Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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No Pages: 1
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5- 2 O L D S O U T I I SEA A N N U I T I E S. PROPRIETORS, & C. Dale when firlt Dividend became due. Alice French, Whitehall, fpr- now wife of Samuel Daniel - Elizabeth French Holborn, fpr John French -------- Westminster, dd. Michael French Heston, Middlefex Daniel Field St. Mary- le- bone, dd. Elizabeth Field, fpr. & Robert Wiikins, of the Old Bailey, del. Hannah Field, fpr. Dunston, Norfolk, now wife of Nathaniel Wygate Hannah Field, fpr - - - Miles- lane, Carmon- street, dd. Mary Field, lpr - Terling, Essex, dd. Richard Field - - Beckham, Surry Thomas Field, Chislehurst, Kent, dd. Nelson Gibborn, Rend- ham, Suffolk,
farmer, & Mary Garrod, of same place, w°. del. -----) William Fifield Micheldover, Hants, dd. John Fiford servant to Edward Hulse, esq; Matthew Figgins Devizes, Wilts William Filby ----- Pilgrim- street, Blackfriars Elizabeth Filmore Lympton, Devon, fpr William Final, jun. Berkeley, Somersetshire John Finch - Dudley, del. Mary Ann Finch, w° - - - - Little Warley, Essex, dd. Thomas Finch Temple, ciq; George Fish- -- -- -- - Rotherhithe, del. Nathaniel Fish------ Great Yarmouth, gent. Benjamin Fisher - servant to the Rl Hon. Arthur Onslow Cuthbert Fisher, of the Tower, dd. & John Ham, jun. 7 Spital- square, merchant S Elizabeth
Fisher, fpr Bristol, dd. James Fisher --------- - Spital- fields Jane Fisher Stanmore, fpr Joseph Fisher - - - - White Colne, Essex, farmer, dd. Lytcot Fisher & Samuel Woodcock, esq; - - Deal, dd. Richard Fisher - - Lothbury, Blackwell- hall factor, dd. Sarah Fisher, spr Cheshunt, Herts, now wife of Robert Ruskin Thomas Fitch Queen's- college, Oxford Mary Fitzgerald, fpr - Southampton- row, Bloomsbury, dd. Thomas Fitzgerald, elk. dd. & Walter Baynes, esq; - - - William Fytches -------- Ganford, dd. Tryphena Fry - - - Stepney, w° Thomas Frye ----- Little Ormond- street, gent. John Frith - - - St. James, eld. John Frith, St. Margaret's
Westminster, cabinet- maker, &) Samuel Tyler, Tothill- street, Westminster, pe- ruke- maker A John Fry Sutton Benjor, Wilts Margaret Fryer, w° - - - Colesford, Gloucestershire, dd. Richard Fryer ------ Bristol, cabinet- maker William Fryer Hertford Dudley Foley, dd. & Penelope Foley, wife of Col. Richard Whitworth Elizabeth Foot, wife of John _ . _ John Foote town and county of Pool Joseph Foot Plymouth, dd. John Forbes & Isaac Parry, both dd. ------ _ 1? or7( J ---------- Aldersgate- street william Lord Bishopsgate- street, dd. Mary Foreman, fp' - Epsom, del. Mary forest, w°, & adm* of John Queen- street, Cheapside