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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends


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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends

Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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5- 2 O L D S O U T I I SEA A N N U I T I E S. PKOPUIETORS, & c. Jane Gill - - - - Plymouth, w° dd. Mary Gillbe Shad Thames, w° Elizabeth Gillings - - - - St. Giles- in- the- Fields, w° Daniel Ginger - - - - - Watford, Herts, carpenter Capt" Richard Girlington, 3t3. - - - John Glibbery Christ- church, Surrey Margaret Glyn St. Clement's- lane, cttt. Elizabeth Griffin Colchester, dd. Joseph Griffin ------- Kensington, gardener Roger Griffin Exchange- alley Catherine Griffith - Mansfield- ftreet, St. Mary- le- bone, w° Christopher Griffith ----- Padworth, Berks, efq; Revd Griffith Griffith, rector of St. Paul's Shadwell, and the") i churchwardens for the time beingj John Griffith - Gosport, Hants, & Mary his w°. both dd. Revd John Griffith, Kevon- hill, near Ash, Monmouthshire, dd. Richard Griffith & Mary his wife, St. Martin's- in- the- fields Sarah Spencer Griffith - - Jermyn- street, St. James, w° Joshua Grigsbys, junr. ------ Drinkstone, esq; Claes Grill - - Dunster- court, Mincing- lane, merchant Ann Grimes ----- Christ- church, Surry, fpr. tld. R' Hon. James Lord Viscount Grimston, Grosvenor- square,^ & Hon. Charles Marsham, Arlington- street^ Hon. James Grimston, since Lord Grimston, & James Cooke, esq; 3 Hon Mary Grimston - - - - Gerrard- street, Soho, w° Albinia Gwynn - - Queen- street. St. Mary- le- bone, spr John Gwynn - - - - Little- court, Leicester- fields, dd. Robert Goadby ------ Sherborn, Dorsetshire Francis Godby - - - - Golden- square, china- man, dd. Edmund Goddard ------- Chancery- office James Goddard Dean- street, Fetter- lane John Goddard Horsham, Sussex, dd. James Godfrey - - St. Giles- fields Shearman Godfrey, junr Limehouse Thomas Godfrey & Gamaliel Lloyd, exors. of John Lloyd, both dd. ( in truft) 3 Elizabeth Godin --------- Ratcliffe, lpr Ann Godwin - - St. Peter's Cornhill Stephen Peter Godin, Henry Shiffner, Pontrilles in Here- fordshire, Edmund Morton Pleydell & William Morton Pleydell, all dd. Burwood Godlee ------ St. John's, Wapping Edmund Godwin ------- Westminster, esq; Johanna Wilhelmina vander Goes - - Leyden, spr. dd. William Goffe St. Ann's Westminster, dd! Mary Goldfinch . Hollis- street, spr~ Elizabeth Golding, wife of John - - Bury St. Edmonds William Golding - - Fulham, gardener John Goldwyer, Southampton, & Henry Oake, Ringwood, i u n 11 Hants John Goll Drury- lane, pawnbroker Anne Golling . . Bishopsgate- street Richard Gomm, St. James Clerkenwell, Samuel Whitbread, 7 c. rr. ^ & Joshua Jensar, all dd J Sir Thomas Gooch, bJ. John Fowle, esq; & William Field - John Good, Queen- street, Southwark, & Joshua Green- , , _ smith, Duke- street, Southwark, dd. j Elizabeth Goodall Weybridge, w°; dd. Sophia Goodall Weybridge, Ip* Date when firft Dividend became due.
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