Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland
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Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland
Date of Article: 25/02/1806
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No Pages: 2
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© 2 ( Ireland.)— D I O C E S A N R E T U R N S: No. Names of Parifhes; when united, and by whom ; and what Diftance from each other. II. Prebend of Tulloh; to which belongs, as the Corps thereof, The Rectorial Tythes of some denominations in said parish and elsewhere. Wth which is held Tulloh - vie. - Titles dated the 24th day of August 1803. 12. Prebend of Inniscathric; to which belong, as the Corps thereof, Kilrush - Kilfieragh vic. rec. With which are held, episcopally united, Kilfieragh Kilballyhone Moyfarta Killard - vie. vie. vie. vie. The above parishes were episcopally united the 24th day of July 1777, and are contiguous
to each other. 13. Prebend of Rath; to which belongs, as the Corps thereof, Some portion of Tythes in the parish of Rath. With which are held, episcopally united, Rath ------ rec. Dysert ------- rec. The above parishes were episcopally united the 1st day of December 1803, and are contiguous to each other. Incumbents. Rev. John Whitty, A. B. pre- bendary. Rev. Irwine Whitty, A. M. pre- bendary. Rev. John Graham, A. B. curate. Rev. Edward Mangin, A. M. prebendary. 14. Inniscalthra Moynoe Clonrush Ogonilloe vie. vie. vie. vie. The above parishes were episcopally united the 26th day of August 1803, and are contiguous to
each other. Rev. Richard Martin, A. B. J5- DromclifFe Kilnemona Kilmaly rec. rec. rec. The above rectories were episcopally united the 7th day of November 1803, and are contiguous to • each other. Rev. Joseph Palmer, A. M.
K I L L A L O E : 63 Residcnt. Glebes and Houfes. Churches. Resident. A glebe of 2 a. 2 r. 30 p. A glebe- houfe. A church. The Incumbent and curate both resident in the union. A glebe of 2 a. 3r. 5 p. in the parish of Kilrush; 3 a. 2 r. 25P. in the parish of Kilfieragh; and 3 a. and 20 p. in the parifli of Moyfarta. No glebe- house. Two churches, one in the parish Kilrush and the other in the parilh of Kilfieragh. Not resident for One Year last past and has no cure of souls. The glebes belong to the vicar. Not resident for One Year last past; but dispensed with by the bishop as register of the dioceses of Killaloe and Kilfe- nora, and
resides convenient to do the duty of the union. Not resident for One Year last past; and has no cure of souls. No church. No glebe. The glebes belong to the vicar. A church in the parish of In- niscalthra. A church in the parish of Dromcliffe.