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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends


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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends

Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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OLD SOUTH SEA A N N U I T I E S. - ci PROPRIETORS, & c. Ann Clarke, Hursborne- priory, now wife of Joseph Poticary Charles Clarke & Robert Forder Esme Clarke - -- -- -- - Sadler's- hall, dd. Elizabeth Clarke -------- Park- house, spr Elizabeth Clarke - - - St. Clement's Dane, fpr & serv£ Elizabeth Clarke - -- -- -- Dean's- yard, spr Elizabeth Clarke - Hanover- square, spr Francis. Clarke - Aylsheim, Norfolk Francis Clarke & George Heath - -- -- -- - George Clarke - - St. Catherine's ' George Clarke - Poultry Henry Clarke Sc Rowland Cooper, - St. Olave's Southwark James Clarke Maidstone, Kent Jane Clarke - - Paternoster row, Spittal- fields, w°. dd. John Clarke Drury- lane, carpenter John Clarke Sarum Joseph Clarke - Duke- street, Lincoln's- inn- fields Margaret Clarke Finchley, w° Margaret Clark, wife of Zachariah Clark - - - Hounslow Martha Clark, junr - Stockton Martha Clarke, wife of Thomas Clarke of Winkfield, Berks,} taylor Michael Clark - -- -- -- - Apothecaries- hall Richard Hall Clarke, Bredwell, Devon, & Robert Russell, Exeter Robert Clarke ---- - New- street Sarah Clarke --------- Kingston, spr Sarah Clarke - -- -- -- - St. Dunstan's, spr Samuel Clarke St. James Westminster, esq; Thomas Clarke, William Edgell, & Theodore Johnson - - William Clarke - - - Ipswich Daniel Clarkson Milk- street John Clarkson - -- -- -- -- Minories, dd. Joseph Clarkson - Lincoln's- inn Samuel Clarson -------- St. Martins- fields Thomas Clarson - - - - Alcester Jonathan Clayton - Great Grimlby, Lincolnshire Martha Clayton Stoke Newington, fpr Charlotte Craydon - Charles- street, Grosvenor- square, ipr Isaac Cranmer - - - - Charterhouse- square, servant Henry Cranmer - - - Queendon- hall, Essex, esq; Ann Cranston - - - - Johnson's- court Fleet- street, w0 R' Hon. Elizabeth lady Cranston, w". dd. Revd James Cranfton, Bexhill, Sussex, & John Cranston, East Grinstead, Sussex Maria Cranston ----- Henley- upon- Thames, w° William Cranston - - - - Johnson's- court Fleet- street James Cramwell, ( servant to Gillery Piggott) ----- i John Crawley --------- Hempsted, esq; ! John Crawley, executor Susanna Cesteau - - - Joseph Chearke - - - - Major Charles Chebald Mary Chelsum, w° - - - • Martha Cheshyre, ipr - - Thomas Cherington, dd. - Mary Cherry, ipr. dd. - - Henry Chester ( in trust) for Theodosia, pursuant to order of Chancery Ignatius Chester - Drogheda. Ireland 16. F K° of Dividends duo. - - Plymouth ; Chatham, Kent, cooper - - Greenwich, dd. Droxford, Hants, dd. - Northaw, Herts, dd.
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