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The Caledonian Mercury


Printer / Publisher: Robert Allan 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 29/12/1935 00:00
No Pages: 4
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The Caledonian Mercury
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The Caledonian Mercury

Date of Article: 12/12/1805
Printer / Publisher: Robert Allan 
Address: Fishmarket Close, Edinburgh
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 29/12/1935 00:00
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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No. 13,1* 7- EDINBURGH — PRINTED BY ROBEbert ALLAN, FISHMARKET CLOSE, — THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1805. PRICE 6d. CORRI'S ROOMS. FRIDAY the 20th December 1805. FEST1NO BAI. I,, In honour of the late. brilliant Vitftory obtained by THE BRITISH FLEET. THE Nobility and Gentry are respectfully informed, That at the request of several Ladies and Gen- tlemen of distinction, there will be A GRAND FESTINO BALL, On FRIDAY the 20th inft. The Great Room will, on this occasion, be elegantly Decorated with a Magnificent NAVAL PILLAR. THE NSW GRAND GOTHIC ORCHESTrA, which has been erected at a great expence, will also be brilliantly illuminated on this occasion. Military Music will be performed till tiie Ball be- gins. The Ball Music to be conducted. by Mr Gow. Tickets, Four- Shillings, to be had at Mr Corri's Mu fic Shop, and at the Rooms on the night of the Festino Door, to open at half past eight o'clock. CARD ASSEMBLIES. N. B.— On account of the preparations for the Fes- tino Ball of Friday next, there will be no CARD AS- SEMBLY on Tuesday the 17tli December. LORD NELSON. P. GAROF begs leave to inform the Public, that he still continues to receive Subscriptions for the PRINT of LORD VISCOUNT NELSON, and takes this opportunity of informing the numerous Subscribers that the Print will be ready for delivery in February next. The price will be only L. l Is. for Proof Impres- sions. Subscriptions received by P. GAROF, the Publisher. Also by Alexander Finlay, Print- seller, Glafgow. John Steell, ditto, Aberdeen. James Law, ditto, Perth. Robert M'Pherson, ditto, Dumfries.— And Geo. Imlach, Bookseller, Banff. P. G. continues to receive Subscriptions for the Print of the much lamented CAPTAIN DUFF of the Royal Navy. Both these Prints are in the hands of the very first Artist in London; and P. G. assures his Subscribers that they will be found the most striking likenesses, and well executed. WHATMAN' S SUPERIOR WRITING PAPERS, Sold by J. THOMSON, Jun. & CO. No. 0, Hunter s Square. THE Public attention is particularly folicited to WHATMAN'S SUPERIOR WRITING PA- PERS, w'- ch were selected with great care by J. T. when in London, and some of which have not hitherto been used in this country. They are peculiarly fit for account books cf various sizes, viz. Ledgers, Journals, Day Books, & c. The qualities which have given celebrity to What- man's Superio-' Writing Papers, for 40 years past, are the ease with which they receive the ink in the finest lines— the absence of that greasiness, which too often obstructs the impression of the pen— a firmness of tex- ture, and smoothness of surface, which give elegance to all kinds of writing. Upon trial they will be found un- equalled, though charged only at the usual prices. CARRON GRATES, & e. AT AND BELOW" PRIME COST. JOHN SPOTTISWOOD having let his nil Warehoufes, begs to inform his Customers and the Public, that he mult clear all his Goods out in a very short time, therefore every article he has unsold must be at such low prices as to render the sale an interesting object to all those who arc furnishing or building houses with the following articles— Of which are a few— 1 Wire Cloth for Safes, Gauze, Hair, and Brai's Searche: : Carron Registers, Half do. and every other kind of Carron Grates Polished Steel and Japan- ed Ditto A great variety of Fenders and Fire Irons, of all de- scriptions Preserving Wire Fire Screens Smoke, Lobby, ar. d Bank Stoves Kitchen Grates, Smoke & Wind- up Jacks, Ovens, Hot tables, Scullery and Washing house Boilers, Round and Oval Patent Tinned Pots Fish Kettles, Goblets, Stew- ing Pans, Digesters,& c. Frying Pans, Grid irons, Stake Tongs, Mincing Knives, Baiting Spoons, Cleavers, Bone Saws, Skewers, Smoothing- irons, Box and Italian Ditto, Heaters, Resters, fee. Fish Scissars, Coal Buckets, Huds, Scuttles, Dust and Cinder Shovels, Fire Pans, Fire- lighting Poc- kers, Kitchen Fenders, & c. Door chains and Springs Common Toasting & Brass Locks, Hinges, Screw Nails, Sash Pulleys, Rings, Com- mode Handles, Hat Pins, Window Curtain Pins, & c. Brass Sc Japanned Candle- sticks and Snuffers Tea Trays, Servers, and Snuffer Flats Table Knives, and' other Cutlery House and Hearth Besoms Mops, and Carpet Brooms House and Dinner Bells, Wire Cranks & Pulls Man, Fox, Rat, & Mouse Traps Steel Spades and Shovels, Rolled Iron Plate, and Coopers Hoops, all sizes Corn Bruizing Machines, Straw Cutters, Turnip, Carrot, Potatoe, & Cab- bage Ditto Grinding Corn Mills, all lizes Patent Plunge Churns, with Fly Wheels, and Potatoe Washers Scales, Beams, — English, Dutch, & Tron Weights Stillyards Do. up to joo lb weight Telescope Forks N. B.— J. S. would particularly recommend the atten- tion of the Public to his New Patent Sauce, and Stew Pans, manufactured to the highest possible perfection that cast iron can be brought to, they being as light as copper, and tinned to. the purity of silver. Adam's Square, South. Bridge. - PILOTS DISMISSED. IN consequence of an investigation lately held as to the bad conduct of WIILLIAM LINTON, ALEX- ANDER RAMSAY, and; WILLIAM PATERSON, Pilots to and from the Port and Harbour of Leith, in discharge of their duty, the Right Hon. the Lord Pro- vost, Magistrates, and Council of the City of Edinburgh, have DISMISSED them from that office, of which in- timation is hereby given to all Shipmasters and Owners of Vessels trading to and from the said Port. © ipmpic € ixtm A N ENTIRE CHANGE, With, for the first time, A New Harlequin Pantomime. This present THURSDAY, Dec. 12. 1805. Will be presented, & great variety of ENTERTAINMENTS, In particular, MR DAVIS Will have the honour to display the extraordinary power of Training on that noble and magnanimous animal, ' THE WAR HORSE, By exhibiting the famous Spanish Charger, which was rode by General Elliot at the memorable Siege of Gibraltar, The Horse and his Rider in the Middle of the Amphitheatre, While performing the Grand Piasse, in perfect Pace and Cadence, will be furnished with Real Fire- Works, fo arranged as to shew streams of Living Fire from the Nostrils, Eyes, and Ears, of the one, and the Knees, Arms, and Helmet, of the other; producing to the eye of the spectator, the most surprising picture of Animal Intrepidity ever brought before the view in in a public ' Theatre.— Vide et Crede. The whole to conclude with an entire new Pantomime, got up under the direction of Mr Crossman, ' CALLED HARLEQUIN. MARINER;. OR, ' The witch of the Oaks. Harlequin Mariner, Mr CROSSMAN. Sir Shenkinap Griffith, Mr Richer— Welch Valet, Mr : Williams— Demon of Discord, Mr Kelly— Sailors, Messrs Williams, Ducrow, Sibley, Bryson, & c.— Al- derman Gobble, Mr Smith— Boatswairn ( with a song) Mr Crumpton— Landlord, Mr Davis— Postman, Mr Roberts— Clown, Mr Collet, ( being his first appear- . ance in that character here)— Witch of the Oaks, Mrs Ireland. Columbine, Mrs PARKER. In the course of the Pantomime, amoug a variety of now Scenery, will be exhibited A STORM AND SHIPWRECK, The horrors of the imagination when under the domi- nion of what is termed THE NIGHTMARE. The whole to conclude with A GRAND PICTURESQUE PALACE, And an appropriate FINALE. The CIRCUS is open for giving instructions to Ladies and Gentlemen in the Art of Riding. Gen- tlemen's days, Wednesdays and Fridays, from nine to three— Ladies days, Tuefdays and ' thursdays, from ten to three. For terms, & c. apply to Mr DAVIS, who is universally allowed to be the most Scientific Ri- ding Master iu Britain, having studied several years un- der the late Earl of Pembroke. Tickets to be had of Mr Crumpton, at the Box- Of- fice, from eleven to three, where places may be taken. Boxes, : 1s.— Pit, 2s.— Gallery, Is. Doors to be open at half- past six, and the performance will begin at seven. It io requested that those Ladies and Gentlemen Who, take places, will send a servant at six o'clock to keep them. POST ROAD DISTRICT. THE TRUSTEES of the POST ROAD DIS- TRICT of Roads of the COUNTY of EDIN- BURGH are requested to meet' in the Royal Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, on Thursday the 10th Decem- ber , at one o'clock afternoon. ij THE VETERAN CLUB TS to meet at OMAN'S Tavern, upon Thursday the JL 19th curt, the DUKE of BUCCLEUGh in the Chair. Dinner will be on the table, precisely at half- past four. Such Members as mean to attend are requested to send their names to Oman's as soon as possible. M U S I C. MR JOHN ALEXANDER, after having served a regular apprenticeship with one of the First Masters in London, begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public, That he has commenced Teach- ing the ORGAN and PIANO FORTE MUSIC. In the course of his instructions, the Complete Art of Fin- gering and Thorough Basfs, together with all the more elegant and liberal acquirements in that pleasing Sci- ence, will be duly adverted to. leith, Green Tree, Dec. 11. 1805. Those who pleafe to honour J. A, with their confidence, may know his terms, by applying as above. N. B. Blind Pupils are taught to read and write their own Music, and play in the most scientific manner. SALE OF JAMAICA SUGARS AT LEITH. WM. SIBBALD & CO. will expose to public SALE, at their Sale Room in leith, on Friday the 20th instant, at eleven o'clock £ oreno„ o, Three Hundred Hogsheads, Tierces, and Barrels JA- MAICA SCALE SUGARS, imported in the Lady Forbes, and Cumberland, from Jamaica. They have likewise for Private Sale, RUM in Bond, COFFEE, PIMENTO, MAHOGANY, FUSTIC, and LOGWOOD. Leith, 11thl December 1 805. NEW DUTCH FLAX AND GENEVA. On Sale, ONE Hundred MATTS, just arrived by the Jussron Anna Catherina Muller, W. H. Gronwold mas- ter, from Rotterdam, from f 36 to f 56 ; and 20 Pun- cheon's GENEVA, with or without the duties^ Apply to CAMPBELL & bROADFOOT. Leith, Dec. 2. 1805. . C. & B. have likewise on Sale, ST PETERSBURGH 12- head FLAX, and HAMBURGH 3- crown YARN LACE VEILS. P. P. SHIRREFF DOES himself the honour of informing the Ladies, in addition to the immense variety of HABER- DASHERY add LINEN- DRAPERY he is Selling Off, at and below Prime Cost, he has this day received, on Commission, a very large assortment of the NEW PA- TENT COTTON VEILS, most beautiful Patterns, and the cheapest ever offered for sale in this country. THREE PIGEONS, ? No. 36. South Bridge Street, Dec. 10. 1805. $ N. B.— Wanted immediately, two steady Young Men, one as a SHOPMAN, who has been regularly bred to the Haberdashery business, the other as CLERK, who must be able to write a ready good hand. A liberal salary will be given. None need apply who cannot pay constant attention to business, and their character bear the strictest inquiry, with regard to honesty and so- briety. ARMY. A CAPTAIN of Foot in an Old Regiment, in full pay, wishes an Exchange with a Captain on Half- Pay, which will be transacted on the most favourable terms.—' Apply to Mr Allan, Sun Fire Office. This Day were Published, in 8vo. Price 2s. By BELL and BRADFUTE, and A. CONSTABLE and CO. OBSERVATIONS is EXPERIMENTS OF The Digestive Powwrs of the Bile in Animals. By EAGLESFIELD SMITH. GENERAL POST OFFICE, . EDINBURGH, Dec. 9, 1S05. N'OTICE is hereby given, that a POST OFFICE is now established at. DUNOON, in the district of. Cowal and County of Argyle, for which a Bag will be made up and dispatched from this Office on Sunday, Turf- day, and Friday, at eight o'clock at night. postage of a single Letter, 7d. By Order of the Postmaster General, WM. KERR, Sec. GENERAL AGENCY OFfiCE, COMMISSION, SALE, & AUCTION ROOMS. COUNTY OF ARGYLL. THE Deputy Inspector General having transmitted to the collector of Supply a List of Deficiencies of the county of Argyll, under the Permanent Defence A< ft, from 1ft February to 1ft October 1805, arising from Vacancies in the Militia, notice is hereby given, that a meeting of the Commissioners of Supply of the county is to he held within the Court- houfe of fnvera- ry, On ' Thursday the lGth day of January next, for the purpose of making an Assessment on each parish or sub- division, for which a deficiency ought to have been sup- plied, as directed by the 35th section of the said act of Parliament. The Convener has to request a full attendance of the Commissioners at this, meeting, as, besides the business above- mentioned, it becomes absolutely necessary that they consider of some measures for an immediate repair of the county jail, which is at present unfit for the recep- tion or detention of prisoners. By Order of ROBERT CAMPBELL, Esq. Sh. Dep. Convener, DUN. CAMPBELL, Clerk of Supply. Inveraray, Dec. 6, 1805. ROXBURGHSHIRE. THE HERITORS of the COUNTY of ROX- BURGH are requested to meet within the Town- house of Jedburgh, upon Friday the 3d day cf January 180G, at 12 o'clock, when there will be sub- mitted to their consideration the' Draft of a' bill to Par- liament, as prepared by their Committee, for a Renew- al and Enlargement of the exifting Turnpike arid Sta- tute Labour Acts. AT LEITH— FOR LONDON, The Edinburgh & Leith Shipping Co's New Smack Armed by Government) FORTH, J. T. CURRIE Master, Now taking in goods at the north end of the Draw Bridge, and will positively sail on Sunday the 15th curt, at ten o'clock morning. This vessel's fitted up or a new plan, in the and most commodious style, for the comfort and accom- modation of Passengers, who may depend upon receiving every civility and attention. R. LIDDELL, Manager-. Edinburgh Leith Shipping Co's Office. North End of the Draw Bridge, Leith, Dec. 12. 1805. ROXBURGHSHIRE TURNPIKES. } Hereby intimate, That a MEETING of ths TRUS- TEES for faid Turnpikes will be Held at Jedburgh, upon Friday the. 3d day of January. 180o", at 11 o'clock forenoon, for the purpofe or considering the proposed |! alteration of the' Turnpike on Gala water, Sec, also an alteration of the Turnpike on Jed Water at Kaimburn- ford. ' CHARLES ERSKINe, Clk. HOUSFHOLD FURNITURE. To be Soto by amnion, on Monday ti e. 16th day of December, 1805, in the house possessed by the Late Mrs Houston, situated in the east side of Nicolson Street, THE whole FURNITURE of the said HOUSE, consisting of dining- room, drawing- room, bed- room, arid kitchen furniture, ' above 2000 o*. of filver plate, and considerable quantity of old China. ' The whole of the. furniture is in excellent order— the draw- ing- room furniture is elegant— the mirrors of very large dimensions— Among the plate to be sold there ia a neat table service. ' The fate to r-" in at 11 o'clock forenoon. DALGLEISH & FORREST,. Auctioneers, Where Printed Catalogues may be had,. WILLIAM THOMSON, SWORN BROKER, AUCTIONEER, & AGENT, MOST respectfully informs the Nobility, Gentry, ar. d the Public in general, That he has Opened that elegant SUIT of. ROOMS, opposite the College, 56, South Bridge Street, Edinburgh, ( formerly possessed by Mr CORE) aS , a GENERAL AGENCY OFFICE, where he will dispose of, or purchafe landed and other property; also, for the reception and disposal of House- hold Furniture, Plate, Linens, Wines, Books, Paintings, . Haberdashery, and linen- Drapery poods, and Merchandise of every description, upon the following conditions:— 1. persons favouring W. T. with their Commands, are requested to fend along With the articles wished to be disposed of, a Note of the very lowest Sale price affixed to each particular article, and for which a receipt will be given to the person exposing the Goods, and the most: unexceptionable security, if required. 2. That the Goods so sent for Sale shall remain ex- posed to view, ill a stile particularly eligible to the dis- poser for one Month, when, if not sold by private bar- gain, at the price affixed to them, they will be exposed on the first Tuesday of every Month, by public auc- tion. The auction to be regularly announced in the public Newspapers in proper time, and the money im- mediately paid when the goods are sold. 3. The Sale of Heritable Property, Bank Stock, Bonds, Outstanding Debts, and Leases of Property; disposed of at any time, and on whatever conditions that may seem most proper to the disposer. A particular and accurate Record will be kept of the landed property exposed or offered for sale either by private bargain, or public auction; and houses either furnished or unfurnish- ed," that are to let for the season, or for any particular period. Therefore, families coming to Edinburgh, or others, need only apply at the Office, and they will be informed at once of all the property thus offered for sale, or to let, with a particular description of the accommo- dations, rents, & c. W. T. trusts that from the particular attention that will be paid to commands with which he may be ho- noured, that the public in general will be convinced of the utility and convenience of his mode of difpofal, & c. The terms are moderate, and may be had by applying at the Office. Attendance morning, till four afternoon. ABERCORN BRICK WORK, Portobello. hUNTEr & CO. continue to Manufacture and Sell, upon the most reasonable terms, at the above Work, the following articles:— Common Brick Articles. Common Brick. Paring Tiles of all dimensions. Flue Covers for hot houses. Tiles and Ridged Ditto. Chimney Cans of all dimensions, and with the late improvements to prevent Smoke. Flower- Pot's, of all sizes. Seed Pans, Sic. & c. Fire Brick Articles. Common fire Brick, and Ground Fire Clay; Arched and Cupola Brick. Fire Pavement of all sizes. Ditto for Oven Soles for Bakers. Fire Brick and pavement for Distillers, Soap- Boilers, & c. made'to any size or shape. Oven Plates and Hot Tables for private families, which come cheaper than Cast- metal Ovens or Plates, and have no disagreeable smell when used. Orders will be taken in at the Work, and executed with correctness and dispatch, by DAVID HAMILTON, Manager. AT LEITH-— FOR LONDON, The Old Shipping Co's Smacks, Armed by Government, CALEDONIA PACKET, RObT. NISBET Master, ANd SWALLOW PACKET, WM. WHITE Master; The former will take in till this evening at five o'clock, when file will the latter till Saturday evening, and fail on Sunday morning at nine o'clock. BLACK & LiNN, Agents. Old Shipping Company's Office, } Leith, Dec. 12. 1805, TO MILLINERS, TEACHERS, tsV. ACENTRICAL SITUATION, to LET at Whit sunday first, being that Lodging No. 105, South Bridge Street, second floor, consisting of five rooms, kit- chen, cellar, & c. well calculated* for the above lines, as alfo a genteel ; House.—' To accommodate the te- nant access may be hid ^ month fooner.— A Lease for six years will be given if required. ' To be seen from twelve to three. AT LEITH— FOR LONDON, Tie Union Shipping' Company's Smack, t Armed by Government, FIFeSHIRe, JAMES CUMMINGS Master, Will take in goods till Saturday even- ing, and fail on Sunday - morning at nine o'clock. Union Shipping Company's f) f. cr. 7 Leith, Dr.. 12. 1805. i SALE OF GROWING TIMBER. There will be SOLD by public roup, at UNDERWOOD ( parish of Falkirk,) on Tuesday the 24th December, at eleven o'clock precisely, UPWARDS of 2000 FIR TREES, of about 35 vears growth ; also, from 30 to 40 ASH and BEECH TREES, and a considerable quantity of ARN. They will be set up either in lots, from iO to 100 trees in each, or in any other way most convenient for purchasers. The measurement of the trees is from to 6\ cubic feet; most of them are uncommonly straight, and are from 20 ro 35 feet in length ; many are particularly well adapted for pit wood. Underwood is situated on the banks of the Canal, a- bout seventeen miles from Glasgow, and eight from Grangemouth. N B.— Any quantity of Fir and larch, of younger growth, may he had to the extent of 10,000 or 12,000; also, a few Trees above 10 years old. PELICAN LIFE- INSURANCE OFFICE, LOMBARD STREET. THE TRUSTEES and DIRECTORS of this Tnfli- tation have appointed Mr WILLIAM STEVEN- SON, Hunter Square, to be their AGENT for Edin- burgh, and Parts adjacent. Perfons desirous of making Infurances on their own Lives, or on the lives of others, are requested to fur- nish the agent with correct Information of the Age and State of Health of the Perfon or Perfons upon whofe: Life insurance jS defired. This Office also, an Terms rendered convenient to the Parents, provides Endowement for Daughters only, or for Children of both Sexes ; by which, on Attaining the Age of Twenty- one Years, they will severally be- come entitled to a Sum of Money, to forward their Set- tlement in the world. The present TRUSTEES and DIRECTORS of this Estabilshment are William Curtis, Esq. Aid- M. P. Lombard Street. Major Rohde, Esq. Leman Street. Callen Rohde, Esq. Wellclose Square. Edward Gale Boldero, Esq. Cornhill. Hugh Hammersley, Esq. Pall Mall. John Brickwood; Esq. Billiter Square. Abraham Bracebridge, Esq. Stanhope Street. Walter Bracebridge, Esq. Lombard Street. George Goodwin, Esq. Clapham Common. John Hawes, Esq. Mansel Street. William Walker, Esq. Haileybury, Herts. John Scott Whiting, Esq. Ratcliffe Cross. Theophilus Pritzler, Esq. Austin Friars. James Bell, Esq. Distaff lane. Tables containing the RATES of LIfE- INSuRANCE, and explaining the TERMS of ENDOWMENTS, may be had gratis of the Agent. Also, to enab'e the Public to judge of the Responsi- bility of this COmPANY, a List of the PROPRIETORS is deposited with the Agent. IMPORTANT ADVANTAGE ON INSURANCE FROM FIRE IN THE COUNTRY. Albion Fire and Life Office, London, iff December, 1S05. THE DIRECTORS of the ALBION FIRE' and LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of LONDON, having considered the very heavy expense, and the nu- merous inconveniencies attending the establishment of Agencies, and being desirous to devise' some mode of lessening the charges of Insurance to' persons resident in the country, Without diminishing the security, or fair profit, of the Company or, such business, have determin- ed, for the present, to refrain from the appointment of A- gents;; and to offer to all persons having buildings, goods, or other property, to insure, at more than four miles distance front London, AN ABATEMENT OF NO LESS THAN TWENTY- FIVE pER CENT. PER ANNUM, on the premiums usually charged, provided such Infu- rances be effected at the Company's Office in London, through the friends or agents of the parties; and with- out the Company being involved in any correspondence, or other duty, excepting that of supplying such friends or agents, with every necessary information at the Of- fice, for the guidance of thosfe who may wiih to take the benefit of this offer. If Insurances be made for three, or more years, at once, a further abatement will be allowed; by which perfons Insuring will not only be in a still greater de- gree benefited, but will be relieved from the trouble of frequent renewals' of their Policies. In cases where the Annual Premium, ac- cording to the charge generally made, would be-. V 2. it will be reduced to 3. ditto 5. ditto And in the like proportion for the intermediate years. A confiderabie allowance will be alfo made, accor- ding to A( 5t of Parliament, on the King's duty, when paid for more than one year. The Proposals of the Company, with full explana- tions as to the method in which infurances should be ar- ranged, and property defcribed, will be delivered, free of charge, to any perfon who may apply at the Com pany's Office, in Change Alley, London. The whole will be comprifed in one sheet, so as to admit of being forwarded at the expence of single postage. The Directors beg particularly to impress on the pub- lic attention that the above offer is not made in any spirit of adventure, but on known and justifiable grounds. The saving, on which they are entitled to calculate, will be quite equal to the reduction proposed. It is on no other footing that such an alteration of charge could be attempted, with justice to the Company, or to the public, becaufe the premiums, as they now stand, do not admit of abatement without a clear and certain in demnity. The object of the Company is to give to persons residing in the country the whole benefit of a saving of which their business is susceptible ; with no other difference than that of occafioning to fuch perfons the trifling trouble which may attend the employment of a friend t n London, once in a year, or, if it be pre- ferred, once only in several years. The funds and resources of the Albion Company are equal to those of any. institution. formed for the same purposes The conditions of insurance are more favour- able than have been yet offered ; and the rates, on which the above reductions will be made are as moderate as those of any Company, and, in some instances, more moderate than have been before proposed. The Directors are James Pattison, Esq. Chairman. John Towgood, Efq. Deputy Chairman. Thos. Starling Benson, Esq. Henry Burmester, Esq. James Burton, esq. John Calvert Clarke, Esq. Richard Clay, Esq. John Danvers, Esq. Solomon Davies, Esq. William Gonne, Esq. Gilbert Handasyde, Esq. John Kingston, Esq. M. P. George leame, Esq. Tho-. Maltby, Esq. Joseph Millet, Esq. By order of the Board, WARNER PHiPPS, Sec. No charge will be made for Policies in any case. Henry Pigeon, Esq. Sir John Pinhorn. Joseph Quincey, Esq. William Rayley, Esq. William Smith, Esq. M. P. J. J. Smith, Esq. and Al derman. Thos. Smith, Esq. Alder man and Sheriff. Benjamin Travers, Esq. Daniel Richard Waring ton, esq. STEWART'S PLEASURES OF LOVE, DEDICATED TO The Most Noble the Marquis of Downshire. Just Published, Elegantly Printed in Foolscap Octavo, with beautiful Engravings, by HEATH from Original Designs, painted by CORBOULD, ( and Dedicated, by permis- sion, to the Marquis of DOWNSHIRE,) Price Cs. hi Bo. utls, * THE PLEASURES OF LOVE3 * A P O E M, Br JOHN STEWART, Printed for J. MAWMAN, No. 22, Poultry, London and Sold by all the Booksellers. LEUCHAR'S PATENT HEAD- DRESSES. G. MUGGERLAND, hanover Street, New Town, Hair Dresser, n Espectfully acquaints the Nobility and Gentry of edinburgh, that. he'is appointed by LEUChARS ( Fancy Head- Dress Maker to her Royal Highness the Duchess of York), Piccadilly, London, his exclusive Agent for the Sale of his PATENT HEAD- DRES- SES in this City. To enumerate every property of an article so univerfally Known and admired by both Sexes throughout the United- Kingdom, would be superfluous. It is sufficient to lay, that they are constructed on the principle of nature, which, by superior taste, by long experience, and by successive improvements, Leuchars has now brought to such perfection, a^ to supersede the use of any other similar article in the metropolitan cir cles of fashion. They may be dressed by any servant, are extremely light, easy, and elegant, are subject to no variation from the extremes of weather, and give to na- ture, even in her fairest form, an attractive and addition- al grace. G. MUGGERlAND h's just received from Leuchars, a large assortment of thefe beautiful DRESSES, adapted to all ages and both sexes. No. 4, Cornhill, and Q, Charing Cross, London I1 BISH, Contractor for the prefent Lottery, and » Proprietor of the above truly fortunate Offices, begs leave to attract the public attention to the Scheme of the Lottery which is in another part of this paper, as it will be found to contain more CAPITAL PRIZES than usual in so small a Lottery, rind the novelty of the first five thoufand Tickets drawn being entitled to L. 22 each, renders it impossible for those who purchase early to lose, and gives them the usual chance besides for the immense number of Capital Prizes. The last L. 30,000, and the two last Prizes of L. 20,000, were all shared and fold at the above Offices ; and ill the Lotteries for 1804 and 1805, Capital Prizes as under, of which no other Office in the Kingdom can boaft. 2147, a Prize of L. 30,000. 8221,6431, 7378, 2Cr, 62S, Prizes of L. 20,000. 10,234, a' Prize of L. l 0,000. 9,098,21,23S, 24,571, 1167, Prizes of I.. 5000. 10,245, 12,393, 11), 510,1641, 27,749, Prizes of L. 2000. 638, 5342, 23,118, 21,567, 2220, 13,001, 4063, 6790, 20,724, 21,338, 21,713, 16,639, 1258, Prizes of I,. 1000. Besides Prizes of I.- 500, & c. * t* Persons in the country sending up their- Orders ( post paid) accompanied with good Bills, Bank Notes, or Poft Office Orders, will be supplied on the same terms as if present. TICKETS & SHARES Are also Selling, on his account, by MESSRS MURRAY, BAXTER, & MASON, British Fire Office, Edinburgh. EXCHEQUER CHAMBERS, Edinburgh, Dec. S. I 805. NOTICE is hereby given to all concerned, That JAMES CLARK, glazier ill Dumfries, and others, Children of James Clark, late merchant in Dum- fries, and SAMUEL, WILLIAM, DAVID and MARY CLARKS, Children of the deceased John Clark in Barnfoul, have applied to the Right Honourable ti e Barons for a Gift of Ultimas heres of the Estate and Effects of WALTER KIRKCONNelL deceased, who resided at Drunganus, in the parish of New Abbey, and stewartry of Kirkcudbright TO BE LET FURNISHED, For such time as may be agreed on, and to be entered to immediately, A Large and Commodious LODGING, being th . first fiat of No. 24, North Hanover Street, con- of dining room, drawing room, four bed rooms with closets, a large kitchen with a closet, and a num- ber of other conveniences. ' The Lodging is very pleasantly situated, and the windows looking to Queen Street command an exten- v e prospect. For particulars apply to John Renton, W. S. North St James's Street. HOUSE IN PRINCE'S STREET. TO BE SOLD, THAT HOUSE, NO. 102. PRINCE'S STREET, consisting of three floors,- containing 11 fire rooms, larder, wine cellar, three coal cellars, three water cte- fets, a fire- proof closet, and other conveniencies ; with coach- house, stable, and wash- house. The feu- duty and other burdens are very moderate. The house may be seen from one to three o'clock.— Entry at Whitsunday next, l'or farther particulars ap- ply at the house. p FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE. At the Court at the Queen's Palace, the 6th of December 1805, PRESENT, The King's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. It is this day ordered by his Majesty in Coun- cil, that the parliament, which was to meet on Tuesday the seventh day of January next, be fur- ther prorogued to Tuesday the twenty- first day of the same month, then to meet for the difpatch of business: And the Right Honourable the Lord High Chancellor of that part of the united king- dom called Great Britain, is to cause a commis- sion to be prepared in the usual manner, for pro- roguing the Parliament accordingly. STEP. COTTRELL. " WHITEHALL DEC. 7. 1805. The King has been pleased to grant to the Rev. Thomas Rennell, Doctor in Divinity, the Deanry of the Cathedral Church of Winchester, void by the death of Doctor Robert Holmes. BANKRUPTS. Wm. Rawsthorn, Sharples, Lancaster, dealer in cattle. Stephen Baylis, Ledbury, Hereford, baker. Wm. Macpherson, Maiden Lane, straw hat manufac. Charles Worley, Cheapside,. London, warehouseman. John Tulloch younger, Savage Gardens, London, broker, William Sims, Newgate Market, carcase butcher. Ra. Fogg and Tho. Cantrell, Manchester, cotton manu, William baylis, Ledbury, Hereford, baker. Josiah Cooke, New Road, St Mary- le- Bonet statuary. Israel Burrows, Mirfield, York, corn dealer. Edw. Coats, Horninglow, Burton- upon- trent, brewer. Wm. Gibbs, Newport, Isle of Wight, hackneyman. Sam. Young, North Audley Street, Middlesex, surgeon Wm. Coltman, Long Acre, Middlesex, baker. FROM THE FRENCH PAPERS. STUTGARD, NOV. 17— We have just been in- formed that General Wolffkehl's corps, which had taken a pofition in the neighbourhood of Bregentz, has endeavoured in vain to effedt its retreat by the Vintschgau, to join the corps un der Prince John, and that, not deeming that plan practicable, it had determined to divide in' to feveral detachments, with orders to take dif- ferent roads, to efcape the French. Some thefe detachments forming two fquadrons of the huffars of Blankenstein, and the rest of the in fantry proceeded by Leutkirch to Biberach, from whence afcending the Danube, and passing it at Mengen 4h 1 Sigmaringen, they hastensed to Blau- beuren, cutting off thus the great road from our city to Ulm, whence they attempted to get by Hiedenheim and Aalen into the territory of An- spach, and from thence by Nuremberg to Bohe- mia. But we are assured that the army under Augereau, the first column of which arrived on the 12th at Ravensbourg, has cut off the retreat of some of the Austrian detachments, and ob- liged them to turn back again to the Voralberg and the Tyrol. We learn by letters from Kempten, that Mar- shal Ney has set out with the greater part of bis troops from the environs of Inspruck, to pursue Prince John. After having defeated him at the foot of Mount Brenner, the French, it is said, passed that famous mountain, from whence they are proceeding to Lenz and Draubourg, to re- pair to Villach, and there to join Marshal Ber- nadotte. Letters from Bareuth announce that a satis- factory reply has been made to the King of Prus- sia, relative to the passage of the French troops by the Margraviate of Anspach, and to the da- mage done. A private letter from Nuremberg fays, that 66,000 florins in new gold of the coinage of the Emperor Napoleon has been sent to Furth, to be deposited in the Prussian Bank there, that sum being the amount of the damage occasioned by the above- mentioned march. STRASBURGH, NOV. 21.— We have not yet received the official bulletin of the entrance of our troops into Vienna, nor the details that fol- lowed tbe taking of that city. All the private letters from Augsburg, Munich, and fome other places, affirm positively that couriers from head- quarters passed through there on the 13th and 16th of November, with the news of the en- trance of the French into Vienna. It is said, that the Imperial Guard from the garrison of the city, and that other corps of French troops have been lodged in the suburbs. It is supposed that the courier with the official dispatches has been intercepted by the Austrian cavalry, which has effected its retreat from the Banks of the Lake of Constance, and which by the last advices oc- cupied some places on the great road from Heil- bron to Nordlingen and Donawerth. Perhaps the courier may have gone round by Franconia. We have received the confirmation of the news, dating that Massena has parted the Tagmomenta, and is hastening rapidly to the frontiers of Ca- rinthia and Carniola, to join the grand army. Private letters announce, that Prince Murat has advanced to Presburg, - where i has fixed his head- quarters. Her Majesty will repair for two or three days to Carlsruhe, to visit the Electoral family of Ba- den, but it is not certain whether she will jjo as far as Munich. RATISBON, NOV. 13.— By express order of his Imperial Majesty of France, all the women who have followed the French army, are to be sent beyond the Inn. General Sebastiani did nothing more than pass through Vienna ; he took the road to Hungary, which is encumbered with waggons, baggage, and effects belonging to the Court. MUNICH, NOV. 16.— The greatest expedi- tion is using in the demolition of the fortifications of Ulm If he French display prodigious intrepidity in the scaling of the forts and rocks which protect the defiles of the Tyrol, the Austrians and militia do r. ot shew less firmness in defence. Many wo- men, and even girls, armed with fusils, have taken part in the different actions. These heroines hav- ing fired upon the French troops during their pas- sage through some villages, an ordonnance has been published, rendering their husbands and pa- rents responsible for these infractions of the rules of war. BERLIN, NOV. 13— Lord Harrowby arrived h re yesterday. Yesterday 200 waggons belonging to the baking department, set off to follow our troops into Lower Saxony. AUGSBURG, NOV. 17.— It is now decided that, a cordon of neutrality shall be formed from the frontiers of Holland to those of Bohemia— This cordon will be occupied by the Prussians, Hessians and Saxons. It will extend along the Electorate of Hesse. by the country of Fulda, and from thence along tbe circle of Upper Saxony. As to the disposition of Prussia, it is now known that the convention which was signed on the 3d of Nov. at Potsdam, between the Empe- ror of Russia and the King of Prussia is only con- tingent, and merely engages Prussia to make pro- portion for the re- establishment of peace. These propositions have been arranded, but they may be modified. M. d'Oubril has been charged to pro- ceed to London to communicate them to the English Government, whilst the Minister of State Haugwitz, communicates them to M. De Talley- rand, Minister of his Majesty the Emperor of the French. No alliance has been contacted between Prussia and Austria, and the former of these pow- ers it is said formally reserves her neutrality in the event of the Continental War being still con- tinued. It is certain, however, that some of the first Princes of the Empire have been invited to accede to the Convention which we have men-, tioned. A great number of Polish officers coming from France, have been summoned to the Imperial head- quarters. Several of them have passed by Ulm, proceeding on the route to Munich, and from thence to Austria. The inhabitants of Venice have been informed by a proclamation published by the Count De Biesingen, Governor General of Austria, that 24,000 Russians would arrive on the 3d of No- vember by sea from Corfu and Dalmatia, ( where the Russians had already relieved the Austrians, who had departed for the army,) and that they were to be treated as friends and brothers, and quartered on the inhabitants. The Venetians, however, detest the Russians, and several riots have already taken place. According to letters from Trieste a corps of 400c Russians had alrea- dy disembarked at Venice, and the second divi- fion was daily expected. PARIS, NOV. 25— It is said that the Polish General Kosciusko is gone to Strasburg. M. Jerome Bonaparte arrived on the 20th at Nantes. The deputation of the Conservative Senate has returned from the grand army. The Minister for foreign affairs is gone from Munich to Moelk. ACTION OFF CAPE TRAFALGAR. Extract of a letter received by the Euryalus, dated off Trafalgar; Oct. 26. " I have at length found an opportunity of writing to you after having been incessantly em- ployed, and in the greatest danger, since the ac- tion ; and you must not expect from me a very accurate or detailed statement of our proceedings. You may however depend upon me for not giv- ing you any accounts which did not fall under my own observation. " The enemy having been seen at day- break, on the 21 ft of Oct. the Admiral made the signal to form two lines, and in two minutes after to prepare for battle. We neared them so fast by eleven A. M. that Lord Nelson notified to the Royal Sovereign his intention to break the ene- my's line, and prevent their getting into Cales— At half past eleven he gave us his last order by the telegraph— England expects every man to do his duty. At a few minutes before twelve he repeated the signal to engage quite close, and al- most at the same moment the enemy opened his fire upon the Victory and Royal Sovereign, which led their respective divisions. The latter ship was for a confiderable time entirely unsup- ported, from the difficulty which the Mars and Tonnant found in keeping their way in flaws of wind which were perpetually, drifting ; but, in ten minutes afterwards, the Tonnant supported her most gallantly indeed, in action with the Monarca, ( which fell aboard her) and the Mars was as closely engaged with the Fougeux, which struck to her. The Santa Anna of 112 guns, was well fought, and being supported by the In- domptable, of 84, was for a considerable period a full match for the Royal Sovereign. The lat- ter, however, struck to the Santa Anna, dismast- ed her, and beat her almost to, pieces; and we at length had the satisfaction of seeing her strike to Admiral Collingwood. ' " The heaviest part of the action of the van division fell on these three ships, until the line having been broken, the Belleisle and Bellera- phon got closely engaged with a group of four ships, consisting of the Algesiras, ( formerly out Hannibal) the Argonaute, the Aigle, and the Bahama; every one of which were taken ; and although it is not easy to state to what ships they individually struck, yet the Bellerophon and Bel- leisle too plainly tell by their returns of killed and wounded, and the former in the top of all her masts, how much they contributed to the vic- tory. " While this was passing with Admiral Col- lingwood's division, that of Lord Nelson was e- qually engaged. The Victory opened her fire at a quarter after twelve, and endeavoured to break the French line by passing under the stern of the Bucentaure, of 8a guns, bearing the com- mander in chief's flag, and being the finest ship in the French navy. He here met with a most gal- lant and determined resistance, in the Redoubta- ble, of 84 guns, who closed upon the Bucentaure for her support, so that the Victory could not a- void running her on board; and being entangled with her, both ships payed off before the wind, un- able to disengage from each other. This acci- dent, however, proved fatal to the Redoubtable, inasmuch as he had the whole strength of the Vic- tory upon her; at the same time the San Leandro and the Neptune, the latter of which was on tht fame line with the Bucentaure and her sister ship, severely annoyed the Admiral. " Capt. Harvey, of the Temeraire, was close in the wake of the Victory, and having run be- tween her and the Intrepid, of 74 guns, got foul of her, and by paying off, found herself likewise foul of the Redoubtable, and locked in between these two ships. In this situation she was obliged to fight both sides, and being boarded at the same time by both antagonists, was obliged to make a desperate exertion to save herself from the great bodies of troops which poured in upon her ; a terrible contest ensued, in which at one time the enemy had even advanced upon her poop, and were struggling for her colours. " Captain Harvey succeeded in repulsing both sets of boarders, and following his blow, on boat the Intrepide of 74 guns, got possession of her after a most severe conflict. The third ship in this di- vision, the Neptune, 98, Capt. Freemantle, took up the Bucentaure, which had been forced out of Lord Nelson's grasp, and engaged her for some time, supported, most gallantly by the Conqueror, the ship astern of her, but observing the Santissima Trinidada, of 140 guns, separated from the group of ships which were locked together, and present- ing her stern, and apparently unable from want of seaman- ship to bring her head round, placed him- self within pistol- shot, and after the closest action of above 40 minutes succeeded in carrying away her mizen and main- masts. By this accident Hie payed off, but the Neptune preserved her advan- tage, and in ten minutes more her foremast went. Shortly after which an English Jack was thrown over her starboard quarter; and several of her Officers hailing the Neptune at the same time, an- nounced to her that this magnificent ship, the lar- gest. in the world, had struck to her ! 1 " The Conqueror, during this period, observ- ing that the enemy's van had worn, bore down upon them, to check the progress of six sail that were passing to windward : and she, together with the Leviathan and Orion, maintained a very heavy action with the San Juste, San Augustin, and the San Francis d' Asis, all of which struck. " I have thus endeavoured to give you a short history of this action, as far as the volumes of smoke permitted me. Of course, many brave ac- tions escaped my eye ; but these were the pro ceedings of our headmost ships, which contributed so essentially to this brilliant victory. But I have | now to add, that which has clouded the whole, the loss- of our gallant Nelson, who was killed by a musket shot from the mizen- top of the Re doubtable, but fortunately lived long enough to witness the noblest victory that Britain ever gain ed ; I will say nothing more to you on that sub ject, for every heart is full, and you who know how much I loved and honoured him know what I feel on this calamity. " At a quarter past four the Victory and Roy- al Sovereign, which had disengaged themselves: and taken a most distinguished part against the re- serve of the enemy, commanded by Gravina, made the signal to haul to the wind on the larboard tack, when the firing ceased, leaving us in possession of 18 sail of the line, exclusive of the Achille, which was on fire, and soon blew up. " Our subsequent labours have been inces- sant, but they will form the subject of another let- ter." THE LAST MOMENTS OF LORD NELSON, FROM AN OFFICER. WHO WAS WITH HIM. Previous to the commencement of the battle of Trafalgar, Lord Nelson went over the different decks of the Victory, saw and spoke to the differ- ent classes of feamen, encouraged them with his usual affability, and was much pleased at the man- ner in which the seamen had. barricaded the hawse holes of the ship. All was perfect death- like si- lence till just before the action began. Three cheers were given his Lordlhip as he afcended the quarter deck ladder. He had been particu- lar in recommending cool, steady firing, in pre ference to a hurrying fire, without aim or preci- sion, and the event justified his Lordship's ad- vice, as the masts of his opponents came tumb- ling down on their decks, and over their sides ; within half an hour after, tbe battle began to tage in its full fury ; the royal marines on the poop soon felt the effect ( as well as the officers, feamen, and royal marines on the quarter- deck) of the system of sharp shooting from the tops of the Bucentaur, 84, Adm. Villeneuve. The men began to drop fast, and poor Capt. Adair, of the royal marines, was struck with a rifle ball, which so irritated him, that he asked Lord Nelson leave to take up in the tops and place some of his royal marine party, with an officer, to counteract the destructive fire of those sharp shooters of the ene- my. The men went up the shrouds, and as Cap- tain Adair was ascending, he fell quite dead on the poop, perforated with near 20 balls from hose marksmen. The action then became very hot, and Lord Nelson was advifed not to appear fo conspicuously, in full uniform, to the mark of the topmen of the enemy. His answer ought to be recorded on the heart of every Briton, and en- graven on his monument—" No, said his Lord- hip, whatever may be the confequence, the in- gnia of the honours I now wear I gained by the exertions of British seamen, under my command in various parts of the world ; and in the hour of danger, I am proud to shew them and the ene- mies of old England, I will never part with t tem ; if it please God I am to fall, I will ex- pire with these trophies entwined round my heart." About a quarter before two the fatal bullet struck his Lordship above the star on the left side, and his Secretary, Mr Scott, fell quite dead on the deck, with many seamen and ma- rines. Lord Nelson was conveyed below, and per- fectly sure that the wound was fatal. A master's mate, one of his signal officers, and a protege- of his Lordship, was with him to his last moment— he was to have been promoted to a lieutenancy by his Lordship, for his great merit. The sur- geon came and probed the wound ; the ball was extracted, but his Lordship, though apparently exhausting, told the Surgeon he was sure his wound was fatal, and begged, when he had dres- sed him, he would attend the other poor fellows, equal sufferers with himself. Frequent messages passed from Lord Nelson to Captain Hardy, re- specting the fate of the battle. His countenance brightened as the number of ships that had struck were related ; but when the number of nineteen sail was mentioned, an hectic flush of joy appear- on his wan face, and he fe£ med to revive a little. It was the hectic of a moment.— Before and af- ter he was wounded, several kind messages and inquiries came from Lord Collingwood, and it appeared to soothe the last hour and moments of this great Hero to find himself so ably seconded. About a quarter before four, the battle ceased to rage with its pristine fury, and word being brought below that the defeat of the enemy was complete, the dying Nelson pronounced the word victory ! but upon attempting to repeat it, he convulsive- ly grasped the hands of one of his friends near him— the blood rushed from the lungs into the - throat, and he expired calmly, and without a groan. Thus died the greatest Hero that Eng- land ever produced. PATRIOTIC FUND. The following are the noble resolutions of a Special General Meeting of the Committee, held u Lloyd's on the 3d inst Resolved, That a Vase of the value of L. 500, orna- nented with emblematical devices, and appropriate in- ' criptions, illustrative of the transcendant and heroic at- hievements of the late Lord Viscount Nelson, be pre- sented to his relict, Lady Viscountess Nelson. Resolved, That a similar Vase be presented to the present Earl Nelson, of Trafalgar, to descend as an heir loom, with the title so gloriously acquired. Resolved, That a similar Vase be prefented to Vice- Admiral Lord Collingwood, who, after the death of the Commander in Chief, in the hour of victory, lb nobly completed the triumph of the day. Resolved, That Vases of the value of I,. 300 each, with appropriate inscriptions, be presented to the Right hon. Rear- Admiral the Earl of Northesk, and Sir R. strachan, Bart. Resolved, That Swords of the value of I,. 100 each, with appropriate inscriptions, be presented to the sur- viving Captains and Commanders of his Majesty's ships who shared in the dangers and glory of those memor- able actions. Resolved, That the fum of L. 100 be presented to each of the Lieutenants of his Majesty's Navy, Captains of the Royal Marines, and other officers in the second class of his Majesty's proclamation for the distribution of prize- money, who was severely wounded; and the sum of L. 50 to each officer of the same rank who was slight- ly wounded. Resolved, That the fum of L. SO be presented to each of the officers in the third class of his Majesty's procla- mation for'the distribution of prize- money, who was severely wounded; and the sum of L. 30 to each officer of the rank who was slightly wounded. Resolved, That the sum of L. 40 be presented to each of the officers in the 4th class of his Majesty's procla- mation for the distribution of prize- money, who was se- verely wounded ; and the sum of L. 25 to each officer of the same rank who was slightly wounded ; and that additional gratuities be hereafter voted to such officers as may be disabled in consequence of their wounds. Resolved, That the sum of L. 40 be prefented to eve- ry seaman or marine whose wounds may be attended with disability or loss of limb; the fum ofL. 20 to each seaman or marine severely wounded; and the sum of L. 10 to each seaman or marine slightly wounded. Resolved, That relief be afforded to the widows, or- phans, parents, and relatives depending for support on the Captains, officers, petty officers, feamen, and ma- rines, who fell in these glorious engagements, as foon as their respective situations shall be made known to the Committee. Resolved, That letters be written to Lord Colling- wood and Sir R. Strachan, requesting they will com- municate the above Resolutions to the different ships un- der their command, and furnish the Committee with the names of the private seamen and marines killed and woudded, with such particulars as they can collect, re- specting the widows, orphans or other relatives, who de- pended for fupport on the brave men who so gloriously fell in the cause of their country. Refolved, That the fums contributed on the Day of Thanksgiving be exclufively appropriated to the relief of the seamen, marines, and volunteers wounded, and to the widows, orphans, and relatives, of thofe killed, in his Majesty's service, and that a separate account be kept of the fame. The following anecdote of Thomas Main, a seaman of the Leviathan, has been communicat- ed to the Committee, by the commander of that vessel— " I must beg to relate a trifling anecdote of one of my men, the captain- of the forecastle, as it will serve to shew the enthusiasm of a British seaman when fighting with the enemies of his country. " We had passed through the line, and had assisted in disabling and silencing the French Admiral's ship, and the four- decker, the Santissima Trinidada; but were much galled by a distant cannonade'from a separated few of the enemy's ships : at last the St Augustin, of 74 guns, bearing the pendant of Commodore Cagidal, gave us an opportunity of closing with him, which was im- mediately embraced, and he was soon taken. While this was doing, a shot took off the arm of Thomas Main, when at his gun at the forecastle. His messmates kind- ly offered to assist him in going to the surgeon; but he bluntly told them, •' I thank you; stay where you are ; you will do more good there.' He then went down himself to the Cockpit. " The Surgeon, who respected him as a good man, would willingly have attended to him in preference to others who had been brought down a few moments be- fore ; but this brave seaman would not admit of it,' A- vast, not until it- comes to my turn, if you please.' The Surgeon soon after amputated his arm, near the shoul- der ; during which operation, with great composure, smiling, and with a steady clear voice, he sung the whole of Rule Britannia.' " The cheerfulness of this tough son of Neptune was of infinite use in keeping up the spirits of his wounded shipmates; but I am sorry to inform you, this fine fel- low died in Gibraltar Hospital of a fever, when his arm was nearly well. CAPTURE OF THE BRUNSWICK INDIAMAN. Mr Pears purser of the Hon. Company's ship Brunswick, arrived at the India House on Saturday, with the melancholy intelligence of that ship having been capturcd by Rear Admiral Linois, in the Marengo, accompanied by La Belle Poule frigate, on the nth July last, off Point de Galle. This ship separated from the homeward- bound China fleet in February last, for Bombay, in consequence of her fpringing a leak, and, after very great exertions in keeping her afloat, arrived there, making nearly six feet wa- ter per hour. After receiving the necessary re- pairs, she failed from Bombay for China on the 1 ft of July, with three country ships, two of which parted company on the 4th, in very dark, blowing, squally weather. On the nth, the Sarah, . Captain M'Intosh, being the only ship then in company with the Brunswick, they fell in with the French squadron, to which, after ah - ineffectual attempt at resistance, the Brunf- wick surrendered. The Sarah being considera- bly to windward, made for the land, closely pur- fued by the frigate, and soon after ran upon the breakers, with all sails set, when she immediate- ly hoisted a signal of distress, and, from the re- port made by the captain of La Belle Poule, up- on his return, she must be totally lost. Captain Grant and the officers of the Brunswick were sent on board Le Marengo, who continued her cruize to the south ; and, on the 6th of August, in lat. 20. long. 80. 30. E. they fell in with an outward bound India fleet, consisting of 11 fail; about four P. M. they were standing to the north, and when first discovered, it being thick hazy weather, were not more than three or four miles distant. Every thing was immediately cleared for action, and the Brunswick's officers and men sent below. The action commenced about 30 minutes part five P. M. and continued without intermission nearly half an hour. The Admiral bore up to leeward of the fleet, and continued receiving and returning their fire until they had passed them all, when, having received several shot from one which they supposed to be a man of war, they continued under a press of sail, and kept hauling out to windward all night, still keeping in sight of the fleet. The Brunf- wick, which was then in company, separated from tbe fleet at the beginning of the action, ar. d stand- ing to the south, was soon out of fight. At day- light the English fleet were perceived about four miles astern to leeward, all hove to in line- of- battle, expecting the attack of the French Admiral, who had then shortened sail under his top- sails and fore- sails. About feven A. M. the Marengo bore up to reconnoitre and ascertain the force of the English, when having ran about a mile and a half to leeward, she again hauled her wind, the English still preserving the same line as before. The Admiral and his Captains now held a consultation, the result of which was, that they thought the English force too much for them, and the idea of a farther attack was im- mediately abandoned. At two P. M. the Eng- lish man of war set his top- gallant fails, the fleet also made more sail, and kept edging to leewerd, the French ships still keeping upon a wind, under an easy sail; about sun- set the merchantmen were nearly six miles to leeward. At nine P. M. the Marengo tacked and stood to the fouth, and we saw no more of the fleet. There were eleven sail, one of which appear- ed to be a 74 gun ship, five to be large China ships, and five to be Bengal ships, which the French officers said were full of troops. The damage sustained by the Marengo were three men wounded, a shot through the fish of the main mast one struck the fore- yard, one through the poop, several shots through her sails, and the ship's sides full of musket balls. La Belle Poule—- Two men wounded, cross jack- yard carried away in the slings, hulled in two places under the chess- trees, and the fore- sail so much cut as to be o- bliged to shift it. The French ships now made sail for the Cape of Good Hope, and arrived in Simon's Bay on the 13th of September, where they found the Bato, of 64 guns, but in a com- pletely dismantled state, having no ship's com- pany on board. The officers and men from the Brunswick were immediately landed, and Admiral Linois gave permission to Capt. Grant, Mr Pears, and two midshipmen, to take their passage to Europe on board a Danish fhip which was upon the point • f sailing for Copenhagen. Two days before Captain Grant sailed, a ship was seen coming into the Bay, making signals of distress, and firing guns for assistance ; she proved to be the Brunswick, who had lost three anchors the preceding night, and for want of timely as- sistance from the French men of war, was driv- ing fast upon the beach, where she soon went on shore about a mile from Simon's Town ; in a few hours part of her false keel and sheathing were thrown upon the beach, by the surf which was breaking over, and when t e Dane sailed had upwards of twelve feet water in her hold. The other officers and seamen of the Bruns- wick were expected to leave the Cape in a few days in a cartel brig hired for the purpose of car- rying them to St Helena. The Dannebroog touched at St Helena oa the 7th of Odlober, at which time the Hon. Company's ships Worcester and Skelton castle had arrived, and were detained for convoy. On the 5th of November spoke his Majesty's brig Teignmouth, with five fhips in cons, any, which they supposed to be the Tottenham, Lord Eldon, and three Whalers. The Danish ship Wilhelmine Teresa was also in fight of the fleet. Lat. 22. 23, N. long. 30. Mr Pears adds—" Not knowing of the im- portance of an accurate statement of the forces at the Cape, I merely enquired their number, and was informed there were about 5000 men, principally Dutch. The inhabitants appeared very favourably disposed towards the English, but had no expectation of a visit from them." L O N D O N— DECEMBER 9. Friday, his Majesty held a Council at St James's, when an order was issued proroguing the Parliament from the 7th to the 2i( l January. After the Council, Lord Cathcart had an au- dience of his Majesty, and had the honour to kiss his Majesty's hand, on being appointed Com- mander in Chief of the English army on the Con- tinent. Lord Cathcart, accompanied by his chief Aid- de- Camp, Major Holland, set off laft night for Yarmouth, to embark for the Continent.— His Lordship is certainly appointed to the com- mand of the British troops who are to serve ia Germany. Lieutenant General Francis Dundas is to com- mand the infantry under Lord Cathcart, and Major Generals Mackenzie Frazer, Sir Arthur Wellesley, Sherbroke, and Hill, are to have the command of brigades. The Duke of Cambridge will probably leave town for Hanover on Tuesday or Wednesday, to command and organize the Hanoverian Le- gion, and the new levies forming in that electo- rate. The recruits already amount to u, oooj and as our army advances into the country, their number will doubtless increase. The Russian Swedish, and British troops, including the noverian Legion, at present in Hanover, amount to nearly 70,000 men. Lord Harrington, with his son, and two mes- sengers, arrived at Yarmouth on Saturday morn- ing ; and yesterday, after receiving a salute from the Venus frigate, which awaited them in the harbour, his Lordship and suit set sail for Cuxha- ven, in that vessel. At twelve o'clock the Venus was out of light, and as the wind blew a stiff breeze from the south- west, there is reason to be- lieve that his Lordship will have a quick passage. Mr Pitt is gone to Bath for the benefit of the waters. A house has been engaged in Argyle- street for his and Lord Bathurst's residence. Saturday intelligence reached the Admiralty, that on the 12th ult. an American was boarded off Cape St Vincent by a French ship of the line, in company with two frigates ar. d two brigs, which are supposed to have formed part of the Rochefort squadron. His Majesty's fhip Baodicea arrived at Cove last Sunday morning. During her cruize ( he fell in with the squadron of French ships which' were captured by Sir Richard Strachan a few days previous to that event, and lost sight of them in a very heavy fog. On the 2d ult. off Cape Finisterre, she fell p with eight sail of French line of battle ships, which were conjectured to be the Rochefort squadron j those she also lost in thick weather. Lord Nelson's body is to be conveyed in the Victory to tbe Nore, and from thence in 1 frigate to Greenwich. . The Board of Admiralty have at length pre- ferred a charge againd Vice Admiral sir Robert Calder, on the ground of " not having done his utmost to bring the enemy to a renewal of the action on the second day, off Cadiz." Mr Er- skine is retained in the defence of Sir R. Calder. The Urgent, which convoyed the Lord El- don and Tottenham, Indiamen, brings intelli- gence that on her way home she spoke ihe Dane- hroog Indiaman, which informed her that' when she left the Cape of Good Hope, Linois, in the Marengo, and Belle Poule, were in Table Bay. The day following the Danebroog fell in with the Tremendous of 74, Grampus of 50, and Terpsichore and Pitt frigates ; and hence there is | uft reason to hope that Admiral L'. nois is be this time in our possession, as no protection could be afforded them from the land, and the French were very unpopular at the Cape, where they could get no credit for supplies of any kind.— They had sold the Brunswick East Indiaman to enable them to purchase the necessaries they stood in need of. The death of the lamented Captain Wright, o' which event some doubts were expressed during the week, has been confirmed by a letter received by Mr Coutts from Mr Perigeaux at Paris. The cause of his death is not mentioned ; but Mr Pe- rigeaux has been requested to obtain all the offi c'ral and authentic documents on this painful oc- casion, that he can. probably for the regulation and conduct of our Government. We hear, that it is in the contemplation of Government to establish a new Order of Merit, for the reward of Naval and Military Officers who may their country. distinguish themselves in the service of On Saturday morning we receiv d New York papers to the 24th October. They state that the British have taken possession of Cape Nicholo Mole, where hey have landed troops. Hts Im- perial Majesty, Dessalines, is not dead, but great jealousy subsists between him and Christophe, whose popularity increases. An insurrection is apprehended. We feel real pleasure in Rating, that the malig- nant fever has ceased at New York. The public offices were to be opened for the dispatch ot bu siness on the 28th of October. On the 26 h, the following notice was issued by the Board of Health : " The Board of Health have the satisfaction to an- nonnce to their fellow citizens, that in their opinion e- very reasonable cause of danger from malignant fever has ceased, and that they may return to their respec- tive homes in perfect safety. The Board recommend, however, that precautionary measures be taken to ven- tilate their dwellings." The following letter contains, we believe, the lated intelligence that has been received from Malta, dated Nov 8 : " The troops were all embarked on the tit, destined for Naples, and are now lying at single anchor, ready ' o take advantage of the first shift of wind. The forces composing the expedition is 8000 men, including the Chasseurs Britan- nique and Wattevile's regiment. Twelve thou- sand Russians are already at the rendezvous ( Sy- racuse), where Sir James Craig was to join them. Transports were sent to convey them from Corfu, where the same number were ready for embarkation, as soon as these should be land- ed. Lieut. Col. Baynes. of Sir James's. Staff, has been at Corfu, and the Russian officers spoke of their troops . as the flower of their army.— They are commanded by a General Lacey, and their squadron by Admiral Greig." It is a fact decisive of the co- operation of Prus- sia in the war against France, that the recruits raising in Hanover, in British pay, and to be at- tached to the King's German Legion, are sub- sisted, from the greater part, from the Prussian ma- gazines. Lord Harrowby's reception by the Prussia 1 Cabinet has fully corresponded with the wishes of our Government. His Lordship was attend ed to Portsdam by Count Hardenberg, and WAS there fully and unreservedly possessed of the views and intentions of that Cabinet. Accounts have been received from Colonel Ramsey, who has been sent bv Government to the Austrian head- quarters, that the first division of the Hungarian Insurrection Army was in mo- tion on the 10th ult. and advancing towards the frontiers of Stiria, with a view to support th. operations of the Archduke Charles. This mass, which is excellently organised and appoint- ed, comprises upwards of 100,000 men. The Elector of Bavaria lately sent one of his Chamberlains to Berlin, with a view to excuse and justify his conduct to Austria ; but his Prus- sian Majesty refused to give him audience, and declined to answer a letter which the Elector had written to him. The Emperor Alexander arrived at the Aus- trian Court in Moravia, on the 20th ult. The contributions levied by the French on Vienna, during the three first days of their occu- pancy, amounted to thirty millions of florins. A scarcity, bordering on famine, prevails in Suabia and Franconia, in a material degree ari- sing from the consumption and devastation of the hostile armies. PLYMOUTH, Dec. 7.—- Arrived his Majesty's ships St George, of 98 guns, from Halifax ;, montagu, of 74 guns, from the Channel fleet; and- the Glory and Goliath are just come in ; the remainder of the Channel fleet passed by for Tor- bay. ' CORN EXCHANGE, LONDON, Dec. 9. Though we had a liberal supply of Wheat this morn-, ing, the demand being very brisk, prices advanced 4s. to 5s. per quarter since this day week; likewife fine Foreign was some shillings higher. We had r. ot many arrivals of Barley, which article was about Is. per quar- ter dearer. Oats continue to come in good supply to market, the sale of which Was dull at a decline of at lead Is. per quarter Cnce our laft. quotation Rye ad- vanced about 3s. per quarter. Boiling Pease are 2s. per quarter cheaper, but Hog Pease fetched more money than last week. Flour rose 5s. per sack. In other arti- cles no alteration of cotifeqttence. - « « « < >-- V V v >—- EDINBURGH— DECEMBER 12. — * . - - * Monday, Palis papers to the 2fnh, and ac- counts iroin the Rhine to the 24th ult. were re- ceived in London. A - the iJonifeur does not contain one word of official intelligence from their grand army, it is very natnral to suppose that they have nothing ad- vantageous lo communicate.— It is supposed by the French journalists, that the communications are not open, and that their couriers have been in- tercepted by the Austrian cavalry in Soabia, nndcr WoLFSKEHL, 01 that th y may be obliged to go round by Franconia. WOLFSKEHL appears to be a most active, enterprises, and skilful General. He divided his little armv into several corps, each of which he ordered to take different routes to get to the Danube, and from thence to Bohemia. Se- veral of them succeeded, but some are said to have been obliged, by AUGEREAU, to fall back to the Voralberg and the Tyrol No account had reached Paris on the 24th ult. of the French having entered Vienna, though that fact has been placed beyond a doubt by the last Hamburgh mails. ( MURAT'S division, which first entered Vienna, is said, but we doubt file truth of the assertion, to have proceeded to Presburg in Hungary, where he has established his head- quarters. As the whole Austrian and Russian force is in Moravia and Bo- hemia, we cannot see why MURAT should push • forward into Hungary. With respect to BONAPARTE himself we have 110 new information. He would probably COB- 1 tinue at Vienna until the Other divisions of his ar- my came up, unless in the mean time he should be driven from it by the allies. He would at any rate, be very cautious in advancing in the face of the large force which he would find opposed to hiin. There is no further information in these papers respecting the movements of the Archduke CHARLES. NEV, it is stated, had marched from Inspruck, and was pursuing the Archduke JOHN ; but almost in the same breath it is said, that the object of NEY was to form a junction with BER- NAUOTTE. This, perhaps, he might not find it very easy t » effect, and if he did, the united divi- sions of NEY and BKRNADOTTE would be insuffi- cient to intercept the progress of the unbroken ar- my of the Archduke CHARLES, with whom the Archduke JOHN might then unite his forces. A proclamation was published at Venice by the Go- vernor- General, announcing that 24,000 Russians were expected there on the 3d ult. These troops, with the strong Austrian garrison previously left there bv the Archduke CHRALES, would be suffi- cient to give employment to a large portion of M ASSUNA'S army, who, of course, would not venture to continue his inarch without leaving a force before Venice greatly superior to the Austrian and Russian troops in that city. Throughout the Austrian dominions the most determined and patriotic spirit appears to be dis- played by, the inhabitants. In theTyrol, the French had not only to contcnd with the regular Austrian troops and the brave militia, but were even tired upon by the women and girls. It will probably be found t. iat NEY was glad to make his reireat out of ihe Tyrol, for which his proposed junction with BITR^ ADOTTE serves as ail excuse. The Parisian journalists labour to persuade the readers of their lucubrations, that the exertions of Pfussia will be contincd to drawing a cordon of troops from the frontiers of Holland to the frontiers of Bohemia, for the purpose of maintaining her neutrality. The accounts in the French papers are at va- riance with all the other intelligence that has been received from the Continent; it was strongly re- ported when the latest accounts left Rotterdam 011 the 5th, that Prussia had beguu to co- operate with the allies, and haJ gained some advantages over the French. Among other reports that prevailed in London, it was stated, that a tumult had taken place in Pa- ris, occasioned by the regulations adopted in con- sequence of the stoppage of the banks, and which hail drawn the EMPEROR to the metropolis ; he having left the sole command df the army in Ger- many to Prince MURAT.— French funds bg\. LORE C0llINGW00D's FLEET. List of the British Fleet at present stationed in the Me- diterranean, under the command of Vice- Admiral Lord Collingwood, Commander in Chief, & c. Ships. Queen, Powerful, Britannia, Canopus, Prince, Neptune, Dreadnought, Ajax, Tigre, Donnegal, Zealous, Superb, Spencer, Minotaur, Orion, Swiftsure, Thunderer, Excellent, Saturn, Eagle, Agamemnon, Polyphemus, Athenienne, Intrepid, Standard, Guns. Commanders. V.- Ad. Lord Collingwood. Capt. F. Pender. V.- A. Sir J. T. Duckworth. Capt. R. Plampin. Ad. Earl of Northesk. ' Capt. Charles Buller. C Rear- Ad. T. Louis. 80 Capt. F. W. Austin. „„ Rear- Ad. R. Grindall. 98 Capt. 74 • 100 - 98 98 80 80 80 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 64 64 64 64 64 Freemantle. Conn. B. Hallowell. P. Malcolm. J. O. Hardy. R. G. Keats. Hon. R. Stopford. Mansfield. Codrington. Rutherford. T. Sotheby. lord. A. Beauclerk. Rowley. Sir E. Berry. . Redmill. Giffard. Wodehouse. Harvey. Besides frigates, sloops, & c. Prizes taken on the 21ft October, lying at Gibraltar. Swiftsure, 74 I San Nepomuceno, 74 San Ildesonso, 74 | Bahama, .74 The following ships have arrived in Britain since the action of the 21st. October, vii. Victory The Earl of HARRINGTON, on a special mis- sion to the Emperor of GERMANY, and Lord CATHCART, to command the troops lately landed in Germany, have left London, to embark for the Continent. A large body of troops are said to have sailed from thp Downs on Sunday, and ano- ther embarkation. will take place immediately. The regiments aie die ' 3d, 8th, yth, 30th, 87th, and syth. The 5th, lst hat. of the 79th, and 92d, sail in the next embarkation, with the whole dra- goons and artillery belonging to the German Le- gion, and a large detachment of the royal waggon train. Part of the Channel fleet has put into Ply- mouth— the rest into Torbav. Mails from Jamaica and New York arrived on English Wheat. 64 Zealand do 7° Barley 73 0 o o 34 o English Flour, Malt, Oats, 65 66 iS prortanee, It is, we believe, now arranged by Government that the body of Lord NELSON, after being eon yeyeil to Greenwich with as little delay as possible and with the most attentive and august solemnity will there be laid in state for two days. From Greenwich it will be conveyed, in grand funeral procession, to Somerset House. It will there, we understand, be laid out in state for one dav. Victory, 110 Conqueror, 74 Royal Sovereign, 110 Defence, 74 Temeraire, , 98 Defiance, 74 Tonant, 80 Colossus, 74 Belleisle, 74 leviathan, 74 Revenge, 74 Achille, 74 Mars, 74 Bellerophon, 74 Spartiate, 74 Africa, 64 rel; when the privateer attempted to board, one of the crew, more forward than his comrades, leaped into one of the Peterel's port holes, and was made prisoner he reported that from 30 to 40 men were killed on board the privateer oe- fore he left her. One of the privateer's officers in the act of striking, was shot through the head by the Captain. The privateer received much damage in the action, arid had her larboard bow stove in." , The Minorca, British tranfport, returned a se- cond time to Charleston, in distress, the morning the Independence sailed. The ship Northumber- land, GIBB, of London, was stranded on Charleston Baron the 14th October. She was drove there in distress from Jamaica, the ship and cargo ( sugars) were totally lost— crew saved. Captain GIBb arrived in the Independence. We perceive from the Olympic Circus ad- vertisement in this paper, a change ot perfor- mance will take place this evening. in addition to the many wonderful equestiian feats by Mr SMITH and Mr CROSSMAn, which have already given so much satisfaction, and been honoured with the patronage of the first families in Scot- land, add to that, the sprightly and animated rope dancing by the justly celebrated Mr RICHER', who unquestionably remains unrivalled.— See Ad- vertisement. 40 11 3 I 5 The Right Hon. WILLIAM CONYNGHHM PLUNKETT, Attorney General in Ireland, has been admitted a Member of the Privy Council in Ireland. An active canvass is begun for the representa- tion of the borough of Berwick in Parliament. The candidates who have already darted are, Lieut- Colonel LOCHART, of the Lanark militia, and Sir JOHN CALLENDAR. It is believed - that Colonel ORD, of Longridge, and the Hon. Capt. BENNET, of Chillingham Castle, also mean to of- fer themselves. The officers, non- commissioned officers, drum- mers and privates of the Dunbar battalion of vo- lunteer infantry, have unanimously contributed wo days pay of their respective ranks, towards the fund for the relief of the widows, orphans, and relatives of those brave men who fell in the late glorious naval victories. On Saturday last, the Judge of Police senten- ced Elizabeth Boyd to Bridewell for 60 days, the first 30 to be fed upon bread and water, for keep- ing a disorderly house, which was frequented by very young girls. Monday the Judge sentenced Janet Brownlee to the same place, and same pu- nishment, for enticing and carrying the young girls to Boyd's house. On Tuesday the Judge of Police sentenced MARY REID, to Bridewell, for stealing some ar- ticles of wearing apparel, and fined a woman for purchasing other articles which had been stolen. Same day, a person in a respectable situation, was bound over to keep the peace, for maltreat- ing his wife, and turning her out of doors.— And a parcel of idle boys were severely repremanded for repeatedly obstructing and insulting the boys belonging to one of the hospitals, on their way to church.— The Judge, upon this occasion, stated, that if these or any other boys should hereafter be found assembling in sets or parties, and mo- lesting the peaceable inhabitants, especially on the lord's day, they would be punished in a most examplary manner. Yesterday, BETTY BAUCHOP was sentenced to Bridewell for stealing books from a shop in Ni- colson's Street, and MARY THOMPSON for steal- ing bottles from a house in George's Street. Several persons have of late been fined for al- lowing their vents to get on fire by neglecting to have them regularly swept. The Judge also da- ted, that if it should be found that foul vents were in any case occasioned by the chimney sweeps not cleaning properly, he would certainly fine them also. The Earl Moira cutter, Capt. MELVILLE, in the service of the Board of Excise, on the 3d inft. at three P. M. fell in with a large lugger off Bervie. About eight got alongside, and hailed, but receiving no answer fired into her, which the lugger instantly returned with three cheers, and an engagement took place, which continued for an hour a » d fifteen minutes within musket- shot, when the lugger drew a- head, and left off firing. The cutter continued firing her chace- guns so SERMON. On Sabbath Evening next, at Six o'clock, the Rev. Mr PEDDIE will preach, in his own Meeting- house, Bristo Street, the Annual Sermon for the EDINBURGH RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY. This Society publish a great variety of short Religious Tracts, adapted for general distribution, and which, for that purpose, are sold on very low terms. They occa- sionally distribute considerable quantities having merous applications for them from different places where good has been done by them, or where there is a pro- spect of their being useful; but, from the smallness of tie Society's funds, they have not hitherto been able to supply these applications, or to make their plan l'o ex- tensively beneficial as they with. To assist them in this, they depend on the liberality of the Friends of Religion, which they hope will be exerted on this occasion. — BIRTH.— On Sunday, of a son, the Lady of Lieut. Col. HALL, Inspecting Field Officer for the recruiting service of the Glasgow district. — MARRIED— ' At Tipperline, near Edinburgh, on Thursday 28th ult. Mr GEORGE MURRAY to Miss JANET BEDDIE, daughter of Mr Wm. Beddie, Grassmarket. At Mount, near Kilmarnock, on the 2d inst. Captain ROBERT M'ALISTER, of the Lady Nelson of Port * Glasgow, to Miss JANET GUTHRIE, daughter of Mr John Guthrie in Mount. — DIED— . At Edinburgh, on the 7th curt. Dr HILL, Professor Humanity in the University of Edinburgh. At Edinburgh, on the Sd inst. Mr GEO. WILSON, Apothecary to the Royal Infirmary. At Aberdeen, 011 the 6th inst. Mrs MORE of Stoney- wood. At Murdosten, the 2d December curt. Mrs CHRIS- TIAN HAMILTON, sister of the deceased Gen. James Inglis Hamilton of Murdosten. At the Palace, Kilkenny, in the 75th year of his age, the Right- Rev. HUGH HAMILTON, D. D. F. R.. S and M. R. I. A. Lord Bishop of Offory, formerly a Fellow of the Trinity College, Dublin, and Professor of Natural Philosophy. His writings in several branches of science ranked him among the brightest ornaments of the Uni- versity of which he was a member. At Dublin, 011 the 1st inst. Captain THOMAS CuN INGHAME of the 45th regiment of foot, son of the late Wm. Cuninghame, Esq. of Lainshaw. In the village of Buswahputtun, near Chittledroog, on the 28th April, while employed on a tour of duty, ALEx. ANDERSON, Esq. Superintending Surgeon of Mysore ; a gentleman no less distinguished for his great private worth and probity, than by a humane, active, and zealous discharge of his professional duties, during long course of public service. EDINBURGH PRICES OF MEAL, Dec. 3. This day, there were 280 bolls of Oatmeal in F.- dinburgh market', which fold from 19s. Od. to 20s. gd. per boll. Retail prices per peck of best Oatmeal Is. 4d. second Is. — There were also 60 bolls of Pease and Barley Meal, which fold from Lis. Od. to 17s. 6 J. per boll. Retail prices per peck, from Is. to ts. 3d. LEITH SHIPPING. ARRIVED— Dec. 9. Forth, Curry, from London, goods. Cumberland, Simpson, from Jamaica, ditto. Lady Forbes, Gourlay, from ditto, ditto— 10. Lord Fife, Craigie, from Lerwick, ditto. Lady Charlotte, Trail, from Aberdeen, ditto. Sprightly, Paton, from Dundee, ditto. Russell, Ford, from Montrose, ditto. Minerva, Wildgoose, from Quebec, ditto. . long as she was within reach, and ran down to Monday morning, but brought no news of im->' Colliston, expecting the lugger might endeavonr Tuefday the following Noblemen and Gentle- men were chofen office- bearers of the Caledonian Hun' for the enfuing year : — The Hon. Robert Dundas of Melville, Prefes. Captain James Ofwald, ' I'reafuref. Earl of Erroll, f Wm. Robertfon, Efq. of Ladykirk. >- Councillors. Captain James Blair," 3 The Duchefs of R ' XBURGHE, the Rev. THO- MAS, and Mrs Wi- LLI.\ MS, witli HENRYGAWLBR, Efq. have arrived at Dumbrecl's Hotel, from the country feat at Fleurs. His Grace the Duke of MONTROSE has pre- fented Mr WILLIAM FRKELAND, preacher, to th church and pa fh of Buchanan, in the pref- byrery of Dumbarton. Th : AfTocate Cong'egaiion of Alnwick, long under- he pa toial cireo' the l. ite Rev JOHN MAX60ALL, have given an harmonious call to Mr DAVID PATERSON, preacher of the Gofpei. The Rev. JOHM BLACKHALL of Berwick preach- ed and modcraisa in the call, on the 5th initant. ' here, the wind being S. W. b! it did not her again. The lugger appeared low in the water, has eleven poats of a side, and ihe must have had a great number of hands, from the con- stant- fire of musketry during the whole time of die . engagement. The Earl Moira carries only six guns and 16 men. We are happy to add, that. the . brave crew of this small cutter escaped safe, although much exposed, and one 9 lb. shot came through the cabin, Captain WALKER of the Independence, just arrived in Clyde, from Charlestown, reports that the ship Esther, Capt. IRVING, of London, was t ken on the 5th Nov. by the French schooner privateer Superb, of 14 guns, after several ski mishes, for upwards of two days. The Captain and officers were all killed. The Minorca, Br ish transport, . retured. I have also learned by his Majesty's ship Petterel, Capt. LAMBURNE, put into Charlestown the 14th Oct. and had been engaged on ihe t ith by the French schoorer pri- vateer. Superb, Capt. DOMINER, of 14guns, and ' 16 TO, en. The privateer ran alongside, suppos- ing her to be a Guineaman but a broadside from the Petterel was poured in, and an action ensued, which laded about 20 minutes, when the French- men set all sail and made off; the Petterel gave chace for some hours, but by the superior sailing « f the privateer, she got. the weather gauge and escaped ; Lieut. MAITLAND and one man kil- led, and four men wounded oa board the Pette- THE LATe VICTORIES OVER THE COMBINED FLEET; OE frAnCe AND SPAIN-. '... Edinburgh, Merchants Hull, Dee. II. ' 805. SUBSCRIPTIONS received in consquence of the Resolutions passed at the Meeting of the Inhabitants of this City and its Neighbourhood, held upon the 3.5th day of November 1,- ft For the RELIEF of the RELATIONS of thosF brave Men who have fallen in the late Naval, EN- GAGEMeNTS under LORD NELSON , Sir Ro- bErt cALDER, and SIR RICHARD STRAcHAn, and of those who may have been wounded there- in. Subscriptions formerly published L I .3 Right Hon. the Earl of' Rosebery The Right Hon. Lord Viscount Primrose . v 0 O Right Hon. the earl of Dalhousie Right Hon. the Lord president The british Linen Company. - - , :) i'he kirkcudbright Regiment of Militia 1-| days pay - The Eyemouth volunteers two days pay of officers and privates Williaam Lamb and son, upholsterers Walter Lockhart, writer Edinburgh David Balfour Esq. W S Patrick Maxton , esq. banker Ths rev. Mr James hall; Rose Street James Ferrier, Esq. clerk of session Mr George Walker, drawing master , Mr John Coldstream, writer, Edinburgh William Bell. Efq. - . ". Alex Allan: Esq. merchant Dr Andrew Duncan sen. Neil Macvicar, Esq - . William Macfarlane, Eaq. \ V. , S. Mr. William Scott Macfarlane, jun. J A. Higgins, esq. W, S. Richard Hotchkis, Esq. W. S. Captain Clerk, late 0f the1st battalion 2d regiment R. E V. Alex M'Laurin, stabler, Cowgate- port Peter M'Laurin, ditto, ditto James Kettle, Esq. writer Arch. Campbell, esq. Merchant Street John Campbell, Esq. Receiver General of the John Ferrier, Esq. W. S. James Marshall, Esq. W. S. - Colonel thomas Pringle Sir James Hay, Bart. Messrs Smiths and Stevenson, Blair Street John Crombie, dyer - Thomas Dallas,, merchant Thomas Ferguson, West Bow Lieutenant- Colonel James Pringle William Pagan, Esq. York Place Vice- Admiral John Inglis Major Silvester Ramsay James Connel, merchant, leith Ja nes Davidson, Esq. W. S. - - Alex. Wood, surgeon - . Messrs Bell and Bradsute, booksellers - Henry Tod, upholsterer Messrs Robert Allan & Son, bankers Jonn Hamilton, Esq. of Peimont Bank 5 John Young, architect . . 3 William Tennant, Esq. per Robert Allan & Son 5 John Wardrop, esq. banker . 3 Andrew Bell, Esq. laurieston - 2 George Rae, Esq. Canongate - - 1 John hunter, Esq. W. S. - .3 Walter Watson, Esq, Charlotte Square 10 Thomas Burns, Esq. vV. S. - - 2 Ebenezer Gilchrist, Esq British Linen Co. 1 Gilbert Meason, esq. of Moredun - 10 Philip Cadel, Esq. Cramond 5 James Scott, Esq. W. S. - „ 3 Alex Anderson, Esq. Depute Secretary to the Forces - - - - 330 Thomas Kinnear & Sons, bankers - 10 10 O Wm. Henry Charters, Esq - . 110 j and e Alexanders, Stirling - . 5 5 0 mrs Thomson &. Miss Clarks, George's Sq. 2 2 0 Sir William George Fairfax - 2 2 0 Just Published. PORTRAIT OF THE LATE PROFESSOR ROBISON. N ENGRAVING of a PORTRAIT of the late JOHN ROBISON, LL. D. Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh, & c. by an Eminent Artist in London, from a Painting by Mr RAEBURN, is this day Publifhed. and such as are desirous of having Copies may be provided by Mr Marnoch, Carver and Gilder, Prince's Street. NEW FRUiTS. ' ON SALE, THE Entire CARGO of the BETSEY, Capt. Gra HAM, from Lisbon consisting of ORANGES in Chests and Hall Chests. LEMONS in ditto and Boxes. FIGS in Frails. GRAPES in Jars. LISBON, ") BUCELLLA, f WINES in Pipes and Half MADEIRA, f Pipes. CARGAVILLA Apply to ALEX. LIVINGSTON, Crosscauseway. The Industry, Capt. Dan. Malander, from Malaga, with SUN. LEXIA, MUSCATELLE, and BLOOM RAISINS. FIGS; LEMONS. JORDAN and VALENCIA ALMONDS. • j& f, ~~~~~~ CONTRACTOR WANTED. WANTED, a CONTRACTOR who will undertake for the Erection of about One Thousand Roods of Galloway Dike, upon the Farms of North Shields ar. d Skiprig, and Comity of Peebles. The lines of Inclosure which are proposed, Will be shewn by Mr Paterson at North Shields, who will also inform as to terms of C0n- tract, and other particulars. As it is wished to carry on the work with dispatch. thoi'ti, who come first forward, will be most readily dealt with. 1 Deceme- I 805. 0 O o o 0 o 2 0 1 O 10 0 5 0 3 O L. 1675 13 2 Collections at the Church Doors. [ Received since last publication.] Roman Catholic Chapels, edinburgh L. 13 17 S J The Rev. Mr Struthers' Congregation, College Street - - - 67 0 Tabernacle, Leith Walk - 21 18 O Tabernacle, Leith - - 2 15 3 Berean Congregation - - 3 5 6 Additional from the Baptist Congregation O 17 O i he Rev. Mr Saville, Canongate Chapel 15 16 X The Universalist Society - 3 3 4 The Rev. Dr Sandford, Charlotte Chapel, Rose Street - - 73 4 0 Dalkeith Church, additional - 10 0 Lasswade Church, by the Rev. Mr Paton 23 10 0 The Rev. Dr Jamieson's Congregation, Ni- colson's Street - Lady Yester's Church The Church of Farnell, Presbytery of Bre- chin, per the Rev. Mr James Wilson The Church of Atholstoneford the Church of Peebles, per the Rev. Dr Dalgliesh - - - 16 14 6 Mr Aikman's Independent Meeting, Col- lege Street - - IS 0 0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS LI, persons having Claims or Demands of any kind on the deceased ROBERT BEATSON, Esq. of Bruntisland Castle, are requested, without delay, io give in Notes of the same to mr Duncan, Writer to the Sig- net, York Place, Edinburgh, mentioning how they are constituted. ' OtiCE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. HOSE v.- ho are indebted to the late Mr JOHN RITCHIE. Slater . in Edinburgh, will please to. i pay the amount to Mr William Dallas, AV. S. and all ; those having claims against the late Mr Ritchie will lodge thu same with Mr Dallas. TO LET, FURNISHED, THAT Large HOUSE, No. 42. GEORGe STREET north side," with Coach- house and Stables the house has lately undergone a thorough repair For particulars apply to Mr Willm. Trotter, Prince's street. T Total L. 2009 12 5 For erecting a STATUE, NAVAL PILLAR, or O- ther MONUMENT to the memory of LORD NEL- SON. Amount of Subscriptions, formerly publish- ed - Right Hon. the Earl of Dalhousie - 21 0 O Right Hon. the Lord President - 5 5 0 William Lamb & Son, upholsterers - 1 J o Walter lockhart, Writer - - 1 1 O William Simpson, Esq. Royal Bank - 5 5 0 James Ferrier, Esq. Cierk of Session - 2 2 0 John Coldstream, writer - - 110 William Bell, Esq. - - - 1 0 6 Alexander Allan, Esq. merchant - 5 5 6 Dr Andrew Duncan, sen. - - 2 2 0 William Macfarlane, Esq. W. S, - 110 r Archibald James Campbell, Esq. - 3 3 0 Richard Hotchkis, Esq. W. S. - 2 2 0 Arehd. Crawfuird, jun. Efq W. S. - 6 6 0 Alex. M'Laurin, ftabler, Cowgate- port 110 Peter M'Lanrin, ditto ditto - 1 I o James Kellie, Esq.' writer. - - 110 James Marshall, Esq. W. o. - 2 2 0 Sir James Hay, Bart. - - 500 Messrs Smiths and Stevenson, Blair Street 2 2 0 Thomas Dallas, Merchant - - 2 10 O William Pagan, Esq. York Place - 3 3 0 Major Silvester Ramsay - - 2 2 0 James Connel merchant, Leith - 110 James Davidson, Esq. W. S. - 110 Alexander Wood, surgeon - - 330 John Young, architect - 2 2 0 Alexander Wardrop, Esq. banker . 110 Andrew Bell, Esq Laurieston . - 1 1 O R. Scott, apothecary - - 110 Dr Jo. Yule, one of the physicians to the Dispensary - - 2 2 0 Walter Watson, Esq. Charlotte Square 5 5 0 Ebenezer Gilchrist, Esq. British Linen Com- pany - - - - 1 1 0 Gilbert Meason, Esq. of Moredun - 5 5 0 Philip Cadell, Esq. Cramond - 2 2 0 jy In the list of Subscriptions for the Naval Pillar to the memory of Lord Viscount Nelson, we, by mis- take, omitted to mention the subscription of the Right Hon. the Earl of Moira, which was L. 50. *, » Subscriptions received at Merchants Hall every lawful day, from 12 to 2 o'clock ; at all the principal Banking Houses in Edinburgh, and ny William Coul- ter, Esq. Treasurer w the fund, at his_ shop, High Street. ! EDINBURGH nEwS CONTINUED. On Thursday last, the day appointed for a gene- ral thanksgiving, there was a collection at the pa- riffi church, and in the English Chapel, Kelso, for the relief of the widows and children of those who fell in the late glorious naval victories— 30!. 9s. was collected at the former, and 18I. 9s. 6d. at the latter. Previous to divine service, the East- ern troop of Roxburghshire Yeomanry Light Dra- goons met, and unanimously voted fifty guineas for the same benevolent purpose. The Western Troop of Roxburghshire Yeomanry Light Dra- goons having also met, at Jedburgh, on the same day, Ordered their paymaster sergeant to trans- mit fifty guineas to the Patiotic Fund, at Lloyds'. Sunday night Kelso was alarmed by the cry of 1 fire,' originating from the following melancholy circumstance:— A. young women heating a mix- ture of turpentine and wax, unfortunately set it on fire ; it boiling over upon herself, and another old woman, the latter succeedcd in extinguishing the flames which fell into her lap, but the former rushed into the street in a blaze ; before the fire was extinguished, her head, ncck, arms, and legs, were burnt in so dreadful a mannner that she now lies without any prospect of recovery. JANET PALMER, or Mrs THOMSON, was last week committed to jail by the Magistrates of Glasgow, charged by the Fiscal with having at- tempted to utter, in a shop in Gallowgate, two half- crown pieces, a dollar and shilling, knowing them to be base and counterfeited. On searching the prisoner's person at tbe Police Office, imme- diately on her being apprehended, other thirteen pieces of base metal, resembling the shilling coin, were found upon her. All these pieces ard form- ed of copper, thinly covered with silver. Some of the shillings are plain, and others a little head- ed, with a faint impression of part of a head on one side. The half- crowns are plain on the one side, and have on the other side the impression of the head of WILLIAM III almost as plain as if newly from the mint. The dollar is dated 1794, and has the impression of the head of CHARLES IV. of Spain, and is in the whole coarsely exe- cuted. It is believed that there are a great many of these pieces in circulation. The Magiftrates of Glasgow lately ordered ROBERT GREY, and JOHN CAMPBELL, two young boys, to be committed to bridewell, for stealing some articles from a coach- house in town ; and at same time, ANN MITCHELL, an old offender, was sent there for six months, and then ordered to go into banishment, convicted of the crimes of theft and returning from banish- ment. OWEN GARVIN and EDWARD SHORT were, last Saturday tried before the Magistrates of Glas gow for issuing base money, as mentioned in a former paper ; and on account of their candour in pleading guilty, and their having enlisted into the army, they were only fined in a guinea each, besides being found liable to the expences of the prosecucton. CAPTURES FROM THE FRENCH. Spanish and French men of war taken, destroyed, or blown up, with the amount of guns and seamen captu- red from these Powers, hy the wonderful exertions of our gallant tars and royal marines, from July 23. to Nov. .'. 183.7, 011 the European Seas, or western station. By Rear- Admiral Calder, July 23. 1805. Gum. j& en. La Firma, S. - 74 850 San Raphael, S. - 84 1000 By the Phoenix, 44, Captain Baker. la Didon, F. - - 48 370 By L'egyptienne, 40, Hon. Capt. Fleming. L'Acteon, F. ' - 22 150 By Goliah, 74, and our Cruizers. La Torche, F. - - 20 180 La Faune, F. - 18 16" 0 By the late Vice- Admiral Lofd Nelson, Lord Colling- wood, and Earl Northesk, off Trafalgar, Oct. 21. 22. 28.— Twenty sail of the line, viz. 14 - French - 6 Spanish - - C 1648 21,210 From 110 to- 71 guns. J By Rear- Admiral Strachan, Nov. 4. off Cape Ortega). Le Formidable, F. Admiral Dumanoir 84 950 Mont Blanc, F. - 74 750 Guay Trouin, F. - 74 750 Scipio, F. - - 74 750 Total ' 2220 27,120 Privateers omitted in the above list. RECAPITULATION". loss of the enemy, 20 ships of the line, from 110 to 74 guns, 1 frigate of 48 gems, and 3 corvettes. Men of war, 30. fmns, Calibre, 42- pounders to 12- pounders. Seamen and soldiers, amongst which are all the prime a of France . and Spain, 27,120. What will Bonaparte say to the above recapitulation af his naval losses ? WAR- OFFICE— Nov. 23. 1305. 11th Foots.— Sub- Lieutenant Thomas Beardmore; from the lit regiment. of life guards to be Lieutenant, by pur- chase, vice Cholmley, promoted in the 4th West India regiment. 18th Ditto— Jeremiah Cowper to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Pepper, promoted in tho 27th foot. 20th Ditto- r Ensign George TOVey to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice RoSs, promoted 111 the 38th foot. 21ft Ditto- Lynch Quin to. be Second Lieutenant, without purchase, vice Creagh, prompted in 21th Ditto— Captain Barry DreW, from the 45th'foot, t » , be Captain of company, vice Mills, who exchanges. Morton Slaney to be Ensign, by purchafe, vice Erck, promoted. 25th Ditto— ensign James Thornhill to ba Lieute- nant, by purchase, vice Rutherford, promoted. 27th Ditto— Ensign Octavius Pepper, from- the 18th foot, to be Lieutenant, without purchase. Ensign Wil- liam Tighe to be Lieutenant, vice D'Arcey, deceased. Faithful Fortescue to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Maguire, promoted. William Hayes to be Ensign, Without purchase, vice- Kelly, promoted in the 54th foot. Donald Fraser to be Quarter- Master, vice M'- Lean, appointed Adjutant. Hospital- Mate William G. Wray to be Assistant- Surgeon, vice Osborne, appointed to the 7th dragoon guards. Hospital- Mate W. R. White to be- Assistant- Surgeon. 28th Ditto— Ensign John Welton, from the 32d foot, to be Lieutenant, without purchase. William Boggie to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Ellard, who re- signs. 32d Ditto— Hugh Harrison to be Ensign, without purchaSe, vice Welton, promoted in the 28th foot. 37th Ditto— Ensign John Sprond Fenton, from the 96th foot, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Hadley, pur, promoted in the- 38th foot. 45th Ditto— Captain Oliver Mills, from the 24th foot, to be Captain of a company, vice B. Drew, who exchanges. 48th Ditto— Lieutenant Edward Parsons to be Cap tain of a company, without purchafe, vice Skottowe, deceased. 54th Ditto— Ensign Richard Winter Gardner, from the 88th foot-, to be Lieutenant, without purchase. 59th Ditto— Ensign Adam Mellis to be Lieutenant., without purchase, vice Armstrong, appointed to the 1st garrison battalion. ensign David Graham to be Lieu- tenant, by purchase, vice Fenwick, who retires. George Forrest to be Ensign, vice Mellis. 70th Ditta— Ensign James Mackay to be Lieutenant, without purchase. John Myers to be Ensign, vice Mackay. 78th Ditto— Ensign Daniel Stewart to he lieutenant, by purchase, vice Tulton, who retires. 87th Ditto— Ensign William Boucher to be Lieute- nant, by purchase, vice Gordon, promoted. Hospital- Mate John H. Radford to be Assistant- Surgeon. 88th Ditto— William Nickle to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Gardner, promoted in the 54th foot. 89th Ditto— Quarter- Master John Armstrong to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Percy, Superseded. Quarter- Master- Serjeant Thomas Toln to be Quarter- Master, vice Armstrong. 93d Ditto Thomson to be Ensign, without purchaSe, vice Mackay, promoted in the 27th foot, 95th Ditto— Hospital- Mate William Jones to be As- sistant- Surgeon. 96th Ditto— Second Lieutenant Michael Creagh, from the 23d foot, to be Lieutenant, without purchase. Hugh Smith Spear to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Fenton, appointed to the 37th foot. 99th Ditto— Robert Farmar to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Payne, who resigns. Royal African Corps— Lieutenant John M'Gregor to be Captain of a company, without purchase, vice Ouse- ley, appointed to the 82d foot. Ensign Frederick For- bes to be Lieutenant, without purchase, vice Campbell, appointed to the 85th foot. Ensign Alexander Grant to be Lieutenant, vice M'Gregor. James Megaw to be ensign, vice Forbes. Barnard Johnson to be Ensign, vice Grant. 3d Garrison Battalion— Ensign Stackhouse Thomp- son to be Lieutenant, vice Marshall, appointed to the 54th foot. H. R. Drake to be Ensign, vice Thompson. The King's German Legion. 2d Regiment of Dragoons— Captain Auguftus Friede- rich's to be Captain of a troop, with temporary rank. Staff. Lieutenant- Colonel Frederick Baron Linsengen, of the artillery, to be Deputy Adjutant- General, vice Dec- ken, promoted. Captain G. Timaeus of the 1st light battalion, to be Major of Brigade. Royal Newfoundland Fencibles— Lieutenant John E- vans to be Captain of a company, vice Rochfort, ap- pointed to the 15th foot. Ensign and Adjutant Robert Cooke to have the rank of Lieutenant. Ensign Thomas Gilsillan to be Lieutenant, vice Le Breton, who resigns. Ensign Capel Loft to be Lieutenant, vice evans. John Le Breton to be Ensign, vice Gilfillan. INN AND FARM TO BE LET. To BE LET, THE INN and FARM of RHIVES, in the county of Sutherland, for fuch a term of years as may be agreed on, and entered to at Whitsunday next. The house and offices have been recently built, and are cal- culated to afford superior accommodation. The situa- tion is exceedingly convenient, being near to the Sea- shore, in the vicinity of the village of Golspie, and in the line of the great road propofed to be made, leading from Ross to Caithness, and is well situated as a stage on that road. The farm surrounding the inn is com- pact, and the quality of the soil excellent. The conti- guity to manure and feuel, joined to the abundance of fish, and the cheapness of ail articles of ordinary con- Sumption, are advantages well known in the country, and render this one of the most desirable Situations in the North of Scotland for a reSpecable person capable of combining the management of an inn with that of a farm. Any Such person engaging in the undertaking, if found to do justice to the public as an inn- keeper, may depend on receiving every reasonable encouragement. The house and offices, and also the grounds, Will be shewn by Alexander Mackay, the present tenant, en application made to Colonel Campbell, at Dunrobin Castle; to Whom, or to William Mackenzie, W. S. E- dinburgh, offers or propoSals may be made. N. B. The names of offerers will be concealed, if de- sired. SALE OF LANDS IN AYRSHIRE. To be Sold public roup, in the course of next Spring, and of which particulars be afterwards adver- tised, THE Following FARMS, part of the ESTATE of OCHILTREE, lying in the parish of Ochiltree and county of Ayr, viz. the FARMS of Townhead, Auchincloigh, Auchlin, AND Dykeneuck'. Greenhill, Meikle burnockhead, Little Burnockhead, Closs, Duntaggart, The. whole containing upwards of 3150 present rent of which is only L. 374, but at of the current lea es a great ri e may be expected. Apply to Archibald and John Tod, W. S. George Square, Edinburgh. acres, the' he expiry TO BE L E T, THE FARM of WEST MAINS of BAADS, as presently. possessed by Andrew Purdie, consisting of 127 acres, the greatest part of which is good arable land, lying in the parish of West Calder, and shire of Edinburgh. The entry to the arable land to nommence at Martinmas 1806, and to the pafture at the Whitfun- day following. The. prefeut tenant will Ihew the lands. F,, r further particulars intending offerers may apply to John Taylor, W. S. Edinburgh. FIR WOOD FOR SALE. To be SOLD by public roup, within the house of Wm. Gordon, vintner, Dundee, upon Thursday 2d January, 1806, at ona o'clock afternoon, if not previously dis- posed of by private bargain, tHE FIR WOOD of INVERDOVAT, consisting J of about twenty- two acres, situated upon the banks of the Tay, opposite to Dundee. Vessels can be loaded on the beach immediately below the wood, and the trees can be transported at a very moderate expence, by the coal and lime vessels returning from the Frith of Tay. The trees re about 50 years old. They are well adapt- ed for Collieries, and are not only fit for country pur- poses, but many oi them will answer for deals and roofr nig, aud they are of a superior quality to the generality of Fir Woods of Scots growth, The wood will be shewn by Mr Berry of Tayfield, by Dundee, the proprietor, who will treat with intend- ing purchasers; and those defirouS of information, may ilio apply to Messrs. Plummer and Blackbird, Newcasf- tle, or to Wm. Berry, W. S. Edinburgh. SALMON FISHING'S, In the County of forfar, to Let. On Tuesday the 31st day of December curt, between the hours of twelve noon and one afternoon, will be exposed to public roup, within the houie of John Martin, vintner in Brechin, ATACK for Seven Years after Candlemas 1806, of that Part of the Hon. William Maule of Pan- mure's FISHING m the river Northesk at SLATE- FORD from the Gannachy Bridge downwards. The conditions of roup may be feen ill the hands of John Spence, esq. Brechin. VALUABLE AND EXTENSIVE SALMON FISH- iNGS ON THE RIVER TAY. To be LET for such a number of years as may be agreed 011, and entered te in December 1807, THE WHOLE SALMON FISHINGS belonging to i the Earl of Mansfield, lying on the east bank of the river Tay, beginning about one mile above the city of Perth, and extending upwards of six miles, including in this range many valuable fishing stations, on which early salmon are usually caught. Also to be LET, and entered to at Candlemas 1806, The Whole GRIST MILLS of STORMONT- FIELD, which are in all seasons well supplied with wa- ter, by the great Canal from the Tay. Proposals in writing may be given in to James Laid- law, Esq. W. S. Edinburgh, or to William Blair, at Colen, by Perth ; from either of whom particulars may be learnt. Am 22. 1805. F0R SALE BY PRIVATE, BARGAIN ThE SHIP CHARI. OTTE OF ALLOA, Of 238 tons rcgister, and presently ly- ing in the harbour of Alloa. This vessel carries a very large cargo in proportion to her tonnage.— Inventories may be feen in the hands of Mr Robert Bald, Alloa, or Charles Cowan and Co. Leith, to whom intending purchasers will please apply for further particulars. Captain Roy at Alloa will Shew the vessel. Leith, Dec. 11, 1805. TO BE SOLD, AN Elegant and Commodious HOUSE, in a very centrical part of the Suburbs ot Edinburgh, all within itself, with back area for keeping poultry, small garden, bleaching green, and cold bath. The house 1011- sists of ten fire- rooms, besides kitchen, three cellars in front, cistern, water pipe, andv other conveniences — is particularly well finished, a> i in high order, and w is only built within these few years for the proprietor, who has possessed it ever since. Water is introduced into dif- ferent parts of the house for all purposes at a very consi- derable cxpence. The public burdens are moderate.— Pricc l-. toro The house can be let to a substantial tenant, nn a lease for five years after Whitsunday next, at L. 75 Sterling yearly. For further particulars apply to Mr Pearson, W. S. North Frederick Street. HOUSES IN THE NEw AND OLD TOWN FOR SALE. To be SOLD by public roup, within Poole's Coffeehouse, Prince's Street, upon Wednesday the Sth January, 1806, at one o'clock afternoon, LOT lit, THAT LODGING or DWELLING HOUSE, be- ing the first flat of No. 2, East Register Street, presently possessed by Mr Liddell, consisting of five rooms, kitchen, and closets, with two cellars in the sunk area, one of which is fitted up with catacombs. 2d, That HOUSE, being the second flat above the Shops of No. 39, South Bridge Street, presently pos- sessed by Mr Mitchell, consisting of four rooms, kit- chen, and closets, with a cellar at the bottom of the common stair. Sd, The HOUSE immediately above possessed by Mr Purves, consisting of five rooms, kitchen, closets, and cellar. 4th, That HOUSE, south side of Mid Rose Street, a little west of the Assembly Rooms, first door of the stair, presently possessed by Mr Cusings, consisting of four rooms, kitchen, closets, aud cellar. 5th, That LODGING or DWELLING HOUSE, being the second door of the stair of the tenement of houses erected at the east end of the Black Bull Inn, leith Walk, consisting of six rooms, three bed closets, kitchen, and other conveniences, together with a cellar ia the funk area of said tenement. . 6th, A Surplus FEU- DUTY of L. 10 Sterling pay- able furth of the piece of ground lying on the west fide of Leith Walk, lately occup; e, l - 1 Vinegar Work, now the property of Mr Donald M'Laine, mer- chant. 7th, Two large VAULTS or CELLARS, under the Arches of the South Brief;", en' i g by South Niddry Street, prefently polfeffed by Messrs Nielson & M'Intyre. For particulars apply to John Orr, writer, No. 8, Shakespeare Square. HOUSE IN PRINCE's- STREET FOR SALE. Upset price only 1- 2000. To be Sold by public roup, within the Roy Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, upo. i Friday the I Oth day of January, 1806, betwixt the hours of two and three o'clock in the afternoon, tHAT HOUSE or LODGING, being No. 59, Prince's Street, confining of kitchen, servants hill, housekeeper's room, wine cellar and many other conveniences, on the ground floor; dining room, breakfast parlour, or butler's pantry, on the fi: . ; l" or; on the fecond floor, a large drawing room, a capital bed room, and dressing room : and on the the third floor, three bed rooms, with a dressing room to the principal one. There are also three excellent g. e rets.— This house is in a centrical and most eligible Situation, and as it has the advantage of a large back area on which there is built a substantial coach- house, washing- house, and stable for four horses, it must form a very de- sireable purchase either for persons in business, or for any one who wishes for a commodious house for the recep- tion of a family. The houfe may be feen every day from one to four o'clock; and the title- deeds and ..- tides of roup may be feen by applying to Norman Lockhart, W. S. and George Kennedy, writer in Edinburgh. Edinburgh, Nov. 25, 1805. HOUSES SHOPS, AND CELLARS ' In Edinburgh. To be SOLD by Private Bargain, AHOUSE in North Bridge Street, facing the Post Office, as presently possessed by Mr Scott teacher. It consists of the upper storey and garrets im- mediately above tbe wareroom belonging to Mr Innes, gun- smith, and is both a cheerful and commodious houfe, as well as eligible from its Situation. II.— A SHOP in Infirmary Street, occupied by Mr Morgan, watchmaker. III.— A HOUSE and SHOP immediately under faid shop, consisting of five rooms and kitchen, with a large vaulted Cellar. IV.—- A Range of Vaulted CELLARS below the houfe laft mentioned, let to Messrs Scott Moncrieff, & Co. wine merchants. V.— A HOUSE and SHOP in Niddry Street, posses- sed by Marshal, silver- smith, with a Vaulted CEL LAR, at prefent let separately. VI.— A SHOP inBlair Street, with large Vaults, oc- cupied as a rag warehouse by Messrs Balfour & Co. VII.— A HOUSE and SHOP adjoining to the hft mentioned shop. possessed by Crombie, broker, and with or without a Vaulted Cellar. VIII.— A very extensive Range of Vaulted CELLARS, with a Counting- room, let to Mr Stewart, wine mer- chant, part whereof is Sublet by him to Messrs Patter- Sons, and is now occupied by Mr John Muir. IX.— A Large VAULT in the fame Tenement, and on a level with Blair Street, let to Mr Murray, grocer. For particulars application may be made to Dr Lau- rie, ( the proprietor) at Fala HouSe, by blackshiells ; or William Berry, W. S. Edinburgh. BUILDING GROUND NEAR EDINBURGH- AND LEITH. To be SOLD by public roup, within John's CoffeehouSe, Edinburgh, upon WedneSday the 13th day of Decem- ber 1805, at two o'clock afternoon, THE LANDS of STEWARTHELD, in the fol- lowing Lots, viz. LOT I. The NORTH PARK, consisting of about four acres and a half English measure, lying on the west, side of the road leading from Bonnington toll- bar to Newhaven, having a complete command of water, being bounded by the mill lead. LOT II. The MIDDLE PARK or INCLOSURE, consisting of about one acre, English measure, with the ManSion- house, offices, and garden, situated thereon. LOT III. The SOUTH PARK, consisting of Some- thing more than two English acres. This lot, from its local situation, is admirably adapted for building, having a front of considerable extent along the Bonnington road, and a front of equal extent along the road lcatf- ing to Newhaven. the premiffes lie within a mile of the New Town of Edinburgh, and within a Sew minutes walk of leith. There are fine Springs of water in the grounds, and from their centrical Situation, and eafy accefs by excel- lent roads, are rendered an object well worth the atten- tion of builders. For particulars apply to John Orr, writer, No. 8, Shakespeare. Square, Edinburgh. FARMS IN WEST LOTHIAN TO LET. THE following LANDS, part of the ESTATE of HOUSTON, are to be LET for 19 years from Martinmas 1806. 1. Nettlehill, consisting of about 55 acres. 2. Richie's Park £ 8 3. Milkhouses 98 4. Haypark, Wester Rueburn Park, and Park on the South of the Same 46 TheSe Lands lie within lefs than a mile of tile great turnpike road between Edinburgh and Glasgow. by Bathgate, and are only distant 12 miles from Edin- burgh.' They are well sheltered, and capable of great improvement, and lime can be had in great abundance at the short distance of - between three and four miles.— As the whole lands lie nearly contiguous, they wiil be let together in one farm or in fuch divifion* as tenants may incline. George Dick, ground officer at Houston, will shew the lands, and offers in writing will be received by Mess Inglis and Robertson; 49, Queen Street, between and the 1ft of February ne/. t, and such as are not accepted of shall be concealed. roup OF SUBJECTS IN PErth To be exposed to SALE by public roup ( under authori- ty of the Sheriff of Perthshire). within the Salutation Inn, Perth, on TueSday the 17th Detember 1805, at . one n'clock afteroon, A LI. and Whole that FORE TENEMENT of LAND, lying on the South side of the north street of Perth, consisting of a large fore ami back Shop, with Vaults under the same, and two flats above the shops, with the garrets, Sometime the property of the deceased Deacon George Gardener, late tailor in Perth ; which Subje& sare to be cxposed to Site h; tiie following lots, viz. LOT I.—- The Said large Fore ar. d Bark SHOP, with the Front CELLAR. LOT II.— The FLAT above the Said Shop, West Cellar, two Front Oaii'els, and C . LOT III.— The Uppermoll FLAT, Eaft cellar, and three Back Garrets. For further particulars application may lie made to George Condie, writer in Perth. Perth, Nov. 6.1805. SALE OF FRONT AREA, AND MATERIAL S FOR BUILDING, IN THE CANONGATE. ' Fo be SOLD by public roup, on the Ground, on Wed- Aefday the 15th day of January next, between the hours of one and two o'clock afternoon, I.— 1" ThAT PIECE of GROUND fronting the Street of Canongate, opposite to the British Linen Hall, containing an Area 72 feet in front by 70 feet deep, formerly belonging to Lieutenant- Colonel M'Do- nald, and now to the Managers of the Magdalen ASy- lum. The buildings to be erected thereon are to be built conform to a plan, drawn by Mr Paterson, arch- tect and lying in the custody of Messrs Campbell and Couper, W. 8. Heriot Row, for inspection. IL— ONE YEAR'S RENT of the HOUSES pre- sently standing on the above Area, of eight houses and Shops, presently occupied by Mrs Col. M'Donald. Messrs Campbell, Watson, Duncan, Glen, Mulls, Robert Young, and Isobel Bohun, and the MA- TERIALS thereof, which are to be taken down at Whitsunday 1807. ' These are well worth the attention of builders, ap- plication being already made for part of the Subject to be built. Apply to Messrs Campbell and Couper, as above or Mr Coutts, Magdalen Asylum, Shoemakers' Close Canongate. SALE OF SUBJECTS IN FORRES. There will be SOLD by public roup, within the house of Charles M'Lean, vintner in Forres, on Friday the 20th day of December r. ili, at fix o'clock in the evening, tHE HERITABLE SUBJECTS which belonged L to the deceaSed John Hoyes, merchant in Forres, comprehending— I.— TWO ROODS of Burgh Bigged LAND, lying upon the north fide of the ftreet, bounded by Mr Gor- don's' property on the west, and by the property of Mr Andrew M'Intosh, on the east. This fituation is one of the most defirable in the place for any kind of trade or manufacture The present rent is L. 14 Ster ling, but a considerable rise may foon be expelled. II.— That TENEMENT of Burgh Begged LAND, which belonged to the Said John Hoyes, lying upon the north fide of the street, bounded on the eaft by the Tol- booth Wynd, the property belonging to Mr James An- derson, sen. at the west, the street at the north, and the garden dyke, built- of store and lime, at the South. There are four - commodious dwelling- houses on tbie property, with cellars, & c. in good repair, which pro- duce a yearly rent nearly of L. 40 Sterling III.— That Tail or Pendicle of LAnd, with the Houses built thereon, lying at the north fide ofthe faid burgh, and presently rented at I-. 4 10s IV.— That PARK of LAND to the north of the town of Forres, which belonged to the Said John Hoyes, as deScribed in the title- deeds thereof, preSently valued at L. 7 Sterling yearly, but which, from the quality of its Soil, and vicinity to the town, would certainly pro- duce higher rent. Intending purchaSers may apply for further particu- lar: to Bailie Thomas Eddie of Forres, trusftee for Mr Hoyes' creditors; or to James Grant, writer in Forres, who will shew the title- deeds. PROPERTY NEAR GALASHIELLS. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffeehoufe of Edinburgh, oil Wednesday the 15th day of January 1806, at two o'clock afternoon, THAT Part of the LANDS of APPLETREE- LEAVES called the EASTER or UPPER SHARE thereof, consisting of 92 acres 3 roods and 31 falls English measure. This property, which has a south expoSure, and may nearly all be made arable, lies with- in half a mile of the thriving village ef Galashiells, is inclosed with a stone wall, and has a stream of water running through it. The preSent rent is L. 27, on a leaSe for nine years from Whitsunday 1805, on the ex- piry of which a great advance of rent will be obtained; ant! the public ty'rdens are only L. 3 Is. 2d. Mr George Craig, at Galashiells, will give directions for Shewing the property ; and for further particulars apply to Robert Cathcart, W. S. Edinburgh. LANDS TO lET, In the immediate vicinity of Edinburgh, for the space of seven years from and after Martinmas 1806, 1. ft, THE Farm of NETHER QUARRYHOLES, 1. with the Dwelling- house and Offices thereon, as presently possessed by Mr Thomas M'Laren, con- taining about 54 acres.— And, 2Ay, The Farm of BACK DRUM and COTFIELD, with the dwelling- house, Barns, and Offices thereon, all as presently possessed by Mr Patrick Skirving, con- taining about 37 acres. These lands belong to the Hon. Governor of Tri- nity Hospital, and lie in the parish of South Leith, about one mile to the eaft of the city of Edinburgh, and in the near vicinity of the town of Leith, are well known to be of a very rich foil, are inclofed by ftone dykes, and lie So compact that they may be Set as one farm, or separaiely. The tenants will point out the boundaries. Propo- sals Sor a leaSe to be given in to Mr James Carfrae, TreaSurer to said Hospital, betwixt and the 10th day of January next, who will shew the plan of the lands, and give information of all particulars. CAPITAL FARM In the Counti/ qf East Lothian. To be SUBSET for Six Years,& entered to immediately, THE FARM of CAPTAINHEAD, situated in the Barony of Byres, parish and county of Hadding- ton, containing 269- J Scots acres of excellent soil, cal- culated for all purposes oS modern husbandry. This farm is one of the moft eligible in the distriit of East Lothian, and is in moft capital order, the whole being under grafs of different ages, except 60 acres. • There is a threshing machine on the premisses, driven by wind, in excellent condition, and the houses and Sences are in the same state, adapted to the comfort and accommodation of any tenant. A copy of the existing lease, and tbe conditions and terms of let, are in the hands of George Rennie, Esq. of Fantassie, near Prestonkirk, and Messrs F. Walker and F. Brodie, W. S. George Street, Edinburgh, by either of whom offers will be received till friday the 13th December next, aud it is reijuefted that fuch of- fers may be Sealed up, as none will be opened or exa- mined, till the above mentioned day. Mr Shirreff, the preSent tenant, will shew the farm, and explain further particulars. FARMS IN FIFESHIRE. To be LET for nineteen years, or Such a length of time as may be agreed on, and entered to at Martin- mas 1806, tHE TWO FARMS of MAINS of POWGUII. D and OVER DUNDONALD, presently posseS- Sed by Alexander Shand and David Tod. The former of these consists of 106 aud tlie other of 91 acres of a- rable and pasture ground. They are situated in the parifh of Auchterderran, within 5 miles of Kirkcaldy and Kinghorn; ar. d, having plenty of coal in the lands, and lime within a quarter of a mile, they can be improved at a Small expence, and are well worth the attention of good farmers. Proposals in writing may be given to Henry Cle- phane, w. S. 67, Queen Street, Edinburgh ; and the grounds will be shown by Clephan Downie, at Muir- head of Powguild, or by the tenants. TO bE SOLD BY PUBLIC SALE, Within William Mudie's auction room, Trongate, oh Wednesday the 25thDecember current, at two 0' clocit afternoon, THE RIGHT and BENFIT of a LEASE of the IRON- STONE in the Lands of CAIRNULL, GARTNESS, and KIPBYRE, granted der Iron Company, with the Seams of COaL in Estates, in contact with the Iron- stone which estates lie in the parishes of Old and New Monkland, and in ihe parish of Shotts, and county of Lanark. for particulars apply to James Burnside, merchant in Glasgow, the trustee on the sequestrated estate of the Calder Iron Company ; or to Alexander M'Gregor, wri- ter there, who will fhew tile articles o; Sale, and copy of the lease. . fARM EAST LOThAN * TO BE LET, tHE FARM of pLeWLANDHILL, Part of the ESTATE of LEASTON, lying within the pa- rish of Humbie, and county of East Lothian. The farm consists of about 2 Scots acres, and it is a good tur- nip soil, and fit to carry any kind of crop. There is a condsierable proportion oi the farm in grass, a. in general in the beft order. The labouring of the farm is in considerable forwardness, and entry may be had , the farm immediately on conditions, or at Martinmas 1806. John Allan, forester at Leaston, will shew the farm; and written offers may be given in to dr Lauder, Fala House, by Blackshiels, or William Berry, W. S. Edin- burgh, betwixt and . LANDS IN PeeBLes- ShiRE, TO BE LET. rTHE L A N D S of NetHER HORSEBURCH, A being not sold, are now positively to be Let such a number of years as may be agreed upon, and en- tered to at WhitSunday 1806, ; s to the pasture land, and to the arable land at the reparation of the crop from the ground of that year. As the lands have been all formerly described and are so generally well known in the country, it is needless to Say any thing further on that head, than that they lye on the north side of ' lit Tweed, three miles below the county town of Peebles, and consist of about 2000 English acies and pasture laud, about 3- 10 acres of . ing inclosed with stone dykes, and ditch , with a suitable house and office- , wish the rest, a complete threshing mill and granary, a corn and bailey mill and kiln with plenty of water, and good Servants houses; upon yhe whole a more com- plete and conveniently situated farm, both, for corn and stock is seldom to be met with. Offers in writing will be received till the 1 ft of Ja- nuary next, by Mr Bell, the proprietor, at Nether Horseburgh; or Mr Patrick Wishart, W. S. Nicolson square, Edinburgh, and Such as are not received will be kept Secret, if desired. DAY OF SALE YET FURTHER POsTpoNED. SALE OF LANDS OF CARSaIG, In the Parish of North knapdale .' To be peremptorily SOLD by public roup : , on Wednesday tbe 18th day of Dec . of the day mentioned in former advertisements) with- in the Royal Exchange Coffeehouse at two o'clock afternoon, THE LANDS of CARSAIG, comprehending the 1 Farms of CARSAIG, GLeNSAUL, ARINA- VADE, TAYVALLICh, & c. extending to , whereof 240 are arable, meadow, and green pasture, anu the remainder good hill pasture. The grounds are subdivided aud well inclosed, the whole forming a very c itnpa' 6! property. There is a promising appearance of a good vein of slate, and the bay and harbour at a short distance from tho Crinan Canal, is well adapted for shipping. the lands are all out of leaSe, except one farm, where- of only one year is to run from Whitsunday next, id Some Small pendicles, or crofts, which run three years from WhitSunday last. The present rental is about L. 300, and a very consi- derable rise has been offered upon the two principal farms, which will be so soon to let; but upon a let of the whole lands, it is the opinion of competent judges that they will yield above 1- 400 Sterling yearly. For further information application may be made to Donald Campbell, Esq, the proprietor ; to Mr Fraser, 14, York Place, Edinburgh ; or John MacKinnon, wri- ter in Greenock. ESTATE OF JERViSTON, AND LANDS oF WHITEHILL, In the County of Lanark. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Royal Exchange CoffeehouSe of Edinburgh, upon Wednesday the ,' rh day of March 1806, between the hours of two a id three o'clock afternoon, ( if cot previously sold by pri- vate bargain,) tHe ESTATE of JERVISTON, in the parish of Bothwell, and LANDS of BRAIDHiRST, in the parish of Hamilton. These lands consist of 513 Soots acres, of which 417 are arable, and 66 in woods, plantations, and orchards. On these lands there it a large and commodious men- fioi'.- houfe, with offices, and a complete fet of farm of- fices, all lately and substantially built, a garden, well flocked with fruit trees, extensive Shrubbery, and about twelve acres of orchards, all in tbe best condition. There are good farm houses and offices, and the Whole estate is inclosed and subdivided. Tbe mansion- house is delightfully situated upon the banks of the Calder, commanding an extensive prospect of the Duke of Hamilton's policy and estates in that neighbourhood. The whole estate is full of coal and ironstone ; t'ne main seam of the coat is still entire. It is the near, ft coal to the town of Hamilton, and is only about three miles from the Monkland Canal. There are good roads of communication through the whole estate. The turnpike road from Edinburgh to Hamilton passes through it, and the road from Edin- burgh to Glasgow is about one mile distant. One of the branches of the Great proposed Canal from Edinburgh to Glasgow passes through the lands. The estate is within three miles of Hamilton, twelve of Glasgow, and thirty- three cf Edinburgh. The whole lands hold of a subject Superior, except Braidhirst, which holds of the Crown. A purchaser may enter into immediate possession of the mansion- house, offices, and nearly the whole estate, If sold in one lot, the purchaser may retain a consi- derable part of the price, upon the Security of the lands. If not sold in whole, the Estate will be exposed in Seven Lot-, viz. Lot 1. The Mansion- houSe, Garden, Orchard, Poli- cy, & c. and Bleachfield, consisting of nearly 160 acres- Lot 2. March- hall and Clapperhow, consisting of nearly 55 acres. Lot 3. The Houses and Yards of Coalhall, and the Parks, consisting of about 26 acres. I. ot 4. The Lands of Reccard Johnston, and Part of the Hill Lands, consisting of nearly 7 ' acres. Lot 5. The Lands of Kirklee, Rirklee Green, and Part of Hill Lands, consisting of nearly - IS acres. Lot. 6. ' I'he Lands of Tullwood, consisting of about 89 acres.— And, Lot 7. The Lands of Braidhirst, confiding of about 61 acres. Several of theSe lots are most beautifully situated for villas, and there are quarries of free stone in them. AlSo to be Sold at Same time, The LANDS oS WHITEHILL, in the par] ft of Ha- milton, conlilling of about 62 acres, on which there is a good farm houfe and offices, with a yard, and orcha d ftocked with fruit trees. The lands are all inclofed and fulxlivided. There are nearly seven acres of yard, or- chard, and planting, in good condition, upon thefe lane's. Thefe lands lie within one mile and a quarter oS the town of Hamilton. They are bounded on the fouth anil east by a burn, and tbe Duke of Hamilton's policy lean- ing to Bothwell Bridge. They command a most de- lightful prospect of part of the policies of Hamilton Pa- lace and Bothwell Castle. ' there cannot be a more beautiful stuation for a villa. Enquire at GibSon and Christe, York place, Edin- burgh, or William Lindsay, writer iu GlaSgow, who have power to conclude by private bargain. Charles Buchanan, gardener at Jerviston, will shew tbe lands of Jerviston, & c. and the tenant wiil shew the lands of Whitehill. Printed every MONDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY*
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