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Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland


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Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland

Date of Article: 25/02/1806
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No Pages: 1
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IO 6 ( Ireland.)— D I O C E S A N R E T U R N S: No. PARISHES. DESCRIPTION of . the UNIONS. 8. 1. Taunagh. 2. Ballinakill. 3. Kilmacallane. 4. Ahanagh. 5. Drumcollum. 6. Ballysumaghan. 7. Killadoon. 8. Kilross. 9. Shancoe. 10. Kilmoctrancy. 11. Boyle, or Assilyn. These eleven parishes are contiguous. The ten first of them have been episcopally united for successive incumbents time im- memorial, and being vacant in 1802, together with the parish of Boyle, it was added to the Union by the present Bishop of El- phin, being contiguous thereto; and the clear income of all the vicarages ( after paying^. 75. per ann. to a curate) appearing not to exceed £. 420. per ann. and more particularly to enable the in- cumbent build a glebe- house; for as there is no glebe in any of the first ten parishes, and a glebe of about 21 acres, being in the parish of Boyle or Assilyn, the Bishop required a glebe- house to be built thereon, which has been erected and certified for. Now and heretofore one church, in the parish of Taunagh, and one in the parish of Boyle. 9- Drumoliffe. A fingle parifh, having forty acres of glebe, a church, and a glebe- houfe. 10 / 1. Kilcooley. 2. Cloonmagormacon. 3. Killukin. a. Shankill. 5. Kilmacumcy. These five parishes were episcopally united about the year 1750, and have so continued. The three first are contiguous to each other, and are separated from the two last ( which are con- tiguous to each other) by a distance about two miles. Now and when united, one church in this Union, and no glebe. II. 1. Cloonfinlogh. 2. Cloontuskert. These parishes are contiguous, and have always been united episcopally, with sometimes the addition of other parishes. There is neither glebe nor church therein: and the occasional duties are done by a clergyman, convenient thereto. 12. 1. Aughrim. 2. Cloonaff. 3. Kilumod. These parishes have been episcopally united for every suc- cessive incumbent time immemorial. Now and heretofore a church in the Union, but no glebe. 1. Disert. 2. Taghboy. 3. Tessaragh. These parishes have been episcopally united for every suc- cessive incumbent time immemorial, and are contiguous. Now and heretofore one church in the Union, but no glebe. M- 1. Killion. 2. Kilronan. These parishes are contiguous, and in the year 1756 were cpiscopally united to Ahaskeragh parish. In 1799 they were separatcd therefrom and episcopally united. There is neither glebe nor church thereon, and the income being very small, the present vicar is permitted to hold the cure of an adjoining be- nefice. 1. St. John's, or Sligo. Z, Calry. 3. Kilaspicbrown. 4. Kilmacoen. These parishes have been episcopally united for successive in- cumbents time immemorial, and are contiguous. Now and here- tofore one church in the Union ; one acre of glebe in the parish of St. John's, and about 16 acres in the parish of Kilaspicbrown. No glebe house. 16. 1. Eastersnow. 2. Kilcola. 3. Kilbrine. The two first of these parishes have been episcopally united for successive incumbents time immemorial; and about the year 1765, the parish of Killbrine was added to the Union, which was distant about one mile from them. Now and heretofore one church in the Union, and no glebe. I7- 1. Ballintobber. 2. Killkeevan. 3. Baslick. These three parishes are united by Act of Parliament of the 9th of Queen Anne, then ( and now) having one church in the Union, but no glebe.
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