Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland
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Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland
Date of Article: 25/02/1806
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No Pages: 2
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( Ireland.)— DIOCESAN R E T U R N S: Return No. 2.— A RETURN of the Names and Number of Parishes comprised in each UNION parishes were united, and the authority under which such Union was effected; houses erected thereon; and the Distance at which such respective parishes so in which Divine Service is performed now severally thereon, orwhich were thereon, IT is TO BE OBSERVED,. generally, that since the translation of the present taken place; save the Collation to the first Canonrv of the Cathedral ( with few exceptions) during many successive incumbencies. Names and Number of Parishes united.
Nature of Union. Period of Union. Glebes. Cloncurry - - - Kilcock ... ( Ballysculloge - - ( Ballynesagh - - J Episcopal union. 1785. The date of the insti- tution of the present incumbent. A. R. P. 26. 0. 0. Scattered in the union. Doneda - - - - 7 Balrahen - - - j Episcopal union. Date of the institu- tion of the present in- cumbent. None. Clane ----- Mainham - - - ( Clonshambo - - f Killibegs - - - j Episcopal union. 1785. Date of institution of the present incum- bent. 15. 0. 0. Q. 0. O. 4. 0. 0. None in Killibegs. Kill } Lyons - - - - j Episcopal union. 15th August 1801. Date of institution of the present incum- bent. 20. 0. 0. None in Lyons. Timahoe
- - - - ^ Ballymacwilliam j Episcopal union. Date of institution of the present incum- bent. S. 0. 0. 12. 0. 0. About in Ballymac- william. Carogh ... - 7 Bridechurch - - r Downings - - Episcopal union. Date of collation of the present incum- bent. None. Kilmaoge - - - - ") Rathernon — - V Lulliamore - - j Episcopal union 3oth October 1782. Date of collation of the present incum- bent. About 20. 0. 0. None in Lulliamore. Morristownbiller - - 7 01dconr. cH - - - f Episcopal union. 23d September 1801. Date of institution of present incum- bent. None. Ladytown - - - - 1 Oreatconnell ~ ~ t Sherlocketown - - j Episcopal union. 24th December
I787. Date of collation of present incumbent. None. I
KILDARE. II9 of Parishes, within the Diocese of KILDARE ; the: periods of time when such respective the number of Acres of Glebe which appertain to each parish, and of Glebe- united lie from each other, when such parishes are not contiguous ; and of Churches at the time when such parishes were united, so far as the same can be made out. Bishop of Kildare to this See, no Collection, Institution, or Union of Benefice his of Kildare; the present arrangement of benefices episcopally united having subsisted Glebe- Houfes. Contiguity or Diftance of Parishes. Exifting Churches. Churches at the Period of Unions. " None.
Contiguous. A church at Kilcock. A Church at Kilcock, and another at Cloncurry. None. Contiguous. A church at Doneda. Church at Doneda. A Glebe- house in Clane. Contiguous. A church at Clane. Church at Clane. A Glebe- house in Kill. Contiguous. A church at Kill. Church at Kill. None. Distant about seven miles. None. None. None. Contiguous. A church at Carogh. Church at Carogh. a Glebe- house at Kilmaoge. Contiguous. A church at Kilmaoge. Church at Kilmaoge. None. Contiguous. None. None. None. Greatconnell and Lady- town are contiguous: Sherloekstown distant about three miles A church at. Great- connell
Church at Greatconnell.