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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends


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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends

Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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O L D S O D T K S E A A N N U I T I E S. PROPRIETOR S, & c. Fa; wlien firit Dividend became due. N° of Dividends due. Ann Leeke, of Colchester, spr. & Revd John Buckner, of Boxgrove, Sussex Louisa Leferon --------- Berlin, spr. dd. Thomas Lefever ----- St. James Westminfter Mary Le Geyt, of Jersey, w°. now wife of philip Jean, of Hanover- street, Hanover- square $ Henry Legg - - - - - Litton, Dorsetshire, farmer Mary Legg - -- -- -- -- ' Bow- street, spr Mary Lehugier St. Anns Westminster Revd Robert Leyborne - - Whitechapel Lieu' General Francis Leighton, Queen- square, dd. & Charles Manningham, of Golden- square William Leyborne Leyborne & Thomas Mainwaring, esqrs Ann Leyson, Bristol, spr. now wife of Thomas Lewes - John Ley, junr. - - New- palace- yard, Westminster, esq; Elizabeth Le Maistre ----- of Jersey, spr. do. Henry Leman ------ St. Martin's- fields, dd. John Leman Hoxton Marie Catherine Le Marchant - - - Southampton, w° John Le Mesurier ------ Guernsey, merchant Louisa Lemoine - - - - Datchett, near Windsor, spr Samuel Le Moine ------ Eaton, Bucks, gent. James de Lemos -------- St. Mary- axe Sarah Lemmon ------ Newington- green, fpr Henry Le Main - Bethnalgreen James Lenhatheren - - - Buffledin Mary Lepell - - St. James Westminster Mary Le Ruez - -- -- -- - of Jersey, w°. dd. John Lesingham ------ Kensington, efq; dd. Joseph Letch, Edward Binckes, & Henry Dawson, dd. - Christopher Lethbridge - - - - Launceston, Cornwall Annetta Lethieuller - - - - Albemarle- street, fpr. dd. Philip Lelousay ------ St. Anns Westminster John Coakley Lettsom, Sambrooke- court, Basinghall- street, M. D.$ John Leventhorpe - - -- -- -- - Aldgate Peter Levermore - - - - Gosport Mary Levett - - Hampstead, dd. Beer Moses Levy - - ----- of the Hague William Levinz ------ Custom- house, esq; dd. Arnout Johnannes Gevers Leuven - - - - Rotterdam Charles Devereux Lewin - - Caversham- hill, Reading John Lewin ------ L _ _ Whitechapel, dd. Ruth Lewington - -- -- -- - Lambeth, w° Alice Lewis, w°. now wife of Revd John Nicol - - - Ann Lewis - -- -- -- - St. Ann's Westminster Ann Lewis - -- -- -- -- Welwyn, Herts, spr Ann Lewis - -------- Chislehurst fpr Newington, ad. Fenchurch- street, dd. Road, Devonshire - Barbican Middle- temple, eln; eld. - Abchurch- lane, fpr Hackney Charles Lewis Edward Lewis Revd Henry Lewis - - Hester Lewis - - - John Lewis - - Mary Lewis - - - Revd Robert Lewis, elk. Revd Robert Lewis & Harriett Lewis his wife, Chingford, Essex Thomas Lewis Charterhouse- square, dd. Thomas Lewis Maze- pond, Southwark John Lewlinge Holborn, apothecary
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