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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends


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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends

Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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/ L. 136 N E W S O U T I I SEA A N N U I T I E S. PROPRIETORS, William Alan - -- -- -- -- Cannon- street Captain John Manning - - - - Lowestoff, Suffolk, del. Thomas Manwaring Farnham, Surrey Mary Mappleden, Tower- hill, wife of Charles - - - - Thomas Le Marchant - -- -- -- - Guernsey Jane Marks, Broad- street, fpr. since wife of Edward Cook - William Markham ----- Northampton, esq. dd. William Marsh & Henry Creed, both of Savage- gardens, efqrs. Eleanor Marshall - -- -- -- - Mark- lane, l'pr Henry Marshall - - - - Bankside, Southwark, jeweller Frances Marriott - - -- -- -- Bath, w°. dd. James Marriott - Long- acre, coachmaker John Marshall - St. James Elizabeth Martin ------- Temple, w°. dd. Elizabeth Martyn - - - St. Margaret's Westminster, fpr Frances Martin ------- Richmond, w°. dd. Florence Martin - -- -- -- -- Utrecht, fpr John Martin - Hackney, gardener John Martin - Temple, dd. John Martin ------- Plumstead, Kent, gent. Joseph Martin - -- - Custom- house Lydia Martyn - - - - Queen- square, St. George's, fpr Lomax Martyn - - - - -._ - Lincoln s- inn Patrick Martyn ------- St. Peter- le- Poor Samuel Martyn - - - - Yenston, Somersetshire, efq; Thomas Martin ------- Aldermanbury, dd. Ann Maskall - -- -- -- - Cheapside, servant Edmund Maskelyne - -- -- -- - Gray's- inn Henry Mason - - Hamway- street, St. Mary- le- bon, dd. John Mason ----- Great Ormond- street, esq; dd. Richard Mason ------ Ncwgate- street, vintner Charles Massey ----- Princes- street, Lambeth Mary Massey ------ Earlscolne, Essex, fpr. dd. John Masterman, White- hart- court, Gracechurch- street, dd.;' Jones Baynes, Bridewell, coal- merchant, & Wardell Baynes, Bishop- Stortford, malt- ster - - - - I William Masterman - -- -- -- - Grays- inn Joan Masters - - - - .___ Limehouse, w° Jane Matthews - - - - Artillery- lane, Bishopsgate, w° Martha Mathews Shaw, Berks, fpr Thomas Mathews - - - - - - Westham, Essex James Matthias ------ St. Ann's Westminster Martha Oddy Mahias, Camberwell, fpr.; Benjamin Hop- kins, Old Broad- street, dd. & Thomas Isherwood, Aldersgate- street - - - - Maltha Oddy Mathias - - - Old Broad- street, fpr. dd. Catherine Mattingley ------ Hampstead, fpr Charles Mauger - -- -- -- -- Guernsey Janne Jaquette Maadeline Maugin - - Amsterdam, dd. Samuel Mead ----- Crowhurst, Sussex, servant Isabella Clara Melyn ------ Antwerp, w°. dd. Charles Meniconi - - - - Bury- street, St. James's, efq; Thomas Mead ----- Minories, comb- maker, dd. William Mead & Christopher Lee, efqrs; executors of Colonel William Wansbrough Philip Meadows & Robert Marsh - - - - Norwich Nathaniel Meakin - -- -- -- - Houndsditch Jane Mears - ----- Nantwich, Cheshire, fpr Mry Mears - L>° - spr
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