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The Norfolk Chronicle


Printer / Publisher: W. Stevenson and J. Matchett 
Volume Number: XXXVI    Issue Number: 1861
No Pages: 4
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The Norfolk Chronicle
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The Norfolk Chronicle

Date of Article: 09/11/1805
Printer / Publisher: W. Stevenson and J. Matchett 
Address: Market Place, Norwich
Volume Number: XXXVI    Issue Number: 1861
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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THE NORFOLK OR, • NORWICH - Vox,. XXXVI. Ready Money with Advertisements, PRINTED AND ' PUBLISHED BY W. STEVENSON AND J. MATCHETT, IN THE MARKET- PLACE, NORWICH. Sunday's Post, SATURDAY's Gazette announces the promotion of 27 Major- Generals to be Lieutenant- Generals in the Army, 18 Colonels to be Major- Generals, and 19 Lieut.- C'ol onels to be Colonels. On Friday, Lord Harrowby and suite sailed from Yarmouth on board the Tribune frigate, to proceed on his mission to the Court of Berlin. On Saturday evening, between five and six o'clock, Mr. Rough, the Messenger, was sent off with all possible speed, from Lord Mul- grave's Office to Yarmouth, with fresh dis- patches for Lord Harrowby. The Messenger had instructions to engage the first vessel he possibly could, to follow his Lordship with all expedition. The latest accounts received at the India House respecting the movements of Holkar state, that he had been prevented by the judicious arrangements of Col. Don from throwing himself into the fort of Deeg. His emissaries had succeeded in exciting some serious disturbance in Bundlecund, and many 1 of the principal natives were engaged to favour his retreat into that county; which, abound- ing with innumerable fastnesses, would have afforded him an asylum from his pursuers. Lord Lake has however, formed a chain of posts on the frontiers, which, it is hoped, • will prevent his entering that district. Sir Robert Calder received his order of re- call on the 4th of October, when he imme- diately demanded a Court Martial, and Lord Nelson, in the dispatch to- the Admiralty, transmitted his Letter. The Noble Lord softened the terms of the recall, by that ge- nerous attention to his feelings which is so congenial to his nature, instead of sending him home in a frigate, he is coming home in his own ship. The reception of Lord HOLT ASSEMBLY, will be on MONDAY, November 11th, 1805. Sir T. H. ASTLEY, , H. joDDRELL. Esq. } Stewards- Gentlemen's Tickets 7s. fid — Ladies\ do. 5s. N. B. Mr. Pratt's Hounds Will Hunt from Holt on Tuesday, the 12th. SWAFFHAM FIRST SUBSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY, will be on Thursday, Nov. 14, 1805, being COURSING MEETING. ANTHONY HAMOND, Esq. , RICHARD JOHNSON, Esq. . No Gentleman residing in Swaffham, or within six miles of it, to be admitted a Non- Subscriber. Non- Subscribers to pay 5s. TO GRAZIERS. THE shew of SCOTCH CATTLE at HEMPTON, in Norfolk, which formerly commenced on the 16th of November, will this year begin on Monday, the 18th of November, and to continue the following six days as usual. TO BE LET, ~ And entered upon at Michaelmas next, or sooner, AN inclosed FARM,. in good condition ; consisting of about 800 acrcs of Land, in a ring fence, with 35 acres of marsh, at a rent to fluctuate from 15s. to 22s. 6d. per acre, according to the value of barley, The whole is tithe- free, and is furnished with an exceeding good house and buildings. For further particulars apply to Mr. Henry Jones, Snettisham, Norfolk. Snettisham, October 13. 1805. CURACY VACANT ANY CLERGYMAN, who wishes to un- dertake the CURE of two Neighbouring Pa- rishes, within, seven miles of Norwich, at Christmas next, may be acquainted with particulars on appli- cation to Mr. Bacon, Printer of the Norwich Mercury. WABORNE INCLOSURE. A1 Nelson by the fleet was marked by their ex- pressions of love, attachment, and devotion, which his popularity in the service never fails to inspire. The Antelope, with several vessels under the orders of Sir S. Smith, on Friday returned to the Downs from the French coast, having destroyed a large gun- boat- which lay at anchor under the protection of the batteries, by means of a carcase, which- soon after mid- night was sent in and blew the gun- boat to atoms. The batteries instantely opened a heavy fire, but our vessels were beyond its range. Monday last, the frigates which have for some time been stationed at the Lower Hope, for the defence of the river Thames, were removed to Woolwich, at which place they are to be prepared for active service. The plan of having ships stationed there is given up, and the whole of the stores, & c. have been removed. BriTISH NAVY.— The total number of ships now in commission, exclusive of cut- ters aud hired vessels, is 716, of which 131 are of the line, 22 from 50 to 41 guns, 1,.!;) trigati s,; and 421 sloops ; besides which there are repairing, building, & c. a number of ship's, so as to make the total number 928. A new redoubt, and other additional works,. are making to the fortifications on Galley- wood Common, in Essex, by strong work- ing parties from the East Kent, and another regiment, of Militia, lying in Chelmsford new barracks. The King of Sweden has recently given to the world two more volumes of the writings of the late King. The number of new publications produced at. the late Leipsic Fair, amounted to 4100, of which 3787 were German or Latin— the number of booksellers who furnished book's at this fair, amounted to 380. His Grace the Duke of Northumberland has raised among his tenantry a corps of 1311 men, consisting oi' a body of horse- ' artillery, commanded by a Captain, six troops of cavalry, and 17 companies of in- fantry ; the whole clothed, appointed, paid, and maintained, by himself; for Government ' has only found arms and accoutrements., The Captain of Artillery, and the Staff, re- ceive permanent pay,—- Such a command, and such a Saving to the State, are proud circum- stances to boast of, aud worthy of a British Nobleman. Tenth and last Day of Drawing. The Ticket, No. 11,403, drawn on Saturday the 2nd instant, a Prize of Ten Thousand Rounds, was sold and registered at Messrs. HAZARD, BURNE, Co.' s Office, No. 33, Royal Exchange, London.—-- Tickets and Shares for the next Lottery are shortly expected to be- on Sale, when they may be had at the above Office in great variety Of Numbers, and of their respective Agents. CHILBLAINS are prevented from breaking, and their tormenting Itching, inftantly removed by Whitehead's Essence of Mustard, universally esteemed for its ' extraordinary efficacy in Rheuma- tisms, Palsies, Gouty Affections, and Complaints , of the Stomach ; but where this certain remedy has been unknown, or neglected, and the Chilblains have actually suppurated, or broke, Whitehead's Family Cerate will ease the pain, and very speedily heal them They are prepared and sold by R. JOHNSTON, Apothecary, 15, Greek- street, Soho, London, the Essence and Pills at 2s. 9d. each— the Cerate at is. i- Jd. They are sold by Steven- son and Matchet, Market- place, Norwich, and may be had of every Medicine Vender in the United Kingdom. The genuine has a black ink Stamp with the name of R. Johnston inserted on it. Whitehead's Essence of Mustard cures the severest Sprains and Bruises by a few applications HEIGHAM, NEXT NORWICH. To be LET or SOLD, ACAPITAL MESSUAGE, with a large garden and fish pond, stable and chaise house, with 11 acres of capital meadow Land, more or Id's, late in the occupation of Mr. Steward. For further particulars apply to Mr. Alexander Thwaites, Linen Draper, Norwich. N. B. The Houfe and Garden will be let, without the land, if required. TO BE SOLD, At Wells next the Sea, in tile county of Norfolk, an eligible Situation for a Merchant, with imme- diate possession, late in the occupation of Mr. W. L. Rix, who is removed from Wells, ALL those PREMISES, situated next the Quay; consisting of'granary. room for 100 lasts of corn, vaults for 150 chaldron of coals, and yard walled- in, which will contain 70 chaldron of cinders. Also a capital MALT- HOUSE, situated but a short distance from the Quay ; consisting of two cisterns, two working floors and a large kiln in the centre, with good and convenient chambers, wherein has been laid 200 last of torn; all which premises are 111 good repair, and the land- tax redeemed.— For further particulars apply to Mr. Wm. Rix, Wal- singham, Norfolk. Also to be Let, and entered upon immediately, All that DWELLING- HOUSE with sashed front, situatcd in High street, in Little Walsingham, late the residence of Mr. Charles Rix, who is re- moved from Walsingham, consisting of a parlour, keeping- room, hall, kitchen, and every other suitable office, with four chambers and attic; also a two- stalled stable, with hay- chambrr and straw- house, with a good garden, walled- in and well- planted with, the best fruit- trees.— For further particulars apply a,, above. TO BE SOLD BY AUCT1ON, By WM. BURT, On Monday, Nov. 11th, 1805, and following day, THE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of OLYETT WOODHOUSE, Esq. Southrepps, Norfolk; consisting of mahogany post bedstead, white dimity furniture, fringed, four post bedstead, green moreen do. tent bedsteads with hangings, 3 servants' beds complete, set. of tea china, white and gold, blue and white foreign china dishes and plates, tea urn, useful and ornamental glass, mahogany chairs, hair seats and brass nailed, neat inlaid side- board, mahogany cellerett, cabriole sofa, mahogany what- not, dining and Pembroke tables, mahogany and painted drawers, Rumford roaster complete, steam closet, 3 partitions, patent mangle, brewing and washing coppers, beer vessels, dairy utensils, taxed can, useful gig horse, about 4 load of timber, with a variety of useful articles, which will be ex- pressed in catalogues to be had on Thursday next, at the King's Arms, North Walsham ; Place of Sale, and of the Auctioneer, Norwich.— The sale begins each morning precisely at eleven oclock. To be Peremptorily Sold by Auction, By J. SHARPE, At the Green Man, in Rackheath, on Tuesday, November 12, 1805, THE remaining part of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Implements, and Effects, of the late Mr.. RICHARD LADELL, deceased.- The Furniture comprises beds and bedding, table,, chairs, large brewing copper, holds 60 gallons, ditto, holds 40 gallons, 3 large boilers, copper sauccpans, large lot of pewter, tin reflector; with all the Dairy aud Brewing Utenlils, comprising mash tubs, beer casks, barrel churn, hand churn, milk and other keelers, with some few Implements, which will be ] expressed in written catalogues at the place of fale. N. B. The goods are removed to the above Inn for the convenience of sale. NORFOLK. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the GEORGE INN, in Swaffham, in the county of Norfolk, on Thursday, the 14th day of November, 1805, between the hours of six and eight in the evening, subject to such conditions of sale as shall be then and there produced, THE following Valuable ESTATES in Swaffham:— All those two copyhold messuages or tenements, and granary, with the yards, gardens, outhouses, and appurtenances thereto belonging, situate and being in London- street, as the same are now in the several occupations of the Widow Brett, George Raven, and Mr. Crown. All those two other Copyhold Messuages or Tene- ments, with the yard and appurtenances thereto be- longing, situate and being in the said street, as the same are now in the several occupations of the Wi- dow Bryant and the Widow Childs. Also n be SOLD hy AUCTION, At the Vine Inn, in Wisbech St. Peter's, in the Isle of Ely, on Saturday the 16th day of November, 1805, between the hours of six and eight in the evening,— In WALSOKEN, All those four acres ( more or less) of Freehold Pasture Ground, lying in Mearditch- field, next Tri- nity, otherwife Sloe- lane-, north, Meadowgate- lane, eaft, and the lands of Edward Goodger, south, and now in the occupation of John Osborn. All those other four acrcs ( more or less) of Free- hold Patture Ground, lying in the same field, next Sloe lane, north, the above- mentioned lour acres, east, lands of the said Edward Goodger, fouth, and land in tenure of Mr. P. Eburn, west, and now in the occupation of the said John Osborn. All tint Copyhold Cottage or Tenement, and two roods ( more or less) of Garden Ground, thereto be- longing, situate in Church- field, next Walsoken Glebe Lands, fouth, and Kirkgate- way, west, and now in the occupation of the Widow Wright. For further particulars apply to Mr. Martin, At- torney, Spilsby, Lincolnshire; or Mr. Charles Met- calfe, Attorney, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, BREWERY. WANTED, a PARTNER in an exten- sive and Well- established BREWERY.— The situation is extremely eligible, and the trade capable of great improvement, being within 40 miles of Lon- don, and situated in a large market town ill the county of Kent. For particulars apply to Messrs. Debary and Cope, No. 6, Paper Buildings, Temple, London. Notice to Creditors and Debtors. ALL Persons having - any demand upon the Estate or Effects of GEORGE WRIGHT, late of Ovington, in Norfolk, Farmer, deceased, are requested to send an account thereof, either to Mary Denny, of Ovington, or Mr. Money Fisher, of Fransham, in this county, his Executors; or to Mr. Crisp, of East Dereham, or Mr. Grigson, of Watton. — And all persons who stlood indebted to- thc said de- ceased, are hereby required forthwith to discharge their respective debts. Dated this joth of O& ober, 1805. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. ALL Persons having any demands on WILLIAM MINDHAM, late of Holt, in Norfolk, Cabinet- Maker, are requested to send an account thereof to Mr. Deeker, attorney, at Wal- singham, or to , Mr. Thomas Balls, of Saxlingliam, near Holt, the assignees of his effects. And all per- sons who stand indebted to the said William Mind- ham, are desired to pay such debts to rhe said assignees within one month from the date hereof, otherwise they will be sued for the fame without fur- ther notice. October 30th, 1805. FROM RICHARD MARNELL, ESQ To Mr. CHING, Apothecary, London. SIR,— The LORD Chief BARON having done me the honour to state his eldest Son's case, and recommended that my son should try your Ching's Patent Worm lozenges— as their cases were perfectly analogous— he did so last. June, and to my great happiness found immediate relief; and he has, by taking a few doses since, been cured of a merciless disease, CONVULSION FITS, which notwithstand- ing, the Prescriptions of the most eminent physicians for three years, sea- bathing, and every other means that could be thought of, wore him down to an alarming degree, and I dreaded the most fatal con fequences.— To his Lordship's humanity, and the use of your Lozenges, I impute my son's existence now, and if you require any further testimony, I shall always be ready to give it. And remain, Sir, your obedient servant, RICHARD MARNELL. Buckingham street Adelphi, Feb. 25. Sold, wholesale, a Mr. Butler's, 4, Cheapside, London; and retail by Stevenson and Matchett, Bowen, Bacon, Purland, Sothern, and Taylor, Norwich; and most Medicine Venders in every town, in boxes at . v- cd. mid 2s, 6d. each. For Fevers, Colds, Sire Throats, Rheumatisms, the Yellow Fever, St. Anthony's Fire, and for Inflam matrons of ihe Lung's Bowels, Bladder, & c. DR. JAMES'S POWDER. THIS MEDICINE, which is so superior to all others 111 efficacy, certainty, and safety, should ever be given on the first attack of the dis- order ; for, if it be- not sufficient of itself to effect a cure ( as in intermittant and putrid fevers) it is al- lowed to be the best preparative for, and concomi- tant with, the Bark and other remedies, which the symptoms require. But as the genuine Powder has been often known te restore the patient, after its substitutes, and every other sebrifuge, have sailed, it ought to be tried even in the last extremity — Great benefits have been icrived from the Powder, in disorders thought beyond the reach ot medicine, when taken every night, as an alterative ; and, from the success of the Rev. Mr, Singleton Harpur, of Dublin, there is reason to believe that it may prove a remedy in the Hydrocephalus, or Water on the Brain. Sold only by F. Newbery and Sons, No. 45, St. Paul's Church- yard, London ; in packets, price 2s. 9d. each, duty included; or in bottles, contain- ing twelve packcts, pice 24s. as made up for the army and navy. Sold also by their appointment by Stevenson and Matchett, Taylor and Rix, and R. Purland, at Nor- wich; and by those other venders in the country who have an anuual appointment under the signature and seal of Messrs. Newbery. N. B. None can be genuine that have not the words, " F. Newbery, No. 45, St. Paul's," engraved in the Stamps. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Com-. missioners named and appointed in and by an Art of Parliament, entitled " An Act for inclosing' lands in the parish of Waborne, in the county of " Norfolk," do intend to meet at the public Inn known by the name or sign of the Feathers, in Holt, in the said county, on Monday the twenty- fifth day of this instant November, in order to proceed in the further execution of the said ACt, and to read and execute their award ; and a special general Meeting of the Proprietors of Lands and Grounds by the said Act directed to be divided and allotted, is hereby called, pursuant to the directions of an Art of Par- liament, passed in the forry- first year of the reign of his present Majesty, and entitled " An Act tor 11 consolidating in one Act, certain provisions usually " inserted in Acts of Inclosure, and for facilitating " the mode of proving the several facts usually re- " quired on the passing of such Acts," and if any dispute or difference hath arisen, or shall arise, be- tween any persons interested iu the division and allotments under the first mentioned Act, concern- ing any timber, wood, underwood, bushes, thorns, whins, or furze, or concerning any allowance for ploughing, sowing turnips or corn, laying down with grass feeds, manuring or improving the said lands and grounds, or any part thereof, or touching any other matter ar thing relating to the said divi- sion and allotments, such person or persons are re- quired to attend the said Commissioners at their said meeting, in order that they may examine into, hear, and determine such dispute and difference. And the proprietors of Lands and Grounds in Waborne afors- said, are requested to attend at the said public Inn, on Friday, the 29th day of this instant November, at Eleven o'clock iu the forenoon, in order to receive an account of their respective allotments.— Dated this sixth day of November, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Five. DAN. JONES, Solicitor under the said Act. Winterton, East Sorner ton, and West Somerton Inclosurs. THE General Commissioners named and authorized in and by an Act of Parliament passed in the forty- fifth year of the reign of his Ma- jesty King George the Third, entitled " An Act for " Inclosing and Draining certain Lands iu the pa- " rishes of Winterton, East Somerton, and West " Somcrton, in the county of Norfolk," do hereby give notice, that at their last meeting they did direct and appoint, that in case any proprietor or proprie- tors of lands or tenements in the several parishes abovementioned, or any other person or persons in- terested in the division and allotments to be made by virtue of or under the said Art, should have any objection or objections to any of the accounts or claims delivered to the said General Commissioners, he, she, or they should deliver such objection or objections, in writing, to the person or persons whose account or claim, or accounts or claims should be disputed or objected to, or to his, her, or their agent or agents, whose name or names is or are sub- scribed to such account or claim, or accounts or claims, on or before the fourteenth day of November next; and also should deliver to the said General Commissioners, a duplicate or duplicates of such objection or objections, at their next meeting under the said Act. And they, the said General Commissioners, do hereby further give notice, that they do intend to hold their next meeting, fur carrying the said Act into execution, at the house of the Widow Read, called the King's Arms, in Martham, in the said county, on Thursday, the twenty- first day of No- vember next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and at their said next meeting, to receive, hear, and deter- mine any objection or objections to the said accounts or claims. And the said General Commissioners do hereby further give notice, that a state of the several ac- counts and claims delivered to them under the said Act, is ready to be delivered to the several claimants and other persons interested in the premises, or such of them as have not received the same, at the Office of Mr. Samuel Bell, the Solicitor under the said Art, at Great Yarmouth, in the said county. GEORGE CUBITT, T. G. EWEN, BENJAMIN BOWGIN. SAMUEL BELL, Solicitor 26th of Ortober, 1805. To THOMAS TATLOR, Esq. No. 9, New Bridge- street London. SIR,— I confide- it but an act of jultice due to the meris of your LEAKE'S PATENT PILLS, to communicate to you the following Cure, which has recently ieen performed by them:— An acquaintance of mine, who by the breaking out of all old veuerial complaint ( attended by a complica tion i. f disorders arisng therefrom) was reduced al most to a fkeleton, aid although he had the best me. dical advice which could be obtained, and tried variety of patent medicines, nothing could be pro. cured which seemed 10 suit his case, or to do him any service ; he remained in a most reduced and pi. tiable situation for two years, unable to follow his profession, and scarcely able to walk or even to stand on his legs; in fact, no one who knew him ever supposed it possible for him to recover. He was ad- vised at last to try your Leake's Pills— he did so, ad bering strictly to the dirertions given with them— he had not taken more than two boxes, before lie found an alteration for the better; this encouraged him to proeced, and by taking a few boxes more he found his appetite and strength gradually return, and is now as healthy and stout as any man I know. You are welcome, Sir, to refer any person to me for u confirmation of the above account if it shouid be doubted. I am, Sir, your obedient humble servant, THOS. PURDAY. Library, Folkstone, July 10, 1805. Prepared and sold ay the sole Proprietor, THOS. TAYLOR, Member of the Royal College of Sur- geons, London, at his House, No. 9, New Briilge- ltreet; where, after a constaut residence of more than forty years, in a practice particularly directed to the- cure of vcnenal complaints and those inci- dental to the parts of generation in both sexes, with that inviolable secrety which men of his profession should always observe, be flatters himself, the advice and assistance he granitously adminisers to persons taking this Medicine, will be esteemed, by a dis- cerning public, as an advantage seldom to be ob- tained, and void of ambiguity. Also sold by his appointment, for the convenience of those living at a distance, at Messrs. Stevenson and Matchett's, Printers, and Mr. Purland's, Drug- gist, Norwich; Mr Baxter's, South- bridge, Edin- burgh ; Mr. M'Donld's, Glasgow $ Mr Callwell's., Dublin; Mr. Billing's, Liverpool; Mr. Atkinson's, Manchester; and by one person in every considerable town in Great Britain and Ireland, in boxes of only as. 9d. each, sealed up with full and plain directions, whereby persons of either sex may cure themselves with ease, speed, secrecy, and safety. N. B. Every box sold in Great Britain is sealed up with a stamp, on whtch, by favour of the Commis- sioners is printed, at the Stamp- Office—> T. Tayylor. No. 9, New Bridge street— to imitate which is felony and others are conterfeit.. THE REAL JAPAN BLACKING, Made by DAY & MARTIN, London. THIS inValuable Composition, with half the usual labour, produces the most brilliant- jet black ever beheld, affords peculiar nourishment to the leather, will not soil the finest linen, is perfectly free from any unpleasant smell, and will retain its virtues in any climate. Sold wholesale, by Day and Martin, No. 7, Ta- vistock- street, London; and retail by their agents, Stevenson and Matchett, Printers, and Bacon, Sta- tioner, Norwich; Forster, and Beart, Booksellers, Yarmouth; Newson, Lowestoft; Pigge, Lynn; Scarnell, Downham; and Wright, Wisbeaeh; stone bottles, price- 4s. 6d. each. A ROBBERY. WHEREAS on Saturday night, ' or early on Sunday morning last, some person or persons broke Into one of the Barns of Mr. JAMES GAZE, of Frettenham, near Norwich, and stole from thence Three Bushels of Wheat, and also cut and destroyed a Pair of Harness, and carried away the Backs thereof, which had the initials of J. G. thereon— Whoever shall apprehend or discover The person or persons who Were concerned in the said Robbery, so as he or they may be thereof lawfully convirted, shall be paid the sum of FIVE POUNDS, by the said James Gaze, and also a Reward ol TWO GUINEAS and a HALF, and till reasonable expences, out of the Treasury of the Associatlon for apprehending and convicting of Horse- stealers and other offenders, by applying to ROBERT CHALKER, Attorney, Treasurer. North Walsham, Nov. j, 180,5. SORE Breasts, Legs, Scalds, Burns, & c are effectually cured by the use of BEASELEY'S FAMILY PLAISTER— the following is another Case of its efficacy: SIR — As an act of duty I owe to you for the pre- sent use of my hand to state the case, trusting that it will Be the happy Means of preventing ampu- . titions taking place with others, as it has done with me last August, 011 board the ship Mary, constant trader from Yarmouth to London. Capt. William Horn, Mr Thomas Hurry, owner at Yarmouth. In the abovementioned month I had the misfortune to fall from the deck of the Ship into the hold, which entirely lacerated all the back of my hand, and brought' en a violent inflammation, that prevented my dressing or undressing myself. In this deplorable situation I was for eight days on board ship. When I reached London every surgical advice WAS had, but to no purpose, expecting every day a mortification or amputation to take place. Fortunately my daugh- ter in London purchased a box of your Beaseley's Family Plaister, spread it according to the direction* and applied it to my hand and arm. In a few hours the inflammation abated ; the next day I could dress myself, and in six weeks found my hand perfectly cured, to the astonishment of all that see It. Every family and sailor should be in possession of a Plaister of so useful and necessary. WM. DANE, Lowestoft, Suffolk, Dec. 27, 1801. Sold, wholesale at Mr. Butler's, Cheapside, I. on- don; and retail by Stevenson and Marchett, Taylor, Purland, Bowen, and Bacon, Norwich and at most Medicine Venders in" every town, price 2s. 6d. and may be had of the Newsmen. . BEAUTY & CLEASLINESS AMBOYNA TOOTH & MOUTH POWDER. ANTISCORllUTIC MEDICINE, pre pared by Mr. JOHN LIGNUM, Surgeon, at his Dispensary, in Manchester; for those who value health of body, vigour of mind, and a good consti- tution, of all other blessings the most desirable : if then nothing is fo valuable as health, of course no- thing is so abslutely necessay as due and striCt at- tention being paid to thos indispositions to which the greatest art of mankind are subject, namely scorbutic complaints, which by too many nrc conli- dered as trifling, and neglected till they have taken deep root In the constitution, and brought on a com- plication of maladies too shocking to relate. When a tainted or scorbutic habit has undermined the con- stitution, no longer has the blood ( which is the life) a due circulation, without which no longer can the body be preserved in health and vigour. The great number of persons who have and daily experience the superior properties of Mr. LIGNUM'S ANTIS CORBUTIC Drops, is the best testimony that can be adduced to their virtue: those drops penetrate into the most intimate parts ef their body, open the mouths of the minuter vessels, restore the natural perspiration, and promote all the fluid secretions in every stage of this destructive complaint, and are an absolute specific; and as a preventative, an altera- tive, and a purifier of the blood, they are not to be equalled. ' They may be taken without confinement, are pleasant in taste, and may be safely administered to children, or people of the most delicate constitu- tion : they strengthen the stomach, create a good ap- petite, and are an excellent restorative to decayed constitutions. From their perfect digestive quality, they prevent the accumulation of wind causing head achs, vapours, and other indispositions incident to the human frame. These Drops are sold in moulded square bot- tles, at us. and 4s. fid. One lis. bottle is equal in quantity to three 4s. 6d. ones. They may be had wholesale and retail, at Mr. LIGNUM'S, No. 57, Bridge- street, Manchester; and, by appointment, by HOWARD and EVANS, 42, Long- lane, Wst Smithfield ; Dicey and Co. BoW Church yard ; Bar- clay and Son, 95, Fleet- market; Shaw and Edwards, 66, St. Paul's Church- yard; Butler, 4, Cheapside ; Newbery and Sons, 45, St. Paul's Church- yard, London; and retail by Stevenson and Matchett, Bacon, and Purland, Norwich ; Ashley, Aylsham ; Dingle, Bury; Barker, Dereham; Middleditch and Co. and Bransby and Co. Ipswich; Whittingham, Lynn; Wallis, Manningtree ; Stribling, Mistley; Dencher, Saxmundham; Loder, Woodbridge; White, Wisbeach; and of the principal Vendors of genuine Medicines in the United Kingdom, AGENTLEMAN offers the only DRUG yet discovered that destroys the Scurvy, heals the Gums, makes them aud the lips of a healthful red, fattens, whitens, and preserves the Teeth, and makes the Breath sweet. It is the produce of a far foreign country, never imported but by the proprie- tor: and the first gentlemen of the faculty who use it, declare it a fine stomachic and bracer, and tor safety. proper for an infant. It eradicates the foulness the mouth is subject to, from diet, or a disordered stomach, and by its healing, purifying, and balfamic qualities frees the mouth of those disordcrs to which it is subject, fills up the Gums which the Scurvy has eaten away, and prevents a caries or rotteness in the Teeth. The proprietor is a Gentleman of Fortune, and will forfeit 1000I. to any lady or gentleman who uses the Drug as he directs, if the Teeth ach, or a Tooth decays.— Ask for the Amboyna Mouth powder, price 2s. 6d- per box. Sold wholesale and retail by Shaw and Edwards, 66, St. Paul's Church Yard London, and may he had by their appointment, of Messrs, Stevenson and Matchet, and Mrs Bowen, Norwich; White, Wil- beach; Pigge, and Miller, Lynn; Barker, Dereham ; Johnson, Swaffham; Beart, Yarmouth; and by every Medicine Vender. For Strarguary, Drops Gravel, Obstructions in the Urinary Passage, Di.. b: tes, and General Weakness. WESSELS' JESUITS' DROPS. His MAJESTY'S NAVY, these Drops have for near 100 years past maintained their Cha- racter as a specific for the Scurvy, Gravel, Dropsy, Stranguary, Weakness and Obstructions, in the Urinary Passage, and general debility : particularly for their absolute and speedy Cure of the first attack of the Venereal Disease. Wessels' Jesuits' Drops and Specific Remedy, are the only safe and expeditious Cure from the first stage of Venereal Infection to the last stage of confirmed Lues, and are so innocent in their nature, as to require little or no restraint. As a restorative for general Debility, Wessels' Jesuits' Drops have been long known and esteemed ; whether the debility arises from the too copious use of Mercury, from excess of venery, or intense heat of climate, they are equally serviceable:— such as have the misfortune to be troubled with old stubborn Gleets, Seminal Effusions, or any weakness of the Kidneys, Ureters or Bladder, Diabete, or difficulty in making Water, will experience a complete cure by due perseverance. SHAW and EDWARDS, 66, St. Paul's Church Yard, having purchased these Medicines of Mr. Wessels, none can possibly be genuine unless a BLACK STAMP engraved SHAW and EDWARDS, successos to Joseph WESSELS, appears on the outside of every buttle. Ask for Wessels Jesuits' Drops with- BLACK STAMP Price 2s 9d— 11s. and 22s per bottle, Sold by Messrs. Stevenson and Matchett, Market- place, Norwich; White, Wilbeach; Pigge, and Mil- ler, Lynn; Barker, Dereham ; Johnson, Swaffham ; Beart, Yarmouth; and by every Medicine Vender, TN 1 ha London, Thursday Nov, 7. GLORIOUS VICTORY. death of lord Nelson, London Gazette Extraordinary. Admiralty- Office, Nov 6, 1805. DISPATCHES, of which the following are copies, were received at the Admi- ralty this day at one o'clock, A. M. from Vice Admiral Collingwood, Commander in Chief of his Majesty's ships and vessels off Cadiz : Euryalus off Cape Trafalgar, Oct 22,1805. Sir — The ever to he lamented death, of Vice- Admiral Lord Viscount- NELSON, who in the late conflict with the enemy, fell in tlie hour of victory, leaves to me the duty of in- forming my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, that on the 19th instant, it was communicated to the Commander in Chief, from the ships watching the motions of the enemy in Cadiz, that the Combined Fleet had put to sea; as they sailed with light winds westerly, his Lordship concluded their desti- nation Was the Mediterranean, and imme- diately made all sail for the Streights' en- trance, with the British Squadron, consisting of 27 ships, 3 of them 64' s, where his Lordship was informed bv Capt. Blackwood, ( whose vigilance in watching and giving no- tice of the enemy's movements has been highly meritorious), that they had not yet passed the Streights.. On Monday, the 21st instant, at day- light, when Cape Trafalgar bore E. by S. about 7 leagues, the enemy was discovered 6 or 7 miles to the eastward, the wind about west, and very light, the Commander in Chief immediately made signal for the fleet to bear up in two columns, as they are formed in order of sailing; a mode of attack his Lord- ship had previously directed, to avoid the inconvenience aud delay in forming a line of battle in the usual manner. The enemy's line consisted of 33 ships ( of which, 18 Were French and 15 Spanish), commanded in chief by Adm. Villeneuve; the Spaniards, un- der the direction of Gravina, Wore with their heads to the northward, and formed their line of battle with great closeness and correctness,: but as the mode of attack was unusual, so the structure of their line was new ; it formed a crescent convexing to the leeward—- so that,' in leading down to their centre, I had both their van and rear abast the beam ; before the fire opened, every alternate ship was about a cable's length to windward of her second a- head and a- stern, forming a kind of double. line, and appeared when on their beam, to leave a very little interval between them; aud this without crowding their ships. Admiral Villeneuve was in the Bucentaure, in the Centre, and the Prince of Asturias bore Gra- vina's flag in the rear; but the French and, Spanish ships Were mixed, without any. appa- rent regard to order of national squadron. As the mode of our attack had been previ- ously determined on, and communicated to the flag officers and captains, few signals were . necessary, and none were made, except to direct close order as the lines bore down.— The Commander in Chief in the Victory led the weather column, and Ihe Royal Sovereign , which bore my flag, the lee. The action began at twelve o'clock,- by. the leading ships of the columns breaking through the enemy's line, the Commander. in Chief about the loth slnp. from the van, the second in command about the 12th from the rear, leaving the, van of the- enemy unoccupied: the succeeding ships breaking' through, in all parts; astern of their leaders, and engaging the enemy at the muzzles of their guns ; the conflict was severe ; the enemy's ships were fought with a gallantry highly honourable to' their officers ; but the attack on them was ir- resistible, and it pleased the Almighty dis- poser of all events to grant to his Majesty's arms a complete and glorious victory : about three P. M many of the enemy's ships hav-. ing struck their colours, their line gave way: Admiral Gravina, with ten ships joining their frigates ' to leeward, stood towards Cadiz. The five headmost ships in their van tacked and standing to the southward, to windward' of the British line, were engaged; and the sternmost of them taken; the others went off, leaving to his Majesty's squadron Nine- TEEn ShipS of thb Line ( of which two arc first rates, the Santissima Trinidada and the Santa Anna) with three flag officers, viz., Admiral Villeneurve the Commander in Chief, Hon Ignatio Maria D'Aliva, Vice- Admiral, and the Spanish Rear- Admiral Don Baltazor Hidalgo Cisneros. After such a victory, it may appear unne- cessary to enter into- encomiums on the parti- cular parts taken by the several commanders; the conclusion says more on the subject than I have language to express; the spirit which, animated all Was the. same; when all exert themselves zealously in their country's service, all deserve that their high merits should stand recorded: and never was high merit more- conspicuous than in the battle I have described. The Achille ( a French 74) after having surrendered, by some mismanagement of the Frenchmen, blew up; 200 of her men were saved by the tenders. A circumstance occurred during the action, which so strongly marks the invincible spi- rit of British seamen, when engaging the • enemies of their country, that I cannot resist the pleasure I have in making it known to their Lordships: the Temeraire was boarded by accident or design, by a French ship on one side, and a Spaniard on the other : the contest was vigorous, but in the end the combined ensigns were torn from the poop, and the British hoisted in their place's. Such a battle could not be fought without sustaining a great loss of men.— I have not only to lament in common with the British Navy and the British Nation, in the fall of the Commander in Chief, the loss of A Hero, whose name will he immortal, aiid his me- mory ever dear to his Country ; but my heart is rent with the most poignant grief for the death of a friend, to Whom, by many years - intimacy, and a perfect knowledge of the vir- tues of his mind, which inspired ideas supe- rior to the common race of men, I was bound by the strongest ties of affection; a grief, to which even the glorious occasion in which he fell does not bring the consolation which per- haps it ought: his Lordship received a musket ball in his left breast about the middle of the ac- tion, and sent an officer to me immediately with his last farewell, and soon after expired. I have also to lament the loss of those ex- cellent officers, Capt. Duff, of the Mars, and Capt. Cooke, of the Bellerophon; I have yet heard of none others. I fear the number that have fallen will be found very great, when the returns come in; but it having blown a gale of wind ever since the action, 1 have not. yet had it iu my power to collect any reports from the ships. The Royal Sovereign having lost her masts except the tottering foremast, I called the Euryalus to me, while the action continued, which ship lying within hail, made my sig- nals, a service Capt. Blackwood performed with great attention; after the action I shifted my flag to her, that I might more easily com- municate my orders to, and collect the ships, and towed the Royal Sovereign out to sea- ward. The whole fleet were now in a very perilous situation, many dismasted, all shat- tered, in 13 fathoms water, off the shoals of Trafalgar; and when I made the signal to prepare to anchor, few of the ships had an anchor to let go., their cables being shot-, but the same good providence, which aided us through such a day, preserved us in the night, by the wind shifting a few points, and drift- ing the ships off the land, except four of the captured dismasted ships, which are now at anchor off Trafalgar, and I hope will ride safe until these gales are over. Having thus detailed the proceedings of the fleet on this occasion, I beg leave to congra- tulate their Lordships on a victory, which, I hope will add a ray to the glory of his Ma- jesty's crown, and be attended with public benefit to our country, I am, & c. ( Signed) C. COLLINgWOOD. . The order in which the Ships of the British Squadron attacked the Combined fleets, on the 21 st of October, 1805. VAN REAR. Victory Royal Sovereign Temeraire - Mars Neptune Belleisle Conqueror Tonnant Leviathan Bellerophon Ajax Colossus Orion Achille Agamemnon Polyphemus Minotaur Revenge Spartiate Swiftsure Britannia Defence Africa Thunderer Euryalus Defiance Sirius Prince Phoebe Dreadnought Naiad Pickle schooner • Entreprenante cutter GENERAL ORDER. Euryalus, Oct. 22, 1805. The ever to be lamented death of Lord Viscount Nelson, Duke of Bronte, the Com- mander in Chief, who fell in the action of the 21st, in the arms of victory, covered with glory, whose memory will be ever dear to the British Navy, and the British Nation, whose zeal for the honour of. his King and the interests of his country,' will be ever held up as a shining example for a British seaman,, leaves to me a duty to return my thanks to the Right Hon. the Rear- Admiral, the Cap- tains, Officers, seamen, and detachments of Royal Marines, serving on board his Majes- ty's squadron, now under my command, for their conduct on that day; but where can I find language to express my sentiments of the valour and skill which were displayed by the officers, the seamen and marines, in the bat- tle with, the enemy, where every individual appeared a hero, on whora the glory of his country depended : the attack Was irresistible, and the issue of it adds to the page of naval annals, a brilliant instance of what Briton can do when their King and Country need their service. To the Right Hon, Rear- Adm. the Earl of NortheSk, to the Captains, Officers and Seamen, and the Officers, Non- commis- sioned Officers, and Privates, of the Royal- Marines, I beg to give my sincere and hearty thanks for their highly meritorious conduct, both in the action and in their zeal and acti- vity in- bringing the captured ships out from the perilous situation in which they were af- ter their surrender, among the shoals of Trafalgar, in boisterous weather. And I desire that the respective Captains will be pleased to communicate to the Offi- cers, Seamen, and Royal Marines, this pub- lic testimony of my high approbation of their conduct, aud my thanks for it. ( Signed) C. COLLI NGWOOI). To the Right. Rear- Adm. the Earl of Northesk, and the respective- Cap- tains and Commanders. GENERAL ORDER. ' The Almighty God, whose arm is strength, having of his great mercy been pleased, to crown the exertions of his Majesty's fleet with success, in giving them a complete victory over their enemies, on the 21st of this month, aud that, all praise and thanksgiving may be offered up, to . the Throne . of Grace, for the great- benefits to our country, and to mankind, 1 have thought proper, that tt day should be ' appointed of general humiliation before God, and thanksgiving for this his merciful goodness, imploring forgiveness of sins, ' and a continua- tion of his Divine Mercy, and his constant aid to us, in the defence of our Country, our. Liberties and Laws, without which the utmost. efforts Of man are nought, and I direct there- forefore, that-. be appointed for this holy purpose. Given on board the Euryalus, off Cape Tra- falgar, 23d Oct. 1805. C- ColliNGwooD. The respective Captains & Commanders. N. B. The fleet having been dispersed by a gale of wind, nO day has yet been able to be appointed for the above purpose." Euryalus, off Cadiz, Oct. 24. Sir— In my letter of the 22d I detailed to you for the information of my Lords Com- missioners of the Admiralty, the proceedings of his Majesty's squadron on the day of the action, and that preceding it; since which I have had a continued series of misfortunes, but they Were of a kind that human prudence could not. possibly provide against, or my skill prevent. On - the 22d in the morning, a strong southerly wind blew, with squally breezes; which however did not prevent the activity of the officers and seamen of such ships as were manageable from getting hold of many of the prizes ( thirteen or fourteen) and towing them off to the westward, where I ordered them to rendezvous round the Royal Sovereign, in tow by the Neptune; but on the 23d the gale en- creased, and, the sea ran so high that many of them broke the tow rope, and drifted far to leeward before they were got hold of again; and some of them taking advantage in the dark and boisterous night, got before the wind, and have, perhaps, drifted upon the shore and sunk: in the alteration of that day, the remnant of the combined fleet, 10 sail of. ships, . Who had not been much engaged, stood up to leeward of my shattered and straggled charge, as if meaning to attack them, which obliged me to collect a force out of the least injured ships, and form to leeward for their defence ; all this retarded the progress of the hulks, and the bad wea- ther continuing, determined me to destroy all. the leewardmost that could be cleared of the men, considering that keeping possession of the ships was a matter of little consequence, compared with the chance of their falling again into the hands of the enemy ; but even this was an arduous task, in the high sea- that was running. I hope, however, it has been accomplished to very considerable extent: 1 entrusted it to skilful officers, who would spare no pains to execute what was possible. The Captains of the Prince and Neptune cleared the Trinidada and sunk her. Cap- tains Hope, Bayntun, and Malcolm, who joined the fleet this moment from Gibraltar, had the charge of destroying four others. The Redoubtable sunk astern of the Swift- sure, while in tow. The Santa Anna I, have no doubt is sunk, as her side was al- most, entirely beat in; and such is the shat- tered condition of the whole of them, that, unless the weather moderates, I doubt whether I shall be abb to carry a ship of them into, port. I hope their Lordships will approve of what I ( having only in consider- ation the destruction of the enemy's fleet) have thought a measure of absolute necessity. I have taken Adm. Villeneuve into this ship; Vice- Adm. Don Aliva is dead. When- ever the temper of the Weather will permit, and I can spare a. frigate ( for there were only four in the action with the. fleet, viz. the Eu- ryalus, Sirius, Phoebe, and Naiad: the Mel-: pomene joined the 22d. and the Eurydice and , Scout the 23d) I shall collect the other' Flag Officers, and send them to England, with their flags, ( if they do not go to the bottom) to be laid at his Majesty's feet. There were 4000 troops embarked under the command of Gen. Coutamin, who was taken with Adm. Villeneuve, in the Bucen- taure. I am, ( Signed) C. COLLINGWOOD. Wm. Marsden, Esq It way assuage the bitterness of regret for his loss, to know, that Lord Nelson died, as he always wished to die. His death was precisely what he anticipated for himself. After the memorable battle, of the Nile, Capt. Hallowell presented to him a Coffin, made of the mainmast of the L'Orient, which blew up, with an attestation of the fact, and en- treated that the Noble Admiral Would order it to be preserved for his own body, when the fate of battle or the hand of time, might de- mand the debt of nature. The noble Admi- ral, on the day before he left London, called at, the house of ( Mr. Peddison, in Brewer- street, where the coffin is, and, with that familiar good humour which accompanied his address to all his people, desired him to have the attesta- tion engraved on the lid; as " he thought it highly probable that he should want it on his return." It was ever his expression in going into a battle, " Conquest, or Westminster Abbey!" and it was his peculiar good fortune to inspire the same sentiment into every follower, had he survived the glorious 21st of October, a grateful Sovereign would have given fresh proofs of his regard. Monument, Trophies, every device that can do honour to his memo- ry, is all his sovereign or his country can- now bestow. A Letter from an Officer on board the Eu- ryalus frigate, dated October 26th, says—' " I scarcely know whether, after so great a loss as the Nation has sustained in Lord Nelson, and every one of us a friend, added to the inevitable destruction of 19 fine prizes, I ought to congratulate you; but since the enemy, minus so many ships and we I trust not one, even in that there is matter to rejoice. Such a victory, and under circum- stance so disadvantageous to the attack, never was atchieved. Admiral Villeneuve, who is now at my elbow, can scarcely yet credit it; and his despair and grief exceed any thing I ever saw. To resist such an attack, and seconded as Lord Nelson Was, was vain. I did not leave the Victory till the shot were flying thick over her; and the last signal Lord Nelson made was such as cannot and never will be forgot— it was by telegraph- " That England expected every man would do his duty," I have time for no more— the Vessel is going, but I shall soon see, you, as I am to carry home the captured Admirals." Previous to the publication of the above Extraordinary Gazette, a Bulletin was issued early yesterday morning from the Admiralty- office, which was besieged with anxious en- quirers; it being known that important intel- ligence had been received Lieut. Lapinotiere, of the Pickle schooner, brought the important depatches; and. at noon the Park and Tower guns were fired. The Bulletin states, that previous to the action, seven sail of the line under Rear Ad- miral Louis, had been detached from the fleet, which reduced it to 27 sai of the line, & c.— The Victory which was lashed to the Santissima Trinidada, is said to have lost 160 men. The slaughter on board the enemy was immense. On our side the number of killed & wound- ed will probably prove to be above 1000. The Belisle was totally dismasted. The British Ships that suffered the most in the Action, were the Victory, the Royal Sovereign, the Belleisle; the Temeraire, and the Revenge. It is said, that Capt. Hardy had repeatedly asked Lord Nelson from the beginning of the aetioft, to change his coat, on which he wore the stars of the different Orders, but he would not take the time to do it. As soon as he received the fatal wound, he sunk into the arms of one of the officers near him. Mr. Scott, his Secretary, was killed near him ; he was shot through the head. Sharp shooters were placed in the main top of the Trinidada who kept up a perpetual fre into the quarter- deck of the Victory. The accounts from the fleet are full of the manifestations of the deepest sorrow amongst the crews of every one of our ships as soon as their irreparable loss was known. A brief abstract of the glorious Victory is as follows: Nineteen sail of the line struck— one blew up. Santis. Trinidada, 136 guns, sunk after striking— all perished. . Argonauta 84 guns, sunk after the action, in tow. Four sail of French or Spanish line, missing. Victory, 110 guns, Adm. lord Nelson killed— Mr. Scott, his Secretary, killed; and 200 men killed and wounded. Royal Sovereign, 110 guns, 400 killed and wound. . Not one of his Majesty's ships lost Thank God! . The wind having changed to a favourable point, the Expedition, consisting of the Cold- stream, the 3d Guards, the 4th, or King's own, the 14th, and 23d regiments, the 95th Rifle Corps, the German Legion, and. the Artillery, sailed from the Downs on Tuesday afternoon. The friendship between the Austrian and Russian Courts is happily unabated. It hav- ing been said in a Morning paper, that the Russians had been tardy in their advances, the Austrian Ambassador at our Court, Count Starhemberg, has publicly contradicted this statement, declaring that the Russians Were twelve days sooner at their posts than they had promised, or. could have been expected. The French, immediately after the surren- der of Mack, began to file off in great force towards the Inn and the Tyrol. The Porte has received the welcome intel- ligence that the Ottoman troops had obtained a complete victory over the Beys at Cairo. According to the barbarous practice in Tur- key. the heads of seven of the leaders' among; which was said to bn that of Elfi Bey, were publickly hung up on the Seraglio. Some Paris papers contain, an accouut. of the death of Our gallant countryman Captain Wright, in the Temple at Paris, which they most impudently assert to have happened from the commission of suicide. The Jour- nal de Paris says, that, after perusing the account of the defeat of the Austrians, in the. Moniteur, he cut his throat with a razor, The event being ' mentioned in several of the French papers, we are mortified to say that we cannot see any reason to doubt the fact, but his throat was actually cut with a razor; but we are well persuaded, that it was not by, himself !— What man can be so weak as to believe that a Briton, aud more especially it Captain of a man of war could be so pusillanimous or so silly as to put himself to death, - merely on account of the Austrians having been defeated, or from sensations ex- cited by perusing the ridiculous vapourings of the Moniteur. Admiral Collingwood has been appointed to an, with the same powers as Lord Nelson had. the command of the ships in the Mediterrane- The several ships of the line at Portsmouth aud Plymouth, are ordered to put to sea with- out loss of time, to reinforce Admiral Col- lingwood. Two Hamburgh Mails arrived this day. They state the important fact, that the King of Prussia has taken Possession of Hanover, in the name of his Britannic Majesty. It gives us great pleasure to be able to announce, that the intelligence received on Monday, of the Archduke Charles having obtained a victory over the French in Italy receives some- confirmation from the Ham- burgh papers. The Archduke is stated to have attacked the French at Verona, taken possession of the place, and made 4000 or" the enemy prisoners. . French and Dutch Journals, the former to the 31st ult: the latter to the 4th inst. have also been received. A letter from Berlin, dated the 22d of Optober, states, that 011 the 18th of the same month an escort of 600 French infantry; and 800 cavalry, was attacked by 6000 Austrian cavalry between Nordlingen and Dinkelsbihl, and were' beat by the superior force, with the loss of 50 pieces- of artillery, and a hundred ammunition Waggons. The Stutgard Gazette of October 17, states, that an enterprize undertaken by the French under General Ney on the 11th of October, in the afternoon, on the left bank of. the Danube, betWeen Ulm and Alpeck, had not succeeded, and that on the 18th the Austrians, had carried off a considerable quan- tity of baggage belonging to the French army. Government, this day received various dis- patches from thr Continent, all of them much more satisfactory than we had reason to ex- pect from the late French accounts. The advantage, stated above, 011 the authority of letters of the 22d, from Berlin, to have, been gained over the French, was achieved by the Archduke Ferdinand, This is a most impor- tant piece of intelligence, for great fears were entertained that his force had fallen a sacrifice in consequence of Mack's surrender. We have also to add, that Capt. Langford arrived at the Admiralty this afternoon, accompanied by a Russian Officer, bringing with him most important - dispatches from the Elbe. These dispatches bring a Treaty of Alliance which has been concluded between, this country and his Prussian Majesty, Whose army of Eigh- ty Thousand Men, was actually on its march against the common enemy,. when the dis- patches were sent off". . The Emperor of Russia had been to Ber- lin to hold, a conference with his Prussian Majesty. The same Emperor is hurrying to the scene of action, at the head of an army of Sixty Thousand Men ; and his Im- perial Brother of Germany is also marching at the head of another army. The van guard of the second Russian array, amounting to 20,000 men, had arrived about the middle of last mouth in Bohemia, and formed a junction, we have no doubt, with the troops on the Inn, in a few days after- Indepedent of tye immense armies which were pouring down through Prussian Poland- and Gallicia, from the Russian territories,, a con- siderable reinforcement to the troops already- landed in Pomerania, were expected to arrive from Revel at Wolgast in the same' province. Ten thousand Swedes were also expected to advance through Mecklenburgh into Hanover, permission having been requested of the Go- vernments of both the dutchies to that effect. A Messenger from Gottenburgh reached the Secretary of State's Office, this morning. We are happy to hear, from respectable autho- rity, that lie is the bearer of a TreATy of . quiNTreplE alliAnCE between the Em- perors of AUSTIUA and RUSSIA, & the Kings, of englAnd, PrUSSIA, and. SweDen, to which the, signatures of all the contingent parties have been already affixed. His Majesty's ship Egyptienne has captur- ed a vessel laden with naval stores, Which has arrived in Baltimore harbour, Ireland. She was one of a fleet of 20 sail, all laden with naval stores from Bilboa, for Rochefort, under convoy of a corvette, which escaped, but AL- most THE WHOLE Of HER COnVOY WERr destroyeD.— This intelligence has arrived by a letter from Cork, this day. There is but little to add to the simple and most impressive account of the action render- ed by Adm. Collingwood. Unfortunately the boisterous gales . which followed the battle may deprive us of some of the benefits with which it was fraught; but that is the slightest consideration in the event. British honour is satisfied— and a blow is struck at the com- bined naval force of France and Spain by an inferior fleet, ( on the very day when Mack's army were piling their arms at the feet of their conqueror,) which they will not be able sud- denly to recover.. One general and deep lamentation prevail- ed through the metropolis for the loss of Lord Nelson; when the intelligence of his death was sent down to the King and Royal Family at Windsor, they were all most deeply affected.- Government have given directions that immediately on the arrival of the body of Lord Nelson, it shall be brought to London under a military escort, and after being laid in state in the Prince's Chamber, in West- minster, be interred In the Abbey, with grand : funeral honours at the public expence. A public mourning is expected to take place on the arrival of the body. A general illumination was expected las night in honour of tlie victory, but time did ' not permit the necessary preparations. A ge- neral illumination will take place this night. Capt. Tyler, of the Tonnant, was wound ed, but not dangerously. From our Correspondent at Dover, The Expedition' sailed ou Tuesday after- noon. More transports are expected here daily, when a further embarkation will take place. Sir Sidney Smith, who is to be en- trusted with an' enterprise against the enemy's coast, comes frequently over from Deal for the purpose of superintending the arrangements, his new- invented boats, the Canccr and Ge- niini, ' and several gillies, which are tendered so buoyant, by means of cork aS to be able to float, even when, shot through and through, are to be employed on this occasion. HARWICH, Nov. 7.- The packets are detained here with the mails of the 6th, for Husum and Gottenburgh, and among other passengers, a messenger, charged with dis- patches for the Court of Berlin. Great apprehensions are entertained for the safety of the Beanfoi packet, Capt. Norris, which sailed from hence, for Husum, in very boisterous weather, and have not since been heard of. SATURDAY, Nov. 9. MARKET- PLACE. A. GODFERY- RETURNS from London, and will have, an assortment of Millinery, Pelices, Spencers, & c. & c. on Friday, Nov. 13th.—' The favours of her Friends and the Public Will be highly esteemed. P. S. Muffs, Tippets, of'the best quality. MILLINERY & DRESSMAKING, No. 2, OPPOSITE ST. ANDREW'S HALL. E. & M. HEASELL RESPECTFULLY acknowledge the fa- vours conferred on them, and take the liberty cf informing the Ladies that E. H. will return from Town with a fashionable assortment of Millinery, Fancy Dresses, Spencers, Pelices, & c. to which they solicit their attention, on FRIDAY, the 15th of No- vember' instant. WANTED, a HEAD WAITER. - - A single Man, with a good address', who under- stands every part of his business, and can bring a good character, may hear of a situation, by applying personally, or by letters, post paid, at the Angel Inn, Market- place, Norwich, Norfolk. NORWICH, Nov. 7th, 1805. WherEAS a Number of Persons as- sembled tumultuously last Tuesday Even- ing, on the Castle Ditches, and violently as- saulted and severely beat several Constables in the execution of their Office, and afterwards, in a menacing manner, carrying a Man on a piece of wood, proceeded' into Saint Giles's- street, with the avowed intention of assailing the Mayor's House— a reward of FIVE GUINEAS is hereby offered by' the. Ma- gistrates to any one who shall give informa- tion of the Person riding on the Piece of Wood, In St. Giles's- street, or of any of the Persons who carried it, to be paid on their Conviction. THOS. LUBBOCK, Sword- bearer. ROBERT BOWEN FEELS it incumbent upon him to return his sincere thanks to his Friends for their favours in the Retail MALT and COAL Trades, and begs to. acquaint them, that he has now a Stock of NEW MAlT, made from picked barley, ready for delivery. R. B. would deem it uncandid to use means to get away the customers of his neighbours in the same trade, either by personal application or otherwise, but wherever he is favoured with a preference he will study to merit it, by exerting his efforts to please. N B. Malt and Hops, Barley, Oats, Beans, Peas, & c, by retail, and Coals as usual. S. MARTIN RETURNS his sincere thanks to his nume- rous Friends for the very liberal support expe- rienced in the. CABINET . Busiscaa, and allures them, the nobility and gentry of this and the neigh- bouring counties, that it shall be his constant en- deavour to merit their encouragement, by redoubling His exertions to produce specimens in that line equal to the best productions of London. He now begs leave to inform them, that in Order to enable htm to execute the UPHOLSTERY business in a manner equally elegant, which the near connection of the two trades renders necessary, he has entered into Partnership with Mr. J, SMITH, who. has had seVeral year's experience as an upholsterer in Lon- don and Paris, and who now with himself solicits their patronage. A MAN Wanted in the Uphostery line— none need apply but those who are proficients in the business, -' -- WYMONDHAM, NORFOLK. BOARDING and DA Y SCHOOL, Under the Management of M. and H. BALE. THE Ladies and Gentlemen of Wy- MONDeAM, its Vicinity, and the Public in ge- neral, are respectfully informed, that M. and H. BALE have engaged a very, commodious and conve- nient House near tiie Church, for the reception and Educating, of YOUNG LADIES, in ENGLISH GraMMaR, RECITATION, geography, the Use of the Globes, and the various BRANCHES of plAIN and FANCY NEEdleWORK. Terms, with respectable references, and further particulars will appear in future advertisements, French, Drawing, Writing, Arithmetic, and all other- useful and elegant accomplishments, by able and esteemed Masters. The School will commence after the Christ- mas Recess. Wymondham, Nov. 3, 1805. BY THE KING'S PATENT. BALL'S Improved Thrashing Machines. FROM repeated applications, the Patentee has determined to make some of the above Machines on a' scale calculated for the; power of two horses only which, with those 0n the present scale for the power of. four horfes, he offers to the public, With multiplying wheels and portable appa- ratus complete, to be delivered from London, Nor- wich, Cambridge and Halstead. Four posts for the larger machines, and two for the smaller ones ( to be provided by the purchaser), are required to be fixed at each situation where such machine may be occasionally wrought, and proper persons are appointed to erect the same in all the eastern and southern counties, as they will be' in every principal county in the kingdom. N. B. Letters addressed to the Patentee, Norwich, or Mr. James Ball, No. 13, Marine Crescent, Dockhead- road, Bermondsey, l. ondon, will be duly attended to. In our preceding columns will be found the official accounts of the glorious VICTORY obtained over the Combined Fleets of France and Spain, off Cadiz, 0n the 21st, of Oc- tober last; though most, dearly purchased in the loss of our beloved countryman, LORd nELSON, TO these most- interesting and affecting details we are enabled to add the following authentic particulars respecting the departed HERO of the Nile, who drew his first breath IN this county, who lived and conquered for his country; glory, and who perished in her cause ! When Lord Nelson found that by his skil- ful manoeuvres he had placed the Enemy in such a situation that they could not avoid an engagement, he displayed the utmost anima- tion & his usual confidence of victory ; he said to Captain Hardy, and the other Officers, who surrounded him on the quarter- deck, " Now they cannot escape us; I think we shall at least make sure of 20 of them. I shall probably lose a Leg, but that will be " purchasing a Victory cheaply." - About two hours before the. close of the Action, his Lordship received a wound in the shoulder from a musket- Ball which was fired from the tops of the Santissima Trinidada with which ship he was closely engaged. The ball pe- netrated his breast, and he instantly Fell; he was immediately carried below, and the Surgeons pronounced, the wound mortal; His Lordship lived about an hour, during the whole of which time he remained, perfectly collected, and displayed the same heroic mag- nanimity in his death, that had marked his conduct in every Action of his glorious Life.— A few minutes before he expired he ordered Captain Hardy to be called to him ; when the Captain came, he asked how many of the Enemy's Ships had struck; the Capl. replied that as nearly as he could ascertain, Fifteen Sail of the Line had struck their Colours. his Lordship then, with that fervent piety which as strongly marked his character as skill and courage, returned thanks to the Almighty ; then turning to Captain Hardy, he said, " I know I am dying. I could have wished to survive to breathe my last upon British ground, but the will of God be done." In a few moments he expired !!! Thus fell one of the best and bravest Men that ever graced the British Annals ; and thus ended the life of Horatio, Lord Nelson—- a life, that from the twelfth year of his age, has been indefatigably devoted to the public service. Upon such an occasion our readers will ex- cuse us for indulging oar feelings, and paying a short tribate to the Memory of LORD NELSON. This unrivalled ornament to the naval ser- vice of Great Britain, was born at Burnhain Thorpe, in this county, on the 29th of Sept. 1758. He entered the service at an early period of his life, was made a Lieutenant in 1777, and a Post Captain in 1779 He was Engaged in 124 actions with the enemy, in all of which his bravery and skill were con- spicuous. He was always as forward as pos- sible in action. He lost one eye at Calvi, in Corsica, and one arm at Teneriffe, and on all occasions proved that he thought his body as well as his mind were the property of his country. But his piety and hu- manity, were, as distinguished as his courage and his judgment. In the memorable battle of the Nile, which will be. recorded in the annals of mankind till the human race shall be wholly extinct, knowing that the wounded of his own ships would be taken care of, he bent his first attention to those of the enemy, He established a truce with the Commandant of Aboukir and through him made a com- munication to the Commandant of Alexan- dria., that it was his intention to allow all the wounded Frenchmen to be taken ashore to proper Hospitals with their own surgeons to attend them, a proposal which was assented to by the French and carried into execution ' the following day. . Thus, amidst all the glow of patriotism and the exultation of vic- tory, the Hero did not, lose sight of humanity and a sense of compassion for his Suffer- ing fellow creatures; but what still gives a nobler lustre to his exalted character, he did not forget his duty and gratitude to that Being who had gifted him with his high faculties, and whose Providence had directed him to such a scene of glory to. himself and service to his country, and the general . cause of man- kind. On the morning after the victory, he issued the following memorandum to the dif- ferent Captains of his squadron, which deserves to be recorded in letters of gold, as a proof of pious gratitude, and an example to all who may be benefited by divine favour, und which appears to have been followed by Adm. Col- lingwood, on the present occasion. " Vanguard, off the Mouth of the Nile, Aug. 1, 1798. " Almighty God having blessed his Majesty's arms with victory, the Admiral intends returning Public Thanksgiving for the same at two, o'clock this day, and he recommends every Ship doing the same as soon as convenient. [ To the respective Captains of the Squadron.] Such were the splendid talents,, the heroic energy, the elevated piety, and the unparal- leled services of this distinguished man ; and as his death must be considered as a national loss, it ought to be the. subject of a general mourning. Lord Viscount Nelson was in the 43th year of his age, and is succeeded in his titles and estates by the Rev. Dr. Nelson, Preben- dary of Canterbury, his Lordship's only brother. On the receipt of the important news here, 011 Thursday, the bells in the several parishes were raised, and they continued ringing and firing throughout the day; but all the joy that would have arisen from the victory was wholly absorbed in sorrow and regret for the death of Lord Nelson.— Glorious and gallant Shade of our Nelson, farewell! . Many are the tears which have been shed in grief for thy me- mory, and admiration for thy last atchieve- ment! For ages to come, may his name prove a talisman of inspiration to the heart of every British seaman, and every British sol- dier, in every clime, and in every future com- bat with our inveterate enemies!.. We have happily in St. Andrew's Hall, an excellent portrait of this Great Man; and we. should rejoice to see a statue erected by pub- lic subscription, to his immortal memory, and placed in some eligible situation in this his native county. Monday last, the Rev. I. F. B. Bohun, A. M. Rector of Depden and Domestic Chap- lam to the Right, Hon. Earl O'Neil, was li- censed to the Perpetual Curacy of Rumburgh with St. Michael South Elmham annexed, in Suffolk, on the nomination of the Rev. Bence Bence, --- On Tuesday, the Rev. Henry Patte- son, A. B. was instituted to the rectory of Drinkstone;' in Suffolk, on his own petition, he being the Patron thereof,— And on Thurs- day, the Rev. Wm. Carpenter Ray, LL. B. was instituted to the vicarage of Pakenham, in Suffolk, on the presentation of the Right Hon. Lord Calthorpe. On Sunday, the 17th inst, a Sermon will be preached at St. Peter's Mancroft Church, by the Lord Bishop of Norwich, for the Be- nefit of the Charity Schools in this City.— The Service will begin at half- past 3 o'clock, and an Anthem will be sung by the Choir from the Cathedral. Major Generals Andrew Cowell, and John Money, are appointed to be Lieutenant- Ge- nerals, in the Army, Thursday last, Lieut- General Money gave an elegant dinner to a select party, at Crown Point ; and afterwards a hall, which was nu- merously attended. At a General Court of the Corporation of Guardians, held on Tuesday last,: the report of the Committee appointed to consider of the propriety of a new valuation of the as- sessable property within this city and ham- lets, was taken into consideration, and ano- ther Committee was appointed- to obtain fur- ther information from the Churchwardens and Overseers, or any of the inhabitants of each parish, in this city, or to take any other mea- sures which they might deem adviseable on that subject. And at the same Court, the Report of the Provision Committee was also taken into consideration, and a Com- mittee Was appointed to superintend the in- ternal management of the workhouse, with full powers to carry into effect, all or any of the measures recommended to be adopted by such report. The lovers of the fine arts will be highly gratified to hear, that the exquisite fine picture of Bellisarius, the chef d'oeuvre of Salvator Rosa, in the possession of the Marquis Town- shend, is again placed in its magnificent frame at Rainham, after having, been in a case in London nearly two years, and that it hangs in more advantageous light than formerly. Tuesday morning last, a meeting took place on Moushold Heath, between Mr. W—, and - Mr. G—, attended by Mr. A—, on the part of Mr. G—, and Mr. d —, on that of Mr. It was agreed that tbe parties - should fire together, but Mr. G — having received his adversary's fire, discharged his pistol in tlie air, upon which the seconds interfered, and by their means, a reconciliation took place. Three shares of No. 7,175, drawn a prize of; 5001. were sold in this city; two of them to a club, and one to a lady.' At Swaffham fair, on Monday last, there was a large shew of sheep, lambs, neat stock, and horses, but the sale was dull and prices rather lower. ! BIRTHS.— In Grosvenor- square, the Right Hon, Lady Petre, of a son.— At West Basham, the Hon. Mrs. Balders, of a son. Monday last. was married, Mr. Joseph Cock wine merchant, of this city, to Miss Beverley daughter of Mr. M. Beverley, of Tibbenham. Thursday last was married, Mr. William Wea- therhead, furgeon, of Shipdham,. to Miss Salter, of Whinbergh. Friday last died, at North Walsham, in her 78th year, Mrs. Drake, relict of the late Mr. Thomas Drake, late of Meyton- hall. ' Monday last died, Master John Sparshall, aged about 4 years, son of Mr. Edmund Sparshall, wine- merchant, St. Clement's. Tuesday last died, sincerely lamented by her fa- mily and friends, in the 21st year of her age, Miss Anne Akers, daughter Mr. C. Akers, Bank- street; she bore a lingering illness with exemplary patience. Thursday last died, at Mr. Fletcher's, Dove- lane, Mrs. Nursey, aged 60. Monday last, as Mr. Mayston, of Wymond- ham, was discharging his gun at a rabbit, at his father's, at Bintree, the gun burst, a piece of which was observed to go over his right shoulder, but luckily no injury was sus- tained; Conveyed to the Hospital, Edward Kin- gaby, of Hingham, with a wound in the eye. The prisoners in the City Gaol return thanks to the Mayor and Corporation for 10s. worth of beer, on the 5th of November. , E. HENNANT solicits the attention of her Friends and the Public to a large and fashionable assortment of MILLINERY, PRINTS, FIRS,. & c. on Monday, the 18th inst. and respect- fully offers her best acknowledgments for past favours, Fakenham, Nov. 7, 1805 N. B. An Apprentice Wanted. — Letters ( post paid) will. be attended to. Charity for Clergymen's Widows, & c. in Norwich and Norfolk. THE Governors will hold a General Court on Monday, the 3d day of December next, in the Dean and Chapter's Audit Room, in the Close, at Twelve o'clock, pursuant to their charter, for settling tbe yearly Accounts, making a Dividend, and electing annual Officers,— The Stewards are re- quested to send their Collections, and the Widows, & r. applying for their Dividends, the usual Certifi- cates, to the Rev. Mr. Parr, Treasurer to the Charity. W. Y. C. THE WYMONDHAM TROOP will meet on Mulbarton Common on Monday, Nov. n, 1805, at Ten o'clock, in complete Marchinrg order. WM. WODEHOUSE, Captain. Kimberley, Nov. 6tth. MAJOR BACON and the OFFICERS of the NORWICH RlFLE CORPS invite their Comrades to DINE at the AssEMbly- RooMs, 0n Wednesday next, that they may celebrate together the late Glorious Victory atchieved by their gallant and lamented countryman off Cape Trafalgar. Tickets are ready to issue at the Quarter- Masters. This is to give Notice, THAT SPRING GUNS and STEEL TRAPS are actually sfet in the Park, Woods, and Plantations belonging to the Hon. W. A. HAR- BOrD, in Blickling and Oulton; therefore people are requested to be cautious of Trespassing therein. BlICKLINg, November7th, 1805. .. WANTS A sITUATION, A YOUNG PERSON, as COMPANION to a LADY, or to assist in a Gentleman Farmer's Family.— Apply by letters, poft paid, to W. T. No. 3, St. Benedict's Church- yard, Norwich. Nov. 8th, 1805. WANTED, a JOURNEYMAN MIL- LER, as Flour Dresser in a Water Mill.— Enquire at the Printing- office.— No objection to a married man, with a small family. Letters post- paid TO MALTSTERS. SUCH Persons as are willing to contract for the delivery of Malt, between this time and Michaelmas next, at the Great Hospital, in Nor- wich, in such quantities monthly as shall be wanted, are desired to deliver their proposals in writing, sealed up, at the Town Clerk's Office, before Twelve o'clock, 0n Wednesday the 4th day of December next. The whole quantity required will not be less than 100 combs. [ Nov. 6th, 1805. YARMOUTH, Nov. 1. Sailed, yesterday, the squadron under Rear Admiral Russel, for the Texel, viz.. the Ma- jestic, ( flag ship) Elephant, Princess, of Orange, Stately, Agincourt, Dictator, and Astrea.— Also, the Cruize; and Imogene brigs, for the Downs, and Vixen gun- brig, with convoy for Tonningen. Remain in the roads, the Roebuck, Rear- Adm. Douglas's flag ship, Ruby, and For ward gun- brigs. On Monday, De Vron Elizabeth, Stevens, from Dantzic, with timber, was sent in by the Musquito : and Jacdron de Land, Jacob- son, from Amsterdam for Topsham, with geneva, by the Astrea frigate. This day was married, Andrew Fountain, Esq. of Narford, to Miss Penrice, eldest daughter of Thomas Penrice, Esq. of this place. Same day was married, Mr. Samuel Ebbs, of Lowestoft, to Miss Mary Crickmay, of this place. ARRIVED the 1st inst. Susanna, Miles; Providence, Theobald; Constant Trader, Plowman ; and Ceres, Ottey, from London, with goods.— 2d, John Bull, Pye, from Hull with do. 10 laden colliers. SAILED the 2d inst. Samuel, Reil, and William, Haill, for London, with corn; Herring, Warren, for Colchester, - with . do.— 3d, Success, Brand, for London, with herrings; Armin, Batly, for Hull, with goods; Busy, Ives., for Gainsborough, with corn ; Charmer, Baxfield, and Yare, Holland, for Hull, with do; Leda, Silvers, and Mary, Man- ship, for Scotland, with do.; Astley, Ellard, for London, with do.; Brothers, Rainer, for New- castle, with do.— 4th, Minerva, Gribble, for Lon- don, with do. from Dantzic.— 5th, Hannah, Mar- shall, for do. with do.; Rose in June, Snout, for do. with herrings; Young Richard, Jay, and Ga- briel, Rowley, for Hamburgh, with wine; Favo- rite, Pike, for Scotland, with corn.— 6th, En- deavour, Foreman, for Gainsborough, with do.; Iris, Lircham, for Newcastle, with fruit; 16 light colliers. CAMBRIDGE, Nov. 7. On Monday the Rev. Dr. Turner, Master of Pembroke- hall, and Dean of Norwich, was elected Vice- Chancellor of this University for. the ensuing year. William Hunt, Esq. barrifter- at- law, and Fellow of King's college, is appointed Assessor to the Chancellor of this University. Mr. John Hussey, of St. John's, and Messrs. Thos. Hyde Ripley . aud Martin Thackeray, Fel- low; of Kings- college were on Thursday admitted Bachelors- of Arts. To Debtors and Creditors. ALL Persons having any demand upon the Estate and Effects of THOMAS YOUNGE, late of WATTON, in Norfolk, Shopkeeper, deceased, are requested to send an account thereof to his Ad- ministrators, Edward Younge, Philip Younge, and Christopher Dinmore, all of Watton aforesaid, in order that such demands may be forthwith dif- charged— And all Persons who stood indebted to the said deceased are requested to pay their respective Debts to the same Administrators. , Notice to Creditors. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Credi- tors of THOMAS CROW, late of North Repps, in Norfolk, Farmer, who have delivered in their accounts to Mr. Benjamin Bareham, of Lower Sherringham, Merchant; or Mr. Edmund Pull, of Bradfield. Farmer, the Trustees of the Effects, may receive a dividend of Six Shillings- and Eightpence in the Pound upon their respective Debts, by apply- ing to Mr. Wm. Forster, Attorney, at North Wal- sham, in the said County, at any time after the 14th inst. at whose Office the Trustees' accounts are left for the inspection of the Creditor's. North Walsham, Nov. 1, 1805 Notice to Creditors. THE Creditors of THOMAS SCOTT, late of Bawdeswell, in Norfolk, are. requested to deliver an account of the Debts due to them, to Mr. John Young, of Foulsham ; or to Messrs. Gur- ney, Webb and Son, on or before , the 16th day of November inst; and they arc also requested to meet the Trustees of Mr. Scott's Estate, at the Bull lnn, , in Magdalen- street Norwich, on tbe 30th day of November instant, at three o'clock in the afternoon, in order to examine their Accounts, and to receive a Dividend up on the Debts due to the Creditors, WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth against JOHN NICHOLS, of Earsham, in the county of Norfolk, Butcher., Dealer and Chapman, and he being de- clared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major part of them, on the second. day of December next, at' four o'clock in the - after- noon, 011 the third day- - of December next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and 0m the twenty fourth day of December next, at ' ten o'clock in the fore-, lioon, at the house of Henry Blunderfield, Called or known by the name Or sign of the Tuns Inn, in Bun- gay, in the county of Suffolk, and make a full dis- covery and disclosure of his Estate and Effects, when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, at the second sitting to chuse As- signees, and, at the last sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his Examination, and the Credi- tors are to assent to or dissent from the allowance of his Certificate. All persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or who have any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give notice to Messrs. Tarrant and Moule, No. 19, Chancery- lane, London ; or to Mr. Kingsbury, attorney, Bungay, Suffolk. On Monday Night,. the 18th, or early on Tuesday Morning, the 29th of Oct. out. of a Piece of Land belonging to Mr. Wm. Bidewell, of Weston, in Norfolk, ALIGHT- BAY CART HORSE, seven years old off, has a White shim down his face, about fifteen hands afid a Half high, has marks from the whip 0n his flank on the near side, and a small knot on his back, with hanging mane and switch tail. If strayed, whoever will bring the said horse to the owner, shall receive ONE GUINEA reward, and all reasonable charge's; but if stolen, whoever will bring the offender or offenders to justice, shall re- ceive a reward of FIVE GUINEAS, over and above what is allowed bv Act of Parliament. - October 31, 1805. To be Sold by Private Contract AVERY DESIRABLE ESTATE, at Hingham, in Norfolk ; consisting of a good and substantial Farm- house, barn, stable, and other necessary outbuildings, in excellent repair, and about 45 Acre's of rich arable, and pasture land, in a high state of cultivation, now in the occupatiOn of Enoch Calver, who will shew the premisses. The whole is freehold, and the land- tax redeemed.— Possession may be had at Michaelmas next. Apply personaliy, or by letters post- paid, to Messrs. Webb and Carthew, Solicitors, Pulham and Har- leston ' To be- SOLD by Private Contract. AFREEHOLD ESTATE, pleasantly situ- ated in South Lynn ; comprising a neat and convenient Dwelling house, in South Lynn aforesaid, next the street, opposite to a piece of ground called the Friars; consisting of a parlour and keeping- room, on the ground floor, in front, and three chambers, with a kitchen, back kitchen, pantry, and other suitable offices — Also a yard and cistern ' therein, and a neat garden at the back part thereof. The above premises are moderately assessed to the Land- tax, the Parochial Rates particularly small, and the bulldings in good repair. Possession may be had immediately. For price and further particulars, apply to Mr. Smetham, Attorney, Lynn. ( And may be entered upon on the 11th Oct 1807 A VERY DESIRABLE ESTATE situate at Banham, In Norfolk ; consisting of a capital Farm- house, barn, stable, and other requisite out buildings all in good repair, with 114 Acres ( more or less) of excellent Land, in a high state of cultivation. N. B. Part of the above Estate is Freehold, and other part Copyhold. For price and further particulars apply to Mr. DANIEL FULLER, Pulham Market. Norfolk. By ZACHARIAH INGlETON, On Friday, November the 22d, 1805, at the sign of the. Green Man, East Derham, between the hours of three and five in the afternoon, unless disposed of before the 14th of this inst. November, of which timley notice will be given in this paper, AVery desirable small ESTATE, in Gar- vestone; consisting of a messuage, barn, stable, cow- house, & c. garden, well planted with choice fruit- trees, with eleven acres, more or less, of rich arable Land, in a high state of cultivation, all in ring- fence, Copyhold of the Manor of Whinberg on the part of Garvestone, fine certain. . This Estate is moderately assessed to the Land- tax, and has an unlimited Right of Common over and upon those extensive Commons in Garvestone. - Possession may be had immediately if required. For further particulars enquire of Mr. Dixon Lock, of Reymerstone, who will shew the premises. At the Ship Tavern, Great Yarmouth, on Tuesday, 19th November, 1805, for Home Consumption, 26 677 EDAM CHEESES, the entire ' Cargo of the Wilhelm Jacob Van der Wiel, Master.. The Cheese to be viewed and catalogues had, by applying to Messrs T. and A. H. Steward, ten days previous to the sAle. At the Star Tavern in Great Yarmouth, on Wed- nesday, the 20th of Nov. 1805, at Twelve o'clock ' THE Good DOGGER DE HOOP, con- denmed as prize to his Majesty's gun- brig, Censor— admeasures 85 tons— together with the Cargo of Dutch Pickled Herrings— She has a round stern, is strongly built, and may' at a small expence, be converted into a handy vessel for the coasting trade, or any other her burthen will suit. The vessel to be viewed and inventories had by applying to Mr. J. S. Richards, six days previous to sale.— At the" same time will be Sold her Fishing Nets, Net Ropes, and other Fishing Stores. By Mess.; BACON & ATHOW, On Monday, November 11, and five following even- ings at the Repository, Back of the Inns, Norwich, A Large and valuable COLLECTION of BOOKS. & c, amongst which are Shakespears's Works, Poole's Annotations, 4 vols, quarto, Pal- las's Travels in Russia, 4 vols, fine paper, hour, 4, with plates, Billiardiere's Voyage in Search of Py- rouse, 1 vols, and a large volume of plates, Sermons de Saurin, 12 vols. Voltaire's Works, ao vols. Ray- nell's East and West Indies, ro vols. Smith's Flora Britannica, vols. 1 and 2. Tillotson's Works, 3 vols, folio, Shakespeare's Works,- 8 vols, Newton on the Prophecies, Janson's Atlas folio, Holden's Para- phrase, & c. History of the" Borough's', Boneti Sepul- chretum Anotomium, 3 vols. folio, a large quantity- of fine letter paper,. Morocco pocket book, purses, & c. and a collection of music for the piano forte, German flutes, & c. The Sale begins each everting at Six o'clock. Ca- talogues of the whole Sale to- be had of the Auc- tioneer, and of Mr Bacon, near Biiggs's- lane. LYTTLETON's NEW HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Including a faithful and accurate account of all the momentous events from the landing of Julius Caesar to the commencement of hostilties with France in 1803. Illustrated with upwards of 130 engravings, descriptive of the most prominent cir- cumstances in the various Reigns, and Portraits of all the Sovereigns Who have swayed the Sceptre of Britain, from, William the Conqueror, to his present Majesty. George. III. , This day is published, price, only 6d. Containing sixteen quarto pages or letter- press, ele- gantly, printed 011 new types, and superfine demy paper; embellished with a most superb Frontis- piece, from an original drawing by Thurston, and engraved in the first stile by C. Warren, Number 1. ( the succeeding nunbers to be published weekly) of ANew and complete. HisTORY of ENG- LAND, drawn from genuine sources of in- formation, established by the concurrent testimony of the most celebrated Writers; and collated with original manuscripts and records in the British Mu- seum, Bodleian Library, Gazettes, State Papers, and other official document's; By GEORGE COURTNEY LYTTLETON, Esq. The events of the late, conceit with France, so eminently glorious to the Army and Navy of Great Britain, and which has immortalized the national courage of Englishmen, shall be faithfully registered in this authentic Chronicle, with all the care, cir- cumspection, and impartiality due to their import- ance ; Whilst the domestic events of the Empire will meet the most circumstantial aud impartial detail. In a word, every endeavour shall be exerted to ren- der this performance a complete History of THE BRITISH EMPIRE, a work at all times interest- ing to every inhabitant of this country, more parti- cularly at this important juncture, which demands all the ardour and energy of Englishmen to repel the insolence of an arrogant and rapacious foe. FINE EDITION. To accommodate the admirers of Elegant Print- ing and superior embellishments, a few copies are printed 011 the finest wove vellum paper, hot pressed, with proof impressions of the plates, coloured maps, and elegant vignette title pages. Price One Shilling each number, Exclusive of the Historical Engravings, and Portraits of the Sovereigns, will be given, a large whole- sheet. chart of the Opposite Coasts of England and France, and whole sheet Maps of England, Scotland, and Ireland. The paper and type, as well as the superb en- gravings already mentioned, will be such as to vie, in taste and magnificence, with the most capital pro- ductions of the age. The whole of this history, which includes- every event from the landing of Julius Caesar to the war of 1803, is just printed off, and may be had in 120 numbers, price 6d. each, by one or more weekly, or in three vols, handsomely bound in calf and let- tered, price 3I. 18s, In order to render this work as complete as pos- sible,, the author is now publishing, price one shilling each number, LONDON, Tuesday, Nov. 5. THE disastrous accounts received from the. Continent last week are fully confirm- ed by the arrival of Paris papers to the 20th ult. and Dutch to the 2d inst, received on Sunday. The brief summary of the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th, Bulletins of the Grand Army, is, that on the 13th ult. Marshal Soult having taken Memmingen with 6000 prisoners, and the Austrian army at Ulm being completely surrounded by the other French divisions, there capitulated in Ulm, on the 19th, with General Mack thirty- three thousand Austrians, delivering sixty pieces of cannon and fifty stands of colours to their conquerors; that another Austrian di- vision under General Werneck and seven Generals, surrendered near Nordlingen, on the same day, to Prince Murat; that the escort of the heavy baggage of the Austrian army, with the baggage itself of course, were cap- tured, on the 18th, near Bopfingen, by Ge- neral Fauconnet, and that upon the whole out of 100,000 men, composing the Austrian army in Bavaria, 60,000 have been taken prisoners, with their whole park of artillery and 200 pieces of cannon. Bonaparte's own as- sertion is, that his own loss in these atchieve- metits amounts only to 1500, rapid marches and brilliant manoeuvres having been substi- tuted for battles. The Bulletins further say, that of the army Of 84,000 men, under the command of the Archduke Ferdinand and General Mack, not more than 210,000 men remain to Austria. It is added, that General Murat pursued the Archduke Ferdinand, and took 3000 prisoners from his retreating division. It. does not ap- pear by these Bulletins that there was any hard fighting between the two armies; Mack and the Austrian Generals are stated to have surrendered without any desperate conflicts. [ In the capitulation of Ulm, General Mack agreed, that if not relieved by an Austrian or Russian army by the 25th at Midnight, his forces should march out prisoners of war— the men to be sent to France, the Officers to Austria on parole. Without waiting;, however, till the stipulated term had expired, General Mack agreed to new articles, by which, in consequence of Marshell Berthier de- claring, upon his honour, that the positions of the French army were such as to render any assistance to Ulm impossible, it was stipulated that the Aus- trians shouid march out on the 20th, ( except Mar- shal Ney's corps) which enabled Bonaparte to pro- ceed to Augsburg on the 21st, to head the army proceeding to the Inn ] The Emperor took his station, from two o'clock in the afternoon to seven in. the even- ing, of the 20th of Oct. on the heights near Ulm, where the Austrian prisoners marched past him. The French army were posted on the heights. The Emperor, surrounded by his life Guards, sent for the Austrian Gene- rals and kept them with him until their troops had filed off. He treated them with the ut- most. distinction. There were present besides the General in Chief Mack, eight Generals, and seven Lieutenant- Generals. The first column of the prisoners at Ulm have just begun its march for France. The following is a statement of the total of the prisoners, with their present situation :— 10,000 at Augsburg, 33,000 at Ulm, 12,000 at Donawerth, and 12,000 already on their march for France. The 9th Bulletin states " that the Emperor Napoleon addressed the Austrian Generals, whom he sent for, as their army were filing past him in the following terms:—" Gentle- men, your master carries on an unjust war. I tell you plainly, I know not for what I am fighting; I know not what can be required of me. It is not in this army alone that my re- sources consist, tho' were this the case, I should be still able fo make head with it; but I shall appeal to the testimony of your own prisoners of war, who will speedily pass through France; they will observe with their own eyes, the spirit which animates my peo- ple, and with what eagerness they flock to my standards. This is the prerogative of my nation, and my condition. At a single word, 200,000 volunteers crowd to my standard, and in six weeks become good soldiers; whereas your recruits only march from com- pulsion, and do not become good soldiers but after several years. I would give my brother, the Emperor of Germany, one further piece of advice— let him hasten to make peace. This is the crisis, when he must recollect all states must have an end: The idea of the approach- ing extinction of the dynasty of Lorraine must impress him with terror, I desire nothing up- on the Continent. I want ships, colonies, arul commerce; and it is as much your inter- . st as mine that I should have, them." M. Mack replied, ' that the Emperor of Germany had no wish for war, but was compelled to it by Russia.' 4 If that be the case,' said the Emperor, ' then you are no longer a Power.' " Most of the Generals have confessed how disagreeable this war was to them, and how much they were affected to see a Russian army in their country. They rejected a blind system of politics which would bring into the centre of Europe a people accustomed to live in an un- cultivated country and in the field, and which, as well as its forefathers, might once take a fancy to settle in a milder climate. The Em- peror has treated Lieut.- Gen. Klenau ( whom he knew as commander of the regiment of Wurmser) with much civility, as also the Lieut- Gens. Ginlay, Gettersheim, Ries, and the Prince of Lichtenstein, & c. comforting . them in their misfortunes, and telling them that the. war has its chances, and that they who had frequently been Conquerers, might be conquered in their turn." , The tenth Builletin, dated Augsburg, Oct. 22, state's, that on the capitulation of Gen. Wer- neck, near Nordlingen, Prince Ferdinand, With a body of 1000 horse; and a portion of artillery, had taken to flight.: he, threw him- self into the Prussian territory, and took the route by for Nuremberg. . Prince Murat followed on his heels, and succeeded in overtaking him; which gave rise to a battle on the road between Furth and Nuremberg, in the night of the 21st. All the rest of the park of artillery, and all the baggage, without exception, were taken. The Chasseur's a Cheval of the Imperial Guard covered themselves with glory; they overthrew every thing which opposed them; they | charged Mack's regiment of Cuirassiers, The march of Prince Murat from Albeck to Nuremburg is truly astonishing. Though constantly engaged, he gained on the enemy, who were two days march before him. The result of that prodigious activity was the taking of I6OO waggons, 50 pieces Of cannon, and 10,000 men, including those capitulated with Gen. Werneck.— Eighteen Generals have laid down their arms. The Emperor has made a present to the Ba- tavians of 20,000 Austrian fusils for the army and the National Guards, he has also made a present to the Elector of Wirtemberg of six pieces of Austrian cannon. During the ma- noeuvre of Ulm, the Elector of Wirtemberg was, for a moment, apprehensive for his Elec- tress and family, who then went to Heidelberg, and he disposed his troops to defend the heart of his States. The Austrians are detested by all Ger- many, well convinced that, without France, Austria would treat them like its hereditary States. No idea can be formed of the mi- sery of the Austrian army— they are paid in notes, by which they lose forty per cent. Our soldiers pleasantly call the Austrians ' paper soldiers'. They are without any cre- dit. The House of Austria could not any where borrow 10,000 francs. The Generals themselves have not seen a piece of gold for ; several years. The English, when they heard of the invasion of Bavaria, made a j little present to the Emperor of Austria, which has not rendered him more rich ; they have engaged to remit him the 48 millions which they had lent him during the last war. If this be an advantage to the House of Aus- tria, it has already paid pretty dear for it. A Bulletin from the Army of Italy states, that on the 18th ult. an attack was made 011 the bridge of the old Castle of Verona ; the wall which blocked up the bridge in the mid- dle was battered down, and 21 companies of light troops, with the first division, crossed to the other side of the Adige, The AuS- trians fought with the utmost obstinacy till dark.— The Bulletin adds, that they were driven from all their positions, and lost 1300 killed and wounded, and as many prisoners. It was reported in Germany on tbe 22d, that the Emperor of Germany has demanded a cessation of hostilities, and that Bonaparte replied be would consent, provided the Em- peror sent back the Russians, relinquished his alliance with England, and surrendered Venice and the Tyrol to France. " Recollect, that the most remote posterity will remark the conduct of each of you on this memo- rable day. Your progeny, five hundred years hence, who may place themselves under those eagles around which we rally, will know in detail every thing that your respective corps shall at- chieve to morrow, and the manner in which your courage shall confer on them eternal celebrity. This will consitute the perpetual subject of their conversation ; and, from age to age, you will be held up to the admiration of future generations. " Soldiers, if I wished only to conquer tbe enemy, I should not have thought it necessary to make an appeal to your courage, and your attachment to the country and to my person ; but merely to con- quer him is doing nothing worthy either of you or your Emperor. It is necessary that not a man of the enemy's army shall escape; and that that Go- vernment, which has violated all its engagements, shall first learn its catastrophe by your arrival under the walls of Vienna; and that, on receiving this fatal intelligence, its conscience, if it listens to the voice of conscience, shall tell it, that it has betray- ed both its solemn promises of peace, and the first of its duties bequeathed by its ancestors, with the power of forming the rampart of Europe against the eruptions of the Cossacks. " Soldiers, who have been engaged in the affairs of Wertingen and Guntzburg, I am satisfied with your conduct. Every corps in the army will emu- late you, and I shall be able to say to my people— " Your Emperor and your army have done their duty." Perform yours, and the 200,000 conscripts whom I have summoned will hasten, by forced marches, to reinforce our second line. October 18. " NAPOLEON." " By order of the Emperor and King, the Ma- jor- Gen. of the Grand Army, " BERThiER." Thursday morning, at five o'clock, the steam corn mill, at Attercliffe, was discovered to be on fire. The flames burst through the windows, and raged with such destructive and inextin- guishable fury, that nothing could be saved. The roof fell in about six o'clock. All the grain, machinery, & c. See. were consumed. The loss must be very great. The French prisoners of war confined at Norman Cross, it appears, have of late been very successful in making their escape; several of them have, however, been retaken. on the 26th ult. seven broke through a large hole which they had cut in the wood ; but on the next day they were discovered by a Serjeant and corporal of the Durham Militia, who succeeded in securing two of them, who proved to be a French Naval Captain, and a Midshipman. On Monday two more were taken in Uffington Thicket; the. other three are still at large. On Tuesday morning three men were discovered loitering about on Fries- ton shore, by a fisherman, who seized and conducted them to Boston, whence they had escaped on the 23d ult. IMPERIAL PROCLAMATION. " Head- Quarters, at Elchingen, near Ulm, Oft. 2t. " Soldiers of the Grand Army,— In 15 days we have made a campaign. What we proposed to ourselves has been accomplished. We have driven the troops of the House of Austria from Bavaria, and established our Ally in the Sovereignty of his estates. The army, which with so much ostenta- tion and imprudeuce came upon our frontiers, is now destroyed. But of what importance is this to England ? her end is fulfilled. We are no longer at Boulogne, and her subsidy will be neither more nor less. Of 100,000 men which composed this army, 60,000 are prisoners. Tbey will go and replace our conscripts in the labour of our fields 1 Two hundred pieces of artillery— all the park— 90 stand of colours, and all the Generals are in our power. There has not escaped from this army more than 15,000 men. Soldiers, I had announced to you a great battle, but thanks to the bad com- binations of the enemy, I have been able to pro- cure the same advantages without running any ha- zard ; and what is without example in the history of nations, we obtained these great results with the loss of only 1500 men hars de combat. Soldiers, this ' success is owing to your unbounded confidence in your Emperor, to your patience in bearing fa- tigues and privations of every kind, and to your rare intrepidity. But we do not rest here. You are impatient to commence a second campaign, the Ruffian army, which the gold of England has transported from the extremity of the universe, is about to experience the same fate. This attack more especially belongs to the honour of the in- fantry. The question is now put for the second time, which has already been decided in Switzer- land and Holland— whether the French infantry is the first or second in Europe ? There are 110 Gene- rals there in the conflict, with whom I can acquire any glory. My effort will be to obtain victory with the smallest possible effusion of blood.— My soldiers are my children. NAPOLEON." Address of the Emperor to his Soldiers. The evening before the surrender of Ulm, the Emperor issued the following Address. " Soldiers— A mouth ago we were encamped on the shores of the Ocean opposite to England; but an impious league compelled us to fly towards the Rhine. It is but a fortnight since we passed that river, and the Alps of Wirtemberg, the Nec- ker, and the Danube, aud the Lech; those cele- brated barriers of Germany have not retarded our march a day, an hour, or an instant. Indignation against a Prince whom we have twice re- seated on his throne, when it depended entirely on our pleasure to hurl him from it, supplied us with wings. The enemy's army, deceived by our manoeuvres, and the rapidity of our movements, is completly turned.— It now fights only for its safety. It would gladly embrace an opportunity of escaping and returning home ; but it is now too late. The fortifications which it erected, at a great expence along the Iller, expecting that we should advance through the passes of the Black Forefl, are become useless, since we have approached by the Plains of Bavaria. " Soldiers,— But for the army which is now in front of you, we should this day have been in London ; we should have avenged ourselves for si centuries of insults, and restored the freedom of the seas. But bear in mind, to- morrow, that you ' are fighting against the allies of England; that you have to avenge yourselves on a perjured Prince, whole own letters breathed nothing but peace, at the moment when he was marching his army against our Ally ; who thought us cowardly enough to suppose, that we would tamely witness his passage of the Inn, his entry into Munich, and his aggres- sion upon the. Elector of Bavaria. He thought We were occupied elsewhere; let him, for the ' third and last time, learn, that we know- how to be pre- sent in every place where the country has enemies to combat. ," Soldiers— To- morrow Will be an hundred times more celebrated than the day of Marengo. BIRTH.— The Lady of Dr. Macqueen, in South Audley- street, of a daughter. MARRIED— At St. James's Church, J. R. G. Hoppwood, Esq. of Hoppwood- hall, Lancashire, to Miss Byng, one" of her Majesty's Maids of Honour, daughter of the Hon. John Byng, and niece of Lord Viscount Torrington. W. Wayward, Esq. Captain in the South Essex Regt. of Militia, to Miss I. ouisa Kersteman, third daughto of J. Kersteman, Esq. of Loftmans, Paglesham, Essex.— Mr. Ely, merchant, of Woodbridge, to Miss Tailor, daughter of J B. Tailor, Esq. of Stowupland.— Mr. Isaac Sheldrake, of Aldham, farmer, to Miss Bird, of Stonham, Suf- folk:— Mr. A. Dorkin, of Ipswich, to Miss Batley.— Mr. Debnum, farmer, of Ellough, to Miss Juliens, of Shadingfield, near Beccles.— Mr. Barker, farmer, of Feltham, to Miss Mothersole, of Livermere, Suf- folk. DIED.— At Mount Pleasant, in the vicinity of Dublin, Dean Kirwan, the celebrated preacher. His disorder was a fever, which carried him off after a few days illness. The numerous charitable institutions of that city will long feel and lament his loss. Many of them owe their existence and pros- perity to his unparalleled exertions, where, regard- less of his infirm state of health, to use the language of Mr. Gratton, " in feeding the lamp of charity he almost exhausted the lamp of life."— At Bath, aged 95, Rev. D. Dumaresq, D. D. Prebendary of Sarum and Wells, and Rector of Yeovilton. Perhaps the uni- form conduct of no man in this or any other country in the world, came nearer to that of the primitive Christians in the Apostolic age, than that of this venerable divine during his long protracted life.— At the Queen's Palace, aged 84, Mrs. Briggs, the Deputy Housekeeper to her Majesty. She filled that situation for 44 years— On board the Hyaena frigate, in the West Indies, Capt. Edw. Nott, of the Royal Marines, son of the late Mr. Edw. Nott, of Stam- ford.— Aged 61, Robert Raynbird, Gent, of Wes- thorpe- hall, in Suffolk.— At Colchester, Mrs. Mills, wife of Mr. Mills, of that town, banker — Mr. W. Cant, of Colchester, an Assistant in the Corporation of that borough.— At Horningtheath, aged 18, Mr. Edw. Blundell, youngest son of Mr. James Blundell, of Laystone, Essex.— Mrs. Eliz. Patmore, agsd 77, widow of Mr. James Patmore, of Birchangcr, Essex, at whore interment her children, to the number of eighteen, followed her remains to the grave. There is a singular coincidence of circumstances between the above Mrs. Patmore and her husband's niece Mrs. Trott. They have both had eighteen children ; Mrs. Patmore, ten girls and eight boys ; Mrs. Trott, ten boys and eight girls; who all arrived at the age of maturity. They were both widows, lived in the same parish, and both their husbands were farmers. Mrs. Trott is now living.— In Islington- row, Mr R. Sleath, who kept the turnpike- gate at Worcester, when his Majesty paid a visit to Bishop Hurd, and would not suffer the retinue to pass without paying; he was afterwards Commonly called, " the Man who stopped the King." IMPROMPTU. On Wednesday last, old Robert Sleath Pass'd thro' the Turnpike- gate of Death, To him would Death no Toll abate, Who stopp'd the King, at Worc'ster Gate. I MR. PRINTEr Can hold no longer, but must speak my mind. I know that hundreds of men, such as I, think as I do, but nobody says so. Why should not 1? I mean as concerning the Mildew. And I think, that they that write about it know no more than I do; which is, that ' tis just as please God. I must tell you all I have heard about it, as first one thing, then another come in my way. Our newspaper of the 30th of March last, both pleased me at first sight, and puzzled me when I come to reading, so as nothing could be like it, more than any one as ever I remember. There was a fine letter in it from a fine spoken man, who, they tell me ( but that may be a mistake) is Secretary to the Agricultural Society. It was all about the Mildew— Aye! Aye ! says I, as soon as I heard 0n it, if that there Society that do so much good, have taken the matter in hand, and a Sir Joseph have made a whole book about it, I'll warrant ye, the business will soon be rightsided. We shall soon have done thumping and bumping the straw all to mammocks, and getting ten times more chaff than corn after all. And that's a main matter to me, Mr. Printer, that am a plain little hard- working farmer of the old sort, standing at a high rent. So I lets me down to read it very ear- nestly— for I would have you know that I can read; and pretty runnably too. I soon found that the Mildew is a fungus ; and then I read about pores and glumes, and how some of these here things germinate, and some of them are enveloped, and how this thing is parasitic, and cellular, and how something or other, but I don't know what, has a central position. All this, Mr. Printer, I do assure you, I have carefully wrote, word for word, and letter for letter, out in the paper, for I am sure, if I had pretended for to remember it, I should have made such blundering work, that the gentleman would never have known his own fine words again. Surely, surely, says I, this can have nothing to do with husband- ry— this can't be meant for such as I. Why ' tis Latin ! My poor old schooldame, I well remem- ber, when we came to a cramp word, used to tell us it was Latin, and bid us skip it. And so I was going to do with this. Howsomever, the Gentle- man said that it was all for the. instruction of farmers, and " particularly" of those who had no means of learning such things but by a weekly newspaper— which is exactly my case. So I went boldly all through, from great A to ampersand as the saying is; but, for the life of me, I could make out no more than what I have said, except that the fungus is first orange- coloured, and after- wards chocolate- coloured; but not one word about mending its complexion. I was looking sharp to be told how it comes about, and what is the rea- son of it, and when it is likely to come, and how it may be stopped ; but there is nothing of this sort, but the old story of the barberry- bush, which my old Grandmother used to talk of above 50 year ago, before ever Agricultural Societies were dreamed of; so there I got no new wrinkle, as they say— You understand me, Mr. Printer. And yet the Gentleman tells us again, at the last, that " all farmers ought to peruse this, as being of infi- nite importance ;" that they should all know about this same orange- coloured, chocolate- coloured, enveloped, parasitic, longitudinal, impersorate, cellular fungus which germinates in a central position, 0n pores and glumes. If it be so, quoth I, they must be a deal cuter than I, or they will read to special little purpose. So in all this puzzle, what should I do ? I takes my hat and stick, and walks over the green to our Parson. He goes partners with me and two more neighbours in the papers, and his turn is next to mine — Mayhap you may know him, Mr. Printer— Parson Sly — as clever a man, and as willing to give a neighbour advice, or do him a kindness, and a merry humoursome man too as any in the hundred of M d, to go no further. So I thought I would e'en ask him about it, and I gave him the paper, and put my thumb 0n the place.—- Let's see, Sam, says he, let's see— and he puts on his barnacles, and begins to read; looking very grave, and rub- bing and scratching his bald pate, and screwing up his face, and curling his forehead, and seeming to be right on in a puzzle and a quandary. At last he threw down the paper, and said— Neighbour Sam, says he, these here things are out in your way and mine ; what the Gentleman means I can- not conceive, but I dare say he is a very learned Gentleman, and a famous bottomist — But says I, I have been thinking of writing to the Printer to get all this explained— Let that alone, says he, I am afraid you would make but a poor hand on't. Howsomever, let's wait and see the upshot of the business. Well, Sir, not long after comes Mr. Sly, and. tells me that he has been enquiring about this bu- siness, and has heard from two or three very great agriculturists ( not farmers, Mr. Printer; no! not farmers) and had even read it in two or three places in print, that the Societies had found out, that Mildew always comes in cold and wet summers. — Now, says he, Sam, this is something to go upon, and between the two accounts we may come to some certainty about it. Surely no sum- mer was ever fitter for making proof of it than this. Till now very lately we have had nothing but cold and wet weather— we ought certainly to have had a lamentable Mildew. I determined to watch my wheat very closely. All the month of June, which they say is the most ticklish time, I was at it early and late; but not a single spot did I see, either of orange- colour or of chocolate- colour ; but I faw some yellowish stripes, where the land had been moist in winter. Oh, says I, there it is ! As sure as a gun that is a central position, and the mischief is coming! Howsomever, after all, harvest is come, and lo ! and behold I of all the five- and fifty years that I have been concerned, man and boy, : in shearing wheat, I never did once see the cosh fuller, nor the straw cleaner, nor more boke to the acre, no nor, I day say, more bushels to the acre neither. What a strange affair is this ! Being now more puzzled than ever with all the " useful and important things" I have learned about the Mildew, I went to the Parson again. He laughed and seemed mightily tickled with some joke I did not understand, and said — Sam, says he, now is your time ; print a string of Que- ries, it is the agricultural fashion— The Board of Agriculture did so when it was consulted by the Parliament— the Societies do so— and the Secre- tary, who has puzzled us so confoundedly, did so in his second letter. Give him a quid pro quo. Print your queries. That I would with all my heart, ( says I, if I knew what either of those things is. Why, says he, a query is any question that happens to come into your head, and quid pro quo is Latin, and means a question for a query; which, in the present case, for what I see, may be a very fair answer. Why then so I will, says I, for I am sure I can do something in that way. Aye, aye, do so, fays he, and bring your work to me when you have done, and I will look it over, and mend the spelling, that you may not make gentlefolk laugh, which I should be sorry for; but it shall all be your own talk, and if I put in any- thing of mine, I will set my two letters to it P. S. as tbe Secretary himself puts S. P. which will be making a proper difference between us. So here it is for you; Mr. Printer. I am sorry it is so long, but I could not make it shorter. I could not stop till I had had my whole story out; but if you think here is enough for twice, you might put my letter into one paper, and my Queries into the next. So no more at present from Your humble servant to command, Slushington- green, Muckfield, SAM. SLOD. Sept. 10, 1805. Slod's Letter was received some weeks back, but, on account of the great press of Advertisements, has been unavoidably postponed till the present time.] For the Wind, Cholics, Fluxes, and other Disorders of the Bowels. DALBY's CARMINATIVE. CAUTION. — Many counterfeited Pre- parations of this Medicine having been offered for sale, under specious Pretences, all persons are requsted not to take any unless they observe, that the Name, " F. Newbery, No. 45, St. Paul's,'" is engraved in the stamp, and that in the Bill of Direc- tions round each Bottle is an Extract from the Will of the late Mr. Joseph Dalby, viz. Whereas, I did many Years since instruct my Daughter Frances, now the Wife of Anthony Gell, of North- street, Westminster, Gentleman, in the Art. of compounding a certain Medicine, of which I am the sole Inventor, called DALBY'S CARMINATIVE ; I do hereby constitute and appoint my said Daughter, the sole Preparer of this useful Mecicine. — I likewise give to my said Daughter, Frances Gell, my sole Property in the said CARMINATIVE, and all Profits arising from the Sale thereof, to her and her Heirs for ever." It is sold only by F. Newbery and Sons, No 45, St. Paul's Church- yard, a few doors from the corner of Cheapside, London, Price is. gd. a Bottle, Duty included; and by their appointment, hy Mess. Ste- enson and Matchett, Market- place, Norwich, and by all other Venders. BANKRUPTS.— A. Bendelack, James- court, St. Mary Axe, merchant.— J. Arbouin, Hart- street, Crutched Friars, wine merchant.— G. Aked and C. Young, Glandford Bridge, Lincolnshire, corn mer. merchants.— W. Furley, Dukc- street, Lincoln's- Inn Fields, goldbeater.— J. Sykes, Almondbury, Yorkshire, clothier.— R. Moorfoot, Manchester, joiner.— J. Cotton, Wolverhampton, Staffordshirc, scrivener.— R. Bradburn, Wolverhampton, victual- ler.— R. Morgan, Aberdare, Glamorganshire, apothe- cary.— T. Lovell, Shoreditch, baker.— A. Sander- son, Ratcliff Cross, coal merchant B. Waters, Wormwood- street, broker. — J. Thomas, Broad- street Buildings, merchant.— B. Deacon, Orange- street, Bloomsbury- square, pastry- cook.— R. Goom, Old- street, size maker,— M. White, Finsbury- square, merchant.— T. Silversides, Wetherby, Yorkshire, linen- draper.— W. Warne, Hackney Road, Shore- ditch, Middlesex, watch- maker.— J. Dyster, Oke- hampton, Devonshire, woolstapler.— J. Crowther and J. Watson, now or late of Manchester, cotton- spinners.— E. Merryweather, Manchester, cotton- spinner.— W. Chatterton, Waltham, Lincolnshire, grocer — J. Stokes, Worcester, hop- merchant.— D. J. V. Hoeven, Bury- court, St. Mary- Axe, merchant J. Teasdale, Reading, Berks, linen- draper.— J. Strong, Wilmot- square, Middlesex, dealer.— J. Morgan, of the Crown and Cushion, Princes- street, Barbican, victualler.— J. Clapson, Egerton, Kent, butcher — M. Tairless, Bishop- Wearmouth, Durham, alfitter.
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