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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends


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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends

Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Full (unformatted) newspaper text

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OLD SOUTH S E A A N N U I T I E S. 53 FRO P R I E T O R S, & C. Matthew Kitchiner - - - - - - Weft Smithfield, dd: , Elizabeth Kitson, Lydia Kitson, Robinson Knight, Joseph Bourne Edward Knight -------- Cannon- street Elizabeth Knight, wife of Thomas King - - - Reading Henry Knight ------ Gold- street, Wood- street Joseph Knight ----- Lower Hardres, Kent, eld. Mary Knight --------- Southgate, fpr Mary Knight ------- Grosvenor- square, spr Revd Richard Knipe, dd. & Revd Thomas Glover, exor5 of- Helen Spratt • Elizabeth Knight - -- -- -- - Hampstead, w° Frances Knott, Devonshire- street, Queen- square, w°. 8c} Jemima Gorwood, High Ongar, Essex, lj) r S John Knowler - Ramsgate, Kent, ctct. Jacob Daniel Klust ----- - St. Mary- le- bone Diite when fiili Dividend became due. NJ of Dividends due. I, William Laberan Cavendish- square Claude Labbe ----------- Soho Claude Lacaux, w°. dd. Tho' Eaton,- del. & Stephen Guion. merchant John Lacey & William Webber - - - Roger Lacey - -- Hackney Susannah Lacey ---- - Holborn William Lacey, servant to Benj Hattley Foote, Linton, Kent Ralph Ladenberg - - - Castle- street Leicester- fields Francis Laffar, Little Winterham in Berks, husbandman, dd. William Laffar - - - - Abingdon, Berks, shopkeeper John Lay ton - -- -- -- -- - Norfolk, elk. Mary Lamb - -- -- -- - Bromley, Kent, w° Samuel Lamb ------- Reading, tobacconist Elizabeth Lambert - -- -- -- - Pall- mall, spr Judith Lambert ------- Mincing- lane, fpr James Lamborne & Samuel Harris ------- Morgan Lampard - - - - Epping Elizabeth Land ------- Chewing, Kent, lpr Elizabeth Hills Land - - - - Great Trinity- lane, w° Benjamin Lane, dd. & Vigerus Edwards ------ Catherine Lane ----- St. Clements Danes, fpr John Lane ------- Shipdam, Norfolk, dd John Lane ------ ( A lunatic) Banbury, jr. D. Jonah Lane ------ Honey- lane- market, dd. Jonah Lane & James Fisher --------- Nathaniel Lane - -- -- -- -- - Croydon Thomas Lane - - Bradbourne in the parish of Riverhead Elias Lang ------ of Bodmin, Cornwall, dd.- Sarah Langford - - of Spitalfields, w° Sir James Langham, B'. of Cottesbrook, Northampton- shire, dd. % Elizabeth Lanlney ----- John Langley ------ Mary Langley Mary Langley ----- Ann Langton Abigail Langworth - - Charles Lanoe Charles Lanoe & Henry Sedgwick
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