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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends


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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends

Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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N E W S O U T H SEA A N N U I T I E S. PROPRIETORS, & c. Solomon Durcll, King- street, Golden- square, dd.; James D'Auvergne, & Philip Dumaresque, esqrs. both of Southampton Louisa Duroure Mortlake, w° Elizabeth Durrant - - - Hackney, ipr . John Dutoit, servant to N. Heywood, esq; Northampton - Dame Mary Dutry - - - - - Revd Matthew Dutton - - - - Enderwele, Yorkshire William Dutton, Fleet- street, & Edmund Allen, of Bolt- court, both tt. S Francis Philip Duvall ----------- John Drury, elq; Devonshire E. Ann Eades - -- -- -- -- -- Woolwich Mary Eales, wife of Thomas, & Richard Foote - - - - Gilbert East, esq; - Middle temple, dd. Mary East --------- Deptford, w°. dd. Revd Stephen Eaton & George Smith Bradshaw, both of Dean- street, & Benjamin Gee, of King- street, Soho Thomas Eaton, Nathaniel Clarkson, John Jackson, & William Palmer, all of Islington Mary Eball - - - - Westminster Ann Ebb - ----- Blythfield, Staffordshire, fpr Sarah Ebrall ------ Brentford, Middlesex, lpr Anna Margaretta Edwards - - - Bow- churchyard, w° O J •' John Edwards - - -- -- -- - Bermondsey John Edwards & Robert Thomas efq; both ud. - - - - Joseph Edwards - - - St. Luke's Martha Edwards, w°. & Elizabeth Gately, fpr. dd. of Cursitor- street, Chancery- lane j Susannah Edwards - -- -- -- - City- road, w° Richard Edwards, Weybridge, Surrey, & Richard Evans, of Lower Brook- street, Hanover- square, linen- draper ---------- Richard Edwards --------- St. Giles's Captain William Edwards ---___ Greenwich George Elgar - -- -- -- - Old ' Change, dd. David Evans - - - - St. George's Hanover- square, " dd. George Evans ------ - Farnham- hall, esq; Thomas Evans ----- Knightsbridge, surgeon, del. o • 7 o ' - ----- Mile- end, w°. dd. - - - Edmonton, coachman, ad. Timothy Edge & John Beale, both dd. ------- Charles Eggenton -------- Dowgate- hill Susanna Eldred ------ Stanway, Essex, w°. dd. Elizabeth Elmes, wife of George - - Paddington- street Samuel Elmes ------ College- hill, bricklayer Revd Sloan Elsmere, n. D. Wiliam Lambert, & Nathaniel Betts, esq; all of Chelsea Dr Sloane Elsmere, D. n. rector, & William Smallpace & William Dobson, churchwardens of Chelsea George Ernest Eller, Hillington, & Thomas Sattonstall, Red- lion- street Elizabeth Everard ------ Bcthnal- green, w° Richard Everard ------- Clare- market, dd. James Everett ------- Isleworth, Middlesex Thomas Evers ------ St. Martin's- in- the- fie! ds Thomas Eves - - - -- - St. Georges Hanover- square Dale when firft Dividend became due. Mary Eckley - William Edes
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