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Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland


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Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland

Date of Article: 25/02/1806
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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[ > 87 ] 7' DIOCESE of D ROM ORE. BENEFICES. Tlic deanery of Dromore is a finecure, there being no cathedral establish- ment or choir ; no deanery- house or land to ereft one for the dean's refidence. INCUMBENTS. The dean, the Rev. Raphael Walsh, clerk; abfeut with the Bishop's entire approbation ; no personal service which he is obliged to is abfent having attend. The archdeaconrv of Dromore, and reftory of Donoughclony. The archdeacon, the Rev. Stewart Blacker, clerk ; having no glebe nor glebe- house at Donoughclony; constantly resides in an adjoining parish, of which are attached to his archdeaconry, and has a resi- the rectorial tithes dent curate to ferve the church of Donoughclony. The chancellorship of Dromore, and rectory of Clonallen. The chancellor, the Rev. John Davis, clerk; newly appointed to this preferment, is coming to reside, and is rebuilding the glebe- house at Clon- allen ; and in the mean time occasionally assists his curate, who regu- larly serves the church of Clonallen. The precentorship of Dromore, and reftory of Maralin. The precentor, the Rev, Thomas Percy, L. L. D- having been constantly resident, and didtinguished himself during the late rebellion; has now the Bifliop's leave of absence, but has a curate resident in his glebe- houfe, who regularly serves the church of Maralin. The treafurerfliip and reftory of Dromore. The prebend of Dromaragh, and reftory of Shankhill. The treasurer, the Rev. Henry Maxwell, clerk ; being of a very advanced age, and exceedingly infirm, is absent with the Bishop's full permission, but has a resident curate who regularly serves the church of Dromore. The prebendary, the Rev. Holt Waring, clerk ; having no prebendal residence nor glebe- house at Shankhill, conftantly resides in the next adjoining parish, and has a resident curate who regularly ferves the church of Shankhill. The reftory of Anahilt. The rector, the Rev. John Dieubourdieu, clerk; constantly resides in the glebe- house of Anahilt. Ti\ e reftory of Moira The rector, the Rev. Charles William Moore, clerk; has built a new glebe- house at Moira; but being prevented from residing, by a long and dangerous illness, has the Bishop's leave of absence, and has a resident curate who regularly ferves the church of Moira.
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