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Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland


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Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland

Date of Article: 25/02/1806
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 2
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63 ' ( Ireland.)— DIOCESAN R E T U R N S: No. Names of Parilhes; when united, and by whom ; and what Diftance from each other. Incumbents. Dunkerrine .... - rec. & vie. Castletown Ely the J| ke Rathnaveoge ----- the like Finglass - eilt- The above parishes were made a perpetual union by Act of Council dated the 22nd day of April 1802, and are contiguous to each other. Honble. and Rev. Charles Knox, A. B. Rev. Richard Maunsell, A. B. curate. 33- Templeharry rec. & vie. Cullenwayne ----- the like The above parishes were epifcopally united the 5th day of September 1799, and are contiguous to each other. Rev. John Jones, A. M. 34- Kilruane rec. & vie. Terryglass - - - - - - rec. The above parishes are held by separate titles dated the 17th day of August 1790, and are not con- tiguous. Rev. Anthony Gale, A. M. Rev. James Hill Poe, A. B. curate. 35' Burresokeane ... rec. & vie. Titles dated the 13th day of September 1798. Rev. John Torrens, A. B. Rev. James Martin, A. B. curate. 36. Modreeny ------ rec. & vie. Ardcrony ------ vic. The above parishes were episcopallv united the 17th day of June 1801, and are contiguous to each other. Rev. Edwin Palmer, A. B. Rev. Robert Stoney, A. B. curate. 37- Ballingarry - vie. Uskeane the like The above parishes were episcopally united the 31ft day of March 1772, and are contiguous to each other Rev. John Smith, A. B. 58. Kilmore - Kilnaneave rec. & vic. Lisbunny the like The above parishes were episcopally united the 18th day of July 1801. Kilmore and Kilnaneave are contiguous, and Lisbunny within a quarter of a mile of them. Rev. Gilbert Holmes, A. B. Rev. George Rose, A. B. curate. KILILALOE, 7* Refident. Not resident for One Year last past; incumbent holds another benefice in the diocese of Derry. Curate resident. Glebes and Houses. A glebe of 41a. 1 r. 29 p. in the parish of Dunkerrine, 25 a. 3 r. 30 p. in the parish of Castletown Ely, and 20 a. 3 r, 22 p. in the parish of Finglass.— A glebe- house in the parish of Dunkerrine. Churches. A church in the parish of Dunkerrine. Resident in the parish of Tem- pleharry. No glebe. A church in the parish of Templeharry. Not resident for One Year last past; not dispensed with by the bishop. No glebe. Not resident for One Year last part; not dispensed with. The curate resident. Resident in the parish of Mo- dreeny. A glebe of 1 ia. 3 r. 25 p.- No glebe- house. No church- A church. A glebe of 2 acres in the parish of Modreeny.— No glebe- house. A church in the parifli of Modreenv. Resident in the parish of Bal- lingarry. A ' lebe of 1 acre in the parish of Ballingarry.— No glebe- house. A church in the parish of Ballingarry. Incumbent not resident for One Year last past; not dispensed with by the bishop. Curate resident. No glebe. A church in the parish of Kilmore. u
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