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Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland


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Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland

Date of Article: 25/02/1806
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 2
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* 3: Names of Union of Pariflies. Union of Rathvilly Union cf Aghold Union of Strad- bally Union of Corclone Union of Mary- boro Union of Bally- adams Union of Tecolme '] reland.)— DI O C E S A N R E T U R N S: Names of Pariflies comprifed in laid Union. Confifting of the rec- tories and vicarages of Rathvilly, Rath- more, and Straboe, and impropriate cure of Rahill. Consisting of the recto- ry of Aghold, im- propriate cures of Mullinacuff, Cry- crim, and Liscole- man. Consisting of the vicar- ages of Stradbally, Moyana, and Tima- hoe, and the rectories of Tullowmoy and Kilclonbrook. Consisting of the rec- tories of Corclone and Killeany. Consisting of the rec- tory and vicarage of Maryboro, rectory and vicarage of Kil- colemanbane, and vicarage of Straboe. Consisting of the rec- tories of Ballyadams and Ballintubbert. Consisting of Tecolme ( a vicarage), and the vicarages of Dy- sart Enos and Kit- tail ; Tecolme, not worth 20. per an- num. Period of Time when faid Pariflies were united. United fince the year 1714. Thefe pariflies have continued united ever fince the year 1714, and no trace farther back. Stradbally & Moy- ana have been united fince the year 1712; the living of Tullo- Tlie Authority un- der which fuch Union was effected. Number of Acres of Glebe appertaining to each Pariih. United epifcopally. United epifcopally. United epifcopally, by reafon of the fmallnefs and contiguity. moy wasunitedthereto in 1791 ; and Timahoe and Kilclonbiook, united thereto fince the year 1S01. The clergyman who holds thefe, viz. doftor Fofter, holds alfo the reftorv of Fennagh, by difpenfation from the crown: it is a finecure, there being in this parifh a vicarage endowed. United fince the year 1757. United ever fince the year 1721. United fince the year 1714- United epifcopally. United epifcopally. 6 acres at Rath- more. 17 acres of glebe A. B. p. 10 1 22 2 acres of glebe. 3 roods of glebe. United epifcopally. The vicarages of United epifcopally. Dyfart Enos, and Kiltail, have been united ever fince the year 1714; prebend of Tecolme has been united to faid vicarages fince 8th June, 1805. No " lebe. 7a. 2r. 1 Sp. glebe. LEIGHLIN. 1 9 33 Whether any Glebe- houfes erected thereon. The Diftance which fiich refpeaive Parifhes fo united, lie from eaoh other. No glebe- house. No glebe- houfe. A glebe- houfe thereon in the parifli of Strad- bally. No glebe- houfe. No glebe- houfe. No glebe- houfe. No glebe- houfe. Pariflies contiguous. Pariflies contiguous. The number of Churches in which Divine Service is performed, that are now thereon, or were at the time fuch Panfnes were united. Pariflies contiguous. A church at Rathvilly in the Union, Divine Service performed. A church at Coolkernno in the parish of Aghold for the Union, Divine Service performed. A church at Stradbally for the Union, Divine Service performed. Pariflies contiguous. Pariflies contiguous. Pariflies contiguous. Dysart Enos, and Kiltail, are contiguous; Tecolme is diftant 7 miles from them. A new church almoft finifhed in the parifli of Corclone for the Union, Divine Service per- formed. A church at Maryboro, Divine Service per- formed. Church oftheUnionin the parifli of Ballyadams, Divine Service performed. A church at Dysart Enos, Divine Service per- formed. T. Gorly, Regr Diocese, Leighlin. II
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