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The Northampton Mercury


Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Volume Number: LXXXV    Issue Number: 33
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The Northampton Mercury
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The Northampton Mercury

Date of Article: 19/10/1805
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXXXV    Issue Number: 33
No Pages: 4
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f ljai! i|) toii • d 1 . erctirp c* to Vol. LXXXV. No. 33. { Ready Money is expected ) ( with Advertisements. S SATURDAY, October 19, 1805. PRICE SIXPENCE, \ Stamp- Dutv J jd. ' ( Paper and Print 3Jd. Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Court ut the Queens Palace, Oct. 10, 1805. IT is this dav ordered, by his Majesty in Council, that the Parliament, which stands prorogued to Thursday the 17th day of this instant October, be further prorogued to Thursday the 28th day of November next. LONDON, October 15. Paris Paper' up to the 6th, and Dutch Journals to the lOtli instant, have been received.— From these we learn, that the whole of the French army, 140,000 men, had passed the Rhine 011 the 1st Instant, and Bonaparte had advanced, on the 2d, to Rastadt. Meanwhile, the Austrians have evacuated the left bank of the Danube, and con- centrated themselves behind tlie Iller from Ulm to Keinpston— a position certainly of uncommon strength, and which was occupied by the Archduke Charles previous to his memorable successes in the last war. The Moniteur of the 6th announces, that Bona- parte had fixed his head- quarters at Stutgard, and that the French army had been joined by the troops of Bavaria, Badeo, and Wnrtemburg. The Elector of Bavarii appears to have been betrayed into his present connexion with the French by promises from Bonaparte, to enlarge his do- minions into a great kingdom, by the spoliation of the House of Austria. The existence of a secret treaty to this effect, between Bavaria and France, has been, certainly, detected. Austria, in Conse- quence of this discovery, and of the Elector's de- parture from his convention, occupies his terri- tories rather with the authority of conquest, than with the forbearance due to a neutral country. France has falsely betrayed the Elector by not ad- vancing, in due time, to his protection. His few troops go as mercenaries, into the French service. The Elector himself retires, to live by the King of Prussia's bounty, at Anspacb. The French troops have advanced into Fran- coniar Their left is at Pforsheitn: their centre at Zell: their right at Rotezheim. None of these posts are at a distance of more than thirty miles from the Rhine. The Anstrians have now their chief posts in the Bavarian territory, at Stockacli, Waldscc, Memmingen, and Ulm— posts partly in the circle of Swabia, and partly in Bavaria. According to the accounts which reach us from the other side of the Rhine, the Austrians begin to fall back. It is at least certain, that their de- tachments, which had traversed the left bank of the Danube, and the greater part of the Electorate of Wurtemburg, have fallen back upon the main body of the army, so that there are now no Austrian troops on the left bank of the Danube, in Suabia. On the right bank, it is said, that they have even quitted the entrance of the defiles of the Black Forest, for the purpose of taking a con- , centrated position between the Danube and the Lake of Constance. The Archduke Charles, on his taking the com- mand of the Austrian army, addressed them in a very modest and unassuming style. He calls to their recollection former occurrences which had been so glorious to his Majesty's arms, and doubts not bat be shall find in the army that ancient spirit of confidence and perseverance, that unshaken steadiness in danger and obedient bravery, which have led to actions for the welfare of the monarchy never to be forgotten. Above all things, his Highness recommends the commanders to instil into the troops, the true military virtues— a strict discipline, patience, obedience, and continence. Bonaparte feels himself not a little anxious for the security of Holland, now he has withdrawn most of his troops from that country to the Rhine. Accordingly he has addressed a letter to the Grand Pensionary, whom he calls his very dear and great friend, informing him, that, in the present cir- cumstances, the friends of their country must take up arms, to repel those bands whom England would throw upon their shores ; and he calls upon tlie courage and patriotism of the Batavians, to secure that part of the Continent from the inva- sion of the English. General Jourdan, to whom France owes so much, has been actually dismissed from the command of the army of Italy. His offence or misconduct must have been of a very grave nature, as the fact of his dismissal was announced in general orders. There have been circular notes sent to all the Prussian envoys at the different courts, to declare that the movements of the Prussian armies have no other object than to maintain a neutrality, and to prevent incursions of hostile powers. Admiral Cornwallis, on the 8th instant, returned off Ushant, after stretching to the Westward with the whole fleet, without meeting with the enemy's squadron; but falling in with the Portugal couvoys, he conducted them to the entrance of the channel. Government, we understand, has received intel- ligence through the Channel fleet, of Lord Nelson having arrived off Cadiz on the 29th of September, at which time the combined squadrons had made no attempt to put to sea.— The decree, ordering the currency of the obnoxious State Paper at Madrid, has been repealed; and the removal of the Prince of Peace from the head of the admini- stration, lias been loudly called for by the people, We are happy to state that the Dexterous gun- brig lately fell in, near Gibraltar, with a fleet of Spanish merchant ships, bound from Malaga to Algesiras, under the convoy of a whole squadroi) of gun- boats. The Dexterous attacked them with, out hesitation, and succeeded in capturing 011c of the gun- boats, and seven sail of merchantmen.— When this action is compared with that of the Rqchefort jqnadron, consisting of four sail of the line and two frigates, which was unable to take one single ship of a convoy protected only by a SVgun ship, we may be allowed to say that our tars are a little more dexterous than those of the Great Nation. In consequence of the skill and bravery exhibited by Captain Woodriffe, of his Majesty's ship Cal- cutta ( through whose perseverance tlie convoy tinder his protection has been preserved from tl » e hands of the enemy), the owners and underwriters on the ship and cargo of the Indus," have proposed a subscription of £. 1 per cent, upon the sums insured, to be presented to that excellent officer the officers acting under him, and crew, as a small token of their gratitude- for the service he has so ably and honourably rendered them on the oc- casion. It is not easy to discover in a moment the sum insured, but admitting it ts be <^.' 200,000 ( and it cannot be much leps), the sum to be pre- sented to shevn will be XA'Md, A new organization of the militia is said to be in contemplation, so as to assimilate that service' with that of the line, with respect to the pro- motions of officers, filling up vacancies, & c. & fc. The revenues of the last quarter have proved the largest ever known, affording « surplus, that litis enabled Government to provide for the exi- gencies of the State, without any Parliamentary aid till after Christmas. A new arrangement for the distribution of prize- money has received the sanction of his Majesty in Council. A complaint in the bowels being at present pretty general, the following receipt, which has been found very efficacious, will perhaps prove acceptable to the public:— 15 grains of rhubarb— 16 grains of magnesia. Let the rhubarb be put into a table spoon, to be filled up with rum', to which set fire till it will burn 110 longer. Mix the whole in a wine glass full of peppermint- water, with five drops of laudanum. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. ALL Persons who have any Claims or Demands upon the Estate and Effects of Mr. JOHN WALKER, late of HEYFORD, in the County of Northampton, deceased, are requested to send an Account thereof to his Son, William Walker, of Heyford aforesaid, in order that the same may be settled; and all Persons who stand indebted to the Estate of the said Mr. John Walker, are requested to pay their respective Debts to the said Win. Walker, on or before the 28th of February next. Heyford, Oct. 1' 2, 1803. OCTOBER 5th, 1805. ' VT0TICE is hereby given, That , a Meeting is L> L intended to be held at the SWAN INN, in BED- FORD, on MONDAY theSIst Day of OCTOBER instant, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, for taking into Consi- deration the Propriety of applying to Parliament for an Act for dividing and inclosing the open and com- mon Fields, Meadows, Lands, Commons, and com- monable Places, within the Parish of WOOTTON, in the County of Bedford. NOTICE is hereby given, That I arise at the Toli- Gate at FAR TURNPIKE - TOLLS TO LET1', BRACKLEY ROAD. the TOLLS to ARTH1NGHOE, in the County of Northampton, upon the Turnpike- Road leading from Buckingham through Bracklcy, to join the Daventry Turnpike- Road near Banbury, to- gether with such other Tolls as will be collected at the BANBURY BRIDGE- GATE, for the Use of Brackley Road, pursuant to the Act for making the said Turn- pike- Road, will be LETT by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, on MONDAY the 21st Day of OCTOBER next, at the RFD- LION INN, in BRACKLEY aforesaid, between the Hours of Eleven and Five in the After- noon, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of His present Majesty's Reign, for regu- lating Turnpike. Roads 1 which Tolls produced last Year ninety Pounds above the Expence of collecting, and will be put up at that Sum. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must at the same Time pay one Month's Rent in Advance, « tnd give Security for Payment of the Residue at such Times as the Trustees shall direct. And at such Meeting new Trustees will be elected and chosen in the Room of those that are dead or refuse to act. GEORGE THOMAS, Clerk. Brackley, l& th Sept. 1805. THRAPSTON TURN PIKE- ROAD. WE, five of the Trustees of the Northamp- tonshire Division of the Turnpike- Road leading from Market- Harborough, in the County of Leicester, to the Pound, in the Parish of Brampton, in the County ot Huntingdon, hcroby give Notice, that an extraordinary Meeting of the Trustees of the said Di- vision of the said Road, will be held at the WHITE- HART INN, in KETTERING, oil MONDAY the 28th Day of OCTOBER instant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, for the Purpose of viewing the new- erected Toll- House near the Thorpe Inclosure, and for appointing a proper Person to collect the Tolls thereat, and to transact other Business.— Given undei our Hands this 3d Day of October, 1805, T. C. MAUNSELL, L. ROKEBY, JOS. KNIGHT, JAS. KF. MPSTON, E. GRIFFIN. THO. MARSHALL, Clerk to the said Trustees. CANAL CONVEYANCE. C< FORGE OSBORN respectfully informs his 1 Friends and the Public, that GOODS are re- ceived in LONDON, at the CASTLE INN, WOOD- STREET, CRASH JUNCTION WHARF, WHITEFRIARS, and at Messrs. PICKFORU'S WHARFS, PADDINGTON, for Northampton | Wellingborough Kettering I Thrapston, and Places ad- Oundle j jacent. And Goods are received at COTTON- END WHARF, NORTHAMPTON, to and from London, Coventry, Bir- mingham, Newcastle, the Potteries, Derby, Man- chester, Warrington, Chester, and Liverpool; from whence Goods are regularly forwarded to Ireland, See. Likewise informs his Friends and the Public, that he has 011 Sale, WEDNESSURY COALS, COKE, and SLATES, at the RAIL- ROAD WHARF, in COTTON- END. { pr Please to be particular in directing the Goods by Pickford's Boat. Cotton. End Wharf, Northampton, October ith, 1805. To PLANTERS. To be SOLD, CHEAP, ALARGE QUANTITY of very fine FOREST TREES. G3- Enquire of Mr. Wu, IRELAND, of Southill, near Biggleswade, Beds. To QUICKERS. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, ABOUT TWO Hundred Thousand WHITE- THORN SETS, of three Years Growth. For Particulars, apply to ROBERT ANDREWS, Olney, Bucks. Bedfordshire. SHEFFORD MILL FARM. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, Till', MILLS and FARM, called SHEFFORD MILLS, with requisite Outbuildings, situate in the Parish of SOUTHILL, near the Town of Shef- ford, now in the Occupation of John Northwood, containing together 31A. 3R. 34P. ( more or less) of Arable and Pasture Land. 03" This Estate is Freehold and Tythe- free, and the Land- Tax redeemed; is subject to a yearly Pay- ment of £. 6 lCs. 6d. and under a Lease to the pre- sent Tenant for three Years, from Michaelmas, 1805. *** To treat for the Purchase, apply to Mr. DAV IS, Jun. Attorney, Rmpthill; where a Plan of it, and the Lease, may be seen, and further Particulars obtained. To Plumbers aiul Glaziers. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, And may be entered upon immediately, ALL that substantial DWELLING- HOUSE, with the Plumbers' and Glaziers' Shops, and a spacious Yard and Garden adjoining the same, plea- santly situate in the EALY- LANE, in Lutterworth, in the County of Leicester, now in extensive Business in the Plumbing and Glazing Line, and will be found a very beneficial Undertaking for anv Person in those Businesses.— The Stock in Trade, Tools, & c. may be taken at a fair Valuation. For further Particulars, or to treat for the same, apply to Mr. HENRY THORNTON, of Lutter- worth aforesaid. *** A JOURNEYMAN is WANTED to assist in the above Businesses. Haber- J HUNTINGDON. Linen and Woollen- Drapery, Mercery, dashery, Hosiery,' Hats, i$' c, OIINSON & WILTSHIRE, beg Leave respect" fully to inform their Friend/, the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public in general, that thev have taken the HOUSE, and STOCK in TRADE, late Messrs. BENNETTS, formerly in the Occupation of Mr. Charles Martin, and originally of Mr. Lawrence. JOHNSON & WILTSHIRE solicit the Patronage of the Friends of those Gentlemen, as well as the Public at large, and invite them to inspect the present capital Assortment of Goods; consisting of every Article in the above Branches, and which thev are determined to dispose of at the Valuation of the Appraisers; and are confident they will be found at least Twenty- five to Thirty per Cent, under the re. gular Prices.— This is an Advantage which rarely oc- curs, and is now done only for the Purpose of- its being replaced bv an entire new and fashionable As- sortment, of which J. & W. will give their Friends and the Public due " Notice. C3" The Goods will fee ready for Inspection on Saturday next the 12th October. *** The Trade will find their Advantage in attending to this, as well as Individuals. N. B. FUNERALS compleatly Furnished. October 9th, 1805. AVery neat sashed HOUSE, most desirably situated in the pleasant Village of Adda- bury, iii the County of Oxford; consisting of two Parlours, Stydy, excellent Kitchen, Scullery, Panrrv, two good Cellars, Brewhouse, with two Rooms over, five Bedchambers, two Garrets, two Stables, Coach- House, and other convenient Offices, with a propor. tionable Garden, walled round. ... Q?" T'ls London Mail Coach passes through the Village twice every Day. *** For further Particulars, aoply to Mr. Charles Wyatt, Banbnry ; or to Mr. Robert Gardner, Adder- bury, who will shew the Premises. PASTURE AND MEADOW LAND, TWYFORD, BOCKS. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AN exceedingly fertile Inclosure af PASTURE LAND, containing 2" A. 3R. 35P.; and a very substantial COW- HOUSF. lately built thereon, with Stalls for 13 Cows.— Also, one other old Inclosureof very rich MEADOW LAND, containing 15A. 2R. 39P. separated from the above by a verfy fine Stream of excellent Water, well supplied with Fish; over which is a new BRICK- BRIDGE, sufficient for the Passage of a Waggon. On the Banks of the Stream are about MO full- grown thriving Willows. The Fences are all in most excellent Order, and the Land in the highest State of Cultivation. The whole is FREEHOLD and TYTHE- FREE, situated near TWYFORD- MIEL, in the County of Bucks, and in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas Hughes, at the very lout Rent of £. 10 per Annum.— Mr. Hughes will quit at Old Lady- Day next, or not, at the Option of the Purchaser. ( j3" For further Particulars, and to treat for the Purchase, apply to Mr. JAMES ARIS, of Twyford- Mill, who will shew the Land; or to Mr. JOHN KING, Solicitor, at his Office, in Buckingham; or at the CROWN INN, Bicester, where he attends every Friday. NOTICE is hereby given, That the next Meet- ing of the Trustees of the Turnpike- Road, leading from Banbury, in the County of Oxford, to the South- End of Mill- Field, in the Parish of Lut- terworth, in the County of Leicester, will be held at the RED LION INN, in BANBURY, on SATURDAY the SECOND Day of NOVEMBER, 1805, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon; at which Meeting the TOLLS to arise for one Year, at BANBURY BRIDGE TOLL- GATF., will be LETT by AUCTION, in Man- ner directed by the Statute made in the 13th Year of His present Majesty, " for regulating Turnpike- Roads ;" which Tolls produced in the last Year the Sum of 302, over and above the Charges of col- lecting the same, and will be put up at such Sum as the Trustees shall think fit. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must at the same Time enter into Bond, with sufficient Sureties, for Payment of the Rent at such Times and in such Manner as the Trus tees shall direct. By Order of the Trustees, EDM. BURTON. Valuable Live and Dead Stock, Household- Furni- tare, <$' C. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. BRAMPTON, BY ORDER OF THE ASSIGNEES, On Monday the 21st Dav of October instant, and fol- lowing Days, on the Premises, at BRIGSTOCK, in the County of Northampton, late the Property of JOHN BE LLAM Yand EDWARD BELLAMY, Bankrupts, ALL the LIVE and DEAD STOCK, IMPLE- MENTS in HUSBANDRY, and HOUSE HOLD- FURNITURE, late the Property of the said JOHN BELLAMY and EDWARD BELLAMY ; con- sisting of 106 Ewes, 77 Lambs and Theaves, and six fat Sheep ; 15 Milched Cows, two Heifers, one dry Cow, arid eight Calves; six useful Cart Horses and Mares; two Sows and Pigs, one Yelt, one fat Hog and one Boar Hog; Ricks and Hovels of Wheat, Barley, Oats, Beans, Peas, Clover, and Hay. Also, Horse Harness in general, Fanning Utensils, two Narrow- wheel'd Waggons ( nearly new), two Dung Carts, and two Butchers Carts, a Gig with Harness; Ploughs, Harrows, Field- Roll, and Implements of Husbandry in general. TheHousEHoLD- FuRNiTURF. consists of Four- post Bedsteads and Furniture; Feather and Flock Beds and Bedding; Tables, Chairs, Drawers, & c. ; Linen China and Earthenware; Pewter, Brass, & c; Brew ing and Washing- Coppers; Iron- bound Hogsheads, Half- Hogsheads, Tubs, & c.; Dairy Requisites, with a Variety ot other Effects. g3" The Household- Furniture will be sold on Monday and Tuesday; the Farming Utensils, Wheat Barley, Oats, Beans, Peas, Clover, tec. on Wednesday ; and the Live Stock, Eddish, and Hay, on the Farm on Thursday and Iriday.— The Sale to commence each Day at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon. *** Three Months' Credit will be given to Pur chasers of the Live Stock, Corn, Hay, and Eddish on approved Security, or a Discount allowed for prompt Pay. + 4+ For a View of the Live Stock, apply to Mr JOHN PLUMS, at Btigstauk aforesaid. Buckinghamshire Freehold. Soon will be SOLD by AUCTION, if not dis- posed of by Private Contract, ADesirable FARM, situate in RI. ETCIILEY ( one Mile from Fenny- Stratford and the Grand Junction Canal) ; comprising a substantial Farm- House, Barn, Stables, and other Offices, Farm and Rick- Yards, Garden, & c. ; several Closes near, called Home Leys, Malthouse Close, Two Leys, Hobb' Mitches, Travell's Orchard, and Pope's Close, con, taining eight Acres, more or less, and 61 Acres and 1 Rood, more or less, of rich Arable Land, Ley and Meadow Ground, dispersed in the open Fields of Bletcliley aforesaid. To the Farm belong six Cow Commons on that extensive and rich Common, called Bletchley Leys, which, with other Common Ground contain 400 Acres and upwards, and other Common Rights, and to Pope's Close belong six Sheep Commons. ( fyj" An Inclosure may be soon expected, anAttempi having already been made to inclose, by which with due Caution, the Proprietors of landed Property in this Parish may be much benefited, and- on which the Copyholders in the Manor should be very cir- cumspect. *** The Estate may be viewed by applying to Mr. JOHN INNS, the Tenant. N. B. For further Particulars, and to treat for the Purchase, apply either to Messrs. WILLIS and SON, Solicitors, Leighton- Bussard; or to Mr. CHARLES WILLIS, Solicitor, Winslow. And ADDERBURY, Oxfordshire. To he LETT, may be entered on immediately, A To Maltsters. To he LETT, At WINSLOW, in the County of Bucks, Very noat and convenient MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, and MALTHOUSE adjoining, capable of wetting 12 Quarters of Barlev per Week, with two Barns, a Stable, and all other necessary Out- buildings, and a Yard and Garden walled in. C3" The above is a verv eligible Situation for a Person who wishes to carrv on the Malting Business, as there is a good Opening for a Maltster in the above Town. *** The Whole of the Premises are in good Repair, and may be entered on immediately. N. B. For further Particulars, apply to LANCELOT WYATT, Attorney at Law, in Winslow aforesaid. POLEBROOK, Northamptonshire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AMESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with a HOMESTEAD, ORCHARD, and BARN thereto adjoining, situate in POLEEROOK, in the Occupation of Thomas Planner. Also, A CLOSE of excellent PASTURE LAND; containing by Estimation five Acres ( be the same more or less), in the Occupation of William Hunt. ft3" The above Premises are Freehold. ** For further Particulars, or to treat for the Purchase, apply to Messrs. YORKE & SHERARD, Oundle or Thrapston. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By Mr. CHENEY, Some Time in NOVEMBER next, if not sooner disposed of bv private Conttact; FOUR CLOSES of very good convertible LAND, Tythe- free, and'Land- Tax redeemed, called FLITTENHILLS, in the Lordship of COI. D- ASHRY, and adjoining the Welford Turnpike Road, containing 30 Acres, in the Occupation of Mr, Smeeton, Tenant at Will. Also a CLOSE of very rich PASTURE, contain- ing 5 Acres, or thereabouts, ( Tax redeemedj lying near the Village of Thornby, and adjoining the Road from thence to Guilsborough, in the Occupation of Mr. Cave, Tenant at Will. ( pf Further Particulars may be Jiad of the AUC- TIONEER, Naseby. BEDFORDSHIRE. To be peremptorily RE- SOLD, Bedfordshire. Shortly will be SOLD bv AUCTION, By Mr. CHRISTIE, At the Great Room, in Pail- Mall, London, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, IN SEVENTEEN LOTS, ACAPITAL, and VALUABLE FREEHOLD, and greatest Part TYTHE- FREE ESTATE, situate adjoining to the great Turnpike- Road from London to Northampton, about three Miles from LEICHTON. BUZZARD and tlie newly- completed Branch of the GRAND JUNCTION CANAL, three from DUNSTABLS, seven from WOBURN, and 36 from LONDON, in tha COUNTY of BEDFORD; consisting of the MANOR and entire PARISH of TIL'SWORTH ( except a few Acres); the ADVOWSON of the VICARAGE of TILSWORTH; TWO WOODS of valuable TIMBER and thriving UN. DERWOOD; EIGHT compact FARMS, with good Farm- Houses, Barns, and all necessary Buildings; the Red- Lion and Bull Inns, and the Blackbirds Public- House; and sundry Farm- Houses, Messuages, Tenements, and Lands, in- the adjoining Parishes of CHALGRAVE, HOCKLI FFE, and STANDBRIDCE ; con- taining in the Whole ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED and TWENTY- SEVEN ACRES of productive Arable, Meadow, Pasture, and Wood Land, in the Occupation of respectable Tenants, whose Terms will expire at Lady- Day next, and capable ot great Improvement. fl3* Mr. JOHN WILLISON, the Woodman, at Tils- worth, will shew the Estate; and Particulars may be had of Mr. JAMES RILEY, Chicherley, near New- port- Pagnell; the Printers of the Northampton Mer- cury; at the Red. Lion, Hocklill'e ; Sivgar- Loaf, Dun- stable; the Rainbow Coffee- House, Cornhill; and of Mr. CHRISTIE, Pall- Mail, Lo « vton. Pursuant to an Order of the High Court of Chancery, with the Approbation of John Springett Harvey, Esquire, one of the Masters of the said Court, ( in one Lot) at the Sun Inn, in Hitchin, in the County of Hertford, on Tuesday the 22d Day ot October, 1805, between the Hours of Two and'Three, AFREEHOLD ESTATE, at SHARPENHOE, in the County of Bedford, late the Estate of LAURENCE SMYTH, Clerk, deceased; com, prising the Manor of Sharpenhoe, and a Farm called Sharpenhoe Bury Farm, containing about 336 Acres, Tithe- free, and the Corn Tithe of 360 Acres of Land, and soi$ ie valuable Sheep Walks. Particulars may be had ( gratis) at the said Master's Chambers, in Southampton Buildings, or Mr. Clen- nell, No. 7, Staples Inn, London; of Messrs. Hindley and Roe, Solicitors, Baldock ; at the principal Inns at Hitchin, Luton, and Ampthill; and of Mr. Smith, the Tenant, who will shew the Estate. To be SOLD by A U C T1 O N, By Mr. HAIVTYN, On Thursday the 24th of October, 1805, at the Red- Lion Inn, in Banbury, Oxfordshire, at Four in the Afternoon, Lot 1. \ FIELD of rich MEADOW and PASTURE LAND, in th? Parish of BLOXHAM, near the Village of Broughton, and adjoining th « Turnpike- Road from Banbury to Ship- ston, containing nine Acres two Roods, be the same more or less. Lot 2. A prime RICK of HAY, about nine Tons. Lots. A CLOSE of GRASS LAND, about one Acre, adjoining the VilLige of BLOXHAM, sur- rounded by a substantial Stone Wall, having a new Gate, and well supplied with a Spring of Water. Lot 4. All that FREEHOLD, substantial, new- erected RANGE of double WAREHOUSES, four Stories high. Brick, Stone, and Slated, with conve- vient Deal Binns, under Part of which is a large Stable, united to a long Range of Buildings, adjoining a pleasant DWELLING- HOUSE, Stone and Slated, and very eligibly situated in the broad Part of SHEET- STREET, in BANBURY; comprising a good Parlour and Kitchen in Front, and a Parlour back- wards; three good Bed- Rooms, and large Garret over; roomy Piece cf Ground, as Yard or Garden, and other Conveniencies. ( pT Lots 1, 3, and 4, may be entered upon . imme- diately; Lot 2 may be taken'from the Premises; and Lot 1 Mr. Edward Moarby, of Broughton, will shew. %* For further Particulars, apply to Mr. Dury, Solicitor, or to the Auctioneer ( who will shew the last Lot), both of Banbury. Stoke Wharf, on the- Grand Junction Canal, near Blisnorth. To be S O I, D by AIJ C T I O N, By JOHN DAY. On Friday the 25th of October, 1S05, by Order of - the Assignees ot JOSEPH LUDLAM, a Bank- rupt, NE stout BARGE, FOUR very stoutCANAL BOATS, in complete Repair, with Cabins, Stoves, & c. and a large QUANTITY of old IRON, in Lots.— Also, the DWELLING- HOUSE in the Occupation of the said Mr. Ludlam, with aTEN'E- M E N T adjoining- The Dwelling- 1 louse and Tenement will be sold in Lots,- without Reserve ; consisting of Slates, Bricks, Doors, Windows, Floors, Lead, Beams, Joists, & c. ; Gaiden Fencing, as Posts, Rails, & c. a Quantity of Boards, and various other Effects. The Sale to beein with the Building Materials exactly as El# v^ n o'Clssk, O TllLNGDON Othtnckv Jv'EDONTNCLOSURE. \ V E the undersigned Commissioners, appointed ' • to carry into Execution an Act of Parliament passed in the last Session of Parliament, intituled, " An Act tor inclosing Lands in the Parish of " THINGDON, otherwise FINEDON, in the " County of Northampton," do hereby give Notice, That we have confirmed such public Carriage- Reads, Bridle- Roads, and Foot- Ways, as were before by us set out, appointed, and advertised, as are not herein- after altered, Varied, and stopped up; and that we have set out such other Roads, through and over the Lands and Grounds by the said Act directed to be divided and inclosed, as are hereinafter- mentioned, and which are ascertained and marked out by Stakes ; and that we have caused a Map to be prepared, in which such Roads are accurately laid down and described, which is signed by us, and deposited with Mr. JOHN HODSON, of Wellingborough, in the said County of Northampton, our Clerk, for the Inspection ot all Persons concerned; and further, that a Meeting will be held by us at the House of BENJAMIN CHAPMAN, called or known by the Name or Sign of the BELL, in THINGDON otherwise FINEDON aforesaid, on SA- TURDAY the 9th Day of NOVEMBER next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon; at which Time any Person or Persons who may be injured or aggrieved by the setting out anv such Roads or Ways, may attend and be heard,— Dated the 11th Day of October, 1805. THOMAS EAGLE, WM. BURDETT, SAM. SHARMAN. The following ROADS, as before set out, are hereby discontinued, and are r. ot 10 be uied:— The public Carriage- Road 011 the North Side of Cudgel Pit, to the North End of Tenter Lane; , The public Bridle- Road from the Top of th:; South Avenue to Irthlingborough Field, near Stone- Cros*; The public Bridle- Road from York's ' l'ownsend into the Lordship of Great- Harrowden; The public Foot- Way from the Isham Bridge Road to Great- Harrowden Mills; The public Foot- Way out of the last Road, on Blue- Gate Furlong, into the Bridle- Road leading 10 I. ittle. Harrowden ; The public Foot- Way from the Turnpike. Gate at Finedon Bridge to the Entrance of Irthlingborough Field, near Stone- Cross. The following ROADS are by us set out and ap. pointed:— PUBLIC CARRIACE - ROADS, of the Width of thirty Feet. One from the Isham Bridge Road, at the North End of New Road Lane, by the ancient Inclosures to the North End of Tenter- Lane. One other from the Thrapston Turnpike. Road, at the South End of the South Avenue, in a Westward Direction over Neasdale- Hill Field, and West Meadow, to the River Ise, near the Junction of the Mill Stream and the said River. One other, from the said Thrapston Road, upon Whitsundale Furlong, in a straight South- Eastward Direction over CalweU- Dale Ford, to the Eastward End of !' ulwel'l- Dale Lot Grass, and from thence in a Southward Direction to the Lordship of Irthling- borough, at the Distance of about three Furlongs from Stone- Cross. „, 9"? other> hc'mg the Moiety of a Road, and of the Width ot fifteen Feet, from tlie Termination of the last- described Road, along the Meer to the Southward End of Trigg's Hedge, near Stone- Cross aforesaid. One other from the Isham Bridge Road, at Isham Bridge, by the Side of the Mill Stream to the Lord- ship of Burton- Lattiiner. PUBLIC BRIDLE- ROADS. An additional Width of four Feet to the Bridle- Road before set out, from the Isham Bridge Road to Finedon Mill; which Road is to be used as a private Carriage- Road to the said Mill. One of the Width of sixteen Feet, from the Thrap- ston lurnpike- Road, by the Lordship ot Great- Ad- dington, to the Lordship of Little- Addington. One public FOOT- WAY, of the Width of four Feet, from the Southward End of the Irthlingborough ana Irchester Road, by the Meer to Irthling'wough Leys, and continuing Westward over the South- Hill Field, and South Meadow, to Warren's Mill, in the Lord- ship of Wellingborough. Valuable Freehold Estates and Mines. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By RICHARD CRUMP, At the George Inn, in Walsall, on Monday the 21st Day of October, 1805, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon ( unless sooner disposed of by Private Contract, of which due Notice will be given,) The following ESTATES, in Lots:— Lot LAN eligible FREEHOLD ESTATE, called GOSCOTE - LODGE, in the Foreign of WALSALL, and County of Stafford; consisting of a good House and substantial Outbuildings, and fifty- three Acres of Land, in a Ring Fence, with Fish- Ponds and Pleasure- Grounds, recently laid out in the modern Taste.— The Land is principally Meadow and Pasture, and about 20 Acres may be watered at Plea- sure. There is a considerable Stream of Water runs through the Premises, which may be applied for the Purpose of turning a Mill; and there is a good Scite on the Premises to build on. The Manorial Rights of the Manor of Goscote will be sold with the Estate j and the Situation is well calculated for a Person who is fond of rural Amusements, and who wishes to retire from Business..— Considerable proved Mines of Coal and Iron- Stone are under the Estate, which is distant from Walsall two Miles, and from Birmingham ten. Lot 2. TWO CLOSES of LAND, adjoining Lot 1, containing nine Acres, in the. Parish of RUSHALL, and free of Corn Tythes. * Lot 3. A valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at GOSCOTE aforesaid, containing about 50 Acres, under 20 of which the Coal has been got, and the Remainder is unwrouglit. The Colliery is now in full Work; and the Wyrley and Ess'uigton Canal, which opens an easy Communication through the Co- ventry, Oxford, and Grand Junction Canals, to the Metropolis, passes through the Works, in a Manner which affords every possible Advantage of Water- Car- riage. The Coal Mines only at present are wrought, but there are several good Measures of Iron- Stone, of which Specimens may be seen on the Spot. Excellent Limestone is got within the Distance of two Miles, and few Situations are so well calculated to establish extensive Iron- Works upon. There are proper En- gines 011 the Premises to raise the Mine Water, and Winding- Engines for the Purpose of raising the Coal. — The Strata of Coal now getting are 14 Feet 6 Inches thick, which may be seen on Inspection of the Mines, and over which is an excellent Rock Roof. The Price of large Coal at the Pits is 8s. per Ton, smaU Coal 3s. 4d. for which there is great Demand fronj the extensive Lime- Works in the Neighbourhood.— The Premises are at present under Lease, but Terms are made with the Lessees for cancelling the Lease upon the Sale of the Estate* and the Purchase- Money for the Mines will be taken by easy Instalments. Lot 4. About 50 Acres of LAND, with the valu. able Mines of Coal and Iron- Stone under the same, adjoining Lot S, and also adjoining the Wyrley and Essington Canal; on which there is a good Mine of Clay for making of Bricks, which have a ready Sale in the Neighbourhood. 83* If at the Time of Sale it should be thought more eligible to sell this Lot with Lot 3, it will be done. Lot 5. A new and complete IRON FOUNDRY, with proper Air- Furnaces; also, a Boring- Mill and Cupola, worked by an Engine, a Pattern Shop, Smith's Shop, Drying- Stoves, and a great Variety of Iron Boxes and Patterns, with Cranes, and every other useful and convenient Utensil for carrying on an extensive Trade, situate near to the Canal, and within a hundred Yards of the Colliery.— The Stock to be taken at a Valuation, and to be paid for by such Instalments as shall be specified in the Conditions of Sale. Apply to Mr. FORSTF. R, Banker, Walsall; Mr. PARSON, Rushall- Hall ; or to Mr. CURTIS, Walsail, who has Plans of the Estates, and who' will appoint a Per. son to shew than. Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. LONDON, October 17. THE Hamburgh Mail due on Sunday, and two Gottenburgh Mails were received yesterday. The intelligence they bring, although it does not announce the actual commencement of hosti- lities, is in many respects highly important. We have an ample confiitfafton of the continued and steady march of the Russian Troops to their re- spective points of destination, all of them in high Ol der and in an excellent state of discipline. The advanced guard of the Russians had arrived at Crems, 011 the Danube, previous to the 2t> t. h ult. The first and second army, consisting together of 1 tit), 000 men were immediately to follow. The Emperor Alexander quitted St. Petersburgh on the 19th ult. for the artuy; he arrived at Bruck, in Lithuania, 011 the 27tli ult. from whence lie pro- reeded forward to Pulau. His Imperial Majesty, therefore, would soon overtake his army, The whole Russian army to he employed in this momentous contcst is variously estimated. SOUK letters from St. Petersburg!! state, that the Russian army, already marched, amounts to 320,000 men, the army" of reserve to 300,000 and that the recruiting recently ordered will produce 250,000 men. The Imperial Ukase ordering the recruiting, directs that four men shall be taken out of ev? ry 500 inhabitants. The Elector of Bavaria has published a justifi- cation of his conduct, which the French papers notice but slightly. In his conclusion he says, " This relation will enable every body to judge of the conduct of Austria towards Bavaria, and to pronounce that nothing was left for the Elector to do for his security against demands so disgraceful to his army and nation, but to throw himself under the protection of the French Emperor.'' Bonaparte has issued a Proclamation, in which he charges the Emperor of Germany with an in- tention of incorporating Bavaria with his . domi- nions. Such an intention the Emperor has formally and solemnly disavowed. Bonaparte has endeavoured to turn to his ad- vantage the occupation of Bavaria by the Austrians. A Note has been delivered to the Diet by his Mi- nister at Ratisbon, declaring lus determination to ensure the independence of Geruianv; whilst, at the same time, a sort of historical narrative appeared at Wurtzburgh of the Negotiations which had taken place between the Elector and the Court of Vienna, in which it is stated that, nothing was left for the Elector to do but to throw himself under the protection of the French Emperor. In this note Bonaparte avows that his only object consists in repelling, the unjust attack, and restoring tht: independence of the Body of the German Empire, which has been attacked by the usurpa- tions, unjust acquisitions, and acts of violence of the Court of Vienna. He will retain possession of none of the territories of Germany which may fall into llis hands by the fate of arms:— He gua- rantees to every Prince the independence of his ' ights and possessions; and he wilj'not lay down his arms till the recess of the Empire shall he re- stored and confirmed in all its bases, and until Austria shall have ceased to make attacks on the independence and safe ty of Germany. A Memorial was presented on the part of France to the several continental powers, immediately after the incorporation of Genoa with the French etnpir*. The most interesting feature of the ar- ticle, and that which gives it a peculiar character, is its anticipation of the present crisis of the con- tinent. It avows a confident persuasion, that the " incorporation of Genoa will be soon placed in a false light by the panegyrists of the English Go- vernment;" and it adds, " should England suc- ceed in creating discord upon this subject, 110 alter- native will he left for his Imperial Majesty, but to prosecute with vigour the unjust war that will be declared against him." •. No intelligence has yet been received from Admiral Stirling; hut as we know that the Roche- fort squadron continued cruizing in nearly the saint latitude in which th'ev captured the Calcutta, there is every ria'oii to hope that the gallant Ad- miral will fail in with them. The French squadron was seen on the 28ih tilt, and 011 the 1st und 4th instant by different vessels. The hearing of the case of Jenkins, a bankrupt, excited a particular degree of attention at Guildhall on Saturday. Jenkins bept a linen- draper's shop in Cold- bath- fields, and had more business than he could possibly execute, but notwithstanding failed for an immense sum. On his examination, it appeared that there was a deficiency of .,£. 12,000 and upwards, for which he had not accounted. He stated, that for upwards of three years he had been constantly selling at a loss, and that he gave the wholesale dealers more for their goods than he afterwards retailed them for. The commissioners, not satisfied with this explanation, committed him to Newgate. He was 011 Saturday brought up for further examination, but could only produce two instances of his having been a loser, in one to the amount of £. 120, and the other 20s. After a very long hearing, the bankrupt was remanded t. i prison.— Mr. Je nkins underwent a third examin- ation yesterday. ' It came out:, by the evidence of ori/ i- ot his shopmen, that there was an average loss oil some of his goods, of five, eight, and ten per • cent, and that his whole loss together, by selling his goods under their cost price, amounted to above ^ f. 12,000 out of the ./. 24,060. On the bankrupt being asked how he could expect to avoid ritin, when he was knowingly selling so much Wider cost, he said, he thought a ready money trade, and the discount of two and a half per cent, allowed him upon cash or two months bills, by those with whom lie dealt, would afford liini a good livelihood, and enable him to sell something under cost!— The bankrupt was remanded. Mr. PATCH.— This unfortunate person, when taken to the house of correction, in Cold- bath- fields, appeared very low- spirited. On entering tlieiprison he inquired of the keepers whether he could have a room ? they informed him I10 could have one lately occupied by a prisoner, 011 the upper story, for which half a guinea per week TV- US to be paid; he agreed to the terms, aud was shewn to it. Te spends his time principally in reading some books left in the room by the prisoner v, ho last occupied it. He appears extremely com- posed in his mind. No person is permitted to see him except those about the prison. The junior Mr Aria, and others belonging to the prison oc- casionally visit him, and he appears in very good spirits.-— Patch was yesterday brought to the pub- lic- office, in Bow- street, to" undergo a public ex- uinination. Mr. Graham addressed the prisoner, and informed him, that he was brought there in order to be committed for trial for the murder of ihe late Mr. Blight. The magistrate recapitulated the principal circumstances which weighed against tin- prisoner, ordered the depositions of the several • witnesses to be read to him, and afterwards com- mitted him to take his trial at the next assizes for the county of Surrey, which will take place at Kingston, 111 March next.— The prisoner paid the greatest attention to every thing that passed, and i- emod to consider each witness's testimony rtiot- e with iht air of a close observer who was . mcon- nw. ted with the case, than with the feeling of a was w h » » e life was ptobabfy at siaks. The 15th regiment of dragoons are to be made hussars; the men are ordered to allow their beards to grow on their upper lip for that purpose, by order of the Duke of Cumberland. The corn harvest has been so abundant, that upon some grounds where only twelve bushels were grown last year, forty have been produced this year. t The Earl of Enniskillen was on Tuesday married to Lady G. Paget, daughter of the Earl of Uxbridge, at Plasnewydd, in Wales. The Earl and Countess of Uxbridge gave the bride away. Her Ladyship's sisters, and several other persons of distinction, were present on the occasion. DIED.] At Barbadoes, of the yellow fever, after four days illness, Colonel Branley, Quarter- Master- General, and Barrack- Master- General of his Majesty's forces, in the Windward and Leeward islands. NEWMARKET SECOND OCTOBER MEETING. MONDAY, October 14, 1805. ( First year.) One third of a Subscription of 25gs. each, for 5- yr- olds, carrying 8st. 51b. ; 6- yr- olds, 8st. 111b. ; and aged 9st. B. C. Duke ot Grafton's b. m. Parasol, 5 yrs old 1 I. ord Foley's gr. h. Sir Harry Dimsdale, 5 yrs old 2 Mr. Mellish's b. f. Lady Brough, 4 yrs old dr 11 to 5 on Parasol. A Gold Cup by eightSubscribers or upwards, atlOgs. each, for all ages, 2- yr- olds excepied. Across the Flat. If more than eight Subscribers, the winner to receive the Surplus in Specie. Mr. I. adhroke's Bustard, 4 yrs old, 6st. 81b .1 Sir C. Bunbury's Eleanor, aged, gst. 131b 2 Mr. Paine's Fathom, 3 yrs old, 4st. 131b 3 Mr. Wilson's c. by Bu- zzaid, out of Vixen, 3 yrs old, 4sr. 121b 4 Mr. R. Boyce's Bobtail, aged, 9st. 51b 5 Mr. Lake's Virtuosa, 4 vrs o! 4, 5st. 61b 6 Lord Foley's Sir Harry Dimsdale, 5 yrs old, Sst. dr Mr. Watson's Dreadnought, 5 yrs old, 6st. 71b. dr Mr. Andrew's Norval, 5 yrs old, 6st. 101b. .... dr 6 to 1 against Bustard— 7 to 4 against Eleanor— 7 to 2 against Bobtail— and 7 to 4 on Dreadnought. Sweepstakes of lOOgs. each. Two- vr- old Course. General Gower's c. by Coriander, 7st. 81b 1 Mr. Watson's Dreadnought, Sst. 81b 2 Mr Mel ish's Diddler, 9st pd Mr. Wilson's Newmarket, 7st. 71b. beat Duke of Grafton's Pelisse, 8st. 91b. Across the Flat, lOOgs. — Eleven to 8 against Newmarket. Mr. Elwes's c. by Buzzard, out of Mary, Sst. 41b. beat Mr. Andrew's Fathom, 8st. Across F. lOOgs. h. ft.— Seven to 4 on the Buzzard c. Lord Grosvenor's Meteora, Sst. beat Lord Barry - more's Merryman, 8st. lib. R. M. lOOgs.— Two to 1 011 Meteora. Mr. R. Boyce's David, rec. ft. from Mr. Mellish's Diddler, 8. V• 21b. each. Two- yr- old C. lOOgs. h. ft. Mr. R.. Boyce's Sir David, rec. lOOgs. from Duke of Grafton's Pelisse, 8st. each. R. M. 200gs. TUESDAT, October 15, 1805. Fifty Pounds for 2- yr- old colts, carrying 8st. 21b. fillies 8st. Two- yr- old Course. Lord Grosvenor's ch. f. by John Bull, out of . BEDFORDSHIRE.- A correct List of Certificates which have been issued to Persons, not being Gamekeepers, between the 17tii Day of September and the 8th Day of October, 1805, inclusive. Names and Residence. Arch John, Gent. Clifton Addington Silvester, Gent. Goldington Addington Peter, Gent. Goldington Agutter John, Gent. Salford Barber Thomas, Yeoman, Shefford Barber William, Esq. l'otton The Right Hon. Henry Frederick Lord Carteret, Haynes- House Inskip Thomas, Cent. Warden Inskip William, Sen. Gent. Lower- Caldecott Jefieries B- njamin, Yeoman, Great- Barford Mole William, Yeoman, I. ittle- Barford Payne Peter, Esq. Tempsford Race William, Yeoman, Biggleswade Raynsford Thomas, Esq. Flenlow Sutton Samuel, Gent. Moggerhanger Squire John Burden, Gent. Stratton Smyth William, Yeoman, Streatley Smyth Thomas, Yeoman, Streatley Skevington Samuel, Yeoman, ' I'urvey Smith John, Gent. Bedford Smith Hugh, Yeoman, Edworth Tebbs Jonathan, Gent. Fertenhall Wilson Major William, Esq. Bedford. Examined by me, THEED PEARSE, Clerk of the Peace. BEDFORDSHIRE. A correct List of Certificates, on a Three- Guinea Stamp, isSucd to Gamekeepers between the 19th Day of September and the 8th Day of October, 1805, inclusive. Parson William, Wootion, gamekeeper of Sidney College, Cambridge, for the manors of Pillinge, Stringay, Rowsberry, and St. John's. Sawelljohn, Bletsoe, gamekeeper of Thos. Fysher, Esq. Elizabeth Shipley Pestell, and Samuel Wyatt, Gent, for the manor of Milton- Ernest. Wright Samuel, Felmersham, gamekeeper of Edw. Orlebar Smyth, and Thomas Orlebar Marsh, Clerks, tor the manor of Felmersham. Examined by me, THEED PEARSE, Clerk of the Peace.. Merry Thought, by Tot- Nimble Duke of Grafton's b. f. teridge Mr. Wilson's b. c. Pantaloon, brother to Merryman 3 Mr. R. Boyce's b. f. Orange Girl, by Sir Peter -- 4 Lord F. G. Osborne's ch. c. Superstition, by Buzzard Mr. Goldlng's b. f. Merry Maid, by Buzzard Sir F. Standish's bl. c. by Mr. Teazle Mr. Lake's br. c. Argus, by Buzzard dr The Judge could place otilv four. High odds against Lord Grosvenor's ch. f.— 6 to 1 against Merry Thought— 5 to 4 against Pantaloon. Th: third and last vear of a renewal of the October Oatland Stakes. B. M. A Subscription of SOgs. each, lOgs. ft. if declared by ten o'clock Monday night. To be run for by horses of all ages, two- yr- olds excepted. Lord Grosvenor's Violante. 3 yrs 7st. 101b 1 Sir C. Bunbury- names Lord Foley's Watery, 4 yrs 7 st. 101b Sir F. Standish's sister to Duxbury, 3 yrs 6st. 91b. Duke of Grafton's Lumbago, 4 yrs 7st. lib Mr. D. Radcliffe'. s Rebel, aged, 9. t 51b Mr. Wyndham's Tallboy, 3yrs5si. 41b Mr. Howorth's Wheatear, 6 yrs 7st. 71b 6 - o 4 against Vioiante— 7 to 1 against Watery— 6 to 1 against Duxbury— 5 to 1 against Lumbago— 5 to 1 against Rebel. The under- mentioned paid lOgs. each. Mr. F. Ne. ile's Bobiail, Mr. Wilson's Marianne, Duke of Grafton's Parasol, Lord Sackville's En- chanter, Lord G. H Cavendish's Duxbury, Mr. Howorth names Mr. Andrew's Norval, Mr. Watson's Dreadnoughi, Mr. Luke's Lvnceus, Lord Grosvenor names Mr. D. Radcliffe's Pedestrian, Mr. Ladbroke names General Gower's c. by Coriander. Lord Foley's Little Peter, 8st. beat Duke of Graf on's Dodona, 8st. 61b. Across the Flat, 200gs. — l ive to 2 on Little Peter. Mr. R. Boyce's Wretch, 7st. 111b. beat Duke of Grafton's f. Merry Thought, by Totteridge, out of Woodbine, 8st. Two- yr- old Course, lOOgs. h. ft.— Eleven to 8 against Wretch. Mr. Andrew's Norval, 9st. rec. 35gs. from Mr. Pcrren's ch. f. by Guildford, out of Louisa, 7st. 71b. Across the Flat, lOOgs. h. ft. Lord Foley's Czir Peter, Sst. 61b. rec. SOgs. from Mr. Howorth's Honesty, 7st. B. C. 20 » gs. h. ft. WEDNESDAY, October 16, 1805. The Town Plate of =£. 40, for 3- yr- olds, 7st. 41b. 4- yr- olds, 8st. 41b. 5- yr- olds, 8st. 111b. 6- yr- olds, 9st. 111b. and aged, 9st. 41b. T. M. M. B. C. Mr. Windham's b. c. Tallboy, 3 yr 1 Mr. Panton's b. c. Performer,. 3 yr 2 Mr. 1' erren's ch f. by Guildford, ' 3 yr 3 Mr. Girdler's ch. m. Capella, 5 yr 4 Mr. Thompson's ch. f. by Buzzard, 3 yr . . . —. BEDFORDSHIRE. A correct List of Certificates, on a One- Guinea Stamp, issued to Gamekeepers, being menial Ser- vants, between the 19th Day of September and the 8th Day of October, 1805, inclusive. Ash well Samuel, Henlow, gamekeeper of Eliz. Edwards, Widow, for the manors of Henlow and Warden. Ashwell Samuel, Henlow, gamekeeper of the Dean and Chapter of Saint Peter, Westminster, for the manors of Holme and I. angford. Bowdler George, Husborn- Crawley, gamekeeper of the Most Noble John Duke of Bedford, for the manors of Woburn, Husborn- Crawley, Brogborough, Ridg- mont, Eversholt, and Priestley. Foster James, O. kley, gamekeeper of the Most Noble John Duke of Bedford, for the manor of Thur- leigh. Morris John, Holcott, gamekeener of Elizabeth • Harvey, Edward Orl^ bar Smith, Clerk, and Char- lotte his Wife, for the manor of Holcott- cum- Salford. Race John, Biggleswade, gamekeeper of Charles Barnett, Esq.. for the manor of Stratton. Tomlin John, Ampthill- Park, gamekeeper of the Right Hon. John Earl of Upper- Ossorv, for the honor and manor of Ampthili, and manors of Mil- brook, Flitwick; Houghton. Conquest, Houghton- How- End, EUensburv, and Marston- Pillinge. Tomlin John, Ampihill- Park, gamekeeper of Eme. lius Henry Delme Ratcliffe, Esq', for the manor and park of Beckerings. Examined by me, THEED PEARSE, Clerk of tht Peace. To Grocers, TaUow- Chandlers, and fronmortgers• To be DISPOSED OF, immediately, by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AVery eligible SITUATION in the above BUSINESSES, in full Trade; consisting of a convenient Dwelling- House and suitable Outbuild- ings.— The Whole or a Part of the Stock" in Trade may be taken at a fair Valuation. ( PF For Particulars, apply to Mr. ROBERT WARD, Thrapston. White Thread Lace, Threads, be. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Order of the Executors, At the Saracen's- Head Inn, in Newport- Pagncll, Bucks, on Wednesday the 30th of October, 1805, exactly at Eleven o'Clock, rpiIE prime STOCK of WHITE THREAD J- LACE, BLACK LACE, THREADS, BOXES, Sec. & c. of the late Mr. THOMAS DAY, Lace- Merchant, late of FENNY- STRATFOR'D, deceased; comprising several Thousand Yards of Laces, Footings, Edgings, & c. of the most modern Patterns, from the first Makers. The above Stock will be lotted for Inspection, from Nine o'Clock on the Morning of Sale till the Sale commences. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By EDWARD NEALE, On the Premises, at WILLF. Y, in the County of Warwick, on Wednesday the 30th Day of October, 1805, at Ten o'Clock in* the Forenoon, 11VE and DEAD STOCK, IMPLEMENTS of - i HUSBANDRY, HAY and CORN, RICKS, Sec. Sec. the Property of Mr. WALLINS; the LIVE and DEADSTOCK, IMPLEMENTS of HUSBANDRY, & C. consist of three exceeding useful Draught Mares, and one In- foal Ditto, three capital Cart Colts, and a capital Horse Foal; two Narrow- wheel Waggons, two Six- inch- wheel Carts, Ploughs, Harrows, and Gearing for eight Horses; two Wheat Ricks, one Ditto of Oats, and about iO Tons of Hav, well- got, a Quantity ct Wheat and B. irlev in the Barns, Win- nowing. Fan, and Barn Tackle- with numerous other Articles, Sec. ( pj" Edward Neale solicits the early Attendance of his Friends, as the Whole is intended to be sold in one Dav. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By BROWN Sf SON, On Thursday the 24th of October, 1S05, at the Red- Lion Inn, High- Street, St. Paul's, Bedford ( re- moved there for the Convenience of Sale), AIX the neat HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, PLATE, LINEN, CHINA, CLASS, and other EFFECTS, the Property of the late Mrs, LEWIS, deceased, of FELMERSHAM, in the County of Bedford. C- Tr May be viewed on the Morning of Sale until Ten o'Clock, at which Time the Sale will commence. * » * Catalogues may be had at the adjacent Towns ; Place of Sale; and of Brown & Son, Auctioneers, Bedford. Two to one against Performer, high odds against each of the rest. Sweepstakes of 25gs. each. Two- yr- old Course. Mr. Ladhroke's Wormwood, by Young Woodpecker, 8st. 21b - 1 General Gower's Swinley, by Coriander, 7st. 101b. 2 Lord Sackville's Capias, 7st 3 Five to 4 against Wormwood, 5 to 2 against Swinley. Mr. R. Boyce's Sir David, Sst. 61b. beat Lord Foley's Captain Absolute, 8st. 71b. From the start- ing Post of the T. M. M. to the end of the Flat, lOOgs. h. ft.— 6 to 4 against the winner. General Gower's Agincourt beat Mr. Andrew's Norval, 8st. 21b. each. R. M. 50gs.— 6 to 4 on the winner. Lord Sackville's Enchanter, beat Mr. Mellish's Lady Brough, Sst. each. B. C. 50gs.— 11 to 8 against the winner. Lord Foley's Czar Peter, rec. from Mr. Andrew's Norval, gst. each. D 1. 25gs. THURSDAY, October 17, 1805. Lord Foley's Little Peter, Sst. lib. beat Mr. Wilson's Newmarket, 8st. 41b. Across the Flat, lOOgs.— 6 to 4 against Little Peter. Lord Sackville's Wit hcrafr, Sst 91b. beat Mr. Klwes's c. Christopher, by Buzzard, 7st. 91b. DI. IOORS. h. ft.— 6 to 4 011 Witchcraft. Sir J. Shelley's Currycomb, Sst. 71b. beat Mr. Wilson's Pantaloon, brother to Merryman, 7st. 71b. Two- yr- old Course, lOOgs.— 6 to 5 011 Currycomb. Lord Grosvenor's. f. by Sir Peter, out of Isabella, Sst. beat Sir J. Shelley's Currycomb, 8st. 121b. Ab. M. 75gs.— 11 to 8 on Lord Grosvenor's f. Lord Foley's Watery, 8st. 71b. beat Mr. Ladbroke's Wormwood," 7st. 131b". Ab. M. 60gs.— 6 to 5 against Watery. Mr. R. Boyce's Brainworm, Sst. 516. beat General Gower's Agincourt, 8st. Two- yr- old Course. 5Qgs. — 5 to 4 on Brainworm. Mr. Barnes's f. by Whiskey, 8st. rec. 20gs. from Mr. Payne's c. by Waxv, out of Peppermint, Sst. 71b. Y.' C. 50gs. h. ft. Mr. R. Boyce's Brainworm, Sst. against Mr. R. Prince's Our Blowing, 6st. Two- yr- old Course, Off by consent, Valuable Coal. To be LETT, by Proposal, AIL that valuable COAL, of the very best. Quality, consisting of upwards of 200 Acres, situate and lying together at WILLI NGSWORTH HALL, in the Parishes of SEDGLBY, WEDNESBURY, and TIPTON, in the County of Staflord, to be let in Parcels to those Persons who shall offer the highest Royalty, and to raise the greatest Quantity perAnhum. Willingsworth Hall is nine Miles from Birmingham, two from Bilston, and three Miles from Dudley. This Coal has the particular Advantage of being situate on the Birmingham Canal, which runs through the Premises, and from the consequent Convenience for its Vend, well worth the Attention of those Persons desirous of taking Coal. Also to be LETT, in like Manner, by Proposal and in Parcels, All the COAL, consisting of upwards of 64 Acres, situate and lying together at BUMBLEHOLE, in the Parishes of DUDLEY and ROWLEY REGIS, in the Counties of Worcester and Stafford. Bumhlehole is one Mile South- east of the Town of Dudley. This Coal has also the Advantage of the Netherton and Dudley Canal running through the Premises. Proposals, in Writing, to be directed to H. H. St. Paul's, Birmingham; and Proposals to be directed as above and left at the Post Office, Birmingham. ( Mr. RICHARD BRADLEY, at Tipton Green, will shew the Premises. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By A BROWNSGRAVE, On Thursday next, October 2lth, 1S05, on the Pre- mise., of the late Mr. JOHN FOX, in Cotton- End, near Northampton, Quantity of BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS of all Descriptions; consisting of two good Pairs of Bellows, Anvils, and Vice; a Turning Lathe; and a Quantity of new and old Iron. Likewise several Brewing Utensils, comprising a Half Hogstiead brew- ing Copper, Mash- vat, Tubs, Iron- bound Half Hogs, heads, & c. J> 5T The Sals to begin at 10 o'Clock in the Morning. A BUCKS. THE REDEMPTION ASD SALE LAND- TAX. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. R OGER S, On Thursday the 24th Day of October instant, 1805, 011 the Premises, at GRENDON. HALL, near Castle- Ashby, in the County of Northampton, A LI, the valuable LIVE STOCK, IMPLE- XV MF. NTS in HUSBANDRY, HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, and sundry EFFECTS, of Mr. RICHARD BREWIN FREER ( who is leaving his Farm); consisting of 33 capital breeding Ewes, two Lambs, and one capital Tup, of the true Leicestershire breed; tour Milch Cows, three fat Ditto, and two Stirk Heifers; one Hackney Horse, and one exceeding good Yearling Colt; one' Six- inch- wheel Waggon ( nearly new), and one Narrow- wheel Ditto; Dung Cart, double- wheel Plough, and one single Ditto, Harrows, Field- Roll, Barn Tackle, Horse Harness, See. ; capital Fowling- Piece, a Barrel- Churn, two excellent Milk- Leads, and other Dairy Requisites. The HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE, consists of one Four- post Bedstead and Hangings, lined with yellow Satin, one Bureau Bedstead on Castors, two Oak Bureaus, large Oak Sofa with Cushion, and one Servants' Bedstead; two Half Hogsheads, a Pair of Peds, C'orn- Binn, and other useful Articles, ( fdr" The Sale to commence exactly at Ten o'Clock. Capital Live Stock, To be SOLD hy AUCTION, By Mr. ROGERS, On Friday the 25th of October, 1805, on the Premises of Messrs. JOHN & ABRAHAM BRAWN, at GRENDON, near Castle- Ashby, in the County of Northampton ( who are leaving one of their Farms); ALL the capital LIVE STOCK, & c. 011 the said Farm; consisting of 40 capital breeding Ewes, 22 very fresh Shearhogs, 22 Theaves, and 16 Lambs; nine very useful Dairy Cows, six spayed Heifers, four fat Beasts, three Stirks, and two Calves; one capital Bay Horse, rising three Years old, one Black Filly, rising three Years old ( by Mr. Hiegins's best Black Horse, Dam by Mr. Bakewell's London Horse), one Black Yearling Colt, and one Mare and Foal; about 30 Tons of excellent old Hay, to be taken off the Premises; also the Grass ana Keep of nearly 200 Acres of Swea'rd and Stubble Land, till the 21st of December next, in Lots. ( JrX The Sheep will be penned by Nine o'Clock in the Morning, for the Inspection of the Public; and the Sal J will commence exactly at Ten. Capital Live Stock, fyr. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. ROGERS, On Friday the 25th Day of October instant, on the Premises, exactly at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, rpHE capital LIVE STOCK, & c. of Mr. W. M. a COE, of GRENDON, near Castle- Ashby, in the County of Northampton ; consisting of 40 capital breeding Ewes, 20 Shearhogs, and 20 Lambs; two fat Cows and four Bullocks; one capital Horse Foal ( by Mr. Freestone's Black Horse) ; also, the Keeping of nearly 50 Acres of excellent Sweard Land till the 21st of December next. VTOTICE is hereby given, That Meetings of lAI the Commissioners for the REDEMPTION and SALE of the LAND- TAX for the County of BUCKS, will be held at the following l'laccs on'the Days undermentioned; when and where any Persons may, either personally or by Agent, enter into Con- tracts for the Redemption of their Land- Tax, or may purchase the Land- Tax charged on any other Person's Estates, viz. At the COBHAM. ARMS, in BUCKINGHAM, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 21st, 1305; At the SWAN, in NEWPORT- PACNELL, onTuESD. vr, OCTOBER 22d, 1805; At the MAGISTRATES' CHAMBER, AYIESBURY, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26tl|, 1805; At the WINDMILL, at SALT- HILL, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 28th, 1805 ; At the UPPER- CROWN, in GREAT- MARIOW, on TUESDAY, October 29th, 1805. The Advantages to be derived by this Measure in the Investment of Money, so as to yield nearly five Pounds per Cent. Interest out of real Estates, with, our incurring any Expence; and the Security it af- fords the Proprietors of Estates against any Advance in the Assessment, which they would otherwise be liable to every Year, upon any Improvement in the Value of them; and the Priority of Security which the Purchasers of Land- Tax have over every other Incumbrance, wholly independent of, and unaffected by, any Question of Right or Title to tiie Estate out of which it issues, and the simple and ready Means afforded for its Recovery, render this Species of Pro- perty an Object well deserving the Consideration of the Public. To which may be added, the following material Recommendation to the Measure, viz. that Persons who redeem their Land- Tax aie not afterwards liaole to be re- assessed, towards making good any Deficiencies that may aiise in the Paaish, by the De- fault of the Collectors, or otherwise, which is an Event that hath taken Place with considerable Pres- sure 011 Individuals, in some Parishes bo h in this and an adjoining County, where Collectors have failed. SALES OF OATS, BISCUITS, SACKS, AKD IMPLEMENTS. N'OTICE is hereby . given, Thnt the under- mentioned Quantities of OATS, BISCUITS ( more or less), and SACKS, the Property of HIS MAJESTY, in the MAGAZINES in the SOUTH INLAND DISTRICT, Will be SOLD by PUBLIC AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS HAW, ON THE FOLLOWING DAYS, VIE. DAVENTRY, on Wednesday the 30th Day of October, 1805 , 94 Quarters of Oats with the Sacks; 525 Bags of Biscuits, 1121bs. each. BANBURY, on Thursday the Slst Day of October, 60 Quarters of Oats with the Sacks; 327 Bags of Biscuits, 112lbs. each. BURFORD, on Saturday the 2d Day Of November, 53 Quarters of Oats with the Sacks; 317 Bags of Biscuits, 112lbs. each. KETTERING, 011 Fridav the Sth Day of November, 22 Quarters of Oats with the Sack's; 120 Bags of Biscuits, 1121bs. each. NORTHAMPTON, on Saturday the 9th Day of No- vember, 407 Quaiters of Oats with the Sacks ; 736 Bags of Biscuits, l. l21bs. each. AYLXSBURY, on Saturday die 16th Day of Novem- ber, 800 Quarters of Oats with the Sacks ; 860 Bags of Biscuits, 112! bs. each. Q^ r" Tile Oats are of good Quality, weighing 371bs. per Bushel, and upwards; and the Biscuits are such as are used by the Royal Navy.— The Oat Sacks are of English Manufacture, holding four Bushels each. %* Besides the above there are SCALES, STEELYARDS, MEASURES, SHOVELS, and other IMPLEMENTS, to be sold at the Magazines. CONDITIONS or SALE. First.— The Oats will be sold in Lots of ten Quar- ters each ; the Purchaser to lake the Sacks at one Shilling per Sack. Second.~ The Biscuits will be sold in Lots of five Bags each; Bags included. Third.— Ten per Cent, of the Purchase- Money to be immediately deposited with the Auctioneer; the Remainder to be paid on Delivery of the Articles, which must be taken away within ten Days of the Sale, or the Deposit to be forfeited, and the Goods re- sold at the Loss of the first Purchaser. N. B. The Goods may be inspected ten Days imme- diately previous to the Sale, by Application to the Storekeepers of the several Magazines, of whom Ca- talogues may be had; also of the Auctioneer, North- ampton. Freehold Estate. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS HAW, ( Further Particulars of which will appear in a future To be SOLD by AUCTION, By RICHARD SMITH, On Monday, the 21st ot October, 1805, and following Day, atTeno'CloCK, on the Premises, at Hargrave, Northamptonshire, ALLthevalnabic HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, BREWING and DAIRY REQUISITES, £ e: of the Rev. Mr. FONNEREAU ( who is leaving HARGRAVE) ; consisting of Four- post Camp and other Bedsteads, with handsome Furnitures, several Goose, and other Feather Beds, Flock Ditto, Blankets, Quilts, Mattrasses and Counterpanes; Mahogany, and other Chests of Drawers, Bureaus, and Book- Case, Maho- gany Night Table, inlaid with Cedar, two Eight- Day Clocks, Mahogany square and oval Dining, Tea, Library, and other Tables, two capital Fowling- Pieces, Mahogany and other Chairs, China Dishes and Plates, complete Set of Wedgwood Table Service, a Q iunniy of Glass, Kitchen- Furniture, Brass Pots, Kettles, Pewter, See.; Dairy Requisites, sweet Pipes, Hogs, heads, and Half Hogsheads, Tubs, and Coolers; several Melon and Cucumber Frames, with Lights complete, Hand- Glasses, & c. ; and numerous other valuable Effects. Also will be SOLD by AUCTION ( if not disposed of by Private Contract, of which due Notice will be given), Upwards of 500 VOLUMES of BOOKS, of His. tory, Poetry, and Theology. ( PT Catalogues may be had on the Premises; and at the White Lion," Kimbolton; Green Draco , Higham- Ferrers; at the Printing- Office Welling- borough ; and of the Auctioneer, Swan, Thrapston. To b^ SO L D by A U C T l~ ON, By RICHARD SMITH, On the Premises at WOODFORD MILL, r. ear THR IPSTON, Northamptonshire, on Wednesday me 30th Day of October, 1805, riMIF, genteel HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, S and BREWING aVid DAIRY REQUISITES, belonging to Mr. JOSEPH HlLl. ; comprising Four, post and other Bedsteads, with nearly new check, moreen, and Manchester striped Furnitures ; Goose and other Feather Beds, Flock and End ditto; coarse Bed Linen, Mattrasses, Blankets, Quilts and Counterpanes; Pier and Swing Glasses; Mahogany and Wainscot Bureaus ; square Oak, oval, and other Dining Tables, Mahogany Pillar and Claw Table; modern Mahogany and other Chairs; two Clocks ; a Set of handsome Tea China; plated Candlesticks, & c.; Glass and Earthenware; Kiichen Range, and handsome Fire- irons, Wind- up Jack, Spits, & c. Brass Pots, Ket- tles, Pewter Dishes ana Plates, small Carpet, a Quantity of Cheese, Barrel Churn, Cheese Preos, large Salting Lead and Tub, Cheese Vats," Bowls, See. Brewing Copper, Mash Vat, Tubs, nine sweet Iron, bound Hogsheads, four ditto Half ditto, Part of two Pockets of Hops, Pillion, Side Saddle, and a Variety ofjother Effects. fid?" The Sale to commence precisely at 10 o'Clock in the Forenoon, as the Whole is intended to be sold in one Day. Household- Furniture, Fanning- Implements, Draught Mares, Colts, fyc. with 2' uckle, Ricks of Barley and Hay, Turnip und Gruss Keep, <^ c. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. ROUSE, On Friday the 25th Day of this current October, 1805, on the Premises, at BRIXWORTH, in the County of Northampton, PARI' of the HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, I ARMING - STOCK, IMPLEMENTS ot HUSBANDRY, See. the Property of Mr. BRYANT ( who has recently entered upon and removed lo the Rose- and- Crown Inn, in Kibworth, in the County of Leicester); consisting of Bedsteads, with appro- priate Bedding; Dining and other Tables; Ci- airs; a. well- going Eigiit day Clock ; Brewing Utensils; sea- soned Iron- bound Hogsheads and Half- Hogsheads; Churn, Milk. Lead, and other Articles appertaining to the Dairy; two Waggons, and Harness tor six Horses; a Cart; two Ploughs, a Sheer- Harrow, and Pair of small Harrows; Land- Roll; Winnqwing- Fan; Hovel- Frame; four Dozen of strong Sacks; six Dozen of Hurdles; Landers, Barn Tacklc, See.; two useful Cart Mares, three promising yearling Colts, and a valuable Two- year- ol. t Filley.— Also, a itick of Barley ; a Rick of good Hay; tivelve Acres of Tur- nips ; and eighty Acres of very good Grass Keep until Lady- Day next. _ 83T The Sale to commence each Morning pui ctually at Half- pa, t Ten ' ' To be SOL D by A U C T 1 U N, By Mr. ROUS E, On Thursday the Slst of this cuiret. t October, 1805, and the two following Days, on the Premises, in MARKET- HA RBO ROUGH, 111 the County of Leicester, at Ten o'Clock, AConsiderable Part of the handsome, genteel, and useful HOUSEHOLD- FURNI fURE, and other EFFECTS, of Mrs. WALKER; comprising Four- post, Field and other Bedsteads, with fine Printed Linen, Moreen, Harrateen, & c. Furnitures; seasoned Feather Beds, Sec. ; fine Blankets and Coun- terpanes; Set of Chintz Pattern tine Calico, tor a full sized Bed, and Pair of Window Curtains li ed throughout and fringed; veneered Night Tabh, Ma- liogam Wash- Stands, Wainscot Cases of Drawers, and Store Chests, See.; Pier and Dressing Glasses; Ma- hogany single and double Cases of Drawers: sets of Chairs in Wainscot, Walnut, Sec. ; Set of eight and a Pair of Two- arm Mahogany Chairs; large handsome- Sofa ; Set ot Mahogany Dining Tables, with cir- cular Ends; a capital Pier Gla, s, the under Plate, which is of '. lie strong Diamond Cut make, of a bril-. liant Polish, and well Silvered, measures 34 by 24, and the top Plate 24 by 13, in a 1 ich handsome Carved' and Gilt Frame ; another, its r. ear Relation, single Plate 30 by 20; genteel Lots of Tea, and fable Nanquin, Sec. China; handsome Chimney and other orna- mental China Figures; some valuable glazed Prints ( hy Wool let, Taylor, and other eminent Artists), and Paintings; an excellent Eight- dav Clock, by Mac/ tie,. Mahogany Case; Barometer, and Mercurial Thermo- meter, by Aiana; an. exceeding good Fowling- Piece- large Bath Stoves, and Fire- irons; and large Kitchen A LL that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, Stone- built and Tiled, situate on BLACK- I. IOM- HILL, IQ the Parish of ST. PETER'S: Northampton, late in the Occupation of Mr. Geon e Cornfield; con- sisting of three good Attics; three Bed. Rooms on the first Floor; two Parlours, and a Kitchen, on the Ground Floor; Brew house. Cellar, Coal and Wood. Houses, a paved Yard, excellent Well of Water, and gar Attendance is also given daily at the Clerk of' 1- ea. l Pump.— Also, with the above, a PEW in the the Peace's Office, in , he Town of Aylesbury, to ! CHURCH. receive Instructions for Contracts. Immediate Possession may be had. ACTON CHAPLIN, *** For further Particulars, enquira of tne Auc- Clerk to the said Commissioners. I TIONEER, Northampton. ' Fermenting Vessel, seasoned Iron bound excellent" Halt Hogsheads, und other convenient sized Casks.' See. See. See. ( Car Oil Account of the Shortness of the Days, an early Attendance ot the Company each Morning, will be esteemed a particular Favour. Letter from Deal, on the Subject of Deafness. To the Proprietor of Dr. TAYLOR'S REMEDY SlR> Deal, May 1,1805 ' HAVING seen the Names of several Persons published in the Sun, who have received Benefit from the invaluable RF. MEDY fur DEAPSESS, I bee Leave to inform > 011, that I have lately received a complete Cure, after having Deen deprived ot my Hearing, for the lastytiT Years. — I have used one Boltle. 1 remain. Sir, Your most obliged, humble Servant, „ c „ ,. u JOHN AIKIN. P. S. You are at Liberty to make what Use \ ou please of this. To Mrs. MATHEWS, 18, Strand, London. MADAM, f beg to inform you, that I have been very deaf so as only to hear wuh Difficulty, for near t. ree Years J used about Halt a Pottle of Dr. TAYLOR'S RE- MEDY tor DEAFNESS last September, which 111 a few Weeks gave me Relief, so that I could hear ,1S well as People in general, and through tlie Lord's Good, ness have continued moderately well ever since. I am, Madam, your hnmb e - erv: mt DOROTHY GREEN. Kesset s- Grcen, r. ear Sevencaks, July 10, 1805. G3" The original Letters may be seen at Mrs Ma- hews', Bookseller, 18, Strand, London; where the Medicine mav be had. The above invaluable Remedy is sold in small Bot. ties, Price 8s. 6d. each. Duty included, bv J Drewrv" Statrord. and Dic° y & Sutton, No. 10, 6,) W Church- Yard, London, the Wholesale Agent 1. It may also be had genuine of Barclay, No. 9fl, Fleet- Market London; Kolla. on, Coventry; Sharpe, Wnvickj Leigh, Atherstone; Hulse, and Wards, Hmcklev- Gregory, Leicest r; Morris, Stratford- upon- Avon- Baker, Tamworth; Dale, Coleshiil; Hemmin,;, All cester ; D cey Sutton, and Marsha 1, Northampton - Marriott, Banbury; Palgrave, Bedford ; Jacob, F> eterl borough; vv ucox, Towcester: Tookey, Oundle- Collts a Dash, Ke- iering; Harrod, Harborough | Robins, Davntry; Jenkin. on, Huntingdon; Wallis. Olney; E iton, Thrapiron; Seelev, Buckingham - Barnnger, and Inw , d, Newport - Pagnell; Osoorn. , Woburn;. Queu- borouih, Dunst.. b; e; Mrs. Junes, 1 Oxford; Darto. 1. H. tc'-. in; Loggin Avlesbury • and f on-, or more reputable v lets of Medicines in ever* iovvn in tae United Kingdom. N, iwing rave, JRF, • & e-. iving Jthci D( ilts, ither llio. Day Tea, ces, ites, ituf rles, ogs. srs; jilts ther \ of . be lis. and 1° . I. , car Uis IE, Is, ur. ck, ose fed ies; cot ICS, my me md re- st. a rge EC. - n- ivo : ty ck in it ey 5, ' y L of IT s 0- a a- ' » ig x id V X • o > f Friday and Saturday's Posts. LONDON.\ October 18. THE Hamburgh Mail due on Wednesday ar- rived this morning. It brings intelligence of the most important nature, and the facts which it announces must, we conceive, have the most material influence on the conduct and progress of the war. The French troops under Bernadotte and Marmont, and the Bavarian auxiliaries, whose united object was, it was supposed, to penetrate Bohemia, suddenly turned and marched towards the Danube, for the purpose of turning the Austrian flank. The column under Bernadotte marched by Uffenheim towards Nieuberg; that commanded by Marmont by Mergentheim towards Donauwerth; and the Bavarians towards Ingolstadt. In order to arrive sooner at the point of his destination, Ber- nadotte determined to march through the territories of Anspach; belonging to Prussia. The Prussian Oflicer who commanded a detachment upon the frontiers, protested against this breach of neutra- lity, but in vain; Bernadotte alledged that he had i GENERAL INFIRMARY, NORTHAMPTON, OCTOBER 19th, 1805. '" PIUS is to'give Notice, That 011 SATVRDAY the I 2d Day of NOVEMBER next will be held a General Court, at Twelve o'Clock in the Forenoon, to take the Reports of the Committee concerning the present State of this Society. And such Persons as wish to serve the Infirmary, are desired to send their Pro- posals, sealed up, to the Secretary, on or before Twelve o'Clock on that Day; mentioning at what Rate they are willing to furnish the following Ar- ticles for the ensuing Quarter, viz. BUTCHER'S MEAT, FLOUR, BREAD, made of all good Wheat, in I. oaves of 14 Ounces each, MALT, CANDLES, . RICE, SUGAR, and SOAP, in order that the most reasonable may be accepted. And it is further requested, that the Bills due by the Infirmary to the 2d of November next, may be then sent in to be examined and discharged. Bv Order of the Committee, W. INGMAN, Secretary. R. LINEN & WOOLLEN- DRAPERY, HABER- DASHERY, & c. & c. Market - Place, Lutterworth. C. SMITH respectfully begs Leave to inform his Friends, and the" Public in general, that lie has taken and entered upon the STOCK in TRADE of his late Father, which he is now selling considerably under prime Cost, and purposes to replace positive orders to march through the territories of I with an entire new and fashionable ASSORTMENT of Anspach, and he effected his passage, the Prussian EVERY ARTICLE in the above BUSINESSES ; and being , , • 11 1J 1 j. , 1 determined to sell on moderate Terms, hopes to merit detachment being compelled to retire. A dispatch s anj share the Favour; of'a announcing the conduct pursued by the trench L> ublic. General, was immediately sent off to the Prussian j FTJF FUNER ALS completely furnished, court, in consequence of which a great Council of V* A steady YOUNG MAN, of good Address • — -• an ASSISTANT, is WANTED. T. WILKINSON, Chemist and Druggist, Oil and Colour- Man, HIGH- STREET, DAVENTRY, BEGS Leave to acquaint the Inhabitants of RUGBY and its Vicinity, that he has opened a SHOP in the above Branches, at the House of Mr. OVER, near the MARKET- PLACE, where he. will at- tend, on MARKET and FAIR- DAYS, with a choice ASSORTMENT of DRUGS, CHYMICALS, and GALENICALS. T. WILKINSON having resided in one of the first Wholesale Houses in London, and being acquainted with the best Markets, flatters himself lie shall be able to transact Business 011 the most liberal Terms with those who may honour him with their Favours. gdT PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS faithfully pre- pared.— Genuine Patent and approved MEDICINES; likewise all Kinds of genuine Cow and HORSE- ME- DICINES.— Shopkeepers, and all Dealers in Medicines supplied Wholesale, on moderate Terms. *** T. Wilkinson takes this Opportunity of re- turning his sincere Acknowledgments to his Friends, for the very liberal Encouragement he has experienced, and hopes by Assiduity and Attention, to merit their future Favours. October 19 th, 1S05. The MANORS of WEEDON BECK and EVERDON, In the County of Northampton. rpHIS is to inform all Persons w ho have any Business at either of the above Manors, that J. FOUNTAIN INN, HUNTINGDON. GRIFF1TTS begs Leave to inform his Friends, and the Public in general, that he has declined the above Inn ( which is now entered upon by Mr. E. HUBNER), and avails himself of this Op- portunity to return his Thanks for the liberal Favours which they have conferred upon him ; and at the same Time trusts his Successor will be found worthy the Attention and future Favours ot a generous Public. October Ibth, 1S05. E. FOUNTAIN INN, HUNTINGDON. HUBNER ( iate Butler to the Right Hon. Lord Viscount Hinchingbrook) having taken the above Inn of the Right Hon. the Earl of Sand- wich, begs Leave to solicit the Patronage of the No- bility, Gentry, & c. assuring them, that Nothing on his Part shall be wanting to conduct the Business of the Irm in a Stile equal to any one on the North Road.— Being well supplied with a Stock of WINES and LIQUORS of the first- rate Quality, and having provided good POST- CHAISES, with able HORSES, he trusts he shall be found worthy the Attention and Support of a generous Public. Stage- Coaches to and from London daily. October \ bih, 1805. Grand Junction Canal Company. rpilE next General Assembly of the Company I of Proprietors of the Grand Junction Canal, will be held at the CROWN- AND- ANCHOR TAVERN, r- 1- NTL. I RNIITT II « I'nvT, T° MASia f ' be STRAND, LONDON, on TUESDAY the 5th Day MNFIRLS n. .! M ! 1 f1? I of NOVEMBER next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Fore, generous of W I-. E DON- BECK, will. be holden m and for tne \ ' } said Manor, 011 THURSDAY next, the 24th Instant, I at the House » f Mr. THOMAS BARNETT, the BULL I INN, at the Hour of Eleven in the Forenoon; at j which Time those who have Business are desired to ! attend. the DEBTORS of DAVTD WOOD, Surgeon, i And 011 FRIDAY the 25th, at EVERDON, a GE- lateof WELLINGBOROUGH 6 I NERAL COURT BARON ". ill be held in and tor ) the said Manor, at the House of. Mr. GEO. USBORN, IT beinij intended to make a final Dividend of j the Sign of the PL'CME- OF- FEATHERS, at Eleven . the E fleets of the said DAVID WOOD, as soon j o'Clock in the Forenoon; at which Time those who To State was held at Berlin. The fact was also publicly announced on the Parade by Marshal Molleridorf, and it excited the warmest iudignation among all the General Officers who were present, and even among the troops,— We are hfttppy to have it ill our power to add,- that ' a, possible, it is Earnestly requested, that all who j have Business are desired'to attend. - • • of the'F'rench Usurper ' still stand i"' 1"^"' 1''' m 6il » n » » » the iiAVifi aTPi this new act of violence of the ' French Usurp has produced a very strong effect upon the cabinet of Berlin, and that his Prussian Majesty declared he would in consequcnce allow a free passage to the Russian troops through his dominions, and that he would not in any way oppose the entrance of the allied forces into Hanover. We have at length some intelligence from Italy' hut it merely announces to us that the Archduke Charles has removed his head- quarters from Padua to Vicenza. Dispatches, we understand, have been received by Government, corroborated by' letters to several j respectable houses, from Elsineur and Colberg, ! stating, that on the 4th inst. a Russian squadron, consisting of five sail of the line, with a fleet of transports, had arrived off the Oder, and that a body of 20,000 Russian troops were disembarked from it, to take their immediate route through Swedish Pomerania, by virtue of a treaty between the courts of Stockholm and St. Pelerijburgh. Advices were received this morning, of the arrival of the whole of the , Island fleets, amounting to Portsmouth, partly in the Downs, and the rest at different ports ill the channel. The tst and 2nd battalions of the German Le- gion have already been embarked at Ramsgate, under the direction of Lord Keith and General Don, and proceeded to the Downs. The remain- der of this fine and numerous legion are 011 their march to Ramsgate, where the whole will be em- barked in the course of two or three days. No doubt is entertained of this force being destined to co- operate with the Russian expedition, one object of v. hich is the entire expulsion of the French from Hanover. Parliament was yesterday prorogued, by com- mission, in the usual form, till the 28th November. WANTED immediately, A steady WOMAN, as HOUSEKEEPER, who perfectly under- stands the Management of a Dairy.— None need apply who cannot be well recommended. glT For further Particulars, apply to Mr. W « . I. OVELL, Edgcott; or Mr. HENRY SPENCER, Green's Park, Blakesley, Northamptonshire. , NURSES WANTED. WANTED immediately, TWO NURSES to the BEDEORD INFIRMARY. ( pT For Particulars, apply at the INFIRMARY, near Bedford. October 15, 1805. _ "\ 7S, rANTED immediately, A smart active T V YOUTH, as an APPRENTICE to a GROCER and 1 ALLOW - CHANDLER, in a populous Market- Town in the County of Bucks.— A Piemium will be expected. Apply ( if by Letter, Post- paid) to Mr. R. RICHARDSON, Hair- Dresser, Stony- Stratford, Bucks. indebted to him," will' not fail to pay the same to Benj. Middleton, or Thomas Sanderson, of Wellingborough, his Assignees, 011 or before the 29th Instant, to prevent further Trouble. Wellingborough, Oct. 15, 1805. " NOTICE to DEBTORS and CREDITORS. A LE Persons who stand indebted to the late JA JOHN BOD A LY, of GRE ENSNO RTON, in the County of Northampton fand some Time ago of LO'UGHTON, in the County .. of Bucks), are desired to pay the same forthwith to Mrs. Ann Bodalv, his Executrix; or to Richard Mayo Jor. es, of Greens- norton aforesaid, who is duly authorised to receive the same.— And all Persons'to whom the said John Bodalv was indebted at the Time of his Death, are desired to deliver an Account thereof to the said Ann Bodalv, or Richard Mayo Jones. ANN BO DALY, Administratrix. Greensnorton, Oct. 18, 1805. OCTOBER 12th, 1305. VVrilEREAS I KAT1I. STOCKDAEE, on the > ? 2d of AUGUST last, did procure a Warrant to search the Cart, Goods, & c. of Mr. ROBERT SHARPE, of COLD- ASUBY, Draper, & c. on a Sus- picion of his having stolen and taken away, a GOLD Jamaica and Leeward WATCH, my Property ( which was afterwards found 180 sail; par tly at f to have been' mislaid): I do therefore hereby declare, 1 ' that I have no Reason whatever to impeach the Ho- nesty and Integrity of Mr. Sliarpe, and think it my Duty to signify the same in this public Manner. KATH. STOCKDALE. DAVID ATCHISON, Bailiff. IVeedon. Beck, Oct. 18/*, 1805. STOLEN OR STRAYED, - ON Monday Night, the 30th of September, out of a Yard belonging to WM. HAWTHORN, Farrier, Kettering, Northamptonshire, .' A DUN MARE, Aged, with one white Heel behind, one Eye, and a switch Tail. Whoever will bring the said Mare to WM. HAW- THORN aforesaid, shall be handsomely rewarded for his Trouble. Kettering, Oct. 18, 1805. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By P. JV£ S T ( TN, At the King's- Head, Syresliam, Northamptonshire, on Monday the 21st Day of October, 1805, between the Hours of Four and Five in the Afternoon, under such Conditions as will be then produced, AMESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with about Half an Acre of LAND ( more or less), used as a Garden, in a high State of Cultivation, and well planted with choice Fruit Trees, situate at Syresham aforesaid, and In the Occupation of Mr. Win. Brown. — The above is well adapted for Trade, or the Resi- dence of a small Family. Also will be SOLD, The HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE; consisting of Bedsteads and Furniture; two Flock Beds; Sheets and Blankets; Tables and Chairs j Clock and Case ; large Brewing- Kettle, small Ditto, and Ditto and Pot; a Quantity of Faggots, and various other Effects. jJ3T The Sale of the Household Goods to commence exactly at Two o'Clock of the same Day. *** F'or Particulars, apply to Mr. Stilgoe, Falcut; or Mr. Coats, Astwell. To T MEN SERVANTS. WANTED, An UPPER SERVANT, not underSO Years of Age, well acquainted with his Business; also a COACHMAN, to ride and drive, a l ight Weight, who will mak ; himself useful in other Things, and not under Years of Age.— None need apply without good Characters. Enquire of Mr. RICHARDSON, Hair- Dresser, Stony- Stratford. Linen and Woollen- Drapers, Hosiers, WANTED, a smart active YOUTH, of a liberal Education, as an APPRENTICE to the above Branches. ( f. T Enquire of Messrs. FLHTCHER & DODD, j Northampton. j N. B. Messrs. F. & D. beg to inform their Friends J and tire Public, that they have just received a fresh Assortment of SHIRTINGS, SHEETINGS, PRINTED CALICOES, WOOLLEN CLOTHS, FLANNELS, BAIZES, and BLANKETS, which are selling 011 the lowest Terms. A good Allowance to Country Shops. JOHN HOUSE, ~ CARPENTER and JOINER, A be SOLI) bv AUCTION, By. DENNIS & SON, O11 Wednesday the 23d Instant, and following Day, at their Auction- Room, NORTHAMPTON, QUANTITY of unredeemed PLEDGES, the Property of Mrs.' ELIZABETH COOK, , Mr. THOMAS FOX, and Mr. BENJAMIN CLARK, Pawnbrokers, in the said Town; pledged to Mrs. Cook in the Months of April, May, June, and September, 1804; to Mr. Fox in the Months of September, October, November, and December, 1803, and February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, and October, 1804; and to Mr. Clark 111 the Months of March, May, June, and Au- gust, 1804; consisting of, Plate, Gold, Silver, and Metal Watches; a large Quantity of Mens' and Wp- mens' Wearing- Apparel; printed Cottor. j; Hosiery, Haberdashery, & c. On Friday the 25th Instant will be sold, at the above Auction- Room, A small LIBRARY of BOOKS, in about 100 Lots. ( py To begin each Day at Ten o'Clock. IN Consequence of Mr. THOMAS POPE'S retiring from the Town of. WOBURN, in the County of Beds, has engaged to complete those Orders in the above Branches which remain unfinished, and humbly be„ s Leave to solicit a Continuance of the Favours which Mr. Pope has had the Pleasure of experiencing for,-'. Scries of Years; he therefore flatters himself, that a strict Adherence to Punctuality, in the Exe- cution of any future Commands he may be honoured with, and by making Use of the best Materials, and on tiie lowest possible Terms, will entitle him to < heir Recommendation. mburn, Oct. 15, 1805. MAIN'S BANKRUPTCY. WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt, is awarded and issued forth against JOSEPH MAIN, of the Town of NORTHAMPTON, in the Countv of Northampton, Ironmonger, Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby Tequired to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major Part of them, on the TENTH Day of OCTOBER inst. at'Seven of the Clock in the Evening; on the FIFTH Day of NOVEMBER next, and 011 the NINETEENTH Day of NOVEMBER next, at Nine o'Clock in the Morning, at the GEORGE INN, in the Town of NORTHAMP TON, in the County of Northampton, and make a full Discovery and Disclosure ot his Estate and Effects; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the second Sit- ting to choose Assignees ; and at the last Sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his Examination, and the Creditors are to assent to, or dissent from, the Allowance of his Certificate.— All Persons in- debted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give Notice to Messrs. KINDERI- EY, LONG, and INCE, Attomies^, Symond's- Inn, Chancery- Lane, London; ST. JOHN'S- LAN Or to Mr, Hows*, Attorney, Northampton. J. BEAUCLERK, R. BUSWELL, THEOPH. JE YES, Land, Houses, See. GREAT- BRICKHILL, BUCKS, be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, At the Sign of the Falcon, in Brickhill aforesaid, on To noon. No. 12, Essex- Street, Strand, 14//> October, " 1805. Capital Nurseiy Stock. To be SOLI), this Season, without Reserve, AT VERY REDUCED PRICES, rrUIE valuable STOCK in TRADE of Mr. B THOMAS HAYNES, of OUNDLE, North- amptonshire, Nurseryman, a Bankrupt; consisting of a large Quantity of thriving Fruit and Forest Trees, Evergreens, and deciduous floweriiijTrees and Shrubs ; also, several Millions of remarkably fine two and three Years old Crab and White- Thorn Quicksets. Pf Orders to Mr. Nathaniel Haynes, Oundle; Mr. David Hennell, Kettering; Mr.' George Joyce, Peterborough v Mr. Wm. Spencer, Stamford; or Mr. Thomas Cornwcll, March, will be duly attended to. To be LETl, to the Best Bidder, ON LEASE, For any ' Term not exceeding 21 Years, At an Assembly of the Mayor, Bailiffs, and Burgesses, to be held at their Guildnail, in the Town of Northampton, on Thursday the 31st Day of October instant, at Four a'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to sucli Conditions as shall be then and there pro. duced, Lot 1. A MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with il the Appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate in NEWLAND, in the Town 0i Northampton, now in the Occupation of Mr. John Shelton, whose Leare will expire at Lady- Day next. Lot 2. A CLOSE or PIECE of inclosed GROUND, containing about three Acres, called the STONE- PITS, situate in NORTH- F^ ND, near the Race- Ground, in NORTHAMPTON FIE LD, lately rented by the Parish- Officers of St. Sepulchre, whose Term expired at Michaelmas last. Lots. A BUILDING, now or lately used as a BUTCHER'S- SHOP, situate near the Great Conduit, in the said Town of NORTHAMPTON, now 111 the Occupation of Mr. John Dunkley, or his Under- tenant. Lot 4. A MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with the Appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate in JOHN'S- LANS, in the said Town of Northampton, now in the Occupation of John Wyatt, Jun. Tenant at Will. ( pT For further Particulars, apply to Mr, TIIEO. JJIY£ 5| Tuwa- Clerk, Northampton, WEST- HADDON. To be LETT, or SOI. D, And may be entered upon imntediately, AVery good MALT- KILN, with a Storehouse, Granary, and Garners; and a comfortable DWELLING HOUSE, and three Acres of very good LAND, adjoining, ( P?" Enquire of Mr. DAMF. S, West- Haddon. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AFREEHOLD ES TATE; consisting of a Farm- House, with convenient Buildings, and about 54 Acres of old- inclosed Land, lying together,: and chieflv Pasture, divided by good Hedges, situate in the Parish of NO RTH- CRAWLEY, in the County of Monday the 28th Day . f October, 1805 exactly, at ^ ^ " ^ ° CCUpa" Two tfClock, in the Afternoon, in the following | Als0 anwher FREEHOLD ESTATE ; consisting t ° ' ., , ,,, mcIUnV pvr i of a House, with convenient Offices; and about 36 Lot 1 \ Ireehold MESSUAGE or I EN EM EN 1, , Acres Qf old- inclosed Pasture Land, lying together, j:\. with Barn, Garden, & c. situate in IVY- \ and divided by good Hedges, situate in the Parish of LANE, in the Occupation of John Timins. NO RTH- CRAWLEY aforesaid, and now and for Lot 2. A FREEHOLD HOUSE and PREMISES, some Years past in the Occupation of James Low. Brick- built, with a COTTAG E adjoining, a Yard, j g^- The respective Tenants will Lhew the Premises j with Barn, a Pump, and Well ot excellent Water, j aud for further Particulars, and to treat for the and a large Orchard and Garden, well planted with j Purchase, apply to Mr. Lucas, Solicitor, Newport- choice Fruit Trees, pleasantly situated in BROMEL- . Pagnell. END, in the Occupations of Wm. King and Richard , October 18th, 1805. Cox. — 7—— Lot 3. TWO FREEHOLD TENEMENTS, Brick and Tile- built, with a Garden adjoining, situate 011 an Eminence, commanding extensive and beautiful Views of the Country; also a CLOSE of rich SWEARD LAND, on which the Buildings stand, containing about four Acres, with several thriving Trees growing thereon; also a CLOSE of rich GREENSNORTON, Northamptonshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION," By R. M. ' JONES, On Thursdav the 24th Day of October, 1S05, HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE, AND other D.. o , _ __ , EFFECTS, which for Convenience ot Sale SWEARD LAND ( COPYHOLD) adjoining, containing j will be removed to a large Room near the BUTCIIER'S- about two Acres.— The last- mentioned Land will be J ARMS; consisting of Bedsteads and Furniture ; Fea- sold with this Lot, or separate, as most agreeable to tiler and Flock Beds ; Quilts, Blankets, and Sheets; the Purchasers. Dining and other Tables; Mahogany and other Chairs; Also, FIVE COTTAGE COMMONS, lying in ) Bureau ; Chests of. Drawers; Pier and other Glasses ; GREEN- END, I'ADDLE'S- GREEN, DUCK- END, and Eire- Irons; Pewter and Brass; Tubs and Barrels; the HEATH, in the Occupation of Turner and others, i with many other Articles too numerous to insert — The Cottage Commons will be sold in five Lots. fc3T The Whole of the above Lots are in the Parish of GREAT- BRICKHILL, and are exonerated from the Land- Tax. May be viewed by applying to the Tenants; and further Particulars known, by Application to the Auctioneer, in Stony- Stratford. Woughton- on- the- Green, near Fenny- Stratford, Bucks. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Tuesday the 29th of October, 1805, exactly at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the Sign of the Swan, in Woughton aforesaid, for . he Life of'a Person aged 54 Years, AFREEHOLD MESSUAGE, divided into two Tenements, with a Pightleof rich Sweard Land adjoining, containing by Estimation half an Acre. Also a CLOSE of ARABLE LAND, containing' 5A. 14P. adjoining the Road from Woughton to Simpson, in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas Lucas. ( pi* Further Particulars may be had of Mr. COOCH, Attorney, in Newport- Pagnel. The Sale will commence at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, To Rectory- House, Clifton, near Olney, Bucks. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAT, On Thursday the 31st of October, 1805, and following Day, on the Premises, at CLIFTON aforesaid, rpilE neat and modern HOUSEHOLD- FURNI- L TURE, with various other EFFECTS, of the Hon. and Rev. A. H. CATHCART, who is leaving Clifton ; comprising Four- post, Tent, and other bed- steads, with Cotton, Moreen, Check, and other Fur- nitures; fine Goose- coat and other Feather Beds ; Mat- tresses, Counterpanes, Quilts, and Blankets; Night- Tables, Bason- Stands, and Dressing Drawers; Floor and Bedside Carpets; Pier and Swing Glasses; Ward- robe ; Mahogany Dining, Card, and Pembroke Tables; Parlour, Drawing - Room, and Chamber Chairs; dumb Waiters, Fire- Shades, Fire- Irons, & c. ; Sofa, with Bolsters, Covers, Sec. complete; Mahogany Side- board, with Cellarets, & c. ; Mahogany Book- Case, with Secretary Drawers, and glazed Doors; Pier, Chimney, and Swing Glasses; a very capital grand Piano. Forte ( by Stodda't), very lately new ; China, Glass, and Earthenware; Eight- day Clock and Case; Kitchen. Furniture; Beer Casks and Brewing'Vessels ; a. Linen Mangle, with various other Eiiects, as will appear in the Catalogues, which may be had five Days before Sale at the following Inns and Places : — Swan, Newport- Pagnell; Bull, Olney ; Tinker, Tur- vey; at the Place of Sale; and of the Auctioneer, in Stony- Stratford, Bucks. GAYTON, Northamptonshire. Brewing - Vessels and other Effects, be SOLD by AUCTION, By R. M. JONES, On Wednesday the 30th Day of October, 1805, at the Sign of the'Squirrel, at GAYTON aforesaid ( removed there for Convenience of Sale); COMPRISING one Hogshead Copper and Grate; 12- Bushel Mash- Vat, one Cooler, and three Working- Vats; one Three- hogshead and one Two- hogshead Barrels, nearly new ; one Pipe, three Casks of 80 Gallons each, one Hogshead, two Half- hogsheads, four Barrels of 30 Gallons each, and two of 20 each; Half a Pocket of Hops; with several Lots of Household- Furniture. { pi* The Sale to commence at Ten o'Clock. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By ANDREW GARDNER, On the Premises, on Wednesdav, October the 30th, 1805, rpiIE LIVE and DEAD FARMING- STOCK, I DAIRY UTENSILS, andother EFFECTS, of Mr. BAIRD, of SALFORD, 111 the County of Bed- ford, deceased; consisting of about 100 Sheep; three Cows; one Horse; two Narrow- wheel Carts, and one Waggon; Ploughs, Harrows, & c.; Milk- Leadsi and Dit, to Covers; Pails, Tubs, and various other Articles. ( nT The Sale to begin at Eleven o'Clock. BR1GSTOCK, Northamptonshire. Considerable Additions having been made to the very va- luable Stock, & c. of J. and E . BELLAMY, advertised for sale in our first Page, the Public are particularly re- quested to Notice the following Advertisement. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By Mr. BRAMPTON, BY ORDER OE. THE A'S SIGN EES, Oil Monday the 21st Day of October instant, 1805, and four following Days, on the Premises, at BR1GSTOCK, Northamptonshire, late the Pro- perty of JOHN BELLAMY and EDWARD BELLAMY, Bankrupts, . ALI, the LIVE and DEAD STOCK, IMPLE- MENTS in HUSBANDRY, and HOUSE- HOLD- FURNITURE ;, consisting of 144 Ewes, 91 Lambs, 28 Theaves, two Sliearhogs.' and two fat Slieep; 16 Milch- Cows, IS Feeding Cows, two Heifers, one Dry Cow, four Welch Beasts, and eight fat Calves; eight useful Cart Horses anj| Mares; one Sow and seven Pigs, one Sow and live Pigs, 10 feeding Pigs, one Yelt, one fat Hog, and one Boar; Ricks and Hovels of Wheat, Barley, Oats, Beans, Pea. e, Clover, and Hay ; Horse Harness in general ; Farming Ut'en- sels, two Narrow- wheeled Waggons ( nearly new), two Dung- Carts, and two Butcher's Carts, a Gig with Harness, Ploughs, Harrows, Field- Roll, and Implements in Husbandry in general. Heath- and- Rcaeh, Bedfordshire. To be SOLI) by AUCTION, By AN DREW ' GARDNER, On Saturday the 2d Day of November, 1805, at the Sign of the Red Lion Public- House, at Heath- and- Reach aforesaid, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, ACOPYHOLD ESTATE, situated at Fox- CORNER, in FIEATH- AND- REACH aforesaid ( in four Lots), Lot 1. consists of a large well - timbered Three- bayed BARN, and a good Floor, with the Ground the said Barn stands on. Lot 2. TWO TENEMENTS, with a Wood Barn to each, and the Use of . a Well of Water, in the Tenure of Thomas Hamond and another. Lot 3. A Substantial built, Brick DWELLING- HOUSE, with a TENEMENT adjoining the same; and a Stable, Well- House, and large Garden, in the Tenure of Thomas Harris. Lot 4. A CLOSE of GROUND adjoining the said Premises, containing one Acre and a Half ( more or less), in the Tenure of the said Thomas Harris, who will shew the Premises; and further Particulars may be known, by applying to the Auctioneer, Wohurn, Beds. NORTHAMPTON, SATURDAY EVENIKC, OC: 19. BTRTH. On Wednesday se'nuight, the lady of Win. Lowndes, jun. Esq. of Chesham, Bucks, of H son and heir. MARRIED.] 0 » Wednesday last, Mr. Geoig* Wright, of Kettering, to Miss Newman, dau^ hier of 13. Newman, Esq. of Radclive Hall, Bucks. The Rev. J. Way, rector of Adweil, Oxfordshire, to Miss Crosbie, daughter of J. Crosbie, Esq. of the island of Antigua. On Monday last, at Swarkstone, in the county of Derby, Mr. Palmer, surgeon, of Louahborough, to Miss Grime, daughter of the late Mr. Grime, of Swarkstone- Lows. On Tuesday last, at Hoby, in Leicestershire, by the Rev. Moses Hodges Bartholomew, the Rev. Gilbert Beresford, rector of Bedworth, in War- wickshire, and of Saxulby, in Leicestershire, to Miss Browne, only daughter of the Rev. Henry Browne, rector of Hoby. At Hanover Square, London, Sir R. Peelc, Bart. M. ]'. for Tamworth, to Miss Gierke, sister to Sir W. Gierke, Bart. DIED.] On Monday evening, at Chapel Bramp- ton, in this county, in the Kith year of his aga, Mr. Nathaniel Pearce, the eldest son of Nathaniel Pearce, Esq.— Uncommon virtue endeared him to his friends; and uncommon sufferings reconciled them to his removal. On Tuesday morning the 8th instant, at Terling Place, Essex, William Henry Strutt, youngest son of I. A. Strutt, Esq. M. P. for Maldon. Tuesday se'nnight, at Loughborough, Mrs. Barrs, wife of Mr. Walter Barrs. On Wednesday se'nnight, at the advanced age of eighty- six years, John Councer, Esq. of Blox- ham, in Oxfordshire. On Saturday se'unight, much regretted by her numerous friends, Mrs. Mills, wife of Mr. Mills, of Huntingdon. A few days since, at Ambrosden, in Oxford- shire, in the 57th year of his age, Mr. J. Kin"-. Lately, at Astoii- Clinton, Bucks, the Rev. J. George, rector of that parish, and late fellow of Jesus College, Oxford. Ou Tuesday'se'nuight, after a severe illness, very much and deservedly lamented, Mr. Alderman Carter, of Coventry. The Rev. Edward Evans, of Shawell, Leicester- shire, was lately instituted to the living of llill- morton, in the county of Warwick, by the Bishop of Litchfield and Coventry. The Rev. J. Roberts, A. M. rector of Wolver- ton, Bucks, is instituted, by the. Bishop of Lincoln, to the re'etorv of Witherley, Leicestershire. Lord Hinchingbrook is elected Mayor of Hunt- ingdon for the ensuing year. The Northampton . Yeomanry Infantry were reviewed yesterday, at Duston, by General Brom- - head, and inspected at the same time by Colonel Delaval; both of whom very highly approved of their appearance, discipline and appointments. The Cottesbrooke Volunteers were inspected, • on the 15th inst. by General Warde and Colonel Delaval, who expressed to Sir William Langham their warmest approbation of the celerity and precision of the corps. The Gazette of Tuesday last contains a procla- mation for pardoning all deserters from his Ma- jesty's regular forces; who shall return by the 6tK of December next.— See advt. in ith page. It. is reported that as warm a canvas is going on in the University of Oxford, as academic delicacy will admit of. The idea is still prevalent that Sir Wm. Scott will soon be called up to the House of Peers. There are 110 less than four candi- dates named, viz. Mr. Windham, Mr. Heber, Mr. Dickinson, and Mr. Richardson. At Leicester fair on Friday week, there Was a great quantity of cheese ; some prime dairies sold as high as 63s. but from that price there was a considerable declension, and many dairies were taken back unsold. Average price from 50 to 60s. On Saturday last an inquisition was taken at Olney, in Buckinghamshire, before one of the • coroners for that county, on view of the body of Elizabeth W ard, who was killed by falling dov; 0 stairs; verdict, accidental death. On the same day an inquest was taken at Peter borough, before J. Spolding, Gent, on view of the body of William Growcock, a child thre « years old, who w as burnt to death by his clothe* accidentally taking fire in the fields. At Coveutry Se 1 Goodacre was 011 the Friday following for leaving his wife and family, whereby they bec ame chargeable to the united parishes of St. Michael arid the Holy Trinity, in that city. It is hoped this example will deter others from the practice of similar offences, and we think it proper to remark, that a second offence is transportation. Sessions on Monday last, Samuel lentenced to be publicly whipped MHr^ • LONDON, October 19. FRENCH and Dutch Papers, the former to the 11th, and the " latter to the 15th instant, were received last night. The accounts which they contain, of the move- ments of the Austrian and French armies, are in many instances so contradictory, that it is difficult to form a correct account of the positions which they occupy. ' It appears, however, that the French did not think it prudent to attack the Austrians in the strong line which they occupied from Ulm to Kempton; but by advancing rapidly on the other side of the Danube, they thereby wished to compel them to fall back. Other accounts state, that the ( PF The Order to discontinue the Advertiseme it of a House and Premises to be ^ ett, at Lutterworth, came too late to be attended to;- As did the Alteration in the Advertisement for the Saleofan Estateat Bletchley : it will be sold by Auction on the 7th of November next. .„, Austrians, so far from having fallen back, have The HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE consists of Four- post advanced, and taken a strong position on the : dsteads Furniture. 1 i\ i.„ c. in Bedsteads and Furniture, Feather and Flock Beds, and Bedding; Tables, Chairs, and Drawers; two 30- Hour Clocks, one Alarum; Linen, China, Earthenware, Pewter, Brass, & c.; Dairy Requisites in general; with a Variety of other Eflects, too numerous to describe. N. B. The Sheep will be penned by Nine o'Clock on Thursday Morning, for Inspection. pf The Household- Furniture will be sold on Mon- day and Tuesday; the Farming Utensils, Wheat, Barley, & c. & c. on Wednesday ; and the Live Stock, Eddish, and Hay, 011 the Farm, on Thursday and Friday. *** The Sale to commence each Day at Ten o'Clock. N. B. Three Month's Credit will be given on ap- proved Security, to the Purchasers of the LiVe Stock, Corn, Hay, and Eddish ( only); and on paying a Deposit of 2s. 6d.. in the Pound, in Part of Pay; or a Discount allowed for prompt Pay, after the Rate of j 3 perCt. Cons. £. b per Cent. 4per Ct. Cons. tj. t Catalogues may be had of the Auctioncej. per Ct. Navy Danube, from Ulm to Reidlingen. It is now clear that the Bavarian army has joined the French ; but we do not think that. Bonaparte will place any great reliance upon their effective co- operation. There is a circumstance mentioned in the French papers, which strongly shews the feelings of the Bavarians towards the French, and their indignation at the convention which the Elector has concluded with France:— Almost im- mediately after the convention was made public, the Elector w as fired at in his own palace. PRICE OF STOCKS. Bank Stock 3perCt. Red. 187 \ 58 bil . 58Jf • 74 JJ Imp. 3 per Cents. India Stock India Bonds Exc. Bills par. Omnium . , The Tozifn of Northampton, ? The A SSIZE of BR EAD TO wu set the 19th Day of October, 1805, for rhe said Town, to take Place on Monday the 21st Day of October, and to be " in force seven Days for the said Town of Northampton. lb. oz. d. The Sixpenny Loaf Wheaten is to weigh .. 2 16 Ditto Hous; hoId is to weigh 2 11 14 The Twelvepenny Loaf Wheaten is to weigh 4 2 12 Ditto Household is to weigh 5 7 13 THOS. ARMFI- ELD, Mayor. PRICE of CORN per Quarter at Northampton, Saturday, Oct. 19. Wheat, 61s. to 82s. Od. Rye, 42s. Od. to 44s. Barley, 35s. Od. tolls. Od. Oats, 26s. Od. to 30>. Od. J. GRAFTON, Inspector. Beans, 48s. Od. to 50s. Od. Peas, 45s. Od. to 46s. Od By the Standard Measure 31 iS. Corn- Exchange, Londun, Friday, Oct. 18. Imports of Wheat, sipce our . last, are not numerous, but large quantities remain on hand. On Wednesday scarce any sale, owing to many of the Country Mar- kets being lower, and a further reduction is expected ; to- dav, also, very few sales are effected. Another Fleet'from the Baltic is daily expected.— New Rye, for seed, at 40s. per quarter.— Several samples of good Barley arrived, and those command rather better price.— Beans arc cheaper — While and Grey Peas likewise.— There are large arrivals of new Tick Beans, which arechaaper.— Several cargoes of Oats from Lincolnshire, not many of first quality ; this article is Is. and 2s. lower. LIST of FAIRS, from Oct. 21 to Nov. 4, within the Circuit of this Paper. M. Oct. 21. Rugby and Sovtham. T. 22. Newport- Pagnell and Potion. Th. 24. Leight'on- Buzzard and Stow . en - tbe- iy> uld. M. r- 28. Daventry. T. 29. Toxrcesttr, Wellingborough, King's. Cliffe, Marlow, and I. illle- Brickhill. W. 30. Preston and Banbury. ' lh.-— 31. Nuneaton. F. Nov. 1. Coventry and Litchfield. 2. Toddington and Leicester. TUB A1UFELKD DRUM. AH me! how sorrowful and slow, * With arms revcrs'd, the soldiers come— Dirge- sounding trumpets, full of woe, And, sad to hear, me Muffled Drum ! Advancing to fhe house of pray'r, Still sadder Hows the dolesome strain; Ev'n industry forgets her care. And joins the melancholy train. O ! after all the. toils of war. How blest the brave man lays him down; His bier is a triumphal car, His grave his glory and renown. What though nor friends nor kindred dear, To grace his obsequies, attend ; His comrades arc his brothers here, And ev'ry hero is his friend 1 See love and truth, all woe- begone, And beauty drooping in the crowd— Their thoughts intent on him alone. Who sleeps for ever in his shroud. Again the trumpet slowly sounds, The soldier's last funereal hymn t Again the Mnf. jed Drum rebounds, And cv'ry eye with grief is dim. The gen'rous steed which late he rode, Seems, too, its master to deplore; Ai d follows to his last abode The warrior— who returns no more ! For him, far hence, a mother sighs, And fancies comforts yet to come; He'll never bless her longing eyes— She'll only hear the Muffled Drum ! « At I . ewes Cliffe Fair, on Wednesday, the show ° t sheep and lambs was Unusually great. The number was estimated at 30,000, and ready pur- chasers would have been found for at least 10,000 more, as but few of the jobbers could get supplied with the numbers they hud commissions for. Two- tooth wethers fetched 30s. four- tooth ditto, 32s. to - 10s. Ewes from 25s. to 36s. Lambs from 15s. to 25s. Those who sold in the forenoon regretted their contracts', as the prices after dinner, were from 2s. to - is. per head higher. There was a very large shew of Dorset and So- mersetshire sheep, on Tuesday and Wednesday last, at Applcshaw. A great number of Somer- setshire ewes came in for grazing as early as Sun- dav: the prime ewes of that country had a quick sale at an early hour on Tuesday, but 5000 of the Dorsetshire ewes did not comc in before the middle of that day ( Tuesday), which had a won- derful effect, on the prices: they fell, on that ac- count, as much as 5s. per head, and the next day FOR LONDON. BEDFORD. IPSWICH. MAIDSTONE. EXETER. MARLBOROUGH. SOUTHAMPTON. HEREFORD. as much as 10s. per head. About 2000 of the'{ p, n^ Vj' I'N^ C^ H " NOTTINGHAM! Dorset were unsold, and some of the inferior sort of Somerset are left to go to different fairs. Prices • 30s. to 25s. per head. WOMEN.— Fine strokes of character arc dis coverable in the subsequent descriptions; and such as ttre borrowed from nature t— " A man only get ™ the better of his passions by indifference or selfishness t but a woman must always love something, her husband, her gallant, Iter dog, or her chamber- maid. An old man is governed by his servants; an old woman loves them. It is this necessity for loving something, which attaches itself where itctui, and which reproduces itself ill a thousand forms in the lives of women, that composes their character and their history; it is the basis of maternal affection, the most perfect of all affections, hecause it is that which is must conformable to the nature of women, and the most analogous to their character. This passionate devotion, and this exalted charity, of which women have given so many examples, are only modifi- cations! of the same sentiment, the sentiment which animates their existence. In its youth, this sentiment is love; it grows old, and has only become the more valuable; less confined to one object, it is the charm which unites many together; it is by this feeling that a woman becomes neces- sary to all who encircle her; and hence it is that to her last sigh, when almost lifeless, yet still mindful of others, the mother of a family appears to ho the soul of a body, which seems ready to crumble as soon as she ceases to exist.— It is this that supports our strength and our activity, that gives its a longer antl a more complete existence. See that old man stretched in his couch: he ve- getates, he scarcely lives; if he is sensible to exist- ence, it is through discontent and peevishness; if he speaks, it is to complain : near to him- you see Jlis aged wife, ever attentive, anticipating his wnuts, listening to his complaints, stud divining his caprices; sbe alone can arrange the pillow on which he reclines his head, or the footstool on which his aching feet repose; she it was that in vented this piece of furniture, which holds col- lected all that he is accustomed most to require; and that w arm garb is for him, about which her hands are so bm- ily employed. Without doubt, the object of so many cares, and of SM much zeal, was also that of the tender sentiments of her heart; and happy in recollections of what she owes to him, she finds her only pleasure in the at- tentions which she now pays to him." Several State prisoners have recently been liber- ated from Kilmainhatn gaol, by order of Govern- ment. Very few now remain in custody, The whole of the lunatics being removed from Bethlem Hospital to St. Luke's and Iloxton, the first day's sale of that vast pile of buildings com- menced last week, the ground being purchased hv the city of London, for the purpose of building a most magnificent fabric, to be divided into Lec- ture Theatres, appropriated for history, chemistry, navigation, mathematics, philosophy, genealogy, chronology, and trade; to which will be added a library, suited to the above, that will surpass anv of its kind in Europe. It is said that upwards of ,/. 25o, OtK) are already subscribed towards this commercial and great undertaking. Mungo Parke, with his companions, who sailed from Portsmouth a few mouths ago, having touched at the islands of St. dago and Goree, arrived at Kavay, on the River Gambia, on the 11th of April, whence they were to proceed in a few days into the interior of Africa. The heat was at that time so excessive, that the thermometer was in the iniddle of the day at. 100 degrees in the shade, and frequently three hours after sunset it continued from t'/ i to 92 degrees. Early on Wednesday morning the 9th, a meeting took place in a field behind the temporary Barracks u. t Musselburgh, between Lieutenant Nitnmo, of the Berwickshire militia, and Lieutenant Black- lock, of the Dumfries- shire militia, when the latter gentleman received a shot which wounded both thishs, and having struck the great artery, he almost immediately expired. Lieutenant Niramo has absconded. Saturday last as Mr. Webb, survivor of the customs, at Pembroke, was crossing the river in his boat, he perceived a large adder, with its head ret above the water, swimming towards the op- posite shore: he struck it with his stick, and killed it. The circumstance, of the reptile attempting to cross the river where it was near a mile in width, has rendered it an object of much curiosity. On' Saturday morning the 12th, about eight o'clock, a Miss Shepherd, a young lady about eighteen vears old, drowned herself in a pond near the mills at Battersea- fields. The deceased was very beautiful in person, and of accomplished manners. She had conceived a partiality for a young gentleman, of whom the aunt, with whom she resided, did not approve. Some disagreement arose between her aunt and herself the evening preceding the rash act, which it is imagined so preyed on her mind, as to induce her to commit the fatal deed. . When the body was taken out of the water, which it was shortly after she threw herself in, the moans generally t'esorted to for the recovery of drowned persons, was used foV upwards • f f'ouV hours, but without the desired effect. On Thursday se'nnight a shocking murder was committed, at . Stockton upon Tees, upon a young woman of the name of Barker, who had goue from Ilutton- Rudby, nearStockesly, where she resided, to sell some Cleveland cloth for a manufacturer and neighbour of the name of Webster.— She retired to rest between nine and ten o'clock, and at midnight the inhuman wretches where she lodged) und to whom she was tto stranger, nearly severed her bead from her body with a case knife, antl soon after twelve were seen attempting to remove the body, in order to throw it into the river. The man, his wife, and daughter, were till imme- diately scoured. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AMI CREDITORS. I T yilF. RF. AS AMBROSE WHITBREAD, of ij T » SILSOE, in the County of Bedford, Butcher, has assigned over all his Estate and Effects to Henty Pain, of Sttuiford, in the same County, Farmer, and George Whitbread, of the Parish of Silsoe aforesaid, Grazier, for the Benefit of his Creditors in general; and the Assignment is deposited with Mr. Eagles, Solicitor, in Ampthill, in the said County of Bed- ford, for the Signature of his Creditors: Notice is therefore hereby given. That all Persons who arc Creditors of the said Am- brose Whitbread, who do not execute the said Assign- I ment on or before THURSDAY the 7th Day of- No- | VEMBKR, will be excluded the Benefit of the same.— And Notice is hereby further given, that all Persons who stand indebted to fhe said Ambrose Whitbread, arc desired to pay their respective Debts to the said Assignees, or Mr. Eagles, within the Time limited for the Creditors to sign the said Assignment, as a Dividend is intended to be made immediately after that Time. Ampthill, 10th Sept. 1805. SOLOMON'S justlv celebrated GUIDE to HE ALTH, or ADVICE to BOTH SEXES. Price Three Shillings. npHIS interesting Publication so very materially J concerns those to whom, by its Title, it is ad- dressed, that it is hoped none, entrusted with Cases so important as the Morals, Health, and Longevity of the rising Generation, will omit to give it a diligent Perusal. Thitf truly interesting Work has been the Labour of many Years' Experience and Observation on the calamitous Consequence of a secret and de- structive Vice, to obtain a Remedy against which, the Doctor has devoted the principal Part of his Life. — No Proprietor of Boarding- Schools, or Academies, should be without it. SE VERNE's BLOOM OR WHITE CEPHALIC SNUFF, IN all Complaints of the Head, particularlv the . common Head- Ach, it gives immediate Ease; and at this Season, in particular, should be taken after Dinner, to prevent the ill Consequence of Drow- siness, too often experienced after a full Meal.— The Injury common Snuff' does to * hr Head and Sto- mach, may be prevented by mixing a little of this wholesome SnulF with it. In obstinate Nervous Complaints, Faintness, Lowness of Spirits, Wind in the Stomach, Fits of every Kind, Hysterics, Palsy, Lethargy, and Rheumatic Complaints, not ontv taken as a Snuif, but also mixed in any agreeable Liquor, ami taken by the Mouth, its Efficacy has been asto- nishing in many thousand Instances, which cannot be said of any other Snuff extant.— Price 2s. 3d. i Bottle. Sold Wholesale by Dicey & Co. Bow Church- Yard, and at their Warehouse in Northampton; and Retail by Edge, Marshall, and Edmonds, Northampton; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Sheppard, and Wilcox, Towcester; Tuck & Mather, Wellingborough; # Collis Sc Dash, Kettering; Palgrave, Bedford; Loggin, ' Aylesbury; and by every Vender of Patent Medi- cines in the United Kingdom. PROCLAMATION PARDONING DESERTERS FROM His MAJESTY'S REGULAR FORCES. liar. Office, October 8, 1805. WHEREAS it has been represented to the King, That there are at this ' l ime several DESERL'ERS from His MAJESTY'S RFC. ULAR LAND FORCES, who might be induced to return to their Duty by an Offer of His Majesty's Gracious Pardon, and that such an Instance of His Royal Clemency would have a due Influence upon their future Be- haviour; His Majcstv has been graciously pleased to Grant His Fl< F E P A R DON to ail DESERTFRS from His REGULAR LAND FORCES, who shall surrender themselves, on or before the 8th Day of DECIMBER next, to any of His Majesty's Civil Magistrates, to the Com- manding Officer of any Re- giment, to any of the Super- intending Field - Officers of the Recruiting Service, whose Stations are mentioned in the Margin hereof, or to the In- spector- General of the Re- cruiting Service in the Isle ' of Wight. Such Deserters, if Able- bodied Men and fit for Service, shall be appointed to such Re- giments as His Majesty may be pleased to command ; and when so placed, shall not be liable to be claimed by any other Corps to which they may formerly have belonged. Every Deserter, not actually serving in any of His Majesty's Regiments, is to surrender himself for General Service. Deserters serving in other Corps ' Militiaand Army ot Reserve excepted) are to continue therein upon de- claring themselves to their respective Commanding Officers, who are to report the Circumstance to the Secretary at War and the Adjutant- General, and they shall not be liable, at any future Time, to be claimed by the Regiments in which they formerly served: But this Clause is not to extend to Deserters inlisted by the Corps raising Recruits for General Service ; which Deserters are only to be entitled to their Pardon, on declaring themselves to be such, and will be transferred to such Regiments as His Majesty may please to Command. The Magistrates to whom any Deserter from His Majesty" autnorii such De: , _ is to continue iu Force until the Arrival of the De- serter at the Head- Quarters of the nearest Military Post, provided he proceed at the Rate of " fen Miles a Day, unless prevented by Sickness, to be certified by some Medical Practitioner on the Back of the Ma- gistrate's Certificate, or to be otherwise proved to the Satisfaction ot the Officer commanding at such Mi- litary Post. No Soldier, who may Desert after them His Ma- jesty's Gracious Intentions are made public, shall be included in the above Pardon, but be proceeded against BI. DIORD, 30th Sept. 1805. " VJ" OTICE is herebv given, That the Trustees L^ i acting under or by Virtue of several Acts of Parliament made for repairing and widening the Road from the 48th tylile- Stone, in the Parish of Carding-, ton, in the present Turnpike- Road between Hitchin and Bedford, to Great- Barford Bridge; and for con- tinuing a Road from thence to the Great Northern Road near Tempsford Bridge, in the County of Bed- ford, have appointed a Meeting of the Trustees of the said Roads to Se holden at the SWAN INN, in BED- FORD, on FRIDAY tile 1st Day of NOVEMBER next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, for the Purpose of reducing the Tolls taken at the several Turnpikes or Toll- Gates upon the said Roads, and appointing the Proportion of such reduced Tolls which shall be taken at each of the said Turnpikes or Toll- Gates. By Order of the Trustees, THOS. KIDMAN, Clerk. LEEDS. CARLISLE. DURHAM. EDINBURGH. GLASGOW. ABERDEEN. INVERNESS. OUNDLJE, October 1st, 1805. XTOTICE is hereby given, That the Trustees for repairing and widening the Road leading from Saint- Martin's- Stamford- Baron to Kettering, and from Oundle to Middleton- Lane, in the Parish or Hamlet of Middleton, in the County of North ampton, will meet at the CROWN INN, in DUD- DINOTON, in the said County, for the first Dis- trict of the said Road, on THURSDAY the THIRTY- FIRST Day of OCTOBER, instant; and at the said Meeting, between the Hours of Eleven in the Fore- noon and One in the Afternoon, the said Trustees will ( in the Manner directed by the Act of Parliament, for regulating Turnpike- Roads), LETT to FARM bv AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, the Tolls collected at DUDDI NGTON, WELDON, afld GEDDINGTON GATES, for three Years, commencing from the first Day of December next: which Tolls produced the last Year the Sums following, viz. at DUDDINCTON GATE, .£'. 82; at WF. LDON GATE, .£. 38; and at GEDDINC- TON GATE, £. 6\, clear of the Expences of collecting, and will be put up at the same Sums. Whoever hap- pens to be the Best Bidders, must at the same Time give Security with sufficient Sureties, to the Satis- faction of the said Trustees, for Payment of ihe Rents agreed for, and at such Times as they shall direct. And Notice it; hereby further given, That the said Trustees will, at their said Meeting, elect new Trus- tees in tlie Room of such as are dead, and will audit the Treasurer's Accounts. JOHN BALDERSTON. TIIORNBOROUGH, BVCKS. ABSCONDED from the above Parish, about the Year 1791, WILLIAM BOUGHTON, without anv particular Cause. Having often Times previously deserted his Relations tor a Month or two, iiis return was shortly expected; but it is supposed, from the strict Enquiry that has been ineffectually mails, he died some Time ago, as unhappily no In- formation ot him can be obtained. The said WIUIAM BOUGHTON, if living, is about 55 Years of Age, of a dark Complexion, rather long Vi- eitrp rn. 1,1ft tir. 1, t. I..-...! .; „. » t « c;.. L-—. J COMPANY OF STATIONERS, LONDON. . On Tuesday, November 19th, trill he published, nrilE FOLLOWING ALMANACKS, L For the Year 180G. Printed for the Company of Stationers ; and sold by George Greenhill, Treasurer " to tltc Company, at their Hall, in Ludgate- Street; and may he had of all the Booksellers in Town and Country :— Wing's and Cambridge Sheet. Raven or London Sheet, on a Copper- Plate. Goldsmith's Almanack, on a fine Paper, for the Pocltet. Gentlemen and Ladies' Diary, Moore, Partridge, Poor Robin, Season, White's Ccelestial Atlas, and Rider's British Merlin. A new London Sheet, with Court and City Re- gister. Free- Mason's Calendar. Wills's Complete Clerical Almanack, on a fine Paper, adapted for the Pocket, neatly sewed. Moore's Almanack improved, or Wills's Farmer and Countryman's Calendar, containing much useful Knowledge and Information, neatly sewed. A Calendar, to bind with the Pocket- Books. COUNTY ALMANACKS. With Lists of Members of Parliament, Officei- s of Militia, and various useful Tables, particularly adapted to each County, viz. 1. Middlesex, Hertfordshire, Essex, Kent, Surrey, and Sussex. 2. Cornwall, Devonshire, Somersetshire, and Dor- setshire. 3. Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Monmouthshire, and South Wales. 4. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Ely, Hunt* ingdonshire, and Bedfordshire. 5. Warwickshire, Northamptonshire, Leicestershire, Rutlandshire, Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, anil Derbyshire. 6. Cheshire, Lancashire, Shropshire, Staflordshiie, and North Wales. 7. Wiltshire, Hampshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire, and Buckinghamshire. 8. Yorkshire, Durham, Northumberland, West- morland, and Cumberland. In Consequence of the recent Additional Duty on Almanacks, the Company have been under the Neces- sity of raising the Prices accordingly. N. B. Country Shopkeepers, Hawkers, and Re- tailers, may be supplied at Stationcrs'- Hall, at the same Price as the London Booksellers, for ready Money, or good Bills at a Month. No Orders exe- cuted under Ten Pounds; and no bound Almanacks or Pocket Books will be sent. ( pT" In order to prevent the many Complaints of not receiving the Almanacks immediately atter Pub- lication, it is requested that Orders be sent on ol before the 10th of November. Almanacks unsold must be returned by the 16th of February, Carriage paid; atter which Time the Price of the Stamps only can be allowed tor. *** Hints for future Improvement in any of the above Almanacks will be thankfully received. with the utmost Severirv, nir • hail any Soldier who i Xisaf', round- shouldered, defective in his Feet, and "> rm « r Proclamation „ f I his Ankles projecting outwards, is about 5 Feet 4 Dr. Jiadcliffe's Elixir. I^ OR a general alterative Medicine, this Elixir . has stood unrivalled for more than Haifa Cen- tury, and the Public cannot have Recourse to a more efficacious Remedy, as a Purifier of the Blood from all Humours, whether contracted by too free Living, or from Jaundice, Surfeits, Scurvy, or Humours after the Measles, Small- Pox, See. See. For all Ob- structions in the Bowels, an. l for the Cure of Worms in Children or Adults, it will be found equally ser- viceable. In Complaints incident to the Female Sex, it has frequently proved of the greatest Service; it assists Digestion, and strengthens the Stomach, and has been found of infinite Service to those who raXe long Voyages, as a Preservative against the Scurvy. ( Jri* Be careful to observe that the Words " Dicey ef Co. No. 10, Bnv Church- Yard," are printed in the Stamp affixed to each Iiottle, as counterfeit Sorts are offered for Sale in alrhost every Town. Sold, Wholesale, by Dicev & Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London, Price Is. ljd. a Bottle, Duty included. Also, sold Wholesale and Retail by the Printers ot this Paper ( by whom great Allowance is made to Country Shopkeepers J, and Retail by the following Persons, viz. Wilkins, Robins, Bates, & Wilkinson, Daventry; Parker, Merridew, and Rollason, Coventry; Collison, Bracklev ; Watson, Aynho; Mrs. Beesley, Banbury; Odell, and E. Pyne, Leighton; Griffin and Co. Tring; Norwood, Amersham; Aynsworth, & Birdsey, Hemel- hemnstead; Edwards, Chesham; Barnes, lnwood, and Barnnger, Newport- Pagnell; Osbom, Wobuin; Good- man, North- Crawley; Queneborough, and Squires, Dunstable; Lancaster, Clophill; Alsop, Crawley, and'Mead, Luton; Brown, Morris, and Green & Co. Ampthill; S. ami A. Cooper, and Morris, Nuneaton ; Bull, Harrod, and Dawson, Market- Harborough; Adams, and Gamble, Loughborough; Gregory, and Swinfen, Leicester; Toone, Woolvey ; Pearson, Mel- ton- Mowbray ; Burbage Sc Co. Nottingham; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester ; Seeley, Buckingham; Miss . tones, Oxford ; Hawkes, Lutterworth ; R. Palgrave, B. Bradley, and J. Bradley, Bedford; Hine, Potion; Bunting, Sandy; Gardner, Weston, and Brooks, Biggleswade ; Richardson, Elmes, Poulter, and Sheppard, Stony- Stratford; Highaili, Old- Stratt'ord; Mo'xham, Fenny- Stratford; Stevens, Bicester; Marlin, J. Wheeler, Rtckford, F. Wheeler, and F. Loggin, Aylesbury ; Wards, Hinckley; Sanderson & Co. Broughton, and Chettle, Wel- lingborough; Eaton, Thrapston i York, Oundle; Hor len, and Jacob, Peterborough; King, Gilkes, and Matthews, Chipping- Norton; Balv, Wright, and Stevens, High- Wycomb; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Newcomb, and Drakard, Stamford; Bird, Uppingham; Gibson, Oakham ; Churchill, Dedding- ton; Roberts, Sohtham ; Sharpe, Warwick; Luccock, Kimboiton; Bayley, and Paul, St. Ives; Emery, and Fox, St. Neots; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Darton, and Tapp, Hitchin; Hovel, Staples, Eaden, Hodson, and Gee, Cambridge; Leigh, Atherstone; Arch, Shefford; Holland, Winslow; Ward, Stratford- upon- Avon ; Mat- thews, Campden; Wallis, Olney; Taylor, Retford; Dexter, Wilbarston; and by the Venders of Dicey and Co's Medicines in every Town throughout the Kingdom;—*?/ tvhont way be had, from Dicey Sc Co's Warehouse as above, BF. TTON's BRITISH OIL, for the Cure of ex- ternal and internal Bruises, Inflammations, green and other Wounds, Burns, Scalds, Sec. & c.— Price Is. Gd. a Bottle.— The Refined, 2s. 9d. PIKE'S OINTMENT, tor effectually curing the ITCH, without Confinement or the least offensive Smell.— Price Is. 9d. a Box. s. d. s. d. True Daffv's Elixir 2 6 iDr. Anderson's Scots Smaller Bottles - 18 Pills, 30 in a Box 1 IJ surrendered himself upon any former of His Majesty's Pardon, and who afterwards again de- serted, be included in the above Pardon. And it is to be clearly understood, that this Pardon is not to exteod to any Deserter from his Majesty's Militia Forces, or from the Army of Reserve, or Ad- ditional Force; but all Soldiers, who shall have in- listed for General Service fiom the said Forces, and shall subsequently thereto have deserted, will be in- cluded in litis His Majesty's Gracious Pardon. By His Majesty's Command, W. DUNDAS. STATE - LOTTERY. SATURDAY, Oct. 12th, 1805. rrtllREE Days of the Drawing are now over, . I. and the following are the on| y Capitals yet drawn : — No. J, 167 -- a Prize of .. ^. 5000 in Shares. 16, l< 01 2000 in Shares. 1S, S30 1000 in Shares. 9,901 lixio Whole Ticket. 21,515 500 in Shares. CAPITALS IN THE WHEEL. 3 Prizes of £. 20,000 3 10,000 2 5,000 3 2,000 4 1,000 9 500 Sec. Sec. The first- drawn Ticket, Saturday, Oct. 19, will be entitled to £. 10,000; The first- drawn Ticket, Saturday, Oct. 96, will be entitled to £. 20,000 ; The first- drawn Ticket, Tuesday, Oct. 29, will be entitled to ^'. 5,000; Which Prizes are included in the above. C^ y Tickets and Shares, warranted undrawn, are on Sale al all the Licensed Offices in Town und Country. Inches high, with dark curling Hair. If the said WILLIAM BOUGHTON should be living, and will personally apply to Thomas Holt, of Thorn- borough aforesaid, Farmer; William Painter, of Evenley, in the County of Northampton, Fanner, Executors ot the last Will of his Mother, Mary Boughton, late of Thornborough aforesaid, Widow, deceased; or to Mr. Baseley, Attorney at Law, Bracklcy, he will hear of something to his Advan- tage. And in Case of his decease, if any Person or Persons will give Information of the Time, Place, and other Particulars of his Death and Burial, to either of the said Executors, or to the said Mr, Baselcv, they will be lit- idsomely rewarded, and all reasonable Ex peaces paid. Ladies who value their Persons, und wish to obtain a pearly Set of Teeth, and prevent that dreadful Ma. the Tooth- Ach, art recommended the Use of BUTLER's lady Dr. WlIRATLETs Invaluable Remedies for the CURE OF Squire'S. Grand Elixir 1 9 Bostock's Elixir - 2 6 Stoughton's Elixir - I 1)> Bathing Spirits - 0 9 Golden & plain Spirits ot Scurvv- Grass - 1 1£ Clinton's Snuff,& Oil 1 6 Hooper's Female Pills 1 1J Godfrey's Cordial BeaumedeVie - Rymer's Tincture Walker's Jesuits Drops - - - Wyman's Pills 0 8 3 6 2 9 2 9 2 9 Dale- Castle, Haverfordwest, South Wales. CAPTAIN LLOYD presents his Compliments to Mr. DIXON ( although not personally ac- quainted with him), would take it as a Favour if he would send him tour or five Boxes of his Pills as soon as he can. Mrs. Lloyd, who has always used the Medicine, is now pregnant and very unwell. From the great Service they have been to Mrs. Lloyd, as well as Colonel Bishopp and all his Family, Captain Lloyd feels it his Duty to recommend the Piils wherever he goes; and he really thinks, if Mr. Dixon would appoint some Persous ascenders in this Countv, it would be a Benefit to the^^ mmunity. February 21, 1803. Sold Wholesale at Mr. BUTLER'S, NO. 4, Cheap- side, London; and Retail by all Medicine Venders, in Boxes at 2s. 9d. and 6s. each. BRODUAl's NERVOUS CORDIAL. SIR, Durham, June 26, 1801. IFEEL infinite Satisfaction in having Permission to communicate to you a most surprising Cure, bv your truly invaluable Medicine, " he NERVOUS CORDIAL, and which it would be doing an Injustice to Mankind and the Public in general, to withhold the F^ fficacy of so salutary and sovereign a Medicine. Mrs. SHIRWOOD, late Housekeeper at Windlestone- Hall, in the Vicinity of Durham, has b - en afflicted from the Year 1782, with a long Train of horrid Nervous Affections, attended with excruciating Pains in the Hack. and Stomach, Giddiness, violent Head- ach, and extreme Sickness; in short, her whole Frame was so impaired, that it was with the greatest Diffi- culty she could walk up and down Stairs, and was often confined to iler Room for Weeks together; her Situation was so truly alarming, that she was frequently obliged to be supported, to prevent her from falling. With the Advice of Medical Men, she was induced to make Trial of your Nervous Cordial; she first took two small Bottles, which afforded her a little Relief; she then sent to me tor a large Bottle, and before she had taken the Whole of it, was able to walk without the least Inconvenience four or five Miles. She is now upwards of sixty Years of Age, happily restored from Pain arid Disease, to a better State of Health than she has enjoyed for these ten Years. Any Person desirous of further Information, may have every Satis- faction by applying, either by Letters ( Post- paid), or personally, to lour much obliged humble Servant, VV. A. HENDERSON, Bookseller, Sadler- Street, Durham. To Dr. Brodum, Albion- Street, London. The BOTANICAL SYRUP and RESTORATIVE NER- VOUS CORDIAL to be had at the House, No. 9, Al- bion- Street, Surrey Side of Blackfriars Bridge, in Bottles at £. 1 2s.— lis and 6s. Duty included. ( Pf A. D. SWINTON, the Proprietor ( Son of Dr. Swinton, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London,) may be consulted from Ten till Three, or by Letter, containing the usual Fee. •„* A Five Guinea Bottle contains six at 22s. Sold also by the PRINTERS of this PAPER, and by the following Persons within the Circuit thereof, viz. Marshall, Northampton, and at his Shop in Harbo- rough ; Edge, Northampton, and at his Shops in Wellingborouih and Towcester; Nixon, Leicester; Palgrave, Bedford ; Jenkinson, Huntingdon ; Tookey, Oundle; Beale, Thrapston; Collis & Dash, & Munn, Kettering; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Tuck Sc Mather, Wellingborough; Jackson, Peterborough; Newcomb, Printer, Stamford; Wheeler, and Loggin, Aylesbury; Marriott, Banbury -, Gallard, Towcester; and by most Booksellers and Medicine Venders in the throe Kingdoms. • certain and s[> cedy THE ITCH, i N OINTMENT which cures in four Hours, l.\ and does not contain the least Particle of Mer- cur\, or any pernicious Ingredient whatever, and so peri'ectly innocent, that Children at the Breast may he cured without the least Hazard. It is of an agreeable Smell, requires no Confinement, and there is no Me- dicine of the Kind which cures in so short a Time. Price Is. 9d. a Box, Duty included. Likewise hisCHYM1CAI. LIQUID, as perfectly safe as the Ointment, ar. d as certain in its Effects; it has no Smell, nor does it in the least soil the Linen; a Circumstance which renders it highly va- luable, and to some Persons abundantly preferable to any Ointment whatever. Price 2s. 6d. a Bottle, Duty included. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dicey & Sutton, Bow Church - Yard, and at their Warehouse in Northampton; and Retail by Edge, and Marshall, Nortliainpton; Robins, Bates, and Wilkinson, Daven- try ; Tuck & Mather, and Broughton, Wellingborough ; Fisher, Higham- Ferrers; Rollason, and Merridew, Coventry; Sharpe, Warwick; Roberts, Southam; Gregory", Leicester; Harrod, Harborough; Munn, and Collis & Dash, Kettering; Newcomb, Stamford; Eaton, Thrapston ; York, Oundle; Jacob, and Horden, Peterborough ; Jenkinson, Huntingdon ; Hodson, Cambridge; Palgrave, Bedford; Inwood, and Bar- ringer, Newport- Pagnell; Queneborough, Dunstable; Darton and Tapp, Hitchin; Wilcox, and Gallard, ToWcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Jones, Oxford; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Hawkes, Lutterworth; Loggin, Aylesburv; and by every Vender of Patent Medicines in the United Kingdom. To THOMAS SIR, I- YLOR, Esq. No. 9, New Bridge- Street, Loudon. Consider it but an Act of Justice due to the J. Merits of your LEAKE's PATENT PILLS, to communicate to you the following Curp, which has recently been performed by them:— An Acquaintance of mine, who, by the breaking out of an old Venereal Complaint ( attended by a Complication of Disorders arising therefrom), was reduced almost to a Skeleton, and although he had the best Medical Advice which could be obtained, and tried a Variety of Patent Me- dicines, Nothing could be procured which seemed to suit his Case, or to do him any Service: He remained in a most reduced and pitiable Situation for two Years, unable to follow his Profession, and scarcely able to waik or even to stand on his Legs; in Fact, no one who knew him ever supposed it possible for him to recover. He was advised at last to try your LEAKE'S PILLS ; he did so, adhering strictly to the Directions given with them; he had not taken more than two Boxes before he found an Alteration for the better; this encouraged him to proceed, and by taking a few Boxes more he found his Appetite and Strength gra- dually return, and is now as healthy and stout as any Man 1 know. ' You are welcome, Sir, to refer any Person to me for a Confirmation of the above Account if it should be doubted. 1 am, Sir, your obedient humble Servant, THOS. PURDAY. Library, Folhstone, July 10, 1805. Prepared and sold by the sole Proprietor, THOMAS TAYLOR, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, in London, at his House, No. 9, New Bridge- Street; where, after a constant Residence of more than forty Years, in a Practice particularly directed to the Cure of Venereal Complaints, and those inci- dental to the Parts of Generation in both Sexes, with that inviolable Secrecy which Men of his Profession should always observe, he flatters himself the Advice and Assistance he gratuitously administers to Persons taking this Medicine, will he esteemed, by a discern- ing Public, as an Advantage seldom to be obtained, and void of Ambiguity. They are also sold, by his Appointment, for the Convenience of those living at a Distance, by the Printers of this Paper, and Mr. Marshall, Druggist, Northampton; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; Robins, & Wilkinson, Daventry ; Sharpe, Warwick ; Rollason, Coventry ; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough ; Seeley, Buckingham; Loggin, Ayles- bury ; Knight, Collis It Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Tuck & Mather, Wellingborough; Marriott, Banbury ; Tookey, Oundle; Palgrave, Bedford; Atkinson, Manchester; and by one Person in every considerable Town in Great- Britain and Ireland, in Boxes of only 2s. 9d. each, sealed up with full and plain Directions, whereby Persons of either Sex may cure themselves with Ease, Speed, Secrecy, and Safety. QHT Every Box sold in Great- Britain is sealed up with a Stamp, on which, by Favour ot the Commis- sioners, is printed, at the Stamp- Office—'/'. Taylor, No. 9, New Bridge- Street— to Imitate which is Felony, and all others arc counterfeit. TOOTH - POWDER, T) REPARED from the original Recipe of the A. late Dr. P. II. DIMSDALE, which possesses j such wonderful Powers in curing the Tooth- Ach, and Scurvy in the Gums, in wh': t « tting, cleansing, and preserving the Teeth, and communicating a delightful Fragrance to the Breath.— lt is used anil recommended by the Queen, the Princesses, the Empress of Rus- sia, the Duchesses of York, Devonshire, St, Albans, Leeds, and Rutland, and most of the Nobility. Sold Wholesale and Retail by Mr. BUTLER, NO. 4, Cheapside, London; and Retail by most Medicine Vende- s and Perfumers in every Town, in Boxes at 2s. 9d. each. BANKRUPTS required to SURRENDER. Michael Favell, late of High- street, Soutlnvark, Surrey, linen- draper and stay- maker, Oct. 15, 20, and Nov. 23, at Guildhall, London. Attornies, Messrs, Thomas and Sam, uel Navler, Great Newport- street, Long Acre. Anthony Macklin, of Compton- street, Soho, Mid- dlesex, linen- draper, Oct. 15, 29, and Nov. 23, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Bousfield, Bouverie- strcet, Fleet- street. Daniel Hoffman, of Belton- street, Long Acre, Mid- dlesex, cheese- monger, Oct. 15, 29, and Nov. 29, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Hodgson, Charles- street, St. James's- square. ' Robert Boon, late of Chedzoy, Somersetshire, jobber of cattle, Oct. 19, Nov. 22 and 23, at the Lamb Inn, Bridgewater, Somersetshire. Attorney, Mr. Boys, Bridgewater. J » hn Johnson, of Ho! born, London, linen- draper, Oct. 16, 99, and Nov. 23, at Guildhall, London. Attornies, Messrs. French & Williams, Castle- street, Holborn. David Evans, of Southampton. court, Southampton- row, Middlesex, linen- draper, Oct. 22, 29, and Nov. 26, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Sheppard, Bartlett's Buildings, Holborn. Richard Davis, of Aldermanbury, London, ware- houseman, Oct. 22, Nov. 5, and 26, at Guildhall. Attornies, Mestrs. Milne and Parry, Old Jewry. William Morrison, now or late of Pile Marsh, Glou- cestershire, coal- merchant, Oct. 30, 31, and Nov. 26, at the Rummer tavern, Bristol. Attorney, Mr. Robert Blinman Dowling, Chew- Magna, Somersetshire. Robert Hesselwood, the younger, of Scarborough, Yorkshire, ship- owner, Nov. 1, 2, and 26, at the Blue Bell Inn, Scarborough. Attorney, Mr. Robson, Scarborough. Thomas Jenkins, and Thomas Frederick Wollen, ot High- street, Southwark, Surrey, and of Chiches- tcr, Sussex, linen- drapers, Oct. 19, Nov. 2, and 26, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Charles Few, New North- street, Red Lion- square. DIVIDENDS to be made to Citditors. Nov. 6. Thomas Thomas, and Henry Cameron, ot Birmingham, factors, at the Swan tavern, Bull- street, Birmingham. MARKETS.— London, Oct. 14. We had again a further good supply of. Wheat from Essex and Kent, and with it dull sales and declining prices— the fine, lower about 5s. per quarter, inte- rior more, and almost unsaleable. Bai ley and Malt keep pretty fair, at last currency.— Wliite Pease rather dearer. Grey Pease are up in plenty, and down a crown a quarter. Tick Beans quoted rather too high last Monday; cheapcr to- day, and ( except- ing fine Suffolks} heavy sale. Small Old Beans flat likewise, and lower. We have considerable arrivals of Oats ; they are also from Is. to 2s. per quarter cheaper. Flour, though named at 70s. will not fetch more than 65s. per sack. Wheat.. 40s. to 54s. 65s. Fine Do. ,70s. to 72s. Od. Rye 30s. to 35s. 0< 1. Barley .. S2s. to37s. Od. Malt 70s. to 76s. Od. Oats 23s. to 32s. 0d" HorseBeans40s. to 46s. Od. Tick Ditro 31s. to38.;. ( kl. White Peas Us. toSb's. Od. Grey ^ iito 10s. to 45s. Od. PRICE of FLOUR.— Fine 60s. to 65s. Od. HOPS, per Pocket. — Sussex, 81. Os. to 91. 9s.- 15S. Kent, 81. Os. to 101. 0s.— - Farnham, 101.0s. to 101. SMITHFIEI. D, Oct. 14. To sink the offal. Ox Beef, 4s. Od. to 5s. Od. Wether Mutton, 4s. 4d. to 5s. Od. Veal, 4s. Id. to 5s. 4d. Pork, 5s. Od. to 6s. 0d. Lamb, 4s. Od. to 5s. 4d. Sold this day, . Beasts, 2300— Sheep and Lambs, 16,000. NEWGAIE and LEADENIIALL, Oct. 11. Beef, 3s. Od. to 4s. 4d. Mutton, 3s. Od. to 4s. Od. Veal, 3s. 4d. to 5s. Od. Pork, 5s. Od. to 6s. Od. Lamb, 3s. gd. to 4s. 8d. TALLOW— Town 71s. 6d. Russia ( Can.) 69s. Sd. to 72s. fid. ( Soap) 69s. Od. to — s. 0d. Melting Stuff — s. to 57s. Od. Ditto rough — s. to 39.;. Good Dregs 10s. Od. Graves lis. Od. LEATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to 561b. 23Jd. to25d. Ditto, 60to651b. 26d. to27d. Merchants Backs, 2: i4d. to « d. Dressing Hides, 21d. to 22j, d. Fine Coach- Hides, 23d. to 25cl. Crop Hides for cutting, 22d. to 23Jd. Flat ordinary, 20.1. to 21id. Calfskins, 30 to 401b. per doz. 38d. to 42d. Ditto, 50 to 701h. doz. 38d. to 42d. Ditto, 70 to 80ib. S6d. to SHd. Small Seals, per lb. 39d. to 42d. Large Ditto, per doz. 120s. to 180s. Goat Skins, — to — i. pet doz. Tanned Horse- Hides, 21s. to 35a. pet Hide. TTTT. • N O R T H A M P T O N : Printed and Published by and for T. DICEY and IV. SUTTON.
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