The Lancaster Gazette And General Advertiser For Lancashire, Westmoreland, &c.
Printer / Publisher: William Minshull
Volume Number: V
Issue Number: 238
No Pages: 4
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The Lancaster Gazette And General Advertiser For Lancashire, Westmoreland, &c.
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The Lancaster Gazette And General Advertiser For Lancashire, Westmoreland, &c.
Date of Article: 04/01/1806
Printer / Publisher: William Minshull
Address: Great John's-Street, Friarage, Lancaster
Volume Number: V
Issue Number: 238
No Pages: 4
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r^ i : 1E 1 1 13 A X\. No. 238.— Vol. V. AND GENERAL ADVERTISER FOR LANCASHIRE, WESTMORLAND, & c. Printed and Published Uy WILLIAM MINSHULL, Great Johns- Street, Friarnge. SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1S0C. the Suartefi GRAND LOTTERY Begins Drawing FEBRUARY 3d, ISOG. S C H E M E. 3 of £ zo, oco .- are.. - £ 60,000 3 loooo ... .. 33,000 3 5,000 * 15,000 3" 2,0: 0 . - 6,000 8 i, o o 8,000 20 500 - 10,000 50 ' 00 5,0: 0 120 -' - 50 ........ 6,000 5,000 First- drawn Tickets 22 110,000 ,£ 250,000 15,000 Tickets Part of the above Capitals. First- drawn Ticket ist Day 0,000 Ditto 4' h Day 20, coo Ditto 6tii Day
20,000 Ditto 8 Day 5, cro Ditto 10th Day 2,000 j TICKETS AND SHARES 1 Are seliin,: at every LICENSED LOTTERY OFFICE. PRESENT PRICE. Ticket J^ iq 17 o Half £ 10 o o j Eighth fz ti o Quarter 5 1 o [ Sixteenth 156 *,* An earlv purchase is advised, as the first 5.000 tickets will be entitled to 2it. each, besides the: r cli • ce of" the capitals. SERVANT MAN. WANTED, AMiddle- aged, steady, sober MAN, as HOUSE- SERVANT. A good character Wil; be req. u', id. * § * Apply to the Printer of this Paper, or to Air. WALKER, bookseller, Preston. WANTED, APERSON who understands well the CA. T DING and FRF. PAI- ING
of TOW tor SPINNING — AR. V persr 11 having a com ietn know- ledge of tha busine- a, will mee- with Iibe ; d w* ges, bv applying to T PEARSON, of Pennybrrdgs, near Ulvers'on. A WANTED, N experienced PRINT DYER: One who it de stands F AI 1 COLOURS in the COPPER and MADDER WORK, in its various b' ndies- As good wages will be giv. en, none need a; jp y but such as are peifect masters of their bu- siness, aii'l can brit. g a . undeniable character. Let *'.-, addressed to SAMIEL SATTER- THWAITE, of Manchester, will be attended to im- nr. 1' tar - iv. LANCASTER CANAL, rpiTE HALF- YEARLY GENERAL JL \
BETING O'I* lb- CwV. PANV of ! R.>- PRlETORSof ' hi! L\ NCASTER CANAL NA- VIGATION, will he held at tbp CABAL EFICE, in L ncastsr, on TUESDAY 1' 1 7: 1; ' ia> of January, r'(< 6, a efwn oV:,:- k in tile i reti'oon ; at which plac and time the said Prorrietrrs arc requested to atten', by themselves . or pfoji.- 1, "; sUarit to a clans" in the said Canal Act, for the purposes therein mentioned. THE RLAL JAPAN BLACKING, MADS BY DAY and MA.. IN, London. rpHlS invaluable Composifion, with half JL the usual labour, pto nces the most brilliant jet- black ever b. hel ., affords peculiar nourish- ment t" the le.. the', will not soil the
finest linen, . is perfectly free from any unpleasant smell, and win rettift its virtues ' n any climate. Sold, wholesale, by Day and Martin, No. 7, Tavistock- street, London ; and, retail, by their agent*— Clark, bookseller, Lancaster ; Croft, stationer, Preston; Favrer, Rippon ; Hartley, Rochdale; Staines, and Thomps > n, Manchester; Gore, B. linge, Milner, and Wright, Liverpool ; Haddock, W arrington ; and Jollie, Carlisle ; in ttone bottles, price is. 6d. eu^ h. BRITISH FIRE- OFFICE, LONDON. INSURANCE granted on Houses, Build- ings, Manufactories, Ships, and all other Vessels, Goods, Merchandize, FARMING S T O C K, and
other Property, from l oss or Damage by Fire. The unprecedented preference given to this Office by all description of insurers, the Directors flatter themselves has arisen, not only from the facilities adopted in their improved Plans and sim- plified Modes of Fire Insurance, but from their steady and uniform conduct in the general con- cerns of the business. They are persuaded, that adherence to prin- ciples and prudent caution aie the best securities to the Office and to the public, and that insti- tutions of this nature on only be beneficial when due attention is paid to reciprocal advantages. Agricultural Stock insured at as. 6d,
percent. The Office grants Insurances for periods short of a Year, and makes good Loss by Fire from Lightning. ( Ps" Insurances due at Christmas must be paid on or before the 9th day of January inst. Proposals and Rates of Insurance delivered gratis. ROBERT SKEI. TON, Sec, THOMAS NOON, AGENT, AT LANCASTER. WESTMINSTER Life Insurance and Annuity Office, LONDON. I PERSONS desirous of providing for their Families or Dependants . nay, bv an Annual Payment, secure to their Widows, Children, or any other Person, either an Annuity for the re- mainder of Life, or a gross Sum to be paid at their X^ ecease.
Ir. suiances may be made for a variety of other purposes :— to provide for Renewal of Leases ; to secure Sums paid for Places or Employments, or for the Purchase of Life Estates; 01 in Aid of Ar- rangements between Debtor and Creditor, & c. & c. and VOLUNTEERS may, for a small premium, insure against Death from Military Accidents. Annuities are granted to commence immediately, or at any future period. Printed Rates and Conditions of Insurance may be had gratis, with the List or Directors as above, or of the AGENTS of IHE BRITISH FIRE- OFFICE in the country, who are appointed Agents tor this Office. • ROBERT
SKF. LTON, S. C. This Day is published, in One Vdmme Octavo, Price Three Shillings sewed, The SIXTH EDITION, A COMPLETE GUIDE TO Landlords, Tenants, and Lodgers, BEING A methodical arrangement of the whole law respecting the taking or letting of lands, houses, or apartments ;— giving warning or notice to quit ; ejecting; seizing for rent; repairs, & c. With forms of leases, agreements, assignment, sur- renders, receipts for rent, notices, & c. communi- cated in an eisy and familiar manner. Including ample instructions for landlords to conduct tliem- s?' ves legally and securely towards their tenants 1 and to enable
tenants to guard against encroach- ing landlords. With clear and practical directions for mak ng a distress for rent, with all the new adjudge.! cases and Acts ot Parliament down to Trini'y Term, 1805. By ROBERT SUTTON, Esq. Barristef- at- Law. * Since the publication of the fifth edition of this work, the following Acts of Parliament and deci- sions have taken place, and are inserted inthis Edition : — 1 Water- course from a Mill cunhot pass lin I ' orale License, without Veed.— 2. Grant by a Lessee for Lives, how to be understood— 3. II hat shall be under- stood of occupying n Farm in a good and husband- like manner— 4
I'resumption of a H at/ how supported— If hat is a prescriptive Hight of 11 oy— G. Liberty of digging for Coals, does not amount to a heservation out of t'" J Cram— 6 Notice to quit signed In/ two only of three Trustees, not a proper holier— 7. Where th: Lord of the Manor may recover a fine, not exceed- ing tiro Years Value— 8. I he Owner of 1 and, how Jar empowered to divert a'St- earn— 9. 7enant cannot j y quitting the House rescind a Contract with the Landlord. London! Printed and published by J. STRAT- • O ' D, No. H2, Holborn- Hill.; and sold by a other booksellers and newscatriers in the united kingdom. Where m.- iy
be had, just published. The following new Publications, on the most useful subjects of the Law: 1. — In One Volume, 8vo. Price 3s. served, The LAW of WILLS, CODICILS, and REVO- CATIONS.— By EARDLEY MITFORD, Esq. Conveyancer. 2. — In One Volume, Octavo, Price 3s. 6d. sewed, The COUNTRY GENTLEMAN'S LAWYER; and Former's Complete Law Library.— By WIL- LIAM MARRIOT, Ksq. 3. — Li One Volt. tne, Octavo, Price 3s. 6d. sewed, The N EW COMPLETE PARISH OFFICER. — By HENRY CLAVERING, Esq. Barrister- at- I. a. v. 4. — In One Volume Octavo, Price 3s. sewed, The L'.'. W of
BANKRUPTS. — By SOAME WHITTAKER, Esq. 5.— In One Volume Octavo, Price 3s. sewed, The LAW ( IF BILLS OF EXCHANGE. — By EDVUO WINDHAM M A \ K I •. G, Fsq. *'* The whole of the above select treatises may be had together in One Volume, Price 22s. b. t. n. l in calf, and lettered, or 19s 6; i. boards. TO BE SOLD . BY AUCTION, At the house of Mr. JOHN WORTHINGTON, inn- keejer> i: i Ulverston, in the countv of Lancaster, on MONDAY the 13th dajr of January, 1806, at six o'clock in the evening ; ALL that large and commodious FREE- HOLD DWELLING- HOUSE, late in the possession of Mrs Elizabeth
Sandys, deceased, situate in Well- head- street, in Ulverston aforesaid, with the SMALL G ARDEN in front of the said house, and the LARGE GARDEN behind the same, subject to a vearly free rent of 4d. Also, ali those TWO CUSTOMAR\ DWEL- LING- HOUSES, situate near the Great Bridge, in Uiverston aforesaid, with the PEAT - HOUSES, now occupied therewith, in the possession of Mr. John Briggs, and Mrs Atkinson, as farmers thereof, being subject to a yearly customary rent of 7gd. and a fine of double - that rent on change of tenant, a shearing rent of 4d. and a free rent of Id. The occupiers will shew the premises and
further particulars may be had, by applying to Mr. ATKINSON, solicitor, in Dalion. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At Mr. JOHN WORTHINGTON'S, the Sun Inn, U1- verston, Lancashire,, on SATURDAY the T Uh January, 1806, the sale to begin at six o'clock in the evening ^ NPHE following PROPERTY, belonging JL to WARHURST, PROCTER, SANDYS, ana CO. of Ulverston aforesaid, viz* Lot 1. The REMAINDER of a LEASE, of which eight years will be unexpired oil . the 13th day of February, 1806, of a well- built COTTON MILL, situate at Lun Becks, near Ulverston afore- said containing, by admeasurement, about 30 yards
in length, and 11 yards in width, with a wing 20 feet square, all four stories high j in which lease there is a clause, that the lessee may have tiie whole premises any time previous to the expiration of the term, by the payment of 10001. together with a good Water Wheel, supplied with a fine stream of water, with the valuable convenience of a large Reservoir; the Upright and Lay ing Shafts, and all the Going Geers; WITH OR WITHOUT the MA- CHINERY therein, consisting of eleven carding engines, two drawing, two roving, and one skeleton frame ; one stretching frame, of 102 spindles, and two ot 72 spindles each ; two mules
of 256, three of 240, two of 228, live of 224, and seven of 180 spindles each one of 168, one of 156, and one of 11) 0 spindles each ; all driven by" water. Nine reels, twelve batting frames, a large number of skips, roving bobbins, small, joiner, and turner's tools; brass, iron, & c. Lot 2. All that new crected MILL, called THE BLLER MILL, situate in the Ellers, Ulverston aforesaid ; containing, by admeasurement, 22 yards in front, and 10 yards wide, with a wing 14 yards by 8 yards, three stories high; with a Drying Stove near the same, 12 yards long, by 4 wide ; together with a good Water Wheel, 16 feet high, by 3 feet wide, with a
good stream ot water laid upon the top ; the Uprignt and Laying Shafts, and all the Going Geer, as they are now at work; WITH OR WITHOUT the MACHINERY, consisting of four double caiding engines, four billies, two pickers, a willow, twenty- seven spinning jennies of 106 to 126 spindles each; a large number of skips, nine reels, joiner's tools, & c. Lot 3. The REMAINING PART of a LEASE> two years of which will be unexpired on the Is1 July'next, in the MILL, called THE UTILE MILL, in the Ellers, Ulverston aforesaid ; with all the MAC H1NER Y, consisting of four double card- ing engines, four billies,, two pickers, all driven
by water ; seven reels, thirteen jennies, of 104 to 106 spindles each'; a large number of skips, turner's tools, brass, iron, & c. In case the buildings are sold without the ma- chinery, it will be put up separately. It is all in good repair and going, and will continue so until the day of sale. For further particulars apply to Mr. WM. WARHURST, of Ulverston, who will shew the pre- j m ises. N. B. A part of the purchase- money mny remain j at interest, if required MONDAY'S MAIL. LONDON, SATURDAY, DEC 28. THE following intelligence was on Thurfday received at the Poft- office : " A French fquadron of four fail of the line was feen in
lat. 47. 15. long. 10. 30. on the IQth ititt. fleering Well; they had that day attacked two Englilli fiiips of war, with feventeen merchantmen and tranfport veffels under convoy : particulars not yet learned. The Alcmene frigate arrived at Plymouth on the 24th, with fimilar intel- ligence, when Admiral Cornwallis, with four fail of the line, failed to the weltward, in purfuit of the enemy." The French force alluded to is fuppofed to be the Rochfort fquadron, and the Britifli convoy chafed by it, that which failed from Cork on the 12th inft. bound to the Weft Indies, confifting of 22 fail of merchant- men, under the protection of the Arethufa,
Boadicea, and Wafp. Capt. Jafon, of the American fhip Peggy, has written a letter upon the fame fubjett, the fnbfiance of which was on Thurlday pofted at Lloyd's, viz.— " The Peggy, arrived at Plymouth from Virginia, fpoke on the l/ tb, in lat. 46. 29. long. 11.4. a brig, from Dublin to Madeira, one of a fleet from Cork to the Weft Indies, under convoy of two ( hips of war, who informed the Peggy, that the fleet had been chafed by four fail of the line, when every iliip made the beft of their way for their refpedive ports." A copy of an Englifli paper, printed at Paris, under the title of the Argus, has been fent out from Boulogne in an open
boat, containing an account of the battle of the 2d, and of an armiftice having been concluded between the hoftile armies. The paper is in the pofleflion of Government, and the following are the circumltances under which it is ft a ted to have been ob- tained :— The boat drifted on Wednefday into our fleet off Boulogne, and was picked up by the Acute gun- brig. No perl'oii was on board, but on examining the boat, there was found a parcel encloled in a tin cafe, containing the Argus of the 17th inft. ( or rather the fuppleme it to the Argus of that date) directed to " Mr. Thos. Rullell, mer- chant, Haftings." It is not known whether any
perfon ot this name refides at Haftings, but the paper was of courfe immediately forwarded to Government. lhis paper, which has thus fo very oddly found it way hither, contains the 30th and 31fi bulletins of the French grand army, the laft of which is dated frotn Aufterlitz, the 5th. It gives, however, the particulars of the battle of the 2d only, which it fta'. es to have been moft obftinate and bloody. It further Hates, that the Ruffian army had been reduced to 40,000 men, and that in confequence of the battle, the Emperor. of Germany had fo- licited an armiftice, for the purpofe of negociating a feparate peace, to which Bonaparte had
acceded. 1' be terms are not flared, except that one of the conditions is, that the Rullian troops fhatl return to Rullia, The armiftice is ftated to have been con- cluded on the 4th. It has been fnggefted that this paper, the Argus, which has been conveyed in fo extraordinary a manner to this country, is probably a forgery; that fonie perfons on this fide of the water, wilhing to influence the tranfaciions of the Stock Exchange, have procured a pretended fupplement of the Argus to be printed, and fent adrift in a boat, in fuch a manner as to be picked up by our fquadron off Boulogne. Among other circumflances which have been ftated as
reafons to induce fufpicicin that the fupplement of the Argus may be a forgery, the ignorance of the people of Hoi land, fo late as the 20th, of any events after the battle of the 2d, is not the leatt impor- tant. That this is a fafit, has been aliened on the authority of fome American gentle- men, who failed from Rotterdam on the 21ft, and had read the Amfterdam Gazettes to the 20th, without finding in them any accounts of an armftice, or of battles fub- fequent to that of the 2d inft. In addition to this, a letter has been received in this country by a General in his Majelly's fer- vice, from a perfon of great refpettability at Berlin, and if the
date of this letter be corre6t, it is impoflible to place any credit whatever in the ftory of an armiftice having been concluded between the French and the allied armies. Had fuch an important event taken place, it would furely have been known in Berlin 011 the 11th. The letter is as follows : — " GENERAL, Berlin, Dec. 11. " On Sunday and Monday we were iu the moll violent agitation, and felt the moll ferious uneafinefs wilh refpect to the refult of the battle which took place onthe2d and 3d of this month, from the details of which it appeared to be unfavourable to the Ruffians, and that the perfon of the Em- peror was in danger, he
having charged in perfon at ( he head of his guards. We were two days without receiving any intelligence. It appears that the centre of the Rullian army was broken, by means of a malted battery of eighteen pieces of cannon, which made a dreadful flaughter on that point.— Twelve hundred men of the Emperor's guard were killed; but on the 4th, Gen. Kuiufow, the brave Bagrathion, and the Prince of Lichtenftein, turned the light wing of the French, and reftored the battle. " The Ruffians, animated by the prefence of their brave Emperor, and by the danger to which he was expofed, overthrew the French, and obtained a complete
victory.— They retook the artillery, and the prifoners which the French had taken on the 2d and 3d. Our Coart was in the grfeatell alarm, but the Queen received yefterday a courier from Count Haugwitz, which completely tranquillized her. " We are allured that orders have been given to the Prnflian army to attack the French. " I have the honour, & c." A paflenger in the Alfred, Capt. Ander- fon, lately arrived at fielfafl, from Tenerilfe, dates, that he left that place on the 20th of OiStober, and the Canary Iflands on the 11th of November, at which time there was no account of the Rochfort fquadron, nor of any prizes. This is a
fnfBcient refutation of an article fent from Bonrdeanx fome time ago, of 23 velfels being carried in there by the French. There is a report very prevalent, that the Arethufa, 38, with the Weft India Convoy, outward bound, fell in with the Ruffian fqtiadron of three fail of the line and a frigate ; miftakitig them for enemies, and not anfwering the Arethufa's private fignals, ( he difperfed the convoy by figtial before the Ruffians hoifted their colours, and dif- covered themfelves to be friends. Surely there fliould be ( if the above account be correct, or indeed if not fo) fome fignal code eftablillied between us and our allies. Several of the
tranfports belonging lo the fecond expedition, which failed laft week from the Downs, have been again obliged to return. Five veifels are arrived at Har- wich, two of them with damage. Portfmoutb, Dec. 27. — This afternoon Vice- Admiral Sir J. B. Warren arrived from London, and went oft'immediately on board the Foudroyant, of 80 guns, C. ipt. Douglas, now lying at St. Helen's, and is expe£ ted to fail in the morning with the following ( Lips under his command : Lo. idon Capt. Dunn. Namur 74 Capt. Halsted. Repulse 74 Capt. I- egge. Hero 74 Capt. Gardner. Canada 74 Capt. Harvey. Ramillies 74 Capt. l i kmore. Illustrious 74
Capt. Shield. C'ourageux 74 Capt. Rissett. Saracen sloop of war Capt. Prevost. His Majefty, in a lelter addle fled to the Board of Admiralty, after lamenting the lofs of the gallant Nelfon, and acknowledg- ing the eminent fervices he had performed for his country, defired that his thanks may be immediately forwarded to Lord Colling- wood, for his con.; utl in and after the battle of Trafalgar. Expretlive alfo of his Majefty's afl'urance, that in the fervices he fliould hereafter be called 011 to perform, the country would recognize in him the heroifm and virtues of his predeceflor. The plate upon Lord NelIon's coffin is gold.— The dimenfions
are to be thirteen inches by nine, the fame fize as the Duke of Gloucefter's. His Majefty's goldfmith is preparing it. The following inlcription is to be upon it :— DEPOSITUM. The Most Noble Lord HORATIO NET. SON, Viscount and Baron Nelson of the Nile, and of Burnham Thorpe, in the county of Norfolk. Baron Nelson of the Nile, and of Hilborough, in the said county. Knight of the Most Honourable Order of the Hath ; Vice- Admiral of the White Squadron of the Fleet; and Commander in Chief ofhis Majesty's Ships and Vessels in the Mediterranean. Also, Duke of Bronte, irt Sicily; Knight Grand Cross of the Sicilian Order of St.
Ferdinand, and of Merit. Mertiber of the Ottoman Order of the Crescent; and Knight Grand Commander of the Order of St. Joachim. Born September 29th, 1758. Afret* a series of transcendant and heroic services, this gallant Admiral fell gloriously, in the mo- ment of a brilliant and decisive Victory over the Combined Fleets of France and Spain, off Cape Trafalgar, on the 21st of October, 1S05. The fum upon which the duty was paid on the late Lotd Nelfon's property, 011 proving his will, was SOOOOl. The moment after the French troops ar- rived in Vienna, they inquired for the houfe occupied by the Brititli Minifter al that place,
and immediately flew to it with the ntmoft impetuofity. doubtlefs with a view to feize his perfon, and get pofleflion of his papers. Sir Arthur Paget, however, fully aware of their total difregardof the refpett univerfally paid tothe perfonsof Ambaffadors in every civilized State, as well as of their predatory condud in all matters of property, had removed his papers, and every article of value belonging to him, long before the arrival of thele ferocious hordes. Englifhmen, as they fit down to eat their Chriltmas beef, this year, may derive, from companion, that full fenfe of their own bleffings, which is too frequently wanting, except fome
confideration of this kind arifes to imprefs it. They may recoiled, that, while a large portion of Europe is expofed to the ravages, the aggreflions, and the de- vaftations of armies, the calamities of war are fcarcely known in England except as matter of expence. Every man who has the means of putchafing it, may eat his Chriltmas dinner in quiet. Few have thofe means, without having fomething to fpare for thofe, who have not. Let the former then confider for how much they have to be thankful, and not omit to fliew their grati- tude to God by charity and benevolence to their fellow- creatures. Lord Valeniia.— We are happy to fay
that accounts have been received of this fpiti^ ed and enterprifing Nobleman. His letters are dated Mocha, April 22. He had furveyed the Coaft of the Red Sea, as far as latitude 21, and thus elucidated the Geography of the Peraplus. He will produce a piore accurate defcription and Chart of the Red Sea than lias yet appeared. He was to remain at Mocha till the change of the Monloon in October. The folemnity and grandeur of the f. ineral of Lord Nelfon will trailfeeiid, it is frfid, every thing of a iimilar nature, that has been ever exhibited in this country. Not fewer thanSOOJ ptrfonsin official characters, are to appear in the cavalcade
upon the wa - tor. The lalt ceremony will take place on the 9th of January, under' the direction of four Heralds at Arms. A very large affemblagc of the Volunteers of the metropolis vii 1 attend. An exfenfive promotion of the tiava officers who fought at Trafalgar and Ferro' has been made. Lieut. Pel fold of the Ajax, Lieut. Stock ham of the Thunderer, Capt. Digby of the Beazle, and the Flrft Lieute- nant of the Vidory, are made Poll Captains. The I'irft Lieutenants of the other ll, ips which were engaged in either of the two adions, are raifed to the rank of Mafters and Commanders. , The Officers of the French ihip Redoubt- able, faved
as prifoners on board the Swift- fure, have publiflied an attefted narrative of the cii'cumllances in which they loft their fliip in the battle of Trafalgar. They claim the merit of having* lilenced the guns of the Vidory, and alrnofi boarded her ! ! 1 They own that they had 300 men killed, and ' 222 badly wounded, on board the Redoubt- able'! Several Ruffian Officers are admitted to the Portfmouth dock yard, for the ptirpofi; of inftrudion in naval architedure. A General Bill of all the Chrillenings and Burials, from December 11, 1SOJ, to De-- cember 17, 1805 : Christened in the 97 Parishes within the Walls, 1039 — Buried, 1141. Christened
in the 17 Parishes without the Walls* 4673— iButied,. 3631. Christened in the 23 Out- Parishes in Middlesex and Surry, 10.369— Buried, 8113. Christened in the 10 Parishes in the City and Liberties of Westminster, 4214— Buried, 4681^ i Ma es - 10,513 ) , ., , Females 9.782$ " ' ^ Males - 8,874) , ,, , . en, ales Ina" ^ S^ Christened Buried 5 M; i Fe Forty and fifty i § 2g Fifty and sixty 1504 Sixty and seventy 1187 Seventy and eighty 757. Eighty and ninety 320 Ninety & a hundred Si A hundred - - - 5 Whereof have died Under two years of age - - 5204 Between two arid five - - 2199 Five and ten - 81 Ten and twenty 534 Twenty
and thirty isS; Thirty and forty 1 765 Increal'ed in the Burials this year 52". There have been executed in London nine ; of which number, fix only have beeri reported to be buried ( as fuch) within the Bills of Mortality. An Englilli man of wat ( faid old Maek- lin) canfpeak all languagts. She is the beft Interpreter and moll piofound Politician in this ifland. She was always Oliver Crom- well's Ambajfador, She is the wifeft Mi/ iif- ter of Slate, that ever exifted, and never tells a lie, nor will llie fufrer the proudett French- man, or Spaniard, or Dutchman, to bam- boozle her, or give her a fancy anfwer. The terms which Mr. Belty demanded of
the Drnry- lane Managers, for his Son, this feafon, were a hundred guineas a night for twenty- five performances, with two Bene- fits, and the managers thought proper to agree to them 1 His engagement at Covent Garden Theatre is a divilion of the profits after deduding three hundred pounds for the nightly expences. It is lingular, that at the time of the fire at Mr. Hamilton's, the printer, in Fleet- Street, about two years ago, a very valuable publication, entitled " Anacharfis's travels," had been completed, zvitb the exception of it finglefhect: the whole edition was cotifumed. This work was afterwards given to Mr. Gillet to print, and
he adually finillied it all but two Jheels, when the unfortunate accident of Thurfday fe'nnight, in like man- ner, defiroyed every copy. Bonaparte had determined to alter the Calendar on the lit of January; but if the Allies ( hould continue their fucceffes, he will be obliged to alter hisJlile much eatlier. It is faid to be Bonaparte's intention tu make the Eledor of Bavaria a King. Would it not. be more noble to let about making himlelf an honeft man f To an indigent perfon who was perpetually bonding of his ancetlry, an induflrious, fuccefsful Euglifli tradefman, of humble origin, obferved, " You, my friend, are proud of your dejcent, I am
proud of my a/ cent." irifbman's Burial. — A Clergyman was reading the burial fervice over ail Irilh cotpfe, and having forgot which fex it was, on coming to that part of the ceremony that reads thus, " our dear ( brother or filler)," here the worthy gentleman llopt, and feeing Pat Hand by, flept back, and whifpering to i him, faid, " Is it ; i brother or a lifter ?'' Pat \ fays " by J ' tis neiiher, ' tis only a rela- ; tion." A very intrepid and brave ad was done by Daniel Fitzpatrick, a feaman of the Tonnant, when that fliip was engaging the Aigefiras, ( which liruck to her), he adually went from the main chains to the bowlprit of the Aigefiras and tore
away the jtck ; but, poor fellow, in returning with it, he was fliot, and fell between the two fhips. When that fignal was made, which fiitmi- lated every foul to deeds of glory, " Eng- land experts every man to do bis duty," it was anfwered by three cheers from the whole fleet— It made heroes of them all. At one of the mock audions in the ' Strand, a flirewd Irilhraan looked in a day I or two fince, and after witneffi. ig for l'orne j time their manoeuvres, he called out to the ; mail with the hammer, " Pray, Sir, may [ ; bid what I plafe ?"—'" Yes, Sir," was the reply of the very complaifant audioneer.— " Why, then," fays Pat, " I bid yon—. » I
cord morning.''
ft ILDNESDAY'S MAIL. LONDON, MONDAY, DEC. 30. CESSATION OF HOSTILITIES BETWEEN rRANCE, ADSTRIA, AND RUSSIA. AT a late hour laft night we received PaYis Journals to the lQth, and Dutch Gazettes to the 24lh inftant. The complexion of the intelligence thefe enable us to convey to the public, rnull, no doubt, crcate no ftnall degree of difappoliitmcnt and furprife ; but we feel it our duty faithfully to relate what our ar- rangements for obtaining Continental news lias pat us in polfeffion of, leaving it to the judgment of the public what degree of credit they chufe to attach to information derived from thefe fources.
We cannot, however, forbear obferving, that in our opinion little doubt can be entertained rel- pefiling the naked faQs which thefe Journals announce, tho' experience lliould uniformly admonilli us, how much the colouring, and evident exaggerations of circumftar. ces, lhould be dillrufied. The Moniteurs contain the 30th and 31ft Bulletins fuch as they have already been def- cribed in the Argus, and ftated in fub Itance in this paper. The Official Journal of the 18th. contains the 3. d B,* flletin, and a copy of the Armillice figncd on the part of Auftria by Prince Licbtenftein and on ibe fart of France by General Berthier. It is dated the 6th,
and was agreed upon, as would appear, by the Emperors of Auftria and France in perfon. The Armistice concluded between their Majes- ties the Emperors of the French and Austria. " His Majesty the Emperor of the French, and his Majesty the Emperor of Germany, being de- sirous of coming to definitive negc. ciation, in order to put an end to a war which has devastated both their dominions, have previously agreed upon an armistice, to exist till the conclusion of a definitive peace, or the rupture of the negotiations. In the latter case, hostilities shall not recommence within fourteen days; ar. d the cessation of the armistice shall
then be announced to the Plenipotentiaries of both powers, at the head- quarters of their lespec- t'. ve armies. " Article 1. The line of both armies shall be in Moravia, the Circle of lglau, the Circle of Znaim, the Circle of Brunn, a part of the Circle of Olmutz, upon ' he right bank of the little river of Trezeboski, before Prosnitz, to the spot where that river dis- charges iiseif into the Rlarck ; and the right bank of the Wan k to the junction of that river with the Danube, Presburg being included. iC No French nor Austrian troops shall, on any occasion, be stationed within five or six leagues of llaliicb. upon the right bank of the Marck. "
Further, the line of both armies shall include in the terntory to be occupied by the French army, - all Upper and Lower Austria, Tyrol, the States of Ve lice, Cafinthia, Stvria, Carniola, the County of Goritz and Istria, and lastly, in Bohemia, the Circle of MolUabor,' and the whole space to the Eastward, from Tabor to I. intz. " 2. The Russian army shall evacuate the Au- st- ian States, with Austrian Poland, viz. Moravia and Hungary, within the period of fifteen days, and Callicia within a month. The routes shall be pre- scribed to the Russian army, that it may be always known where they are, as well as to prevent any misunderstanding.
( t 3. There shall be no levy en mass, or insur- rection, in Hungary, nor any extraordinary recruit- ing for troops in Bohemia, nor shall any foreign arniv be permitted to enter the teriitory of the House of Austria. '' The Negociators for both Powers shall meet at Nit olsburg, for the immediate commencement of hegociations, in order t-> effect, without delay, the re- establishment of peace, and a good understand- ing between the two Emperors. Done at Austeilitz, Dec. C, 15105. ( Signed) " MARSHAL BERTHIER " J. PRINCE of LICHTENSTEIN, Lieutenant General." The report of the interview betvyeen the Emperors of Auftria and
France feems thus to be confirmed, and may, in fome meafure, account for the u'nexpefled conclufion of an armiftice, Napoleon is reprefented as apo- logizing for receiving the Emperor Francis in fo mean a place, ( alluding, no doubt, to the mill) ; but adds, that it had been his place of refidence for ten days. To this the Emperor Francis is made to reply, " that Napoleon might be well contented with any refidence in which he had performed fo much." The Emperor of Auftria after having agreed to the arniiftice, is faid to have re- quefied leave to extend it to the Ruffians.— Napoleon obferved, that he bad fo com- plexly fttrrounded
them, that not a man could efcape ; but that from his refpedt for the Emperor Alexander, he would fend General Savary to him, intimating his wilh lo put an end to ibe calamities of war, and to open a way for the retreat of the Ruffians. General Savary on being introduced to the Emperor Alexander, was received in the molt gracious manner. He is laid to have expreffed the higheft admiration of the Em- peror Napoleon. General Savary obferved, that it was the fortieth battle which his Sovereign had gained :" to which the Em peror Alexander is faid to have replied, " that it was the fir ft in which he was en- gaged." When it was aiked
what guarantee the Emperor Napoleon would require ? Sa- vary replied, " Only your WORD, Sire!" Orders have been illued from ihe Admi- ralty for the following Ihips being immedi- ately fitted at Plymouth for foreign lervice, viz. St George, 98; Caefar, 80; Montague and Rfpulfe, 74 ; Decade and Penelope frigates. This l'qundron, which is to be placed under the orders of Sir R Strachan, • will be ready for fea in the cottrfe of the enfuing week, and is fuppofed to be in- tended for ihe Eaft Indies. The two fquadrons now ready for fea at rortfmouth and Plymouth, under the com- mand of Admirals Sir J. B. Warren and Sir II. Strachan,
are, we underftand intended to take different directions in purfuit of the French divifions lately feen. The former cc'ftfts of nine fail of the line and a frigate and the latter of five fail an I a frigate.— ' T hey will tail w ith all pollible difpatch. It is now known for certain, that their Majellies do not mean to be prefent at the funeral of L< rd Nrlfon at St. Paul's. The Prince of Wales, however, we hear, means IP aiteud, as Colonel of the Artillery Com- pany, 1 . The Child of two Mothers.*— This myfle- rious affair, wliich we have already twice reported, came on for another hearing on Friday at Union Hall ; and after a long and patient
inveftigation on the part of the Ma- giftrates, was referred to the Quarter Sellion for final decifion. 030T5000I500 » 5I5( 50 » 00S00S< 580!> PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. Notice is hereby given, THAT the PARTNERSHIP lately sub- sisting and carried on by us, the undersigned RICHARD WAKEFIELD and JOHN DAVIS, , of Lancaster, in the county of Lancaster, spirit- merchants, under the firm of 41 WAKEFIELD and DAVIS," was this day DISSOLVED, by mutual consent. . All debts owing to the said co- partnership, are, to be paid either to Mr. VVAKEFIEI. D or Mr. DAVIS. As witness their bands, the 27th day of December,
1805. RICHARD WAKEFIELD. JOHN DAVIS. Witness : E. ATKINSON. TOLLS TO BE LET. Notice is hereby given, THAT the TOLLS arising at ihe Toll- Gate upon the Westmorland and Lancashire District of the Keighley and Kendal Turnpike- Road, at Wall- head, in the county of Lancaster, called or known by the name of Till1' WALL- HEAD GATE, will be LET BY AUCTION, to the best bidder, at the bouse of Mr. II ART LEY , Kirkby Lonsdale, on the 30th day of January, 1806, between the hours of ten and two of the same day, in the manner directed by the act passed in the 13th year of the reign of his Majesty King Geoige
the Third, " For regulating turnpike roads j" which tolls were let for the sum of three hundred and fourteen pounds per year, and will be put up at that sum. Whoever happens to be the best bidder, must, at the same time, give security, with sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said turn- pike- road, for payment 6f the rent agreed tor, and at such times as they shall direct. EDWARD TOML1NSON, Cleik to the said Trustees. CAPITAL SITUATION for an INN, NEAR THE LAKES. TO BE LET, And entered upon the ensuing Spring, ALL that large and commodious DWEL- LING- HOUSE, at Collision Water- head;
commanding an extensive and beautiful view of Coniston Lake, and the adjacent mountains 5 ( Situate about fourteen miles from Ulverstou, sixteen from Kendal, six from Ambleside, and two and a half rom Hawkshead ; together with excellent Coach- houses, Stables, and extensive Gardens and Plea- sure Grounds thereto adjoining, now occupied by Thomas North, Esq. The farmer may be accommodated, the first year, with about thirty acres of rich arable and meadow round; and, if that should not be sufficient, he mav afterwards have any additional quantity. Mr. NORTH will shew tlie premises; and any persons desirous of
taking the above situation are requested to apply to Mr. ATKINSON, solicitor, at Dalton, Lancashire. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the house of JOHN PRITT, King's- Arms, Lan- caster, oil MONDAY the 6th day of January, 1806, the sale to begin at six o'clock in the even- ing ( unless previously disposed of' by private con- tract, of which due notice tvill. be given) ALL that large, commodious, and well- built COTTON FACTORY, situated in Henry- street, Lancaster, fronting and adjoining the Canal ; consisting of three Soars, ninety feet in length, twenty- one feet in breadth; with a new- built COTTAGE - HOUSE adjoining. A
small FACTORY, situated behind the above, of one floor, eiglity- one feet in length, nineteen feet in breadth ; and a WAREHOUSE of two floors, a part of which is used as a counting- house; all sub- stantially well- built, of stone, and slated. The above premises are now in the occupation of Messrs. Richard Cardwell and Sons, Blackburn, at the clear rent of 801. per annum. Also, at the same time and place will be SOLD as above, All that very commodious, modern, well- built DWELLING- HOUSE and WAREHOUSE, with COUNTING- HOUSES adjoining thereto, situated at the upper end of Sun- street, Lancaster; consist- ing of
an elegant ashler front, fifty- five feet, and extending in depth, backwards, forty- seven feet; four stories high, with excellent cellars, boarded, and completely fitted up for the linen and cotton business, with every possible convenience; very convertible, and desirably situated for any business. The dwelling- house, now in the possession of Mr. Thomas Esk'igge, at the yearly rent of 351. The premises may be seen, and other in- formation had, by applying to Mr. BEABDSWORTH, at the Linen- Warehouse. LANCASTER, DEC. 12, 180S. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, On TUESDAY the 21st January, 1806, at Mis. STARKIE'S, the
Bull's- Head, in Pudding- lane, in Lancaster, the sale to begin at seven o'clock ill the evening ; ANeat and convenient DWELLING- HOUSE, fronting Fryer- street, in the Frver- age, in Lancaster, with the YARD, GARDEN, and PREMISES, behind the same, late in the pos- session of Mrs. Elizabeth Vicars, deceased. Immediate possession of the premises may be taken, if required, which are leasehold, under Mr. Dalton, and his Trustees, on payment of a small ground-. ent, for a term of years, renewable for ever. Mr. JOHN HODGSON, of the Fryerage, will shew the premises; of whom, or Mr. EDWARD FAYRER, or at Mr.
WEBSTER'S office, other infor- mation may be had. LIGNUM'S PILLS, Price only zs. 9d. the box, ( each box contains sixteen doses) FOR Ihe infallible cure of all degrees of a certain disorder: prepared by Mr. Lignum, surgeon, at his Dispensary, No. 57, Bridge- street, Manchester. One small pill is a dose, and tile taking of one box, in a recent case, will convince the patient of his speedy recovery. Nothing can be better contrived, mote safe and convenient than this remedy, in totally eradicating every symptom of this destructive malady, by sea or land, as it needs no confinement, restraint of diet, or hin- drance of business. A trial
of this noble mcdicine will soon sound its due praise. With each box is given a copious direction, and a concise description of the disease, from which the purchasers will be enabled to judge properly of their own cases, and to treat them as may be requisite, without further medical assist- ance, and with the utmost secrecy and safety. These Pills may be had, wholesale and retail, at Mr. LICNUM'S, No. 57, Bridge- street, Manches- ter, and, by appointment, are sold at 2S. 91! the box, by W. Minshull, Printer of this Paper, Walmsley, and Carrutheis, Lancaster; Branthwaite, Kendal; Walker, and Croft, Pieston; Soulby, Ulverston;
Greenlees, Rochdale ; Soulby, Penrith ; Gardner, Bolton; Nicholson, Bradford ; Gilbertson, Burn- ley; Parker, Blackburn; Foster, Kirkby- Lons- dale ; and by one or more principal med'cine ven- der in every market town throughout the kingdom. FRIDAY'S MAIL. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE. Admiralty- office, December 31. A letter from Lieut. Handfield to Admiral Corn- wallis, introduces the following : — His Majestu's ship Egyptienne, off SIR, _ U. shant, Dec. 28. IHave the honour to acquaint you with the capture of the French frigate La Libre, on the afternoon of the 24th inftant, off Rochfort, by his Majefty's ( hips La Loire,
Capt. F. L. Maitland, and Egyptienne, at prefent under my command, both coming up at the fame time, and joining in the at- tack. La Libre, commanded by Monfienr Def- corches, Capifaine de Fregate, mounts 24 eight- pounder guns on the main- deck, 6 thirty- fix pounder carronades, and 10 nine- pounder guns on the quarter- deck and fore- caftle, with a complement of 280 men — She fubmitted, after an obftinate defence of half an hour, having twenty men killed and wounded, and received fo much damage that all her malls went overboard foon after we took polleffion. She failed from Flulh- ing on the 14th of November, in
company with a French frigate of 48 guns, from whom ( he parted in a gale of wind on the gth inftant, on the coaft of Scotland. I have much pleafure in communicating to you the good condufit of the officers and men of the Egyptienne in this affair, and have only to regret that the inferior force of the enemy did not give room for the full ex- tent of their fervices. Enclofed is a lift of the wounded, and 1 am forry to add that one is lince dead. Capt. Maitland, of La Loire, has taken charge of the prize, fiom whom I parted on the 25tb, when he had her in tow. 1 have the honour to be, & c. P. C. HANDFIELD, Lieut. The Hon. Wm.
Cornwallis, Admiral of the Red, Commander in Chief, & c. [ Then follow the names of eight seamen and marines, who were wounded. J LONDON, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 1. Four Hamburgh mails are now due, we ate confequently ftill without that fpecies of intelligence which can alone enable us to form a complete conclufion with refpedt to the events which have lately taken place on the Continent. We rnuft now confine our exertions to the prote& ion of our own Ihores. Peace we are not to exped, unlefs we were to fubferibe 10 fuch a peace as would injure theinterefts and fully the honour of Great Britain. The conduct of Pruffia
can, at the prefent crilis, be of little momerit in relation to us. She has committed herfelf to the vengence of Bonaparte, and Ihe w ill make the belt bar- gain ( he can for herfelf. It would be in vain for her - to attempt to refill the enor- mous mafs of military force, flufhed with, vi& ory, which Bonaparte has on foot, ready to march againft her. Minifters, we are confident, do not expe£ t that Pruffia will aft fo inconfiderate a part. They have, accordingly, refolved to bring home, wilh- out delay, the troops which were lately fent to Hanover. Captain Raines, the naval officer who fuperintends the embarkation at Ramfgate, received orders on
Monday morning to fend all the empty tranfports in the Kentilh ports immediately to the Elbe. Such tranfports as had troops on board, in thefe harbours, were alfo ordered to land the men without delay, and proceed for the fame deftination. Thefe orders were carried into effea with fuch difpatch, that feteral of the tranfports went out of Ramfgate har- bour before four o'clock. The Countefs of Elgin cutter alfo received orders to fail immediately with difpatches to the Commander of the Britilh troops upon the Continent. The tranfports are cer- tainly fent for the purpofe of bringing home the troops. It would be idle to at- tempt to defend
Hanover in the prefent circumft'ances; and thefe troops, which confift of a confiderable part of our regular army, will be wanted at home. The ultimate end we are to look to from this great difaller is, the arrival of the tyrant on the Ihore of Boulogne, inflamed witli tenfold hatred againft us ; exhibiting himfelf and his armies in all the impofing array of conqueft, talking of our furtiga- tion as a thing of no difficulty, after what he has effected, and imagining that the in- timidation of his recent vi& ories will render it as eafy as he defcribes it. It is not un- likely, that, under thefe circumftances, fe- cure as he will be from all alarm on the
Continent, he may attempt his long- medi- tated enterprize againft us ; but the llrength and fpirit of England, we trull, will tri- umph over all her difficulties, and enable her to furvive the general ruin. A letter frorrtllamfgate, received in town yellerday, ftates, a JDaniffi vefsel had juft arrived there from the neighbourhood of Havre- de- Grace, the mailer of which af- firmed, that " two days prior to his failing, great rejoicings had taken place in France, ; n confequence of the arrival of the impor- tant information that a peace had been finally concluded between the THREE EM- PERORS." The following official communication was
yefterday fent to Lloyd's Coffee- houfe : Admiralty- Office, Dec. 31, 1805. His Majefty's ( hip Iris, Captain Lavie, obferved a French fquadron Handing in for Rochfort, on the 23d inft. fuppofed to be the fame as that feen by the Alcmene and La Loire.— A Swede was fpoken with by La Loire on the 17th inft,! who reported his having fallen in with a French fquadron the day before, in lat. 46. long. 14. a part of which were in chace of a convoy of about twenty fail, under efcort of two frigates, and ihe remainder fleering S. S. VV. Brixbam £ h/ ay, Dec. 30.— Put into Tor- bay yefterday evening after poft, part of the fleet from Falrfiduth,
under command of the Hon. Admiral- Cornwallis, in - the Ville de Paris, - with - the Prince George, Princels Royal, Glory, and the Warrior men of war.— Wind W. A private letter from Holland ftates, that on the 5th, the day before the figning of the armiftice, the Archduke Ferdinand had given a confiderable check to the French divifion appointed to watch his corps on the frontiers of Bohemia. A letter received at Hull, by the laft mail from Peterfhurgh, ftates, that a levy of 120,000 men had been ordered to be made early in the fpring. Peterlburgh appeared deferted, all the officers and nobility having left it. New York papers to the 4th
ult. arrived yelierday. 1 hey contain no news of im- portance. One of them mentions that the notorious Thomas Paine had been attacked a fecond time by the palfy, and had become extremely religious 1 Notice has been given, from the College of Arms, that the remains of the late Viee- Admiral Lord Vifcount Nelfon will lie in ftate at Green wich Ilofpital oil Sunday next, the 5th inft. and on the two following days, between the hours of nine in ihe morning and four in the afternoon. PRICE OF STOCKS. B. Stock 3 per C. R. 5!)£ 58 § 59|| 3 per C. C. 4 per G. C. 78|- £ 5 per C. Navy a per Cent 1797 Long A 17 13- 16th § Imp. Ann.
India Stock —— j per Cent Irish Ex. Bills, 2s. Is dis. Coil, for op 60| 60 § i ( Ininium Lottery Tickets 191. 17s. BANKRUPTS. J. Shipton, late of Yoxall, Staffordshire, vintner. A. Stott, of Goodeu- lane, Heap, Bury; R. Fitton, of Spin Threads, Hopwood, Middleton ; Richd. Bowker, of Gooden- lane, Heap, Bury ; Robert Bntterwonh, of Littleborough, Hmidersfield, Rochdale, and Robt. Heartley, of Siddall Moor, Hopwood, Middleton, Lancashire, eolton- manuf. J Haigh, Marsden, Huddersfield, cotton- manufac. T. Bate, Macclesfield, Cheshire, draper. W. Ivy, St. Mary- le- bone, Middlesex, tailor. H. Cooke, and J. Herbert, Birchin lane,
London, merchant. J. Wright, Newgate- street, London, grocer. J. Foster, Hallas- Bridge- Mill, Wilsden, Bradford, and A. Foster, Doe- Park, Denbolme, Thornton, Bradford, Yorkshire, cotton twist- spinners. J. Smith, Kimbolton, Huntingdonshire, dealer. R. Urquhart, and R W. Whalley, Strand, Middle- sex, goldsmiths. W. Waiuwright, Speke, Lancashire, dealer. J. Critcbley, and W. Jones, Orford, Warrington, Lancashire, cotton- spinneis. G. Dickenson, KirkVjy- Stephen, Westmorland, cot- ton- spinner. II Bra thwaite, Aiskew, Bedale, Yorkshire, malster. W. Guy, Devizes, Wiltshire, tinman. R S. Blaney, la'e of Liverpool, merchant.
AN ENTIRE NEW EDITION OF HENDERSON'S ART of COOKERY, CARVING, isV. A HANDSOME NEW YEAR'S CIFT, To Servants or young Persons. This daii is published, price SIX- PENCE, Embellished with a CAPITAL PORTRAIT of Mr. |. C. SCHNF, IBII. IE, and a beau'iful represen- tation of the A l B A N v, Piccadilly, London, NUMBER I. ( to be continued weekly) of the HOUSEKEEPER'S INSTRUCTOR; OR, UNIVERSAL < FAMILY COOK. Being a full and clear DISPLAY OF THE ART OF COOKERY IN ALL ITS VARIOUS BRANCHES. CONTAINING Proper directions for dressing all kinds of but- cher's meat,
poultry, same, fish, & c. The method of preparing all tile varieties of soups, hashes, and made dishes. The whole art of confectionary, pickling, preserving. Sic, The making and keeping in perfection British wines; and proper rules for brewing malt liquor for large or small families. TO WHICH IS ADDED The COMPLETE ART of CARTING, Illustrated with twenty- three engravings ; Explaining, by proper references, the manner in which young practitioners may uquit themselves at table with elegance and east. Also Bills of fare for every month in the year. The m3nner of decorating a table, displayed by cop- per plates. Directions for
marketing. Obser- vations on culinary poisons, and the manage- ment of the kitchen and fruit garden. The u- hole formed on an entire new plan, By WILLIAM AUGUSTUS HENDERSON. THE TWELFTH EDITION, Corrected, revised, and considerably improved, By every modern addition and variation in the art, By JACOB CHRISTOPHER SCHN EBB ELI E, Late apprentice to Mess's. Tupp and Perry, Oxford- street, afterwards cook at Meluns' Hotel, Bath ; and 7ww of MartellVs, Albany, London. Printed and sold by J. STRATFORD, No. 112, Holborn. hill, London: and may be of all other booksellers and newscarriers in the
united kingdom. This work may be had complete in twelve numbers, Price 6d. each, or 7s. neatly bound. * § * Eleven very Large editions having been sold in a short space of time, is the best eulogiuin on the merits of this work; and the public are respectfully informed, that neither pains or expellee have been spared to render this improved edition the most complete per- formance ever printed. STATE LOTTERY for 1805, Containing 25,000 Tickets, Begins Drawing SJwiday, 3d February, 1806. The Scheme consists of Prizes of £ 20,000 10,000 5,000 3 8 20 Prizes of £ 2,000 1,000 500 & c. And the first- drawn 5,000 tickets will
be entitled to 22/. each, exclusive of their chance of capital prizes TICKETS and SHARES are on SALE, by HAZARD, BURNE, and CO, STOCK- BROKERS, At their State Lottery- Office, No. 93, under the Royal Exchange, London ; Where, within the last ten years only,- Capital Prizes, to the amount of 800,000/. and upwards, have been sold and shared, exclusive of those of 500/. and under, viz. In Shares. In Whole Tickets. t of £ 25,000 1 of £ 25,000 9 20,000 7 — 20,080 16 — 10,000 6 —- 10,000 16 — 5,000 6 — 5,000 13 — 2,000 7 — 2,000 31 — 1,000 16 — 1,000 Total in Shares^ 502,000 In whole Tick.£ 285,000 And, in
the course of the last twenty years, prizes to the amount of more than THREE MILLIONS sterling, have been sold at the above Office. Country orders, accompanied with short- dated bills on London, Post- office orders, or cash, in parcel, by coach or carrier, punctually attended to ; arid correspondents may depend on beii g treated exactly on the same terms as if personally piesent. TICKETS and SHARES, for the above Office, are also on sale, at Mr. JOHN CARRUTHERS'S, V H VC GIST, L A XCA ST Ell, DEAFNESS. TO those afflicted with ibis disorder, W. MINSHULL, Primer of this Paper, with confidence recommends the
Use of Dr. Taylor'* Remedy, which, when applied agreeably to the printed directions, seldom fails of restoring lite hearing. Many persons in this town and neigh- bourhood, who have received benefit, have given W. Minshull permission to refer inquirers to them. He respectfully submits the following extract of it letter, which he sent to the proprietor, on the 8th Nov. « • An elderly gentleman, of this t » wn, called upon me a few days ago, and said, that he pur- chased a bottle at my medicine warehouse, two years ago, which completely cured him ; hut hav- ing lately caught cold, a trifling deafness had fol. lowed, which lie had no
doubt a part of a bottlu he then bought would entirely eradicate." ( J2r" The above esteemed Remedy may be had, price 8s. 6d. a bottle, with plain directions, of W. MINSHULL, Printer of this Paper, A. Fos- ter, Kirkby Lonsdale ; and W. Addison, Preston. THOMAS WINDER'S SECOND D I VI DEN D. rpHE Creditors of THOMAS WJN- J. DER, of Lancaster, watchmaker and gold- smith, are requested to take NOTICE, that a SE- COND and FINAL DIVIDEND ofthe monies received from his stock in trade and effects, will be made amongst them, by his assignees, at the office of Mr. E. ATKINSON, solicitor, in Lancaster, on W F.
DNESDAY the 26th day of February next, at two o'clock in the afternoon ; before which day, the creditors who have not already sent in their ac- counts, are desired to send a particular statement thereof, with the nature of their securities ( if any) to the said Mr. ATKINSON, or they will be exc! ud.- i the benefit of both d vidends And all persons indebted to the said Thomas' Winder, are lo pay their respective debts to the said Mr. ATKINSON, without delay. DECEMBER 18, 1805. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. WHEREAS ROBERT HORNBY, of Lancaster, in the county of Lancaster, innkeeper and gardener, hath, by
deed of assign- ment, duly executed and attested, assigned and set over all bis estate, stock in trade, goods, and effects, whatsoever and wheresoever, unto JOHN NOBLE and THOMAS NOBI. E, and THOMAS MACKARAI. I, all of Lancaster, in ihe said county, maltsters, IN TRUST for Ihe equal benefit of his creditors. All persons to whom the said Robert Hornb* stands indebted, are requested to deliver in an ac- count of their respective demands against him, to the said assignees, or one of them, or to Mr. PARKER, solicitor, Lancaster. And all persons who stand indebted to ihe estate of the said Robert Hoinbv, are
requested to pay what is due from them respectively, to the said assignees, or one of them, or to the said Mr. PARKER, without delav. LANCASTER, DEC. 27, 1805. r I > I1K Creditors who have proved their JL debts under a commission of bankrupt, awarded and issued against JOHN BENSON aud JAMES BfiNSON, of Lancaster, in the county of- Lancaster, linen- drapers, meicers, dealers, chap- men, and co- partners, are desired to meet the as- signees of the estate an I effects of the said bank- rupts, on WEDNESDAY the 22d day of Januarv inst. at three, o'clock in the afternoon, at the sign of the Royal- Oak, in the Market
place, in Lan- caster aforesaid, in order to assent to or dissent from Ihe said assignees commencing, prosecuting, or de- fending, any suit or suits at law, or in equity, for recovery of any part of the said bankrupts estate and effects; or to the compounding, submitting to arbitration, or otherwise agreeing, any matter or thing relating thereto; and especially to determine upon, and consent to, the said assignees their taking and abiding by the opinion of Counsel, as to the right of 1' HOMAS F. SKRIGGE, of Lancaster afore- said, tallow- chandler, one of the assignees of the estate and effects ot ROBERT PRICKETT, late of Lancaster
aforesaid, merchant^ deceased, who some time ago became a bankrupt ; or of Messrs. Dn- WORTH and HARGREAVES, of Lancaster aforesaid, bankers; and Messrs. DOWBIGCIN and BALDWIN, of Lancaster aforesaid, attornies at law, to prove a debt or debts under the said commission, against the said John Benson, and to receive a DIVIDEND or D1VID12NDS out of liis separate estate and effects in respect thereof; and on other special affairs. MASON, WILSON, and JENK1NSON, Solicitors. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. WHEREAS ADAM CLIFFE, of Chorley, in the county palatine of Lan- caster, grocer
and draper, hath, by indenture of as- signment, bearing date the 17th day of December inst. assigned over all his estate and effects unto Mr. JOHN PILKINGTON, of Pieston, in the said county, grocer; Mr. JOHN SMITH, of Chorley aforesaid, veoman; and Mr. TsnsHs Sun ELL, of Preston aforesaid, gentleman, IN TRUST for the equaj benefit of themselves and such of the creditors of the said Adam Cliffe, who shall come in and execute the said trust deed, within two months from the dateheieof; Notice is hereby given, That the said deed of assignment now lies at the office of the said Mr. Sun ELL, attorney at law, Everton
Gardens, Preston, for the inspection and execution of such of the said Adam diffe's cre- ditors as may chuse to come in and execute the same, within the time aforesaid ; hut those who re- fuse, will be excluded any benefit arising from under the said trust deed of assignment. All persons who stand indebted unto the said Adam Cliffe, are requested to pay their respective debts, to the said assignees, or one of them, im- mediately, otherwise act'. ons will be commenced for the recovery thereof, without any further notice. CHORLEY, DEC. 17, 181) 5. GLOBE INSURANCE, Pall Mall, Cornhill, and Chancery- lane. FIRE, LIFE, AND
ANNUITIES. ALL Persons whose Insurances with thl* Company, become due at Christmas, are re- quested to take NOTICE, tbat receipts for th « renewal thereof, are now ready for delivery, at th « Company's Offices, and ill the hands of their re- spective Agents in the country Insurances due at Christmas, must be paid on'or before the 8tli Ja- nuary, 180Q. FARMING STOCK is insured generally. New Rates and Proposals for Insurance on Lives and Survivorships, making Provisions for Sons, and securing Marriage Portions for Daughters, on their respectively coming of age, and other Endowments; and Tables for granting
Immediate, Deferred, and Progressive Annuities, will be delivered, gratis. No entrance- money or admission- fees are required. Life Policies are allowed gratis. Commission is allowed to Solicitors and Rrokers„ The additional Dividend, at Christinas, of 1/. per cent on all payments made bef ire that day, may be received by proprietors, togethet with their in- terest, on the 15th January next, and following days. Bv order of the Board, THOMAS HEATH WILKINSON, Secretaiy. IpONiiqN, DEC. 20, 1805.
GIGGLESmCK, NEAR SETTLE, YORKSHIRE. • « . » " pHE Rev. ROWLAND INGRAM, JL B. D. ( late Fellow and Tutor of Sidney Col- lege, Cambridge) offers to take into his family, a few SELECT PUPILS, on the following terms : Board and Lodging, Sixty Guineas per ann. Admission, Five Guineas. Washing not included. Tuition, in the usual branches of liberal edu- cation, will be attended with no further expence; and, to those of a more advanced age, every in- - struction, which is consistent with his plans, will be given by Mr. Ingram himself; his chief object being to qualify his pupils for going with credit to the Universities, or
entering into the more respect- able situations of life. A HEALTHY and an ELIGIBLE SITUATION. AT RAVENSTQNEDALE, IN WESTMORLAND, YOUTH are BOARDED, and expe- ditiously QUAL 1 F 1 E D for the UNl- \ ERSITY, the various BRANCHES of TRADE, • r PRIVATE LIFE, by THE REV. JOHN ROBINSON, Author of various Publications. In testimony of his abi ities, Mr. Robinson begs leave to refer such parents ami guardians as shall honour this with their notice, to the Rev. William Mavor, L, L. D. of Woodstock, Vicar of Hurley, in Berkshire, and Chaplain to the Earl of Moira ; or to the Rev. Walter Fletcher, A. M.
Vicar of Daiston, in Cumberland, and Domestic Chapi'. un to the Lord Bishop of Carlisle ; who will answer any inquiries upon the subject. Applications may be made to Mr. PETER CAKTWRIGHT, NO. 4, Hunter- street, Liverpool; to Mr. JOHN SHAW, St. Mary's- gate, Manchester; to Mr. BaANTHWAiTE, Kendal; to the Printei of this Paper; or to Mr. ROBINSON, as above. * « * The SCHOOL will RE OPEN on MON- DAY the 20th of January. WANTED, At SERVANT to a SINGLE GENTLEMAN, AYOUNG MAN, who understands the CARE of HORSES.— For further particulars apply to the Primer of this Paper; or Mr. ADDISON,
bookseller, Preston. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the house of Mr. JOHN CARR, the QueenV . Head, in Church- street, in Lancaster, THIS PRESENT SATURDAY the 4th day of January, ' 1806, the sale to begin at six o'clock in the eveu- Aing' DWELLING - HOUSE, BARN, GARDEN, and ORCHARD, situate in Silverdale, in the possession of Daniel Pearson, as tenant thereof. Also, a CLOSE of LAND, situate within Silver- dale aforesaid, called The Parrochsy containing, by estimation, one acre and a half. And also, a MOSS DALE, in fjawswale* s Moss, • within Silverdale aforesaid, containing, by estimation, © ne acre. For
other particulars apply at the office of Messrs. DOWBIGGIN and SHARP, solicitors, in Lan- caster. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the house of ANN NELSON, the sign of the White- Horse, at Barrow's Green, near Kendal, in the county of Westmorland, on THURSDAY the 9th day of January, 1806, the sale to begin a( l five o'clock in the evening ; ALL that compact FREEHOLD and _ TITHE - FREE ESTATE and FARM, situ- ate in Stainton, in the said county, about four miles distant from the town of Kendal aforesaid; consist- ing of a good dwelling- house, a new erected barn, and other suitable outbuildings, and 31a. 2r. of
land, customary measure, of pj yaids to the rod, all in a high state of cultivation, now in the pos- session of Joseph Cornihwaite, as tenant thereof. N B. There is a very powerful stream of water runs through the estate, suitable for various manu- facturing purposes. The tenant will shew the premises; and other particulars may be hail by applying to Mr ROBERT DENNISON, of Beethom, the owner; or at the office of Mr. BALDWIN, solicitor, Lancaster. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the MERCHANTS COFFEE- ROOM, Lancaster, on FRIDAY the 10th of Januaiy next, at twelve o'clock ; THE GOOD CUTTER OTTER, With all her
FISH- ING MATERIALS, as she now lies at Saint George's Quay, in Lan- - ^ caster aforesaid. Di- mensions, per register, length, 41 feet 11 inches; breadth, 14 feet 2 inches ; depth in the hold, 6 feet 9J inches, and admeasures 33 § tons; built at Lan- caster, in 1803,- copper fastened, sails fast, and is well calculated for the fishing or coasting trade. For particulars apply to JOHN JACKSON. LANCASTER, DEC. 6, 1805. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the MERCHANTS COFFEE- ROOM, Lancaster, on FRIDAY the 10th January next,. at twelve o'clock ; THE good CUTTER BEAVER, with all her FISHING MATERIALS, as she
now lies at Saint George's Quay, in Lancaster aforesaid. Dimensions, per register, length, 46 feet 10 inches; breadth, lb feet 8 inches ; depth in the hold, 7 feet 2 inches, anil admeasures 42^ tons; built at Lan- caster, in 1803, copper fastened, sails fast, and is well calculated for the fishing or coasting trade. * For particulars apply to JOHN JACKSON. LANCASTER, DEC. 6, 1805. No. 4, CORNHILL, and 9, CHARINC- CROSS, LONDON. T. B I S H, CONTRACTOR for the present Lot- tery, and Proprietor of the above truly for- tunate Offices, begs leave to attract the public at- tention to the Scheme of the Lottery, which is in
another part of this paper, as it will be found to contain more CAPITAL PRIZES than usual in so small a Lottery, and the novelty of the first five thousand tickets drawn being entitled to 2zt. each, renders it impossible for those who PURCHASE EARLY to lose, and gives them the usual chance besides for the immense number of Capital Prizes. The LAST 30,000/. and the TWO LAST Prizes of 20,000'. were all shared and sold at the above Offices ; and in the Lotteries for 1804 and 1805, CAPITAL PRIZES as under, of which no other Office in the kingdom can boast : 2,147, a Prize of ,£ 30,00O. S. ut, 6,431, 7.378. 20,628, Prizes
of£ 20,00c. 10,234, a Prize of £ 10,000. 9,698, 21,23$, 24,571, 1,167, Prizes of £; ,000. 10,245, 12,353. "< 64i. = 7.749. P » « s of £ 2,000. No, 638, 5,342, 13,118. 21.567. ' 3.001. 4,063, 6,790, 30.724, tl. J? 8. *'. 713> 1°> 639. 1,258, Prizes of £ 1,000. Besides Prizes of £ 509, SiC. & c. » .* Persons in the country sending up their Orders ( post paid) accompanied with good Bills, Rank Notes, or Post Office Orders, will be sup- plied on the same terms as if present. TICKETS AND SHARES ARE SELLING BY THOMPSON AND SON, BOOKSELLERS, MANCHESTER, LANCASTER ASSEMBLY. TH E LANCASTER THIRD
SUB- SCRIPTION CARD ASSEMBLY* will be on TUESDAY the 7th inst. T. STANDEN,, STUCCO PLA1STERER, & c. & e. BEGS leave to return his most sincere thanks to his friends, for all favours he has re- i ceived, and informs them and the public. That lie has REMOVED from QUEEN- STREET, to No. 2, SI'N- STREET, where he intends to carry on the above business in all its various blanches, and hopes, by steady attention, to merit their further favours. N. B. Buildings designed and executed on the most reasonable terms. LANCASTER, JAN. 3, 1806. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, SIX or EIGHT JOURNEYMEN STONE MASONS, to work at John Hodson, Esq.' s new building, at Duxbury, near Chorley. Good workmen will meet with suitable en- couragement, by applying to JOHN SAMPLES, of Lancaster; or THOMAS CORNTHWAITE, at Dux- bury aforesaid. TO LINEN- WEAVERS. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, AFEW GOOD WORKMEN, who will hear of constant employ, and liberal wages, by applying to the Printer of this Paper. LANCASTER, JAN. 2, 1806. ON SALE, THIRTY PUNCHEONS OF ST. KITT'S RUM, Of good flavour and strength. Apply to FRANCIS SIMPSON. LANCASTER, JAN. 3, 1806. CLERK OF THE PEACE'S OFFICE,
JANUARY J, 1806. JANUARY SESSIONS, 1805. Notice is hereby given, THAT the next GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the PEACE, for the County Palatine of LANCASTER, will be held at the several times and places herein after- mentioned, viz At the CASTLE of LANCASTER, the 14th January inst. • At the NEW COURT- HOUSE, in Preston, the 16th. At the COURT- HOUSE, in Wigan, the 20th. And at the NEW BAYLEY COURT- HOUSE, in Sal- ford, the 22d. E. GORST, Deputy Clerk of the Peace for Lancashire. By the 42d Geo. III. c. 73.— The Masters or Mistresses of Cotton and Woollen Mills and Fac- tories, are
directed to enter the same with the Clerk of the Peace, at this Session, under the penalty of five pounds. CAPITAL PRIZES SOLD, SHARED, AND REGISTERED, BY BRANSCOMB AND CO. London, Contractors for the present Lottery, Prior to 1804 : 4 Piizes of £ 30,000 13 Prizes of £ 5,000 8 20,000 26 : 2,000 11 10,000 54 — 1,000 And in 1804 and 1805, the following Capitals were sold in one hundred and three shares; bv the above Proprietors, namely, No. 17,477 16,801 17,915 13,747 £ 1,000 2,000 2,000 10,000 No. 9,219 11,643 ' 456 7,686 £ 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,020 Part of the above Capi'als were sold and
registered by W. MINSHULL, PRINTER OF THIS PAPER, l icensed for LANCASTER and the neighbourhood; Where TICKETS and SHARES are now selling, as cheap as in London. N B This Lottery begins drawing the 3d FE- BRUARY next, and the first 5,000 tickets drawn will be entitled to 22/. each, over and above the bene- ficial chance of every floating capital in the present grand scheme, therefore an early purchase is strongly recommended. All orders by the post duly executed. Ii0500530? 0l50i53i5300i50l50000 LANCASTER, JANUARY 4, 1806. ••>- 35><-- TO THE PUBLIC. Independent of the opportunity which the
commencement of a New Year presents to the Printer of this Paper, he at all times is happy in being enabled to return his most grateful thanks to his numerous friends, for the very flattering and increasing support with which they have honoured THE LANCASTER GAZETTE, to merit a con- tinuance of which will ever be his study. At the present awful crisis, when the political horizon is darkened ;— when an extensive Empire has been over- run and devastated by the scourge of the World; and its Monarch obliged to sue for peace from one whose " delight is in war;"— the Editor will endeavour to give an impartial account of the
most important occurrences; — hoping and trusting, that the clouds may soon be dispelled;— knowing, that Britons, united, may defy the threats, the constant threats, of an implacable foe;— and enter- taining no doubt, that, if necessary, every person, capable of bearing arms, will take them up in defence of every thing sacred and dear— For GOD, our KING, and our COUNTRKI %* Those persons who are In arrear for news- papeis or advertisements, are earnestly requested to dis.' harge the same; the stamp duties alone upon this paper amounting to above twenty pounds weekly, renders it impossible to give long credit.
MARRIED. On Sunday se'nnight, Mr. Timbril, drawing- master, to Miss Park, of Preston. Lately, Henry Berry, Esq. of Bernard- street, Russell- square, London, to Miss Hodges, of Chel- tenham, Glocestersbire. Oil Monday last, Mr. J. Barker, of the - ship Ad- miral Nelson, to Miss Maria Weigh, daughter of Mr. Weigh, Cockspur- street, Liverpool. On Wednesday last, Mr. Thomas Forrest, to Mis? ^. tary Henderson, bo'h of Liverpool. On Monday se'nnight, Mr. Thomas MiddIeton(' | of Walford, Salop, to Miss Middleton, daughter of the late Mr. Richard JVfiddletoii, of Liverpool. On Tuesday se'nnight; at Liverpool, Mr. Edward Harford,
aged 75, to Mrs. Maiy Peers, aged 25. Same day, Mr. James R. While, to Miss Eliza Cook, both of Liverpool. On Wednesday se'nnight, Mr. Thomas Bolton, merchant, to Miss Frances Lewin, daughter of the Rev. R. Lewin, both of Liverpool. DIED. On Sunday last, in this town, aged 76, Mrs. Mary Brown, a maiden lady. On Wednesday se'nnight, Mrs< Corrie, of Preston, after a long and severe illness. On Sunday last, aged 75, Mr. Hugh Jamison, of Blackburn. Lately, at Demerara,. on board the Sally, Captain Sinclair, Mr. James Taylor, son of Mr. Edward Tavlor, book- keeper, late of this town. Oil the 20th ult. at Standish, in this
county, Mrs. Catherine Calderbank, aged 67. Oil Sunday last, Mrs. Barton, wife of J. Barton, Esq. of Maghull, to whom she had been married more than forty years. Oil Mondav se'nnight, at Bradford, Mrs. Green, relict of Mr. Gre. cn, of Liverpool. Same day, Gabriel Rowland, Esq. aged 63j lute of the Island of Jamaica. On Tuesday se'nnight, in bis 18th year, Mr. Thomas Hibbert, son of Mr. Samuel Hibbert, of Manchester. * : On the 24th ult. at Brougham CastI?, near Pen- rith, Miss E. Horn, aged 26. . On'Thursday se'nniglit, at her house in Liucoln's- Inn- fields, the Hon. Mrs. Erskiue, wife of the lion. Thomas Erskine, M. P. A few
days ago, Mr. Benj. Wilson, of Nether- thong, near Holmfirth.— He had been about liis usual business in the morning, and returned home ; when walking across the room, his soil saw him falling," caught him in his arms, and lie immediately expired. On Tuesday se'nriigbt, Thomas Stapylton, Esq. of Leyburn, in the North Riding of Yorkshire. On Monday se'nnight, at aq advanced age, Mr. Taylor, of Gomersali, near Leeds, merchant. Same day, in the 65th year of his age, William Newall, Esq. of York, and forriferly an eminent merchant, at Town House,' near Rochdale. On Tuesday se'nnight, at his 4louse, in Man- chester- square,
London, the Hon. John Scott, son of the Lord Chancellor, anil Member in the last and oresent Parliaments for Boroughbridge — He was ma'rried last year to the only daughter of Sir Matthew Whits Ridley, Bart, by \ i'honi he leaves a son, both three wC<: ks ago. On Saturday last, at his seat at Muntham; in Sussex, in the 84b year of his age, William Frank- land Esq. brother of the late Admiral Sir Thomas Frankland, of Thirkleby Park, in the county of York, Bart. Lately, at the extraordinary age of one hundred and twenty- five years, Mr. Creek, who had been upwards of' eighty- three years a schoolmaster at Thurlow, in Suffolk.
On the 1st ult. at Coombe, near Salisbury, in the 103il year of her age, Mrs. Martha Leach Street, late of Dinton, in Wilts. Perhaps her death would not have been noticed, had not the antiquity and genealogy of her ancesto- s and property been extra- ordinary. She had a great grandfather who lived to the age of 104, a grandfather on her side to 100, a great grandfather on her husband's side to 106, and a grandfather to 98 ; all of whom were living with her and her late husband's father on the day of her marriage. She died possessed of a considerable estate, with part of the original building ( a curious structure) which had been
held bv the regular suc- cession of her family, from the leign of Egbert first King of England, and which, by her death, becomes the property of her son, whose extensive family, of both sexes, promises a continuation of lineal des- cendants for many ages to come. A gentleman in this town received a let- ter yesterday from his friend in Liverpool, which mentions, that an Officer there, who ranks high in his Majesty's service, had re- ceived inforrriotion from London, that the accounts in the French papers, respecting the entire defeat of the Allied Armies on the Continent, and an Armistice having been agreed to, were ilntrile. We Ihall
feel happy in being enabled to confirm this intelligence; yet we cannot but believe that an Armistice was agreed to between the Emperor of Germany and Bonaparte, on the 6th ult. which, however, did not include either the Emperor of Russia or the King of Prussia. On Monday last, about noon, the inhabitants of this town were alarmed bv the, ringing of the fire- bell ; a cellar of Mr. Thorley's, grocer, in the Market- Place, being discovered oil fire, occasioned by the boiling over of some oil. By the pfO'thpt as- sistance which was given, however, it was prevented from spreading, and was got under before much damage was done. A
correspondent wishes" fis to remark, how reprehensible the practice of boiling oil in so public a situation, surrounded by buildings, is, not only on account of the danger, but from its emitting so intolerable a stench. We hope so great a nuisance will in future be avoided. On Sunday morning1 about three o'clock, a fire broke out in Thackeray and- Son's cotton factory, called Gariat- mill, near M. aiichestet, and such was the rapidity of the devouring element, that in less than an hour tile whole building was reduced to a heap of ruins. Fortunately, from the direction of the wind, the flames did not communicate to the adjacent factories
and other edifices. A short time previous to the fire being seen, an attempt was made to break into the dwelling- house of Messrs. Thackeray ; and while those gentlemen retired to alarm the watchman, the factory was observed to be on fire in three different parts; there remains, there- fore, not the smallest doUbt of this diabolical deed having been committed by some. wickedincendiaries, who, we trust, will speedily be brought to justice, a large reward being offeied for their apprehension ; and, we are happy to hear, one of the perpetrators has already evinced a disposition to impeach bis ac- com plices. We have been favoured,
by our Kendal corres- pondent, with the following accurate account of the quantity of rain, which fell, ill that town, in each month of the year 1805 : January February March April May June July 4,814 4,686 6,501 August September October December 0,732 November 2,07.4 1,921 5,222 4,758 3,231 1,479 1,633 5,748 42,799 Upon the further examination of Mary Brown, before Richard Johnson, Esq. Mayor of this Bo- rough, she stands committed to our Castle,' for trial, at the next assizes, for uttering base shillings and sixpences.— This woman has been connected with a gang of nefarious wretches, lately' removed from
Manchester to Skerton, in order to put off counter- feit money in this town and neighbourhood. William Weston the younger, has also been Committed to our Castle, by E. Wilbraham Bootle, Esq. charged with having stolen about seventeen pounds in Bank notes, gold, and silver, in the counting- house of Stephen Walmslcy, of Orms- kirk, brewer ; and Edward Barlow, committed by the same gentleman, charged with having stolen a chesnut- coloured gelding, the property of Peter Wright, of North Meols. On Sunday evening, the 22d ult. while the guard of the mail coach from London had gone into the Post- office at Macclesfield,
the Stockport bag was stolen from the coach, ami the thief has hitherto eluded detection. Tl) e bag was found in a field near the former place on Thursday se'nnight, but the letters had all been taken out. A reward is offered or apprehending the robber. t) ri the 56th uft. the Coronas lilcjuest met finally to consider the cause of the death of the unfortunate George Calvert, the Selby carrier; and after a minute investigation from eleven in the forenoon till six in the evening, returned a verdict of wilful murder against Joseph Ilazlegrave arid Joseph Brown.— They were consequently committed to Yoik Castle the following morning, to
take their trial at the next assizes On Monday se'nnight, Daniel Humphries and Thomas Smith, were committed to York Castle, by J. Wright, Esq. Mayor of Doncaster, charged with having been concerned witli J. Murray, in robbing a warehouse at Wakefield. The latter made his escape on Monday evening, and for whose appre- hension a reward of 501. is offered — A few weeks ago, the above persons atrived at Doncastc- r ( they said) from Manchester, with a quantity of linen and woollen- drapery goods, & c. for sale at very low prices, for the purpose, it was stated, of raising a large sum of money against a certain time. In the
night between the 23d and 24tli ult. the shop of Mr. Tyson, haberdasher, in St. Mary's Gate, Manchester, was robbed of goods to the amount of 3001. The nocturnal depredators, it appears, hav ng failed in their attempt to force the door, owing to the strength of a cross bolt, had cut out a pannel in the window shutters, and, breaking one of the squares of glass, contrived to draw through several pieces of fustian and boxes of ribbon ; but on an alarm being given by the family, they thrt- w the greater part of the gotjds Into the ccllar of a new building adjoiniHg to Mr. Tyson's house, where the property was recovered, with the
exception of about twenty pounds worth of ribbons, with which tliev contrived to escape. ( In Thursday se'ntiiglW," a melafi'choly accident happened at a woollen manufactory in1 UlingWorth, near Halifax.— As a young woman, of the name of Saiali Earnshaw, employed at a spinning engine, was assisting to adjust the strip of the wheel, she unfortunately got eniangled therewith, and being violently drawn round the drum or tumbling shaft, was instantly killed— It is remarkable, that im- mediately preceding tlie accident, she was observing, it was little more than five years since her brother was killed, in that place, and by the same
engine. -•- She had scarcely uttered the words, when it was her misfortune to meet a premature death, nearly in the same manner. It has been announced at the several Freemasons Lodges in London, that the Constitutions of the Ancient and Modern Freemasons have been con- solidated ; and that his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has been placed at the head of the Society of the united kingdom. On Thursday se'nnight, the Judges in Scotland gave their decision in the great cause, wherein the Ladies Kerr, sisters to the late John Duke of Rox- burgh, were plaintiffs, and John Wauchope, Esq. the trustee, the Rev. Chas.
Baiilie, Sir John Scott, and Sir Henry Hay, Barts legate^, were defendants. — The plaintiffs tried to set aside the Duke's will, on the ground that his Grace was not of a sound disposing mind at the time he executed the will.— The Judges unanimously found a verdict for the defendants. A Miss Fraser, not si* years of age, performed Douglas at the Greenock theatre, on Monday se'n- ' night, and was received with great applause 1 Churches.—- Mr Carr ( in bis Northern Summer) remarks, that the Russians are most enthusiastically attached to their churches; and notices a saying current in Russia, which is not very honourable to
the inhabitants of this Island, " that whilst the Russians build their churches jiist, and their towns afterwards, the English never think of a temple until they have erected their own dwellings."— It would be well if they thought of it even then ; but we are concerned to say, this is not often the case. A few days ago, at the annual meeting of the Bath and West of England Agricultural Society, Lord Somerville produced several pieces of cloth made from the wool of his own improved breed of sheep, which unequivocally established the impor- tant fact, that I''? tglish wool is equal to the finest Spa- nish. The meeting resolved upon
instituting a che- mical laboratory, as illustrative and highly beneficial to rural economy. The shew of cattle this year was comprised of such as were more calculated to enrich the table and sustain life, than for the dripping pan or chandler's shop. One of the fattest and best formed prick- eared pigs in the county was shewn at Durham, last week. It weighed upwards of eighty stone; was in length, from the nose to the tail, eight feet nine inches ; in height, three feet seven inches; and eight feet seven inches in girth. A horse, the property of Mr. J. Smith, of Barling Mill, la'ely died at the astonishing age of 41 years. He was never
known to lose a day's work by sickness of lameness during his life. The election of a Member for Boroughbridge, in the room ofthe Hon. Mr. Scott, is fixed for the 10th ol January. The death of the charming Mrs, Duff has struck a panic through the world of fashion, which, we hope, will be productive of some salutary effects. This lady's death was occasioned by a cold caught in coming from a fashionably crowded room at Edin- burgh. ' On Monday se'nnight, as Mr'. B. of L— d Hall, was walking in the grounds adjoining his house, he felt the earth beneath him suddenly give way ; and on examining the break, he discovered a trap door, which having opened, he descended a few steps, and perceived a leaden coffin, eight feet by three, fixed upon four posts fastened under it. At the bead of the coffin was placed ari urn of exquisite workmanship, with all inscription in mvsterioUs characters engraved oil it. The inscription " has been laid before several learned men of the County of Durham, but without success. On opening the coffin, there appeared to have been a body placed in it, completely doubled Up ; the hair was visible on the head, and the bones were of an immense size.— Several small pieces of coin were found at the same time,— Tyne Mercury.
The following wonderful cbace may be depended on as strictly true :— Oil Wednesday the 18th ult. as a Mr. Lion, an inhabitant of Chatteris, was skait- ing, on his way to Nordelph, wiihin the parish of Downliam Market, he saw a hare upon the ice ; he pursued her, and was abreast of her for upwards of a mile, and at last took her without any assistance or weapon than a small stick he had in his hand.— We are apt to think this is the first instance of so swift an animal as a hare being run down by a man.— Cam- bridge Chronicle. A valuable silver cup has been presented to Capt. Lewtas, of the ship Venerable, ' of Liverpool, for
his meritorious exertions in beating off a French privateer, twice, on his voyage from thence for Bar- badoes, in March last — The following inscription is engraven thereon, viz. l< This Cup is presented by the Underwriters of Lloyd's CoffetJiouse, to Captain William Lewtas, of the ship Venerable, of Liverpool, as their testimony to the bravery of his conduct in twice repulsing, with great slaughter, a French privateer, carrying 16gw. s and 104 men, on his voyage from Liverpool to Ear- liadocs, in March, 1805." < It has been reported among the higher circles that five hundred pounds will be given to any person who shall produce the
best Eulogy to the memory of our immortal tar, Lord Nelson. At the decease of the Noble Duke of Marlborough, the like sum was publicly advertised, for the best Eulogy that could be produced ; many elaborate pieces were produced, but none gave that satisfaction equal to the follow- ing, which is comprised in a few short lines, and gained the prize : Five hundred pounds I too small a boon, To put the poet's muse in tuiie, That nothing might escape her ; To sing the noble Marlborough's praisej And write his deeds in Sun- bright lays, It would not find him paper. Bonaparte's progress has such an effect upon the Continental
banks, that he may be said to carry ou a paper war. Miss Mellon and Miss Duncan are called " The Jnexorables."— Seven lovers have lately misrurrit^, in attempting to draw them to the Temple if HymCu. he Hulsean Prize T's ; v, For the best clissertatifi. on the propagation of Christianity, is this vear ad- judged to Mr. Roue. t Morrit , B. A. cf Catherine- Hal1, Cambridge. The foil iwiug subjects are nroposed for the Chan- cellor's prizes at Oxford, for the year ensuing, viz4 For l. aiirt Verse— Trafalgar; For an English Essay — i osiuumous Fame. ' 1 he Vide Chancellor has recciveid a donation of 201. to be given to t. itrau hot of the
best composi- tion in English verse on the following- ubie. t:— Travels of discovi ry iulli lii* iuit rior of / f. u a. The first and last ot ilie above subjects are in- tended for those gentlemen of the University who have not exceeded four years from the time of tin- r matriculation ; and the other for sui li as have ex- ceeded four, but not completed seven yeaiS. Oiford, Dee. 2V.— Ort Saturday the 7th inst the Rev. Geo. Lewthwaite, M. A. of Queen's College was admitted Bachelor of Divinity. Mr. Thomas Bowerbank, of Queen's College; an, l the Rev. E. Collins Wfigilt, of Worcester College, B. A. were admitted Masters of Arts. Messrs.
Henry Booth. Hibbert, of Queen's College; William Bentinck,- and Christopher Jones, of Christ's Cliurch, were admitted Bachelors of Arts. Friday, the Hon. Wm. Henry Lyttletoh, B. A. of Christ's Church, was admitted M. A. Tuesday the 17th, the last day of Michaelmas Term, Mr. Abel Dotfin llendy, B. A. of Oriel Col- lege, was admitted M A. William Green Orrett, Esq. of Brasen- rlose College, was admitted B. A. Gland Compounder. Also, Messts. George Pyrke* and Wm Nicholson, of Queen's College ; and E. Walter West, of St. John's College, were admitted Bachelors of Arts. To the Printer of The Lancaster Gazette. SI R, I
hope you will excuse the freedom I have takert in soliciting some of your intelligent correspondents to favour your numerous readers with a concise History of Lancaster, Preston, Kendal, Ulverston, Kirkby Lonsdale, and other towns in the circuit of your entertaining Gazette ; with descriptions of the antient Castles, Churches, and other buildings, etc. in the neighbourhood. Also an account of the dif- ferent charitable institutions in each place. Should you approve of this plan, and meet witli the requisite assistance from gentlemen in the aborug towns, 1 have a few materials in the rough, which shall at your service; as 1 suppose
you will have no objection to undertake the arrangement of themi With every sincere wish that you may be enabled soon to present youf leaders with the above inform matiortj 1 am. Your occasional correspondent, , HISTORICUS. December 11, 1803. .*,* We feel obliged to HistoricUs for his polite offer, and hope to be favoured with his and othef communication's,' from gentlemen conversant with 1 the history of the above towns, & c. which we shall with pleasure insert in The Lancaster Gazeite. MARKETS. LANCASTER, on SATURDAY last. Average price of Wheat, by the load, Winches- ter bushels to the load, 43s. 9£ d.—
77s. iod pet quarter.- « - 9s. 8d. pei bushel. Oatmeal, S9s Sil per load of 2401b. Beans, 27s Od. Oats, 23s 3d per load. Barley, 16s 2Jd per windle KF. NDAL. Oats per load ( 7j Winchester bushels) 26s 6d. Best Flour, 4s 4d. Seconds, 3s lOd. Oatmeal, 2s Sri Beef, 6Jd. Mutton, 6d. Veal, 5d. Butter, lljrl per lb ( 16oz) Potatoes, 4d per stone, Eggs, 10| d per doz. Goose, 6d per lb. PR ESTON. wheat, fos. iod. per quarter. Ditto, 8s. lojd. per bushel. Oatmeal, 24s. jd. per boll. At Chester market, 011 Saturday last, the average price of wheat, per bushel ( 571b) was 8s. 8* d ; bar- ley, 5s 6| d; aud oats, 2s lljd. No material alteration in
the other Markets. The average price. of Sugar, for the week ending on Wednesday se'rinight, was 49s 5^ 1 per cwt. ex- clusive of duty. SHIP NEIVS. LANCASTER, JAN. 4. CLEARED. Jan 2.— John, Whittle, irom Liverpool. ENTERED. 2.— Fox, Iloolton, for Liverpool. On Thursday se'nnight, the brig Hope, Samuel Demon, master, a London nailer, sailed from Scar- borough with goods and passengers; a few hours after which, having carried away her mast, she drifted upon the rocks, a few miles to the southward of that port, where she soon after went to pieces — We are sorry lo add, that all on board, consisting of seven
persons, perished. ARRIVALS, at UtVEllSTOX, to Jan. 5. ENTERED. DoVej Dixon ; Ellen, Garnett ; Thomas, Bar- row ; Johns, Kirkby; Jenny, Cleminson, Liver- pool : Minerva, Styth, Preston : Marion, Ches- ney ; Ann, Haining, Dumfries: Ainsonie, CUrk, Endeavour, Holmes, Lancaster: Newland,- Allan, Chester. CtEASED. Betty, Johnson, Lancaster: Minerva, Hoiison ; John, Kirkby, Liverpool : William and Ann, Davis, Dumfries. LIVERPOOL, JAN. i. The Prince William, Giles, from henceat Africa. The Washington, Haighton, from Africa at Charleston, 291 h November. The Young Factor, , from New York at Hoylake. ARRIVED.
AMERICA. Abeona, G Hobson, from Baltimore, with icq hhils new flax seed ico half bis flour 14.8: 30 bt staves Hun ble & Holland, 2560 bis flour 41 hhds tobacco order. Intrepid, J Smith, from Charleston, with 130 bags cotton] Hantman, 33 do Tailor, Weston & CO. 115 do Wilson & Garuett, 130 R & VV Garnett, 408 do W & A Harrison. R USsIA. / Six Sisters, H Parker, from Riga, with 50 fir balks 2q deals iq 10 ileal ends Maychell & Butcher, 4 casks tailow 227 packs flax 45 bundles hemps j Birley & Sons, 33 casks laliow Watmough & co. Claude Scott, J Finlay, from Petersburg)!, with 175 casks tallow 65 bundles hemp lq deals
3q deal ends J & R Gladstone, 20 casks poi ashes ao do tallow Blake & Bennett, 40 do pot ashes Gibbs, M'Neillie & co. 200 casks tallow Fret- land* & co. 1485 bars iron J & H Cumming. SPA IN. Randersbye, A Wisburg,' from Barcelona anrl Denia, with 5250 baskets raisins Jco bags nuts 90 cases liquorice paste 10 hhds capers Wrigh't Se Davies. PORTUGAL. Jane, R Howard, from Lisbon, with 62 chests 35 half do oranges 11 boxes lemons B Little, 17S do 39 do 8 do J T Kostt- r, 9 boxes lemons 1 di> oranges 19 frails tigs 2 do raisins 700 oranges and lemons T I-' ollett, 100 frails figs 10 baskets almonds Mini & Ball, 100 do
30 do J Minnett, 53 chesis 93 half do oranges order. [ i'or more arrivals, see our last page.} A TIDE- TABLE. High- water. Begin to cross. Holidays. Days, morn even. Height, mora. even. & c. Jon.. h. 111 I h. m. Sat. Sund. Mond Tues. Wed. Th u r. Friil 4! 10 25jl0 48 5: it 1211 36 . 6!— —' 12 1 7| l2 25 12 49 8: 1 121 1 .36 9 2 91 2 10 2 43 3 f. in. h. m. h ni. 17 1 —- — 3 35 18 8 3 5 4 26 2 19 11 4 50 — — 1 19 8 5 42 — —. 19 9 6 27 — — ' 9 3 7 23 — —. Id 1 7 — —
POETRY. FOR THE LANCASTER GAZETTE. NELSON AND COLLINGWOOD. BY THE REV. W. BUTLER, JUN. M. A. n England experts eeeri/ man will do his duty" NELSON'S LAST TELEGRAPH; BRITONS ! you heard Trafalgar's story , You triumph in your Country's glory— Mourn o'er the relics, pale and gory, Of brave, immortal NELSON. To earth and war our Hero's dead, To Heav'n and peace his spirit sped : Twine your green laurels round the head Of brave, immortal NELSON. Mourn, one and all, Great NELSON'S fall ; Oh '. dash not off the gushing tear ; No tears disgrace, The manly face, When freemen ' tend a
freeman's bieri Fame's rugged steep with daring foot he trod, True to his KING, his Country, and his GOD. When passion's slave, fortune's minion, Panting to spread usurp'd dominion, To Egypt flew . on vulture pinion ; Lo I there, immortal NELSON, To check the conquest of the world, CUd Nilus hail'd our flag unfurl'd ; Wide havoc on the Gaul was huri'd By brave, itnmortal NELSON. Lord of the main, He sail'd again, Where Copenhagen's ramparts lour'd, PAUL'S mad intrigues, Arid captious leagues, Sunk in the tempest'NEI. sON pour'd : In BRITAIN'S cause I12 bore th' avenging rod, And gave the glory to " ALMIGHTY GOD."
Each change of atmosphere disdaining, With scarce the wreck of health remaining, Never of toil or wound complaining,^ Serv'd brave, immoral NELSON. Trafalgar saw the warrior diglit Conspicuous in the hottest fight; Foremost to guatd BRITANNIA'S right Sprung brave, immortal NELSON. With breast elate Ho met his fate, And calmly mark'd lifeVebbing sand ; Said, with a sigh, " He wish'd to die " IN dear BRITANNIA'S favout'd land '."— But, Lea'h's Jark p . th with Christian faith he trod, And bow'd submissive to the throne of GOD. Mourn, and rejoice ! HORATIO'S spirit Well pleas'd behold a friend inherit The honours paid to
valorous merit ; He smiles on gallant COLLINGWOOD. Mourn for your Martyrs 011 the wave ; " Mi. urn for your NELSON in his grave ; Rejoice, and cheer the living brave, Wi ii modest, gallant COLLINGWOOD. LTnited raise Loud hymns of praise; Your pravers, your thanks, are due to Heav'n : Your loss deplore ; That tribute o'er, Be grateful for the Champions giv'n : Bv itieir great Admiral's side. Fame's path they trod, True to their K ING, their Country, and. theirJioD. NAVAL COURT M VRTIAL. The trial of Vice- Adfniral Sir Robert Calder, for not bringing the French fleet tp action a second time, ort' Fer'ol, commenced on board
the Prince of Wales, at Portsmouth, on the 23d ult. The evi- dence for the prosecution closed on the same day. The witnesses examined in support of the charges • were, Admiral Stirling, Captains Martin, Dur- ha.:-, an- i Lunan, and Mr. Craddock, master of the Glory — Vice- Admiral Sir George Montague, President of the Court, then called upon Sir R. Calder for his defence, who, not expecting the Solicitor for . he prosecution would have closed his case so soon, was unprepared, and obtained the grant of a day to arrange the same, and bring up his witnesses. On Wednesday, Mr. Gazelee read Sir Robert's defence, which
was of considerable lei. g h; an-. t several witnesses were examined to prove the circumstances stated. On . Thursday, Mr. Greetham. the Judge Advocate, read the sen- tence to this effect: " At a Court Martial, assembled on board the Prince of Wales ( reciting the names of ihe Mem- bers of the Court) and setting forth, that Vice- Admiral Sir Robert Calder, by his letter, had de- sired that an inquiry should be made into his con- duct or. the 23d of July last, in not renewing the engagement with the Combined Fleet, in order that he might be enabled to state his reasons pub- licly ; arid also stating, that the Admiralty had thought fit,
in compliance with such request, to direct, that a Court Martial should be assembled to inquire into his conduct on the said 23d of July, in riot renewing the engagement, and for not taking or destroying all the ships of the enemy, which it was his duty to engage.— Ami that the Court had proceeded to inquire into the conduct and proceedings of Vice- Admiral Sir R. Calder, w ith the squadron under his command ; and hav- ing heard the evidence in support of the charge, and what he had aliedged in his defence, and the evidence in support of that defcnce, and having maturely weighed the whole, the Court were of opinion, the
charge of not having renewed the en- gagement with the Combined Fleet, and of not having taken or destroyed all the ships of the enemy, which it was his duty to have engaged, was PROVED, and that the conduct of Vice- Admiral Calder was not the'effect of cowctrdice or disaffection, but from an URM in JUDGMENT ; for which he is highly censurable, and deserved to be s.- verely reprimanded, and ( added the Judge Advocate) he IS SEVERELY R E R R 1 M AN DEC ac- cordi gly." Upon the sentence being pronounced. Admiral Calder appeared deeply affected— he turned round, and retired without uttering a word.
AUTHENTSCATED ACCOUNT O E THE DEATH OF LORD NELSON. We should scarcely azain call the attention of our reatlers to this subject, w hich has so frequently been detailed to them, but that our purpose is to arrest tome principal errors in the accounts which have been given of the last moments of our departed Heto, and to exhibit the faithful anil authentic report which has been communi- cated ' o us from those gentlemen who attended Lord Nelson in his dying hours. To our present report, therefore, we have to affix the names of Mr. Heatty, the surgeon, and Mr. Bourke, the purser of the Victory. Such is their relation
: About the middle of the adion with the Combined Fleets, on the 21ft of Odober, Lord Neifon was upon the quarter- deck, where he had refolved to take his flation during the whole of the battle.— A few minutes before, he was wounded, Mr. Bourke was near him ; he looked ftedfaftly at him, and laid, " Bourke, I expe6l every man to be upon his ftation." Mr. Bourke took the. hint, and went to his proper luna- tion iu the cock- pit. At this time his Lordlliip's StJCTefary, Mr. Scott, who was not, as has been reprefented, either receiving rliredions from him, or ftanding by him, bat was communicating fome orders to an officer at a diftant
part of the quarter- deck, was cut almoft in two by | k c3nnon fliot. He expired on the inftant, and was thrown overboard. Lord Neifon obferved the ad of throw- ing his Secretary overboard, and faid, as if doubtful, to a Midlhipman who was near him, " Was that Scott ?" The Midlhipman replied, he believed it was. He exclaimed " Poor fellow !' He was now walking on the quarter- deck, and about three yards from the Hern, the fpace he generally walked before he. turned back. His Lordfliip was in the a£ l of turning on the quarter- deck, wilh his face towards the enemy, when he was mortally wounded in the left bread by a mufket ball, fuppol'ed to have been fired from the tnizen tup of the Redoubtable French fhip of the line, which the Vidory had attacked early in the battle. He inflantly fell. He was not, as has been related, picked up by Capt. Hardy. In the hurry of the battle, which was then raging in its greateft violence, even the fall of their beloved Commander did not inter- rupt the bufinefs of the quarter deck. Two failors, however, who were near his Lord- fliip, raifed him in their arms, and carried him to the cock- pit. He was immediately laid upon a bed, and the following is the fubftance of the converfation which really took place in the cock pit between
bis Lordfliip, Capt. Hardy, Mr. Bourke, and Beatty. Upon feeing him brought down, Mr. Bourke immediately ran to him. " I fear," he laid, " your Lordfhip is wounded."— " Mortally, mortally.''—" 1 hope not, my dear Lord ; let Mr. Beatly examine your wounds."—" It is of no ufe," exclaimed the dying Neifon ; " he had better attend to others." Mr. Beatty now approached to examine the wound. His Lordiliip jvas raifed up ; and Beatty, whofe attention was anxioully fix^ cl upon the eyes of his patrient, as an indication the mod certain when a wound is mortal, after a few moments glanced his eye 011 Bourke, and exprefled his opinion in his
countenance — Lord Neifon now turned to Bourke, and faid, " Tell Hardy to come to me." Bourke left the cock- pit- — Beatty now faid, " Suffer me, my Lord, to probe the wound with my finger— I will give you no pain." Lord Neifon permitted him, and, palling his left hand round his wailt, he probed it with the fore finger of his right. The defcription of the furgeon, however, is fo accurate and fcientific, that, by his permiflion, we thankfully give it. " On his Lordiliip being brought below, he complained of acute pain in about the fixth or feventh dorfal vertebra, of priva- tion of fenfe, and motion of the body and inferior extremities; his
refpiration was fliort and difficult; his pulfe weak, fmall, and irregular; he frequently declared his back was fhot through— that he felt every inflant a gufl) of blood within his breaft; and that he had fenfalions which indicated to him the approach of death. In the courfe of an hour his pulfe became indif- tind, and was gradually loft in the arm ; his extremities and forehead became foon afterwards cold; he retained his wonted energy of mind and cxercife of his faculties until the laft moment of his exiftence; and when vidory, as fignal as decifive, was announced to him, he expretfed bis pious acknowledgments thereof, and heart- felt
fatisfadion at the glorious event, in the moft emphatic language. He then de- livered his laft orders wilh his ufual preci- fion, and, in a few minutes after, expired without a ftruggle. " Courfe and fite of tie ball ajcertained fmce death. " The ball ftruck the forepart of his Lordlliip's epaulette, and entered the left flioulder immediately before the proceffus acromion fcapulae, which it flightly frac- tured ; it then defended obliquely into the thorax, fraduring the fecond and third ribs; and after penetrating the left lobe of the lungs, and dividing in its palfage a large branch of the pulmonary artery, it entered the left fide of the fpine, between the
fixth and feventh dorfal vertebrae, fradured the left tranfvene procefs of the fixth vertebrae, wounded the medulla fpinalis, and, fra61ur- ing the right tranfverfe procefs of the feventh vertebras, it made its way from the right fide of the fpine, direding its courfe through the mufcles of the back, and lodged therein, about two inches below the inferior angle of the right fcapula. " On removing the ball a portion of the gold lace and pad of the epaulette, together with a fmall piece of his Lordlliip's coat, were found firmly attached to it. " W. BEATTY, furgeon." When Bourke returned into the cock- pit with Capt. Hardy, Lord Neifon told the
latter to come near him—" Kifs me, Hardy 1" he exclaimed — Captain Hardy killed his cheek.—" 1 hope your Lordfliip ( faid he) will ftill live to enjoy your triumph."— " Never, Hardy ( he exclaimed) I am dying; I am a dead man all over;, Beatty will tefl you fo— Bring the fleet to an anchor ! you have all done your duty— God blefs you."— Capt. Hardy now faid, *' I fuppofe Colling- wood, my dear Lord, is to command the fleet ?"— Never ( he exclaimed) wbiljl I live;"— meaning doubtlefs, that fo long as his gallant fpirit lurvived lie would never defert his duty. What pilTed after this was merely cafual. His Lordlliip's laft words were to
Mr. Beatty, whilft he was expiring in his arms, " 1 couid have wifhed to have lived to enjoy this; but God's will be done."—" My Lord ( exclaimed Hardy) you die in the midft of triumph."—" Do I, Hardy ?"— He fmiled ; faintly—" God be^ praifed I"— Thefe were j his laft words before lie expired. LORD NELSON'S FUNERAI. The period for the interment of that illuftrious hero's remains is at length de- termined on. Lord Hawkefbury has com- municated to the gentlemen belonging to the Board of Works, that the funeral would pofitively take place on the 9th of January next. A written order was fent down to St. Paul's Cathedral, figned
by Charles Alex. Craig, Efq. Examiner to the Board of Works, addrelfed to all the principal Artificers therein employed, defiring them to expedite the finifiling of their different orders on or before the 7th of January.— Since this order has been received, an additional number of men have been employed ; and, from prefent appearances, there cannot be a doubt that the whole will be fmillied by the 3d or 4th of this month. The workmen, within the laft three days, have been aftonilliingly ex- peditions in ereding the fcaffolding under the dome, and in the weftern aifle. The whole of the bracketing is already finiflied, and ready to receive
the feats in every part of the Cathedral appropriated for that pur- pofe. The feats, fcaffolding, & c. are built in a moft fubflantial manner, and the whole is under the fo! e diredion of the Surveyor General. Every feat will be covered with matting, over which will be placed black cloth. As we before afTerted, no ticket will be fold on any pretence whatever. The Bifhop of Lincoln, who is the Dean of St. Paul's, will affix his fignature to every ticket of admillion at the doors. Thefe tickets will not entitle the owners to feats. The others muft be procured either from the Bifhop of London, or the Lords of the Ad- miralty or the Treafury. The Dean
of St. Paul's left town on Monday for Buckden Palace, to prepare the tickets at his difpofal, and until his Lordfliip's return no further arrangements in that refped will be made. Lord Nelfon's grave is exadly fixteen feet below the teflelated pavement. Beneath the pavement, at the foundation of the Church, the grave is funk from the level exadly two feet nine inches in depth ; it is two feet nine inches in width, and exadly feven feet long, Mr. Milne, the Archited of St. Paul's, yefterday afternoon gave his inflrudions to the workmen to commence hoifting the different colours around the dome, which were taken from the enemy by the
revered tar. The colours of the Vidory are to furmount the pyramid ereded over the grave. The preparations in the Painted Hall at Greenwich are as follow : In the tipper part of ths Hall, a fpace of about 60 feet fquare is elevated about eight fteps, and inclofed by a railing, in which the body lies in ftate. Within this fpace, in order to preferve the valuable paintings, an incloftire of timber- work, at about five feet dittance frcm the walls, and at leaft twenty- five feet high, has been ereded. The, whole is expeded to be covered with black clotii this day. At the upper end of this inclofed fpot, is a kind of platform raifed about a foot from the
floor, on which the body is to lie in ftate, and over the centre of which is placed a canopy, to be covered with black cloth. The great body of ihe Hall which ap- proaches this elevated part, is divided by a wooden partition, placed longitudinally, and communicating with two diftinct palfages, by which very judicious arrangement, the fpedators will approach the l'olemn fcene by die Northern door, and retire through the Eaftern gate. Thus all confnfion and joftling will be avoided. The latter will alfo have a partition ereded to preferve the paintings. LORD NELSON's PASSING KNELL: AND ALSO ONE CERTAIN ME<\ NS OF
COMMUNICATING TO POSTERITY THE MEMORABLE BATTLE OF 21ST OCTOBER, 1805. It is flrongly reported, that on the day of Lord Nelfon's funeral, the palling knell will be tolled throughout the day, by the bells of every parilh church in Great Bri- tain, beginning at lun- iife, and continuing to toll ( one full every minute, like the firing of minute guns) till fun - fet ; when- thole churches that have a complete fet of bells, will ring a folemn and awful FUNEIHL PEAL. It is alfo reported, that a fum out of a certain laudable fund is to be appropriated to the purpofe of paying the ringers, to ring a funeral peal once a year, for ever
afterwards, at the different churches in the united kingdom, in commemoration of his moft glorious death ; and alfo as one certain means of handing down to all claffe- of people, in future ages, the. hiftory of the aftonifhing vidory atchieved off Trafalgar, by the beloved and lamented Hero of the Britifli Illes.— Something like the following notice might, perhaps, anfwer the purpofe, to be painted on a board, and put up in the belfry of every church :— TAKE NOTICE: A funeral peal is to be rung by the bells of this church, once every year, on the evening of ihe , in commemoration of the glorious and ever- to- be- lamented death of
Vice- Admiral Lord Vifcount Nei- fon, K. B. the darling Hero of his country, the pride of every Briton, and the fincere friend of every honeft leaman. He was Commander in Chief of the Britilli fleet oft' Cape Trafalgar, on the 21 ft of Odober, 1805, and fell in the hour of vidory, at the age of 47 years, when bravely fighting for every thing dear to Englishmen. The enemy had 33 fliips of the line ( 18 French and 15 Spanifli) which were engaged by the Brititli fleet, conlifting of 27 fail of the line, and totally defeated, after an adion of four hours, when the Britifli captured 19 fliips of the line, with three Admirals. *** Note— This notice jftould
be renewed or frejh fainted every 10 years. THE EMPEROR ALEXANDER. Mr. Carr, in his Northern Tour, gives the following defcription of this gallant hero: —" The prefent Emperor Alexander is about 28 years of age ; is face his very full, fair, and his complexion pale; his eyes blue, and expreffive of that betieficient mildnefs j which is one of the prominent features of his charader: his perfou is tall, In fly, and well- proportioned ; but, being a little deaf, to facilitate his hearing, he ftoops: his de- portment is condelcending, yet dignified.— In the difcharge of his augufl duties he dif- plays great adivity and aculenefs, but with- out lbow
or bu'.'. le : the leading features of his mind are found difcretion and humanity ; qualities which cannot fail to render an empire flourilhing, and a people happy.— He is fo much an enemy to parade, that he is frequently feen wrapped up in his regi- mental cloak riding about the capital alone upon a little common drojlka : in this man- ner he has been known to adminifter to the wants of the poor. It is his villi if he fliould be recognized in this ftate of privacy, that no one will take off their hats ; but the gracioufnefs of his defire puts the heart in the hand as it uncovers the head. .. . . . The Emperor is very much attached to the Englifh,
numbers of whom have fettled in the Empire, and have formed, under the aufpices of the Government, a fort of colony. The Emperor has often been heard to fay, ' The man within whofe reach Heaven has placed the greateft materials for making life happy was, in his opinion, an Enghjh Country Gentleman.' POST- HORSE DUTY. On Saturday morning the Commillioners of the Stamp- Office met in the Great Room in the Crown and Anchor Tavern, London, to let to farm, for three years, the Poft- horfe Duty, according to the conditions advertifed. Mr. Eftcourt, the Solicitor to the Commiftioners, attended them, and put up the
feveral diftrids. When a bid- ding was made, he placed a glafs before him made like an hour- glafs, containing land, and took about ten minutes or a quarter of an hour to run out, and when all the fand was ran out, he declared the laft bidder the purchafer. During the time the fand was running out he difplayed as oratorical abili- ties as a regular profeffor of the hammer. The following funis were given in the dif- ferent diftiids. North Britain - - - £ 12,100 Northuin erland, Cumberland* Westmor- land, and Durham - - - 8,040 Yorkshire - 131720 Lancashire, Cheshire, Derbyshire, and Staffordshire - 14.940 Lincolnshire,
Nottinghamshire, and Lei- cestershire - 9> i. S° Northamptonshire, Rutlandshire, Warwick- shire, and Oxfordshire - - 13,020 Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, and Cambridge- shire .... 14,180 Bedfordshire, and Buckinghamshire 7,040 Huntingdonshire, and Hertfordshire 10,220 Surrey 1 1,620 Kent, and Sussex ... 18,000 Hampshire, and Berkshire - - 14,030 Devonshire, Dorsetshire, Cornwall, and Somersetshire ... 16,000 North Wales, viz. Anglesea, Carnarvon- shire, Denbighshire, Flintshire, and Montgomeryshire, with Shropshire 6,600 South Wales, viz. Brecknockshire, Car- marthenshire, Cardiganshire, Glainor- ganshite,
Radnorshire, and Pembroke- shire, with Herefordshire, and Mon- mouthshire ... 4,000 The lettings, we underftand, exceeded the former three years, 23,8601. Between four and five hundred gentlemen attended as bidders. Thofe who proved the farmers depofitedan eighth of their bidding. It being neceffary that thofe who intended to be the farmers fhould have in their pockets confiderable fums, for the purpofe of making the depofit, which they are obliged to do in Bank- notes, numbers of gentlemen had their pockets picked to the amount of feveral thoufand pounds at the former meeting. The Conimillioners, to avoid thefe
depredations on Saturday, en- gaged Meftrs. Macmanus, Sayers, Townfend, and Rivett, to attend, and we did not hear of any lofs being fuftained. SHIP NEIVS. LIVERPOOL, DEC 30 The John ( late Cox) from Africa and Barbadoes, at Demerara, and sold there. The Ceres, ——, arrived at Dominica, the 29th uit. after- a passage of eight weeks, from Bonny ; left there the five following vessels from this port, viz. Venus, Tobin ; Maria, —-— ; Macclesfield, Smith ; Washington, Belcher ; and Reindeer, Clark. The Macclesfield and Reindeer, had nearly finished their trade ; the Maria only broke trade 22d August. The Princess
Amelia, Donald, arrived at the North Breakerhead, Bonny, the 22d August, after a passage of six weeks. Extract of a letter from Captain Thomas Mullioti, of the ship Robert, dated at the Islund of Gnree, 23d November, 1805, to his owner. " Since I last wrote to you, I have to add, that on the 22d October, when i was going to leave this for the river, I received a note from tile Governor, wishing to see me on shore, when he informed me be had just received accounts that a zebeck pri- vateer was seen going into the river Gambia, and requested to know if 1 would go down after her, and endeavour to take her, and that he would put
on board 50 soldiers', which I readily agreed to ; and that evening was embarked, one captain, two lieutenants, two sergeants, two corporals, one drummer, and twenty- four privates, and the same evening weighed and proceeded for the Gambia.— Tiie following day, in the afternoon, got sight of the entrance of the river, and shortly after the zebeck was seen working out of the river, with the brig Mars in company, whom he had captured in the river fand whom, we have since learned, he had manned with fifty men) we made all sail after them, but, from the lightness of the winds, it was nine o'clock at night before we brought the
brig to action, which was kept up smartly on both sides; immediately after the zebeck came down upon us, bet, from the galling fire kept up by the soldiers from their musketry, and the great guns, he was frustrated in several attempts to board us, although lie tried in every direction ; after an hour and a half close action, they hauled off, and we were in shoal water, almost upon tile Tougi Rocks, and obliged to come to an anchor.— Tiie following morning they were in sight in the S. IV. quarter; we immediately got under weigh, and went in chase of them; after running ninety miles, at sun down, found we were too far off to keep
sight of them, the night being extremely dark, relinquished the chase : had we been so for- tunate to have fallen in with them, and could have brought them to action by day light, I have not the least doubt but we should have recaptured i the brig, but for the zebeck she Sailed too fast. 1 j am happy to say, that although we were hulled in several places, with our standing and running rigging cut in several places, and above one hu[ 1. dred shot through the sails, we did no- lose a mart; but will answer lo say they cannot boast of the same gc. od luck. " We have had the Hebe fivrate, Favourite sloop of war, and the Arab tv\ enty gun
ship, hce lately, the latter of whom ; s stationed here, there- fore we may expect a clear coast fiom privateers. " N. B. By another letter it appears, thai the force of the privatoer mentioned above, was four 24' and six 6- pounders and 133 men. A R R 1 V E D. S 1' A 1 N . Randetsbyc, A Wisborg, from Barcelona and Denia, with 5250 baskets raisins 300 bags nuts cases liquorice paste 10 hlids capers Wright & Da vies. R USSIA. Chatham, A liaison, from Petersburgh, with 33 casks tallow 53 bundles hemp | & H Cumming, 35 bundles do 11 & O Scaly, 21 bundles do io casks tallow B Gray, toocasksdo J & R Alison, 21 bundles
hemp W Critchlow & co. 24 do J T & VV Hornby, 50 do S Staniforth, 1S46 baas iron or. PRUSSIA. Euterpe, J H Reimer, from Pillau, with 50- 3 qrs wheat Dc Jongh & co. Aphrodite, j Muschke, from Memel, with 6co balks a quantity of deals and latliwood ] T & i* Bourne. SAILED. Dec. 22. — Shipley, Wilson, Dominica : Cres- cent, Lyon, Africa: Union Island, Sibson; Ty- son, Goalin ; and Westmorland, Bridson, Jamaica. 23.— Ellis, Batcman, and Watt, Cumming, Ja- maica. o « 3cs3900oo^ ecoeoooccosao RHEUMATISMS, Palsies, and Gouty Affections, with their usual concomitants, spasm, or flving pains, flatulency, indigestion,
and general debility, ( originating in whatever sources) are relieved and frequently cured by WHITE- HEAD'S ESSENCE OF MUSTARD PILLS, after every other means had failed. The FLUID ESSENCE OF MUSTARD, ( used with the Pills, in those complaints where neces- sary) is perhaps the most active, penetrating, and effectual remedy in the world, curing the severest SPRAINS AND BRUISES, in less than half the time usually taken by Opo- deldoc, Arquebusadc, or any other liniment or embrocation; and if used immedia ely after any accident, it prevents the part turning black. It is prepared and sold at 2S. gd. each box or
bottie, by R. JOHNSTON, Apothecary, N° 1;, Greek- street, Soho, London ; and may be had of Mr. Walmsley, and W. Minshull, Printer 01 this Paper, Lancaster; Mr. Fosier, Kirkby Lonsdale, and every medicine vender in the unittd kinguorn. BOTANICAL SYRUP. AS a serious caution to all who, from the nature of their complaints, are ob- liged to have recourse to that dangerous piepara- tion mercury: it is certainly, if taken with discre- tion, a most noble and effectual cure for every species of venereal infection but, on the other hand, there is not an article in ihe whole Materia Medica so replete with danger; for should the patient
take cold whilst under a course of this ex- traordinary medicine, it frequently leaves behind it tiie gour, rheumatism, numbness in the limbs, and paraly tic affections, which, however, may not be felt till after a lapseof seven, eight or ten years. Many persons in business, servants, and indeed all who, from t he nature of their employment, are obliged to be out in all weathers, being liable 10 catch cold under a course of mercury. which. may terminate their lives, but no such danger will in- tervene to those who substitute Dr. BRODUVi'S BOTANICAL SYRl/ P, which is particulailyre- commended to be used previous to entering into the
matrimonial state, leat the indiscretion of a parent prove a source of vexation to him tor the remainder of his days, by afflicting his innocent but unfortunate offspring with the evil, eruptions of a most malignant tendency, and a variety of other complaints, that are most assuredly pioduccd by neglect and imprudence. The Medicines 10 be had at the House, No. Albion- street, Blackfriars Road, in bottles, at ll. 2S.— us. and 6s. ( duty included) and of VV. Minshull, Printer of this Paper, in Lancaster; Sumner, Clithero ; Walker, Preston ; Branthwaite, Kendal; Shackleton, Skipton;, Foster, Kirkby Lonsdale ; Souloy, Ulveiston ; and of all
medi- cine venders in the united kingdom. N. B.— A. D. Swinton, the proprietor ( Son of Dr. SWINTON, Fellow of the Royal College oi Physicians, London; may be consulted from ten till three, or by letter, containing the usual tee. A Five Guinea Bottie contains six at 2SS. SOLD BY W. MINSHULL, PRINTER OF THIS PAPER. CURIOUS AND INTERESTING. This Day is published, Price Ss. In one volume octavo, of near 300 pages, with an elegant Portrait of the Author, A NEW EDITION ( with Additions) of A GUIDE TO HEALTH; Or, Advice to both. Sexes in a variety of Complaints ; Explaining the most simple and efficacious
remedies for those diseases which are treated 011 under the following heads, viz. Abortiors— Address to the fair sex, parents, guar- dians, cj- c.— Advice to nervous patients— Aii— '^ pe- tite— Asthma— Barren women— Bashfubi 1 ss—' 0thing, observation^ on— birth, particulars relating to— Btuly, unfavourable posture of— Bowels— Bubo— Chlorosis, or green sickness— Child- bearing— Child- birth— Cherdec — Chancres— Clap— Cold — Consumption— Conception — Cure for nervous diseases— Dancing— Daily exercise — Dejection— Deficiency of natural strength— Differ- ence between venereal sumptoms and
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their bodies from disease, and also their souls, their minds, and all ( heir facul- ties from destruction. London : Printed for the Author, and sold by If. D. Symonds, Paternoster- row, and Mathews, Strand; Dngdale, Dublin; Baxter, Edinburgh; Walyj Cork ; Magee, Belfast; Minshull, Woo Iburne, and Clark, Lancaster ; llranthwaite, Kendal; Foster, Kirkby Lonsdale ; and by a I other bookselle s and printers of provincial newspapers in the united k ng dom, prico Ss. only, delivered free of carriage.