Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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No Pages: 1
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[ i6° 1 THREE- PER- CEN T. ANNUITIE S. 1751- PROPRIETORS, & c. Date when firlt Dividend becamc due. N° of Dividends dur. WILLIAM ADAIR, Pall- mall, & Samuel Mercer, Crosby- square, merchant, both dd. j Sarah Adams - - - - Greenwich, fpr James Adshead & William Alers, both of Fenchurch- street James Adshead -------- Fenchurch- street Joseph Aldersey ----- Deans- court, St. Paul's Oluf Algren - - - - - Greenwich Hannah Allen - - - - Harrow- corner, Southwark, fpr Simon Allison Wimpole- street, servant Elias Alton - -- -- -- -- - Strand, Oct. Dorothy Andrews -------- Walbrook, w° Samuel Anthony - - - Oundle,
Northamptonshire Grace Applegarth, fpr. & servant to the Duke of Northum- berland Elizabeth Aplebee ----- New Ormond- street, w° Billington Arbuthnot - Cambridge Revd Thomas Archer, rector of St. Martin Ludgate, dd. Thomas Bromwich & Thomas Welch, both of the same parish - John Ardley, junr Farnham, Surrey Henry Arnold - - Hillingdon, near Uxbridge, efq; dd. Elizabeth Astell Epsom, lpr 13. George Baggott - - - Dover- street Benjamin Baker - - Fort- ftreet, Spittal- fields, yarn- seller Deborah Baker - - - - Sittingbourne, Kent, w°. dd. John Baker - - Taynton Sarah Baker - Kimberton, Shropshire, w° Caernarvon, efq;
William Barrington Benjamin Bartlett Joseph Baskerville Mary Bates - - Sarah Bathway - - - New Shoreham, fenr. dd. - - - - - - Fenchurch- street - - - - Queen Ann- street East, w° Harpur- street, Red- lion- square, fpr. dd. Louis Baud, at Sir John Ramsden's, bar1. Byrom, Lancelot Baugh York- shire Holborn, oilman William Blacknell - Fulham, gent. Frances Brackston -------- Hoxton, fpr Elizabeth Bradborne - - - - Westerham, Kent, w°. dd. Susanna Brandes - - - Brownlow- fsreet, Drury- lane, w° Henry Beard ------- High Holborn, baker Ruth Bennett ------- Walthamstow, w°. dd. Isaac Benton - - Sawbridgeworth, Herts Robert
Berresford - Little Hart- street, Covent- garden, dd. W illiam Beresford ------- Paddington, ud. John Best, servant to Lewis Way, efq; Richmond, Surrey