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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends


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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends

Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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97 NEW S O U T H SEA A N N U I T I E S. PROPRIETORS, & c. John Wildbore - - - Southwark Robert Wylde ----- Rotherham, Yorkshire, da. Mary Wildman, wife of Daniel - - Shoreditch Robert Wilkins & Roger Shipman, both dd. John Wilkins ---------- Covent- garden Sarah Wilkins Canterbury, dd. Captain Thomas Wilkins - ----- Rotherhithe Anthony Wilkinson St. Clement's Danes Elizabeth Wilkinson - - - - Red- lion- square, fpr. dd. Hannah Wilkinson - - Crutched- friars John Wilkinson, St. Martin's- in- the- fields, or Bedford- street, embroiderer) Richard Wilkinson, servant; to. Sir John Trollope, Casewick,) Lincolnshire) Richard Wilkinson ----- Bishopsgate- street, dd. Robert Wilkinson - Little Moorfields, dd. Thomas Wilkinson - Dublin William Wilkinson - ----- Cambridge, gent. O ' o John Willbee - — Greenwich Richard Willcocks, William Martin, Isaac Saunder, John Fage, Thomas Shephard, & Joshua; Willcocks, all dd. -----) Thomas Wilcocks, Orchard- street Westminster, chandler Edward Willes - Lincolns- inn, dd. Sir Francis Willis, knt. ------ - Mayfair Sir John Willes, Lord Chief Justice of the Pleas - - - - John Willett - - Strand, mercer Joseph Willett, dd. - - - - Abraham Williams - - Arming- hall, Norfolk, dd. Anna Williams Epping, Essex, fpr Ann Williams - ------- Silver- street, w° Ann Williams ----- St. Luke's, Middlesex, dd. Benjamin Williams Ratciff- highway Daniel Williams - - - - Uffington, Lincolnshire, dd. Eliza Williams - - ------ Ely, Edward Williams - - - St. Paul's church- yard, elk. del. Grace Williams Bishopsgate- street, w° George James Williams ----- St. James's- place Henry Williams ------ Thames- street, baker Sir John Williams - Langibby- castle, Monmouthshire, dd. John Williams - -- -- -- -- - Dulwich Joshua Williams - Castle- yard, Holborn Margaret Williams ------- Chelsea, w°. dd. Margaret Williams - - St, Bride s, dd. Mary Williams - Ickworth, fpr Mary Williams Barking, Essex Mary Williams -------- Kentish- town, w° Richard Williams Old Ford Richard Williams -------- Aldermanbury Susanna Williams Cirencester, lpr William Williams New Bond- street William Williams Camberwell, dd. William Williams Exeter Martha Williamson Freeman's- court, Nv°. Robert Williamson - - - - St. Catherine Cree- church. Frances Willis Twickenham, fpr John Willis Southampton Samuel Willis ' - - Northampton Sarah Willis, Bolton- street, St. George's, Hanover- square, ad. 16.
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