Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland
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Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland
Date of Article: 25/02/1806
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No Pages: 1
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[ 193 ] DIOCESE OF OSSORY. A R E T U R N of the Benefices, Prebends, Reftors, & c. in the D10 C E S E of O S S 0 R Y. No. Benefices, Prebends, Sec. t Rectors and Vicars. ( Refidence. Licenfed by the Ordinary oi the Dioce fe for their Non- refidence. I. Fartagh - - rec. & vie. County of Kilkenny. Rev. John Pick, rector and vicar. Refides near the parifli. Cannot afcertain. 2. Union of Aghour, consisting of the Prebend, or Prebendal Church of Aghowr - rec. & vie. Clomenta, Kilrush, Clasha- crow, Rathbeagh, Tubrie- bietani, Sheffin, Cloptubrid, Coolcashen, Ballynemara, and Ballylaskin. Rev. James Measa, rector and vicar.
Refides in the glebe- houfe in the parifb. , — 3- Attier, Attanagh, and Aharney, rectories. Rev. Thomas Franklin, rector. Cannot afcertain. Cannot afcertain. 4- Union of Attanagh, consisting of the vicarages of Attier, Attanagh, and Ahar- ney, and the rec. ic vie. of Kilmenau. Rev. Francis Law, vicar. • Refides in glebe- houfe in the pa- rifli. —• 5- Rosconnel - - rectory. Rev. Chambn Walker, rector. Refides in glebe- houfe in the parifh. — 6. Seirkyran - - rec. & vie. Rev. Mattw Wood, vicar. Refides in the parifii. — 7' Offerelane - - rec. & vie. Rev. Saml Murphy, vicar. C?. nnot afcertain. Cannot afceriain. 8. Aghavoc - - rec. & vie. Rev.
John Morris, vicar- Reficfes in the parifli. — 9- Skeirke - - rec. & vie. Rev. James Rogers, vicar. Not refident. Cannot afcertain. 10. Donoughmore - rec. & v: c. Rev. Thomas Lacy, vicar. Not refident. Cannot afcertain. . T: 13-