Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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No Pages: 1
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5- 2 O L D S O U T I I SEA A N N U I T I E S. PROPRIETORS, & C. 1 Henry Davis, Bristol, Ford Richardson, Ton Acton, & Revd Richard Hart, of St George's, both in Glou- ceiterfhirc James Davies - - - John Davis, senr - John Davis - John Davis - - - - John Davis - - Joseph Davis - - Mary Davis - - - - Mary Davis - _ - - - - Thames- street, brewer - - - J - - Bermondsey, dd. - - - - - - Leadenhall- market ----- Watlington, Norfolk - - Strand, victualler - - - Reading, gingerbread baker Croydon, spr - - - St. Bartholomew ths Less, spr Mary Davis - Lothbury, spr Mary Davis St. Mary le Strand, spr Margaret Davies - - St. James, spr Mary
Davis - - Mason's- hall, Basinghall- street, fpr. uu. Matthew Davies - - - - Long- acre Richard Davis ------ Bread- street, Cheapside William Davis St. John's Westminster, del. William Davis ---------- Holborn Charlotte Elizabeth Davison, wife of Charles Leonardi, esq; of Dantzig Elizabeth Davison - - - - St. Martin's le Grand, spr Margaret Davison ------- Covent- garden lpr Richard Davison - - - Kebblesworth, Durham, yeoman Jane Davison, late wife now w° < Sc ex" of Peter, act. New- castle upon Tyne, labourer Elizabeth Daulmer - - - - St. Ann's Westminster, dd. Revd Arthur Dawes, rector of St. Michael, Cornhill, dd. i William Axe,
Birchin- lane, & Samuel Birch, of- Cornhill, cook - - - -) John Dawes - -- -- -- -- Hatfield, Essex William Dawkins ----- Stepney, merchant, dd. Elizabeth Dawson ------- Tower- hill, fpr Elizabeth Dawson - Shadwell, w°. dd. Edmund Dawson, Sloney- lane, Southwark, & Thomas Smalley Browning, of Bermondsey, elq: both dd. 5 Gilbert Dawson, Gray's- inn, elq; & Thomas Peacock, sen - Mary Dawson - -- -- -- -- Ratcliffe, spr Mary Dawson ------- Plymouth Dock, spr Rebecca Dawson ------ Basinghall- street, eld. Elizabeth Drage Bartlett's Buildings, spr Grace Drake - - now wife of James Parsons, Plymouth John Drake ------- -
Upminster, Essex, dd Martha Drake ------- Blechingley, Surry, spr Revd William Drake, Edward Hippisley, esq; dd. Matthew Stainton, & Thomas Murthwaite, all of' Isleworth -------- - j Elizabeth Drankelle- ------- St. Ann's, fpr John Draper --------- Watling- street Ann Deacon --------- Grubb- street, w° Daniel Deacon, s en. - -- -- -- -- - Herts George Deake alias Dicke, of Tooley- street ( in trust) - - Katherine Deake - - - - St. John's Southwark; spr Ann Deans ----- wife of Col Alexander Deans Barbara Dean - - Shipton- upon- Charwell, Oxfordshire George Dean - - - - Monument- yard, hardwareman John Deane, of Limehouse - - -
Michael Deane, Grantham, Killingworth; John Chandley & Joseph Longley William Deely Fleet- street, dd. Ddte wlien fir!' t Dividend Uccuilit' due. K° of Divldt nds due.