Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland
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Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland
Date of Article: 25/02/1806
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No Pages: 2
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s l 6 S 36. 37- 38. 39- ( Ireland)— D I O C E S A N R E T U R N S: The Union of Ballyvalden consists of Ballyvalden - - - - a vicarage, Kilmuckridge - - " } imp. cures. Meillenagh - - - J 3 small parishes contiguous. The Union of Kilpipe consists of 2 small parishes contiguous. The Union of Donagmore confifts of Donahmore - - " 1 Killancooley - ( all improp. Killenagh f cures. Ardamine - - - J 4 parishes contiguous. The Union of Owenduffe consists of Owenduffe - - Kinneagh o'rwise Tintern three imp. cures. Clonmines - - 3 small parishes contiguous. The vicarage of Ballyvalden is in the gift o the bishop. The inp. cure of
Kilmuckridge is in the gift of Mr. Grogan, lay impr.— And The imp. cure of Meillenagh is in the gift of Mrs. Hatton, lay imp*. Titles to Ballyvalden granted by the Bishop: Mr. Grogan nominated to Kilmuckridge, and Mrs. Hatton to Meillenagh. Licence granted for the two last. Total value about 90 yearly. These two parishes were only epifcopally united in 1798. These three parishes in the gift of the Colclough family, to which the Rev. Wm Sutton was no- minated and was licensed to them ; but the cures of Tintern and Clonmines were only episcopally united to Owenduffe in 1785.
F E R N S . There are two glebes at Kilmuckridge be- longing to Mr. Grogan. One at Ballyvalden belonging to Mr. Ralph Hawtry. And one at Meillenagh of about 20 or 30 Acres given by Mrs. Hatton to the incumbent, together with £. 6 per Annum. 4 glebes in all in this Union. \ A church at Kilmuckridge; divine service every Sunday. No glebe- house. / A glebe at Killenor of about 17 acres. It is about 5 miles from the church at which the vicar resides. A church at Kilpipe; divine service every Sunday. No glebe- house No glebe belonging to the church; what glebe there is must be Mr. Grogan's the lay im- prs property. There are two
churches in this union, one at Donaghmore, the other at Ardamine, both very badly attended and in very indifferent order, for want of a proper person to attend, and a sufficiency to support him. No glebe- houfe. The glebes and tythes belong to the lay im- propriator. A church at Tintern; divine service every Sunday by a licensed curate assistant. No glebe- house.