Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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No Pages: 1
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N E W S O U T I I SEA A N N U I T I E S. 107 PROPRIETORS, & c. Benedicta Bersha - ------ Drury- lane, w° Daniel Berthon ------ East- India- house, dd. Harriott Berthon, wife of John Paul Berthon, Chancery) Register- office, Chancery- lane Mary Best Faversham, Kent, w° Ann Betham ------- Kensington, fpr. dd. Slingsby Bethell & William Thomas, efq; - - - - Elizabeth Bew Abchurch- lane, fpr Cornelius Bewkell - ----- Queen- street, dd. Martha Blease ------ . Twickenham, lp' Jane Blewitt, spr since wife of Charles Andrews of Mortlake, dd.) Sarah Brearcliffe - - - - Fenchurch- street, spr. dd. Frances Bree, fpr. since wife of John
Wright - Warwick Sir Robert & dame Mary Breedon, both dd. - - - Mary Breeden - - - -- -- - Ratcliffe, w° Abraham Brent - - Upper Brook- street Grosvenor- square Nathaniel Brettell Holborn, upholdsterer Hervey Bretton & James Boucher, both of Little Berkhemp- stead ; William Baker of Bayford, efq; & Samuel Whitbread, junr. esq; of Bed- well, Herts - - - - - John Byass, adminr. to Elizabeth Byass, Arundel, Sussex, surgeon) John Bickerton, of Great Newport- street, & Thomas Butter- field, Lawrence- lane Cheapside John Biggins ----- St. Ann's Weftminster, dd. Hannah Biggs, wife of Richard Sudlow, Somerset- street) Portman square) John Biggs - - - Wandsworth0 Surrey, butterman, dd. William Biggs - Brick- lane, tallow- chandler Mary Bignell Cursitor- street, w° John Biker & Richard Cooke, dd. Thomas Billinghurst - -- "- - - - - Eltham William Byng - St. Andrew's Holborn Gulielma Maria Binyon - - - Northampton, fpr. dd. Charles Bint, jnnr - - - Turnham- green, painter Joseph Biou, Gabriel Paumiere, dd. George Keightley, &) Peter Paumiere Elizabeth Birch - ------ Leather- lane, w° John Birch - Parliament- street John Bird - -- -- -- - Coddenham, Suffolk Joseph Bird, efq; Cockhill Ratcliffe, Samuel Patten, Ratcliffe- cross, surgeon ; Thomas Raybould, of
Broad- street, Ratcliffe ; & John / Hardy, of the same place, stationer, I all dd. - ------ - J Henry Birkes ------ Clare- market, poulterer Edmund Byron & John Jackson - ------- Elisha Biscoe, Temple, & Isaac Heaton, of Peckham, efq;) both dd.) Hannah Bishop, w°. Green- dragon- court Bishopsgate- street,) dd.) Joseph Bishop, servant - - - - - Harden, Herts Mary Bishop, Fairford, w°. Charles Bishop, Cheltenham, 1 & Mary Bishop, fpr. of Fairford, \ all in Gloucestershire - - j Revd Alexander Bissett, D. D. ------ Dublin Joseph Blick St. George's Bloomsbury Katherine Blinkhorne Pall- mall, fpr