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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends


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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends

Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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48 OLD S O U T I I SEA AN N UT T I E S . PROPRIETORS, & C. Elizabeth Howard, lpr. and servant - - - - Fleet- street Elizabeth Howard, wife of Richard Goddard, Wandsword John Howard Inner Temple Joseph Howard, Aldersgate- street, Francis Chaffereau, & Paul Callard, both dd Margary Howard Golden- square Philadelphia Howard, wife of Thomas, dd. Elizabeth Creswell, dd. & Ralph Creswell Thomas Howe ----- Merton- college, Oxford, del . Anne Howell St. Michael's, Cornhill, w° William Howes, o. s. Revd Joseph Williamson, & Robert Gostling, esq; all of the parish of St. Dunstan's in the West - Samuel Howitt - Chigwell, farmer William Howell, servant to Mr. Prime Thomas Howlett & John Morris Margaret Howsden - - - Hackney, w° Anne Hubback Dorchester, spr John Hubback, Stockton- upon- Tees, Durham, shipwright Elibabeth Hubble, wife of Robert, of Wrotham, Kent- - Nathan Huddard St. Martin's- le- grand Thomas Huddle Cripplegate, cooper, dd. Mary Hudgeabout - - St. Stephen's Coleman- street, w° Ann Hudson Pall- mall, fpr. dd. Thomas Hudson ----- Ducklington, Oxfordshire Sarah Hues St. Margaret's Westminster, w° Benjamin Huger South Carolina, efq; Isaac Huger ------ - South Carolina, efq; William Hugesson ----- Stockbury, Kent, esq; Benjamin Hughes - - Lime- street Elizabeth Hughes Old- street, w° Joanna Hughes ( late Collyer) now wife of Richard Hughes John Hughes ------ - London- house- yard Judith Hughes, Chapel- street, Tottenham- court- road, w° - Thomas Hughes, Oxford, M. D. dd. ------- Elizabeth Huish, wife of Henry Elizabeth Hull - - Islington, w°. eld. William Hull Waldershare, Kent William Hulme, servant Edward Humphreys - - - St. Botolph, Aldergate, dd. Elizabeth Humphris ------ Queen- square, dd. Elizabeth Humphreys, spr. dd. Frances Humphreys Chancery- lane, w° Francis Richmond Humphries, Devizes, esq; William Bayley, Cockspur street, & Charles Knott, of' Winchester - ------ - - - - St. Andrew's Holborn Catherine- street, Covent- garden Humphry Humphreys Thomas Humphreys Ann Hunt, fpr. & servant to Mrs. Tabby - - Fetter- lane Ann Hunt, at Lord Bateman's, dd. - Mary Hunt, spr. ( now Webb) - - Levington, Wilts, dd. Nicholas Hunt Peterborough, mariner Thomas Hunt Reading, Berks Thomas Hunt ----- St. James- square', servant William Hunt, 33, Ironmonger- row, St. Luke's Middlesex Alexander Hunter, & Judith his wife, of St. Bartholomew- ...... TT the- less William Hunter . Newport- market William & Dennis Huntingdon - - . _ _ Cirencefter John Hurst Stockwell, Surry Date when firft Dividend becnrac due.
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