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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends


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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends

Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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5- 2 O LD S O U T I I S E A A N N U I T I E S. rnorninoRS, & c. Alderlgate- street, dd. . _ _ _ Delgado - - - Isleworth - - - - Putney - ' Wondstone Chancery- office Clerkenwell- grcen " Low Layton Martin s- fields, till. Benjamin Dewin - - - - - Abraham Dias Matthew Dick - Thomas Dicker - - - - - William Dicker Charles Dickens - - - - - Elizabeth Dickins - - - Samuel Dickinson - - - - - Rivers Dickinson -,---- Isaac Didier - Elizabeth Dyer & Benjamin Stokes - ------ Capt Dudley Digges, of his Majestys ship Deptford - - Thomas Dyke ---------- LyOn's- inn John George D'Hten St. James Elizabeth Dymoke ------ St. Sames, spr. dd. William Dymock Oxford- street," da. Hon. Thomas Baron Dimsdale Hertford Charles Dingley, . of London, merchant, & James Boys - - Robert Dingley, esq; treasurer of the Magdalen House, Good- ' man's- fields James Dipford - -- -- -- -- Plymouth, dd. Thomas Disney ------ St. Michaels, Cornhill George Dyson Botolph- lane Ann Diston - Reading, spr. dd. Hannah Ditchburn ----- Grosvenor- square, spr John Dix - -- -- -- - Wellclose- square, dd. Samuel Dix - -- -- -- - - Hoxton- square Thomas Dix - ----- Strand, apothecary, spr Ann Dixon - - Greville- street, w°. dd. Elizabeth Dixon, William Dent, Dinah Dent, w°. & Ann Dent, spr) Revd Joseph Dixon, clk. - - - West Felton, Shropshire Mary Dixon Rebecca Dixon Richard Dixon - Samuel Dixon Henry Dry - - Mary Dry Richard Dring - Elizabeth Dringe Harley- street, Cavendish- square, spr ' Whitechapel, w° - - - - Isle of Thanet • - - - - Lincolns- inn, in trust Hatton- garden, esq; dd. - - - - Gracechurch- street ~ St. George's Southwark, cooper ------- - Egham James Drinkwater, Richard Combes, & John Baker - - Margaret Dobbins Rotherhithe Mary Dobbs ----------- Holborn Bridget Dobles ----- Aldenham, Shropshire, spr Peter Dobree - -- -- _ . _ Catherine Dobson ------- Winchester w° Jane Dobson - - Harpur- street, W.' dii Lancelot Docker ------ Basseldon, Berks, clk. William Dockwray - - - Old George- street, Spital- fields Katherine Dodd - ' - Portsmouth, dd. John Dodd, & Ann his wife, of Godstone, Surry, victualler Mary Dodd, w° & adm' 1 of Humphry Catherine Dodgson - - - - - . - St. James, spr Edward Dodson ------- Rood- lane, cooper Henry Dodson ------- Nicholas- lane, dd. Peter Dodsworth Amos Doidge - Cecil- ltreet - , w ' " ~ - - Plymouth, merchant, c. d. Moses Dolee Christ- church, Spital- fields Isaac Dolstone, servant ----.... Cornhill Mary Dolby, w° Clar^ cs- fii eet
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