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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends


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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends

Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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T H R E E - P E R - C E N T. A N N U I T I E S . PROPRIETORS, & c. Ann Higginson - Haymarket, fpr Elizabeth Hill Newman- street, w° William Hills - - - - Faversham, Kent, gent. del. William Hinton & Thomas Sewer, both of Rotherhithe Elizabeth Hitchcock Rochester, fpr Frances Hitchcock - - - - - Aldersgate- street, w° Hon. Henry Hobart, Richmond; Richard Neave, New Broad- street; & Andrew Girardot, junr.; Old Broad- street - - 3 Ralph Hodgson Garden- court, Temple Mary Hoffman - Old Jewry, w°. dd. James Holdwright - - - St. Martin's- le- grand, carver Catherine Holker Swallow- street, w3 Mary Holloway Oxford- street, fpr Daniel Hoost Willemy, Amsterdam, efq; John Hookham, St. Peter- le- poor, hosier, & Thomas Gam- ble, Willoughby Waterless, Leicestershire Governors, & c. of Bethlem Hospital ---____ Trustees, & c. of Hospital for Incurables of St. Margaret's,) Westminster John Hough - -- -- Houndsditch Margaret Howell - - - Old Jewry, spr. & servant Richard Howell - - - Noble- street, watch- maker, dd. Benjamin Hubert - - - - Bremer, Southampton, dd. Joseph Hughes Snows- fields, Bermondsey Robert Hughes - -- - - York- street William Hughes - Spring- garden, gent. Thomas Hunt, servant to Lord Ravensworth, St. James's- square Thomas Hunt Oundle, Northamptonshire Elizabeth Hunter, Harley- street, Cavendish- square, fpr. dd. Date when firfl Dividend becamc due. William Huttley Bow, Middlefex J. Thomas Jackman ------- Southwark, dd. James Jackson, Joseph Dobbins, 8c William Neale - - - Henry James - - ----- Bford, Effex, del. Bethia Jeffries - - - - - Dulwich, w° Elizabeth Jeffreys - - - - - - MiLe- end,- wVdd. Revd Samuel Jemson, Weedenbeck, Northamptonlhire, dd. Capt Alexander Innes - - - Plymouth, dd. William Isbister - - - - Green- bank, Wrapping William Johnson - Bridges- street, Covent- garden, broker Mary Johnson - - Hart- street, Bloomsbury, fp* Lydia Johnson - - Bedford- street, Covent- garden, lpr John Jolliffe, Petersfield, Hampshire, & Edward Northey, Epsom, esqrs. S Sarah Jolliffe - - - ------ . Poole, w°, dd. Deborah Jones ------ Wood- street, lpr. dd. K, Francis Keysell - - - Putney, Surrey, shopkeeper, dd. John Kidder - Chipping Barnet, servant Ann Killick, High Holborn, now wife of Henry Beard - - John Killingworth - ------ - Dowgate- hill, eld. William Kirkby - - - - Exchequer- Office, Temple John Kirkman ----- Mark- lane, merchant, dd. 16. T t
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