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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends


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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends

Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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O L D S O U T I I S E A A N N U I T I E S. PROPRIETORS, & c. Elizabeth Symonds - - Yarmouth, fpr Jane Simon - - Marden, Kent, fpr Hester Simonds . Ditto - - dd. Jermyn John Symonds ----- Lieu* in the Navy John Symonds " " " Nathaniel Symonds ( in trust for Francis, Mary, and John Morse William Symonds Ironmonger- lane Ann Simpson ------- Lawrence Jewry, w" Edward Simpson, servant to James Edward Colleton - - - John Simpson Leadenhall- market, butcher Robert Simpson - - Custom- house William Simpson, Burr- street, Aldgate, & Bayne Pigman, of Shadwell Timothy Sims St. Mary- axe William Sims Nightingale- lane, gardener John Simson - ---- - Aldgate Agnes Sinclair Pall- mall, spr Isaac Singer Littleton, dd. Catherine Sinnock - - - Sussex, w° Humphry Sydenham Combe, Somersetshire Henry Scrimshaw & John Badnall John Scrivener, Castle Heddingham, Essex; Thomas Avarne, Rugeley, Staffordshire; Thomas Orchard, of Maplested; Charles Stuart, Ashen, Essex - S Richard Scrivener & Thomas Smith, both of Pottersbury in Northamptonshire) George Shiffner nth light dragoons, esq; Mary Shrimpton ------ Arbonfield, Berks, w° John Skinner St. Mary- hill, salter Russell Skinner, Theobald's, Herts, cid. John White, Titch- field- street, dd. and John Berry, of Staples- inn Sir Francis Skipwith, bar1 - - - Newbold Revelling John Skyrme ------- Hanover- square, del. Elizabeth Slyfield Chertsey, Surrey, ipr Ann Smith --------- Bradford, Wilts Ann Smith ------- Arlington- street, w°. dd. Barwell Smith and Richard Barwell - ------ Catherine Smith, wife of John, Upper Mary- le- bone - - - Dorothy Smith - - - - Westminster, wife of Bennett Edward Smith and John Dodd - -- -- -- -- Elizabeth Smith, wife of Robert Clarke, St. Clement Danes Elizabeth Smith Lime- street, w° Elizabeth Smith - ------- Plymouth, fpr Elizabeth Smith - Great Russel street, Bloomsbury, spr. dd. Elizabeth Smith, St. Pancras Soper- lane, fpr. since wife of John Sanders, dd.) George Smith --------- Golden- square George Smith ------ Aldermanbury, esq; dd. James Smith --------- Chelsea- park James Smith, John Milner, John Hippesley, Ellen Long, Christopher Allen all dd.) John Smith Huntingdonshire John Smith, junr - - Hants John Smith ------- Cowley, near Uxbridge John Smith, junr - - London- street, Bermondsey, tanner Jonathan Smith --_--__ Grosvenor- square Mary Smith ------ Edmonton, Middlesex, dd. Mary Smith, w°. and servant to Mrs. Newton, Queen Ann- street- east)
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