 4d.— Oats, 3s. Cd. to 4s. Od. per bushel of nine gallons and a half HAVANT.— Wheat 8Gs. a 90s — Barley 26s. a 28 .— Oats 27s. a 31s.— Beans 42s.— Pease 42s. HULL.— Wheat 60s. Od. to 84s. Od.
Oats 23s. Oil. to 30s^ Od. Beans 33s. Od. to 42s Od Barley 30s. Od. to .' 34s.' 6d. LAMPETER Wheat 14s. to 14s. Od. Harley 7s. to 8?. Pilcorn 10s. to 00s. Od. per bushel of 10 gall. Oats at New Quay 0s. to 0s. Od. LOUTH.— Wheat, 70s. to 85s. Barlev, 30s. to 33s. Oats, 23s. to 26s. Beans, 32s. to 36s. Rye, — s. to— s. LYNN.— Wheat, 80s. to 84s. Second ditto, 60s to 70s.— Barley, 31s. to 32s. Oats, 27s. to : 9s. Second ditto, 23s. to 24s. White Pease, 35s. to 36s. Grey ditto, 30s. to 01s, Beans, 37s. to 38s.— Flour, 68s. per Sack. MORPETH Wheat, 64s. Od. to 74s. per quarter. Rye 52s. Od. to — s. Oats, 20s. Od. to 2Ss.
8d — Beef, 6s. fid. to 7s. 6d. Mutton, Os. Od. to 8s. 9d Lamb, 0s. Od. to Is. Od per stone, sulking offals. * NEWARK.— Wheat, 86s. to 96s. Rye, 50s. to — s. Bar- ley, 33s. to 49s. Oats, 25s. to 32s. _ Beans, 40s. to 46s. NEWBURY.— Wheat, 66s. to 96s" Barley, 27s. to 35s. Beans, 40s. to 52s. Peas, 38s. to 42s. Oats, 22s. to 23s. per quarter. NEWCASTLE, MAY 3. Wheat, 56s. to 74s. Rye, 47s. to 48s. Barley, 28s. to 33s. . Oats, 26s. to 28s. Beans, 36s. to 38s. Grey Pease, 40s. to— s. White ditto,— s. to — s. Malt, — s. to — s. Flour, 63s to — s. per sack. READING — Wheat 77s. to 94s. Barley 36s. to 35s.— Beans 37s. to
44s. Pease 42s. Od. to 43s. Oats 22s Od. to 34s. Ross Wheat, 13s. Od. to 13s. 6d. Barley, 5s. 9d. t « 6s. 1 Od. Oats, 4s. Od. to 4s. Sd. Grey Pease, 5s. 6d to 6s 0d.; White ditto, 8s. Gd. to Bs. Beaus, 5s. 6d. to is. 9d. per bushel of 10 gallons. SHREWSBURY.— Wheat 13s. lOd. Barley 6?. 0d. Pease, 7s. OJ. per bushel of 38 quarts. Oats 6s. 6d. per customary measure of 57 quarts. SKIPTON.— Wheat per load, 42s. to 4Ss. Shelling do. ( 19 st.) 38s. to 40s. Od. Beans ( old) do. 29s. Ditto ( new) 26s. to 27s. TEWKESBURY.— Wheat, 12s. 0d to 13s. Barley, 5s. 0d. to 5s. 6d. Map, 10s. to lis. Oats, 4s. Od. to6s. Od. Pease, 5s
Od. to Gs. Od. Bei. ns, ' is. Od. to 7s. 6d. per bushel. WARMINSTIR.— Wheat68s. U> SSs. Barley 34s. to 38s. Oats 27s. to 38s. Beans 5Cs. to 56s. WAKEriELD.— Wheat, 64s. to 85.;. Barleyv 34i. to 35'. Beans, tfSs. to 42s. Chits, 23;. to 33s. WHITCHURCH.— Whe. t, ISs. 0d. « o 14 « . 0d. Rye, 8S. C 1. to 9j. 6d. Barley, 6s. to 7s. 2d Oa's, 4s. JOd. to 5j. 6d. Pease, from 6s- Cd to 7s. WORCESTER.— Wheat, lis. 6d. to 12s. 8: 1.— Barley 5s 0d. to 5s. 4d — Beans 5;. 0J. to 7s. id.— Peas 5s. Od. to 5.;. 4d. Oats 3s. 64. to 4s. 6d. per bushel of 0J gallons. Hops 6'. 6s. to 61. 14s. per cwt.