Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland
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Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland
Date of Article: 25/02/1806
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! 3 o (" Ireland.)— DIOCESAN R E T U R N S: RETURNS of the Names and Number of Pariflies comprized in Names of Union of Paiifhes. Deanery of Leighlin. Union of Graigue and Ullard Union of Lorum Union of Dun- leckny Union of Carlow Union of Shrule Union of Staples- town Union of Fennagh. Union of Urghlin Union of Kilra- nelagh Union of Aghade Union of Hackets town Names of Parilhes comwifed in said Union. Contains a part of the parishes of Old Leighlin, which pa- rish belongs to the Bishop and Dean and Chapter, and it also contains the en- the parish of Wells. Contains the rectories of Graigue and Ul- lard.
Consisting of the rec- tory of Ballyellin, and vicarages of Lo- rum, Kiltennel, Clonegford, and Llyguff. Consisting of the vicar- ages of Dunleckny and Agha. Confifts of the recto- ries of Carlow and Killeshin. Consisting of the rec- tories of Shrule and Slaty, vicarage of Cloydah, and im- propriate cure of Painstown. Contains the rectory of Tullowmagymah, rectory of Ballycro- ge, and; impropriate cure of Ballina- carrig. Consisting of the vi- carage of Fennagh, and rectory of My- shall. Consists of the recto- ries of Urghlin and Grangeforth. Consists of the rectory and vicarage of Kil- ranelagh, and vicar- age of Kiltegan, Consisting of the
im- propriate cures of Aghade, and Aid- riltin, the rectory of Gilberstown, and vicarage of Ballon. Consists of the rectory of Hacketstown, and impropriate cure of Haroldltown. Period of Time when faid Parilhes were united. United time out of mind United since the year 1721, and no trace farther back. United since the year 1716. United in the year 1795- United since the year 1714. United in the year 1801. United in the year 1805. The vicarage of Fennagh, and rectory of My- shall, united since the year 1784. United since the year 1713. United since the year 1804. United since the year 1734. United since the year 1714. The
Authority un- der which such union was effected. United episcopally United episcopally. United by Act of Council. United episcopally. United episcopally. Bv Act of Council. United episcopally. United episcopally. United episcopally. United episcopally. United episcopally. Number of Acres of Glebe appertaining to each Parilh. x^ bout 16 acres of glebe in diffe- rent places. 30 acres of glebe. No glebe. 10 acres of glebe. 2a. 2r. 25P. in the parifti of Carlow. 3 acres of glebe. 3 acres of glebe. No glebe. No glebe. 20 acres in the pa- rifli of Kiltegan. No glebe. 10 acres of glebe.
L£ IG H L IN. I3I each Union of Pariflies, & c. & c. in the DIOCESE of LEIGHLIN. Whether any Glebe- houfes eiec'teil thereon. No glebe- house eredted. A glebe- houfe built thereon by the pre- fent incumbent. No glebe- houfe. A glebe- houfe in very good repair. No glebe- houfe. No glebe- houfe. The Diftance which fuch refpeftive Parilhes fo united lie from each ether. 1 he Number of Churches in which Divine Service is performed, that are now thereon, or were at the time fuch Farilhes were united. Thefe parilhes are conti- guous. Reftor now building a glebe- houfe. No glebe- houfe. No glebe- houfe No glebe- houfe. No glebe houfe. Pariflits contiguous. Pariflies contiguous to each other. Pariflies contiguous. Pariflies contiguous. The pariflies of Shrule, Cloydah, and Slaty, are contiguous ; and Painf- town feparated from thefe Pari ( lies by the ri- ver Barrow; the impro- priate cure of Painftown worth but £ 20. per annum. Pariflies contiguous. A church, the Cathedral situate in the parish of Old Leighlin, Divine Service performed. A church, situate in the parish of Graigue, at present in ruins, Divine Service performed in a private house. Two churches, one in the parish of Lorum, the other in the parish of Kiltennell, Divine Ser- vice performed in both. A
church at Dunleckny in the Union, Divine Service performed. A church for the Union in the parish of Carlow, Divine Service performed. A new church built in the parish of Cloydah, for the Union, Divine Service performed. Pariflies contiguous. Pariflies contiguous. Parifhes contiguous. Pariflies contiguous. A church at Staplestown in the parish of Ballin- acairigg, Divine Service performed. A church at Fennagh, Divine Service performed No glebe- houfe. Pariflies contiguous. A church in the parish of Urglin for the Union, Divine Service performed. A church almost finished, in the parish of Kil- tegan. A church at Aghade for the
Union, Divine Service performed. A church at Hacketstown in the Union, Divine Service performed.