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The Northampton Mercury


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Volume Number: LXXXV    Issue Number: 30
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The Northampton Mercury

Date of Article: 28/09/1805
Printer / Publisher: Dicey & Sutton 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXXXV    Issue Number: 30
No Pages: 4
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SATURDAY, September 28, 1805 Vol. T. XXXV, No. 30. f Ready IVJoncy is e* pec I with Advertisements. BOARDING- SCIKX> L, OLNEY, BUCKS. HH HADDON rcspoctfully informs the InUa- I . bitants in the Vicinity of- OLNEY, that he proposes to take Week Boarders, on the following Terms:— s. d. Under 10 Years of Age, 6 0 per Week. From 10 to 12 Ditto,.... .. 5 R 12 Years and upwards, V 0 Entrance, 10s. 6d. Olney, Sept. 17/ A, 1805. ... *. ILVRLLSTON STATUTE VVTILL be held on TUISDAY the 1st of O- TOBEK, » ' at tlie FOX- AND- H- OUNDS.- Dinner on the Table at One o'Clock. STON Y- STRATEORI) ANNUAL irATCTE, For HIRING of SERVANTS, • " VJS7ILL be held on FRIDAY, OcToprtt 18th, * * 1805 ( andn'ot on the 11th as before advertised). GiT Toll- free for all Sorts of Cattle. In a few Weeks will bt~ SOLDhfAUCTION, On the Premises, in MARKET- HA RBOROl- JGH, 4 Considerable Part or'the genteel IIOUSE- XX. HOLD- FURNITURE, and other EFFECTS, of Mrs. WALKER. Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. From the LONDON GAZETTE. SATURDAY, September 21. THIS Gazette contains an account of the cap- ture of the Principe de- la Paz, Spanish pri- wU. eer, by the Amazon, Captain Parker. The Spanish ship had taken the Prince of Wales packet, from Lisbon, and the Lady Nelson, letter of inarque, from Virginia. Part of the British crew, and a considerable sum in specie, were found on board; also three, letters from Captain Beresford, of the Cambrian, upon the Halifax station, giving the particulars of the following captures by him and his crew, viz. the Spanish privateer Maria, of 14 guns, by the boats of the Cambrian; the French privateer Matilda, and two vessels most gallantly cut out of the river St. Mary, by Lieutenant Pigott and a part of the crew, in the face of a considerable land force of the enemy. LONDON, September 24. Paris Paper* to the 14th, and Dutch Gazettes to tlie 18th instant, were received. on Sunday. Bonaparte has, at length, condescended to answer the Note published by M. Novosiizoff. hi this paper, Bonaparte rails at the irresolution of the tniperor of Russia; pretends trt take the most lively interest in favour of the Persian and Turkish Empires; charges Russia with designs to annihilate those hitherto independent Stales; and in con- clusion, regrets that Novosiizoff did not come to Paris, in order to be lectured for his Master's pro- ceedings in Asia, for his treatment of the Ottoman Empire, & c. The French troops are evacuating the Dutch territories, and diverging to the left bank of the Rhine; whilst Austria has already completed three armies;— one at Padua for the protection of her Venetian territories,' another at Tyrol for an attack Upon Switzerland, and a third, in Upper Austria to act with the circumstances of the war, either upon the defensive or offensive. Russia has already inarched powerful armies into Gallicia, and the concussion of the rival forces is expccted every hour. Admiral Villcneuve has been itfcnHed to Paris, to have his conduct on the 2' 2d July investigated by a Court- Martial! Admiral Cochrane, with three ships of tiv; lmc and seven frigates from Jamaica, lias renewed the blockade' of Martinique. We are sorry to have to announce the death of General Myers, at Barbadoes. A bulletin from the Admiralty was issued on Sunday, which states that Sir Robert Calder joined Admiral Collingwood oil the ' 30th ult. off Cadiz, when their united force amounted to tiventy- six tail of the line. On Saturday morning last, the axle- tree of the Sheffield mail suddenly broke as the coach was oil its way from Birmingham, near Aston Park, by • which accident the ccjachman and guard were thrown down and much hurt, and an outside pas- » enger had his le^ broken. We arc happy to add, that they are all in a fair way of recovery. One of the Portsmouth waggons, fully loaded, was, on Saturday morning, discovered to be on fire in the Tajbot- yard, in the Borough, which before tiny assistance could be procurw), was entirely destroyed: alighted Cfcndle, belonging to the wag- goner, communicated to the straw in the waggon, which ocoasioned the accident. Friday, at the Old- Bailey, William Moss was tried for the wilful murder of Benjamin Aris, in Feathers- court, Weston Park, I. incoln's- Inn Fields, in the night of Wednesday the 11th instant, by striking him several blows, of which he in- stantly died; but for want of sufficient evidence to convict the prisoner of murder, and Mr. Harvey, the house- surgeon of St. Bartholomew's, Hospital, stating that he had examined the de- ceased, and found no mark which, in his opinion, occasioned his death, the Jury pronounced a verdict of— iw, nsl< xughtcr. WARWICK- STREET, LONDON, Sept. 21st, 1805. MR. ROBINS respectfully informs the Public, ihat the SALE of the FREEHOLD RESI- DENCE and LAND, with TROUT STREAM, at GREAT- BF. RKHAMSTEAD, Herts, advertised to take1 Place October the 1st, is unavoidably POSTPONED till further Notice. ~~ To be LE TT, And mm) be entered upon immediately, WITH OR WITHOUT FURNITURE, ANeat and convenient DWELLING- HOUSE, pleasantly situated in the Village of DENFORD, near Thrapsroii, in the County of Northampton; con- sisting of a Hall, Parlour, four Bedchambers, with suitable Offices, and a competent Piece of Garden Ground. ( f3T These Vremises are welt'adapted to a stria! 1 Family in easv Circumstances, and may be rented upon very moderate Terms. * » * For Particulars, apply to Mr. G£ AXY, of Rhigstead, near Thrapston; To Maltsters. To be L E T T, At WINSI. OW, in the County of Bucks, AVery neat and convenient MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, and MALTHOUSE adjoining, capable of wetting 12 Quarters of Bhrlev per Week, with two Barns, a Stable, and all other necessary Out- buildings, an'! a Yard and Garden walled in. jjdT The above is a very eligible Situation^*- a Person who wishes to carry on the Malting Business^ as there is a good Opening'for a Maltster in the above- Town. * » * The Whole of the Premises are in good Repair, and may be entered on at Michaelmas next. N. B. For further Particulars, apply to LANCELOT WVATT, Attorney at Law, in Winslow aforesaid. To be LETT, ' immediately, AVer* neat HOUSE, situated near to thi Church at EDGCOTT, in the County o Northampton; containing two Parlours and a Kitchen > three Bedchambers, and two lighted Closets, witl ceiled Garrets.— The Cellars are good, and all requi site Offices are complete, with a walled Garden. ( pT Those Premises may be had on reasonable Tenns, by Application to the Rev. MOSES HODCE UA RTHOI. MEW, of Wardihgton, near Banbury. To be SOLD, or LETT, AN exceeding good MALT- HOUSE, and i Brick and Tiled DWELLING- HOUSE adjoin ing, with every Conv./' enoe attached thereto, situal • in Winslow, in the l" nty of Bucks. FT3* For Particular*, apply to JOHN Cox, Plumbe and Glazier, in Winslow aforesaid. To be SOLI) bv I'IUVATE CONTUACT, ADesirable FREEHOLD FARM, Tythe- free consisting . of a Farm- House, with B'. irns, Sta files, Outbuildings, and several Closes of pood Arabic Meadow, and Pasture Land, lying in a Ring Fenc: containing 170 Acres, or thereabouts, situate in th Parish of'SOUTH AM, in the Cbunty of Warwick in the Occupation of Luke Winklev, Sen. (£ 9" For further Particulars, and to trtmt for th Purchase, apply at the Office of Mr. TOMES, Soli cjwr, Soutfiam. * » * Possession may be had at Michaelmas. Stklb- w, Sty. ISOi. ROBERT TOMLIN, Upholsterer, Broker, and Auctioneer, |) RSPECTFULLY acquaints the Inhabitants of It HIGHAM- FERRERS and its Vicinity, that he has OPENED a SHOP on the Premises of Mr. SANDERS, Grocer, Sec. at HIGHAM, where he intends Kevery SATURDAY) to sell ALL SORTS of HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, the principal Part of which will be manufactured by himself; he there- fore assures those Friends who may please to favour him with their Commands, that he'will serve them on the very lowest Terms. ( pT All Sorts of second- hand FU- RNITURE sold,, and taken in Exchange for new. Wellingborough, Sept. 20// 6, 1S05. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. WHEREAS AMBROSE WHITBREAD, of S1LSOE, in the County of Bedford, Butcher, has assigned over all his Estate and Effects to Henry Pain, of Stanford, in the same County, Farmer, and George Whitbread, of the Parish of Silsoe aforesaid, Grazier, for the Benefit of his Creditors in general; and the Assignment is deposited with Mr. Eagles, Solicitor, in Ampthill, in the said County of Bed. ford, for the Signature of his Creditors: Notice is therefore hereby given, That all Persons who are Creditors of the said Am- brose Whitbread, who do not execute the said Assign- ment on or before THURSDAY the 7th Day of NO- VEMBER, will be excluded the Benefit of the same.— And Notice is hereby further given, that all Persons who stand indebted to the said Ambrose Whitbread, are desired to pay their respective Debts to the said Assignees, or Mr. Eagles, within the Time, limited for the Creditors to sign the said Assignment,- as a Dividend is intended to be made immediately after that Time. Ampthill, 20( 6 Sept. 1805. XTOTICE is hereby given, That Mr. JAMES - LLL BARNES, Assignee of JOSEPH LUDLAM, late of STOKE WIIARF, in the County of Northamp- ton, Victualler, Dealer and Chapman, a Bankrupt, willattendat the WHITE. HORSF. INN, in TOWCESTER, on TUESDAY the 8th Dav of OCTOBER, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, for the Purpose of receiving Debts due to the Estate ot the said Bankrupt; where all Persons who are indebted, are desired to attend, to liquidate their Accounts, or they will be proceeded against according to Law; and in order to facilitate the Business, all those who have current Accounts with the Estate, are desired to send a Statement thereof in the mean Time to Messrs. WALFORD, GOI. BY, and WAL roRD, in Banbury,- Solicitors to the Commission. BELLAMYS' BANKRUPTCY ~~~~ WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth against JOHN BEL- LAMY- and EDWARD BELLAMY, both late of BRIGSTOCK, in tUe Parish of Brigstock, in the County of Northampton, Butchers, Graziers, and Chapmen, and Partners in Trade, and they being declared Bank- rupts, are hereby required to surrender themselves to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major Part of them, on the 9th Day of OCTOBER next, at Eight o'Clock in the Afternoon, and on the 10th Day of the same Month, at Seven o'Clock in the Afternoon, and on the 5th Day of NOVEMBER next, at Eleven o'Clock in the ! orenoon, at the GFORGH INN, in the Town of I- IPTKAMFTON, and make a full Discovery and sclosure of their Estates and Effects; when anit where the Creditors are to • Come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the second Sitting to choose Assignees; and at the last Sitting the said Bankrupts are require:! to finish theij Examination, and the Creditors rrre to assent to, ot dissent from, the Allowance' of their Certificates.— All Persons indebted to the said Bankrupts, or that have any of their Effects, are not. to payor deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give Notice to Mr. MARKHAM, Solicitor, North- ampton; or to Mr. HILL YARD, Solicitor, Clement's. - Inn, London. JOHN BEAUCLERK, ROBERT ABBEY, WM. TR. SMYTH. Huntingdonshire. To be ' S O f. D, ( Pursuant to a Decree of the High. Coorr of Chancery, made ina Cause VICKERY against HAWK INS, before AlexanderPopham, Esq. one of the Masters of the said Court,) at the Public Sale- Room in Southamp- ton- Buildings, Chancery- Lane, London, in No. vernber next, in one Lor, \ LEASEHOLD ESTATE, at' GQSMANCHESTKH, near Huntingdon; consisting of an undivided Moiety , of the Rectory and Parsonage of Godman- chester, with the Parsonage- House, a Cottage, and Other Buildings, and about 810 Acres of Land, called the Rectory Estate, held » f the Dean ami Chapter of Westminster, for 21 Years, from Michaelmas 1804 ( by a distinct Lease), who usually renew every seven Years, on a moderate Fine. • ftJT For Particulars, enquire at the said Master's Chambers; of Mr. EADE, Solicitor, Hitchin, Herts; and of Mr. TOWNSENO, Staple Inn, London. P01. EBROOK, Northamptonshire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, \ MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with it XX HOMESTEAD, ORCHARD, and BARN thereto adjoining, situate in POLEBROOK, in the Occupation of Thomas Danncr. Also, A CLOSE of excellent PASTURE LAND; containing, by Estimation five Acres, ( be the same more or less), in the Occupation of William Hunt. ftST The. above Premises are Freehold. * » * Pot further Particulars', or to treat for tlie Purchase, apply , to Messrs, YORKE & SHSR. AKL' 1 Oundle or Thrapston. Capital Inn or Public - Home, in an ( vceUenl Situalinn. To be, SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AFKF. K! M> I. D HOUSE and L'REMl^ l'S, occu- pied in the above Line of. Business upwards of fifty Years, situate in a Market, TV> vn, on the " wl from L- tmdon to West- Chester; comprising.; t Brick,. Tiled, and Sashed House and Premises, a targe - Kitchcn, Bar, Parlours, Dining- Room, several ex. ' ceflent Bedchambers,' Servants' R « oms, & c; ; Larder, Dairy, very excellent Cellars, Rrrwhouse,- large Yard, and Garden, well locked with choice Fruit Trees; also Stabling for 60 Horses, wi> H Lofts. over the same, Granary, Straw- Barn, Piggeries,, and every necessary Convenience. . H- T The above- mentioned Premises are in complete Repair, now in full Trade, and are a very ct" sirhbli; Purchase' for any Person wishing to engage, in the Public Line of Business. The Furniture, Stock in Trade, & c. mav be taken by Appraisement, and Possession will be given at Michaelmas next, old Style. N. B. . For further Particulars, apply ' to JOHN DAY, Auctioneer, in Stony- Stratford, Bucks;' if by Letter, Post- paid. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, Either together or sepurjtelv. THREE CLONES OF CAPITAL PASTURE LAND, in tlie Lordship of GREAT- BOWDEN ; con. taining. toucher seven'een Acres and fourteen Perches, Statute- Measure, adjoining each other and the North Side of the Road fnear the Tmnpike) from Market. Hafborouth to Lutterworth, two of them in the Tenure of Mr, William Sheppard, under Lease for an unex- pired Term of four Years from Michaelmas next, and the other in the Tenure of Mrs. Abbott, under Lease for tha like mvxpired Term. Another CLOSE of very ffrtod GRAZING LAND; in Quantity 3A. IR. 201'. Statute- Mature, adjoin- ing the South End of Foster's Rrickh 11 Close and the West Side of th • Leicester Turnpike- Road, in the Tenure of Mr. Stephen Line, Tenant from Year to Year. 0Tf For further Particulars, and to tr- at for the Purchase, apply personally; or by Letters ( Post- paid), to Mr. ADAMS, ot Market- Hatboraugh aforesaid. To hi SOLD by AUCTION, Sj: Mr. BRAMPTON, On the Premises in the Occupation of Mr. JOHN SELBY, of DENFORD- l. ODGE, near Thrap- ston, in the County of Northampton, on Thursday the 3d Day of October next, PART of the LIVE and DEAD STOCK, KEEPING, Sec. of the said Mr. SELBY ( who is leaving his Farm); consisting of upwards of 200 Sheep, three In- foaled Mares, one Nag Mare, and two Milch Cows; several Lots of Farming Utensils, one Waggon, three Carts, Horse Flamess, & c.; the Keeping of upwards of 100 Acres of Meadow and Pasture Land from Michaelmas till I. ady- Day next i also about 80 Tons of excellent Hay, in Lots,' jj^" Four Months' Credit will be given to Pur- chasers for all Lots purchased above ten Pounds, on approved joint Security, ora Discount will beallowed for ready Money. The Sale to commence at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, with the Eddish and Hay in Denford Meadow. To be SOLD A U C T I O By Mr. THOMSON, At the Fountain Inn, in Wellingborough, in the County of Northampton, on Wednesday the 9th Day of October, 1805, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon ( subject to such Conditions as will be then and there produced), \ Large and commodious WINDMILL, with a X V Rood and a Half of Freehold Land ( more or less), on which it stands, in full Trade and complete Repair; carries two Pair of French Stones, of four Feet and four Feet and a Half Diameter; a full- Size 5- Feet Machine, & c.; standing adjoining the Turnpike- Road leading from Wellingborough to Thrapston, within a Quarter of aMileof the Town of WELEINO- BOROUCH. ( jCs* The greater Part of the Purchase Money may remain on Security of the Premises. For further Particulars, or a View of the same, apply to the Auctioneer ; or on the Premises. Bedfordshire. Shortly will be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. CHRISTIE, At the Great Room, in Pall- Mali, London, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, IN SEVENTEEN LOTS, ACAPITAL and VALUABLE FREEHOLD, and greatest Part TYTHE- UEI ESTATE, situate adjoining to the great Turnpike- Road front London to Northampton, about three Miles from LEIGIITON- BUZZARD and the newly- completed Branch of the GRAND JUNCTION CANAL, three from DUNSTABLE, seven from WOBURN, and ,' io from LONDON, ill the COUNTY of BEDFORD; consisting of the MANOR and entire pARiSHof TILSWORTH ( cxcept a few Acres); the ADVOWSON of the VICARAGE of TILSWORTH; TWO WOODS of valuable TIMBER and thriving UN- DERWOOD; EIGHT compact. FARMS, with good Farm- Houses, Barns, and all necessary Buildings; the Red- Lion and Bull Inns, and the Blackbirds Public- House; and sundry Farrn- Houses, Messuages, Tenements, and Lands, in the adjoining Parishes of CHALGRAVJ, HOCKLIRRE, and STANDBRI. DOE j' con* taining in tlie Whole ONETHOUSAND IHSSS HVK. AITENandTWENTY- SSVEN Acmyi of productive Arable, Meadow, Pasture, and Wood Land, in tlie Occupation of respectable Tenants, whose Terms will eipire at Lady- Day next,' and capable ot great Improvement. ( j^ sT Mr. JOHN WI I. H SON, the Woodman, at Tils- worth, will shew the Estate; and Particulars may be had of Mr. JAMES HI LEY, Chicber'ey, near New'- port- Pagnell; tli£ Printers of the Northampton Mer- cury; at the Red. Lion, Hockliftej Sugar- Loatj Dun- stable; the Rainbow Coflee- House, Cornhill; and of Mr. CHRISTIE, Pall- Mali, Loudon. Valuable Freehold Estates mi Mines. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By RICHARD CRUMP, At the George Inn, in Walsall, on Monday the 21st Pay of October, 1805, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon ( unless sooner disposed of by Private Contract, of which due Notice will be given,) The following ESTATES, in Uts:— Lot 1. \ N eligible FREEHOLD ESTATE, called XV GOSCOTS - LODGE, In the Foreign of WALSALL, and County of Stafford; consisting of a good" Hou> e and- substantial Outbuildings, and fifty- throe Acres of Land, in a Ring Fence, with Fish- Po. ids and Pleasure- Grounds, recently laid out in the modern Taste.— The I, and is principally Meadow and Pasture, and about 20 Acres may be watered at Plea- sure. There is a considsrable Stream of Water runs through the Premises, which may be applied for the Purpose of turning a Mill; and there is a good Scite on the Premises to build on. The Manorial Rights of the Manor of Goscote will be sold with the Estate; and the Situation is well calculated for a Person who is fond of rural Amusements, and who wishes to retire from Business,— Considerable proved Mines of Coal and Iron- Stone are under the Estate, which is distant from Walsall two Miles, aivi from Birmingham ten. Lot 2. TWO CLOSES of LAND, adjoining Lot], containing r. ir. e Acres, in tiie Parish of RUSHALI. j and t'fte; of Corn Tj'thes. Lot ; r." A valuable FREEKOLD ESTATE, situate at GOSCOTE aforesaid, containing about 50 Acres, under, 20 of which the Coat has been got, and the Remaiiidef is unwrought. TJie CoUlery is now in lull Work; ahd tile Wyrley and Esaington Canal, which opens an easy Communication through the Co- ventry, Oxford, and Grand' Junction Canals, to the Metropolis, passes through the Works, in a Manner which artofds every possible Advantage of Water- Car- riage. The Coal Minis only at present are wrought, hut there are several good Hrasures of Iron- Stone, of Which Specimens may be seen on the Spot; Excellent Limestone is got within the Distance of two Miles, ahd few Situations are so well calculated to establish extensive Iron- Works upon. There, are proper En- gines on tile Premises to taise the Mine Water, and Winiiing- Engines' lor the Purpose of raising the Coal. — TheStrata of Coal now getting are 14 Feet 6 Inches • thick, which may be seen on Inspection of the Mines, " imd over which is- an excellent Rock Roof. The • Price of large Coal at the Pits is fts. per Ton, small fioal' 3s. 4d. for which there is great Demand from the extensive Lime- Works in the Neighbourhood.— The Promises arc at present under Lease, but Terms are mnde- with the Lessees for cancelling the Lease upon the Sale of the Estate ; and the - Purchase- Monty, fbr'rhc Miitcs will be taken by easy Instalments. Lor 4. About 50 Acres of LAND, with the valu- able Mines of Coal and Iron- Stone under the same, adjoining Lot S, and also adjoining the Wyrley and EsSington Canal; on which there is a good Mine of Clav tor making of Bricks, which have a ready Sale iti the Neighbourhood. (^ f If at the Time « f Sale it should be thought more eligible to sell this Lot with Lot S, it will be done. Lot 5. A new and complete IRON FOUNDRY, with proper Air- Furnaces; also, a Boring- Mill and Cupol. i, worked by an Engine, a Pattern Shop, Smith's Shop, prying- Stoves, and a great Variety of Iron Boxes an 1 Patterns, with Cranes, and every other useful and convenient Utensil for carrying on an expensive Trade, situate near to the Canal, and within' a hundred Yards of the Colliery.— The Stock to be taken at a Valuation, and to be paid for by such Instalments as shall be specified in the Conditions of bale. O" Apply to Mr. FORSTER, Banker, Walsall; Mr PARSON', Rushull- IIall ; or to Mr. CURTIS, Walsall, who has Plans of the Estates, and who will appoint a Person to shew than. Northamptonshire Quarterage- Money. rpHE Chief Constables are to collect and pay - 2. in, at the ensuing Sessions, Ten single Quarterly Payments. . CHR. SMYTH, Clerk or the Peace. Nortbawpisu, Sept. 2 1J/, 1805. Northamptonshire Quarter- Sessions. ' VTOTICE is hereby given, That the next GENERAL QUARTER- SESSIONS of the PEACE for this COUNTY, wiil commence on THURSDAY, the 10th Day of OCTOBER next, at Ten o'clock in the Morning'precisely; - and that the Court will immediately impannel the Grand Jury, and transact other formal Business, and at Twelve o'Clock proceed to the Trial of such Appeals as were entered at the last, and respited until the ensuing Sessions. Those Magistrates who have taken Recognizances for the Appearance of Persons at this Sessions, are requested to return them to the Clerk of the Peace on or before Tuesday the 8th. And all Persons who are bound over by Recognizances to prosecute, cr to give Evidence on any Bill or Bills of Indictment, are required to at- tend and deliver the proper Instructions at the Clerk of the Peace's Office on Wednesday Evening, as the Grand Jury will be discharged as sarly, as the public Business will permit. And it is recommended to the Solicitors and Parish- Officers, who have Appeals to try, to diliver their Briefs to Counsel on the Wed- nesday Evening, and to be ready to try the same the next Morning, as the Court will be punctual in en- tering on that Bu- ' ess at the Time above- mentioned. By On'. u • the Court,, c. a." SMYTH, Clerk ef the Peace. Northampton, Stptenbcr 2Lr, 1805. Buckiiigliumshire Quarter- Sessions. NOTICE is hereby given, That the next GENERAL QUARTER- SESSIONS of the PEACE of this COUNTY, will commence at AYLESBURY, on THURSDAY, the 10th Day of OCTOBEH next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon precisely That immediately aiter, the Couit will pro- ceed to the Trial of such Appeals as were respited from I the last Sessions, and all others which may be entered in due Time. It is proposed that the Grand Jury shall be impannelied as soon as they are assembled; at; d all Persons who are bound over by Recognizance to"* pro- i secute, or to give Evidence upon any Bill or'Bills of Indictment, are required to attend and deliver the pro- per Instructions at my Otfire on Wednesday Evening, as the Grand Jury will be discharged as early as the public Business will permit. And it is recommended I to all Solicitors and Paiish Officers who have Appeals | to try, to deliver their Briefs to Counsel on the Wed- nesday Evening, and to be ready to try the same the next Morning, as the Court will he punctual in enter- ing on that Business immediately after the opening of the Court. ACTON CHAPLIN. Clerk of the Peace's Office, Ajlesbury, Sept. lfth, IS05. To be SOLD ty A U C TI O N, j At the Green- Dragon Public- House, in Brigstock, in the County of Northampton, on Wednesday the 2d Day of October next, at Two o'Clock in the After- noon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then and there produced, unless previously dis- posed of by Private Contract, of which Notice will be given, rpiIE following ESTATES, in BRIGSTOCK - JL aforesaid, that is to say, Freehold, Lot 1. All that MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, or FARM- HOUSE, with two Barns, a Stable, and Yard, and two Gardens thereunto adjoining; also, all that HOMECLOSE near to the said Messuage; and a long HOVEL WALL adjoining to the said Pre- mises.— The above Premises* rein substantial Repair. Copyhold of Inheritance of the TManor of Brigstock— Fine certain. Lot 2. All that MESSUACTE or TENEMENT, with a Butcher's Shop, Slaughter- House, and other Conveniences, for carrying on the Trade of a Butcher in an extensive Line; the Whole situate in a Place called NAI. L- 1IILI, ir the Parish of BRI. GSTOCK aforesaid, and in very complete Repair, Lot 3. A11 that Tythe- free Allotment of rich PASTURE GROUND; containing hy Survey 2A. 2R. 15P. ( little mere or less), lying near to the Town of BRIGSTOCK aforesaid, between the Road leading to Geddington and Cock Rood. 03" The Whole of the above Premises have been lately occupied by John Bellamy and Edward Bellamy. * » * Mr. WRIGHT, at the Green- Dragon, in Brig- stock, will shew the Premises; ar. « l further Particu- lars may be known by applying to Messrs. EDWARDS, Attornies, Stamford. Buckinghamshire Freehold. Soon will be SOLD by AUCTION, if not dis- posed of by Private Contract, ADesirable FARM, situate in BLETCIILEY ( onj Mile from Fenny- Stratford and the Grand Junction Canal); comprising a substantial Farm- House, Barn, Stables, and other Offices, Farm and Rick- Yards, Garden, & c. ; several Closes near, called Home Leys, Malthouse Close, Two Leys, Hobb's Mitches, Travell's Orchard, and Pope's Close, con- taining eight Acres, more or less, and 61 Acres and 1 Rood, more or less, of rich Arable Land, Ley ai « l Meadow Ground, dispersed in the open Fields of Bletchley aforesaid. To the Farm belong six Cow Commons on that extensive and rich Common, called Bletchley Leys, which, with other Common Ground, contain 400 Acres and upwards, and other Common Rights, and to Pope's Close belong six Sheep Commons. (' y3~ An Inclosuremay be soon expected, an Attempt having already been made to inclose, by which, with due Caution, the Proprietors of landed Property in this Parish may. b? much benefited, and oa which the Copyholders in the Manor should be very cir'. cumspect. *** The Estate may be viewed. by applying to Mr. JOHN INNS, the Tenant. N. B. For further Particulars, and to treat for the Purchase, apply either to Messrs. WILLIS and SON, Solicitors, 1- eighton- Bussard; or to Mr. CHARLES WILLIS, Solicitor, Winslow. TURNPIKE- TOLLS TO LETT. NOTICE is hereby given, That the. TOLLS arising for one whole Year, from the 9th Day of December next, at the Gate hereafter- mentioned, upon the Turnpike- Road leading from Towcester, | through Silverston and Bracklev, in the County of Northampton, and Ardley and Middleton- Stoney, to Weston Gate, in the Parish of Weston- on- the- Green, in the County of Oxford, known by the Name of MIDDI- ETON- STONEY GATE, will ' be LETT bv AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, at the House o'f XHOM « WILKINS, called the CROWN INN, in BRACKLEY, on TUESDAY the fntST Day of OCTOBER next, between the Hours of Eleven and Four, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the thirteenth ! Year of the Reign of Mis present Majesty, ". for re. gulating Turnpike- Roads;" which Tolls produced the j last Year the Sum of sixty- one Pounds, above the Expence of collecting the same, and will be pUt up at that Sum.— And Notice is hereby further given, that the TOLLS arising for one whole Year, from the 9th Day of December next, at the Toll- Gates upon the said Turnpike- Road, known by th' Name of BURCOT- WOOD- G. ATE, with the CHECK- GATE, near the Soup- Office" add' Hop? ER, S- PORD- GATE, with the CHECK- GA^ E, at Biddle$ d'on- I. ane End, will then be separately LETT by AUCTION, at the Place and at the Time abovementioned, and will be put up at such Sum as the Trustees may then direct ( the Tolls of which said last- mentioned Gates being r. oyv col- lected under tho Direction of the said Trustees.) Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder for each re- spective Gate must at the same Time giye Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the said Trustees, for the Payment ot the respective Rents agreed for, and at such Times as they shall direct.— And Notice is hereby further given, that new Trustees will then be elected in the Room of such Trustees as are dead, and whose Vacancies are not already titled up.— And Notice is hereby further given,, that a new Clerk and Treasurer will then be elected and appointed in the Room of the present Clerk and Treasurer, who will at that Time resign the said Offices.— And Notice is hereby further given, that a new Surveyor will then be elected and appointed, in the Room of the late Sur- veyor, Samuel Briscoe, de<- eased — Dated the Slst of August, 1805. ROBERT WESTON, Clerk to tlie Trustees of the said Turnpike- Road. TilEATliE OF ANATOMY, Blmluim- Street, GrecU Marltjorougli- Slred., London. re "- HP, Autumnal Couise of LECTURES on .1. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, & SURGES Y, will commence on TCESHAY the 1st of OCTOEER, at Two o'clock in the Afternoon, by Mr. BROOKES. Anatomical Converzationes will be held weekly, when the different Subjects treated of will be dis- cussed familiarly, and the Students' Views forwarded. — To these none but Pupils can be admi ted. Spacious Apartments, thoroughly ventilated, and replete with every Convenience, will be opon in the Morning, for the Purpose of Dissecting and Injecting, where Mr. Brookes attends to direct the Students, and demonstrate the various Parts as they appear cO Dissection. An extensive Museum, containing Preparations il- lustrative of every Part of the Human Bodv, and its Diseases, appertains to the Theatre, to which Students will have occasional Admittance.— Gentlemen inclined to support this School by contributing preternatural or morbid Parts, Subjects in Natural I listen'', & c. ( Individually of little Value to the Possessors), mar have tne Pleasure of seeing them preserved, arranged, and registered with the Names of the Donors. The Inconveniences usually attending Anato- mical Investigations, are counteracted by an Anti- septic Process, the Result ot Expefiment; maqe by Mr. Brookes on Human Subject., at Paiis, in the Year .1782; the Account of which was delivered to the Royal Society, ; ind read on the 17th of June, H84. This Icthod has since been so far improved, that th* j, florid volour of the Muscles is preserved, and eveit I heightened.— Pupils mav be accommidated in the House.— Gentlemen established in Practice, desirous of renewing their Anatorhical Knowledge, may be accommodated with an Apartment to dissect in privately. NORTHAMPTON NAVIGATION. " VTOTICE is hereby given, That the next L TI General Quartcrlv ' Meeting of the Commis- sioners acting for the Western Division of the Navi- gation of the River Nine or Nen, will be held at the GUILDHALL, in NORTHAMPTON, on FRIDAY the 11th Day of OCTOBER next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, for transacting the Business relating 10 tha said Navigation; at which Time new Commissioners will be appointed in the Room of those who are dead since the last Appointment, J. GARDINER, Treasurer. September %) th, 1805. Fheenix Fire- Office, Lombard- Street, Ljondtm. TIIE firm Support which the PHCENIX OFFICE continues to receive from its numerous Friends, demands the Thanks of the Directors. This Office has ever been impressed with an ardent Desire to give Encouragement to the Agricultural Interests of the Kingdom; and the Directors rely, that the Regulations which they from Time to Time have introduced for that Purpose, will be satisfactory to the Public, and secure the Continuance of its Favour and Patronage. The Receipts for Policies falling due at Michaelmas, are now in the Hands of the several Agents. KT The important Sums annually paid by this Office to Sufferers by Fire, strongly prove the Benefits resulting from Insurance, as well to Noblemen and Gentlemen to secure the Value of their Mansions and Effects, as to Farmers, Manufacturers, and all tht Commercial Orders. *** Persons insuring for Three Hundred Pounds, or upwards, will not be charged for the Policy. By Order of the Directors, * H. A. HARDY, Sec. of Country Department. SUKHFIRE - OFFTCE7 * BANK- BUILDINGS, and CRAIG's - COURT, CHARING- CROSS, LONDON, For insuring Houses a?: d other Buildings, Goods, Metm cbandixe. Ships in Harbour, in Dock, or Building and Craft, from Loss and Damage by Fire. WE, whose Names are underwritten, heme ACENTS for the SUN FIRE- OFFICE, have Authority from the Managers to inform the Pub- i lie, and all Persons insured in the sa'. d Office, that the Premium on the Stock of Corn and Hay, being the Produce of a Farm, also Cattle and Implements of Husbandry thereon, will be rated at Tw Shillings and Sixpence per Cent. And all Persons insured in I this Office, are requested to refer to their Policies, ia order that they ' may ' receive the Benefit of tfiis Re- I duction of flie Premium on Farming- Stock, on their respective Renewals at MICHAELMAS next; and that PRINTED RECEIPTS, under our Hands, are J ready for Deliverv, for the Premium and Duty on j Policies, as they become due; and that printed Pro^ j posals of the Terms of Insurance may be had of us, j which will be found AS MODERATE, im EVE** J RESPECT, AS THOSE OF THE OTHER OFFICES. 1 FARMINO- STOCK may be insured, generally, I in all Barns and Out- houses, or on a Farm, without I the average Clause, which maybe seen by applying to I us, who will give any further Information which may I be requited, for the explaining this Mode of la* j surance. Northampton,— R. SCRIVEV. j Peterborough,— J. ATKINSON, Towcester,— W. INNS. Kettering,— J. HF. NNELL. j Daventry,— C. TOMALIN, 1 Lutterworth,— S. CHAPMAX, Leicester,— J. PRICE. Uanbury,— J. PAIN. f ' Buckingham,— T. STUCHBERY, Jun, ] Newport- Pagnell,— W. LUCAS. Potton,— J. PGDLEY. Stamford,— T. COOKE, I Coventry,— J. CARTER. Leighton- Buzzard,— T, DEVERELL. I B dford,— W. SMITH, ] ( F?" Policies insuring Three Hundred Pounds, are issued free of Expence; and all Pavmenfs for Losso* j by Fire are made by this Office without Deduction. I v* The SUN FIRE- OFFICE have always paid Lossts or Damage by Fire from Lightning, September 21, 1805. Extract of a letter from Sheffield, dated JVo » . ! il, 1804'. To Mr, LIGNUM, Surgeon, Manchester, SIR, ~\/ fR. THOMAS ROC- EM, of GHEKOSIDE, in tlii » - LVL Neighbourhood, desires that the following Case may be transmitted for your Inspection; and, for the good of the afflicted, if vou think pritoer to publish it in the Sheffield and other Newspapers, you are at Liberty so to do. Mr. Rogers had been long grievously ad ded with an obstinate scrofulous Complaint, for. which he had taken numerous and various Kinds of Medicines, but all proved ineffectual, till a few Months ago, he vva » , by some Friends strenuously recommend d to jnake Trial of your ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, for which Purpose he called at the Shop ot A, and E, Gales, Booksellers, Sheffield, and purchased 0119 4s. fid. Bottle, from which he found much Relxf; He applied a second Time, when he hail two small Bottles more, which he fouiukcontinued to extirpate his miserable Complaint; and lastly h~ applied for a large Bottle of the Drops, by the use of which and the thrae small ones) he is happily restored to Health ! Vnd Strength. Mr. R.- requests, for the Good of Mankind in general, that you will not fail to publish the Particulars as above related.— The aboVe is at. tested by many respectable Neighbours. ( pf These Drops are Sold in moulded square Bot- tles, at lis. and 4s. 6d.— One lis. Bottle is : qu: U in Quantity to three 4s. 6d. ones. They mav be had, Wholesale and Retail, at Mr. LIGNUM'S, NO. 57, Bridge- Street, Manch; : ster ;• and, by Appointment, of Howard & Evans, 42, Long- Lane," West- Sfnithfields Dicey & Co. Bow Church- Yard ; Barclay .-', Son, 95, Fleet- Market; Shaw & Edwards, 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard; Butler, 4, Cheapsid-; and Newbiry & Sons, 45, St. Paul's Church. Yard,- London ; and Retail of Dicey & Sutton, Northampton; Gr- en Sc Taylor, Ampthill; Gardner, Biggleswade; Palgrave, Bedford; Beesley, Banbury; Rohins, and Wilkinson, Daveiltry; Ridge, Newark; lnwbod. Newport- l'agncll; Tookey, Oundle; Jacob, Peterborough ; wilcdx, Tow- cester; Paul, St. Ives; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Tuck- & ' Mather, Wellingborough; Darton, Hitthin; Simson, Hert- ford.; and of the principal Venders of genuine Medi- cines in ti » e United Kuigdotr.. Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. L ON DO N, September 2 6. TUESDAY night's Gazette contains orders for the Court's change of mourning on the 19th instant, for the late Duke of Gloucester; to change mourning further on October 6th, and on October 13th to go out of mourning.'' The Foreign Legion in this country, which is 10,1) 00 strong, and consists principally of Hano- verians, has received orders to bold itself in rea- diness to march. A grand distention among the emigrant French- men, who so wonderfully ensnare and betray the confidence of ' the British Government, has, within these few days, brought to light so much of their duplicity and folly, timt » t caimot- but hope, that Ministers will entirely cease from tlve weakness of trusting them, and from wasting upon them more of the public money than the call of true humanity demands. A Count Vaudreuil and an Abbe dc la Marre arc the chiefs in the quarrel. Extraordinary Murder.— On Monday night last, Mr. Isaac Blight, a most respectable and opulent merchant, was murdered'while lie was sitting in his chair in his own house, - at Greenland Dock, near Dcptford, On Thursday night last ( a'f which time Mr. Bliglit and his lady were at Margate); a friend of theirs, a Mr. Spatcli, was sitting alone in a front parlour in Mr. Blight's house, about half- past eight o'clock, when he was alarmed by a pistol Or gun, loaded with ball, being fired through the window: the ball lodged in 3 part of the room not far. from where he sat; every search was' im- mediately made, but no person that'cduld be sus- pected was to be found. The next day ( Friday), Mr. Spatch wrote to Mr. Blight, to . inform him- of : . the circumstance, when the latter instantly came to town; but neither he nor Mr. Spatch could attach suspicion upon any one. On Monday night these gentlemen were sitting together in a back parlour in Mr. B.' s house, and about the same hour ( half- past eight o'clock), Mr. S. having occasion to go out for a few, minutes, took a candle, and left his friend alone, lie had not been gone, more than two or three minutes, when he heard the report of a gun, on which he immediately returned, and found Mr. B. lying shot through the body; the ball had entered a little below his ribs, passed through his back, and lodged in the wainacotting behind where he sat. The only person supposed to be in the house when the murder was com- mitted, was a female servant, who also heard the report of the piece, but was in a kitchen at some distance; neither Mr. Spatch, the servant, nor those, who were called in, could find any traces whatever of the murderer; he got clear oft": neither gun nor pistol was left behind, nor any thing that could tend in the least to discover him. The unfortunate gentleman was instantly put to bed, and the assistance of a surgeon immediately YOUNG SADIES' BOARDIN G- SCHOOL, BEDFORD. R9. COPE respectfully informs'her Friends and the Public, her SCHOOL opens on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th. St. Peter's- Green, Sept. 26tb, 1805. Bedfordshire Quarter- Sessions. l^ TOTlCE is hereby given, That the next Ge- iA neral Quarter- Sessions of the Peace to be held for this County on WEDNESDAY the NINTH Day of OCTOBER, 1305, and at evf. ry future Quarter- Sessions, the Court will open at Eleven o'clock in the Fore- noon precisely; at which Hour the Grand and Petit Juries, the High Constables, and all Persons sum- moned, bound by Recognizance, or having Business to do, are desired to attend in Court. All Persons who are bound over by Recognizance to prosecute, or give Evidence, upon any Bill or Bills of In- dictment, are required to attend and deliver proper In- structions at my Office on Tuesday Evening, or by GRAND JUNCTION CANAL, BUGBROOK If HA R F. TWALKER takes this Opportunity of in- . forming his Friends, that he has at this Time a large Quantity of the very best WTDNSSBFERV COAL, which he is now selling'at Is. per Cwt. ; INTERIOR WEDNESBURY COAL, at lOd. perCwt. ; HARECASTLE COAL, at Is. 2d. per Cwt. J and other Coals in Pro- portion, for ready Money. Bugbrook IVharf, Sept. 2S, 1805. GREAT'BOWpEN ? JEW INN, Ttvo Miles J yon: MARKET - HARBOROUOH. DHAMSHAW having recently entered upon , the above- mentioned large and commodious INN, respectfully solidits the Patronage and Support of the Friends and Customers of Mr. GEORGE BRYAN, the late Occupier, also of his oivnJF. risaids and the Public; and begs Leave to assure them, they will always meet with good Accommodations in every Department, respectful Attention, and moderate Charges, with jj/ ateful Acknowledgments for Favours conferred. ( pf Gentlemen Graziers and others may be well accommodated with good Keeping for their Cattle; and the excellent new- built Stables will enable him to receive Horses of every Description, and provide for them in the most comfortable and convenient Manner. Eight o'Clock on Wednesday Morning; and all Ap- And all Persons who stand indebted to the said Estate, NORTHAMPTON, 21st Sept. 1305. ALL Persons who have any Claim or Demand upon the Estate and Effects of FRANCIS, , . ,, ~ . ., ... u, u- HAYES, late of the Town of Northampton, in the and tllfr excellent new- built Stables will enable him xt .1 t> « i , i * a rfl/< oi « o Unreac nr avArti I lpcrri rtfinn ir> rt nrAVidp County ot Northampton, Paper- Maker, deceased, are requested forthwith to send an Account of their re- spective Demands to Mr. William Hayes, of Yardley- Gobion, Paper- Maker; Mr. Armfield, Draper, or Mr. Theo. Jeyes, Solicitor, in Northampton, in order that such Accounts may be examined and adjusted.— peals are to be entered by Nine o'Clock on Wednesday Morning. THEED PEARCE, Clerk of the Peace. To BLACKSMITHS. WM. WELLS, by Trade a Blacksmith, at TEMSFORD, Bedfordshire, 50 Years of Age, about five Feet'seven Inches high, black Hair, which is turning grey, long Visage, and shews his Teeth re- markably when he speaks,— left his Habitation on Sunday the 15th September, whilst his Family were gone to a Place of Worship.— He had on . i dark- brown Coat, brown Velveteen Breeches and Waistcoat, and took with him his working Clothes. His Wife is rendered unhappy by his indiscreet Absence, and his numerous Family most uncomfortable. It he hears of or sees this Advertisement, he is requested, if he. hj » s, any Re- gard for his Wife's Health and ComfofJ^ ar for his Family's Welfare, to return immediately, ; of at least to write to them ; or if any Person will give Intelli- gence of the said Wm. Wells, it v/ ill be thankfully received. ( j3T Letters may be directed to John Wells ( Son of tire said Wm. Wells), Blacksmith, Temsford. To be LETT, And entered on. at Michaelmas next, \ MALTING, with or without a HOUSE, and A CLOSE of rich PASTURE LAND, contain- ing four Acres, situate at EVERSHOLT, near Woburn, Beds. ( J5T For further Particulars, enquire of Mrs. GRE- CORY, of Eversholt aforesaid; or of Mr. WELCH, of Battlesdon, in the said County of Bedford. are requested to pay such Debts, without further Notice, to Mrs. Barbara Hayes, the Widow and Ad- ministratrix of the said Deceased, or to the said Mr. William Hayes, Mr. Armfield, or Mr. Jeyes, who are duly authorized by the said Administratrix to re- ceive the same. Effects, Freehold Estates, at Weltingborbugh, Northump- tonshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Tuesday the 8th Day of October next, at the Swan Inn, in Wellingborough aforesaid, between the Hours of Four and Six o'Clock in the Afternoon ( subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then and there produced), unless sooner disposed of by Private Contract, of which timely Notice will be given, ALL that FARM- HOUSE, now occupied as two Tenements, with the Barns, Stable, Cow- house, Woodhouse, Pigsties, Farm- Yard, and Garden to the same belonging; and also the large Orchard or Homeclose to the same adjoining, containing upwards Capital Stock of' well- bred Sheep, Fannin. 4- c. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Monday the 30th of this instant September, 18C5, on the Premises ot Mr. GEORGE WORLEY, at OVERSTONE, centrically situated between Wel- lingborough and Northampton, rpiIE valuable STOCK of SHEEP, & c. of the JL said Mr. WORLEY, who is leaving the Farm ; comprising 153 STORE EWE SHEEP. 69 THEAVES, 42 LAMBS, 134 SHEARHOCS, and 40 FAT SHEEP; also, three stout black Cart Horses; thrie Narrow- wheel Waggons, one Six- inch and one Narrow- wheel Cart; Gears for six Catt Horses; two Lead Horse- Troughs; Field- Roll; large and small Harrows; Ladders; an excellent Dressing- Machine ( by Blaclt- iveil), three Wind- Giga, Wire Corn- Screen, and two j Chaff- Boxes; Malt- Mill; Sieves and Barn- Tackle with various other Effects. ( PT The Sheep are well worth the Attention of those who may wish to become Purchasers, as they ! are a very capital Stock, have been bred with great ' Attention, and are equal, if not superior, to any in the Country. *** The Sheep will be penned for Inspection by Nine o'Clock in the Morning, and the Sale to com- mence with the first Lot of Sheep exactly at Ten. Houses, Buildings, Furniture, trc. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DA Y, BY ORDER OF THE ASSIGNEE, At Stoke Wharf, & c. on Thursday the 3d Day of October,- 1805, and following Day ( and not on the 2d and 3d as before advertised), rpHE EFFECTS, See. of Mr. JOSEPH - I. LUD LAM, a Bankrupt; comprising the Dwell- Sule of a valuable Stock Of Sheep, large Cattle, Horses, fyc. At LUBBENHAM, in Leicestershire. To be SOLD by A U C T ION, By Mr. ROUSE, On Monday the 30th of this current September, 1805, on the Premises adjoining Lubbenham- Lodge, near Market- Harborough, in Lots, AValuable well- selected STOCK of SHEEP, NEAT CATTLE, HORSES, See. the Pro- perty of Mr. BENJAMIN SIMONS; consisting of 136 Ewes, 140 Theaves and Shearhogs; 20 fat York- shire Beasts, 23 Irish Ditto, two excellent Cows, four thriving Heifers, and a Bull; four promising Foals and four Fillies, a useful Six- year- old bay Mare, of the Nag Kind, a capital liiree- year- old Blood Mare, got by Trimmer. ' Also, a very fertile CROP of AFTERMATH, growing upon one hundred: arieE fifty Acres of rich Pasture and Meadow Land, from the30th Day of. Sep- tember tortile 2Lst Day of December, 1805, in twelve Lots; the Purchasers of which maybe supplied with Hay at 2s. ( kt. and- Straw at Is, 6d. per Cwt. ft.' ROUSE does nbt undertake to trace the Pedigree of the Sheep from the Quorndon G. and the D'shky Church- Yard Ewe; but this he will say, the Stock is well Reserving Attention, the Sheep may em- phatically be- called useful, the Neat Cattle are in high Condition, and the Horse Stock is possessed of such good Qualities as will strongly recommend and render ir beneficial to the Purchasers. *** Six Months'Credit will be given on Purchases above .£. 5, upon approved joint Securities. N. B. The Gentlemen who intend to attend the Sale f j are. earnestly requested to be on the Ground by Half- | I past Eight, it being proposed to put up the fust Lot ' • precisely at Nine in the Morning. Freehold Estate, in Rushden, Northamptonshire. To be SOL D by A U C T I O N, By JOHN YORK, On Thursday the third Day of October next, 1805, at the Green- Dragon Inn, in Higham- Ferrers, in the said County, about l ive o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then and there produced funless sooner disposed of by Private Contract, of which timely Notice will be { in full Growth), and with several thriving Elm and procured, who soon pronotinced the wound to be Ash Trees, situate in GOLD- STREET, in WEI. LING- mortal. He expired at three o'clock on Tuesday afternoon.— The deceased was on the point of retiring from business. MARRIED.] Lately, at Lancaster, . T. M'Donald, Esq. of Dumfries, to Miss Eliza Norris, mantua- muker, of Preston. The younglady, in a phrenzy of mind at a reproof received' l'rom her father, was about to plunge herself fnto the canal, when Mr. M'Donald providentially passing that way, ingenuously enquired the cause of such'rashness, and being answered, took her into his carriage, made honourable overtures, and married her. TJI^ JC Their Graces the Duchesses of Rutland and Leeds; the Right Hon. the Countesses'of Mount. Norris, Darnley, Shaftesbury, Cork, and Derby; the Right Hon. Ladies Spencer, Sherbourne, Capel, Boston, and Say and Sele; the Right Hon. the Lord Bishop of Carlisle, the Lord Chief Baron, and several other Noblemen and Physicians; having witnessed many- extraordinary cures performed by Ching's Patent Worm Lozenges, have confirmed their approbation of the medicine by their honourable testimony to its peculiar efficacy in removing Worms, Convulsion Fits, Pains of the Head, Side, and Stomach, and other consumptive Complaints, Obstructions in the Liver, Sec.— Sold by most medicine venders. .. . , , , -. , • • , . .. " aras ing- House and Outbuildings, in the Occupation of of three Acres, planted with very choice Fruit Trees j Mr< Ludlam; also other Tenements and Outbuildings ; Barge and Boats; Horses, Waggons, and various other Articles;— also all the HOUSEHOLD - FUR NITURF. • To be L E T T, And entered upon immediately, AHOUSE, eligibly situated upon the PARADE, in NORTHAMPiON, fronting the Drapery, iii the Occup. uu n ot Mr. Main, Ironmonger. < jGT The Premises arc well calculated for any Retail Business ; and several Apartments in the House ( which have been neatly fitted up), have been lately very pro- fitably lett as Lodgings. f^ T Enquire of Mr. I. OCOCK, Northampton. TO WC ESTER, Northamptonshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By R. AT. JONES, B'OUSEIIOLDTFURXITURE and other EFFECTS; which, for Convenience of Sale, Will be removed to the White- Hart, in TOWCESTF. R. g3T Particulars, with the Day of Sale, will appear in a future Paper. SALE or LAND- TAX. COUNTY of NORTHAMPTON. aTIE Commissioners especially appointed for the Redemption and Sale of the Land- Tax arising within the County of Northampton ( exclusive of the Town of Northampton), hereby give Notice, That they will hold Meetings at the following Places within the said County, on the Days hereafter- mentioned, between the Hours of Eleven in the Forenoon and , Two in the Afternoon of each Day, to carry the Act of Parliament passed in the 42d Year of His present Majesty's Reign, for such Redemption and Sale, into Execution, viz. At the Ni. w WHITE- HORSE, in TOWCESTF. R, on TUESDAY the 15th Day ot OCTOBER, 1805; At the HIND INN, in WELLINGBOROUGH, on WED- » S; DAV the 16th fay of OCTOBER, 1805; An! at the OFFICE of Mr. WILLIAM TYLER SMYTH, their Clerk, in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, on SA-; TURD AY in every Week. Those Persons who intend to redeem their Land- Tax, either by a transfer of Stock, or by. a Payment in Money, to the Receiver- General of the bounty, are now allowed two Years, from the Date of the Contract to transfer the Stock, or pay the Money re- quired, as the Consideration for the Sale; or they' may transfer or pay the jme respectively, imme- diately, or by quarterly Instalments not exceeding tight in Number. Every Person intending to redeem his Land- Tax, is, in the first Place, to apply to the Clerk to the Commissioners of Land- Tax, in the Division in which such Land- Tax is charged, for the necessary Certificate *> f the Amount thereof; and on producing the same to the Commissioners at their Meetings, and stating in what Manner the l. and- Tax is interned to he re- deemed, the Contract will- be procured, and trans- mitted fo the Party without Delay. By Order of the Commissioners, WM. TR. SMYTH, Clerk. K-' bampion, 2Sti Sept. 1805. PRIOKS- MARSTOK, ll* h Sept. 1805. " VTOTICE is hereby given, That Application is 4-^ intended to be made to Parliament, in the next Session, for Leave to bring in a Bill for making a Turnpike- Road from and out of the Turnpike- Road in the Liberties of Woolscott, in the Parish of Grand- borough, in the County of Warwick, leading from the Town of Daventry, in the County of Northamp- ton, towards the City of Coventry, near to a House thcM 1 Heretofore called the Old Swan, to that Part oF the Turnpike- Road in the Parish of Byfield, in the Slid County of Northampton, leading from Daventry ^ foresaid; towards the Borough of Banbury, in the County of Oxford, which is nearly opposite to Eytisla Windmill; which said Road to be applied for is intended to pass into, through, or over the several Parishrs, Liberties, Hamlets, or Places of Wcolscott, Willpughbv, Sawbridge, Flecknoe, Lower- Shuck- burgh, Nsjiton- upon- thii- Hill, and Priors- Marston, in the s. iid County of Warwick, Byfield aforesaid, and the Westrupp- End of Byfield aforesaid, or some • » ' them, » r sums Part thereof. KQLLi Si iON,' Sali « t* r « t BOROUGH aforesaid, late in the Occupation of John Beal, the Elder. And al-, 0 THREE COTTAGES ( adjoining to the above Farm- House), now in the Occupation of Major Dykes and others. Also, all that CLOSE of exceeding rich PASTURE GROUND ( adjoining to the said Orchard or Home- close); containing by Estimation two Acres, or thereabouts, with 77 " thriving Elm and Ash Trees growing thereon, late also in the Occupation of the said John Beal, the Elder.- The above Estate adjoins. the Turnpike- Road leading irom Wellingborough to Kettering, is remark- ably pleasantly situated on an Eminence, and is pecu- liarly adapted for building upon.— The Premises Vvill produce an Abun^ jtn"; of building Materials. * « .* For further Particulars, or to treat by Private Contract, apply tp Mr. GOODHALL, Solicitor, Wel- lingborough. Vuluabl* Live Stork, Implements in Husbandry, and Household- Furniture. To be SOLD by ( AUCTION, By Mr. SMITH, On the Premises, Oil Monday and Tuesday the 7th and 8th of October, 1805, as Ten o'Clock, A LL the valuable LIVE STOCK, LV1PLE- - TV MENTS in HUSBANDRY, and HOUSE- HOLD- FURNITURE, of Mrs. GI LEAD, of 1RCHESTER, in theCountyof Northampton, who is leaving her Farm ; consisting of 160 capital Ewes, 70 Theaves, 65 Shearliogs, and 140 Lambhogs,; seven stout useful Cart Horses; one short- homed in- calved Cow, eight in- calved Heifers, and two Welch Runts; two good Narrow- wheel Waggons, and three ditto Carts; Ploughs, Harrows, and Rolls; Hurdles, Sheep- Cribs and Troughs, Horse- Harness, & c. The HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE consists of Four- Eost Bedsteads, with neat Furniture, and Servants' edsteads; excellent l-' eather and Flock Beds, and Betiding; Mahogany and other Tables, Chairs, Draw- ers, & c.; China, Glass, and Earthenware; Grates; Pewter, Brass, Sec. ; Brewing and Washing Coppers ; sweet Iron- bound Pipes, Hogsheads, and Half- Hogs- heads; Mash- Vat, Tubs, & c; Barrel- Churn, Milk- Leads, and other Dairy Requisites; with a Variety of other Effects. The Livestock and Implements in Husbandry will be sold on Monday the first Day's Sale. *** The Favour of the Company's Attendance is requested at Ten o'Clock each Morning of Sale, as the whole Property is intended to be sold in two Days. +++ Three Months' Credit will be given for the Live Stock, on approved Security. N. B. Particulars will be distributed in the Neigh- bourhood, and may be had on the Premises, and of Mr. Smith, at Kimbolton. c » mprising Bedsteads, with Cotton and other Furni- tures ; Feather- Beds and Mattresses; Counterpanes, Quilts, and Blankets; Windsor and other Chairs; Mahogany and other Tables; Eight- day Clock, in Oak Case; a three- draught Beer- Engine, in good Repair; Earthenware and Glass; Kitchen- Furniture, and various other Effects. The Sale will commence with the Buildings on Stoke Plaia exactly at Eleven o'Clock on Thursday, and the Furniture will be sold on Friday. Freehold Tenements, in Fenny- Stratford, Bucks. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAT, On Saturday the 5th Day of October, 1805, exactly at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the House of Mr. Mobbs, the Sign of the Punch- Bowl, in Fenny- Stratford aforesaid, - ... HP WO MESSUAGES or TENEMENTS, Brick I- and Tile- built, adjoining each other, with Out- buildings and Gardens adjoining, situate near the Sign of the Punch- Bc> wl aforesaid, and in the Occu- pations ot Mrs. Cooke and Samuel Robinson, Tenants at Will. py For a View of the Premises, apply to the Tenants; and for further Particulars, to the Auc- tioneer, in Stony- Stratford. licctory- House, Cliflon, near Olney, Bucks. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Tuesday the 8th of October, 1805, and following Day, on the Premises, at CLIFTON aforesaid, r \ TIE neat and'modern IIOUSEHOLD- FURNI- L TURE, with various other EFFECTS, of the Hon. and Rev. A. H. CATHCART, who is leaving Clifton; comprising Four- post, Tent, and other Bed- steads, with Cotton, Morine, Check, and other Fur- nitures ; fine Goose- coat and other Feather Beds ; Mat- tresses, Counterpanes, Quilts, and Blankets; Night- To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. SMITH, On Wednesday the_ 9th, and Thursday the 10th of October, 1805, at Ten o'Clock, oil the Premises of Mr. THOMAS FREER, at the New Inn, NOR- MAN- CROSS, in the County of Huntingdon ( who is leaving the above Inn), riniE valuable HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE, 3_ WINES, LIQUORS, See. HAY, GRAIN, & c. ; consisting of excellent Four- post Bedsteads, with Di- mity, Calico, and Chintz Furniture; fine seasoned Feather Beds and Bedding; 10 Soldiers' Bedsteads, Beds, and Beddi » g; Mahogany Dining and other Tables; Sideboard and Trays; Windsor and other Chairs; Carpets; Pier and Dressing Glasses; China and Glass; eight Plated Tankards, and three Ditto Pints; Pewter, Brass, and Earthenware ; 40 Dozen of fine old Port Wine, at per Dozen in Lots; Brandy, Rum, Shrub, Hollands, common Gin, Bitters, Sic.; about 50 Tons of fine Highland Hay and Clover; two Ricks of Wheat, and one Bam of Ditto; two Ricks of Oats; 12 stoie Hogs; a light Cart, and various other Effects. ff" Four Months' Credit will be given upon the Hay, Clover, and Grain, on approved joint Security, or Discount for ready Money.— The Grain and Hay may be taken off' the Premises. *** The Hay and Grain will be sold on Thursday, the second Day's Sale. N. B. Catalogues may be had on the Premises ; at the Inns in Peterborough, Wansford, and Oundlej and of Mr. Smith, at Kimbolton. Valuable Advmoson and next Presentation, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. SMITH, At Garraway's CofTee- House, Change- Alley, Corn- hill, London, on Wednesday the 23d of October, at Twelve o'Clock, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, HPHE PERPETUAL ADVOWSON and NEXT , L PRESENTATION to the RECTORY of UPPER- BODDINGTON, near Banbury, Southam, and Daventry ; consisting of a Parsonage- House, Barns, Stables, Gwdetis, and upwards of 500 Acres of ex- cellent Land, in Lieu of Tythes, of the annual Value of eight hundred Pounds-— The present In- cumbent is near 70 Years of Age. ( p3T Particulars may be had twenty Days pre- ceding the Sale of Mr. TYNDALE, Solicitor, Lin- coln's- lnn- Fields; of the Printers of the Oxford Journal, Cambridge Chronicle, Northampton Mer- cury, Reading Mercury, Coventry Mercury, and Bir- mingham Gazette; at Garravvay's; and of Mr. SMITH, No. 62, Broad- Street, near the Royal Ex- duuiSS, Lyndvn, Tables, Bason- Stands, and' Dressing Drawers; Floor and Bedside Carpets; Pier and Swing Glasses; Ward- robe ; Mahogany Dining, Card, and Pembroke Tables; Parlour, Drawing- Room, and Chamber Chairs; dumb Waiters, Fire- Shades, Fire- Irons, & c.; Sofa, with Bolster, Cover, & c. complete; Mahogany Side- board, with Cellarets, & c.; Mahogany Book- Case, with Secretary, Drawers, and glazed Doors; Pier, Chimney, and Swing Glasses; a very capital grand Piano- Forte ( by Stoddart), very lately new; China, Glass, and Earthenware; Eight- day Clock and Case; Kitchen- Furniture; Beer Casks and Brewing Vessels; a Linen Mangle, with various other Effects, as will appear » in the Catalogues', which may be had five Days before Sale at the following Inns and Places:— Swan, Nevvport- Pagnell; Bull, Olney; Tinker, Tur- vey; at the Place of Sale; and of the Auctioneer, in Stony- Stratford, Bucks. Maulden, near Ampthltl Warren. To be SOLD by AUCTION, Under the Direction and Authority of the Commissioners for the Sale and Redemption of the Land- Tax, By Mr. THOMAS BROOKS, At the White- Hart Inn, in Ampthill, in the County of Bedford, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon of Wednesday, October 2, 1805 ( subject to such Con- ditions as will be then produced,) unless acceptable Offers should be made by Private Contract in the mean Time, VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATES, Tythe- free and Land- Tax redeemed, in the Parish of MAULDEN, in the County of Bedford; consisting of 15A. 2R. 3P. ( more or less) of rich inclosed Feed- ing Meadow Land, lying in a Place called the STAN- YARDS, in MAULDEN aforesaid, near Ampthill old Inclosures; and of a Messuage or Tenement, and Garden and Close of rich Arable Land adjoining ( the said Close containing one Acre and a Half, more or less), at Hall- End, in MAUI, DEN aforesaid, IN THE NINE FOLLOWING LOTS, VIZ. Lot 1. A Piece of rich feeding inclosed Meadow Land ; containing 1A. 2R. 21P. ( moreor less), adjoin- ing the Road from Flitwick to Maulden, at the East Corner of the Ampthill Bridle- Road. Lot 2. A Piece of Ditto; containing 1A. 2R. 21P. ( more or less), at thesaid East Corner of the Ainpthill Bridle- Road. Lot 3. A Piece of Ditto; containing 1A. 2R. 29P. ( more or less), adjoining to, and lying South of, Lot 1. Lot 4. A Piece of Ditto ; containing 2A. 1R. 16P. ( more or less), adjoining to, and lying South of, Lot 3. Lot 5. A Piece of Ditto-; containing 2A. 1R. IP. ( more or less), adjoining to,' arid lying South of. Lot 4. Lot 6. A Piece of Ditto; containing 1A. 2R. 37P. ( more or less), on the South Side of the Stanyards Bridle- Road. Lot 7. A Piece of Ditto; containing 1A. 2R. 34P. ( more or less), adjoining to, and lying South of, Lot 6. Lot' 8. A Piece ot Ditto; containing 2A. 2R. 4P. ( more or less), adjoining fo, and lying South of, Lot 7. {£ 3* The above eight Lots are now in one Piece, are marked out, and are now in the Occupation of Robert Treijar, Esq. who w. ill'give up the Possession to the respafctive Purchasers on tile 1st ot January next. Lot 9. A Messuage or Tenement, Garden, and a Close of rich Arable Land adjoining thereto, contain- ing 1A. 2R. ( more or le » s), at Hall- End, in Maulden, in the Occupation of Mr. John Fisher. *** Further Particulars may be known by applying to Mr. DAVIS, Attorney, at Ampthill; or to Mr. GOSTELOW, Surveyor tiiere, who will shew the Pre- mises.; and the Plans of the Lots and the Fences to be made by the respective Purchasers of them. given,., rtnvo new- erected MESSUAGES or TENE- SL. MENTS, lately occupied as one, pleasantly si- tuated 111 the populous Village of RUSHDEN afore- said, with the gardens, well planted Orchard, and Close of Arable Land adjoining ; containing by Esti- mation two Acres ( more or less), now in the Occu- pation of Charles Gill. ( i^ T The above Premises arc well adapted for any Business that requires Room, the Buildings com- prising a good Kitchen, two Parlours, and six Sleep- ing- Rooms, with Attics; also a convenient Shop and Room in Front, Stabling for six Horses, and a Barn of three Bays adjoining. *** The Premises are plentifully supplied . with Water by an excellent Well, in which is a Lead Pump. N. B. For further Particulars, or to treat for the same by Private Contract be tin's the twenty- sixth Day of September instant, apply to Mr. THOMAS SHELTON, of Higham- Ferrers aforesaid, Butcher; or to Mr. GOODHALL, Solicitor, Wellingborough. " To SoTd by A U C T I O N, By Mr. JAMES NEALE, On Tuesday and Wednesday the 8th and 9th of Octo- ber, 1805, at the Hind Inn, in Lutterworth, in the County of Leicester, belonging to the late RICHARD SMITH, a Bankrupt, rpiIF, following ESTATES, GRAIN, LIVE X STOCK, IMPLEMENTS in HUSBANDRY, See.. : — ONE CLOSE of rich PASTURE LAND, and TWO MEADOWS adjoining the same; containing together about 22 Acres ( more or less), in LUTTER- WORTH FIELD, lying by the Side of the Leicester Road.— Also, a commodious MESSUAG E orTENE- MENT, well cellared, with a large Stable, and other Conveniences suitable for a Tradesman, standing in the Centre of the Town of LUTTERWORTH, for- merly in the Occupation of Mr. Job Walker, but now in the Occupation ot Messrs. Pares, Paget, and Heygate.— Also, certain other PREMISES, situated in the Beast- Market, LUTTERWORTH; consisting of a Messuage or Tenement, now in the Occupation of Edward Bishop; a large Barn, good Stable, farm- Yard, and a good . Garden, weil planted with choice Fruit Trees, & c. The GRAIN, &- c. consists of one Stack of Barley, a small Stack of old Wheat and Oats, a Rick of Hay, a Crop of Turnips, about four Acres, the Lattermath of about five Acres, latter Keep of about 13 Acres, and two Quantities of Potatoes, growing, some Fleakesand Hurdles, and a Quantity of Manure. The LIVE STOCK consists of two Milch Cows, one Feeding Ditto, 32 Shearhogs, on Draught Horse, and one Hacknev Horse. The IMPLEMENTS in HUSBANDRY, Sec. con- sist of one Narrow- wheel Waggon, one Six- inch Cart, a double Plough, and single Ditto, Pair of Harrows, and W innowing- Fan, with sundry other useful Articles in Husbandry. ( pT The Sale of the Land and Houses will begin about Three o'Clock on Tuesdry Afternoon, and the other Articles at Ten o'Clock on Wednesday Morning. BIRMINGHAM MUS C.- VL FESTIVAL, FOR. THE BF.\ EF1T OF THE GENERAL HOSPITAL. Under the Patronage and Direction of The Right Hon. the EARL of AYLESFORD; And under the Patronage of The MARQUIS of HERTFORO, The EARL of DARTMOUTH, The EARL of WARWITX, The EARL of CRAVEN, LORD VISCOUNT DUDLEY and WARB, LORD WILLOUOHBT DE BROKE, LORD MIDDLETON, LORD BRADFORD, SIR JOHN MORDAUNT, Bart. SIR E. C. HARTOPP, Bart. M. P. DUGDALE S. DUODALE, Esq. M. P. CHARLES MORDAUNT, Esq. M. P. HENEAGE LEGCE, Esq. AT ST. PHILIP'S CHI RCH, on WEDNESDAY MORNING the 2d of OCTOBER, A SERMON will be preached by the Rev. GILBERT BERRISFORD, A. M. Rector of Bcdworth, Warwickshire, and of Saxelby, Leicestershire, and Chaplain to the Right Hon. the Earl of Aylesford.— In the Course of th* Service will be performed, the GRAND TE DEUM, by Purcel; the HUNDREDTH PSALM; ANTHEM, " Blessed is he '— Boyce; and the CORONATION ANTHEM. On THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 3, at ST. PHILIP'S CHURCH, The MESSIAH. On FRIDAY MORNI NC, OCTOBER 4, at ST. PHILIP'S CHURCH, A GRAND SELECTION of SACRED MUSIC; consisting of the most beautiful RECITA- TIVE'S, AIRS, and CHORUSSIS, from the Oratorios of HANDEL, and HAYDN'S Oratorio of Creation. On WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, and FRIDAY EVEN- INGS, at the THEATRE, will be GRAND MIS- CELLANEOUS CONCERTS: In which will be introduced the finest Overtures and Symphonies of Haydn and Mozart; Concertantes ; Concertos on the Violin, Violoncello, Double Bass, Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, anil French Horns ; and the most favourite Songs, Duetts, Glees, and Chorusses, which have been performed at tlie King's Concerts, and Vocal Concerts in London. Principal Singers engaged. Mrs. BILLINGTON, MTS- VAUCHAN ( late Miss Tennant,) FANNY Ross MELVILLE; Mr. HARRISON, Mr. VAUGHAN, Mr.. W. KNYVSTT, and Mr. BARTLEMAW. Instrumental Performers. Mr. F. CRAMER, Leader; Mr. Clark, principal Second Violin; Mr. J. Lindley, principal Tenor; Mr. R. Lindley, ditto Violoncello; Signor Dragonetti, ditto Double Bass ; Mr. A ,, E, ditto Flute; Mr. Erskine, ditto Oboe; Mr. Mahon, ditto Clarionet; Mr. Holmes, ditto Bassoon ; Messrs. Petrides, French Horns? Mr. Hyde and Mr. ( antelo, Trumpets; Mr. Flack, Mr. Dressier, and Mr. Zwtnghani, Trombones; and Mr. Jenkinson, Double Drums; Messrs. Moralt, Boyce, T. Holmes, Dr. Baker, Evans, Sturge, Marshall, Wagner, Venur, Rudge, Sanders, Risch, Lefebvre, Fletchers, Simms, Stanley, Webster, & c.— The Whole conducted by Mr. GREATOREX, TVho • will preside at the Organ and Piano- Forte. The Gentlemen of the Private Concerts will give their Assistance; and the other Parts of the Band will be filled by the most approved Performers in the Kingdom. « To make the Chorusses grand and full, Chorus Singers are engaged from the King's Concert, the Lancashire Choral Societies, and the Worcester and Litchfield Choirs. The whole Orchestra will consist of up/. ards of a hundred and twenty Performers. There will be BALLS each Evening at the Assembly- Roorr. at the Shakespear Tavern. The ORDINARY on the first Day ( Wednesday) will be at the Stork Tavern ; on Thursday at the' Royal Hotel; and on Friday at the Shakespear Tav- rn. G3" The Performers are desired to be at BIRMING- HAM on MONDAY AFTERNOON, the SOth of SEP. fEMBER. South- Doom Sheep, < 5r. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By J. MALDEN, On Monday the 7th Day of October, 1805, at Eleven o'Clock, on the Premises of the Right Hon. Lord ONGLEY, at the Farm situate near the Church, at OLD- WARDEN, Bedfordshire, NE hundred and fifty very fine SOUTH- DOWN EWES and THEAVES, and 150 EWES and WETHER LAMBS, in high Condition, and 40 STORE HOGS. [ CiT Catalogues ot the above may be had six Days before the Sale, at the Red- Lion, Luton; Cock, Hitchin; White- Horse, Baldock; Crown, Royston; White- Lion, St. Neots; George, Bugden, and Bed- ford; Kiag's- Arms, Ampthill; White- Hart, Shef- ford; of Mr. Neal, on the Premises; and of the Auc- tioneer, Biggleswade. *** Credit will be given for the Sheep until the 11th Day ot December, 1805, on approved Security. Live and Daad Stock, Household- Furniture, For S A L E by AUCTION, By MASO'N & SON, On Monday the 7th of October, and following Day, on the Premises of the late Mr. EDWARD i MANNING, of EAST HADDON, in the County of Northampton, deceased ;" CONSISTING of two Wageons, two Carts, two Ploughs, large and small Harrows, Roll, Fan, with other Barn Tackle; Sacks, Sec. ; five Draught Horsas, one barren Cow, fat Sheep, 51 Shearhogs and Theaves, Sow, and four Store Pigs; Harness for eight Horses; Lead Horse- Trough, Malt- Garner, and Corn ditto; Corn- Binns, Cow and Sheep- Cribs, Ladders,* Hurdles,, and Fire- Wood ; Barrel- Churn, Milk- Leads, with other Dairy Utensils; old Iron, Sec. ; also about 203 Lots of HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE; consisting of Bedsteads and Bed- ding ; Chairs, Tables, and Drawers; Bureau ; Bed and Table Linen; Clock; Kitchen - Furniture; Brewing and Washing Coppers; Brewing . Vessels and Casks; Glass Hetties, with sundry other Articles. ftjf* The Sale to commence each Morning at Ten o'Clock; the- Farming- Stock on the first Day, and Furniture the second. N. B. All Persons who have any Claims or De- mands on the Estate and Effects of EDWARD MANNING, late of EAST- HADDON, in the County of Northampton, Grazier, deceased, are requested to transmit the same forthwith to his Executors, Mr. John Walker, of Great- Brington; and Mr. William Dunkley, of Kislingbury, in the same County; or to Mr Bus. vell, Solicitor, Northampton; in order that i he same- may be discharged.— And all Persons any Ways indebted to the Estate of the said Edward Manning, are desired immediately to pay their re- spective Debts tcf his said Executors, or to the said Mr. Buswell. BEDFORDSHIRE. Great Tythes, Manorial Rights, and Farm, Between BIGGLESWADE and HITCHIN. To be S O L D bv AUCTIO N, By Mr. ROBINS, At Garraway's ' Coffei- House, ' Change- Alley, Corn- hill, London, on Tuesday tils first of October, at Twelve o'Clock, in two Lots, Lot 1. rpHE GREAT TYTHES of CORN, .1. GRAIN, and HAY arising from Lands, comprising the whole Parish ot LANGFORD; con- taining upwards of 2000 Acres, 1600 of which are in Cultivation, and Meadow, Part inclosed, the Re- mainder in open Fields, lett in one Sum, with the 43 Acres undermentioned, to Messrs. Norman Se Thody, who have Notice to quit at Lady- Day, 1806 Also the MANORIAL RIGHIS of the said RECTORY, with Fines, Quit- Rents, & c. forming a valuable and improvable Property. Lot 2. An ESTATE, Parr Ereehold, Part Copv. hold, in the Parish of LANGFORD; comprising a small Farm, by Estimation 43 Acres, of Meadow and Arable Land. May be viewed by applying to Messrs. Nor. man & Thody, the Tenants, at Broom, near Biggies wade; William Wilshere, Esq. at Hitchin, or whom Particulars may be. had; and ot Mr. Thomas Trumper, Harefield, near Uxbridge; also at the Red- Lion and Green- Man, Barnet; Salisbury - Arms, Hatfield; White- Horse, Baldock ; Swan, Stevenage; Cock- Eaton; White- Hart, Biggleswade; Swan, Bedford; George, Northampton; George, Woburn; SugarJ Loaf, Dunstable; at Garraway's; and of Mr. Robins, Warwick- Street, Golden- Square, London. Valuable Lire Stock, Implements in Husbandry, 4- c. To be SOLD by A U C T I O N, By RICHARD SMITH, On the Premises, at HADDON, near Stilton, Hunt- ingdonshire, on Monday tl) e 7th Day ot October, 1805, and following Day, at Ten o'Clock each Day, THE LIVE and DEAD STOCK, and sundry I. other EFFECTS, of Mr. JOHN ROWELL ' who is leaving his Farm); comprising 180 Ewes, 96 Theaves, 20 fat Sheep, 80 Shearlings, and 194 Lambs; six stout Cart Horses, six Years old; two Ditto, five Years old; two Ditto, four Years old; two Ditto, three Years old; two Ditto, aged; one Mare, six Years old ; one Ditto, aged; two yearling Colts; one Filley Foal; a very stout Nag Horse, six Years old, steady in Harness, and a good Goer; six milch Cows, six fat Beasts, 12 Three and Two- year- old Steers and spayed Heifers, and five Yearlings; one Six- inch Wheel Waggon ( Iron Arms), four stout Nar- row- wheel Waggons, six Six- inch Wheel Cans, two capital Rolls, Ploughs, Harrows, Cribs, tw<? Dress- ing- Machines ( by Blackwell), capital Harness for 18 Horses, eight Dozen of Sacks, 13 Dozen of Trays, sweet Iron- bound Pipes, Churn, Milk- Leads, and other Elfocts. CO" Six Months' Crdit will be given for all Bar- gains of or above £. 5, upon approved joint Security, or a legal Discount allowed on prompt Pay. *** Catalogues may be had ten Davs previous to the Sale, ' on the Premises; at the Bell, Stilton ; Golden Lion, Peterborough; Spread Eagle, and .( t the Printing- Office, Huntingdon; of Mr. Bell, O » . die; and. of the Auctioneer, at the Swan, l'hrapsto •; who respectfully informs the Public the above Pro- perty will be sold without Reserve, and is : nlsr worthy ot Attention. In the Vale of Aylesbury.— With immediate tosses u. > » . To be SOL D by AU C T I O N, By Mr. RAINE, At the Rainbow Coffee- House, in Cornhill,- London, Oil Friday the 18th of October, at Twelve o'Cloik, in one Lot, by Order of the Trustees under a Noble- man's Will, A Valuable FREEHOLD and TYTUF.- FREE DAIRY FARM, with a Portion of Land in Tilkgc; containing altogether 212 Acres, called DUNSTER HILL, Situate in CHARNDON, in the Parish of Twv FORD, between the great Reads leading from AYLESBURY to BUCKINGHAM, and AYLESBURY to BICESTER; the principal Part now, and for many Years past, in the Occupation of Mr. William Lambourne. ( FT" The House and Homestead are on a pleasing r Eminence, commanding a View of the greater Part [ of the Lands, which lie to a warm Aspect, and may j be still further enriched by < 1;- first of all Improve- ments in Agriculture, the Floodings and fine Drain- j ings of the Cowhou es, Yards, and Offices, being j brought over the Meadows and Pastures of the Estate. I -* » * To be viewed till the Sale, by Leave of Mr. Lambournc*, of- whom, on the 25th . lastant, printed Particulars may be had; also at the Cobham- Arms, Buckingham; King's- Arms, Bicester.; George, Ayles- bury; White- Horse, Uxbridge; Rose, Watford; of the Printers ot the Northampton, Oxford, & Reading Papers; of G. B. Ty. nda'e, Esq. I. incoln's- lnn- Fields ; andof Mr. Carter, Staple Inn, London ; Mr. Hollier, at Thame ; Rainbow Coffee- House ; and of Mr, Raine, Land- Surveyor, Charlotte- Street, Bloomv buty, where a Plan may be seen. U>; DAT ON RD, | Of kht the by * ir. f's ! D A - OS N- S. be of he > e, ite ve sal y. > s n, l. to, r. >] e r. r. s, ie IS e d it * J I Friday and Saturday's Posts. LO N D O N, September 27- INthe last Foreign Papers, brought by the Ham-, burgh Mail which arrived yesterday, we have die Imperial rescript or answer to the French note delivered by M. Bacher to the Diet at Ratisbon. It recites,- in strong but temperate and dignified language, the- almost uninterrupted series of agressions of the French Government; but, at the same time, it professes the sincere desire of the two Imperial Courts to avert the calamities of war, by commeucing a negociatiou upon a fair and equitable basis. The principles upon which the Allied Powers declare themselves determined to act, if they find themselves compelled to have recourse to hostilities, are conformable to the dignity of their character and the justice of their cause." They declare, in the most solemn manner, that they have no intention whatever of interfering in the internal affairs of France; that they will not make any alterations in the Constitution of the Germanic Body; and, so far from having formed anv plans for the dismemberment of Turkey, they in the most distinct and solemn manner guarantee the integrity of that Empire, Finally, they declare that the sentiments of Great- Britain are conformable with those expressed by themselves, and that she has* displayed the same moderate disposition lor the restoration of " peace between her and France. Prussia still endeavours to effect an armed neu- trality for itself and certain of tlitf'Northera States, but the sueccss of its attempts are still doubtful.— Hanover is certainly evacuated. It has been the custom for some time past, to appoint the first- drawn Tickets on particular days . in the drawing of a Lottery,' to receive, t( ie Capita! Prizes, and in some Lotteries nearly all the great Prizes have been so determined, which does not appear to' have met the. public approbation; on this account, the Contractors'for the approaching Lottery have fixed but three, out of the whole number. This and other judicious regulations, in all of which the public interest has been consulted, liave increased the sale beyond example. WANTED, at Michaelmas next, A YOUNG LADY, as an APPRENTICE at a BOARDING- SCHOOL in the Country. ( FT For Particulars, apply to Mr. W. LOFTUS, Stationer, Banbury. ALADY of unexceptionable Character and Connections, wishes to engage as COMPANION or HOUSEKEEPER to a Lady or Gentleman. Sa- lary will not be an Object.— The Advertiier is. of a kind and cheerful Disposition, and has no Objection to a retired Lilt:. ( tCT' I'or further Particulars, apply to FREEMAN & VVnnwoRTH, Northampton; if by Letter, Post- paid. September 27//', 1805. "" ANTED, A SITUATION as" HOUSE- KEEPER to a single Lady or Gentleman, where one Maid. Servant or more is kept, by a WI DO W WOMAN of Respectability, middle- aged, who can give undeniable References as to Character, and is capable of superintending a Family, having been a Housekeeper herself for manv Years. Letters ( Post- paid), addressed to the Printers of this Paper, will be duly attended to.* " Vi ' ANTED immediately, Ah ASSISTANT to V V a I) RAPE R.— One who has been used to tlia Country Trade, will be preferred. jtr Letters addressed ( Post- paid) to Mr. WEBB, Bookseller, Bedford, will be attended to. COMMITTEE. GENERAL INFIRMARY, NORTHAMPTON, SEPTEMBER 21, 1805. rpHE Death of the Matron of the General 3 Infirmary at Northampton having taken Place, the Governors intend proceeding, to the Election of another Matron on SATURDAY the 5th Day of OCTO- BER next. ( CS" Applications for the Office of Matron to this Infirmary will continue to be received by Mr. INC- MAN, their Secretary, till SATURDAY the 5th Day of OCTOBER, instead of the 21st of SEPTEMBER, as before advertised. By Order of the Committee, S. ISTED, Chairman. To the GOVERNORS, & C. of the GENERAL IFTFRRMARY, NORTHAMPTON. LADIES and GENTLEMEN, HE Office of MATRON to the GENERAL IN- FIRMARY in this Town being Vacant by the Death ot Mrs. J. BROAD, permit me ( as I can be very respectably recommended) to solicit your Votes and Interest to succeed her; and if, through your Patronage, I should be so happy as to obtain the Situation, I hope I shall, by an unremitting Assi- duity, and a conscicntious Discharge of its various and important Duties, continue to deserve your good Opinion. I am Your much obliged, Most obedient humble Servant, ANN STIMPSON. Northampton, Sept. ,1' lth, 1805. @ C3" The Day of Election is fixed for SATURDAY the 5th of OCTOBER next. T T To the GOVERNORS, & C. of the GENERAL LNHRMAKV, I\ I0RTHAMPT0N. LADIES and GENTLEMEN, H15 Oilice of MATRON ' to the GENERAL IN- FIRMARY M this Town being vacant by the Death of Mrs. J. BROAD, permit me to otter myself as a Candidate, and iti soiicir your Votes and lmerest to succeed her, fully a war: that an unremitting At- tention and a faithfu", and active Zeal in the Perform- ance of the many Duties of that important Station, are th- best Recommendation, arid the only Means or preserving your future good Opinion and Patronage, lam Your much obliged. And moot obedient humble Servant, SARAH MANSFIJELD. Northampton, 21 if Sept. 1S05. ( pf" ' Ihe Day of Election is fixed for SAT- JRDAY the FIFTH Dav of OCTOBER next. A.\ 7 ANTED immediately, A JOURNEYMAN * V BUTCHER, who can be well recommended, gitf Enquire of Mr. FOLWELL, Pattishall, near Towcester, Northamptonshire. AN TED, Two Journeymen MILLWRIGHTS, who may meet with constant Employ and good Wages, by appiying to WILLIAM REYNOLDS, Mill- wright, Long- Buckby, Northamptonshire. ' * ' a BAKER.— enquire of JOHN WANTED, An Apprentice to For further Particulars, en BAKER, Fioedon, Northamptonshire. BAILIFF. •\\ TANTED, A SITUATION as BAILIFF to a » V NOBLEMAN or GENTLEMAN, by a Person who has been some Years in that Capacity, and can pro- cure Testimonials of his Abilities. Letters ( Post- paid) addressed to A. B. at the Printers of this Paper, will be attended to. IMPERIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Sutf- CouiiT, CORNHILL, and No. 5, Sr. JAMES'S- STREET, LONDON;; For insuring Houses and other Bui/ dings, Goods, tVares, and Merchandises, and Manufacturing Stock; and Ships, Barges, and other Vessels, in Port or in Dock, and Goods on Beard the same ; also Ships and other Vessels, building or repairing; also Barges a d other Vessels on navigable Rivers, Canals, and other Inland Navigations, and Goods on Board thereof; from Loss or Damage by Fire. JM1K IMPERIAL INSURANCE COMPANY I having appointed Mr. JAMES ESSEX their AGENT for NORTHAMPTON and its Vicinity, inform the Public, their Terms of Insurance will f> e found equal ( if not. superior) to any other Office ; and their Mode of insuring Farming Stock in general peculiarly accommodating. Policies and Stamps gratis. BELLAMY'S BANKRUPTCY^ A T the Request, of several of the Creditors of xY JOHN BELLAMY and EDWARD BEL- LAMY, both late of BRIGSTOCK, in the County of Northampton, Butchers and Co- Partners, Bankrupts, the Solicitor under this Commission will attend at the DUKE'S- AHMS INN, in BRIGSTOCK aforesaid, on MONDAY the 7th Day of OCTOBER next, at Mine o'Clock in the Forenoon, to take the'Affidavits of | Debt of such of the Creditors of the said Bankrupts who cannot conveniently attend the first or subsequent Meetings of the Commissioners at Northampton, to prove the same. Northampton, Sept. 28th, 1805. SQUARE, NORTHAMPTON. MR. and Miss FREAKE respectfully Inform . their Friends and the Public, their PUPILS' B\ I. L' will be in NOVEMBER.— The particular Time will be inserted in a future Paper. ffST'Mr. and Miss FREAKE continue teaching the most fashionable DANCING and STEPS, from Me srs. JENKINS, WILLS, and other MASTERS, now in Vbtue, at their ACADEMY, in the SQUARE, NORTHAMPTON, every WEDNESDAY, from Ten to Six o'clock.— Private Families attended on their usual Terms. N. B. Schools, not exceeding twelve Miles from Northampton, attended every Week. Sept. 18th, 1805. Valuable Live Stock, fyc. To be SOLD by AUCTIO N, By JAMES ROGERS, On Tuesday the 1st Day of October, 1805, at Ten o'Clock, on the Premises of Mr. John I. aughto at GRENDON, near Castle- Ashby, in the County of Northampton ( who is leaving me of his Farms); CCONSISTING of 40 Ewes and Lambs, and 30 ^ Shearltogs and Thcaves; three Dairv Cows, six Stirks and two Calves; two useful Draught Mares; Harness tor tinee Hordes, two Waggons, one Cart, and a Cart Bod) ; large Corn- Binn; Field- Roll ( lately new); Ploughs, Harrows, Cow and Sh'eep- Cribs; Lead Hor e- Trough; Mart. Mill; capital Gun; 3a. Gallon Coppe and ( irate ; Mash Vat and other Tubs; Pipe, Hogshead, aiidsoia. l Cask.; f ive- dozen Chum, four Mi'k-. i. ea. ts, Cheese- Pre.- s, Milk- Pails, & c ; a ca- pital Smoke- Jack nearly new); Chairs, Tables, and iv tell n Requisites ill Copper, Brass, and Tin. Also, the Keep of 72 Acres of Pasture and Stubble till ihe 21st Day of December next, in Lots. . Valuable Live Stock, 4' c. To he SOLD by AUCTION, By J AMES' ROGERS, On Fridav the 4th Dav of October, 1805, on the Pre- nvstSs of sir. THOS. RADBORNE, of GRENDON, near Castle- Ashby, in the County of Northampton, ( who is retiring from Business;) C » ON SIS riNG of 11 Dairy Cows and 20 Sheep ; / one Wiggtjn; two. Carts, a Field- Roll, Ploughs, Harrows, Harness complete for four Horse. i, Winnow- ing- Fan, Cow- Cribs, Hog- Troughs, Ladders, & c. Brewing Copper, Iron- bound. Casks, Mash- Vat, and other l'ubs; Milk- Leads, Cream- Cans, & c.— The HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE consists of Parlour and Kitchen Chairs, Mahogany Dining and Oak Tables, capital Thirtv- hour Clock, a large Quantity of Pew- ter, Kitchen Grate, a capital Gun, with various. other Articles. Also, the Keep of about 90 Acres of Pasture and Stubble till the 21st of December next, in Lots. ( j" 3T The Sale to commence at Ten o'Clock. — NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. IN Pursuance of an Art of Parliament passed in | the 4Id Year of His present Majesty's Reign, intit/ ed, " An Act for attending tlic Laus relating " to the Militia in England, and for augmenting " the Militia," Notice is hireby given, That a General Meeting af the Lieutenancy oj the said County trill be held at the GEORGE INN, in the Town of NORTH- AMPTON, on TUESDAY the 8ih Day of OCTOBER next, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon. By Order of the. Right Honourable Charles Earl of Northampton, Lord- Lieutenant of the said County, CHARLES MAKKHAM, Clerk of the General Meetings. Northampton, 25th Sept. 1805. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE YEOMANRY CAVALRY. Notwithstanding former Orders, the undermentioned five Troops only, viz. the ALTHORP, i NORTHAMPTON, WELLINGBO- ROUGH, TOWCESTER, and WYMERSLEY, will meet for Exercise at FTORTHAMPTON, OHMONDAY the 30th instant, as before appointed; the Attend- ance of the Daventry Troop on this Occasion being dispensed with.— The five Troops will continue in Qtmiters but two Days instead of three ; and are to be. inspected by Lieutenant- Colonel Corbett, on Tuesday the 1st of October. SPENCER, Colonel. We are. Iwppy W have it in'our power. cwtr,-:. municate to our readers, upon the best authority; intelligence of the most important and satisfactory nature:— The Elector of Bavaria has joined the Coalition against France, and has ordered his arm-, consisting of 30,000 men, to join the Austrian forces.—' A treaty lias been signed between his Imperial Majesty and the Elector, in which tiis former pledges himself not to consent to any peace in which the interests of the latter are not secured, and the integrity of his dominions main- tained.— Sun. The Forte has given orders to increase its forces both by sea and laud. • PRICE OF Hank Stock 197J 7- 6 3 per Ct. Red. 3 per Ct. Cons. 4 per Ct. Cons. 5 per Ct. Navy sh. SSJJ} sn. 8si STOCKS. , Imp. 3per Cents India Stock India Bonds Exc. Bills Omnium mi lot> sh. par 2dis. . m NORTHAMPTON, • SATURDAY EVENING, Sept. 28. MARRIED.] On Wednesday se'nnight, Mr. Thos. Lloyd, merchant, of Birmingham," to Miss NORTHAMPTON VOLUNTEER CAVALRY. S. Whitehead, of Warwick. rpHE Gentlemen of the Troop of NORTH- Lately, Mr. Win. Salisbury, of Ashbv- de- la- L AMPTON VOLUNTEER CAVALRY are Zouch, in L « icesi ® rsliire; to JVliss Bryan, eldest requested to assemble, in exercising Order, on the j daughter of the late Air. J. Bryan, of Pisteru- liill, on MONDAY the ; Derbyshire, On luesday last, at St. Pancras Church, Lon* MARKET- HILL, in NORTHAMPTO 30th Instant, at Half- past Ten in the Forenoon; the I Roll to be called precisely at Eleven. WILLIAM KERR, Captain- Commandant. 20th Sept. 1805, $- 3 The Troop will remain embodied till Wednes- day the2d of October next. be SOLD by AUCTION, By A. BROWNS GRAVE, On Wednesday next, October 2d, 1805, at the Sign of the White- Lion, at DUSTON, near Northamp on, j_£ OUSl'. lIOLD - FURNITURE, BREWING don, Lieutenant B. Mills, of the Second Royal Regiment of the Tower Hamlets Militia, . to Miss Francis, of this town. Same day,. Mr. Francis Parsons, of this place, to Mrs. Coatcs, of Barnwell, in tiiis county. DIED.] Lately, at Nottingham, at the ad- vanced ai; e of 90, Mrs. Strah Cheslyn, the last remaining of sir maiden sisters,' daughters of the late Robert Cheslyn, Esq. of JLaiigley- iiail, Lti- L respectfully to inform the Nobilitv, Gentry, I cestershire. his Friends, that his PUPILS' BaLl is now I On Saturday se'nnight, at Burt m- Ov'ery, Lei- ccstcishire, Mr. Asnby, in the 40th year of his Mr. M'KORKELL's PUPILS' BALL, At the GEORGE INN ASSEMBLV- ROOM, NORTH- ' ' ' AMPTON, ' Thursday Evenins, November 21st, 1805. jyjTt. M'KORKELL has the Honour most and fixed for THURSDAY EVENING, the TWENTY- FIRST of NOVEMBER ; and will consist of tile greatest Va- riety of fashionable Dances, Particulars of which will be given in due Time. ( pT Tile Orchestra will consist of a numerous Band of the best Performers.— The Grand Pedal H. arp by Mr. CHALLONER. *** The next Quarter commences at the ACADEMY, on THURSDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER the .' id. To be SOL D by A U C T I O N, By ANDRE IV GARDNER, On the Premises, on Wednesday, October the 2.1, 18P5, UTENSILS, See. i.. consisting of Bedsteads, j ' THE genteel and modern IIOUSEHOLD- FUR- Beds, and Bedding; Tables and Chairs; Bullet and NITURE, BREWING UTENSILS, POST- Cor. ner Cupboards; Kitchen and Bath- Grates, and ! CHAISE and HARNESS, neat GIG, THREE NORTHAMPTON PAVING STOCK. NOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of the Commissioners for Paving, Cleansing, Lighting, and Watching the Town of Northampton, will be held at the GUILDHALL of the said Town, on TUESDAY the FIRST Day of OCTOBER next, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, when the Treasurer will attend to pay the Interest which will become due to . the Proprietorsof Paving Stock the 29th of September instant. CHARLES MARKHAM, Clerk to the Commissioners. Northampton, Sept. 28th, 1805. W SII E P H E R D. WANTED, as SHEPHERD, A steady MAN, who knows his Business, and can produce a good Character. A married Man would be preferred, as the most likely to settle and remain in his Place, there being a comfortable Cottage in the Midst of his Business. Also, A middle- aged WOMAN, as COOK ; one who understands the Business of a Farm- House, and could be trusted with the Management of it. ( fT Apply to Mr. TAYLOR, at the Magpye, Wrburn. X/ S/" ANTED, A COOK, in a small Family in V f BEDFORD. She must understand her Business thoroughly as Cook, and likewise undertake a small Part ol the Household Work. There is no Washing done at Home. For further Particulars, apply at M. W. WILSON'S, Esq. Potter- Street, Bedford. ~ iianninuton " statute, For Hiring of Sa vants, ILL he held at the Oi l) Mil t.- Sroj: j-:, on FRIDAY the 4th Day of OCTOBER, 1805. DA V KNTRY STATU IT, For HIRING of SERVANTS, " 1\ 71LL BE held at the Piouofi AND BELI. INN, V T IN D \ VENTRY, on MONDAY the 7th ol OCTOBER, 1805.— Dinner on tlv Tablcat Oneo'Clock. gSf' The Constables of Fawsley Hundred are desired to attend lo pay their Quarterage Money. *" ESCAPED tiioM JUSTICE, EORGE DOBSON, late Servant to Mr. 5 JOHNSON, of TWICKLTTS MILL, near Towces- ter, aeed 28 Vears, about five Feet ten Inches high, fresh Colour, grey Eyes, light sandy Hair, and very brba.' l- sct made. <' f3" Whoever will give Information of the said GEORGE DOBSON to Messrs. WOOD and BROWN, the Con tables of Towcester, so that he may be appre- hended, shall be handsomely rewarded lor their Trou- ble, and have all Expences paid. Towcester, Sept. 28it, 1805. SEPTEMBER 27th, 1805. J" OST, at or near the White- Horse, in Ki. vos- _ J THORVE, near Northampton, or between there and the High- Street, about Six o'Clock in the Evening of Tuesday the 24th Instant, A SILVER WATCH, with two Cyphers on the Case. Whoever has found the same, and will bring it to the White- Horse, at Kingsthorpe aforesaid, shall receive HAI, I'- A- GUINEA REWARD. AUGUST 13, 180.5. 3" OST, or STOLEN, the following BEDFORD . J BANK NOTES, viz. No. 5106, Value £. 10; and No. 5774, Value £. 5. 03" It is requested, that any Person who can give Information respecting them, will apply to Mr. RAWLINS, Postmaster, Bedford; or to Mr. DODD, Postmaster, Woburn. . HARPOI. E, 08th Sept. 1805. WHEREAS a spayed WELCH HEIFER was LEFT at the RED LION, in HAMOLE FIELD, on May the 4th, 1805: This is to give Notice, if the Owner does not fetch her away within fourteen Days from the Date hereof, she will be sold to defray the Expence of keeping. ' To he SOLD, ACapital STEAM- ENGINE, of 12- Horse Power, by BOLTON & WATT. (£ 3" For further Particulars, auid to treat for the same, apply to THOMAS FROST, Cotton- Mill, North- ampton. To be SOLD, rjlHREE CLOSES of rich PASTURE and .. L ARABLE LAND, in the Parish of COL- LINGTREE, in the County ol Northampton, ad- joining the Town, containing by Estimation 40A. 3R. ( more or less), now in the Occupation of Mr. John C larks. jJ3" Enquire of Mr. WM. DUNKLFY, of Kisling- bury; or Mr. ABBEY, Solicitor, Northampton., ~ Will c- house" To be SOL D, qpiIAT old- accustomed PUBLIC- HOUSE, called I the RED LION, now in full Trade, situate in Js'- jrtcft, in the Parish of Guilsborough, in the County of Northampton; with good Cellar Room, convenient Brewhouse, Stable, Outhouses, a Pump of excellent Water, and Gaidcn adjoining, in the Occupation ot John i. ong, who is going to retire from the Public Business. Also, a TENEMENT in the Yard adjoining the said PublicHoucc, in the Occupation of James John- son. Possession of the Public- House may be had immediately ; and the Household- Furniture and Stock in Trade tai: en at a tail Appraisement. %* For further Particulars and to treat for the Pur- chase, apply to the said John Long, or to Mr. Theo. Jeyes, Solicitor, Northampton. ~ ~~ road" meeting. rjTre next Meeting of the Trustees of the 6 Turnpike- Road leading from the Town of North- ampton to Newport- Pagnell, in tile County of Bucks, will be held at the NF. W INN, at FIACKLETON, in the County of Northampton, on MONDAY the 14th Day of OCTOBER next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon. f£ 3f' Dinner at Two o'Clock. ROBT. ABilEY,. Clerk to the Trustees. Northampton, Sept. 2" ithy 1805.' WIUSLOW, Sept. 4, 1.80£>. " VJOTICE is hereby given, That the next Half- yearly M « etinz of the Trustees of the Turnpike- Road leading from Wendover to Buckingham, in the County of Bucks, will be held at the BELL INN, in WINSLOW, in the said County, on FRIDAY the rouRTii Day of OCTOBER next, at Eleven of the Clock in the forenoon. LANCELOT WYATT, clerk to rm> Trustees of the said Turnpike- Roau. TURNPIKE - TOLLS TO LETT, ON THE BRACELET ROAD. XT OTIC E is hereby g'iven, That the TOLLS to - LN arise at the Toll- Gate at FARTHINGHOE, in the County of Northampton, upon the Turnpike- Road leading from Buckingham through Brackiey, to join the Daventry Turnpike- Road near Banbury, to- gether with such other Tolls as will be collected at the BANBURY BRIDGE- GATE, for the Use of Brackiey Road, pursuant to the Act for making the said Tuni- pike- Road, will be LETT by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, on MONDAY the_ 21st Day of OCTOBER next, at the RED- LION INN, in BRACKLF. Y aforesaid, between the Hours of Eleven and Five in the After- noon, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of His present Majesty's Reign, for regu- lating Turnpike- Roads; which Tolls produced last Year ninety Pounds above the Exper. ce of collecting, and will be put up at that Sum. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must at the same Time pay one Month's Rent in Advance, and ( five Security for Payment of the Residue at such Times as the Trustees shail direct. And at such Meeting new Trustees will be elected and chosen in the Room of those that are dead ot refuse to act. GEORCK TJSOMAS, Clerk. KTZc}, lry, - tL- i fiyr. ft* Crane; Plated and Pewter Measures; Copper and Brass; Glass and Stone- ware; a Hogshead Brewing- Copper; Mash- Vat, Cooler, and Tubs; sweet Iron- bound Pipes and Hogsheads. ( jdi" Sale to begin in the Morning at Ten o'Clock. To he SO L D l7v AUCTION, By EDIVARD NEALE, On Tuesday the 8th Day of October, 1805, at the House of Mr. Cave, the Sign of the Shoulder- of- Mutton, in Rugby, in the County of Warwick, between the Hours of Three and Six o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to Conditions of Sale then to be produced, either in one or more Lots, rpWO CLOSES of exceeding rich GRAZING 1_ LAND, lying in the Lordship of Easenhall, in the County aforesaid, now in the Tenure of Mr. Barnes; and, a HOMESTEAD, adjoining the said Town of EASENHALL, now in the Tenure of Mr. John Cattle, of Easenhall. The said Homestead and two Closes contain about 13 Acres, or thereabouts, be the same more or less. ( fT For a View ot the said Closes and Homestead, apply to the Tenants; and for further Particulars, to Mr. Fox, Attorney at Law, Rugby. Neat Cuttle, Sheep, tfc. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By EDIVARD NEALE, On Wednesday the 9th Day of Octobef, 1805, on the Premises or Mr. JOSEPH VvALLlN, ot H'dley, in the County of Warwick ( who leaves his Farm at Michaelmas next), PARI' of the LIVE and DEAD STOCK, IMPLEMENTS of HUSBANDRY, some DAIRY UTENSILS, & c. & c\— The LIVE and DEAD STOCK consists of eleven exceeding useful Dairy Cows, and a Stirk. Bull, bred by Mr. Rice, of Ashby- de- la- Zouch; 40 Ewes and 37 Shearhogs; two fat Hogs and one strong Pig; one Narrow. wheel Waggon; Double and singie- wheel Ploughs; Ditto Harrows; Horses' Gearing; Pig- Troughs, with numerous other useful Articles. jJ3" The above Sheep and Cows are well bred, and will be found well worth the Attention of Purchasers. ( f3* The Sale to commence at Ten o'Clock in the Morning. To te SOLD by AUCTION, By THACKER ' Sf CARTER, On Tuesday the 8th Day of October, 1805, at the Plough, at Eydon, in the County of Northampton ( removed to that Place for Conveniency of Sale), AQuantity of HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, DAIRY and BREWING UTENSILS, a PLOUGH, BARN TACKLE, & c.; also one Rick of HAY, and about three Acres of LATTERMATH. Also, will be sold, between the Hours of Twelve and Two ( subject to Conditions that will be then pro- duced), ONE CLOSE of rich PASTURE LAND, adjoin- ing the Town of EYDON aforesaid, containing about one Acre; and ONE GROUND in EYDON afore- said, containing about 10J Acres, all Freehold and Tythe- free, late in the Occupation of Mr. Daniel Chambers, deceased; also TWO FREEHOLD TENE- MENTS, situate in EYDON aforesaid, in the Occu- pations ot Widow Quay and Thomas Thornton, La- bourer. ( yif~ For Particulars, anil a View of the same, apply to Mr. JOHN SMALLBONE, at' Farndon, in the said County of Northampton. *** All Persons to whom the said DANIEL CHAM- BERS stands indebted, are desired to send in their Accounts to the said John Smallbone, Executor, in order that tile same may be discharged; and all Persons standing indebted to the said Daniel Chambers, are desired to pay the same to the said John Smallbone. To Bakers, !; c. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Bell Inn, Stilton, in tne County ot Hunting- don, on Wednesday the 9th » .' ay of October next, between the Hours of Five and Seven in the After- noon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be produced, Lot 1. A Capital MESSUAGE, with the Bake- Xl house, Barns, Stables, and other Out- buildings, Yards, Garden, and Homestead, in the Town of STl LTON aforesaid, and adjoining the great Road, now in the Occupation of BracUield Pitts, Baker.— This is S* most desirable Situation lor a Baker. Lot 2. TWO COTTAGES, with the Outbuildings, Yards, and Gardens, near the North End of the Town of STILTON, and adjoining the said Road, now in the Occupation of William Odam and Wm. Johnson. I. otS. TWO COTTAGES, in CHURCH- STRLET, in STILTON, with the Outbuildings, Yards, and Gar- dens adjoining, now in the Occupation of J. Bates and W. Frier. Lot4. DIVERS PIECES or PARCELS of ARA- COWS, and other EFFECTS, of James IVillas, E, q. at EVERSHDLT- CHURCH- KND, in the Countv of Bedford ( who is leaving this Part of the Country); consisting of lofty Four- post, Field, and Half- Tester Bedsteads, with fine white Dimity, Printed Cotton, and Check Furnitures; seasoned' Goose and other Feather Beds, Mattresses, Blankets, and Counter- panes; double and single Mahogany Chest of Draw- ers; Ditto Wardrobe and Bookcase; large Set of Ma- hogany Dining Tables, with circular Ends, 14 Feet long by 4 Feet 8 Inches wide; Ditto Chairs and square Tables; an elegant Pier Glass, in Gold Frame, 4 Feet 2 Inches by 2 Feet 2 Inches; a capital Town- made double- barrelled Gun, by Twigg; Dressing Glasses; Bedside Carpets; Kitchen - Furniture in general; Brass Furnace; Pots, Kettles, & c. ; Tubs; Iron- bound Casks; a large Quantity of Glass Bottles; a Narrow- wheel Cart, with Iron Arms; Plough; Horse Harness'; a 30- Hour Clock and Case; Piano- Forte; and various oilier valuable Articles. The Sale to begin exactly at Eleven o'Clock in the Morning. *** May be viewed the Morning before Sale; and Catalogues had on the Premises; at the Swans Inns, Leighton and Newport; King's- Arms, Ampthili; White- Hart, Dunstable; Bull, tloc'klilie; Navigation Inn, Fenny- Stratford; and of the Auctioneer, Woburn, Beds. To he SOLD by A U C T 1 O N, By ANDREW GARDNER, On the Premises, on Wedne- day, October 9th, 1805, and following Day, THE genteel and useful HOUSEHOLD- FUR- NITURE, BREWING UTENSILS. STOCK in TRADE, and other EFFECTS, of Mr. THOMAS POPE, Joinerand Carpenter, at WOBURN, in the County of Beds (- who is leaving this Part of the Country); consisting of neat Four- post, Field, and Press Bedsteads, with Mahogany Feet Posts, and white Dimity, Printed Cotton, and Check Furni- tures ; seasoned Feather Beds, Mattresses, Blankets, Quilts, and Counterpanes; Bedside Carpets; Win- dow Curtains; Dressing Tables and Glasses, Chest of Drawers, Bureaus, N ight- Tables, & c. in Mahogany and Wainscot; japanned Chairs; neat Desk and Book- case; elegant Chimney and Pier Glasses, in Gold age. Last week, Mrs. King, wife of Mr. Jonathan King, of Beeby, Leicestershire. ( in Tuesday1 se'nhight, Airs. Ncale, relict of John tNeale, Esq. of'Allcsley Park, hear'Coventry. Same day, at Loughbtlrough, in Leicesteishi. e, Mr. R. Shuttlewood, in the 55th vear of his tiL'e. Oil Wednesday se'nnight, at Edgbastou, War- wickshire, aged 63, Mr. j. Harrisijn, farmer, of that place. Same day, Mr. Bever, conlectioner, of Peter- borough. The Rev. WAV. Poley, A. M. of Queen's College, Cambridge, has been preferred to tne rectory of Binton, Warwickshire. A few days since, the Rev. II. Hughes, llead- Master of the Free Grammar- School at Nuneaton, and Chaplain to the Right Hon. the Earl of Grenard, was instituted to the rectory ot' lLu i vick, in this county, by the Bishop ot Peterborough; on his own presentation. Monday se'nnight, John Thorpe, Esq. was elected Mayor of tlie city of Oxford, lor Uic en- suing year. Saturday, Mr. Alderman Parsons was elected Mayor of the borough of Leicester tor tiie vear. ensuing; and Mr. Davenport and Mr. G. Ireland, Chamberlains. Birmingham Musical Festival.— We u. i Io.- m > nd that a very large attendance of the Nornl'tv •'• Gentry of the neighbourhood, is proinjsc 1 >" s meeting. Two new organs will be erected ut : a the occasion; one at St. Philip's Church, i. j Air. England, the organ- builder, and the other a, t , e Theatre, by Mr. Elliot. The whole scheme of the various performances may be seen upon application to the printers of this paper, l he Loyal Birming- ham Volunteers have kindly undertaken to mount guard each day at the Church and Theatre, to preserve order, and keep the avenues to buth places open.— See advertisement. We regret to state, that on Saturday morning, the 14th instant, about ten o'clock, the children of a labourer residing at Southleigh, near Witney, who had been negligently left at. home with fire in the house, the eldest only seven years old, set fire to a large quantity of straw, near the cottage- house, which, together with a'fine new wheat rick, and a barn filled with wheat, was entirely Consumed! Frames; Mahogany Dining, Card, Pembroke, Pillar, The damage, we understand, is estimated at up- and Claw Tables; Ditto Parlour Chairs, with loose j wards of of. 300. c....... French Arm Ditto, covercfiwith Horse Hair; ' Seats a Set of Tea China, complete; fine old China and Glass; Brusselsand Wilton Carpets; a Floor- Cloth, three Yards square; a Bath Kitchen Range, with swing Trevets; a bright Crane, Smoke- Jack, and Copper and Brass Pottage- Pots and Kettles; Kitchen- Furni- ture in general, Brewing and Washing Copper and Grate, Mash- Vat, Deal Cooler, Tubs, & c. ; Iron- bound Hogshead and Half- Hogshead Casks; Salting- Leads ; a Targe Quantity of old Iron, & c. The STOCK consists of a Quantity of clean Deals, Elm Boards, Oak Scantlings, Oak and Elm Trees, Mahogany Plank, and a large Quantity of other useful Stuff; 10 Work- Benches; a neat Tax- Cart and Har- ness, a Narrow- wheel Cart, Horse Harness, and two Saddles and Bridles; a useful Horse; one Rick of Hay, Part of a Rick of old Hay, with various other Articles. (£}" Sale to begin each Morning at Eleven o'C- lock. May be viewed the Mornings before Sale; and Catalogues had at the Swan Inns, Leighton- Buzzard and Newport- Pagneil; King's- Arms, Ampthili; White- Hart, Dunstable; Bull, Hocklitle; Navigation Inn, Fenny- Stratford; and of the Auctioneer, Woburrt, Beds. N. B. All Persons indebted to Mr. POPE, are re- quested to pay their respective Debts immediately to Mr. James Parrot, of Woburn aforesaid, who is duly authorized to rcceive the same; andlall Persons to whom the said Mr. Pope is indebted, are requested to send in their Accounts'without Delay to. the said Mr. Parrot, in order that tbwy may be discharged. LACE- MANUFACTORY^ rj^ IIE Undersigned give Notice, That an ad- I- journed Meeting ot the LA C f'- M ANU FAC- TUREKS will be held at the SWAN INN, NEWPORI PAGNFI. L, on THURSDAY the 3d Day of OCTOBER next, at Eleven O'Clock in the Forenoon ; when the Attendance of every Manufacturer is ps. ticularly re- quested. J. HANDSCOMB, J. H. TALBOT, Sept. Iht, 1805. C. SMITH. On Sunday afternoon, the 15th inst. as a w: oman of the name of Elizabeth Engleson, was drinking tea, in Birmingham, with her child, about two years and a half old, the child pulled the table towards her, and occasioned the tea- pot to fall on her stomach, which scalded her so much that she died the next day. On Wednesday se'nnieht, an inquisition was taken at Alkerton, in Oxfordshire, on the body of Mr. Basely, a grazier, who had been delirious for some time past, and was found hanging in one of the bedchambers in the New Inn public- house. On Saturday last, an inquisition was taken at Stony- Stratford, in the . county of Bucks, before one of tlift Coroners for that county, on view of the body of James Seed, a poor mail, who was travelling on his way from Loudon to Liverpool in . a common- carrier's waggon, and died in it at Stony- Stratford, whilst the waggoner was baiting his horses. Verdict— Vied by the visitation af God. Several Advertisements', r. ot of a temporary nature, are unaVbidably postponed till next week. The Town of Northampton, ? The ASSIZE of BJ> AD ' IO WJT. , set the 2, J. th Hay ot September, 1805, for the said Town, to take P lace on Monday the 30th Day of September, and to b_' in forso seven Days for the said Town of Northampton. lb. oz. dr, The Sixpenny Loaf Wheaten is to weigh .. 1 15 14 Ditto Hous- hold is to weigh .. 2 10 6 TheTwelvepenny Loaf Wheaten is to weigh ' J 15 12 Ditto Household is to weigh 5 4 12 W. GIBSON, Mayor. P R I C E of C O R N per Quarter at Northampton, Saturday, Sept. 28: LONDON, Sept. 28. rJ~, IIE affairs of the Continent are proceeding to BLE LAND, LEY, MEADOW, and PASTURE GROUND, by Estimation 11 Acres, more or less ; . . . six Ley , near William Odam's, with five Cow Com- - I a crisis with the greatest rapidity, Everyday mons, 25 Sheep Commons, and other Appurtenances) brings intelligence of some new measures, which the alo/ esaitl Premises, dispersed in the Fields of, mark the immediate approach of the most vigorous or the A1 lot'men t ^ r ^ t^ trthat^ rb^ n^ i The passage of the Inn, and conse- spect of ihe said Open- Field Property, pursuant to I quent entrance ot the Austrian troops into Bavaria an Act of Parliament for inclosing Stilton, except I ( a circumstance which Bonaparte declared in his such small Pieces of Land ( if any) which may be j Official Note that he would consider as a decla- made necessary to be laid near the said Cottages, for I ration 0f hostilities), lias actually taken place. It the convenient Occupation of the same, and which is js perfectlv certain too that the val^ uard 0f a intended to be sold or to go with ' — < r j > > n Wheat, 64s. to' 92-. Pd. Rye. 42 . Od. to 44>. Barley, 4( K- 0d. lo 43s. Od. Oats, 31s. Od. to 33s. 0d-. • J. GRAFTON, Inspector. Beans, 4 » s. Oil. to 50 « . Od. Peas, 00fc ( Id. to 00s. lid. By the Standard Measure. Corn- F. xchunge, Londm, Friday, Sept. 27. There are considerable supplies of Wheat on hand, but very little new of prime quality, whkh is much in demand; and there being many buyers causes tiiose sample's t. o be very reauv in sale, and at better price. — Rye and Barley continue nearly the same. Russian army, consisting of 100,000 men, die saidCotta'ef- 1 is Pe. rfectly certai » The Land is in the Occupation of Mr. John Pitts' | Russian army, coni , . . ( tT AH the Estates are Freehold.— Mr. Bradfield j entered Gallicia. The Swedes are also in motion, Pitts holds Lot 1 under a I. eas", which will expire and, according to all appearance, will take an on the 25th of October next; the other Tenants hold ' active part. It canuot, therefore, be long before at Will ... , . „ . | we have to announce the effusion of the first blood The Tenants will shew the Premises; and fur-! , • , • . ... , the* Particulars may be known by appiyi to Mr. I sPl1."' , a quarrel, the most'important winch tUe Muucr, Peterborough, ovtlized worid has ever seen. LIST of FAIRS, from Sept. 30 to Oft. 12, within the Circuit of this Paper. M. Sept, 30. Southam and Loughborough. W. Oct. 2. Nottingham, Peterborough, Buckingham, and Davintry. Th. - r-—• 3. Siraijqrd- upon- Avon and IVendover. I T. •——.. 8. Towcester. has I w, 9. Brackity and Chipping. Norton. Tf » . 10. Kettering, Market- Deeping, SheJbrJ, St. ' Ives, Thame, Winslo- w, Lutterworth, Baiiury, Charlbury, and Leicester. F. 11. Fenny- Stratford, lligham - Ferrers, and hcrkhampstead. S, 12. Oundle, Solyhull, Warwick, Aylesbury, Bedford, Dtidington, and Hitchin. gasgggi NOR IHA M PTON SfliRE. A Correct T. ist; ir. alphabetical Order, of thcCER- TI FICATES that have been issued to Persons-{ hot acting as Gamekeepers), by the Clerk of the Peace for the County of Northampton, under the Acts of Parliament of the t wentyififth and thirty- first Years of the Rc'inn of His present Majesty King Cebrge The Third;' the' first intituled, " An Act for re- pealing an Act made in the twenty- fourth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, ' An Act for granting to His Majesty certain Duties on Certificates issued with Respect to the Killing of Game,' and for granting other Duties in' I. ieu thereof;" and the other intituled, " An Act for granting to his Majesty an additional Duty on. Cer- tificates issued with Respect to the Killing of Game;" between the 19th and the 25th Days of September, 1805, both Days inclusive. 1 Dates of tin Names, Residence, and Titles of Certificates. the Persons. Sept. 19th. Adams Thomas, Lower- Heyford, Gent, Brooks William, Norton, Grazier Bollard Wm. Newton- Bromshold, Gent. Bouverie the Hon. Edward, Old Bur- lington- Street, in the County of Mid- dlesex Cattle Wm. Bury- Field, in the Parish of Braunston, Gent. Herbert John, the Younger, Farthing- stone, Gent. Handasyde John, Northampton, Esq. Lovell Arthur, Mears- Ashby, Gent. Luck Wm. the Younger, Overstone, Gent. Langley William, Scaldwell, Gent. Matson Robert, Raunds, Gent. list. 19th. 21st. 23d. 19th. $ lst. 15th. Payne Thomas, Watford, Farmer Sturt Rev. Wm. Aston- le- Walls, Clerk 23d. Stopford the Right Hon. Lord Viscount, Boughton- House 19th. Wedding Thomas, Crick, Farmer Wadsworth John, Welton, Gent. CUR. SMYTII, Clerk of the Peace. J$ y Order of His Majesty's Commissioners for managing the Stamp Ditties, C. E. BERESFORD, Secretary. • —- KMSSftfcfcfVS^ S'V*^ A enrreet List of the Certificates that hare been issued to Gamekeepers by the Clerk of the Peace for tlx County of Northampton, between the 19tb and fbe i5tb Days of September, 1305, both Days inclusive, distinguishing the Duties paid on each respective Cer- tificate. • ON A THREE- GUINEA STAMP. G. Gulliver Joseph, Little- Addington, gamekeeper of Wm. Zouch Lucas Ward, Esq. for the manors of l. ittle- Addington and Great- Addington. Sept. 23. ON A ONE- GUISEA STAMP. B. Bradshaw William, Fotheringhay, Yeoman, game- keeper nf the Rev. Abraham Blackboume, Clerk, the Rev. William Leigh, Clerk, and Brabazon Hallows, John Coclcerill, Samuel Pepys Cockerill, and Charles Cockerill, Esquires, for the manor of Fotheringhay. Sept. 19. L. Lovell Joseph, Sulby, gamekeeper of the Right Hon. John Peyto Lord Willpughby de Broke, for the manor of Sulby. Sept. 24. W. Warren Daniel, Stutchbury, gamekeeper of the Chancellor, Master, and Scholars of the University « f Oxford, for the manor of Stu'chbury. Sept. 19. CHR. SMYTH, Clerk of the Peace. By Order of His MitjeSty's Commissioners for managing the StaniR Duties, C. E. BERESFORD, Secretary. BEDimDSllHtE OA MK- DUTV\ A corrcct List, in alphabetical Order, of the CER- TICATES which have been issued to Persons ( not acting as Gamekeepers) - hy the Clerk of the Peace for the County of Bedford, by Virtue of two Acts of Parliament passed in the twenty- fifth and forty- fourth Years of the Reign of His present Majesty, I£. ing George the Third; the first entitled, " An " Act for repealing an Act made in the twenty- " fourth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, entitled, ' An Act for granting to His Majesty lt 1 certain Duties on Certificates issued with Re- " ' spcct to the Killing of Gameand for granting " otheT Duties in Lieu thereof;" and the other en- titled, " An Act to repeal the several Duties under " the Commissioners for managing the Duties upon *' stamped Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, in " Great- Britain, and to grant new and additional " Duties in Lieu thereof;" between the 1st Day of July and the 16th Day of Septemb » r, 1805, both Days inclusive. Names and Residence. Alston Thomas, Esq. Odell Castle Alston Rowland; Esq. Odell Castle Atkinson John, Henlow Allen Richard, Gent. Bedford Aitlt Charles, Yeemim, Heath- and- Reach Aspinwall John, Gent. Kempston Alderman Robert, Gent. Farndish Bedford the Most Noble John Duke of, Wobitrn- Abbey Bolcling'john, Esq. Evcrsholt Butlin James, Gent. Bedford Bricheno John, Gent. Biggleswade Bliley Charles, Gent. Bedford Burr Jonathan, Gent. Luton Burr William, ( kilt. Luton Burr Solomon, Gent. Luton Barton John, Gent. Luton Blakiston Rev. John, Cleik, Little- Barford Burgoyne Sir Montague, Hart. Sutton Burgoyne George, Esq. Sutton Burs'lern Nathaniel, Esq. Major in Uth Regiment of loot. Bedford Ronest William, Gent, Shitlington Brandrefh Henry, Esq. Houghton- Regis Brown Frederick William, Gent. Dunstable Barnard Joseph, Esq. Bedford Bsigh William, Esq. Lieutenant- Colonel in Uth Regime it of Foot, Bedford Bull Henry, Yeoman, Wilden Britain John, Gent. liigglesw;. d » Best Barber, Gent. Goldington * Bull Benjamin, Yeomah, Wootttm _ Brown William, Yeoman, Dunton Campbell John, Esq. Blunham Crawley John, Esq. Luton Coleman Thomas, Yeoman, Billington Curtis George, Esq. Cardir. gton Cooper George, Gent, Biggleswade Chase John, Gent. Luton Cumberland William, Gent. Houghton- Regis Dunis Richard, Esq." Great- Barford Davis Samuel, Jun. Esq. Ampthill Drape Rev. Humphrey, Clerk, Egginton Deacon Alexander, Gent. GieauBramingham Deacon Thomas, Gent. Great- Bramingham Deacon William, Gent. Great- Braminghata Dawson John Thomas, Esq. Bedford Dell Richard, Gent. Egginton Drury Rev. George, Clerk, Tilbrook Dauvert Rev. Anthony, Clerk, Haynes Edwards John, Gent. Silsoe * Eagles Ezra, Gent. Ampthill Edl'tU Hippie, Esq. Lieutenant in Mth Rejimeut of Foot. Shofftwd Fox John, Jun. Esq. Dean Fossey James, Yeoman, Iloughton- Regis Fox Thomas, Geut. Nether- Dean Fossey George, Yeoman, Tottemhou Field John, Yeoman, Clifton Field John, Gent. Silsoe Gadsby Rev. Thomas, Clerk, Wootton Golding Miller, Gent. Biddenham Green Charles, Esq. Everslwlt Oittord William, Esq. Lieutenant- Colonel 13d Reji meat of Foot, Potton Garstin Robert, Esq. Harrold Gale John, Yeoman, Thurleigh Gelt Thomas, Yeoman, Risely Green Francis, Esq. Bedford Gresham Richard, Gent. Chicksands Guttertdge James, Gent. Luton" Harvey John, Esq. Ickwell- Bury Hankin Richard, Gent. Bedford ftawkiiis Robert Castl'cman, Yeoman, Bedford Hunter Adam, Esq. Ensign in Mth Regiment ^' f Foot, Bedford Higgins John, Jun.,' Esq. Turvev- Abbey Hele Rev. Robert Hele Selby, Clerk, Colmworth - Hardy James,' Yeoman, Houghton- Regis Hopkins Samuel, Yeoman, Leighton- Buzzard Hawkins ReV. John, Clerk, Barton Huptatt Ywuimi, i. eigiu » u- li* w » rd Jones Rev. John, Clerk, Biddenliam Jennings John Wingate, Esq. Harlington Kidman Thomas, Gent. Bedford Ludlow Right Hon. Augustus Earl of, C'ople Long William, Esq. Kempston Lilbttrne Thoma6, Gent. Cardington Leech Rev. Richard, Clerk, Goldington Long James, Gent. Barton ' Leach Rev. Thomas, . Clerk, Upper- Stofldon l. awtord Wm. Robins?!!, Gent. Leighton- Buzznrd Monox Sir Philip, Bart. Sandy- Place Meyler Rev. John, Clerk, Maulden Mainland Henry, Esq. Bedford Morris Joseph, Gent. Ampthill Mead Rev. William, Clerk, Dunstable Mead Thomas, Gent. Dunstable Marriott Rev. George Parry, Clerk, Studham Morris John, Jun. Gent. Ampthill Moore Francis, Esq. Egginton Miller John, Gent. Chalgrave Mossop Rev. George, Clerk, Biggleswade Miller John, Esq. Bedtord Moore John Patrick, Esq. Aspley- Guise Mawby Francis, Yeoman, Wilden Manning William, Gent. Elstow Miller George, Esq. Bedford Monk George William, Esq. Holme Macqueen Malcolm, M. D. Ridgmont Neate Rev. Thomas, Clerk, Odell Nelthorpe George, Esq. Howbury- in- Renhold Ongley Right Hon. Robert Henley Lord, Warden Onslow Denzil, Esq. Roxton Onslow William, Esq. Roxton Oliver James Hopkins, Gent. Dunstable Odell John, Esq. Holcott Parkes Richard, Esq. Luton Pedley William, Gent. Great- Barford Pulley Anthonv, Jun. Gent. Bedford Proctor James,' Gent. Leighton- Buzzard Page Thomas, Yeoman, Steventon Pain John, Gent. Cranfield Price John, Yeoman, Houghton- Regis Polhill John, Esq. Howbury Piatt Edward, Esq. I. idlington Palmer Emery, Gent. Goldtngton Parker Richard, Gent. Bedtord Palmer. George, Gent. Goldington Parker John, Esq. Steppingley Russell Lord William, Woburn- Abbey Rcddall Richard Ambrose, Esq. Woburu Read Charles, Gent. Silsoe Robinson Rev. John, Clerk, Hocklifte Runciman William, Gent. Wobum Somerset Right Hon. Lord Charles, Wootton Sibley Thomas, Jun. Gent. East- Hyde Sandys Rev. John, Clerk, Milton- Bryant Sandys Thomas, Esq. Eversholt Stapleton William, Gent. Bedford Stapleton Abraham, Gent. Great- Barlbrd Stapleton James, Gent. Shitlington Smyth Rev. John, Clerk, Warden Stanford Edward, Yeoman, Arlsey SismeyJohn, Gent, Pcrtenhall Sherard Rev. Philip Castel, Clerk, Snarnbrook Sharp Philip Archibald, Gent. Bedford Strange William, Gent. Toddington Seabrook John, Yeoman, Maulden Tavistock Francis Marquis of, Woburn- Abbey Trevor Right Hon. - John, Bromham Trevor Robert, Esq. Flitwick Thompson John, Gent. Fenlake Tween Joseph, Gent. Houghton- Regis Upper- Ossory the Right Hon. John Earl of, Ampthill- Park Whitbread Samuel, Esq. Southill Wood Rev. James, D. D. Marston Ward Rev. Thomas Watson, Clerk, ShambTook Winter George Jacob, Esq. llolcott Willis John, Gent. Biggleswade Wakefield John George, Gent. Market. Street Wilkins Francis, Cent. Luton Webster Rev. James, Clerk, Meppetshall Williamson Rev. Edmond, Clerk, Campton Wilcox William, Esq. Felirtershaiu and St. Johns College, Oxford White Rev. William, Clerk, Houghton- Conquest Willis James, Esq. Eversholt Whytc John, Esq. Captain in the Royal - Navy, Tin grit h Wells Samuel, Gent. Biggleswade Worley Edward Augustine, Gent. Woburn Wood George, Gent, l. idlington Wagstatfe Richard, Yeoman, Hinwick- Hall Examined by me, THEED PEARSE, Clerk of the Peace, gdr The List of Gamekeepers will appear next ll'eek. 1 NORWICH UNION SOCIETY. For INSURING AGAINST LOSS by FIRE. • UIOSE Members who marie their Insurance on the 25th Day of March, 1797, may receive, imme- diately, their Proportion of Premium, amounting to s£. 75 per Cent, bv applying at the Office in Norwich, or to the Agent with whom they insured. Tfie Payments will be regularly made every Quarter to those Members whose Period . of seven Years is expired.— The Public have now aii Opportunity of seeing the superior Ad- vantages of < his Mode of Insuring; the Premium paid is not more' than in other Offices; and, from Expe- rience, it is found, that out of^ very Pound deposited, fifteen Shillings is returned: . This sufficiently proves the Superiority of the Plan, and renders further Com- ments unnecessary. Printed P'; opo. sals,. and Abstracts pt the Deed, may be had ( on Application} at the Office, or of the following Agents: — W. SPON « , Wellingborough. T. GURDEN, Market- Harborough. J. RABAN, Olney. J. AnnI,, Nerthampton. J. PAUL, St. Ives. E. HANDSTOM!), Ampthill. E. M. SMITH, Cambridge. S. MAIN, Peterborough. THO. B1GNOLD, Secretary. LONDON: ' 20, COUNIiill; 52, CII. VKINC- Cross; and ST. MARGARETVHILI., BOROUGH. HOUNSBY & Co. respectfully acquaint their Country Correspondents, tliat they may be supplied with Tickets, Halves, Quartets, Eighths, and Sixteenth Shares, in the pretent State- Lottery, in great Variety of Numbers, and at the lowest Prices, at any of the above State- Lottery Oifices. Prizes paid on Demand, whether a £. 20 or a £. 20,000. Orders by Mail- Guard, Carrier, or Post, executed on the same Terms as if present. The Lottery begins Drawing the 30th of this Month* IIORNSBY & Go. ' Have sold, shared, and registered, two Prizes of THIRTY THOUSAND POUNDS, 3 Prizes af £. 20,000 2 15, CW 15 — 10,00( 1 19 — 5,000 Cox's gtand Prizes and 30 Prizes of £. 2,000 52 — 1,( 100 78 — 500 & c. & c. & c. the Pigot grand Diamond, were sold by HORNSBY & Co. London. DR. For Bilious Disorders. JAMES's ANALEPTIC FILLS. P K E S E N T M O N T II, 80th September, The STATE- LOTTERY commences DRAW1NC, MCKETS and SHARES are on SALE by RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK-, & Co. Bank Buildings, Cornhill, and facing the Gate of the King's Mews, Ctaring- Cross, London; Also at the Licensed Office of Mr. TT. RV. yHER, Bookseller, BANBUIhY. WHEME. I 3 Prizes of £ 20,000 S 10,000 8 .... 5,000 L 4 Prizes of £. 2,000 6 1,000 10 500 See. & c. & e. The lowest Prize £. 20; also the three thousand first- drawn Blanks will be entitled to £. 10 Bitch, making 7,619 Benefits. RICHARD- SON, GOODLUCX, & CQ, recommend an immediate Purchase, there being only twenty. five Thousand Tickets in the present Lone: y' rive thousand less than in the last), and from the Scheme be'n* uni- versally approved, and the Demand very great, Tickets will be scarce, aud must advance considerably. _ External ./ Ijipcarauce necessiriy in Life. OHO Cm utki IKI. D particularly advises J Cleanliness, not only as nec-.,. a, y to liealtii, ;;_ t the Success of our ' Fortunes in Lite; and wi-. U slothful a Complaint as any Disease ihu- has the least Analogy to the Scrofula, Indolence W'di natu- rally prevent'either Sexes from profiting bv this ex- cellent Observation. — Eruptions in the Fate:— I'll, inconsistent Doctrine of those who recommend external Applications foi' internal Complaints, is obviated in the following simple Question :— Will the f ur wiiicn adheres to the Inside of a Kettle, or Boiler, be re- moved by washing the Outside/? The same Compa- rison may be made respecting the Human Frame: Can an internal Complaint be remaved by an external Application ? These Questions are lirtt to be an- swered bv everv Reader, which will shew the Ridi- culousness of inculcating this Doctrine, while the Infallibility of Dr. BRODUM'S BOTANICAL SYRUP is evinced in the extraordinary Cures that daily ap- pear in the Papers, particularly in'Cases of the above Nature — The Motive tor publishing this Advertise- ment, is, to secure the Health of the Public from the Danger that attends external Application, which, to our Knowledge, has proved fatal to many who have placed in it an improper Confidence. Bennet. Street, Blackfrittrs- Road, London, SIR, Sep'ember 1, 1802. I was afflicted, for many Years, with a violent Scorbutic Disorder, which caused large Sores and Blotches on my Legs, Thighs, and Arms, in as much that I could not walk without excruciating Pain. In this Situation I applied to many of the Faculty, without their being able to effect a Cure. I was prevailed on by a Friend of mine to apply to you, and after having taken the Medicines, 1 soon found myself free from the Sores, and am now in perfect Health. I am, Sir, your most obedient Servant, W. G. Mrs. LUDFORD, of Artillery- Street,. Bermondsey, was afflicted with a Swelling all over her Body ; but taking Dr. BRODUM'S NEIIVOCS CORDIAL, has found great Relief. WITNESSKS,— John Harcourt, Spanish Leather- Dresser. Artillery- Street, Bermondsey; R. Pierce, Coal- Merchant, No. 2, Bermondsey New- Road. September 17, 1S02. The BOTANICAL SYRUP and RESTORATIVE NER- VOUS CORDIAL to be had at the House, No. 9, Al- bion- Street, Surrey Side of Blackfriars Bridge, in Bottles at £. 1 2s.— lis.— and tis. Duty included. A. D. SWINTON, the Proprietor ( Son of Dr. Swinton, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London,) may be ccMisulted from Ten till Three, or by Letter, containing the usual Fee. *** A Five Guinea Bottle contains six at 22s. Sold also by the PRINTERS of this PAPER, and by the following Persons within the Circuit hereof, viz. Marshall, Northampton, and at his Shop in Harbo- rough; Edge, Northampton-, and at his Shops in Wellingborough and Towcester; Nixon, Leicester; Smith, Bedford; . Tenklnson, Huntingdon; l'ookey, Oundle; Bcale, Thrapston ; Collis & Dash, & Munn, Kettering; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry ; Tuck it Mather, Wellingborough; Jackson, Peterborough; V : wcomb, Printer, Stamford; Wheeler, Aylesbury; M, irriott, Banbury; Gallard, Towcester ; and by moi t Booksellsrs and Meuiewe Vgiiuer- s in the thrse Kiufc Jems. FROM a new Mode of administering these Pills, by the Advice of an eminent Physician ( see the new Directions), Bilious Diseases, so prevalent, particularly among Persons who have resided in hot Climates, are removed with greater Ease and Safety than bv'any other Medicine. They are equally effi- cacious in all Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels; in Indigestions, " Loss ot Appetite, habitual Costive- ness, troublesome Flatulencies, and Cholics; like- wise in Gouty Habits, in Giddiness, or Rheumatic Pains in the Head; as well as those occasioned by free Living: Thereby preventing Palsies and Apoplexies, so often the Consequence of Intemperance. Recourse should be had to them on the first Attack of a Cold, or any slight Indisposition, or after any Excess oi eating or drinking; and thus their well- known Characteristic will be maintained, of promoting Longevity. Travellers, by Sea or Land, should never be without the Analeptic Pills, as they require neither Confine- ment nor Alteration of Diet. They are sold only by F. NUTSEJY & SONS, at the Warehouse forDr. James's Powder,' No. 45, St. Paul's Church- Yard, four Doois from Cheapside, London, in Boxes, Price 4s. 63. eacn; or in one large Box, containing the Quantity of si;:, ' for 21s. Duty in- cluded.— None are genuine but tnese which have the Words " I. Newbeiyi No. 15, St. Paul's," engraved in the Strmps. Sold also, by their Appointment, by Dicey Sc Sutton, J. Edge, and W. Marshall, Northampton.' For RHEUMATISMS, RHEUMATIC GOUT, LUMBAGO, NUMBNESS, PALSY, CHIL- BLAINS, SPRAINS. BRUISES, Sic. nnHE following recent Itlftnoces of the Efficacy 1. of WHITEHEAD'S ESSENCE of MUSTARD are published at the Request of the Parties, for the Benefit of others : — SIR,— Before 1 had Recourse to your celehrated Essence of Mustard, for two Months, I was under the Necessity of using Crutches; but I hereby certify ( for the Benefit of others,; 1 was perfectly cured by taking a few Boxes of the Mustard Pills, and applying a few Bottles of the fluid Essence, which I purchased of W, Ferrand. Chemist, Stockton. Yours, W. GARBUTT. Hnmbleton Hills, near Stockton, Yorkshire, January 3, 1805. ( CT Mr. Garbutt is a very respectable Farmer, universally known in the Neighbourhood ot Stack ton. . SIR,— 1 have much Pleasure in acquainting you, that your Pills and Essence of Mustard have relieved Numbers of Rheumatic Persons in our Neighbourhood this Winter; among the Rest a Mr. Brooks, Baker, of Pinchbeck, who was unable to follow his Business, or even use his Arms; but on taking the Mustard Pills, and applying the fluid Essence, he was very toon re- stored to his usual Health and Strength. These Cir- cumstances have necessarily increased the Demand for it; I request, therefore, that you w- ill send me an immediate Supply, by the tirst Conveyance; and am, Sir, yours, & c. Spalding, Jan. 27, 1805. T. ALBIN. l! is prepared and sold, at 9s. 9d. each Bottle or llox, by. R. Johnston, Apothecary, No. 15, Greek- rreet, Soho. London i and may be had of Dicey Sc Sutton, Northampton; Robims, Daventry; Tuck & GLOBE JNWRANCE, K/ MH » , M. I„ CORNEILL, AND LOMBARD- STREET, , ,. FIRE,. LIFE, AND/ ANNUITIES. . ALL TYu'flpus whose Insurances vvitli this Com- ,' pany become due at to take Notice, that Receipts for the Renewal thereof are now ready for Delivery at the Company's Offices, and in the Hands " of their respective Agents in the Country. Farming Stock is insured generally. New Rates and Proposals for Insurance on Lives, and Survivorships ; mailing Provision for Sons, and se- curing Marriage Portions tor Daughters, on their re- spectively coming of age, ancl other E ndowluenrs ; and Tables for granting Immediate, Deferred, and Pro- gressive Annuities, will be delivered gratis. No Entrance Money or Admission Fees are required, and Policies are allowed gratis. By Order of the Board, T. H. WILKINSON, Secretary. London, 20rA Sept. 1805. LIFE- INSURANCE AND ANNUITY OFFICE, LONDON. PiltSONS desirous of providing for their Fa- milies or Dependants, may, by an annual Pay- ment, secure to their Widows, Children, or any other Person, either an Annuity for the Remainder- of Life, or a gross Sum to be paid at their Decease. Insurances may be made for a Variety of other Pur- poses;— To provide for Renewal of Leases ; to secure Sums paid for Places or Employments, or tor the Purchase of Life Estates ; or in Aid of Arrangement between Debtor and Creditor, & c. & c. ; and VO- LUNTEERS may, for a small Premium, insure against Death from military Accidents. Annuities are granted to commence immediately, or any future Period. Printed Rates and Conditions of Insurance may be had gratis, with the List of Directors, as above, or of the Agents of the BRITISH FIRE- OFF ICE in the Country, who are appointed Agents tor this Office.. ROBERT SKELTON, Sec. BRITISH ITUE- OI'TICI'., LONDON. f'NSUKANCE granted on Houses, Buildings, - Manufactories, Ships, and all other Vessels, Goods, Merchandize, FARMING- STOCK, and other Property, from Loss or Damage by Fire. The unprecedented Preference given to this Office by all Descriptions of Insurers, the Directors flatter themselves has arisen, not only from the Facilities adopted in their improved Plans and simplified Modes of Fire- Insurance, but from their steady are! uniform Conduct in the general Concerns of the Business. They are persuaded, that Adherence to Principles and prudent Caution are the best Securities to the Office and to the Public, and that Institutions of this Nature can only be beneficial when due Attention is paid to reciprocal Advantages. Agricultural Stock insured at 2s. ( id. per Cent. The Office grants Insurances for Periods short of a Year; and makes good Loss by Fire from Lightning. Insurances due at Michaelmas must be paid on or beforo the 14th Day of October, 1805. Proposals and Rates of Insurance delivcd gratis. ROBERT SKELTON, Sec. ft- f Messrs. FLETCHER and DODD, Agents at NORTHAMPTON. I Mat. he Vender in the. U• * » * The Geo ment Stump sc. R. Johnston ei » s. To THOMAS T. SIR, • rough ; and of every other Medicine 4 K • .'- tom. • .". iished, by the Govern* printed black, and the Name of To the LADIES of NORJH AMPTON and its Environs. \ | US. VINCENT'S GEM'I>. E-. GO\ VLA.\ M ...... t'OT^ ON'is the most in( ibfei? t arid the most Michaelmas are requested I, efficacious, Medicine , n the Worid, tor the Curt of ail « s I trupuwR in the lace, tor clearing' the " SVin, and improving the Complexion; the superior Efficacv tf which will be seen in the following Letter frotn'tne Right Hon, Lord SHERBOURNE to Mrs. VI. ICENT • — " MAD^ M, " Your Lotion having been recommended to me bv V a Lady who received great Benefit from it, arid hearing it- is much superior to Dickinson's, 1 beg " you will send roe a - Guirife Case, " I am, Madam, your humble Servant, " SH KR'BoURNl;.'" Mrs. VINCENT, the tfnlv original Proprietflr of tins Lotion, being the actual Widvw and Relict if tee late (\ Ir. - f/ mnas PhciHt ( who, upon their Miirriage,. made a regular Assignment, and placed in her Hands the original Receipt of the late celebrated Dr. C, ou!. i,: d, l has continued the Name of Vincent since her subse- quent Marriage with Mr. Tyler, lest artful and scur- rilous Characters might convert the Discontinuance of tlie Name of Vincent to serve their own obvious Purposes. u- V This Lotion cannot be genuine, unless the Name M. E. VIXCENT is signed on the Label on each Bottle. Sold in Northampton by Messrs. Dice}'& Sutton, Mr" Edge. Mr. Edmonds, and Mr, Abel; in Newport! l'agnell by Mr. Imvood; in Harborough bv Mr. I larrod ; and by all the respectable Venders of genuine Medicines in Europe; in Quarts, 8s. tid. Pints. 5s. 6d. and Half- Pints, 2s. i) d. For Fevers, Colds, sore Throats, Rhtumatitnns, the I ' cltdto Fever, St. Anthony's Fire, and for Inflam- mations of the Lungs, lion- els, Bladder, c',- c. Ult. JAAlES's POWDER. rnHIS MEDICINE, which is so superior to all » others in Efficacy, Certainty, and Safety, should ever be given on the first Attack of the Disorder; for, it it be not sufficient of itself to eliect a Cure ( as in intermittent and putrid Fevers), it is allowed to be the best Preparative for, and Concomitant with, the Bark and other Remedies, which the Symptoms require. But as the genuine Powder has oeen often known to restore the Patient, after ito Substitutes, and every other Febrifuge, have tailed, it ougiit to be tried even in the last Extremity.— Great Benefits have been derived from the Powder in Disorders thought beyond the Reach of Medicine, when taken eve.- y Night, as an Alterative; and, from the Success of the Rev. Mr. Singleton llarpur, of Dublin, there is Reason to believe that it may prove a Remedy in the Hydrocephalus, or Water on the Brain. Sold only by Fj. Newbery and Sons, No. - 15, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London; and, by their Ap- pointment, by Dicey & Sutton, J. Edge, and W. Marshall, Northampton; in Packets, Price 2s. 9d. each, Duty included; or in Bottles, containing twelve Packets,> Price 21s. as made up for the Army and Navy. N. B. None can be genuine that have not the Words, " F. Newbery, No. 45, St. Paul's," engraved in tie Stamps. r| MIE Case of Scrophula we It « the Public is extremely inte convey to the most prejudiced Minds the" importance of a Medicine which succeeds so admirably when the Glands are diseased in the worst Stages of King's Evil. This Case does not stand singly in the List of Cures performed by Sl'ILSBUKY's PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, when given in this Disease, which proves the Merit of this Antiscor- butic, so well known as a Specific in Scurvy, Gout, Rheumatism, Eruptive, Nervous, and Bilious Com. plaints. To those Ladies who wish for a pleasant Cosmetic, to allay trifling Irritation, SpiLSauav's COMPOO. NO ESSENCE will answer perfectly. (( 3' Be careful to ask for SPILSBURV'S PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, having the Words " By the King's Patent" expressed at Length on the Bottle, Hill of Directions, and outside Wrapper; the Stamp also, the King's Duty, is printed in black Ink instead ol red. Bottles Price 5s. 6d. 10s. and £. 1 2s. Dut* included. Dispensary, No. 15, Soio- Sjuare. Sold at the Dispensary, No. 15, Soho- Square, Lon- don; and may be had of the Printers of this Paper; of Mr. Okely, Bedford; Tuck & Mather, Welling- borough; Collis & Dash, and Mnnn, Kettering; Rooms, and Wilkinson, Daventry ; and of most Verniers ol Patent Medicines in Town and Country. nve submitted to teresting, as it must IVI. OIl, £::•). N9. 9, Street, London. New Bridge- Consider it hut an Act of Justice due to the S Merits of your LEAKK's PATENT PILLS, to communicate to you tne following Cure, which has recently been performed by them:— An Acquaintance of mine, who, by the breaking out of an old Venereal Complaint ( attended by a Complication- of Disorders arising therefrom), was reduced almost to. a Skeleton, and although he nad the best Medical Advice which could be obtained, and tried a Variety of Patent Me- dicines, Nothing'c'oukl be procured which seemed to suit his Case, or to do him any Service: He remained in a most reduced and pitiable Situation for two Years, unable to follow his Profession, and scarcely able to walk or even to stand 011 his Legs; in Fact, no one who knew him ever supposed it possible for him to recover. He was advised at lasr to try your Lt tits's PILES ; he did so, adhering strictly to the Directions given with them; he had not taken more than two Boxes before he leund an Alteration for the better; this encouraged him to proceed, and by taking a lew Boxes more he found his Appetite and Strength gra- dually return, a. v. is few as healthy and stout as any Man 1 know. You are welcome. Sir, to reter any Person to me for a Confirmation of the above Account if it should be doubted. I am, Sir, your obedient humble Servant, THOS. I'URDAY. Library, Folkstone, July 10, 1S05. Prepared and sold by the sole Proprietor, THOMAS TAYLOR, Memberof the Royal College of Surgeons, in London, at his House, No. 9, New Bridge- Street; where, after a constant Residence of more than forty Years, in a Practice particularly directed to the Cure of Venereal Complaints, and those inci- dental to the Parts of Generation in both Sexes, with that inviolable Secrecy which Men of his Profession should always observe, he Hatters himself the Advice and Assistance he gratuitously administers to Persons taking this Medicine, will te esteemed, by a discern- ing Public, as an Advantage seldom to be obtained, and void of Ambiguity. They are also sold, by his Appointment, for the Convenience of those living at a Distance, by the Printers of this Paper, and Mr. Marshall, Druggist, Northampton; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Sharp, Warwick ; Rollaron, Coventry ; Gregory,- Leicester; Harrod, Harborough; Seelev, Buckingham; Loggin, Ayles- bury ; Knight, Coliis& Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Tuck & Mather, Wellingborough ; Marriott, Banbury ; Tookey, Oundle; Billinge, Liverpool; Atkinson, Manchester; and bv one Person in every considerable Town in Great- Britain and Ireland, in Boxes of only 2s. 9d. each, sealed up with full and plain ROYAL- EXCHAN GE ASSURAN CE. Established /_>' Royal Charter in the Reign of George /. for assuring Houses, Buildings, Corn, Hay, Goods, and also jor the Assurance oj Lives. SEPTEMBER 21, 1805. Mil; CORPORATION of the ROi'AL- EXCHANGE ASSURANCE do hereby give Notice, thai they have authorized their respective Agents to receive Proposals for the Assurance of Farming Stock at the Kate of 2s. 6d, per Cent, per Annum. Persons whose Annual Premiums fall due on the 29tii Instant, are hereby informed, that RECEIPTS are now ready to be delivered by the COMPANY'S respective AGENTS under- mentioned ; and the Parties assured are requested to apply for the Renewal of their Policies, on or before the 14th Day of October next, as the usual fifteen Days allowed tor Payment beyond the Date ot each Policy will then expire. SAMUEL F ENNING, Jun. Secretary. NORTHAMPTON SH: RE. Northampton,— FKAS. WM. JEYES. Thrapston,— JAMES ROBINSON. Towcester,— JOHN JENKIMSON. Wellingborough,— J. N, GOODHAVL. Daventry,— JOHN SEATON. BEDFORDSHIRE. Bedford,— M. PARTRIDGE. Biggleswade,— JOHN LANCASTER. l. cightcn,— D. WILLIS. Luton,— D. L. W0. us. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Ay les'bury,— L usi- TO R N EX . Beaconsiield,— THOS. WITTS WALFORO. Buckingham,— ROBERT M1 LLER. Chesham,— CREED & BAYLIE. Great- Mailow,— THOMAS EMES. Newport- Pagnell,— R. COLLISSON. Olney,— RICHARD HARROLD, Stony- Stratford,— J. DAY. Winslow,— R. READING. HUHTINCTJO- NJHIRE. Huntingdon,— ROBERT STAFFORD. St. ? Jeots,— WM. DAY. Stilton,— J. BODOER. LEICESTERSHIRE. Leicester,— JOHN KING. Market- Harborough,— WM. SPRIGO. Melton- Mowbray,— E DW . B R IGHT . WARWICKSH'I RE, Birmingham,— JAMES KINDON. Coventry,— Jr. st MIF. L SMITH. Kineton,— THOMAS ABBOTTS. Rugby,— RICHARD FOX. N. B. Fire Policies will be allowed, free of Ex- pence, where the Annual Premiums amount to 6s. or upwards. ff-' j' This Company have invariably made good Losses by Fire, occasioned by Lightning.— Proposals may be had of the different Agents. %* Assurances on Lives being found to be advan- tageous to Persons having Offices, Employments, Estates, or other Incomes determinable 011 $ he Lite or Lives of themselves or others, Tables of the Rates for sucii Assurances, and for the granting Annuities on Lives, may be hid of the said Agents. And for the greater Convenience of the Public, the Company have determined to extend ( by special Agreement) the As- surances 011 Lives to the Age of 75 Years. SOLO. MON's GUIDE TO HEALTH, Price three Shillings. npiIIS valuable Work fully explains, in a concise. ® plain Manner, the most simple Methods of I reatment, and proper efficacious Remedies for the following Diseases, which are treated on under » hei « proper Heads, viz. Abortion or Miscarriage, Asthmas, Appetite ( Loss of), Barrenness, Bilious Complaints, Chlorosis or Green Sicktness, Child- bearing, Con- sumptions, Female Diseases, Fits, Fluor Albus or Whites, Flatulence or Wind, Gleets, Gonorrhea, Hypochondria cr . Melancholy Complaints, Indispo- sitions attendant on Pregnancy, Indigestion, Juvenile Indiscretions, Lowness of Spirits, Nervous Diseases, Pregnancy, Phthisic or Cough, Rheumatism, Semi- nal Weaknesses, Scurvy, Turn of Life, & c. & c. THE ONLY LOTl'ERY TO BE DRAWN THIS YEAR Begins 30th SEPTEMBER, 1805. S C H E M E. 3 3 3 4 6 10 30 >— 60 — 4,500 — 3,000 lst- drri Prizes of ,£. 20,000 -—- 10,000 5,000 2,000 1,000 500 > 100 50 20 Blanks 10 each ^. 60,000 30,000 15,000 8,000 6,000 5,000 3,000 3,000 90,000 30,000 BANKRUPTS required to SC. Ritr. xiiER. John Bellamy and Edward Bellamy, both late of Brigstock, Northamptonshire, butchers, Oct, 9, li), and Nov. 5, at the George Inn, Northampton. At- torney, Mr. C. Markham, Northampton. James Gibbs, of Petetborough, Northamptonshire, draper, Sept. 28, Oct. 8, and Nov. 5, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Atkinson, Castle- street, la. con- square. John Jones, of Hereford, plumber and glazier. Robert Brenan, of Brown's- bitildings, St. Mary 1 Axe, corn- dealer. Joseph Rotmdell, of Skipton, Yorkshire, grocer. Thomas Green, of Witham. Yorkshire, dealer. William Willtnore, late of Bir- mingham, factor.— James Feldwicke, late of Bright- he, mstone, Sussex, shoemaker.— Thomas Tunniciift; of Brom- Yard, Herefordshire, linen- draper.— Charles Eard. ey and Thomas Eardlcy, late of Stockport, Cheshire, cotton- spinners, Joshua Nightingale, late of Kenmngton, Surrey, carpcnter.— John Jones, ot Carnarvon, draper. DIVIDENDS to he made to Creditors. Oct. 16. Edward Wells, of Oxford, liquor- merchant at the Crown and Thistle Inn, Abingdon. Oct. 18. Oliver Aplin, late of Banbury, Oxford- shire, scrivener, at the Red Lion Inn, Banbury Oct. 29. Samuel Bottomby, late of Royston, Cam. bridgeshire, innholder, at Guildhall, London. Nov- '-'•., ;), an, es Parr- of Oxford, brandy- merchant, at Guildhall, London. Nov. 29. shire, 7,619 Benefits 17,331 Blanks 25,000 Tickets ^. 250.000 The first- drawn Ticket 5th Day ^. 10,000 Ditto 6th Day 20,000 Ditto 7th Day 5,000 Are Part of the above Capitals. TICKETS AND SHARES ARE ON SALE AT A 1.1. THF. LICENSED LOTJERT- OFFICES. Price of a Ticket = e, 19 13s. Half .... Quarter .. ..^. 10 '.. 5 Eighth £. 1 11 Sixteenth 15 rpi EASE FROM LAMENESS AND PAIN, IN A FF. W HOURS. ' HE BRITISH OINTMENT for CORNS, prepared by _ W. NAYKOR, Chemical Colour- Maker to his Majesty. This most excellent Oint- ment never fails curing hard or soft Corns in a very short Time, and gives Ea0e in a few Hours. No other Trouble is required in using it, than rubbing a little on the Corn, Night and Morning, with the Finger. The Proprietor begs Leave to observe, the AtHicted may rest assured of a Cure, as this is not, like many published Things, an Imposition on the Public". ' Directions, whereby Persons'of either Sex may'cure i By - Appointment of the Proprietor, it is sold, themselves with Ease, Speed, Secrecy, and Safety. Wholesale, by Dicey is Co. No. 10uBow Church- ^ f Every Box sold in Great- Britain i< s sealed up with a Stamp, on which, by Favour of the Commis- sioners, is printed, at the Stamp- Office— T. Taylor, No. 9, Ne- rv Bridge- Street— to imitate whieh if^ elo. nv, and ail ethers are counterfeit. Yard, London; alsq . by Dicey & Co. tuge, ana Marshall, Northampton'-; Robins, Daventry ; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towccster; Tuck & Mather, Welling- borough ; and by one Medicine Vender in cverv Mitr. fee; T » vrnt Ffiw - 2fj ifcrty included. '-' 9. Thomas Abbott, of Wisbech, Cambridge, e, liquor- merchant, at Guildhall, London. MARKETS .— London, Sept. 23. Our Wheat Market this morning was rather scantily supplied, and which, with many buyers, caused au auvance o> 5s. per quarter in the price of such sam- ples as were of the finest quality. The interior sorts were not, however, so saleable, and fetched- but very little more than last Monday.— Wc have but short suppl ies of Barley, but cannot place it mgher than 45s. per quarter, and Malt at 110 more than last currency.— In Peas and Beans, from the above cause ( short supplies), we had an advance.— New Oatsard dearer, and there are tew at market. Wheat... 46s. to 7Ss. Od. Fine Do. . 81s. to 83s. Od Rje 35s. to- 10s. Od. Barley .. 38s. to45s. Od. Malt 76s. to S2s. Od. , PRICE of FLOUR. — F HOPS, per Pocket Oats 25s. to 34$. Od. HorseBeans 48s. to ails. Od. Tick Ditto 43s. to48s. Od. White Peas 48s. to54s. Od. Grey Ditto 45s. to4Ss. Od. • ine 65s. to 70s. Od. " Kent, Gl. 0s. to 71. 0s.— Sussex, 51. 5s. to 61. 6s.— Farnham, 71. 0s. to91. lis SMITHFIELD, Sept. 23. To sink the oflal. Ox Beef, 4s. Od. to 5s. Od. Wether Mutton, 4s. Od to 5s. Od. Veal, 5s, Od. to 6s. 4d. Pork, 4s 8d to 5s. Sd. Lamb, 5s. Od. to 6s. 0d. Sold this day, Beasts, 1900— Sheep and Lambs, 20,000. NEWGATE and LEADENHALI., Sept 23 Beef 3s. 4d. to 4s. 2d. Mutton, 3s. Od. to 4s'. OiL Veal! 4s. Od. to 5s. 8d. Pork, 4s. 01. to 5s. Od. Lamb, 5s. Od! to 6s. Od. ' TALLOW — Town 71s. Sd. Russia ( Can.) — s'lld. to 72s. Od. ( Soap) 68s. Od. to — s. Od. Melting Suit' — s. to 58s. 0d. Ditto rough — s. to 39s. Good Dregs 10s. Od. Graves lis. Od. LEATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to 50ib. S^ Jd to2od Ditto,' 60to651b. 2fid. to26d. Merchants- Backi, 2'. Ad to 24d. Dressing Hides, 22d. to 2% l. Fine Coach- Hides, 23d. to 25d. Crop Hides for cutting, 23d. to 25£ d. Flat ordinary, 21id. to 2Sd. CaK Skins, SJ ( 0 40lb. perdoz. 38d. to. 42d. Ditto, 50 to 701b. per doz. 3Sd. to 42d. Ditto, 70 to 801b. 36d. to JSd Small Seals, per lb. 40d. to 42,1. Large Ditto, per doz. 120s, to 130s, Goat Skins, —.. to — s. pei d> z. Tanned Horse- Hides, 21s. to 55s. per Hide. Diesv & £ VTTON, Printers, No. ir; T.~ 7iq~.
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