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The Caledonian Mercury


Printer / Publisher: Robert Allan 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 28/12/1935 00:00
No Pages: 4
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The Caledonian Mercury
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The Caledonian Mercury

Date of Article: 09/12/1805
Printer / Publisher: Robert Allan 
Address: Fishmarket Close, Edinburgh
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 28/12/1935 00:00
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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V No. 13,146. EDINBURGH- PRINTED BY ROBERT ALLAN, FISH MARKET CL OSE, MONDAy, DECEMBER 9, 1805. PRICE 6 D. In a few Days will be Published, In One . OCtavo, ELEMENTS OF INTELeCTUAL PHILOSOPHY; o a, AN ANALYSTS OF THE POWERS OF THE HUMAN UNDERSTANDING: Tending to afcer l the Principles of a Rational Logic. Br R. E. SCOTT, A. M. Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University and king'S College, Aberdeen. Edinburgh : ted for Archibald Constable & Co.; and T. Cadell & W. Davies, Strand, London; and sold by Angus & Sonl, A. Brown, and J. Burnet, Aberdeen. IMPORTAnt ADVANTAGE ON INSURANCE FROM FIRE IN THE COUNTRY. Albion Fire and Life Office, London, \ J1 December, 1805. THr DIRECTORS of the AI. BION FIRE and p..-., cl, ; And a the like proportion for the intermediate years. A nfiderable allowance will be also made, accor" ding aCt of Parliament, on the King's duty, when paid for more than one year. The Proposals of the Company, with full explana- tion .. j the method in which insurances should be ar- ranj: 1, and property defcribed, will be delivered, free of ch. • .; e, to any person who may apply at the Com pany's oflice, in Change Alley, London. The whole will be comprifed in one sheet, fo as to admit of being forwarded at the expence of single postage. The Directors beg particularly to impress on the pub- lic attention that the above offer is not made in any spirit of adventure, but on known and justifiable grounds. The saving, on - which they are entitled to calculate, will be quite equal to the reduction proposed. It is on no other looting that such an alteration of charge could be attempted, with justice to the Company, or to the public, becaufe the premiums, as they now Hand, do not admit of abatement without a clear and certain in- demnity. The objeCt of the Company is to give to perfons refiding in the country the whole benefit of a laving of which their bufinef, is fufceptible ; with no other difference than that of occafioning to fnch perfons the trifling trouble which may attend the employment of a friend in London, once in a year, or, if it be pre- ferred, once only in feveral years. The funds and resources of the Albion Company are equal to thofe of any institution formed for the fame purpofes. The conditions of infurance are more favour- able than have been yet offered ; and the rates, on which the above reductions will he made are as moderate as thofe of any Company, and, in some instances, more moderate than have been before propofed. The Directors are James Pattison, Efq. Chairman. John Towgood, Esq. Deputy Chairman, This day is Published— Price Gd. Printed at Glasgow, by W. LANG ; and Sold by J. A. DUNCAN & M. OGLE, Glasgow; OGLE & AIKMAN— GUTHRIE TAIT, Edinburgh; and R. OGLE, London ; EXPOSURE OF SOME THINGS CONTA1NED IN MR BROWN'S Vindication of Presbyterian Church Government, which seem calculated not so much to affeCt the Argument, as to excite Popular Prejudice and Personal Irritation. BY GREVILLE EWING. SECOND STATE LOTTERY FOR 1805, Begins DRAWING on MONDAY 3d February 1806 TICKETS & SHARES Are Selling, in great variety of Numbers, at the OLD ESTABLISHED OFFICE OF JOHN WHITE & CO. Licenscd by Government —- — Opposite to the Tron Church, EDINBURGH. Where, in Lotteries since the year 1780, MANY CAPITAL pRIZES HAVE BEeN SOLD. Present Prices. Half, L9 19 o I Eighth L. J 11 o Quarter, > s 1 o | Sixteenth, 156 Registering ikl. each Number. Commissions punctually answered.— Schemes gratis. Thos. Starling Benson, Esq. Henry Burmester, Esq. James Burton, Esq. John Calvert Clarke, Esq. Richard Clay, Esq. John Danvers, Esq. Solomon Davies, Esq. William Gonne, Esq. Gilbert Handasyde, Esq. John Kingston, Esq. M. P. George Leame, Esq. Thos. Maltby, Esq. Henry Pigeon, Efq. Sir John Pinhorn. Joseph Quincey, Efq. William Rayley, Efq. William Smith, Efq. M. P. J. J. Smith, Elq. and Al- derman. Thos. Smith, Efq. Alder- man and Sheriff. Benjamin Traver's, Efq. Daniel Richard Waring- ton, Efq. CARRON GRATES, & c. AT AND BELOW PRIME COST. JOHN SPOTTISWOOD having let his Warehouses, begs to inform his Customers an 1 the Public, that he must clear all his Goods out in a very short time, therefore every article he has unfold must: be at such low prices as to render the sale an interesting object to all those who are furnishing or building houses with the following articles— Of which are a few— Wire Cloth for Safes, Gauze, Hair, and Brass Searches Locks, Hinges, Screw Nails, Sash Pulleys, Rings, Com- mode Handles, Hat Pins, Window Curtain Pins, & c. Brass & Japanned Candle- sticks and Snuffers Tea Trays, Servers, and j Snuffer Flats Table Knives, and other Cutlery House and Hearth Besoms Mops, and Carpet Brooms House and Dinner Bells, Wire Cranks & Pulls Man, fox, Rat, & Mouse Traps Steel Spades and Shovels, Rolled Iron Plate, and Coopers Hoops, all sizes Corn Bruizing Machines, Straw Cutters, Turnip, Carrot, Potato*, & Cab- bage Ditto Grinding Corn Mills, all sizes Patent Plunge Churns, with Fly Wheels, and Potatoe Washers Scales, Beams, — English, Dutch, & Iron Weights Stillyards Do. up to 300 lb weight Carron Registers, Half do. and every other kind of Carron Grates Polished Steel and Japan- ed Ditto A great variety of Fenders and Fire Irons, of all de- scriptions Preserving Wire Fire Screens Smoke, Lobby, End Bank Stoves Kitchen Grates, Smoke & Wind- up Jacks, Ovens, Hot tables, Scullery and Washing house Boilers, Round and Oval Patent Tinned Pots Fish Kettles, Goblets, Stew- ing Pans, Digesters, & c. Frying Pans, Grid Irons, Stake Tongs, Mincing Knives, Baiting Spoons, Cleavers, Bone Saws, Skewers, Smoothing- irons, Box and Italian Ditto, Heaters, Resters, & c. Fifh Scissars, Coal Backers, Huds, Scuttles, Dull and Cinder Shovels, Fire Pans, Fire- lighting Poc- kers, Kitchen Fenders, & c. Door Chains and Springs Common Toasting & Brass Josfeph Minet, Esq. By order of the Board, WARNeR PHIPPS, Sec. No charge will be made for Policies in any case. Telercope Forks N. B.— J- S. would particularly recommend tbe atten- tion of the Public to his New Patent Sauce and Stew Pans, manufactured to the highest possible perfection that cast iron can be brought to, they being as light as copper, and tinned to the purity of silver. Adams Square, South Bridge. ALBION FIRE AND LIFE OFFICE, London, Dec. 1. 1805. THE DIRECTORS of the ALBION FIRF. and LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY have it in intention to appoint refident Surveyors in the principal towns of Great Britain and Ireland, to assist in the t'- vent of losses happening, and to supply the Company with local information when wanted. Any persons who may be inclined to undertake such office, may com municate their wife, by letter, to the Company's Sec- retary, through some respectable friend in London. The compenfation to fuch perfons will be in propor- tion to the fervices they may be called on to perform ; but no allowances Will be made, unless such services be- come neceffary. By order of the Board, WARNER PHIPPS, Sec. AT LEITH— FOR LONDON, The edinburgh & Leith Shipping Co's new Smack, Armed by Government, BUCCLEUGH, JAmES BLYTH Master, Now taking in goods at the north end of the Draw Bridge, and will positively . sail on Thursday the 12th curt, it four o'- clock afternoon. This vessel is fitted up on a new plan, in the 1 and most commodious style, for the comfort and a modation of Passengers, who may depend upon receiving every civility and attention. R. LIDDELL, Manager. Edinburgh & Leth Shipping Co's Office, North End of tbe Draw Bridge, Leith, Dec. :>. 1805. AT LEITH— FOR LONDON, Old Shipping Co's Smacks, Armed by Government, CALEDONIA PACKET, Robt. NISBET Master, AND SWALLOW PACKET, WM. WHITE Master. The former will take iu goods till Thursday morn- ing at seven o'clock, when she will sail; and the latter til! Saturday evening, and fail on • ... nine o'clock. BLACk Old Shipping Company's Office,~ f Leith. Dec. 9. 1805. S A MESSENGER SUSPENDED. JAMES BROWN, Messenger within the Shire o Peebles, is Suspended from his Ofiicc, until he find new Caution, and be regularly reponed— Of which this public notice is given to all concerned. Lyon Office, 7 By order of the Court, Dec. 9. 1805- 4 THOs. SMALL, Lyon Clk. Dep. in the neatest accom- Punday morning at - INN, Agent CASE OF SCROPHULA. SARAH ECKFORD, aged 35 years. When first this case of Scrophula made its appearance, it was in the abforbent glands ofthe neck, which became ra- ther thickened, and then advanced to a hard tumour ; she applied to a medical gentleman, who brought it to fuppuration, he then opened it, and the neck became ulcerated from the ear to the shoulder; tumours soon formed in the salivary glands, under the chin, in the parotid, by the side of the ear, and the absorbent glands on the other side. She was admitted an out- patient of St Bartholomew's Hospital for eight mot « , without receiving any relief. At this' time, by t. u advice of Mary Esdaile, who had experienced relief at the Dis- pensary, Soho Square, she began taking the Drops, and continued them ,' ar the space of a twelvemonth, when' the ulcers healed, and feu became perfectly well. Crown Court, Fleet Street. SARAH ECKFORD Be careful to ask for " SPILSBURY'S Patent Antis- corbutc Drops," having the words " By the King's Pa-- tent'' expressed at length on the bottle, bill of directions and outside wrapper; the stamp also, the King's duty is printed in black ink instead of red. Bottles price 5s. fid. IDs. and L. l 2s. duty included. Dispensary, JVo. 15, Soho Square. These Drops are Sold bv Mr R. SCOTT, South Bridge, And Mr J. BAXTER, S. Bridge, Edinburgh. Mr M'Donald and Mr Baxter aud Co. Glasgow ; Mr Wm. Reid, Leith ; Mr Browning, Paisley; Mr Ca - meron, Greenock; Mr Wight, Stirling; Mr Scott. Kelso ; Mr Carr and Mrs Phorson, Berwick ; Messrs Johnston and Bisset, Perth; Mr Allan, Dundee; Mr Craigie, Montrose; Mr Chalmers and Mr Anderson, Aberdeen ; Mr M'Intosh and Co. Inverness; Mr W Bull, No. 79'. Dame Street, Dublin; and of the princi- pal Venders of genuine Medicines in every tow., ip the United Kingdom. 1 ON CONSIGNMENT— FOR SALE, SCALE SUGArS, in Hogsheads, Tierces, and Bar- rels. JOHN MACINTYRE. South Bridge,, Edinburgh, Dec. 9, 18C5. TO Be SOLD By auction, on Thurfday the 12th December, at twelve o'clock, at James Strong & Co's Yard, Nortli Leith, r j^ WO Hundred and Thirty- Three LOGS— containing X 4000 Feet black Birch. 400 Feet Ash. 160 Feet Beech. Being the entire Cargo of the brig Diana, Thomas Calder Master, from Picton.— Apply to JAMES STRONG & CO.— Or WM. GRINLY, Broker. leith, Nov. 27, 1805. SUGARS. To be SOLD by auction, by Mr William Grinly, ( being the Property of a Sequestrated estate) at the Ware- house of the Subscribers, on Tuesday the 10th day of December, at 12 o'clock noon, 20TTHds SCALE SUGARS newly imported, and XJL lying in Leith, to be put up in single Hhds. for the accommodation of purchasers. Catalogues will be delivered, and samples may be feen any time previous to the sale, at the Countinghouse of MACKAY, OLIPHANT, & CO. Edinburgh, Dec. 6. 1805. NEW DUTCH FLAX AND GENEVA. On Sale, ONE Hundred MATTS, just arrived by the Jussron Anna Catherina Muller, W. H. Gronwold mas- ter, from Rotterdam, from f 3G to f 56 ; and 20 Pun- cheons GENEVA, with or without the duties. Apply to CAMPBELL & BROADFOOT. Leith, Dec. 2. 1805. C. & B. have likewise on Sale, ST. PeTERSBURGH 12- head FLAX, and HAMBURGH ft- crown YARN A CAPITAL CHESNUT GELDING WILL be SOLD at Wordsworth's Repository, on Wednesday next, the 11th inft. He is got by Oflrich out of a three- parts bred Mare, has been hunt- ed the last and the present season with fox hounds— is a • good charger,— and shews great blood, bone and ftrength. • He is five velrs old, aud about 15 hands two inches high. TO BE SOLD, At WORDSWORTH'S, on Wednefday the 11th of De- cember, AGREY MARE, about 14 hands 3 inches high, 7 years old, in good hard condition, good aftion, and perfectly fteady with troops — She has every qua- litv to make a good Hunter. SUN FIRE OFFICE. Annual Premiums due npon In- surances in this Office at the term of MICHAELMAS, being tbe 29tb Sep- tember, or any former term, are requested to be paid up immediately, as by neglecting the payment thereof 15 days after the term, the benefit of the policy expires. Perfons infured are therefore desired to call, at the Office, where receipts are given for the premium on old insurances, and policies issued for new ones. For the encouragement of persons who insure at this Office, all Policies are given GRATIS, when the sum Insured a- mounts to Z. 300 or upwards. ANNUAL PREMIUMS to be paid for INSURANCES FARMING STOCK on any part of the farm insured under general policies, without the average claufe, at as. 6d. per cent. Buildings and Farming Stock therein may be infured in one fum, Premium 3 is. 6d. '' Sums above 6000I. hazardous and doubly hazardous may be iinfured by fpecial agreement. ROBERT ALLAN Agent. The Duty on Infurance is by aCt of the late fefiion of Parliament, increafed to 2s. 6d. per cent. DUTY ON PROPERTY. Exemptions and Allowances in refpect of Colleges, Friendly Societies, and Charitable Inftitutions, and Dividends belonging to Foreigners. OFFICE FOR TAXES— Edinburgh, Nov. 22, 1805. THE Commi. ffioners appointed for fpecial purpofes under certain Acts of the 43d and 45th years of his prefent Majesty for granting a Contribution on Pro- perty, See. hereby give notice, That perfons may claim exemptions from the faid duty, lft, For'the Duties charged on any College or Hall in any of the Universities of Great Britain, and Offices longing thereto, or for the Money expended in the necessary repairs thereof. 2d, For the Duties charged on the Scite of any Hof- pital, or Public School, or Almfeoufe or Offices belong- ing thereto, or for the Money expended in the necef- fary repairs thereof. 3d, For the Duties charged on the Rents of Lands and Tenements belonging to any Hospital, Public School, or Almfeoufe, or vested in Trustees for chari- table purpofes, 4th, For the Dividends payable out of the public Re- venue, and arising from the Stock of any Friendly So- ciety established under an Act of the 33d year of his prefent Majesty. 5th, For the Dividends belonging to any Corporation, Fraternity, or Society of Perfons established for chari- table purposes only, or applicable by them to charitable purpofes only, pursuant to any act of Parliament, Char- ter, Decree, Deed of Trust, or Will, in fo far as the Di- vidends before mentioned shall have been applied to charitable purposes. 6th, For the Dividends, bona fide, belonging to any person not being a subjeCt of his Majesty, and not refi- dent in Great Britain. And that all perfons in Scotland claiming such Ex- emptions are required to make their Claims before the said special Commissioners in writing, to be delivered at this Office, under cover, to H. Mackenzie, Esq. Comp troller of Taxes for Scotland, to be by him transmittted to the said special Commissioners. The forms for such claims are to be had at the said office, and of the Clerks to the Commissioners for executing the Property Ails in the several districts of Scotland, and also of the Sur- veyors cf Taxes. H. MACKENZIE. TO BE SOLD By public roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffee house, on friday the 20th day of December curt, at two o'clock afternoon, THAT INN, STABLE, LOFTS, and Others he- longing to the deceased Mr William Hutchison, at the head of the Cowgate, possessed by George Ha- milton, stabler. The subjeCts may be seen at any time, and for parti- culars apply to Mr Callender, writer, head of bank Street.' AT LEITH— FOR LONDON, The Union Shipping Company's Smacks, Armed by Government EDINBURGH, WM. HALL. Master. AND FIFESH1RE, ---. JAmES CUMMINgS Master, The former will take in goods till Thursday evening at fix o'clock when she will sail; and the latter till Sa- turday evening, and sail on Sunday morning at nine o'- clock. Union Slipping Company's Office,! Leith, Dex. 9. 1805, 5 A CARD. AS the Season is now commencing for the con- fumption of BUNS, SHORT- BREAD, SEED. PLUM, and POUND CAKeS, COMFITS, & c.— JAMES WEDDELL & CO. beg to remind their Friends and the Public, that they can be ferved as ufual with the above, and every other article in their line, of that quality which has hitherto given fuch universal satisfaction; and those wishing to fend Prefents to their friends at a distance, may depend on having them fo packed, as to go perfectly safe and good to any part of the United Kingdom by fea or land. CONFECTIONARY WAREHOUSE, Corner North Bridge Street, Edinr. Dec. DEATH OF LORD NELSON. THE DEATH of LORD VISCOUNT NELSON, DUKE of BRONTI, & c. being severely felt by every description of men in the United Kingdom, Mr WESt and Mr HEATH, wishing to use their endea- vours to perpetuate so great an event in the Naval An- nals of our country, propofe to publife A PRINT Of the Death of that Gallant Admiral, Who gloriously fell in the caufe of his country at the moment of a most important and unexampled Victory obtained over the enemy's Combined Fleet off Cape Trafalgar. Mr Heath, Historical Engraver to his Ma- jesty, & c. intends engraving a Print from the piCture now painting by Benjamin West, Esq. President of the Roy- al Academy, the author of that celebrated Picture the Death of General Wolfe, engraved by Woollett, to which this Print is intended as an appropriate Com- panion. This Work will he brought forward with the united exertions of the artists as early as possible, to satisfy the feelings of a grateful people, mixed as they are with sensations of the deepest regret for so great a loss. CONDITIONS. The price to subscribers, Two Guineas ; Proofs, Four Guineas : One half to be paid at the time of Subfcribing, the remainder upon the delivery of the prints. The size of the print will be 23 inches by 17 inches — the size of the engraving of the Dath of General Wolfe. ' Fhe Prints will be delivered in the order of Sub- scription. , Subfcriptions received by Benjamin West, Esq. No. 14, Newman Street, Oxford Street; and James Heath, Esq. No. 15, Russell Place, Fitzroy Square, Lon- don ; and by Messrs WHITE & CO. South Bridge, E- dinburgh. SECOND EDITION. This Day is Pubished, In quarto, price 18s. in boards, tne Second Edition of Part I. ( Parts II, to X. may also be had either peri- odically, or together; and the succeeding Parts will be published, with an accelerated expedition, till the whole work be completed) of tHE NEW CYCLOPEDIA ; or, UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY of ARTS, SCIENCES, and LITERATURE ; formed upon a more enlarged Plan of Arrangement than the Dictionary of Mr Chambers; comprehending the various articles of that Work, with Additions and Improvements; together with the new Subjects of Biography, Geography and History ; and adapted to the prefent ftate of Literature and Science. By ABRAHAM REeS, D. D. F. R. S. Editor of the last Edition ot Mr Chambers's Dictionary, with the assistance of eminent professional Gentle- men. Illustrated with new Plates, including Maps, engra- ved for the Work by some of the most distinguished Artists. Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Pa- ternoster- row; and the principal booksellers of Lon- don ; sold also by all the booksellers in Edinburgh. § * § The first edition of this work consisted of 5000 copies, and a second edition of all the early parts being called for in this early stage of its publication, an ade- quate idea may be formed of the estimation in which it is held by the public. The following are its principal recommendations:— 1. The Plan of this Work is intended as an improve- ment upon fimilar publications, being a medium between the plan of a dictionary and that of treatises; and com- prehending the advantages of each. The history and outlines of each Science are given under its appropriate title; and its various divisions, which can be more fatis- faCtorily explained in separate articls than in the body of a treatise, are introduced under their respeCtive terms. This is indeed the only proper plan of a Dictionary in- tended for reference when information is required, which is expeCted to be found under its most ready and familiar term in the alphabet. 2. The Editor is of acknowledged learning and indus- try, and of unquestionable experience in this department of literary labour ; the greater part of his life having been employed in editing and improving the last edition of Mr Chambers's Dictionary, and in collecting materi- als for the prefent work. 3. Among the gentlemen who have engaged to con- tribute their assistance to this work, are many of distin- guished eminence; and the lift is continually aug- menting, no opportunity being negleCted to engage the co- operation of any Gentleman whofe fervices can be of real utility. 4. The Embellishments are of a very superior descrip- tion, and will form, when completed, an incomparably more elegant and correCt set of scientific and other plates than has ever been produced. The scientific sub- jeCts are engraved by Mr Lowry, whose accurate know- ledge and improved method of execution, in this branch of the art, have not been equalled. The subjeCts of Na- tural History, Sec. are chiefly engraved by Mr Milton and Mr Scott, with corresponding taste and beauty. The Drawings are almost wholly new. 5. The Maps will be double the size usually given in similar publications, and are drawn and engraved under the direction of Mr Arrowsmith. 6. A Part, or half volume, price 18s. each, has hither- to been pubiifeed once in about four months; and, in confequence of fome arrangements lately adopted, the public may with confidence rely upon a more frequent publication. 7. A few copies are printed off on royal paper, with Proof Impressions of the Plates, price L. 1 16s. each part. WOODS FOR SALE. To be SOLD, within a few miles of the county town of Ayr, from whence it may be shipped for any port, ABOUT TWO Hundred Acres of NATURAL WOOD, from twenty to thirty years old, con- fining moftly of OAK, ASH, and BIRCH. The Woods are remarkably healthy, and the Bark very valuable; a great proportion of them fit for the ordinary country purpofes, and the remainder for char- ring. For particulars apply to Richard Campbell, at his heufe, Ayr. SALEOF WOOD IN STIRLINGSHIRE. To be SOLD by public roup, at Torwood, about four miles from Falkirk, in the direCt road to Stirling, and afterwards at Carronhall, onTuefday th, 7th January next, AConsiderable quantify of small OAK for Barking, together w. th a quantity of ASH, BEECH, and PLANE. The whole of the Wood is of a very fupe- rior quality, and well worth the attention of purchafers. It may be viewed at any time before the sale, by apply- ing to Mr John Campbell, coal manager at Carron Hall, near Falkirk. The roup will beg; n precisely at eleven o'clock at Torwood. UPHALL INN. THOMAS RAMSAY, Vintner, Uphall, begs to inform bis Friends and the Public, that in corde- quence of his house having been destroyed by Fire on. the morning of Thursday the 5th curt, he has Removed ( for a short time) to a Houfe in BROXBURN, one mile east of Uphall, where the business will be carried on as usual. T. RAmSAY takes this opportunity of returning his fincere thanks tti his neighbours and others, for their kind assistance and anxious exertions in endeavouring to fave his property ; and, at fame time, cannot help thus publicly acknowledging llis obligations to the Gentle- men connected wiln the Sun Fire Office, by whom lus lofs, fo far as his infurance entitled him, has already been indemnified. ATTeNTioN. On the 15th of November last, FIVE TWENTY POUND NOTES; of the British Linen Company, Numbers, and each Note wrote upon the back as under, were, in a letter, put into the Post Office, at leith, addressed to Mr Francis Quoys, Wick, but which has not gone to hand, the letters which went, by the mail that . day having been ex- traCred from the bag somewhere betwixt Inverness and Tain. * It is entreated that Bankers, Merchants, and others, will pay particular attention to notes they receive of ths above description, which can scarcely fail to be noticed, and to lead to a deteCtion of the robbery. Any infor mation respecting the above notes may be addressed to Robert Brunton, Leith, pr the faid Francis Quoys. Wick, who will thankfully pay any expence incurred thereby. The Notes were dated 11th October 1805, numbers 401) 402) 40 J) 404) 205) and on the back of each written, " Leith, 15th Novem- ber 1805, Remitted per post to Mr Francis Quoys, Wick, J. T." Leith, Lee. 2, 1805. CATTLE STRAYED OR STOLEN. From a Park belonging to Matthew Wilkie, esq. of Bonnington, parish of Ratho, shire of Edinburgh, bV- twixt the 11th and the 13th of November 1805, NINE WINTERING STOTS— marks as follow One Black, with white along the back, witi horns— One Yellow, with horns— One Black, white belly, and white rump, with horns. One Black, white along the back— One Yellow, with curled hair— One Spotted black and white— One Spot-* ted red and white— One Grey— And One Dark Brown, all without horns. The whole having a cut ticrofs the hair upon the off- side hook. Any person who has found, or can give information of any, or of the whole of faid cattle, shall be properly rewarded, by applying to Gibson and Christie, York Place, or to Archibald Young, farmer, Westmains Ingliston, by Kirkliston ; and a reward of Fifty Gui- neas will be paid on conviCtion of the offender. A STOT FOUND. There was found Straying on the farm of Broomridge, in the parish of St Ninians, and county of Stirling, a- bout the beginning ofthe month of November last, ASmall HIGHLAND STOT ; and application ha- ving been made to the Sheriff of Stirlingshire thereanent, he appointed intimation to be made of t! \ laid stot being in custody. If it is not immediately claimed, and the property proved, it will be sold for defraying the expence of its maintenance, and of legal proceedings, to which all concerned will attend. FOR COUGHS, ASTHMAS, CONSUMPTIONS, & c. cUNDelL's IMPROVED BALSAM op honey. NO Medicine has arrived at greater celebritr than CUNDELL's BALSAM of HONEY :— Its pe- culiar safety and superior efficacy being attected by the great number of persons who have been cured of the moft obftinate disorders of the lungs, Irritating Coughs, and distressing Asthmas, are speedily soothed away by its detergent and strengthening powers, and the moft tender Infants in the Hooping- Cough are relieved by its healing and salutary effeCts. CUNDELL's IMPROVED BALSAM of HONEY is fold wholefale by Messrs Howard and Evan's, No. 42. Long- Lane, West- Smithfield, London, fo!. agents for the supply ofthe country, in bottles at 12s. ( id. 56. 6d. and 2s. 9d. each, duty included; and retail by J. BAXTER, Italian warehouse, South Bridge, Edinburgh. A New Edition, This Day is Published, In One Volume, OCtavo, with an elegant Portrait of the Author— Price Ms. A GUIDE TO HEALTH, Or Advice to both Sexes in a variety of Complaints; With an Essay on the Venereal Disease, Gleets, Semi- nal Weakness ; likewise, an address to parents, tutors, and guardians of youth, This pamphlet points out direCt methods of cure, from a blenhoarhagia or go- norrhoea to a confirmed siphilis. To which is added, an essay on secret venery ; and a discourse on impo- tency in the male, and sterility or barrenness incident to females, & c. BY SAMUEL SOLOMON, M. D. Every person, young and old, should purchase this , Book, there being scarcely an individual who is not in- terested in some part of it. In particular, it is recom- mended to young men and boys; as an early attention to the latter may serve to guard them from a fatal rock on which thousands have split, and be the means of pre- serving their bodies from disease, and also their souls, their minds and all their faculties from destruCtion. It is addressed to the affliCted with the scurvy, scro- phula, rheumatism, female obstruCtions, or any disorder originating from an impurity of the blood, to people of fashion, the studious persons of a confined and sedentarv life ; as also, to those affliCted with nervous affections in general. To which is added, A Treatise on the Venereal Dis- ease ; containing the fymptoms, mode of treatment, and remedies ill. the different stage a of the disorder ; cau- tions to young persons of the danger of imprudent con- nections, or improper treatment; with the difference between real venereal symptoms and those frequently mistaken for them; also, advice to bathers. Lastly, is inserted, an Essay ou Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses, with a serious address to boys and young men, who have, or are in danger of ruining their con- stitutions. To be had of The Booksellers, and Venders of Dr Solomon's Me- dicines, viz. ^ Mr ANDREW SMITH, Perfumer, 38. North Bridge. Mr Raeburn, Perfumer, North Bridge. Mr BAXTER and Mr SCOTT, South Bridge. Mr Davison and Husband, Elder & Co. Edinburgh, Mr M'Donald and Mr Baxter, Glasgow. Coke, Reid, Leith J 1*. Craigie, Montrose W. Cameron, Greenock | Dr White, Banff G. Browning, Paisley I MIntosh, Inverness H. Crawford, Kilmarnock | ' 1'. M'Kenzie, Stornoway W. Young, Irvine A. Forsyth, aud P. White- side, Ayr W. Crawford, Girvan J. Carson, Newt. Douglas T. M'Millan, Kirkudbright T. M'Credie, Kirkaldy J. Blyth, Leven J. Dempster, Cupar — Allan, Dundee J. Mitchell, & J. Anderson Aberdeen P. Taylor, Stranraer Johnston and Billet, Perth W. Anderson, Stirling Alexander, Dunfermline Wilfson, Dunbar Vinnet, Arbroath Dickson, Inglis, Dumfries Phorson, Berwick Weddel, Alnwick Paterson, Arbuthnot, and Jamieson, peterhead. BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR. SUPPLEMENT TO THE GIBRALTAR CHRONICLE. GIBRALTAR, NOV. 2.— As we are fully sensi- ble, that every circumstance respecting the late glorious victory, as well as every incident rela- tive to the death of that truly good and great man, the late much lamented Lord Nelson, must be deeply interesting, not only to his own coun- try, but to the world in general, we have en- deavoured, since the arrival of the Victory, the ship on board of which his Lordship's flag was flying during the whole of the action, to obtain every information in our power on that subject. Previous to the action, his Lordship had fully explained to every captain in the fleet the mode in which he intended to attack the enemy's line, and every ship also received such particular secret instructions, that very few signals were requisite on the day of battle. Before the action began, however, the following sentence was conveyed, by telegraph, to all the ships in the fleet, England ex pects that every man will do his duty. On its being explained by the captains to their several crews, it was received with an enthusiasm which shewed that the expeditions of their country would not be disappointed on this occasion ; and indeed, from the accounts of every officer who was present, we believe it is impossible to convey an adequate idea of the general exultation and joy that pervaded every ship, at the prospect of bringing the enemy's fleet to action. By none, perhaps Was this so forcibly and sincerely felt as by his Lordship. After the many anxious days and nights that he had passed, since the commencement of the war, in watching or pur- suing the flying foe, he now, for the first time, had the satisfaction to behold the enemy he had so long sought for, drawn up to receive him, and in a situation where they had neither batteries nor mooring chains to trust to for protection. Whilst bearing down upon the enemy's line, he repeatedly said, " that it was the happiest day of his life, and that from the plan of attack which he had laid down, he expected, that he should have possession of twenty ofthe enemy's ships be- fore night:" a prediction which was verified in so remarkable a manner, that we hardly know whether most to admire the consumate science and wisdom with which the plan of attack was pre- viously arranged, or the cool intrepidity with which it was carried into complete execution ; as not one single ship escaped of that part of the enemy's line on which his Lordship had directed the principal effort to be made, and the total number of ships which had actually surrendered before night, we have now every reason to believe was twenty, of which the Achille and a Spanish ship were burned, and the Redoubtable sunk after the action ; but all of them had previoully struck their colours. It was his Lordship's intention to have broken through the enemy's line, between the tenth and eleventh of the enemy's ships in the van, at the same time that Admiral Collingwood penetrated their line, about the twelfth ship from the rear; but, finding the enemy's line in that part so close, that there was not room to pass, he ordered the Victory to be run on board of the ship which op- posed him, and the Temeraire, by which the Victory was seconded, also ran on board of the next ship in the enemy's line ; so that these four ships lay for a considerable time engaged togeth- CJ, in one mass, as it were, and so close, that the flash of almost every gun fired from the Victory, set fire to the Redoubtable, to which ship she was at that time opposed ; whilst our seamen, with the greated coolness, were, at intervals, employed, in the midst of the hotted fire, in throwing buc- kets of water to extinguish the flames on board of the enemy's ship, left, by their spreading, they might involve both ships in dectruction. We question if ancient or modern history can pro- duce a more striking example of cool and delibe- rate valour, than what we have just recorded, and it certainly reflects the highed honour upon the discipline and intrepidity of the ship's crew. It was during the hottest part of the action that his Lordship received his fatal wound, whilst engaged with the Redoubtable and the French Admiral, at the fame time. The enemy's ships' tops were all crowded with soldiers, who had orders to aim particularly at the officers on the quarter- deck. The Victory was, in general, fo completely enveloped in smoke, that it was diffi cult to distinguish any particular person on board ; but, unfortunately, for a few feconds, when the smoke was more dispersed than usual, a foldier took aim at Lord Nelson, from the mizen top ofthe Redoubtable; and, the instant he fired, his Lordship fell, the ball entering near the left shoulder, palling through the lungs, and lodging in the spine. He was immediately sensible of the wound being mortal, and said, with a smile, to Captain Hardy, with whom he had been talk- ing at that moment, " They have done for me at last !" He was soon obliged to be carried off the deck; and, as they were conducting him be- low, he remarked the tiller rope being too flack, which he desired them to acquaint Captain Har- dy with, and have it tightened. His anxiety for the event of the day was such as seemed totally to surmount the pains of death, and every other consideration ; he repeatedly sent to inquire how the battle went, and expres- sed the most lively satisfaction to find it favour- able. His lower extremities soon became cold and insensible, and the effusion of blood from his lungs often threatened suffocation ; but still his eyes seemed to brighten, and his spirits to re- vive, at hearing the cheers given by the crew of the Victory, as the different fhip* of the enemy surrendered. About four o'clock he became ex- ceedingly anxious to see his friend Captain Har- dy, and he sent for him several times before that gallant officer thought it prudent to quit the deck at so interesting a moment. About five o'ciock, however, when he faw that the victory was completely decided, and the bat- tle nearly ended, he was enabled to attend to the last wishes of the dying hero, who eagerly en- quired how many ships were captured ! On be- ing told by Captain Hardy, that he was certain of twelve having stuck, which he could see, but that probably mote had surrendered ; his Lord- ship said, " What, only twelve? there should at least have been fifteen 0r sixteen, by my calcula- tion ; however ( after a pause, he added), twelve is pretty well." He now said, that he felt death fast approaching, and that he had but a few mi- nutes to live ; that he would have wished to sur- vived a little longer, to have seen the fleet in safety ; but as that was impossible, he thanked God that he had outlived the action, and had been enabled to do his duty to liis country. About this time he was again roused, by hearing another cheer from the crew of the Victory, at their seeing some more of the enemy's ships strike their colours ; at which he expressed the highest satisfaction., cm learning the cause, and shortly af- wards expired without a groan. The Frenchman, by whose hand this match- less hero fell, was soon afterwards shot by M. Pollard, midshipman of the Victory, and was seen to fall out of the mizen- top; and the Re- doubtable was so dreadfully shattered, that, foon after striking her colours to the Victory, she went to the bottom, with must of her crew ; so that his fall was greatly avenged. The loss in the Victory was chiefly sustained whilst going into action, when, as the leading fhip of the division, she had to sustain the fire of eight of the enemy's ships, for nearly 20 minutes, be- fore she returned a gun. She also sufFered consi- derable loss from the musketry of the enemy ; but so tremendous and well directed was the fire from the Victory, that every ship on which she got her guns to bear, was silenced in the course of a few broadsides. The Redoubtable, alone, had no less than 30 of her guns dismounted, and, for a considerable time before she struck, she did not return a single shot. It was his Lordship's intention to have enga- ged the Bucentaure at first, if he could have dis- tinguished her ; but, singular as it may appear, no person on board could discover the French Ad- miral's flag to be flying during the whole of that day, though the Victory was, for a confiderable time, within pistol- shot of her, and handled her so severely, as to render her incapable of taking any share in the engagement afterwards Three of the French ships in the van, who had no part in the action, and one of which car- ried a Rear- Admiral's flag, had the inhumanity and cowardice, as they were making their escape, to fire, for a considerable time, upon the Santissi- ma Trinidad, and several other of the crippled 1 Spanish prizes, after they had surrendered to us, which, from their situation, were incapable either r _ I mathematical learning by of opposition or flight; and an immense number of the Spaniards were killed and wounded, from t is unprecedented and bloody deed of their good and faithful allies. We solemnly pledge our credit for the truth of this extraordinary fact, to which every officer on board of our victorious squadron, now in the Bay, can bear witness. indeed such was the in- dignation felt and expressed by the Spaniards, a, the conduct of the French, that, when, two days after the action, seven of the enemy's ships came out of Cadiz, in hopes of retaking fome of the disabled prizes, the crew of the Argonauta, in a body, offered their services to the British officer who had the charge of the prize, to man the guns againft any of the French ships ; and they were actually stationed at the lower deck guns for that purpose, whilst the Britifsh seamen manned those of the upper deck. The British officer on board returned all the Spanish officers their arms, and placed the most implicit confidence in the honour of the Spa- niards, which he had no reason to repent ; as, though their numbers were so superior as easily to have enabled them to retake the ship, yet they, on every occasion, shewed the utmost submission and good conduct, and declared that, if a Spa- nish ship came along side of them, they would quiet- ly go below, and leave the British to act for themselves. Extract of a letter from Lord Nelson to his confidential Friend; Alex. Davison, Esq. of St James's Square Victory. " Day by day, my dear friend, I am expect. ing the fleet to put to sea, every day, hour, and moment ; and you may rely, that if it is within the power of man to get at them, that it shall be done ; and, I am sure that all my brethren lo « k to that day as the finish of our laborious cruise, The event no man can say exactly, but I must think, or render great injustice to those under me. that let the battle be when it may, it will never have been surpassed. My shattered frame, if survive that day, will require rest, and that is al 1 shall ask for. If I fall on such a glorious occa sion, it shall be my pride to take care that m friends shall not blush for me—- these things ar in the hands of a wise and just Providence, and his will be done. 1 have got some trifle, thank God, to leave to those I hold most dear, and have taken care not to neglect it. Do not think I am low spirited on this account, or fancy any thing is to happen to me ; quite the contrary.— My mind is calm, and I have only to think o destroying our inveterate foe. I have two fri gates gone for more information, and we all hope for a meeting with the enemy. Nothing can be finer than the fleet under my command. What ever be the event, believe me ever, my dear Da vison, your much obliged, and sincere friend, " NELSON AND BRONTE." was early instructed in his father and Dr Hutton, then of Newcastle, now an ornament of his country in the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich. He acquired practical navigation in the same fchool which bred Captain Cook, the circumnavigator— the Coal Trade-, and, entering the navy, he served during the whole of the American War, chiefly in the squadron commanded by Admital Barrington. Many of our first- rate officers were Barringto- nians in early life, and are, to a man, skilful in naval tactics. Captain Rotheram was first lieu- tenant of the Culloden in the memorable battle won by Lord Howe and commanded the French ship Le Vengeur as long as she could swim, sa- ving the lives of many poor fellows when she funk. So far from her crew having gone down crying Vive la Republique, as was falsely asserted in France, they laboured under the deepest de- pression of spirits, and clung round the knees of Captain Rotheram, after their own commander had quitted the ship, which he knew could not be kept long above water, and which, there is every reason in the world to believe, he expected and hoped would carry Captain rotheram and the party who had taken possession to the bottom. In the moment of the ship's sinking Rotheram's self- possession and intrepidity were remarkably difplayed. He was made post- captain in 1800. During the latter part of the last war be com- manded the Lapwing of 28 guns. In the Royal Sovereign he had a glorious opportunity of evin- cing both his seamanship and bravery, and he act- ed a part worthy of himself. The Hon. Capt. Henry Blackwood, the gal- lant Commander of the Euryalus, of whom such favourable mention is made in Admiral Coiiing- wood's dispatches, is the sixth and youngest son of a noble Irish family, and one of the most dis- tinguished officers in the service. He first ac- quired the rudiments of his profession under Ad- miral Macbride, and was present in some ot the most brilliant actions of the war before last. Ar different periods, and in various quarters of the globe, he has served under all the great Admi- rals of the present reign. He served under Lord Howe in the Royal Charlotte, as his signal mid- shipman, during the period of the Spanish arma- ment. From this ship his Lordship promoted him to be a Lieutenant. In the memorable ac- tion of the 2d of June 1794, last war, ( again nder his Lordship's command) he was First Lieutenant of the Invincible, ot 74 guns, when she captured the Jusfe, an 84 gun ship, after a close fought action of two hours, yard- arm and yard- arm. The slaughter in the French ship was immense. On the return of the fleet to Ports mouth, he was made Master and Commander, and appointed to the command of the Maegera fireship, attached to the Channel fleet under Lord howe. From this ship he was promoted > o the command of the Brilliant frigate, of 28 guns in this smail vessel, after chasing a Spanish f i gate of superior force under the batteries of Te- neriffe, he was engaged by two French frigate , of 44 guns eacn, La Vcrtu and La Regenere : La Vertu first brought him to action, and was beaten off with the loss of her foremast. He maintained as successful a conflict with her con- sort, and escaped uncaptured. On his return' he was made Post Captain, and rewarded for his brilliant exploit with the command of the Pene lope, a new frigate of 36 guns, and attached to Lord Nelson's fleet in the Mediterranean. in this ship, which for discipline, and sailing, and manoeuvring, was the admiration ot every officer who there witnessed her, he was stationed by his Lordship off the harbour of Malta to watch t > e Guillaume Tell, a Fiench 84 gun ship, bearing an Admiral's flag, which had escaped from the battle of Aboukir, and was there blockaded by a part of our fleet. Under cover of a dark night, and a gale of wind, she attempted to elude the vigilance of Captain Blackwood, and had clear- ed the harbour, when she was attacked by the Penelope, raked, and otherwise so roughly da- maged in her yards and rigging, as to enable our ships to come up with and capture her at day- break. In this action the master of the Pene- lope had his head shot off. The British and French Commanders did ample justice to Captain Blackwood's conduct on this occasion. In their public dispatches to their respective Governments he was honourably mentioned, and the French Admiral in his letter, published in the Moniteur, scribes his capture to the heroic intrepidity of lie Commander of the English frigate, in pre- vioully bringing him to action, and damaging h s He was put in charge of the prize, to tow her into port. On the expedition against the French in Egypt, he served under Lord Keith with considerable distinction. At the breaking out of the present war, he was among the first te press forward again, at the call of his country, and was immediately appointed to the command of the Euryalus, of 38 guns, then just launched, in which frigate, on the coast of Ireland, under Lord Gardner, at Boulogne under Lord Keith, and at Cadiz under Lord Nelson, he has again distinguished himself for his activity and ability nd performed he services which have been so justly noticed by his present Commander numerous chapels of ease, the meeting- houses of the different sects and denominations of the dis senters— all were crowded with the patriotism and piety of the land. In an age, which is, per- haps, too luxurious, and which has been exposed to the censure of the moralist and the divine, as too apt to forget the great source of all human benefits, we cannot refuse ourselves the satisfac- tion of considering this striking feature in our n - tional character, as a glorious proof that the great body of the people of England are still, not only the warmest lovers of their inde- pendence, and the highest patterns of bravery, but among the foremost in their attachment t their loyalty, and in the number of the most sin- cere, in their estimation and reverence of tbe sa- cred duties of their religion. Yesterday morning the Royal Family, accom- panied by General Fitzroy, Colonels Taylor, and Desbrow, Ladies Sydney and Ely, went to St George's Chapel, and. heard a sermon preach- ed by the Rev Dr Cookson, from the 50th Psalm, and 15th verse. Dr Glasse preached before the Princess Char- lotte of Wales, at the Chapel Royal. Her Roy- al Highness fat in the Princesses' closet, and was attended by the Bishop of Exeter and Lady De Clifford. Lord Mulgrave and a number of the Nobility, were present. After the sermon, an anthem—" Sing unto God," by Dr Croft, was sung by Messrs Nield, Goss, Welch, and W. Knyvet. The sermon at St Paul's Cathedral was preach- ed by the Lord Mayor's Chaplain, the Rev. Mr Hatt, in prefence of his Lordship, his Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge and his Staff, several Noblemen, and a vast number of Military Officers, the Hon. Artillery Company, and a nu- merous congregation The text was taken from he 23d chapter of the 2d book of Samuel, part of the loth verse : — And the Lord wrought a great victory that day." A more appropriate sermon could not be de- livered. His Royal Highness gave a donation of 50I. ; the Lord Mayor contributed- the same sum ; and the Officers belonging to his Royal Highness's Staff subscribed liberally according to their rank. The whole sum collected on the oc- casion an. ounted to 300l. iid. At this place even the beggar came to over his mite, and as small a coin as a farthing was received. The crowd round the doors of the Cathedral was veey gnat, and attracted the notice of the pick- pockets. We are sorry to say, that the collection they made for their find was enormous ; a Common- Council- man, attendant on the Lord Mayor, when about to subscribe to the charity of the day, found that he had been robbed of his purse. All the churches and chapels in the metropo- lis were well attended, and liberal collections made for the relief of the sufferers in the late glORIOUS actions. L O N D O N— DECEMBER 6. GENERAL THANKSGIVING. Yesterday, being appointed, by authority, a? the day of General and Public Thanksgiving, was observed with remarkable, and, perhaps unex- ampled attention in this metropolis, and we have no doubt, throughout the empire at large. The day exhibited the most gratifying, solemn, and As it has been justly said, that every Briton concerned in the memorable battle of Trafalgar was a hero, there can be nothing uninteresting that relates to any character conspicuous among such heroes; we have therefore much pleafure " giving the following particulars respecting Captain Rotheram, who commanded the Royal Sove- reign on that glorious occasion, as some mistakes have appeared in several of the public prints. Captain Rotheram is a Northumbrian by birth,! edifying of spectacles; the spectacle of a power but he was born at Hexham, not at Newcastle. His father more than forty years ago removed from Hexham to Newcastle, where he lived ma- ny years Senior Physician of the Infirmary, and of high estimation, both as a medical practitioner and a man of general science. Captain Rothe- ram's elder brother, Dr John Rotheram, was educated at the high school in Newcastle, and studied physic and natural philosophy under Lin- naeus at Upsal. He attended that illustrious man in his last illness. Dr Rotheram resided at Turnham Green about fifteen years ago, and conducted the Monthly Review, of which . the late Dr Griffiths was the ostensible proprietor and editor; and he died lately professor of na- tural philosophy in the Univerlity of St An- drews in North Britain. Captain rotheram ful and favoured nation offering" their sincere and pious acknowledgments to the Great Disposer of all Events, for his good providence, vouchsafed to them in the achievement of one of the great est and most splendid triumphs, over a combina- tion of foes, that the annals of the world have yet been able to record. Never, upon any occasion, was the universal sentiment of national gratitude for the assistance of Heaven more eminently displayed, than by the immense numbers who flocked with eagerness, to consecrate the success of their country, by their humble prostration in the Temples of the Most High. No difference existed between Chridian Britons, in the acknowledgement of a blessing, in its consequenceS common to all. The Metro politan Church, the various parish churches, the The extra ships Tottenham and Lord Eldon, from Bencoolen, arrived on Thursday off Ports- mouth, under convoy of the urgent gun- brig— They sailed from St. Helena the 2d of October The Worcester and Skelton Castle, and the Naye, Danish indiaman, were left at St. Hele- na. The Bridgewater had not arrived at St Hele na on the 4th of October, the day on which a Dane sailed from thence. The Brunswick, we regret to state, was cap- tured off Point de Galle,. the i. ith of July, by Admiral linois, in the Marengo, accompanied by the Belle Poule frigate, an ! was afterWards lost in False Bay. The Brunswick sailed fi om Bombay the 1st of July. The Marengo and belle Poule anchored at the Cape the 13th of September, where Capt. Grant and his officers were landed on their parole, On the 21 ft they embarked on board the Dane- broog, a Danish East Indiaman, for St Helena, accompanied by Mr Pearse, purser, and Messrs More and Halhead, midshipmen. The Dane, with Capiain Grant, & c. sailed from that island the 7th of Oflober, and arrived off Dartmouth on Wednesday. The crew of the Brunswick were to be sent from the Cape to St Helena a cartel. Captain Grant states, that in September he fell ' n with Admiral Trowbridge, and some ln- diamen , that the French bore down to engage, but were beaten off, and made their escape by dint of superior sailing. The Sarah country ship is supposed to have been lost near Point de Galle. The Policy, St Vincent, and Britannia, whalers sailed from St Helena, with the Tottenham and Lord Eldon, and arrived off Dartmouth with these ships. We have been favoured with the following extract of a letter from an officer on board the Lancaster, in the Indian seas, dated ift June:- Notwithstanding the vigilance of our squadron number of privateers have taken opportunities of slipping out of the Mauritius, and have done much damage a- mongst the trade on the Malabar coast. We have been cruizing for some time, in hopes of falling in with large vessel, which is said to have made its appearance between Travancore and Cape Comorin, in April last, and which, during the dark nights, had continued to send on shore several French emissaries, charged with dis- patches to the Native Princes hostile to the British inte- refts in India. Some of those persons have since been apprehended by the Rajah. Several large praams, or gun boats have been constructed in the creeks of the island, and are brought under cover of the batteries, where they are arranged in formidable order. They appear to be principally manned by the natives under the command of European Officers. These vessels carry some very heavy guns; but they are only calculated to, act 011 the defensive in case of an attack on the island, which, from the movements of our squadron, it has long been in dread of. This measure has indeed been in contempla- tion of our gallant Commander, Sir Edward Pellew, but we must be cautious of endangering our ships, till l. i- nois* force in these seas is reduced. We therefore think the attempt is. for the present, postponed. Some skilfu engineers have lately arrived at the island, by a sloop of war from Europe." A Privy Council will be held this day, and a proclamation will be ordered for the further pro- bation < 5i Parliament till the 31st of January. We are happy that this arrangement can be made confidently with public business, as will enable country gentlemen to spend their Christmas on their estates. Yesterday morning General the Earl of Har- ington had a long conference with Lord Mul- grave, at his office in Downing Street; about en o'clock in the evening ( and not before), his Lordffiip and suite left the Stable Yard, St james's, for Harwich, where he will immediate- y embark for Vienna. Letters from Hanover state that M. Bighnon, the French Envoy at Cassel, quitted that Court in dudgeon, because Mr Taylor, the English Mi- nister, was suffered to return to it. This may have been the pretext, but the real cause, we in- cline to think, is the devotedness of the Elector to the Court of Berlin. By letters from Gibraltar we learn that that garrison was visited on the 11 th of October by a Committee of French physicians who had been sent by that Government to enquire into the na- ture of the late dreadful pestilence which made such ravages in that garrison and other parts of the the south of Europe. The President of this Committee was the cele- brated Desgenettes, Inspector General of the French Military Hospitals in Egypt, that virtu- ous physician who so nobly resisted the commands of Bonaparte to poison the sick and wounded of his army at Jaffa, but which an apothecary was afterwards found villainous enough to perpetrate. The report made by these gentlemen, after ha- ving visited the different parts of Spain where the disease had appeared, is extremely satisfactory, as they seemed fully convinced that the contagion was now completely extinct in Europe, and that there was no probability of its breaking out again, if proper quarantine regulations were established to guard against its future introduction from the West Indies or America, from which, from every in- formation they had received, they were unani inously of opinion that the disease had been origi- nally imported. i| A ridiculous report has been fabricated, pur- porting that a difference has arisen between the Kings of Prussia and Sweden, on account of the former having refused to place his troops under the command of the latter. But is it ail con- fident with common sense. that the King of Swe- len should return home in a pet, at the moment that his Ambassador at Ratisbon is presenting the oft energeric declaration to the Diet against the measures of Bonaparte ? All such reports, we think, ought to meet with total discredit, as they are, no doubt, fabricated by French agents, for the purpose of creating jealousies arid distrust a- mong the Allied Potentates, now the only hope' left to tbe Corsican tyrant, of being enabled to dissolve the noble coalition formed against his un- principled encroachments. Accounts from Franconia, dated Nov. 10. On the 19th tilt all the ships in the road ol Elsineur fired three discharges, in celebration the victory off Cadiz. Immediately afterwards their flags were lowered, and three minute guns fired on account of the death of Lord Nelson. Wednesday a Court of Directors was held the East India House, when Capt. Robert Ward law was sworn into the command of the ship Asia; consigned to Madras and Bengal, instead of St Helena and Bengal as as was Capt. D. Macleod into the command of the Walthamstow, consign ed to St Helena and Bengal. ay : " Travellers have observed above fifty vil- lages, on the road between Braunau and Lintz, entirely deserted by their inhabitants. Not a li- ving creature could be seen, but the bodies of soldiers were plentifully strewed all the way. The Prince of Auersberg, who took Murat's word of honour that preliminaries of peace had been signed, and who desisted, in consequence, from executing his orders to destroy tbe bridges, has, we underdand, been sent to prison. A letter from Brunn, dated Nov. 14. says,—- What the Turks attempted in vain in the end of the 17th century, fortune has permitted the barbarians of the 19th century to perpetrate. Our capital, ere you receive this letter, is in the lower of the slaves of Bonaparte, and will en- dure the most merciless, as well as the most dis- , graceful bondage. You remember, no doubt, an insurrection of the populace at Vienna last summer, under pre- tence of dearness of provisions. By the confes- sion of the insurgents, it was discovered that Bon naparte, so early as that period, meditated upon passing his Christmas in that city, though at th « time we were in profound peace with France ; f an epocha can be called peace, where one State dares and attempts every thing, and others en- dure in impotent indignation the most provoking outrages. Since, the emissaries of Bonaparte and Talleyrand have disseminated the most absurd re- iorts, and held out the most seducing promises, among my fellow subjects. On one part, they have libelled our present beloved Sovereign and his house, and held out a change of dynasty as a blessing which would finish all our fufferings ; on the other part, a destruction of the privileged classes, and a confiscation of their property, have been preached as an allurement to the ambitious, as well as to the avaricious ; to entice him who envied rank, as well as him who speculated upon plunder. " The horrors committed by Bonaparte's sol- diers every where on their march from Bavaria, will be retaliated upon them, should our force?, or those of our allies, obtain a signal victory : a defeat will not only disband, but annihilate the usurper's satellites because every where the people are secretly armed, and avowedly exasperated, and a routed French army must inevitably be a de- stroyed one. " Notwithstanding what the French papers have stated to the contrary, the Russian troops have every where preserved the greatest discipline and order, and the greatest cordiality subsists both between the armies of the two nations and be- tween the two Sovereigns and their Ministers. In all the battles a kind of loyal emulation had subsided. Where in the last glorious action at Krems, the Russian General Kutusow had a horse killed under him, our General Schmidt rode up, took his place, and was killed. This is a great loss ; he had risen from the ranks only from his talents. An aid- de- camp of Kutusow, on seeing our General fall, headed for some moments our united forces, until his Chief had recovered from his surprise and contusions; but he too was se- verely wounded. The French fought desperate- ly, because Bonaparte has tried to persuade them that those who surrender will afterwards be mur dered ; and that they are too far from their couni try to be avenged, if injured, or exchanged, if vanquished. The Princess Charlotte has taken, in the West Indies, the Cyane sloop, which was captured by the combined fleets. Great discontent prevails at Paris.— The di- trust of paper money, in consequence of the fai- lure of so many bankers, one of whom, Reca- mier's house, is for no less a sum than four mil- lions sterling, and the consequent dstresses are universal. Fouche, the Minister of Police, found the discontent to be so rapidly increasing amongst the crowds that flocked about the doors of the bank for payment of bank- bills, that he feared some disturbance, and issued a proclamation, in which he prohibits those assemblages ; in other words, forbids the people under pain of incur- ring the vengeance of the Police, to go ard de- mand payment for the bank- notes in their posses- sion. But a partial payment is to be made to peaceable citizens. But in what manner ? In- dividuals are to go before the Mayors of the re- spective districts, and to make known their wants; they are then to receive, if the Mayor and Fouche chuse, a ticket, which they may carry to the Bank, authorising the Bank, upon that tic- ket being presented to it, to give cash for the notes the ticket- holder has in his possession. Those who refuse to disclose their necessities, and to give an account of the manner in which they came by the notes in their possesson, or of the manner in which they mean to employ the money which they solicit to be permitted to receive for them, will.. of course be suspected, and no tickets will be granted them. Of this we may be fare, that none but bank- notes for small sums will be allowed to be paid in cash ; the large ones will be refused, as belonging to avaricious men and stock- jobbers. Amidst this universal distress and depreciation of paper money in France, it is cu- rious to read the dissertations in the accounts from the French army of the great discount up- on the bills of the Bank of Vienna, circulated in Swabia and Bavaria. We know that that discount has been enormously exaggerated ; but, what is the conduct of the French in Germany ? The Austrians pay for provisions and other ne- cessaries in bills which may be at a discount, but the French pay nothing at all for what they take. In such a state of affairs the people of Paris seem to care little for the successes of Bonaparte ; and though the bulletins are stuck up in every part of Paris, they are read with silent indiffer- ence. Fouche's spies swarm in every public place, coffeehouse, and street, to furnish a register of any offensive speeches, of any sarcactic jokes, or even of any significant shrugs. The prisons were never known to be so full. BANK OF FRANCE. Report of their. Excellencies the Ministers of General Police and of the Public Treasure, pointing out the k mode which the holders of Bank Notes must follow in order to exchange them. MINISTRY OF GENERAL POLICE. " The maintenance of public order can no longer tolerate the crowd which for some days past has thronged around the Bank to exchange their notes. This crowd consists of most part of citizens who really want money, but amongst them there are intermixed a number ol avaricious persons and stock- jobbers, and sometimes pick- pockets. It might happen that malevolence might at length, in spite of the superintendance and pre- cautions of the police, excite a tumult, Which it is prudent to prevent, in order that there may be no occasion to repress it. " Measures must therefore be taken to isolate and frustrate cupidity and malevolence, and to facilitate to peaceable citizens the exchange of their notes for cash. " I have therefore charged Messieurs the Mayors to make themselves acquainted with the wants of individuals in their respective districts, and to distribute a certain number of tickets, which the bearers may present at the bank, and receive calh in exchange for their notes. By this means the cash will not be diverted from its proper chan- nel, and honest men will not be placed at the mercy of stock- jobbers. 41 I request that his Excellency the Minister of the Public Treasure, who has collected infor- mation relative to the real situation of the bank, will assure the timid that they need not be dis- quieted with respect to the solidity of the establish- ment. The Minister of Police, " FOUCHE." PLyMOUTH, Dee. 3.— Came in his Majesty's ships Belleisle and Bellerophon, of 74 guns each, from Gibraltar. PORTSMOUTH, Dec. 4— This day at noon arrived the Victory, of 100 guns, with the flag of the immortal Nelson flying at half mast ; she anchored at St Helen's till to- morrow morning, when the tide will bring her up to Spithead.— Admiral Montagu's ship made the signal, soon after her arrival, for the ships at Spithead and in the harbour to lower their flags and pendants to half- mast. Dec. 5 The platform and ramparts have been crowded all day with persons anxiously waiting in order to witness the ceremony of land- ing the remains of Lord Nelson. It is under- stood that the body will be landed at the Dock- yard ( as in the case of Lord Hugh Seymour), and that it will proceed from that place to Lon- don in ( lately procession, the order of which is not yet made public. The ships flags are only half mast high, which, with other circumstances denoting a public mourning, has created a sensa- tion that gives peculiar Solemnity to the day. LLOYD'S MARINE LIST— Dec. 6. The body of Lord Nelson was put in spirits the day after the action, in which state it will be brought to Greenwich, where it is to be shifted into the shell coffin made out of the main- mast ot the French flag- ship L'Orient : this shell is lined with white quilted satin, and the outside covered with black cloth ; over this is placed the brass plate, on which is inscribed Captain R. Hollo- well's certificate of the coffin being made of the wood of the said French mast, picked up by his boats at sea, after the action of the Nile. It is stated that it was the Naval Telegraph, lately invented by Sir Home Popham, which . Lord Nelson used. It was by this new tele- graph that Lord Nelson, at a distance, out of sight of Cadiz, was enabled to communicate with his cruizers close in with that port, and to know what the enemy were doing, as accurately as if he had been on the spot; while he was so far a- way that tbe enemy did not believe him to be within reach. It was by this telegraph too that he said to his fleet, as it was going into action, " England expects that every man will do his duty." The following is an extract of a letter from on board the Union transport, in the River Elbe opposite Cuxhaven, dated Nov. 18 :— " After a very dangerous passage, of 13 days, we arrived safe here. One transport, with troops, is entirely missing ; another went upon the sands, but the troops were all saved, and we hope to find that the other has arrived safe in the Wefer. The weather is dreadful, and the coast abounds with shoals and sands. This day we landed at Cuxhaven, dined, and are just returned on board. Part of the troops will debark to- morrow morn- ing, and march immediately for Bremen, which place, I believe, will be our head- quarters. The Guards follow on Thursday— I suspect we shall accompany them. We hope that the King of Prussia has at lad adopted a decided course. In- deed, we have every reason to presume it ; as, Otherwise, we could not proceed upon our march through the country we are going into. I sus- pect I shall see a little more of Germany, and perhaps Holland, than you did in your summer tour. I only pray to be kept out of a French prison j I would much sooner be shot dead than experience French mercy." The Naiade French corvette, of 22 guns and 250 men, is captured by the Beaulieu frigate, and carried into Barbadoes. The Marengo French man of war, and Belle Poule frigate, from the Isles of France, arrived at the Cape of Good Hope 13th Sept. The Brunswick, Grant, from Bombay to China, was captured by the Marengo man of war and Belle Poule frigate, on the 11th July, off Point de Galle, and siice stranded at the Cape of Good Hope. The Sarah, — -, from Bombay to China, is fuppofed to he lost near Point de Galle. The Columbia, Manderville, from Jamaica to New York, has been taken, retaken, and arrived at Jamaica. The Mary & Elizabeth, Hole, from Havannah to Tonningen, is detained by the Lord Nelson privateer, and arrived at Falmouth. The Lucia, Nicol, and the John & James,——, from London to the South Seas, were well at Rio 4th Aug. and to fail the next day. The Curwen, . Shepherd, from St Vincent's to Dublin, is taken by the Brave French brig privateer. The United States, Bounds, from Bremen 10 Balti- more, is got into Ramsgate, after being on Margate Sands, and lost a rudder. The Maria Winsoa, Hauling, from Boston to Naples; Andromeda, , from Canaries; Aurora, Hall, from Leghorn to Tranquebar; Prudence, Bunker, from Leg- horn to New Orleans; Mary, Wood, from Barcelona to Charleston; Indefatigable, Siver, from Bourdeaux ; Jane, Bury, from to Cadiz ; Mary, Parsons, from Edington to. Cadiz; Rising Sun, Millar, from to Barcelona; Johannah, , from Malaga to Emb- den; and Expeditie, , from Senegal to Mar- feilles, are detained and sent into Gibraltar. The Walhala, Landsohoff, from Lubec to the Mau- ritius, is detained by the Lord Nelson privateer, of Guernsey, and sent into Falmouth. The Mercury, Simpson, from Jamaica to Liverpool, was taken 11th July, and carried into Cuba. The Speedwell privateer, of Guernsey, has taken and carried into that island the Tres Amigos, from St An- dero to Vera Cruz, armed with 6 nine- pounders and 30 men, captured after an action of 50 minutes. The Atlantic, Utting, from Cardiff to London, is stranded at the back of the lsle of Wight; great part of the cargo expected to besaved. The Joseph, Mason, from Archangel to London, is lost near Christiansand. The John and Henry, of Liverpool, from Africa, with 243 slaves, is taken by a French privateer, and carried into Martinique. The Sophia, Mansfield, from Poole to Hull, has been found at sea, without any person on board, and brought into the Downs ; supposed to have been captured. The Herald, Crews, from Newfoundland, is report- ed to be taken by the Rochefort squadron, and carried into Vigo. The Dryade, Grant, from Charleston to St Andero, is detained by the Euryalus frigate, and fent into Ports- mouth. The Montezuma, Ires, from Africa to Charleston, is retaken and arrived at Jamaica. Elsmore, Nov. 19.— The Essex, Snowden, is arrived this day from St Petersburg, in 1 1 days; this ship and many more were cut out from Cronstadt Mole, abou 3 mile through the ice. Several came away with the Essex, but is not certain whether all the ships could get clear. * The Mary Francis, Simpson, from Hull to Peters- burgh, was arrived as far up as she could get for the ice." The Eleanor, Lowe, from London, is lost at New- foundland. Journal du Commerce, Nov. 22.— Advices from Paimpol state, that the General Perignon privateer, of St Maloes, has returned from a cruize, after having made four prizes; two of them laden with muslins, cloths, & c. bound to Naples; and the other two from Antigua to London." " Advices from Bourdeaux, of 16th Nov. state, that a vessel of 600 tons, prize to a privateer belonging to Nantes, had arrived ill Bourdeaux River." " 24th Nov.— The brig Assistance, prize to the Sor- ciere privateer, is laden with coffee, sugar, rum, ele- phants teeth, cheese, butter, & c.; the other prize to the Sorciere privateer is laden with about 200 bales of wool and coals." ' One of the West India ships, prizes to the General Perignon, is arrived at Royan ; she has on board 400 barrels of sugar, coffee, and cotton." The Port- au- Prince, Duck, from London to the South Seas, was all well round Cape Horn the latter end of June. EDINBURGH— DECEMBER 9 Tbe mail from Hamburgh due on Wednesday- has not yet arrived, nor have we received any French or Dutch papers since our last. The mail is most anxiously expccted by Ministers, who look with great anxiety to the next dispatches from Lord HARROWBY. They arc expected to be de- cisive .' of the opening of negociations for a general peace wilh BONAPARTE, or the instantaneous co- operation of Prussia with the confederated Powers More than sufficient time has certainly elapsed for the return of BONAPARTE'S answer to Berlin, and its transmissic. i to England. All the members of the Cabinet are either in London or in the neigh bourhood, for the purpose of an immediate meet- ing to take into consideration the expected dis patches. The want of intelligence from the Continent, is always productive of a number of reports. It was rumoured on Friday in London, that Government had received intelligence that a second defeat ofthe French has taken place, under the walls of Vienna, attended with great slaughter ; and the death of BONAPARTE is again reported. It was also said, that MASSENA had been completely defeated bv the Archduke CHARLES ; and that the Prussian armies were in full march to form a junction with the troops of th4 allies.— A- day or two will show if there is any truth in these rumours. Although BONAPARTE has gained possession of Vienna, he has failed in his grand object, that of intimidating the Emperor of GERMANY ' into a se- parate peace— lie has failed in his project to sur round and cut off the army of ( he Archduke CHARLES— he has failed in his design of outflank- ing the allied artny, and forcing them into a disad- vantageous action. Having thus been unsuccess- ful in executing those intentions, ihe completion of which alune could have been of any service to him, the possession of Vienna becomes of little consequence, and the distance he has advanced into Germany will only tend to embarras and per- plexhim, pcrhaps. be the means of ruining his aimy- His gieat distance from France and his supplies, his want of a new army to support him, the dif- ferent divisions of his army being much dispersed, and his German friends but lukewarm in his cause, must render his situation very hazardous. If he attempts to retreat, it must be done through an hostile country, where the excesses of his troops have excited the deadly hatred of the inhabitants, who would take every opportunity of annoying a defeated and scattered army. This retreat must, also be conducted through a country already ex- hausted, where his nearly famished troops would scarcely be able to obtain a scanty meal. It is very probable that long ere this time a ge neral battle has in a great measure decided the fat. of the campaign. Should it prove against BONA- PARTE, his army must be exposed to the greatest danger ; while the Austiians and Russians, eve 1 if they should experience a reverse, would daily receive reinforcements which would enable thein again to face their enemies. The armies of Rus- sia and Austria near Brunn are little short of 200,000 men. I'he German papers left the Archduke CHARLES at Laybach, the capital of Carniola, 011 his way to Vienna. He had of course got the start of the French division, which had advanced to Clagen- furt to interrupt his progress. The detachments which proceeded by Bruck and Gratz, are the on- ly obstacles which he would be likely to encoun- ter upon his march. Of the inability of MASSENA to attack him in rear with effect, we entertain san- guine hopes. It appears that MASSENA gave up the pursuit at the Tagliamento ; as we find the ARCHDUKE had retreated in the best order to Lay- bach, and do not understand that he was harrass- ed in his march, by the French. Several causes, independent of the great ability of the Archduke, and of the courage and strength of his armv, may have contributed to deter MASSENA from any fur- ther attempt to overtake him, and bring on a ge- neral battle The Russians, to the amount of 34,000 men, reinforced by the English troops from Malta, are said to have sailed from Corfu, on the 17th ot Oc- tober, and to have arrived safely at Venice. Thi force, with that which the Austrian? left in Ve- nice, will be able to incommode and harrassMA?- SENA in his rear, and effect a powerful diversion in favour of the Archduke. From the lowest estimate of their number, they must be sufficient tooccupv the attention of, al least, 30,000 men. The very- state of the country also renders it absolutely ne- cessary that MASSENA should leave behind him a considerable force in Italy. It is well known, that it is not wedded in affection to France ; and that nothing but the terror of French bayonets prevents it from manifesting its disposition in favour of Austria. To preserve a military station of so much importance, and with it the kingly crown of Italy, objects of sufficient importance to induce MASSENA to forego the pursuit of the Archduke CHARLES to Vienna. If the French General should have adopted the resolution of following the Archduke, even with the majority of his army, the Russians, will gain a strong footing in Italy; and, aided " by forces from Malta and England, might shake, if not wholly detach, the iron crown nf Lombardy, from the golden sceptre of France. On the other hand, should MASSENA follow with any thing less than the majority of his armv, he would not be able to make any impression upon the Archduke. It is, thetefore, very probable, that this gallant Prince will be able not only to effect his retreat to Vienna, but to accomplish that great object, without much loss. We are happy to state, that the Victory man of war, with the body of Lord NELSON on board, has at length arrived safe at Portsmouth. The Belleisle and Bellerophon at Plymouth. One of the King's yachts is to go round to Portsmourh, to take on board the body of Lord NELSON, and convey it to Greenwich. Orders for that purpose have already been issued. We feel a melancholy satisfaction on finding that no chance ofthe seas has deprived us of his valuable remains. Having returned our thanks to the AL- MIGHTY, we can now turn to the Hero who was in his hands the secondary cause ofthe greatest and most. effective naval victory, that ever distinguished any age or nation ! Monday last the Channel fleet, under the com- mand of Admiral CORNWALLIS, sailed from Fal- mouth to resume their station off Brest. Two Dutch frigates succeeded last Saturday in putting to sea from Flushing. The Resistance, Leopard, and Flora frigates were immediately sent in pursuit of them, and as thev had intelligence of the course ihey took, hopes are entertained of their coming up with thein. Bv the arrival of the Tottenham and Lord EI don from Bencoolen, we have received some intel ligence of our shipping in India. We find that the gallant French Admiral LINOIS, in Septem ber last, fell in wtth Admiral Sir T. TROWBRIDGE and some Indiamen, but after becring down on our ships, he was beat off, and retired in his usual style, covered with glory, We are agatn assured that Parliament will not meet till Tuesday, the 21st of January. WILLIAM INGLIS, Esq. is appointed Lieute nant- Colonel Commandant or' the Loyal Edin- burgh Spearmen, in room of the late Mr JOHN BENNET. At a general meeting of the Members of the Linlithgow and Stirlingshire Hunt, held at Lin- lithgow on the 2d inst. the following Office- Bear- ers were elected for the ensuing year, viz. The Hon. Alexander Hope, M. P. Preses. Thomas Livingston, Efq. of Parkhall,? James Graham, Efq. of Underwood, £ '' J. Boyd, Treas. and Sec. Mr WILLIAM WARDEN, surgeon in the Roy- al Navy, from Alyth, in Perthshire, lias received 100I from the Patriotic Society at Lloyd's, and been voted an outpensioner of Greenwich Hos- pial, acd has also received the public thanks 0f the sick and hurt on board, for his conduct In and after the aflioa between his Majesty's ship Phoenix and the French ship La Didon. Thursday was obferved in Glasgow as a day of religious thanksgiving by all classes of men The volunteer corps attended public worship, and the churches were uncommonly crowded ; very liberal collections were made ; the amount of the, whole cannot be specified, as some dssenting congregations have nor . made their collections; but we understand that the fum already received amounts to between two and three thoufand pounds, to be applied to the humane purpofe of relieving the families of our brave feamen who have suffered in defence of their country. As the gentlemen of the royal Glasgow volunteer light horse went into the High Church, a letter was laid into, the collection plate, addressed to Principal TAYLOR., their Chaplain, containing one hundred guineas, as the contribution of the troop, in aid of the Patriotic Fund. Tuesday, a meeting of the inhabitants was held in the Town Hall, Glasgow, to confider of the pro- priety of ereCting a monument to the memory of the late Lord Viscount NELSON, when the mea- sure was unanimously approved of, and a subscrip- tion begun, which, we doubt not, will receive li- beral and general support. The first exhibition of bulls, stots, and queys, ior the premiums offered by the Perth aud For- farshire Agricultural Society, took place at inch- ture on Wednesday the 20th ult. The show was great, and afforded much satisfaction to a ref- pectable assemblage of the members of the Socie- ty and other gentlemen, among whom we noticed GEORGE PATERSON, Efq. of Castle- huntly, Co- lonel MYLNE of Mylnefield, Capt. WARREN, royal Navy, See. Two of the premiums were adjudged to Colonel MYLNE for the best bull and quey ; and the third to Mr ROBT. WEBSTER of Mains of Errol, for the best stot. The com- petition was between the Devonshire and Angus- shire breed, and the latter was preferred as most beneficial for this part of the country. Mr Paterson acquainted the Society, that after several successful experiments, for some years past, he had determined this year to sow an acre of carrots, as part of his drilled crop ; but on a correct measurement, the ground laid out, was found to be only 3 roods 33 falls. Upon which, 4 and a half lib. of the long red carrot feed were own the 10th April ; they, were taken up in Oc- •• ber, and after weighing* two drills in the field, and by cubic measure, when housed and built up, the mean weight of the first was 2695 Dutch nes, equal to 47,162 libs. English; but, by measurement, and weighing a cubic yard, the whole crop turned out only 2622 ftone Dutch, equ .. to 45,885 libs. English, on 3 roods 33 tails ; the proportion per acre, 47,892 libs. Eng- ish. THE LATE VICTORIES OVER THE COMBINED FLEETS of FRANCE AND SPAIN. Edinburgh, Merchants Hall, Dec. 7. 1805. SUBSCRIPTIONS received in , consequence of the Refolutions pafled at the Meeting of the principal Inhabitants of thisJCity and its Neighbourhood, held upon the 25th day of November lafl, For the RELIEF of the RELATIONS of those brave Men who have fallen in the late NAVAL EN- GAGEMENTS under LORD NELSON, SIR RO- BERT CALDER, and SIR RICHARD STRACHAN, and of those who may have been woundea there- in. The lord Provost for the City of Edinburgh L. 105 0 0 The Right Hon. Sir William Fettes of Wamphray, Bart. Lord Provost 10 10 0 The Right Hon. the Earl of Moira 10 10 0 The Right Hon. Sir James Montgomery, Bart. lord Advocate - 10 10 0 Archibald Mackinlay, Esq. - 3 3 < William Inglis, Esq. W. S. - 5 5 0 James Gibson, Esq. W. S. - 5 5 0 William Scot, Procurator fiscal of the county of Edinburgh - 110 John Walker, Esq. - .2.20 John Dick, Efq. - - 2 2 o Messrs Gibsons, Thomson, & Craig, mer- chants - - 10 10 0 John Balfour, Esq. of Sauchie - 3 3 0 John Haig, Esq. Leith Distillery 5 5 0 Colonel Thomas Gibson - 2 2 0 Archibald Constable & Co. booksellers 5 5 0 Sir Thomas Gibson Carmichael - 10 10 0 John Thomson, infurance brokers 5 5 0 Archibald Gibson, merchant • 3 - 3 0 Alexander Young, Esq. W. S. - 5 5 0 Samuel Watson, for the Society of Solici- tors at Law, Edinburgh - 21 0 0 The Hon. Henry Erskine - S 5 O John Clerk, Esq. advocate - 5 5 0 James M'Cliesh, bookseller - 110 Brigadier- General Alexander Dirom 5 5 0 Sir William Forbes of Pitssigo, Bart. 10 10 O Admiral Alexander Graeme - 10 O 0 The Society of Messengers at Arms, Edin- - burgh, ( consisting of Messrs Allan Grant, Robert Thomson, George Williamson, ' ancf John Anderson, and other two Mem- bers,. who are not Messengers,) by the faid Allan Grant, their Preses 21 0 0 The Rev. Mr John Fleming, Collington 2 2 0 James Milne, Grassmarket 2 2 O George forest, brewer 110 James Stalker, teacher 110 John Pringle, Esq.. Clerk of Session 3 3 0 William Oliphant, Esq. Leith 5 5 0 William Graham, Esq. 1 1 0 George Fulton, teacher 110 Messrs T. and A. Hutchifon, merchants 5 5 0 David Lister, Esq. W. S. 110 Hugh Warrender, Esq. Deputy Keeper of the Signet 10 10 0 Robert Jamieson, sen. Esq. W. S. * 2 2 0 William Simpson, Efq. Royal Bank 5 5 0 Robert Scott Moncrieff, fen. Efq. 1 1 0 Matthew Ross, Esq. advocate 10 10 6 The Association for the Defence of the Frith of Forth 105 O 0 Henry M'Kenzie, Esq. 3 3 0 Doctor Shapter 3 3 0 Admiral Deans 3 3 . 0 Robert Scott Moncrieff, jun. insurance broker 110 James Spittal, merchant 110 John Mill, merchant 110 William ScOtt, plumber 1 1 O David Boyle, Esq. advocate 5 5 0 John Burnett, Esq. advocate 3 3 0 John Moncrieff, apothecary 110 David Thomson, merchant 110 Robert Simpson, Esq. Bristo Street 1 1 0 The Right Hon. Lord Balmuto 5 5 0 The Aberdeenshire Regiment of Militia 107 8 10^- Messrs Archibald Gilcrist & Co. merchants 5 5 0 Andrew Wood, surgSon 3 3 0 Lieutenant- General Fraser 5 0 0 Robert Sheppard, merchant 3 S O Adam Bruce, writer 110 John Tait, Esq. W. S. 8 3 0 William Kerr, Esq. Secretary General Post Office 2 2 0 Major- General Alexander Mackay 5 0 0 Brigadier- General Thomas Scott 5 O 0 Right Hon. Lady Janet Dundas 110 Mrs Dr Deans Miss penderleath Conimissioner Phillips of the Customs William Ramsay, Esq. of Barnton George Ramsay, Esq. younger of Bainton Andrew Bonar, Esq. banker Alexander Bonar, Esq. banker Mr Robert Ponton, Edinburgh Charles Selling, Esq. accomptant The Right Hon. Lord Hermand James Chrystie, tobacconist Christopher Mowbray, Friendly Insurance Office Francis Ronaldson, General Post- Office William Jameson, architect Mr William White, Convener of the Trades of Edinburgh Josiah Maxton, saddler Lieut.- Colonei James Campbell Right Hon. Lady Jamima Hope James Gammell, Esq. banker, Greenock William Forbes', Esq. banker, Edinburgh John Hay, Efq. banker James Jollie, Efq. W. S. William Henderson, merchant William Ramsay, jun. Efq. Gogar A. C. Maitland Gibson, Efq. Dr James Gregory Sir William Ramsay, Bart. William. Galloway, insurance broker Jarnes Baird, insurance broker W. W. The Produce of a Free Benefit given by til Managers of the Olympic Circus, College Street Cornelius Elliot, Esq. W. S. The Countess Dowager of Balcarres Mrs Ann Murray Keith of Murrayshall Thomas Smith, Esq. clerk to the bills Dr Thomas Charles Hope, Professor of Chemistry John Mowbray, Efq. W. S. Mr Alex. Sruthers, Brucefield David Willison, Esq. L. 84 COLLECTIONS at the Church Doors already received Tron Church. L College Church Independents or Glassites Dalkeith Church Mr Scott's Independent Meeting, Bristo Street High Church Rev. Mr Watson, Old Burgher Congrega- tion, Skinner's Close Episcopal Chapel, Cowgate Baptist Congregation Rev. Mr Vincent, St George's Chapel Canongate Church, per B. Brown Rev. Mr Hall's Congregation, Rose Street Rev. Mr Peddie's Congregation, Bristo Street L. 1225 1 2 For- erecting a STATUE, NAVAL PILLAR, or o- ther MONUMENT to the memory of LORD NEL- SON. His Royal Highness- the Prince of Wales L. The Right Hon. the Lord Provost for the City of Edinburgh The Right Honourable Sir James Montgo- mery, Bart. Lord Advocate William Inglis, Esq. W. S James Gibson, F. fq. W. S. Alex. Gardner, esq Messrs Gibsons, Thomson, and Craig, mer- chants John Balfour, Efq. of sauchie John Haig, Ffq. leith Distillery Colonel Thomas Gibson Archibald Constable & Co. booksellers Sir Thomas Gibson Carmichael John Thomson, insurance broker Archibald Gibson, merchant Alexander Young, Efq. W. S. Samuel Watson for the Society of Solicitors at Law Edinburgh The Hon. Henry Erskine John Clerk, Esq. advocate Sir William Forbes of Piisligo, Bart. The Rev. Mr John Fleming, Collington Captain Alex. Campbell, R. N. John Pringle, Esq. Clerk of Seffion William Oliphant, Efq. Leith William Graham, Efq. Brigadier- General Alex. Dirom Mathew Ross, Esq. advocate George Fulton, teacher Messrs T. and A. Hutchison, merchants Henry Mackenzie, Efq. Dr Shapter Admiral Deans Robert Scott Moncrieff, jun. insurance bro- ker James Spittal, merchant John Mill, merchant Messrs Arch. Gilchrist & Co. merchants Lieutenant- General Fraser Robert Sheppard, merchant Wm. Kerr, Efq. Secretary Gen. Post Office Commissioner Phillips of the Customs William Ramsay, . Esq. of Barnton George Ramsay, Esq. younger of Barnton Charles Selkrig, Esq. accountant Francis Ronaldson, General Post Office William Jameson, architect Mr Wm. White, Convener of the Trades of Edinburgh . A. C. Maitland Gibson, Esq. Dr James Gregory James Jollie, Esq. W. S. Wm. Gallaway, insurance broker James Baird, insurance broker W. W. David Willison, Esq. L. 423 7 6 f^- f Subscriptions received at Merchants Hall, every lawful day, from 12 to 2 o'clock ; at all the principal Banking Houses in Edinburgh, and by William Coul- ter, Esq. Treafurer to the Fund, at his shop, High Street. HADDINGTON CORN MARKET, Dec. 6. The supply of wheat being rather lefs than ufual, it had a ready sale, and prices were about Is. per boll dearer. Barley was very fcarce, which created an ad- vanced price of about Is. per boll; belt 27s.; current prices 25s. to 26s. Oats fold heavily, and prices were rather on the decline ; beft potatoe oats 21s. 6d.; cur- rent pries of common oats 18s. to 20s. 567 Bolls of Wheat in the market, whereof 531 fold at the following prices, viz.- LEITH SHIPPING. ARRIVED— Dec, 7. Hazard,' Blyth, from London, Gardner, Smith, from ditto, ditto. CLEARED OUT— Roxburgh, Johnston, for London, goods. Glasgow Packet, Lisburn, for ditto, ditto. Cruizer, Mullender, for Hull, ditto. On thursday next will be Pubtifhed, A MARTIAL EULoGY, ENTITLED FAME, LET THy gloriOUS TRUMPET SOuND, Written on the Victory and Death of LORD NELSON. By R. PERRY OgiLVY, esq. Author of the Battle's Hot Hour. N. B.— To be Sold at all the Booksellers for the bene- fit of the Widows and Orphans of the Conquerers off Trafalgar, DeMErAra ESSEqUIBO. SIR, We, the subscribing planters and Merchants of the Colonies of Demerara and Essequibo, impressed with a sense of the impartiality, propriety, and mildness, which have uniformly characterized your conduit while exer- cising the offices of Civil Governor and Military Com- mandant in thefe colonies, beg leave, previous to your departure, to express to you the sentiments of respeCt and esteem with which such honourable conduCt could not fail to impress us. Your general system has convinced us, that the choice made by the Commander in Chief, at the moment of these valuable colonies reverting to his Majesty's autho- rity, in appointing you to preside over them, was in the highest degree judicious; and we can with truth assure yon, that we will not soon forget the ready attention to every application, where the interests or comforts of the inhabitants were concerned, which we invariably expe- rienced from you, nor the state of security justly excitcd in our minds, from the respectable state in which the garrisons under your command have been kept. Permit us to request that you will accept, as a small mark of the sincerity of the sentiments we have expressed, of a Sword, of the value of Five Hundred Guineas, and that you will believe us to be, with much respect, Sir, Your very faithful friends and servants. 10 Lieut.- Col, Nicholson, Royals, &. C. ( Signed) George Crafts James Grant John Fullarton Robert Nugent Joseph Reid John Corbert Henry Clementson R. Paterson Stephen Morant William Brereton J. M'Kenzie Jofeph Beete john Jackson j. Heggins . Daniel Telford Ad. Smith Thomas Naughten Henry Tullich robert Kingston Thomas fitzgerald William King David Armstrong J. C. Underwood Alexander Fullarton Thomas frankland John Fraser Rochd. Younghusband Edward Birmingham John Hubbard William Hirthcoat M Buchanan Joseph M'Donald Francis Wright James Reed D. M'Lauchlan Charles Parker Alexander M'Lean james Pimberson S. P. Nurse H. Barnwell C. Douglas Richard M. Jones ben. Thomas, & Co. John Tubman James Northy Edward Ferrell Henry Hatson Gilbert Robertson John donglas Richard Wells William Robertson Thomas Barker Richard Clements , John M'Garrell To the Planters and Merchants of the Colonies of Es- sequibo and Demerara, who have been pleased to ho- nour me with an addresfs. GENTLEMEN, I have been favoured with your address, communi- cating to me your approbation of my conduct during the time I had the honour to hold the civil and military command of the valuable colonies of Essequibo and Dc- merara. So flattering a mark of attention from a body lo truly respcCtable is most gratifying to me, and will most gratefully live in my remembrance. To a soldier the present of a sword you have honour- ed me with is most valuable, and I shall feel inexpressible satisfaction in wielding it in your defence. Permit me to assure you, the hospitality and attention I have received from you, has made an impression not to be erazed from my mind, and, though duty calls me from you to the colony of Berbice, I still hope to revisit the colonies of Demerary and Essequibo, and renew those happy days I have possessed in your society. The welfare and profperity of the colonies has ever been nearest my heart, and that the planting and com- mercial interests of them may flourish to your utmost expectation, is the fervent wish of Your most obliged friend, and faithful servant, ROBERT NICHOLSON. DEMERARA, June 15.1805. FOR RHEUMATISMS, Rheumatic Gout , Lumbago, Numbness, Palsy, & c. r%- iHE following recent inftances of the efficacy of 1 WHITEHEAD'S ESSENCE OF MUSTARD are pub'lifhed, at the requeft of the parties, for the bene- fit of others. Si h I have been subjeCt to very severe Rheumatisms, which at length increased so much, that for two months, before I had recourfe to your celebrated Essence of Mustard, I was under the necessity of using crutches; now I hereby certify ( for the benefit of others) I was perfectly cured by taking a few Boxes of Mustard Pills, and applying a few Bottles of the Fluid Effence. Yours, W. GARBUTT. hambleton Hills, near Stockton, Yorkshire. " Jan. 1. 1805. %* Mr Garbutt is a very respectable farmer, uni- versally known in the neighbourhood of Stockton. Sm — 1 have mush pleasure in acquainting you, that vour Pills and Essence of Mustard has relieved num- bers of Rheumatic persons in our neighbourhod this winter ; among the rest a Mr Brooks, Baker, of Pinch- beck, was unable to follow his business, or even ufe his arms; but on taking the Mustard Pills, and applying the Fluid Essence, he was very soon restored to'his usfual health and strength: these circumstances have necessa- rily increased the demand for it. I request therefore that you will lend me an immediate supply, by the first convevance ; and I am Sir, yours, & c. Spalding, Jan. 27.1805. T. ADBIN. It is prepared and sold at 2s. 9d. each bottle or box, by 1C Johnston, Apothecary, No. 15. Greek Street, Soho, London ; and. may be had of A. SMITH, No. 38. North Bridge, Edinburgh ; And of every Medicine Vender in the United Kingddm To Builders. GROUND TO BE FIXED IN LEiTH. tHAT PROPERTY in BERNARD STREET, next to the New Bank Office, extending to Car- pet Lane, either in whole or in lots. The ground plan and elevations, to be seen at the Leith Bank. ' Ntv. 22. 1805. SALE OF FRONT AREA, AND MATERIALS FOR BUILDING, IN THE CANONGATE. To be SolD by public roup, 011 the Ground, on Wed- nesday the 15th day of January next, between the hours of one and two o'clock afternoon, tHAT PIECE of GROUND fronting the Street of Canongate, oppofite to the British Linen Hall, containing an Area 12 feet in front by 70 feet deep, formerly belonging to Lieutenant- Colonel M'Do- nald, and now to the Managers of the Magdalen Asy- lum. The buildings to be ereCred therein are to be built conform to a plan, drawn hy Mr Paterson, archi- tect, and lying in the custody of Messrs Campbell and Couper, W. S. heriot Row, for inspeCtion. , , . II— ONE YeAR's RENT of the HOUSES pre- sently standing 011 the above Area, consisting of eight Houses and Shops, presently occupied by Mrs Col. M'Donald. Messrs Campbell, Watson, Duncan, glen,, mulls, Robert Young, and Isobel Bohun, and . the MA TERIALS thereof, which are to be taken down.- at; Whitsunday 1807. These are well worth the attention of Builders, ap- plication being already made for part of the subjeCt to be built. Apply to Messrs Campbell and Couper, as above or Mr Coutts, Magdalen Asylum, Shoemakers Close Canongate. HOUSE IN quEEN STREET TO BE SOI. D. tHAT Large and Elegant HOUSE, 27, in QUEEN STREET, with Back Ground, double Coach- houfe, and Stable of three stalls, and Hay- loft. The Ground Floor consists of a good kitchen, three other apartments with fire- places, a cellar fitted up with catacombs, a pantry, three closets, a press, three cellars in the fore area, a cistern and waterpipe, and a place for keeping meat.— In the Back Ground, a large area, pump- well, & c. FIRST FLOOR— a dining- room, a large back- room, and one of a smaller size with a closet, a large lobby, with a fire place. SECOND FLOOR— a drawing- room, measuring 29 feet by 18^, two good bed- rooms, with two closets and a press. THIRD FLOOR— four bed- rooms, one of them very large, with four closets, and a press. FOURTH FLOOR— three garret rooms, with a fire- place to each, and two closets. ' Further information will he given at the house, which may be feen on tuesday's, Thursdays, and Fridays, from one to three o'clock. HOUSES AND AREAS FOR SALE, IN EAST JACK'S CLOSE, CANONGATE. To be SOLD by public roup, in John's Coffeehouse, E- dinburgh, on Wednesday the 8th day of January 1806, at two o'clock afternoon, THE THIRD STOREY above the Shops of Easter Jack's Land, on the north side of the High Street of Canongate, entering. from East Jack's Close, consisting of five rooms and kitchen, With cellar and garret. • Alfo, the Whole of these TENEMENTS behind the faid front land, fituated betwixt Jack's Close and the Shoemakers Close, with the garden, and piece of waste ground to the north thereof, extending in whole to a- bout 140 feet in length from fouth to north, and about 70 feet in breadth from east to west, which will be sold either together or in lots, as purchasers may incline. These subjeCts occupy an extensive area, which is well situated for building workshops or warehouses, ha- ving an easy access by a coach entry through Jack's Close. For farther particulars application may be made to- William Whyte, writer, No. 5, George Street, Edin- burgh, in whofe hands are the titls- deeds and a plan of the property, and who has powers to treat for a sale by. private bargain. AREAS IN NIDDRY STREET, And Houses in Dickson's Close,. To be S0ld by public voluntary roup, on Wednesday the eighth day of January 1806', within the Royal Ex- change Coffeehouse, at two o'clock afternoon, THESE two AREAS of GROUND in Niddry Street, being Lots 7th and 8th of the Areas sold by the Trustees of the South Bridge, and. acquired from them by the Edinburgh Friendly Insurance Society a- tainst losses by Fire. Each of the Areas measures 40 fet ill front by 26 feet deep or thereby, aud lie on the east side of Niddry Street, immediately to the north of, St Cecilia's Hall.' Also, the tHiRD or UPPERMOST STOREY, with the GARRETS of a Tenement on the weft fide of Dickson's Close, near the middle of the Close, and a laigh House in the. li. me Tenement entering from Dickon's Close. For particulars application may be made to Messrs dundas and Irving, W. S. No. 33. Princes Street, who T.-; ll mew the title deeds and articles of roup. HOUSE IN PRINCE'S STREET FOR SALE. Upset price only L. 2000. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, upon Friday the 10th day of January, 1806, betwixt the hours of two and three o'clock in the afternoon, AT hOUSE or LODGING, being No. 59, Prince's Street, consisting of kitchen, i'ervants hall, housekeeper's room, wine cellar and many other conveniencies, on the ground floor; dining room, breakfast, parlour, or butler's pantry, on the first floor- 011 the second floor, a large drawing room, a capital bed room, and dressing room; and on the the third floor, three bed rooms, with a dressing room to the principal one. There are alfo three excellent garrets.— This house is in a centrical and most eligible situation, and as it has the advantage of a large back area on which there is built a substantial coach- house, washing- house, and stable for four horses, it must form a very de- sireable purchafe either for persons in business, oi for any one who wishes for a commodious house for the recep- tion of a family. The house may be seen every day from one to four o'clock; and the title- deeds and articles of roup may be seen by applying to Norman lockhart, W. S. and George Kennedy, writer in Edinburgh. Edinburgh, Nov, 25, 1805. LAND IN CAITHNESS FOR SALE. To be exposed to public roup and sale, within the Roy- al Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, on Friday 24th January, 1806, dt 12 noon, THE LANDS of SOUTHDUN, with their Pendi- cles of PADDOCKFIELD, LAID, CAIRN, HOUSTRY, and BACKLESSDUN; as alfo, the Lands of nORTHDUN, comprehending OLDHALL and LOCHPARK. They lie in the parish of Wattin, and along the fouth bank of that beautiful and exten- five sheet of water called the Loch of Wattin, which abounds in a variety of fish, and contains a great deal of marie and limestone, the who!_ forming a very ey- tensive tract: of arable and pasture land, all contiguous. If not sold together, thi y will be exposed in the fol- lowing lots, viz.— I.— SOUtHDUN, CAIRN, MARKETHILL, and PADDOCKFIELD, paying L. 70 : 1 : 5d. Sterling, of money rent, and 54 bolls 1 iirlot S pecks victual N. B. In this lot there have been found some samples of lead ore of a rich quality. II.— LAID and HOUSTRY, paying L. 42: 12: lid. Sterling of money rent, and 36 bolls victual. III.— BACKLESS and LANGERGILL, paying L. 25 : 12s. Sterling of rent. IV.— NORTHDUN, OLDHALL, and LOCH- PARK, paying L. 101 -. 16 : 8d. of money rent, and 10 bolls of victual. V.— Those other parts of NORTHDUN, possessed by Donald Swanson, John Campbell, Alexander Le- vach, and Henry Polson, with the Customs of the Roodfarm held there in May, paying L. 31 : 18s. of money rent, and 30 bolls 2 firlots of victual. There is only one lease of a part of fhe lands having 17 years to run. The rest become Open at different shorter periods; and progressive rises of rent take place by thefe leases at different periods during their curren- cy. There is an heritable right to the teinds, which are alfo about to be valued ; and the stipend and other public burdens are trifling. If the above lands do not sell, it is then proposed to offer to sale, The Lands and Estate of BANNiSKIRK and A- CHORliE, lying in the parifh of Halkirk. The great- eft part of these lands have been, for thefe laft 18 ' years in the proprietor's natural possession, and of course have been under a superior degree of culture, being subdivid- ed and inclosed, a:'. u Under a regular course of corn and green crops, which They yield in a very abundant degree, being of excellent quality. They measure about 1200 acres, besides an interest in an adjacent common, which to them 100 more, aud are to the port of'Thurfo, by an excellent high road which passes through a part of the estate. There is an excellent steading of offices on the lands, with a corn , driven by water, attached to the barns; and as they are out ofieafe, all to a mere trifle, a purchafer may attain the natural pos- session at any time, and can get the whole stocking and crops by valuation. The title- deeds which are clear, and the conditions of fale, may bt; feen in the hands of Mr Home, W. S. 6, George Street, Edinburgh, who will also treat with ' intending purchafers for private sales; and other infor- mation respecting the lands may be attained on applica- tion to Mr Donald Robeson, writer in Thurso. ' « . SALE OF GROWING f IMBER. There will be SOLD by public roup, at UNDEHWOOD, ( parilh of Falkirk,) on Tuefday the 24th December, at eleven o'clock precifely, UPWARDS of 2000 FIR TREES, of about 35 years growth ; alfo, from 30 to 40 ASH and BEECH TREES, and a confiderable quantity of ARN. They will be fet up either ill lots, from 20 to 100 trees in each, or in any other way moft convenient for purchafers The meafurement of the trees i; from to G- J cubic feet; moft of thenyire uncouimotdy ftraight, and are from 20 to 35 in length; many arc particularly well adapted for pit wood. Underwood is fituated Oil the banks of the Canal, a- bout feventeen miles from Glaigow, and eight from Grangemouth. ... N. B.— Any quantity of Fir and JJakh,. of younger growth, may be had to the extent of 10,0' 00> or 12,000; alfo, a few Trees above 40 years old. CAPITAL FARM'S" ™ EAST LOTHIAN To be LET for fitch number of years as can be agreed upon, and entered to at the terms following, viz. I. rPHE WEST FARM of TRAPRAIN, as lately 1. poffeffed by the deceafad Mr Adam Turn- bull, lying in the parifli of Prefton, and containing S6 acres and 24 falls Scots meafure. . The entry to the houfes and grafs to he at Whitfunday next, and to the arable land at the feparation of crop 1806 from the ground.. II.— Tlie EAST FARM of TRAPRAIN, contain- ing 135 acres and 82 falls Scots meafure, and prefently poffefled on a liferent leafe by Mr William Craig,' who is between 80 and 90 years of age. III.— The FARM of KIP'PIELAW, containing 112 acres and 43 falls Scots meafure, and prefently poffeffed by Mr James Craig, and to be entered to at Candle- mas 1808. This farm has been in grafs for tbei'e two years paft, and is to be continued fo during the remain- der of the prefent leafe. The whole of thefe farms lie contigudii: and will be let either altogether or feparately, as offei ei - pay incline. If let altogether, they will make one of the moft de- ferable farms in Eaft Lothian, being almotl all arable, of an excellent foil, and calculated for every purpofe of modern husbandry. The lands are fituated within five miles of Hadding- ton, being the principal corn market in Scotland. Proposals ill writing, either for the whole or fepa- rately, may be given in to Mess. F. Walker and F. bro- die, W. S. George Street, Edinburgh, or to Mr John Carr, at Newhalls, by Musselburgh, on or before the 25th of December nebtt, as it is intended that the farms ihall " be let by the end of the yean GROUND RENTS Of the late John Baxter's Feu at Greenside. To be Sold by public roup, ( if not previoufly difpofed of by private bargain,) within the Royal Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 11th De- cember, at ® ne o'clock afternoon, THE Following YEARLY RENTS, payable for the different Lots of the late John Baxter's FEU at Greenside sold to the perfons afternamed, viz. John lawson, L. 5 0 0 Mr Thomas Smith, 25 14 6 Mr Alex Henderson, 17 8 6 Mr Alex. Fife, 16 10 0 L. 64 13 0 The Ground Rents are payable half yearly, and are heritably secured on the valuable Buildings ereCted on the respective lots of ground purchased from Mr Baxter's heir. They will be set up in lots, such as may be agreeable to the offerers; and for further particulars application may be made to John Morison, W. S. dAy oF SALE YET FURTHER POSTPONED- SALE OF LANDS OF CARSAIG, In the Parish of North Knapdale, Shire of Argyll. To be peremptorily SOLD by public roup, at Edinburgh, on wednesday the 18M day of December 1805, ( inftead of the day mentioned in former advertisements) with- in the Royal Exchange Coffeehouse, at two o'clock afternoon, ThE LANDS of CARSAIG, comprehending the Farms of CARSAIG, GLENSAUL, ARINA- VADE, TAYVALLICH, & c. extending to 919 acres, whereof 240 are arable, meadow, and green pafture, and the remainder good hill pasture. The grounds are subdivided and well inclofed, the whole forming a very compact property. There is a promising appearance of a good vein of state," and the bay and harbour at a short distance from the Crinan Canal, is well adapted for shipping. The lands are all out of lease, except one farm, where- of only one year is to run from Whitfunday next, and fome small pendicles, or crofts, which run three years from Whitsunday last. The present rental is about L. 300, and a very consi- derable rise has been offered upon the two principal farms, which will be so soon to let; but upon a let of the whole lands, it is the opinion of competent judges that they will yield above I.. 400 Sterling yearly. For further information application may be made to Donald Campbell, Esq. the proprietor ; to Mr Fraser, 14, York Place, Edinburgh; or John MacKinnon, wri- ter in Greenock. DAY OF SALE POSTPONED. SALE OF LANDS IN INVERNESS- SHIRE, WITH A FREEHOLD QUALIFICATION. To be SOLD by public voluntary roup, within the Roy- al Exchange Coffeehouse, in Edinburgh, upon Monday the 23d of December 1805, at two c'lock afternoon, THE SUPERIORITY of the Whole LANDS and ESTATE o'f SOUTH MORAR, including the property of thofe parts thereof called TORRARY, CLACHAIG, and RIFErN, affording a Freehold Qua- lification, lying within the united parishes of Ilandsinan and Ardnamurchan, nnd sheriffdom of Inverness. The property lands arc presently under lease, current for ten years from last Whitsunday, at the yearly rent of L. 76 17s. but which the present tenant offers to double on a renewal of his lease. The teinds are valued and exhausted. The casualties of the vassals on the entry of singular successors are not taxed, and their properties are confi- derable. The title- deeds, conditions of sale, and the lease of the property lands, are in the hands of Mr Fraser 14, York Place. To the Afflicted with Scurvy, . To Mr J. LIGNUM, Surgeon, Manchester, E great pre- eminenee your excellent AN- tiSC0RBUTIC DROPS have fo justly acquired, easily accounts for the daily increasing demand for them in this town and neighbourhood. I have the pleasure of communicating to you another surprising cure, effected by the sole use of your drops. Hannah Bradburn, daughter of M. Bradburn, of this tov. V., was most violently afflicted with a scorbutic complaint all over her body, which, in many parts, had , degenerated into large corrupt ulcers, which were daily increasing, notwithstanding the various kinds of medie cines she had taken, all of which were of no use, till fh- was recommended to take your Drops; which, how- ever wonderful it may appear to the public, five small. bottles removed every symptom of her complaint, and is now restored to perfect health; and, for the good ot the public, desires her case may be published in whaf manner you pleafe. HANNAH BRADBURN. Attested by Peter Maddock, ironmonger. Norwich, August 20. 1804. These Drops are sold, in moulded square bottles, at lis. and - Is. Od.— One lis. bottle is equal in quantity to three 4s. 6d. ones. — They may be had, wholesale and retail, at Mr LIGNUM'S, Manchester, and of R. SCOTT, Apothecary, South Bridge Street, Edinburgh, And by ail the other Venders of this Medicine, for- merly advertised. LANDS ON LOCHFINESIDE. To be SOLD by Private Bargain, THE LANDS and ESTATE of ACHAGOIL, ly- ing on the Easter Shore of Lochfine, opposite to the Crinan Canal, and contiguous to the Clyde by sea and land. The lands extend along Lochfine for near a mile, contains about 600 Scots acres, mostly arable, and are completely inclofcd. A considerable quantity of sea- ware is drifted on the shore. The small river is very commodious for boats; abundance of sea trout are taken in and near the mouth of the water ; the bay abounds in various sorts of shell fish, and the adjacent part of the loch in cod, haddock, & c. There is limestone in the grounds, and extensive banks of shell sand along the coast in the vicinity. Six hun- dred tons of limestone are now laid down at temporary limekills, to be laid on such parts of the lands as have not'already been limed. The mansion- house is commodious and substantial- built in good taste about twelve years ago, and fit to accommodate a genteel family. The office- houses are substantial and convenient.— The garden contains about three- fourths of an acre, pleasantly fsituated, well fenced, and stocked with fruit- trees. There are two other slated houses, with offices, on the lands below the public road; and two more slated farm- houfses, with offices, above the road, and a small arable farm attached to each. The lands are held of a subjeCt superior, for payment of a trifling feu- duty ; the teinds valued and exhausted,, and the whole estate is out of leafe. The natural convenience of the situation, the im- provements already made, and the ealy access by sea and land to and from Glasgow, Greenock, See. render Achagoil a most eligible retirement. The purchaser may retain one half of the price for several years, on sufficient security. Application may be made to Colonel Macleod, the proprietor, at Achagoil, by Inveraray ; or to Mr Fra- ser, 14, York Place Edinburgh. PROPERTY IN fife FOR SALEV There will be sold by public roup, in February or March next, if not previously disposed of by private bargain, ABOUT FIFTY- FIVE ACRES of that beautiful Farm of RuSSELMILL, lying upon the north side of tbe Eden, and parish of Cupar. These lands are within a few minutes walk of Cupar, and will form a desirable situation for a place of resi- dence, and entry may be had at Martinmas next. Apply to Mr William Reid, Parbroath, by Cupar, or to James Heriot, W. S. Edinburgh, who will receive private offers. The tenant will shew tRe lands. LANDS IN PERTHSHIRE FOR SALE. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, on Wednesday the nth day of December curt, betwixt the hours of two and four afternoon, • tHE LANDS and ESTATE of LETHINDy, and 1, others, which belonged fo. the the deceased Robert Mercer of Lethindy, Efq. to be exposed' in the View- ing lots, viz. , - Lo r f.— Comprehending the Farms of LETHlNDy, HILI, of LETHINDY, BANK of lEThINDY, ORCHARDNOOK, CRANleY, SPOTWELLS, RISK, BERRYBRAE, BI. ACKlOCK, PITTEN- dRIECH, PENDICLES of PITTENDRIECH, and LEYS of PITTENDRIECH, lying in the parish of Lethindy; FARDLE, in the parish of Caputh: and SCROGIEHILL, in the parish Clunie, all ir. the shire bf Perth. Or,' if these Lands are not sold in one lot, they will be expofed in the following sub- divisions, Firfl— The Farms of Lethindy, Hill of Lethindy, Bank of Lethindy, Orchardnook, Cranley, Spot- wells, Risk, Berr brae, . Blacklocfe, Fardle, and part of the Leys of Pittendriech, bounded on the eaft by a red line drawn on the plan, from the fouth march to the corner of the road near the Leys farm- stead, and from thence by that road to the north march. Second— The. Farms of Scroglehill, Pittendriech, Pen- dicles of Pittendriech, and part of the Leys of Pit- tendriech, bounded on the west by tbe lands con- tained in the above fubdivifion, and distinguished on the plan by a red line drawn from the f'outh march to the corner of tbe road near the Leys farm- steading, and from thence by that road to the north march. The whole of the above lands contain about 1023 Scots acres ( there being about G78 in the first subdivi- sion, and 345 in the second) mostly arable, and very im- provable. Upon Lethindy there is a substantial house, called the Tower, which, by repairing the inside, may be made very commodious; and there is a considerable quantity of full grown Ash upon the lands, which is very valuable, also of Larch and Scots Fir. In the Moss of Blacklock there is a large quantity of marie, the expence of draining which has been estima- ted at 1801. ; the value of the moss, however, for fuel, is estimated nearly at double the expence of the drains. There is also a bed of good Marle on the farm of Spot- wells. The lands have a fine fouth exposure, and are situated in a beauttful part of tlie cou. itry, about ten miles enft from Dunkeld, six from Cupar in Angus, and 1' 3 from Perth, to which there is easy access by the new turnpike road from Isla Bridge; and the property must derive considerable benefit from being situated in the immense'. neighbourhood of Mr kinloch of Gourdie's extensive lime- works. The lands in the parish of Lethindy hold of the crown, and afford two freehold qualifications ill the coun- ty, and tbe teinds of these lands are valued, and within a trifle of being exhaufted. The Lands of Scroglehill and Fardle hold of sub jedls superior for payment of small feu- duties The teinds are valued, and there is an heritable right to thofe of Scrogiehill. LOT II.— The LANDS of WESTER TULLINEI DY, lying upon the Loch of Cluny, and in the pariffi of Cluny, and shire of Perth, about two miles north- west from Lethindy, containing about 81 Scots acres. This farm has a good fouth exposure, is of a sharp free soil, chiefly loam and gravel, and capable of much improvement. It holds of the crown, and there is an he- ritable right to the teinds, which are valued. - LOT III.— Comprehending the LANDS of MEL- GINCH and BALGRAY, lying in the parifli of St Martins and shire of Perth, containing 800 acres Scots meafure, or thereby, all lying contiguous and fqtiare. The value of this property nmft be greatly increafed by its vicinity to the tgwn of Perth; and though there is a considerable extent of uncultivated grounds upon it, yet they are capable of great improvement; and being • diftant from Perth only five miles by an excellent turn- pike road, the means of improvement are ealy, and con- fequently thefe lands muft be a very desirable purchase. There is fome thriving wood upon this estate, chiefly Scots fir and larch. The lands holds free of a subject fuperior, and the teinds are valued. The title- deeds, articles of roup, plans, rentals, and leafes, are in the hands of Francis Napier, W. S. to whom application may be made for further particulars. The tenants upon the respeClive properties will show the grounds. UPSET PRICE REDUCED. SALE OF LANDS IN THE COUNTY OF DUMFRIES To be SOLD by public roup, within the George Inn of Dumfries, on Wednesday the iSth day of December 1805, betwixt the hours of one and two o'clock af- ternoon, THE following SUBJECTS, which belonged to the late Rev. Dr Bryce Johnstone, minister of Holy- wood, viz. LOT I.— The LANDS of BIRKHALL. & TOWN- HEAD, lying in the parifh of Holywood, and ibire of Dumfries, containing above ninety- one Scots acres of excellent arable land, in a high state of improvement, having been many years in the possession of the pro- prietor ; the farm houses and fences are good, and in complete repair; the fituation is excellent, being only three miles from the town of Dumfries, where there is a good market. This would be a very eligible fitua- tion for a gentleman's family, as the plantations upon it are conliderably advanced, and in a very thriving condition ; the neighbourhood is genteel and populous. LOT II.— SLAETHORN CROFT or MARCH- THORN, being a Pendicle of Birkhall, with the hou- fes thereon, as prefently poffeffed by* David Crosbie.— This lot cohfifts of above fifteen Scots acres of fine a- rable land ; the fituation of this lote is moft excellent for a villa, having, as well as lot 1ft, the advantages a- bove defcribed, and both have a moft extenfive and beautiful profpeCl. Thefe two lots hold of the Crown, and are valued in the Cess- books of the county at 79 merks, l s. 4d. Scots; the public burdens are very fmall; the land- tax is redeemed: the proprietor has a right to the teinds, which are valued and exhaufted by the pre- fent ftipend, L. l : 3 : 8- § . The school salary amounts to 13s. 2- Jd. The lands are relieved from the multures. Entry to the whole may be had at Candlemas or Whit- sunday 180G, as may fuit purchafers. LOT III.— A Large Square SEAT in Holywood Church ; this feat is exchilive of the proportion of feat- room, which lots I ft and 2d have a right to in Holy- wood Church, agreeable to the valuation of thei'e two lots. If lot 1ft does not sell in one lot, it will then be ex- pofed in the following lots, viz. Lot lft. The Three Northmost PARKS of Birkhall, containing about 36 acres and two r « ds Scots ftatute measure, as per plan, with the houses, tic. of the Town- head thereon. . Lot 2d. The Four remaining PARKS, containing a- bout 54 acres 2 roods and 26 falls, Scots ftatute mea- fure, as per plan, lying between the three northmoft Parks and Slaethorn Croft, With the houses of Birkhall, & c. thereon. There are spring wells of very good water in each of these seven parks, with a small brook of water running alongst the foot of the whole of these fields. The fervants at Birkhall will shew the lands; and ' further information will be given by Thomas William- son, writer in Dumfries; and James Gilchrist, Esq: writ'er to the signet, Edinburgh. N. 11.— A few copies Dr Johnftone's COMMEN- TARY Oil the REVELATION, 2 vdis. are still on hand, and may be had from W. Chalmers, or J. Hill and Co. Dumfries; J. Norvell, Annan ; and T. J. M'Mil- lan, Kirkcudbright. FARMS IN TWEEDDALE. To be LET, and entered to at the term of Whitsunday 1806' as to the Pasture Ground, and at the separation of the Crop of that year from the ground as to the Arable Land, THE FARMS of CARDON, CHAPPLEGILE, and GLENKIRK, of great extent, all lying con-, tiguous, in tbe parish of Glenholm, and at present posi sessed by Mr Welsh of Mosssinnan. The character of these farms for rearing excellent sheep and black cattle is well known, the grounds being fine-. ly situated on both sides of the water of Glenholm, and consisting of a large proportion of found and well shel- tered sheep pasture, pirfe'afy adapted for the Cheviot-, breed, and ofa fuitable extent of dry turnip land, most of which lies level, and has been under the plough. Diatance from Peebles abqut ten miles, and in the neigh bourhood of Biggar and Skirling. There is plenty tot lime burnt close by the farms, and coals at no great di- atance. They will be let together, exclusive of the Mill and Mill Lands, tad fiich" additional offices Will be built as may be found necessary. For further particulars application may be made to Sir James Nasmyth, Bart, the proprietor, at New Posso, who will shew a plan and measurement of the farms; or to Messrs Francis and John Andersons, W. S. george. Street, and to whom offers may be made before th term of Martinmas next, when tbe farms will be let. ° JUDICIAL SALE OF LANDS IN BER- WICKSHIRE. To be SOLD bv public roup, under the authority of tbe Court of Session, on Wednesday the 28th day of Ja- nuary, 1806, within the New Session House, Edin- burgh, between the hours of five and seven o'clock afternoon, THE LANDS and ESTATE of BROADMEA- DOWS, comprehending tbe farms aftermen- tioned, lying within the parish of Hutton, and shire of Berwick. A. R. V. Proven Rental,. 1: Farm of BROAD- MEADOWS, under lease for I ft years from Whitsunday 1801, at the rent of - - 330 1 19 L. J 74 0 O 2. MILL and MILD LANDS of huTTON, under leafe for 21 years, from Whitsunday 1799, L. l 05 - - - 33 3 18 BLACKLAW and SPROTTYSHAWS PARKS, under lease to the same tenant for 19 years from Martinmas 1801, L. G7 4. 24 2 7 T72 4 0 3. HOUSE & PARKS in hUTTON, under lease for seven years from Mar- tinmas 1801 29 0 26 93 10 0 4. HOUSE GROUND, and NETHER LOCH ditto for ditto, from Whit funday 1801 - - 4 2 16 16 10 O 5. Farm of HUTTON MAINS, let for crops 1S05 and 1806 at L. l 10, but valued by Mess. Alex. Low at Woodend, and James Thomson in Bog- end, men of eminent skill, if let in lease, at - 218 3 36 176 12 C 6. Farm of MEADOW HOUSE partly let as grafs parks from year to year; and partly for crops ! 804 and 1805, valued by the faid gentlemen, if let on lease - - 261 3 25 789 8 9 7. Twenty- one HOU- SES & YARDS in HUT- TON " Contents and gross rents 904 2 32 I.. 1444 3 3 The deductions from the above rental for the teinds of part of thefe lands, to' which there is no heritable right, after striking the average of the minister's stipend for seven years, for schoolmas- ter's salary, and for small feu- duties, payable to subjects superior, amount- ing to L. l 16s. 8d 9- 12ths. and after allowing for a small feu- duty due to the proprietor of the lands, amount to 30 12 0 11- 12 Leaving the free rent of lands L. 1404 11 y 11- 12 Twenty- five years purchase of which rent, and five years purchase of the free teind, make the total proven va- lue and upset price - L. 35,168 19 5- 12 Should the lands not be sold in slump, they will, on the same afternoon be exposed in the following lots : A. R- !'• Upfet Price. LOT 1. Compre- hending the Farm of Broadmeadows, 330 1 19 L. 538S 7 6 5- 12 LOT 2./ Compre- hending the Farm of Hutton Mains, 218 3 3 » And part of Mea- dowhouse Faim on the fouth side of the Harrygate road, be- ing No. 6, part of 7, 8, 9, and 10 of plan, 85 1 19 Stank Park; Gar- den south of the vil- lage, Nether Loch, and four Cot- houses, 15 1 12 319 2 27 L. 10,520 10 7 LOT S. Compre- hending the Lands of Meadowhouse, lying north of Harrygate road, with the Man- fion- house, 173 2 25 Servants Yards & Harrygate road, 2 3 21 Mill & MillLands, 58 1 25 No. 3 of Elliot's possession, 10 3 37 245 S 28 L. 18,406 18 1ft LOT 4. Compre- hendingHattonGreen 4 2 23 Butts, 10 2 J. Dunbar's, No. 1, House Ground, 2 2 17 Garden west of Kirk, 0 1 86 New Cot- houses, 8 2 38 L. 553 2 S 904 2 32 L. 35,168 19 7 5- 12 There is a right to tbe teinds of the greater part of the lands as well as a valuation, and the former proprie- tor of hutton mill and lands is bound to relieve the fame of all future cefs, augmentations, and other bur- dens. The lands hold partly of the Crown, ami partly of subjeCts superior. They are valued in the cess books at L. 932 lGs. 3d. and affords a Freehold Qualification upon the old extent, and nearly a Freehold besides valuation. The lands are 111 general of a remarkably fine quality, well fuited to all the purposes of modern husbandry. They are beautifully situated in the parish of Hutton, on the banks of the Whitadder, between four and five miles from Berwick; and the* water of the river affords every accommodation for driving mills and other machinery, and good fishing of trout and salmon. Upon the lands, there is a commodious mansion house, and the purchaser can have immediate entry. The farm steadings are in good condition. A copy of the planof the lands is lodged with George Hay, at Meadow House, who will shew the lands. The plan, copies of the memorial nnd abstraCt, and in- ventory of the title- deeds, with the articles of roup, may be seen in the office of Mr Stevenson, Depute Clerk of Session ; and at Mr Hope, W. S. Prince's Street, to whom any person wishing for
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