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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends


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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends

Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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^ CJ J > ' 146 N E W S O U T H SEA A N N U I T I E S. PROPRIETORS, & c. IP Hon. Robert Lord Romney - - - Moat, Kent, dd. Ann Rooke - - ----- Coleman- street, w°. dd. Joseph Rooker ------- Barnaby- street, dd. John Rose, William Rogers, eld. & Matthew Nash, dd. - Robert Rose --------- Pool, mariner Alexander Ross, William Maule,- Piccadilly, dd. & Thomas Ryder, Lincoln's- inn) Thomas Rossam - - - Sonthampton- street, Bloomsbury Ann Rofton - - - - King- street, St. James- square, w° Jasper Roth - - - - Lawrence Jury Jeanne Rouby Erith- street, Soho, w°. dd. Elizabeth Roullin - - - - St. James- square, ipr. dd. John Round, Guy's Hospital, dd. late servant to Dr Avery William Round, orange- merchant - - - Old Brentford Thomas Rous, Rous Lynch, Worcestershire, du. & Thomas Wylde, Clayeley, Salop Abraham Row ------- Whitstable, Kent, dd. Hephzibah Rowdon Miles- lane, lpr. dd. John Rowe - Strand Thomas Hawkesworth Rowles ------ Lambeth Jassintour Rozea - - - Charles- street, Grosvenor- square Christopher Rudler ------ Lambeth, butcher Ann Russell Isleworth, Middlesex, w°. dd Robert Rumball - ----- Coleman- street, dd. John Rush - -- -- -- -- - Westminster Sir John Rushout, b: 6x0r of Thomas Bedford - - - - Jane Rushton ------ South Audley- street, fpr Charles Russell - - - St. James Westminster, eiq; Samuel Russell ------ Newington- green, dd. W alter Russell ------ Merton- abbey, Surrey Isabella Rutherford ----- Birchin- lane, w\ dd. Q Nathaniel Sacheverell - - St. Martin's- in- the- fields, dd. Samuel Sadleir - -- -- -- -- - Homerton Mary Say, Crawford, since wife of Edward Vint - - - John Sayer - - - - - - - - Fein, Salop Robert Sayer - - - - - - - - - - Bank, dd. Thomas Sayer - - -- ------- - Oxon. dd. John St. Eloy --------- Inner- temple Managers & Trustees of the Free School of St. Mary White- chapel, & their successors William Salkeld, fellow of Exeter College, Oxford, & Tho- mas Hobson, elk. Holwell, Somersetshire, dd. Elizabeth Sallis Jewin- street, w° James Salmon - - -- -- - Martha Salsbury - - - - St. Margaret's Westminster Robert Salusbury -------- Botolph- lane Thomas Saltren, esq; & Charles Davie, junr - - - - - Richard Samborne & Hutton Perkins, esqrs. - - - - - Diana Sambridge - - - Fullwood's- rents, Holborn, w° Ann Sandell Tower, w°' dd. Ann Sanders -------- Stoke Newington Mary Sanders ------ St. George's Middlesex Thomas Sanders ----- Shoreditch, shopkeeper John Sanderson - - - - Brentford, Middlesex, gent. Lawrence Sanderson ------- Chathamrdd. Henry Sandys St. Martin's- in- the- fields John James Sandoz, Deventor, in province of Overyssell dd. Dale when firli Dividend became due.
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