Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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No Pages: 1
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O L D SOU T II S E A A N N U IT I E S. PROPRIETORS, & c. Date wlien firlt Dividend became due. V. Edward Vaine - - - - Southampton Paul Valentine - - - Lewisham, Kent, yeoman, act. John Francis Vallade - - - - Throgmorton- street, dd. Abraham Vallon - Spitalfields Revd Herman Van Bracht Bell- alley, dd. Elizabeth Van Beecke - - - St. James Westminster, del. Dame Henrietta Maria Van Brugh - - of Whitehall, w° Winde William Vander Esch, Essex- street, ctcJ. Sc Edward Littleton, Excise- office} Revd Hendrick Van Haemstede - ------- Gerard Van Heythuysen & Elizabeth Betts, w° - - - - Maria Van Hoboken, wife of Peter
Jager - Amsterdam Stephen Vanier St. Giles's- in- the- fields Martha Van Leddan - - - St. Martins- in- the- fields, w° Herman John Van Ledden - - - - Drury- lane, del. Jane V anner - - - _______ Epsom Pieter Van Swyndregt - - Rotterdam William Van Wyck - - - - - St. Mary Woolnoth James Vanden Enden - - - Utrecht John Vander Heydew, exor. of Goris - - - Amsterdam Judith Vander Mash - - Old Artillery- ground, dd. Octavio Vander Poorten Amsterdam William Vanderstagen - - Cane- end, Oxfordshire, esq; John Vandewall Crutched- fryars Elizabeth Vardon - - - - - St. Giles- in- the- fields Susanne le Vasseur - Lambeth, fpr
Elizabeth Vaughan - - St. George's, Hanover- square, fpr Frederick Vauvert & Ann Vincent, wife of Richard Vincent Richard Vaux - Ratcliff- cross Samuel Venables --------- Portsmouth John Venner, elq; - - Brentford, del. James Verchild, Henry Towert, & Elizabeth Taylor, w°. dd. Anthony Vere & Elizabeth Vere his wife - - Fleet- street susanna Catharina Vermeulen, w° of Jan Ploos Vam Amstel, of Amsterdam Eva Gertruides Vernholtz, Western Kollen Westphalia, w° George Verney - - - - King- street R1 Hon. Ralph Earl Verney, da. - - - R1 Hon. James Vernon, James Oglethorpe, & James Martin, esqrs. j John Vernon -----
Martley, Worcestershire, elk. Thomas Vernon - Bishop? s Waltham Thomas Vernon -------- Worcester, efq; Thomas Vernon - - - - Twickenham- park, esq; dd. Temperance Vessey Petersham, Surrey, fpr Mary Vickers - - - St. Dunstan's- in- the- east, fpr. dd. Adriaan Johan Jacob Vignon, eiq; Johanna Sibella Vignon,} ipr. 6c William Daniel Vignon ] Harriot Vince ----'- Market Lavington, Wilts Sir Francis Vincent, bar1. & John Hill Winbolt, Basinghall- street i Francis Lovinus Vincent Amsterdam Henry Vincent Stoke Danbernon Hugh Vincent -----_.-_ Birmingham Ann Viner ------.._ St. Martm's, w° Matthew Vines . Cripplegate, dd.
Mary Viney, executrix - -- -- -__ ___ Hannah Vinson Plymouth, dd.