Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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No Pages: 1
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j6S j6S T H R E E - P E R - C E N T . A N N U I T I E S. PROPRIETORS, & c. T. Thomas Taylor - Lamb- street, Spitalfields, snuff- maker Margaret Taylor Hoxton- square, fpr Catherine Talbot Lambeth, fpr. dd. Marie Tamineau - - - - St. Anns Westminster, fpr John Tanner - - - - Stanmore, Middlesex, gardener Rachel Trafford - - - Croydon, Surrey, fpr. ctct. Peter Travers ------- Burr- street, mariner Elizabeth Tew Stepney, fpr. cfcf. Joseph Tyler - - - Bishopsgate- street William Titchnear & John Cole, both of Epsom - - - - Stephen Triquet - - - - St. Martin's- le- grand, dd. Margaret Twycross - - - - - - - Bath, w°. dd. Elizabeth Tomkins
- Moorfields, fpr. dd. John Tomson Old Jewry, painter Elizabeth Towers - - Crane- court, fleet- street, w°. dd. John Townsend - - -- -- -- Spitalfields Catherine Thomas ----- Hoxton- square, fpr Robert Thompson - - - - Elsham, Lincolnshirw, dd. Alexander Thoms - - - Charles- court, Strand, taylor James Thornton Kew- green, Surrey William Thornton, dd. & Richard Thornton, both of Ash- tead, Surrey, farmers Captn Sir Henry Trollope Royal Navy Thomas Trott Sunbury, Middlesex, dd. John Troughton, Dean- street, Fetter- lane, mathematical instrument- maker Allen Tucker Bideford, Devonshire Jesse Turner St. James's- market,
dd. Shallet Turner & James Clutterbuck - - - - - - V. Elizabeth Vaslet - York, fpr Hon. Abigail Verney Soho- square, w° Herman Van Gelder ------ St. Pancras, dd. Thomas Vernon - - - Bristol, elq; Hon. James Vernon & Revd John Waring Martha Viala - - - - St. Ann's Westminster, w°. dd. Elizabeth Voake ----- Wandsworth, Surrey, fpr w. Zaphaniah Waldron, King- street, St. George's Middlesex,} victualler Thomas Walker Tooting Revd Stephen Walker, elk. Epping, Essex, eld.; Nathaniel Hurrell, yeoman, dd.; Samuel Brown, collar- maker, dd.; & Isaiah Harrington, all of Rashleigh, Essfex - - - - Magdalen Walmesley Litchfield, w°
Nelly Warren Strand, w° Susanna Warner - - - - St. Ann's Westminster, w° Elizabeth Waters - - Lubenham near Harborough, fpr Frances Waters Islington, fpr Grace Weaver, Chester, w°. since wife, now widow of Thomas Bastow, dd.| Jane Webb Islington, fpr. dd. Date when firft Dividend became due.