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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends


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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends

Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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3 * ' 15P N E W S O U T I I SEA A N N U I T I E S. P It O P It I E T O It S, & c. Dorothy Skillarne - - - St. Martins- in- the- fields, dd. Thomas Skinner -------- Hatton- garden Elizabeth Slingsby - Red- cross- street, ipr Charles Slipper - New- street, Covent- garden, mercer, dd. James Slipper - ------- Old Fish- street Allyn Smith Battersea Ann Smith - St. James's, lpr Ann Smith - - - - - St. James's Westminster, fpr Ann Smith Upper East Smithfield, lpr Dorothy Smith, late wife, now e\ x of Bennett, Westminster Dorothy Smith Great Russell- street, w° Elizabeth Smith ( since Saunders) St. Pancras, Sopcr- lane, dd. j Elizabeth Smith, Clements Dane, since wife of Robert Clarke Francis Smith & John Burridge Morton, of Leadenhall- street. druggist George Smith - - - Thoydon Garnon, Essex, farmer George Smith - Golden- square Captain Henry Smith Lewisham, Kent, dd. James Smith - - -- St. Clement's Jane Smyth - New Bond- street, fpr. del. John Smith - - - Battersea, dd. John Smith Bonington, Herts John Smith Fenchurch- street Revd John Smith, del. & the churchwardens of St. Giles's- in- the- fields Sir John Smyth, bar'. John Codrington, Edward Gore, Thomas Coster, & Samuel Coopey elk. all dd. - - - - - - - ) Lucy Smith - Haslingfield, dd. Mary Smith - - - - St. Olaves Hart- street, fpr. dd. Mary Smith - Tower- street, St. Giles's, w°. dd. Mary Smith Mark- lane, lpr Mary Smith - - - St. Bartholomew- the- Great, w°. dd. Nathaniel Smith - Strand Ralph Smith - - Alemouth, Northumberland, mariner Samuel Smith, Cannon- street, & James Adams, Friday-^ street, dd.] Captain Stephen Smith ------- Harwich, dd. Thomas Smith - - - Twickenham Thomas Smith - Old Bethlem Thomas Smith Warlington Thomas Smith ------- Northampton, gent. Thomas Smith, dd. & Edward Gillam, both of Cambridge Nicholas Joseph Spinola ----- Noble of Genoa Catherine Spivey, wife of Charles - - Thomas Stibbs - - - - St. Michael's Cornhill, hosier Davey Stidolph Chinkford, Essex, fuller William Swinburn, admr to William Anne Swynmer -------- Bristol, w°. rid. Dorothy Swindell - Newington, w°. dd. Eleanor Soanes ------ _ Chatham, w°. dd. John Solly - ------- London, merchant Ann Somerset - - East- street, Red- lion- square, fpr. del. Mary Southey - Canterbury, w° Thomas Soutley - - - - St. Magnus, dry- salter dd. John Schofield ------ New- street, ' Horslydown Ann Scholey - London- bridge, w° Joseph Schooling ----- Walthamstow, Essex, dd. Dale wlicn firft Dividend becanic due.
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