Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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No Pages: 1
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John Mitford, Upper Charlotte- ftreet, Fitzroy- square, esq; Samuel Mitford Fenchurch- street Edmund Mitten & Henry Hill - -- -- -- -- Martha Mytton Shrewsbury, fpr Isaac Mizzin & Henrietta his wife - - - Rochefter James Moate - - -------- Hatfield Abraham de Mattos Mocatta, of Mansel- street, Goodman's- fields, Afsur Keyser, Crutched- friars, Asher Goldsmid, Mark- lane, & Eleizir Isaaks Keyser, Stock- exchange - - - - - David Mocquet ------ St. Martin's- fields, dd. George Modd - - - - Trinity- college, Cambridge, dd. Captain Edward Moyle - - - Winterburn, Dorsetshire Elizabeth Mollett - - Silver- street, Wood- street, w°. del. Mary
Mollett, of Guernsey, fpr. now wife of Benjamin Gilford Rachel Mollett - ------- Guernsey, fpr James Monbeuil, fenr Cripplegate, dd. Elizabeth Moncreise - - St. Margaret's Westminster, w" Isaac Monicat - - - - Dean- street, apothecary, dd. Roger Monk ----- - - St. Clement's Danes Sarah Monk Deptford, w° Elizabeth Monkman ------- Tower- hill, w° Phillip Monson - - - - Milbank Ann Montagu - -- -- -- - - Exeter, fpr Hon. Edward Montagu & James Pearse, both eld. - - - Elizabeth Montagu - - - - - St. Clement's Danes Edward Montgomerie - - Ilford, esq; Elizabeth Montgomery, St. James- house, fpr. fmee wife of} Thomas Young John
Montigny Hyde- park- corner, dd. James Moody - - - Devonshire- street Duncan Moon Austin- fryars Ambrose Moore - - - - Lowlayton George Moore Lambeth George Moore - - - Richmond, dd. John Moore - -- -- -- -- Norwich, esq; John Moore Newbald, Yorkshire, dd. John Moore - ----- Kensington- square, esq; Mary Moore - St. James, w°. dd. Matthew Moore - -- -- -- -- Spitalfields Phillis Moore Richmond, fpr. dd. Thomas Moore ------ Great Yarmouth, dd. Thomas Moore - Inner- temple Lewis Morel & Stephen Bourge ( in truft) Salisbury- court, Fleet- street Revd Thomas Moore, North Kray, Kent, & James Bedel, Buxley, Kent,
dd. ( in truft)) Ann Mordaunt - - - Carshalton, w° Hon. George Mordaunt - - St. Margaret's Westminster Alice More Jermyn- street, spr Louisa Moreau St. James, w°. dd. Jane Morelle Chelsea, fpr Edward Rowe Mores, Layton, Essex, dd. & James Oram Clarkson, Castle- court, Lawrence- lane Thomar Moreton, of Christiony, Denbighshire, dd. Sir William Moreton, knt. dd. ex7 to Edward Shelley - - Elizabeth Morfield ------- Rotherhithe, w° James Morford - Lombard- street Dame Ann Morgan ( in truft) - -- -- -- --