Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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No Pages: 1
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N E W S O U T I I SEA A N N U I T I E S. PROPRIETORS, & c. George Bliss - - - Killingbury, Northamptonshire, dd. JaneBliss, w°. & Richard Bryant, both of Rotherhithe - - Joseph Blissett - - - Lincoln's- inn Mary Blissett Vine- street Piccadilly, < 3t3. Henry Bryan Strand, o. s. John Briant ----- Brook- street Hanover- square Mary Bryant, spr. now wife of John May, Newcastle- upon- Tyne) Paul Bryan - - - - King's Brewhouse St. Catherine's Susanna Bryan Barkham, Essex, w°. dd. George Brice - - - - - Wingham, Kent, yeoman John Brice Andover, dd. Francis Brickenden, Inkpen, Bucks, & George Errington of Long- acre, esq; j
Susanna Dorothy Brickenden - - Ripley in Surrey, w° William Bridger Southwark, dd. Brooke Bridges - - Orlingbury, Northamptonshire, elk. Hugh Brigges Lincoln's- inn, efq; William Briggs & Henry Thornton - ------ William Briggs of St. Botolph's- without- Bishopsgate, & John} Berry, Newberry, Berks) Richard Bright Ashford Bowdler, Salop Mary Brine Bridgewater- square, dd. Samuel Bride Clare, Suffolk, efq; Robert Bristow - Coleman- street, dd. Caroline Boarding, Mansell- street Goodman" s- fields, w°. dd. Thomas Bodicoate & John Ashley - - - - - - Richard Boddicott, fenr. & Richard Boddicott, junr. of} Savage- gardens, both
dd.) Henry Boddington - - - - Coleman- street Thomas Boddington, Hackney; James Smith, Bunhill- row ;} & William Fuller, Lombard- street) Bernard Bolen Cornhill Edward Boyce Sudbury, Middlesex John Boyfield & Willington Clarke - - Colonel William Boyle - Marsham- street Westminster, del. Josias Bond Leadenhall- street, dd. Sarah Bonnell Upton, Essex, fpr Alice Booker - ------ Hatton- garden, w° Walter Borthwick - - Princes- street Gideon Bowyer & Daniel Vialers - - - -- -- - Benjamin Bourn Ludgate, bookseller Mary Bourn Rochester, dd. Zachariah Bourryau & Albert Schaffer, dd. Peter Bouvet - - -' - St. Giles Sarah
Bowden St. James Westminster, fpr John Bowen - - . Somerset- house, del. Sarah Bowen ------ . Haverfordwest, w° Thomas Bowen Royal Exchange, chemist Anna Maria Bower - - - - Ramsgate, Kent, fp''. dd. Rev'' William Thomas Bowles, Barton- in- Bucks, & Revd Just Alt, of Mixbury, Oxfordshire j Catherine Bowman, Gloucester- street, Queen- square, fpr - Henry Bowman Streatham, Surrey, dd. James Box - - - - St. George's Hanover- square, ad. Jane Brock - - Red- lion- square, fp' Charles Ernest Broen - _ Dantsic dd Charles Ernest Broen & Daniel Gottlob Davison, esq; of Dantsic,' both'dd.) Thomas Bromfield ------
Lmcoln's- inn, gent.