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Dorchester and Sherborne Journal and Taunton and Somersetshire Herald


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Volume Number: 41    Issue Number: 2218
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Dorchester and Sherborne Journal and Taunton and Somersetshire Herald
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Dorchester and Sherborne Journal and Taunton and Somersetshire Herald

Date of Article: 08/11/1805
Printer / Publisher: James Cruttwell 
Address: Sherborne
Volume Number: 41    Issue Number: 2218
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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AND TAUNTON AND SOMERSETSHIRE HERALD. voL. 41, No. 2218 FRIDAY,.; NOVEMBER 8, 1805. [ Price Si. rpcncc. ] " RECEIVED; ALSO BY THE FOLLOWING AGENTS: Crewkerne, Mr. Wills & Mr. JollifFe. Chard, Mr. Tapp. Dorchester, Mr. Frampton, Mr. Clark, and Mrs. Lockett. Dartmouth, Mr. Salter. Exeter, Mr. Hedgeland. Exmouth, Mr. R. Pinn. Falmouth, Mr. John Rolls Saturday's and Sunday's Posts. From SATURDAY'S LONDON GAZETTE. WAR OFFICE, NOV. Z. HIS Majesty has been pleased to appoint Ma- jor- Generals Andrew Cowell, James ferrier, Joseph Dusseaux, Colin Mackenzie, Archibald Robinson, John Dickson, Miles Staveley, John Money, Thomas Murray, James Edward Urqu- hart, George Churchill, Eyre Power Trench, George Beckwith, Thomas Roberts, Hon. Sir G. J. Ludlow, k- c. Sir John Moore, k. B. Richard Earl of CaVan, Sir David Baird; ent; Hon. Henry Astley Bennett, Hon. Frederic St. John, Sir C. Ross, bart. John Whitelocke, Hay MacDowall, Lord Charles Henry Somerset, John Despard, Wm, Ann Villettes, and Wm. Wemyss, to be lieutenant- generals in the army. Colonels Stapleton Cotton, Samuel Dalrymple, Wm. Johnstone, Rowland Hill, Hon. Wm Sta- pleton, Denzil Onslow, John Murray, William Twiss, Hon. C. Hope, R. M. Dickens, Sir G. Pigot, bart. Frederick Maitland, J. L. Gower, Martin Hunter, John Lord Elphinstone, Richard Earl of Broughton, John Abercrombie, Sir G. C. BrathWaite Broughton, bart. to be major- ge.- nerals in the army. Lieutenant- Colonels Thomas Mahon, John Shaw Maxwell, W. T. Dilkes, Henry Rudyerd, . John Oswald, John Gaspard Le Marchant, James Hadden, James Catlin Crauford, Wm. Doyle, John Hatton, Pinson Bonham, John Burnet, Wm. Anson, John Bouchier, Isaac Brock, Lord Evelyn Smart, Robert Nicholson, G. W. Ramsay, Robert Craufurd, to be colonels in the army. WAR- OFFICE, NOV. a. 3d regiment of dragoon guards.— Major C. L. Watson, to be lieutenant- colonel, without pur- chase, vice Payne, apyointed to the ioth light dra- goons,— Capt. H. G. Strutt to be major, vice Watson. 1st regt. of foot.— Lieut. Col. John Burnet, from the 17th foot, to be lieutenant- colonel, vice Har- dyman, who exchanges. WHITEHALL, Nov. 2. The King has been pleased to nominate and ap- point W. Robertson, esq. to be one of the lords Of session in Scotland, in the room- of David Ross, of Ankerville esq. deceased. The average price of brown or Muscovado sugar, computed from the returns made for the week end- ing October 50, is+ Ss. sJd. percwt. exciulive of the duty of cuiloms 011 importation. BANKRUPTS. Abraham Bendelack, of James- court, merchant. James Arbouin, of Hart street, wine. merchant. George Aked and Charles Young, of Glamford Brigs, com- merchants. Wm. Furley, ot Duke- street, goldbeater. John Sykes, of Aldmonbury. clothier. R. Moorfoot, of Manchester, joiner. Japeth Colton, of Wolverhampton, scrivener. Richard Bradburn, of Wolverhampton, victualler Richird Mor- gan, of Aberdare, apothecary, Thos. Lovell, of Shoreditch, baker. A. Sanderson, of Ratcliff- cross, coal- merchant. B. Waters, of Wormwood- street, broker. Joseph Thomas, of Broad- street- buildings, merchant. Benjamin Deacon, of Orange- street, pastry- cook. Richard Goom, of Oid- fticet, size- maker Matthew White, of Finsbury- square, merchant. Thos. Silversides, of Wetherby, linen- draper. IRELAND. BALINASLOE FAIR.— Our late Ofrober fair was thelargelt known for fome years pad, and the im- provement of this great ( hew, both in numbers, and quality of ( lock, exceeded every thing that could have been expend1. The attendance at din- ner, at the New Rooms, was more numerous and con ( hint than before, which sdded much to the hilarity of this fine national fcene; feldom fo little as a hundred members dined together each day, and forty new members were propofed, which, on their eleflion, will make this distinguished society full nine hundred ltrong.— An evident change of opinion has taken place in the old light breeders, by their hiring more thorough- bred rams, and bulls of the new light tl'an ever.— Altley, of Lci- cefterlbire, let twenty- three tups to thofe old light gr.- ziers, who are clearly dcfirous not to ( hut their * yes any longer again. lt the new.'— The ( hew at the fair ftand thus on the toll- book: — . Cattle, 10,401— Sheep, 82,294.— 92,398 total of ( lock. One buyer, Mr. Creed, of the county of Cork, pnrchased bullocks at the fair, to the amount of eighteen thousand pounds. COUNTRY NEWS. FALMOUTH, Oft. 29. Arrived la ft evening the Spanish ketch privateer, Amphibious, 12 guns^ and 80 men, captured by his Majesty's ship La. tona, 3a guns, otf the coaft of Ireland, out three days, and. had made no captures. Arrived this day the Etty,- Jones, from Zante, for' London, with currants j saw the outward- bound fleet, under convoy of die Aurora, off Cape Spartel, all well. Sailed his Majcity's ( hip Phoenix, Capt. Baker, ^' or the channel fleet; and Townihend packet, with mails for Li( bon. The Duke of Kent packet will fail to- morrow, with the middle mails of this month, for the Leeward I( landsk PLYMOUTH, Oft. 30. The Russian ambassador from the court of Petersburgh to the court of Ma- drid, after spending a few days at Saltram with Lord Boringdon, to enjoy the luxuriant beauties of thr. t deli- htful manlion, passed through this town with his family and suite, for Falmouth," where he means to take the packet for Lisbon, and then to Madrid. It is now determined that the following prizes are to be taken into the service directly, having been examined and found fit for his Ma- jesty's service: El Firme - 747 Taken by Rear- Admiral Cal El Fama - 84 der's fleet. Clara and Medea 44 Taker, bv Commodore Mann. Didon - 48 Taken by the Phoenix. They will be commissioned as soon as they have been docked.— All their guns, ( lords, and ritr- ging, were fold to the merchants yeiterday by th? agents for the captors, as government purchafe only the hulls of the different prizes, the ft pre-., & c. being always fold, that the guns, & c. may be all new, and the calibre agree with the weight of different sized shot, as the Spanish and French weights are heavier than those of the British, and might in action create confusion. This day that fine French corvette the Acteon, of 24. guns, prize to the Egyptienne, of 44 guns, hon. Capt, Flem- ing, having been, stripped, is to be examined by the prrt^ ei; officers of the dock- yard, previous to !.: ftW « inw<- ejferted fit or unfit for the ser- vice. The superb and Powerful, of 74. in Cawsand bay,, are getting ready for sea fast, anid will ( nil in a few days.— Sailed rhe Ranger, of 14, Capt. Frazer, on a cruize against the smugglers. The storm has abated, and the weather is now moderate.- DEAL, Oct. 31. The Antelope, of 5O gun?, nn- der the command of commodore Sir S. Smith, is now under weigh, in company with the Comba- tant, Valorous, Archer, Fearless, Diadem, Sceptre, and Florence sun- brig's, for Boulogne. The Grif- fin cutter is dispatched for Flushing, to prepare for the reception of a French pacquet, supposed to come from Flushing with papers of much im- portance. A few evenings since, a lugger- rigged privateer, with 70 men, had the temerity to ven- ture as far 011 our fide as St. Margaret's bay, and fell in with a brig bound from Oporto to Lon- don, deeply laden. The privateer hoisted out her boat, and came alongside the brig, and boarded her in the dark, unperceived. The first thing they did was to fly to the man at the helm, and throw him overboard ; they then put the crew un- der hatches, and were proceeding on their way to Calais, when, fortunately, the Ariadne frigate hove in fight, and perceiving the brig under con- voy of the lugger, fired two shots, and recaptured her, and brought her safe - in. All officers are or- dered on board the transports this night, and it is expected the expedition will sail in the morning ; but whether to the northward, or whether to join Sir Sidney, is at yet only conjecture, but I think the former. DEAL, NOV. T. Arrive:! the Orpheus from Portsmouth; the Antelope, Commodore Sir Sidney Smith, with the Vesuvius bomb and several gun- brigs from oft" the French coast, and remain in the Downs with the ships as per last. The Vesuvius bomb has a signal flying for a convoy to the west- ward. The expedition is detained by contrary winds. LONDON, SATURDAY, Nov. a. The march of a Russian and Swedish army from Stralsund for Hanover, is corroborated by the fol- lowing letter, received yesterday :— " NEWCASTLE, Oct. 29. " By a British ship this moment arrived from the Elbe, which river she left last Saturday ( the 26th), we have received the welcome news that the Russians have got a complete footing in Ha- nover— they are even said to be at Cuxhaven al- ready. This, of course, will entirely free you from any doubt as to the security of the navigation of the Elbe." We are sorry to say, that the hired boat with the mails of the 21 ( t and 22d inst„ from Dublin for Holyhead, is supposed to have foundered at sea. The following is a copy of the answer sent by Capt. Owen of the Immortalite, in reply to M. Robin's boat intelligence,:— " Capt. Owen, of L'Immortalite is very much obliged to " ihe Commodore Robin, for the news he did him the ho- " nour to communicate. — He requests further to know, if " that report is at all similar to those lately made by the Ad- " mirals Verheul and la Crosse, and if this victory has been " as decisive as that of Mons. Villeneuve." From Vienna to Munich there are three roads, the two principal of which, at this juncture, are those by the way of Branau and Saltzburgh. From Vienna to Ens the distancc is 105 English miles ; from thence to Branau on the Inn, the last Impe- rial town, 105 miles; to Munich 85 ; from Ens to Saltzburgh, the diitance is 100 miles; and from thence to Munich 85. General Marmont, who iS reported, by thelatelt accounts, to have been killed in one of the actions' between the French and Austrians, was a young officer of great promise, and high in the favour and confidence of Bonaparte, who entrusted him with the government of Alexandria, while in Egypt, and afterwards with the command of the French troops in Holland. He was married to the only daughter of M. Perregaux, the eminent; Parisian banker. In the midst of the ill news, that has lately as- sailed us, we have had a satisfaction much greater than any pair the enemy can inflict, in observing the unanimous good- will of all classes of persons to the present interests of the country. It is no longer with alacrity, with exaggeration, or with hypocritical sorrow, that the humblest individuals, who are, of course, most exposed to the delusion of thinking an enemy's cause their own, mention the successes of the French. That ill will, which, during same periods of the last war, scowled from the brows of the indigent, is no longer to be seen. Scarcely any of them wish, and none dare, to pre- tend that there is in the French cause either phi- lanthropic, or philosophy, . r any thing but the savage policy of an usurper, stimulating the rest- less disposition of a miserable people. They no longer- relinquish the good old BRITISH NATION- ALITY for the cant of Universal Citizenship. They do not now suppose, that one system of politics, or one form i* f government, i3 contending against another; they know, that the struggle is, as it has always been, for British prosperity against French rapacity, and that this rapacity is' now much fiercer, and more adventurous than before. An augmentation of the foot guards will spee- dily take place, of one serjeant, two corporals, and 28 private men to each company, which, when complete, will make the effective force of this highly meritorious corps to consist of 1o, 8oo rank and file. AMERICAN BOTTOMS. The following official communication will be read with much interest by the commercial world. Ir relates to a subject of much importance, and embraces consequences qf the greatest magnitude, Great Cumberland- place, Oct. 28, 1805. " Sir.— I have the pleasure to enclose you a copy of a note from Lord Mulgrave, containing information that his Majesty has thought fit to re- lax, in certain respects, the blockade of the ports of Cadiz, and St. Lucar, w, uL is now formed bv his naval forceS. " As the modification- which is given to the blockade of these ports, by this declaration of his Majesty, may be of importance to the United States, I have to request that you will be so good a-, to communicate it, without delay, to their con- suIs at the several ports, that their citizens may have advantage of ir. I have the honour to be, sir, your very obliged servant. ( Signed) " JaS. MUNROE." " General Wm. Lyman, consul of the United States, See. See. See. JAMES MUNROE, ESQ^ & C. & C. " Downing- street, Oct. 27, 1805. " The underfigned, his Majefty's principal fe- cretary of ( tate for foreign affairs, has the honour to inform Mr. Munroe, that the King having been plealed, in conformity to the note traofmit- ted by the'undcrfigned to Mr. Munroe on the 25th of April i; dt, to direct that the necessary measures ( hould be taken for the blockade. of Cadiz and St. Lucar, and Inch ports haying been, and being now blockaded, the un^ erfigned is commanded to acquaint Mr. Munroe, that his Majefty is pleafed to declare that fuch blokade ( liall not extend to prevent neutral veffels from entering into and failing from the faid ports of Cadiz and St. L11- car, provided that the veffels fo entering and" fail- ing from the faid ports, ( hall not be found to have on board, or to have carried to liid ports any war- like or naval itores, or any article or articles in- tended to be, and ufually converted into Warlike or naval ffores, or provifions of any kind, what- ever, excepting fuch as may b « fairly deemed fea ( lores, for the ul'e of tlie crews of fuch neutral vei- fels. The underfigned is therefore commanded to requelt Mr. Munroe to apprize the American confute, and merchants reGding in England, of this determination of his Majefty. The ur. der- figned requefts Mr. Munroc to accept the affur- ancesof his high confideration. ( Signed) " MULGRAVE." TRADE WITH RUSSIA.— His Mttef- V moft hont privy council, in confequence of the difficulty o obtaining, in Ruffia, the certificates required by the order of council of the 5th of April laft, re- fpefting quarantine, have direfted, mat a declara- tion, according to the form annexed, be accepted for all ( hips arriving from Ruflia : " We, the underwritten Britifhm- rchants in St. Peterf- burgh, hereby declare, thai the goods loaded on board the fnip N. Captain N. N. now in N. N. and bound for N. N. conlift of hemp, flax. See. Ac. and are the growth, prodiice, or manufadture of the empire of Ruffia. " V/ ittiefs our ligoatures ( date) Infuranccs on a fum amounting to about four hundred thoufand pounds, were yefterday effefted on dollars per his Majefty's frigate La Sybille, 44 guns, Capt. Winthrop, from the bank of England to Cuxhaven, and from thence in craft or boats to Hamburgh, at tne high price of one guinea and a half per " cent. It is reported that the following arrangement has been made for the ftaff of the Britilh and Ha- noverian troops now embarked for the^ continent', viz. the Duke of York, commander in chief; the Duke of Cumberland, to command the Britifh ca- valry, with tivo lieutenant- generals under him ; and the Duke of Cambridge, with feven lieut.- generals and twelve major- generals under him, to have the command of the infantry.' Extraft of a letter from Madras, dated April 29.—" I am forry to fay, that the effefts of the late tempeft at Ceylon have been more ferioudy felt than at firlt expefted. The following parti- culars arc copied from the Ceylon gazette:— We are forry to ftatc, jhat the molt melancholy ac counts have been received from different quarters, of the difafters occafioned by rhe violence of_ the ftorm. At Putelam, the houfe of the commandant was almoft totally deftroyed, and the temporary barracks and hofpitals erefted there lately have fuffered very confiderable damage. In the diftrift of Jaffnnpatam, upwards of twenty thoufand co- coa and P.- dmyra trees have been thrown down, and completely demolilhed-. His majefty's fliip Sheernefs, in the harbour, was blown from her an- chors, and drove on ( hore upon the rocks of York illand, where ( lie bilged. The government cutter North was driven upon the rocks under fort 01- tenburgh, and is there loft." On Saturday night', the 26th ult. seven French prifaners of war, favoured by the dark and stormy state of the weather, fucceeded in efcaping from confinement at Norman Cross depot, through a large hole which they had cut in their wood pri- fon. They continued at large during Sunday ; about eight o'clock at night on which day a fer- jeant and a corporal of the Durham militia, who had obtained a furlough into the north from the barrack:, were surprized, on hearing White- water toll- bar, to hear several men on the road converfing in a foreign lingo; and concluding that they were Frenchmen who had escaped from prisan, they re- solutely attacked them, and af: jr a rtmrt oor. flift secured two of them. Five others escaped. Upon being marched into Stamford and lodged in gaol, thofe taken were found to be a French naval captain and a midshipmnn, an account of whose efcape from,_ Norman Cross had been furnished to the mayor. Monday night two others were taken near Ryall toll- bar, who had secreted themselves in Uffington thicket during the previous four- and- twenty hours, without any food, and were really starved into capitulation. The remaining three are at large, as well as feveral others who efcaped on Tuesday night from the same depot. - • The Rev. Ralph Churton, rector of Middleton Cheney, Northamptonshire, is collated to the arch- deaconry of St. David'S by the lord biftiop of that dlocefe. One of the window- curtains in the apartments occupied by his royal highness the Duke of Kent, at Kensington p. i. ace, caught fire on Sunday even- ing last; the flames communicated to the carpet and other articles in the room, and had it not been for the timely assistance of some gentlemen, who were at dinner with his royal highness, the royal palace would, in all probability, have been con- sumed. Dean Kirwan, the celebrated preacher, died, on Sunday hit, at Mount Pleasant, in the vicinity of Dublin. His dilorder was a fever, which carried him off after a few days illness. The numerous charitable initiations of that city will long feel and lament his Ids. Many of them owe their ex- iftence and profperity to his unparalleled exer- tions, where, regardless of his infirm state of health, to use the language of Mr. Grattan, " in feeding the lamp of charity he almost exhausted the lamp of life." : Archerfield- house, the seat of Mr. Hamilton Nesbitt, mar Edinburgh, which has been the theme of universal panegyric, has lately under- gone great alterations and improvements. Around the houfe is now erecting, under the direction of that eminent architect, Mr. Wyatt, a moft magni- ficent colonadc. the order of which is entirely eo- thic. The pillars, which are to support this noble structure, are entirely composed of porphyry, Si- enna, Jasper, and green verde antique, or Egyp- tian marble. All these precious relics have bern dug up from rhe ruins of Grecian buildings, and were selected by the Earl of Elgin, when he was ambassador at the Ottoman court. They composed the whole freight of one ship, and were forwarded from thence to this country. On their arrival at the custom- house, they were conveyed to Globe yard, and there inspected by the searchers. The examination occupied a whole month. The du- ties paid by Mr. Nesbitt were very great, faid to be near zo, oool.— They were charged at the- rate of 3df per lb. After remaining same months at the cuitom- houfe, they were conveyed to Scotland by the Leith ships. Messrs. Noilekens, Vangel- der, and Westmacott, the celebrated statuaries, were^ consulted respecting the best method of po- lishing these inestimable rarities. Since that pe- riod 2co workmen from London have been fent down to restore these beautiful specimcns of anci- ent grandeur to their pristine beauty. The Apollo frigate brought over part of this VJli- able treasure. The interior o 1 (^ e mansion pos- sesses acquirements altogether unique. thie de- corations of the apartment, the style of the furni- turc, are entirely of l'Egyptienne. In the great earing room are no less than 24. beautiful marble tables of porphyry. A great antiquary who has fcen them, has been heard to declare, that no mo^ narch in Europe can boaft of having fo many in his possesion. Archerfield house Is, without ex- ception^ the most magnificent private mansion in Scotland. The court- yard is so extremely spaci- ous that it meAsures a mile in circuit. To give an idea of the princely style of living there, it is only neceffary to add, that the table in the fervants' hall, where 200 daily dine, is at all seasons of the year plentifully supplied with the best provisions, and the choicest fruits, even pines, and grapes, may be feen above at all times, and in all seasons in abundan ce. During the whole year, open house is kept to all comers. The rental of Mr. Hamilton Nesbitt's estates is little short of 6o, 6ool. per annum. All the magnificent improvements have been made for the accommodation of Lord and Lady Elgin, whole return has been so anxi- ously looked for during the last twelve months. Her ladyship, who is arrived, is Mr. H. Nesbitt's only child. The splendid mansion of the Earl of Bristol, at Ickworth, near Bury, in Suffolk, Is erected on a , unique modern Italian plan. The house itself is of a " circular form, communicating with two spacious. wings, by an elliptical corridore— the whole on a very large scale. A great profusion of statues, and other monuments' of classical celebrity, col- lected by the late earl on his various tours, deco- rate the mansion. The entire expence, it is elli- matcd, will exceed 2oo, ooel. Saturday se'nnight, Mr. John Mirtehouse, a re- spectable yeoman, of Missike, in the parish of Loweswater, Cumberland, invited between thirty and forty of his friends and neighbours to partake of an- entertainmcnt provided for them, on the oc- casion of his having that day completed the hun- dreth year of his age P The veteran, who enjoys all his faculties sight only excepted), has possessed a strong robust constitution, and is of a cheerful disposition. He received his company seated in a new oak chair, and dressed in a new coat, that it might hereafter be ( truly) said, " these were first used on the day that John Mirehouse was an hun- dred years old. The hurricane of last Friday was so tremendous at. Plymouth, and came in such sudden squalls and flits of wind, that many persons were carried off their legs. A centinel just relieved in the dock- yard, near the open dyke of the new mast pond, a. bout 3 a. m was literally blown off with his great coat and musquet, into the Tamar, and was drown- ed before any person or boat could go to his ; « f- filtance, as the tide ran twelve knots an hour. By direction and orders of his royal highness the Prince of Wales, lord high steward, by patent, r. f Plymouth, and lessor and impropriate receiver of all rhe dues of S. r. ton Pool harbour in that port, Col. Tyrrwhitt, his royal highness's secretary, is going to begin a new arrangement for the improve- ment of that part of the harbour of Plymouth, which is to be deepened and made wider, and if possible, as there are great capabilities for the pur- pose, make a floating dock of great width, capable of containing, at all times of tides, several hun- dred sail of merchant ships, free from every appre- hension of storms or tempests. TCr Fir tbc Remainder of this Post tee the last Page. WANTED, an APPRENTICE to a I SURGEON and APOTHECARY, in good practice, in the country.— Apply ( if by lctle. s, pjll paij; : o Mr. SIMMONDS, bookseller, Blandford. SCROFULA, OR KING's EVIL. Copy of a Letter from Mr. W. NUTTAI, L, calico- printer, near Ainsworth- Hall, Lancashiire. Sir, AS I am now arrived to that solidity of health which renders life comtortabie, and far exceeds my utmost expectations, I doubt not but a short account of my cale [ I may add deplorable) will afford you somc degree of pleasure.— I have for eighteen years ocen moll griiv .7 addicted with a scrofulous complaint; it first appeared in my glands, and progressiveiy extended all over my breast and under my arms When I firlt comirie ice< l 1 • our much- esteeed Antiscorbutic Drops, I has 17 scrofulous : 00s ulcers, which issued a great quantity of very offensive humour, Which indeed rendered my life a burden to myself and of course distressing to my friends, to see the calamitous state to which my loathsome malady had brought me ; but now, thank Cud, every one of the uken are, and ; . nc -.- n fcr months back, coiVipIeatly healed, and 1 am row ! - •'•!. .•, flefhy, and robuiV," to which before I was n ftraoRcr : j< rI'o: i3 who formerly knew mc are aftonifhed, and wr.- kr ai ' lie great change. 1 may truly add, totbe vilt. lec. I you. invalu- able Dropsy I at this moment owe myexilfcncej ai d, lor the good of mankind, I reqlief! you to pub/ lh my c^ fe. in any way you think proper. For further particub'J 1 ii requited), the enquirer may be fatisfied, ( if by letter, pofl- paia,) by applying to, Sir, your obedient humble fcrvan", ( Signed) WILLIAM NUTTALL^ Attested by R. Parker, Curate of Cockey, | Richd. Walker, yeoman, James Halton, farmer, | James Nuttall, farmer. ' January 5th, 1805. To Mr. John Lignum, Surgeon, No. 57, Bridge- street, Manchester. (£ 3* Thefe drops are sold in moulded square bottles, at Us. and 4s. 6d. One US. bottle is equal in quantity to three 4s. 6d. ones. They may be had wholesale and retail at Mr. LIGNUM's, No 57, Bridge- street. Manchester and. by appointment, of HOWARD and EVANS, NO. 42, long lane, West Smithfield; Dicey and Co. Bow Church- yard; Bar- clay and Son, No. 95, Fleet Market; Shaw and Edwards, ^ o. 66, St. Paul's Church- yard; Butler, No' 4, Cheap- lide ; Newbery and Sons, No. 45, St. Paul's Church- yard, London; and retail by E. Penny, J. Langdon, W. Hodges, Sherborne ; Mends and Co. Ashburton ; Simmonds, Bland- . ford ; Syle, Barnstaple ; Griffiths, Bideford ; Haddon, Bridport; Teazewell, Poole, Bridgewater ; Liddel Bod- min ; Wills, Crewkerne; Frampton, Dorchester; Jack- son, Dartmouth ; Holman, Woolmer, Trewman, Hedge- land, Exeter; Elliott, Falmouth; Hichens, Hestone; Williams. Tooze, Honiton; Cartrell, Liskeard; Sweeting, Newton Abbott; Liverton, Penryn ; Nettleton, Plymouth ; Cock, Plymouth Dock ; Stone, Shepton Mallet; Adams, Oram, Shaftesburv; Huxtable, Southmolton ; Higman, St : Denham. Tavistock ; Quick Boyce. Tiverton- i Wcymourn ; Evl, Wells; and the principal Medicia, Vendeis in the United Kingdom. Rheumatism Pains in ibe Limbs, DR. BATEMAN'S PECTORAL DROPS. The Cafe of Mrs. MARY DALE, MARY DALL, of the City of Hereford, I 5 from a violent Cold, was alflided with the Kheumi- ifm in luoh a dreadful nianutr, that I was not able to walk 10m my bed to the tire- fide. After taking a number ot me- Jicincs to no elTeit, 1 was recommended to try a bottle of Dr. Baseman's Drops, prepred by Dictv and Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London, whifli 1 bought of Mr. T. Watkin, oppofite Mr. Panic's, grocer, High-' l own, Herc- | ord;_,| ie relief I fouhd before I had uken one bottle, ex- ceeded my utraoll expectation, and by taking four bottles mn, e, I am- now, t!: a„ k God, as well as ever I wa=, and able to follow my ufual employment.— Fn. ouraged by my wonderful recovery, feveral perfons in this neighbourhood, who hive been a'tfli& ed with- the RheumatiYin for years, have made trial of the Drops, and found greater relief than 1 hey ever experienced from the uf « of any other Medicine. 1 beg you will publilh this for the benefit ot the adii£ ted, and nm, Your obliged hurajjle Servant, Hertford, Aug. 20, iSco. MARY DALE. G3" Spurious forts are fold in almoft every town, and fome of them even with the names of D'uev & Co. in the bills of dirc& ions, & c.— it is therefore of the utrnoll confequcnce topunhafers to alk particularly ( oi, Dictv's BATEMAN'S Dnors, and to obfervi not only that the words Dicey and Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, arc pi. ntcd in the Stamp affixed to each bottle ; but alfoas , a further mark of diliinaion that the \\ ordrDicry HCu'i Bdttman'i Drc; s are printed- in large charitVcis, at the top of each Bill of Dire£\ ions. - Sold, wholelale anil retail, by Dicey andCo. piice is. tjd. per bottle, dyty included ; and retail by Cruttwell, Hodges, Penny, and Goadby Sc Co. Sherborne ; Adams, and Mullen, Shaston ; Sheppard, Yetminster; Thorne, Wincanton; Francis, Castle Cary; Curtis, and Cary. Shepton- Mallet; Evill, Wells; Burroughs, Somer- ton; Mullet, llminster; Tucker', and Bishop, Chard; Wills, Crewkerne; King, Yeovil ; Hazell. Sc Roberts, rid- port ; Eveleigh, Hine, and Pester, Beamister; Trewman, Woolmer, Hedgeland, Risdon, and Hitchcock, Exeter; l. athy, Crediton; Bickford, Totnes; Richards, Cobley & Co,. johns, and Barnikle, Plymouth; Holland, Glencross, Congdon, and Smith, Plymouth Dock; Commins, and Pleace, Tavistock ; Harvey, Callington; Thomas. Tre- goning, a1\ d Buckland, Truro ; Elliot, Bunny, and Doherty, Falmouth, Rozers, Hestone Williams, and Symons. Red- ruth; Harvey, and Hewett. Penzance ; Manning. Bideford ; Syle, and Roberts, Barnstaple ; Parkhouse, and Quick, Ti- verton ; Merse, and Horsey, Wellington; Jogger, & Hassum, Taunton; Ball, A: Poole, Bridgewater; Simmonds, i Dur- don, Blandford ; Boswell, Piddleton ; Wiltshire, Cock eram, Cerne Wright, Wareham; Huxtable, South- Molton ; Butler, Corfe- Castle; Tooze, & Clark, Honiton; Thome, Weymouth; Frampton, Lockett, and Clarke, Dorchester;' Mrs. Hawke, Stalbridge; and by the venders of Dicey & Co.' s Medicines in every town throughout the kingdom. Of whom may be had, from Dicey & Co's Warehouse . d. Printed by JAMES CRUTTWELL, in SHERBORNE; ; Axminster, Mr. Mallock and Mr. Richard Bull. Ashburton, Mr. George Fitze. Austell, Mr. Pomery. Blandford, Mr. Sollers, Mr. Sim- monds, and Mr. Shipp. Bridport, Mr. Whetham, Mr. Had- don, and Mr. Margrie. Beaminster, Mr. Eveleigh. Bruton, Mr. Penny. Bridgwater, Mr. Poole. Bideford, Mr. Handford and Mr. Griffith. Barnstaple, Mr. Avery. Bodmin, Mr. Liddell. Cerne, Mr. Wiltshire. AdVertiseMEntS received by Mr. Tayler and T. NEWton Frome, Messrs. Crocker. Gosport, Messrs. Cruikshanks and johnson. Guernsey. Mr. Greenslade. Honiton, Miss Tooze Helstone, Mr. S. Cocking. Ilchester, Mr. Gumbleton. Ilminster, Mr. Hill. Frome, Mr. Norman, Post- Office. Langport, Mr. Caines Mr. Coate. Launceston Mr. Bray. Liskeard, Mr. Fisher. Modbury. Mr. Rich. Norton, Mr. Pile. North Tawton, Mr. Wreford. Poole, Mr. Moore. Portsmouth, Mr. Mortley. Plymouth, Mr. Nettleton. Plymouth- Dock, Mr. Roberts. Penzance, Mr. Bamber. Redruth. Mr. H. Pearce. Shaston, Mr. Hannen & Mr. Adams. Stalbridge, Mr. Hawke. Torrington, Mr, P. Tapley. Totness. Mr. Dawe. Truro, Mr. Harry Mr. Tregonning. Weymouth, Mr Wood. Well Stour, Miss Godwin. Wells, Mr. Lewis and Mr Evill. Yeovil, Mr. Harper, & Mrs. King, Stourton, Messrs. Charlton. Shepton, Mrs. Stone & Mrs. Carey. SOMerton, Mr. Methringham. South- Molton, Mr. R. Berry. Taunton, Mr. Poole Sc Mrs. North. Tiverton, Mr. W Salter. Tavistock, Mr ComminS. Tuesday's and Wednesday's Posts. TUESDAY- s LONDON GAZETTE. BANKRUPTS. W. Warne, of Hackney- road, watchmaker. — Jos. Dyster, Oakhampton, woolstapler.— John Crowther and Jon. Watson, of Manchester, cotton- spinners. — Ed. Merryweather, of Manchester, cotton- spinner.— W. Chatterton, of Waltham, grocer.— James Stokes, of Wor- cester, hop- merchant—— D. J. V. Hoeven, of Bury- court, London, merchant.—— James Teasdale, of Reading, linen- draper.— John Strong, of Wilmott- square, dealer. John Morgan, of London, victualler.— Jas. Clapton, of Egerton, butcher.— M. Fairless, of Bishop- Wearmouth, coalfitter. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. FROM THE FRENCH PAPERS. PARIS, Oft. 25. OFFICIAL DETAILS.— VI. BULLETIN. ELCHINGEN, Oft. 18. ' I Annexed is the capitulation of Ulm. The emperor might have taken the place by assault, but so, 000 men, defended by fortifications and wet ditches, would have made a resistance, and his de- sire was, to save the effusion of blood. General Mack was in that city. " The Austrian army consisted of 14 regiments of infantry of the army of Bavaria, as it is called, 13 regiments from the Tyrol,. 3nd five regiments v/ hi(^ li had been fent in waggons fron) Italy; alto- . gether 33 regiments of infantry, and 15 regiments of cavalry . " General Mack intended to escape with his army, but the emperor destroyed a bridge, and took the position of Elchingen. " Marshal Soult took Memmingen and followed the other columns. " Prince Murat pursued Prince Ferdinand, and took 3000 prisoners at Langen, of the divisions of Werneck. " It appears that Prince Ferdinand will not he able to escape, unless by concealing his person, and getting off with a few squadrons by a detour. " On the 15th, Marshal Bemadotte having pushed his advanced pofts as far as Wesserbourg and Haag on the high road of Brannau, took four four or five hundred prisoners, ind 17 pieces of cannon ; having thus taken, since his entry at Munich, fifteen hundred prisoners, nineteen pieces of cannon, two hundred horses, and a quantity of baggage, without the loss of a single man. " On the 15th, the^ emperor was in possession of Memmingen, and oh the 17th of Ulm. " In the different engagements of Wertingen, Gunzburgh, Ulm, & c. he has taken forty thou- "^ tahd prifoners, above forty ftands of colour^, a number of cannon, See. " The lofs of the French army in the fame en- gagements is only five hundred killed, and one thoufand wounded. " The Austrian army may be confidered as an- nihilated." CAPITULATION OF ULM, Occupied by the troops of his majesty tbe emperor nf Auflria and ting of Hungary, to the irai of bit majejiy the em- peror cfFrance and king of Italy. " Wt, Alex. Berthier, marshal of the empire, and field marshal Baron Mack, & c. have agreed upon the following Article I. The city of Ulm shall be surrendered to the French army, with all the magazines and artillery*.— An- fwer. Th half of the field- artillery shall he retained by thr Austrian troop; —. refused. 11. The garrison shall march out, wiih all the honours of w, and after filing off lay down their arms. The field officers shall be sent, on their parole of honour, to Austria, and the soldiers and subalterns shall be sent into France, where they shall remain until they are exchanged— Anf. The whole shall be sent into Austria, under condition of not serving against France until they are exchanged.— Refused. ' " _ III. The officers and soldiers shall retain all the effects irig: ag 10 thenj^^ j- Ans. And also the regimentaI chests.- The sick and wounded Austrians shall be treated in : manner as the French sick and wounded.— The ge- ne- humanity of the French are sufficiently kni V. I'. : verih? lcft, there should appear by noon of the 3- Ans Brumaire, 14th year ( 25th October, 1805) an army capable of raising the blockade of Ulm, the garrison of this fortress shall in that case be released from the present capitu- lation, and. be at liberty to act as it may think fit.— Ans. If the blockade of Ulm ( lnuld b. raised by an Austrian or Rus- " fun army before twelve at midnight of the 25th of October, on whatever side, or at whatever gate, it shall happen to be, the garrison shall freely depart with their arms, artillery and cavalry, to join the troops which may have raised the block- ade.— Agreed to. VI. One of the gates of Ulm ( that of Stutgard) shall be given up to the French army at seven o'clock to- morrow, as also quarters sufficent for the accommodation of one brigade. — Ans. Yes. VII. That the French army shall be put in possession of the grand bridge over the Danube, and also have a free com- munication between both banks.— Ans. The bridge is burnt down, but all possible means shall be taken to rebuild it. VII I. The service shall be fo regulated as to prevent any disturbance, and to maintain the best undestanding.— Anf. The French and Austrian discipline afford the firmest gua- rantee in this respect. IX. All the cavalry, artillery and waggon horses, belong- ing to the emperor of Austria and the king Hungary, shall be given up to the French army. X. The ift, 2d, 3d, 4th and 9th articles shall not be car- ried into execution until it please the commander in chief of the1 Austrian troops; provided nevertheless, that the period of execution shail not be later than twelve at noon of the ijih of October, 1805; and. if by that time an armv Ihould make its appearancc, in sufficient force to raise the blockade, the garrison shall, conformably, to Art. V. be at liberty to act as it may think proper. Done in duplicate at Ulm, 17th Oftober, 1805. ( Signed) Marlhal BERTHIER. MACK." * The proposals, it will be observed, are made by Bert bier. VII. BULLETIN. . ElchingeN, Oct. 19, 1805. " On the 18th Prince Murat arrived at Nord- lingen, and surrounded the division of Gen. Wer- neck, who capitulated, and is a prisoner on parole with 7 other generals. The soldiers will be sent to France 3S prisoners. It is asserted, that the re- serve artillery of the Austrian army, consisting of • 500 carriages, is taken. Prince Ferdinand has now but few men left. " After an audience, which the emperor granted to General Mack this afternoon, Marshal Berthier and that general signed an addition of the capitu- lation, purporting that Ulm mull be evacuated by the Auftrian garrifon on the 20th. " There are at Ulm 17,000 men, 3000 horfes, 18 generals, and from 60 to 80 pieces of cannon, with their horfes. We become more certain every day, that there are not 20,000 men efcaped of that army of 100,000 men, and this extraordinary ad- vantage has been obtained without the effufion of blood. " The emperor prefents the colours he has taken to the fenate; they amount to 80, infteadof 4.0 Hand." Additional articles of the capitulation of Ulm. ' PROPOSED ON THE I9TH. " Marlhal Berthier, major- general of the French army; being empowered by the emperor's com- mand, gives his word and honour. 1 ft, That the Auftrian army is this day on tbe other fide of the Inn, and that Marftial Bemadotte, with his army has taken a polition between Mu- nich and the Inn. That Marshal Lannes, with his corps, is pursuing Prince Ferdinand, and was yesterday at - Aalem. 3d. That Prince Murat, with his corps, was yeiterday atNordlingen j that Lieutenant- generals Werneck, Baillet, HohenzoUern, and feven other genei'als, yeiterday capitulated at the village of Trotzelfingen. 4- th. Thai Marlhal Soult is polled between Ulm and Bregenz, bferving the road to the Tyrol, that there is, confequently, no poflibility of fuc- cour arriving before Ulm. " That Lieutenant- general and Quarter- maRer- general Mick, giving credit to the above declara- tions, is ready to evacuate Ulm to- morrow, on the following conditions: — " That the whole corps of Marlhal Ney, confid- ing of 12 regiments of infantry, and 4 regiments of horfe, ( hal not quit the city of Ulm and its en- virons, at the ditfance of ten leagues) before the 25th Oftober at midnight, the period when the capitulation is to expire. " Marli1.1l Berthier and Baron Von Mack agree on the above inferred articles. " Conlequently the whole Auftrian army ( hall defile to morrow, at three in the afternoon, before the Emperor of the French, with all the honour! of war; they ( hall lay doyrn their arms, ( hall re- ceive naffports to go by, the two roads of Kempten to Aultria, and of Bregenz to the Tyrol. " Done in duplicate at Elchingen, 19th Oft. ( Signed) " Marljial BERTHIER. " Lieut. Gen. MACK." VIII. BULLETIN. ' ELCHINGEN, 0£ t. 20. " The Emperor t-^ ok his ( lation from 2 o'clock in the afternoon to feven in the evening, on the heights near Ulm, where the Aultrian army marched part hiin. The French army were ported on the heights. The Emperor,, furrounded by his life guards, fent for the Aultrian generals, and kept them with him until their troops had filed off. He treated them with the utmoft diftinftion. There were prefent, be( ides the general in chief, Mick, eight generals, and feven lieut. generals. " The numberof pi ifoners fince the commence- ment of holtiliti- s amounts to 60,000, and 80 ( tandards have been taken, befides artillery, bag- gage, & c. It is fuppoled that the Emperor, after difpatching his couriers, will fet out for Augf- bourg and Munich." The bullcrin ' hen proceeds to give the articles of capitulation, concluded at Frotalfingen, 011 the 19th of Oftober, for the Aultrian troops, under the command nf General Wernepk, between him and Bellianl, and alfo thole of the capitulation of theefcortof the Auftrian heavy baggage, com- manded by Major Locatelli, concluded between that officer and the French Brigadier- General Fau- connet, on the 18th, at B rtingen. The Aultrians- who furrend. red at both the : ibove places are to be fent prifoners into the interior of France. IX BULLETIN. The principal paffages in this bulletin areas fol- lows : " Hh Majefty fet off for Aug( bourg at noon this day. " We are now in poffeflion of an accurate lift of the army which was ( hut up in Ulm. It coniifted of 33,000 men, to which number the 3000 wounded being added, the total amounts to 36,000. There were alio found in the place 60 pieces of artillery, and 50 Hand of colours. " The E. nperor his had occafion to complain of nothing except the exceflive ardour of the foldiers. The 17th light infantry, for example, which ar- rived before Ulm, during the capitulation, rulhed into the place in fuch a manner, and the whole army were fo anxious to ftorm it, that the Emperor was obliged to declare it, as his pofitive intention, that the place ( hould not be ftormed. " The firft column of prifoners at Ulm has juft began its march for France. The following is a ftatement of the total of the prifoners, with their prefent fituation :— 10,000 at Augfburgh, 33,000 at. Ulm, 12,000 at J>> uauwerth, and 12.000 already on theic march fct France. " T| H Empe/ or addreffed the Auftrian gene- rals, whom he fent for, as their army were filing pad him, in tHe following terms:—" Gentlemen, your nvifter carries on au unjult war. I tell you plainly, I know not for what I am fighting: I know not what can be required of me. It is not in this army alone tint my refources confilt, tho" 1 were this the cafe, I ( hould ( till beanie to make head with it; but I ( hall appeal to theteltimony of your pri( oners pf war, who will fpcedily pafs through France; they will obferve with their own eyes the fpirit which animates my people, and with what eagernefs they flock to my ftandards. This is the prerogative of my nation, and my condition. At a ( ingle word, 200, doo volunteers crowd to my ftandard, and iu fix weeks become good (" oldiers; whereas your recruits only inarch from compulfion, and do not become good foldi- ers but after feveral years. " I would give my brother the Emperor of Ger- many one further piece of advice— let him haften to make peace. This is the crifis wheij he mult recolleft, all Itates muft have an end. The idea of the approaching extin& ion of the dynafty of Lor- raine muft iinprefs him with terror. " I defire nothing upon the continent. I want ( hips, colonies, and commerce, and it is as much your ioterell as mine that I ( hould have them."' " M. M3ck'replied, that the Emperor of Ger- many had not wiflied for war, but wis compelled to it by RulTia."—" If that be the cafs," faid the emperor, " then you are 1: 1 longer r. / o- T. vr." " Molt of the generals have confefled how difa- greeable this war was to them, and how much they. were affefted to fee a Rullian army in their country. T', ey rejected a blind fyltem of poli- / tics, which would bring into the centre of Europe a people accullomed to live in an uncultivated country, and in the field, and which, as well as its forefathers, might one day take a fancy to fettle in a milder climate. < « The emjaeror has treated Lieut.- Gen. Klenau ( whom be knew as commander of the regiment of Wuimfer) with much civility, as alfo the Lieuti- generals Ginlay, Getterlhein, Rie.-, and thePrince of Litchtenftein, See. comforting them in their misfortunes, and telling them that war has its chances, 3nd that they who had frequently been conquerors, might be conquered for once." HAGUE, 061.29. We have juft received intel- ligence, from an authentic fource, that Marfhal Maffena has paffed the Adige at Verona, 011 the 18th of October, defeated the Auftrians, and taken 2,4.00 prifoners ( independent of the killed and wounded), leven pieces of cannon and 18 caif- fons. We are informed that the French armies of re- ferve begin to extend themfelves more to the northward, and thus to approach the frontier of the Batavian republic. \ X BULLETIN.—( in fubjlance.) " After the capitulation of Gen. Werneck, Prince Ferdinand, with one thoufand horfe, and fome artillery, pufhed forward. He threw him felf into the Pruflian territory, and took the road by Gunzenhaufen to Nuremburg. Prince Murat followed him clofely, and headed him, which brought on a battle on the road from Furth to Nu- remburg, on the evening of the 21ft Oft. All the artillery and baggage were taken. The chaffeurs of the imperial guard covered themfelves with glory; they overcame every thing: they charged Mack's regiment of curiaffeurs- • « Wc are filled with aftonilhment, when we condder the march of Prince Murat from Albeg to Nuremburg. Although continually engaged, he continued to gain upon the enemy, who had two days marth of him. The reftilt of this extra- ordinary activity was the capture of 1,500 cha- riots, of 16,000 men, including tliofe furrendered under Gen. Werneck, and a great number of co- lours. Eighteen generals laid down their armsj three were killed. " On the night of the 21ft, Prince Murat lay at Nuremburg, where he remained the next day to refrefh himfelf." ELCHINGEN. From the imperial head quarters, z1ft 0Sober. " SOLDIERS OF THE GRAND ARMY. '* In fifteen days we have made a campaign. What we propofed is accomplifhed. We have chaced the troops of the houfe of Auftria from Bavaria, and re- eltabliflied our ally in the fove- reignty of his ( tales. That army, which, with equal oftentation and impudence, came to place itfelf upon our. frontiers, is annihilated. What fignifies it to England ? Herobjeft is accomplifhed. YVe pre no longer at Boulogne, and her fubfidy will be neither more nor lei's. " Of a hundred thoufand men which compofed that army, fixty thoufand are prifoners : they < will go to replace out- conscripts in the labours of our fields ; 200 pieces of cannon, all the park, 90 culours, all the generals are in our power. Not fifteen tbou- fand men of that army have efcaped. Soldiers, I had announced to you a great battle; but thanks to the bad combinationsof the enemy, I have been able to obtain the fame fucceffes without running any rilk; and, what is unexampled in the hiltory of nations, fo great a refult has not weakened us above 1500 men, tors de combat. " Soldiers, this fuccefs is due to your bound - lefs confidence in your emperor, to your patience in enduring fatigue and privations of every kind, and to your rare intrepidity. " But we ( hali not ( top here: you are impatient to commence a fecond campaign. We ( hall make that Ruflian army, which the gold of England has tranl'ported from the extremities of the univerfe, undergo the fame fate. " To this combat is more efpecially attached the honour of the infantry; it is here that is to be de- cided, for the fccond time, thatqueftion which has already been decided in Switzerland and in Holland : Whether the French infantry be the firlt or the lecond in Europe? There are among them no generals among whom I can have any glory to acquire: all my care fhall be to obtain victory with the leafl effufion of blood : my foldi- ers are my children." ELCHINGEN. From my imperial camp, r\ jlO£ l. Napoleon, Emperor of Ihe French, and King of Italy. Confidering that the grand army has obtained, by its courage and its devotion, relults which could not be hoped for but after a campaign ; and wilhing to give it a proof of our imperial fatisfac- tion, we have decreed and decree as follows:— Art. 1. The month of Vendemiaire, year 14, ( hall be reckoned as a campaign to all the indivi- duals compofihg the g and army. This month ( hall be fo chargcd to the ftate in the valuation of lubfiltence and military Cervices. 11. Our minifters at war, and of the pubiic trea- fury, are charged with the execution of this decree. ( Signed) NAPOLEON. ELCHINGEN. From my imperial camp, t. j/ 1 OEl. Napoleon, Emperor of the French, and King of Italy. We have decreed, and decree as follows:— Art. 1. Poflefiion ( hall be taken of all the ftates of the Houfe of Auftria in Suabia. 11. The war contributions which ( hall be there levied, as well as the ordinary contributions, fhall go to the army. All the magazines which ( hall be taken from tile enemy, excepting the maga- zines of artillery and provifions, ( hall alfo go to their account. Each ( hall have a ( hare in thefe contributions proportionate 10 his pay. HI. The private contributions which ( hall be levied, or the objedts which ( hall be taken from the magazines of the enemy, ( lull be reltored to the general niafs; no one being to profit by the right of war to the injury of the general innfs of the army. IV. A treafurer and direflorgeneral ( hail be im- mediately appointed, who ( hall render a monthly accounttoa council of adrainillration of the army, of the contributions that ( hall be raifed. The date of it ( hall be publiflied with its divifion. v. The fubfirtence ( hall be punftually paid from the funds cf our imperial treafury. vi. Our minifter of war is charged with the execution of this decree. ( Signed) NAPOLEON. The following mefjage of his MAJESTY the EMPEROR and KINO, by order of bis Imperial Highnefs Prince JOSEPH, was read to the Ccnifervati've Senate, " SENATORS, " I fend you forty ftandards that have'been ta- ken by - nsy army in the different engagements that have fucceeded that of Wirtengen. It is ho- mage which I and my army offer to the collcftcd wifdom of the empire; it is at prefent made by children to their fathers. Senators, you will fee here a proof of the fatisfaftion I feel from the manner in which you have uniformly feconded mj exertions in the molt important affairs of the em pire. And you, Frenchmen, will make your brothers advance— you will make them haften to join us in the contell, that, without effufion of blood, without effort, we may drive far from our frontiers all the armies that the geld of England is affembling, and to confound the auxiliaries of thetyranls of the Jeas. Senator*, it is not yet a month lince I told you that your emperor and his army would do their duty: I am impatient to have it in my, power tp fay that my people have done theirs; iince - I have taken the field, I have difperftd an army of a hundred thoufand men ; I have made the hilf'of them prifoners, the re- mainder are either killed or wounded, or have abandoned their ( tandards, and are reduced to the greateft conllernation. I am indebted for thole brilliant fucceffes to the love of my foldiers, and to their conftancy and courage in bearing fatigue. I have not loft 15 hundred men in killed and wounded. Senators, the firft objeft of the war is already gained. The Elector of Bavaria is re- eftablifhcd on his throne. The unjuft aggreffors have been ltruck as by a thnnderbolt, and, with the afliftanceof god, I hope in a ( hort time to tri umph overall my enemies. From my imperial camp, at Elchjngen, 26th Vendemiaire, year 14 ; 18th Oft. 1805. ( Signed) NAPOLEON. PARIS, Oa. 27. BULLETIN OF THE ARMY OF ITALY, OCT. I 3, 1805. At four o'clock in the morning the general ii chief ordered an attack to be made on the bridge of the old uaftle of Verona. The wall which blocked up the bridge in the middle was batter down with a petard ; the two breaches which the , Aullrians had made were rendered pradticable by means of beams and planks, and twenty four com- panies of . VoltigeUrs darted to the other fide of the river, whither they were followed by the firft divifion. The enemy obftinately defended the I paflagej they were routed and driven from all their pofitions, after an engagement which lafted till after fix in the evening. They loft feven pieces of cannon and 18 caiflons. We have made from 14. to 1500 pri( oners, and killed or wounded as many ; on our fide we have had very few killed, and about 300 lliglitly wounded. Works were conftantly erefted on the other fide of the bridce of the old caftle. We ( hall communicate the re- fults of this fortunate affair. ADDRESS OF THE EMPEROR TO HIS C SOLDIERS. The evening before the furrender of Ulm the emperor iffued the following proclamation :— " Soldiers, a month ago we were entapipcd on the ( liores of the ocean, oppolite to England, but an impious league compelled us to fly towards the Rhine. " It is but a fortnight ( incc wc paffed that river, and the Alps of Wirtemberg, the Necker, the Danube, and the Lech ; thole celebrated barriers of Germany have not retarded our march a day, an hour, or an inltant. Indignation againft a prince whom we have twice re- lea ted on his tbrone, when it depended entirely on our pleafure to hurl him from it, fupplied us with wings. The ene- my's army, deceived by our manoeuvres, and the rapidity of our movements, is completely tin ned. It now fights only for its fafety. It would gladly embrace an opportunity of efcapingand returning home-, but it is now too late. The fortifications which it erefted at a great expence along the Iller, expefting that Sve fhould advance through the palfes of the Black Foreft, are become ulelels, fince we have approached by the plains of Bavaria. " Soldiers, but for the army which is now in front of you, we ( hould this day ba< ve been in Lai don; iue fbould have avenged ourfebvcS jor Jix centuries of infuits, and reftored the freedom of tbe feas. " But bear in mind, to morrow, that you are fighting againft the allies of England; that you have to avenge yourfelves on a perjured prince, whole own letters breathed nothing but peace, at the moment when he was marching his army agaiuft our ally; who thought us cowardly enough to fuppofe, that we would tamely witnefs the paffage of the Inn, his entry into Munich, and his aggrellion upon the Eleftor of Bavaria. He thought we were occupied elfewhere; let him, for the third and laft time, learn, that we know how to be prefent in every place where the coun- try has enemies to combat. Soldiers, to morrow will be a hundred times more celebrated than the day of Marengo. I have placed the enemy in the fame pofition. " Recolleft, that the raoft remote pofterity will remark the conduft of each of you on this memo- rable day. Your progeny, five hundred years hence, whomay place themfelves under thofe ea- gles around which we rally, will know in detail, every thing that your refpeftive corps ( hall at- chieve to- morrow, and the manner in which your courage ( hall confer on them eternal celebrity. This will conftitute the perpetual fubjeft of thrir converfation ; and, from age to am, you will be held up to the admiration of future generations. " Soldiers, if I wilhed only to conquer the ene- my, I ( hould not have thought it necelfary to make an appeal to your courage, and your at- tachment to the country and to my perfon ; but merely to conquer him is doing nothing worthy either of you or your emperor. It is neceff ry that not a man of the enemy's armv ( hall efcape ; that that government, which has violated all its engagements, ( hall firft learn his cataftrophc by your arrival under the walls of Vienna; and that on receiving this fatal intelligence, itsconfcience, if it liftens to the voice of confcience, lhall tell it, that it has betrayed both its fol. emn promifes cf peace, and the firft of the duties bequeathed by its anceftors, with the power of forming the ram part of Europe againft the eruption of the cof- facks. Soldiers, who have befrn engaged in the af- fairs of Wertingen and Guntzburg, I 2m fatis- fietl with your conduft. Every corps in the army " 1 emulate you, and I ( hall be able to fay to my pie—" Your emperor and your army have done their duty." Perform yours, and the two hundred thoufand confcripts whom I have fum montd wiil haften, by forced marches, to rein- force our fecond line. ( Signsd" NAPOLEON. MILAN, Oft. 21. Another divifion of the French army paffed the Adige on the 19th, at Rouco. We have at prefent a line on the other fide of that river, which extends from Verona to St. Maria. The Auftrians - have theirs from St. Michel to Montbello. LONDON, TUESDAY, Nov. s. Since our laft have arrived Paris journals to the 30: 11 ult. and Dutch to the id inft. The capitulation of Ulm appears one of the moft extraordinary events of the pre lent extraon inary times. Treachery, cowardice, faruity, all prels for- ward in the mind to account for that dreadful ca tallrophe. The Auftrian army could not have amounted to lefs than between 60 and 70,000, on the 14th, at Ulm, who furrendered without an ef- fort! The French give all the difgrace to Gen. Mack. The Archduke Ferdinand propofed to march out, and to cut his way thro' the enemy, as Melas, in a fimilar fituation, attempted at Maren- go ; and a violent quarrel having taken place in confequence, between them. Mack produced an order of the emperor conferring upon him the command, and refolved to remain at Uhn ! What can we think of his conduft in fhortening the time of furrender by five important days ( thereby freeing Bonaparte to enter on his eager purfuit cf the Rullians) on the vcord of honour of Bonaparte, that the fortrefs could out be relieved. We cannot wonder that the Archduke Ferdinand, on quitting Ulm, loaded Mack with reproaches, who, without fullaining qne pitched battle, has luft an army of nearly 100,000 men. It appears that the archduke retired with the lofs of 23 out of jo pieces of cannon, and fome of his rear cut off by the cavalry of Murat. Another body of Auftrians efcaped by way of Bregentz and Fuessen into the Tyrolese. Gen. Wolffkel remained at Biberach, with 6 or 7000 men, againft whom Marshal Soult was direfting his divifion; but we doubt not but the former has retreated be- hind the Inn, and joined with Gen. Kienmayer, who being there reinforced by the Ruffians, had an elfeftive army of not lefs than 120,000 men. Three Pruflian armies arc in motion; and the Vienna gazette fays, " the two courts aW upon terms of the utmoft cordiality"; but we think, on the whole, that the aftive interference of Pruf- fia is a matter to be hoped rpther thanexpefted. The French difpatches befpeak a hate of this country by Bonaparte, fixed, malignant, and in- veterate. Does he want to animate his foldiers ngainft the defenders of Ulm, " they have prevented bim from being in London, to avenge fix centuries of i/ jfults."— Does he mean to conciliate the Auftrian generals", after meanly difgracing them, by making them fpeftators while their troops pafs under his yoke, he tells them, " that he wants nothing from the continent— that his objefts are foifs, colonies, and commerce."— In his addrefs to his ( oldiers, he ( ays, " of 100,000 men, who compofed the Auf trian army, 60,000 are prifoners; thy vAll go to take tbe place of our coaf ripts in tbe labours of our fields." This treatment is contrary to the ufagr of civilifcd nations j but is worthy of the hero of of Jaffi, k ( hetrj what Engli& men might expfcft, weI? ta, e. to Pl « e them in a f. milar fituation. l here is ftill no deciiive ncvvs from the armies m Italy. The mafter o* n Bremen veffel, arriveti at Falmouth from a spanish port, fays, that when ie sailed the Archduke Charles was reported to have totally defeated the army of Massena. May this intelligence be confirmed I hefe papers announce the death of Captain Wright, as follows:— Capt. Wright, of the Eng. . na, vy- 3 prisoner ib the Temple, who had dis- embarked on the French coast Georges and his ac- complices, has put an end to his existence in his prison, after having read in the Moniteur the ac- count of the destruction of the Austian army!" It was reported in Germany, on the 2 » d; but we believe without foundation, that the Emperor of Germany has demanded a cessation of hostilities, and that Bonaparte replied he would consent, pro- vided the Emperor fent back the Russians, relin- quished his alliance with England, and surrendered Venice and the Tyrol to France. RETROSPECT OF POLITICS. It is furprifing, in the firft ftep of the war, to fee what have been the movements and advanta- ges of France.— The troops that we lately (" aw from the cliffs of Dover encamped upon the heights of Boulogne are now thundering on the Rhine ; and, a; it is to be fe. ired, far advanced in putting the finilh to Aultrian greatnefs. Perfeft and quiet'miftrefs of the south weft half of continental Europe, France is now rolling an immenfe body of troops over. the north and eaitern parts.— Auftria was unable to withftand theattuck. Between her generals and her imbecility ( lie is al- moft crufned; her evil deftiny feemed already fi-; ed, and Mack was high prieft to officiate at the facriiice. Receiving for true, as we fear we muft, the re- port of the capture of Ulm, the deliat of the Auf- trian army and the annihilation of that part under the command of the above- mentioned officer; rak- ing it for granted, as is a conlequence, that the avenues of the Tyrol are in poffellion of the French, and that no fuccour can arrive from that quarter but to the enemy, it remains toconlider what Bo- naparte and the Emperor of Germany are likely to do in this proftration of Germany.— The for- mer will certainly not keep his pofition, nor will he reft upon his oars. He will march forward, and try the fame expedient with a Ruffian army which has fucceeded againft an Auftrian. If the report of the defeat of Mack be true in its fulled extent, the Rullians will fcarcely break bread in Germany before a French army is upon them. They will not be fuffered to mark out a camp, or maintain a fquare fo6t of pofts or entrenchments, or ( Imkeoff the duft of their journey. Bonaparte will make the attempt, though, as ufual, he ha- zards every thing. If he would not permit the Auftrians to wait the junftion of the Ruffians, he will fcarcely permit the Ruffians to come up with the Auftrians.— Divide et Irr. pera is as good a mi- litary as it is a political axiom. As to the Emperor of Germany, he mnft be content to fee the deftines . of Europe fought for in his hereditary ft ites, and give whatafliltance he can ; unlefs, as it is not unreafonabie to fuppofe, he fhould purchafe a I'eparate peace by giving up to France all the ftrong holds of Italy and Ger- main, and thus, by relieving her of one enemy, fend her out with a more entire and recruited ftrengih igainftanother.— The Emperor cannot be expefted to put every thing to Itake; no power in Europe h^ s ever done more ordelerved fo much as the houfe of Auftria in the prefpnt quarrel. But undoubtedly the obligations of faith and honour are not to be conftrued with fuch metaphyfical nicety as to compel Aultria to m ike her deftrtic- tion the pledg; of her fidelity.— Upon the princi- ple of- felf preservation there muft be an alternative left her between total ruin and obligation to the caufe of the allies. It is this that wfe fear; we fear likewife that Bo- naparte was well inllrufted upon this head.— He talked of conquering a ' Pe ice in Vienna;' in other words, he kn.- w that if by a fudden blow he could deftroy the Aul'trian armit-^ before the junc- tion of h. Ruffians, his road lay opfcii to Vienna, and that the Emperor mtift needs lubmit ii^ his capital to conditions which he might receive with- out imputation from the allies, and Bonapaute might iinpofe to their ruin. To take off Auftria from the confederacy ei- ther by policy or conqueft, and to rulh unincum- bered upon his northern enemy, was what he chiefly dtlired. He might probably even tempt the Emperor to this by wiping away the difgraces of defeat, and relloring him to a perfeft integrity of dominion.— He is machiavel enough to do it. But how would Anftria aft in this cafe? It is a nice queftiorr, and if ever put, muft be left to her felf. This, however, is only the commencement of the war ; the fpark is yet fcarcely kindled. Whether Auftria fubmit or not is of little matter as to the general refult, a greater game is on fool : France and Ruffia ire now coming in contaft ; by the re- duction of other Hates the intermediate field is cleared ; the flighted motion of the one muft now direftly affeft the other, and the concuflion of their armies muft ( hake the globe. When Ruffia and France meet in the field, me. diaion, armed coalitions, neutral conventions, and demarkation lines, will be of no avail. The in- tervention of thefe ftates may precipitate their own fubjeftion, but cannot ward off their fate. The chieftains of Rullia and France will meet nearly in the centre of the globe. Such contending par- ties do not come out to ( kirmiffi and mutually re- tire ; nor will they fight for conquefts to give away. If Ruffia reconquers Italy, it will not be to lav it at the feet of Auftria. She will not crofs the Alps to return back as ( he came, and leave her belt blood to fatten fields which fhe may never revi- lit. Ruffia does not come with a holiday ( hew of two hundred thoufand men, to make the grand tour of fouthern Europe, and return no wifer than ( he went: ( he has other projefts that fetched her from the depths of Mofcovy and Tartary, and if fl> e has arretted the progrefs of civilization in the Crimea and Siberia, it is not to do a civility to other ftates. The charitable politicians'of the prefent day give her credit for more difinterefted- nefs and benevolence. Undoubtedly the inter- pofition of Alexander was the only thjng to re- • ltrain the progrefs of Bonaparte, but it can have no tendency to ferve Auftria or liberate Germany. Our readers will now expeft that we ffiould fav a few words upon the pre.' umed acceflion ofPrui- ( ia to the caufe of the allies.— If this acceflion be real, it unqueftionably holds out the ftrongeit hope ; and ( hould Pruffia not waver by the Auf- trian di(" afters on the Danube, but reWutely de- fend and bring into aftion the northern ftates of Germany, much may be done to influence the re- fult of 1 he war, and give it a much better direc- tion and end than could be accomplifficd by Ruf- fia, who muft be p^ id in Europe for what ( lie does in Europe, and that not with money, but terri- tory. There are undoubtedly difficulties in the way of cordiality between Auflria and Pruffia; but ftill the ancient bonds of connection, fo long tightened by iiitcrcft, betweeu the latter pouer and the court of may be brokcu when the v % ( R* trtfpe3 conlhauJ.) general cause of Germany it involved. Politicians* however, have little bops from tbu connexion.— They fee in Proffia a grearer enemy to : he houl'c of Austria than a friend to Germany.— Austria and PrulJia, fince the birth of the later, hare been engaged id inceffa* t plans for weakening each other; ever vigilant, ever in alarm, ever jealous of the efforts and advancement of the other. They were allied a fhort time againft an evil of a very extraordinary nature; againft a matt formidable and ixniverfil dinger; hut even this alliance fr » « rd the feeds of dilcord, and produced new, and ap pirently jufttfiable grou. ida of perpetual diviHon. The impo ftbilitjr of their acliog in concert when called upon by the m- jit preiling danger, ' the ffrongeft and raoft ( acred motives} this laoienia- b! e impolfibilty, ihs fource of fuch deplorable misfonunes, has furnifhed the completed proof of an irreconcilcable antipathy, and has anniliilated • very hope of the pre/ ent, sad, it is feared every hope of the future. cvut are ready to contend that, in the prefent f ace of the honie of Auil'ipruffia may lay afide the alarm, and forget ho former malignity.— Auf- triaisnow tpohumbled; the has noting to ex- cite jeaioufy. Tue degradation of an ancient ( late, from the ( lock of which Proffu is herfelf a fey on, ran only touch her with tendernefs and compaf- fion. Snch has been the language of fome of our pa- peri, which are believed to be revolved by minif- trrial direction.— That it is falfeand romantic can eafily be ( hewn. If Pruffia, moved by the diflrefi of Aiuftiia, to adopt the cant of this argument, comtk to the relief of the Ertiperor, does ( he think that fiie< Snly phyfics him to Itrength and conva Jefcence to oppole France? No.— Auftria reftored to integrity, is llrong both ways,— jn enemy to Frail <•• ami a recruited opponent of PrulTia. /. ultriaand Prulfia are compelled, by the^ ery fyftcm of Europe, to countemft each other. There mult ever remain in their relations, in their politi- cal calling, in. their whole foreign and doineltic conduct, fetting a fide all private jeaioufy and ha- tred, a nutural and political enmity, springing from unalterable caufes, and interwoven in the very principle of their feparate exiltence. This neceffary Itate of oppofition has been con- ducive to the welfare of Europe, and has often faved Germany. To keep it up has been elteemed good policy in Germany, though the prefent times offer a fatal exception ro the maxim. But com- pelled as they are to this countera& ion, they can never be permanently allied. Doubtlefs an alliance between Pruffia and Auf- tria affords Germany the only chance of fafety. England and Ruflia would join it; thus a league between Aullpa and Pruflia may always beconli- dered as a coalition of Europe. The want of fuch a coalition has long been lamented, but the con- viction of its neceffity will be accompanied by the reafonable apprelienfion of its infufficiency. It would require a rare. conjunction of great and extra, ordinary characters to organize and con- du£> fuch a coalition to the objeft of its original ileftination. Experience has taught us this: the leflon is yet frefh upon our minds. We hrtvefecn a toalition of this fort, with Pruflia, purchafed oft" in the firlt month ; and who among the rulers of Europe will venture to encounter a fecond. DORSETSHIRE. NOTICE is hereby given, That the next Adjournment of the GENERAL QUARTER SESSION of the PEACE, for the county of Dorfet, will be held » t the County- Hill at DORCHESTER, in and for rtie faid county, on Saturday the 30th dfty of Norcmber next.— Dated this fecond day of November, 1805. hy order of the Court, Wm. BURNET, Clerk of the Peace County of Dorfet. DORSETSHIRE. AT a GENERAL MEETING of the LIEUTENANCY of the faid County, held . at Dorcheflcr, in the faid county, on Tuefday the 8th day of Oftober, in the year of our Lord 1805, for carrying into execution the Arts of Parliament for the Defence of the Country, and the Plana and Arrangements made for that purpofe; and alfo the Ads relating to die Militia. ORDERED, That the firft Meetings within each of the Subdivilions of the faid county, for the purpofe of receiving the Annual Liftl and hearing Appeals, be held on the days and at the places hereinafter mentioned, at' ten o'clock in ihe fore- For the SubdiviGon of WAREham, at the Red Lion Inn, in Wirt him, on Monday the twenty- fifth day of November neit. For the SubdiviGon of WIMBOrNE, at the New Inn, in Wimbome Minller, on Tuefday the twenty- filth day of November next. For the Subdivifion of BlANDFOR D, at the Greyhound Inn, in Blandford, on Wednefday the twenty- feventh day of November next. For the Subdivision of SHAFTESBURY, at the George Inn, in Shastesbury, on T'nuriday the twenty- eighth day of November next. - F « r the Subdivision of- STUrMINSTER, at the Swan Inn, in Sturminster Newton, on Thursday the twenty- eighth For the Subdivision'of SHeRbornet, at the Half Moon Inn, in Sherbotue, on Friday the twenty- ninth day of No- vember next. For the Subdivifion of CERNE, at the New Inn, in Ccrne Abbas, on Friday the twenty- ninth day of November DClt. For the Subdivision of DorchESTER, at the County Hall, in Dorchester, on Saturday the thirtieth day of No- vember next. For the Sukdivision of BEAMINSTEr, at the White Hart Inn, in Beaminster, on Monday the twenty- fifth day of November next. The above Meeting standi adjourned to the County Hall in Dorchester, on Saturday the 14th day of December next. By order of the Lieutenancy, EDWARD BOSWELL, Clerk of the General Meeting!. Fine ELM and ASH TIMBER, ivi: b tbe Tops. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the Virginia Inn. at Henstridge. in the county of Sotner- fet, 00 Tuesday the 19th day of November, at one o'clock in the afternoon, subjectto such conditions as will be then produced, ONE Hundred k Thirty ELM, and 3 ASH TREES, which ire numerically marked, and stand- ing upon the estates of Messrs. Gray, in rhe . rifhej of Temple Coombe and Henstridge, in the said county of So- merset, 1n the following Lots,. Lots. Trees. Numbers. Where standing. I. Fourteen Elntf, « to 10 in Old House Ground. a Six ditto, ijtoxo in Lower and Yonder Stain Hill. v. Seven ditto, ' JI » "> Higher Stain Hill. 4. Three Ash, 1 to 3 ia ditto. r. Fifteen Elms, 18 to 41 in Home Field. I. Fritter, ditto, 4? to in ditto. 7. Sutven ditto, 581073 in ditto. 5. Seventeen ditto, 74 10 9° » » North close q. Sixteen dito, 91 to to6 in Erbours. IO- Six ditto, 107 to til in Quar Close. , 1. Eight ditto, IIJ to uo in Cunmgir. 11 Ten ditto, in to 130 in Great Commoa, Little Common, 4r Dung Mead. To view the Timber, apply fo Mr. Benjamin Gray. a Henstridge. c « Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, in the week next before the sale; and for further particulars to the said Mr r. gray; or the Rev. wm. GRAY, at Stalbridge' Dorset; or messrs. Charlton, land and timber survyors, Stourton, Wilts. Town and County of the Town of POOLE. GAME DU TY. ' AliST of CERTIFICATES issued in the Town and County aforesaid, with respect to the said Duty, fine; the id day oi Joly, 1805. s Lester, Benjamib Lester. Linthorne, Benjamin, joa. Manning, Thomas. Sporrier, Christopher. West, Young. JOHN FOOT. jun. Clerk of the Peace of the said Town and Cauory. Bj Order of his Majestys Commissioners far managing the stamp Duties, C. E. BERESFORD, Secretary. WrHeREAS the GAME upon the Manors of Buckhorn Weston, Kington Magna, Nyland an West Stower, in the county of Dorset, and Marsh Court, in the county of Somerset, has of late years been shamefully poached and destroyed; therefore all qualified persons are desired to abstain from sporting on the said Manors; and all unqualified persons who shall be found trespassing, shall be prosecuted to tbe utmost severity of the law. N. DALTON. WANTED immediately, an APPREN- TICE by a SUrGEON and APOTHECARY in full Practice, in London. A youth of reputable parents, and disposition, who has received a Classical education, will be taken with > moderate premium. Particular; piajr he lc; io « * r. bv application, ( if by letter pjll paid; roberT OKe, Esq. Poole ; or the Rev. CHArLeS Bowle, Winburne. TO THE LADIES. AN Invitation to infpeft an'extcnfive Choicc- feleded Assortment of FASHIONABLE WINTER ARTICLES. IL) LINEN- DRAPERY. MERCERY, ar. j Hosiery, now on Sale, at BrOWN's Wholesale and Retail Cheap Shop, nearly opposite the Cross, sTAL- BRIDGE, Dorset. N. B. As Usual, the lowest ready- money price is marked on each article, in plain figures, therefore no abatement can be made, nor any credit given. YEOVIL. MRS. MITCHELL being just returned From LONDON, respectfully informs her friends an J ti. - public in general, that Ihe h> s laid in a New and Elegant Allsortment of MILLINERY, LINEN and WOOLLEN- DRAPERY, figured and Plain Chamberys, Shot & Plain Sarsenets, Printed and Plain salisBury Flannels., a large quantity of Muffs and Tippets, Split Straws and Chips, Black and Coloured Beavers, of the most fashionable shapes. Wholesale customers may be supplied on most reasonable N. B. A large assortment of fashionable CORSETS, ( A young Lady wanted as an APPRENTICE. DORSET. ALL Perfons who have any Claims or De- mands on the Estate and Effects ot JOHN GOULD, late of Frome Billett, in the county of Dorset. Esq. de- ceased, are required to tranfmir an account Thereof to Mr. ROBERT PATTIsON, or Mr. THOMAS GOULD rEAD, of Dor- chester, the executors in trust, in order that the same may be discharged.— And all persons who stood indebted to rhe said John Gould, Esq. at the time of his decease, are desired to pay their respective debts to the said executors, without further notice. Dorchester, Q&. 30, 1805. MILITIA BALLOTS. POLICIES of INSURANCE arc now issuing by the Proprietors of the Dorchester and Sherborne Militia Insurance Society, and their usual Agents, on the following terms, viz. A Subfcriber of Eight Sbillingt ) FIVE POUNDS, Fifteen Shillings I will receive - TEN POUNDS One Guinea ) FIFTEEN POUNDS, Or have a Substitute provided, if drawn and enrolled to serve in any Militia, under the present Acts of Parliament, before the first day of Auguft, 1806. CRUTTWELL & Co. Sherborne, Nov. 7, 1805. TO INNKEEPERS. TO BE LET BY SURVEY, On Thursday the 14th of November inftant, at five in the afternoon, A Well- accustomed INN, called The CROWN, . situate in the town of South Petherton, in the county of Somerset, with the outhouses, stables, fives- court, a large garden, and a productive orchard adjoining.— The Survey will be held on the premises. For further particulars, apply to Mr. HENRY CARY, at Martock Mills; or to Mr. TOLLER, at South Petherton. TO BE LET BY SURVEY, At the George Inn, in Chard, in the county of Somerset, on Wednesday the 13 th of November next, at four in the afternoon, AFARM, callcd HORNSBOW, situate in the parish of Chard aforesaid ; comprising two Dwel- ling- Houfes, a Water Grist Mill, and convenient outhoufei, together with about eighty acres of excellent orchard, wa- tered meadow, and pasture land, within .1 ring fence, wiih very extensive rights of common annexed The watered meadow to be entered upon the 6th of January, and the re- mainder of the estate on the 6th of April next. The premises are well worthy the attention of millers, or persons engaged in a business where an extensive machinery is required, as a stream of water passes through them, equal to the largest concern, without the necessity of being ponded, and which is not liable to be frozen. The estate lies ad- joining the turnpike- road from Taunton to Chard, and dis- tant one mile from Chard, four from Ilminster, eight from Crewkerne, twelve from Honiton, and twelve from Taunton. * ,* For further particulars, apply to Mr. TOLLER, South Petherton, Somerfet. October 24, iSoj. fOR SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the London Tavern, Foxhole- street, Plymouth, on Tuesday the igth of November, at ten o'clock In the lore- A Large Quantity of Valuable STORES, Landed frop the Spanish ships of war, St. Raphael and El Firme, prizes to the fleet under the command of Admiral Sir Robert Calder, Bart. Consisting of 6 cables, 22 to 28 inches, snoftly new; feveral hawsers, and shroud laid ropes; standing and running rig- ging; coils of new rope, different sizes; white ropea and other spare cordage; junk and sails; a large quantity of blocks; about 1000 Spanish musquets ( the barrels well cal- culated for fowling- pieces), bayonets, pistols, cutlasses; sheets of copper, copper nails, and other copper; a large quantity of leagers, hogsheads, and other calks.; shook casks, staves, and iron hoops; about 670 bags ot bread, beef, and pork ; a quantity ot round, grape, double- headed, cannister, and langrage shot, from 6 10 42- pounders; waggons and carriages for artillery'; a quantity of iron ballast, anchors, ships boats, 174 gun carriages, lumber, and sundry spare valuable boat- swains', gunners', and capenters' stores, too numerous to be inserted.— For catalogues, and viewing the stores, apply to Mr. JOHN HAWKER. Acting Agent, in Plymouth. Plymouth, October 26, 1805. Postscript DEATH of LORD NELSON! Gazette Extraordinary! WEDNESDAY. NOV. 6, 1805.. ADMIralTy- OFFICE, NOV. 6. Dispatches, of which the following are copies, were received at the Admiralty this day at one o'clock A. lt. from Vice admiral Collngwood, commander in chief of his Majesty's ships and vessels off Cadiz: Euryalis, off Cape Trafalgar, Sir, October 22, 1805. THE ever to be lamented death of Vice- admiral Lord Viscount Nelson, who, in the late con- flifl with the enemy, fell Jn the hoar of viSorjr," leaves to me the duty of informing mjr lords com- miii;- ineri ot tbe admiralty, that on the 19th inli. it sva3 communicated to toe cotriiruruler in chief from the ( hips watching Ihe motions of the enemy in Cadiz, that the combined fleet had put to fea; as they Jailed with light winds vtefterly, his lord- fhip concluded their deflioation was the Mediter- ranean* and immediately made all fail for the Itre- ghti* entrance, with theBritilh lquadrcn, con- fiding of twenty- levcn ( hips, three of them fixtjr- fnur- i, where bis lordfhip was informed by Cipt. Bliclcwood, ( whoie vigilance in watching, and giving notice of the enemy's movements, has been highly meritorious,) tbat they had not yet palTcd the Itrei^ htJ. On Monday the sift inftant, at daylight, when Cape Trafalgar bore E. by » - about feven leagues, tlie enemy was dilcovered lix or ( even miles to the eattuai. i, the wind about weft, and very light, rh; commander in chief immediately made the lign::! for the fleet to bear up in two columns, as they are formed in order of failing; a mode of at- tack his lurddiip lud previoully dire& ed,- to avoid the inconvenience and delay in forming a line of battle in the ufual manner. The enemy's line con- fided of thirry- threelhips ( of which eighteen were French and lifteen ^ panifli), commanded in chief by Admirjl Villencnee; the Spaniards, under the rlire^ i .11 of Gravina, wore, with llieir beads to the northwaid, and formed their line of battle wirii ,; re. t clofenels and correflnefs ; but as the mode of attack was unulu- d, 10 the llrufture of their line was new ;— it formed a crefcentconvex- ing to leeward— fo that, in leading down to their centre, I had both their van, and rear, abaft the beam ; before the fire opened, every alternate ( hip was about a cable's length lo windward of her fe- cond a head, and a Itenh fqrniing a kind of dou- ble line, and appeared, - when on their beam, to Lave a very little iiiteKval bcrween tliem ; and this • without crowding their ( hips. Adm. Villeneuve w is in Ihe Buceiitaftre in the centre, and the Prince of Aliurii>' oreGravina's flag in the rear; * iut tlw French and Spanifh ( hips were mixed without any apparent regard to order of national fqu tcron. A1- mode of our attack had been previoufly dfterimned on, and communicated to the flag- oth ceis, and op- ain's, few fignals were neceflary, and none'we. e in. idc, except to direft clolc orderas the !> flCs bore down. The commander in chief in the Victory led the weather column; and the Royal Sovereign, which bore my flag, the lee. The action began at 12 o'clock, by the leading ships of the columns breaking thro the enemy's line, the commander in chief about the tenth ship from the van, the second in command about the twelfth from the rear, leaving the van of the ene- my unoccupied; the succeeding ships breaking through, in all parts; astern of their leaders, and engaging the enemy at the muzzles of their guns; the conflict was severe; the enemy's ships were fought with a gallantry highly honourable to their officers; but the attack on them was'irrgfillibie, and it pleased the Almighty Disposer of all events to grant his Majesty's arms a complete and glori- ous victory ; about 3 0. m. many of the enemy's ihips having Struck their . colours, their line gave way; Admiral Gravina, with ten ships joining their frigates leeward, stood towards Cadiz. The five headmost shipS in the van tacked, and standing to the southward, to windward of the British line, were engaged, and the sternmost of them taken; the others went off, leaving to his Majesty's squadron nineteen ships of the line, ( of which two are first rates, the Santissima Trinidad and the Santa Anna,) with three flag officers, viz. Admiral Villeneuve, the commander in chief, Don Ignatio. Maria D'Aliva, vice- admiral, and the Spanish rear- admiral Don Baltazar Hidalgo Cis- neros' - After such a victory it may appear unneccssary to enter into encomiums on the particular parts taken by the feveral commanders ; the conclusion fays more on the fubjeS thin I have language to exprefs; the fpirit which animated all was the fame ; w hen all exert thsmfelves zeaioully in their country's fcrvicc, all defervetliat their high merits ( hould fcand recorded ; and never was high ifierit more confpicuous than in the battle I have de- ferred. The Achille ( a French 74), ( after having sur- rendered, by some mismanagement of the French- men took fire and blew up ; two hundred of her men were saved by the tenders. A circumstance occurred during the action, which so strongly marks the invincible spirit of British seamen, when engaging the enemies of their country, that I cannot resist the pleasure I have in making it known to their Lordships ; the Teme- raire was boarded by accident, or design, by a French ship on One side, and a Spaniard on the other; the contest was vigorous, but, in the end, the combined ensigns were torn from tbe poop, and the British hoisted in their places. Such a battle could not be fought without sus- taining a great loss of men. I have not only to lament, in common with tbe British navy, and the British nation, in the fall of the commander in chief, the loss of a hero, whose name will be im- mortal, and his memory ever dear to his country ; but my heart is rent with the most poignant grief for the death of a friend, to whom, by many years' intimacy, and a perfect knowledge of the virtues of his mind, which inspired ideas superior to the common race of men, 1 was bound by the strong- est ties of affection; a grief to which even the glo- rious occasion in which he fell, does not bring the consolation which perhaps it ought his lordship received a musket ball in his left breast, about the middle of tbe action, and sent an Officer to me im- mediately with his last farewell; and soon after ex- pired. I have also to lament the loss of those excellent officers, Captains dUfF of the Mars, and Cooke of the Bellerophon ; have yet heard of none others. I fear the numbers that have fallen will be found very great, when the returns come to me; but in having blown a gale of " wind ever since the action, I have not yet had it in my power to collect any reports from the fhips. The Royal Sovereign having loft her malls, ex- cept the tottering foremaft", I callcd the" Euryalus to me, while the aftion continued, which ( hip ly- ing within hail, made my fignals, a service Captain Blackwood performed with great attention. Af- ter tbe aflion, I drifted my flag to her, that I might more eafily communicate my orders to, and collect the ( hips, and towed the Royal Sovereign out to feaward- The whole fleet were now in a very perilous fituation, many difmafted j all flut- tered in thirteen fathom water, off the ( hoals of Trafalgar; and when I made thp signal to prepare to anchor, few of the ships had an anchor to let go, their cables being shot; bat the same good Providence which aided us through such a day preferved us in the night, by the wind shifting a few points, and drifting the ships off the land, ex- cept four of the captured dismasted ( hips, which are now at anchor off Trafalgar, and I hope wijl ride ( afe until thofe gales are over. Having thus detailed the proceedings of the fleet on this occafion, I beg to congratulate their lordlhips on a vi& ory, which, I hope, will add a ray to the glory of his Majotiy's crown, and beat- tended with public benefit to our country. ( Signed) C. COLLINGWOOD, The order in which the ships of the British squadron at- tacked the coMbined fleet, on the 21st of October. Victory. Temeraire. Neptune. Conqueror. Leviathan. Agamemnon Minotaur. Britannia. Africa. Royal Sovereign. Mars. Belleiile. Tonnant. Bellerophon. Colossus. Achille. Polyphemus. Revenge. Swiftsure. Defence. ' Thunderer. Defiance. Prince. Dreadnought. PhcSe. Naiad. 1 ickle fchooner. Entreprenaote cutter. . ( Signed) C. COLLINGWOOD. GENERAL ORDER. Euryalus, Oct. 22. The ever to be lamented death of Lord Viscount Nelson, Duke of Bronte, the commander in chief, who fell in the action of the 21st. m the arms of victory, covered with glory, whose memory will be ever dear to tbe Britilh naw, and the British nation, whofe » - al for the tin. our of. hu King, and for the intermits of his country, will be evrr held up it a shining example for aBrttifh feimso— leaves to me a dutj to return my thanks to the right non. rear- admiral, the captains, officers, teamen, and detachments of royal marines I'erving on board his majerty's fquadrc.; ngw under my com- mand, lor their conduct on that day : but where can I find language to e* pref< my fentimenrs o( the valour and ( kill which were difplayed by the officers, the feamen, and ma- rine? in the battle wtli the enemy, where every individual appear- d an hero, on whom the glory of h" country depend- ed; the attack was irresistible, and the issue of it adds to the pige of naval annuls a brilliant instance of what Britons can do, when their King and their country need their fervice. To the right hon. rear- admiral the Earl of Northesk, to the captains-, officers, and seamen, and to the ofn: erl, non- commifEoned officers, and privates of the royal marines, I beg to eive n » y fincere and h- arty thanks for their highly me- ritorrous cuduO, bo'h in the aftion, and in their aeal and aflivity in bringing : he captured ships out from the petilous fituaiion in which they were, after their futieoder, among the shoals of Trafalgar, i: i boisterous weather. And I dsfire that the respective captains will be pleased to communicate to the officers, seamen, and royal marines this public testimony of my high approbation of their conduit, and my thanks for it. Signed) C. COLLINGWOOD. GENERAL ORDER. The Almighty God, whofe armi » ftrenjth, having of his grent rr. et- cy been pleafed'to crown the eiertions of his MI- jefty*> fleet with fuccefs, in giving them a complete vidtory over their eiiem': e-:, on 2tft of this - month ; andthatall praife and thankfjivinr may be offered up to the throne of gi are lor the great benefits to our country and to mankind : 1 have thought proper, that a day ( hould he appointed, of general humiliation befo e God, and thankfpivingforthis his merciful guodnefs, imploring forgivenefs of fins, a continua- tion ofhis divine mercy, andhisconftantaid IOUI, inthede- fence of oar country's liberties and laws, without which the utmolV efforts of mm are nought, and direft therefore that be appointed for this holv purpofe. Civen on boird the Euryalus, off Cape Trafalgar, 22d 0£ t. ( Signed) C. COLLINGWOOD. N. R. The fleet having been difperfed by a gale of wind, no diy has yet been able to be appointed for the above pur- pofe. SIR, Euryalus, off Cadiz, OR 24. IN my letter of the 22d, I detailed to you, for the infor- mation of my lords commiffioners of the admiralty, the pro- ceedings of his Majelly's fquadron on the day of the aflion, and that preceding ir, ( luce which I have had a continued feries of misfortunes, but they are of a kind that human pru- dence could not poffibly provide agamft, or my ( kill prevent. On the 22d in the morning a Ifrong foutherly wind blew with fqually weather, which however did not prevent the ac- tivity of the officers and Teamen of fuch fhips as were manage- able from getting'hold o! many of the pries, ( thirteen or fouifeen) and towing them off to weftward, where I ordered them to rendezvous round the Royal Sovereign, in tow by the Neptune : but on the 23' d the gale incr* ared, and the fea ran fo high, that many of them broke the tow- rope, and drifted fai to leeward before tHe< myere g-. t hold of again, and fomnTt llidffl ^ Tlliii >- 0 - J vantage iVylie 4^- a. Kl boiflejoua tiijht, got beforethe wind, and perhip^' Jrirted" up* n ihe ihore. and funk; on theafteinf> or\ of that ' iay the rem- nant of the combined fleet, ten fail o<. ihips, who had not been m. ich er. gaged. ftood up to leeward.' of my fhattered and ( haggled charge. = s if meaning to attn: k them, which ob- liged mrto collect a force out of the I-' It iojup'd Ihips, and form Xu leeward for their defence ; a? this retarded the pro- gre& of the hulk'., and the bad weather continuing, deter- mined me to deftroy all the leewardmoll that could be cleared- of the m- n, coi. Gdering that keeping poffellion of the fhips was a matter of little confequence compared with ^ he chance of their falling again into the hands of the enemyj; but cventhis was an niduous tMk in the high fea which was running. I hope, however, it has been accomplilhed to a confidcrable extent; 1 entrufted it to ( kill'ul officers who would spare no pains to execute what was poffible. The cap- tains of the Prince and Neptune, cleared the Trinidad and funk her. Capts. Hope, Bayntun, and Malcolm, who joined the fleet this moineut from Gibraltar, had the charge of dc- ftroyirg" four others. The Redoubtable sunk astern of the Swiftsure, while in tow. The Santa Anna, I have no doubt, is sunk, as her side was almost entirely beat in ; and such is the fluttered condition of the whole of them, that unless the, weather moderates, 1 doubt whether I shall be able to carry a< ship of them into port. I hope their lordfhips will ap- prove of what I ( having only in consideration the destruction of the enemy's fleet; have thought a measure of absolute nc- cessity. * I have taken Admiral Villeneuve into this ( hip ; Vice Ad- miral Don Aliva is dead. Whenever the temper of the wea- ther will permit, and I can fpare a frigate ' for there were only four in the action with the fleet, F. uryalus, Sirius, Phcrbe, and Naiad," the Melpomene joined the 22d, and the Eurydice and Scout, the 23d,) I Ihall colleift the other flig- officers, and fend them to England with their flags, ( if they do not all go to the bottom,) to be laid at his Majefty's feet There were 4000 troftps embarked, underthecommandof Gen. Contamin, who was taken with Admiral Villeneuve in the Buccentaure. 1 am, Ac. ( Signed) C. COLLINGWOOD. LONDON, WEDNESDAY, Nov. 6. The park and tower guns fired at eleven o'clock: The commercial world was greatly agitated. The funds immediately began to move. At half- paft ten o'clock, the 3 percent, confols were 59J, at twelve, tbey 113d rcached 60. It was expected that thev would continue to rise still higher. Singular it is, that on the 19th of Oit. the very day on which Mack executed the additional arti cle of capitulation at Ulm, which completed the destrucion of half tbe Austrian army; the im- mortal Nelson deftroyed one half of the enemy's navy. But great as has been tbe achievement, and though the hero died, no doubt, as he wished to die, fighting the battles of his country, and extending her glory; dazzling as the victory mull be to the eyes of Englishmen, they think it dearly purchased by so great a loss. The musket shot that deprived his country of its brightest orna- ment, was fired from the maintop of the Santissima Trinidada. His lordship's secretary was killed at his side. Five French ships escaped up the Medi- terranean. Captain Duff, who fell in the action, commanded the Mars; and, Capt. Coote, who allij fell upon tbis glorious day, commanded the I Ranger sloop of 14 guns. Much as the victors of Cadiz consoles us at this eventful period, for the gloom of events in ano- ther quarter, yet the mind at this moment, divided between grief and triumph, knows not whether to congratulate our country that a victory has been so dearly purchased Or to wish that our beloved Nelson had been spared for some happier hour of victory, when his great soul might have triumphed: over the enemy without the loss of his blood- or, has the pest of Europe, with fome hundred thousand of his brigands, been sacrificed to the fall of our hero, it might have been something to lay in the balance against this national calamity. Glorious and gallant shade of our Nelson, farewell! On this day of mingled emotion, will the tears of every Briton. be shed in grief for thy memory, and admiration thy last 10 ciear our any Kinu or provmons. J ins order comes from our own government, and mult be ob- ferved ftriftly." We hive reafon to believe that parliament will meet, for tliedilpatch of bulinefs, on Tuefday tlis 7th of January. _ Miniiters hive had it in contemplation, forfome time pift, to eftablilh teiepraphic communications from Plymouth- dock to the Admiralty. On Sa- turday if v. aq finally determined upon, and Mr. Roebuck received orders to prepare the telegraph, at the di Cerent Rations, according to his plan, vyith all I'peed. We underftand the communica- tion- arc to go to Portfinouth, and from thence to London. THE EXPEDITION.— Yerterday the wind having changed to the s. w. there was an uncommon de- gree of buftle and a£) ivity in the Downs. Tbe blue peter fit every ship's maft head, summoned all the officers on board who had been allowed to go on shore. They were all in high spirits, and in the evening the whole expedition got under weigh for the Weser. DEAL, NOV. 5. Arrived the Vrftal and I'lm- mortalite frigates and feveral gun brigs, from nil the French coalt. Came down from Sheerness, ^ his Mijelty' ( hip Standard, of 6+ guns. fheYy 1 greateft bul'le has prevailed here the whole of this day amongft the troops, owing to the wind having ( liifted from s. E. to s. \ v. and fine wc3ther.- r- Hjs Majefty's fliips Leopard, Ariadne, and Alert, with feveral other ( hips of war, with a large fleet of tranfports, having on board the Coldstream and 3d royal guards, the 2 3d, or royal Welsh fusileers, the 4- th, or King's own, and the 14th regiments • of foot, the 95th, or rifle corps the King's Ger- man legion, together with artillery, generals, and ftaIF officers, attached to the above, i. iiled this af- ternoon from the Downs to the eastward. CORK, Oil. 23. The Sth, 9th, 28th, 30th, 36th, and 89th regiments of the line, are expected to embark immediately nt Monkstown. The 36th marched into town this day from Bandon. The 8th, from Middleton, were to embark this day at the East Ferry, and the 69th from^ Kinfale. The 30th are on their march from Limerick, the 9th. from Fermoy, aod the ?. 8th from Mallow. SHERBORNE, tHURSDAY, NOV. 7. On the receipt of the extraordinary gazette in this town, the bells were muffled, and a peal was rung to the memory of the great, gallant, an'd ever- to- be- lamented Nelson; and they have since been ringing merrily in honor of tbe brilliant and important victory. On Monday se'nnight was married, at Lymp- ston, Devon, John Collins, esq. late surgeOn on the staff for the western distrctt to the Hon. Miss Tuchet, daughter of Lord Andley. On the 19th uk. was married, at Wallop Hants Mr. W. Devenish, of Upsydling wLi Dorset, to Miss Kent, pf On Wednesday the 30th tilt. was married Mr Benjamin Ames, school- master, to Miss Morgan, ' daughter of Mr. Morgan, builder, of Beaminster. Saturday last was married at Tiverton, George Welsh Owen, esq. captain in the royAl Cornwall ' regiment, to Miss Wood, daughter of the Rev. T. Wood. On Thursday the 31st erf Oft. died at Kingsland, in the parish of Netherbury, Dorset, upwards of . 90 years of age, Mr. Hood, father of the late Capt. Alexander Hood, who was killed on board the Mars, and of the present brave and excellent offi- cer, Sir Samuel Hood, K. B. who is now at Kings- land with his sister. On Monday last died at Cullumpton, the Rev. Mr. Rumson, the paster of a baptist dissenting congregation of that town. He preached three times the preceding Sunday, and was thus sud- denly carried off by a bowel complaint. • On Thursday last died, Mrs. Thompson, wife of Mr. T. Thompson, of Hamlyn, near Heavitree. She was extensive and uniform in her charities, and will be long regretted by the indigent in tbe neighbourhood where she resided. On Saturday last the remains of the late Major Hawker were conveyed to the parish church at Folke, near Sherborne, attended by five compa- nies of the first regiment of the Dorset volunteers, commanded by their noble colonel, the Earl of Digby, where they were deposited with great so- lemnity, in the presence ot 3 large concourse of spectators. The volunteers, in a most steady and soldier- like manner, giving him the military ho- nours so justly due to his rank and merit. The pall was supported by Major Cunningham, and two majors and three captains of the 9th regiment of foot, all of whom appeared anxious and for- ward to pay the last tribute of respect to their de- parted friend. The whole was conducted with the utmost decency and decorum, under the su- perintendance 6c direction of Major Cunningham. On Friday morning last Mr. Sercombe, a respec- table farmer of Dunsford, was found dead by the side of a corn rick. He had been observed two nights before by a neighbouring farmer's boy to lie down in the place where he was found, and ie is supposed be never rose after. A respectable young man, who has long resided at Bath, as clerk in the offices of some eminent at- torney, took the resolution of shooting himself, and on Tuesday executed his dreadful purpose at an in Wells, in presence of his father. # Bread fell at Dorchester on Monday laft, three- halfperice on the quartern loaf, which now / ells for nd. The length and very great importance of the new in this and the preceding page oblige us to omit a riety of other matter. Saturday's Post continued. ROYAL FAMILY.— During the time the royal fa- mily resided : it Weymouth, and lince their re- turn From theme, the same uniform manner of living as they had invariably been accustomed to, has been Itridly obferved. The King's sight is even stronger than when he was at Weymouth.- Mr. Phipps, the occuist, attends only one day in the - veek. His Majelty's' hour of rising in the morning is ntft fo early as he has been heretofore accuil . m'd t". Seven o'clock for the laft three weeks has, been the ufual time when the King riles, whiv. n is half an hour later than has been re- membered for feveral years prut. Agreeable to long- eftahli( hcd cul. . m his Majefty walks abroad befoic breakfast, visits his stud when at Windsor; but when at Kew he inspects the work there going on. About twelve months since, the King usually br . ikinitcil alone ; he now partakes of that meal w. ti. his amiable family. At nine o'clock ) S"- ci! •!;,. riie Qjeen a. id Princefies enter the break- fa ft parlour; about ten- they retire. The King takts a ride or lecludes him ( elf in his ftudy. The Queen and the Princeffes ufually take the air every da, inthe royal carriages. At the very early hour of ' lie o'clock his Majelly regularly dines. The phin? ft food is always brought to table; beef or muttoYi for inftance, and a pudding, or fametimes filh. His Majefty It ill drinks a fimple beverage called cup, which is diftilled from bun- age, mixed with white wine.— Orange juice is a favourite drink of the King's, which he ufually takes after dinner. A; four. o'clock the Queen and Prin- ceffes dine, > ut before the cloth is removed the King pays1 them a vilit, qbats on the favourite to- pics of the dav, apd takes tea and coftec with his family. Thus palles the time till near fixo'clock, when they fepar. ite to drefs for the evening party. — i lie djy clofes with either cards or mufic. Sometimes the Princefs Amelia, whofe execution is uncommonly fine on the piano- forte, plays, whillt- he>. niter Princefs Mary accompanies the inllrumenr with her voice. Her highnefles's voice is naturally fweef, light, And brilliant; it poffeffes great compnfs and a commanding expref- fi<>:. The Duke of Cambridge and the Princefs Mary frequently fing duets together, fometimes Italian an. l French alternately, but more fre- quently the latter. The Duke's voice is a very fine counter tenor, possessing much softness. His highness is an adept in mufic, and a very good violoncello player. T- i these delightfully pleafant family coteries, do our august sovereign and his marchless consort, pass their evenings in the full enjoyment of every domeftic felicity. At ten the family sup, and at eleven, they retire to their fe- parate chambers for the night. O . Sunday a gang of notorious deferters, who had received the parish bounties under the addi- tional force act, were apprehended, and yesterday conducted under a proper escort to Bow- street, where, their persons were identified by the ser- jeants of five or six different regiments. They were immediately sworn in as recruits for the army of tl e line. We find it is the intention of the in- specting field officer to follow up this satutary plan with vigilance, during the ensuing winter. At the New Bailey, Manchester on Wednesday last, the huntsman of the Oldham hounds was convicted in the mitigated penalty of 10I. and costs, purfuant to the aft of parliament, for hav- ing hunted in DrOylsden with eight hounds, no person being at, the time with him duly qualified. It appeared he was entered regularly as the hunts- man. yet for want of the latter precaution, he sub- jected himself to the penalty. The forest of Dartmore, under direction of Co- lonel Tyrrwhitt, by the Prince of Wales's orders, is rapidly improving, several thousands of acres are grubbed up for planting, and on whose bleak « nd comfortless bogs and mountains, now only the object of shivering passengers, will soon arise neat, habitable dwellings, fit for farmers and cot- tagers;; and many acres of barren heath will be converted into as many acres of oats, barley, and wheat, for the benefit of soceity-. His royal high- ness has had this business in contemplation some years, and is now determined to have it carried into execution without delay. It is stated, in an ingenious work, that in Great Britain the number of people capable of rising arms en masse, from 15 to 60 years of age, are — That there are 98,030 marriages yearly — Tint, 6 5 in irriigt- s, 3 only are obferved to be with , ut js'< » ring— That every 35 years produces a - c .: iJtion; conl'equentlv there have been . • 7 3-' ,<-: i; : : irir, ii<; fince the creation of the world Tint 1 here - lie in Great Britain every year about 332,708; ev- rv. month about 25,592; every week 6,-^ 3; v- iv l^ y 914; every hour about 40 : and every 3 /- inures 2! H Shocking catastrophe.— A woman named Ann Perroff, who resided in Parker- street, Blooms- bury, having been missing for some time, search was made for several days without effect. Her chamber door being fastened in the inside, it was suggested by the neighbours that she might have ' made away with herself; accordingly, a constable was procured, and the room door forced, when, shocking to relate, she was difcovered extended upon the floor, with her face downwards, quite dead,; upon turning her she presented a most dreadful sight, nearly the whole of the flesh on lier face being eaten off, as is supposed by the rats. It i; imagined she got intoxicated, and was suffo- cated. An inquest was held yesterday, when a jury returned a verdict of— Died by the visitation of GOD. MIDDLESEX SESSIONS.— NEW PRISON.— In the afternoon, after the grand jury had delivered the bill; i. i court, the foreman addressed the bench as follows:— Gentlemen, we have this day made a general inspection of the New- prison, Cold- bath- fields, and have the satisfaction to inform the court, that the state of it is such as excited our admiration. We are the more ready to commu- nicate to you the result of our researches, that the public may be aware of the prejudices which have flrongly prevailed respecting the prison, which, we have no hesitation in observing, surpasses all others in cleanliness and comforts. The chair- in in thanked the gentlemen for their diligence, and was of the same opinion with them, that it was the best conducted prison in the kingdom. St. Domingo.— Exemplary punishment ( says a Correspondent) at times overtakes the indivi- duals, who have either connived at or encouraged injustice, by which they were benefited; or the property which th v have amassed is plundered from their heirs. Who can view without horror th late situation of St. Domingo? Had the origi- ninal planters of the island foreseen the effects of their imipious trade on the coast of Africa, the burning of their plantations, and the measure of their descendants, the sight must have appalled even the basest slave to self- interest, and he would have deprecated, as strongly as he inculcated be- fore, he introduction of an African into the island to cultivate his possessions. DRURY LANE.— The following is a slight sketch of the fable of the r. cw comedy called " A Prior Claim" :— DRAMATIS PERSONS. Sir William Freeman - Mr. DOWTOn. Young freeman . . Mr. De CAMp. Colonel Raymond - - Mr, BARRYMORE. Mr. ELLISTON. Mr. PALMeR. Mr. JOHNSTONE. Mr. DORMER. Mr. COLLINS. Mifs DUNCAN. Mrs. H. SIDDOnS. Miss De CAMP. Henry Mortimer Patrick O'Shatter - Allen M'Gregor Maria - -- ' Emily .... FABLE. The opening scenes announce the preparations for the wedding of Maria and Henry Mortimer, and the happiness of Sir Wm. Freeman, the bride's father. It appears ( lie had been formerly engaged to Col. Raymond, a man of high clia- radler, but who had obtained her confent from motives of efteem rather than of affeftion.' This gentleman was supposed to fall five years before at the storming of Seringapatam. In the 2d aft he makes his Unexpected appearance* and in an inter- view in the 3d with Sir William, he compels him to acknowledge his prior claim to Maria's hand. A stop is of course pur to the wedding, and this reverie of fortune, of which Henry Mortimer ap- pears to have had an unconquerable foreboding, finishes the fourth aft. In the fifth, Raymond contrives to be present at a secret meeting be- tween the lovers, ami instead of finding his suspi- cions of some clandestine intention fulfilled, is so powerfully impressed by their honourable senti- tnents and forbearance, tlwt with a generosity worthy of a great mind he advances at the mo- ment they bid an eternal farewell, and, with a fhort and impressive sentiment, unites their hands. Connected" with these scenes are several others, be- tween Freeman, a young man of spirit, fashion, and honour, and Emily, an amiable young woman, a dependant of Maria's. It appears that, in the first instance, he had insulted her delicacy by an offer which his better judgment tells him reflects very little honour 011 his understanding or heart, and is now anxious to repair the injury by the of- fer of his hand. This she refuses, declaring her- self his equal in birth, though not in fortune, and that she will never marry, where it could be suspected sHe acted from selfish views." At the . fame time ( lie confefles; " that had they met on equal terms, he would not have encountered that rejeftion." The arrival of Allen M'Gregor an- nounces her to Freeman as the lieirefs of a confi- dcrable fortune; and he then determines, from equally noble principles, to relinquilh his hop< for ever, Ipft lhe ( liould poflibly fufpeft his late of- fer of his hand, the refult of prior information on the fubjeft. . On becoming herfelf apprized of her good fortune, and on his bidding herfareweil, ( he ingenioufly alks the motives of his lilence on a subject apparently so near his heart. On learning them, she frankly tells him she is now in a situa- tion from which he need not blush to chuse a wife, and offers her hand, if he Hill thinks it worthy his acceptance.— Lounger and Robin diversify these more serious scenes with several comic ones. Pa- trick O'Shatter finds his wife beset with lovers, and endeavours to surprize her. She howeVer discovers him, and recriminates on his unjust sus- picion : and at last proves her faith and affeftion uninjured, though she had so. long supposed him lost for ever." This comedy is almost wholly of a serious cast. approaching nearly to what the French call " La Comedie larmoyante." Some comic relief is at tempted to be furnished by the subordinate cha racters, but it is in several parts coarse, and, on the whole, not very effective. We have also to blame some parts of the dialogue, where a meta- phor, when introduced, is spun out into a tedious allegory.— The play, however, with these defect:, has strong recommendations to public favour. The fable is well conducted, the interest is pro gressive and well sustained, and the denouement is as gratifying as it is unexpected. There are 110 novel or striking delineations of character, but such as they are drawn, they are proper and con- sistent. The elder ^- Vtr. c uf t ie firm, it is dent, has ^ not forgotten the maxims— servetur ad imum, euj.. i conjU/-/ onie of the jocose effusions of his junior assistants may be pruned away without injury to the play .— The performers rendered every possible aid r - the piece. Eilliston, Dowton, and Barrymore, p. ayed weir. Mi.' s Duncan, and Miss De Camp are equally entitled to the praise of good acting,. but in their songs tbey were not so fortunate. That allotted to the farmer, was in too high a key for her voice, and the latter, though she sung and danced with gaiety and grace bore evidently the marks of her recent indisposi tion. Mrs. H. Siddons, though sometimes mis- taking the sock for the buskin, imparted much in- terest to the part of Emily.— The epilogue, which was Ipoken by Mil's Duncan, had fome pieal'anr al- lusions to the donkies, and other delessemens of the watering- places, with some good hits respecting our soldiers and seamen disputing their " Prior Claims" to meet the enemy.— It is not too late to say, that Johnstone, Collins and Palmer, exerted themselves with much success in the slight parts allotted to them.— The piece was given out with a dissentient voice, and, we doubt not, will have as long a run as falls in general to the share of modern comedies. EPILOGUE To the nEW CoMEdy of A PRIOR CLAIM," SPoken by MiSs DUNCAN. JR Thank Heav'n, my face at liberty, aeain My tongue can amble, iu a nimMer llrain: I love the laugh, and fo indeed dojcu, ' i'ho' now and then, you love the fcrious too. As Prologues ne'er the enfuing fcenes betray, Put only alk your mercy for the Play ; So ufelefs fure for Epilogue [ 0 ( hew '(' hole incidents you all already know: More ufelefs ttill'your mercy to implore, ludgmebt once pafs'd and execution o'er. Prom your decilion, no appeal we claim, - Your cenfure candid j but your plaudits, fame. We hail the hour propitious, that recals Oncc more your wckome prefcnce to thefc walls ; Prom lural fpotls and Theatiei, again To grace the ample feati of Qrury- lane. Donkies- now mourn, their envied triumph o'er, By Beauty's precious burthen prefs'd no more; Unlefs fome falhionable Nymph will ( hew How well they tittup- it, in Rotten- row. No longer cits the briny breeze enjoy, In crowded cabin of a Margnle hoy ; No longer now, on Knit's deferled fhore, They liflen to the thunder's diflznt roar From batt'ries pour'd ; while fafe- in port retire Invafion's navies, from Britannia's fire ; Save, whrn by glory urg'd, the daring hofl, Tremendous— Ikulks along the Ihelt'ringcoaft. That Farccis damn'd— at Harlequin's command, As ( hiftour varying fcenes from land to land ; _ Now here, now there— So Gallic fquadrons fhine ; Hey, I'refto ! Boulogne now, and now the Rhine. Having, likclheep, within one penfold fene'dye, To- night two Authon fet their wits againlt ye: Tho' too much brains, they fay, one head may fetter; Vet all men own, two hcaJs. than one, are better; Yon critic, in bob- wig, fo round and Gnall, Cries, Humph ! iw> heads may have no brains at. all I For tho' the fimilie my nature Ihocks, One hcaJ like mine, is belter than two blocks. I fear, one fault our title has— you'll fay, It really leems conneited with our play— Yet different minds it differently will itrike ; All lay a prior claim lo what they like. Mifs in her teena, and Mifs in years well fped, All, all aflert iht prior claim to wed. Shouts the old foldier, mine tbe claim, ' tis plain, To meet the foe, and drive him back again. Avaft!. crie « Jack, our pi ior claim fhall Itand, To thrc( h the lubbers ere they reach the land. Hui/ a I then roars the mob, we'll all advance Our prior claim to quell the pride of France. tn one compafhJ body will we ftanJi 1 Zeal in each heart, and arms in ev'ry hand, > To crulh th' Ufurper on our native land. J , ( Going, returns. J But, foft— a word, before I halte away. About our Authors, and this evening's Play : Should you approve, they're proud your tafte to hit; Should you condemn, they mourn it, and fubmit. They know your fib'ral voice, to jultice true, And leave their caufe to candour, and to you. NAVAL ABUSES. FROM THE MINUTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF ABOARD OF ADMIRALTY, Which inspected the different dock yards and victualling de- partment, inthe months of July, Auguft, September and October, 1802— Ordered by parliament to be printed 25th. June, iSoj, and now first delivered, we learm some additional particulars. From the examination of the master boat- build- er at Plymouth Dockj it appears that, previous to the dismissal of Mr. Marshal from the office of master shipwright, although the wages of the men employed under him were set off as if they had per- formed the work required to entitle them to more than a single day's pay ; yet that the work which had been actually performed formed no part of their calculation ; but at the end of each month'a job- note was made out in fuch a manner as to en- title each of the worn- out artificers to receive tin; fame extra wages as were earned by the ableft ar- tificers in the yard. The ftyii of wages thus paid, or stated to be paid, to these infirm men, for the years 1800 abd 1801 only, amounted to 10,94.31. whereas^ if they had been paid at the rate of a sin- gle day's work, which was more than they could have earned, it would have amounted only to the sum of 4,529k; and if they had been superannu- ated, to not more than half that sum 1 Similar practices also prevailed in the other dock- yards. On the hulk, at Chatham, it appeared that 150 were victualled, of whom only 14. or 15 slept on board, rhe remainder being employed on board of other ( hips, or 011 fliore in the dock- yard. At Sheerness— That the apprentices to the builder and assistant, the measurer and converter, have been borne out with the full extra of the yard, upon a variety of work which it is impossi- ble they could have been employed upon during the course of the same day; that, among a multi- tude of instances of this kind, it appears that, or. the 15th of June, 1800, they were borne to work Sunday two for one, on board three Russian ships; alfo on board the Veteran, one day extra, to expe- dite the work ; also to go on board the Veteran to continue by night two for one, and also two tides and a half. That, on the occasion of sending two artificers only to perform some wqrk on board the Eclair gun- brig, on Sunday the 18th Sept. 1800, two firemen, five apprentices of the master shipwright, and three of his assistants, were borne out on the fame note, for which they were fet off wages for two days, two tides and a half; and on the fame dayyall t/ ieabovr- mentionedapprentices were alfo put on' a note with artificers employed 0/ 1 board • he Freya Danilh frigate, for which they were fet olf wages for three days, making, in all, wages for five days, two tides and a half for thefe appren tices, who had not in faft been employed on either of thole veflels. That, contrary to the navy board's express or- ders, these apprentices had been set down in the notes as- employed in no less than six different gangs in the fame 2+ hours, and that they were not present where the great earnings were charged. FASHIONS FOR NOVEMBER. Evening and morning drcj/ es.— 1. Drefs of white mu/ lin; the body made quite plain, with ffiort Ileeves; the train very lohg j a linall hat of white fatin, turned up in front, with a white feather to fall over the left fide; a large crimfon Indian ffiawl.— 2. A ffiort drels of uhite inuflin, with a black velvet pelilfe, lined with fc^ rlet, and made high in the neck, broad lace let in round the botr torn : black velvet bonnet, with lace let in round the « dge, to corrcfpond with the pelilfe. Nine beads. — 1. The hair drelfed in the mod fafliionable manner.— a. Turban of white muflin, with a medalion in front.— 3. Turban of white larin, ornamented with a flower.— Hat of lilac filk, lined with yellow; white feathers m front.— 5. Hat of crimfon velvet or filk, turned up in front, and ornamented with whiteoftrjeh feathers. — 6. Mob cap of worked mullin, or leno.— 7. A veil pinned on the head to forma tprban.— S. A large bonnet of white fatin, trimmed round the edge with white lace, and ornamented with a wreath of flowers.— 9. Head- drcfs ol hair. General obfer'valions.— The prevailing colours are fcarlet and crimfon. Drefles continue to be worn very ffiort in the waift and low itvthe back, the front high over the bofom. The turban hat of ft raw, velvet, or filk, and large crimfon fliawls are univerfally adopted. PARISIAN FASHIONS. Notwithftanding the cold and the rain, a great deal of white is ftill worn. On Sunday the 13th inft. at the Tuilleries, three- fourths. of the cof. tumes were of fummer. The flowers, with the exception of dailies, are not thofc of the feafon.— Coquelicot and orange flowers cannot be confi- dcred as out of faffiion; but plumes are begin- ing to be worn again. We obferved them lately at the Opert, of rofe and white, in bunches, upon hats of a very narrow leaf, fome of latin, others of velvet. The velvet is black, the fatin white or rofe. Rofe is ltill the prevailing colour. A lady who wiffies to wear, her cloak, at the lpeftacle, has it made of rofe or grey fatin, faced with white, without a collar, and cut ( harp before, fo as when tied acrofs to look like the letter Y. The cloak upon the bofom is very richly trimmed with lace. AGRICULTURE. MONTHLY REPORT FOR OCTOBER. The drynefs of the weather prevented for fomc time the clover leys breaking up well for wheat fowing; but towards the end of the month they worked kindly for the leed in molt diltrifts. Some early fown fallows, free from black grafs, have thrown out promifing plants. A larger bulk of clover for feed hss been got up in good order in the eaftern, and lome of the northern counties, and better headed than has been remem- bered for many years paft.— The turnip countries have abundance of feed, particularly throughout Norfolk, and Suffolk. In many parts are oblervcd a confiderablebreadth of winter tares in great lux- uriance; the forward ftate of which, particularly where drilled, will, no doubt, be found highly profitable to the growers. Potatoes turn up every where abundant, and, from moft foils, of good quality.— The'corn of laft harvelt, of all kinds, is found to rife much above the ufual average ; and the now general introduftion of tbrejhing ma- chines upon a Amplified conftruftion, will be found confiderably to encreafe the produce.— The meat markets for primearticles have had fome advance; but inferior beef, and mutton, continue low? pig- pork is plentiful, and not dearer. Veal of a fu- perior quality is worth more money .-— Lean ftyck continues to be had upon nearly the faffie terms as through the courfe of laft month, except itore flieep, which « re fomewhat lower.— The hop markets have had a further advance in prices. In wool there is little or no variation fince our iait month's report. MONTHLY COMMERCIAL REPORT. TX/ E had occafion to notice in our laft report, the difguft which the exercife of the right of excluding neutral importations into the ports of our Weft Indian colonies had excited in the United States of America. The papers fince received from thence, are full of animadverlion and complaint on the late con- demnation of fcveral of their veffels, captured with the produce of ltates at war with, this country. There feems, however, to be much difference of opinion as to thetrue grounds of their complaints: fomc report, that they merely furniffied thcmfelves with papers for the purpofe of deceiving our cruizers; while others, in detailing the circum- ftance with more apparent plaulibility, give a very different complexion to the cafe. As far as we are informed, it appears the Americans were uni- formly in the habit, " It war, of landing the car goesthey brought from belligerent ports, and pay- ing the duties upon them in America; they were then re- ffiipped ( generally) on- board the fame vefl'el, and Cent to Europe; they confidered this a lufficient precaution to. neutralife the property, fo as to fortify themfelves againft the fearch of our cruisers; and as this had been tolerated laft war, they imagirted themfelves completely protefted by fimilar regulations this war. It is doubtiefs true, that thefe precautions were not always adopted; and much fraud and contrivance has been in- vented to fave the heavy expences which inuli ne- ceffarily fall upon the cargo. Our government, aware of thefe circumftances, and the facility with which a mere compliance with a loofe regulation, fuch as that,- might be evaded, or made the Joak of artifice and decep- tion, have judged it expedient to demand an au- thenticated certificate, that the cargo, being the produce of ftates at war with England, hail not only been landed and paid the duties, but could not, from the ftate of the markets, be fold in Ame- rica, without lofs, before it ffiould he r:- ffiipped for Europe; and whenever this document could not be produced, feizure was direfted, ar. d con- demnation enfucd. But the manner in which the Icizures have been executed, the Americans con- ( id? r as particularly obnoxious; and they bitterly complain, that after having been permitted to pro- ceed unmolefted laft war, their vtflels ffiould now be feized, and condemned ; and that, without any previous notice, or intimation, to any of their acr credited agents, that it was intended to infift upon the produftion of this certificate, is a ft; gram > te- relidtion of good faith, and a violent breach of amicable relations. Under this impreffion, the government of the United States has remonftrated wirh our miniltry in very energetic terms; threatening to fufpena il communication with this country and the Co lonies, and to detain an equal number of Britifn veflels, till reftitution is attorded a id the prafticc difcontinued. It is laid Lord Hawkelbury has promifed that the fubjefl ffiali be ferioufly invef- tigated. If our information is correff, we muft indeed confefs, that it is a matter of very critical import ance; and from the lenfation we anticipate ic would excite in America, coupled with riiejea- loufy and difcontent created by rhe reltriftion on their exportation to the Weft India iflands, much delicacy and forbearance is required in the exa- mination and adjultment of ihis queftion. The generality of our politicians treat thefe threats with contemptuous indifference, from the apparent im- poffibility of the Americans exifting without our innnufaftures; but fuppofing this to be granted ( as we cannot aft'eft to be ignorant), that America poffeffes in herfelf, every elementary article for the produftion of manufaftures, we fliould not, by a narrow policy,, compel I hem to try the experi- ment, for it rr. uft be recollefted, that they are an induftious,' perl" evering people, extremely jealous, and determined to undergo any privation for the affertion and mr. intenance of their national inde- pendence; we ffiould then he careful how we force them to this great exertion, the practicability of which is not doubtful; for, if they once but par- tially fucceed, that which neceffity created, their intereft and their dignity will nurture and fupport. The effeft of a fufpenfion of rhtercourle to our colonies in war, would be inexpreffibly diftreffing, if not entirely ruinous; and to ourfelves, a defal- cation in the confumption of our manufaftures to the extent of the annual fupply. We need have no additional caufe to embarrafs our m. mufaftory trade, which is now in a wretched condition; and though it might have been politic to defpife publicly the mealures direfted by the Emperor of the French as inefficient, to prevent the introduflion of our manufaftures on the con- tinent, it cannot be concealed that his regulations have loaded the trade with fuch exorbitant imports and exaftions, that it is almoft annihilated. Re- cent letters from Holland repeat the ftriflnefs with which thefe meafures are executed; and the Bata- vian~ gazette ispofitively contradifling a report of one of our papers, that Britiffi manufafiured goods would ffiortly be admitted into Holland at a duty of per cent.; announces the feizurc of a large parcel of goods; and, fo far from any re- laxation of the official regulations, ftates the vigi- lance exercifed to be mote fevere than ever. The evacuation of Hanover, we hope, will re ftore us the old channel of communication with Germany. Lord Mulgrave has officially notified the raifing ol the blockade of the Elbe, and fome life and aflivity begins to animate our markets; but till it is afcertained that the intercourfe is un- obltrufted, the trade will not affume that ftradi- nels which charafterifes unimpeded communica- tion. At Hamburg, the merchants have been ex- ceedingly diltrcffed by the fcarcity of money ; and as it is now difcovered that our government mean to make their, remittances in fpecie, inltead of bills; the Exchange has rifen in London 3 per cent, in one poft. Our importations of wheat from the north of Europe ftill continue; thefe, with expefted arri- vals of flour from America wjll, in addition to our ! own produftive harveft, afford an ample fupply, and may perhaps admit of ftill further reduftions in this Itaple article of life. We alfo obterve, with peculiar pleafure, that at all rhe l? rge fairs throughout this country, many of the articles of the firft neceffity are on the decline in price, par- ticularly cheefe. In our report for the paft month, we congratu- lated the commercial world on the fafe arrival of the Ealt India and other fleets. The prefent is fcarcely lefs propitious to our national profperity. The largeft Leeward ifland fleet that has come for fome time ( nearly 300 fail), are got fafely into port; alfo the laft Jamaica fleet for this year, the fleet from Quebec, and the valuable ones from Peterffiurg and the Baltic. Thefe laft are of pecu- liar importance at the prefent junfture, being laden with all forts of naval ftores, for the feafonable fupply of our dock yards and increasing navy. A comparatively trifling fet offtO thefe advan- tages is juft announced, in the capture of fome of our outward- bound Oporto fleet. The lofs on this occafion, however, if not likely to be # 1; all j equal ta tvhat tt \>? as at 6rft reported, as it \ i thought that not'more than eight have fallen intd the enemy's hands. The Weft India market ftill remains heavy j and but for the gmdujl manner in which it has been latterly fup plied by the fleets keeping out, it would have been deplorably dull. War a Proof of the Irrationality of Mankind. ' WE P^ eJ over the of Carlowitz ( favs * * Lady M. W. Montagu, in one of her let- ters) where the last great victory was obtained by. Prince Eugene over the Turks. The marks of that glorious bloody day are quite recent, the field being strewed wirh the sculls and carcases of un: buried men, horses, and camels. I could not look without horror, on such numbers of mangled hu- man bodies, nor without reflecting on the injur- tice of war, that makes murder not only necessary but meritorious. Nothing seems to be a plainer proof of the irrationality of mankind ( whatever fine claims we pretend to reafon) than rhe ragtf with which they conteft fora fmallfpot of ground^ when fuch vaft parts of fruitful earth lie quire un- inhabited. It is true, custom has now made war unavoidable; but can there be a greater demon- ftration of want of reason ( if the word reason means common fenle, as I luppofe it " does,) than a cuftom being firmly eftablilhed fo contrary to the intereft of man in general ? - - . . " A colledtive body of men make a gradual progrefs in underftahding, like th. it of a ( ingle individual. When I reflefl on the v. it in- creafe cjf ufeful, as well as Ipetulative knowledge the laft three hupdrcd years has produced, and that the pealants of this age have mure c nveni- ences than the firft Emperors of Rome had any notion of, I imagine we are no* ai rived ar that period which aufwers to fifteen. I cannot think we are older, when ! recyllefl the many p i oal. ie follies which are ftill ( alm ilt) univerlaily perfiltcd in: I place that of wir as fenfel? li as the boxing of fchool- boys,. and whenever we come to man's eftare ( perhaps a ihoufar. d years hence) I do not doubt it will appear as ridiculous as the pranks pf unlucky lads When time- has rii pened men into common fenfr, rhe name of con- queror will be an odious title. J" J ' Destroyers rightlier call" d, and plagues of men.* MILTOK. BATH ArRIVALS. Earl and Countess of Kenmare, Countess of Elgin and family, Viscountess Nelson, Lord Peterborough, Lord Adair, Lord Kilwarden, Lady Bath and family, lady C. Greville, Lady Sidney, Lady St. Lawrence, lady Clerke, Lady Staunton, Hon. Col. and Miss Brown, Hon. Col and Lady Plunkett, Hon, Mrs. Whaley, Sir R. and Lady Bickerton, Sir W. and Lady Barker, Col. Mrs. and 2 Miss Yorke, Major H. Hamilton,- Major Stapleton, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Cibbes, Dr. Sherwen, Dr. and Mrs. Baker, Rev Mr. Hunt, Rev. Mr. Williams, Rev Mr. and Mrs. Maclean, Capt. Cane, Capt. Thompson, Capt. Guion, Capt. Blake, Capt. and Mrs. Swinton, Lieut. Hoblin, Lieut. Dobbs — Messrs. and Mistresses Orr, Urimston, Sealey, Woodley, Crawford, Whyte, Thorn, Melville and family, Newland, Fairfax, Brasier, Fry, Flair, Fullerton, Stowey, Deasy, Haylock, Brouncker, Barnard and Crooke.— Messrs Mistresses and Misses Carpenter, Greive, Puller, Winstone, Rodbard, Freeman, Pocock, and Spalding.— Messrs. Dearsley, Saun- ders, Colquhoun, Gordon, Perry. Windham, Whiter, Haw- kins, Swinton, Croft Bradwell Todd, Blair, Joyce, French, Greville, Burke, Streker, Biggs, Richardson, Newman, Balson, Batty, Thachey, Strachan, J. Prestwick, Longford, Davies, Brathwaite, Saunders, Le Bas. Collet, Walton, Touchett, Blisset, & Harrsfon.— Mistresses Heyward, Willes, Faulkland, Collins, Everard, Combell, Colwell, Fisher, Barry, Campbell, Grove, Bonell, Lloyd, and Curry. Misses White, Raynsford, Martyn, Wyke, Dodd, Combe. Mitford, Adams, Savers, Hooper, Mason, Devie, Squire, Forbes, Harris, Scilly, Hulberts.& c. & c.
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