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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends


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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends

Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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5 24 N E W S O U T H SEA A N N U I T - , 1 E S. PROPRIETORS, & c. Dale when firft Dividend became due. Lawrence Glover - Edward Grose - - James Grove - - - Richard Groves David Guerard - - George Guest - - - Catherine Guy, servant Lewis Guiguez - - Sarah Guyther - Sarah Guyther - - - John Guitton - - - John Gunnersall - - James Gunter - Jane Gunter - - - William Brown Gurney Francis Grueber - - Northleach, Gloucestershire, dd. - - - - Threadneedle- street Navestock, Essex, iunr - - Leadenhall- street., distiller - - St. Ann's Westminster, dd. St. Martin's- in- the- fields, dd. - - - Hanover- square - - - St. James Westminster - - - - - - Hackney, fpr - - - - - - Mile- end, fpr • - Wickham, Hants, esq; Gil. - - - - - - Stamp- office - - - - Tooley- street, dd. Ockham, Rutlandshire, w°. ud. - - - - Broad- street, dd. Abchurch- lane, tea- broker, dd. H. Robert Hackshaw & Samuel Troughton, exori - - - - Ann Hacon - Southwark, w°. dd. Susanna Hacon - ------ Ratcliff- cross, fpr Henry Hadley -------'- Warwick- court Elizabeth Hadsley St. John's- street, w°. J ? Robert Had wen ------ Tilt- yard, Whitehall AnnHaydon ----- St. James Westminster, w" Robert Hayes ------- Aldersgate- street, dd. Richard Haigh Burlington- street James Haymers - - James- street Covent- garden, dd. Ann Haynes - -- -- -- - Trinity- lane, w° Ann Haynes Clerkenwell, w° Frances Haynes - - ----- Clerkenwell, fpr Herbert Hayne, Old Change, Cheapside, since of Aldersgate- street Margaret Haynes ----- New Bond- street, w° Samuel Haynes ------- Welbeck- street, efq; Susanna Haines Tunbridge, lpr Catherine Hays ----- - Broad- street, w°. dd. Ann Haite - - Southgate, 1])'" Thomas Hayter - Salisbury, mercer William Hayter - Thames Ditton Charlotte Hayward, wife of William Hayward, Pool in Dorsetshire) Francis Hayward Hackney, surgeon James Hayward Fenchurch- street, dd. Lewis Edward Hake - -- -- -- - Rotterdam John Hales --------- Whitehall, elq; Revd Stephen Hales, D. D. & Thomas Wilson, D. D. - - Martha Halford ------ - - - - Clapham Henry Hall, Cuisitor- street, Chancery- lane, & Timothy Brett, Greenwich, esq;) James Hall - - - - - Old- street Jane Hall - ------- Norton Falgate, fpr John Hall ----------- Poft- office John Hall Abingdon John Hall, Allhallows the Great, dd. & Elizabeth his wife Margaret Hall, fpr. dd. late servant to Sir Fletcher Norton ; Mary Hall, Long- ftrcet, Wotton- under- edge, Gloucester- shire, fpr.) I Mary Hall, wife of Jacob -
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