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Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland


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Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland

Date of Article: 25/02/1806
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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U 4 ( Ireland,)— D I O C E S A N T R E T U R N S: RETURN No. 1. A RETURN of the Names of every Dignity, Prebend, Benefice, Donative, and Parochial Chapelry within the Diocese of KILDARE; and of all persons possessing the same, who have not resided on such Dignity, Prebend, Benefice, Donative, or Parochial Cliapelry, during One Year, previous to the 5th day of June 1805 ; so far as the present Bishop of Kildare is informed thereof: distinguishing such persons as have received licence or permission from their diocesans for their non- residence. IT is TO BE OBSERVED, generally, that since the translation of the present Bishop to this See, no license or permission of absence has been given to any person whatsoever. Names of Dignities, Prebends, & c. • Incumbents Not resident during One Year previous to 5th June 1805. Bishoprick of Kildare - - - - — — Deanery of the Cathedral - - Church of St. Bridget, Kildare, the Corps of which consists of Cloncurry - - - - - - - - rectory entire. Rev. Dixie Blundell. Archdeaconry of Kildare - - - and Precentorship of the Cathedral } Church of St. Bridget, Kildare, { the Corps of which consists of f Carne ------ J ----- vicarage. Rev. William Maunsell. Chancellorship of the Cathedral Church of St. Bridget, Kildare Rev. Arthur Mc Guire. Treasurership of the CathedraP Church of St. Bridget, Kildare, 1 the Corps of which consists of | Knavenstown - - - - ----- vicarage. Rev. John Bayly. ist. Canonry of the Cathedral' Church of St. Bridget, Kildare id. Canonry of the Cathedral Church of St. Bridget, Kildare 3d. Canonry of the Cathedral Church of St. Bridget, Kildare 4th. Canonry of the Cathedral ' Church of St. Bridget, Kildare Re'v. Arthur John Preston. Rev. Francis Mc Guire. Rev. Ralph Dillon.
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