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Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland


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Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland

Date of Article: 25/02/1806
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 2
Sourced from Dealer? No
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1 46 ( Ireland.)— DIOCESAN R E T U R N S; 20. The Benefice of Clonegal is Cloneoal otherwise Moyacomb- 7 an entire rectory comb - j presentative. One parish. — 21. The Benefice of Kilnemanagh is Kilnemanagh - - - a rectory. One parish. — 22. The Union of Ardcoline consists of Ardcoline - - - an imp. cure. Arbramont - - - a reftory. S( Margaret's o'rwise Raven - a rectory. Tickillen - - - a vicarage. Kilpatrick " " "") Ardcaven - - - f St Nicholas - - - > imp. cures. Screen, and - - - 1 Ballyvalloo - - -) 9 parishes, all contiguous. All these united by Act of Council, dated 14th December 1764. 23. The Benefice of Kilcormuck is Kilcormuck - an entire rectory collative. One parish. 34. The Union of Mulrankan consists of , T , , fa rec. and vic. Mulrankan - - j ^ Tomhaggard - - the like. Kilmannan - - the like. Killagg - - - the like. T/-., V a rec. imp. with a Kilcowan - < r, , I vie. endowed. Killurk - - - the like. Kilmoore ... the like. 7 parishes contiguous. The Rev. Henry Wilson's titles to this Union sets forth, That it is a consolidated rectory and vicarage of Mulrankan, consisting of the faid several parishes; which is the only trace now to be found of such consolidation. 25. The Benefice of Carne is Carne - - - a rec. & vicarage. One parish. 26. The Union of Killinick consists of Killinick - a rectory. Maglass - - - a vicarage. St Michael's - - O Ishartmon - - - - 1 St Iberius - - - - 1 . Kilmocree- - - cures. Killiane, and - - - 1 St Mary's Island - - - J 8 parishes contiguous. The last seven parishes episcopally united to Killinick, by reason of their contiguity and smallness of value, for this turn only, ad April 1779. The whole income arising from the fame less than 300. The Benefice of Killanne is Killanne - - - a rectory collative. One parish. — No glebe. A church at Clonegal; divine service every Sunday. A glebe of about A. 2S R. P. r 36 Glebe contiguous to church No church. A very good new built glebe- house, inhabited by the present incumbent. 32 o o A glebe of about A very neat good church at Castle Bridge in the parish of Ardcaven; divine service every Sunday. A very neat and good glebe- house, built and in- habited by rector. - 22 2 22 A church wherein divine service is every Sunday. A good glebe- house building, and nearly finished, by the reftor. A glebe contiguous to the church, of about - - - - 1500 A church at Mulrankan; divine service every Sunday. A very excellent glebe- house now building by the rector. A glebe contiguous to the church, of about - 900 A church at Carne ; divine service every Sunday. A very excellent glebe- house building and nearly finished by the rector. No Glebe. A church at Killinick; divine service every Sunday performed by curate. A glebe of about in very great order. 33 T r A church at Killanne; divine fervice every Sunday, , , A very good glebe- houfe built by the late incum- bent wherein the prefent redor refides. R r 1
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