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The Northampton Mercury


Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Volume Number: LXXXVI    Issue Number: 9
No Pages: 4
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The Northampton Mercury
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The Northampton Mercury

Date of Article: 03/05/1806
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXXXVI    Issue Number: 9
No Pages: 4
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Mtfjaitiji Vol. LXXXV'I. No. 9. { Ready Money is expected } ) with Advertisements. S SATURDAY, May 3, 1806. Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. LONDON, April 29. SATURDAY'S Gazette contains an account of the following captures, viz. L'lntrcpide French privateer, by theHinde, Capt. Allan; I'etite Con- liancc French privateer, by the Wolverine, C'apt. Sinith; Princess Murat French letter of marque, by the Grenada, Capt. Barker; and La Bellone French privateer, by the llcureux, Capt. Younghusbaiid. Saturday, Paris Papers to the 19th instant, and Dutch Papefs to the 22d, were received; the former are extremely interesting. The most im- portant article they contain is, a long detailed commentary in the Moniteur upon the state of Europe. The first point observed^ upon in this paper is, the differences subsisting between England and Prussia; and it states, in distinct terms, that England has declared war against Prussia. This, we know, is not the fact; but the Moniteur chooses to consider the just anil energetic measures which the British Ministers have been compelled to adopt, as a Declaration of War. The French Govern- ment !.- j'. iiientiy divoneerted by the promptitude and vigour of his Majesty's Ministers; but it derives great consolation from the consideration, that however Prussia may sutler in this contest, it must be beneticial to France. The Moniteur expressly states, that it is not true that his Prussian Majesty has finally annexed Hanover to his dominions, and " that there is nothing in fact to prove that such was his intention." With respect to Holland, the determination of Bonaparte is communicated in a manner too unequivocal to he misunderstood. It is stated, that the Emperor of the French never gave his consent to the last Constitution which was imposed upon that country; that a new Con- stitution is necessary for it; and that the question to be considered is, whether it should be a limited Monarchy or a Republic. Another important fact announced is, that an immediate change is to take place in the Government of Switzerland; it is not distinctly stated what shape it is to assume, but it is clear that it will no longer retain even the name of a Republic. The occupation of C'attaro and of Castel Nuovo by the Russians, forms a very pro- minent subject of complaint in this curious paper. It is averred that General Brady, with an Austrian garrison of 2000 men, gave up Cattaro to 300 Russians, in consequence of which Bonaparte has demanded, in the most positive and peremptory manner, that Austria should compel the Russians to evacuate that important position; and in order to enforce this demand, the French have taken possession of Branau, on the Inn, the fortifi- cations of which they are strengthening; and orders have been give ; to stop the Austrian prisoners who were on their return from France. Indeed, it seems to be the object of Bonaparte either to force Austria again into war, or to reduce her to the most abject and unconditional state of submission. As we cannot suppose for a moment that the Archduke Charles will consent to the latter, we may very shortly expect to hear of the renewal of the war between Austria and France. Great pains are taken to shew that France has nothing to fear from tiie hostility of Russia; and it is positively, but we are happy to add untruly, stated, that all the Russian armies have returned home. The whole of the Kingdom of Naples, it is said, is now in tlic possession of the French, with the exception of the insignificant fortress of Gaeta: it is, however, asserted in the Dutch papers, that an Irish Officer has, with a few troops, thrown himself into Civitella del Fronte, which be is de- termined to defend against the French to the last extremity.— The Royal Family of Naples have, it is said, taken measures for retiring to Malta, in case of necessity. The Hamburgh Mail due last Sunday arrived yesterday.— Hie expactatiou of war is general throughout the Continent. Never has it been the theatre of such extensive hostility. There is not a country from the Sound to the mouths of the Cattaro, which will not fall within the range of the military operations.— From every quarter of Ger- many there are strong indications of a speedy re- newal of the war. The French troops are drawing towards the Inn, and reports prevail of the form- ation of a camp near Branau.— By accounts from Vienna, it appears that Bonaparte has forced Austria to grant the French troops a passage to Dalmatia, about to be the theatre of war. The Russians arc said to be strongly fortified at the Cattaro, which they mean to defend to the last extremity. The French troops are advancing by rapid marches to the scene of action, and the forces already collected are immense.— So far as regards the politics of Prussia, a very important change has taken place. The Berlin Journals of the 17th announce, that " the Cabinet Minister, Baror. llardenberg, has obtained leave of absence for an indeterminate time"." He has been suc- ceeded by Count Haujwitz, who has now the di- rection of public affairs. The Cabinet of Berlin may consequently be said to be under the complete contronl of Bonaparte.— The reports of the death of the King of Prussia, & c. which have for several days been circulated in London, arc all fallacious. It appears, by a declaration of the Swedish Commander at Latienberg, dated the 23d inst. that the King of Sweden, not in the least alarmed by the movements of the Prussian roops, or the menaces of the Prussian Cabinet, is resolved not to retire from that part of the Electorate of llanovcr on the right bank of the Elbe. The conduct of his Swedish Majesty cannot but be productive of infinite embarrassment to the Court of Berlin. In allowing him to retain possession nf Lanenbprg, it submits to a great and continued insult; in recurring to expulsion by force, the whole weight of the indignation of Russia is sure to fall UJWJII it. Denmark, it is understood, has come to a final resolution of strict neutrality. The celebrated General Dumourier is at present in Swedish Pomerania. The British Minister at Berlin had demanded, and obtained his passports. He was expected at Husum before the end of this month, on his way to England. In the House of Commons, on Friday, Lord Henry Petty proposed certain exemptions and al lowances, as amendments in the new Income Bill: £. 50 to pay nothing; from i'. 50 to ,£. 100, a very considerable reduction; also, from,£. 100 to £ A50. Income depending on manual labour, producing not more than 30s. a week, to he wholly exempt. Clauses to this effect will be introduced on the next commitment of the Bill.— Mr. Perccval'sStipendiary Curates' Bifi was, on a division, ordered to be read again that day six months; of course it is thrown Out for flip present Session. On Monday, the resolution of the Committee of Suppij, granting to his Majesty an additional sum for the service of the Navy, passed without any exposition. By the Irlam, Capt. Keyse, arrived at Liverpool, from Barbadoes, we learn the following intelligence: " Barbados*, March 23. " A French squadron of six sail of the line, two frigates, and a brig, were at anchor at Cape Maze ( Island of Cuba), on the 24th of February last; supposed to be that which Admiral Duckworth went in pursuit of." - * The Trial of Lord Melville commenced this morning in Westminster- Hall. An order was made last night in the House of Lords that no publi- cation of the proceedings in the ( rial should take place during the same.-- Various are the opinions respecting the probable duration of the trial, some asserting that it may be finished in eight or ten days, while others think it cannot be terminated before fourteen days regular proceedings. Mr. Whkbread opens the charges, and is to be followed by Sir Samuel lloinilly, the Solicitor- General; aftsr which the Managers will produce their evi- dence, and Mr. Whitbread sum up. Each of the Managers' as in the case of Mr. Hastings's trial, is not to make individual speeches against the noble person accused. The whole of the matter on the part of the prosecution, it is believed, will be consequently reduced to about four or five days. The Counsel for Lord Melville will then proceed to the defence.— With the exceptiou of accom- modation for Irish Peers and their Ladies, flie interior arrangement does not differ in any respect from that of Mr. Hastings's trial. Interesting Discussion.— At a very respectable club in London, the following question was debated a few evenings since: " What is the best construc- tion of a Lottery Scheme for the interest of adven- turers f After an ample discussion, it was unani- mously agreed, that the Scheme should consist of 100,000 in Capital Prizes, of an extended number of Prizes of £. 1,000 each, and that all the lesser Prizes, instead of being fixed to parti- cular days, should run through the entire Drawing. On every one of these principles, the Scheme of the present Lottery ( to begin Drawing in a few days) is evidently constructed. AN EPIGRAM. Said Hal to AW— take my advice: Play at no game, but cards and dice, Here wealth depends on skill and rule— At games of char. cc you'll play the fool. But Ned preferr'd a Lottery Share, And speedy ^ ain'd ten thousand clear; When meeting Hal, who'd lost his all ^ At cards and dire by skill and rule, £ He cry'd, " Hal! who has play'd the fool ?" J CLERGY CHARITY OI THE DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH. APRIL, 1806. riMIE EASTER VISITATIONS of the Rev. the * ARCHDEACON of NORTHAMPTON are appointed to be holden at the following Times and Places, to wit :— For the D E ANERIES of PETER BOROUGH and RUTLAND, on FRIDAY the SIXTEENTH Day of MAY next, at ST. MAR TIN'S- ST AM FOR D- BARON. For the DEANERIES of OUNDLE and WELDON, on MONDAY the NINETEENTH Day of MAY next, at OUNDI. E. For the DEANERIES of ROTHWELI. and HICHAM, on TUESDAY the TWENTIETH Day of MAY next, at WE 1.1. INC. BO ROUGH. For the DEANERIES of NORTHAMPTON, PRESTON, and HADDON, on WEDNESDAY the TWENTY FIRST Day of MAY next, at NORTHAMPTON. And for the DEANERIES of BRACKLEY and DAVEJI- TRY, on THURSDAY the TWENTY- SECOND Day of MAY next, at TOWCESTER. At which respsctive Times and Places the Receiver of the said Charity will attend, to take the Subscrip- tions of Such ot the Benevolent as shall please to direct Payment of the same. By Order of the Stewards and Subscribers, WILLIAM GATES, . tun. Receiver. THRAPSTON TURNPIKE MEETING. ' NOTICE is hereby given, Tiat the General Yearly Meeting of the 1 rustcc. of the Turnpike- Road leading troni Market- Harbomugh, in the County of Leicester, to the Pound, in the Parish of Brampton, in the County of Huntingdon, wili be holden at the WHITE- HART INN, in THRAPITON, in the County of Northampton, on MONDAY the FIFTH Day of MAY next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon; and at the same Time and Place, new Trustees will be elected and chosen, in the several Places and Steads of such Trustees as shall be then dead.— Given under our Hands this 1st Day of April, 1806. THOMAS MARSHALL, WM. MARGETTS, ' their Clerks. WORSTED MANUFACTUllE. rpiIE Manufacturers having been lately much - I- imposed upon by the deceitful Winding of Wool, the Committee of Worsted Manufacturers give this Notice, That, by the 28th Geo. III. , Ch. 38. every Person who shall sell any Fleece of Wool in which is wound any deceitful Locks, Cots, Cals, Clay, Lead, Stones, Sand, or any other Thing whereby the said Fleece may be the more weighty, to the Deceit and Loss of the Buyer, shall forfeit and pav Two Shillings for every such Fleece so sold, the Whole thereof to go to the Finder or Prover of the said De- ceit ; and such Offence may be proceeded upon, heard, and determined by one neighbouring Justice of the Peace, in a summary Way ; and in Case the Penalty shall not be paid within six Days after Conviction, the same shall be levied by Distress. By Order of the Meeting, SAMUEL HAILSTONE, Clerk tr the Committee of Worsted Manufacturers. Halifax, March 30th, 1806. A capital Freehold Estate, High- Street, Bedford, Exonerated from the Land- Tax. To be SOLD hy A U C T ION, By IV. WHITE, At Mrs. Garner's, the George Inn, Bedford, on Monday the oth of May, 1806, at Six o'Ciock in the Evening ( under Conditions to be produced at the Time ot Sale), in one Lot, Aid. that eligible and very desirable FtiEi HOI. D ESTATE, situate in the Centre of the HIGH- STREET, ST. PAUL'S, in tile Town of BEDFORD, a capital DWELLING- HOUSE ; comprising a very roomy and convenient old- established Grocer's Shop, with a genteel Parlour in Front, Kitchen, and Back- Parlour; four neat Bedchambers, with Closets, and a large Store- Room, on the first Floor; three good Sleeping- Rooms, and a Store- Room, on the Attic Story; two good Cellars; Scullery, and large Brew- house, with Loft over it; together with a large well- built Brick Candle- House, and two excellent Store- Rooms over the same; a large Garden, very neatly- laid out, and stocked with Fruit Trees, See. and a smaller Ditto; a Two- stall Stable, Pigsties, and other Out- Offices; a spacious Yard, opening into Castle- Lane, and a Pump of fine Water.— These Premises are in the Occupation of Mr. John Bradley, the Pro- prietor, Grocer and Tallow- Chandler, who is retiring from Business. A very extensile Trade has been car- ried on upwards of 60 Years. Also, a compact DWELLING- HOUSE; com- prising a good Kitchen, neat Parlour, and three Bed- chambers, with a Scullery and convenient Out- Offices, in the Occupation of Mr. Abraham Patston, Tenant at Will, at the very old Rent of only £. 7 per Annum. Also, a neat DWELLING- HOUSE; comprising a Kitchen, neat Parlour, four Bedchambers, Cellar, Wash- House, Scullery, Wood- House, and other Out- Offices, in the Occupation of Mrs. Bailey, Tenant at Will, at the old Rent of £. o per Annum. Also, one other DWELLING- HOUSE; com- prising a Kitchen, three Bedchambers, Cellar, and Out- Offices, in the Occupation of Mr. Morrell, Tenant at Will, at the old Rent of >£. 3 10s. per Ann. The Whole of this Estate is exonerated from the Land- Tax, a « d is subject to a Rent Charge of J;. 8 per Annum. * « .* May be viewed, and further Particidars known, by applying to the PROPRIETOR, or the AUCTIONEER, Bedford". Freehold Estates, in Stilton and Folksworth. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the George Inn, in Stilton, in the County of Huntingdon, on Tuesday the 6th Day of May, 1806, at Four o'clock ( subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then and there produced), in Lots, Lot 1. \ LL that the said old- established and xX well- accustomed INN, in STILTON aforesaid, called or known by the Name of the GEORGE INN, with the Stables and other Out- buildings thereto belonging, desirably situate upon the Great North Road, and within little more than Half a Mile of Nonnan- Cross Barracks.— Also, a TOFTSTEAD or SITE of a COTTAGE, and CLOSE of PASTURE GROUND adjoining, lying near to the said Inn, and occupied therewith, contain- ing one Acre ( more or less), and abutting upon the FEN- STREET, in STILTON aforesaid.— Also, TWO COTTAGE RIGHTS of COMMON over the Open Fields and extensive Commons of STI L'fON afore- said, on » belonging or appertaining to the said Inn, and the other to the said Toftstead ; the Whole now, and for some Years past, in the Occupation of Jokn Hollidge, who is under an Agreement to quit the same on the 8th Di., of September next.— And also, TWO FEN CLOSES, situate in the Parish of STILTON, containing about four Acres ( more or less), now in the Occupation of George Gee. { t3r Frem the Extent of commonable Land in Stilton, it is presumed, that a very considerable Allotment will be set out by the Commissioners under the Act lately passed for the Inclosure of the Open Fields thereof, in Lieu of the Common Rights; and, from the Situation of the said Inn, it may natu- rally be expected to be laid contiguous thereto." Lot 2. TWO CLOSES of PASTURE GROUND, containing together, by Estimation, ten Acres ( more or less), situate on NORMAN- CROSS HILL, within the Parish of FOLKS WORTH, adjoining, upon the North Road there, and upon the Lane leading from tnence to the Village ot t ottcswortfi; now in the Occu- pation of GEORGE LINTON, who has Notice to quit at Michaelmas next. Note.— One Half of the Purchase - Money may remain on Mortgage. *** The Premises may be viewed by applying to the TENANTS; and for further Particulars, apply to Mr. DAY, Solicitor, SI. Neots. Freehold Estates, valuable Sheep, Neat Cattle, fye. To be SOLD by A U C T 1 O N, By EDWARD NEALE & SON, On the Premises, on Friday the 9th of May, 1806, rrUJK valuable LIVE STOCK of Mr. THOMAS I. W A R N E R, of U L LE STHO RP E, in the County ot Leicester, who is about to decline Part of his Business, on account ot ill Health ; consisting of 200 Ewes with their Lambs, and 2: 10 fat Sheep; three Steers, four In- calf Heifers, two Bullocks, and 32 barren Cows. ( j5T The above Stock of Sheep are well worth the Attention of the Public, having been bred with great Care and Attention by Mr. Thomas Warner, and liis late Brother, Mr. Richard Warner. *** The Sale to commence at Ten o'Clock in the Morning; and Catalogues may be had, in due Time, at the Three- Crowns Inn, Leicester; Bull's- Head Inn, Hinckley; the Hind and Denbigh- Arms Inns, and of the Auctioneers, in Lutterworth. Also, on Tuesday the 13th Day of May, 1806, at the House of Mr. Charles Elston, Hind Inn, in Lut- terworth aforesaid, between the Hours of Two and Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to Conditions of Sale then to be produced, either together or in Lots, unless sooner disposed of by Private Contract, SIXTY- FIVE ACRES ( more or less) of exceeding rich MEADOW and CRAZ1NG LAND, divided into eight Closes, lying at SUTTON, in the Parish of Broughton- Astley, in the said Countv of Leicester.— And one CLOSE of rich GRAZING LAND, lying in the Lordship of LII. BOURNE, in the County of Northampton, containing 15 Acres ( more or less), alt iNjw in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas Warner. For a View of the Land at Sutton, apply to John Cave, Shepherd, at Sutton ; and of the Land at Lilbourne, to Joseph Dunn, Shepherd, at Lilbourne. %* For lurther Particulars, or to treat for the Laml by Private Contact, apply to JOHN GOOOACRE, Esq. UUesthoipe aforeyuA- SALE POSTPONED. Elegant Furniture, Farming Stock and Implements, Modern Gig, Patent Mangle, § c. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. GARDNER, On the Premises, at FARTHING HOE, North- amptonshire, on Friday the 16th of May, 1806, and following Days ( Sunday excepted), " and not on Friday the 9th of May, as before advertised, nplIE modern HOUSEHOLD - FURN [ TURF., . L FARMING - STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, and other EFFECTS, the genuine Property of the Rev. Mr. WHITELOCK ( who is removing).— The FUR- NITURE comprises lofty Four- post and Field Bed- steads, in various Array; Goose and Down Beds; Blankets, Sheets, and Counterpanes; Drawing- Room and Parlour Furniture; japanned Mahogany Chairs; Sofas j Card, Pembroke, and Loo Tables, beautifully inlaid with Satin Wood; Set ot Dining- Tables, with circular Ends; Sideboard; single and double Chests of Drawers, and Secretaries; Brussels and Kidder- minster Carpets; Pier and Chimney Glasses; Pic- tures; China and Glass; elegant Month Clock; Ba- rometer; blue- and- white Staffordshire Table Service, complete; with the usual Description of Culinary and Kitchen Requisites; a Laundry Stove; Patent Mangle; fifteen well- seasoned Beer Casks, and the Brewing - Vessels, all in* good Preservation; two Hogsheads of Ale, See. The FARMING- STOCK and IMPLEMENTS consist of two Alderney Cows; eleven Ewes and Lambs; Sow, In- pig, and two Porkets; two Cart Horses and a strong grey Gelding; two Waggons, three Carts, and a Water- Ditto; four Sets of Gears; three Ploughs and a double Drill Ditto; two Harrows; Patent Chaff- Machine, a 12- Quarter Corn- Bin, Winnowing- Fan and Sheets, and other Barn Tackle. Also, a fashionable GIG, with Lamps and Plated Harness, moveable Head and Elbows, Out- rigger, and Tandem Traces, complete; a Saddle and Biidle, neat Pillion, and Side- Saddle; a Shower Bath, and various other miscallaneous Effects. ( j3T The Goods may be viewed three Days previous to the Sale; and Catalogues had at the principal Inns in the Neighbourhood; Place of Sale; and at the Printing- Office, and Auctioneer's, Banbury. B1 JAMES ROGERS, Of GRENDON, near CASTLE- ASHBY, intheCounty of Northampton, EGS Leave to return his most sincere - and grateful Thanks to his Friends, for the many kind Favours he has received, since his Commence- ment in the Business of an AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER, and earnestly solicits their future Support and Patronage; assuring them, and the Public in general, that all Business entrusted to his Care shall be con- ducted with the greatest Correctness, and with the utmost Punctuality and Dispatch. ( P?" ESTATES correctly SURVEYED, MAPPED, PLANNED, and VALUED, on the shortest Notice, and pn the most reasonable Terms, by The Public's most obedient humble Servant, JAMES ROGERS. NORTHAMPTON NAVIGATION. " VTOTICE is hereby given, That an adjourned - 1-^ 1 Meeting of the Commissioners acting for the Western Division of the Navigation of the River Nine or Nen, will be held at the GUILDHALL, in NORTHAMPTON, on FRIDAY the 9th Day of MAY next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, for the Purpose of receiving Proposals, in Writing, for the Repairs of WESTON- FAVELL and BILLING LOCKS, with good hard- burned BRICKS, and LIME made from the Stockton Stone, which Stone may be purchased at Cottan- End Wharf. April - 18( 4, 1806. J. GARDINER. To be SOLD by AUCTIO N, . Bv Mr. R'OUSE, On Monday the 5th Day of Mav, 1806, about Three m the Afternoon, at the Talbot Inn, in Wtlford, in the County of Northampton, AVery desirable FREEHOLD and TYTHE- FREE CLOSE, in Quantity about six Acres ( Statute Measure), of valuable UP and DOWN LAND, very eligibly situated for Occupation, adjoining the Western Side otthe Turnpike- Road to Northampton, and very near the Town of WELFORD aforesaid.— The Close is surrounded by exceeding good Fences, and is in the Tenure of Mr. John Kingston, who holds it from Year to Year; and such further Information as may be desired will be given by Mr. ADAMS, Market. Harborough. Northamptonshire Freehold Estate. To be SOLD by AUCTIO N, By Mr. ROUSE, At the Angel Inn, in Market- Harborough, in the County of Leicester, on Tuesday the 20th Day of May, 1806, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, in such Lots and subject to such Conditions as shall be agreed upon at the Time of Sale, AValuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate in the open Fields of ASHLEY, in the County of Northampton ; consisting of several Pieces and Parcels ot Arable Land, Ley, Meadow, and Pasture (-. round, containing, by Estimation, one Yard Land and one Quarter or the fourth Part of one Yard Land or thereabouts, with the Commons and Appurtenances thereunto belonging, in the Occupation of Mr. Wm Craine, the Proprietor. ( f3" A Bill for inclosing the open Fields of Ashley, is now in Parliament: The above Estate will, therefore, be a desirable Purchase tq any Person who mav wish to increase his Property in that Lordship. *** Further Particulars may be known on Ap- plication to GEORGE WARTNABY, in Market- Harborough. A: MJISTMITL I ( JU7T 3USII RispectVuflv A' lo be SOLD by A U C T I O N, By Mr. KNIBB, On Wednesday the 7th Day of May, 1806, between the Hours of Four and Seven o'Clock in the After- noon, at the Swan Inn, in Newport- Pagnell, Bucks \ LL the FEE SIMPLE of the first Crop or first Quarter of MONK'S HOLME, or MILL MEADOW, and SHOULDER- OF- MUTTON PIECE being together, 15 Acres 1 Rood, TvtV- frae, an.! near the Mill, in NEWPORT- PAG NELL aforesaid— The Land produces luxuriant Crops, and cuts remarkably good Hav ; held from Lady- Day ( old Style) to the 6th ot July following. Capital Farming- Stock. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By H'. HANDY, On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday the 6th, 7th, and 8th Days of May, 1806, EI. the valuable, well- selected LIVING and DEAD STOCK, on the Farm of GEORGE PERROT, Esq. deceased, at his late Residence, at CRACOMBE, in the Parish of FLADBURY, in the County of Worcester; consisting of 20 Horses, Mares, Colts, and Fillies, of the Waggon, Coach, and Road Kind; 72 well- bred Cows with Calves, In- calvers, fat Cows, working and fat Oxen, incalving Heifers, barren Ditto, Bulls, and Calves ; upwards of 500 Leicester, Ryeland, and Spanish Ewes, Tegs, and Shearhogs, and 20 high- bred Rams; upwards of 100 Pigs, of curious Sorts, Sec. Sec. ; two Narrow wheel Waggons, one Six - inch - wheel Ditto, five Six- inch- wheel Carts, twu Nine- inch- wheel Ditto, and two Three - wheel Ditto; two Pair of Drag Harrows, two Pair of Two- horse Ditto, two Pair of One- horse Ditto, three Scufflers, two Scari- ficators, four Caking Tines Scufflers, three Barley Rolls, one Spike Roll, one Meadow Roll, two Timber Carriages, three Ploughs, with Mould Boards, two Kent Ploughs, ten Flammock Ploughs, two double Ditto, six Plough Drags, and one long Dray; one Market Cart; one Seven- furrow Drill, for Wheat or Barley, one Six- furrow Ditto, two Three- furrow Bean Drills, one Single- furrow Ditto, two Three- furrow Wheat or Barley Drills, and one Single- furrow Ditto; thirty Suits of Gears; Winnowing- Machine and two Ditto Fans; Boring Tack, for Water or Stone; Quantity of Waggon, Cart, and Plough Timber; 21 Dozen of Hurdles; seven Cow- Cribs; with several Lots of Implements in Husbandry, used by the first Agriculturists; which will be expressed in Catalogues that may be had, in due Time, at Mr. Crutwell's, Printer, Bath; the Printers' of the Gloucester, Hereford, Oxford, Warwick, and North- amp ton Papers; at the Place of Sale; and of the Auctioneer, Foregate- Street, Worcester. (£ 3* The Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock each Morn- ing ; to commence with the Horse Stock the first Morning of Sale, and the Cows and Oxen to be sold on the last Day. The Sale to continue, without Inter- mission, each Day till it is over. *** A Person, with a Collation, will attend on the Premises. Til Di apers, Grocers, Tallow- Chandlers, and others. CAPITAL FREEHOLD ESTATE, DUNSTABLE, Beds, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. DURHAM, In the Month of July next ( unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, oi' which due Notice will be given), in two Lots. Lot 1. \ Substantial and well- built Brick and 2X Tiled FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE, and other BUILDINGS, exonerated from Land- Tax, very desirably situate on the F. ast Side of the principal Street of the Towa of DUNSTABLE ; comprising a large and convenient Shop, in full Trade, in tile Linen and Woollen- Drapery, Hosiery, Grocery, and Tallow- Chandlery Businesses; a Warehouse ad- joining to Ditto; two Parlours, large Kitchen, Scullery, Laundry, Brewhouse, and other Conve- niences, on the Ground Floor; five very good and comfortable Sleeping- Rooms, on the first Floor; and five Servants' Rooms, on the Attic Story; three large Ware- Room^, Cheese- Rooms, Bacon- Cellar, Candle- House, Barns, Two- stall Stable, and Loft; a Yard, with a capital Well of Water therein, together with another Tenement adjoining. Lot 2 comprises a substantial and well- built Brick and Tiled DWELLING- HOUSE, adjoining the North Side of Lot 1; consisting of a Parlour, Shop, Kitchen, Wash- House, Closets, & c. on the Ground Floor; extensive Cellaring; three good Bed- Rooms, on the first Floor; three Garrets; two Yards, Stable, Loft, and other Offices. fjdr May be viewed, and further Particulars known, by applying to Mr. JOHN DURHAM, Land- Surveyor, Auctioneer, & c. Dunstabla. *** The Stuck in Trade and Fixtures to be taken at a fair Valuation. TURNPIKE- TOLLS TO LETT, AM A WE 1GIIING- MACHINE ElIECTED. " VTOTICE is hereby given, That the TOLLS - L^ l arising at the several Gates upon the Road leading from the East End of Bromham Bridge, in the County of Bedford, to the Turnpike- Road leading from Wellingborough to Olney, in the County of' Bucks, and on the Road leading from the South End of the Town of Olney aforesaid to the Road leading from Northampton to Newport- Pagnell, in the same County, will be LETT by AUCTION, for one Year, from the 13th Day of May next, on THURSDAY the 8th Day of MAY next, at the BULL INN, in OLNEY aforesaid, between the Hours of Twelve and Two o'Clock, in the Manner directed by an Act of Parlia- ment passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of King George the Third, " for regulating the Turnpike- Roads;" which Tolls produced the last Year, over and above the Expences of collecting them, the fol- lowing Sums, viz. £. s. d. Bromham Gate 90 ' 2 0 Lavendon Ditto 100 3 0 Ravenstone Ditto 70 10 0 and will be put up at those Sums respectively. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidders, must at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, for the Payment of the Rents agreed for, at such Time and in such Proportions as the said Trustees shall direct. JOHN GARRARD, Olney, April 14th, 1806. Clerk to the Trustees. ( PaT The Trustees of the above Road having de- termined on a WEIGHING- MACHINF. being erected between Olney and Bromham Bridge, Persons desirous of contracting for erecting such Machine, are requested, on or before the SIXTH Day of MAY next, to send their Proposals to Mr. GARRARD; of whom any i Information that may be required may be l » d. April, 1806. rpiIOMAS BUSIl SCspYctfilriv informs bis I Friends and the Public in general, that he has OPENED a SHOP, in WILL- STREET, Kurkingham, where he has a choice Assortment of MERCERY and DRAPERY GOODS, of various Descriptions, from the best Markets; which, on Trial, will be found to merit their future Favours. ( pf An ASSISTANT WANTED. BUCKINGHAM ASSOCIATION, For iV- tection of Persons and Property. " VTOTICE is hereby given, That the Annual . L^ l Meeting of this" Society will be held at the COBHAM- ARMS INN, in BUCTINCHAM, on MONDAY the 19th Day of MAY, at Twelve o- Clock at Noon, ( ps' Dinner on the Table- at Two o'Clock. ROBERT MILLER, Treasurer and Solicitor. *** Any Person in the Neighbouring Parishes may be admitted a Member of this Society, with the Approbation of the Committee, on Payment of the same Subscription as the other Members, viz. 10s. 6d. on Entrance, and signing the Agreement to conform to the Regulations, which is deposited in the Hands of the Treasurer; Subscription for the second Year, 5s.— The Rules of the Society may be had gratis of the Solicitor. Buckingham, 99ih April, 1806. To be S () I. D b^ AUCTION, By JOSEPH " DUDLEY, At the Old- Crown, in Window, in the County of Bucks, on Thursday the 8ih Dav of May, 1806, between the Hours of Three and Six o'Clock in the Afternoon, in two Lots, subject to such Conditions as will be then and there produced. Lot 1 COMPRISES a COPYHOLD MESSUAGE V^ or TENEMENT, with a large Yard, Garden, Barn, Wheelwright's Shop, and other conve- nient Out- Offices, situate in GREAT- HORN- STREET, in WIHSLOW aforesaid, now in the Tenure or Occu- pation of William Bonner.— The Out- Offices are parti- cularly convenient, and the Whole in good Repair, with an excellent Pump of Water. Lot 2 comprises a COPYHOLD MESSUAGE, or old- established and well - accustomed PUBLIC- HOUSE, desirably situated in the MARKET- SQUARE, in WINSLOW aforesaid, called orknown by the Name or Sign of the OLD- CROWN, now in full Trade, with convenient Brewhouse, Stable, Cellarage, and other Out- Offices, now in the Tenure or Occupation of Thomas Harris, under a Leise of six Y ' ars, three of which are unexpired at Michaelmas next. N. B. These Premises are well worth the Attention of Brewers, or other Persons in the Public Line. ( pj* For further Particulars, and to treat for the same by Private Contract, apply to Mr. BURNHAM, Attorney, or the AUCTIONEER, both of Winslow afore- said ; and for a View of the Premises, to the TENANTS. Live, and Dead Farming- Stock, Household- Furniture, Brewing and Dairy Utensils, Freehold Estates, fyc. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By ROBERT ANDREWS, On Thursday and Friday the 8th and § th Davs of May, 1806, on the Premises of the late Mr. JOHN NEWMAN, deceased, at EMBERTON, in the County of Bucks. f | M1E STOCK consists of 1C Sheep and Lambs, X 19 Shearhogs, and 13 legs; seven Dairy Cows and one Bull; four capital Draught Horses and their Harness; two Narrow- wheel Waggons ar. d three Ditto Carts; Ploughs, Harrows, Fieid Rolls, Cow and Sheep Cribs, about 30 Dozen gf Hurdles and Stakes, three Hovel Frames, a large Quantity of Poles, Posts, Rails, Hovel Timber, & c.; Winnowing- Gig, Sieves, Sacks, Forks, Rakes, Hoes, & c.; very good long and short Ladders; Corn- Lin, See.; a large Quantity of old Iron ; three Cocks and two Cores of capital well- got Hay, to be taken off the Premises.— The DAIRY VESSELS consist of a Three - dozen Churn, two Milk- Leads, Brass Pans, Kivers, Pails, and other Dairy Utensils.— The BREWING UTENSILS consist of a Forty- gallon Copper and Grate, Mash- Vat, Tubs, Beer- Casks, Thralls, & c.— The FURNITURE consists of Four- post and Half- Tester Bedsteads, with Check and Blue Furnitures; one Feather- Bed and five Wool- Beds ; Quilts and Blankets; Tables, Chairs, Drawers, & c. ; a very large Quantity of Pewter and Brass; Kitchen- Range ; two Roasting- jacks, & c. ; Saddles, Bridles, and a Number of Articles too tedious to particularize. ( jS* The Live and Dead Farming- Stock to be sold the first Day, and the Household - Furniture and Brewing Utensils the second Day.— The Sale to com- mence at Ten o'clock each Day. At Four o'Clock in the Afternoon of the second Day's Sale, will be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Sign of tiie Bear, in Emberton aforesaid, The following FREEHOLD ESTATES, in three Lots:— Lot 1 consists of a FREEHOLD COTTAGE, divided into two Tenements, in the Occupation of Mary Hill and William Ager, adjoining the Farm- Yard late in the Occupation of Mr. Newman, with the Gardens and Appurtenances thereto adjoining. Lot 2. A COTTAGE or TENEMENT, at the East End of the Village of EMBERTON aforesaid, in the Occupation of Ann Watts; with a PIGHTLfi or ORCHARD of exceeding rich PASTURE, ad- joining the Road to Clifton, containing one Acre and upwards, in which is a large Quantity of fine Ehn and Ash Timber; and a CLOSE of new inclosed PASTURE, adjoining the said Orchard, and contain- ing six Acres, more or less. Lot 3. Another CLOSE of new inclosed PASTURE, lying very near the last- mentioned Close, and also adjoining the Road to Clifton, containing three Acres ( more or less). ( PIT Further Particulars may be known by ap- plying to Mr. COOCH, Attorney, Newport- Pagnell; or toMr. JOHN JAMES, Weston- Underwood, Bucks. Bedfordshire. To be SOLI) bv AUCTION, By Mr. CHRISTIE, At his Great Room, in Pall- Mall, on Thursday, May the 29th, at One o'Clock, IN FOUR LOTS, '" ITIREE ELIGIBLE, FREEHOLD, and TYTHE- FRXE .1 FARMS, in the Parishes ot HARROI. D, ODELI., WILDEN, and ROXTON, in the County of Bedford, lett to very respectable Tenants, at Rents amounting to upwards of Four Hundred and Fifty Pounds a Year, on Leases, of which five Years are unexpired.— Also, a WOOD, containing 120 Acres, and a SPINNEY, of three Acres, subject to the annual Payment of £• 3 6s. Sd. in Lieu of Tythcs. Further Particulars may be had by applying to the respecti'Ve Tenants, who will shew their Farms; as also to Mr. Kidman, Bedford; of the Printers of the Northampton Mercury; at the Cross- Keys, St. NeotS; Cock, Eaton; Sur., Biggleswade; of Messrs. Lowndes & Lambert, Red- Lion- Square; at Garraway's Coffee- House, Cornhill; and of Mr. Christie, Pall- Mall, London. Capital Freehold Farm, near Bedford. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. SKINNER, DYKE, & Co. On Tuesday the 3d of June, at Twelve o'Clock, at Garraway's Coftee- House, ' Change- Alley, Cornhill, London, AVALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, advan- tageously situate at KEMPSTON, about two Miles from the COUNTY TOWN of BEDFORD; com- prising a very desirable and highly- improved FARM, containing ONE HUNDRED and TWO ACRES ot MEADOW and PASTURE, and ONE HUNDRED and SEVENTY ACRES of productive deep Staple ARABLE LAND, making together TWO HUNDRED and SEVENTY- TWO ACRES, Statute Measure, inclosed, well fenced, and in a good State of Cultivation; and a convenient DWELLING- HOUSS, with OFFICES, proper BARNS, and FARMING BUILDINGS, in complete Repair and Order; occupied by the Proprietor, who has con- siderably improved the Estate at a great Expence. ( f3~ To be viewed 21 Days preceding the Sale, when printed Particular,, may be had, on the l're^ mises; also, at the Swan, Bedford; George, Woburn ; Cock, Eaton; Swan, Newport- Pagnill; Sun, Big- gleswade; of Messrs. ' Dicey & Sutton, Printers, Northampton; at the Place of Sale; and of Messrs. Skinner, Dyke, & Co. Aldersgate- Street, London; where a Plan may be seen, and who are authorized to receive Proposals for purchasing by Private Contract. Half ot the Purchase Money may remain on Mortgage for two, five, or seven Years. KfegrergggaaMgjCMgMniKMiaafci' liirrTnnfiiiWW— Wednesday and Thursdays Posts. LONDON, May I. LIEUTENANT Stockham, commanding tiis Majesty's ship theTliund. erer, captured on the 12th nit. off Cadiz, the Spanish privateer Santo Christo del Paldo, of 14 gufts and 67 men; and recaptured a Danish bri& which had previously been detained by the privateer. - Gazette. MAY 3d, 1300. TP. SW ANN ELL begs Leave to acquaint the . Gentry ant! Public of NF. WPO RT- PAGNELL and its Vicinity, that he has OPENED a commodious SHOP, opposite the Saracen's- Head Inn, in the LINEN & WOOLLEN- DRAPERY BUSINESSES, wherein he has laid an entire new and fashionable Assortment; which, being determined to sell on the lowest Terms, he hopes, by an unremitting Assiduity, to insure their Patronage and Support. ( TLT FUNERALS FURNISHED. It is stated, that, in answer to a demand from the Court of Berlin to that of Copenhagen, en- forced by an application from the French Resident, that the ports of Denmark should be shut against Great- Britain, the Government of Copenhagen have replied—" That a secret but fundamental treaty exists between the Governments of Russia, Sweden, and Denmark, by which the security and the freedom of the Baltic Seas are regulated, and that the demands of the Court of Berlin are con- trary to the stipulations therein." Private letters from St. Petersburg!), by the last Gottenburgh Mail state, that the Grand Duke ( the Emperor's brother) is to take the command of the Russian armv on the frontiers of Poland, which now consists of about 200,000 men. The Emperor wished to command in person, but was dissuaded by his Council. It appears from the following account, trans- mitted yesterday to Lloyd's, that, contrary to report, no French squadron is in the West Indies:— " Admiralty- Office, April 30, Half- past Ove, 1'. M. " The Donegal arrived at Spithead this morning, and the following message has been received bv the Telegraph:— Captain Malcolm passed Cape Maize with Admiral Duckworth, on the 20th of March. The report of a French fleet being there cannot be true. The Donegal left Admiral Louts, with the Spencer, Jupiter, and Alexander, on the 8th of April, in iat. 37. long. 67. in a very hard gale. On the 12th, the Eraave sunk. Crew saved " A debate of considerable length and importance took -;! ace last night, on a motion for the second reading of the Bill for the Repeal of the Additional Defence Act, in order to introduce Mr. Windham's New Military System. It was attended with this extraordinary singularity, that none of the Mem- bers on the Ministerial Bench took any part in the discussion. The Bill was opposed by Mr. Canning, and also by several other Members, on the ground that it went to deprive the country of a real benefit, and placed nothing in its stead. On the division, the numbers were — For the second reading of the Bill 235 — For Mr. Canning's motion 119-— Majority lit). Lord Erskine, a few days ago, upon a ease of lunacy, in the Court of Chancery, said, that he considered the various trusts with which he was invested in a maimer us nothing, when compared with tiie sacred duty of protecting those who were visited with'so severe a calamity as that of mania. He said, it was as much a disease as any other with which it pleased God to afflict mankind, and that he was sure it was always exasperated in its symptoms, and frequently rendered incurable, by rigorous treatment. That he never would permit lunatics to be shut up from the common use of air and their own limbs, wlien they were capable of enjoying protected enlargement without danger to others or themselves; and that, in the manage- ment of the estates of lunatics, he would not allow remainder, nor to consider them as incum- brances, or to think that the property was to accumulate for their benefit; but that he would always examine, with the most anxious attention, how much comfort and satisfaction the lunatic was capable of receiving from the enjoyment of that which was his own.— It is impossible for the pen to describe the emotios of sensibility which this declaration from the Bench produced on every auditor in the Court; and it will be felt with equal interest and sympathy by every one of our readers. A labouring man, of the name of Wright, en- tered the dwelling- house of an elderly lady, of the name of Rowe, near Exeter, on Monday se'nnight, and literally beat out her brains with a blun- derbuss, which he found in the room. The mur- derer being secured, said he had been commissioned bv a Superior Being to destroy all the old women iii the place, as there would never be a peace till that w as done. Yesterday se'nnight the Sessions having finished at the Old ' Bailey, the Recorder passed sentence of death upon George Richard W alker and, Chr. Dodds, for forging Major Hawkins's will; Charles Hemmings and George Bevan, for robbing the Rev. Mr. Orde; and eight others. MANCHESTER, April 26.— On Saturday last Mary Jackson, Christopher Simpson, and James Foxcroft, were executed at Lancaster.— Mary Jac'- son was tried at the preceding assizes for the murder of a woman in this town, and acquitted, though cir- cumstances were very strong against her. At the last assizes she was indicted tor stealing some articles be- longing to the deceased which were found in her pos- sesion ; convicted and condemned.' She on the first trial implicated a man ot the nameof Cheetlnm. The evening previous to her execution, however, she de- clared the falsehood of the assertion, and after having acquitted James Cheetham of any concern in that horrid transaction, madea full confession of her guilt, which was afterwards written down, and signed by her about two hours before her execution. She was resigned to her fate, acknowledged the justice of her sentence, and died with gjreat firmness.— Simpson was executed for robbing Mr. Sparrow, on the highway. He had escaped from Hertford gaol, when under sentence of transportation tor a similar offence. This man was under the delusion of a specics of religion which iets at nought all practical virtue, and leads to the commission ot' the worst of crimes, by presump- tuously relying for pardon, by faith, on the merits of our Redeemer. On such ground, he had persuaded himself he could meet death, not only without fear, but with triumph ! and in this disposition of mind he remained till within two hours of the fatal moment, when he became most violently agitated, and continued to the last in a state of horror.— He deliverect a paper to the chaplain, which he had intended to read to the populace; in which he con- fesses to have broken open above 50 houses, to have WELLINGBOROUGH UNITED ASSOCIATION, For the Prosecution of Thieves. AT a Meeting of this Association, held at the School- House, in Wellingborough, on the 30th Day of April last, It ivas resolved, That every Person becoming a Member of this So- ciety shall pay to the Treasurers 10s. 6d. for the first Year's Subscription, commencing from the 1st Day of May instant, and 5s. for every subsequent Year's Sub- scription; and that the Members of either of the late Associations in Wellingborough shall only pay 5s. each for the current Year's Subscription. That Messrs. Morton, Rodick, & Co. Bankers, of Wellingborough, be appointed Treasurers, by whom all Subscriptions are to be received. That the following REWARDS shall be paid by the Treasurers, out of the Fund of this Society, to any Person who shall apprehend, or cause to be con- victed, any one guilty of the following Offences against any Member of this Society ; such Rewards to be paid on Conviction of the Offender or Offenders, viz. £. s. d. For Burglary or Housebreaking 10 10 0 For Highway or Footpad Robbery 5 5 0 For stealing, killing, or maiming any Horse, Mare, or Gelding, Ox, Cow, Calf, or other Neat Ca ttle, Sheep or Lamb 10 10 or wilfully setting Fire to any Dwelling- SaIcH - Nto'fs, . April 23H, 1806.. WILLIAM FOX respectfully informs the Public, that he is appointed" AG ENT to the UNION FIRE- OFFICE, of LONDON, established in 1714, for insuring all Kinds of Buildings, Furniture, Goods in Trade, in Trust, or on Commission, and Ships in Harbour, in Dock, or while building, from Loss or Damage by Fire; and he requests his Friends and the Public to favour him with their Orders in that Line, which will be punctually executed on the usual Terms. ( pj" Policies gratis where the Premium is 6s.— Farming- Stock 2s. 6d. per Cent. For ' House, Warehouse, Earn, Stable, or other Outbuilding, Stack or Rick of Corn, Grain, Hay, Straw, or Bark, or to any Stack of Wood, Furze, or other Fuel __ 10 10 0 For stealing Goods from any Shop, Ware- house, Storehouse, Building, or other Place; or any Corn, thrashed or un- thrashed, or Hay, or other Thing, out of any Barn, Hovel, Rick - Yard, or other Place 2 2 0 For buying or receiving any Stock, Goods, Effects, the Property of a Subscriber, knowing the same to have been stolen. .. 220 For stealing or maliciously killing Pigs or Poultry 2 2 0 For breaking or stealing any Doors, Window- Shutters, Bars, Locks, Bolts, or any Hedges, Gates, Stiles, Pens, Hurdles, Fleaks, Stakes, Posts, Rails, or any Iron- work belonging thereto, or any Fire Wood 2 2 0 For robbing or maliciously damaging any Garden, Orchard, or Fish Pond; or cutting down, barking, or destroying any Timber, Fruit, or other Trees, Underwood or Quicksets growing 1 I 0 For stealing any Com, Grass, or Hay, either grow ing or in Shocks or Cocks in the Field 110 For stealing ot damaging any Waggon, Cart, Plough, Harrow, or other Implement ii? Husbandry 0 10 6 For stealing any Turnips, Potatoes, Cabbages, gr; en Peas, or other Vegetables from the Fields, Gardens, or Orchards 0 10 6 For cutting the Mane or Tail of any Horse, Mare, or Gelding, or the Tail of any Bull, Oxen, or Cow, or otherwise disfiguring them 1 1 0 For strippingor pulling Wool from any Sheep 0 10 6 The Rules and Orders of this Association will be printed, and ready to be delivered to the Subscribers next Week ; and the Names of the Members will be inserted in the Northampton Mercury in three Weeks. JOHN FIODSON, Solicitor. Such Persons as propose becoming Members of this Society, are earnestly requested to take an early Opportunity of paying their Subscriptions to the Bankers at Wellingborough. Wellingborough, May Id, 1806. 3 6 i 0 4 6 4 0 AMost surprising T< ' CURE, performed at ODDINGTON, near DUNSTABLE, Bedford- shire, by Mr. CARTER, the celebrated Water- Doctor. " I, EDWARD FOXEN, ot the Queen's- FIead, Tod. aington, desire to return Mr. CARTER my sincere and hearty Thanks for the great Cure of my Son- in- Law, ABRAHAM BRIGHT ( a Boy 13 Years old), of a deep Decline. He is now perfectly well, and I give Mr. C. Liberty to make Use of his Name in any Way he may think proper." ( J5T Mr. CARTER most respectfully informs the Inhabitants of DUNSTABLE and its Vicinity, he will attend Dunstable Market every three Weeks, for the first Time on the 7th of May.— All Persons consulting him must bring their Urine. To GENTLEMEN, ARTIFICERS,^- BUILDERS. This Day reus published, Trice 3s. 6d. the sixth Edition, corrected to March, 1806, CROSBY's BUILDER'S NEW PRICE- BOOK, for the Year 1806, with many Improvements and Alterations, occasioned by the GREAT ADVANCE on TIMBER and other BUILDING MATERIALS; con- taining correct Lists of all the Prices now allowed, by the most eminent Builders and Surveyors, to the dif- ferent Artificers employed in Building ; also Abstracts of the Acts relating to Building; Duties on Materials and Windows; Methods of constructing and measuring Ovens; Properties, Uses, and Price of nine Kinds of Lime and other Cements, & c. & c. By JOHN PHILLIPS, Surveyor. As a Proof of the Merits of this Work, we assure the Public upwards of 8000 have been sold within two Years. Printed for B. CROSBY & Co. Stationers'- Court, Paternoster- Row ; sold also, by Abel, Northampton; Robins, and Cullingworth, Daventry; Webb, and Barnes, Bedford; lnwood, Newport; and by all other Booksellers in Town and Country. Where may be had, the second Edition of EDWARDS'S PERSPECTIVE, on the Principles of Brook Taylor, with many Plates, Quarto, Price £. 1 lis. 6d. B. CROSBY & Co. Beg Leave to inform the Tublic, they have this Bay published, Trice 6s. extra Boards, a new Volume of the IpLOWERS OF LITERATURE; consisting of i- Literary Novelties for the Year 1805, and the Lives and Portraits of the Right Hon. IV. Pitt; V. Knox, the Essayist; T. Dibdin, the Comedian; Mrs. E. Helme, the Novel Writer; and Robert Bloomfe/ d, the Poet. { f3* The four Volumes of this entertaining Work, already published, contain a faithful Register ot every remarkable Occurrence in the Annals of Literature, during the nineteenth Century. Price £. 1 3s, printed „ .... . .. in the neatest Manner, on fine Paper, and a small stolen above 30 horses, and to have committed more | Letter, in which will be found more Amusement and highway robberies than his memory would enable real Information than in any four Quarto Guinea and him to enumerate.— To an early disobedience of : a Half Volumes, published during the same Period, parents he ascribes his first departure from the paths Where may also be had, published this Day, of virtue.— James Foxcroft was convicted of a bur- I X. EDWARD AND ANNA; or, a PICTURE of glary, and being at the time one of the watchmen of ' HUMAN LIFE, 2 Vols. By JOHN BRISTED, Esq. of this town, was justly thought a proper object of | the Inner Temple. Price 8s. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, TO WIT. At the General Quarter- Sessions of the Peace of our Sovereign Lord the King, held at NORTHAMPTON, in und for the said County, on THURSDAY in the first Week next after the Close of Easter ( to wit), the 17th Day of APRIL, in the 46th Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great- Britain and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and in the Year of our Lord 1806, before Francis Dickins, Esq. the Rev. Edward Bay ley,' D. D. Samuel Isted, Thomas Samwell Watson Samwell, and Allen Edward Young, Esquires; the Rev. William Shippen Willes, the Rev. William Chase, the Rev. Henry Bagshaw Harrison, the Rev. Lang- ham Rokeby, the Rev. Thomas Fawcett, the Rev; Thomas Hornsby, and the Rev. Humphrey Jones, Clerks; and others their Fellows; Justices of our said Lord the King, assigned to keep the Peace in the County aforesaid, and also to hear and determine divers F'elonies, Trespasses, and other Misdeeds done and committed within the said County; i'f is ordered, That the Prices of Land- Carriage - of all Goods whatsoever, to be brought into the respective Place and Places hereinafter- mentioned, within the Limits and Jurisdictions of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace in the County aforesaid, by any Common Waggoner or Carrier, be rated and assessed, pursuant to the Statutes in that Case made and pro- vided,. as follow ( that is to say), From London, or any Part within the Bills^ £. s. d. of Mortality, to any Part of the Towns of | Northampton, Brackley/ fowcester, Higham- )> 0 Ferrers, Wellingborough, & Thrapston, in the | County aforesaid, for the Hundred Weigiit j From London, or any Part within the Bills ] of Mortality aforesaid, to Daventry, to the j utmost North Extent of the Parish of Little- !,, Bowden, to Rowell, toOundle, and to Ket- f tering, in the County abovesaid, for the j Hundred Weight J From London, or any Part within the BiUs \ of Mortality aforesaid, to Weldonand Rock-( „ liigham, in the County abovesaid, for thef Hundred Weight ) From London, or any Part within the Bills \ of Mortality aforesaid, to Peterborough and£ Saint Martin's Stamford- Baron, in the Count) C abovesaid, for the Hundred Weight ) And so in Proportion, if the Weight exceeds 201bs. And it is further ordered. That no such Common Waggoner or Carrier shall take, for Carriage of any Goods and Merchandize, more than the Rates and Prices above- mentioned, upon Pain to forfeit for every such Olience the Sum of Five Pounds, to be levied as the said Statutes, some or one of them, direct.— And the said Justices do hereby certify to all Mayors and other Chief- Officers of each respective Market- Town within the Limits and Jurisdictions of the said Justices, the abovesaid Rates and Prices, as the said Statutes, some or one of them, direct. By the Court, SMYTH. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, MIE MANOR" or REPUTED MANOR of _ WALDR1DGE, in the Parish of DIN TON, in the Hundred of Aylesbury, and in the County of Bucks; and TWO several eligible FARMS, in the Parishes ol DlN'l'ON and OWLSWICK, principally within a Ring Fence, containing nearly 470 Acres of excellent Meadow, Pasture, and small Part Arable Land; of which 27 Acres are inOwlswick. The Whole Freehold, except about 12 Acres, which are Copyhold of Inheritance. Also, a valuable LEASEHOLD ESTATE ; comprising about 57 Acres of exceedingly rich Meadow Land, held for the' unexpired Termot 84S Years ; the Whole lett on Leases to Mr. Thomas Williams, Mrs. Mary Rogers, and Mr. James Dover, old Tenants, at low Rents, amounting together to nearly ^ C. IGOO per Annum, exclusive of the Tythes; for which, in the Parish of Dinton, a moderate or certain Composition, or Corn Rent, only is paid. ( pr" The Whole will be sold in one Lot; and Ap- plication for further Particulars, and to treat for the Purchase, may be made ( if by Letter, Postage paid,) to Messrs. JOHNSON & GASKELL, Solicitors, Gray's- Inn, London; or Mr. BIRD, Solicitor, Andover, Hants.— Mr. THOMAS WILLIAMS, at Waldiidge, one of the Tenants, will shew the Estate. BEDFORD, 30th April, 1800. HENRY PULLEY, WOOLLEN and I. INEK- DRAFER, HOSIER, Sec. HIGH - STREET, BEDFORD, most respectfully acquaints his Friends and the Public, that he has just received a fashionable Assortment of FaYicy Waistcoats, Breeches Pieces, and Coating; printed Cambrics and Muslins, Italian Cam- brics, Sarsenets, India Patent Shawls, India and British plain and worked Muslins, Ginghams, & c. £ pj" Families supplied with whole Pieces of Irish Linen, Sheeting, and Table- Linen, at the Wholesale Prices. * « .* H. P. flatters himself, that, having been long acquainted with the London Markets, he can supply his Friends with Goods upon as reasonable Terms as most Houses in London. OXFORD.— CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE. NOTICE is hereby given, That an Election ola SCHOLAR to the vacant BEDFO RD- SHIRE SCHOLARSHIP, is fixed for FRIDAY the 30thof MAY next ensuing.— Candidates for the above Scholarship are admissible between the Age of 12 and 19 Years, and are required to make their Ap- pearance at College on Saturday the21th of May, and to produce regular Certificates of their Age and Baptism. April ^ th, 1806. UNION THE Proprietors of and NORTHAMPTONSHIRE CANAL. the LEICESTERSHIRE UNION CANAL, are requested to take Notice, that their next Half- yearly General Assembly will be held at Ten o'clock in the Forenoon of MONDAY the 19th Day of this instant MAY, at the SWANS INN, in MARKET- HARBOROUGH. J. E. CARTER, A , , „ G. WARTNABY. S <- Ierks to the Company. Leicester, M.. y lrf, 1806. BROWN'S BANKRUPTCY. THFI CREDITORS of WILLIAM BROWN, of FIOLCOTT, in the County of Northampton, Woolcomber, a Bankrupt, may receive a Dividend of 4s. in the Pound on their respective Debts, by an- plyingtoMr. GOODHALL, Solicitor, Wellingborough. Mr. Mr. capital punishment. His conduct, from his trial to his last moment, exhibited the genuine effects of sound Christianity, and afforded a most striking and useful contrast to those by which the mind of Simpson had been perverted.— Acknowledging the justice of his sentence, he met his fate with the calm res: gn- ation of a repentant christian. JV] OTICE is hereby given, That the next JMeeting of the Trustees appointed by Act of Parliament for repairing the Turnpike- Road leading fioin Kettering Toll- Gate, in the County of North- ampton, to Newport- Pagnell, in the County of Bucks, will be held at the Hi ND INN, in WEL LING BOROUGH, in tl. e said County of Northampton, on TUESDAY the THIRD Day of JUME next, at Eleven o'Clock in the ForenwJn of the same Day; at which Time and Place the TOLLS arising at the SIDE- GATE at WELLING- BOROUGH, and, the TOLL- GATE at WEI. LI NOBOROUGH BRIDGE, on the same Road, will be LETT to FARM by AUCTION, for two Years, to the Best Bidder, between the Hours of Eleven and Twelve o'Clock of the same Day, in the Manner directed in the Act passed m the 13th Year of the Reign of His present Majesty King George the Third, for regulating Turn- pike- Roads; which said Tolls not having been lett at the last Meeting of the said Trustees, will be put- up at such reduced Sum as they shall think fit. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must foithwith give Security, with sufficient Sureties, for Payment of the Rent at such Time or Times as shall be agreed on between him and the said Trustees.— Given und.- r my Hand the 2d Day of May, 1806. JOHN IIODSON, Clerk to the said Trustees. 2. SECRETS OF THE CASTLE; or, ADVEN- TURES of CHARLES D'ALMAINE, in 2. Vols. By D. CAREY, Author of the " Pleasures of Nature and Reign of Fancy." & c. Price 7s. Sold also, by Abel, Northampton; Robins, and Cullingworth, Daventry ; Webb, and Barnes, Bedford ; lnwood, Newport) anil by all other Booksellers in Town and Country. Dr. ALLEN's VEGETABLE ALTERATIVE PILLS. THESE justly- celebrated PILLS, so remarkable for their beneficial Ellects in the Cure of Scurvy, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Leprosy, and all Diseases of the Skin, continue to be prepared by Dr. ALLEN ( Successor of Mr. J. Pidding) with the most scru- pulous Exactness. Their decided Power in correcting the ill Effects of Mercury, and their unrivalled Utility as Spring and Autumnal Physic, for 40 Years past, has justified that Confidence which the Public reposes in them, and enables Dr. A. to recommend them as an unparalleled Remedy. CAUTION.— The Pills cannot be genuine, unless the outside Label and Bill of Directions are signed by the sole Proprietor, R. Allen. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dr. Allen, at his ( late Bidding's) genuine Patent Medicine Warehouse, .76, Oxford- Street, opposite the Pantheon, in Boxes, at 4s. 6d. each, or six Boxes in one at =£. 1 2s. also Family Boxes, containing six of the latter, at £. 5 5s.; sold, likewise, by Dicey tc Sutton, Bow Church- Yard, and at their Warehouse in Northampton; and, Retail, by the Printers of this Paper and their News- men, and by all other Venders of Medicines. T Eligible Situation.— Freehold Estate. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT ALL that FREEHOLD MESSUAGE, most advantageously situated on the South Side of the MARKET - SQUARE, NORTHAMPTON, many Years in the Occupation of the late Mr. FISH, Silversmith and Jeweller; consisting of a Shop, Parlour, and Kitchen, on the Ground Floor; a Yard excellent Cellar, and Brevvhouse, on the Basement Story; a large Dining- Room, and Sleeping Ditto, on the first Story ; three Chambers, on the second Story • and suitable Attics. ' Od" Immediate Possession may be had. * » For further Particulars, enquire of WORLEY, Solicitor, Woburn, Beds; or of KIRSIIAW, Abington- Street, Northampton. EXQU1MTE PUNCH. ALBIN's PATEN f SWEET ACID, . highly esteemed for making PUNCH, LEMONADE,' and NEGUS, in tie most expeditious Manner, and im- [ parting as rich a Flavour as the finest and freshest Fruit; having the very great Advantage of making them brighter, and far more agreeable to the Eye, than when Lemons are used — It is also extremely useful for speedily making JELLIES and COOLING ACID BEVERAGE; and, mixed with MELTED BUTTER, it forms a rich and delicious SAUCE for PUDDINGS. From the higl) Reputation and vast Increase of Sale which this truly valuable Article has already acquired, the Proprietor thinks it necessary to caution the Public against any Imitations which may be attempted to be intruded upon them, under the Names of Prepared Lemon Juice,"—" Lemon Syrup," Sec. Sec. which are totally different from, and destitute of, the ex- quisite Richness and Flavour of the " Patent Sweet Acid," prepared by him; at the same Time, he wishes particularly to notice, that every Bottle sold by his Appointment is signed R. W. ALBIN. None other can be genuine. Sold, Wholesale and for Exportation, by the Pro- prietor, R. w. ALBIN, Chemist, at his House, 67, Hatton- Garden, in Quarts, 5s. 6d. and Pints, 2s. 9d. each; where Merchants and Captains of Ships may be supplied. Also sold, Retail, by Mr. W. Birdsali, North- ampton; Mr. E. Swinfen, Leicester; Mr. W. Watts, Hinckley; Mr. R. Newcomb, and Mr. Drakard, Stamford; Mr. C. Jacob, Peterborough; Mrs. Jen- kinson & Son, Huntingdon; Miss Pauls, St. Ives; Mr. Fox, St. Neots; Mr. T. Watson, Cambridge; Mr. Palgrave, Bedford; Mr. Bedford, Hitchin; See. Bedfordshire. To be SOLD" by AUCTION, By THOMAS WOOD, On Monday the 5th of May, 1806, at the Black- Lion Inn, in Leighton- Buzzard, between the Hours of Four and Six in the Afternoon, AModern and well- built Brick and Tiled DWELLING- HOUSE, eligibly situated in LOVELL- END, in LEIGHTON aforesaid; comprising a large Kitchen, Parlour, four comfortable Sleeping- Rooms, Garrets, excellent Cellarage, and convenient Brewhouse ; a large Yard; an old - established and good- accustomed Smith and Farrier's- Shop, now in full Trade, Shoeing- Sheds, with Lofts over the same, Stable, and other suitable Out- OfFices; and on the Premises is a fine Well of Water. The Whole of the Estate is in the Occupation of Mr. David Grace, Blacksmith, at an old and improvable Rent; Pos- session of which may be had at Lady- Day next. ( pT The above Premises are extremely well calcu- lated for Trade, being situated near the Grand Junction Canal and the Leighton Wharf. *** For a View of the Premises, apply to1 the Tenant; and further Particulars may be known by applying to Messrs. WILLIS & SON, Solicitors, Leighton; Mr. WILLIS, Solicitor, Winslow, Bucks; or the AUCTIONEER, Leighton- Buzzard aforesaid. of BUCKS. Valuable and compact Freehold Estate, To be SOLD by AUCTIO N, By " THOMAS WOOD, On Wednesday the 7th Day of May, 1806, at the Unicorn Inn, in Cublington, Buck's, between the Hours of Three and Five o'Clock in the Afternoon ; CCOMPRISING a substantial Brick - built / DWELLING- HOUSE, with Barns, Stables, and other Out- Offices, Yard, Garden, and Orchard, well planted with choice Fruit Trees ; and twelve Acres ( more or less,) of fine old, rich- inclosed, and Tythe- free Sweard Land, within a Ring Fence, most eligibly situate at CUBLINGTON aforesaid, and ad- joining the said Homes; late in the Tenure of Mrs. Biggs, at an old and improvable Rent. ( jSp The House is in good Repair, and the Land in fine Condition; Possession of which may be had on completing the Purchase. *** For a View of the Estate, apply at the UNI- CORN INN, in CUBLINGTON aforesaid; and further Particulars may be known of Messrs. WILLIS (. SON, Solicitors, Leighton- Buzzard, Beds; Mr. WILLIS, Solicitor, Winslow,; Bucks ; or the AUCTIONEER, Leighton- Buzzard, aforesaid. " BUCKS. Desirable Freehold Estates. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By THOMAS WOOD, On Tuesday the lgth Day of May, 1306, at the Corbet- Arms, Leighton- Buzzard Wharf, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, \ Very desirable, Tythe- free, Freehold ESTATE, XJc consisting of two Closes of rich inclosed Pasture Ground, called the BRICKHILL CLOSES, by Admea- surement 8A. 2R. OP. or thereabouts, divided by a good Quick Hedge nearly in the Centre, with a Barn standing thereon.— Both Closes are well supplied with Water, are eligibly situated near the Town of Leighton- Buzzard, and in the Occupation of the Proprietor. fi^ r The above will be put up in two Lots. Also, a MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with a good Barn, Garden, Orchard, and three inclosed Closes of Freehold Pasture Ground, by Estimation, 17 Acres ( more or less), together with a Quantity of Timber growing thereon, situate at NORTHALL, in the Parish of EDLESBOROUGH, in the County of Bucks, within four Miles of Leighton- Buzzard, and in the Occupation of Mr. Smith.— Also, COMMONS for THREE COWS upon NORTHALL GREEN. ( J5T Immediate Possession may be had ; and the Land- Tax is redeemed upon both Estates. *** Further Particulars may be known by Appli cation to the AUCTIONEER, or Mr. COOPER, Solicitor, both of Leighton, Bedfordshire. MARSHALL'S GENUINE UNIVERSAL CERATE. THE high Estimation and extensive Sale this Preparation for these 16 Years past, inducer the Proprietor to guard the Public against Imitations, which, instead ot curing, will only put the Patient to much more Pain, Trouble, and Expence: He therefore requests they will be careful and see the Label of Marshall's Genuine Universal Cerate on the Box, which will be found far more beneficial than all the Cerates, Salves, and Plaisters hitherto made Use offer Sore Legs, Eruptions of every Kind, and Ulcers of all Denominations. A convincing Proof of which will be seen in the following wonderful Cure:— SIR, CASE LXXIII. Being severely afflicted with Ulcers in both my Legs for upwards of eight Years ( which almost rendered me incapable ot following my Trade, my Legs swelling to an amazing Size), attended with a continual Itching, and discharging great Quantities of Water, so that my Shoes were always wet, I almost gave up the Thoughts of applying an'v other Remedy, as I had tried some of the Faculty in the highest Line of the Profession, and many Patent Medicines highly held in Esteem ; till Providence ordered it so that I heard of MARSHALL'S GENUINE UNIVERSAL CERATE: I cheerfully made Application, and to my great Astonishment, through the Blessing of God, I got Ease in a short Space of Time ; and using only three Is. lid. Boxes, was made a sound Cure of ( not having had the least Return). It is twelve Months since; therefore, for the Good of others who may be afflicted, and through the Praise due to your valuable Cerate, I give you Toleration to make Use of my Name, as I will with Pleasure come forward in any Court of Justice to testify the same. 1 remain Your most obedient humble Servant, MATTHEW PAGE. I. e. don, No. 1, Marshall- Street, Gulden. Square. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Messrs. SHAW & EDWARDS, 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London, Agents to Mr. John Marshall, in Boxes, Is. ljd. and 2s. 9d. each; and by Mr. Marshall, Chemist, North- ampton, and at his Shop in llarborough; and, Retail, by one or more Venders in every Town in England, Ireland, Sec. To .1 Ir. MANN, Druggist, $ c. Horsham, Sussex. SIR, A T the earnest Request of Mr. HEJJRY AVIS, Clerk of the Parish of SELMESTON, near this Town, I send you a short Account of his Restoration from the Brink of the Grave, to perfect and con- firmed Health, by Means of your valuable AP- PROVED MEDICINE. Mr. Avis had been for more than a Twelvemonth afflicted with so severe a Cold ( accompanied by a violent Cough), as reduced him to an extreme Degree of Emaciation, and producui other Symptoms of a very rapid Decay, and probable speedy Dissolution. During a considerable Part of the above Time, Mr. Avis had been attended by an eminent Gentleman of the Faculty, who thought his Case hopeless. At this Period, the poor Man was induced to make Trial of your valuable Medicine, the first Bottle of which considerably comforted and relieved him; and by con- tinuing the Use of it for a few Weeks, according to your printed Directions, he was restored ( to the great Surprise of his Friends) to perfect Health. Mr. Avis will, with Pleasure, satisfy any En- quirer as to the Truth of the above extraordinary Cure ; and almost every Inhabitant of the Parish can, if required, bear Testimony of it. I have great Pleasure in forwarding to you this ad- ditional Proof of the Efficacy of your Medicine; and remain, Sir, your obedient Servant, Lenses, August 6th, 1805. ARTHUR LEE. Sold, in Bottles, at 2s. 6d. and 4s. 6d. each, Duty included, Wholesale and Retail, by the Proprietor, at his Warehouse, Horsham; also by Dicey Se Sutton, Bow Church- Yard, London, and at their Warehouse in Northampton ; and Retail by Robins, and Wil- kinson, Daventry; Beesley, and Marriott, Banbury; Inwood, and Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Osborn, Woburn; Bull, Harrod, and Dawson, Market- Har- borough; Gregory, and Swinfen, Leicester; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester ; Seeley, Buckingham ; Pal- grave, Bedford ; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Loggin, Aylesbury; Eaton, Thrapsion; York Se Summers, Oundle; Horden, and Jacob, Peterborough ; Colli1; & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Emery, and Fox, St. Neots; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Wallis, Olney; and by all the principal Venders of Medicines in the United Kingdom. ( PI" The Name of the Proprietor, " Tiios. MANN, Horsham, Sussex," is engraved on the Stamp; the counterfeiting ot which is Felony, To be LETT, And may be entered upon immediately, AConvenient DWELLING- HOUSE, with a good Dairy and Cellar, a Shop, Warehouse, Barns, Stable, Hovel, and other Out- Offices, with a Yard, Garden, and Close of very rich Pasture Land, thereto adjoining, with an Orchard of choice Fruit Trees, in full bearing, and excellent Water upon the same Premises, situate at SPALDWICK, in the County of Huntingdon.— Also may be had with the above Premises, some very rich GRAZING LAND, if required. 63" For further Particulars, apply to Mrs. BROWNING, at Spaldwick, the Proprietor, who now occupies the above very desirable Situation; which is close to the Turnpike- Road, and only seven Miles from Huntingdon, and ten from Thrapston. ~ GREGORY'S MECHANICS, In Tao large Octavo Volumes, besides a Volume con- taining Fifty- five Quarto Ttates. This Day is published, Price £. 1 16s. in Boards, A TREATISE of MECHANICS* Theoretical, - LJL Practical, find Descriptive. By t> 1.1NTHUS GREGORY, Of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Volume I. Book 1. On STATICS, comprising the Composition and Resolution of Forces, the Centre or Gravity, and the Centrobaryc Method, Mechanical Powers, Strength and Stress of Materials, and the i Theory of Cords, Arches, and Domes. Book 2. DYNAMICS, in which are treated Motions, Descents and Ascents along dilferent Lines and Curves, Projectiles, Ricochet- firing, Pendulums. Cat.* I- forces, Centres of Oscillation, Spontaneous Rotation, & c. Don Juan's Theory ot Percussion, and, the Motion of Machines and their maximum Effects. Book 3. HYDROSTATICS, including the Pressure of non- elastic Fluids, the specific- Gravity of solid and fluid Bodies, with an extensive Table, the Equilibrium, Stability, and Oscillations of floating Bodies, and capillary Attraction. Book 4. HYDRODYNAMICS, treating of the Dis- charge of Fluids through Apertures, and of the Motion of Water- Wheels, with Accounts of im- portant Experiments on those interesting Topics. Book 5. PNEUMATICS, including the Equilibrium, and Motion of Air and other elastic Fluids; the Measurement of Altitudes by the Barometer and Ther- mometer; the Theory of Air and of Water Pumps, and the Resistance of Fluids. Volume II. contains Remarks on the Nature, Con- struction, and Simplification of Machinery,- on Friction and the Rigidity of Cords, First Movers, & c. with Tables and Descriptions of nearly tivo hundred curious and useful Machines; of which, however, only a few can be specified in an Advertisement. Atwood's ingenious Apparatus for variable Motions. Improved Beam Compasses, by Walton. Prony's Condenser of Forces, applicable to Wind- Mills. Cranes, by Gottlieb, Andrews, Hall, Whyte, Hardie, Sec. Hydraulic Engines, i. e. the Tympanum, the Noria, De la Faye's Wheel, the Persian Wheel, Chain Pumps, Hero's Fountain, Darwin's Engine, Hungarian Machine, the Spiral Pump, Desaguliers's Drawer and Bucket, Sarjeant's Machine, Dearborn's Engine, & c. Oil- Mills and Ordnance boring Machines. Contrivances for Parallel Motions, by Cartwright, Dryden, & c. Various Pumps, with Remarks on Pistons and Valves. Ramsden's Machine for dividing Mathematical In- struments. Contrivances for reversing and changing Motions. Scapements, by Graham, Mudge, De Lafons, Sec. Steam- Engines, by Newcomen, Blakey, Gains- borough, Watt, Hornblower, Cartwright, Murray, Bettancourt, Woolfe, Sec. Bramah's Machine for planing different Kinds of Surfaces. Rules for forming Teeth, and Wipers; with Maud slay's Teeth- cutting Apparatus. Horizontal, vertical, and circular Saw- Mills. Tide- Miils ( a Subject never before treated of in any English Work), with Contrivances by Gosset, Lloyd, and; Dryden. Turning Apparatus, by Maudslay and Smart. Water- Mills, under- shot, over- shot, spiral, floating, Sec. & c.' Wind- Mills, vertical, horizontal, & c. by Verrier, Beatson, By water, and others. Printed for G. KEARSLEY, Fleet- Street, London; where may likewise be had, this Author's Treatise on Astronomy, Price 15s. Boards ; and his Lessons, Astrom. and Philos. Price 4s. Boards. NORTHAMPTON, 3d May, 1806. Mr. BURNHAM, Bookseller, the original Vender of GODBOLD's VEGETABLE BALSAM, has just received a fresh Supply of that invaluable Medicine. Bit the King's Rm/ al Letters Patent. C~ t ODBOLD's VEGETABLE BALSAM, for 7 the Cure of CONSUMPTIONS, ASTHMAS, & c. & c. Extract of a Letter from Trueman & Sons, Exeter, June, loth, 1805, to Messrs. GODBOLD, Blooms- bury- Square :— Extract of a Letter from Richard Aislabie, near Chesterfield, to N. and S. GODBOLD, Bloomsbury- Square, May 2Sth, 1805:— GENTLEMEN, " My Wife, who had been given over by the Faculty, and pronounced within twelve Hours ot her Dissolution, I have the Happiness to inform you, is restored to her perfect Health, by taking eight Pints of your V E G E T A B L E BALSAM, which she fortunately had Recourse to at that critical Juncture, and is now fuller of Flesh than she has been for many Years past; it likewise has freed her from a Nervous Affection, which she had been very much subject to. Dr. Frith, who attended her, will testify this Fact. Since her Recovery, I have recommended your Balsam to two others, who were in the same State, and given over by the Faculty ; they are perfectly restored also. The above Facts have justly produced much Astonishment in this Neighbourhood. ( Signed) " RICHARD AISLABIE." Extract of a Letter from Northampton, May 16th, " GENTLEMEN, 1805 " Many Persons of Respectability in this Neigh- bourhood having expressed their Surprise at the Cure performed upon me by your V E G ETABLE B A L SA M, which was purchased at Mr. Burnham's, Gold- Street, Northampton, I have the Pleasure of informing you, as a Precedent for the Benefit of others, that when I began taking your Medicine, I was reduced to a mere Skeleton, and given over by the Faculty, as being in the last Stage of a deep Decline ; but, by taking three Pints of your VEGETABLE BALSAM, I was restored to my perfect Health, to the Astonishment of all who knew me, and. Thanks be to God, enabled to follow my Employment with Regularity ever since. " WILLIAM L1NNETT." Messrs. GODBOI. D received a Letter from Trueman Se Sons, Exeter, mentioning a similar Performance upon JOHN CLAPP, a Printer, and several others in their Neighbourhood, dated June 13th, 1805. Likewise, a Certificate from ALEX. DUVAL DE VARENNE, of Enfield, who has received an extra- ordinary Cure by their Medicines. Signed June 20th, 1805. A stronger Proof of its Reputation cannot be given than the Sanction of some of the first Nobility in the Kingdom, as follow, who have experienced and witnessed its Efficacy, and strongly recommend its being kept in all Families, to have it taken in the first Stage. The Most Noble the Marquis of Lothian. Right Hon. Viscount Dudley and Ward. Right Hon. Lord Macdonald. Right Hon. Lord Grantley. Right Hon. late Lord Fortescue. Right Hon. Lord Mountford. Right Hon. late Viscountess Dudley and Ward. Right Hon. Lady Dowager Grantley. Right Hon. Lady Dowager Viscount Falmouth. Right Hon. Lady Dowager Fortescue. Lady Appreece. Sirs— Francis Blake, Edward Newenham, John Coghill, and George Armstrong, Barts. Generals— Doyle and Drouly. Colonels— Baker and Debath. And a great many others of the Nobility, as may be seen in the Treatise, at the Proprietors, N. & S. Godbold, No. 3, BloomsbUry- Square, where Attend- ance is given every Day from Ten till One o'Clock ( Sunday excepted). Sold, Retail, at one or more Venders in every City and capital Town. — N. and S. GODBOLD is written on every Label on the Bottles, in their own Hand- Writing, and on the Stamp which covers the Cork. Friday and Saturday's Posts. LONDON, May 2. THE following interesting intelligence was yes- terday received from Gibraltar, brought by the Prevoyante store- siiip, arrived in the Downs :— " On the 18th of March, accounts were received at Gibraltar from Madrid, that, in consequence of the Prince of Brazils being pronounced to be com- pletely deranged, without any hope of recovery, the Walloon Guards, and several other Spanish regiments, were ordered to be in readiness to march to Lisbon.— On the 31st letters were received from Spain, stating, that a war between that coun- try and Portugal is certain, and also that 50,000 French troops are on their march to Portugal." The letters by the Lisbon Mail, which arrived yesterday, also express great apprehensions with respect to the designs of Spain and France towards Portugal. American Papers to the 30th of March have been received. The intelligence contained in them is of considerable importance. After a discussion, which lasted several days, the House of Repre- sentatives agreed, bv a majority of 87 to 35, to the resolution to prohibit the importation into the United States, of woollen cloths, woollen hosiery of all kinds, and other articles, the produce of this country.— A bill founded on this resolution was ordered to be brought in. It is stated, that an expedition is now fitting out for the Continent, which is to be commanded by Lord Cathcart. We understand it will consist of not less than 12,000 men, cavalry and infantry. . Lord Cathcart is to fcstVc the appointment of his own Staff. The Dragoon Guards and Foot Guards j . will form a large portion of this army, which is ; destined to co- operate with the King of Sweden. 1 Lace * Manufacturers, Milliners,' Hosiers, Haberdashers, SfC. 4' C. BRIDGE- STREET, NORTHAMPTON. € OVE & STRONG respectfully beg Leave to acquaint their Friends, that the latter has just returned from London with a Variety of fashionable MILLINERY; an ASSORTMENT of LADTES' BEST BLACK Kin, JEAN, and SPANISH LEATHER SHOES; GLOVES of all Descriptions; with every Article in the above Blanches ; which will be sold on the most reasonable Terms. 63" Fine genuine HYSON, SOUCHONG, and CONGOU TEAS. COW - LANE, DAVEN TRY. MISS FLETCHER, DRAPER, respectfully informs the Ladies of DAVENTRY and it's Vicinity, that she is returned from LONDON with a Variety of fashionable Yard- and- Half and Ell. wide CAMBRIC, and Ell and Yard- wide printed DITTO ; also, CALICO for LADIES' DRESSES ; and assures them, that every Exertion shall be used to merit the Favours of those who may please to honour her with their Commands. ( LADIES' STAYS and SHOES as cheap as in London.— Likewise, CHILDREN'S SHOES. M( E. P A t N E 1EMBRACES the present Opportunity of thanking the Ladies of Northampton and its Vicinity, and the Public in general, for their Support and Patronage, and, by strict Attention and Punctu- ality, hopes she shall continue to be favoured with that Encouragement which she has for several Years so amply experienced ; and begs Leave to inform them, she is just returned from LONDON, with a fashionable Assortment ofMILINERY; which will be ready for Sale on MONDAY next, MAY the 5th. NEW THEATRE, NORTHAMPTON. R. ROBERTSON most respectfully an- TO JVC ESTER. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. OTICE is hereby given, That the PART- NERSHIP lately subsisting between MERCY COLLINS and MARY WRIGHT, of TOWCESTER, in the County of Northampton, HABERDASHERS, MILLINERS, and DRESS - MAKERS, WAS THIS DAY DISSOLVED BY MUTUAL CONSENT, on Account of the ill State of Miss Wright's Health.— Dated the third Day of May, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Six. MERCY COLLINS. MARY WRIGHT. ( f3" All Persons having any Claim upon the Part- nership Account, are desired toapply to Miss COLLINS, who will settle the same; and all Persons who stand indebted to the Partnership, are requested to settle the same with Miss COLLINS. *** Miss COLLINS returns her sincere Thanks to her Friends and the Public, for the numerous Favours The nrinrinil nart of the rarrison of the Cape ! received during her Partnership with Miss Wright, the principal part ot uie gairison oi uie v. c. pt , and respcctfulfy acquaints them that inconsequence Good Hope consisted ol Austrian pnsonets, I ot- the'Dissolution of the above Partnership, she has taken Miss JONES as a PARTNER in the above of of pr taken at the battle of Marengo, and sold by Bona- parte to the Dutch. These troops, and others at that settlement, have volunteered for British ser- Business, and humbly solicits a Continuance of those Favours which have been before so liberally bestiowed; vice; and accoi'dingly three skeleton battalions of I curing them, that no Pains or Expence will be . , • " • , • , , , i soared in having the most fashionable Assortment of the 60th regiment, none of which amount to 70 •• ..... . » ..,. men, including officers, are now embarking at Portsmouth for the Cape, with intent to complete their quotas with these Dutch and Austrian Vo- lunteers. They take out stores, clothing, & c. for the full complement. Several of the swords given by the Patriotic Fund to the Captains who fought at Trafalgar have been delivered. The scabbards are blue velvet, adorned with beautiful trophies and devices ill gold. On the blade is recorded the victory which they commemorate; and every sword may thus be considered a valuable and honourable tribute to the valiant defenders of their country. WANTED immediately, Two Apprentices m the MILLINERY BUSINESS. Enquire of D. & E. SALE, High - Street, Lutterworth. W* ANTED, as an APPRENTICE in the DRESS- MAKING and MILLINERY BUSINESSES, A YOUNG PE RSON, who can be well recommended. PJ- For further Particulars, apply to Miss WOOD, of Thrapston. *,* Miss WOOD is just returned from LONDON, with a genteel Assortment of MILLINERY, FANCY DRESSES, CORSETS, & C. To the Faculty. "\~\ TANTED immediately, A steady, active V T ASSISTANT, who is'competent to each De- partment of the Profession. fj^" For Particulars, enquire of Dr. ALLVEY, St. Neots, Huntingdonshire. ANTED, in a BOARDING- SCHOOL, An ASSISTANT, well versed in Penmanship, Arithmetic, and the general Business of an English Seminary. pr Letters ( Post- paid) addressed to A.- B. at the Printers', will be duly answered. To Journeymen Plumbers, Glaziers, and Painters. " V/ STAN TED, A sober MAN, in the above BUSINESSES, Apply to WILLIAM PARBERY, Plumber, Glazier, and Painter, Towcester. ANTED, FOUR MEN, to serve in the 3d Regiment of DRAGOON GUARDS.- A handsome Premium will be given. Apply to J. ABEL, Northampton. rANTED, A sober, steady, careful married MAN, to undertake the Care and Management of several Stables and a Yard, where a Number of Horses are constantly kept, and to superintend the same, and several Persons who will be employed under him. He will have'a House found him, and liberal Wages will be given. flS* Apply ( if by Letter, Post- paid,) to Mr. LEVI, Northampton. WANTED, in a Gentleman's Family, A FOOTMAN, as UPPER- SERVANT.— An unexceptionable Character will be required. ft?" Letters ( Post- paid) addressed to R. H. at the" Printers', will be duly attended to. WANTED immediately, in a Farm- House, A MAID- SERVANT, who understands House- hold Work and plain Cooking, also the Management of a Dairy. — Any one who can have a Character from her last Place, mav hear of a Situation by applying to Mr. ROBERTS, White- Hart, Kettering; if by Letter, Post- paid. WANTED, in a Gentleman's Family, A COOK- MAID, who understands plain Cookery in all its Branches.— She must also understand Pickling, Preserving, Pastry, and dress a few Made Dishes.— A good Character from her last Place will be expected. Enquire of Messrs. COLLIS & DASH, Book- sellers, Kettering; if by Letter, Post- paid. River Ivel Navigation mul the Branches'thereof, in the Counties of Bedford and Hertford. WANTED, to borrow, upon the Credit of the Tolls of this Navigation, the Sum of SIX THOUSAND POUNDS, for the Purpose of carrying on and completing the same from Biggleswade, in the County of Bedford, to the South and North Bridges in the Town of SheHord, in the same County.— All Persons willing to lend Money on the Credit and Secu- rity of the said Tolls, for the Purpose aforesaid, are desired to signify their Intentions, and. the Sums they respectively propose to lend, to Mr HINDLEY, of llaldock, in the County of Hertford, Treasurer to the Commissioners of the said Navigation. C3" The Money advanced will bear 5 per Cent. Interest. MAY 2d, 1806. ALL Persons indebted to the late WILLIAM BARTRAM, of KEMPSTON- GREEN- END, near Bedford, deceased, are desired to pay their respective Debts immediately to Mr. E. Maiden, or Mr. John Trapp, of Bedford, principal Creditors, and Admi- nistrators for the Benefit of Creditors ; and all Persons to whom the said Wm. Bartram was indebted, are desired to deliver their Claims to the said Admi- nistrators. To the different Articles in the above Branches. N. B. Miss COLLINS returns from London next Week with a Variety of fashionable MILLINERY, DRESses, & c. which will be ready for Inspection on SATURDAY the 10th Instant. AN APPRENTICE WANTED. Towcester, May 2J, 1806. To the DEBTORS and CREDITORS of Mr. SAMUEL EATON, late of THRAPSTON, in the County of Northampton, Grocer, deceased. ALL Persons having any Claim or Demand upon the Estate and Effects of the said SAMUEL EATON, are hereby desired to send them immediately to William Griffin, of Thrapstou; or William Blunsom, of Islip; who are authorized to settle the same.— Also, all Persons who stand indebted to tile Estate and Effects of the said Samuel Eaton, are hereby desired to pay their respective Debts to the said VVm. Griffin or Wm. Blunsom. Thrapston, May 1- rf, 1806. BALL, At the Hind Inn Assembly- Room, Wellingborough, WEDNESDAY EVENING, the 14th of MAY, MR. M'KORKELL has the Honour respect- fully to acquaint the Nobility, Gentry, and his Friends^ that his PUPILS' BALL ( the young Ladies at Mrs. MALIM'S SCHOOL,) will consist of the greatest Variety of fashionable Dances; Parti- culars of which will be given in due Time. The Band of Music will consist of the first Per- formers. The Grand Pedal Harp by Mr. WILCOX ( from London), who will play several select Pieces and Welch Airs in the Course of the Evening, ficr A BALL afterwards for the Company. *** Tickets, 7s. each, to be had at the HIND I NN. COAL S. JOSEPH JOHNSON, of TWICKETTS MILLS, « * begs Leave to inform the Inhabitants of Towcester and its Neighbourhood, that he intends keeping a regular Supply of the different Sorts of COALS, at BLISWORTH WHARF, which he purposes selling on the most reasonable Terms. Twick'ctts Mills, May Id, 1806. Genteel and expeditious Travelling. RUGBY AND DAVENTRY NEW ACCOMMODATION POST - COACH, TO CARRY FOUR INSIDES, ( With one Coachman only all the Way.) fl^ IIE Public are respectfully informed, that St the above Coach sets out from the GEORGE INN, RUGBY, every ' Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday Mornings, \ at Five o'Clock; calls at the GREF. N- MAN, DUN- ; CHURCH, a Quarter past Five, and at the BEAR INN, | DAVENTRY, about Half- past Six; and arrives at the I GOLDEN- LION INN, ST. JOHN'S- STREET, LONDON, I about Six in the Evening; returns every Thursday, ! Saturday, and Monday Mornings, at Five o'Clock, and | arrives at Rugby about Six in the Evening. I Places and Parcels carefully booked at the above Inns, and at the Accommodation Coach- Office, Tow- cester.— Performed by the Public's obedient Servants, RICHARD DAVIS & Co. London. THOS. BROMWICH & Co. Rugby. 05r" The Proprietors of the above Coach will not be accountable for any Parcel, Package, or Passenger's Luggage, above £. S Value, unless entered as such and paid for accordingly. N. B. The Old Accommodation Coach as usual: So that the Towns of DAVENTRY, TOWCESTER, and STONY- STRATFORD, will now be accommodated with a Coach to and from London everv Day in the Week, except Wednesday. nounces to the Town and Vicinity of North- ampton, that he shall have the Honour of OPENING the NEW THEATRE on MONDAY, MAY 5th, 1806, With the Play of The CASTLE SPECTRE. Preceding the Play, AN A D D R E S S, WRITTEN FOR THE OCCASION, To be Spoken by Mr. ROBERTSON. To conclude with the new popular Farce of The WEATHERCOCK. £ 3r- The last Night on Monday, June 16th. Days of playing, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. N. B. The splendid Spectacles of CINDERELLA, NO 11THA M P TO N, SATURDAY EVE& IKG, M< ty 9, MARRIED.] On Monday se'nnight, the Rev. Lloyd Crawley, of Heyford, to ftiiss Crawley, eldest daughter of the Rev. Mr. Crawley, of Stowe, both in this county. Lately, in London', Claude George Thornton, Esq. of Austin- FriarSj to/ Miss Frances Ann Smith, second daughter of Samuel Smith, Esq. oi" Wood- hall Park, Herts, M. P. for Leicester. Lately, in London, Mr. Marsh, jeweller, of Tavistock- streetji to Miss Whissell, of. Alcester, Warwickshire'. On Sunday se'nnight, at St. Ann's, Solio, Mr, ROCK, the HUNTER of the ALPS, VENETIAN OUTLAW, with other new and popular Pieces, are in Preparation, and will be brought forward as early as possible. V^ l \ H; Oliver, surgeon, of Stilton, to Miss M. Sutton, ot Sawtry, Huntingdonshire. On Monday se'nnight, Mr. Thomas Adkins, of Leckhampstead, Bucks,- to Miss B. Ridge, second daughter of Mr. Ridge, farmer, of Lillmgston- Lovell, Oxfordshire. On Tuesday se'nnight, the Rev. R. Roberts, to Miss Cox, eldest daughter of the late John Cox, Esq. of Peterborough. On Thursday se'nnight, Mr. J. F. Morgan, SHEEP- STREET, NORTHAMPTON. WILLIAM WESTLEY begs Leave to return his best Thanks to those of his Friends who have been pleased to favour him with their Com- mands, and respectfully informs them and the Public in general, that he intends carrying on the Business of , ^ ^ 0 . a TAILOR and HABIT- MAKER, in a House in j apothecary, of Bath, to Miss Worrail, of Kineton, he Occupation of Mrs. Gordon5 and, by Means of his having a Friend in London, who will, from Time to Time, supply him with the different FASHIONS of the METROPOLIS in the above Line, W. W. flatters himself he shall be enabled to give Satisfaction to his Employers, and hopes, by - an unremitting Attention to Business, to merit the Favour and Patronage of a generous Public. KINGSTHORPE BOW LING- GREEN WILL be opened on THURSDAY next, MAY the 8th, 1806. fpf Dinner at Three o'Clock, as usual. be S O L D by AUCTIO N, By EDWARD NEALE & SON, On Saturday the 10th Day of May, 1806, unless sooner disposed of by Private Contract, at the House of Mrs. Mary Bromwich, the George Inn, in Rugby, in the County of Warwick, bstween the Hours of Three and Six o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to Conditions of Sale then to be produced, ALL that new- erected, substantial, Brick and Tiled DWELLING- HOUSE, aspaciousYARD and GARDEN, with a good Brick BARN, and other convenient OUT- OFFICES, with 21 Acres and a Half of useful UP and DOWN LAND ( more or less), pleasantly situated, standing, and being in the Lordship of HILLMORTON, in the said County, near to the Town of Rugby aforesaid, and late in the Occupation of Mr. John Chater. ftST For a View of the above, apply to Mr. t. CRYER ; and to tieat for the same by Private Contract, apply to Mr, JOHN CJIATSR, on the Premises. To 1 Oak Timber, Underwood, fyc. § c. be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Wednesday the 7th of May, 1806, on the Pre- mises, in HAVERSHAM WOOD, near N EWPORT- PACNELL, Bucks, WO Hundred OAK TIMBER TREES, with LOPS and TOPS, now standing in the said Wood; also, several RANGES of UNDERWOOD, 6000 FAGGOTS, 50 Dozen of Fi. EAK HURDLES, large QUANTITY of ASH POLES, PLANKS and SLABS, FIRE- WOO ), & c. (} 5r" The Timber will be in small Lots; and the other Articles will be lotted lor Inspection six Days before Sale. *** Catalogues may be had at the Anchor, New- port- Pagnell; George, Stoke- Goldington; Royal- Oak, Hanslope; and of the Auctioneer, in Stony- Stratford. N. B. The Companv are requested to meet at the Wood- House, Haversham Wood, at Ten o'Clock in the Morning, when the Sale will commence. To WHEELWRIGHTS and others. Under an Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By W. WHITE, On the Premises, on Monday the 19th of May, 1806, precisely at Ten o'Clock, AIL the neat HOUSEHOL D - FURNITURE, STOCK in TRADE, and other EFFECTS, of Mr. JOHN TAYLOR, Wheelwright and Cooper, at SHITLINGTON, in the County of Bedford; consisting of Four- post Bedsteads and Furniture, and Stump Ditto; Feather- Beds, Bolsters, and Pillows; Flock Ditto; Coverlets, Blankets, and Sheets; Chest of Drawers; Dressing- Tables and Glasses; Bureau; neat, iDiiiing and Tea- Tables; very excellent Eight- day Clock, quite new; six neat Windsor Chairs and Chamber Ditto; Deal Dresser; Corner Cupboard; China, Glass, and Earthenware; Copper Boiler; large Brass Kettle; Fender and Fire- irons; Dough- Trough, Trays, and other Articles. The STOCK in TRADE consists of upwards of 30 Dozen of well- seasoned Fellies, 100 Dozen of Spokes, a large Quantity of capital Ash Planks and Elm Boards, three Pair of Hubs, Axletrees, Cart Raves, with a general Assortment of Plough and Cart Timber, and some Cooper's Stuff, Wheelwright's and Cooper's Tools, & c.— A new Narrow- wheel Dung Cart; large Pair of Smith's Bellows, . new Anvil, and sundry Smith's Tools. Also win be SOLD by AUCTION, at Six o'Clock in the Evening of the same Day, at the White- Horse, at Shitlington aforesaid ( under Conditions to be produced at the Time of Sale), A COPYHOLD ESTATE, situate at SHITLINGTON CHURCH- END; comprising a neat Dwelling- House, with Kitchen, Parlour, and two Bedchambers; Back- Kitchen, large Wheelwright's Shop, and convenient Out- Offices; a Garden, planted with Fruit Trees; and a Close of Pasture, containing one Acre, be the same more or less; in the Occupation of the said Mr. John Taylor. [ pf* This Estate is worthy the Attention of any Person . wishing to enter into the above Businesses. *** For a View of the Estate, apply on the Premises. "" VINCENT'S GOWLAND's LOTION. A NOTIIER most AUTHENTIC PROOF of the A very superior Efficacy of the truly genuine GOWLAND's LOTION ( prepared by Mrs. VINCENT, sole Proprietor ef Dr. GOWLAND'S original Recipe), is here presented, by Permission, in a Letter from W. DRAYTON, Esq. Sion- Hill, Bath. To Mrs. VINCENT, No. 4,, Davies- Street, Grosvenor- Square, London. MADAM, A young Gentleman, aged about seven Years, Son of a Colonel in the Army, was afflicted with a viru- lent Eruption, and that to so violent a Degree as to make it necessary to confine h: s Hands in Bags, par- ticularly at Night: The Complaint resisted various Applications from the united Consultation of three Physicians of Eminence, and continued to grow worse under the Regimen prescribed; when a Lady, who had received a Cure of a very bad Case of Scurvy in the Face, of several Years standing, by your Gowland's Lotion, recommended a Trial of the same Remedy.— It was applied under my own Inspection— the Disease gave Way— and three Quarts of your Lotion performed a Cure of a Disorder which had been of about four Years' Duration, and had baffled the Skill of several Physicians eminent in their Profession. From my Conviction of the above Cure, I recom- mended your GOWLAND'S LOTION to a Lady whose Face exhibited a very disagreeable Eruption-( even your and she is now free from Eruption. I am, Madam, Your' very obedient humble Servant, WILLIAM DRAYTON. Sion- Hill, Bath, Nov. 11th, 1805. Sold by Messrs. Dicey & Sutton, Mr. ^ dge, Mr. Abel, and Mr. Edmonds, Northampton; Mr. Harrod, Harborough; Mr. Inwood, Newport; Mr. Palgrave, MAY 2d, 1806. STOLEN or STRAYED, out of a Close at LOWER- HEYFORD, in the Countv of North- ampton, on Wednesday Night last, or early on Thursday Morning, A BROWN MARE, aged, about 1- 1J Hands high, has a Blemish on each Knee, with one hind Leg white and swelled, and has been pinched on the Crest, by. the Saddle. Whoever will bring the said MaretoW. ROBINSON, Sen. of Lower- Heyford aforesaid, if strayed, shall be handsomely rewarded; and if stolen, shall receive TWO GUINEAS, on Conviction of the Offender or Offenders. LOST, On Saturday the 26th Day of April, 1806, ALiver- coloured and mottled POINTER DOG, answering- to the Name of MARS. Whoever will bring the said Dog to Mr. GOODWIN, Cock Inn, BANBURY; or I'HIPPS WESTON, of H I NTON, near Brackley ; will be handsomely rewarded for their Trouble.— If stolen, whoever will discover the Of- fender or Offenders, shall, on his or their Conviction, receive TWO GUINEAS REWARD of the said Mr. GOODWIN, or PHIPPS WESTON. ( j5f" Whoever detains the Dog after this public Notice, will be prosecuted according to Law. RUSHTON ASSOCIATION, For PROSECUTING FELONS, & c. THE Members of this Association are respect- fully informed, that the Annual Meeting on the first Monday in May, being the 5th Instant this Year, is unavoidably postponed; but that a Meeting is intended shortly to be held ( of which due Notice will be given), for the Purpose of submitting the Treasurer's Ac- counts to the Members. THO. MARSHALL, Solicitor, Kettering. May 1 st, 1806. To Woolstaplers. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, ALL that new- erected MESSUAGE, situate in OUNDLE, in the County of Nonhampton, with the Comb- Shops, Sorting- Shops, Wool- Ware- house, Wash- FIouse, Barns, Stables, and other con- venient Outbuildings, fit and proper for carrying on the Wool Business. Also, a PADDOCK of rich PASTURE LAND adjoining, containing three Acres ( more or less), ' inclosed with a good Stone Wall, near ten Feet high. ( fT The above Estate is an eligible Situation for any Person desirous of carrying on, to a considerable Extent, the Wool Trade; or would form a delightful Residence for a genteel Family. *** The Land- Tax is redeemed. N. B. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. ODY, or to Mr. BALDERSTON, Attorney at Law. Oundle. Oundle, < 23tb April, 1806. Excellent Building Materials. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS HA IV, On Wednesday the 7th Day of May . instant, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the Grafton- Arms, B LIS WORTH, in Lots, ABOUT forty- two Squares of Roofing and Slating ; a very good Crane and Shed; a Quantity of Bricks, Boards, Doors, Windows, and vaious other Articles ; being the Materials of a Warehouse, Crane, See. and two Dwelling- Houses, erected within these four Years for the Convenience of Blisworth Railway. ([ 3* For Particulars, enquire of JOHN CURRIN, Wharfinger, at Blisworih Wharf. To be~~ S OLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS HAW, At the Crowii Inn, in Upper Weedon- Beck, in the County of Northampton, on Thursday the 22d Day of May instant, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon," ACOTTAGE or TENEMENT, with the ORCHARD or GARDEN, and APPURTE- NANCES thereunto adjoining and belonging, contain- ing about Half an Acre of Ground, well fenced and planted with Fruit Trees, situate near the Roval Depot at Ul'PER- WEEDON aforesaid, late in the Occupation of Joseph Tompson, and now untenanted. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. THEO. JEYES, Solicitor, Northampton; Mr. WM. WRIGHT, at the Crown Inn above - mentioned; or to the AUCTIONEER. ESTATE at OLNEY, Bucks. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By MASON & SON, ( IN THREE LOTS,) On Monday the 12th Day of May'inst. at the Bull Inn, in Olney aforesaid, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then and there produced, rpHE following FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate E in the Town and Parish of OLNEY aforesaid, and now in the Occupation of Messrs. Samuel and George Raban, at a very low Rent, viz. Lot 1. Three Closes of rich Arable Land, adjoining each other, and containing together, by Estimation, 26 Acres ( more or less), situate at the Bottom of the Town, and lying next the Yardley Road. Lot 2. An. old Inclosure of good Pasture or Meadow Ground, called the Hide, containing, by Estimation, six Acres ( more or less), and lying near Mr. Day's Lodge. Lot3. An old Inclosure of most excellent Grazing Land, situate in the Town of Olney, containing, by Estimation, 5A. 2R. OP. ( more or less), and called RUGBY MAY FAIR. NOTICE is hereby given, That the FAIR usually held on the 15th of May, will be kept this Year on FRIDAY the 16th of MAY, owing to Holy Thursday falling on the loth. Warwickshire. Last week, Mr. John Gilbert, of Anstey, to Miss Mary Orton, of Bulkington, both in Warwickshire. A few days since, Mr. Bradley, brazier,- to Miss Morris, eldest daughter of Mr. Motris, of Atherstone, Warwickshire. On Saturday last, Mr. Kirby, attorney, to Mrs, Elliott, both of Towcester, in this county. On Tuesday last, Mr. John Archbold, to Miss Cumberland, daughter of Mr. Cumberland, of the Crown inn, - Stony- Stratford, Bucks. DIED.] On - Sunday last, at this place, Charles Collins, Esq. of Grove- House, near Ashbourn, Derbyshire. He was in' the prime of life, and died, after a short illness, lamented by his family and friends. Lately, at Bath, Mrs. Grimes, mother, of A. Grimes, Esq. of Coton- House, near Rugby. On Sunday Se'nnight, at Pail tot), near Lutter- worth, ill the 83d year of his age, Mr. Brooks, TWENTY GUINEAS REWARD. STOLEN, out of a Stable belonging to Mr. WM. NORRIS, of BASCOTT, ne; « SOUTHAM, War- _ .... ^ , wickshire, between the Hours of Ten on the Night of formerly a considerable grazier at Norton, in this luesn. 1V TLLP 9< ltl, NNH TAFN 11-,- AT. '... R, ..(-' IV I. RL • Tuesday the 29th, and Two on the Morning of Wed- nesday the 30th of April, 1806, A BLACK CARL' HORSE, rising seven Years old, 154 Hands high, the Hair rubbed on each Thigh by the Chain of a Harrow, and has a few grey Hairs in his Tail. Whoever will give Information of the Offender or Offenders,, so that he or they may be brought to Justice, shall, on Conviction, receive a Reward of TWENTY GUINEAS, by applying to the aforesaid WILLIAM NORRIS. ji^ f". If more than one were concerned, and either will impeach his Accomplice or Accomplices, he shall receive the above Reward, and Means will be taken to procure His Majesty's Pardon. Hellidon, Northamptonshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By J. P. CULLINGWORTH, On Monday and Tuesday next, the 5th and 6th Days of May, 1806, on'the Premises of Mr. T. STANTON, at HELLIDOtf, npiIE Whole of his neat and useful HOUSE- HOLD- FURNITURE and STOCK in TRADE. " HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE comprises Feather - The Bedford • " Mr. Robins, Daventry i and by eveiy repu- by the Name of the Nursery, or Cherry Orchard, table Vender of genuine Medicines in Europe; in i & T Terms and further Particulars will be given by Quarts, 8s. 6d. Pints, 5s. 6d. and Half- Pints, 2s. 9d. Mr. BUSWELL, Attorney at Law, Northampton, to OCT This Lotion cannot be genuine, unless M. E. any Person inclined to purchase the above very desirable VINCINI is signed on the Label on each Bottle. Estate by Private Contract. and Wool- Beds; Bedding; Bedsteads, with Hangings; Dining and other Tables, a capital 30- Hour Clock and Case ( by Bunting); a Chest'of Drawers; Buffet ; Table, Bed, and other Linen ; capital Half- Hogshead Copper Furnace; Tubs and Barrels; a large double Milk- Lead; an excellent polished Kitchen Grate; Brass and Copper Pots and Kettles; a good Barrel Churn ; several Lots of Pewter Dishes and Plates; and Household- Furniture in general; which will be sold on the first Day.— And on the following Day, the Whole of the STOCK in TRADE will also be sold; which consists of Drapery ahd Grocery Goods in general; amongst which are numerous Lots of Teas, Sugar, Cheese, Soap, Candles, & c. & c.; together with a Number of Lots of Staffordshire Ware. ff5T The Sale is appointed to commence each Morn- ing precisely at Ten o'Clock, on Account of the great Number of Lots to be sold each Dav. Freehold Estate. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Friday the 9th of May, 1806, at Five o'Clock, at the White- Lion Inn, at Kimbolton, AConvenient DWELLING- HOUSE, SHOP, large STORE- ROOM, SHED, BREW- HOUSE, and GARDEN, in good Repair, situate opposite to the Market- House, in the front Street, at KIMBOLTON, in the County of Huntingdon, in the Tenure of Mr. Joseph Bull. LONDON, May 3. FRENCH and Dutch Papers were on Thursday received; the former to the 23d, and the latter to the 28th ult. The return of the French troops who were evacuating Germany has not only been suspended, but Marshal Lefevre's corps, 20,000 strong, which had but a few days crossed to the left bank of the Rhine, has recrossed it at Mentz, and advanced into Darmstadt. Great preparations are making to place Branau in a respectable state of defence, and the head- quarters of the French army are still at Ulm. Yet an article from Stutgard, of the 12th, states, that the suspension upon the return of the Austrian prisoners to Austria has been taken off. Notwithstanding the above, and other articles under various heads in the Paris papers, stating that the differences between Austria and France are on the point of an amicable adjustment, it appears that an immediate war between the. above Powers may be confidently expected. The French Government, under the pretence of correcting some false reports, said to have been contained in a Manheim Paper, has officially com- municated the particulars of the occupation of the Mouths of the Cattaro by the Russians. It indicates at the same time, in terms too plain and too peremptory to admit of misrepresentation, the line of conduct which Austria will be expected, or required, if necessary, to pursue. His Majesty the French Emperor thinks proper " to stand upon the point of honour:" lie will not accept the surrender of Cattaro from any power but Austria.— Thus is the embarrassment in which Austria placed herself by the surrender of that post ( however ne- cessitated to do so) greatly increased, and her only alternative seems to be an immediate attachment either to the cause of Russia or France, being no longer allowed the choice of neutral conciliation. Two more regiments are under orders of- em- barkation for the island of Sicily. In the House of Commons, on Thursday, the Attorney- General's Bill, for preventing the im- portation of slaves into the colonies of foreign powers, was read a third time and passed. British Navy.— There are at present in com- mission 723 ships of war; of which 128 are of the line; 14 from 44 to 50 guns; 157 frigates; 178 sloops; and 246 armed brigs: besides which there are several building and repairing, and a number in ordinary, and employed as receiving ships. PRICE OF STOCKS. county. On Wednesday se'nnight, suddenly, Mr. John- North, a respectable farmer, of VVorton, in Ox- fordshire. On Thursday se'nnight, aged 76, Mr. Abraham Nixpn, of Coventry, one of the people called Quakers. Yesterday se'nnighf, in the 83d year of his age, Joseph Chambers, Esq. one of the Aldermen, and thrice Mayor, of the borough of Leicester. Lieutenant- Colonel Thomas Ruosdell, of the 61st regiment of Foot, is appointed Lieutenant- Governor of Sheerness, vice Colonel M vir.— Guz. The Rev. Verelsham has been instituted, by the Lord Bishop of Peterborough, to the Rectory of Cottesbrook, in this county, on the presentation of Sir William. Langham, Bart. The Rev. Nathaniel Humfrey, of Lincoln Col- lege, Oxford, has been instituted, by the Bishop of Peterborough, to the Rectory of Thorpe- Mande- ville, in this county, on the presentation of Robert Humfrey, Esq. The subscriptions for the intended University Statue of Mr. Pitt, amounted on Saturday last to sf. 6949 14s. Lord Auckland, in the House of Lords on- Tuesday, communicated information which will afford considerable satisfaction to our readers: it was, that the ports of the Baltic were neither shut against us, nor likely to be. His Lordship and Lord Moira also stated, that there was not the least foundation for apprehending any scarcity of corn; and the'former added, that foreign corn daily arrived in such quantities, that licences were frequently applied for and granted for its re- exportation. On Saturday last, two persons were fined by the Magistrates, at the Record- room, in the mitigated penalty of 40s. each, for neglecting to provide waggons for the removal of the baggage belonging to the 21st regiment of Light Dragoons.- Extract from the Mutiny Act :— " I t" is further enacted, that, if any high constable, or petty constable, shall wilfully neglect or refuse to execute such warrant or warrants of the Justices of the Peace as shall be directed unto them, for providing carriages, & c ; or if any person or persons appointed by such constable, or petty constable, to provide or furnish any carriage, See. & c. shall refuse or neglect to provide the. same ; or if such person or persons, or any other person or persons whatsoever, shall wilfully do any act or thing whereby the execution of the said warrant shall be hindered or frustrated; every such constable, or. person or persons, so offending, shall, for every such offence, forfeit any sum not exceeding £. b,. nor less than 40s. to the use' of the poor of such parish, or parishes adjoining to the parish, where such offence shall be committed, as shall be fixed upon by the Justice or Justices by whom such offence shall be enquired of, heard, and determined." A dreadful fire broke out on Sunday morning last, about three o'clock, in the workshops of Mr. Crayne, joiner and cabinet- maker, of Derby. It was got under in about three hours, after having consumed a great part of the premises, with a small part of the Adam- and- Eve public- house adjoining. The damage is already estimated at aboutsf. 1000, only a small part of which is insured. On the 12th ult. an inquisition was taken at Tcmpsford, in the county of Bedford, before WilHam Whitworth, Gent. Coroner for the said county, on view of the body of Mary Cunningtmi, a child about four years of age, who, being le! t alone in a dwelling- house while her mother was gone on an errand, her clothes caught fire, and she was burnt to death. Verdict— Accidental Death. And on the Tuesday, following, an inquisition was taken at Wimmington, in the said county, before the same Coroner, on view of the body of Mr. Thomas Tebbutt, found dead. Verdict— Died by the Visitnlion of God. - P RICE of C O R N per Quarter at Northampton, Saturday, May 3. Wheat, 80s. to 88s. Od. Rye, 55(. Od. to 57s. Barlev, 3- ls. Od. to 35s. Od. Oats,' 24s. Od. to 27s. Od. Beans, 34.-. 6d. to 46 •• M New Ditto, —... to — s-. Peas, •— s. Od. to— j. . J, By the Standard Me Bank Stock 3 per Ct. Red. 3 per Ct. Cons. 4 per Ct. Cons. 5 per Ct. Navy sh. • 59- Ji 601 60 . - 7444 92i » Imp. 3 per Cents. sh. India Stock . sh. India Bonds Is. 2s. p. Exc. Bills par. 2s. p. Omnium . . pr. J_ GRAFTON, Inspector. Corn- Exchange, Loudon, Friday, May 3. Wheat is here to- day in short quantities, the few- prime samples maintain their price,; other qualities are very heavy of sale, at rather less; and but little Barley, which is full as dear.— Malt without viti- ation.— Very few Beans at hand.— Oats rather dearer. LIST of FAIRS, from May 5, to May IT, within the Circuit of this Paper. M. May 5. Northampton, Mtirlmu, Stamford, Frith, and Ampthill. Thrapston, Chipping- Norton, Rislorough, Oakham, Buckingham, Ivinghoe, and Harrold. « Higham- Ferrers, Market - Bosvuorth, and Aylesbury. Toiccestcr, Stoiu- on- the- Would, Warwick, Wetidover, Little- Br'ukhill, Leicester, ar. d Lichjiejd. T. 13. Silsoe. W. 14, Nuneaton and Stratford- upon- Avon. Til. —— 15. Hunslop, Lutterworth, Loughborough, St. Neots, Winslow, Yaxley, Beaconsfield, Banbury, Elstow, Halloughton ( lasts two . days), and HemtlhcmpsUad. F, 16. Rugby, T. - Til. M. - - 8. - 12. BEDFORDSHIRE To be- LET T, or SOLD by CONTRACT, I> R1V A T E A Most desirable RESIDENCE tor a genteel Family, situate atCLOPIllLL, in the Comity of Bedford; consisting of a Mansion- House, Coach- I louse, Stables, ml suitable Offices. Pleasure Grounds, Gardens, a Paddock, and about 22 Acres ot Pasture Land, late the Residence of JOHN DILIA, Esq. { pj- Early Possession may be obtained. * * For Particulars, apply to Mr. DAVIS, Jun. So- , — , , . • . licit ® ! 1 Ampthill, Bedfordshire; or to Messrs. BROWNS | Premises ate in complete Repair. 1 wo large Parlours, & GOTO8ED Solicitors, Norfolk- Street, Strand, London., with elegant circular Windows to the Garden Front, Family Residence and rich Pasture Lund, in Warwickshire. To be L E T T, A'td entered upor immediately, or at Midsummer next, \ LL that new- erected capital MANSIOii- HOUSE, called SPRINGFIELD, lately occu- pied by FRANCIS PARROT, Esq. situate witnin five Miles of the City of Coventry, and at an agreeable Distancfe from the Turnpike- Road between that City and Nuneaton, Hinckley, and Atherstone.— The House is finished in the best Style; the attached and detached Offices are particularly convenient; and the whole To be LETT, And entered upQti immediately, AComenit nt and comfortable ( LOUSE, situato at LOUGHTON, in the County of Bucks, tit tor the Reception of a genteel Family ; consisting ot a good Dining- Room, Drawing.- Room, Study, k itoien, back Kitchen, and But, ler's Pantry, on the I, round Floor; five excellent Bed- Rooms, and two Attics ; with detached Brewhouse, Stables, and Coach- House, a good Garden, and other necessary Convenwncies.— It desired, a CLOSE of rich PASTURE LAND, containing 10 Acres, nearly adjoining the House, may be had. , , Tile Situation is about 47 Miles from Lotion, and within Half a Mile of the great Chester Road, three Mile, from Stony- Stratford, and hve trom Newport- Pagnell, both good Market Towns. * « , For further Particulars, Application may be made to Mr. LUCAS, Solicitor, Newport- Pagnell; or to Mr. JOHN DAY, of Stony- Stratford. „ April Wj, 1806; To IRONMONGERS. To be DISPOSED of by PRIVATE CONTRACT T IMMEDIATELY A WD WITHOUT RESERVE, " M1E STOCK iu TRADE, and GOOD WILL, of the old- established BUSINESS lately carried by Messrs. WHEATLEY & WHITE, and SIQCC by Mr. ' WHITE, deceased, in the HIGH- STREET, in BANBURY, Oxfordshire. ( jrr The Business has been established tor nearly a Century, and the Connection is extensive and highly respectable. v* For Particulars, and to treat, apply to Mrs. WHITE, or to Messrs. BIGNELL & WYKHAM, at Banbury. N. B." All Persons who have any Demands on the late Mr. WHITE, are requested to send an Account thereof to Mrs. White, the Executrix, or to Messrs. Bignell & Wykhamt iri Banbury; and ail Persons indebted to the Estate, are requested to settle their Accounts with Mrs. White, without Delay. and two other Room's, ot 14 Feet by 12 Feet ( one- of which has aiso been used as a Parlour, and the other is well adapted for a Study or Library), connected by a handsome Vestibule, constitute the principal Story. The attached Offices consist of a Butler's Pantry, Kitchen, common Pantry, Scullery, and Brew- house, with their necessary Appendages, all spacious and arranged, and fitted up in tiie most commodious Manner. The first Floor consists of six handsome and airy Bedchambers i and in the Attic are several Lodging- Rooms. The Cellarage is arched, dry, and complete. A very convenient Coach- House, an ex- cellcnt stalled Stable, and a Saddle- House, with other necessary Buildings, constitute the detached Offices. The Garden is large, and the Walls will be supplied with Fruit Trees, where necessary, agreeable to the Choice of any Gentleman who may rent the Premises, at the Expe'nce of the Proprietors. ( jST The Premises will be lett for a short Term of Yeais, or for a longer Term, as may be most agreeable to the Occupier; and the Tenant may be accommo- dated, for a leasonable Compensation, with tlie Use of the Kitchert- Range, the Coppers in the Brewhouse, the lire- Grates, and various other useful Fixtures unnecessary to be specified in an Advertisement. *** With the Mansion- House and Premises may also he lett, if desired, about TWENTY ACRES of fine rich LAND, adjoining thereto, or any lesser Quan- tity ; and any Gentleman who becomes the Occupier thereof, may likewise purchaac the extensive Manor of Bedworth, with its Court Leet and Court Baron, Privileges, and Apourtenances. N. B. For a View, apply to Mr. STEPHEN YATES, of Bedworth aforesaid; to treat for the Purchase ot the Manor of Bedworth, apply to the said FRANCIS PARROTT, Esq. at Hawkesbury, near Coventry; and to rent the" said Mansion- House, Land, and Premises, apply to the said Mr. YATES, or to Mr. DICKENS, Attorney at Law, Coventry ( at whose Office a Ground Plan of the House may be'inspected); or otherwise to Mr. EDWARD D. DICKENS, Attorney at Law, in Coventry. To the DEBTORS and CREDITORS of JOHN TAYLOR. TTTHEREASJOIIXTAYLOR, ofStitDUXGTON, VV in the County of Bedford, Wheelwright, lias for ' the equal Benefit of themselves and the Rest of his Creditors; and the Assignment is deposited with Mr. EAGLES, Solicitor, Ampthill, in the said County of Bedford, for the Signature of his Creditors: Notice is therefore hereby given, that all Persons who are Creditors of the said John ' l aylor, who do not execute the said Assignment on or " before the 29th Day of May next, will be excluded the Benefit of the same; and ft is particularly requested that the Creditors will immediately transmit an Account of their respective Demands to the said Assignees, or Mr. Eagles.— And Notice is hereby further given, that all Persons who stand indebted to the said John Taylor, are desired to pay their respective Debts to the' said Assignees, or Mr. Eagles, on or before the said 29th Day of May next; or they will be sued for Recovery thereof without further Notice. Ampthill, April 13d, 1806. STATE - LOTTERY, To begin Drawing on Monday the I'ith of May. HAZARD, BUltNE, & Co. Stock- Brokers, at . their State- Lottery- Office, 93, Royal- Exchange, London, are now selling, in great Variety of Num- bers, Tickets and Shares for the above Lottery. No. 10,730, a Prize of .£. 20,000, in the late Fe- bruary Lottery, was sold by them in one Quarter, one Eighth, and ten SixteenthShares. The present Lottery consists of only 25,000 Tickets, and the Scheme contains 1 Prize of 1 £. 25,000 20,000 10,000 Prizes of £ 5,000 1,000 500 CAPITAL PRIZES, shared and registered by TBRANSCOMB and Co. Joint Contractors . for the last and several past Lotteries, and Pro- prietors of the Luck. Lottery - Offices, No. II, HOLBORN, No. 37, CORN HI LL, and No. 3S, HAYMARKET, PICCADILLY, prior to 1804, viz. Prizes of £. 30,000 15 Prizes of £. 5,000 20,000 26 2,( MO 10,000 54 LOOO Likewise tile only £. 3,000 ever shared; besides several £. 500, £. 100, & c. ; and in 1801 and 1S05, the following Capitals weie sold in 227 different Shares: — 4 8 1L exclusive ot 6276 other- Prizes, from £. 500 down to 20 Guineas, and not three Blanks to a Prize. ( pi* Letters ( Post- paid) duly answered, and- Schemes gratis. *** HAZARD, BUKNE, & Co.' s Shares are also on Sale, on the same Terms as at their House i London, bv JJr. ABEL, Bookseller, their AGENT in NORTHAMPTON. SiMXT0N-- L0HGr. 11th April, IGOfi. A CHESNUT MARE, six or seven Years old, Xl with a Blaze oil the near Side of her Face, and two white Legs behind, WAS FOUND in the Field of THOMAS - WALKER, Jun. of Strixtm- Lodge, Northamptonshire, on the 6th of June last. If the said Mare is not owned, and her Keep paid for, within one Month from the Date hereof, she will be sold to defray the Expences. THOS. WALKER, Jun. T 1 T Nos. £. 17,477 entitled to 1,000 21,699 1,000 16,801 2,000 17,915 — 2,000 13,717 10,000 Likewise 10 Prizes of £. 500; Nos. £• 456 entitled to 20,000 9,219 20,000 11,613 20,000 7,686 20,020 7,757 20,022 and several £. 100, £. 50, & C. Sec. {• 7T Please to observe, Tickets and Shares are now selling at the above Offices, in great Variety of Num- bers ; likewise by Mr. If'. HI li l) SALL, Licensed for NORTHAMPTON ; where several Shares of the above Capitals were sold. Schemes of the present Lottery, gratis; which begins Drawing the 12th of May next; containing upwards of One Thou-- and Trizei more than the last, and only '• Tvccnty. five Thousand Tickets. ADVANCE OF PRICES. . pilOM tin great Demand for Tickets and X" Shares, the Prices will continue to rise, and cannot afterwards be lower, the Scheme being so con- sumed that there will not, at any Period ot the Drawing, be three Blanks to a Prize.— Lottery begins Drawing 12th MAY, 1806. £. 25,000 40,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 2,000 2,800 130,200 HOUGHTON- CON QUEST ENCLOSURE. Per ambulation of Boundaries. WE, the Commissioners appointed by " An Act for inclosing Lands in the Parish of HOUGHTON - CONQUEST, in the County of Bedford," give Notice, that we intend to ascertain, set out, and fix the Boundaries of the Parish of Houghton- Conquest, so tax as the same adjoins to or abuts upon the Parishes of Ampthill, Wootton, Wils- harnstead, and Hawnes, in the said County of Bedford, on TUESDAY the 13th Day of MAY next; and intend to meet at the Point where the Parishes of Houghton- Conquest, » Marston- Moretain, and Wootton adjoin, being near to the Comer of Long Spinnies, at Eleven o'Ciock in the Forenoon, and to proceed from thence along the Boundaries of the said Parishes of Hough- ton- Conquest, Wootton, Wilshamstead, Hawnes, and Ainpthill, so far as the same adjoin to or abut upon each other; and will, after perambulating the Boun- daries as aforesaid, adjourn to and meet at the House of HENRY SPRING, at the WHITE- HART INN, in AMPTHILI., in the County of Bedford, in the After- noon of the same Day. And we give further Notice to, and require all Persons who may be interested in, or affected by, the ascertaining, setting out, and fixing the Boundaries of the said Parishes respectively, so far as the same adjoin to or abut upon each other, to attend and produce such Evidence relative thereto as they may conceive necessary, at the Times and Places above- mentioned.— Dated this 17th Day of April, 1X06. JOHN FELLOWES, H. S. FOX. SCltSME. 1 Prize of £. 25,000 is 2. 20,000 ' J 10,000 3 5,000 10 1,000 10 500 20 1Q0 56 50 6,200 21 25,000 Tickets £. 250,000 Part of the above Capital?. Five fif. st- drn. " I ickets 1st Day, £. 1,000each, £. 5,000 Five first- drn. Ditto 3d Day, 1,00( 1 each, 5,000 First- drawn 4th Day 10,000 Ditto 5th Dav 20,000 Ditto 6th Day 25,000 Price of a Ticket £. 20 5s. Half £. 10 5 0 ; Eighth £. 2 12 Quarter 5 4 01 Sixteenth 1 6 { jST The present Scheme contains more Prizes and • i- u- er blanks than any Lottery for many Years past. > WO hundred and niye Capital Prizes, from . . £. 500 to £. 30,000, have been shared, sold," and registered in the last and former Lotteries, bv IIORNSBY Co. 26, Cornhill, 52, Charing- Cross, and St. Margaret's- Hill, Borough. Tickets and Shares for the present State- Lettery, to be drawn the 12th of MAY, are now selling by liftRNSRY & Co. in great Variety of Numbers, and at the lowest Prices. Orders, by Letter or Carrier, executed exactly on the same Terms as if present. iff All Business in the Public Funds transacted with Cate itnd Fidelity. H YYrE, the Commissioners appointed ti ' T into Execution an Act of Parliament, / , Mr. MARRIOTT, Druggist, BANBURY, has just received a fresh Supply ot LEAKE's l'ATEN 1 PILLS. T ., To TIIOMAS TAYLOR, Esq. No. 9, New Bndge- SIR, Street, London. JConsider it but an Act of Justice due to the - Merits of your LEAKE's PATENT PILLS, to communicate to you the following Cure, which has recently been performed by them:— An Acquaintance of mine, who, by the breaking out of an old Venereal Complaint ( attended by a Complication of Disorders arising therefrom), was reduced almost to a Skeleton, and although he had the best Medical Advice which could be obtained, and tried a Variety of Patent Me- dicines, Nothing could be procured which seemed to suit his Case, or to do him any Service: He remained in a most reduced and pitiable Situation for two Years, unable to follow his Profession, and scarcely able to walk or even to stand on his Legs; in fact, no one who knew him ever supposed it possible for him to recover. He was advised at last to try your LEAKE'S PILLS ; he did so, adhering strictly to th<^ Directions given with them; he had nor taken more than two Boxes before he found an Alteration for the'better; this encouraged him to proceed, and by taking a few Boxes more he found his Appetite and Strength gra- dually return, and is now as healthy and stout as any Man I know. You are welcome, Sir, to refer any Person to me for a Confirmation of the above Account if it should be doubted. I am, Sir, your obedient humble Servant, THOS. PURDAY. Library, Folkstone, July 10, 1805. Prepared and sold by the sole Proprietor, THOMAS TAYLOR, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, in London, at his House, No. 9, New Bridge- Street; where, alter a « onstant Residence of more than forty Years, in a Practice particularly directed to the Cure of Venereal Complaints, and those inci- dental to tlr. Parts of Generation in both Sexes, with that inviolable Secrecy which Men of his Profession should always observe, he flatters himself the Advice and Assistance he gratuitously administers to Persons taking this Medicine, will he esteemed, by a discern- ing Public, as an Advantage seldom to be obtained, and void of Ambiguity. They are also sold, by his Appointment, for the Convenience of those living at a Distance, by the printers of this Paper, and Mr. Marshall, Druggist, Northampton; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; koLins, & Wilkinson, Daver. try; Sharpc, Warwick ; RolW'- on, Coventry ; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harboiough ; Seeley, Buckingham; Loggin, Ayles- bury; Knight, Collts & Dasli, and Munn, Ket- tering; Wather, Wellingborough; Marriott, Banbury ; Tookev, Oundie; Palgrave, Bedford; Atkinsoi C.- UILTON , C H KL1.1N GTON, AS DSTEVENTON INCLOSURE. to carry entitled", An Act for inclosing Lands in the Parishes of " CARLTON, CHEI. LINGTON, and STEVE N- " TON, in the County of Bedford," do hereby give Notice, that we have set out and appointed the fol- lowing public and private Carriage and Bridle- Roads, over the Lands and Grounds by the said Act directed to be divided and inclosed, and made such Alterations in the Roads heretofore set out, as have appeared to us expedient, which Roads so set out, are ascertained and marked out by Posts or Stakes; and that we have caused a Map to be prepared, in which such intended Roads and Alterations are accurately laid down and described, which is signed by us, and deposited with Mr. John Garrard, of Olney, in the County of Buckingham, oneaf our Clerks, for the Inspection of all Persons concerned; and further, that a Meeting will be held by us, at the House of ANN HIGGINS, commonly called the SWAN INN, in NEWPORT. PAGNFLL, in the Ceunty of ButJcs, on TUESDAY the 20th Day of MAY next; at which any Person or Persons who may be injured or aggrieved by the setting out or Alteration of anv such Roads, may attend and be heard.— Dated the 2ath Day of April, 1806. WILLIAM COI. USSON, EDWARD Pl. ATT, JOHN DAVIS. In the Parishes of Carlton and Chcllington. A public Bridle and private Carriage and Drift- Road, of the Breadth of 30 Feet, from West. End Road to the Turvey Road at Farey's- Green ( being instead of a public Carriage- Road heretofore set out in the same Direction). A private Carriage and Drift- Road, of tl> e Breadth of 30 Feet, from the North- West End of Carlton- Street, along the Top of the Moor, to Mr. Battams's Allotment ( being instead of a public Carriage- Road heretofore set out in the same Direction). A private Carriageand Drift- Road, along the public Bridle- Road heretofore set out, from the Grimescroft Road to the Pavenham Road. A private Carriage and Drift- Road, ot the Breadth of 20 Feet, from the West- End Road to Piper's Close. A private Carriagt- Road, of the Breadth of 20 Feet, from the Pavenham Road, to the Stone- pit Allotment in J. angstone Furlong. A private Carriage- Road, of the Breadth of 20 Feet, from the Felmersham Road, to the Gravel- Pit in Prigmore Field. In the Parish of Steventon. A public Carriage- Road, of the Breadth of 36 Feet, over the North- East Side of Park- Field, to the Parish of Bromham ( being instead of the Bromham Bridle- Road heretofore set out in the same Direction). A public Bridle and private Carriage and Drift- Road, ot the Breadth ot 24 Feet, leading from the public Street in Park- End, in Steventon, in its present Direction to Bromham- Lane ( being instead of the public Carriage- Road heretofore set out in the same Direction). A private Carriage- Road, of the Breadth of 20 Feet, leading from the Street, in Steventon, to the Stone- Pit in Stone- Pit- Lano Furlong. A private Carriage- Road, of the Breadth of 20 Feet, leading from the Street, in Steventon, to the Stone- Pit in Redland Field. A private Carriage and Drift- Road, of the Breadth of 12 Feet, leading from the Turnpike- Road to the Allotment to the Rector of Turvey. STATE. - LOTTERY Begins Drauing '. MAY 12th, 1806. ALL and Co. ( Successors to Mr. NICHOLSON), at their State- Lottery- Office, No. 88, CORN- HILL, Corner of the Royal- Exchange, LONDON, respectfully acquaint their Friends and the Public, that Tickets and Shares for the above Lottery are selling in Variety of Numbers, divided into Halves, Quarters, I- ighths, and Sixteenths ( stamped according to Act of Parliament). (} 5r Orders from the Country, accompanied with short- dated Bills, Bank Notes, Cash, or Post- Office Orders, executed on the same Terms as if personally present. Money for Prizes as soon as drawn. STATE- LOTTERY, To begin Draaiiig Villi if MAY. RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, & Co. respect- fully recommend to the Public who mean to adventure in the present State- Lottery, an immediate Purchase, as Tickets and Shares will continue to advance in Price, the Scheme being so constructed, that, during the whole Time of Drawing, there never can be more than three Blanks to a Prize; and from the great Capitals of Twenty- five Thousand Pounds, Twenty Thousands, Ten Thousands, & c. See. they must increase in Value, and cannot at any Period be lower. • TICKETS AND SHARES ARE ON SALE, in the greatest Variety- of Numbers, at the licensed Offices, Bank Buildings, Cornhill, and facing the < 3ate of the King's- Mews, Charing- Cross, London ; also at Mr. W. RUSHER's, Bookseller, BANBURY, For RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, & Co. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, MIAT the Annual Meeting of ttie Trustees of the Turnpike- Road leading from Banbury, in the County of Oxford, to the South End of. Mill- Field, in the Parish of Lutterworth, in the County of Leicester, will be held at the WHEAT- SHEAF INN, in DAVENTRY, on THURSDAY the 8th IMy of MAY, 1806, at Eleven o'Ciock in the Forenoon; at which Meeting the TOLLS to arise for ONE YEAR, from the 25th Day of June next, at the several Toll- Gates hereunder- mentioned, will be LETT to FARM by AUCTION, in the Manner directed by the Statute made in the 13th Year of His Majesty's Reign, for regulating Turnpike- Roads; which Tolls produced, in the last Year, the several Sums hereunder set forth, and will be respectively put up at those Sums ( that is to say), , Badby Toil- Gate .£. 97 IVelton Toll- Gate 42 Dove- Bridge Toll- Gate 18 Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must at the same Time give sufficient Surety tor Payment of the Rents at such Times as the Trustees shall appoint. — And Notice is further given, That those Persons who, for the Purposes ot Occupation of their Farms, are entitled to compound for their Tolls at any or either of the said Gates, may compound with the Trustees for such Toll's immediately before the Gates are put up.— Dated the 18th of April, 1806. By Order of the Trustees, EDM. BURTON. ARABIAN HORSE. ^ O COVER, this Season, at WOOTTON- HOI SE, near Bedford, at Two Guineas each. Mare, and Two Shillings and Sixpence the Groom, A BAY ARABIAN HORSE, rising eight Years old. He JS perfect in his Temper; is a Horse of uncommon Action, Strength, and Symmetry ; and his Stock arc remarkably large and bony.— Any Mare that has ever won, or lias bred a Winner, will be covered gratis. ( f5T Grass, See. on the usual Terms. rno COVEll, this Season, 1806, at Mr. WM. ODELL's, Abington- Street, NORTHAMPTON, at One Guinea each Mare, and Half- a- Crown the Groom, YOUNG HUE- AND- CRY. He is rising seven Years oid, perfectly sound, stands 15 Hands 2 Inches high, and is of particular good Action.— He was got by that well- known Horse Pretender ( which trotted 16 Miles within the Hour, late the Property of Mr. Christopher Wroot, of I. ong. Sutton), his Dam by Old Hue- and- Cry; her Dam wan bred by Mr. Parker, ot Thorney, out of a Mare got by the Duke of Bolton's Mogul, and is own Brother to Dash and Enchanter. * « •* YOUNG HUE- AND- CRY will be at Towcester, P every Tuesday; at Home, every Tuesday Night; i Daventry, every Wednesday; Lutterworth, every i Thursday; Talbot Inn, W'elford, every Thursday j Night; Higligate- House, every Friday ; and at North- I ampton, every Friday Night, Saturday, Sunday, and ' Monday. N. B. Mares to be paid for the last Time of going round ; the ( J room to be paid at the Time of Covering. 1 GEDDINGTON ASSOCIATION, For the more effectual protecting the Persons and Property oj the several . Subscribers font Horse and Sheep- Stealers, belons, and Thieves of every Denomination; and for ultimately prosecuting to Conviction . su k Offenders. > HE Annual Meeting of this Association wijl be held at the DUKE'S- ARMS INN, in GED- DINGTON, in the County of Northampton, on MONDAT the 12th Day of MAY next, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon ; when and where the Members are requested to attend and pass the Treasurer's Ac ounts, and to transact the other Business of this Society. c ( pi Dinner on the Table precisely at Two o'clock. THOMAS MARSHALL, April Id, 1806. Treasurer and Solicitor. LOCK YER's Antibilious § Antiscorbutic Pills. NPIIESE PILLS were originally discovered and J- many Years prepared by Dr. Lionel Lockyer, who, in the Course of a very extensive Practice, admi- nistered them in a great Variety of Cases lioth among Rich and Poor, and established their Reputation beyond any other public Medicine of that Time. They resist Biie and all Obstructions of the Spleen and Liver, which, unremoved, corrupt the Blood, from whence flow numerous Diseases, as Pains in the Head, Trem- bling., Palpitations of the Heart, Swooning, Vertigo, Hysterics, & c. & c.; they destroy Worms, cure the Scurvy, Gout, Leprosy, Black and Yellow Jaundice, Overflowing of the Gall, Gravel, King's Evil, Fis. tulas, Piles, & c. tec. Messrs. Dicey and Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, by Appointment of the Proprietors, are theonly Whole- sale Venders; they are sold Retail by Dicey & Co. Edge, and Marshall, Northampton; Robins', Daver- try; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; Tuck and Mather, Wellingborough; Palgrave, Bedford; and by every Vender of Medicines in the United . Kingdom". Price 2s. 9d. a Box, with full Directions. ( ty Observe that the Name ot " M. WATSON," one of the Proprietors, is signed in the Bills of Di- rections.— All others are Counterfeit. I AN EVIDENT ADVANTAGE. O WITT & Co. No. 11, POULTRY, LONDON, are selling the Tickets and Shares of the present Lottery, to begin Drawing Pith MAY. There are upwards oijvk Thousand more Prizes in tiie present Scheme than were in the last Lottery, and a regular Chance of Prizes during the it bole Drawing. There cannot, at any Period, be three Blanks to a Prize; and as the Prices of Tickets and Shares will rise both before and in the Drawing, an early Purchase must be an Advantage. ( PJ- The old Office of SWIFT & Co. established in the Year 1* 59, has been remarkably fortunate to the Public in the Sale of Capital Prizes, particularly in the late Lotteries, the following, namely, No. 6,791, £. 20,000; ' To the Breeders if Cart Horses. X) COVER, this Season, 1806, at Tw# Guineas each Mare, in the Hands of ROBERT HOLLIS, in the Parish of HAVERSHAM, Bucks, A HORSE OK THE CART KIND. He is 16 Hands 1 Uch high, full of Bone, of beautiful grey Colour, rising 10 Years old, perfectly sound, and tree from Blemish. 03" The above Horse's Stock is worth Notice, and well known by the Dealers.— He will be always at Home. * » * Good Grass for Mares at Five Shillings per Weeks, for one Month only. N. B. The Money to be paid at the Time of Cover- ing, or before the Mares are taken away. •" O COVER, this Season, 1806, at Two Guineas each Mare, if they prove In- foal, and I- Iaif- a- Guinea if barren, and Two Shillings and Sixpence the Man at the Time of Covering, that capital black Horse, FARMER'S GLORY; the Property of JOHN HICGINS, of HIGIIAM- PARK, Northamptonshire. He is 16i Hands high, has remarkably short Legs, is full ot Bone, and has proved himself one of the first Stockgetters in England.— He was got bv Mr. Patrick's Old R. T.; Old R. T. was got by Mr. Wood's old Horse, of Packington, Leicestershire. •( jdj* The above Horse will remain at Home all the Season. Good Grass for Mares, with proper Care, at 4s, per Week. N. B.' The Money to be paid at Christmas next. 1 No. 226 £-. 10,000 9,362 10,000 I 8,041 10,000 23,824 10,000 20,952 10,000 No. 18,539 .. 19,556 .. 7,951 .. 11,599 .. 20,430 .. .£. 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 1 A Besides many others ot £. 2,000, £. 1,000, £. 500, Sec. To Housekeepers, Confectioners, 2f6, $ c. TUST published, The COMPLETE CONTEC- « " TIONER, or the whole ART of CONFEcrroNARY made easy, with Instructions, engraved on ten Copper- Plates, to decorate a Table with Taste and Elegance, the Result of many Years' Experience with Messrs. Negri & Wetten, Berkeley- Square, the most celebrated Confectioners in the ll'orld; the third Edition, with very considerable Additions, by FREDERICK NUTT, Esq. London: Printed for MATHEWS Si LEIGH, 18, Strand ; Price 6s. 6d. Boards, or 7s. Bound. lieauty and Cleanliness. AMBOYNA TOOTH- POWDER. Gentleman offers the only Drug yet dis- i- covered that destroys the Scurvy, heals the Gums, makes them and the Lips of a healthful red; fastens, whitens, and preserves the Teeth ; and makes the Breath sweet. It is the Produce of a far foreign Country, never imported but by the Proprietor; and the first Gentlemen of the Faculty who use it, de- clare it a fine Stomachic and Bracer, and for Safety, proper for an Infant. It eradicates the Foulness the Mouth is subject to, from Diet or a disordered Stomach ; and by its healing, purifying, and balsamic Qualities, frees the Stomach of those Disorders to which it is subject, fills up the Gums which the Scurvy has eaten away, and prevents a Caries or Rottenness in the Teeth. ( J5f* Ask for. the Amboyna Tooth- Powder, Price 2s. fid. per Box. * Sold, Wholesale an Retiyl, by SHAW Se EDWARDS, 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London; and, Retail, by Mr. Edge, and Mr. Marshall, Northampton ; and Robins, Daventry.— None is genuine that has not the Names of Shaw Se Edwards engraved on the Stamp. O COVER, this Season, 1806, atOne Guinea each Mare, and Two Shillings and Sixpence the Groom, that thorough- bred Chesnut Stallion, K I N C J O IIN ; Upwards of fifteen Hands and an Inch high. KING JOHN was got by King John, Grandsire by Herod, See. ; his Dam was got by Match'em, Grand- dam by a Son of Mogul, which was out of Starling's Sister, Great- grand- dam by Crab, Great- great- grand- dam by Barb, Great- great- great- grand- dam by Old Spot, White- Legs, Lowther- Barb, and Old Vintner Mare. He will attend at the following Places:— At Olney, on Monday; Stony- Stratford, on Friday; Newport- Pagnell, on Saturday; and at Sherrington' every Night. ( jdT The Money, to be paid at Midsummer next. CURIOUS AND INTERESTING. This Day was published, Price 3s. only, in one Volume, Octavo, of near 300 Pages, with a Portrait of the Author, a new Edition ( with Additions], ot \ GUIDE to HEALTH, or ADVICE to both SEXES, in a Variety of Complaints. Every Person, young and old, should purchase this Book, there being scarcely any Individual who is not interested in some Part of it. In particular, it is re- commended to young Men and Boys; as an early Attention by the latter may serve to guard them from a fatal Rock, on which Thousands have split, and be the Means of preserving their Bodies from Disease, and also their Souls, their Minds, arid all their Faculties, from Destruction. The GUIDE to HEALTH having passed through a Number of Editions, and experienced a Sale unpre- cedentedly great, has been now reprinted with many Iinyvroveinents, and it may be, with Confidence, asserted, that so valuable a Publication to the Afflicted in general has never been printed in this or any other Language. The weak and delicate Female— the Youth who has just finished his Education at any of the public Seminaries— the Aged who are drooping under Disorders originating from an Impurity of the « lood— People of Fashion— studious Persons of a contined and sedentary Life— as also those afflicted with Ner- vous Affections in general, will find " Solomon's Guide to Health" a faithful Companion, and an amusing Instructor. In short, no Person who values the Enjoyment of a good State of Health, will be a Moment without being possessed of the most useful, cheap, valuable, and important Work ever published. The hidden Sources of Weakness and Debility, with which Thousands are afflicted, are herein laid open, and the Means of Restoration to the Blessings ot Health and Strength fully and amply communicated. This Edition is enriched with many valuable Im- provements, collected from experimental Testimony, and calculated to improve tile Health and Welfare of all those who observe its Admonitions. By S. SOLOMON, M. D. London: Sold by Mathews & Leigh, No. 18, Strand; and H. D. Symonds, Paternoster- Row ; also by all the Booksellers in this and every other Town in the Uaited Kingdom; Price 3s. only, free of Carriage. BANKRUPTS required to SURRENDER. William Roberts, of Kingston- upon- Hull, York. shire, hardwareman. C. Rickard, of th).- Grand Junction Wharf, Whitefriars, coal- merchant. Jos. Hynson, of Stepnev- causeway, Middlesex, merchant. Jos. Key, now or late of Lloyd's Coffee- house, underwriter. James Rees, of London, mariner. R. Cropper, of Wigan, Lancashire, timber- merchant. Charles Purvis, of - Newcastle- upon- Tyne, broker. John Bennet, of Compton- Martin, Somersetshire; James Bennct, uf Manchester; and George Bennet, of Bedminster, Somersetshire; dealers.-— John Orgill and Joseph Burton, of Manchester, manufacturers. Rowland Parry, Of Liverpool, merchant. Richard Nesbit, of Newcastle- upon- Tvne, grocer. John 1 KHEUMAT1SMS, Palsies, and Gouty Aftec- ' tions, with their usual Concomitants', Spasm, or flying Pains, Flatulency, Indigestion, and general Debility ( originating in whatever Source), are relieved and frequently cured by Whitehead's Essence of Mustard Pills, alter every other Means have failed. The Fluid Essence of Mustard ( used with the Pills, in those Complaints where necessary) is perhaps the mo> t active, penetrating, and ellectual Remedy in the World, generally curing the severest SPRAINS AND BRUISES, Manchester; and bv one Person in every considerable \ m less than Halt the Time usually taken by any other Town in Cre. it- Britain and Ireland, in Boxes of : l. iniinent or Embrocation; and if used immediately only 2s. 9d. eaji, sealed up with full and plain after any Accident, it prevents the Part turning Directions, whereby Persons of either Sex may cure [ black. tiiemselves with K. ise, Speed, Secrecy, and Safety. . Prepared only, and sold by R. Johnston, Apo- yfT EvJry Box soid in Great- Britain is sealed up theeary , No. la, Greek- Street, Solio, London; at with a Stamp, on which, by Favour ot the Comuus- 2s. 9d. each Box or Bottle. They are also sold by sioners, is printed, at the Stamp- Office—/. Taylor, No. 9, Nnr Bridge. Street— to imitate which is Felony, and all others are counterfeit. every Medicine Vender in the United Kingdom ( fT The Genuine has a black Ink Stanip, with the Name of R. Johnston inserted on it CITY of LINCOLN, March 18th, 1806. I". SAMUEL BRISTOW, voluntarily thus declare, .> I was afflicted with seven bad Sores in my Leg, painful and offensive, some of which were as large as a Crown Piece. Two Years I tried, uselessly, recom- mended Applications. Advised by a Neighbour, I bought, successively, of Mr. John Drury, Printer, of this City, three small Bottles of SPILSBURY's PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, from the Administration of which 1 became entirely well, as also unexpectedly relieved from a painful Affection of my Stomach and Breast.— Witness my Hand this 18th Day ef March, SAMUEL BRISTOW. Signed before me, JOHN DRURY, Lincoln. It is necessary to ask for the " PATENT ANTI- SCORBUTIC DROPS," with the King's Duty printed ill black Ink instead of red Ink.— Sold, as usual, at the Dispensary, No. 15, Soho- Square, in Bottles of 5s. 6d. 10s. and £. 1 2s. Duty included. ( j3T Sold also by the Printers ot this Paper; Mr. Okely, Bedford; Mather, Wellingborough; Cullis Se Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Robins, and Wil- kinson, Daventry; Corrall, Lutterworth ; and by most Venders of Patent Medicines in Town and Country. X) COVER, this Season, 1806, at £.\ lis. fid. - each Mare, and 5s. the Groom at the Time of Covering, the Property of WILLIAM HIGGINS, of HJGHAM- PARK, Northamptonshire, YOUNG WALNUT. He is a dark- bay Horse, 15 Hands 3 Inches high, black Legs, clear frpm white, free from all Blemishes, and he has proved a sure Foal- getter the two last Seasons of Covering, being only seven Years old this Grass.— He was bred by the Duke of Hamilton; got by Walnut; Dam by Javelin; Grand- dam Spadille's own Sister, by Highflier; Great- grand- dam Flora, by Squirrel; g. g. Grand- dam Angelica, by Snap; g. g. g. Grand- dam Fribble's Dam, bv Rcgulus; S- g- g- g. Grand- dam by Bartlett's Cliilders; g. g. g. g. g. Grand- dam by Hollywood's White Arabian, out of an own Sister to the two True Blues.— Walnut ( his Sire) was got by Highflier; Dam, Maiden, by Matchem ; Grand- dam Mr. Pratt's famous old Squirt Mare, that bred 17 Foals, three were never trained, two died young, and the other twelve Were good Runners.— Javelin ( the Sire of his Danv) was got by Eclipse; Dam by Spectator; Grand- dam by Blank ; ( ireat- grand- dam Lord Leigh's Diana, by Second ( a Son of Flying Childers); g. g. Grand- dam by Stanyan's Arabian; g. g. g. Grand- dam Gipsey, by King William's No- tongued Barb ; g. g. g. g. Grand- dam by Makeless, out of a Royal Mare.— Lignum Vita; ( his Brother in Blood) was sold for 1100 Guineas, and won as follows:— At three Years old, two Fifties at Beverley. Four, fifty Pounds at Catterick, fifty Pounds at Durham, Mr. Glover's fifty Pounds at Chester, sixty Guineas at Nantwich, and the King's Plate at Warwick. Five, the first Class of the Oatlands ( 450 Guineas), fifty Pounds and the King's Plate at Newmarket, 120 Guineas at Newton, 70 Guineas at Stamford, 220 Guineas and the King's Plate at Litchfield. Six, the - Cup and 70 Guineas at Stamford, 250 Guineas and 100 Guineas at New- market. Seven, the Gold Cup, with 90 Guineas at Newmarket. JJT Mares that proved barren last Year, to be covered at One Guinea and Five Shillings each. %* The Guinea and Half to be paid at Midsummer next. N. B. TWs Stallion will attend at the following Places and Markets, once a Fortnight, from the 7th of April, viz. Bull, Olney, on Mondays; Swan, Thrapston, on Tuesdays; White- Hart, Welling borough, on Wednesdays ; John Higgins's, Wollaston, on Wednesday Nights ; at Home, on Thursday Nights; White- I. ion, Kimbolton, on Fridays; Barley- Mow, Bedford, on Saturdays; at Home, on Sundays; Swan, Oundie, on Monday Niglus; Swan, Thrapston, on Tuesdays; White- Hart, Wellingborough, on Wed- nesdays; Black- Bov, Northampton, on Wednesday Nights; Red- Lion, Brixworth, on Thursday Mornings, from Ten o'Ciock till One; George, Kettering, on Thursday Nights, and Fridays; Barlev- Mow, Bedford, on Saturdays; and at Home, on Sundays. • John Morgan, of Conduit- street, Hanover- square, bookseller.-—- P. Hyams, of Manchester, merchant. -— Michael Billing'ton, of Kirkthorpe, Warmtield- curn- Heathy Yorkshire, innkeeper. John Govey, of Walcot, Somersetshire, mason. John Wilson, of Kendal, Westmoreland, tallow- chandler. James Chadwick, of Manchester, manufacturer. John Forbes, of Davenport, Cheshire, grazier.- William Hume, of Berwick- upon- Tweed, corn- merchant. DIVIDENDS to be. made to Creditors. May 20. James Gibbs, of Peterborough, Northamp- tonshire, draper and tailor, at Guildhall, London. May 24. John Cax, of Leighton- Buzzard, Bedford*. shire, cornamd flour- merchant, at Guildhall, London. June 9. Edw. Dunmore, of Stonton- Wy veil, Leices- tershire, miller, at the Angel, Market- Harborough. CERTIFICATE to be granted. May 17. W. S. Gell, of St. Ives, Huntingdonshire, shopkeeper. MARKETS.— London, April 28. We had but a thin supply of Wheat for this day's market, at the early part of which there were many buyers, and prices advanced 5s. and 6s. per quarter; towards the close, however, the sales became rather heavy, but with little or no abatement.— In Barley and Malt, of which we had a middling supply, there was a small advance — Peas of the different sorts and qualities, were short in quantity and rather dearer. — Beans the same.— There were not many arrivals of Oats; in the sale of prime samples a trifling advance took place.— Fine Flour, in consequence of the rise upon Wheat, is named as high as 80s. per sack. Wheat.. 60s. to 70s. 78s. Oats 21s. to 30s. Od. Fine Do. 80s. to 8Ss. Od. Rye . 38s. tolls. Ckl. HorseBeans40s. to 45s. l) d. Tick Ditto 32s. to 38s. Od. Barley. - 28s. to 36s. fid. ! White Peas 30s. to 38s. Od. Malt". .. 68s. to 73s. Od. i Grey Ditto 34s. to3Hs. Od. PRICE of FLOUR.— Fine 75s. to 80s. Od. HOPS, per Pocket.— Kent, 61. 10s. to 81. 0s.— Sussex, 61. 0s. to 71. 10s.— Farnliam, 81. 0s. to 101. 0s. SEEDS, per Hundred Weight.— Carrawav, 60s. Od. to 65s. 0d.— Coriander, 13s. Od. to 15s. 0d.— Trefoil, fis. fid. to 29s. Oil.— Red Clover, 26s. Od. to 70s. Od. — Ditto ( old), 74s. Od. to — s. Od.— White Ditto, 36s. Od. to 75s. 0d— Rye- Grass, lis. 6d. to 34s. Od. — Turnip, — s. to— s. per Bushel.— Canary, 46s. Od. to 60s. Od. per Quarter.— Rape Seed, 401. to 421. per I^ st. SMITHFIELD, April 28. To sink the offal. Ox Beef, 4s. 6d. to 5s. 8d. Wether Mutton, 5s. Od. to 5s. 6d. Veal, 5s. Od. to tis. 4d. Pork, Od. to 6s. Od. Lamb, fis. 0d. to 8s. Od. Sold this day, Beasts, 1800— Sheep and Lambs, 12,500. NEWGATE and LEADENHALL, April 28. By the carcase. Beef, 3s. 8d. to 4s. lOd. Mutton, - is. fid. to 5s. Od. Veal, 4s. Od. to 6s. Od. Pork, as. Od. to fis. Od. Lamb, 5s. 6d. to 7s. 4d. TALLOW.— Town. 69s. 6d. White Russia,— s. Cd. to 67s. Od. ( Soap), 6us. Od. to 67s. Od. Melting Stuif, — s. to 56s. Od. . Ditto rough, — s. to 38s. Good Dregs, 10s. Od. Graves, lis. Od. LEATHER, per lb. Butts. 50 to 561b. 20d. to 22d. Ditto, 60 to 651b. 24d. to25d. Merchants Backs,— d. to— d. Dressing Hides, 12d. to 2ld. Fine Coach- Hides, 21£ d. to 22id. Crop Hides for cutting, 22d. to i 25d. Flat ordinary, 19jd. to Slid. Calf Skins, 30 to i 401b. pcrdoz. 30d. to 39d. Ditto, 50 to 701b. per ! doz. 381. to 43d. Ditto, 70 to 801b. S7d. to 39d. Small Seals, per lb. 42d. to 45* 1. Large Ditte, pel i doz. 100s. to 180s. Goat Skins, 25s. to 70s. per i doz. Tanned Horse- Hides, 25s. to 42s. per Hide. NORTHAMPTON: Printed and Published by and for T. DICEY and IV,\ S U T T O N \ T
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