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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends


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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends

Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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j- 116 N E W S O U T II S E A A X N U I T I E S. PROP R I E T 0 R S, See. ,' i j » KQ f )|. i I' C 11 I I 1 Ll! / William Daw, Brompton- row; Samuel Sutton, Warden- abbey,^ yeoman; George James Gorham, St. Neot's* merchant; & Ann Scarbrow, St. Neot's, w° -) Francis Dawes, Warwick, & Thomas Chester Dawes, Kid- derminster, gent. John Dawson - - - - Hackney Richard Dawson, dd. Daniel Dogdill, & Bridget Bohannon,} dci. j Sarah Dawson ---------- Shadwell Thomas Dawson, William Winter, John Ramsbottom, &} William Hill, St. Georges Southwark) William Dawson --------- Broad- street Alice Drake - - - St. Olave's Southwark, w°. dd. Revd John Drake, vicar of St. Nicholas Deptford, & Revd John Eaton, St. Paul's Deptford Ruth Drake ------ St. Mary- le- bon, w°. dd. Thomas Drake - - - St. Margaret's- street, Westminster John Draper --------- Watling- street Mary Deacon ------ Rosemary- lane, w°. dd'. Thomas Deakers Bankside, waterman Ann Dean - - - - Ship- yard, St. Clement's Danes, w° Richard Dean - -- -- -- -- Leicester- fields Thomas Deane - - - - Queenhithe, ironmonger, dd. John Deakin, Leigh, Worcestershire, & George Gorle, St. Peter- the- Great, Worcestershire $ Geertruyd de Bye, wife of Hermanns de Bries, of the Hague Susanna Debonnaire, w°. of Peter, for herself and children - Francis de la Boelle, dd. & Philip John Gaugain, both of St. Ann's Soho) Marianna Deburen - Bern, ipr Thomas Dee - New Bracknell, Berks Mary Delact - ------ Basinghall- street, w° Mary Delavall -------- - ' - Bath, fpr It1 Hon. John Lord Delaware, dd. - -- -- -- - Ptl Hon. John Lord Delaware, & Lady Ann his wife - - - James De Lemos - -- -- -- -- Hackney John Delong - -- -- -- - Canterbury, dd. J ' Timothy Denison - - - - Bishopsgate- street, upholder Charlotte De Morin - - - - West Wickham, Kent, w° Ann Denison, William Dockeray, Daniel West, junr. exors. of} Timothy Denison Samuel Denison ------ Featherstone- buildings Timothy. Denison ----- Mile- end, weaver, dd. Captain John Denn ------------ Elizabeth Denny - Whetstone, f;> r Henry Dent ------- Hallaton, Leicestershire Robert Denton, serVant to Messrs. Whitakers, Old Swan - Richard Deppledge - - - Theobald's- road, coachman Elizabeth Derham ------ Drayton, Middlesex Peter Destandau ----- St. Martin's- in- the- fields John De Vaumorel - - -- -- -- - Jersey Thomas Devon & Adam Rutherford, dd. - - - - - '- Mary Devonshire - - Little Queen- street Holborn, fpr Nathaniel Dewdney, Edmund Drake, dd. and James Taylor, all of Exon. S Ann Drew Uffington in Berks George Dwelly ----- Yeovill, Somersetshire Esther Dias - - - Bury- street, w° Solomon Dias - - - - - - - Old Jewry, dd. Elizabeth Dyer - - - ~ - - - Bond- street, lpr Dute when firli Dividend became due.
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