Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland
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Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland
Date of Article: 25/02/1806
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t io9 3 e? DUBLIN AND GLANDELAGH \ RETURN of the several Parishes in the Dioceses of DUBLIN and GLANDELAGH distinguishing those which are Episcopally United, from those United by Act of Council; ' together with the Churches, Glebes, and Glebe- Houses therein ; as also, of the Residence of the Clergy for the Year preceding the gth day of June 1805. UNIONS OF PARISHES. N° i.— Vicarage of Swords, to which the cures of Malahide, Killough otherwise Killeck, and Killossorgh are episcopally united time immemorial. N° 2 — Vicarage of Donaghbate, and cure of Portrahan, episcopally united time immemorial, N°
3.— Cure Clonmethon, to which the cures of Palmerstown, Greenock, Westpalstown, Bally- Mc- Dun and Ballyboghill were perpetually united in 1722. N° 4.— Vicarage of Holywood, to which the vicarages of Naul and Grallak are episcopally United time immemorial. / N° 5.-— Vicarage of Castleknock, to which the cures of Clonsillagh and Mullahidart were • united by Act of Council in 177s. N° 6.— Rectory and vicarage of Chapelizod, and cures of Palmerstown and BallyFermott, united by Act of Council. Time not known N" 7.— Vicarage oPTallaght, to which the cure of White Church, and . rectory of Cruagh. ( Otherwise
Crevagh, are united by Act of Council. Time not known. N° 8.— Vicarage of Leixlip, and cure of Confoy and Stacumnie, vicarages of Esker and Lucan, and cures of Alderg, Westinorestown, and St. Catherine, united by Act of Council. Time not known. N° 9.— Vicarages of Kildraught alias Celbridge, and StrafFan, and cures of Bally- Mc- Kill, Donacomper, and Killadown, episcopally united from time immemorial. N° 10.— Rectory and vicarage of Bray, to which the vicarages of Connaught and Kilternan are episcopally united time immemorial. N° 11.— Rectory of Delgany, and vicarages of Kilcoale and Kilmacenoge, which are
united by Act of Council. Time not knows. N° 12.— Cures of Monckstown, Kill, Dalkey, Killeeny otherwise Killeen, Bullock, and Carrickbrenan, united by Act of Council in December 1780. N° 13.— Vicarage of Wicklow, to which the rectory and vicarage of Drumkey, and vicarage of Kelpole are episcopally united time immemorial. N° 14.— Derralossory otherwise Derhassin, and Glandelagh, episcopally uhited from tlm « immemorial. N°. 15.— Rectory of Castle- Mc- Adain, to which the vicarage of Bally- Donnell is united by Act of . Council. Time not known. Gg N° 16.— Rectory
IO 6 ( Ireland.)— D I O C E S A N R E T U R N S : N° 16.— Rectory and vicarage of Ark low, to which the vicarage of Enorely is episcopally united time immemorial, and the cures of Temple- Michael, Kilbride, Killahurler, and Kilmain. N ® 17.— Rectory and vicarage of Inch, and vicarage of Kilgorman, episcopally united time immemorial, and united by Act of Council in May 1789. 18.— Vicarage of Ballymore, to which the vicarages of Ballybought, and Yagoe, and the cure of Cotlandstown are episcopally united time immemorial. K° 19.— Vicarage of Donard, to which the cure of Crehelp and chapel of Dumbay is episcopally
united from time immemorial. N ® ao.— Vicarage of Rathmore, to which the vicarages of Kilkeel otherwise Kilteel, and chapels of St. Catherine, Beetra otherwise Beehan, Bride- patrick, Harristown, Kilmore, and Kilbride are episcopally united time immemorial. N° 21.— Vicarage of Burgage otherwise Blessington, to which the vicarage of Boystown is epis- copally united from time immemorial. 1* J° 22.— Vicarage of Dunlavan, to which the rectory and vicarage of Usk, and cures of Giltown, Tubber, Rathsallagh, and Friendstown are episcopally united from time immemorial. N° 23.— Vicarage of St. Nicholas otherwise
Nicholastown, and rectory and vicarage of Tankards- town, impropriate parishes of Ardree, Ribbon otherwise Churchtown, St. Michael Athy, and Dunbrea, chapel of Dunlost, and chapel of St. John Athy, episcopally united from time immemo- rial, and perpetually united by Act of Council in September 1804. N° 24.— Vicarage of Castledermott otherwise Trisdal Dermott, to which the vicarages of Graney, Ballaghmoon, Monmohemock, Grangerossnolvin otherwife Grangemonachorum are episcopally united time immemorial. Vicarage of Kilked also held by incumbent of Castledermott by epis- copal union time immemorial. N ®
25.— Vicarage of Timolin, Belan, Moone, Rathcoole, cures of Bolton, Newtown, Simons, town, Commonstown, Collin Hughestown, and Colerake, episcopally united from time imme- morial. N° 26.— Archdeaconry of Dublin, the corps of which consists of the vicarage of St. Peter, and curacies of St. Kevan, Donabrook, Rath- Carnham, Taney, and the perpetual curacy of Kilgobbin, uuited by Act of Council 1727. *** There is no record in the registry what distance the different parishes comprized in each union of parishes are from each other, but it appears by the clergymens' titles to the different episcopal unions that they were
made by reafon of contiguity, and the smallness of the value for the maintenance of the several incumbents; and there can be no doubt but that the several perpetual unions were made for the fame reafons. CHURCHES, GLEBES, and GLEBE- HOUSES; & c. 1.— There is a church in which divine service is performed in this union, but when built « loes not appear by any record in the registry. A glebe of 20 acres belonging to Swords. A ; glebe- houfe. 2.—' There is a church in which divine fervice is performed in this union, but when built does • not appear by any record in the registry. There is a glebe of 2 a. 3 r. 27 p. belonging
to Donagh- foate. No glebe- houfc, but one to be built speedily. 3.—- There is a church in which divine fervice is performed in this union, but when built does mot appear. A glebe of 33 acres belonging to Clonmethon, and ie> a. 2x. to Bally- JMc- l) un. Glebe- house in ruins, and to be rebuilt.
N° — There is a church in which divine service is performed in this union, but when built does not appear. A glebe of acres but to what particular part of the union it belongs does not ap pear. No glebe- house. N° 5.— There are two churches in this union in which divine service is performed, but when built does not appear. There are about 19 acres of glebe belonging to Castleknock, and a glebe- house. N° 6.— There is a church in which divine service is performed in this union, but when built does not appear. No glebe, or glebe- house. N° 7.— There is a church in which divine service is performed in this union, but when built
does ^ iot appear. A glebe- house and 16 acres of glebe belonging to Tallaght. N° 8.— There is a church in which divine service is performed in this union, " but when built does not appear. There is a glebe of 28 acres, and a glebe- house at Esker. N° 9.— There is not at present a parish church in this union, but one is immediately to be built; in the mean time divine service is regularly performed in the mansion- house of St. Woolstan's, which is convenient, and within the union. A glebe of 19 acres belonging to Kildraught, and 29 belonging to Shaffan. No glebe- house, but one to be built. N° 10.— There is a church in which
divine service is performed in this union, but when built does not appear. A glebe of 24 acres, and a glebe- house. N° 11.— There is a church in which divine service is performed in this union, but when built • does not appear. A glebe of 2 a. 3 r. 6 p. but to what particular part of the union it belongs does not appear. There is a glebe- house. N° 12.— There is a church in which divine service is performed in this union, and was built about the year 1797. There is a glebe of 14 acres, but to what particular part of'the union it be- longs Joes not appear. There is a glebe- house. N° 13.—- There is a church in which divine service is
performed in- this union, but when built does not appear. There is also a chapel of ease in which divine service is performed. There is a glebe of 36 acres. No glebe- house here, but- there is one at Dunganstown, which belongs to the same incumbent. N° 14.— There is a church in which divine service is performed in this union, but when built does ,- not appear. 60 acres of glebe in Glandelagh. A glebe- house. N° 15.— There is a church in which divine service is performed in this union, but when built does not appear. 30 acres- of glebe, but to what part of the union it belongs not known. A glebe- house. N° i6.— There is a
church in which divine service is performed in this union, and a new one building. About one rood of glebe. No glebe- house. N° 17.— There is a church in which divine service is performed in this union. 20a. 2r. of glebe in Kilgorman, and 17 acres in Inch. A glebe- house. When the church was built does not ap- pear. N° 18.— The church belonging to this union was destroyed in the rebellion of 1798. One to be ' built. No glebe. No house. ' N° 19.— There is a church in which - divine service is performed " in this union. No glebe or glebe- house. _ N° 20.— There is a church in which divine service is performed in this union. A
glebe of 12 acres at Rathmore. A glebe- house. When the church was built does not appear. N° 21.— There is. a church in which divine service is performed in this union, but when built does not appear. No glebe or glebe- house. 13 23,-— There
112 N° 22.— There is a church in which divine service is performed in this union, but when built • does not appear. 12 acres of glebe belonging to Usk. No glebe- house. N° 23.— There is a church in which divine service is performed in this union, but, when built does not appear. Glebe 9 acres, but to what particular part of the union it belongs not known.. No glebe- house, but one to be built. N° 24.— There is a church in which divine service is performed in this union, butwnen built does not appear. Glebe 26a. 3r. 34p. belonging to Monmohemock, and 4a. lr. to Kilkea. No glebe- house, but one to be built should this be made a
perpetual union. N° 25.— There is a church in which divine service is performed in this union, but when built does not appear. Glebe 21 acres, but to what particular part of the union it belongs not known. A glebe- house. N° 26.— There are six churches in which divine service is performed in this union, but w hen built does not appear. There arc 14 acres of glebe, and a glebe- house at Kilgobbin, and 6 acres at Taney. RESIDENCE OF THE CLERGY. From the best information that can be obtained, and from the regular attendance of the Register himself and his deputies for. some years back, at the visitations of the dioceses,
and particularly for the year preceding the 5th day of June last, the clergy were constantly resident, a few ex- cepted, who having dispensations for holding two livings, were generally resident upon one of said livings, and their respective curates on the other ; and also excepting those whose names are men- tioned as follows: N O N- R E S I D E N C E. The Reverend Abraham Stewart, incumbent of the union Is0 2, not now resident, being ill with an inflammation in his eyes. A curate does the duty. The Reverend Thomas Smith, vicar of the vicarage of Santry, not resident, but ordered to reside. The Reverend John Lewis,
incumbent of Howth, not resident at Howth, but has a resident curate there, and resides and docs duty in the parish of St. Kevans, Dublin. The Reverend Storer Charles Littlehales, incumbent of the union No. 3, absent with leave of the archbishop, he being in a state of ill health ; but he has a resident curate. The Reverend Thomas Richardson, vicar of Balrothery, not resident, but has a resident curate, and is under orders to reside himself. The Reverend Christopher Robinson, rector of Baldungan, value of which said to be about £ 50 per annum. No glebe or glebe- house. A curate does the duty. The Reverend William Blundell,
vicar of Ballscadden, not resident at Ballscadden, but resides in the parish of St. Mary, Dublin, where he does duty; and a curate does the duties of Ballscadden. Value said to be only^ T. 50 per annum. The Reverend Gerald Fitzgerald, incumbent of the union No. 18, not resident, but ordered to reside A curate does the duties. The Reverend Peter Lefanue, incumbent of No. 22, not resident, but the curate resides. The Reverend Thomas Kingsbury, vicar of Kilberry, not resident. A curate does the duties. The Reverend John Bayly, vicar of Kinneagh, not resident. A curate does the duties. J. Worthington, Tho. Clarke, Dcpy
Registers of the Dioceses of Dublin and Glandelagh.