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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends


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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends

Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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N E \ V S O U T H S E A A N N U PROPRIETORS, SEC. Elizabeth Henzey Mary Henzey - Charles Herbert William Hensrey - Ospring, Kent William Hensrey - ----- D° _ Anne Henley ------- Norfolk- street, w°. dd John Henniker, now Sir John, & Joseph Saward, dd. - - Sir John Henniker, bar'. Stratford; John Shadwell, Plaistow, del.; Stevens John Chapman, Stratford; Charles Tanner, Westham ( in truft) - -) Henry Henshaw Leadenhall- market William Henson, Little Warner- street, Coldbathfields, dd. - William Henson, St. James's Clerkenwell, dd. & William Ainge, Lincoln's- inn- fields) - - - - Newbury, Berks, w°. dd. - Bristol, spr Bermondsey Deborah Herbert, Croydon, fpr. since wife of Revd Henry Goodricke Elizabeth Herman Watling- street, w° Jackson HernOn ----- Suffolk- street, apothecary Captain Oliver Hetherington, St. Dunltan's- in- the- west, dd. Rt Hon. Francis Earl of Hertford - -- Thomas Hevill, servant to Claude Crespigny, esq; - - - - Samuel Hewitts - -- Southwark, ad. Emma Sophie Hewitt ------- Dulwich, lpr Thomas Hibbins Cannon- street Elizabeth Hickman, wife of Edward, late Elizabeth Davis - Mary Hicks ------ Long- lane, Southwark, fpr Charles Highmore - - - Coke's- court, Camomile- street David Higson - -- -- -- - Seething- lane, dd. Benjamin Hill, Temple- house, Doulting in Somersetshire, yeoman Revd Charles Hill - - - Freemington, Devonshire Elizabeth Hill - - - Clapham, w°. dd. x ' » John Hill, Thomas Talbot, & John Wilson, all of Rumford Katherine Hill, Thornton, Yorkshire, & wife of John Hill, since dd, Langley Hill Grocers- hall, dd. Richard Hill - - Bush- hill, dd. James Hillhouse, senr - -- -- -- -- Bristol Hannah Hillier - -- -- -- -- Brentford, w° Susanna Hills ------- Widmore, Kent, fpr William Hillier, Thomas Tucker, Nehemiah Griffin, Thomas Harrington, William Harrington, Joseph Phillips, ail cid. Joseph Osborn, & Richard Stilton, eld. - - John Hinde, Hampstead, 8c Richard Boyneld, St. Andrew's Undershaft John Hindmarch ------ Shottesbrook, Berks Hannah Hinton - - - Piccadilly, fpr Elizabeth Hiscock Pyfleet, Surrey, w° Elizabeth Hitchcocks - - Upper Norton, Oxfordshire, w° Savile Hyde, efq; del - -- -- -- Revd John Hoadley, LL. D.; Hcnry Cutler, Clifford's- inn, del.; Ambrose Kent, Magdalen- college, Oxford, r>. n.; & John Wowen, Hert- ford- street. Hanover- square, esq. - Robert Hoare - - - St. Paul's Shadwell, leather- seller Richard Hoar - -- -- - Putney Elizabeth Hobbs - - Fulham, dd. Henry Hobbs Tothill- street, Westminster Elizabeth Hodges East Wickham, w° Thomas Hodges, Somerset- street, Whitechapel, cloth- drawer
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