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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends


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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends

Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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N EW SO U T II S E A A N N U I T I E S. 121 PROPRIETORS, & c. Mary Foster - - - - Berks, fpr Samuel Foster - ------ Charterhouse- yard William Foster -------- Plymouth, dd. Mary Foulger - - - - Tower- ditches, Ipswich, fpr William Foulkes, junr - - - - Sarum, surgeon, dd. Michael Fountain, esq; Doctors - commons Elizabeth Fournier, wife of Bernard - - Jersey Charles Fowle, esq; ------- Lincoin's- inn Jane Fowler - ----- St. Peter's Cornhill, lpr Mary Fowler & Ann Gream, lp" -------- Sarah Fowler - - - - Cowley- street Westminster, fpr Francis Fox & Henry Hoare, of London, Goldsmiths, both Lucy Fox Worcester, fpr William Fox ----- Melbourn, Dorsetshire dd. Sarah Flower ------ Cockpit, Whitehall, w° Ann Flower, wife of Edward, Chichester- rents Chancery lane, jeweller William Frodsham, Peter Berry, dd. & John Travis, all of Manchester, in Lancashire John Fuller red- lion- square, dd. John Fuller Heathfield, Sussex, elq; dd. Thomas Fuller London, merchant Thomas Funge - - -- -- -- Thames- street Magdalen Furlong ------ - Bush- lane, w° Millicent Furnell Newbury, Berks, w° G William Hall Gage, esq; ------ Royal Navy Revd John Gagnier Stockton in Yorkshire Samuel Gainsborough, dd. & John Gainsborough, both of Sudbury, Suffolk i Susanna Gale Westminster Daniel Gallopine, Great Tower- street, & John Ford, m. d Old Jewry] Francis Galpine ----- Cornhill, warehouseman James Galpin Leadenhall- market, butcher Sir William Gardiner, bar1. & Revd William Neale, both dd.] Mary Ganeron ----- St. Martin's- in- the- fields Thomas Gant - - ------- Maryland Grace Gapper - - - Alborough Hatch, Essex, w°. dd, Patrick Garden & Alexander Grant, elq; ----- Revd Henry Gardiner - - - Much Baddow, Essex Sir William Gardiner, bar1. & Revd William Neale Major William Gardner - - Lord Mack Kerr's Regiment George Garrett ------ Goodman's- fields, esq; John Garrett - - - Dartford, Kent, lighterman, dd. Sarah Garratt - - - - Bell- lane Spitalfields, w°. dd. Martha Gardner ----- New Ormond- street, fpr John Garrod • - - Fairley in Hants, dd. Mary Gastineau, Little Swan- alley, Coleman- street, w° dd. James Gateward - - - - Cambridge, dealer in coals Martha Gladman, St. Ann's Westminster, wife of Thomas Churm, & William Bright the elder, both dd. j James Gladwell - - - London- street, Fonchurch- street Ann Glasscock ----- - - Ware in Herts, fp'r Ann Glascock ------ Greville- street, fpr. dd. Ann Gray ---------- Aldgate, w° it). II h Dale when / irlt Dividend became due.
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